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The Caves of Yarimburgaz: Geological Context and History of Investigation

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Gven Arsebk F. Clark Howell Steven L. Kuhn
William Farrand Mhrban zbaaran Mary C. Stiner

The Yarmburgaz cave complex is located in eastern Thrace (Figure 1.1), approximately 22 km
west of the city of Istanbul (Figure 1.2). Thrace, which constitutes the European portion of
Turkey, represents the terminus of a large peninsula. This peninsula is 24,000 km2 in area and
bounded on the east by the the Black Sea, on the south by the Bosporus-Marmara Sea-Dardanelles system, and on the north and northeast by the Istranca mountain chain (now called Yldz
Dalar), a continuation of the Rhodope mountains. The Thracian peninsula forms a land bridge
between Europe and Asia (Anatolia). Although it has been interrupted by narrow waterways
the Bosporus and the Dardanellesfor parts of the Pleistocene and Holocene, it has long been
viewed as a conduit for the flow of people and cultures between Europe and Asia.
The Yarmburgaz caves are situated ca. 1.5 km north of the northern shores of the modern
lagoon of Kkekmece - the smaller of two local embayments of the Sea of Marmara. These
features are flooded valleys that extend as submarine features into the sea (Erin 1954). The twin
openings of the Yarmburgaz cave complex (Figure 1.3) face south toward the Sazldere valley
(Figures 1.4 and 1.5). The higher opening leads into the Upper Cave (UC), and the lower opening leads into the much more extensive Lower Cave (LC). Eocene limestone (A. Digis 1986: 8)
exposed on both the eastern and western sides of the valley contain features developed erosionally by stream flow as well as by dissolution. The western side includes mainly large niches or
rockshelters. The large openings of the Yarmburgaz caves occur on the eastern side of the valley.
Although the Yarmburgaz caves have known to science since the second half of the 19th century (e.g., Eyice 1978), recognition that the caves might have something to contribute to the
Pleistocene prehistory of Turkey came only in 1964-1965 when evket Aziz Kansu (1963, 1972)
opened several tests in conjunction with his exploration of a Chalcolithic occupation in the cave
complex. In addition to artifacts from later periods, these sondages yielded limited fauna and
Paleolithic artifacts of indeterminate age. The implications and potential of this archaeological
discovery were not pursued for two decades. In 1986, Prof. Mehmet zdoan (Istanbul University), in the course of his archeological surveys in Thrace, turned his attention to the Chalcolithic remains at Yarmburgaz. His excavations in the caves upper chamber demonstrated
the presence of some Neolithic and limited Middle/Upper Paleolithic occupations below the
Chalcolithic deposits (Figure 1.6). However, test soundings in the UC and adjacent areas of
the LC revealed unexpected evidence of a much older and more substantial infilling with multiple Lower Paleolithic occupations (zdoan 1987a; zdoan and Koyunlu 1986). Artifacts

Chapter One

Fig. 1.1.
Location of
cave in western

Fig. 1.2.
Location of
Yarmburgaz cave
in relation to the
modern Sea of
Marmara and
Bosporus, and
general bathymetry
of the Marmara.

The Caves of Yarmburgaz: Geological Context and History of Investigation

Fig. 1.3.
Entrances of
the Upper
and Lower
Caves of

Fig. 1.4.
View of
Valley from
just above
cave (1990).

and faunal remains from these soundings were examined in 1987 by one of us (Howell [1988]),
who recognized the necessity for an in-depth study of this unique situation. Three field seasons
in 1988, 1989 and 1990 were devoted to an investigation of the site. These excavations yielded
abundant and diverse vertebrate fossils in association with what are clearly human-produced
artifacts (Howell and Arsebk 1989, 1990). This volume reports and synthesizes a wide range of
geological, paleontological and archaeological findings from the 1988-1990 field seasons, along
with limited information from zdoans 1986 investigations.

Chapter One

Fig. 1.5. Local topography of the Sazlidere Valley and full extent of the (short) Upper and (long) Lower
Chambers of Yarmburgaz cave in the bedrock.

The Caves of Yarmburgaz: Geological Context and History of Investigation

Fig. 1.6. Plan of Yarmburgaz cave chamber complex, with E-W cross-section, showing locations of
archaeological trenches or squares in the Lower Chamber. (UE) upper entrance; (LE) lower entrance.
The 1986 sounding (A.71) was later expanded and renamed Square V-88. Squares V-88, Y-88 and Z-88
were excavated in 1989. Squares S-89, T-89 and U-89 were excavated in 1989. Squares N-90, P-90 and
R-90 were excavated in the final year of the project (1990).

