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Peace Corps Namibia Welcome Book - July 2008

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July 2008
Dear Prospective Namibia Volunteer:

Congratulations on your invitation to join the Peace Corps!

We are extending to you an early welcome to Namibia as
our future colleague. Peace Corps Volunteers have made
contributions to the people and communities of this country
while learning about the many cultures within Namibia and
helping people here understand Americans. In the process, we
all have learned a lot about ourselves.

When Namibia gained its independence in March 1990, one of

the first requests made by the government was to the Peace
Corps to help in establishing a truly national, all-inclusive
educational system. In fact, the request was made on plain
paper since the government was so new it did not yet have
letterhead stationary! Peace Corps responded that same year
with a group of 14 Volunteers to assist with the transition
from Afrikaans to English as the means of instruction in
Namibian schools.

As Namibia works to extend educational access and quality

to all groups, it faces the additional burden of protecting its
population against the spread of HIV/AIDS. HIV/AIDS has
become the new emergency in southern Africa, threatening
not only the lives of Namibias citizens, but also the progress
achieved since independence in developing Namibias human
and natural resources.

Volunteers in the education sector teach math, science,

English, and information/communication technology (ICT),
and help with teacher training at a Teachers Resource
Center (TRC). Health sector Volunteers assist individuals and
communities in the prevention of HIV/AIDS and in mitigating


its effects. Peace Corps Volunteers are deeply appreciated
by the government of Namibia as integral contributors to the
health and well-being of the country.

During your eight-week training in Namibia you will begin

the two-year process of learning a Namibian language, be
introduced to various cultural Issues, and gain technical skills
youll need for your work. You will then join the Volunteers
who are here now and have served before you. You will find
you have entered a fascinating and complex country with a
long history of colonial conquest and apartheid policies - but
one which gained its independence through a long struggle.
You will quickly recognize there are many opportunities
for you to serve and learn, and by doing so - to grow. This
Welcome Book and its resources are an early reference for you
to begin to understand Namibia and the role that youll have
during your two years of service here. We look forward to your
arrival and to working with you as a Peace Corps Volunteer in

Hannah Baldwin
Country Director
Map of Namibia

A Welcome Letter 1

Peace Corps/Namibia History and Programs 7

History of the Peace Corps in Namibia 7
History and Future of Peace Corps
Programming in Namibia 7-8

Country Overview: Namibia at a Glance 11

History 11-12
Government 12-13
Economy 13
People and Culture 13-14
Environment 14-15

Resources for Further Information 17

Living Conditions and Volunteer Lifestyle 23

Communications 23-24
Housing and Site Location 24
Living Allowance and Money Management 25
Food and Diet 25-26
Transportation 26
Geography and Climate 27-28
Social Activities 28
Professionalism, Dress, and Behavior 28-29
Personal Safety 29-30
Rewards and Frustrations 30


Peace Corps Training 33
Overview of Pre-Service Training 33-36
Technical Training 34
Language Training 35
Cross-Cultural Training 35
Health Training 35-36
Safety Training 36
Additional Trainings During Volunteer Service 36-37

Your Health Care and Safety in Namibia 39

Health Issues in Namibia 39-40
Helping You Stay Healthy 40-41
Maintaining Your Health 41-42
Womens Health Information 42-43
Your Peace Corps Medical Kit 43-44
Before You Leave: A Medical Checklist 44-46
Safety and SecurityOur Partnership 46-52
Factors that Contribute to Volunteer Risk 47
Summary Strategies to Reduce Risk 47-48
Support from Staff 48-51
What if you become a victim of a violent crime? 51-52
Security Issues in Namibia 53
Staying Safe: Dont Be a Target for Crime 53-54
Preparing for the Unexpected: Safety Training
and Volunteer Support in Namibia 54-56

Diversity and Cross-Cultural Issues 59

Overview of Diversity in Namibia 60
What Might a Volunteer Face? 60-65
Possible Issues for Female Volunteers 60-61
Possible Issues for Volunteers of Color 61-63
Possible Issues for Senior Volunteers 63
Possible Issues for Gay, Lesbian,
or Bisexual Volunteers 64
Possible Religious Issues for Volunteers 64-65
Possible Issues for Volunteers With Disabilities 65
Frequently Asked Questions 67

Welcome Letters From Namibia Volunteers 73

Packing List 83

Pre-departure Checklist 89

Contacting Peace Corps Headquarters 93


History of the Peace Corps in Namibia

The first group of 14 Volunteers arrived in Namibia on

September 9, 1990, less than six months after the country
became independent. By January 1991, the program was in
full operation. The primary role of these early Volunteers
was to teach English, in support of the new governments
declaration of English as the countrys official language.
Classroom teachers also assisted in the transition from
Afrikaans to English as the language of instruction in upper
primary and secondary schools. In the early 1990s, Volunteers
also provided assistance to drought relief efforts and began to
work in youth development offices. The number of Volunteers
peaked in the late 1990s, reaching a high of almost 150
people. This spike was largely driven by a collaborative effort
with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)
to provide school-based teacher training throughout the rural
north. Today, about 90-100 Volunteers work as primary and
secondary school teachers, resource teachers, and community
health workers.

History and Future of Peace Corps Programming in Namibia

Peace Corps/Namibia has made substantial contributions

to the reform of the educational system in teacher training,
classroom teaching, and subject matter support to teachers,
especially in English, mathematics, and science. In addition,
Volunteers have provided direct support to parents and other
community members to increase both school and community
materials and human and financial resources. Activities that


have become part of Volunteers primary or secondary duties
include recreational sports, library development, girls clubs,
HIV/AIDS awareness activities, environmental conservation
projects, adult literacy, and community development.

Since 2002, Peace Corps/Namibia has supported the

government of Namibias efforts to stem the spread of HIV/
AIDS through more effective educational programming
and youth outreach and community-based activities. In
the future, the Peace Corps may expand to other critical
development areas such as youth development, the promotion
of healthy lifestyles through sports, and support for expanded
employment opportunities.




Pre-colonial Namibia saw migrations of peoples from the

south, central, and northeastern parts of Africa. At the time
of the German conquest of Namibia in 1885, several groups of
indigenous Africans were well-established throughout this vast
land. Several important historical developments influenced
modern Namibia:

Germanys occupation of Namibia and indigenous resistance,

notably by the Ovaherero and Nama;

League of Nations and United Nations mandates for the

administration of Namibia after World Wars I and II and
the United Nations subsequent role in rejecting Namibias
incorporation into South Africa and promoting its full

South Africas defiance of the mandates in administering

Namibia as a province and imposing apartheid on it;

Organized resistance to South African rule (beginning in

the early 1950s), including diplomatic initiatives abroad,
internal political initiatives, and eventually an armed struggle,
launched first from Zambia and later from Angola;

The U.N. General Assemblys recognition of the South-West

Africa Peoples Organization (SWAPO) as the legitimate
representative of the Namibian people and the role of the U.N.
and the Western Contact Group in working toward a peace


Angolas achievement of independence from Portugal in 1975
and the Popular Liberation Movement of Angolas assumption
of power in Luanda, which enabled SWAPO to move its bases
to southern Angola; and

Cubas military support of the MPLA government and

subsequent alliances among Angolan, Namibian, and South
African political parties.

The peace plan that was finally ratified in December 1988 paved
the way for a cease-fire in April 1989, elections in November
1989, and independence on March 21, 1990. In the years since
independence, Namibia has made social, political, and economic
gains, promoting national unity, improving equitable access to
social services, and maintaining an upward trend in economic
growth. In 2005, Namibia held national elections that resulted
in the democratic and orderly transfer of power to its current
government of President Hifikepunye Pohamba.


Namibias Constitution provides for fundamental freedoms,

environmental protection, and a two-thirds majority to amend
the Constitution. It established the new nation as a multiparty
democracy with separation of powers among the executive,
legislative, and judicial branches. The president is elected by
popular vote for a five-year term. The bicameral legislature
consists of a 72-member National Assembly and a 26-member
National Council. Members of the National Assembly are
elected for five-year terms on the basis of proportional
representation. Members of the National Council are elected
on a constituency basis, with two representatives from each
of the countrys 13 regions elected for six-year terms by
members of regional councils. The National Council reviews
bills passed by the National Assembly and recommends

legislation of regional concern. The independent judiciary is
composed of a supreme court, a high court, and lower courts.
The role of regional and municipal governments continues to
grow, and the national government is working to decentralize
many social services, giving responsibility for them to the
regional councils.


Namibias economy is mixed, allowing for several forms

of ownership of capital. Although Namibias per capita
gross domestic product (GDP) of more than $4,000 is high
relative to that in much of sub-Saharan Africa, it is unequally
distributed. Five percent of the population earns more than
70 percent of the national income. Those in the bottom 55
percent of income, overwhelmingly from the majority black
population, are primarily rural and share 3 percent of the
GDP, with per capita income of less than $100 per year.

Mining, agriculture, and fishing account for more than 25

percent of the GDP. Namibias mineral resources include
diamonds, uranium, copper, lead, zinc, and a variety of
semiprecious stones. These industries are very susceptible
to external influences, however, and their contribution to
the GDP fluctuates. The apartheid system of job allocation
and education continues to influence employment in these
sectors. The overall unemployment rate in Namibia is over 30
percent, and the highest unemployment rates are among the
least educated and skilled.

People and Culture

Namibias people have a rich variety of linguistic and ethnic

origins. The principal indigenous ethnic groups are the
Aawambo, Vakavango, Caprivian, Ovaherero (including


Ovahimba), Colored, Baster, Damara, Nama, San, and Tswana.
The white population is of Afrikaans, English, and German

The people who live in the Owambo, Kavango, and East

Caprivi areas, occupying the relatively well-watered and
wooded northeastern part of the country, are settled farmers
and herders. Historically, they have shown little interest in
the central and southern parts of Namibia, where conditions
are unsuited to their traditional way of life. Until the early
1900s, these people had little contact with the Nama, Damara,
and Ovaherero people, who roamed the central part of the
country, vying for control of sparse pastureland. Urbanization,
industrialization, and the demand for labor have led to
peaceful interaction among these groups in recent decades.

Most Namibians converted to Christianity as a result of

missionary activity beginning in the 1800s and comprise
several denominations, including Lutheran, Roman Catholic,
Methodist, Anglican, and Dutch Reformed. Most Namibian
Christians are Lutherans.


Namibia is located on the southwest coast of Africa. It borders

Angola and Zambia in the north, Botswana in the east, South
Africa in the southeast and south, and the Atlantic Ocean
in the west. The total land area is 317,500 square miles
(about 825,000 square kilometers), almost twice the size of

Most of Namibia consists of a high plateau, a continuation of

the main South African plateau. Its average altitude is 3,600
feet above sea level. The strip along the coast consists of the
Namib Desert, extending from the Orange River in the south

to the Kunene River in the north. About 60 miles wide, this
area is mostly uninhabited. The eastern part of the country,
which forms part of the Kalahari Desert, consists mainly
of sandy stretches but provides some grazing ground. The
Etosha Pan in the north is the focal point of an important
national park and game reserve.

Namibia boasts clear skies for more than 300 days of the
year, providing brilliant days and star-filled nights. The varied
landscape provides opportunities for hiking, camping, bird
watching, and game viewing.


