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Finding Ideas To Write About

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Finding Ideas to Write About

Argument essay topics can be found everywhere. Check the headlines of a newspaper, or just listen
in to a conversation at your local Starbucks. Chances are, you will hear someone trying to persuade
another person to believe in their claim about:

What caused this?

How important is it?

What should we do about it?

Stuck for an idea? Check out my Easy Argument Topics List.

Topic Ideas
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How important are fathers? | Source

5 Types of Argument

Claims of Fact: Is it true or not?

Claims of Definition: What does it really mean?
Claims of Value: How important is it?
Claims of Cause and Effect: What is the cause? What are the effects?
Claims of Policy: What should we do about it?

Writing Your Thesis

Question/Answer format: To make your topic idea into a thesis you need to turn the topic idea into
a question first. Examples:

Does divorce cause serious problems for the children? (fact)

What is "domestic violence?" (definition)

What are the causes of divorce? (cause)

How important is it for couples to avoid divorce? (value)

What can you do to make your marriage divorce-proof? (proposal)

Answer: Your question often can be the title of your paper, or it can be the last line of the
introduction. Your answer to this question is your thesis.
Example: The most important way to make your marriage divorce-proof is to make sure you have
carefully prepared for that commitment.
Refute Objections: You might want to put an introductory phrase in the first part of your thesis to
show that you are refuting other ideas about the answer.
Example: While some people think there is no way to divorce-proof your marriage, studies have
shown that there are fewer divorces when people carefully prepare for that commitment.
Roadmap: An additional way to make a strong thesis is to do a "Roadmap" which tells in just a few
words the three or more main points you will cover.
Example: While some people think there is no way to divorce-proof your marriage, studies have
shown that there are fewer divorces when people carefully prepare for that commitment by taking
time to get to know the other person before becoming engaged, spending time with one another's
family and friends, talking about hot-button issues like finances, and getting extensive premarital

Introduction and Conclusion Ideas

Introduction Ideas

Conclusion Ideas
What will happen if your solution is
Use a true story
adopted or people accept your
Revise the scenario showing what
Scenario: imaginary story which
will happen if the reader adopts your
illustrates the problem
Use a real-life example of how your
Startling quotation, fact or statistic
idea works.
Tell the reader what they need to
Explain the problem
think, do, feel or believe.
Appeal to the reader's emotions,
Describe vividly
character, or reason.
Frame story or flashback
Finish the frame story.
You can mix and match these ideas for your essay.

Organizing Your Paper

Argument essays are fairly straightforward in their organization. In your paper, you will need to do
the following

Interest the reader in the situation and make them think it is worth learning more about.


Explain the controversy or problem clearly.


Explain the sides of the debate.


Tell them your side.


Convince them that your side is the best one to take.


Refute any objections they may be thinking about as they read.


Urge the reader to adopt our point of view to do, think or believe something.

I. Introduction: Explain the subject, the controversy, and end with your thesis. Here are some tips:

Use the title to present your point of view. Often the title can be a question.

Think about your audiencewhat aspects of this issue would most interest or convince

Check out the introduction and conclusion chart for creative ways to introduce your paper.

Make sure you have a clear thesis which answers the question. The thesis should tell your
position and is usually the last sentence of your introduction.

III. Body: Explains the reasons your audience should agree with your thesis. Your body needs to
also refute objections or other points of view.
1. Reasons and support

Usually, you will have three or more reasons why the reader should accept your position.
These will be your topic sentences.

Support each of these reasons with argument, examples, statistics, authorities or anecdotes

To make your reasons seem plausible, connect them back to your position by using if
then reasoning

2. Anticipate opposing positions and objections

What objections will your readers have? Answer them with argument or evidence.

What other positions do people take on this subject? What is your reason for rejecting these

Conclusion: Make a final point which tells the reader what to think or do.

Why should the reader adopt your point of view?

You might use the anticipating objections in the conclusion.

Three Strategies
There are three types of argument strategies: Classical, Rogerian and Toulmin.
You can choose one of these or combine them to create your own argument paper.

Classical Strategies Explained

Classical Argument: Good for a topic that you feel strongly about and when you feel you have a
good chance of convincing your audience to agree with you.

Introduction: announces subject, gets readers interest and attention, makes writer seem

Narration: gives background, context, statement of problem or definition

Partition: states thesis or claim and outlines arguments

Argument: makes arguments to support thesis and gives evidence (largest section of paper
the main body)

Refutation: shows why opposing arguments are not true or valid

Conclusion: Summarizes arguments, suggests solution and ties into the introduction or

Rogerian Strategy
Rogerian argument strategy attempts to persuade by finding points of compromise and agreement. It
is an appropriate technique to use in highly polarized debates, but you must be sincere about
willingness to compromise and change your point of view for the reader to take you seriously.
Qualities of this strategy:

The author is Reasonable: Present your character as a person who understands and
empathizes with the opposition. Often this means you state opposing position fairly and
sympathetically. Example: it is not fair that animals are subjected to painful experimentation to
help humans find new cures.

Common Ground: Establish common ground in beliefs and values you shareExample: As
the dominant species, we do have responsibilities.

Willingness to Change: Be willing to change views and show where your position could be
modified. Example: It is a good idea to invest in trying to find ways to get information without
using live animals in experiments.

Compromise: Direct your argument toward a compromise or workable solution. Example:

lets look for other ways to get information without using animals, but until we do, we probably
need to continue experimentation.

Example of Toulmin
Toulmin is another strategy to use in a highly charged debate. Instead of attempting to appeal to
commonalities, however, this strategy attempts to use clear logic and careful qualifiers to limit the
argument to things that can be agreed upon. It uses this format:

Data: Evidence presented. Example: Pornography on The Internet is bad for kids.

Claim: the thesis the author hopes to prove. Example: Government should regulate Internet

Warrant: The statement that explains how the data backs up the claim.Example:
Government regulation works in other instances.

Backing: Additional logic and reasoning. Example: We have lots of other government
regulations on media.

Qualifier: The short phrase (usually uses typically, usually, or on the whole) which limits
the scope of the claim. Example: In most cases, the government should regulate pornography.

Exceptions: This further limits the claim by describing situations the writer would
exclude. Example: Where children are not involved in pornography, regulation may not be

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Comments 7 comments

VirginiaLynne 10 months ago from United StatesAuthor

Miranda--I'm so glad this article has helped you. It really comes from my experience in teaching
students to write rather than from a textbook. My students have taught me a lot! Much luck to you on
your courses.

MirandaStork 10 months ago from England

Thank you for a really great hub! It's now officially on my 'favourites' bar. I have to do a lot of
argument essays at the moment for my course, and I sometimes have a tricky time working out how
to structure them - this hub is going to help me so much with making my arguments clearer.

VirginiaLynne 2 years ago from United StatesAuthor

Honestly, Dragos--often the best way to get started is just to write down everything you know, then
write down questions that occur to you. If you are doing a research paper, you can then start
gathering information based on your questions. I often just start by Googling some of the questions.
Often you won't come up with research you can use in your paper, but it can jog you into having
some good ideas. In an argument essay, what you really need is:
a question
an answer (your answer, plus what other people would answer)
3 or more good reasons for your answer
reasons why the other answers aren't as good as yours
That is basically what you are going to write about.

Dragos 2 years ago

I pretty much know what has to go in an essay but I'm having a hard time planning my thoughts and
writing down ideas on a topic.

Kathryn L Hill 4 years ago from LA

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