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The Crystallization of An Aluminosilicate Glass Inthek O-Al O - Sio System

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Dental Materials (2005) 21, 811822

The crystallization of an aluminosilicate glass

in the K2OAl2O3SiO2 system
Michael J. Cattella,*, Thomas C. Chadwickd, Jonathan C. Knowlesc,
Richard L. Clarkeb

Centre for Adult Oral Health, Barts and the London, Queen Marys School of Medicine and Dentistry,
Turner Street, Whitechapel, London, E1 2AD, UK
Department of Biomaterials in Relation to Dentistry, Queen Mary, University of London,
Mile End Road, London E1 4NS, UK
Division of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering, Eastman Dental Institute, University College London,
256 Grays Inn Road, London WC1X 8LD, UK
496 Alegre Avenue, Nipomo, CA 93444, USA
Received 16 December 2004; accepted 2 February 2005

X-ray diffraction

Summary Objectives. The aims of the study were to explore the nucleation and
crystallization kinetics of an aluminosilicate glass in K2OAl2O3SiO2 system and to
characterize it.
Objectives. A starting glass composition of wt%; 64.2% SiO2, 16.1% Al2O3, 10.9% K2O,
4.3% Na2O, 1.7% CaO, 0.5% LiO and 0.4% TiO2 was heated in an electric furnace and
later quenched to produce glasses. The glass powders were heat treated using
differing heat treatment schedules and quenched. Dta, Xrd, Eds and Sem analyses
were used to characterize and explore the crystallization kinetics of the glasses.
Results. Phase separation of the glasses was identified and characterized in the
glasses. Tetragonal leucite, cubic leucite and sanadine glass-ceramics were produced.
Fine leucite crystals (1 mm2) were crystallized with minimal matrix microcracking.
Significance. Amorphous phase separation appeared to be an important precursor to
nucleation and crystal growth in the alkali aluminosilicate glasses explored. It was
possible to control the crystallization of tetragonal leucite and sanidine phases by
selected heat treatment of glass powders and monoliths, resulting in the production
of fine grained tetragonal leucite glass-ceramics.
Q 2005 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

* Corresponding author. Tel.: C44 2073777000x2160; fax: C44
E-mail address: (M.J. Cattell).

Leucite containing porcelains are used in dentistry

to fabricate dental restorations in order to achieve
thermal compatibility when bonding to metallic

0109-5641/$ - see front matter Q 2005 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

substructures and as a reinforcing agent in all
ceramic restorations. Leucite glass-ceramics are
extremely versatile as they can be processed into
dental prostheses via many mechanisms including,
sintering, [1] heat pressing [2] and Computer aided
design and machining [3].
Depending on the composition, feldspars can be
heated to form a eutectic mixture of leucite and
liquid according to the K2OAl2O3SiO2 ternary
phase diagram [4]. The crystallization of leucite
has also been achieved in these glasses by changes
to the compositional ratios and an increase in K2O
content, together with the addition of suitable
nucleating agents [5]. Significant crystallization
was thought to be related to a minimum 1 wt%
CaO and at least 12 wt% K2O content in the glasses
[6]. Leucite glass-ceramics can be produced by
controlled crystallization of a glass via heat treatments; [7] the addition of synthetic leucite to
powdered glass [8] and the blending of a high
expansion leucite containing frit with a low expansion glass frit [9].
Leucite (KAlSi2O6) is a naturally occurring potassium alumino-silicate that has corner linked four
and six-membered rings of SiO4 tetrahedra, forming
the structure of a (Si, Al)-O framework silicate.
Within the framework formed exists two different
cation sites. The larger site contains 16 positions
coordinated by 12 oxygens, organized in line with
channels formed by six-membered rings. The
second site contains 24 positions coordinated by
six oxygens, although only 16 are filled [10]. The
larger sites are usually occupied by potassium,
rubidium or cesium ions and smaller sites by water
molecules or left vacant. Cubic and tetragonal
leucite both contain 16 (KAlSi2O6) in the unit cell,
with potassium ions occupying the centre of
channels aligned in rows parallel to the channel
axes in cubic leucite. A reversible temperature
dependent cubic to tetragonal leucite phase transformation occurs around 605625 8C [10,11]. At
lower temperatures the potassium ions are too
small to fill the cavities in the cubic structure and
are moved away from their positions [12]. There is a
collapse of the framework about them resulting in a
change in symmetry and strain induced crystal
twinning [13]. Leucite transformation leads to a
reversible 1.2% discontinuous volume change, from
low temperature tetragonal to the high temperature cubic leucite starting at 400 8C, in respect to
crystallized feldspathic glasses. Lattice parameters
for room temperature tetragonal leucite were
(13.197!10K10 m) and
reported at aZ13.197 A
(13.819!10K10 m) and at 400 8C latcZ13.819 A
(13.565!10K10 m)
tice constraints of aZ13.565 A
for cubic leucite. A change in thermal expansion

