Effects of Short Term Water Immersion On Peripheral Reflex Excitability in Hemiplegic and Healthy Individuals: A Preliminary Study
Effects of Short Term Water Immersion On Peripheral Reflex Excitability in Hemiplegic and Healthy Individuals: A Preliminary Study
Effects of Short Term Water Immersion On Peripheral Reflex Excitability in Hemiplegic and Healthy Individuals: A Preliminary Study
Original Article
University of Jyvaskyla, Neuromuscular Research Center, Department of Biology of Physical Activity, Finland;
Kymenlaakso Central Hospital, Carea, Rehabilitation and Pain Unit, Kotka, Finland; 3Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences,
Human Movement and Functioning, Helsinki, Finland; 4University of Jyvaskyla, Department of Health Sciences, Finland
*These authors contributed equally to this work
Tapani Pyhnen died prior to publication of this work
Background: Reflex excitability is increased in hemiplegic patients compared to healthy controls. One challenge of stroke rehabilitation is to decrease the effects of hyperreflexia, which may be possible with water immersion. Methods/Aims: The present study examined the effects of acute water immersion on electrically-evoked Hmax:Mmax ratios (a measure of reflex excitability) in 7 hyperreflexive
hemiplegic patients and 7 age-matched healthy people. Hmax:Mmax ratios were measured from soleus on dry land (L1), immediately after
(W1) and 5 minutes after immersion (W5), and again after five minutes on land (L5). Results: Water immersion led to an acute increase
in Hmax:Mmax ratio in both groups. However, after returning to dry land, there was a non-significant decrease in the Hmax:Mmax ratio of 8%
in the hemiplegic group and 10% in healthy controls compared to pre-immersion values. Interpretation: A short period of water immersion can decrease peripheral reflex excitability after returning to dry land in both healthy controls and post-stroke patients, although
longer immersion periods may be required for sustainable effects. Water immersion may offer promise as a low-risk, non-invasive and
non-pharmaceutical method of decreasing hyperreflexivity, and could thus support aquatic rehabilitation following stroke.
Keywords: H/M-ratio, Reflex Excitability, Hemiplegia, Water Immersion, Stroke Rehabilitation
Stroke is one of the leading causes of death and disability, and
with prevalence of stroke set to increase over the next 20 years,
the financial burden of stroke is also set to escalate globally1,2.
Irrespective of the type of stroke, loss of functional capacity is
one of the major problems, and a main focus of rehabilitation is
the restoration of function using a wide range of methods3. Following an upper motor neuron lesion such as stroke, the performance of activities of daily living is affected by the development
of spasticity and the consequences of decreased physical activity, e.g. muscle weakness, impaired motor control and soft tissue
contracture4. Prevalence of spasticity after stroke ranges from
19-92% and is a common factor restricting restoration of function5,6. Spasticity is characterised by an exaggerated response of
the stretch reflex, or hyperreflexia, to a velocity-dependent stretch
of a muscle at rest7. One challenge of rehabilitation paradigms for
stroke patients is to decrease the impact of spasticity on active
and passive movement, thereby improving rehabilitation participation and completion of activities of daily living (ADL).
Height (cm)
Body mass (kg)
Reason for hemiplegia
Years since stroke
Achilles tendon reflex
Active ankle dorsiflexion
Active ankle plantar flexion
Passive ankle dorsiflexion
Passive ankle plantar flexion
3 female,
4 male
4 infarction,
3 haemorrhage
(range: 3-26)
3 female,
4 male
Values are mean SD. Achilles tendon reflex scores are based on the
NINDS scale23, 1=hyporeflexia, 4=clonus. Active ankle dorsi/plantar flexion scores are based on the modified MRC scale for testing
strength24, 0=plegic, 5=strong movement. Passive scores are based
on the modified modified Ashworth scale25, 1=normal, 5=rigid.
(Table 1). The study received approval from the Ethical Committee of the Kymenlaakso Central Hospital, and subjects gave
written informed consent. Inclusion criteria for the hemiplegic
patients were: (1) stable hemiplegic symptoms caused by hemorrhage or cerebral infarction, (2) hyperreflexia, (3) ability to walk
with or without assistive device, (4) ability to manage activities of
daily living independently. Exclusion criteria were: (1) cognitive
problems, (2) cardio-pulmonary disease, (3) dementia.
After shaving, abrading and cleaning the skin with alcohol,
surface EMG electrodes (Medicotest N-OO-S, Denmark) were
positioned bilaterally over soleus below the distal heads of the
gastrocnemius muscles. Inter-electrode distance was 2 cm. After determining the optimal stimulating location, a cathode electrode (1 cm) was placed over the tibial nerve in the popliteal
fossa, and the anode (5 x 8 cm) was positioned superior to the
patella. Single 1 ms square pulses were delivered by a constant
current stimulation unit (Grass Telefactor, Model S48K, Astromed Inc, USA). Stimulation intensity was adjusted in small
increments (4-5 mA) to produce full H-reflex and M-wave recruitment curves, which were sampled by the EMG equipment
(ME6000, Mega Electronics Ltd, Kuopio, Finland) at a frequency of 1000 Hz and recorded using MegaWin software (Mega
Electronics Ltd). Approximately twenty stimuli were collected
at each measurement interval, using a randomised inter-stimulus
interval of at least 10 seconds. The highest H-reflex and M-wave
values were used for further analysis.
