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Baker Surge Testing Electric Motors WP

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Surge Testing Electric Motors

Cooling Off the Debate

For many years, predictive maintenance and motor reliability experts have debated the merits of
surge testing. Questions about the benefits and findings of the test have fueled heated discussions
on forums and in boardrooms around the world. Some in the motor reliability community think
that the very process of finding insulation weakness in an electric motor by surge testing
damages the remaining dielectric insulation so the motor will not continue to operate. Others
believe that testing above operating voltage is absolutely necessary to verify insulation integrity,
and does not precipitate insulation weaknesses.
So what is the truth? Can properly done surge testing help industry reduce the high price of
downtime, or is it smoke and mirrors? Does the fact that the motor manufacturing and motor
repair industries specifically require surge testing to verify insulation integrity outweigh the few
that feel that surge testing undermines reliability? Or has there been so much misinformation
published that the true benefit of the test has been muddied?
This paper outlines the principle, proper performance and insulation effects of surge testing, and
ends with motor test results that should settle the debate.
Principle of the Surge Test
Whereas the Meg-ohm, Polarization Index and HiPot tests are used to detect ground wall
problems, the surge test is used to find turn-to-turn insulation weakness. Motor winding
insulation failures often start as turn-to-turn failures that eventually damage the ground wall
insulation and lead to catastrophic failure. The main claim of surge testing is it can detect the
early stages of a problem before it becomes severe, offering time to repair or replace without
unscheduled downtime.
Turn-to-turn insulation problems can be definitively found with the surge test. The surge test
consists of applying a fast rise-time, high-voltage impulse to a winding, which produces a
voltage difference between adjacent loops of wire. If the insulation between the two loops of
wire is damaged or has been somehow weakened through operation, and if the voltage difference
between the wires is high enough, there will be an arc between the wires. This arc shows up as a
pattern change in the surge waveform.
The surge test is performed with an impulse generator with a display to observe the surge
waveform in progress. The indication of a turn-to-turn fault is shown as a rapid shift to the left or
a decrease in amplitude of the waveform. The observed surge wave pattern is directly related to
the coils inductance. The coil becomes one of two elements in a tank circuit. This circuit is a
LC-type, which is made up of the coils inductance (L) and the surge testers internal
capacitance (C).

The inductance (L) of a coil is determined by its geometry (number of turns of wire) and the type
of iron core it rests in. The frequency of the wave pattern is determined by:
Frequency =
2 LC
This formula implies that when the inductance decreases, the frequency increases.
A surge test detects a fault between turns by observing a jump in the resonant frequency of this
LC tank circuit. If the voltage potential is greater than the weakened dielectric strength of the
turn insulation, one or more turns may be shorted out of the circuit. This effect reduces the
number of turns in the coil. Fewer working turns reduces the inductance of the coil and increases
the frequency of the surge test ringing pattern. Due to the decrease in inductance of a faulty coil,
the voltage or amplitude of a surge wave pattern is reduced. It is determined by:
Voltage = L


L = coil inductance
di = Delta I (instantaneous change in current)
dt = Delta T (amount of time to change)

Evolution of the Surge Test

Surge testing of motor coils has been an industry practice since 1926, when J.L. Rylander
published A High Frequency Voltage Test
for Insulation of Rotating Electrical
Apparatus for Transactions of the AIEE. In
1926, an indication of a turn-to-turn
insulation failure was a drop of coil voltage
amplitude. This amplitude was determined
by a vacuum tube rectifier circuit using an
apparatus the size of a large workbench with
rotating spark gaps for switches and large
step-up transformers to charge large highvoltage capacitors.
As time wore on, the need developed for a
compact, portable machine that would
produce a high voltage at relatively low
currents. At this time, surge technology was
not new; however, the machines used for