M.J. Cattell et al.

from 22.3!10 K6 /8C for tetragonal leucite
(25400 8C) to 21.5!10K6/8C for cubic leucite
(400700 8C) is associated with the volume increase
[14]. Thermal expansions of 11.712.8!10K6/8C
(25600 8C) for cubic leucite [15] and 25!10K6/8C
for tetragonal leucite [16] were also reported in the

literature, with lattice parameters of aZ13.43 A

m) for cubic leucite (25 8C) [15]. The
crystallization or introduction of a high expansion
tetragonal leucite phase into a base glass is
advantageous to increase its expansion coefficient
to a level sufficient to allow efficient bonding to
metals. The difference in thermal expansion
between the tetragonal leucite crystals and the
glassy matrix (8.6!10K6/8C) also provides tangential compressive stresses around the crystals, that is
thought responsible for significant strengthening in
feldspathic dental porcelain [17].
Typical leucite volume fractions for leucite
containing dental porcelains vary between 17 and
45% of tetragonal leucite in a glassy matrix [18,19].
Multiple firings, isothermal heat treatments and
cooling of dental porcelains necessary for restoration fabrication can however, modify this content
[1921]. Many of the current commercial porcelain
production methods produce dental porcelain with
larger leucite crystal sizes (w10 mm) and in some
instances more dendritic crystal morphologies
[2224]. The thermal expansion mismatch between
the leucite crystals and the glass matrix developed
during leucite transformation often causes signs of
microcracking around larger (w10 mm), non-uniform leucite crystals and clusters [2426]. The
nucleation and crystallization of aluminosilicate
glasses in K2OAl2O3SiO2 system is hence important
to study, to control the leucite morphology,
distribution, volume fraction and thermal expansion, which is thought to influence the mechanical
and wear characteristics of these glass-ceramics
[23,27,28]. The aims of the study were therefore to
explore the nucleation and crystallization kinetics
of an aluminosilicate glass in K2OAl2O3SiO2 system
and to characterize it.

Materials and methods

Preparation of the experimental glasses
The composition of the starting glasses selected for
this study were wt%; 64.2% SiO2, 16.1% Al2O3, 10.9%
K2O, 4.3% Na2O, 1.7% CaO, 0.5% LiO and 0.4% TiO2
[7]. The glass components were ground (74 mm sieve
size), placed in a baffle jar and agitated on a jar roll
to mix the ingredients for 2 h. The mixed batch

The crystallization of an aluminosilicate glass in K2OAl2O3SiO2 system

(355105) was transferred to an alumina lined
cordierite sagger and heated in an electric kiln
(Fredrickson Kiln Co., New York, USA) at 10 8C/min
to 1250 8C, held for 4 h and then removed and
allowed to air cool in the furnace. A second glass was
also made using the same components as batch
355105 but was heated in a platinum crucible in an
electric furnace (RHF 1660, Carbolite, Bamford,
Sheffield, UK) at 10 8C/min to 1500 8C, held for 4 h
and then removed and water quenched (355105WQ).
Chunks of the water quenched frit (355105WQ)
were ground into blocks 10 mm (length) !7 mm
(width) !5 mm (depth), and polished finally with
1 mm diamond paste and cleaned. The glass frits
(355105 and 355105WQ) were crushed and separately ground in a ball mill for 2 h, then screened to
125 mm sieve size to produce powders.

Particle size analysis

The ball milled powders (355105 and 355105WQ)
were measured for the particle size and distribution
using a mastersizer/E particle analyser (Malvern
Instruments, UK). The powders were added to a
circulating water bath at 37 8C that circulated
through a cell and was exposed to a laser. The
particle size was measured by spherical volume in
the range 0.5180 mm (100 mm lens).

