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The Jehu Phenomena by Errol Anthony Smythe

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The Jehu Phenomena : GOD sees the potential in

our hearts to become Children of GOD.

1. When Israel was in apathy and it's army in disarray, we find that when the soldiers had hung up
their swords and shields and other weapons of war and were thinking of quitting the army and just
going home to try and pick up things at home where they had left off, it was at that time that GOD
spoke to His Prophet Elisha to have Jehu anointed as King of Israel.
2. Now, in 2 Kings Chapter 9 , we see that Israel already had a king. We see that the house of
Ahab had brought idolatry into the land of Israel, We see that the house of Ahab allowed false
religion to flourish in Israel.
3. Now when we look back at Bible History, we see that Israel was a nation chosen by GOD to be
Custodians of The Word of GOD. We see that GOD had called Abram out of Ur of Chaldees to
become Abraham The Father of many nations.
4. We see that Abraham had The Promised Son Isaac in his old age when he Abraham was 100
years old and Sarah was 90 years old.
5. We see that Isaac's wife Rebekkah had twins , Jacob and Esau, We see that Esau despised
his Birthright and that Jacob deceived Isaac when Isaac was old and his vision had dimmed and
by deceit and craftiness, Jacob deceived Isaac so that Isaac would think that Jacob was Esau.
6. Jacob wanted the birthright as The First Born son. Jacob desired the blessing as The First
Born Son. There was something in Jacob that motivated him to desire the things of GOD. Jacob
had a hunger and a thirst for The Word of GOD and for The Things of GOD. Jacob wanted more
of GOD.
7. We see that the craftiness and the deceit of Jacob made Jacob steal his brothers birthright with
subtility and when his brother Esau found out that Jacob had deceived him and stole his birthright
and his blessing, Esau was angry and wanted to kill Jacob and was overheard by his mother
Rebekkah who warned Jacob to flee the wrath of Esau.
8. Now what we are discussing is just to lay the groundwork for something that we need to go into
to show that when people see someone one way, GOD, sees the same person another way.
People tend to judge a person a certain way based on how they look, and how they talk and who
they associate with and what job they do and what company they keep but GOD looks at the
9. People saw Jacob as a crook but Jacob was willing to do anything to get that Blessing of The
firstborn and to get The Birthright of The First born.
10. People saw David as an adulterer, but GOD saw that David desired to worship GOD and
serve GOD and to walk with GOD even in the valley of the shadow of death.David was a man
after GOD'S own heart.
11. Some people saw Moses as a murderer who had killed an Egyptian man and buried the
Egyptian in the sand , but GOD saw Moses as a deliverer for His people Israel. GOD saw Moses
as a Prophet , as a Law Giver as a Prince.
12. "Man will always look at the outward appearance, but GOD will look at the heart of a person
and see the desire of their heart."
13. Jacob may have had his faults, but he also had the potential to be what GOD wanted him to

14. We all have our own individual faults. None of us are perfect. People may write us off but
GOD sees the potential in our hearts to become Children of GOD.
15. We see that there came a time when Jacob was returning back to his father's house that he
wrestled with An Angel of The Lord and at the breaking of dawn GOD changed the name of Jacob
to Israel becauseJacobb had wrestled with The Angel of The Lord and had said those notable
words ;".. I will not let thee go, except Thou bless me...". [ Genesis 32:26 ].

2. The Jehu Phenomena : Doing what is Right in The Eyes

of GOD

King Ahab was a king who did what was right in his own eyes.
King Ahab was a wicked king and the life of King Ahab typifies the lives of all wicked rulers.
King Ahab and his wife Jezebel brought idolatry into Israel. The House of Ahab and Jezebel
were in rebellion mode against The Word of GOD.
Jezebel worshipped Baal and her union with King Ahab brought about an environment for a
false religion to flourish in Israel.
GOD raised Elijah to destroy the false prophets of Baal and to make Israel choose between
serving GOD or serving Baal. ( See 1 Kings 18 :1-46).
Look at The United States of America today. The Constitution of The USA was founded
under Judaeo-Christian Principles.
The USA adopted public statements like "One Nation under GOD." and "In GOD we Trust".
Reverend Billy Graham was an advisor to Presidents from Harry S.Truman to Barak Obama.
However, in Barack Obama's case, Reverend Billy Graham for one reason another, has not
been allowed to be a frequent visitor to The White House.
Saul was anointed by Samuel with a VIAL OF OIL, the vial of oil signifying Judgement, ( See
1 Samuel 10:1 ).
Notice, Saul was Anointed with a Vial of Oil. Samuel The Prophet of GOD with Prophetic
Vision knew that Saul would never make a good King.
In The Bible, a King is a ruler appointed to rule over people and a King can also represent
what we call a President of any country.
The Bible says "When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked
beareth rule, the people mourn." ( Proverbs 29:2 ).
When we look at Saul's reign as King over Israel, we see that Saul had a character flaw and
that his flaw of character made him rebel against The Word of GOD and rebel against The
Counsel of Righteous men.
When anyone rebels against The Word of GOD, they remove themselves from Divine Favour
and place themselves in Profane Land to be subjected to demonic attacks.

