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WRP An Efficient Routing Protocol For Wireless Networks

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Mobile NetworksandApplications 1(1996) 183-197


An efficient routing protocol for wireless networks*

Shree M u r t h y and J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves
Computer Engineering, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA 95064, USA

Abstract. We present the Wireless Routing Protocol (WRP). In WRP, routing nodes communicatethe distance and secondto-last hop for each destination. WRP reduces the number of cases in which a temporary routing loop can occur, which accounts
for its fast convergenceproperties. A detailed proof of correctnessis presented and its performance is compared by simulation
with the performance of the distributed Bellman-FordAlgorithm (DBF), DUAL (a loop-free distance-vectoralgorithm) and an
Ideal Link-state Algorithm (ILS), which represent the state of the art of internet routing. The simulation results indicate that
WRP is the most efficientof the alternatives analyzed.

1. I n t r o d u c t i o n
The routing protocols used in multihop packet-radio
networks implemented in the past [2,3,11] were based on
shortest-path routing algorithms that have been typically based on the distributed Bellman-Ford Algorithm
(DBF) [4]. According to DBF, a routing node knows the
length of the shortest path from each neighbor to every
network destination and this information is used to compute the shortest path and successor in the path to each
destination. An update message contains a vector of one
or more entries, each of which specifies as a minimum,
the distance to a given destination. A major performance
problem with DBF is that it takes a very long time to
update the routing tables of network nodes after network partitions, node failures, or increase in network
congestion. This performance problem of DBF stems
from the fact that it has no inherent mechanism to determine when a network node should stop incrementing its
distance to a given destination. This problem is usually
called the counting-to-infinity problem.
The counting-to-infinity problem is overcome in one
of three ways in existing internet routing protocols.
OSPF [12] relies on broadcasting complete topology
information among routers, and organizes an internet
hierarchically to cope with the overhead incurred with
topology broadcast. BGP [16] exchanges distance vectors that specify complete paths to destinations. E I G R P
[1] uses a loop-free routing algorithm called D U A L [8],
which is based on internodal coordination that can span
multiple hops; D U A L also eliminates temporary routing
However, there are significant differences between
wireless networks and wired internets in which internet
routing protocols are used. A wired internet has relatively high bandwidth and topology that changes infre* This work was supported in part by the AdvancedResearchProjects
Agency (ARPA) under contract F19628-93-C-0175 and by the
Officeof Naval Research under Contract No. N-00014-92-J-1807.
9 J.C. Baltzer AG, Science Publishers

quently; in contrast, wireless networks have mobile

nodes and have limited bandwidth for network control.
Accordingly, flooding, multihop internodal synchronization and the specification of complete path information would incur too much overhead in a multihop radio
network with a dynamic topology. On the other hand,
the routing protocols based on D B F or modifications of
DBF would take a long time to converge and the frequent topology changes in a wireless network with
mobile nodes make the looping problem of DBF unacceptable. Therefore, there is a need for a new routing
protocol which is devoid of all these drawbacks.
In the recent past, a number of efforts have been
made to address the limitation of D B F and topology
broadcast in mobile wireless networks. One such effort is
the DSDV protocol [14]. In this protocol, each mobile
host, which is a specialized router that periodically
advertises its view of the interconnection topology with
other mobile hosts within the network to maintain up to
date information about the status of the network. Unfortunately, in DSDV a node has to wait until it receives
the next update message originated by the destination in
order to update its distance-table entry for that destination. This implicit destination-centered synchronization
suffers from the same latency problems of D U A L and
similar algorithms based on explicit synchronization.
Also, DSDV floods the sequence numbers originated by
each destination, which incurs excessive communication
A distributed routing algorithm for mobile wireless
networks based on diffusing computations has been proposed by Corson and Ephremides [6]. This protocol
relies on the exchange of short control packets forming a
query-reply process. It also has the ability to maintain
multiple paths to a given destination. This is a destination-oriented protocol in which separate versions of the
algorithm run independently for each destination. Routing is source-initiated, which means that routes are
maintained by those sources which actually desire
routes. Even though this algorithm provides multiple


S. Murthy, J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves / An efficient routing protocol for wirelessnetworks

paths to the destination, because of the query-based synchronization approach to achieve loop-free paths, the
communication complexity could be high.
Recently, a number of distributed shortest-path algorithms have been proposed [5,7,9,10,15] that utilize
information regarding the length and the second-to-last
hop (predecessor) of the shortest path to each destination to eliminate the counting-to-infinity problem of
DBF. We call this type of algorithms as path-finding
algorithms. According to these algorithms, each node
maintains the shortest-path spanning tree reported by its
neighbors. A node uses this information along with the
cost of adjacent links to generate its own shortest-path
spanning tree. An update message exchanged among
neighbors consists of a vector of entries that report
updates to the sender's spanning tree; each update entry
contains a destination identifier, the distance to the destination, and the second-to-last hop of the shortest path
to the destination.
Path-finding algorithms are an attractive approach
for wireless networks, because they eliminate countingto-infinity problem. However, these algorithms can still
incur temporary loops in the paths specified by the predecessor before they converge; without proper precautions, this can lead to slow convergence, or incur
substantial processing if a node is required to update its
entire routing table for each input event. To address
these problems, we have proposed a path-finding algorithm, PFA, which substantially reduces temporary
looping situations [13], and which limits routing table
updates to include only those entries that are affected by
a network change.
The rest of this paper describes a Wireless Routing
Protocol (WRP) for a packet radio network based on
PFA, illustrating the key aspects of the protocol's operation. The following sections show that the protocol is
correct (i.e., that it produces correct routing tables
within a finite time after topology changes) and compares its performance with that of DBF, DUAL and an
Ideal Link-state Algorithm (ILS) which uses Dijkstra's
shortest path algorithm.
ILS consists of ideal flooding of link-state updates in
order to replicate the topology of the network at each
router; ideal flooding means that infinite sequence
numbers can be used to validate link-state updates, and
that all such updates are successfully delivered at every

