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My Body

My Senses
Teachers Guide

This Teachers Guide was developed by the

Center for Informal Science Education at the
Florida Museum of Natural History/University of Florida under
Innovation and Improvement Project Grant #90YD0206 from the
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start.

This document is in the public domain and may be freely reproduced.

My Body
My Senses

Table of Contents


Teacher Background Information


Materials List

Introducing the Body


2 The Five Senses


3 The Sense of Sight


4 Introducing Magnifying Tools


5 Hands

6 The Sense of Touch


7 Fingerprints

8 Feet


9 The Sense of Smell


10 The Sense of Taste




The Sense of Hearing


12 Skeleton

13 Muscles


14 Internal Organs


15 We Are Living Things

16 Growth

Take-Home Kit Information/Experience Card

Recommended Books


Head Start Domains and Indicators



My Body
My Senses
Teacher Background Information

What is the focus of this guide?

This guide introduces children to the human body and the five senses.
Experiences in the guide cover the major body parts and what they do. Children
also will use their senses of sight, touch, smell, taste, and hearing to learn about
the world.
What science concepts are covered in this guide?
Humans are living things that need food, air, shelter, and water to survive
and can move, grow, and reproduce.
Human bodies have many different parts, each with special functions.
We learn by using our senses.
We use tools to collect data and extend our senses.
What are humans?
Humans are vertebrates; they have a backbone and a brain encased in a skull.
Humans belong to the group of animals called mammals. Mammals have fur or
hair, special ear bones, and nurse their young.
What are the parts of the human body?
The human body is composed of many parts, each of which serves a special
function. Young children can most readily learn to identify external body parts.
Two very useful external parts of the body are hands and feet. The human
hand consists of the wrist, palm, four fingers, and thumb. The human thumb
is opposable. This means it can touch each of the four fingers and the palm.
An opposable thumb lets us grasp and manipulate objects of many sizes and
The foot provides the body with support, balance, and mobility. Important parts
of the foot include the toes, arch, and heel. The foot is linked to the ankle at the
heel. The top of the ankle is connected to the bones of the lower leg, forming
a hinge that allows the foot to move up and down. Between them, the foot
and ankle contain 26 bones, 33 joints, and over 100 muscles, tendons, and

Teacher Background Information

My Body/My Senses
There are many internal parts to the human body, beginning with the microscopic
cells that are the building blocks of all living things. Most cells are grouped into
organ systems that have specialized functions.
The Nervous System
The nervous system is composed of the brain, spinal cord, and a vast network
of nerves that thread throughout the body. The brain is the control center of the
body. It monitors and controls unconscious body functions like breathing and
heart rate, and coordinates most voluntary movement. The brain also stores and
processes information provided by the five senses. The brain lets a person think,
learn, remember, imagine, and dream.
Messages travel to and from the brain to other body parts along nerves. The
main nerve pathway between the brain and other body parts is the spinal cord.
The Skeletal System
The skeleton supports the human body. The skeleton of a newborn infant has
more than 300 bones. Over time, some of the bones fuse together. The average
adult human skeleton has 206 bones. Bones protect and support the soft parts
near them. For example, the rib cage protects the heart and lungs, the spine
protects the spinal cord, and the skull protects the brain.
Although individual bones are stiff, the body can bend and move because bones
are linked to each other at flexible, movable joints. Joints are held together by
strong fibers called ligaments.
Teeth also are part of the skeletal system. Although teeth begin forming before
birth, they first become visible when babies are six or seven months of age. Most
children have their first complete set of teeth by about age three.
The Muscular System
The human body contains over 600 muscles. Voluntary muscles move when
a person directs them. Involuntary musclessuch as the heartoperate

Teacher Background Information

My Body/My Senses
Many muscles work in pairs; one muscle pulls the bones one way and bends the
joint, and another muscle pulls the bones the other way and straightens the joint.
Most of the muscles are attached to bones by strong cords called tendons.
The Respiratory System
The respiratory system includes the lungs and the air passages that lead to
them. When we inhale, or breathe in air, the lungs stretch and expand. The
air contains oxygen, which we need to stay alive. Excess gases that the body
cannot use are released from the body when we breathe out, or exhale.
The Circulatory System
The heart, arteries, veins, other blood vessels, and blood make up the
circulatory system. The heart is a pump located in the center of the chest. It is
about the size of a fist. When it beats, the heart pushes blood around the body
through a system of arteries, veins, and other vessels. Blood moving away from
the heart delivers oxygen and nutrients to every part of the body. On the return
trip, the blood picks up waste products so that the body can get rid of them.
When we exercise, the heart pumps faster in order to bring needed oxygen to
the muscles. Exercising also makes the heart stronger. We can listen to the heart
beat using a stethoscope. We also can feel the heart beat on the wrists and the
sides of the neck.
The Digestive System
The digestive system includes the esophagus, stomach, intestines, liver, and
pancreas. After food is chewed, it goes down a tube called the esophagus to
the stomach. Once the food enters the stomach, muscles mash and mix the
food with special fluids that break the food down into smaller and smaller pieces.
The mashed food goes into the small intestine where it breaks down even
more. Useful parts of food are passed into the blood stream which distributes the
nutrients throughout the body. Waste food goes into the large intestine. Waste
is expelled from the intestine through the anus. The intestines of an adult human
are about 26 feet longthe length of two average cars or the height of a two
story house!

Teacher Background Information

My Body/My Senses
The Urinary System
The body makes chemical waste products from food it cannot use. The products
enter the blood stream and travel to the kidneys, which filter out the excess
fluids and chemical waste. These fluids enter the bladder and are eliminated
through the urethra.
What is skin?
Skin is the largest organ in the body. Skin is made of many layers of cells. It
protects the various body systems by keeping germs and water out, and body
fluids and salt in. Skin helps keep our bodies at the right temperature and is
the sense organ for touch. A pigment called melanin gives skin its color. More
melanin in the skin makes it darker; less melanin makes it lighter. When we go
out into the sun, cells make extra melanin to protect us from the suns ultraviolet
Although most humans have the same basic body parts, every body is unique.
One example of this is fingerprints. The tips of the fingers are covered with fine
ridges that form before we are born and remain the same throughout life. The
ridges can split and come together in an infinite number of ways. Consequently,
no two people have fingerprints that are exactly the same. Not even identical
Please note!
Food allergies are common. We have placed a
near every experience that
involves food to remind you to check for food allergies and to complete any
required paperwork.

Teacher Background Information

My Body/My Senses
Teacher Vocabulary
anus opening in the body where
bowel movements come out
artery blood vessel that carries blood
away from the heart
bladder part of the urinary system
that stores the liquid (urine) produced
by the kidneys until it can be excreted
blood red liquid that carries oxygen
and nutrients throughout the body
blood vessels network of tubes
through which blood flows around the
bone hard (but not dead) part of the
brain thinking center of the body
housed in the skull
cell tiny building block that makes
up the body
circulatory system related body parts
that move blood through the body
digestive system related body parts
that break food down into nutrients

esophagus food tube that leads from

the back of the throat to the stomach
exhale to breathe out
fingerprint skin pattern formed by the
ridges on fingertips
heart muscle that pumps blood
throughout the body
inhale to breathe in
involuntary muscle muscle that
moves automatically, such as the heart
joint place where bones come
kidney part of the urinary system that
filters out excess fluids and chemical
large intestine final portion of the
digestive system where feces or waste
ligament strong fiber that holds bone
to bone
lung air sacs in the chest that fill with
air when a person breathes in

Teacher Background Information

My Body/My Senses
mammal class of animals to which
humans belong; mammals have fur or
hair, special ear bones, and produce
milk for their young. Most give birth to
live young (rather than laying eggs).
melanin pigment that gives color to
the skin, eyes, and hair
muscle structure that makes people
or substances within their bodies (like
blood) move
nerve cells that carry messages
between the brain and the rest of the
nutrient substance in food that
sustains the bodys functions

respiratory system related parts of

body that deliver oxygen and remove
excess gases throughout the body
rib cage bones in the chest that
protect the heart and lungs
senses seeing, hearing, touching,
smelling, and tasting
skeleton framework made up of all of
the bones of the body
skin outer tissue layers of a body
skull part of the skeleton that
encases and protects the brain and
many of the sense organs

opposable ability of the human

thumb to move inward and touch all
fingers and the palm of the hand

small intestine portion of the

digestive system located between the
stomach and the large intestine where
most nutrients are absorbed into the

organ a relatively independent part of

the body that carries out a function or
group of functions; examples include
the heart, lungs, liver, stomach, and

spinal cord primary nerve pathway

between the brain and the rest of the

oxygen kind of gas that animal

bodies need in order to function
pigment coloring substance

spine backbone made of separate

bones that support the body but allow
it to bend

Teacher Background Information

My Body/My Senses
stomach part of the digestive system
where muscles and special juices
break food down into smaller pieces
tendon strong cords that attach
muscles to bones
ultraviolet (UV) rays portion of the
suns rays; excessive exposure can
damage the body
urinary system related parts of body
that remove waste products
urethra opening in the body where
urine comes out
vein blood vessel that carries blood
back to the heart
vertebrate animal having a backbone
and a brain encased in a skull
voluntary muscle muscle that moves
with conscious control

MESS Materials for Core and Center Experiences


Experience 1: Introducing the Body

poster with labels of the basic parts of
the human body
photos of basic parts of the body

Experience 2: The Five Senses

popcorn popper
small cup or container
unpopped popcorn kernels
bowls or napkins

Experience 3: The Sense of Sight

peephole books (see instructions on
page 17)

Experience 4: Introducing
Magnifying Tools
hand-held magnifying lenses
objects to magnify

Here Are My Hands by Bill Martin, Jr.
and John Archambault
Eyes, Nose, Fingers, and Toes by Judy Hindley
Goodnight Feet by Constance Morgenstern
Were Different. Were the Same
by Bobbi Jane Kates
Incredible Me! by Kathi Appelt
I Like Myself! by Karen Beaumont

See, Hear, Touch, Taste, Smell by Melvin Berger

My Five Senses by Aliki
My Five Senses by Margaret Miller
It All Makes Sense! by Sam Godwin
Sense Suspense by Bruce McMillan
The Five Senses by Jane Belk Moncure
Me and My Senses by Joan Sweeney