All data were collected in a single session, which included
identical measurements performed on land (L1), immediately after water immersion (W1) and after five minutes of immersion
(W5) with the water at the level of the mid-sternum and the lower
limb approximately 60 cm below this point. Finally, the measurements were repeated after five minutes on land (L5). The
room and water temperatures were 26C and 33C, respectively.
Throughout the measurements, subjects were seated in a poolside
elevator chair with hip angle at 110, knee angle at 160 and ankle
angle at 90 (180=full extension). In order to guarantee identical position throughout the measurement session, the ankles and
thighs were stabilized with straps, and subjects were instructed to
keep the head still, eyes open, and look forwards at all times. To
protect the recording equipment and to guarantee patient safety,
each subject wore thin waterproof trousers (Vision Flyfishing,
Finland). At each measurement interval, H-reflexes and M-waves
were evoked from the affected hemiplegic leg in the patient group
and the dominant leg in controls. At L1, the non-affected leg of the
patient group was also measured as a reference.
Statistical analysis
Means and standard deviations were calculated for the
peak-to-peak amplitudes of maximal H- and M-responses and
Hmax:Mmax ratios for all subjects and conditions. Of these parameters, statistics were only performed on the Hmax:Mmax ratio be59
Hemiplegic group
(mV) (mV) Hmax:Mmax
Control group
(mV) (mV) Hmax:Mmax
3.46 (1.53)
5.70 (1.39)
0.60 (0.21)
3.65 (1.67)
7.23 (2.30)
0.52 (0.16)
4.83 (2.24)
7.46 (2.49)
0.64 (0.21)
5.70 (2.56)
7.75 (2.29)
0.73 (0.24)
4.32 (2.41)
7.80 (3.78)
0.58 (0.17)
5.11 (2.67)
7.56 (2.17)
0.66 (0.28)
4.16 (2.72)
7.28 (3.72)
0.58 (0.20)
4.31 (2.26)
7.06 (1.95)
0.59 (0.26)
3.36 (1.81)
7.16 (2.45)
0.47 (0.14)
Table 2. Absolute values for H-reflex, M-wave and Hmax:Mmax ratios on dry land (L1), immediately after water immersion (W1), after 5 minutes of
immersion (W5) and after 5 minutes on land (L5). Values represent group mean (SD).
There were no statistical differences between groups in terms
of age (t=-0.086, p=0.933), height (t=-0.051, p=0.960) or body
mass (t=1.001, p=0.337). The values of maximal H-reflexes,
M-waves and Hmax:Mmax ratios are shown in Table 2. At L1, independent samples t-tests revealed no statistical difference between the Hmax:Mmax ratio of the control group and the affected
patient limb (t=1.194, p=0.257) or the non-affected limb (t=0.817,
p=0.431). A mixed ANOVA revealed a significant main effect
of time (F=9.166, p<0.001) but not group (F=1.174, p=0.302) on
the Hmax:Mmax ratio. The group x time interaction was also not
significant (F=0.686, p=0.567). Pairwise comparisons based on
the significant effect of time revealed that the Hmax:Mmax ratio increased between L1 and W1 (p<0.05; Mean Difference: 0.074,
95% CI: 0.013-0.135). Between W5 and L5, there was a significant decrease in the Hmax:Mmax ratio (p<0.05; Mean Difference:
0.096, 95% CI: 0.004-0.189). When comparing the pre- and postimmersion values on land (L1 and L5), there was no significant
difference in the Hmax:Mmax ratio (p= 0.449). To explore the effects
of water immersion further, relative changes in Hmax:Mmax ratio
relative to the values at L1 are shown in Figure 1. Changes in
H/M ratios were largely due to changes in H-reflex amplitude,
as M-wave amplitudes did not differ across time points in the
patient group (F=0.344, p=0.794) or the controls (GreenhouseGeisser adjusted F=0.715, p=0.475; see also Table 2).
Within the hemiplegic group, the affected and non-affected
Figure 1. Group mean changes in the Hmax:Mmax ratio across all time
points. Values are expressed as percentage change relative to the respective values at L1.
The present study was among the first to examine reflex responses both in and out of water, and this technique may open
new possibilities for aquatic research. The results revealed that
immediately after immersion in water, the Hmax:Mmax ratio increased in the affected limb of hemiplegic stroke patients and
healthy controls. This is in contrast to the results of a previ-