2. Wireless routing protocol

2.1. Overview

To describe WRP, we model a network as an undirected graph represented as G(V, E), where V is the set
of nodes and E is the set of links (or edges) connecting

the nodes. Each node represents a router and is a computing unit involving a processor, local memory and
input and output queues with unlimited capacity. In a
wireless network, a node has radio connectivity with
multiple nodes and a single physical radio link connects
a node with many other nodes. However, for the purposes of routing-table updating, a node A can consider
another node B to be adjacent (we call such a node a
"neighbor") if there is radio connectivity between A
and B and A receives update messages from B. Accordingly, we map a physical broadcast link connecting multiple nodes into multiple point-to-point functional
links defined for these node paths that consider to be
neighbors of each other.
Then, a functional bidirectional link connecting the
nodes is assigned a positive weight in each direction. All
messages received (transmitted) by a node are put in an
input (output) queue and are processed in FIFO order.
The communication links in the network are such that all
update messages transmitted over an operational link
are received in the order in which they were transmitted
within a finite time.
A link is assumed to exist between two nodes only if
there is radio connectivity between the two nodes and
they can exchange update messages reliably with a certain probability of success. When a link fails, the corresponding distance entries in a node's distance and
routing tables are marked as infinity. A node failure is
modeled as all links incident on that node failing at the
same time.
WRP is designed to run on top of the medium-access
control protocol of a wireless network. Update messages
may be lost or corrupted due to changes in radio connectivity or jamming. Reliable transmission of update messages is implemented by means of retransmissions.
After receiving an update message free of errors, a node
is required to send a positive acknowledgment (ACK)
indicating that it has a good radio connectivity and has
processed the update message. Because of the broadcast
nature of the radio channel, a node can send a single
update message to inform all its neighbors about
changes in its routing table; however, each such neighbor
sends an ACK to the originator node.
In addition to ACKs, the connectivity can also be
ascertained with the receipt of any message from a neighbor (which need not be an update message). To ensure
that connectivity with a neighbor still exists when there
are no recent transmissions of routing table updates or
ACKs, periodic update messages without any routing
table changes (null update messages) are sent to the
neighbors. The time interval between two such null
update messages is the HelloInterval.
If a node fails to receive any type of message from a
neighbor for a specified amount of time (e.g., three or
four times the HelloInterval known as the RouterDeadInterval), the node must assume that connectivity with
that neighbor has been lost.

s. Murthy, J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves/ An efficient routingprotocotfor wirelessnetworks

2.2. Information maintained at each node
For the purpose of routing, each node maintains a distance table, a routing table, a link-cost table and a message retransmission list.
The distance table of node i is a matrix containing, for
each destinationj and each neighbor of i (say k), the distance t o j (D~.k)and the predecessor (P}k)reported by k.
The routing table of a node i is a vector with an entry
for each known destinationj which specifies:

The destination's identifier.

The distance to the destination (D}).

The predecessor of the chosen shortest path t o j (p~.).

The successor (sj) of the chosen shortest path toj.

A marker (tagj) used to update routing table; it specifies whether the entry corresponds to a simple path
(tag} = correct), a loop (tag} = error) or a destination
that has not been marked (tagj = null).

The link-cost table of node i lists the cost of relaying

information through each neighbor k, and the number of
periodic update periods that have elapsed since node i
received any error-free messages from k.
The cost of a failed link is considered to be infinity.
The way in which costs are assigned to links is beyond the
scope of this specification. As an example, the cost of a
!ink could simply be 1 reflecting the hop count, or the
addition of the latency over the link plus some constant
bias. The cost of the link from ito k (i, k) is denoted by l~.
The Message Retransmission List (MRL) specifies
one or more retransmission entries, where the m ~h entry
consists of the following:
| The sequence number of an update message.
9 A retransmission counter that is decremented every
time node i sends a new update message.
9 An ack-required flag (denoted by aikm) that specifies
whether node k has sent an A C K to the update message represented by the retransmission entry.

The list of updates sent in the update message.

The above information permits node i to know

which updates of an update message (each update message contains a list o f updates) have to be retransmitted and which neighbors should be requested to
acknowledge such retransmission. Node i retransmits
the list of updates in an update message when the
retransmission counter of the corresponding entry in
the M R L reaches zero. The retransmission counter of
a new entry in the M R L is set equal to a small number
(e.g., 3 or 4).

2.3. Information exchanged among nodes

In WRP, nodes exchange routing-table update rues-


sages (which we call "update messages" for brevity) that

propagate only from a node to its neighbors. An update
message contains the following information:

The identifier of the sending node.

9 A sequence number assigned by the sending node.


An update list of zero or more updates or ACKs to

update messages. An update entry specifies a destination, a distance to the destination, and a predecessor
to the destination. An A C K entry specifies the source
and sequence number of the update message being

| A response list of zero or more nodes that should

send an A C K to the update message.
In the event that the message space is not large enough
to contain all the updates and ACKs that a node wants
to report, they are sent in multiple update messages. An
example of this event can be the case in which a node
identifies a new neighbor and sends its entire routing
The response list of the update message is used to
avoid the situation in which a neighbor is asked to send
multiple ACKs to the same update message, simply
because some other neighbor of the node sending the
update did not acknowledge.
The first transmission of an update message must
ask all neighbors to send an ACK, of course, and this is
accomplished by specifying the "all-neighbors address,"
which consists of all l's.
When the update message reports no updates, the
"empty address" is specified; this address consists of all
0's and instructs the receiving nodes not to send an A C K
in return. This type of update message is used as a "hello
message" from a node to allow its neighbors to know
that they maintain connectivity, even if no user messages
or routing-table updates are exchanged.
As we explain subsequently, an A C K entry refers to
an entire update message, not an update entry in an
update message, in order to conserve bandwidth.

2.4. Routing-table updating

Figs. 1 and 2 specify important procedures of W R P
used to update the routing and distance tables.
A node can decide to update its routing table after
either receiving an update message from a neighbor, or
detecting a change in the status of a link to a neighbor~
When a node i receives an update message from its neighbor k, it processes each update and A C K entry of the
update message in order.
In WRP, a node checks the consistency of predecessor
information reported by allits neighbors each time it processes an event involving a neighbor k. In contrast, all
previous path-finding algorithms [5,10,15] check the consistency of the predecessor only for the neighbor asso-

S. Murthy, or.s Garcia-Luna-A ceves / An efficient routing protoco[ for wireless networks


Procedure Initl
w h e n r o u t e r i initializes itself
do begin
set a link s t a t e t a b l e with costs of a d j a c e n t links;

N +.- i; N i e - x

] l~x < oc;

f o r e a c h (x q N i )
do begin

N i 4- N U x; .tag~ e- null;
Sxt e- null; Px: ~- null; D xi 4- co
D~t 4 - 0; s t/ +- n u l l ; P ii 4- n u l l ; tag~ 4- c o r r e c t
f o r e a c h 3 q N call I n i t 2 ( x , 3 )

for each (n E Ni) do add (0, i, O, i) to LISTi(n )

x 4- r e t r a n s m i s s i o n t i m e ; y 4- hello count;
z 4- r e t r a n s m i s s i o n count;
call S e n d

Init2(x, j)

D 3x
i. 4- oo; P3x
i 4- null; ~i.
3 x 4- null; ~eqnOtjx e- 0
Procedure Send
for each (n q N i )
do begin
i f ( L I S T i ( n ) is not e m p t y )
t h e n send messages with L I S T i ( n ) to n
empty LISTi(n )
Procedure Message
w h e n r o u t e r i receives a message on link (i, k)
i f (k ~ N i ) d o

Ni 4- Ni


l~ 4- cost of new link;

i f (k {~ N) b e g i n

N 4- N U k;. tagtk 4- null;