Chapter One

Archaeological context
In 1988, when the most recent excavations of Yarmburgaz cave complex began, the great extent
of Turkey (ca. 780,000 km2) was still considered largely terra incognita in terms of Pleistocene
prehistory. Turkeys contributions to Paleolithic archaeology and human evolution research
seemed particularly limited considering the size of its territory and its position at the geographic
interface between western Asia and Europe. Upper and Middle Paleolithic human occupations,
probably dating to the later Pleistocene, had been documented in a few caves in the southern
part of the country (Bostanc 1971; enyrek 1959; enyrek and Bostanc 1958). Middle and
Lower Paleolithic surface finds had been recorded across Anatolia (the Asian parts of Turkey),
though few were found in geological context (Kuhn 2002; zdoan 1984, 1987b; Takran 2008
Yalnkaya 1981). A notable and important exception was the large Karain cave complex, near
Antalya, first excavated in the 1950s and 1960s by K. Kkten (reviewed by Yalnkaya [1989])
and subsequently investigated more extensively by an international team led by I. Yalnkaya
(Otte et al. 1995a, b, 1998; Rink et al. 1994; Yalnkaya et al. 1992). The deeply-stratified Karain
caves, and the neighboring site of kzini (Otte et al. 1995c; Yalnkaya et al. 1995), contain levels that span the later Middle Pleistocene to the Holocene. The Middle Paleolithic is particularly
well represented at Karain.
The pace of Paleolithic research in Turkey has accelerated noticeably in the two decades since
the Yarmburgaz project began. The first definitively in situ evidence for a Lower Pleistocene human presence has been discovered at the Dursunlu lignite quarry near Konya, in the central part
of the country (Gle et al. 1999, 2009). Researchers working at another central Anatolian site,
Kaletepe Deresi 3, have exposed a sequence of Middle and Lower Paleolithic deposits dating to
between 0.16 and 1.1 mya, including the first stratigraphically sealed Acheulean assemblages in
Turkey (Slimak et al. 2004, 2007, 2008). A calvarium attributed to Homo erectus was discovered
fortuitously in a travertine quarry near Denizli, on the Aegean coast (Kappelman et al. 2007),
but unfortunately without definitive archaeological or geological associations. Research on the
Middle and Upper Paleolithic continues at the Karain cave complex, as well as at sites in the
Hatay region along the southern Mediterranean coast (Kuhn 2004a, 2004b; Kuhn et. al. 1999,
2009). In recent years many additional Middle and Lower Paleolithic localities have been identified through surface reconnaissance, particularly in southeastern Turkey but also in Thrace and
western Anatolia (e.g., Dincer and Slimak 2007; ahin et al. 2009; Takran 2008). The Upper
Paleolithic currently is less well represented in western Turkey but has been identified in some
surface sites (Runnels and zdoan 2001).
If anything, results from the past two decades of research have heightened the interest and
relevance of the findings from the work conducted at Yarmburgaz between 1986 and 1990.
Yarmburgaz remains as one of the earliest well-documented human sites in Turkey, thanks
to the generally high level of preservation, the presence of a deep Middle Pleistocene stratigraphy, and spatially extensive deposits that allowed for the exposure of large areas within the
Lower Cave. The distinctive aspects of the flaked-stone artifacts from the Lower Cave raise
important questions about Middle Pleistocene hominin cultural geography, the distribution of
the Acheulean in particular, and about the arbitrary definitional boundary between Lower and
Middle Paleolithic. Paradoxically, the artifacts co-occur in the deposits with cave bear bones
and comparatively scant remains of other macromammals. The fact that the artifacts are closely
associated spatially with Pleistocene bearswhich apparently used the cave as a denhas significant implication for the ecology and behavior of both bears and hominids. Yarmburgaz thus
also provides a paleontological resource of unique importance with respect to the Ursids as well
as for other taxa.

The Caves of Yarmburgaz: Geological Context and History of Investigation

Pleistocene Conditions in the Marmara Basin

The Marmara basin and its present continental sea is the dominant feature of the region around
Yarmburgaz the caves. Conditions in the Marmara during the Pleistocene would have had significant impacts on the terrestrial as well as littoral environments experienced by the hominins
who used the cave. The Marmara basin covers some 11,350 km2 and is roughly 280 km long east
to west. The maximum width at the center is 76 km, but the basin narrows sharply at its eastern
and western ends. It consists of three deep sub-basins (>-1100 to -1250 m) separated by NWtrending ridges: from east to west these are the inarcik, Central and Tekirda basins. Uplands
isolated as islands occur in a number of locations, including the well-known Princes Islands
near Istanbul and the much larger Marmara Island in the western part of the basins. The current
configuration of the Marmara is strongly influenced by two complex fault systems. The ThraceEskiehir system formed some of the basins earliest features, whereas the western extension of
the North Anatolian Fault has been a more active force since the late Pliocene (Figure 1.7, Barka
and Kadinsky-Cade 1988; Gkaan et al. 2002; Okay et al. 2000; engr 1979; engr et al. 2005;
Yaltrak 2002).
The Marmara connects to the Mediterranean (Aegean) Sea via the Dardanelles (anakkale
strait) on the west, and to the Black Sea via the 31 km long Bosporus strait. The Dardanelles
follows a valley that formed as a result of Pliocene tectonic activity (Yaltrak et al. 2000). The
current sill depth is variously reported at between 60 and -80 m. The Bosporus has a more
complex origin. The northern (Black Sea) part of the strait is of fluviatile origin, whereas the
southern part is formed by a deeper basin that probably is the result of faulting (Gunnerson and
zturgut 1974; Gkaan et al 1997). The sill at the northern end of the Bosporus is composed of
Pleistocene sediments and is roughly -60 m deep. The present day sill at the southern end of the
strait, composed on Quaternary sediment, is much shallower (ca. -30 m) (Gkaan et al 1997;
Meri and Algan 2007) but the underlying bedrock sill is much deeper (Major et al. 2002).

Fig. 1.7. Active fault segments in the western North Anatolian fault zone, Marmara Sea region.
After Barka and Kadinsky-Cade (1988) and Okay et al. (2000). Faults are those that cut Miocene and
younger sediments.