Differential thermal analysis

Glass powder samples (355105) were evaluated
using differential thermal analysis (DTA) to elucidate the crystallization kinetics, using a Labsys
TG/DTA 1600 8C (Setaram Instruments, Caluire,
France). Weighed powder samples were placed
into platinum sample holders and an alumina
standard was used as a reference material. Samples
were run from 23 to 1200 8C at a rate of 5, 20 and
25 8C/min and similarly cooled at these rates.

Study of the crystallization kinetics

Samples of the glass powders were produced by
mixing a weighed quantity of powder (0.800.90 g)
with 3 ml of distilled water and compacting in a
steel mould under two bar pressure for 1 min. After
removal, the powder compacts (355105,
355105WQ) and glass blocks (355105WQ) were
placed on platinum foils and heated in an electric
furnace (RHF 1660, Carbolite, Bamford, Sheffield,
UK) from 23 8C at a rate of 3 8C/min to 1120 8C.
Specimens were withdrawn from the furnace at
650, 700, 750, 800, 850, 900, 950, 1000 and 1120 8C
and quenched, in order to view the areas of


nucleation and crystallization. Once this was

assessed powder compacts (355105, 355105WQ)
were heated from 23 8C at a rate 3 8C/min and
held at 850, 900, 950, and 1120 8C for 10, 30, 60,
120 and 180 min and withdrawn and quenched.

X-ray diffraction analysis

In order to determine the phases in the materials
studied the experimental glasses and heat treated
glasses were ground into a powder for X-ray
diffraction analysis (XRD). The samples were placed
in the holder of a Siemens D5000 diffractometer and
using flat plate geometry, data was collected from 5
to 1108 2q, with a step size of 0.028 and a count time
of 12 s. Cu Ka radiation was used (Ka1Z1.5406 A

Ka2Z1.5444 A). Data was collected using a scintillation counter and a graphite diffracted beam

Structure refinement
Data were refined using General Structure Analysis
Software (GSAS, Los Alamos National Laboratory,
USA). Three potential phases could be present and a
starting model for each was determined from the
Inorganic Crystal Structure Database at the Daresbury Laboratories (Daresbury, UK). The model used
for tetragonal leucite was based on the structural
determination of Palmer et al. [29]. The starting
model used was a space group I41/a with lattice
and cZ13.75 A
(1 A
parameters of aZ13.06 A
10K10 m). For the cubic leucite phase a space group
of IA-3D was used, with starting unit cell dimensions
[30]. The sanidine K (Si3 Al) O8
of aZ13.5 A
(disordered) phase was modelled using a space
group of C2/m (no12) with lattice parameters of
, bZ13.035 A
, cZ7.175 A
and betaZ116
aZ8.604 A
degree angle [31]. For the refinement, peak shapes
were modeled on a pseudo Voigt distribution and an
asymmetry parameter was refined. Scattering
factors for neutral atoms were assumed. Because
of the complex nature of the background, due to
amorphous material, twenty background parameters were used. A scale factor, four peak shape
variables, cell parameters and a zero point correction were refined. Structural parameters were not
refined. The unit cell dimensions were determined
for each sample.

Secondary electron imaging

The specimens heat-treated in order to reveal the
crystallization kinetics of the glasses (355105,
355105WQ) were embedded in epoxy and prepared

for secondary electron imaging (SEI). All specimens
were polished with 1 mm followed by 0.3 mm alumina
micropolish (Buehler, USA) and cleaned. Cleaning in
alcohol for 30 s and water rinsing was carried out
before ultrasonic cleaning for 3 min at 50 8C. Specimen etching was achieved using 0.1% hydrofluoric
acid for 1 min, followed by water rinsing. Etched
specimens were mounted on coded brass stubs and
gold coated using a sputter coater (Balzers ScDo5o
Bal-Tec, Liechtenstein), for 100 s at 40 mA. Secondary electron imaging was carried out with a field
emission scanning electron microscope (JSM 6300F,
Joel, Ltd, UK), using an accelerating voltage of 5 or
10 kV. One photomicrograph was taken per etched
specimen so that the microstructures could be

M.J. Cattell et al.

quantitatively assessed. Photomicrographs were
scanned using a quantitative stereological image
processing system (Magiscan M2, Applied Imaging
Instruments, Sunderland, Tyne and Wear, UK)
connected to a video camera, in order to confirm
the percentage area leucite content and the area of
any surface or crystallographic features.
Separate specimens (355105, 355105WQ glass
blocks) were also carbon coated to allow elemental
analysis. This allowed elemental analysis of crystalline and amorphous phases that could not be
identified using X-ray diffraction. Energy dispersive
X-ray analysis (EDS) was used on the carbon coated
specimens in a scanning electron microscope
(JSM 6300, Joel Ltd, UK), with both 10 and 20 kV.