See, Hear, Touch, Taste, Smell by Melvin Berger

Take Another Look by Tana Hoban
Look! Look! Look! by Tana Hoban
Just Look by Tana Hoban
Look Again! by Tana Hoban
A Closer Look by Mary McCarthy
Mouse Views by Bruce McMillan
Seven Blind Mice by Ed Young
I See Myself by Vicki Cobb

A Closer Look by Natalie Lunis

What Is a Scientist? by Barbara Lehn
Bug Safari by Bob Barner

MESS Materials for Core and Center Experiences

Experience 5: Hands
photos of cats paw and childs hand
sock or thumbless mitten
variety of objects difficult to grasp
without using the thumb (e.g., tennis
ball, pencil or crayon, scissors, bottle
Experience 6: The Sense of Touch
feely bags or boxes
variety of objects to explore
by touch
materials with different textures
Experience 7: Fingerprints
transparent tape
magnifying lenses
pictures of fingerprints
Experience 8: Feet
shallow pan and sand

Experience 9: The Sense of Smell

opaque containers with permeable
smelly items such ripe banana, citrus
peel, cloves, cinnamon stick, garlic,
extracts, and pine needles
pictures of the items (optional)

Hands Can by Cheryl Willis Hudson
My Hands Can by Jean Holzenthaler
My Two Hands, My Two Feet by Rick Walton
My Fathers Hands by Joanne Ryder

See, Hear, Touch, Taste, Smell by Melvin Berger

Seven Blind Mice by Ed Young
Touch the Poem by Arnold Adoff
My Hands by Aliki
I Can Tell by Touching by Carolyn Otto
My Hands by Aliki
Incredible Me! by Kathi Appelt
I Like Myself! by Karen Beaumont

Hooray for Feet by Susan Pearson

Hello Toes! Hello Feet! by Ann Whitford Paul
My Two Hands, My Two Feet by Rick Walton
My Feet by Aliki
The Foot Book by Dr. Seuss
Whose Feet by Nina Hess
Beach Feet by Lynn Reiser
The Soles of Your Feet by Genichiro Yagyu
See, Hear, Touch, Taste, Smell by Melvin Berger
I Stink! by Kate McMullan and Jim McMullan
Whats That Awful Smell? by Heather Tekavec

MESS Materials for Core and Center Experiences

Experience 10: The Sense of Taste
assortment of foods with distinctive
tastes such as pickles, pretzels,
cheese, and fruits
plates or napkins
Experience 11: The Sense of Hearing
opaque containers with covers
objects that make distinctive sounds
when shaken such as bells, rolled-up
socks, blocks, and balls
photos of the objects

Experience 12: Skeleton

skeleton model
x-rays of hand and foot
poster of the human skeleton

Experience 13: Muscles

rubber resistance band


See, Hear, Taste, Touch, Smell by Melvin Berger
Tasty Poems by Jill Bennett

See, Hear, Taste, Touch, Smell by Melvin Berger

All Sorts of Noises by Hannah Reidy
The Indoor Noisy Book by Margaret Wise Brown
The Very Noisy Night by Diana Hendry
Vroomaloom Zoom by John Coy
The Best Ears in the World by Claire Llewellyn
Sing-Along Song by Joann Early Macken
The Listening Walk by Paul Showers

The Busy Body Book by Lizzie Rockwell

Dancing in My Bones by Sylvia Andrews
The Skeletal System by Helen Frost
Me and My Amazing Body by Joan Sweeney

The Busy Body Book by Lizzie Rockwell

Dancing in My Bones by Sylvia Andrews
Me and My Amazing Body by Joan Sweeney
From Head to Toe by Eric Carle
The Muscular System by Helen Frost
Pretend Youre a Cat by Jean Marzollo

MESS Materials for Core and Center Experiences

Experience 14: Internal Organs
organ apron

Experience 15: We Are Living Things

familiar objects
photos of living and nonliving things

Experience 16: Growth

photos of a person as a baby, child,
adolescent, and adult
a recent photo of each child and a photo
of each as a baby
photos of people in different stages of life
(e.g., babies, children, adults)

The Busy Body Book by Lizzie Rockwell
Dancing in My Bones by Sylvia Andrews
Me and My Amazing Body by Joan Sweeney

Is it Alive? by Marcia Freeman

Whats Alive? by Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld
The Busy Body Book by Lizzie Rockwell

Guess the Baby by Simon French

and Donna Rawlins
Growing Like Me by Anne Rockwell
My Baby and Me by Lyn Reiser
Bigger by Daniel Kirk
Tell Me What Its Like to Be Big
by Joyce Dunbar
Whose Shoes? by Anna Grossnickle Hines
I Am Growing by Mandy Suhr




Introducing the Body

Science Concept

Human bodies have many different

parts, each with special functions.

Children will learn the names of important parts of the body.


poster with labels of the

basic parts of the human
photos of basic parts of the


Here Are My Hands by Bill Martin, Jr.

and John Archambault
Eyes, Nose, Fingers, and Toes
by Judy Hindley
Goodnight Feet
by Constance Morgenstern
Were Different. Were the Same
by Bobbi Jane Kates
Incredible Me! by Kathi Appelt
I Like Myself! by Karen Beaumont



Use a variety of approaches to help the children learn and review the names of
important parts of the body. For example:
Say ear and point to your own ear.
Ask the children to touch their ears.
Point to a part on your body and ask the
children to name it.
Review the names of parts of the body using a
poster or photos of basic parts of the body
Make a point to use the names of body parts in
everyday conversation.
Sing songs and perform finger plays that
include the names of body parts.
Read books that refer to parts of the body.



Once children have mastered the

names of basic parts of the body,
introduce more complex ones such
as wrist, knuckle, and nostril.

Science Center

Place photos of parts of the

body (e.g, eyes, noses, hands)
in the Center for the children to
compare and sort into groups.

Integrated Experiences

Literacy: Have children draw pictures of themselves. Help the children label their drawings. Note: It is
fascinating to see how childrens drawings of people change over time. Save the childrens drawings
in a portfolio. Share the drawings with parents and compare later drawings with this early one.
Math: During the experience, count body parts that come in singles and pairs.
Creative Arts 1 (Art): Trace the childrens bodies on large sheets of paper and have them add details
such as facial features, hair, and clothing.
Creative Arts 2 (Music and Movement): Perform songs and dances that name body parts such as
Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes, If Youre Happy and You Know It, and Hokey Pokey.
Physical Health and Development (Gross Motor): Play the game Simon Says.



The Five Senses

Science Concept

We learn by using our senses.

Children will explore an experience using all five senses.


popcorn popper
small cup or container
unpopped popcorn kernels
bowls or napkins


See, Hear, Touch, Taste, Smell

by Melvin Berger
My Five Senses by Aliki
My Five Senses by Margaret Miller
It All Makes Sense! by Sam Godwin
Sense Suspense by Bruce McMillan
The Five Senses
by Jane Belk Moncure
Me and My Senses
by Joan Sweeney



Be sure to check for food allergies and complete any required paperwork.
Place some unpopped popcorn kernels in a cup. Give each child a few
unpopped kernels to hold in their hands. Encourage the children to describe the
kernels using their senses: What color are they? Are they hard or soft? Do they
smell? During the discussion, introduce the terms for the senses (sight, touch,
smell, taste, and sound) and connect each to the appropriate sense organ.
Demonstrate how the kernels sound when shaken in the cup.
Measure the kernels and have a child help you pour them into the popcorn
popper. Explain that the first sound the children will hear is the whirring of the
popper. Then they will hear a few pops and then many pops.
As the popcorn pops, draw the childrens attention to the smell.
Distribute the popcorn among the children, but ask them not to
eat any yet.
Ask them to describe what it looks like: What color is it now?



To increase awareness of the senses and to

foster vocabulary growth, ask the children to
describe how foods look, smell, taste, feel and
sound during snacks and meals.

Integrated Experiences

Literacy 1: During the experience, write down the words the children use to describe the unpopped
kernels and popped popcorn on a large chart.
Literacy 2: While looking at popped and unpopped kernels, have the children draw what they look
like. Help them label their drawings with descriptive words.
Literacy 3: Create a class display showing the steps in making popcorn. Add photos or the
childrens drawings.

What shape is it? Shake some of the popped

popcorn in the container and ask: Does it sound
different than it did before?
Review with the children how the popped
popcorn looks, smells, feels, sounds, and tastes
compared to the unpopped kernels. Ask: What did
the popcorn look like before? What does it look
like now? Did it have a smell before? Does it have
a smell now?
Conclude by talking about what you learned
about popping popcorn through the senses of
sight, touch, smell, hearing, and, of course, taste!



The Sense of Sight

Science Concept

Human bodies have many different

parts, each with special functions.
We learn by using our senses.

Children will use their sense of sight to gain information.


peephole books (see

instructions on page 17)


See, Hear, Touch, Taste, Smell

by Melvin Berger
Take Another Look by Tana Hoban
Look! Look! Look! by Tana Hoban
Just Look by Tana Hoban
Look Again! by Tana Hoban
A Closer Look by Mary McCarthy
Mouse Views by Bruce McMillan
Seven Blind Mice by Ed Young
I See Myself by Vicki Cobb


Begin by reviewing the names of the five senses and the sense organs
associated with each.
Explain that today they are going to use their eyes to answer questions.
Show the children a page in a peephole book. Encourage the children to
describe what they see: What color is it? Does it have
stripes or polka dots? Ask the children if it looks like
anything they have seen before.
Turn the page so the children can see the entire
picture. Talk about what it is, other interesting features,
where it might live, what it could be used for, and so forth.
Continue to encourage the children to describe the
clues revealed by the peepholes before turning the
pages in the book.
Remember that the point of this experience is to
practice using clues to make informed guesses. Once
children can readily recognize each picture, rotate new
ones into the collection.


Extension 1

Make peephole pages using pictures of the

children and staff. Talk about which features
help identify each one as unique.

Extension 2

When outdoors, draw the childrens attention

to visual clues such as clouds, puddles, nests,
half-eaten leaves, etc. Talk about what the clue
likely means.

Science Center

Place the peephole books in the

Center. Encourage the children to
look carefully for clues about the
item pictured and to name it based
on those clues.