Photo from Westinghouse Article, July 1951 Testing

Insulation with the Surge Comparator

transformer testing were expensive and cumbersome. To meet a growing need for testing, the
surge comparison tester was developed.
The technique consists of comparing the wave shape of two or more identical windings against a
known good winding. This comparison made it possible to study insulation faults as well as find
In the 1950s, the surge comparison test was still considered fairly new. It was highly useful in
finding insulation faults. The test opened up numerous possibilities for improving insulation
testing equipment as well as insulating methods. Even in these early days of surge testing, the
benign nature of the test was stated in an article written by D.J. Reynolds, R.J. Alke, and L.W.
Buchanan of Westinghouse: Because the energy of the surge is extremely limited, the current
through the faulty insulation is so small that no severe burning occurs at the point of weakness.
With the amount of testing and information gathering that Westinghouse was doing, one would
think that they would not make this statement lightly.
There have been many advances in high-voltage testing since the 1980s. Broad markets and
technology developments of the electronics industry have helped manufacturers of surge testing
equipment make great strides in modernization, reliability, and tester sensitivity. Todays highvoltage testers use advanced high-speed electronic evaluation of changes in resistance, leakage
current, leakage current versus time, voltage, step voltage, dielectric absorption, frequency
response, wave shape, corona inception voltage (CIV) and more to detect faults at or below the
levels of energy the motor is exposed to during operation. Microprocessor-controlled
instantaneous trips allow winding condition to be evaluated without compromising dielectric
integrity. The addition of field-developed PASS/FAIL test criteria makes the testing extremely
repeatable. One of the major advances is replacing heavy step-up transformers with solid-state,
high-voltage power supplies, leading to great improvements in equipment portability. Test
equipment that once weighed as much as 1,200 lbs now normally tips the scale at less than 50 lbs.
The old surge comparison test, where two winding are compared to a known good master
winding, has been modernized. Now every surge pulse is digitized and compared to the
previously applied pulse. This type of comparison was impossible without computer-generated
waveforms. If any weakness is detected, the test is instantaneously stopped, preserving the
dielectric integrity. This gives the test the ability to find micro-faults without interpretation by a
human aspect, and provides a higher level of repeatability. Weaknesses are recorded and stored
in the memory bank or database structure for future reference and further evaluation.
Even with these advances, critics still feel that the surge test can only be safely done at a motor
shop, and even then some dont want it done at all. So why do it? What is the essential benefit of
surge testing electric motors? The surge test is the most efficient way to find turn insulation
weaknesses. For those who manufacture or rewind motors, the ability to manufacture coils free
of insulation defects is paramount to reliability. Therefore, the surge test is used universally in
the manufacturing of coils for both small and large motors. For motors in service, the dielectric
strength of the turn insulation slowly decreases with time as the insulation ages. Some factors

causing the insulation to age include thermal cycling, vibration, abrasion due to mechanical
movement of coils, chemical attack, partial discharge, exposure to damaging transients, exposure
to radiation and VFD operation. For operators of electric motors, confidence that a motors
insulation is sound is necessary to maintain a productive and profitable process. Properly
performing a surge test to verify insulation integrity is the easiest and fastest way to confirm
motor viability.
A Properly Done Surge Test
If one is to benefit from surge test results, several items must be understood. First, the operating
voltage must be known for the motor under test. Second, the individual conducting the test needs
to understand the surge test procedure and the appropriate voltage to apply to the motor. Several
industrial organizations have written standards regarding the application of the surge test. The
table below lists test voltages for a number of motors for both new and in-service machinery.
Table 1: Recommended Surge Testing Voltages





New Coils

In Service
75% New







65% of


1.2 x 50s
Pulse 4E

0.2 s 65% of

In Service




When determining a proper test voltage, it must be understood that there is a minimum voltage
that must be applied across a gap before there is any
chance of an arc forming in a gaseous dielectric. This is
called the Paschens Minimum. The following figure,
called Paschens Curve, shows the breakdown voltage
versus air spacing at standard temperature and pressure
for a uniform field. The minimum voltage is
approximately 350 volts. This means it takes 350 volts
to excite an arc across a fault. Without this minimum
voltage, no reliable finding will be made.
How an Electric Motor Fails

Figure 1: Paschens Law

The motor stator has two main insulating systems: the ground wall and the turn-to-turn insulation.
When this insulation is in a good condition, it can withstand the normal day-to-day voltage
spikes that exist during starting and stopping. Over time, this insulation will deteriorate due to

mechanical movement of the windings, torque transients, heat, contamination and other
environmental influences.
In 1987, Gupta, Lloyd, Stone, Campbell, Sharma and Nilsson published an article for the IEEE
Transactions on Energy Conversion on a three-year study of motors in power plants. Their
conclusion was that motors see approximately 3 p.u. (per unit) surges in normal operation during
startup. Some motors may see as high at 4.6 p.u. The formula to calculate the per-unit voltage is:

Vline = Maximum voltage with respect to ground in a 3 phase system.
p.u. = per unit
Vline = Line Voltage
1 p.u. =

The diagram below displays the effects starting and stopping has on electric motors by showing
the relationship between dielectric strength and daily operations of an electric motor. When the
motor is new, the voltage
spikes at startup do not
seriously affect the dielectric
strength of the insulation.
Over time, as the insulation
weakens, the voltage spikes
begin to cause problems in
the turn-to-turn insulation of
the motor. When the
dielectric strength is reduced
to the level of operating
voltage, the spikes cause the
insulation deterioration to
accelerate exponentially. As
the insulation deteriorates,
voltage spikes contribute to development of arcing faults. If a motor is operating with severely
weakened insulation, a failure of the turn insulation quickly results in catastrophic failure of the
motor and unplanned shutdown of the process the motor is turning, therefore, knowledge of a
motors turn-to-turn viability is crucial. With periodic maintenance and surge testing, these
problems can be identified and tracked in most cases with time to spare. This allows the plant to
act before the motor fails.

Figure 2: Dielectric Strength Over Time

Writing for IEEE in Transient Model for Induction Machines with Stator Winding Turn Faults,
authors Rangarajan Tallam, Thomas Habetler and Ronald Harley state, A turn fault in the stator
winding of an induction machine causes a large circulating current to flow in the shorted turns,
of the order of twice the blocked rotor current. If left undetected, turn faults can propagate,
leading to phase-ground or phase-phase faults. Ground current flow results in irreversible

damage to the core and the machine might have to be removed from service. Incipient detection
of turn faults is essential to avoid hazardous operating conditions and reduce down time.
Benefiting From the Modern Surge Test
Since 1961, Baker Instrument Company has manufactured high-voltage test equipment. The
basic concept of the surge test has been enhanced to further benefit the user. The surge
comparison test that was developed just prior to 1950 still is a viable test today; however, there
have been advancements in waveform analysis and detection that change the manner in which
this test is used. If the problems that are being analyzed are shorts, opens, different-diameter
copper between phases, unbalanced turn count between phases, reversed coils or shorted
laminations, the comparison test is quite effective. Baker Instrument Company has developed the
Line-Line Error Area Ratio (L-L EAR) to automatically detect these issues. This is a comparison
of each phase, 1-2, 2-3, and 3-1, at the recommended test voltages. The area under the curve is
mathematically calculated and compared to the other windings to see if any of the phases are out
of tolerance. If any of the phases are out of tolerance, the tester will automatically stop testing
and notify the user that a problem exists.
More advanced than the L-L EAR is the Pulse-Pulse Error Area Ratio. With the P-P EAR, Baker
Instrument Company has refined the analysis of the waveform to the point were the test
instrument is precise and sophisticated enough to recognize failures. The P-P EAR calculates the
arc by comparing the curves for each successive pulse as the voltage is increased to the IEEErecommended testing levels. If the frequency of the waveform moves more than the allowable
tolerance, the unit will again automatically stop the test.
To illustrate the power of the P-P EAR, a surge summary from a motor at a pulp and paper
manufacturer is displayed. This motor failed on the second lead at 4,760 volts. The target test
voltage was set at 5,600 volts. Further examination of the PP-EAR% dialog box clearly shows a
jump in the waveform, well above the pre-set 10% threshold. At this point, the tester
automatically stopped testing and notified the equipment user there was a problem found. In this
case, along with the surge test, a full battery of DC tests were performed, including resistance,
Megohm, Polarization Index and HiPot. Of all the tests performed, only the surge test showed
potential weaknesses. This is mainly because the other tests focus strictly on the groundwall and
not the turn-to-turn insulation. It has been stated in studies that upwards of 80% of all electric
motor failures begin with weak turn-to-turn insulation.
Upon failing the surge test, this motor was immediately put back into service and ran for the
remaining four months until the next scheduled outage. This saved the company more than
$40,000 in unscheduled downtime. This case study shows that the surge test is nondestructive to
motors. As stated by Westinghouse engineers in 1951, Because the energy of the surge is
extremely limited, the current through the faulty insulation is so small that no severe burning
occurs at the point of weakness.