Figure 1 (a) SEM photomicrograph of the quenched glass block prior to heat treatment showing elliptical domains
(!18000). (b) SEM photomicrograph of the quenched glass block withdrawn at 650 8C showing dendritic growth
(!6500). (c) SEM photomicrograph of the quenched glass block withdrawn at 750 8C showing phase coarsening and
crystallization (!19000). (d) SEM photomicrograph of the quenched glass block withdrawn at 850 8C showing sanidine
crystals (!1300). (e) SEM photomicrograph of the quenched glass block withdrawn at 850 8C showing leucite and
sanidine crystals (!5000).

The crystallization of an aluminosilicate glass in K2OAl2O3SiO2 system

Figure 2 Light microscope image of the 950 8C specimen displaying the morphology of leucite and sanidine
crystals (!50).

Characteristic X-rays were acquired using a Pentafet detector and a beryllium window to give
quantitative results, via an X-ray analysis program
(Link eXLII, Oxford instruments, High Wycombe,
UK). A dot map was used to quantify the elemental
areas in several instances. Cobalt was used as a gain
calibration during elemental quantitative analysis.

Light microscopy
Specimens were viewed in a light microscope
(Olympus BX60, Olympus optical Co., Ltd, UK), before
etching and gold coating and the images collected via
a digital camera connected to a computer.

Secondary electron imaging of the
crystallization process
The 355105WQ glass (block) crystallization
The 355105WQ glass frit appeared transparent prior
to crystallization. Photomicrographs illustrating
the crystallization process for the 355105WQ
Table 1


polished glass blocks withdrawn over the temperature range 650950 8C are shown in Figs. 1ae and 2.
Spherical and elliptical (mean (SD)) 0.1 (0.1) mm2
phase separated areas were present in the
quenched glass blocks (355105WQ), before heat
treatment (Fig. 1a). The glass block withdrawn at
650 8C revealed tiny inclusions and areas of coarsening and dendritic growth (Fig. 1b). Signs of
domain coarsening and primary crystallization were
present on the 700 and 750 8C specimens (Fig. 1c).
Crystallization was present at the grain boundaries
or in the vicinity of coarsened phase separated
areas (Fig. 1c). Increased signs of crystallization
and coarsening were present for the 800 8C specimen. Extensive sanidine crystallization (platelets)
occurred in the 850 8C specimen (Fig. 1d), together
with a lower area fraction of leucite crystals
(Fig. 1e). The 900 and 950 8C specimens produced
leucite crystals together with a lower area fraction
of sanidine crystals. Curling of the sanidine platelets was observed in the 850950 8C temperature
range. The morphology of these curved platelets
can be clearly observed using light microscopy
(Fig. 2). Extensive leucite crystallization was present for the 1000 8C specimen.
The 355105WQ and 355105 glass powder
Sanidine crystals (platelets) were visible in the
355105WQ powder samples for all holds at 850, 900
and 950 8C. Leucite crystals (mean (SD)) 4.2
(8.8) mm2 (Table 1) and crystal and circumferential
matrix microcracking were present for all of the
1120 8C samples (Fig. 3). The leucite crystals
frequently appeared coarsened or coalesced, leading to an irregular shaped morphology. Possible
phase separated areas were also present intermittently in the glassy matrix.
The 355105 glass frit appeared semi-transparent
before the crystallization heat treatments. The
glass powder (355105) withdrawn and quenched at
650 8C had signs of spherical phase separated areas
and possible primary crystallization (Fig. 4a).
Energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDS) of the

Crystalline content and leucite particle size of the 355105 and 355105WQ experimental glass-ceramics.



Leucite area
fraction (%)

Mean particle size


Particle size range


355105 &
355105 :
355105WQ &

Tetragonal leucitea
Tetragonal leucite
Tetragonal leucite




All Samples were ramped from 23 8C. & One-step heat treatment: (3 8C/min ramp to 1120/1 h hold); : One-step heat treatment:
(3 8C/min ramp to 1120/3 h hold).
Trace amounts of cubic leucite were also present.