Following is a list of websites for additional information about
the Peace Corps and Namibia and to connect you to returned
Volunteers and other invitees. Please keep in mind that,
although we try to make sure all these links are active and
current, we cannot guarantee it. If you do not have access to
the Internet, visit your local library.

A note of caution: As you surf the Internet, be aware that you

may find bulletin boards and chat rooms in which people are
free to express opinions about the Peace Corps based on
their own experiences, including comments by those who
were unhappy with their choice to serve in the Peace Corps.
These opinions are not those of the Peace Corps or the U.S.
government, and we hope you will keep in mind that no two
people experience their service in the same way.

General Information About Namibia
On this site, you can learn anything, from what time it is
in Windhoek to how to convert from the U.S. dollar to the
Namibian dollar. Just click on Namibia and go from there.
Visit this site for general travel advice about almost any
country in the world.
The State Departments website issues background notes
periodically about countries around the world. Find Namibia
and learn more about its social and political history.

This site includes links to all the official sites for governments
This online world atlas includes maps and geographical
information, and each country page contains links to
other sites, such as the Library of Congress, that contain
comprehensive historical, social, and political background
This United Nations site allows you to search for statistical
information for member states of the U.N.
This site provides an additional source of current and
historical information about countries around the world.

Connect With Returned Volunteers and Other Invitees
This is the site of the National Peace Corps Association, made
up of returned Volunteers. On this site you can find links to
all the Web pages of the friends of groups for most countries
of service, made up of former Volunteers who served in those
countries. There are also regional groups who frequently get
together for social events and local volunteer activities.
This site is known as the Returned Peace Corps Volunteer
Web Ring. Browse the Web ring and see what former
Volunteers are saying about their service.

This site is hosted by a group of returned Volunteer writers.
It is a monthly online publication of essays and Volunteer
accounts of their Peace Corps service.

Online Articles/Current News Sites About Namibia
A Namibian English-language newspaper
The site of South Africas Mail and Guardian, with articles of
regional interest
The site of the Namibian Parliament

International Development Sites
U.S. Agency for International Development
Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
United Nations Development Programme

Recommended Books
1. Bridgman, Jon M. The Revolt of the Hereros
(Perspectives on Southern Africa). Berkeley:
University of California Press, 1981.


2. Hayes, Patricia, et al. (eds.). Namibia Under South
African Rule: Mobility and Containment, 1915-46.
Athens: Ohio University Press, 1998.

3. Leys, Colin. Namibias Liberation Struggle: The Two-

Edged Sword. Athens: Ohio University Press, 1995.

4. Nujoma, Sam. While Others Wavered: The

Autobiography of Sam Nujoma. London: Panaf Books,

Books About the History of the Peace Corps

1. Hoffman, Elizabeth Cobbs. All You Need is Love: The
Peace Corps and the Spirit of the 1960s. Cambridge,
MA: Harvard University Press, 2000.

2. Rice, Gerald T. The Bold Experiment: JFKs Peace

Corps. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame
Press, 1985.

3. Stossel, Scott. Sarge: The Life and Times of Sargent

Shriver. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution
Press, 2004.

Books on the Volunteer Experience

1. Dirlam, Sharon. Beyond Siberia: Two Years in a
Forgotten Place. Santa Barbara, CA: McSeas Books,

2. Casebolt, Marjorie DeMoss. Margarita: A Guatemalan

Peace Corps Experience. Gig Harbor, WA: Red Apple
Publishing, 2000.

3. Erdman, Sarah. Nine Hills to Nambonkaha: Two

Years in the Heart of an African Village. New York,
NY: Picador, 2003.

4. Hessler, Peter. River Town: Two Years on the Yangtze.
New York, NY: Perennial, 2001.

5. Kennedy, Geraldine (ed.) From the Center of the

Earth: Stories out of the Peace Corps. Santa Monica,
CA: Clover Park Press, 1991.

6. Thompsen, Moritz. Living Poor: A Peace Corps

Chronicle. Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press,
1997 (reprint).



People in Namibia communicate by mail (called post), fax,

e-mail, telephone or cellphone, and radio.


The postal system is reliable, but service to the more

remote villages is often slow. Mail from the United States to
Windhoek, the capital, can take up to two weeks. From there,
it could take two more weeks for mail to reach your village.

During pre-service training, you may use the Peace Corps

office address:

Your name, PCT

Peace Corps
PO Box 6862
Windhoek, Namibia

Your mail will be forwarded periodically to your training site.

Once you have moved to your permanent site, you will use the
schools address or get a private post office box.


Telephones are available in most towns and villages, along

or near main roads, and in most schools. No international
telephone companies (e.g., MCI or AT&T) operate in Namibia,
so you will be unable to make collect calls or use calling
cards purchased in the United States. Calling cards are
available in Namibia for use in-country and internationally.


International service from the larger towns is good, but calls
must be made from a telecommunications office or a private
phone. Cellphone usage and coverage is increasing rapidly
in Namibia, especially in urban areas. All Volunteers are
expected to purchase cellphones, and the cost is included
in their settling-in allowance. Only a few PCVs will lack
coverage at their sites, and they will be able to use their
phones by traveling a short distance for weekend shopping.
Text messaging is quickly becoming a preferred means of
communication between Volunteers and with the PC office.

Computer, Internet, and E-mail Access

Access to e-mail is available in Internet cafes in Windhoek
and other larger towns. As telephone service expands, so will
Internet access. Some teacher resource centers provide public
access to e-mail but not the Internet.

Housing and Site Location

Housing varies considerably. Your site may be a Western-style

cement block house, usually with electricity and running
water; an apartment attached to a student boarding facility
(hostel); or, in the case of more rural junior secondary
schools, a room with a local family. As the government has
invited assistance from a variety of sources, you may also be
asked to share a two- or three-bedroom house with one or
two colleagues (either Namibian or Volunteers from other
countries). Our expectation is that you will have a private
bedroom, but remember that there is a shortage of housing
for government staff in most areas in Namibia. The ministry/
hosting agency to which you are assigned is responsible for
paying your monthly utilities and providing you with the
basic furnishings (e.g., bed, chairs, tables, stove, and gas

Living Allowance and Money Management

The Peace Corps provides Volunteers with a monthly living

allowance for basic expenses, a leave allowance of $24 a
month, and a quarterly travel allowance for in-country travel.
All allowances are paid in local currency. The amounts are
intended to allow a modest lifestyle, and most Volunteers find
the allowances to be adequate.

Volunteers open accounts at the First National Bank of

Namibia during pre-service training and are issued an
ATM card. The Peace Corps deposits all allowances and
reimbursements at the Windhoek branch, which Volunteers
can then withdraw from the bank nearest their site or through
the use of their ATM card. For some, this involves a five-
minute walk. For most, it requires planning ahead for a ride to
town on a free day. Volunteers often travel to town with fellow
teachers on payday.

Food and Diet

Basic food such as corn, millet, and greens can be bought

in most communities, and a wide variety of products
are available in the larger town centers. Fresh fruits and
vegetables are highly seasonal in rural areas and may have
to be transported from quite a distance. Canned goods are
widely available throughout Namibia.

Although committed vegetarians and vegans have successfully

maintained their diet and health in Namibia, obtaining the
recommended daily allowances of vital food groups and
micronutrients can be quite challenging. The Peace Corps
medical office provides multivitamins, calcium, iron tablets,
and, in some instances, vitamin B-12. Some Volunteers in


Namibia grow their own gardens in order to have fresh
vegetables when they want them. Maintenance of a healthy
and balanced diet will be discussed extensively during pre-
service training.


The Peace Corps policies on transportation in Namibia

urge Volunteers to limit their travel to essential trips and
to stay at site as much as possible. If a Volunteer has to
travel by road, care must be taken to choose the safest route
and means of transportation. Given the limited number of
transportation options available to Volunteers, this requires
prior planning and flexibility on the part of the Volunteer.
It will occasionally be necessary to extend or put off a trip
because safe transportation options are not available. The
ultimate responsibility for choosing the safest means of travel
falls on the Volunteer. Traveling by road can be dangerous in
Namibia, because of excessive speed and the lack of defensive
driving skills. The level of driving skill and courtesy is often
lower than one would encounter in the United States. The
miles of unpaved roads and the poor state of many vehicles
on the road, including those serving as informal taxis, present
challenges to Volunteers trying to get around. Given the lack
of public transport in many areas, Volunteers are often forced
to utilize informal bush taxis or other forms of hitching a ride.
The number of taxis available in populated areas continues to
grow, and bus service is beginning to expand throughout the
country, and train service travels north and south of Windhoek
each week. Volunteers will be provided with information on
the safest modes of travel during training.

Geography and Climate

Namibia borders the South Atlantic Ocean, Angola, Zambia,

Botswana, and South Africa. It lies between latitudes 18
degrees to 28 degrees south and longitudes 12 degrees to 24
degrees east. It covers approximately 317,500 square miles
and has a population of about 1.8 million.

Namibias generally hot and dry climate ranges from true

desert to subtropical. As in other parts of southern Africa,
temperatures are closely related to wind systems, ocean
currents, and altitude. Except for the highest mountain areas,
the lowest temperatures occur in the Namib Desert region and
are affected greatly by the cold Benguela current from the
South Atlantic. Daytime summer temperatures in the desert
frequently exceed 120 degrees Fahrenheit, and nighttime
winter temperatures can drop below 32 degrees. Volunteers
who accept an assignment to Namibia must be willing and
medically able to live and work in this extreme climate.

In the mountainous Windhoek region, average temperatures

for the warmest month, December, range from 63 to 86
degrees Fahrenheit. In July, average temperatures range from
43 to 69 degrees. Annual rainfall averages 22 inches in the
north, six inches in the south, and about two inches in the
coastal region. Rain falls mostly during the summer (October
through March), and the winter (July through September) is
very dry. The most pleasant months are April, May, and June.

Windhoek is the seat of the national government and

the business and cultural center. Keetmanshoop is the
center of the karakul (sheepskin) industry, Tsumeb is the
headquarters of copper-mining operations, and Otjiwarongo is
the center of the cattle farming area. Swakopmund is a coastal
tourist center, Oranjemund is a diamond-mining town, and


Arandis is the home of the Rossing uranium mine. Walvis Bay
is an important port and fishing center west of Windhoek.

Social Activities

Social activities vary depending on where your site is located.

In more rural communities, social activities include visiting
neighbors fields and cattle posts and, for men, drinking at
local bars. Cultural festivals, sporting events, weddings, and
even funerals provide opportunities to meet and socialize with
community members and their extended families. Groups
of teachers sometimes go to town to shop and relax on
paydays before heading off to visit their families. Namibias
rich geography provides many opportunities to enjoy outdoor
activities, including national parks and conservation areas.
Volunteers sometimes visit each other or meet in larger towns
for shopping, socializing, or going to a movie. Although the
Peace Corps recognizes that periodic visits to towns are
important for networking and moral support, Volunteers are
encouraged to remain at their sites as much as possible, to
develop language competency and ensure integration in their

Professionalism, Dress, and Behavior

Namibians attach great importance to neatness and proper

dress, particularly in professional situations. Volunteers are
expected to dress appropriately both on and off the job and
to show respect for Namibian attitudes concerning personal
appearance. For work, male Volunteers usually wear slacks
or khakis and a nice shirt, often with a tie. Female Volunteers
usually wear below-the-knee dresses or skirts with a nice top,
or pants with a shirt.