Integrated Experiences

Literacy: Play a game of I Spy in the classroom or on the playground using a variety of descriptive
Math: Have the children create or follow patterns using beads, natural materials, or other objects.
Social and Emotional: Show the children photographs of different emotional expressions. Help
them label the expressions appropriately. Talk about how we can know how others are feeling by
looking at their facial expressions.

How to Make A Peephole Book:

Collect photographs and illustrations with interesting details such as
patterns, textures, and reflections. Nature magazines, calendars, and
discarded books are good sources.
Glue the pictures onto paper and laminate.
Cut one or more openings into a sheet of paper to lay over the picture.
Make sure the openings line up with the details you wish to highlight
(e.g., zebra stripes, veins on a leaf). Laminate.
Punch holes in all pages and organize in a binder.
Rotate new pictures into the binder to allow for more practice.



Introducing Magnifying Tools

Science Concept

We use tools to collect data

and extend our senses.

Children will learn to use a magnifying lens.


hand-held magnifying lenses

objects to magnify


A Closer Look by Natalie Lunis

What Is a Scientist?
by Barbara Lehn
Bug Safari by Bob Barner


magnifying lens

Begin this small group experience by reviewing what the children have learned
about the sense of sight. Discuss
situations when it is difficult to see,
such as when things are very small.
Explain that there are tools that we can
use to help us see.
Introduce the magnifying lens and
demonstrate how to use the lens to
explore a small item (pennies, stamps,
or insects work well).
Distribute lenses to children and
help them use the lenses to examine
items. Draw their attention to how the
magnifying lens makes things look



Explore binoculars, telescopes, or other kinds

of magnifying tools.

Science Center

Place the magnifying lenses in the

Center along with an assortment of
objects for the children to explore
magnification further.

Integrated Experiences

Literacy: Have the children draw a picture of an object as it appears to the naked eye and another as
it looks magnified. Help them label each drawing.
Physical Health and Development (Health): Bring in pairs of eyeglasses. Talk about how glasses are
another tool that can help people see better.



Science Concept

Human bodies have many different

parts, each with special functions.

Children will explore the importance of the thumb.


photos of cats paw and

childs hand
sock or thumbless mitten
variety of objects difficult
to grasp without using the
thumb (e.g., tennis ball,
pencil or crayon, scissors,
bottle cap)


Hands Can by Cheryl Willis Hudson

My Hands Can
by Jean Holzenthaler
My Two Hands, My Two Feet
by Rick Walton
My Fathers Hands by Joanne Ryder


Begin this small group activity by reviewing the names of different parts of the
body. Focus the childrens attention on their hands. Help them identify the fingers
and thumbs.
Have the children move their hands in different ways: wiggle fingers, open
hand, close fist, and touch each finger to the thumb.
Show the children the photo of the cats paw and the human hand. Talk with
the children about the ways the paw is different from the hand. Explain that the
paw does not have a thumb, but the hand does. Ask the children what cats do
with their paws, and what we can do with our hands that cats cannot: Can a cat
hold a pencil? Can a cat pick up a penny?
Ask for a volunteer to put on the thumbless
mitten. Explain that it will make their hand like that
of a cat. Have the child try to pick up or use the
items you have gathered.
Have the children take turns trying the different
tasks wearing the sock and not wearing the sock.
Talk about how hands are useful and how each part helps us do special jobs.


Science Center

Set up a variety of tasks in the

Center for the children to try when
wearing and not wearing the sock/
thumbless mitten on their hand.

Integrated Experiences

Literacy 1: Help the children trace their hands and label the parts.
Literacy 2: Teach the children several signs from American Sign Language.
Literacy 3: Recite Pat-a-cake, Pat-a-cake.
Math: Have the children use their hands as measuring units to compare the size of various objects
around the classroom.
Creative Arts 1 (Art): Make hand casts using Plaster of Paris or hand prints with washable paint.
Creative Arts 2 (Art): Make pinch pots by first rolling dough into a ball. Show the children how to use
their thumbs to make a dent in the dough and use gentle pinching motions to shape the dough into a
Creative Arts 3 (Music and Movement): Perform the song Where Is Thumbkin?



The Sense of Touch

Science Concept

Human bodies have many different

parts, each with special functions.
We learn by using our senses.

Children will use the sense of touch to gather information.


feely bags or boxes

variety of objects to explore
by touch
materials with different


See, Hear, Touch, Taste, Smell

by Melvin Berger
Seven Blind Mice by Ed Young
Touch the Poem by Arnold Adoff
My Hands by Aliki
I Can Tell by Touching
by Carolyn Otto


In advance, gather a variety of familiar objects
that are small enough to fit into the feely bags. It
is best if the items have distinctive features.
Place the objects in the bags out of view of the
Show the children the feely bags. Explain that
you want the children to find out how things feel
using the sense of touch. Have the children
explore the bags one at a time.
Encourage the children to
describe how the objects feel
before they say what it is: How
does it feel? Is it smooth or is it
rough? What shape is it? Does it
have any parts that move?


Young children may be unable to
resist telling you what the item is. If
so, ask them to describe the item
after they identify it (e.g., Does the
crayon feel skinny or fat?).


During the experience, discuss what

children can learn about objects by touch
alone (e.g., texture) and what they cannot
(e.g., color, taste, smell).

Science Center

Place a collection of items in the Center

for the children to sort by texture.

Integrated Experiences

Literacy 1: Ask the children to draw one or more things they like to touch, such as a pet or their
favorite blanket. Help the children label their drawings.
Literacy 2: Cut the letters A, a, B, and b out of sandpaper. Use a glue stick to attach them to
the table temporarily. Cover the table with brown butcher paper and secure it with tape to the table.
Have the children feel the covered tabletop. Encourage them to try to identify the letters underneath
by touch. Then have them rub over the sandpaper letters with crayons (that have wrappers removed).
Have the children identify the letters again.
Math 1: Use the procedure described above with shapes and numbers.
Math 2: Prepare black and white line drawings of simple bead patterns for children to duplicate (round
bead, round bead, square bead, square bead). Put round and square beads in the feely bags and
have children produce the bead patterns by feeling the shape to select beads.
Math 3: Cut circles of different sizes out of stiff materials with different textures. Place them in the
feely bags and have children sort the circles by texture and/or size.
Creative Arts (Art): Have the children explore the sense of touch by mixing teaspoon of salt or sand
into fingerpaints or mix bird seed into play-dough.



Science Concept

Human bodies have many different

parts, each with special functions.

Children will make a fingerprint.


transparent tape
magnifying lenses
pictures of fingerprints


My Hands by Aliki
Incredible Me! by Kathi Appelt
I Like Myself! by Karen Beaumont


In small groups, begin by reviewing what the children have already learned
about hands. Help the children distinguish between fingers and thumbs.
Using pictures of fingerprints, introduce the concept of fingerprints. Draw the
childrens attention to how each of the fingerprints are different.
To make fingerprints, rub the lead of a pencil back and forth several times on a
piece of paper.

Then, rub one fingertip across the pencil


Integrated Experiences

Literacy: Talk with the children about other things that make each one of them unique and special.
Help the children write their response to I am unique because _________. Have them add a
Creative Arts (Art): Have the children create finger or thumbprint art using a pad of washable ink
(or layers of damp paper towels with dry or wet tempera paint). For ideas, see Ed Emberleys Great
Thumbprint Drawing Book or Complete Funprint Drawing Book.

Press a piece of transparent tape against the fingertip.

Carefully place the tape on a piece of

white paper. Examine the fingerprint

with a magnifying lens.

Have the children make their own prints on paper labeled with their names.
Discuss the fact that everyone has fingerprints and that the fingerprints come in
certain patterns, but that everyones fingerprints are unique.



Science Concept

Human bodies have many different

parts, each with special functions.

Children will explore their feet and what feet can do.


shallow pan and sand


Hooray for Feet

by Susan Pearson
Hello Toes! Hello Feet!
by Ann Whitford Paul
My Two Hands, My Two Feet
by Rick Walton
My Feet by Aliki
The Foot Book by Dr. Seuss
Whose Feet by Nina Hess
Beach Feet by Lynn Reiser
The Soles of Your Feet
by Genichiro Yagyu


Have children remove all footwear.
Begin by reviewing the names of different body parts. Draw the childrens
attention to their feet. Ask: Has anyone used their feet today? What did you do with
your feet?
Introduce the words heel, toe, toenail, sole, and arch as you locate each
part on the foot.
Have the children perform different exercises and ask which parts of their feet
they are using to do each.
Try these!
* walk a short distance
* run in place
* stand up on your toes
* jump up and down
* hop on one foot
* point and flex feet
* balance on one foot


Extension 1

Paint the bottom of childrens feet with tempera

paint and have the children make footprints on
paper. Identify the different parts of the feet.
Compare the ways the footprints are alike and

Science Center

Pour 1-2 inches of sand into a large,

shallow container. Have the children
explore making footprints in the sand.

Extension 2

Make a path using a variety of surfaces

such as carpet squares, pieces of fabric with
different textures, and natural materials such
as pine needles. Have the children remove
their shoes and explore how the path feels.

Integrated Experiences

Math 1: Place a number line on the floor and have the children take turns hopping to numbers from 0
to 10.
Math 2: Gather pairs of socks or shoes ranging in size from infant to large adult. Mix the socks or
shoes together and have the children match the pairs, or select one item from each pair and have the
children place them in order by size.
Math 3: Have the children measure objects and distances in the classroom and outdoors using their
feet as informal measuring tools.
Creative Arts (Dramatic Play): Gather a variety of shoes and other footwear along with shoeboxes, a
measuring tool, and other props to encourage a shoe store theme.
Physical Health and Development 1 (Gross Motor): Play a game of Simon Says with directions
focusing on motions involving the feet (e.g. hop, skip, jump). Incorporate counting into the directions
(e.g. hop two times).
Physical Health and Development 2 (Gross Motor): Put a line of masking tape on the floor that
children can walk along tightrope style to practice balancing.
Physical Health and Development 3 (Fine Motor): Gather a variety of hard and soft items together and
have the children try to pick the items up with their feet and drop them into a container.



The Sense of Smell

Science Concepts

Human bodies have many different

parts, each with special functions.
We learn by using our senses.