Figure 3 SEM photomicrograph showing leucite crystals

and crystal and matrix microcracking in the 1120 8C/1 h
hold, 355105WQ powder specimen (!3500).

M.J. Cattell et al.

spherical phase separated areas (Fig. 4c) and the
glass matrix (Fig. 4d), together with an elemental
dot map (Fig. 4b) illustrates calcium rich spherical
phase separated areas.
The 355105 glass powder specimens heated from
23 8C at a rate of 3 8C/min to 1120 8C and quenched
at temperatures of interest revealed signs of
leucite at 800 8C, together with spherical phase
separated areas. At 850 8C there was increased
leucite growth, interspersed with glassy areas
containing possible phase separated areas
(Fig. 5a). A similar microstructure was evident for
the 900 and 950 8C quenched specimens, but with
increased leucite growth and signs of sanidine
platelet growth. Sanidine platelet growth was
increased for the 1000 8C quenched specimen,
but with extensive leucite crystallization. The

Figure 4 (a) SEM photomicrograph of the 355105 powder specimen quenched at 650 8C (!12000). (b) Elemental dot
map showing calcium rich phase separated areas in the 355105 powder specimen quenched at 650 8C. (c) EDS spot
analysis of the phase separated areas in the 355105 glass powder quenched at 650 8C. (d) EDS glass matrix spot analysis of
the 355105 glass powder quenched at 650 8C.

The crystallization of an aluminosilicate glass in K2OAl2O3SiO2 system


Figure 5 (a) SEM photomicrograph of leucite crystals and phase separation in a 355105 powder specimen heated from
23 8C at 3 8C/min and withdrawn at 850 8C (!5000). (b) SEM photomicrograph of leucite crystals and sanidine platelets in
the 950 8C/1 h 355105 powder specimen (!3500). (c) SEM photomicrograph showing leucite crystals in the 1120 8C/1 h
hold 355105 powder specimen (!3500).

1120 8C quenched specimen showed no signs of

sanidine crystals, with a bulk leucite phase covering
most of the microstructure. There were also still
signs of spherical phase separation (!1 mm2) in the
glassy matrix.
The 355105 glass powder revealed the presence
of leucite crystals in the glassy matrix at 850 8C for
the 10 and 30 min holds (Fig. 5a). Sanidine platelets
together with leucite crystals and areas of dendritic
leucite growth were in evidence for the 1 h hold at
850 8C. Sanidine platelets were the only phase
present for the 2 and 3 h holds at 850 8C. Sanidine
and leucite crystals were visible for the 10, 30 min
and 1 h holds at 900 8C. The 2 and 3 h 900 8C holds
showed extensive sanidine crystallization. The
950 8C 10 and 30 min hold specimens produced
leucite crystals and a lower area fraction of
sanidine crystals. The 950 8C 1 h (Fig. 5b) and 2 h
holds show an increase in sanidine crystallization at
the expense of leucite, with extensive sanidine
Table 2

crystallization for the 3 h hold. All of the specimens

held at 1120 8C produced leucite crystals and areas
of glassy matrix only (Fig. 5c). Leucite crystals
(mean (SD)) 1.1 (0.7) mm2 (Table 1) were present in
the specimens held at 1120 8C for 1 h.

Particle size analysis results

The results of the particle size analysis for
355105 and 355105WQ glass powders are listed in
Table 2.

Differential thermal analysis results

Differential thermal analysis (DTA) data for the
355105 glass powder produced broad humps, rather
than distinctive exothermic peak positions and the
data was thought to be insufficient to calculate
accurate activation energies or nucleation rates.

The results of the particle size analysis for 355105 and 355105WQ glass powders.

Glass powder

Mean particle size, mm

(50% below)

Mean particle size, mm

(10% below)

Mean particle size, mm

(90% below)

355105 glass (milled for 2 h)

355105WQ glass (milled for 2 h)




Table 3

M.J. Cattell et al.

The mean unit cell dimensions for the crystallized 355105WQ and 355105 glass powders after 1 h holds.