P~k "1- null; ski e- null;
D ki o o4-;
f o r e a c h x q N i d o call I n i t 2 ( x , k )
for each (i,k,l[) do

s e n d update(O, k, D k , P ki
reset HelloTimer;
f o r e a c h entry ( u k j R D k r p k ) I i r j
3' '

do begin

i f (~ ~ N)
then begin
i f (RD k = ,3o) t h e n delete entry
else begin

P r o c e d u r e Create_RList(seqno)
s e q n o 4- s e q n o + 1; N e i g h b o r S e t <-- N i
b i t m a p ~ 4- 0; R e t r a n s m i s s i o n T i m e r
4- x
add u p d a t e s to R L i s t
Procedure Delete..RList(seqno)
set b i t m a p [ s e q n o ] 4- 1; d e l e t e +- 1
for all n q N i begin
i f {bitraap[seqno] = O) d e l e t e 4- 0;
i f (delete = 1) delete l:l.List[seqno] e n d

P r o c e d u r e Update_RList(seqno)
reset RetransmissionTimer
send u p d a t e R L i s t [ s e q n o ] ;
P r o c e d u r e Clean_RList (~eqno)
f o r a l l entries in R L i s t
delete R L i s t [ s e q n o ] ;
P r o c e d u r e Connectivity
w h e n HelloTimer expires
H e t l o C o u n t [ k ] 4- H e l l o C o u n t [ k ] + 1;
i f ( H e l l o C o u n t [ k ] < y) t h e n
reset HelloTimer;
else begin
N i ~- N i -- k
call D e l e t e _ R L i s t (k)
lk 4~
taglk 4- null
delete c o l u m n for k in d i s t a n c e t a b l e
update routing table
P r o c e d u r e T i m e O u t ( i , k)
w h e n R e t r e n s m i s s i o n T i m e r expires
Retr~nsmissionCounter 4- RetransmissionCounter- 1;
if (RetransmissionCounter < z)
cMl U p d a t e - R L i s t (k)
else begin

N i 4- N i -- k
call D e l e t e _ R L i s t (k)
lk r co

tagtk 4- null

N 4- N U 2 ;
f o r e a c h entry q N i call I n i t 2 ( x , j )
tag~ 4- null; call D T
else begin

delete c o l u m n for k in d i s t a n c e t a b l e
update routing table
Procedure DT
w h e n distance table update has to be done

D j k e - l i k + D 3k . ' P ij k e - p ; ;

tag~ 4- null;
fo . . . . h entry ( u k i , j , R D k i , rp k ) left l i r 3
d o case of u~
0: call Update(j,k)
I: call A C K ( j , k )
call S e n d

(2) f o r a l l neighbors b
do begin
i f k is in t h e p a t h from i to j in
t h e d i s t a n c e t a b l e t h r o u g h neighbor b
9 + D jk.
t h e n D}b 4- D~kb
, P ij b 4 - p k


Fig. 1. Protocolspecification.
ciated with the input event. This unique feature of WRP
accounts for its fast convergence after a single resource
failure or recovery as it eliminates more temporary looping situations than previous path-finding algorithms.
Processing an Update." To process an update from
neighbor k regarding destination j, the distance and the
predecessor entries in the distance table are updated. A

flag (tag) is set to specify that this entry in the table has
been changed. A unique feature of WRP is that node i
also determines if the path to destination j through any
of its other neighbors {b E Nilb r k} includes node k. If
the path implied by the predecessor information
reported by node b includes node k, then the distance
entry of that path is also updated as Djb = Dikb + D k and
the predecessor is updated asp}b = p~. Thus, a node can

S. Murthy, J.Z Garcia-Luna-Aceves/ An efficient routingprotocolfor wirelessnetworks

w h e n r o u t e r i receives an A C K on l i n k (i, k)

! 87

w h e n r o u t i n g t a b l e has to be u p d a t e d
find m i n i m u m of t h e d i s t a n c e e n t r i e s D T m i n

cM1 D e l e t e _ R L i s t (n) ;
R e t r a n s m i s s i o n C o u n t e r +- z;

i f ( D ~ si ' = D T m i n )



n s +-- s i3

U p d a t e ( i , k)
w h e n r o u t e r i receives an u p d a t e on link (i, k)
s e n d A C K to n e i g h b o r k
R e t r a n s m i s s i o n C o u n t e r t - z;
Retre, n s m i s s i o n T i m e r t - x;
R T E M P i +- 4;
D T E M P i,b +- r for atl n e i g h b o r s b
For e a c h t r i p l e t (3, D jk, p jk) in v k , i , 3

e l s e n s +- b I {b q N i a n d D i


V bSNi}

< oo a n d tag~x = null)

d o x +- p lx u s ,

iv (v~ n~ .= i or ~.~ = correct)

t h e n t a g ~ +- c o r r e c t e l s e t a g ) t-- error
9 3
if (tag)= correct) then begin

if (~} r ~rm~ or ~) r ~; ,~2 then begin

r i do

s e q n o +-- s e q n e +


9 dd (0, 3, D T m i n , Pj n s , S e q no) to L I S T i ( x ) Vx E Ni;

cM1 C l e a n _ R L i s t ( s e q n o )
cMI C r e a t e - R L i s t ( s e q n o )
e n ?d

then call R T _ U p d a t e
begin if (RTEMP i ~ r then
for each neighbor b do begin
f o r e a c h t r i p l e t t = ( j ., D ji , p 3i) in R T E M P


(D~ n ~ = Min{Dizb
a n d . D x~n s

call p r o c e d u r e D T
i f t h e r e a r e b a n d j such t h a t


jb = DTmin};


D'.3 4- DTrnin; Pj t - P~i

- u s ' " 3 +- n s


else begin
if(D~ < co) then begin
a e q n o +- s e q n o + 1;
a d d (0, 3, oo, null, s e q n o ) t o L I S T i ( x ) Vx q Ni;
cMl C l e a n . . R L i s t ( seqno)
callCreate.RList (seqno)
D :i. ~ oo; PJi ~- null; s .7
i +- n u l l

do begin
i f b is n o t in t h e p a t h f r o m i to 3
t h e n D T E M P i,b +- D T B M P i,b ~J t;
s e n d D T E M P i,b to n e i g h b o r b;




Fig. 2. Protocol specification (contd.)9

determine whether or not an update received from k

affects its other distance and routing table entries.
To update its distance and predecessor for destination
j (procedure RT_Update), node i chooses a neighbor p
that has reported routing information such that:

The path f r o m p t o j (which is implied by the predecessor information reported by p) does not include node

| D~p < D}x for any other neighbor x, and Diyp < Dy x
for any other neighbor x and for every node y in the
path from i toj.
The above means that node i chooses n o d e p as its successor to a destinationj if that neighbor appears to offer
a smallest-cost loop-free path t o j and all the intermediate nodes in the path toj.
When node i sends an update message, it updates its
message retransmission list. For each destination j for
w h o m an update is being reported, node i sets the ackrequired flag for all its neighbors. It also adds an entry in
the message-retransmission list containing the sequence
number given to the update message, and starts the
retransmission timer for that entry.

