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CREBA Vs The Secretary of Agrarian Reform

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Rule 65 #10

G.R. No. 183409 June 18, 2010

INC. (CREBA),Petitioner,
This case is a Petition for Certiorari and Prohibition (with
application for temporary restraining order and/or writ of
preliminary injunction) under Rule 65 of the 1997 Revised
Rules of Civil Procedure, filed by herein petitioner Chamber of
Real Estate and Builders Associations, Inc. (CREBA) seeking
to nullify and prohibit the enforcement of Department of
Agrarian Reform (DAR) Administrative Order (AO) No. 01-02,
as amended by DAR AO No. 05-07, [1] and DAR Memorandum
No. 88,[2] for having been issued by the Secretary of Agrarian
Reform with grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or
excess of jurisdiction as some provisions of the aforesaid
administrative issuances are illegal and unconstitutional.
Petitioner CREBA, a private non-stock, non-profit
corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the
Republic of the Philippines involved in land and housing
development, building and infrastructure construction, materials
production and supply, and services in the various related fields of
engineering, architecture, community planning and development
financing. The Secretary of Agrarian Reform is named respondent as
he is the duly appointive head of the DAR whose administrative
issuances are the subject of this petition.
The Secretary of Agrarian Reform issued entitled Omnibus
Rules and Procedures Governing Conversion of Agricultural Lands
to Non-Agricultural Uses. The aforesaid rules embraced all private
agricultural lands regardless of tenurial arrangement and commodity
produced, and all untitled agricultural lands and agricultural lands
reclassified by Local Government Units (LGUs) into non-agricultural
Subsequently, the Secretary of Agrarian Reform issued
DAR AO No. 01-99,[4] entitled Revised Rules and Regulations on the
Conversion of Agricultural Lands to Non-agricultural Uses, amending
and updating the previous rules on land use conversion.
February 2002, the Secretary of Agrarian Reform issued
another Administrative Order, i.e., DAR AO No. 01-02, entitled 2002
Comprehensive Rules on Land Use Conversion, which further
amended DAR AO No. 07-97 and DAR AO No. 01-99, and repealed
all issuances inconsistent therewith. The aforesaid DAR AO No. 0102 covers all applications for conversion from agricultural to nonagricultural uses or to another agricultural use.
Thereafter, the Secretary of Agrarian Reform amended certain
provisions[8] of DAR AO No. 01-02 by formulating DAR AO No. 0507, particularly addressing land conversion in time of exigencies and
To address the unabated conversion of prime agricultural lands for
real estate development, the Secretary of Agrarian Reform further
issued Memorandum No. 88 on 15 April 2008, which temporarily
suspended the processing and approval of all land use conversion
Issue: WON the PETITION for Certiorari and Prohibition (with
application for temporary restraining order and/or writ of preliminary
injunction) under Rule 65 filed by herein respondents is proper.
Held: This petition must be dismissed.
Primarily, although this Court, the Court of Appeals and the Regional
Trial Courts have concurrent jurisdiction to issue writs of certiorari,
prohibition, mandamus, quo warranto, habeas corpus and injunction,
such concurrence does not give the petitioner unrestricted
freedom of choice of court forum.[15] In Heirs of Bertuldo Hinog v.
Melicor,[16] citing People v. Cuaresma,[17] this Court made the
following pronouncements:
This Court's original jurisdiction to issue writs of
certiorari is not exclusive. It is shared by this Court with
Regional Trial Courts and with the Court of Appeals. This
concurrence of jurisdiction is not, however, to be taken as
according to parties seeking any of the writs an absolute,
unrestrained freedom of choice of the court to which application