Mean a axis unit

cell dimensions

Mean b axis unit

cell dimensions

Mean c axis cell

dimensions A

Mean beta
degree angle

(850 8C)
(900 8C)
(950 8C)
(1120 8C)
(1120 8C)


8.5264 (0.0007)


7.1458 (0.0006)

115.91 (0.007)


8.535 (0.0008)

13.0044 (0.0011)

701452 (0.0006)

115.89 (0.007)



12.9807 (0.002)

7.1445 (0.001)

115.93 (0.009)


13.012 (0.003)

13.012 (0.003)

13.6344 (0.006)


13.1879 (0.0006)

13.1879 (0.0006)

13.7489 (0.009)


Z10K10 m).
All samples displayed were ramped from 23 8C at 3 8C/min and held for 1 h at the stated holding temperatures (1 A

X-ray diffraction results

The X-ray diffraction pattern for the starting glass
355105 before heat treatment indicates a major
amorphous glassy phase and some evidence of trace
amounts of tetragonal leucite. The 355105WQ
starting glasses indicated an amorphous glassy
phase only. The X-ray diffraction results for the
355105WQ powder samples indicated a sanidine
phase for all holds at 850, 900 and 950 8C. The
1120 8C held specimens resulted in a bulk tetragonal
leucite phase only. The mean unit cell dimensions
are listed in Table 3 for the crystallized 355105WQ
Table 4

and 355105 glass powders. The X-ray diffraction

results for the 355105 glass powders held over the
temperature range 8501120 8C are listed in
Table 4. X-ray diffraction traces are given for the
phases identified (355105WQ, 355105) after 1 h
holds for the 900 and 1120 8C temperatures
(Figs. 6ad). X-ray diffraction of the powder
compacts (355105, 355105WQ) heated from 23 8C
at a rate of 3 8C/min to 1120 8C and holding for 1, 2
and 3 h resulted in bulk tetragonal leucite phases
(Tables 1 and 4). A trace cubic leucite phase was
identified for the 355105 glass powder held at
1120 8C for 1 h.

X-ray diffraction analyses of the crystallization process for the 355105 glass powder.

Temperature (8C)

Holding time (mins)

Phase major phase (MP) minor phase (M)



Tetragonal leucite
Tetragonal leucite (MP)CSanidine (M)
Tetragonal leucite (MP)CSanidine (M)
Tetragonal leucite
Tetragonal leucite(MP)CSanidine (M)
Sanidine (MP) CTetragonal leucite (M)
Sanidine (MP) CTetragonal leucite (M)
Sanidine (MP)Ctrace Tetragonal leucite (M)
Tetragonal leucite (MP)CSanidine (M)
Tetragonal leuciteCSanidine
Tetragonal leuciteCSanidine
Tetragonal leuciteCSanidine
Sanidine (MP)Ctrace leucite (M)
Tetragonal leucite
Tetragonal leucite
Tetragonal leucitea
Tetragonal leucite
Tetragonal leucite

All samples were ramped from 23 8C to the holding temperatures at 3 8C/min before holding.
A trace component that fitted cubic leucite was also identified.

The crystallization of an aluminosilicate glass in K2OAl2O3SiO2 system

raw data



raw data



counts /a.u.

counts /a.u.

















raw data


counts /a.u.

counts /a.u.





2 theta /deg.







2 theta /deg.




2 theta /deg.

2 theta /deg.




raw data



Figure 6 (a) The X-ray diffraction trace for the 900 8C/1 h hold, 355105WQ powder specimen. (b) The X-ray diffraction
trace for the 1120 8C/1 h hold, 355105WQ powder specimen. (c) The X-ray diffraction trace for the 900 8C/1 h hold,
355105 powder specimen. (d) The X-ray diffraction trace for the 1120 8C/1 h hold, 355105 powder specimen.

Scanning electron microscopy of the quenched
glasses showed discreet elliptical and spherical
domains in both the 355105WQ polished glass blocks
(Fig. 1a), and both the 355105WQ and 355105
powder specimens (Fig. 4a). Energy dispersive
X-ray analysis and an elemental dot map (Fig. 4b
d) revealed the presence of calcium rich spherical
domains surrounded by more silica rich areas in the
355105 glass powder specimen. Amorphous phase
separation may therefore be present, with high
calcium aluminosilicate type phase separated
areas. Immiscibility has been characterized in
silicate glass forming systems, with the degree,
connectivity, and composition of phase separated
areas being related to the position on the immiscibility gap [32]. Further heat treatment caused the
coalescence and coarsening of these areas (Ostwald
ripening) and evidence of crystallization at the
grain boundaries between the two glass phases. In
particular, the precipitation of a platelet phase was
preferential at this interface (Fig. 1c), which could
have lowered the interfacial energy and provided
an increased driving force for crystal nucleation
[33]. The crystallization of a primary Sanidine
platelet phase appeared to be associated with