What that means is that when somebody refuses to Let The Word of GOD be their absolute
and control their life, they remove themselves from The Divine Favour of GOD and by so
doing they remove themselves from The Divine Protection of GOD and without GOD'S
Protection, they become a target for demons to attack with deceit. lies and delusion.
Look at Saul. Saul rebelled against GOD and Saul ended up visiting the witch of Endor.
( See 1 Samuel 28:7-25).
Individuals who rebel against GOD , place themselves under a strong spirit of delusion.
Enticing spirits will lead them further and further away from The Way of GOD and they will
travel down the broad road that leads to destruction.
Look at King Saul. He rebelled against GOD and He never carried out GOD'S Instructions to
slay The Amalekites and their cattle and sheep etc.) I Samuel 15:1-35).
"For rebellion is as the sin of divination, And insubordination is as iniquity and idolatry.
Because you have rejected the word of the LORD, He has also rejected you from being
king." ( I Samuel 15:23 ).
Without The GODLY INFLUENCE in his life , King Saul became a tool of satan and King
Saul hated David and was jealous of David and wanted to kill David.
"And Saul spake to Jonathan his son, and to all his servants, that they should kill David." ( 1
Samuel 19:1).
"Now The Spirit of The LORD had departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from The LORD
tormented him." (1 Samuel 16:14 ).
"9 And the evil spirit from the Lord was upon Saul, as he sat in his house with his javelin in
his hand: and David played with his hand.
10 And Saul sought to smite David even to the wall with the javelin: but he slipped away out
of Saul's presence, and he smote the javelin into the wall: and David fled, and escaped that
night." ( 1 Samuel 19 :9-10).
Saul's life went into a down spiral, a tail spin and Saul's life got worse and worse. Saul visited
a witch and then ended up committing suicide. ( 1 Samuel 31:1-13).
King Saul sinned against GOD by rebelling against The Word of GOD and refused to repent
before GOD.
When an individual turns away from GOD and walks away from GOD, such an individual
walks away from The Mercy of GOD and they cross The Line that separates Mercy from
King Saul's rebellious heart made him rebel against GOD and cross The Line that separated
Mercy from Judgement.
Look at King Ahab.
King Ahab crossed The Line that separates Mercy from Judgement.
King Ahab did what was right in his own eyes.

David was Anointed with a HORN OF OIL,The Horn of Oil signifying DIVINE FAVOUR. (See
1 Samuel 16:13 ).
David was a man after GOD's own heart. David was a godly King.
When David sinned, David repented before The Lord so that David could restore his
Fellowship with GOD.
Jehu did what was right in GOD'S Eyes.
Jehu destroyed the ungodly influence Jezebel had over Israel for as the wife of King Ahab,
Jezebel was part of the house of Ahab.
"And The Lord said unto Jehu, Because thou hast done well in executing that which is right
in Mine Eyes, and hast done unto the house of Ahab according to all that was in Mine Heart,
thy children of the fourth generation shall sit on the throne of Israel." ( 2 Kings 10:30).

3. Jehu did what was right in GOD'S Eyes.

Jehu did what was right in GOD'S Eyes.
King Ahab was a wicked king and the life of King Ahab typifies the lives of all wicked rulers.
The Reign of The Clintons is over. Pray for The USA. May GOD continue to Bless The USA.
People who Love America Respect The USA Constitution & will not allow an Evil Wicked
Crooked Political System to rule The USA.
The Corrupt Reign of a modern day Ahab and a modern Jezebel is over.
Jezebel looked down at Jehu from an upper window. She had tried to improve her optics but
Her perception of Jehu was wrong.
And he [Jehu ] lifted up his face to the window, and said, Who is on my side? who? And there
looked out to him two or three eunuchs.[ 2 Kings 9:32].
In 2 Kings 9:32 ,Eunuchs.who had been castrated by The Ahab and Jezebel System,decided
that enough was enough and judged Jezebel as crooked.
It won't be long before some main stream media break ranks & turn against The Clintons &
fully Expose their corrupt practices.
The modern day Jezebel, is concerned about her OPTICS.But her Optics are BAD.She is a
crooked politician.She is a deceiver.
The modern day Jezebel, is concerned about her OPTICS.But her Optics are BAD.She is a
crooked politician.She is a deceiver.
Jezebel was afraid of Jehu.He could not be bought.He was on a mission to root out the
corruption of The house of Ahab.
The Law Enforcement Agencies will deal with the evidence against The Clintons.
Law & Order & Peace and Justice will Prevail.
The Main Stream Media behave like "Eunuchs".They have been Castrated by a wicked
Jezebel System so that they DISTORT The News.
Jezebel was judged as crooked by her own insiders who were tired of her bad attempts to
improve her optics for the public.
GOD will humble the proud and arrogant and those who have set themselves up as idols on
some man made pedestal.
The Reign of The Clintons is over.The Main Stream Media has to REPORT The News
without DISTORTING The News.
The Media will knock the Modern Day Jezebel off her pedestal & throw her down so that she
will be a fallen idol.
"But let judgment run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream". [ Amos 5:24 ].

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