Children will use the sense of smell to gather information.



opaque containers with

See, Hear, Touch, Taste, Smell
permeable covers
by Melvin Berger
smelly items such as ripe
I Stink! by Kate McMullan and
banana, citrus peel, cloves,
Jim McMullan
cinnamon stick, garlic,
Whats That Awful Smell?
extracts, and pine needles
by Heather Tekavec
pictures of the items (optional)


In advance, prepare scent canisters by placing smelly items in opaque
containers with permeable covers.
If you use food items, be sure to check for
food allergies and complete any required paperwork.
Begin by reviewing the names of the five senses
and the five sense organs.
Select a container holding an item with a familiar
smell such as ripe banana. Ask: What does it smell
like? Can you think of something that smells like
that? If pictures are available, have the children
select the picture that matches the smell.
Pass the containers among the children.
Encourage the children to try to identify the smell,
tell whether they like it or not, and describe the
smell using words such as flowery or stinky.



Make two playdough balls of the same color.

Add different extracts, such as peppermint and
lemon, to each of the balls. Show the children
each ball and ask them if they think the balls
will smell the same. Have the children smell the
balls, and discuss how some materials that look
the same may not smell the same.

Science Center

Place scent canisters and matching

photographs or objects in the Center.
Encourage the children to match the scents
to the corresponding pictures/objects.

Integrated Experiences

Math: Graph the number of children who report they like or do not like the smells in each of the
Physical Health and Development (Safety): Talk about how your nose can help save your life by
detecting smells that are dangerous, such as smoke.




The Sense of Taste

Science Concepts

Human bodies have many different

parts, each with special functions.
We learn by using our senses.


Children will use the sense of taste to gather information.


assortment of foods with

distinctive tastes such
as pickles, pretzels,
cheese, and fruits
plates or napkins


See, Hear, Taste, Touch, Smell

by Melvin Berger
Tasty Poems by Jill Bennett

taste buds

In advance, gather several distinctive-tasting foods. Be sure to check for food
allergies and complete any required paperwork.
Introduce the foods to the children one by one. As the children try each food,
label them and use words to help the children
describe how the foods taste: Do you think this
pickle tastes sour or sweet?
Encourage the children to report
whether they like the foods or not.
Some children are afraid to
try new foods. It is best not
to force them. Often, children
will overcome their fears by
observing their peers.



Find foods that fit well into the categories of

sweet, salty, sour, and bitter. Allow the children
to taste the foods and help them to distinguish
between the different tastes.

Integrated Experiences

Literacy 1: Have the children draw pictures of the foods in the taste test to include in their journals.
Allow the children to look at the items as they draw them. Help the children label their drawings.
Literacy 2: Have the children make a food collage using photos from magazines.
Math 1: Graph the number of children who like or dislike a certain food.
Math 2: Measure simple ingredients for a trail mix and eat it during snack time.
Creative Arts (Dramatic Play): Place food replicas and related props in the dramatic play area.
Encourage the children to pretend they are preparing dinner at home or in a restaurant.
Physical Health and Development (Safety): Show the children different poison symbols (e.g. Mr. Yuk,
skull and crossbones). Discuss how anything with these symbols should never be tasted.




The Sense of Hearing

Science Concepts

Human bodies have many different

parts, each with special functions.

Children will use the sense of hearing to gather information.


opaque containers with

objects that make
distinctive sounds when
shaken such as bells,
rolled-up socks, blocks,
and balls
photos of the objects


We learn by using our senses.

See, Hear, Taste, Touch, Smell

by Melvin Berger
All Sorts of Noises by Hannah Reidy
The Indoor Noisy Book
by Margaret Wise Brown
The Very Noisy Night
by Diana Hendry
Vroomaloom Zoom by John Coy
The Best Ears in the World
by Claire Llewellyn
Sing-Along Song
by Joann Early Macken
The Listening Walk by Paul Showers


In advance and out of view of the children, place the objects in the containers.
Show the children one of the closed containers and the photos of the objects.
Explain (for example): There is something in this container. It is either a ball, a bell,
a block, or a sock. Is there a way we can find out what it is without looking inside? If
no one suggests it, ask whether we could learn what is in the container by shaking it
and listening to the sound.
Before you shake the container, ask the children to think about what the different
objects would sound like: If a bell is inside, what would it sound like? Would a ball
sound different? How?
Shake the container and ask the children which item they
think is inside. Look inside and explain why the item made the
sound that it did: See, the sock is soft and so it makes a soft
Repeat with the other containers. Talk about how we can
learn about the world through our ears and the sense of hearing.



Have several children stand behind a door or

large sheet. Ask one child to speak or sing a
brief phrase and have the rest of the class try
to guess which child produced the sound.

Science Center

Provide duplicate sets of canisters and

encourage the children to match them by
sound. Encourage the children to describe
the sound they hear and to explain how they
made a correct match. Rotate new objects
into the containers to maintain interest.

Integrated Experiences

Creative Arts 1 (Music and Movement): Choose a tape or CD of familiar songs. Play several seconds
of the songs and see if the children can name that tune.
Creative Arts 2 (Music and Movement): Distribute musical instruments among the children for them to
play together like a band. Instruct them to play at different volumes, playing loud then soft, loud then
louder, and soft then softer.
Physical Health and Development 1 (Safety): Discuss how certain sounds indicate danger. For
example, a fire alarm means leave the building, while fire truck, ambulance, and police sirens mean
get out of the way.
Physical Health and Development 2 (Safety): Have children look at their own ears in a mirror or at a
classmates ears. Discuss the safety concerns with putting things in your ears.





Human bodies have many different

parts, each with special functions.

Children will explore the human skeleton.


skeleton model
x-rays of hand and foot
poster of the human

Science Concepts


Humans are living things that need

food, air, shelter, and water to survive
and can move, grow, and reproduce.

The Busy Body Book

by Lizzie Rockwell
Dancing in My Bones
by Sylvia Andrews
The Skeletal System by Helen Frost
Me and My Amazing Body
by Joan Sweeney


Begin by reviewing the names of the various external body parts. Explain that
these are outside body parts but that there are also important parts inside the body
that the children cannot see.
To illustrate, ask the children to gently push against their bodies and feel the
hard parts under the skin. Explain that these hard parts are called bones. Now
have the children examine their hands by feeling the bones in the fingers and palm.
Show them the x-rays, and explain that these are pictures of the bones in
someones hand and foot taken at a doctors office. Have them look carefully at
how the bones connect.
Next, show the children the skeleton model and the skeleton poster. Begin at the
top of the skeleton and introduce the term skull. Ask the children to locate their
own skulls, followed by other bones in their bodies that correspond to specific
bones of the skeleton.
Then focus the childrens attention on the joints. Have the children bend their
elbows and knees. Using the skeleton model, show how the joints move.



Compare the skeleton of the human body with

photos or models of other animal skeletons.
Talk about the parts that are similar (e.g., ribs)
and different (e.g., hands).

Science Center

Place the skeleton and x-rays in the

Center for the children to explore under
supervision. Focus the childrens attention
on the parts that bend and help them
review the names of the body parts.

Integrated Experiences

Math: Compare and contrast the skeleton model with the childrens bodies. Count how many arms,
legs, etc. that each have.
Social and Emotional 1: Show the children inventions such as crutches, braces, wheelchairs, and
walkers that help people with different skeletal problems. Substitute photographs if the objects are not
Social and Emotional 2: Create a classroom display of the various medical professionals that help
keep bodies healthy (e.g., nurse, doctor, dentist, nutritionist, exercise specialist).
Creative Arts (Dramatic Play): Place child-size crutches, slings, and related props in the dramatic play
area to encourage play about going to the hospital or having different disabilities.
Physical Health and Development 1 (Health): Talk about the importance of calcium for bones and
teeth. Discuss which foods are good sources of calcium.
Physical Health and Development 2 (Health): Show the children various devices people use to protect
the bones while at work and at play. Examples include bicycle and football helmets, elbow pads,
kneepads, and shin guards.





Children will learn about their muscles.


rubber resistance band

Science Concepts

Human bodies have many different

parts, each with special functions.


Humans are living things that need

food, air, shelter, and water to survive
and can move, grow, and reproduce.

The Busy Body Book

by Lizzie Rockwell
Dancing in My Bones
by Sylvia Andrews
Me and My Amazing Body
by Joan Sweeney
From Head to Toe by Eric Carle
The Muscular System
by Helen Frost
Pretend Youre a Cat
by Jean Marzollo


Begin by reviewing the names of the external and internal body parts that have
already been discussed. Explain that there is another very important part of the
body that you have not talked about yetthe muscles. Ask the children what they
know about muscles.
To demonstrate how it feels when muscles are working, help a child wrap one
end of a resistance band around each fist and pull.
Draw the other childrens attention to the muscles that
the volunteer is using.
Have the children take turns exploring the
resistance bands. Encourage the children to observe
how their muscles change when relaxed and when
pulling the bands.
Explain that we have many muscles. Have the
children stretch their legs out in front of them and pull
their toes toward their knees and feel how their calves
harden. Ask the children to smile and tell them that
they even use muscles when they smile!



Have the children lie on the floor or sit on

chairs and try to lift their legs slowly and hold
them in the air. Ask the children to describe
what they feel and which body parts seem to
be working the hardest.

Science Center

Put the resistance bands in the Center for

further supervised exploration of muscles.

Integrated Experiences

Literacy: Ask the children to complete the sentence I am as strong as a(n) ________ as a journal
entry, or create a class display of their responses.
Math: Fill sets of identical containers (e.g., one-gallon milk jugs, shoe boxes) with different materials
like water, sand, or styrofoam. Have the children place the containers in order from lightest to
Physical Health and Development (Gross Motor): Set up an obstacle course on the playground. Have
the children focus on the muscles they use as they climb a ladder, jump over small barriers, etc.
Social and Emotional: Talk about different occupations that require considerable strength. Create a
class display.




Internal Organs

Human bodies have many different

parts, each with special functions.


Children will identify some internal organs and explain

what they do.


organ apron

Science Concepts


The Busy Body Book

by Lizzie Rockwell
Dancing in My Bones
by Sylvia Andrews
Me and My Amazing Body
by Joan Sweeney

Humans are living things that need

food, air, shelter, and water to survive
and can move, grow, and reproduce.