Chapter One

The factors affecting water conditions and the depth of the Marmara are extremely complex.
The present conformation of the hydrogeographic system is the consequence of postglacial rise
of sea level and particularly the Flandrian transgression (Grr et al. 1997; Kerey et al 2004).
Conditions would have been rather different at various times in the Pleistocene, depending on
interactions between Mediterranean sea levels, freshwater inflow and outflow in the Black Sea
basin, and tectonic activity (Ergin et al. 2007).
The history of the Marmara, and particularly its links with the Black Sea and the Aegean, has
come under more intensive study recently (e.g., Aksu et al. 2002; Grr et al. 1997; aatay
et al. 2003, 2006; Kerey et al. 2004; Giosan et al. 2009; Stanley and Blanpied 1980), much of it
in response to claims about catastrophic flooding of the Black Sea in the early/mid-Holocene
(Ryan et al. 1997; Ryan and Pitman 1999). A number of sediment cores have been obtained, especially in the northern and eastern reaches (e.g., aatay et al. 2003; Eri et al. 2007; Evans et
al. 1989; Kerey et al. 2004; Meri and Algan 2007). However, sediments in these cores seldom
extend farther back than the late Pleistocene (MIS stage 2 or late stage 3). Various programs
of seismic profiling (Gkaan et al. 1997; Smith et al. 1995) have helped to clarify the late and
post-Pleistocene sedimentary units. These studies confirm that the Marmara was isolated from
the Aegean, and possibly also from the Black Sea (Aksu et al. 2002; Major et al. 2002; Meri and
Algan 2007), during MIS stage 2.
Whereas a wealth of geological data are available covering the last 20,000 years, much less is
known about conditions in and around the Marmara during the Middle Pleistocene, the time interval relevant to the earliest occupations of Yarmburgaz cave. This is a region of active tectonism, and extensive changes in the hydrographic regime have occurred even within the Quaternary in the Black Sea-Caspian basins (Paluska and Degens 1978; Degens and Paluska 1979), and
probably within the greater Marmara basin and adjacent uplands as well. Erol (1976) concludes
that the Marmara basin has subsided at least 350 m during the Quaternary and that the adjacent
Thrace plateaua late Neogene peneplainhas been correspondingly uplifted by some 100 to
300 m. It is widely thought that during periods of high global sea levels the Dardanelles were
flooded by the Mediterranean, and that the penetration of marine saline water into the Marmara
raised its level significantly. Abrasion terraces occur fairly broadly around the Marmara at a variety of elevations between current sea level and ca. 120 m (Erin 1954; Erol 1976; Yaltrak et al.
2002) testifying to major marine incursions. Recently, raised terraces in the southwestern part
of the basin have been assigned to MIS stages 5 and 7 based on U-series dating of embedded
marine shells (Yaltrak et al. 2002). Estimated mean uplift rates of ca. 0.40 mm/year over the past
225 ky, in combination by bathymetric data are used to argue that the Marmara was never completely isolated from the Aegean prior to MIS 8, even during cold glacial events. These authors
also propose that it was cut off during MIS 6 due to the uplift (Yaltrak et al. 2002), although this
hypothesis awaits further testing. Connections between the Marmara and Black Sea prior to
MIS 2 are even less certain, depending in part on differing estimates of uplift rates and sill depths
in the Bosporus (Major et al. 2002; Giosan et al. 2009).

The Caves of Yarmburgaz: Geological Context and History of Investigation

Regional Paleoclimates
An extraordinary wealth of information has been obtained on Quaternary paleoenvironments
in the Mediterranean basin, including the eastern Mediterranean. General trajectories of environmental change across the Pleistocene in the region are consequently quite well understood.
Whereas the general regional picture is clear, the sheer abundance of data has resulted in recognition of new anomalies (Magri et al 2004; Tzedakis 2007).
The stable oxygen isotope (18O) record of the eastern Mediterranean correlates closely with the
global oxygen isotope and glacier records, indicating that even in its remotest parts the Mediterranean was strongly influenced by fluctuating continental and polar ice volumes, although certain lags may be expected (Lourens et al. 1996; Rohling and Thunell 1999; Thunell 1979; Tuenter
et al. 2005; Vergnaud-Grazzini et al. 1997). Interestingly, while the timing of fluctuations in 18O
values in the Mediterranean is closely correlated with events in the open oceans, the magnitude
of the fluctuations is greater, especially in the eastern Mediterranean (Magri et al. 2004: 330).
This has been attributed to the fact that surface water stable isotope values in the Mediterranean
are strongly influenced by incoming fresh water as well as by water coming from the Atlantic
(Kallel et al. 1997).
Some of the most distinctive features of the deep marine climate record in the Mediterranean
are the sapropel accumulations (Rohling and Thunell 1999). At least 12 distinct sapropels originally were recognized for roughly the last half million years; a total of more than 80 have been
identified for the period extending back to 3.2 my (Kroon et al. 1998). These anoxic organic-rich
muds enriched in organic carbon are thought to have formed under conditions of high bottom
salinity and low surface water salinity. These conditions reduce vertical mixing and cause stagnant anoxic bottom conditions that are analogous to conditions in the contemporary Black Sea.
Rossignol-Strick and colleagues (1985; Rossignol-Strick and Paterne 1999: Rossignol-Strick et
al. 1982) proposed that these formations were the consequence of massive Nile river discharges
tied to heavy African monsoon conditions, based on the fact that the main correlate of sapropel
formation is peak summer insolation in the northern tropics (Rossignol-Strick et al. 1982).
In fact, sapropels were deposited under a wide range of conditions. Most sapropels are associated with warming phases of interglacial stages, with palynology indicative of warm, humid
Mediterranean vegetation. Sapropels S6 and S8, however, contain pollen indicative of dry Mediterranean climate and high steppe (low tree) values, and therefore correlate with glacial stages,
namely MIS 6 and an initial, cold sub-stage of MIS 7 (7d). Fine-grained isotopic studies of speleothems indicate that S6 at least occurred during a period of unusually high rainfall in the
eastern Mediterranean (Ayalon et al. 2002). It is important to note that, before 250 ky, sapropel
formation is not so clearly linked to insolation peaks in the low latitudes (Rossignol-Strick and
Paterne 1999: 234). Studies of glaciers around the Mediterranean rim (Hughes et al. 2006, 2007)
suggest that peak glacier formation occurred during MIS 12, and that later glaciations, including
MIS 6 (associated with one of the anomalous sapropels), were marked by comparatively warmer
summer temperatures and higher levels of precipitation (Hughes et al. 2007).
There is a similar wealth of information from terrestrial pollen cores for the eastern Mediterranean, such that it would be impossible to summarize here. For at least the last half-million
years the marine and terrestrial records are closely synchronized (Tzedakis et al. 1997; Tzedakis
2007). According to Magri et al (2004: 329):


Chapter One

In fact, although the floristic composition may be very different from site to site depending
on the history of individual taxa, the variations of the vegetation structure, indicated by the
general trends of deforestation and afforestation, are generally related to climatic changes, at
least until human activity significantly modified the landscape. Although temperature variations between glacials and interglacials have certainly had some influence on vegetation, the
main driving factor for forest expansion all around the Mediterranean was water availability,
which is at present the main limiting factor for Mediterranean vegetation.