Excessive drinking is widespread in Namibia. Volunteers
may come under social pressure from colleagues or
other Volunteers to drink, often to excess. Because of
the Volunteers unique status in the community and as a
representative of the American people, they are on duty 24
hours a day, 7 days a week. As such, Volunteers are expected
to comport themselves in a professional and culturally
sensitive manner at all times. Peace Corps/Namibia has strict
regulations concerning the excessive consumption of alcohol
and these rules are enforced. We look to PCVs to model
alternative behaviors, particularly for youth, as they work in
Namibian society.

Personal Safety

More information about the Peace Corps approach to safety

is outlined in the Health Care and Safety chapter, but it
is an important issue and cannot be overemphasized. As
stated in the Volunteer Handbook, becoming a Peace Corps
Volunteer entails certain safety risks. Living and traveling
in an unfamiliar environment (oftentimes alone), having a
limited understanding of local language and culture, and
being perceived as well-off are some of the factors that can
put a Volunteer at risk. The basic street smart tactics
you would use to protect yourself and your belongings in a
large urban area are important. Many Volunteers experience
varying degrees of unwanted attention and harassment. Petty
thefts and burglaries are not uncommon, and incidents of
physical and sexual assault do occur, although most Namibia
Volunteers complete their two years of service without
personal security incidents. The Peace Corps has established
policies and procedures designed to help you reduce your
risks and enhance your safety and security. In addition to


safety training, these policies and procedures will be provided
once you arrive in Namibia. At the same time, you are
expected to take responsibility for your safety and well-being.

Rewards and Frustrations

Invariably, former Namibia Volunteers speak of the

relationships they established as the highlight of their service.
Many speak of how they learned to value a more family- and
community-centered way of life, and of how they grew in
patience and understanding. Most are able to pinpoint
specific contributions they made to Namibias development
(i.e., improving the levels of English proficiency of their
students, teachers, and community colleagues; seeing
students pick up science and math concepts; watching
teachers try new ideas in the classroom; helping a community
organize an important development project; and fostering a
dialogue about HIV/AIDS).

The positive reflections are the endpoint of a series of highs

and lows that are part of the process of leaving the United
States, arriving in Namibia, and adapting to the practices
and pace of life in a new culture. You are likely to have less
guidance and direction than you would get in a new job in
the United States. You may have to motivate yourself and
your colleagues without receiving any feedback on your work.
You will need flexibility, maturity, open-mindedness, and
resourcefulness to overcome difficulties. If you are willing to
respect and become integrated into your community, continue
developing your local language skills, work hard at your
assignment, and be open to all Namibia has to offer, you will
be a successful Volunteer. You, too, will be able to look back
positively on the relationships you have built and the small
differences you have made by virtue of those relationships.



Overview of Pre-Service Training

Training is an essential part of Peace Corps

service. Our goal is to give you enough skills and information
to allow you to live and work effectively in Namibia. In doing
that, we build on the experiences and expertise you bring
to the Peace Corps. We anticipate that you will approach
your training with an open mind, a desire to learn, and a
willingness to become involved. Trainees officially become
Volunteers after successful completion of training.

The eight-week training will provide you the opportunity to

learn new skills and practice them as they apply to Namibia.
You will receive training and orientation in language, cross-
cultural communication, development issues, health and
personal safety, and technical skills pertinent to your specific
assignment. The skills you learn will serve as the foundation
upon which you build your experience as a Volunteer in

During the first several days of training, you will stay at a

central training facility. Members of your training group will
then move to different training sites for about five weeks,
living with a host family in a rural village or community near
their training site. This homestay will help bring to life some
of the topics covered in training, giving you a chance to
practice your new language skills and directly observe and
participate in Namibian culture. For the final two weeks of
training, you will rejoin the members of your training group
until a swearing-in ceremony.

At the onset of training, the training staff will outline the

competencies you have to master before becoming a Volunteer
and the criteria that will be used to assess achievement of


those competencies. Evaluation of your performance during
training is a continual process based on a dialogue between
you and the training staff. The training director, along with
the language, technical, and cross-cultural trainers, will work
with you toward reaching the highest possible achievement
of training competencies by providing you with feedback
throughout training. After successful completion of pre-service
training, you will be sworn in as a Volunteer and make the final
preparations for departure to your site.

Technical Training
Technical training will prepare you to work in Namibia by
building on the skills you already have and helping you
develop new skills in a manner appropriate to the needs of the
country. The Peace Corps staff, Namibian experts, and current
Volunteers conduct the training program. Training places
great emphasis on learning how to transfer the skills you have
to the community in which you will serve as a Volunteer.

Jobs in Namibia are less structured than you would expect in

the U.S. Most Volunteers see this as an opportunity to respond
to real community needs and to build on their own skills.
What exactly a PCV does in his or her primary and secondary
projects depends in large part on the skills you bring, the
needs of the community and your creativity in developing
meaningful activities that meet local needs.

Technical training will include sessions on the general

economic and political environment in Namibia and strategies
for working within such a framework. You will review your
technical sectors goals and will meet with the Namibian
agencies and organizations that invited the Peace Corps to
assist them. You will be supported and evaluated throughout
the training to build the confidence and skills you need to
undertake your project activities and be a productive member
of your community.

Language Training
As a Peace Corps Volunteer, you will find that language skills
can significantly contribute to your personal and professional
satisfaction during your service. While these skills are not
as critical to your job performance, they help you integrate
into your host community, and they can ease your personal
adaptation to the new surroundings.

Your language training will incorporate a community-based

approach. In addition to classroom time, you will be given
assignments to work on outside of the classroom and with
your host family. The goal is to get you to a point of basic
social communication skills so you can practice and develop
language skills further on your own. Prior to being sworn in as
a Volunteer, you will work on strategies to continue language
studies during your two years of service.

Cross-Cultural Training
As part of your pre-service training, you will live with a
Namibian host family. This experience is designed to ease
your transition to life at your site. Families have gone through
an orientation conducted by Peace Corps staff to explain the
purpose of pre-service training and to assist them in helping
you adapt to living in Namibia. Many Volunteers form strong
and lasting friendships with their host families.

Cross-cultural and community development training will help

you improve your communication skills and understand your
role as a facilitator of development. You will be exposed to
topics such as community mobilization, conflict resolution,
gender and development, nonformal and adult education
strategies, and political structures.

Health Training
During pre-service training, you will be given basic medical
training and information. You will be expected to practice


preventive healthcare and to take responsibility for your
own health by adhering to all medical policies. Trainees are
required to attend all medical sessions. The topics include
preventive health measures and minor and major medical
issues that you might encounter while in Namibia. Nutrition,
mental health, safety and security, setting up a safe living
environment, and how to avoid HIV/AIDS and other sexually
transmitted diseases (STDs) are also covered.

Safety Training
During the safety training sessions, you will learn how to
adopt a lifestyle that reduces your risks at home, at work, and
during your travels. You will also learn appropriate, effective
strategies for coping with unwanted attention and about your
individual responsibility for promoting safety throughout your

Additional Trainings During Volunteer Service

In its commitment to quality training, the Peace Corps has
implemented a training system that provides Volunteers
with continual opportunities to examine their commitment
to Peace Corps service while increasing their technical and
cross-cultural skills. During your service, there are several
specific training events that will take place. The titles and
objectives for those trainings are as follows:
In-service training: Provides an opportunity for
Volunteers to upgrade their technical, language,
and project development skills while sharing their
experiences and reaffirming their commitment after
having served for three to six months.
All Volunteer conference: Provides an opportunity
for all Volunteers in-country to meet and interact. The
conference provides specific HIV/AIDS training for all

Midterm conference (done in conjunction with
technical sector in-service): Assists Volunteers in
reviewing their first year, reassessing their personal and
project objectives, and planning for their second year of
Close of service conference: Prepares Volunteers for
the future after Peace Corps service and reviews their
respective projects and personal experiences.

The number, length, and design of these trainings are adapted

to country-specific needs and conditions. The key to the
training system is that training events are integrated and
interrelated, from the pre-departure orientation through
the end of your service, and are planned, implemented, and
evaluated cooperatively by the training staff, Peace Corps
staff, and Volunteers.


The Peace Corps highest priority is maintaining the good
health and safety of every Volunteer. Peace Corps medical
programs emphasize the preventive, rather than the curative,
approach to disease. Peace Corps/Namibia maintains a clinic
with a full-time medical officer, who takes care of Volunteers
primary healthcare needs. Additional medical services are
available at a U.S.-standard hospital in Windhoek. If you
become seriously ill, you may be transported to South Africa
or back to the United States for further treatment.

Health Issues in Namibia

Namibias hot and dry climate keeps many of the diseases

associated with developing countries at bay. Preventive
measures, which include taking the required malaria
prophylaxis, drinking plenty of water, and protecting your
skin and eyes from sun damage, will help you avoid the most
common problems. The prevalence of HIV/AIDS in Namibia is
estimated to be approximately 20 percent, but this disease,
too, is preventable by avoiding risky behavior.

The AIDS pandemic strikes across all social strata in many

Peace Corps countries. The loss of teachers has crippled
education systems, while illness and disability drains family
income and forces governments and donors to redirect limited
resources from other priorities. The fear and uncertainty AIDS
causes has led to increased domestic violence and stigmatizing
of people living with HIV/AIDS, isolating them from friends
and family and cutting them off from economic opportunities.
As a Peace Corps Volunteer, you will confront these issues on


a very personal level. It is important to be aware of the high
emotional toll that disease, death, and violence can have on
Volunteers. As you strive to integrate into your community,
you will develop relationships with local people who might
die during your service. Because of the AIDS pandemic,
some Volunteers will be regularly meeting with HIV positive
people and working with training staff, office staff and host
family members living with AIDS. Volunteers need to prepare
themselves to embrace these relationships in a sensitive and
positive manner. Likewise, malaria and malnutrition, motor
vehicle accidents and other unintentional injuries, domestic
violence and corporal punishment are problems a Volunteer
may confront. You will need to anticipate these situations and
utilize supportive resources available throughout your training
and service to maintain your own emotional strength, so you
can continue to be of service to your community.

Namibias health services are significantly more developed than

those of many other countries in Africa. For example, there is
one doctor per 4,450 inhabitants and one hospital bed per 166
people - the sixth and third best ratios, respectively, on the
continent. Medi-City Hospital in Windhoek, which is used by
Peace Corps/Namibia, is a modern facility that offers excellent
care. However, most health issues for Volunteers are managed
at other approved medical facilities at or near their sites.

Helping You Stay Healthy

The Peace Corps will provide you with all the necessary
immunizations, medications, and information to stay healthy.
Upon your arrival in Namibia, you will receive a medical
handbook. You will receive a medical kit with supplies to take
care of mild illnesses and a cookbook. The contents of this kit are
listed later in this chapter and the kit includes a first aid book.