Decrement the retransmission counter of all the existing entries in the MRL.

9 Delete the updates in existing entries in the M R L

that are included in the new update message.
9 Add an entry in the M R L for the new update message.
When the list of updates o f a M R L entry is emptied
by the transmission o f a new update message, node i
erases that entry from the MRL.
When the retransmission counter for a retransmission
entry m in the M R L expires, node i sends an update message with a new sequence number, an update list containing the list of updates of the retransmission entry, and a
response list specifying those neighbors who did not
acknowledge the update message earlier (i.e., every
neighbor k for w h o m aikm = 1). The retransmission counter of existing entries in the M R L is not modified.
N o t e that, based on the above retransmission strategy, there is no limit on the number of times node i would
retransmit an update message to an existing neighbor.
However, as we discuss below, node i stops considering
node k as its neighbor after it fails to communicate with
it for some finite amount of time.

Sending new and retransmitted update messages."

N o d e i sends a new update message after processing
updates from its neighbors or detecting a change in a link
to a neighbor. Whenever node i sends a new update message, it must:

Processing an A CK." An A C K entry in an update message refers to another entire update message, i.e., it
acknowledges all the updates included in the update message bearing the referenced sequence number. There-


S. Murthy, J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves/ An efficient routingprotocolfor wireless networks

fore, it is up to the node whose update message is being

acknowledged to ascertain which updates are implied by
a received ACK.
To process an A C K from neighbor k, node i scans its
M R L for the sequence number matching the sequence
number specified in the A C K received. Whenever a
match is found, node i resets the ack-required flag for
neighbor k; if
" apm
i = 0 for entry m and every neighbor p
of node i, the retransmission entry is deleted. This
scheme obtains short ACKs at the expense of additional
Node i may receive an A C K for an update message
whose retransmission entry has been erased after sending a more recent update message for the same destinations. In that case, node i simply ignores the ACK.











Fig. 3. Exampleof the algorithm's operation.

Handling topology" and link-cost changes: To ensure

that nodes know that they have connectivity even when
they do not transmit user messages or routing-table
updates for some time, every node i must periodically
send an update message reporting no changes (hello messages). Acknowledgments are not required for such
update messages, and they can be very short (e.g., a byte
for control information and a byte for the node identifier, since the control information can imply that there is
no sequence number, update list, or response list in the
message). Alternatively, a node may retransmit an
update message if it is not too long. When a node k comes
up, it transmits a hello message.
Given that short periodic update messages are transmitted by every node, the failure of a link to a neighbor is
detected by the lack of any user or update messages being
received from that neighbor over a period of time equal
to a few update-message transmission periods. Similarly, new links and nodes are detected by means of
update messages or user messages.
When node i receives an update or user message
from node k and node k is not listed in its routing table or
distance table, it adds the corresponding entry to its distance or routing table for destination k. An infinite distance to all destinations through node k is assumed, with
the exception of node k itself and those destinations
reported in node k's updates, if the message received
from k was an update message. In addition, node i notifies node k of the information in its routing table. This
information can be transmitted in one or multiple update
messages that only node k needs to acknowledge.
When a link fails or a link-cost changes, node i recomputes the distances and predecessors to all affected destinations, and sends to all its neighbors an update
message for all destinations whose distance or predecessor have changed.

All links and nodes are assumed to have the same propagation delays. Link-costs are as indicated in the figure.
Node i is the source node, j is the destination node and
nodes k and b are the neighbors of node i. The arrows
next to links indicate the direction of updates messages
and the label in parentheses gives the distance and the
predecessor to destination j. Each update will be
acknowledged by an A C K message from the neighbor.
ACKs are not shown in the figure. The figure focuses on
update messages to destinationj only.
When link (]', k) fails, n o d e s j and k send update messages to their neighboring nodes as shown in Fig. 3(b). In
this example, node k is forced to report an infinite distance t o j as nodes b and i have reported node k as part of
their path to destination j. Node b processes node k's
update and selects link (b,j) to destination j. This is
because of step 2 of W R P which forces node b to purge
any path to node j involving node k. Also, when i gets
node k's update message, i updates its distance table
entry through neighbor k and checks for the possible
paths to destination j through any other neighboring
nodes. Thus, a node examines the available paths
through its other neighboring nodes and updates the distance and the routing table entries accordingly. This
results in the selection of the link (i,j) to the destinationj
(Fig. 3(c)). When node i receives neighbor b's update
reporting an infinite distance, node i does not have to
update its routing table as it already has correct path
information (Fig. 3(d)). Similarly, updates sent by node
k reporting a distance of 11 to destinationj will not affect
the path information of nodes i and b. This illustrates
how the method used in W R P to update a node's distance table (step 2 in Procedure DT) helps in the reduction of the formation of temporary loops in the explicit

2.5. Example

3. C o r r e c t n e s s o f W R P

The following example illustrates the working of

WRP. Consider a four node network shown in Fig. 3(a).

In this section, we show that the basic routing algorithm used in W R P is correct. The following assump-

S. Murthy, J.J. Gar cia-Luna-Aceves / An efficie1~t routing protocolfor wireless networks

tions are made on the behavior of links and routers for

the working of WRP.
1. Messages are transmitted reliably. A lower-level protocol is responsible for maintaining the status of the
2. Messages are sent by a router over a link only when
the link is perceived as being up.
3. A router that is not functional cannot receive or
send any messages.
4. All touters are initially down.
5. Update messages received by a router are processed
in the order of their arrival (FIFO).
6. Link lengths are always positive and a failed link
has an infinite length.
7. Time T is defined such that between the time interval
0 and T links and routers go up and down and the
cost of the link changes; at time T, links have the
same status at both ends and there are no changes
after time T.
For simplicity, the following p r o o f assumes that all
update messages sent over an operational link are
received correctly. In practice, W R P handles errors by
means of retransmissions. In terms of the correctness
proof, the effect ofretransmissions is that of added delay
in the delivery of an update message to a neighbor, and
a link fails when a given number of retransmissions have
been attempted. In essence, this p r o o f shows that the
path-finding algorithm (PFA) on which W R P is based is
D e f i n i t i o n 1. The link weight dij for link (i,j) is extracted
from the distance table D~ at a router v if there is a column k in D~ such that d U = Djk
~ -- D~ and P)k
v = i. Similarly, the link weight for link (i,j) can be extracted from
the routing table ifd O.agrees D~ - D~, wherep~ = i.
L e m m a 1. If a routing table is generated by P F A based
on the distance table, any link weight that can be
extracted from this routing table can be extracted from a
column in the distance table.