Patterns of vegetation succession were generally similar between interglacials (e.g. Tzedakis et
al. 2001, Tzedakis 2007), suggesting that plant species expanded repeatedly from persistent refugia in the eastern Mediterranean area. Periods of forest expansion in the interglacials is closely
associated with the timing of the summer insolation peak (Watts 1988; Tzedakis 2005).
Unfortunately, few if any pollen records from Turkey, or eastern Thrace, extend back before
20 ky. The deep pollen record closest to the Yarmburgaz caves comes from Tenaghi Philippon
in eastern Macedonia, a sequence now known to extend back to ca. 1.35 mya (van der Wiel et
al. 1987a, 1987b; Tzedakis et al. 2006). The environment of the Tenaghi Philippon plain is not
altogether similar to that of the Kkekmece valley, in that the former is situated at a similar
elevation (ca 40m asl) but farther inland. However, the Tenaghi Philippon plain can provide a
notion of the range of environments and scale of variation that might be expected during the
Middle Pleistocene in the area of the Yarmburgaz caves. The vegetational succession at Tenaghi
Philippon is closely tied to the global record of Pleistocene glacial/interglacial cycles (Tzedakis
et al. 2006). This sequence documents periods of treeless steppe vegetation, presumed to represent full glacial conditions, interglacial environments oak forests with pistachio and chestnut
and other thermophilic trees, and a range of intermediate vegetation types.
Deep sea coring in the Black Sea basin has been more limited (see Ross et al. 1978). Moreover, the paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental implications of these cores have been difficult
to untangle, due to problems of inter-core correlation, lack of a clear chronological framework,
and poor pollen representation from widely spaced samples (see Paluska and Degens 1978;
Schrader 1979; Degens and Stoffers 1980). The recent spate of research into the hypothetical
early Holocene Black Sea flood has stimulated a prodigious amount of research (summarized
in Yanko-Hombach et al. 2007, as well as two special issues of the journal Quaternary International [167/168, 2007 and 197(1-2) 2008] among other places), and the great majority of it refers
to periods that long post-date the Paleolithic occupations of Yarmburgaz cave.
Zubakov (1988) synthesized the results of extensive Soviet investigations into the Pleistocene
record of marine and adjacent continental (riverine and cover) deposits of the northern Black
Sea-Azov Sea area. There it has been possible to correlate and integrate results on terrestrial and
marine stratigraphy, geomagnetic polarity changes and secular variations, isotopic age determinations, salinity changes of marine waters and their molluscan faunas, and the relationships of
alluvial-deltaic and loessic sediments and paleosols, the latter containing important vertebrate
faunal assemblages. Since 1.1 ma, 8 salinity events and 7-10 cold freshwater events have been
distinguished. The 8 salinity events are marked by the penetration of Mediterranean waters and
mollusc species into the Black Sea. The 7-10 cold freshwater events involved inflow of Caspian
Sea and proglacial-derived waters and attendant molluscan species into the Black Sea. Ages of
these various events have been ascertained by TL and polarity datum planes. These units match
quite well with Mediterranean MIS events and sapropel accumulations, as well as the number
and ages of Eurasian glacial-interglacial cycles.

The Caves of Yarmburgaz: Geological Context and History of Investigation


The Upper and Lower Caves of Yarimburgaz

Yarmburgaz cave comprises an Upper Chamber (UC) and a Lower Chamber (LC), each with a
separate south-facing entrance (Figure 1.3). Named the Upper Gallery by some researchers,
the UC is over 50 m in length and between nine and 15 m wide (Figure 1.5). The ceiling height
reaches 10 m in some places. The surface of the UC deposits is situated at 18.5 m above sea level.
The much more extensive LC system is more than 500 m long but averages only 5 m in width
over much of its length. The LC bifurcates about 310 m from the entrance, and the northwestern
arm continues approximately 130 m into the bedrock, while the southern fork reaches a further
200 m. The sill at the LC entrance is situated at 11.5 m above sea level. The outermost 60 m of the
LC is a large gallery with a ceiling that slopes down toward the drip-line at the entrance.
Some 10 m inside the entrance to the LC the two outer chambers are joined by a horizontal passage (see Figures 1.5 and 1.6). The LC widens to about 10 m at this juncture. Daylight penetrates
approximately 50 m inside the entrance. The bedrock floor of the LC was reached immediately
outside the entrance in Square N-90. Bedrock appears on the surface at the point at which the
two arms of LC split, suggesting that the floor of the cave forms a broad, U-shaped basin.
During the Roman and Byzantine Periods a large building complex was constructed both inside
and outside Yarmburgaz cave, although evidence of these constructions is now badly disturbed.
During the Byzantine period, the front of the UC was modified to form a chapel, and traces of
a division wall remain on the ceiling. Other remnants of Byzantine modifications to the UC include a column with carved capital on a projection on one wall, three vaults on the ceiling, nine
niches on the east wall, stairs, and an apse with altar in the middle. Traces of joists-supports in
the walls suggest that the constructions near the mouth of the Upper Chamber originally had a
second storey. The inner area was also used as a cemetery for a time (M. zdoan and A. Koyunlu 1986: 8).
On the south side of the passage between the chambers are stairs carved into the wall and another apse, probably also of Byzantine age. The architectural remains of the Byzantine period
terminate at a rubble wall which ends at the passage between the two chambers. It thus appears
that the LC was used little if at all during this period, although architectural features revealed in
Trench N-90 at the LC entrance may relate to the enlargement of Byzantine constructions inside
the UC.
The vicinity of Yarmburgaz, and even the caves themselves, have been the focus of some historical interest for well over a century. However, their archeological potential remained largely
unexploited until quite recently. Semavi Eyice (1978) provides the most thorough documentation of the Kkekmece area from an historical perspective, a history that extends back into
Graeco-Roman and Byzantine times through the Ottoman Period.
The cave complex of Yarmburgaz first attracted the attention of researchers in the second half
of the 19th century, attracted primarily to the geological formation. Dr. Hammerschmidt (then
known as Miralay Macarl Abdullah Bey) from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Istanbul
(Mekteb-i Tbbiye-i ahane), visited the cave in 1845. He subsequently published his observations in two articles (Abdullah-Bey 1869, 1870). Viquesnel (1868), in his treatment of the physical geography and geology of Thrace, had mentioned briefly the existence of the caves and their
geological situation. This account mentioned the human utilization and transformation of the
upper chamber in Roman and Byzantine times and thus highlighted the particular historical interest of Yarmburgaz. Bousquet (1900-1901) provided a charming account of a days excursion