Begin by reviewing what the children
have already learned about bones and
Ask the children to press lightly against
their bodies to identify parts that are hard
or soft.
Explain that they have soft parts inside
their bodies that they cannot feel from the
outside, and that some of these parts are
called organs.
Ask a volunteer to put on the organ
apron. Focus the childrens attention on
the lungs, heart, and stomach. Encourage
the other children to point to where these
organs are located on their bodies.


Science Center

Place the organ apron in the Center.

Guide childrens exploration of the apron
by asking them to name the various
organs and describe what the organs do.

Integrated Experiences

Creative Play (Dramatic Play): Place food replicas, empty food containers, shopping carts, dishes,
and a cash register in the dramatic play area. Encourage the children to pretend they are shopping
for healthy food to prepare dinner at home or in a restaurant.
Physical Health and Development 1 (Gross Motor): Go outdoors and run relay races, stay indoors
and dance, or play a game of Simon Says that is strenuous enough to raise the childrens heart rate.
Focus the childrens attention on how it feels when the heart is beating quickly.
Physical Health and Development 2 (Health): Talk to the children about the importance of a good diet
and exercise for keeping the heart healthy.

Discuss with the children how each of

these organs has a special job: the lungs
help us breathe air; the stomach is where
our food goes after we eat it; and the heart
helps pump blood through our bodies.
Continue the discussion and explain
that because our bodies need food and
oxygen, it is important to eat healthy food
and breathe clean air.

Try these!
* Hold a tissue in front of your
nose and watch how it moves
when you breathe.
* Take deep breaths and feel
your lungs working.
* Feel your stomach after you
eat a snack. Listen for sounds of
* Jump up and down for 30
seconds and feel your heart
pumping quickly.




We Are Living Things

Science Concept

Humans are living things that

need food, air, shelter, and water
to survive and can move, grow,
and reproduce.


Children will explore the concepts of living and nonliving.


familiar objects
photos of living and
nonliving things


Is it Alive? by Marcia Freeman

Whats Alive?
by Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld
The Busy Body Book
by Lizzie Rockwell


Review with the children what they have learned about the body, including what
they now know about their internal organs.
Explain that people are living things that need certain conditions to grow and
survive. Ask the children for their ideas about what people need. If you have plants
or animals in your classroom, discuss the things they need to stay alive. Explain
that living things need food, water, and air to survive.
Select an object such as a chair or toy. Ask: Will it ever grow bigger? Does it
need food or water?
Review the concepts of living and nonliving using photographs. Highlight
important requirements for living things with each photo. Encourage the children to
explain why they think the item in each photo is living or noniving.



Have the children find examples both inside

and outside the classroom of things that are
living and not living. Discuss why they think the
things are living or not living.

Science Center

Place some of the photos of living

and nonliving things in the Center
for the children to sort into groups.
Add more photos as the childrens
understanding grows.

Integrated Experiences

Literacy 1: Create a class chart of living and nonliving things. Use examples the children suggest and
either write the words on the chart or find pictures in magazines.
Literacy 2: Have the children draw a picture of something that is living. As they tell you about it, label
their picture.
Social and Emotional: Discuss other things that are living, such as pets and plants, and the
importance of taking good care of them.




Science Concept

Humans are living things that need

food, air, shelter, and water to survive
and can move, grow, and reproduce.


Children will explore the concept of human growth.


photos of a person as a baby,

child, adolescent, and adult
a recent photo of each child
and a photo of each as a
photos of people in different
stages of life (e.g., babies,
children, adults)


Guess the Baby by Simon French

and Donna Rawlins
Growing Like Me
by Anne Rockwell
My Baby and Me by Lyn Reiser
Bigger by Daniel Kirk
Tell Me What Its Like to Be Big
by Joyce Dunbar
Whose Shoes?
by Anna Grossnickle Hines
I Am Growing by Mandy Suhr


Review what has been learned about living things and their needs. Explain that
as the needs of living things are met, they grow and change. Relate this growth to
how the children have grown and changed so far in their lives.
Choose a set of photos depicting the life stages of one person. Show the
children the photo of the infant and discuss some of the characteristics of an infant.
Explain that this infant is going to grow and change into a child. Show the children
the photo of a child and discuss the similarities between the child and themselves.
Continue with the remaining cards, emphasizing the different stages.
One by one, show the recent photos of each child and their baby photos. Draw
the childrens attention to the ways the individual has changed and the ways she is
the same.



Encourage the children to bring in photos of

other family members at different life stages.

Science Center

Place photos of people in different

stages of life in the Center. Have the
children sort the photos into groups
(e.g., babies, children, adults).

Integrated Experiences

Literacy: Create a class display of the life stages using photographs brought in by the teachers and
Math: Cut a string the same length as an average infant. Cut another string the same height as a child
in the class. Compare the two sizes and discuss how humans get taller as they grow older.
Social and Emotional: Discuss how reactions and behavior changes as one grows older. This could
include how infants cry and fuss when they want something, while children use words.
Creative Arts 1 (Music and Movement): Sing Are You Growing?
Creative Arts 2 (Dramatic Play): Place baby dolls and related toys in the dramatic play area. As the
children play, encourage them to care for the infants properly. Help them to distinguish between roles
played by infants, children, and adults.


MESS Take-Home Kit Information/Experience Card

My Body/My Senses
Welcome to the My Body/My Senses MESS Take-Home Kit. This page suggests
ways to further explore what your child has been learning at school.
In this Kit you will find:
Mouse Views by Bruce McMillan
This book shows familiar classroom objects from the point of view of a small
A magnifying lens
This month, your child is learning:
about seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, and smelling.
how to use a magnifying lens.
How to use this book:
As you read the book, discuss the clues, guess what the object is, and turn the
page to see if you are correct! Ask questions such as: What do you see? What
could it be? Why do you think that?
To help your child learn about reading books, point to the words as you read
them and let your child help you turn the pages.
Read the book again to see if you and your child can remember the different
How to use the object:
Show your child how to use the
magnifying lens to make things look bigger.
You might start with the page numbers
in the book. Then explore things such as
skin, coins, or insects.
To further support your childs learning:
Play I Spy. Pick something in the room and give hints like I see something
red or I see something shiny and encourage your child to find it.
Use sense words when talking with your child. Ask: How does that taste?
What do you hear?


MESS Recommended Books

My Body/My Senses
Recommended Books

Adoff, Arnold. Touch the Poem. New York: Blue Sky Press, 2000. Most readers will not have
thought how various objects and movements feel, but these poems will make even young
children more conscious of touching thingslike peach fuzz or hair floating in the water. The
full-page photographs provide visual support.
Aliki. My Five Senses/Mis cinco sentidos. New York: HarperTrophy, 1989. The five senses are
introduced through simple text and illustrations of a little boy. Multiple examples of how he uses
his senses will stimulate children to talk about their own sensory experiences.
Aliki. My Feet. New York: HarperCollins, 1990. Other than the very early intrigue over playing
with ones toes, most peopleyoung and oldtend to take their feet for granted. This
book details some basic parts and highlights the usefulness of feet. Drawings encourage
observation and text inspires imitation.
Aliki. My Hands. New York: HarperCollins, 1990. Everyday we use our hands again and
againdrawing, tickling, making snowballs, clapping, etc. Basic anatomy is little changed
from an earlier edition, but drawings are diverse and colorful, supporting age-appropriate text.
Topics like disabilities and left-handedness and detailed illustrations should provide good
observation and conversation opportunities. NSTA Outstanding Trade Book
Andrews, Sylvia. Dancing In My Bones. New York: Harper Festival, 2001. More than bones
move in this book! Multiple body parts get attention in rhymes that invite singing as well as
movement. The final verse on dancing in my heart may need some discussion.
Appelt, Kathi. Incredible Me! New York: HarperCollins, 2003. An exuberant and self-confident
little girl celebrates her uniqueness, including basic body parts. Colorful illustrations reveal her
enthusiasm, too.
Barner, Bob. Bug Safari. New York: Holiday House, 2006. A little boy, with magnifying glass in
hand, has an adventurous trip following ants on their way to a backyard picnic. Information is
accurate; bold, enlarged pictures add to the mystery. Additional information about the animals
encountered is included.
Beaumont, Karen. I Like Myself! New York: Harcourt, 2004. While the science is sometimes
subtle, the simple, enthusiastic, rhyming text and amusing cartoons inspire discussion about
self-esteem and how others view you.
Bennett, Jill, ed. Tasty Poems. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992. Fun cartoon illustrations
accompany short poems about some common foodsbut usually with a different perspective.
I Like Cabbage, Chocolate Milk, and Taste of Purple, especially, lend themselves to some
classroom testing and enthusiastic conversation.


MESS Recommended Books

My Body/My Senses
Berger, Melvin. See, Hear, Touch, Taste, Smell. Northborough, MA: Newbridge,1994. Beautiful
large photographs introduce the five senses and what each does. With one sentence per page,
the text introduces some words connected to each sense (e.g., smell, nose, odor). The idea of
using multiple senses at once is also presented. Ideas to think about are added.
Brown, Margaret Wise. The Indoor Noisy Book. New York: HarperCollins, 1994. Muffin the
dog has a cold and spends the day indoors listening to and questioning the sounds he hears
inside and out. Other titles among the authors numerous noisy books encourage listening in
a particular environment. They include The Summer Noisy Book, Winter Noisy Book, Seashore
Noisy Book, and just plain Noisy Book.
Carle, Eric. From Head to Toe. New York: HarperCollins, 1997. Each of numerous animals
moves one body part (a giraffe bends its neck, monkey waves its arms, etc.) and then
challenges a child to repeat the action. The large, boldly colored illustrations and active
vocabulary invite enthusiastic participation.
Cobb, Vicki. I See Myself. New York: HarperCollins, 2002. This is an interactive book about
the role of light in the sense of sight. Children are encouraged to try some of the suggested
activities so that they experience for themselves the principles involved in light. Consequently,
the book is best read only a few pages at a time. A mirror and a flashlight are the most
common tools required.
Coy, John. Vroomaloom Zoom. New York: Crown Publishers, 2000. An indulgent father takes
his young daughter for a pre-bedtime ride, all with the intention of helping her fall asleep.
However, the noisy situations they encounter prevent that but provide wonderful sounds for
children to listen to and probably imitate.
Dunbar, Joyce. Tell Me What Its Like to Be Big. San Diego, CA: Harcourt, 2001. Little rabbit
Willa is aware of the things she cannot do because she is little. Brother Willoughby provides
assistance and is also the source of information about the improvement that growth can
providenot all of which sound totally positive to Willa. Their discussion (albeit from talking
rabbits) will generate conversation about pre-school childrens potential. Large illustrations are
detailed enough for observation practice and additional conversation.
Freeman, Marcia. Is It Alive? Northborough, MA: Newbridge, 2003. How can you tell what
is alive (and therefore what is not alive)? Brief text with numerous questions and large
photographs in big-book format introduce growth, reproduction, need for food and water, and
movement as distinguishing features between living and nonliving things. A glossary, index,
and more things to think about are added.