Proof Let N~ denote the set of neighbors of router v.

Let d/j be the link weight extracted from the routing table
of node v. By definition 1, the cost of the link can be
extracted from the routing table as (D~ - D~), the predecessorp~ = i and the successor s~ --- k, from the function
RT_Update. The procedure RT_Update requires each
distance in the routing table to be the minimum among
the rows corresponding to the same destination in the
distance table entry of the router as defined by the distributed Bellman-Ford algorithm. Therefore, Lemma 1
is true.


L e m m a 2. When a node comes up and initializes its distance table, the link weight that can be extracted from
any of its distance table entries is the weight of the link.

Proof. The recovery of a router can be viewed as all the

links connected to that router coming up. Initially, when
the router is down, its distance table entries will have
infinite distance. A link coming up will be recorded as a
single entry in the distance vector, which is nothing but
the weight of the link. Therefore, the link weight
extracted from any column in the distance table is the
weight of that link.
L e m m a 3. The cost change of a link will be reflected in
the distance and the routing tables of a neighboring router after a finite time T.

Proof. The change in the link cost can be due to the link
coming up, the link going down, or the cost of the link
When a link comes up, a new column entry will be
added to the distance table and the new link cost will be
assigned to the corresponding entry in the distance table.
Procedure RT_Update will be called, which eventually
updates the routing table entry.
When a link goes down, the column entry will be
deleted and the distance entries in the distance table will
be set to ec. The procedure RT_Update again updates
the routing table entries accordingly.
When the link cost changes, the distance entry in the
distance table is updated to reflect the new link cost
(step 1 and step 2). These changes will be updated in the
routing table again by the procedure RT_Update.
F r o m assumption (7) we have that any change that
occurs in the time interval (0, T) will be updated by time
T. This implies that the link cost changes will be reflected
in the distance and routing tables of nodes adjacent to
the links within a finite time T.
P r o p e r t y 1. After a finite time interval T, the routing
table structures at all routers will form the final shortest

Proof. The p r o o f consists of the following two parts:

1. The old topology information present in the router's
routing and distance tables is updated.
2. The shortest-path trees are eventually computed.
Let the initial time be T(0) = T. Let T(K) be the
time by which all messages that are in transit at time
T(K 1), K >10, have arrived at their destination and
have been processed. The p r o o f is done by induction on
K. At time K = 0, the property holds true. Assume that
the property is true for 0 ~<K ~ M.
A path of M + 1 links can be a concatenation of an
adjacent link and a path with M links, or a concatenation


S. Murthy,J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves/ An efficientroutingprotocolfor wirelessnetworks

of the first two links followed by M - 1 links, or the first

three links and M - 2 links, and so on. This we can generalize as the concatenation of l and M - l + 1 links.
From the assumptions, by time T(M + 1), the routing
trees at time T(M) of the routers have all been communicated to their neighboring routers. This is true for any
M = M - l. By Lemma 3, these link cost changes will be
updated in the router's distance and routing tables within
a finite time T. This proves first part of the property.
The change in the link cost will result in a routing table
update (in procedure RT_Update) as required. When a
router has to select a new path, the minimum in row
entry for that destination router will be chosen from the
distance table entries resulting in the shortest path in the
final graph all along the way. This implies that the routing table structures at all routers form the final shortest
T h e o r e m 1. If the distance entries in the distance and
routing tables are finite, then a path can be extracted
from the distance and routing table entries and this
extracted path is loop-free.

Proof. Let T(K = 0) be the initial time when the algorithm begins execution. The theorem is true for K = 0
since no link exists between routers at time t = 0.
Assume that the property is true for T(M),
0 ~ M ~<K - 1. By time T(K), all the routing changes at
time T ( K - 1) would have been communicated to all
routers (assumption). N o router wilt be marked as undetermined as all the distance entries are finite.
When a router recovers, within a time T(K - 1), the
information about the change in the link cost will be
communicated within a finite time (by Lemma 3). As all
the entries in the table are finite, a path can be extracted
from any router i to any other router j by traversing
through the distance and the routing tables.
When a particular link is selected as a path from i to
j, the loop freeness of the path is checked in step 2 and
RT_Update. An update message about the link cost
change will be sent to the neighbor. The loop-freeness of
the update messages can be verified by traversing from
destination router to the source router using predecessor
information present in each entry of the distance and
routing tables.
Therefore, the paths in the final graph are loopfree.
The following theorems prove that PFA terminates
in such a way that the distance to any other router maintained in the routing table in each router is the shortest
distance of the final graph and the distance to any
unreachable router is marked as undetermined.
P r o p e r t y 2. If r o u t e r j is not connected to router i in the
final topology, then the distance between the two routers
is equal to infinity for all time after T(H(i, oc) + 1).

Proof. If a router i does not have a path to router j, the

distance entries in the router i's tables will be set to ec
(from the algorithm description). Let H(i, d) be the maximum number of links in the path from i whose distance
to any other router is less than or equal to d in the final
topology. This implies H(i, d) is a finite quantity.
By Property 1, all the paths with links less than or
equal to H(i, oe) will have their final length by time
T(H(i, oc) + 1). This proves Property 2.
T h e o r e m 2. PFA terminates within a finite time after
the last topological change happened.

Proof. Assume that the algorithm does not terminate.

This implies that there must be an infinite number of
messages sent after the last topological change. These
infinite messages must have finite distances since from
Property 2 if the distance between the two routers is
equal to infinity, the algorithm converges. Moreover,
from Theorem 1, the path extracted from the distance
table must be a simple path. Thus, there must be some
neighbor b that sends finite distances an infinite number
of times to node i for node i to send messages without
Each time router i sends a message, it can be due to
any one of the following reasons:
1. It receives D~ from b and
the link weight

D~ = 13~ + dib where dib is

2. D~. has been in router i's distance table when it

receives a message from b
3. Neighbor b is in the path from i t o j through another
neighbor k ( r b) and Dj.~ = Dibk + D~ (step 2)
If the first case happens infinite times, router b sends
D~ infinite times and E,~= 13}--dib < D~ because
dib > 0 .
The second case can happen in a situation where f,}
is not stable. This means that D} is changed forever,
which is similar to the first case in that there must be a
neighbor b I such that b I sends Db' infinite times and
Db'=Dj-dib,<Dj, because dib,>O. Else, if /3~
becomes stable, then there must be an infinite number of
times in which router i receives a distance that is shorter
than D~.
For the third case to happen an infinite number of
times, Djk must be changed forever. This in turn means
that a neighbor has to send the distance vector D)~infinite
times. This reduces to case (2) and eventually to case
Consequently, there must be a neighbor b" sending
Dy' infinite times a n d / ) y ' = D~b,,-dib,, < D~- dib,, < E,~
because dib,, > O.
Therefore, in all of the cases, there must be a router
that will infinitely generate messages with a distance at
least w less than D~, where w is the minimum distance of
the final graph. This will consequently contradict that all