Chapter One

to the caves, and some details of the structural configurations in the upper chamber. The caves
received further brief notice from Harun Reid Kocacan (1921).
Kansu and Kkten re-visited the research of Abdullah Bey and published a summary of it in
1972. Kansu and Kkten were the first to realize the caves archeological importance, and they
later conducted excavations there (Kansu 1972: 24-26). Abdullah Bey judged the age of the limestone hills in which the cave is located to be Miocene, and believed the formation of the caves
took place in a much later period. He describes going from the Upper Chamber down to the
Lower Chamber, the stalactites on the cave wall, where the deep gallery starts... (Kansu 1972:
25). Unfortunately, no such elements exist in the cave today. Prof. R. Hovasse, then on the Faculty of Sciences (Istanbul), and his colleagues Prof. R. Jeannel (Paris) and brahim Hakk (Akyol),
were the first to make soundings in the cave, their main aim being to locate the bedrock floor.
Though many small trenches were opened in various locations, they were unable to reach the
bedrock (Hovasse 1927: 405; Kansu 1972: 30). Hovasse (1927) published the first detailed account of the cave complex, including a map of the cave and its conformation, and preliminary
identification of the extant invertebrate fauna. He described in detail the boat paintings found
on the wall of a chamber he named Salon F [inward of the LC system], which he felt gave important indications of the relation of the Sea of Marmara to the lagoon and river. In favorable
conditions, large boats could come to within 200 m of the cave via the river that connects to the
lagoon (Hovasse 1927: 407), the Marmara now being about 10 km from the cave.
Somewhat later Hubbard (1932) published an account of the upper and lower chambers of
Yarmburgaz cave, including their karstic development and a map of their form, extent, and the
locations of dripstone formations. Ernest Chaput (1936), in his exceptional monograph on the
geology and geomorphology of Turkey, devotes a major chapter to the Marmara and its setting.
This includes the geological situation of the Kkekmece, the surrounding limestone countryside, and the exposure of (upper) Miocene marine sediments, interbedded with continental
deposits near the village of the same name (Nafiz and Malik 1933; Yalnlar 1971,1983).This
important locality was subsequently demonstrated to be of early upper Miocene age (Benda et
al. 1978; Chaput and Gillet 1939). The Yarmburgaz cave complex has also attracted the interest
of speleologists, and some of its copepod fauna was reported by Lindberg (1952). It is curious
to note that a volume on Turkish caves oriented toward speleology (Aygen 1984) concludes that
Yarmburgaz .has no outstanding features except that is very near to Istanbul.
The first systematic archaeological excavations in Yarmburgaz were carried out by Kkten and
Kansu in 1959. They excavated a 2.5 x 1.5 m sounding adjacent to the northern wall of the LC
down to 1.1 m in depth, and they were able to distinguish two layers. The uppermost layer,
0.50/0.60 m thick, yielded Classical pottery. The lower layer, distinguished by small pebbles and
yellowish sand, included deer teeth, scrapers on flint flakes, broken pieces of hammerstones,
together with fossilized bones and teeth of cave bear. Kansus study of this material suggested
...a strong probability of Lower and Middle Paleolithic... (Kansu 1967: 13; 1972: 277-278). This
is the first report of prehistoric cultural residues from the site.
Together with N. Dolunay of the Archaeological Museums of Istanbul, Kkten and Kansu resumed their fieldwork in 1964-1965, on behalf of the Turkish Historical Society. They opened
four trenches in the LC (named B) and one in the UC (A). The first layer from the top (1.1
m thick) was composed of recent bat and sheep droppings; the second layer (0.60 m thick) had
some concentration of stones together with Byzantine pottery; the third layer (2.0 m thick) consisted of clay, yellow sand and coarsely flaked artifacts. The existence of a Paleolithic occupation

The Caves of Yarmburgaz: Geological Context and History of Investigation


was demonstrated by the Mousterian type points of either flint or quartz and the teeth, long
bones and skull fragments of what they identified as Ursus spelaeus in this lower layer (Kkten
1963: 278; Kansu 1967:13). Although excavations continued to a depth of three meters, they did
not reach bedrock.
Kkten and Kansus excavations in the upper chamber identified a Byzantine fill of 0.45 m thickness, followed by a second layer 2.0 m thick that included flint tools, a quantity of pottery and
some bone implements. Of the pottery in the third level, both sides are either black or dull
buff in color, burnished and with grooved, fluted, dotted and encrusted decoration, indicating
its Chalcolithic character. A stone celt and mortars were also recovered in this level. Below the
Chalcolithic was a yellowish clayey sand layer, and bedrock appeared at 4.8 m below the surface
(Kansu 1972: 23).
After two seasons of excavation by Kansu, Kkten and Dolunay, the site of Yarmburgaz suffered
serious destruction and degradation. Contemporary building and construction activities near
the cave and new interest of treasure seekers led to the loss of the stalagmites and stalactites
(Ketin 1970), defacement of the apses and niches, general displacement of fills, and continued
utilization of outer chambers as sheep folds.