MESS Recommended Books

My Body/My Senses
French, Simon. Guess the Baby. New York: Clarion Books, 2002. His baby brothers visit
to school leads Sams class to share their own baby pictures and appreciate the changes
that come with growth. The children eventually speculate about their teacher as a baby. The
illustrationsespecially those of the photographsencourage close observation.
Frost, Helen. The Skeletal System/Muscular System/Nervous System/Circulatory System/
Respiratory System. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press, 2001. The skeleton and muscle books
in this series are filled with age-appropriate information, albeit in small-book format. Their
photographs, diagrams, and text contain useful examples. The little volumes on nerves, blood,
and lungs, however, are generally too advanced for pre-school children. Brief glossaries,
bibliographies, and indices in each book may be useful for some classes.
Godwin, Sam. It All Makes Sense! North Mankato, MN: Smart Apple Media, 2002. Our five
senses tell us that we are alive! Cartoon mother and child birds introduce readers to sensory
experiences. Each sense is described along familiar dimensions (seeingnear/far, hearing
loud/soft, smellingpleasant/ horrible, tastingbitter/sour/sweet/salty, touchinghard/soft and
cold/warm). Conversation bubbles from the animals along the route add interest and additional
Hendry, Diana. The Very Noisy Night. New York: Dutton Childrens Books, 1999. Sounds
during the night keep Little Mouses imagination working and Big Mouse awake explaining the
natural sounds. Children will enjoy both predicting the sound sources in the text and exploring
the colorful pictures of the mices busy bedroom.
Hess, Nina. Whose Feet? New York: Random House, 2004. The usefulness and variety of
feet are explored including mole, cheetah, rabbit, bat, duck, orangutan, and little human feet.
Intended as an early reader, text is appropriately limited. Illustrations are softly colored and
Hindley, Judy. Eyes, Nose, Fingers, and Toes. Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press, 2002.
Rhythmic text supplements colorful, appealing drawings that show children using various body
parts. The enthusiastic expressions on the toddlers faces is infectious. Simple backgrounds in
black crayon add great perspective without interfering with the active focus.
Hines, Anna Grossnickle. Whose Shoes? New York: Harcourt, 2001. Both a descriptive text
and cartoon-like illustrations give clues so that readers can answer the title question for the
mouse narrator. Answers can be found inside five flaps. While the visual and textual clues
make good observation/listening practice, equally important are the different growth patterns
represented by mother and father mice, sibling mice, and a baby mouse and their respective


MESS Recommended Books

My Body/My Senses
Hoban, Tana. Look Again! New York: MacMillan, 1971.

Take Another Look. New York: Greenwillow Books, 1981.

Look! Look! Look! New York: Greenwillow Books, 1988.

Just Look. New York: Greenwillow Books, 1996.
Using black and white photographs in the first two books and color ones in the last two, the
author provides no text but alternates blank pages with small cutouts with the photos of
familiar objects to emphasize small components of an image. The books effectively encourage
observation and conversation when the details revealed by the cutouts are used as clues to
identify the larger picture.
Holzenthaler, Jean. My Hands Can. New York: Dutton Childrens Books, 1978. Very simple text
and uncomplicated illustrations detail numerous things that hands can do. Left/right, symbolic
language, and the negative things hands can do all make this an appropriate beginning-of-theyear book.
Hudson, Cheryl Willis. Hands Can. Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press, 2003. Accompanied by
very simple, rhyming text, expressive color photographs show toddlers and preschoolers using
their hands in gross and fine motor activities.
Kates, Bobbi Jane. Were Different. Were the Same. New York: Random House, 1992.
Rhyming text and colorful illustrations show the Sesame Street Muppets making comparisons
of body parts that may look different but have similar functions. Comparisons and illustrations
may sometimes be silly, but are effective and stimulate conversation.
Kirk, Daniel. Bigger. New York: Putman, 1998. This book on child development is told in
a childlike way by a child. The story starts in the womb and goes through the stages and
activities of childhood. Cartoon-like, full-page illustrations, with growing type also, reflect the
pride a small child feels in growing bigger.
Lehn, Barbara. What Is a Scientist? Brookfield, CT: Millbrook Press, 1998. A scientist is a
person who . . . Simple text that can be read on multiple levels, and color photographs
of working children describe many of the jobs that scientists do: questioning, observing,
experimenting, drawing, etc. Activities shown include magnifying tools.
Llewellyn, Claire. The Best Ears in the World. North Mankato, MN: Smart Apple Media, 2002.
Because a young rabbit thinks his ears look silly, readers get a lighthearted lesson in sound
and hearing. Text can be read on two levels, but both are brief and easily understood by young
children. For rabbits, hearing often means avoiding danger, but discussion of other values of
listening can easily follow.


MESS Recommended Books

My Body/My Senses
Lunis, Natalie. A Closer Look. Northborough, MA: Newbridge Educational Publishing, 2007.
Beautiful photographs introduce the general idea of observation and several aids to exploring
small (magnifying lenses and microscopes) or faraway (binoculars and telescopes) things. A
glossary, index, and more things to think about are included.
Macken, Joann Early. Sing-Along Song. New York: Viking, 2004. From mornings first robin
to nighttimes moonrise, this little boys just gotta sing along. The rhyming, rhythmic text and
cheerful illustrations will encourage the reader to listen and look for the sounds in their world.
Martin, Bill, Jr. and John Archambault, Here Are My Hands. New York: Henry Holt, 1985. Very
brief text and expressive illustrations identify numerous external body parts and show children
demonstrating different uses of each.
Marzollo, Jean. Pretend Youre A Cat. New York: Penguin Books, 1990. Colorful multi-media
drawings illustrate the thoughtful antics of children trying to imitate the sounds and movements
of a dozen different animals. Children may not be aware of all the muscles in play, but
repeating these experiences should be a good workout for little ones.
McCarthy, Mary. A Closer Look. New York: Greenwillow Books, 2007. Here is a peepbook with
a twist. Short step-by-step questions and beautiful detailed illustrations lead the reader to look
at three small items that eventually become part of a lush garden scene. Discussion can follow
both looking at the details and seeing the big picture.
McMillan, Bruce, Mouse Views. New York: Holiday House, 1994. Someone left the classs
mouse house open, setting up opportunities for readers to see the mouses seemingly random
tour of the elementary school from a different perspective. Wonderful color photos show
enlarged, close-up views of familiar school tools. For those ready to try map-reading, a map
and key of where the pet went is included.
McMillan, Bruce. Sense Suspense. New York: Scholastic, 1994. Readers are invited, in
both English and Spanish, to identify 1) what something isbased on a single piece of the
whole picture; and 2) which sense(s) they would use to learn about that item. Large colorful
photographs aid the game.
McMullan, Kate and Jim McMullan. I Stink! New York: Joanna Colter Books, 2002. This is the
story of a day in a garbage trucks life, told from the trucks point of view and including the fact
that garbage smells bad! An alphabet of potential garbage is included. Sounds abound and
children will surely want to imitate the actions.


MESS Recommended Books

My Body/My Senses
Miller, Margaret. My Five Senses. New York: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers,
1994. Beautiful large photographs of children illustrate each of the five senses with four
examples per sense. Text is very brief, but the pictures evoke further conversation. Whatever
else the senses may be used for, the book concludes: With our five senses, we enjoy our
Moncure, Jane Belk. The Five Senses. Chicago: Childrens Press, 1990. Prof. Facto and a
young visitor to the Five Senses Museum discuss the value and use of each of the five senses,
including some comparisons with other animals. Several pages of easy experiments are
Morgenstern, Constance. Good Night, Feet. New York: Henry Holt, 1991. It is time for bed, and
many readers will be familiar with the ritual of saying goodnight to various parts of the body
before relaxing into sleep. The text reviews some of the daily activities of seven different parts,
while the gently colored illustrations focus on getting the part into bed.
Otto, Carolyn. I Can Tell By Touching. New York: HarperCollins, 1994. Most books about
touching give lots of examples of things to touch. This one does too, but it also suggests how
touching is different than other senses, or what kinds of things you can learn from touching
that you cant learn otherwise. Colorful illustrations have sufficient detail to make this good
observation practice also. Readers will want to repeat some of the books experiences.
Paul, Ann Whitford. Hello Toes! Hello Feet! New York: DK Publishing, 1998. From getting up to
going to bed, this little girls feet are active indoors and outside. Not all of her activities would
be mother-approved (kicking the table, stomping her juice can), but children will love to try
them all.
Pearson, Susan. Hooray for Feet. New York: Blue Apple, 2005. Simple, rhyming text and bright
illustrations celebrate feet and toes that can run, jump, dance, move fast or slowly, and take
children wherever they choose to go. Readers may find it hard to keep their feet still while
reading this book!
Reidy, Hannah. All Sorts of Noises. Minneapolis, MN: Picture Window Books, 2005. Colorful
cartoon drawings show children and grownupsand other animalsas they hear noises from
morning to night and in diverse situations. Words for sounds are splashed across the pages.
Reiser, Lynn. Beach Feet. New York: Greenwillow Books, 1996. Fun illustrations and lots of
footnotes with friendly scientific explanations show the feet of animalsincluding people
found at the beach. Footnote information is easily deleted in favor of the simple alliterative text
and discussion of the illustrations.