S. Murthy, Z J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves / An efficient routing protocolfor wireless networks

the distances are positive by recursively applying the

above argument.
P r o p e r t y 3. When PFA terminates, the link weights
maintained in the distance table must be in the final


This p r o o f is by induction. When a router comes

up, its distance entries in the distance and routing tables
are maintained correctly by Lemmas 1 and 2 and Property 1. If a link is not in the final graph, it implies that
router must have detected a link failure that caused it to
delete the corresponding column entry from the distance
table entry of the router and the distance is marked as
infinity. If the distance in the final graph dij is different
from the earlier distance, the router i must have been
notified about this link-cost change by its neighbor.
Thus, the correct distance entries are maintained in the
final graph for all adjacent routers.
Assume that the result is true for nodes that are k
hops away from i.
We will show by induction that the result is true for
routers that are k + 1 hops away from i. L e t j be a router
that is k + 1 hops away from router i and a be a router
that is k hops away from i. Since all routers that are k
hops away from i maintain the distance entries correctly,
the distance entry is correct for router a. The distance
from j to i is the sum of d;a and D~ (step 1 of the algorithm). This is nothing but the minimum of the distances
from i to j and hence is the shortest-path from i to j.
Therefore, this distance entry will be present in the final
graph unless the link has gone down before the algorithm
terminates in which case, an infinite distance will be
maintained. This proves the property 9
T h e o r e m 3. When P F A terminates, the distance for
any router i to any other r o u t e r j in the routing table of
router i is the shortest distance from i to j in the final
graph and the successor will be maintained correctly;
furthermore, the distance from router i to any unreachable router is marked as undetermined.


We will show by induction that the result is true for a

router k + 1 hops away from i. Consider a r o u t e r j that
is k + 1 hops away from i. There must be a neighbor b of
router j that is k hops away from i and that maintains
correct distance and routing table entries. Let djb denote
the distance between router j and its neighbor router b
which are k 1 and k hops away from i respectively. Let
D~ be the distance from i to b. D~ is the shortest path from
i to b as D~ is the minimum in row of distance table for
router b and each distance table entry represents an existent path. If router i has no path to destination j, D~
must be infinity and router k must report an infinite distance as well; in this case, router i simply updates its
tables with infinite distances (node is unreachable).
Since b is a neighbor of j, Dj = D~ + dbj is the shortest
path from i to j, with dbj being the minimum in row entry.
The predecessor path will also be maintained correctly
(from step 1). Furthermore, any router x in the shortest
path from i t o j must also have the subpath from x to i as
the shortest path because it is the minimum in the row

The RT_Update procedure is called in the update routine after updating all the distance table entries of that
router. This routine picks up a minimum entry through
one of its neighbors and will have a successful trace for
the destination router j and thus will have
D~ ---- D~. = D f dii, = D} a n d s } = b.


4. C o m p l e x i t y analysis
WRP's time complexity is O(h) in the worst-case,
where h is the height of the routing tree. Theorem 4 below
proves this result. Time complexity is defined as the largest time that can elapse between the moment T when
the last topology change occurs and the moment at
which all the routers have final shortest path and distances to all other routers. Communication complexity is
defined as the maximum number of node identities


We prove the theorem by induction.

F r o m L e m m a 3, the weight of any link must be maintained by its adjacent node. When a link comes up, the
cost of the link will be assigned to the distance table entry
(neighbor router) and the predecessor will be initialized
to be the source router itself. A check is made to see
whether the distance table entry is smaller than the routing table entry and the routing table will be updated
according to the procedure RT_Update with the successor and the predecessor entries properly set. If the link is
in the path to the destination through any other neighboring routers, then the distance and the routing table
entries will also be updated.
Assume that the result is true for a node j that is k
hops away from router i.




2 . ~:J-

Fig. 4. Complexity.



S. Murthy, J. or. Garcia-Luna-Aceves / An efficient routing protocol for wirelessnetworks

exchanged (messages) after time T before the final graph

is reached.
Consider Fig. 4. The weight of the links are as indicated. Assume nd is the destination router. Routers nl,
n2, n3 and n4 will have the shortest path router nx before
link (na,nx) fails. After the link failure, routers hi, n2, n3
and n4 immediately identify that the only possible way to
reach the destination router nd is through the link
(ni,na) for i = 1,2,3,4 upon receiving an update message
from router nx about the link failure, instead of going
through an intermediate step of selecting the path
through routers n2, n3 and/r respectively as in the case of
any other path-finding algorithm. That is, the routers
need not have to wait for an update message from the
neighbor n2, n3 and n4 before arriving at the final graph,
This reduces the number of update messages required.
T h e o r e m 4. The time complexity for a single failure/
change for W R P is O(h) in the worst-case, where h is the
maximum height of the routing tree experienced during
the computation.
Proof. Consider a source router i and a destination routerj. Let the changed link be (n, m) and node m is a router
downstream to router n. There are four possible situations involving the shortest path from i toj.

1. (n, m) is not on the shortest path and its length does

not change enough to change the shortest path.
2. (n,m) is not on the shortest path and its length
decreases enough that it becomes part of the shortest

3. (n, m) is on the shortest path and its length does not

change enough to modify the shortest path (although
the length of the shortest path changes).
4. (n, m) is on the shortest path and its length increases
enough that the shortest path changes.
A router with the initial shortest path not going
through the changed link (Case (1)) does not change its
routing table since the original shortest path is not changed and the change in the link cost has resulted only in
the increase in the path length through other routes.
In Case (2), router is aware of the Change in the link
cost along the shortest path after a delay not exceeding
the number of links on the new shortest path. In Case (3)
the change will be noticed in the worst case after a delay
of at most the number of links in the shortest path.
For Case (4), let router nk with the original shortest
path through the changed link be k hops away from router n on the initial shortest path. When a link distance
changes or a link fails, the node containing the failed link
selects a new neighbor (changes the successor) for a
path to a destination j. This changes the routing table
entry at router n and the routing vector generated due to
link failure will be sent to all its neighbors. Each of these
neighbors will update their table entries and the change

in the link cost propagates. This process continues until

a stable router which does not change its successor is
encountered. The tables are updated either on the receipt
of an update message or if the distance update received
from a router's neighbor has any effect on the router's
other distance table entries. The distance of the stable
node found in the path from i to j in the new shortest
path is bounded by h, the height of the tree. Therefore, in
the worst case, the number of steps required for a router
to converge to its correct distance is O(h).

