Omohyoid Muscle PDF
Omohyoid Muscle PDF
Omohyoid Muscle PDF
Hyoid bone
Depresses the larynx and hyoid bone. Also carries hyoid bone backward and to the side.
Ansa cervicalis
Ansa cervicalis. Superior root labeled as "descending hypoglossal", Inferior root labeled as "descending cervical".
The genioglossus, arises from the mandible and protrudes the tongue. It is also known as the
tongue's "safety muscle" since it is the only muscle that propels the tongue forward.
The hyoglossus, arises from the hyoid bone and retracts and depresses the tongue.
The styloglossus, arises from the styloid process of the temporal bone and draws the sides of the
tongue up to create a trough for swallowing.
The palatoglossus, arises from the palatine aponeurosis, and depresses the soft palate, moves
the palatoglossal fold towards the midline, and elevates the back of the tongue during
Four paired intrinsic muscles of the tongue originate and insert within the tongue, running along
its length. They are thesuperior longitudinal muscle, the inferior longitudinal muscle, the vertical
muscle, and the transverse muscle. These muscles alter the shape of the tongue by: lengthening
and shortening it, curling and uncurling its apex and edges as intongue rolling, and flattening and
rounding its surface.
The Pirogov triangle (also Piragoff's triangle) is an area in the human neck formed by the
intermediate tendon of the digastric muscle, the posterior border of themylohyoid muscle, and
the hypoglossal nerve. The triangle was named after Russian surgeon and scientist Nikolay
Pirogov who performed a first description of that anatomic area of the neck.[1] The lingual
artery can be found in the Pirogov triangle underneath the fibers of the hyoglossus muscle.
Motor supply for all intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of the tongue is supplied by efferent motor
nerve fibers from the hypoglossal nerve (CN XII), with the exception of the palatoglossus. The
palatoglossus is innervated by the vagus nerve (CN X)
Taste: chorda tympani branch of the facial nerve (CN VII) via special visceral
afferent fibers
Sensation: lingual branch of the mandibular division (V3) of the trigeminal nerve (CN V)
via general somatic afferent fibers
Taste and sensation: glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) via a mixture of special and
general visceral afferent fibers
Base of tongue
Unlike all other cranial nerves, the spinal accessory nerve begins outside the skull rather than
enters the skull through theforamen magnum, the large opening at the base of the skull.[4] The
nerve courses along the inner wall of the skull towards the jugular foramen,[4] through which it
exits the skull with the glossopharyngeal (CN IX) and vagus nerves (CN X). Owing to its peculiar
course, the spinal accessory nerve is notable for being the only cranial nerve to both enter and
exit the skull.
CN I Olfactory
CN II Optic
CN III Oculomotor
CN IV Trochlear
CN V (1,2,3) Trigeminal
CN VI Abducens
CN VII Facial
CN VIII Vestibulocochlear
CN IX Glossopharyngeal
CN X Vagus
CN XI Accessory
CN XII Hypoglossal
The terminal nerve, or cranial nerve zero, was discovered by German scientist Gustav Fritsch in
1878 in the brains ofsharks. It was first found in humans in 1913
Although very close to[8] (and often confused for a branch of) the olfactory nerve, the terminal
nerve is not connected to the olfactory bulb, where smells are analyzed. This fact suggests that
the nerve is either vestigial or may be related to the sensing of pheromones. This hypothesis is
further supported by the fact that the terminal nerve projects to the medial and lateral septal
nuclei and the preoptic areas, all of which are involved in regulating sexual
behavior in mammals.[
Blood tests may detect the presence of placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP) in fifty percent of
cases. However, PLAP cannot usefully stand alone as a marker for seminoma and contributes
little to follow-up, due to its rise with smoking.[5] Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) may be
elevated in some cases, but this correlates more to the presence of trophoblast cells within the
tumour than to the stage of the tumour. A classical or pure seminoma by definition do not cause
an elevated serum alpha fetoprotein .[6] Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) may be the only marker
that is elevated in some seminomas. The degree of elevation in the serum LDH has prognostic
value in advanced seminoma.[7]
cut surface of the tumour is fleshy and lobulated, and varies in colour from cream to tan to pink.
Microscopic examination shows that seminomas are usually composed of either a sheet-like or
lobular pattern of cells with a fibrous stromal network. The fibrous septa almost always contain
focal lymphocyte inclusions, and granulomas are sometimes seen. The tumour cells themselves
typically have abundant clear to pale pink cytoplasm containing abundant glycogen, which is
demonstrable with a periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) stain. The nuclei are prominent and usually
contain one or two large nucleoli, and have prominent nuclear membranes. Foci
of syncytiotrophoblastic cells may be present in varied amounts. The adjacent testicular tissue
commonly shows intratubular germ cell neoplasia, and may also show variable spermatocytic
maturation arrest.[3]