MESS Recommended Books

My Body/My Senses
Reiser, Lynn. My Baby and Me. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2008. These interactions between
babies and their slightly older siblings can remind children of their own growth. The simple text
and photographs of familiar situations should provide ample opportunities for discussion.
Rockwell, Anne. Growing Like Me. Orlando: Harcourt, 2001. The young narrator is aware of
the potential for growth in the plants and animals in his world. He knows, for instance, that the
white blossoms on the blackberry bushes will yield sweet fruit eventually, and the blue eggs in
the nest will hatch into robins soon. He also knows that his baby brother will someday grow up
to be a big boy. Because of the examples used, the book supports the concept that growth is a
characteristic of all living things.
Rockwell, Lizzy. The Busy Body Book. New York: Crown Publishers, 2004. Busy is the
operative word in this title as the book describes in text and pictures how the body works inside
and out. Several appropriately detailed diagrams are interspersed, inviting more study. Fitness
is encouraged both in the colorful illustrations and with several additional ideas at the end.
Ryder, Joanne. My Fathers Hands. New York: Morrow Junior Books, 1994. No one will
ever bring me better treasures than the ones cupped in my fathers hands. This is a fitting
conclusion to a gentle story of the wonders of nature shared by a father with his young
daughter. Subtle details, in words and pictures, of several body parts make this a great
conversation-starter and observation experience.
Seuss, Dr. The Foot Book. New York: Random House, 1968. With typical Dr. Seuss characters
and illustrations, all kinds of feet do all the things that feet do.
Showers, Paul. The Listening Walk. New York: HarperCollins, 1991. How is a listening walk
different from any other walk? A little girl, her father, and their dog Major demonstrate while the
little girl describes what they hear when they are quiet and actively listening. Her descriptions
suggest that being a good observer probably enhances the listening experiences. Her
reminder at the end that you dont have to go far or even outside to hear sounds is a good one
for classroom practice.
Suhr, Mandy. I Am Growing. Minneapolis, MN: Carolrhoda Books, 1991. Growth seems to
happen without your noticing. This book suggests how their activities change as babies
become children, even though they may not be aware of the changes. It also discusses the
role of food, sleep, and exercise in the growth process. Text is simple and cartoon illustrations
promote discussion. Comparisons are made to plants and other animals. Several activities
are suggested to make children more aware of both their own growth and that of other living


MESS Recommended Books

My Body/My Senses
Sweeney, Joan. Me and My Amazing Body. New York: Dragonfly Books, 2000. Anatomy 101
for children! Beginning with her skin, a young girl (with a missing tooth) describes how the
otherwise internal parts of her body (bones, muscles, brain, blood, heart, lungs, and stomach)
function. The colorful illustrations make this a book for curious children to pore over. A page of
facts is added.
Sweeney, Joan. Me and My Senses. New York: Crown Publishers, 2003. Using the pretext
of a question about her lunch menu, a young girl uses each of her senses in discovering the
answer. Then some basic science about each sense is provided in simple text and colorful
cartoon illustrations. The idea of using single or multiple senses at once is also explored
briefly. The misleading items she is holding when she first asks the question should make an
interesting side discussion for the observant reader.
Tekavec, Heather. Whats That Awful Smell? New York: Penguin Young Readers, 2004. Dog,
while looking for a cool place for a nap, instead encounters a bad smell. He engages other
animals in using their senses to try to solve the mystery of the awful smell in the barn. Children
will enjoy solving a mystery involving noses.

Walton, Rick. My Two Hands, My Two Feet. New York: G. P. Putnams Sons, 2000. This book
will need to be read twice, once about hands and once about feet, first from front to mid-book
and then flipped over between readings! In each case, action begins with rising from bed and
ends with going to bed. Illustrations are clean and boldly colorful; brief text uses descriptive
Yagyu, Genichiro. The Soles of Your Feet. Brooklyn, NY. Kane/Miller Book Publishers, 1997.
Originally published in Japan, this book introduces a body part that does not usually get much
attention but may be the appropriate more for some children. Human feet are compared to
other animals. Other stray pieces of information are provided in bold text and funny margin
comments from the characters pictured. Functional illustrations tend to be line drawings in
limited colors.
Young, Ed. Seven Blind Mice/Siete Ratones Ciegos. New York: Philomel Books, 1992. In this
adaptation of The Blind Men and the Elephant fable, seven blind mice investigate a strange
Something by the pond. The first six (identified by bold colors) choose to explore only a small
part of Something. It is only when the white mouse wisely investigates the whole that the big
picture is revealed. Caldecott Honor Book
Zoehfeld, Kathleen Weidner. Whats Alive? New York: HarperCollins, 1995. The similarities and
differences among several living things are used to begin a discussion about how you can tell
the difference between living and nonliving things, and the common characteristics of living


MESS Recommended Books

My Body/My Senses
Other Recommended Books

Aker, Suzanne. What Comes in 2s, 3s, and 4s? New York: Simon & Schuster, 1990. The
concept of counting to 2, 3, and 4 is introduced with everyday items, including parts of the
body, in boldly colored illustrations.
Bang, Molly. Ten, Nine, Eight. New York: Greenwillow Books, 1983. A father helps his young
daughter prepare for sleep by counting down from ten to one while observing things in her
bedroom. Not surprisingly, body partseyes, toes, cheeksare evident in their observations.
Caldecott Honor Book
Bender, Lionel. Magnification: A Closer Look. Minneapolis, MN: Picture Window Books, 2006.
This introduction to magnification may help older children understand the concept and serve as
a starting point for discussions of other scientific tools.
Fleming, Denise. Barnyard Banter. New York: Henry Holt, 1994. Whether the goose is causing
all the noise in the barnyard or the other animals are participating in the search for the goose is
unclear, but what is evident is that many animals and their sounds are involved in this barnyard
mystery. The colorful, handmade-paper illustrations and abundant distinctive sounds keep
listeners actively involved in the experience.
Fowler, Allan. Smelling Things/Feeling Things/Seeing Things/Tasting Things/Hearing Things.
Chicago: Childrens Press, 1991. Each of the little volumes in this small-format series first
distinguishes its particular sense from the four other senses. Using brief text and photographs
of generally familiar objects, each book uses multiple examples to introduce the relevant
characteristics of that sense (e.g., hot/cold and hard/soft for touch, sweet/salty/sour for taste).
Interactive activities are interspersed, and a picture glossary concludes each book.
Hamanaka, Sheila. The Colors of the Earth. New York: Morrow Junior Books, 1994. Both
similarities and differences in the world are celebrated in rich, warm oil illustrations and flowing
Hamm, Diane Johnston. How Many Feet In The Bed? New York: Simon & Schuster, 1991. It all
begins when a little girl asks her just-awakening father an improbable question: how many feet
are in the bed? As various family members tumble into, and then out of, his bed, the answer
changes, of course. The cartoon-like drawings look like real peoplea bit disheveled on a lazy
morning. What a fun way to unconsciously learn to count to ten and that feet come in pairs!
Hines, Anna Grossnickle. Big Like Me. New York: Greenwillow Books, 1989. While especially
relevant for a young child with a new brother or sister, this book also suggests the growth that
children will have experienced, probably unconsciously, since they were babies. Gentle pastel
illustrations invite conversations based on do you remember when . . .?


MESS Recommended Books

My Body/My Senses
Hubbell, Patricia. Cars/Trains/Trucks. Tarrytown, NY: Marshall Cavendish, 2003. Vehicles of
all kinds and sizes zoom through the varied landscapes in these three volumes, each creating
wonderful sounds to imitate and discuss. Different fonts are used to add visual clues. While the
sounds are not dominate in any of the books, transportation books may provide the teachable
moment for the reluctant reader.
Intrater, Roberta Grobel. Two Eyes, a Nose, and a Mouth. New York: Scholastic, 1995. Eyes,
nose, and mouth may be the first facial features we notice, but thats only the beginning of
the captivating facial features pictured here. What about the eyebrows? Or lips? The author
reminds readers how appealing the great diversity in peoples faces is.
Lewis, Kevin. Chugga-Chugga Choo Choo. New York: Hyperion Books For Children, 1999. A
childs train set comes to life at night with all the whistle blowing/chugga-chugga/whoo whooing
sounds that complete a trainand can be imitated, of course!
MacKinnon, Debbie. Eye Spy Colors. Watertown, MA: Charlesbridge, 1998. This introductory
peephole book displays a colorful piece of something through a small cutout, plus one other
word clue. Readers are invited to spy with my little eye and identify that thing and several
others of the same color on the next pages. Most of the items and the five colors will be
familiar to young children.
McMillan, Bruce. One, Two, One Pair! New York: Scholastic, 1991. Color photos of twin sisters
preparing to ice skate introduce the concept of pairs and illustrates paired body parts.
Moss, Miriam. Wibble Wobble. Wilton, CT: Tiger Tales, 2001. Even pre-school children may
have heard about the loose tooth experience from older siblings. Poor William seems to be
the last in his class to lose a tooth, but when it happens, theres a little extra excitement.
Perkins, Al. Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb. New York: Random House, 1969. Cartoon monkeys
dance as they explain hands, fingers and thumbs.
Perkins, Al. The Ear Book. New York: Random House, 1968. What are ears used for? This
rhyming story, with its fun and silly illustrations, is filled with common examples that should
raise a youngsters awareness of the answers and provide good observation opportunities.
Pfeffer, Wendy. Sounds All Around. New York: HarperCollins, 1999. Directions to snap your
fingers and clap your hands will require a delay in reading (because everyone will want to
try it), but what follows is an illustrated explanation of how we hear, what value sound has for
people and other animals, echolocation, and how sound can be measured. Even though this
is a Stage 1 Lets-Read-and-Find-Out book, the information may need selective reading for
young children. Teachers might also use it for reference and for the suggested activities at the


MESS Recommended Books

My Body/My Senses
Rice, Eve. Swim! New York: Greenwillow Books, 1996. This gentle story about a young girl and
her father going swimming at the local pool lends itself to a discussion of various body parts
and sensory experiences.
Robinson, Fay. Sound All Around. Chicago: Childrens Press, 1994. Limited only by its smallbook format, this little volume provides introductory ideas about sound. Photographs show
familiar objects, and text is brief. Suggestions for seeing and feeling vibrationsthe key to
understanding hearing soundare particularly useful.
Rydell, Katy. Wind Says Goodnight. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 2000. The sounds of the night
from the cricket, frog, etc. are keeping a little girl awake. Finally a helpful cloud and the wind
solve the problem. Repetitive lyrical text and softly colored, humorous illustrations make this an
appropriate pre-naptime experience.
Schoenberg, Jane. My Bodyworks. New York: Crocodile Books, 2005. These printed songs
about bones, heart, muscles, lungs, etc. are accompanied by illustrations that invite further
observation. The 12-song CD is included so listeners/readers can sing and move along.
Singer, Marilyn. The One and Only Me. New York: HarperCollins, 2000. In simple rhyme, a
young girl describes ways in which she resembles other members of her family, but yet is
unique. But looking at my family, I know just what I see, I may have a bit of everyone, but they
all add up to me. Completely, uniquely, definitely, specially, and the one and only ME! The
illustrations are sufficiently detailed to allow comparisons of features.
Walsh, Melanie. My Nose, Your Nose. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2002. Arthur and Kit are
different but the same. They have similar body partslike noses and hairthat appear
different from each other, but their feelings and actions are the samethey both like the smell
of chocolate cake and dislike shampoo. Simple, bold illustrations and brief text review body
parts, but both invite a discussion of why our similarities are greater than our differences.
Weeks, Sarah. If I Were a Lion. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2004. With colorful illustrations
and rhyme, a little girl is called wild by her mother. The little girl then compares her own actions
to what a real wild animal would do inside a house.