During pre-service training, you will have access to basic
medical supplies through the medical officer. However, you
will be responsible for your own supply of prescription drugs
and any other specific medical supplies you require, as we will
not order these items during training. Please bring a three-
month supply of any prescription drugs you use, since they
may not be available here and it may take several months for
shipments to arrive. After three months, Peace Corps will
only supply you with prescribed medication you indicated on
your application form and approved by the Office of Medical
Services prior to your departure. Most of your medical
conditions will be managed by the medical officer and you
during your stay in Namibia.

You will have physicals at mid-service and at the end of your

service. If you develop a serious medical problem during your
service, the medical officer in Namibia will consult with the
Office of Medical Services in Washington, D.C. If it is determined
that your condition cannot be treated in Namibia, you may be
sent out of the country for further evaluation and care.

Maintaining Your Health

As a Volunteer, you must accept responsibility for your own

health. Proper precautions will significantly reduce your
risk of serious illness or injury. The old adage An ounce of
prevention is better than a ton of cure becomes extremely
important. The most important of your responsibilities in
Namibia is to take preventive measures to avoid malaria,
sunburn, dehydration, digestive disorders and stress. Alcohol
abuse, STDs, and HIV/AIDS are prevalent in Namibia and
Volunteers must take care to protect themselves.

Many illnesses that afflict Volunteers worldwide are entirely

preventable if proper food and water precautions are taken.
These illnesses include food poisoning, parasitic infections,


hepatitis, dysentery, and typhoid fever. Your medical officer
will discuss specific standards for water and food preparation
for Namibia during pre-service training.

Abstinence is the only certain choice for prevention of HIV/

AIDS and other STDs. You are taking risks if you choose to be
sexually active. To lessen the risk, use a condom every time
you have sex. Whether your partner is a host country citizen,
a fellow Volunteer, or anyone else, do not assume this person
is free of HIV/AIDS or other STDs. You will receive more
information from your medical officer about this important

Volunteers are expected to adhere to an effective means

of birth control to prevent an unplanned pregnancy. Your
medical officer can help you decide on the most appropriate
method to suit your individual needs. Contraceptive methods
are available without charge from the medical officer.

It is critical to your health that you promptly report to the

medical office or other designated facility for scheduled
immunizations, and that you let your medical officer know
immediately of significant illnesses and injuries.

Womens Health Information

Pregnancy is treated in the same manner as other Volunteer

health conditions that require medical attention, but also has
programmatic ramifications. The Peace Corps is responsible
for determining the medical risk and the availability of
appropriate medical care if the Volunteer remains in-country.
Given the circumstances under which Volunteers live and
work in Peace Corps countries, it is rare that the Peace Corps
medical and programmatic standards for continued service
during pregnancy can be met.

Most feminine hygiene products are available for you to
purchase on the local market; therefore, the Peace Corps
medical officer in Namibia will not provide them. If you
require a specific feminine hygiene product, please bring a
supply with you.

Your Peace Corps Medical Kit

The Peace Corps medical officer provides Volunteers with a

medical kit that contains basic items necessary to prevent and
treat illnesses that may occur during service. Kit items can be
periodically restocked at the Peace Corps medical office.

Medical Kit Contents

Ace bandages
Adhesive tape
American Red Cross First Aid & Safety Handbook
Antacid tablets (Tums)
Antibiotic ointment (Bacitracin/Neomycin/Polymycin B)
Anti-itch cream
Anti Malaria medication
Antiseptic antimicrobial skin cleaner (Hibiclens)
Butterfly closures
Cepacol lozenges
Dental floss
Diphenhydramine HCL 25 mg (Benadryl)
Insect repellent stick (Cutters)
Iodine tablets (for water purification)
Lip balm (Chapstick)
Oral rehydration salts
Pseudoephedrine HCL 30 mg (Sudafed)
Robitussin-DM lozenges (for cough)


Sterile gauze pads
Sun screen
Tinactin (antifungal cream)

Before You Leave: A Medical Checklist

If there has been any change in your healthphysical, mental,

or dentalsince you submitted your examination reports to
the Peace Corps, you must immediately notify the Office of
Medical Services. Failure to disclose new illnesses, injuries,
allergies, or pregnancy can endanger your health and may
jeopardize your eligibility to serve.

If your medical/dental exam were done more than a year

ago, or if your physical exam is more than two years old,
contact the Office of Medical Services to find out whether you
need to update your records. If your dentist or Peace Corps
dental consultant has recommended that you undergo dental
treatment or repair, you must complete that work and make
sure your dentist sends requested confirmation reports or
X-rays to the Office of Medical Services.

If you wish to avoid having duplicate vaccinations, you

should contact your physicians office, obtain a copy of your
immunization record, and bring it to your pre-departure
orientation. If you have any immunizations prior to Peace
Corps service, the Peace Corps cannot reimburse you for
the cost. The Peace Corps will provide all the immunizations
necessary for your overseas assignment, either at your pre-
departure orientation or shortly after you arrive in Namibia.
You do not need to begin taking malaria medication prior to

Bring a three-month supply of any prescription or over-the-
counter medication you use on a regular basis, including
birth control pills. Although the Peace Corps cannot
reimburse you for this three-month supply, we will order
refills during your service. While awaiting shipmentwhich
can take several monthsyou will be dependent on your
own medication supply. The Peace Corps will not pay for
herbal or nonprescribed medications, such as St. Johns wort,
glucosamine, selenium, or antioxidant supplements. You are
advised to bring a sturdy bottle (e.g., Nalgene) to carry water
for drinking at all times to prevent dehydration.

You are encouraged to bring copies of medical prescriptions

signed by your physician. This is not a requirement, but they
might come in handy if you are questioned in transit about
carrying a three-month supply of prescription drugs.

If you wear eyeglasses, bring two pairs with youa pair

and a spare. If a pair breaks, the Peace Corps will replace
it, using the information your doctor in the United States
provided on the eyeglasses form during your examination.
We discourage you from using contact lenses during your
service to reduce your risk of developing a serious infection
or other eye disease. Most Peace Corps countries do not have
appropriate water and sanitation to support eye care with
the use of contact lenses. The Peace Corps will not supply
or replace contact lenses or associated solutions unless an
ophthalmologist has recommended their use for a specific
medical condition and the Peace Corps Office of Medical
Services has given approval.

If you are eligible for Medicare, are over 50 years of age,

or have a health condition that may restrict your future
participation in healthcare plans, you may wish to consult
an insurance specialist about unique coverage needs before
your departure. The Peace Corps will provide all necessary


healthcare from the time you leave for your pre-departure
orientation until you complete your service. When you finish,
you will be entitled to the post-service healthcare benefits
described in the Peace Corps Volunteer Handbook. You may
wish to consider keeping an existing health plan in effect
during your service if you think age or preexisting conditions
might prevent you from reenrolling in your current plan when
you return home.

Safety and SecurityOur Partnership

Serving as a Volunteer overseas entails certain safety

and security risks. Living and traveling in an unfamiliar
environment, a limited understanding of the local language
and culture, and the perception of being a wealthy American
are some of the factors that can put a Volunteer at risk.
Property thefts and burglaries are not uncommon. Incidents
of physical and sexual assault do occur, although almost all
Volunteers complete their two years of service without serious
personal safety problems. In addition, more than 84 percent
of Volunteers surveyed in the 2004 Peace Corps Volunteer
Survey say they would join the Peace Corps again.

The Peace Corps approaches safety and security as a

partnership with you. This Welcome Book contains sections
on: Living Conditions and Volunteer Lifestyle; Peace Corps
Training; and Your Health Care and Safety. All of these
sections include important safety and security information.

The Peace Corps makes every effort to give Volunteers the

tools they need to function in the safest and most secure way
possible, because working to maximize the safety and security
of Volunteers is our highest priority. Not only do we provide
you with training and tools to prepare for the unexpected,
but we teach you to identify and manage the risks you may

Factors that Contribute to Volunteer Risk
There are several factors that can heighten a Volunteers
risk, many of which are within the Volunteers control.
Based on information gathered from incident reports
worldwide in 2004, the following factors stand out as risk
characteristics for assaults. Assaults consist of personal
crimes committed against Volunteers, and do not include
property crimes (such as vandalism or theft).
Location: Most crimes occurred when Volunteers
were in public areas (e.g., street, park, beach, public
buildings). Specifically, 43 percent of assaults took
place when Volunteers were away from their sites.
Time of day: Assaults usually took place on the
weekend during the evening, between 5:00 p.m. and
2:00 a.m. with most assaults occurring around 1 a.m.
Absence of others: Assaults usually occurred when the
Volunteer was unaccompanied. In 82 percent of the
sexual assaults, the Volunteer was unaccompanied and
in 55 percent of physical assaults, the Volunteer was
Relationship to assailant: In most assaults, the
Volunteer did not know the assailant.
Consumption of alcohol: Forty percent of all assaults
involved alcohol consumption by Volunteers and/or

Summary Strategies to Reduce Risk

Before and during service, your training will address these
areas of concern so you can reduce the risks you face. For
example, here are some strategies Volunteers employ:

Strategies to reduce the risk/impact of theft:

Know the environment and choose safe routes/times for
Avoid high-crime areas per Peace Corps guidance


Know the vocabulary to get help in an emergency
Carry valuables in different pockets/places
Carry a dummy wallet as a decoy

Strategies to reduce the risk/impact of burglary:

Live with a local family or on a family compound
Put strong locks on doors and keep valuables in a lock
box or trunk
Leave irreplaceable objects at home in the U.S.
Follow Peace Corps guidelines on maintaining home

Strategies to reduce the risk/impact of assault:

Make local friends
Make sure your appearance is respectful of local
customs; dont draw negative attention to yourself by
wearing inappropriate clothing
Get to know local officials, police, and neighbors
Travel with someone whenever possible
Avoid known high crime areas
Limit alcohol consumption

Support from Staff

In March 2003, the Peace Corps created the Office of
Safety and Security with its mission to foster improved
communication, coordination, oversight, and accountability of
all Peace Corps safety and security efforts. The new office
is led by an associate director for Safety and Security who
reports to the Peace Corps director and includes the following
divisions: Volunteer Safety and Overseas Security; Information
and Personnel Security; Emergency Preparedness, Plans,
Training and Exercise; and Crime Statistics and Analysis.

The major responsibilities of the Volunteer Safety and

Overseas Security Division are to coordinate the offices

overseas operations and direct the Peace Corps safety and
security officers who are located in various regions around
the world that have Peace Corps programs. The safety and
security officers conduct security assessments; review safety
trainings; train trainers and managers; train Volunteer safety
wardens, local guards, and staff; develop security incident
response procedures; and provide crisis management support.

If a trainee or Volunteer is the victim of a safety incident,

Peace Corps staff is prepared to provide support. All Peace
Corps posts have procedures in place to respond to incidents
of crime committed against Volunteers. The first priority
for all posts in the aftermath of an incident is to ensure the
Volunteer is safe and receiving medical treatment as needed.
After assuring the safety of the Volunteer, Peace Corps staff
provides support by reassessing the Volunteers work site
and housing arrangements and making any adjustments,
as needed. In some cases, the nature of the incident may
necessitate a site or housing transfer. Peace Corps staff will
also assist Volunteers with preserving their rights to pursue
legal sanctions against the perpetrators of the crime. It is very
important that Volunteers report incidents as they occur, not
only to protect their peers, but also to preserve the future
right to prosecute. Should Volunteers decide later in the
process that they want to proceed with the prosecution of
their assailant; this option may no longer exist if the evidence
of the event had not been preserved at the time of the

The country-specific data chart below shows incidence rates

and the average number of incidents of the major types of
safety incidents reported by Peace Corps Volunteers/trainees
in Namibia as compared to all other Africa region programs as
a whole, from 2000-2004. It is presented to you in a somewhat
technical manner for statistical accuracy.


