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The Wien Bridge Oscillator

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The Wien Bridge Oscillator

The Wien Bridge Oscillator is so called because the circuit is based on a frequency-selective
form of the Wheatstone bridge circuit. The Wien Bridge oscillator is a two-stage RC coupled
amplifier circuit that has good stability at its resonant frequency, low distortion and is very
easy to tune making it a popular circuit as an audio frequency oscillator but the phase shift of
the output signal is considerably different from the phase shift RC Oscillator.
The Wien Bridge Oscillator uses a feedback circuit consisting of a series RC circuit
connected with a parallel RC of the same component values producing a phase delay or phase
advance circuit depending upon the frequency. At the resonant frequency r the phase shift is
0o. Consider the circuit below.
RC Phase Shift Network

At low frequencies the reactance of the series capacitor (C1) is very high so acts like an open
circuit and blocks any input signal at Vin. Therefore there is no output signal, Vout. At high
frequencies, the reactance of the parallel capacitor, (C2) is very low so this parallel connected
capacitor acts like a short circuit on the output so again there is no output signal. However,
between these two extremes the output voltage reaches a maximum value with the frequency
at which this happens being called the Resonant Frequency, (r).
At this resonant frequency, the circuits reactance equals its resistance as Xc = R so the phase
shift between the input and output equals zero degrees. The magnitude of the output voltage
is therefore at its maximum and is equal to one third (1/3) of the input voltage as shown.

Oscillator Output Gain and Phase Shift

It can be seen that at very low frequencies the phase angle between the input and output
signals is Positive (Phase Advanced), while at very high frequencies the phase angle
becomes Negative (Phase Delay). In the middle of these two points the circuit is at its
resonant frequency, (r) with the two signals being in-phase or 0o. We can therefore define
this resonant frequency point with the following expression.
Wien Bridge Oscillator Frequency

r is the Resonant Frequency in Hertz
R is the Resistance in Ohms
C is the Capacitance in Farads

The RC Network

If we redraw the above RC network as shown, we can clearly see that it consists of two RC
circuits connected together with the output taken from their junction. Resistor R1 and
capacitorC1 form the top series network, while resistor R2 and capacitorC2 form the bottom
parallel network.
Therefore the total impedance of the series combination (R1C1) we can call, ZS and the total
impedance of the parallel combination (R2C2) we can call, ZP. As ZS and ZP are effectively
connected together in series across the input, VIN, they form a voltage divider network with
the output taken from across ZP as shown.
Lets assume then that the component values of R1 and R2 are the same at: 12k,
capacitors C1 and C2 are the same at: 3.9nF and the supply frequency, is 3.4kHz.
Series Circuit
The total impedance of the series combination with resistor, R1 and capacitor, C1 is simply:

We now know that with a supply frequency of 3.4 kHz, the reactance of the capacitor is the
same as the resistance of the resistor at 12k. This then gives us an upper series
impedance ZS of 17k.
For the lower parallel impedance ZP, as the two components are in parallel, we have to treat
this differently because the impedance of the parallel circuit is influenced by this parallel
Parallel Circuit
The total impedance of the lower parallel combination with resistor, R2 and capacitor,C2 is
given as:

At the supply frequency of 3400Hz, or 3.4 kHz, the combined resistance and reactance of the
RC parallel circuit becomes 6k (R||Xc) and their parallel impedance is therefore calculated

So we now have the value for the series impedance of: 17ks, (ZS = 17k) and for the
parallel impedance of: 8.5ks, (ZS = 8.5k). Therefore the output impedance, Zout of the
voltage divider network at the given frequency is:

Then at the oscillation frequency, the magnitude of the output voltage, Vout will be equal
to Zout x Vin which as shown is equal to one third (1/3) of the input voltage, Vin and it is this
frequency selective RC network which forms the basis of the Wien Bridge Oscillator circuit.

If we now place this RC network across a non-inverting amplifier which has a gain
of1+R1/R2 the following basic Wien bridge oscillator circuit is produced.
Wien Bridge Oscillator

The output of the operational amplifier is fed back to both the inputs of the amplifier. One
part of the feedback signal is connected to the inverting input terminal (negative feedback)
via the resistor divider network of R1 and R2 which allows the amplifiers voltage gain to be
adjusted within narrow limits. The other part is fed back to the non-inverting input terminal
(positive feedback) via the RC Wien Bridge network.
The RC network is connected in the positive feedback path of the amplifier and has zero
phase shift a just one frequency. Then at the selected resonant frequency, (r ) the voltages
applied to the inverting and non-inverting inputs will be equal and in-phase so the positive
feedback will cancel out the negative feedback signal causing the circuit to oscillate.
The voltage gain of the amplifier circuit MUST be equal to or greater than three Gain = 3
for oscillations to start because as we have seen above, the input is 1/3 of the output. This
value, ( Av 3 ) is set by the feedback resistor network, R1 and R2 and for a non-inverting
amplifier this is given as the ratio 1+(R1/R2).
Also, due to the open-loop gain limitations of operational amplifiers, frequencies above
1MHz are unachievable without the use of special high frequency op-amps.

Wien Bridge Oscillator Example No1

Determine the maximum and minimum frequency of oscillations of a Wien Bridge
Oscillator circuit having a resistor of 10k and a variable capacitor of 1nF to 1000nF.
The frequency of oscillations for a Wien Bridge Oscillator is given as:

Wien Bridge Oscillator Lowest Frequency

Wien Bridge Oscillator Highest Frequency

Wien Bridge Oscillator Example No2

A Wien Bridge Oscillator circuit is required to generate a sinusoidal waveform of 5,200
Hertz (5.2kHz). Calculate the values of the frequency determining resistors R1 and R2and the
two capacitors C1 and C2 to produce the required frequency.
Also, if the oscillator circuit is based around a non-inverting operational amplifier
configuration, determine the minimum values for the gain resistors to produce the required
oscillations. Finally draw the resulting oscillator circuit.

The frequency of oscillations for the Wien Bridge Oscillator was given as 5200 Hertz. If
resistors R1 = R2 and capacitors C1 = C2 and we assume a value for the feedback capacitors
of 3.0nF, then the corresponding value of the feedback resistors is calculated as:

For sinusoidal oscillations to begin, the voltage gain of the Wien Bridge circuit must be equal
to or greater than 3, (Av 3 ). For a non-inverting op-amp configuration, this value is set by
the feedback resistor network of R3 and R4 and is given as:

If we choose a value for resistor R3 of say, 100ks, then the value of resistor R4 is
calculated as:

While a gain of 3 is the minimum value required to ensure oscillations, in reality a value a
little higher than that is generally required. If we assume a gain value of 3.1 then resistor R4 is
recalculated to give a value of 47 ks. This gives the final Wien Bridge Oscillator circuit as:

Wien Bridge Oscillator Summary

Then for oscillations to occur in a Wien Bridge Oscillator circuit the following conditions
must apply.

With no input signal a Wien Bridge Oscillator produces continuous output oscillations.

The Wien Bridge Oscillator can produce a large range of frequencies.

The Voltage gain of the amplifier must be greater than 3.

The RC network can be used with a non-inverting amplifier.

The input resistance of the amplifier must be high compared to R so that the RC network is
not overloaded and alter the required conditions.

The output resistance of the amplifier must be low so that the effect of external loading is

Some method of stabilizing the amplitude of the oscillations must be provided. If the
voltage gain of the amplifier is too small the desired oscillation will decay and stop. If it is
too large the output will saturate to the value of the supply rails and distort.

With amplitude stabilisation in the form of feedback diodes, oscillations from the Wien
Bridge oscillator can continue indefinitely.

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