therefor will be directed. There is after all a hierarchy of

courts. That hierarchy is determinative of the venue of appeals,
and also serves as a general determinant of the appropriate
forum for petitions for the extraordinary writs. A becoming regard
for that judicial hierarchy most certainly indicates that petitions
for the issuance of extraordinary writs against first level (inferior)
courts should be filed with the Regional Trial Court, and those
against the latter, with the Court of Appeals. A direct invocation
of the Supreme Courts original jurisdiction to issue these
writs should be allowed only when there are special and
important reasons therefor, clearly and specifically set out
in the petition. This is [an] established policy. It is a policy
necessary to prevent inordinate demands upon the Courts time
and attention which are better devoted to those matters within its
exclusive jurisdiction, and to prevent further over-crowding of the
Courts docket.[18] (Emphasis supplied.)
The rationale for this rule is two-fold: (a) it would be an
imposition upon the precious time of this Court; and (b) it would
cause an inevitable and resultant delay, intended or otherwise, in the
adjudication of cases, which in some instances had to be remanded
or referred to the lower court as the proper forum under the rules of
procedure, or as better equipped to resolve the issues because this
Court is not a trier of facts.[19]
This Court thus reaffirms the judicial policy that it will not
entertain direct resort to it unless the redress desired cannot be
obtained in the appropriate courts, and exceptional and compelling
circumstances, such as cases of national interest and of serious
implications, justify the availment of the extraordinary remedy of writ
of certiorari, calling for the exercise of its primary jurisdiction.
In the case at bench, petitioner failed to specifically and
sufficiently set forth special and important reasons to justify
direct recourse to this Court and why this Court should give
due course to this petition in the first instance, hereby failing to
fulfill the conditions set forth in Heirs of Bertuldo Hinog v. Melicor.[27]
The present petition should have been initially filed in the Court of
Appeals in strict observance of the doctrine on the hierarchy of
courts. Failure to do so is sufficient cause for the dismissal of this
Moreover, although the instant petition is styled as a
Petition for Certiorari, in essence, it seeks the declaration by this
Court of the unconstitutionality or illegality of the questioned DAR AO
No. 01-02, as amended, and Memorandum No. 88. It, thus, partakes
of the nature of a Petition for Declaratory Relief over which this Court
has only appellate, not original, jurisdiction. [28] Section 5, Article VIII
of the 1987 Philippine Constitution provides:
Sec. 5. The Supreme Court shall have the following
(1) Exercise original jurisdiction over cases affecting
ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls,
and over petitions for certiorari, prohibition,
mandamus, quo warranto, and habeas corpus.
(2) Review, revise, reverse, modify, or affirm on appeal or
certiorari as the law or the Rules of Court may
provide, final judgments and orders of lower
courts in:
(a) All cases in which the constitutionality or validity of
any treaty, international or executive agreement,
law, presidential decree, proclamation, order,
instruction, ordinance, or regulation is in
question. (Emphasis supplied.)
With that, this Petition must necessarily fail because this
Court does not have original jurisdiction over a Petition for
Declaratory Relief even if only questions of law are involved.
Even if the petitioner has properly observed the doctrine of
judicial hierarchy, this Petition is still dismissible.
The special civil action for certiorari is intended for the
correction of errors of jurisdiction only or grave abuse of
discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction. Its
principal office is only to keep the inferior court within the parameters
of its jurisdiction or to prevent it from committing such a grave abuse
of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction.
The essential requisites for a Petition for Certiorari under
Rule 65 are: (1) the writ is directed against a tribunal, a board, or an