To fully appreciate the collected data below, an explanation of
the graph is provided as follows:

The incidence rate for each type of crime is the number of

crime events relative to the Volunteer/trainee population.
It is expressed on the chart as a ratio of crime to Volunteer
and trainee years (or V/T years, which is a measure of 12 full
months of V/T service) to allow for a statistically valid way
to compare crime data across countries. An incident is a
specific offense, per Peace Corps classification of offenses,
and may involve one or more Volunteer/trainee victims. For
example, if two Volunteers are robbed at the same time and
place, this is classified as one robbery incident.

1The average numbers of incidents are in parenthesis and equal the average
reported assaults for each year between 2001-2005.
2Incident rates equal the number of assaults per 100 Volunteers and trainees
per year (V/T years). Since most sexual assaults occur against females, only
female V/Ts are calculated in rapes and minor sexual assaults. Numbers of
incidents are approximate due to rounding.
3Data collection for Namibia began in 2001

Source data on incidents are drawn from Assault Notification Surveillance

System (ANSS) and Epidemiologic Surveillance System (ESS); the
information is accurate as of April 4, 2006.

The chart is separated into eight crime categories. These
include vandalism (malicious defacement or damage of
property); theft (taking without force or illegal entry);
burglary (forcible entry of a residence); robbery (taking
something by force); minor physical assault (attacking without
a weapon with minor injuries); minor sexual assault (fondling,
groping, etc.); aggravated assault (attacking with a weapon,
and/or without a weapon when serious injury results); and
rape (sexual intercourse without consent).

When anticipating Peace Corps Volunteer service, you should

review all of the safety and security information provided
to you, including the strategies to reduce risk. Throughout
your training and Volunteer service, you will be expected to
successfully complete all training competencies in a variety of
areas, including safety and security. Once in-country, use the
tools and information shared with you to remain as safe and
secure as possible.

What If You Become a Victim of a Violent Crime?

Few Peace Corps Volunteers are victims of violent crimes. The
Peace Corps will give you information and training on how to
be safe. But, just as in the U.S., crime happens, and Volunteers
can become victims. When this happens, the investigative team
of the Office of Inspector General (OIG) is charged with helping
pursue prosecution of those who perpetrate a violent crime
against a Volunteer. If you become a victim of a violent crime,
the decision to prosecute or not to prosecute is entirely yours,
and one of the tasks of the OIG is to make sure you are fully
informed of your options and help you through the process and
procedures involved in going forward with prosecution should
you wish to do so. If you decide to prosecute, we are here to
assist you in every way we can.


Crimes that occur overseas, of course, are investigated and
prosecuted by local authorities in local courts. Our role is to
coordinate the investigation and evidence collection with the
regional security officers (RSOs) at the U.S. embassy, local
police, and local prosecutors and others to ensure your rights
are protected to the fullest extent possible under the laws of
the country. OIG investigative staff has extensive experience
in criminal investigation, in working sensitively with victims,
and as advocates for victims. We also, may, in certain limited
circumstances, arrange for the retention of a local lawyer to
assist the local public prosecutor in making the case against
the individual who perpetrated the violent crime.

If you do become a victim of a violent crime, first, make sure

you are in a safe place and with people you trust and, second,
contact the country director or the Peace Corps medical
officer. Immediate reporting is important to the preservation
of evidence and the chances of apprehending the suspect.
Country directors and medical officers are required to report
all violent crimes to the Inspector General and the RSO. This
information is protected from unauthorized further disclosure
by the Privacy Act. Reporting the crime also helps prevent
further victimization and protects your fellow Volunteers.

In conjunction with the RSO, the OIG does a preliminary

investigation of all violent crimes against Volunteers regardless
of whether the crime has been reported to local authorities or
of the decision you may ultimately make to prosecute. If you
are a victim of a crime, our staff will work with you through
final disposition of the case. OIG staff is available 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week. The OIG may be contacted through the
24-hour violent crime hotline via telephone at 202.692.2911,
or by e-mail at

Security Issues in Namibia

When it comes to your safety and security in the Peace Corps,

you have to be willing to adapt your behavior and lifestyle to
minimize the potential for being a target of crime. As with
anywhere in the world, crime does exist in Namibia. You can
reduce your risk by avoiding situations that make you feel
uncomfortable and by taking precautions. Crime at the village
level is less frequent than in towns and cities; people know
each other and generally will not steal from their neighbors.

While the need to be cautious in the following situations may

sound like common sense, our altruism often overrides our
common sense until something happens. Larger population
centers create opportunities for pickpockets and other
thieves. This is especially true of ATM machines around
payday or weekends. Alcohol fuels unsafe driving, unsafe
sex, and physical and sexual assaults. Houses and rooms
left empty during vacations create tempting opportunities.
Individuals are better targets than groups; women are easier
targets than men.

Staying Safe: Dont Be a Target for Crime

You must be prepared to take on a large responsibility for

your own safety. Only you can make yourself less of a target,
ensure that your home is secure, and develop relations in
your community that will make you an unlikely victim of
crime. In coming to Namibia, do what you would do if you
moved to a large city in the United States: Be cautious, check
things out, ask questions, learn about your neighborhood,
know where the more risky locations are, use common sense,
and be aware. You can reduce your vulnerability to crime by
integrating into your community, learning the local language,


acting responsibly, and abiding by Peace Corps policies and
procedures. Serving safely and effectively in Namibia may
require that you accept some restrictions on your current

Volunteers attract a lot of attention both in large cities and

at their sites, but they are likely to receive more negative
attention in highly populated centers than at their sites,
where family, friends, and colleagues look out for them.
While whistles and exclamations are fairly common on the
street, this behavior can be reduced if you dress appropriately,
avoid eye contact, and do not respond to unwanted attention.
Keep your money out of sight by using an undergarment
money pouch. Do not keep your money in outside pockets
of backpacks, coat pockets, or fanny packs. You should
always walk with a companion at night. You should not use a
cellphone while walking on the street.

Preparing for the Unexpected: Safety Training and Volunteer

Support in Namibia

The Peace Corps approach to safety is a five-pronged plan to

help you stay safe during your two-year service and includes
the following: information sharing, Volunteer training, site
selection criteria, a detailed emergency action plan, and
protocols for addressing safety and security incidents. Peace
Corps/Namibias in-country safety program is outlined below.

The Peace Corps/Namibia office will keep Volunteers

informed of any issues that may impact Volunteer safety
through information sharing. Regular updates will be offered in
Volunteer newsletters and in memorandums from the country
director. In the event of a critical situation or emergency,
Volunteers will be contacted through the emergency
communication network.

Volunteer training will include sessions on specific safety and
security issues in Namibia. This training will prepare you to
adopt a culturally appropriate lifestyle and exercise judgment
that promotes safety and reduces risk in your home, at work,
and while traveling. Safety training is offered throughout your
two-year service and is integrated into the language, cross-
cultural, health, and other components of training.

Certain site selection criteria are used to determine safe

housing for Volunteers before their arrival. The Peace Corps
staff works closely with host communities and counterpart
agencies to help prepare them for a Volunteers arrival and to
establish expectations of their respective roles in supporting
the Volunteer. Each site is inspected before the Volunteers
arrival to ensure placement in appropriate, safe, and secure
housing and work site, as well as an appropriate assignment
best utilizing your skills. Site selection is based in part on
any relevant site history; access to medical, banking, postal,
and other essential services; availability of communications,
transportation, and markets; different housing options and
living arrangements; and other support needs.

You will also learn about the countrys detailed emergency

action plan, which is implemented in the event of civil or
political unrest or a natural disaster. When you arrive at your
site, you will complete and submit a site locator form with
your address, contact information, and a map to your house.
If there is a security threat, Volunteers in Namibia will gather
at predetermined locations until the situation is resolved or
the Peace Corps decides to evacuate.

Finally, in order for the Peace Corps to be fully responsive

to the needs of Volunteers, it is imperative that Volunteers
immediately report any security incident to the safety and
security coordinator. The Peace Corps has established
protocols for addressing safety and security incidents in a


timely and appropriate manner, and it collects and evaluates
safety and security data to track trends and develop strategies
to minimize risks to future Volunteers. Volunteers are
expected to abide by all Peace Corps regulations related to
security, travel and out-of-site matters. These regulations
are put into place to enhance the safety and security of
all Volunteers and failure to abide by them will lead to
disciplinary action and possible separation from the Peace



In fulfilling the Peace Corps mandate to share the face of
America with our host countries, we are making special
efforts to see that all of Americas richness is reflected in
the Volunteer corps. More Americans of color are serving
in todays Peace Corps than at any time in recent years.
Differences in race, ethnic background, age, religion, and
sexual orientation are expected and welcomed among our
Volunteers. Part of the Peace Corps mission is to help dispel
any notion that Americans are all of one origin or race and
to establish that each of us is as thoroughly American as the
other, despite our many differences.

Our diversity helps us accomplish that goal. In other

ways, however, it poses challenges. In Namibia, as in other
Peace Corps host countries, Volunteers behavior, lifestyle,
background, and beliefs are judged in a cultural context
very different from their own. Certain personal perspectives
or characteristics commonly accepted in the United States
may be quite uncommon, unacceptable, or even repressed in

Outside of Namibias capital, residents of rural communities

have had relatively little direct exposure to other cultures,
races, religions, and lifestyles. What people view as typical
American behavior or norms may be a misconception, such
as the belief that all Americans are rich and have blond hair
and blue eyes. The people of Namibia are justly known for
their generous hospitality to foreigners; however, members of
the community in which you will live may display a range of
reactions to cultural differences that you present.


To ease the transition and adapt to life in Namibia, you may
need to make some temporary, yet fundamental compromises
in how you present yourself as an American and as an
individual. For example, female trainees and Volunteers may
not be able to exercise the independence available to them
in the United States; political discussions need to be handled
with great care; and some of your personal beliefs may best
remain undisclosed. You will need to develop techniques and
personal strategies for coping with these and other limitations.
The Peace Corps staff will lead diversity and sensitivity
discussions during pre-service training and will be on call to
provide support, but the challenge ultimately will be your

Overview of Diversity in Namibia

The Peace Corps staff in Namibia recognizes adjustment

issues that come with diversity and will endeavor to
provide support and guidance. During pre-service training,
several sessions will be held to discuss diversity and coping
mechanisms. We look forward to having male and female
Volunteers from a variety of races, ethnic groups, ages,
religions, and sexual orientations, and hope that you will
become part of a diverse group of Americans who take pride
in supporting one another and demonstrating the richness of
American culture.

What Might a Volunteer Face?

