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Case Hardening Depth Testing

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Method of case hardening depth testing by using multifunctional ultrasonic testing instrument

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2015 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 81 012080
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IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 81 (2015) 012080

IOP Publishing

Method of case hardening depth testing by using

multifunctional ultrasonic testing instrument
Y A Salchak1, D A Sednev1, M Kroening2 and I B Ardashkin1

National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, 30 Lenin Ave, Tomsk, Russia

Saarland University, Saarbrcken, D-66123, Germany

Abstract. The paper describes usability of ultrasonic case hardening depth control applying
standard instrument of ultrasonic inspections. The ultrasonic method of measuring the depth of
the hardened layer is proposed. Experimental series within the specified and multifunctional
ultrasonic equipment are performed. The obtained results are compared with the results of a
referent method of analysis.

1. Introduction
Nowadays metalworking industry is growing all over the world. Its primary manufacture operations
consist of fabricating or assembling metal parts. This industry produces a very wide range of products,
such as: electrical machinery (motors, generators, and transformers), other machinery (engines,
turbines, pumps, mining and metalworking equipment), transportation equipment (automobiles,
aircraft, railroad equipment, ships and boats) and other fabricated metal products. Each of these areas
contains the type of details that are used under certain conditions, such as dynamic loads. Due to the
fact that the amount of various parts that work under the influence of dynamic loads is continually
growing it is necessary to monitor their quality effectively, both at manufacturing and operation
stages. The ability to sustain loads without damaging is provided by specific structure of heavy loaded
components. Such components have hardened surface layer and mild core material. The case
hardening depth is the criteria of a component quality.
The state-of-the-art principles of diagnostics are based on destructive testing methods which are
costly and time consuming, and not always effective. Destructive testing is a statistical method;
usually the results of inspection are formed according to the condition of certain selected details. There
is no guarantee of each detail quality in a wide line of components. Such method does not provide
comprehensive output control. Of course, there are some well-known nondestructive (NDT) methods
too. Most of them are based on the physical properties of the material, in metalworking industry it is
usually steel or another ferromagnetic material. Unfortunately, these methods of inspection have
considerable limitations in use. Electromagnetic method is the most widely used method of
nondestructive testing in Russia. However, this method can be applied only for monitoring the
subsurface of the hardened layer. The depth of the layer that can be inspected is to be 1 mm or less.
Further it is extremely difficult to automate the process of scanning while using the electromagnetic
method of control.
The analysis of worldwide experience in this area has revealed that application of ultrasonic
methods of control have been applied to solve this problem At Fraunhofer Institute for Nondestructive
Testing (IZFP) the method of measuring the depth of the hardened surface layer of metal details was
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of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
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IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 81 (2015) 012080

IOP Publishing

developed [1]. Furthermore this method formed the basis for development of the instrument which
lately found wide application in the metallurgical industry market all over Europe. This instrument has
very specific application; basic function of ultrasonic inspection is not provided. This implies that
effective quality monitoring requires an operator to use several instruments. One instrument is for
measuring case depth hardening and determining quality according to the technical requirements,
while the other is for determining whether a component has any defects that may decrease its
sustainability. It is useful to combine these two functions in one instrument to provide the effective
procedure of quality control of heavy-loaded components. In this respect the main aim of the research
was to determine the suitability of the ultrasonic nondestructive testing method for measuring case
hardening depth applying multi-operated ultrasonic instrument.
2. Ultrasonic Attenuation in Hardened Materials
Usually an ultrasonic inspection system consists of several components, such as electronic unit,
transducer and display devices. The receiver is also the transmitter; it can produce high voltage
electrical pulses. Transducer with piezoelectric element can convert these pulses into high frequency
ultrasonic energy. If there is a flaw such as a crack or a pore some of the energy will be reflected back
from the flaw surface. The time between the moment when the signal was generated and when the
echo was received, can be measured. According to this time it is quite simple to count the distance that
the signal has traveled. Moreover the information about the reflector location, size, orientation and
other features can also be obtained.
Ultrasound attenuation is the reduction of the amplitude and the intensity, and consequently of the
acoustic wave itself as it propagates. The main reason for this effect is acoustic scattering. Ultrasound
scattering occurs due to the sharp change in fluid properties (density, modulus of elasticity) at the
boundaries of inhomogeneities which dimensions are comparable with the wavelength.
In general the sound waves are scattered in all directions. Some of them are also scattered back to
the ultrasonic testing (UT) probe. On the one hand the effect that means the magnitude of the scattered
and backscattered sound energy depends on the change of density and/or the elastic material properties
within the volume range. On the other hand it depends on the relation of the geometric size of the
volume range and the wavelength of the ultrasonic waves.
When inspection of the hardened surface layer is performed, it is important to pay attention to the
structure of materials under inspection. The surface hardened layer is the material with fine grain size
permeable to ultrasonic waves (Figure 1). At the same time unhardened material grain sizes are much
bigger and this difference causes strong scattering of ultrasonic waves in different directions.