To further support this statement, in 2001, a 90-day study was performed at Baker Instrument
Company on a 5 HP, 460 Vac, 1,200 rpm motor produced in China. This motor was chosen
because it was the cheapest motor available. The motor was subjected to approximately 40
million surge impulses over the 90 days. The first 20 million pulses were applied at steadily
increasing voltage levels, and 17 million of the pulses applied to the motor were 50% to 350%
greater in amplitude than the 2,000 volts suggested by Baker Instrument Company.
After each phase winding was subjected to approximately one million impulses at the prescribed
voltage, the voltage was increased by 1,000 volts. In other words, the goal was to apply three
million pulses at each voltage level -- 2,000, 3,000, 4,000, 5,000, etc. Upon reaching the
dielectric limit of this motors insulation (which was 7,000 volts), the dielectric limit of the
remaining insulation was found to be 1,750 volts.
The motor was then subjected to an additional 20 million impulses at 1,750 volts. All these
pulses were applied to phase one, as it was where the weakness developed. At the end of this
sequence, the dielectric limit of phase one was still 1,750 volts -- no further deterioration
occurred within the insulation. It is important to note that, again, the prescribed test voltage for
the motor was 2,000 volts, and even though the insulation was performing at a lower level than
acceptable, the motor would still run normally for an indefinite period.
At this point, it was decided to see how much abuse an electric motor can handle prior to failing.
The motor was wired to 460 VAC and rapidly cycled until an observable failure occurred. In this
case, the motor was started and rapidly
stopped 42 times before suffering turnto-turn failure under these extreme
operating conditions. Failure was
evidenced by gross imbalance in the
phase currents and an audible
difference in the sound of the motor
running. After the turn-to-turn failure,
or hard short, occurred, less than one
minute elapsed before smoke was
observed coming from the connection
This study shows that even a very
cheap motor can withstand heavy abuse
and extremely high voltage (350% of the Figure 3: Pulse current captured from surge test
recommended test voltage). After the weakness developed, the surge test did not further
deteriorate the motor, even after an additional 20 million pulses. It finally took severely abusive
and uncharacteristic rapid starting and stopping of the weakened motor to precipitate failure.
This again demonstrates that proper surge testing is not destructive. This is due to the highvoltage, low-current characteristics of the test. On this motor, during testing at 1,700-1,800 volts,
the peak observed current was 1.8 amps. The current was present for 1-2 microseconds, 5 times

per second with 200 milliseconds between pulses, which calculates to an instrument duty cycle
of approximately 0.001%. The power generated is extremely fleeting. In laymans terms, its like
throwing a tennis ball against a brick wall. It simply does not have enough power to burn the
The predictive maintenance and motor reliability fields have debated the validity of the surge test
for many years. However, the benefits of this test can stand on their own merits. It is the most
efficient way to find turn-to-turn weakness within motors prior to breakdown, giving the
maintenance professional the ability to plan the repair or replacement, which saves money. It has
been proven through multiple studies and through continuous use that the surge test does not
burn or damage insulation further upon finding a fault.
Since its development, the instrumentation and the test itself have changed dramatically. In 1926,
when J.L. Rylander introduced the test, equipment was heavy and large. Instrumentation now is
portable and computer controlled, making it easy to use, highly accurate, and able to produce
results quickly and automatically.
Geiman, J., Surge and DC Step-Voltage Testing, Necessary Non-Destructive Testing, Baker
Instrument Company, 2007
Frey, G., Results of Voltage Endurance Testing Baker Instrument Company, 2001
Tallam R., Habetler T., Harley R., Transient Model for Induction Machines with Stator
Winding Turn Faults, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 38, No. 3 May/June
Wilson, J., Surge Voltage Distribution in Form Wound Motor Windings, Lemug, 2005
Wilson, J., Current State of Surge Testing Induction Motors, Iris Rotating Machine Conference,
Santa Monica, June 2003
Gupta, B.K., Lloyd B.A., Stone, G.C., Campbell, SR., Sharma, K.K, Nilsson, N.E., Turn
Insulation Capability of Large AC Motors, part 1 Surge monitoring:, IEEE Transactions on
Energy Conversion, Vol., EC-2 No. 4, pp. 674-679. December 1987.
Reynolds, D.J., Alke, R.J., Buchanan, L.W., Testing Insulation with the Surge Comparator,
Reprinted from the Westinghouse Engineer, July 1951.

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