Possible Issues for Female Volunteers

Namibia has made great strides in gender equity in the
government and the private sector. Women hold ministerial
portfolios and senior-level government and private sector
posts. However, less educated women at the lower ends of the

socioeconomic scale tend to have less authority and control
over income, spending, and reproductive health. This situation
is driven as much by the lingering pattern of migratory labor
(i.e., adult males working away from the homestead) as by
tradition. Thus, many rural communities do not have much
experience with women who take on professional roles,
remain unmarried, and live away from their families. Because
of the differences in cultural norms for women and men,
female Volunteers may receive unwanted sexual attention
and need to practice discretion in public (e.g., not smoking or

Volunteer Comments

At break time, the male and female teachers generally

do not hang out together. I generally choose to hang out
with the male teachers because they make me feel more
welcome, they translate more, and the conversation is
usually friendly, with light joking. Also, more of the men
are educated and know English, and the women often lack
confidence in their English skills.

Most of the social life in town centers takes place in the

bars. However, there are not many women at the bars,
and as a teacher, it would not be appropriate for me to go
alone. Ive asked, Where do the women spend their Friday
and Saturday nights? The answer is generally at home
cooking, washing, and taking care of the kids. Also, its more
appropriate for women to drink in the privacy of their own

Possible Issues for Volunteers of Color

Stereotypical notions of Americans often exclude people of
color. Therefore, Volunteers of color often are identified by
their cultural heritage or are simply ignored in a setting where


most Volunteers conform to the blond-haired and blue-eyed
stereotype. In addition, you may feel isolated in your training
group if there are few other minority trainees.

African Americans may face higher expectations for their

performance, especially in acquiring language and adapting
to local norms. Asian Americans are often grouped with
Chinese regardless of their actual background and face
stereotypes resulting from Namibias current involvement with
Asian countries or the presence of Asian merchants in the
community. All groups are affected by the impact of popular
culture on perceptions of minority groups.

Volunteer Comments

One thing Ive experienced is surprise, stares, and

stereotypes because of my Asian features. Its pretty easy
to pick out the word oshilumbu (white or foreigner), and
even more grating is the word China. I never respond to
it, but I do know that people are talking about me, and
Ive encountered some pretty vocal disbelief about my
true origin in America. I go up and down with ignoring
comments, being annoyed, or laughing about them. There
is one stereotype that cracks me up: My Meme told me that
I neednt be afraid when I walk around Oshakati because
everyone thinks you know karate. Though I still look
out for botsotsos (thieves), that stereotype gives me an
advantage, I guess.

To Namibians, living in America is such a dream, and they

feel some sort of connection with African Americans. But all
the Volunteers they have had here have been of European
descent, so they ask me questions about African Americans
and seem fascinated with the concept.

I try to understand how oshilumbu should be translated.
In general, people say it means white. My learners would
probably tell you Im oshilumbu, which is a surprise to me,
having spent the last quarter-plus century calling myself
black. Once I got over the shock, I couldnt help feeling
offended. I guess it goes back to the days when one of
the worst taunts for a young math-and-science geek was
accusing her of trying to act white.

There is an uncomfortable way Afrikaners treat me as

a white person. I was on a school athletics trip, and we
stopped at a service station. The owner saw me standing in
line to buy a cool drink. He motioned for me to come to the
back. He chatted with me for a bit, was incredibly friendly,
and gave me a cool drink. Afterward, the other teachers
asked me what he wanted. It makes it hard to fit in with my
community and let them know that Im one of them when
Afrikaners single me out like that.

Possible Issues for Senior Volunteers

Senior Volunteers will find their age an asset in the Namibian
context. They will often have access to individuals and
insights that are not available to younger Volunteers. On
the other hand, they will be in a distinct minority within
the Volunteer population and could find themselves
feeling isolated, looked up to, or ignored. Seniors are often
accustomed to a greater degree of independence and freedom
of movement than the Peace Corps program focus and safety
and security practices allow. Pre-service training can be
particularly stressful for seniors, whose lifelong learning styles
and habits may or may not lend themselves to the techniques


Possible Issues for Gay, Lesbian, or Bisexual Volunteers
Homosexuality has been the topic of much heated debate in
Namibia. Human rights proponents argue that the Constitution
protects individuals regardless of sexual orientation, while
others argue that homosexual behavior is unnatural and, as
such, should be deemed criminal. Homosexual or bisexual
Volunteers may discover they cannot be open about their
sexual orientation in their community. In addition, they may
serve for two years without meeting another gay or bisexual
Volunteer. Peace Corps/Namibia is committed to ensuring that
staff members understand the particular support needs of
homosexual and bisexual Volunteers.

Volunteer Comment

The Peace Corps book they sent us when we were

still in the States mentioned that one thing homosexual
Volunteers might have to face was never coming out to
their communities. That didnt really seem to be a problem:
I dont go up to random acquaintances and say, Hey, Im
a lesbian you know. One day, I was with my host parents
when we saw some old friends of theirs. They had gone
through life at the same pace, and both families had three
sons of about the same ages. Tate then said, Now we have a
daughter. So now I have another family. If one day Im lucky
enough to find a woman and do the family thing, I wonder
which would be worse: never mentioning her when I write
to Meme and Tate or telling them about her and losing this
new family.

Possible Religious Issues for Volunteers

Churches play a vital role in the life of most rural communities
in Namibia. As such, they are social as well as religious
institutions, and you will find them to be a source of
information and support regarding community events and

practices. Community members frequently ask Volunteers
about their religious affiliation and may expect them to
attend a community church. Volunteers not in the practice of
attending Christian churches may be challenged to explain a
decision not to attend.

Volunteer Comment

I remember distinctly my site visit and the question,

Are you Lutheran or Catholic? I simply dont practice
organized religion, and so any questions on that order make
me uncomfortable for fear of offending someone or being
judged negatively. Morning devotion every day at school has
been nothing but awkward, and I still find it difficult to talk
about and share my religious beliefs with Namibians.

Possible Issues for Volunteers With Disabilities

As a disabled Volunteer in Namibia, you may find that you
face a special set of challenges. While it is not uncommon
to meet Namibians who have lost a limb in war, Namibia has
very little infrastructure to accommodate individuals with
disabilities. That being said, the Peace Corps Office of Medical
Services determined that you were physically and emotionally
capable of serving in Namibia without unreasonable risk of
harm to yourself or interruption of your service. The Peace
Corps/Namibia staff will work with disabled individuals to
make reasonable accommodations to enable them to serve
safely and effectively.


How much luggage am I allowed to bring to Namibia?
Most airlines have baggage size and weight limits and assess
charges for transport of baggage that exceeds this allowance.
The Peace Corps has its own size and weight limits and will
not pay the cost of transport for baggage that exceeds these
limits. The authorized baggage allowance is two checked
pieces of luggage with combined dimensions of both pieces
not to exceed 107 inches (length + width + height) and a
carry-on bag with dimensions of no more than 45 inches.
Checked baggage should not exceed 80 pounds total with a
maximum weight allowance of 50 pounds for any one bag.

Peace Corps Volunteers are not allowed to take pets,

weapons, explosives, radio transmitters (shortwave radios
are permitted), automobiles, or motorcycles to their overseas
assignments. Do not pack flammable materials or liquids
such as lighter fluid, cleaning solvents, hair spray, or aerosol
containers. This is an important safety precaution.

What is the electric current in Namibia?

It is 220 volts, 50 cycles. You will need a transformer to
use American appliances. However, not all Volunteers have
electricity at their sites.

How much money should I bring?

Volunteers are expected to live at the same economic level
as the people in their community. They are given a settling-in
allowance and a monthly living allowance, which should cover
their expenses. Often Volunteers wish to bring additional
money for vacation travel to other countries. Credit cards and
travelers checks are preferable to cash. If you choose to bring
extra money, bring the amount that will suit your own travel


plans and needs. Note that Visa cards can be used to obtain
cash at most banks in Namibia, reducing the risk of carrying a
lot of cash.

When can I take vacation and have people visit me?

Each Volunteer accrues two vacation days per month of
service (excluding training). Leave may not be taken during
training, the first three months of service, or the last three
months of service, except in conjunction with an authorized
emergency leave. Family and friends are welcome to visit
you after pre-service training and the first three months of
service as long as their stay does not interfere with your work.
Extended stays at your site are not encouraged and may
require permission from your country director. The Peace
Corps is not able to provide your visitors with visa, medical, or
travel assistance. Therefore, all visitors should obtain medical
evacuation insurance prior to their arrival in Namibia in case
of an emergency. This insurance can be obtained online.

Will my belongings be covered by insurance?

The Peace Corps does not provide insurance coverage for
personal effects; Volunteers are ultimately responsible for
the safekeeping of their personal belongings. However, you
can purchase personal property insurance before you leave.
If you wish, you may contact your own insurance company;
additionally, insurance application forms will be provided,
and we encourage you to consider them carefully. Volunteers
should not ship or take valuable items overseas. Jewelry,
watches, radios, cameras, and expensive appliances are
subject to loss, theft, and breakage, and in many places,
satisfactory maintenance and repair services are not available.

Do I need an international drivers license?

Volunteers in Namibia do not need an international drivers
license because they are prohibited from operating privately

owned motorized vehicles. On very rare occasions, a Volunteer
may be asked to drive a government vehicle, but this can
occur only with prior written permission from the country
director. Bring your U.S. drivers license with you in case you
find yourself in this situation.

What should I bring as gifts for Namibian friends and my host

This is not a requirement; a token of friendship is sufficient.
Some gift suggestions include knickknacks for the house;
pictures, books, or calendars of American scenes; souvenirs
from your area; hard candies that will not melt or spoil; or
photos to give away.

Where will my site assignment be when I finish training and

how isolated will I be?
Peace Corps trainees are not assigned to individual sites until
the second week of the training period. This gives the Peace
Corps staff the opportunity to assess each trainees technical
and language skills prior to assigning sites, in addition to
finalizing site selections with their ministry counterparts.
The primary factor in assigning sites is the match between
the opportunities and interests at a site and the skills and
interests of the Volunteer. The Peace Corps cannot guarantee
placement where you would ideally like to be. Most Volunteers
live in small towns or in rural villages. In the densely
populated north of Namibia, you may be within an hour from
another Volunteer. In the southern part, you may be two to
four hours from the nearest Volunteer. Some sites require a
10- to 12-hour drive from the capital.

How can my family contact me in an emergency?

The Peace Corps Office of Special Services provides
assistance in handling emergencies affecting trainees and
Volunteers or their families. Before leaving the United States,


you should instruct your family to notify the Office of Special
Services immediately if an emergency arises, such as a serious
illness or death of a family member. The 24/7 number for the
Office of Special Services is 1.800.424.8580, extension 1470.
For nonemergency questions, your family can get information
from your country desk staff at the Peace Corps by calling

Can I call home from Namibia?

Yes. Most telephones can be used for international calls.
Volunteers often call home and, in a brief exchange, ask to be
called back, or prearrange a time for someone to call them at
a work phone or pay phone.

Should I bring a cellular phone with me?

Cellular phone service is growing in Namibia and is available
in most rural areas where Volunteers serve. Fewer than 5
percent of currently serving Volunteers live in areas with
no or poor cellphone coverage. Unfortunately, cellphones
purchased in the United States are not likely to operate
in country. PC provides funds for you to purchase a local
cellphone in Namibia as a safety measure.

Will there be e-mail and Internet access?