these calcium rich areas. Glass immiscibility in the

form of phase separated CaOP2O5 rich droplets
were also previously thought to be instrumental in
the bulk nucleation and crystallization of apatite in
leucite-apatite glass-ceramics [34]. The phase
separated areas in the glasses studied were calcium
enriched compared to the surrounding glass which
may have led to a region of increased mobility [35].
The formation of a diffusion zone around the phase
separated areas or compositional shifts in matrix
composition have been suggested as reasons for
increased nucleation [36,37]. Increased activation
energy of diffusion via phase separation could also
have hindered coarsening, conserved nuclei, [38]
and promoted fine grained crystallization. The
reduction in the growth rate giving more time for
the activation of nucleation sites. The crystallization of fine leucite crystals also occurred in
areas adjacent to the phase separated areas
(Figs. 1c and 5a) in the 355105WQ and 355105
glasses. The process of phase separation appeared
to occur throughout the crystallization process in
the 355105 and 355105WQ glass powders (ramped
at 3 8C) up to 1120 8C.
Several authors have stressed the importance of
titanium dioxide (TiO2) as a nucleating agent in the
base glass composition, [16,39] with significant

leucite crystallization at high (48 wt%) TiO2 content [6]. Titanium dioxide was added to the 355105
(0.4 wt%) and 355105WQ (0.4 wt%) glass compositions and has been suggested as a sub-microscopic
catalyst allowing the heterogeneous nucleation and
growth of the major crystalline phase [40]. Amorphous phase separation may however, also be a
consequence of high valence transition oxides like
TiO2 being displaced from the aluminosilicate network to form a separate phase with a divalent
cation [41,38]. Evidence of this was not apparent in
the studied glasses, but was identified by the
present authors in compositions with higher TiO2
content in subsequent work.
Leucite has previously been crystallized in alkali
aluminosilicate glasses via controlled surface crystallization [39] and this was thought to be the
dominant crystallization mechanism in the present
glasses studied. Leucite crystal sizes in the range
0.11 mm were initiated from the surface in high
(8 wt%) titanium containing alkali aluminosilicate
glasses [16]. Simultaneous surface and volume
leucite crystallization was however, also discussed
in glass compositions with low K2O content [16].
et al. [42] indicated surface leucite crystallization at particle sizes less than 0.075 mm and
volume crystallization above this particle size in
aluminosilicate glasses. The finding was complicated by the presence of secondary phases whose
crystallization behavior was unknown. Further work
is therefore necessary to confirm the above
The early stages of bulk leucite growth have been
observed as dendrites growing in four preferred
crystallographic directions [42]. A diffusion controlled growth process that evolved at the smooth
atomic-scale faceted crystal-glass interface was
suggested. A change in dendrite shape due to the
growth of secondary and tertiary fibrils and their
ripening resulted in a highly organized tetragonal
leucite structure. The 355105WQ glass block withdrawn at 650 8C (Fig. 1b) exhibited the growth of
dendrites in six directions, which are crystallographically available for a cubic crystal. Further lateral
growth and thickening of fibrils into uncrystallized
areas between the main fibres were seen on the
glass blocks withdrawn at 750 8C, 850 8C (Fig. 1e)
and 950 (Fig. 2). Freiman et al. [43] described the
slow lateral growth of arms into adjacent areas of
uncrystallized melt as a secondary crystallization
process. Freiman and Onada [44] confirmed LiC or
NaC ions in glass maybe responsible for lowered
viscosity and increased mobility affecting
crystal morphology and growth. The alkali concentration at the grain boundaries and between the
growing arms leading to secondary crystallization.