Figure 1. Attenuating in steel.

IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 81 (2015) 012080

IOP Publishing

Due to the fact that magnitude of ultrasonic backscattering can be influenced by adjusting the
wavelength of ultrasonic waves it is very important to find the right frequency range. Thus in case
when size of a grain is larger than the wavelength the sound can be reflected by its boundary.
Ultimately the scattered signal is scattered back to the testing probe. The main item to be measured
is the time of wave propagation. Time measurement process can be automated by developing
specialized software. As a result of measurement the depth of the hardened layer of material in mm is
displayed on the instrument screen.
Following these principles the instrument can be produced to measure the depth of hardened layer
which is the main quality characteristic of hardened items.
3. Experimental Procedure
The samples were selected for the experiments to verify the use of ultrasonic NDT methods for quality
control of dynamically loaded components applying multifunctional instrument. Each of the samples
is a part of the slewing bearings. The choice of the component was made due to the fact that bearing is
the most commonly used detail in metalworking industry. The experimental samples are of different
shape and therefore have different measuring positions (Figure 2). There are two rows of rolling
elements: internal and external rings that clamp together axially. Depending on the load point, each
part has different points of hardening. This conditioned the choice of measuring positions for the
experiment. Series of measurements were performed in each position to provide reliable results.




Figure 2. Experimental samples: a sample 1, b sample 2, b sample 3.

Two types of equipment specific and multifunctional were chosen to provide reliable results of
the experiment. Case Depth Tester (P312), QNet was chosen as a specialized instrument. Fraunhofer
Institute for Non-Destructive Testing (IZFP) has developed the ultrasonic method for fast and
nondestructive case depth testing. This instrument provides fast production control and ensures
consistently high quality levels of quality management.

IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 81 (2015) 012080

IOP Publishing

The case depth tester P3121 consists of the following components: computer unit and sensor
system (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Ultrasonic testing instrument for testing the case depth, P3121, Case Depth Tester.
Case hardening depth values of experimental sample 2 measured by the specific ultrasonic
instrument in each position are relevant:
Rht=4.7 mm, position 1 right flank;
Rht=3.6 mm, position 2 left flank (Figure 4);
Rht=5.1 mm., position 3 center.

Figure 4. Measurement results for the sample 2 (position 2 left flank): a ultrasonic
testing; b metallographic analysis.
Metallographic analysis was chosen as a reference method and the case depth according to this
method constitutes 3,41 mm ( test sample 2, left flank). The results are shown in Figure 4 (b).
It is worth mentioning that the case depth determined by ultrasonic backscattering does not
necessarily equal to the case depth measured with metallographic-, micro-hardness- or any other
established method. However it is also evident that close correlation is often found between the
ultrasonic hardness depth and the reference hardness depth. The reason is that the depth of the core

IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 81 (2015) 012080

IOP Publishing

material and the case depth determined by the established methods are influenced by the process
parameters of hardening.
The following conditions produce ideal results:
The test parts are induction-hardened.
The test parts are forged, not cast.
The minimum case depth to be measured is 1,5 mm.
There is no intermediate microstructure between the martensitic and the core material.
The grain size of the core material is large enough to cause significant backscattering of shear
waves with the frequency of 20 MHz.
SAPHIR_Quantum (AREVA) was chosen as a multifunctional instrument. It is a versatile high end
ultrasonic system for phased array as well as for single or parallel multi-channel applications in the
industrial UT nondestructive testing. The electronic unit contains the ultrasound transmitter and
receiver channels as well as the signal processing. In standard configuration 32 channels are
implemented in one electronic unit. Each channel has excellent technical characteristics and is
individually adjustable.
The test stand consisting of the ultrasonic electronics (SAPHIR_Quantum), transducer (20 MHz)
and a laptop constitute the experimental setup (Figure 5).

Figure 5. The experimental setup.

To achieve reliable results the experiment was performed on the same samples as in the first case.
Typical results obtained by the second series of experiments by using multifunctional ultrasonic
system are presented in Table 1 below.

IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 81 (2015) 012080

IOP Publishing

Amplitude, %

Amplitude, %

Table 1. Experimental results obtained by the test stand (test sample 2, left flank)
(a) Signal perfomed by the PC
(b) Digitized signal

Signal path, s

Amplitude, %

Apmplitude, %

Signal path, s

Signal path, s

Signal path, s

It is notable from Table 1 that the signal received during inspections (Table 1(a)) by standard
equipment of ultrasonic testing does not allow to determine the depth of the hardened layer correctly,

IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 81 (2015) 012080

IOP Publishing

Amplitude, %

in comparison with the specialized instrument used in the first series of experiments (Figure 4). The
output signal contains many peaks with close values of the amplitude and high noise levels. However
the signal has the same character. It can be assumed that by further signal processing, especially, by
signal averaging relevant results could be achieved. Further filtration is to be improved in order to
reduce the level of electrical noise.
Averaging it is a type of filtering that is aimed at reduction of step-like changes of the signal. In
this case there is a range of peaks with the same amplitudes which corresponds to point reflectors
within the hardened layer (structure with different grain sizes). Relevant signal does not contain such
steps. Due to a range of sudden changes but with small amplitude level difference, step signal contains
high-frequency components that are not to be found in the averaged and smoothed signals. However
currently there are many ways of averaging and signal processing as well as programs with
appropriate algorithms to achieve this goal. Within this research the results obtained by testing
samples with SAPHIR_Quantum system were averaged with the most common algorithm. The results
are represented in the form of digitized and averaged signal (Figure 6). The results were digitized by
Engauge program (Table 1(b)), the obtained values were summarized and the average value for each
of respective measurement points was calculated. According to the obtained results case hardening
depth of the left flank of the experiment sample 2 is 3.5 mm (the actual depth of the layer is 3.41

Signal path, s
Figure 6. Digitized and averaged signal.
4. Summary
The developed case hardening depth control method discussed in this paper can be used for quality
assurance testing in different areas of metalworking industry. The efficiency of the described method
is proved by the experimental series with the specified equipment: QNet P3121, Case Depth Tester.
The results of these inspections correspond to the relevant metallographic analysis results. Deviation
of the results merely reached 5 %.
SAPHIR_Quantum system, AREVA was used to verify the suitability of the method of ultrasonic
nondestructive case hardening depth testing applying multi-operated ultrasonic instrument. According
to the results of these experimental series deviation was only 2.5%. Metallographic analysis showed
that case hardening depth was 3.41 mm and ultrasonic testing 3.5 mm. Series of experiments
demonstrated that the method of ultrasonic measurement of case hardening depth can be applied with
the multifunctional equipment of ultrasonic testing in the case of implementing additional algorithm of
signal processing.

IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 81 (2015) 012080

IOP Publishing

Research has been conducted with financial support of Federal Target Programme Research and
Development in Priority Fields of Russian Research and Technological Complex for 2014 - 2020,
project unique identifier is RFMEFI57514X0048.

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