Excavations in 1986
In an effort to prevent further damage to the Yarmburgaz caves, the General Directorate of Antiquities and Museums of Turkey instigated salvage excavations in 1986 by a team from the University of Istanbul, Prehistory Department, under the direction of Prof. M. zdoan. zdoan
began with excavation of nine trenches in the UC, four in the LC and three in the middle passage
between chambers (see also Farrand and McMahon 1997). The results showed that stratification
in the UC was the result of topographical and environmental conditions during the natural formation process of the cave rather than from human or cultural activities. Flowing water eroded
the cave floor in a 15 m wide depression in the inner half of the UC. At times this area was a pond
or bog and at others it was totally dry. Prehistoric deposits were preserved in the UC only by
virtue of the fact that this depression protected some sediments from the floor-leveling activities
of the Byzantine period.
In all, zdoan identified 14 or 15 layers in UC in 1986. The stratigraphy of the UC infilling,
originally determined by zdoan (1987a, 1990; zdoan and Koyunlu 1986), was re-examined
by Farrand and McMahon (1997, and this volume). The uppermost layer in the UC dated to Roman and Byzantine periods, while the second and fifth layers preserved in the depression dated
to Chalcolithic and Neolithic ages, respectively. The 14C samples from the UC have given varied
results: samples taken from the Chalcolithic layers 2, 3, and 4 were dated to 5930 110 (GrN
15534), 6880 90 (GrN 15528) and 7330 60 (GrN 15529) B.P. Those from the underlying Neolithic layers 7, 7b, and 7b yielded ages of 7640 90 (GrN 15533) , 9190 100 (GrN 15531) and
10.000890 (Beta 42734) B.P. (M. zdoan, personal communication).
Pottery finds in these last cultural layers were important for demonstrating links between the
Balkans and the Aegean and Anatolian cultures via Thrace. Although no architectural remains
were connected with the pottery, the stratigraphy afforded an important local cultural sequence
(M. zdoan 1989; 1990: 380). Moreover, the fine handmade, decorated Chalcolithic pottery of
layers 2 and 4 (zdoan 1985), the Neolithic types of layer 5, and the pots, ground stones, celts


Chapter One

and bone implements all suggest a continuous use of the UC from at least 5500 B.C. onward.
Further indication of a Chalcolithic settlement in the LC was observed during our own 1990 excavation season. The same kind of pottery out of stratigraphic context in this case - was found
near the cave wall in Square P-90. These sherds were either washed in and deposited when parts
of the Chalcolithic layers were eroded by flowing water, or they were discarded there as trash.
Layers 6 through 10 in the UC, attributed by zdogan to the Middle and Upper Paleolithic,
were poor in archeological finds. Layer 8 yielded a 14C age of 24,510240 BP (Beta 42732), suggesting a rare Upper Paleolithic occupation for Turkey. While it is doubtful that intact Middle
Paleolithic deposits are present in the UC, some Levallois flakes and sidescrapers were collected.
An underlying sterile naturally stratified sand and gravel deposit, Layer 11, over 3.0 m thick, is
now known to represent a former high (transgressive) sea level that flooded into the cave mouth.
The earliest deposits excavated by zdoan in the UC, layers 13 through 15, were exposed in
three squaresA.30, A.40 and A.39 (see Figure 2 in Farrand and McMahon 1997). These were
assigned to Lower Paleolithic on the basis of a limited number of artifacts and some mammalian
faunal remains; artifacts were most abundant in level 14. Mammal fossils from A.40 included
Ursus vertebrae and rib fragments, other indeterminate rib and vertebrae fragments, and long
bone diaphyses, some possibly Bovine, and some chiropteran postcrania. There is also a distal
tibia of a large canid, tentatively referred to Cuon or possibly (?) Xenocyon. Square A.39 yielded
some cranial and vertebral fragments of Ursus and an innominate fragment of indeterminate
A preliminary study of the Paleolithic material from the LC excavations, notably that from
zdoans A.71 deep sounding, clearly demonstrated its Lower Paleolithic character (zdoan
and Koyunlu 1986). This was further confirmed by F. C. Howells examination of the lithic assemblage and associated faunal remains from A.71 sounding in 1987. Square A.71 comprised layers 1
through 12 from top to bottom. Lower Paleolithic artifacts were found in levels 4 (12), 5 (119), 6
(194),7 (25), 8 (23), 9 (8) and 10 (8). Mammal remains were found in layers 3, 5, 6, 7, 9 and 12, and
they were most abundant in layers 5 and 6. The recognition of Yarmburgaz as a rare example of a
stratified Paleolithic cave site in Turkish Thrace (Arsebk 1993, 1996) led to the extensive excavation program from 1988 to 1990, the results from which are reported in this volume.

1988 - 1990 Excavations of the Lower Cave

A multi-national team jointly directed by Prof. Gven Arsebk and Prof. F. Clark Howell initiated the first of three consecutive seasons of fieldwork at Yarmburgaz in 1988. The projects
aims were as follows:
1) elucidation of the infilling of the LC, its stratigraphic succession, processes of accumulation,
and linkages (if any) with external events/processes.
2) employment of appropriate methods of age determination, in respect to both inorganic and
organic dateable resources.
3) maximum recovery of the vertebrate fossil record, including an intensive screening operation for micromammal taxa, in association with close stratigraphic and spatial control of the
distributional occurrences of all residues.
4) maximum recovery of the associated Lower Paleolithic assemblage(s) in their stratigraphic
and spatial contexts and in respect to co-association(s) with organic residues.