M.J. Cattell et al.

land et al. [39] illustrated this type of dendritic
leucite crystal growth from nucleating centres,
inwards from the surface of monolithic glass
samples. Faceted leucite morphology was observed
in the heat treated 355105 glass powder. According
to Uhlmann [45] this morphology may be related to
a high entropy of fusion (DSfO4R, where R is the gas
constant), with diffusion controlled growth at the
most closely packed interfaces becoming atomically smooth and faceted. Rearrangement at the
growing interface and impurities in the melt are
also controlling factors.
At 1120 8C leucite was the only crystalline phase
detected in the glasses studied. The larger leucite
crystals (mean (SD)) 4.2 (8.8) mm2 (Table 1) in the
355105WQ glass had an irregular shaped morphology (Fig. 3) and microcracking was present in
the surrounding glassy matrix after a one step heat
treatment (3 8C/min ramp to 1120 8C/1 h hold).
This was in complete contrast to the smaller (mean
(SD)) 1.1 (0.7) mm2 (Table 1) spherical leucite
morphology in the 355105 glass and lack of matrix
microcracking after the same heat treatment
(Fig. 5c). An explanation may be an increased
crystal growth rate in the 355105WQ glass linked
with reduced glass viscosity caused by water
quenching. Crystal nucleation and growth rates in
silicate glasses previously increased in response to
increased water content and reduced glass viscosity
[46]. Mackert et al. [47] demonstrated that moisture might act as a glass modifier to enhance
crystallization during a porcelain firing cycle.
Trapped excess volume due to quenching or
volatilization of elements during the glass making
procedure may also be factors. Microcracking
around the larger sized leucite crystals was not
unexpected and has been reported for commercial
leucite glass-ceramic materials [24].
A reduction in the leucite area fraction for the
355105 glass after a one-step heat treatment and
holding for 3 h at 1120 8C was also evident (Table 1).
Prolonged heating at 1120 8C may cause the
dissolution of leucite and possible particle coalescence. Denry et al. [48] examined the crystallization
of leucite glass-ceramics after prolonged heating at
10001100 8C and revealed a solution rim indicative
of partial dissolution of leucite crystals. The
morphology of the leucite crystals also changed to
a more rounded structure than the unheated
control material.
X-ray diffraction indicated that sanidine was
present in the 355105WQ glass powder and blocks
heat treated in the temperature range 850950 8C,
although signs of crystallization could be observed
at lower temperatures. The heat treated 355105
glass powders in contrast, produced a tetragonal

The crystallization of an aluminosilicate glass in K2OAl2O3SiO2 system

leucite bulk phase initially and on further holding
the coexistence of both tetragonal leucite and
sanidine. Sanidine was then the bulk phase at the
maximum holding time of 180 min (Table 4) within
this temperature range. The differences in crystallization behavior of the powders may be associated
with water quenching of the 355105WQ glass.
Increasing the hydroxyl content may act as a
modifier and break up the silicate network, reducing the viscosity and activation for viscous flow
[38] as discussed earlier. Denry et al. [48] suggested
sanidine crystallization occurred at reduced times
and temperatures when glass viscosity was reduced
by increased modifier content.
The precipitation of sanidine formed in the
temperature range of 800950 8C was previously
identified in leucite reinforced glass-ceramics and
the kinetics of phase transformation characterized
by means of isothermal and continuous time
temperature-transformation diagrams [49]. Reconstructive transformations in order of descending
temperature of leucite plus liquid, followed by
leucite, sanidine and liquid and finally sanidine plus
liquid may be studied using crystallization paths
supplied by the K2OAl2O3SiO2 ternary phase diagram [4]. This crystallization behavior was characterized in the 355105 glass studied.
The unit cell dimensions of the sanidine crystallized in the 355105WQ glass (Table 3) were in the
same range (aZ0.8524G0.0015 nm, bZ1.30202G
0.0004 nm, cZ0.7165G0.0002 nm, and betaZ
116.02G0.018) as reported by Mackert et al. [50]
for room temperature sanidine. The thermal expansion of sanidine was also estimated at 4.1!10K6 8CK1
(between 26.3 and 700 8C), which was substantially
lower compared to leucite measured over the
same range (28!10K6 8CK1; 25700 8C). The coexistence of a significant leucite-sanidine glass
composite would lead to thermal expansion mismatches with the residual glass and deleterious
The 355105 glass powder heat treated at a
selected time and temperature (1120 8C for 1 h)
produced a fine grained tetragonal leucite glassceramic, that has been shown to give improved
mechanical properties compared to commercial
glass-ceramic materials [51]. The glass-ceramic
process described may also be a step to the
production of fine grained glass-ceramics that
benefit from less matrix microcracking and potentially better wear than current leucite reinforced
glass-ceramics. Further studies have been carried
out to elucidate the effects of increases in titanium
dioxide to increase the leucite volume fraction and
changes to the heat treatment schedules.


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