Should I bring my computer?
Laptops can be useful for many who are health extension
or HIV/AIDS Volunteers. When not out in communities and
villages, much of the Volunteers work and day-to-day living
will be in urban settings conducive to laptop use. Laptops can
also be useful for education Volunteers, as most sites where
you will be located do have electricity, though not necessarily
Internet access. Volunteers use laptops to type assignments
and tests, as well as to communicate with family and friends
back in the States. Like with any valuable, however, it is

advisable to exercise caution in storing the laptop safely.
A security cable is highly recommended and insurance
coverage for the laptops and other valuables is advisable.


When I was in school in California in the 60s, it was
common to talk about taking a course, or even majoring, in
underwater basket weaving as if it were a total cop out
so easy that it was only for those who couldnt withstand
the pressure of real subjects. Trust me, basket weaving in
Shambyu, Namibia, though not underwater (thank god!), is
definitely not a cop out. In fact, it may be the most difficult
thing Ive ever attempted.
But first, a bit of background. I am a health volunteer (HIV/
AIDS awareness and prevention) living on the grounds of a
Roman Catholic mission in rural Namibia, near the community
health centre. One of the first people to invite me over was
Sister Adelheidis, a German nun who has lived and worked
here since 2002. As I was soon to find out, her personal
charity is supporting the local basket weavers. She uses
donations from friends in Germany to purchase baskets from
the local women and has done so for years. In fact, Wednesday
has turned into market day on the mission; anywhere from
eight to over 20 women show up faithfully between 7 a.m. and
10 a.m. to sell their wares in the nuns garden.
Being an only partially-reformed shopaholic and lover of
all handicrafts, I asked what she did with all the baskets.
Instead of answering, she ushered me into a catch-all room
off the dining area and opened a huge, floor-to-ceiling closet.
Baskets literally hundreds of them in all sizes and shapes
and patterns tumbled out! As luck would have it, wed just
received our trimester allowance and, figuring I could eat
cereal for dinner for weeks if need be, I spent a considerable
portion of it right then and there.
My tiny, round room (I live in a concrete hut separate
kitchen and bathroom facilities are a short distance away,
across a patch of sand) was soon wall to wall baskets.


Obviously, however, due to both spatial and financial
constraints, my purchases could in no way support the
local basket weaving community. So when Sister told me
she was due to retire in July 2008, I knew we (I!) had to do
something. The picture of market day on the mission and no
Sister there to buy baskets, was just too depressing. And, so,
serendipitously, I fell into my first secondary Peace Corps
project finding a sustainable market for the local basket
In order to do this properly, I figured I needed to learn how
to basket weave in order to understand the time, effort, and
costs that go into the baskets and to be able to sell the story,
along with the baskets. I also thought it would be a great way
to really integrate, get some one-on-one language practice and
provide a small, supplementary income for one of the weavers.
Well, you know what they say about the best-laid plans
First of all, language. Magdalena, the spry, 67-year old basket
weaver I chose to be my teacher, turned out to be a native
Nyemba speaker, as are most of the weavers. So much for
improving my Rushambyu! Next, income. We went along
fine for a couple of months until one day, with the help of a
translator, she made it known that we couldnt have any more
lessons because the women in her village were jealous and had
stopped speaking to her! That was hard for me to understand
Id meant so well. And I had looked forward to Magdalenas
Saturday morning visits whenever I was at site wed sit on
the sand under a tree and weave, talk, and laugh (mainly at my
lack of weaving ability!). Id take pictures and provide a simple
lunch; sometimes shed bring a grandchild or two.
That said, if Im really honest, I have to admit the timing was
perfect for stopping the lessons that is. Id come to realize
that basket weaving is truly an art one I will never master!
After several hours a morning for I dont know how many
Saturdays, I ended up with a small, flat basket slightly larger
than a coaster. It is almost perfect thanks to the fact that
Magdalena was a strict, proud teacher and would pull out most
of my work and order me to do it again! But it is very small and
when one considers the time involved, well, its priceless.

To be fair, the integration part worked wonderfully. I have
been to Magdalenas home twice and eaten mahangu (millet)
porridge and mutete (a wild spinach-like green) with her
and her extended family (the first time I was even offered a
rooster!). We have come to know each other quite well and
I consider her a friend. The fact that whenever shes at the
health centre and catches sight of me, her face lights up and
she throws her arm around me, and tells me she feels the
same way.
And, as for the secondary project part, well that has a
happy ending too. With the help of the Namibia Craft Centre,
we held a weeklong quality and design workshop for basket
weavers in Shambyu last November and the craft centre has
agreed to buy all the baskets that meet its standards. Best of
all in terms of sustainability is that there is now a system in
place whereby the weavers can sell directly to Christina and
Agnes two Namibian women who will come to the mission
once a month and purchase the baskets directly and then
grade and send them to the craft centre in Windhoek.
So this story definitely has a happy ending: Sister Adelheidis
can retire knowing that her beloved basket weavers have a
market and I have found other worthwhile projects to work
on. I just hope that Magdalena will continue to visit me and
that she and some of the other women will bring a very
special basket or two to the mission now and again to offer to
me first.
I have also sent baskets to a friend in California who sells
them at fancy prices and sends the profit back to Namibia.
That money is being used to pay for driving lessons for four
young people from an HIV/AIDS awareness group I work with.
But thats another story
Kami Lee

Today when I was sitting in my room playing guitar I saw

three pigs calmly walk past my window. Im pretty used to
seeing animals at Kahenge. Ive had goats enter the classroom,


seen donkeys eating at my trash pile and even found foot-long
lizards in my bedroom! Donkeys, cattle, goats, little naked
children, and even the stray chicken. These are all things Im
used to seeing. And now there are pigs roaming free.
My life in the Kavango region as an education Volunteer
has been intense. Intense heat, intense insects and intense
friendliness from the local people. During site visit my
community decided to throw a welcoming party for me. They
took out all of the stops, slaughtering a goat, performing a
cultural dance, and presenting a performance from the school
choir. My principal gave a speech thanking me for coming to
the school and I even danced with some of the villages elder
The beauty of the Kavango is what really gets me. From
November to March it just POURS rain. The countryside
becomes green everywhere. Farmers are plowing the earth to
grow millet and maize. The small boys run around cracking
whips at their cattle and goat herds, which are busy getting
fat by eating the thick grass. On the weekends I like to take
a walk along the Kavango River, which is about a kilometer
from my house. All along the banks young girls are washing
their clothes and men catch fish with reed baskets. And yes,
there are crocodiles and hippos in the river. Ive seen both
I have found it to be a challenging experience to work
in a Kavango school. On one hand, the principal, teachers,
and community have been very friendly and supportive. My
opinion is generally respected and consequently Im able to
exert power over school issues. However, there are really
some problems at the school, notably, teacher absenteeism,
run-down facilities, and corruption. Just in my first year of
teaching Ive observed the following: a teacher having an affair
with a 10th-grade student, hostel workers stealing food and
selling it, and teachers absent from school for weeks. Our
students come from poor backgrounds. Many are unable to
buy basic school supplies or pay their fees. Im asked almost
every day for food or money. All of these issues can become
really wearing on a volunteer. How much is the volunteer

expected to give? You begin to even grow cynical about the
true intentions of others.
Finally, to end on a high note, the students themselves are
great to work with. They are very motivated and disciplined.
They will become your best friends (if you let them). Even
though they have so little, they very rarely complain.
I am very happy to be in the Kavango region. Its
combination of local friendliness, beautiful scenery, and
underdevelopment make it quite a unique place. Im very
satisfied with my placement and feel like Im getting an
immersive and important experience.
Benjamin Sigrin

An Owambo wedding is a weeklong event, beginning with

an announcement at church the Sunday before the ceremony.
On the morning of the wedding, there is a ceremony at
church, followed by a reception at the grooms parents house
and, a day later, a second reception at the brides parents
house, usually in another village. Most people only go to the
reception in their village. You dont need an invitation you
just have to be acquainted with a relative or someone who is
Everyone told me this wedding was going to be the biggest
party of the year, and they werent kidding. I arrived at Tate
Shilumbus house at about 10 a.m. The wedding party wasnt
expected to arrive until late afternoon, but already there were
hundreds of people. Nine cattle and twice as many goats had
been slaughtered, and huge pots were boiling with rice, pasta,
and potatoes.
I cant quite figure out what Im supposed to be doing.
Everybody else is bustling around the homestead, fetching
water, cooking food, storing the soda in cool places. Ive tried
cooking, but I burn the food on the open fire; Ive tried making
potato salad, but I dont include enough mayonnaise to the
locals liking; Ive tried serving people drinks, but I cant seem
to figure out who is entitled to which drinks, so I decide to


I come across a group of six kukus, or old ladies, crammed
across a couch in one of the rooms. When they see me, the
ladies burst into joyous singing and dancing, and they invite
me inside to join them. One of the kukus is trying to teach me
how to dance. She is blowing a whistle on a triple beat and
bouncing from one foot to the other. I can follow her dance,
and I can blow the whistle to the correct beat, but I cant
perform both tasks simultaneously. The kukus take delight
and laugh at my mistakes and become more jubilant, though I
cant decide if theyre celebrating the wedding or my errors.
Finally, the wedding party arrives. When the bride and
groom arrive, everyone rushes outside to the gate to greet
the newlyweds. There must be over a thousand people by
now. Everybody is in a huge mob surrounding the bride and
groom, singing, dancing, and blowing whistles. Women in the
crowd give out a shrill, high pitched lalalalalalalalala cry that
cannot be reproduced in text. It sounds like an Indian war
cry you might hear on Last of the Mohicans, only it means
the women are happy. They progress down the road in this
manner, swinging horse tails and palm branches in the air. Its
a true celebration!
When they reach the house and all the singing, dancing, and
lalala crying has died down, there is a presentation of gifts.
I am now debating if I want a registry for my own wedding
or if I want to be surprised by the hocus-pocus people bring
like they do here. Although gifts seem random to the foreign
eye, they are actually quite practical for a couple creating a
new home in Namibia: an ax to cut down trees, a cauldron
to cook over an open fire, a rake, broom, chairs any home
furnishings are completely acceptable gifts. Following the
presentation of gifts, everyone moves into big circus-like tents
that have been rented for the occasion, where good food
and drinks are served. This continues for several hours until
everyone is drunk and merry, at which point they make their
way home.
I am happily invited to another wedding in just two weeks.
I even received my own invitation, Miss Perry and partner,

meaning I get first dibs on the food. Anyone who can get to
Namibia in two weeks is welcome to be my plus one.
Elise Perry

Ninety-nine percent of the time I find my age to be an

advantage. For one thing, Im exactly where I want to be,
doing exactly what I want to do I am not trying to enhance
my rsum or decide what to do with my future. Being 50+
commands respect in Namibia and this can be put to good
advantage: for example, I am often listened to and things
like leaky faucets and broken locks get fixed! I am trusted
and at liberty to make my own schedule. Thus, I always let
my supervisor know where Im going, but do not ask for
permission. I am free from unwanted attention and feel very
safe and I am usually given the front seat in the combi (mini-
bus taxi)!
The missing 1 percent refers to being somewhat out of
it when the younger PCVs get together as a group. Luckily,
theres another 50+ PCV in my region. She and I have become
close friends and laugh at the fact were known as the
Kavango Moms!
Kami Lee

You can feel so alone when you havent left the village for
quite some time. And when its 8:30 on a Saturday night and
the familys stereo, which is always tuned to Oshiwambo radio,
is, for some strange reason, playing Phil Collins Just One
More Night, it will make you feel much lonelier than you were
before the song began. It always seems to be a song that will
enhance your sad feelings, make you want to cry and think of
the things that were once called home.
Its found in the small things. I often question what legacy I
will leave behind. Either way, theres no turning back now. My
perception has changed, as well as my beliefs; however, the
young children I work with every day always manage to put a
smile on my face.