officer exercising judicial or quasi-judicial functions; (2) such tribunal,

board, or officer has acted without or in excess of jurisdiction, or with
grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction;
and (3) there is no appeal or any plain, speedy, and adequate
remedy in the ordinary course of law.[30]
Excess of jurisdiction as distinguished from absence of
jurisdiction means that an act, though within the general power of a
tribunal, board or officer, is not authorized and invalid with respect to
the particular proceeding, because the conditions which alone
authorize the exercise of the general power in respect of it are
wanting.[31] Without jurisdiction means lack or want of legal power,
right or authority to hear and determine a cause or causes,
considered either in general or with reference to a particular matter.
It means lack of power to exercise authority.[32] Grave abuse of
discretion implies such capricious and whimsical exercise of
judgment as is equivalent to lack of jurisdiction or, in other words,
where the power is exercised in an arbitrary manner by reason of
passion, prejudice, or personal hostility, and it must be so patent or
gross as to amount to an evasion of a positive duty or to a virtual
refusal to perform the duty enjoined or to act at all in contemplation
of law.[33]
In the case before this Court, the petitioner fails to meet the
above-mentioned requisites for the proper invocation of a Petition for
Certiorari under Rule 65. The Secretary of Agrarian Reform in
issuing the assailed DAR AO No. 01-02, as amended, as well as
Memorandum No. 88 did so in accordance with his mandate to
implement the land use conversion provisions of Republic Act No.
6657. In the process, he neither acted in any judicial or quasi-judicial
capacity nor assumed unto himself any performance of judicial or
quasi-judicial prerogative. A Petition for Certiorari is a special civil
action that may be invoked only against a tribunal, board, or
officer exercising judicial functions. Section 1, Rule 65 of the
1997 Revised Rules of Civil Procedure is explicit on this matter, viz.:
SECTION 1. Petition for certiorari. When any tribunal,
board or officer exercising judicial or quasi-judicial functions has
acted without or in excess of its or his jurisdiction, or with grave
abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction,
and there is no appeal, nor any plain, speedy, and adequate
remedy in the ordinary course of law, a person aggrieved thereby
may file a verified petition in the proper court, alleging the facts
with certainty and praying that judgment must be rendered
annulling or modifying the proceedings of such tribunal, board or
A tribunal, board, or officer is said to be exercising judicial
function where it has the power to determine what the law is and
what the legal rights of the parties are, and then undertakes to
determine these questions and adjudicate upon the rights of the
parties. Quasi-judicial function, on the other hand, is a term which

applies to the actions, discretion, etc., of public administrative

officers or bodies x x x required to investigate facts or ascertain the
existence of facts, hold hearings, and draw conclusions from them
as a basis for their official action and to exercise discretion of a
judicial nature.[34]
Before a tribunal, board, or officer may exercise judicial or
quasi-judicial acts, it is necessary that there be a law that gives rise
to some specific rights of persons or property under which adverse
claims to such rights are made, and the controversy ensuing
therefrom is brought before a tribunal, board, or officer clothed with
power and authority to determine the law and adjudicate the
respective rights of the contending parties.[35]
The Secretary of Agrarian Reform does not fall within the
ambit of a tribunal, board, or officer exercising judicial or quasijudicial functions. The issuance and enforcement by the Secretary of
Agrarian Reform of the questioned DAR AO No. 01-02, as amended,
and Memorandum No. 88 were done in the exercise of his quasilegislative and administrative functions and not of judicial or quasijudicial functions. In issuing the aforesaid administrative issuances,
the Secretary of Agrarian Reform never made any adjudication of
rights of the parties. As such, it can never be said that the Secretary
of Agrarian Reform had acted with grave abuse of discretion
amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction in issuing and enforcing
DAR AO No. 01-02, as amended, and Memorandum No. 88 for he
never exercised any judicial or quasi-judicial functions but merely his
quasi-legislative and administrative functions.
The adequate and proper remedy for the petitioner
therefore is to file a Petition for Declaratory Relief, which this Court
has only appellate and not original jurisdiction. It is beyond the
province of certiorari to declare the aforesaid administrative
issuances unconstitutional and illegal because certiorari is confined
only to the determination of the existence of grave abuse of
discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction. Petitioner
cannot simply allege grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or
excess of jurisdiction and then invoke certiorari to declare the
aforesaid administrative issuances unconstitutional and illegal.
Emphasis must be given to the fact that the writ of certiorari dealt
with in Rule 65 of the 1997 Revised Rules of Civil Procedure is a
prerogative writ, never demandable as a matter of right, never
issued except in the exercise of judicial discretion.[36]
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the instant Petition
for Certiorari is DISMISSED. Costs against petitioner. SO

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