5. S i m u l a t i o n results

To gain insight into the average-case performance of

WRP in a dynamic environment, we have simulated its
operation using an actor-based, discrete-event simulation language called D r a m a [17], together with a network
simulation library. The library provides a standard input
syntax and a framework for constructing simulations
consisting of routers attached to each other via links.
D r a m a itself is an extension to C.
The network simulation library treats both routers
and links as actors. Routers send packets over links by
using the function-call interface to the link's actors, but
they receive packets by responding to messages delivered
from the input queue. Link failures and recoveries are
simulated by sending link status message to the nodes at
the end points of the appropriate links. In the link models
used in the simulation, each link responds to an update
packet by encapsulating the packet as a message and
sending the message to the link itself. Node failures can
be treated as all links connecting to that node going
down at the same time and the link cost changes can be
treated as a link failing and recovering with a new link
The connectivity of a mobile node is said to be lost
when a node does not hear from a mobile node for a certain period of time. The connectivity with a node will be
reestablished when a node hears from a mobile node
again. Mobility is modeled as an arbitrary set of failures
and recoveries of a mobile node at random points in
time. All simulations are done assuming unit propagation time and zero packet processing time at each node.
I f a mobile node fails when the packets are in transit, the
packets are assumed to get dropped.
Our goal is to compare the performance of W R P
against the performance of routing protocols based on
DBF, D U A L , and ILS. To reduce the complexity of the
simulation, we have eliminated those features of the protocols that were common to all; these features concern
the reliable transmission of updates over unreliable
links, and the identification of neighbors. Accordingly,
our simulation assumed that, for any of the protocols
simulated, any update message sent over an operational
link is received correctly, and that a node always receives
enough user messages to know that it continues to have

S, Murthy, Z J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves / An efficient routing protocolfor wireless networks




t +,



7 - - - ' - -










~, oe:=




i i~i~iii.



:i=: =, i i==,==i I,=~..III~H ii==i.i~ ~ i ! ~i~ii!~?i .~ii~!?i ~!II.~I!~Y
'i *iii ' hi :~' HII=!II IIeI:J'HIIH

lli[tlH!i!l!HIIIII]t lTtlll,th,lll,,tllll,

....... '] I]11/








Fig. 5, A R P A N E T

connectivity with a neighbor. According to these

assumptions, there is no need to account for acknowledgments, retransmissions of updates, or periodic transmissions of update messages.
However, our intent in running the simulations was
to obtain insight on the comparative overhead of different protocols that necessarily require the transmission of
acknowledgments to update messages. We approached
this problem in the following manner: In a wireless
packet radio network, the same update messages sent by
a node is received by all its neighbors, i.e., each update
message is broadcast to a node's neighbors. However, to
guarantee the reliable transmission of updates, each
neighbor must send an acknowledgment to the sender of
the update. Therefore, under the assumption that no
errors or collisions occur in the network channel, counting the number of acknowledgments received for a single
update broadcast to all neighbors is much the same as
counting the number of updates sent by a node to its






l i n k failure.

neighbors on a point-to-point basis and with no

acknowledgments the two counts differ only by one.
Accordingly, we simulated the routing protocols' operation in a wireless network using the same point-to-point
links typical of wireline networks. The message count
obtained from the simulation runs is not the exact number of updates and acknowledgments sent by each protocol, but accurately reflects the relative differences
among protocols.
The resulting simplified version of WRP we simulated
is simply the Path Finding Algorithm (PFA), and is the
same basic algorithm first described in [13]. Similarly,
ILS, DBF, and DUAL correspond to the ideal case of
the best protocols that could be designed based on these
To simulate the routing algorithm, a node receives
a packet and responds to it by running the routing algorithm, queueing the outgoing packets and processing
the updates one at a time in the order in which they




PFA ,,
ILS ,,




x x

:T ; X

l.x i

~ x

~ IX :


' 'xx' 'u


i iu

X ~ : I I ~~ I

~} iill~

9 x~

,i ] :T

~ xx
:~ xu +., x
~X : I X : :

, xx,~




: ~X~:



: :x

~ ~i[i~i


, ilTfi~fiiii~ii:,Ttii4il;i~i~il;illJ;Tfi~tilLiiJlt;

Jiill,fiN-iiiHi!lltHiHiill~ iF~I I is~l!IIi+Iil il FII i IJ.ITII~,I$1i

100 4!I~I!!1!!!!1~,~11!1!!!!111!



.... HI



i I ~llii~i

I !!


9,T TiTI
i!I it iI,Tf+ITII

I ISt+l~l I li~l I! I {~TII I~] !Tjl Ita/O!





ll llt lfJtllllllllllltilll'i l I t!II/ITIIII'I'IIIIITItIIIII'







!1 iI







IIIIrll[! [llllllllHlH,li,,l/l II IIFIIIIH1L_j


Fig, 6. A R P A N E T


link recovery.






S. Murthy, J.J. Gar cia-Luna-Aceves / An efficient routing pro toeol for wireless networks























*o o. . . . .






i i i i i i , i i l l i i i l l , l l l l l l l l , l l l l i l t l l l l t l i l l l

























Fig. 7. A R P A N E T node failure.

arrive. Drama's internals ensure that all the packets at

a given time are processed before new updates are
The simulations were run on several network topologies such as Los-Nettos, Nsfnet and A R P A N E T . We
chose these topologies to compare the performance of
routing algorithms for well-known cases given that we
cannot sample a large enough number of networks to
make statistically justifiable statements about how an
algorithm scales with network parameters. The los-nettos topology has 11 nodes, a diameter of 4 hops, and
each node has at most four neighbors. The Nsfnet topology has 13 nodes, a diameter of 4 hops, and each node
has at most 4 neighbors. The A R P A N E T topology has
57 nodes, a diameter of 8 hops, and each node has a maximum of four neighbors.
For the routing algorithms under consideration, there
is only one shortest path between a source and a destination pair and we do not consider null paths from a node







ele l++I~,

lliiii ,

,;~ ~ Itl


i/iTll JTI?i,,"'I+THli








The graphs in Figs. 5 and 6 depict the number of messages exchanged and the number of steps required before
PFA, DBF, D U A L , and ILS converge for every link failing and recovering in the A R P A N E T topology. We
focus more on the results for the A R P A N E T topology,




5.1. Total response to a single resouree change




to itself. Data are collected for a large number of topology changes to determine statistical distribution. The
statistics has been collected after each failure and recovery of a link. To obtain the average figures, we make
each link (or node) in the network fail and count the
number of steps and messages required for each algorithm to converge. Then the same link (node) is made to
recover and the process is repeated. The average is taken
over all failures and recoveries. Again, this message
count is not exact, but the relative difference from one
protocol to another is accurate.



,tr it,It ll,, II, TTt
















' t TT'



[ liJIi




o i111 ]IIII IIII]1111 IIII11111 1111

o IIt1~i 11tl I1] Illllliill11111 Iltl tit




Fig. 8. A R P A N E T node recovery.







S, Murthy, J~~ Garcia-Luna-Aceves / An ejficient rouEng protocolfor wireless networks



. . ,

. . ,

. . ,






.-~ ....