The Caves of Yarmburgaz: Geological Context and History of Investigation


Each of the three seasons of field work lasted approximately 40 days. The system of excavation
followed methods normally used by the Prehistory Department of the University of Istanbul in
the Keban Project Excavations in Eastern Anatolia between 1968-1974 and practices followed
by Howell in extensive Lower Paleolithic excavations in Spain. A map of the LC produced by A.
Koyunlu (in zdoan and Koyunlu 1986), with his and other modifications, was employed as
a base for the situation of the excavation trenches or squares. A set point on the north wall of
the largest niche in the UC was selected as a permanent (0) vertical datum point. This elevation
was transferred by transit to the LC and, successively, to all corner stakes of each excavation
square. All feature records and their vertical elevations were calculated according to this set
datum. Individual excavation trenches were normally 3 x 3 m or 3 x 4 m, and sub-divided to
individual 1 m2 blocks, and were gridded by alphabetic letters (E-W) and Arabic numbers (N-S).
Each excavation square received a letter and year designation (e.g., Y-88). The distribution of
squares is shown in Figure 1.6. Strata in each square were enumerated from level 1 downwards.
Hence, level terms in each square are unique and not necessarily equivalent from square to
square (see Farrand and McMahon for cross-correlations, this volume). All finds, including fossils and natural blocks, were mapped in plan at 1:20 scale (Figure 1.8). Information for each find
was recorded on printed labels and computer forms. Descriptions and observations of sediment
structure and of context of finds were noted in daily field notebooks.
Dry sieving of the excavated sediment was achieved using a Shaker of the type designed by Dr.
C. B. M McBurney (Cambridge University) (Payne 1972: 49-51). The sieve was furnished with
various graded screens - the smallest being 0.005 m2 - and all of these were used consistently. All
residues were then picked from the sieved material and boxed according to stratigraphic level
and square. Except for surface soil and evidently disturbed areas, each cultural unit was either
sieved completely or was sampled.

Fig. 1.8. 1988 excavation of Trench T (plan 6).


Chapter One

Extensive use of computers was decided on early

and a data base was designed for this purpose. An
entry form was designed for all finds and a data base
structure was set up by creating fields which took
into account later query and sorting operations.
This data base was updated daily. Along with find
information, maps and small find drawings were
scanned in as produced. The main data base was
then updated and verified by specialists after the
end of each season of excavations, when all finds
were reexamined and further identified.
The results of each season were presented annually in a Symposium organized by the Ministry
of Culture/Turkey, and preliminary results were
published (in Turkish) in the ProceedingsKaz
Sonular Toplantsby the same institution (Arsebk, Howell and zbaaran 1990, 1991, 1992).
Annual reports were also prepared for the National
geographic Society and other funding institutions.
The squares designated Z-88, Y-88 and V-88 (=A.71)
were opened in the first excavation season; U-89,
T-89, and S-89 were added the following year; and
n-90, R-90 and P-90 in 1990. Geological, archaeological, and paleontological findings from these trenches are introduced below. The geological
context is described in much greater detail in Chapter 2.
Fig. 1.9. View of the southeast corner of
Trench V (1988).

Excavations commenced in Square V-88 (5 x 5 m), layer 12, which was a deeper continuation of
zdoans 1986 A.71 trench (Figure 1.9). The layer yielded a substantial quantity of animal bones
but few artifacts. The finds were labeled as layer 12 of square V-88 as that layer had already been
documented in 1986 excavations (square A.71). In order to prevent confusion, the four subsequent (deeper) layers were denoted, from the top down, as a, b, c and d, respectively. They were
differentiated according to textures, color and nature of the sediment. These lowermost layers all
proved to be sterile. Work was then confined to the southern half of the square trench, measuring 2.5 x 5.0 m. When confirmed as being of only geological interest, the southern half was again
subdivided and work continued in the southeast quarter of the original A.71 trench. This 2.5 x
2.5 m area constituted a deep sounding. Bedrock was not reached even though the excavation
reached 5.0 m below the surface.
Square Y-88, (4 x 4 m) was opened close to the cave wall, to the south of V-88, with a 1 m
baulk separating the two squares. This trench was excavated to a depth of 2.80 m below surface.
Square Y-88 yielded diverse amounts of fossilized faunal remains, abundant microfauna and
Lower Paleolithic stone artifacts from six levels (Figure 1.10). A zone of mixed fill about 1.5 m
wide in the eastern half of the trench was identified as back-dirt from Kansu and Kktens 196465 soundings.
In Y-88, the first layer (la and 1b) below the surface sediment contained partially cemented
material with abundant limestone fragments in its upper part. Elsewhere it consisted of various
lenses of different colors and structural characteristics. Over 200 lithic artifacts and nearly 300

The Caves of Yarmburgaz: Geological Context and History of Investigation


Fig. 1.10. Co-occurrences of plotted lithic artifacts and bones in Trench Y (1, a-b).

vertebrate remains were found in layer 1. The second layer of Y-88 also had two sub-levels (2a
and 2b): 2a provided more than 40 artifacts, but only 2 pieces were found in 2b. The third layer
(3a, 3b) was structurally different from those above, being rich in small limestone pieces and
localized stony debris: this layer yielded 81 artifacts in all. The fourth layer was sterile, and the
fifth contained a substantial amount of microfauna, but scant macrofauna.
The central area of the LC in which squares V-88 and Y-88 are situated evidently represents the
most intensively occupied part of the chamber. However, this concentration area continues
both to the north and south, albeit with decreasing amounts of artifacts and fauna.
Square T-89 (4 x 4 m) (see Figure 1.8), located immediately north of V-88, yielded abundant
artifacts and fauna, revealing that this area was also within the central concentration. The total
number of stone artifacts from all layers amounted to more than 430. More than 900 identifiable
bone specimens and fragments were collected as well. Six layers were distinguished in T-88.
The first layer was rich in faunal remains but contained few lithic artifacts. The second layer
contained abundant fallen blocks of limestone. Among these there was much fauna, but again
few stone tools. Layers were 3 and 4 were much richer in artifacts; each of these layers had a
thickness of about 0.5 m and together they provided some 430 artifacts and more than 600 faunal remains. The majority of the fauna (65.34%) consisted of Ursus bones, as was the case for all
Paleolithic layers. The third layer was also particularly rich in microfaunal remains. The underlying 5th and 6th layers were purely geological in character: the 5th layer consisted of a cloddy
soil with vertical cracks; the 6th was a reddish yellowish loam with seemingly cemented lenses.
Square S-89 (3 x 4 m) was opened immediately to the north of T-89, separated from it by a 1 m
baulk and offset several m to the east. Under the mixed surface sediment, the first intact layer,
which appeared in only part of square S-89, proved to be a continuation of layer 2 in T-89 and
thus could be traced over a wider area. The third layer, however, was again of limited extent, while


Chapter One

Fig. 1.11. Co-occurrences of plotted lithic artifacts and bones in Trenches P and R.

