Analysis of Discourse': Essay by Francis Bacon
Analysis of Discourse': Essay by Francis Bacon
Analysis of Discourse': Essay by Francis Bacon
There can be no doubt about Bacons greatness as an essayist or a prose artist. The
essay Of Discourse clearly demonstrates Bacons powers and talents. It is an essay
on perfect oratory. In which Bacon has given a combative study between the traits
and characteristics, virtues and vices of discourse.
Of Discourse prioritizes a practical Baconian guide to fluent, flowing, graceful and
effective communication which would definitely enrich the course of living. Bacon has
classified the soul of conversation as a constitution of three major divisions of rhetoric
inventio, dispositio and elocution. Inventio or invention of points, reasons, logic and
arguments is the key to discussion. The other two important ingredients of a
conversation are disposition i.e. the arrangement of the above argument and
elocution i.e. the use of apt expression and ornament. Bacon thus says .. discretion of
speech is more than eloquence; and to speak agreeably to him, with whom we deal, is
more than to speak in good words, or in good order..
Bacon initiates his topic with a warning that commendation of wit is worthless unless
the thought is clear on the speaker lacks the proper judgement. According to Bacon a
pleasing speech is that which has a variety in its nature of topic and articulation
..which kind of poverty is far the most part tedious and when it is once perceived,
Bacon finds the start of the conversation as the honourable part and both in
sustained, formal be added with present references, stories, questions, jesting: ..It is
good, in discourse and speech of conversation, to vary and intermingle speech of the
present occasion with arguments; tales with reasons; asking of questions with telling
of opinions; and jest with earnest..
In matter of adding humour or joke, Bacon is cautious. Being a utilitarian guide Bacon
advises his readers to omit the jest from religion, matters of state, great persons, any
mans present business of importance, and any case that deserveth pity. These are
the privileged fields of affairs which must be taken into serious consideration.
According to Bacon, running a conversation is alike riding a horse which needs both
the speed and control: ..spare the spur, boy, and use the reins more strongly..
Wit is like spur a sharp pointed object that the riders sometimes wear on the heels of
their boots and use to encourage their horse to go faster. In an argument we should
exercise the reins in order to control the galloping horse of speech rather than run it
Bacon was nothing if not a practical man, and he advises the ideal speaker to
. . . questioneth much to learn much, and content much . . . and himself shall
continually gather knowledge. But let not his questions be troublesome; for that is fit
for a poser
This advice gets to the heart of Bacon's understanding of what constitutes ideal
discourse--one of its principal goals is to learn about other men and their beliefs. As
part of that process, one should not ask questions that might bring up a "sore point"
for the person being questioned.
Didactically Bacon remarks
Parce, puer, stimulis, et fortius utere loris..... Certainly, he that hath a satirical vein,
as he maketh others afraid of his wit, so he had need be afraid of others' memory..
And even who makes satirical witty remark must get prepared to receive the same.
In Bacon's writings on rhetoric in general, he argued that how one spoke was less
important than what one said, so the ideal discourse is one that is rich in content as
opposed to eloquence. In other words, eloquence without substance is not proper
discourse .There are some who are talkative and eager to preside the discourse.
Bacon gives them a treat of faster music which will dislodge their dance rhythm.