For Non-English speaking children, progresses in

listening to and understanding English.

Shows growing ability to hear and discriminate

separate syllables in words.

Progresses in recognizing matching sounds and

rhymes in familiar words, games, songs, stories and

Shows growing awareness of the beginning and

ending sounds of words.

Shows increasing ability to discriminate and identify

sounds in spoken language.


For Non-English speaking children, progresses in

speaking English.

Progresses in clarity of pronunciation and towards

speaking in sentences of increasing length and
grammatical complexity.

Uses an increasingly complex and varied spoken


Progresses in abilities to imitate and respond

appropriately in conversation and discussions with
peers and adults.

Develops increasing abilities to understand and use

language to communicate information, experiences,
ideas, feelings, opinions, needs, questions, and for
other varied purposes.

Understands an increasingly complex and varied


Shows progress in understanding and following

simple and multi-step directions.

Demonstrates increasing ability to attend to and

understand conversations, stories, songs, poems.

Domain & Indicators

Language Development







Head Start Domains and Indicators Associated with Core and Center Experiences












Develops growing understanding of the different

functions of forms or print such as signs, letters,
newspapers, lists, messages, and menus.

Demonstrates increasing awareness of concepts of

print, such as that reading in English moves from top
to bottom and from left to right, that speech can be
written down, and that print conveys a message.

Shows progress in recognizing the association

between spoken and written words by following print
as it is read aloud.

Recognizes a word as a unit of print, or awareness

that letters are grouped to form words, and that words
are separated by spaces.

Develops understanding that writing is a way of

communicating for a variety of purposes.

Shows increasing awareness of print in classroom,

home and community settings.

Progresses in learning how to handle and care

for books; knowing to view one page at a time in
sequence from front to back; and understanding that
a book has a title, author and illustrator.


Demonstrates progress in abilities to retell and dictate

stories, to act out stories, and to predict what will
happen next in a story.

Shows a growing interest in reading-related activities,

such as asking to have a favorite book read; choosing
to look at books; drawing pictures based on stories;
asking to take books home; going to the library; and
engaging in pretend-reading with other children.

Shows growing interest and involvement in listening

to and discussing a variety of fiction and nonfiction
books and poetry.

Associates sounds with written words, such as

awareness that different words begin with the same

Domain & Indicators


Head Start Domains and Indicators Associated with Core and Center Experiences

Develops increased abilities to combine, separate

and name how many concrete objects.

Begins to use language to compare numbers of

objects with terms such as more, less, greater than,
fewer, equal to.

Begins to make use of one-to-one correspondence in

counting objects and in matching groups of objects.

Develops increasing ability to count in sequence to 10

and beyond.

Begins to associate number concepts, vocabulary,

quantities, and written numerals in meaningful ways.

Demonstrates increasing interest and awareness

of numbers and counting as a means of solving
problems and determining quantity.


Knows the letters of the alphabet are a special

category of visual graphics than can be individually

Identifies at least 10 letters of the alphabet, especially

those in their own name.

Increases in ability to notice the beginning letters in

familiar words.

Shows progress in associating the names of letters

with their shapes and sounds.

Progresses from using scribbles, shapes, or pictures

to represent ideas, to using letter-like symbols, to
copying or writing familiar words such as their own

Experiments with a growing variety of writing

tools and materials, such as pencils, crayons, and

Begins to represent stories and experiences through

pictures, dictation, and in play.

Domain & Indicators







Head Start Domains and Indicators Associated with Core and Center Experiences




Begins to participate in simple investigations to test

observations, discuss and draw conclusions and form

Develops increased ability to observe and discuss

common properties, differences and comparisons
among objects and materials.

Begins to use senses and a variety of tools and

simple measuring devices to gather information,
investigate materials, and observe processes and


Shows progress in using standard and non-standard

measures for length and area of objects.

Begins to make comparisons between several objects

based on a single attribute.

Shows increasing abilities to match, sort, put in a

series, and regroup objects according to one or two
attributes such as shape or size.

Enhances abilities to recognize, duplicate and extend

simple patterns using a variety of materials.

Builds an increasing understanding of directionality,

order and positions of objects, and words such as
up, down, over, under, top, bottom, inside, outside, in
front, and behind.

Shows growth in matching, sorting according to 1 or 2

attributes such as color, shape or size.

Begins to be able to determine whether or not two

shapes are the same size and shape.

Progresses in ability to put together and take apart


Begins to recognize, describe, compare, and name

common shapes, their parts and attributes.

Domain & Indicators








Head Start Domains and Indicators Associated with Core and Center Experiences




Begins to understand and share opinions about

artistic products and experiences.

Develops growing abilities to plan, work

independently, and demonstrate care and persistence
in a variety of art projects.

Progresses in abilities to create drawings, paintings,

models, and other art creations that are more
detailed, creative or realistic.

Gains ability in using different art media and materials

in a variety of ways for creative expression and

Experiments with a variety of musical instruments.

Participates with increasing interest and enjoyment

in a variety of music activities, including listening,
singing, finger plays, games, and performances.


Shows increased awareness and beginning

understanding of changes in materials and causeeffect relationships.

Develops growing awareness of ideas and language

related to attributes of time and temperature.

Expands knowledge of and respect for their body and

the environment.

Expands knowledge of and abilities to observe,

describe and discuss the natural world, materials,
living things, and natural processes.

Begins to describe and discuss predictions,

explanations, and generalizations based on past

Develops growing abilities to collect, describe and

record information through a variety of means,
including discussion, drawings, maps and charts.

Domain & Indicators








Head Start Domains and Indicators Associated with Core and Center Experiences




Shows increasing abilities to use compromise and

discussion in working, playing, and resolving conflicts
with peers.

Increases abilities to sustain interactions with peers

by helping, sharing, and discussion.

Demonstrates increasing capacity to follow rules and

routines and use materials purposefully, safely, and

Develops growing understanding of how their actions

affects others and begins to accept the consequences
of their actions.

Shows progress in expressing feelings, needs and

opinions in difficult situations and conflicts without
harming themselves, others, or property.

Demonstrates growing confidence in a range of

abilities and expresses pride in accomplishments.

Develops growing capacity for independence in a

range of activities, routines, and tasks.

Begins to develop and express awareness of self

in terms of specific abilities, characteristics and


Shows growing creativity and imagination in using

materials and in assuming different roles in dramatic
play situations.

Participates in a variety of dramatic play activities that

become more extended and complex.

Shows growth in moving in time to different patterns

of beat and rhythm in music.

Expresses through movement and dancing what is

felt and heard in various musical tempos and styles.

Domain & Indicators







Head Start Domains and Indicators Associated with Core and Center Experiences





Develops increased ability to make independent


Approaches tasks and activities with increased

flexibility, imagination, and inventiveness.

Grows in eagerness to learn about and discuss a

growing range of topics, ideas and tasks.

Grows in abilities to persist in and complete a variety

of tasks, activities, projects, and experiences.

Chooses to participate in an increasing variety of

tasks and activities.


Begins to express and understand concepts and

language of geography in the contexts of their
classroom, home, and community.

Develops growing awareness of jobs and what is

required to perform them.

Progress in understanding similarities and respecting

differences among people, such as genders,
race, special needs, culture, language, and family

Develops ability to identify personal characteristics

including gender, and family composition.

Progresses in responding sympathetically to peers

who are in need, upset, hurt, or angry; and in
expressing empathy or caring for others.

Shows progress in developing friendships with peers.

Demonstrates increasing comfort in talking with and

accepting guidance and directions from a range of
familiar adults.

Develops increasing abilities to give and take in

interactions; to take turns, and to interact without
being overly submissive or directive.

Domain & Indicators








Head Start Domains and Indicators Associated with Core and Center Experiences




Participates actively in games, outdoor play and other

forms of exercise that enhance physical fitness.

Progresses in physical growth, strength, stamina, and


Demonstrates increasing abilities to coordinate

movements in throwing, catching, kicking, bouncing
balls, and using the slide and swing.

Shows increasing levels of proficiency, control and

balance in walking, climbing, running, jumping,
hopping, skipping, marching and galloping.

Progresses in abilities to use writing, drawing and art

tools including pencils, markers, chalk, paint brushes,
and various types of technology.

Grows in hand-eye coordination in building with

blocks, putting together puzzles, reproducing shapes
and patterns, stringing beads and using scissors.

Develops growing strength, dexterity, and control

needed to use tools such as scissors, paper punch,
stapler, and hammer.


Develops increasing abilities to classify, compare, and

contrast objects, events, and experiences.

Grows in recognizing and solving problems through

active exploration, including trial and error, and
interactions and discussions with peers and adults.

Shows growing capacity to maintain concentration,

despite distractions and interruptions.

Demonstrates increasing ability to set goals and

develop and follow through on plans.

Develops increasing ability to find more than one

solution to a question, task or problem.

Domain & Indicators








Head Start Domains and Indicators Associated with Core and Center Experiences




Builds awareness and ability to follow basic health

and safety rules such as fire safety, traffic and
pedestrian safety, and responding appropriately to
potentially harmful objects, substances and activities.

Shows growing independence in hygiene, nutrition

and personal care when eating, dressing, washing
hands, brushing teeth and tolieting.

Domain & Indicators








Head Start Domains and Indicators Associated with Core and Center Experiences




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