the fourth (as in square T-89, layers 3 and 4), yielded a substantial amount of fauna and lithics.
The 5th and 6th layers were archeologically sterile. S-89 was closed at a depth of 2.0 m below the
surface, without reaching bedrock.
Three seasons of excavations revealed that Paleolithic humans utilized most intensively the area
along the western wall of the LC, within ca. 45 m of the entrance. The limits of this area, beginning about 10 m from the entrance (Square R-90), extended northwards to just south of the
narrowest part of the gallery (and where Square P-90 was situated). According to the spatial
distribution of the stone tools and animal bones, it can be argued that biological activities of all
sorts were particularly concentrated in the area of Y, V and T squares.
To establish further the borders of the apparent intensively used/occupied area of the LC,
squares P-90 and R-90 were opened in 1990 (Figure 1.11). Square P-90, about 45 m from the entrance and largely beyond natural light, was opened to define the northern limits of occupation.
Measuring 3x4m, the deposits in P-90 were found to include four different cultural units. The
first layer had a fill rich in fauna but was poor in stone artifacts. The second layer is very hard,
cloddy and stony sediment containing an enormous number of faunal remains (200), but again
few artifacts. The third and fourth layers, the latter examined only in a restricted area, were both
sterile. Two artifacts found in the upper part of layer 3 were considered as probably intrusive
(from layer 2).

The Caves of Yarmburgaz: Geological Context and History of Investigation


Square U-89 (4 x 4 m), south of Y-88, was opened to clarify the southward extent of the occupation area. Below the surface sediment, a huge fallen roof block covered most of the square
(Figure 1.12). The sediments deposited around this block were excavated in several levels. The
entire 3.0 x 4.0 m area contained a large amount of both macro- and microfauna. Its further excavation was reluctantly abandoned owing to the impracticality of removing the massive block
of limestone.
Square Z-88 (3 x 4 m), the first trench of 1988, was intentionally sited just inside the present dripline, close to the entrance of the LC. The deepest point of excavation measured from the surface
was -3.60 m. Contrary to expectations, undisturbed Paleolithic deposits were not reached here;
most of the layers had been destroyed by building activity during the Byzantine period. All layers
from the surface (0) through layer 3 contained mixed archaeological contents. Layer 4 and below
had undisturbed sediments. The 8th and 12th layers had plentiful micro-vertebrate remains but
the remainder were sterile.
The area of Square R-90 (3 x 4 m), between U-89 and Z-88, contained more abundant material
than did the other adjacent squares (see Figure 1.11). R-90 was excavated to a depth of -2.30 m,
through six layers. We identified several concentrations of finds, containing mostly bones and
teeth. One such concentration, occupying about 1.0 square meter roughly in the middle of the
square, contained almost 100 teeth and 290 bones, and nearly 170 stone artifacts. In layer 2 the
stone artifacts outnumbered the faunal remains. A disconformity was encountered between layers 2 and 3, below which the number of finds decreased. Layer 4 was sterile. Layer 6 yielded large
animal bones and microfauna but lacked artifacts.
Square N-90 (2 x 4 m), was opened at the end of the 1990 season, outside the cave in front of the
entrance. The aim was to reach bedrock, which had never been attained within the cave. This
square yielded no archeological finds of Pleistocene age. Beneath the surface soil the remains
of a building was cleared, probably of the same age as the Byzantine chapel in the UC. The architectural features excavated possibly represented the staired pavement of a building, rising
towards the LC. Six depositional units were observed in N-90, layer 1 being the fill just above

Fig. 1.12.
Fallen block in
Trench U (1989).


Chapter One

the pavement. The 5th layer with small pebbles, and the 6th with sand, lie directly on bedrock.
Bedrock first appeared in square N-90 at about - 2.50 m below the surface, although it is exposed
on the surface in other areas around the entrance. As bedrock was not reached inside the cave,
this suggested a broad shallow U-shaped north-south section for the subsurface floor of the LC.

The deposits of both the Upper (UC) and Lower (LC) Chambers of Yarmburgaz total more
than 5 m in depth. Intact deposits dating to the Upper Pleistocene and Holocene occur only in
the UC. Extensive Middle Pleistocene deposits are preserved intact in the LC. The bedrock of
LC was not reached by excavation except at the cave entrance, and the lowermost sedimentary
record is still unknown.
The deposits in the LC constitute a complex record of sedimentation, including several nondepositional intervals and disconformities. Multiple episodes of human usage of the outer gallery of LC are documented, along with repeated episodes of usage by carnivores, particularly
bears, but also canids, felids and, very minimally, hyaenids. The main archeological unit is the
uppermost sedimentary cycle.
The Yarmburgaz cave complex provides a large and unmatched body of evidence about the
Middle Pleistocene human occupation of Turkish Thrace, as well as important data pertaining
to the terminal-Pleistocene and Holocene archeology of the region. It also provides a unique
paleontological record, primarily of Ursids but of other mammalian taxa as well. The chapters
which follow detail the findings on the geology, geochronology, archaeology, taphonomy, and
paleontology of the Yarmburgaz Lower Paleolithic deposits. These chapters address a range of
questions about the stratigraphic history of the Pleistocene deposits in Yarmburgaz cave (Farrand and McMahon, Chapter 2); the age of the deposits using ESR technique (Blackwell et al.,
Chapter 3); the microfaunal remains and their implications for paleoenvironment in the area
(von Koenigswald et al., Chapter 4); characterization of the lithic assemblages including technological features and raw material economy (Kuhn, Chapter 5); the taphonomy of the macrovertebrate assemblages and the processes of formation, including hominin, carnivore, and rodent
contributions (Stiner, Chapter 6); paleontological assessment of the bear remains including metric and qualitative observations pertaining to the taxonomy of the bears (Tsoukala, Chapter 7);
and palentological study of the surprisingly diverse non-ursid macromammals from the cave,
including metric characteristics (Howell, Chapter 8). The most important findings from this
project are synthesized and discussed in Chapter 9.

The Caves of Yarmburgaz: Geological Context and History of Investigation


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