. . . . . . . . . . . . -;......T.. _ : .-'.'._.-cz--n~.=~ ~-










. . ,










Fig. 9. Los-Nettos.

because of its larger size. Similar graphs for every node

failing and recovering are given in Figs. 7 and 8, respectively. All topology changes are performed one at a time
and the algorithms were allowed to converge after each
such change before the next resource change occurs. The
ordinates of the graphs represent the identifiers of the
links and the nodes while the data points show the number of messages exchanged after each resource change
(graphs on the left hand side) and the number of steps
needed for convergence (graphs on the right hand side)
in each of these figures.
For a single resource failure, PFA outperforms
D U A L . This is because, PFA does not use an internodal
coordination mechanism that spans several hops to
achieve loop freedom. The performance of PFA is comparable to that of ILS after resource failures. The performance of PFA and D U A L is much better than that of
ILS after resource recoveries. The counting-to-infinity
problem of D B F can be clearly seen in both resource failures and resource recoveries. Given that both resource




. . ,

. . ,



recoveries and failures will occur in the WRP, PFA

offers the best total response to single topology changes,
in terms of both update messages and time required to
obtain correct routing tables after a topology change.

5.2. Dynamics with mobile nodes

We modeled mobility in the simulation by making
the links fail and come back up arbitrarily at random
points in time. The network is assumed to be fully connected with potential links. At startup, the topology is
initialized to some well known topology, such as LosNettos, Nsfnet or ARPANET. After initialization, to
simulate the movement of a node, a node is assumed to
have failed at its previous location and reappear in its
new location. Node failure is simulated as all the links
associated with that node going down at the same time.
The gradual movement of a node from one location to
another is simulated by means of link failures and additions. When a link fails, it can be assumed that a node is

-*---~--"-~ ....

I 0 . 0 0 ,




D U A L --~.....
I L S - * .....


~--~:~.~,..-et "''a~ ............. .~..,..~ ............. ~ . . . . ~ ........... .~,.. ~






. .

. . . . . . . . . .




Fig. 10. Nsfnet.


. . . .

. . . .



S. Murthy, J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves / An efficient routing protocolfor wireless networks












. . ,

. . ,




DBF -+---

DUAL -.D....

. . e ....


.~ .............. ~,,,







9 1







..o .


















Fig. 11. ARPANET.

no longer in the neighborhood of its previous neighbor.
The addition of a new link is viewed as a movement of a
node wherein, a node reappears in the new neighborhood.
The links are chosen at random from the set of all
the existing links in the fully connected network. Selecting any particular link is equally likely. The probability
of a link failing or recovering is also equally likely. We
also have imposed an additional condition in our simulations that a node at any given time cannot have more
than x neighbors. Here, x indicates the degree of the
node. This condition is imposed in order to make sure
that all the links pertaining to one node alone will not be
active. This helps in simulating the mobility more closely. This, of course, is only an approximation of the
more gradual topology changes that would be experienced in a real mobile network.
The average number of messages and the average
message length for each.of these algorithms are obtained
by varying the interarrival time between two events
(Figs. 9-11). An event can be either a link failure or a
link recovery. For the purpose of event generation, we
consider a fully connected topology and start off with a
given initial topology. Since any random link can fail or
recover at any time, our model simulates mobility
The above results indicate that the routing algorithm
of W R P outperforms all other algorithms which we have
simulated, namely, DBF, D U A L and ILS. We were not
able to simulate ILS for the A R P A N E T topology due to
limited resources. The statistics about the average number of messages and the average message length have
been collected for all the above mentioned topologies for
all the four algorithms by varying the interarrival time
between events (failures and recoveries).
In all cases, the average number of messages for
D B F and D U A L are more than that of WRP. This is
because I)BF suffers from the counting-to-infinity problem and D U A L uses an interneighbor coordination
mechanism to achieve loop-freedom and this synchroni-

zation mechanism spans the entire diameter of the network. ILS sends maximum number of messages since the
complete topology information has to be exchanged
between neighbors every time the topology changes.
The average length of each message is the highest in
D U A L as compared to all other algorithms. The average
message length in case of ILS is almost constant since it
always sends the complete topology information. Even
though we do not have simulation results for ILS in case
of A R P A N E T , topology, we can extrapolate the results
from the other two network topologies and can expect
similar behavior for A R P A N E T topology also.

6. C o n c l u s i o n
A new routing protocol, WRP, for a wireless network
has been presented. This protocol is based on a pathfinding algorithm which substantially reduces the number of cases in which routing loops can occur. A mechanism has been proposed for the reliable exchange of
update messages as part of WRP. The basic algorithm
used in W R P has been proved to be correct and WRP's
complexity has been analyzed. The performance of the
routing algorithm in W R P has been compared with that
of an ideal topology broadcast algorithm (ILS), D U A L
and DBF for highly dynamic environment through
simulations. The simulation results show that W R P
provides about 50% improvement in the convergence
time as compared to D U A L . The results indicate that
W R P is an excellent alternative for routing in wireless

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Shree Murthy received her B.E. in computer

science from Bangalore University in 1990.
She got her Masters in computer science and
engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, in 1993 and M.S. in computer
engineering from the University of California,
Santa Cruz, in 1994. She is a Ph.D. candidate
in computer engineering at the University of
California, Santa Cruz, where she is working
in the general area of routing algorithms and
protocols. She is also with the High-Speed Networking Group at Sun
Labs since September 1995. Her research interests include routing
schemes, wireless networks and ATM.
J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves was born in Mexico

City, Mexico, on October 20, 1955. He

received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from the Universidad Iberoamericana,
Mexico City, Mexico, in 1977, and the M.S.
and Ph.D. degrees in eIectrical engineering
from the University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI,
in 1980 and 1983, respectively. He is an Associate Professor of Computer Engineering at the
University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC).
Prior to joining UCSC in 1993, he was Director of the Network Information Systems Center at SRI International (SRI) in Menlo Park,
California. He first joined SRI as an SRI International Fellow in 1982.
His current research interest is the analysis and design of algorithms
and protocols for computer networks.
Dr. Garcia-Luna has published more than 80 technical papers,
has been a guest editor for IEEE COMPUTER (1985), and is an editor
of the ACM Multimedia Systems Journal. He has been Chair of the
ACM special interest group on multimedia, General Chair of the first
ACM conference on multimedia: ACM MULTIMEDIA '93, Program
Chair of the IEEE MULTIMEDIA '92 Workshop, General Chair of
the ACM SIGCOMM '88 Symposium, and Program Chair of the
ACM SIGCOMM '87 Workshop and the ACM SIGCOMM '86 Symposium. He has also been program committee member for numerous
IFIP 6.5, ACM, and IEEE conferences on computer communication.
He received the SRI International Exceptional-Achievement Award
in 1985 for his work on multimedia communications, and again in
1989 for his work on adaptive routing algorithms.

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