The school was in shambles when I first arrived. There
was no apparent leadership and everything was unorganized,
from staff meetings to the bookshelf. Hey, this is Africa, I kept
telling myself, and things continued as they were. I refused
my underlying ambitions to surface. It wasnt until, Hey, this
is home when I desired to create something new. That was
second term and five months into my service.
Lets build a chicken coop. The idea was blossomed by a
selfish desire: I wanted eggs. Eggs are difficult to get from
town back to the village. You have to protect them as if you
are the hen itself. It was difficult enough finding a lift. Some
days I would be in four or five different cars, in the back
of bakkies with 20 other people, or just waiting for a lift
sometimes for three hours or more. The last thing I wanted
was the responsibility of protecting six measly eggs.
I recognized the need for an afterschool program. I talked
the chicken house idea over with a few of my most clever
students. They gave me the confidence to take it a step
further. I started the business club. I had never started a club
before and had no real plans for the future. I just wanted eggs.
Many students joined and, in no time, we were electing club
representatives and finding new innovative ways of making
money: saving to pay for the chicken house. The club grew
popular and more students were wanting to join; teachers
wanted to join.
Its now in its second year. We have earned enough money
to build the chicken house and have extra to pay for a trip to
Etosha Game Park.
Today the club and I walked through the bush in the midday
sun, crossed knee-deep waters, with our hoes slung over our
shoulders. We were working in the village. Sir, can you swim?
Do you know how to hoe? Do you know how to drive a
bike? their curiosity would compel them to gently ask me.
We worked hard, sweat dripping from our faces. We joked and
laughed together. We had fun. A small girl on the homestead
we were working at followed me around and couldnt stop
staring at me. I was her first oshilumbu (white person). Her

fascination was evident and I was making her laugh.
On the way home, walking past the same homesteads I
passed just hours earlier, the kids spirits were still filled with
joy, as they slowly disappeared into the bush one by one on
their way home. Soon I was all alone, walking my own path.
I took pleasure in watching the sun melt into the distant
horizon, highlighting the thunderheads behind me with a
magnificent ruby orange. Small boys were bringing in their
goat herds. The sounds of thunder made me chuckle as I
remembered the time a whole herd of goats broke into Grade
Fives classroom to escape the nights downpour. The goats ate
the books and sprinkled the floor with their droppings.
I soon came to the pastors homestead. The lot was now
vacant. It was a missed opportunity I regrettably failed to
capitalize on. His pre-independence stories were rich and
honest. Now hes gone and so are the many stories I never
found time to hear. Approaching my own home I was greeted
by my dog Booty. Whenever Im in sight, he runs straight
toward me, wagging his tail. Today he was giving me one of his
famous smiles that looks more like an angry growl. I was home.
Its these small delights that have kept me above ground:
frustrations are matched with unexpected simple pleasures.
Both will surprise you and make you come alive.
Jeremy Waldron


This list has been compiled by Volunteers
serving in Namibia and is based on their
experience. Use it as an informal guide in making your own
list, bearing in mind that each experience is individual. There
is no perfect list! You obviously cannot bring everything we
mention, so consider those items that make the most sense to
you personally and professionally. You can always have things
sent to you later. As you decide what to bring, keep in mind
that you have an 80-pound weight restriction on baggage. And
remember, because of Namibias proximity to South Africa,
you can get almost everything you need in Namibia at prices
comparable to those in the United States.

Note: It is important that you bring six passport-size photos of

yourself for identification cards, work permits, and visas. We
will ask for them shortly after your arrival in Namibia. They
may be black and white or color, and photo-booth prints are

General Clothing

Namibians place an importance on professional dress in the

workplace, and dressing smart is seen as a sign of respect
for others. Dress slacks and skirts or dresses are required
in the classroom and are the norm in most other situations.
Tennis shoes are not appropriate at work. While jeans and
T-shirts are increasingly acceptable as casual wear, it is more
commonespecially in rural areasto see men wearing shirts
with collars and casual slacks and women wearing casual
dresses or skirts and shirts. Short shorts, short dresses, and
tops that show a lot of skin, (e.g., halter tops, spaghetti straps,


etc.) are inappropriate for women in both towns and villages.
All clothing should be clean and well mended. Cotton is more
comfortable for the heat.

You should bring professional, washable clothes for classroom

teaching and meetings. For men who will be classroom
teachers, bring wrinkle-free business casual slacks and 3-4 ties.
Women should bring dresses and skirts. A few pairs of dress
slacks, sandals, and comfortable closed-toe dress shoes are
appropriate for work. Shorts (at mid-knee or longer) can be
worn after work, weekends and holidays. Other items that are
recommended are: hiking boots (if you like to hike), flashlight,
sleeping bag, rechargeable batteries, music and pictures. Peace
Corps will provide you with a blanket during training, (the cost
will be deducted from your settling-in allowance), but you will
need to bring a set of unfitted (flat) double bed sheets and
a towel to use during your homestays. A small pillow might
also be nice to have and can be purchased upon your arrival.
While it is impossible to bring everything on the packing list,
many items are available in Windhoek. Also, even though
the temperature in Namibia will be warmer by November,
we recommend you bring along some warm clothing for the
winter months. The temperature can drop into the 30 degrees
Fahrenheit-range at night during the three months of winter
(JuneAugust). Youll be much more comfortable if you bring
along a fleece jacket, some sweaters, warm socks, winter cap
that covers the ears, scarf, and gloves. Also, remember to bring
along some suntan lotion or any kind of skin moisturizer.


Shoes are key. Everyone will walk many miles each week.
Volunteers recommend four pairs of shoes. Bring newer
shoes, as your shoes will wear out quickly. The Volunteers
also recommend more expensive footwear, just because its

better and lasts longer. Some female Volunteers say one pair
of trendy sandals or shoes is also nice, as there are chances to
go out and dress up a bit in Windhoek.

A suggested list of shoes for men and women includes:

Closed walking shoes for teaching and meetings or
comfortable dress shoes or nice sandals for work
Athletic shoes, tennis shoes, or other casual shoes
Waterproof hiking boots
Shower sandals/flip-flops are needed, but are available
throughout Namibia at a reasonable price.
Sandals (e.g., Tevas, Birkenstocks, etc).

Note that people with large feet (especially men with size
11 or bigger) should bring an extra pair or two of shoes or
sandals, as larger sizes can be difficult to find in Namibia.

Personal Hygiene and Toiletry Items

Bring enough of your favorites to get you through your first

five or six weeks. Volunteers have also suggested bringing
good-quality body and facial lotion for dry skin and a pumice
stone. Sunglasses are a must, and if you wear prescription
glasses, you should bring prescription sunglasses. Remember
that you can get almost everything you need in Namibia at
prices comparable to those in the United States.


You can easily buy most kitchen supplies heredishes, pots,

glasses, and utensils. Plastic food containers and storage bags
are very useful, but also available. A basic cookbook and your
favorite recipes are useful once you reach your permanent
site. Peace Corps/Namibia provides you with a cookbook
produced by Volunteers.


Camping equipment such as a backpack, sleeping bag
and foam pad, and small tent (if you like to camp); a
small camping stove is nice, but it should burn several
types of fuel
Camera and film (a telephoto lens greatly enhances
photos of game, and a good camera bag helps keep out
the dust) or a digital camera
Radio or shortwave radio, cassette player, CD player
with speakers or an iPod; both battery-operated and
able to run on 220 volts (if it does not, you will need to
bring a converter) is preferable
Music tapes, digital music or CDs (available in Namibia
but expensive)
A jump/flash/pen/USB drive (its a whole lot easier than
using disks)
Good quality batteries (AA are expensive and 9V can be
hard to find in Namibia)
Small candle lantern
Crayons, colored markers, colored paper
Craft idea books
Duct tape
Song books
Swiss army knife or Leatherman tool
Travel-size clock
Small flashlight or headlamp and extra bulbs
Guidebooks about the region
Maps, pictures, and wall hangings to decorate your
Dictionary and thesaurus (keep in mind that people in
Namibia use British English)
Inexpensive gifts to give to your hosts and to children

U.S. postage stamps for sending mail with Volunteers
who are traveling to the United States
Two sturdy water bottles (e.g., Nalgene)
For women, feminine hygiene items like tampons, pads,
Diva Cup, the Keeper, GladRag, etc, are somewhat
more expensive than in the U.S., but you must balance
considerations of space and weight available when
making a decision to bring these supplies.
Favorite recipes
A few books (you can have some sent, trade with other
Volunteers, buy them here, or make use of the Peace
Corps in-country resource center)
Small book bag or backpack for work and weekends
Enough stationery to last you during pre-service

Packing Advice Directly from Volunteers

Things we shouldnt have brought

Too many toiletries (mouthwash, dental floss,
toothpaste, soap, shampoo, etc.; they can all be
purchased in Namibia)
Pots/Pans (as you are coming in, other Volunteers are
leaving and they will pass their pots/pans on to you at a
very reasonable price)
Can opener
White clothes and clothes that require dry cleaning or
cannot be washed by hand.
Mosquito net (Peace Corps/Namibia gives you one)
An electric adapter (you can get the right one if you buy
it elsewhere)
Too many formal clothes.


The following list consists of suggestions for you to consider
as you prepare to live outside the United States for two years.
Not all items will be relevant to everyone and the list does not
include everything you should make arrangements for.

Notify family that they can call the Peace Corps Office
of Special Services at any time if there is a critical
illness or death of a family member (telephone number:
1.800.424.8580, extension 1470 or 202.692.1470).
Give the Peace Corps On the Home Front handbook to
family and friends.

Forward to the Peace Corps travel office all paperwork
for the Peace Corps passport and visas.
Verify that luggage meets the size and weight limits for
international travel.
Obtain a personal passport if you plan to travel after
your service ends. (Your Peace Corps passport will
expire three months after you finish your service, so
if you plan to travel longer after your service, you will
need a regular passport.)

Complete any needed dental and medical work.
If you wear glasses, bring two pairs.
Arrange to bring a three-month supply of all
medications (including birth control pills) you are
currently taking.


Make arrangements to maintain life insurance coverage.
Arrange to maintain supplemental health coverage
while away. (Even though the Peace Corps is
responsible for your health care during Peace Corps
service overseas, it is advisable for people who have
preexisting conditions to arrange for the continuation
of their supplemental health coverage. Many times, if
there is a lapse in supplemental health coverage it is
difficult and expensive to be reinstated for insurance.
This is especially true when insurance companies know
you have predictable expenses and are in an upper age
Arrange to continue Medicare coverage if applicable.

Personal Papers
Bring a copy of your certificate of marriage or divorce.

Register to vote in the state of your home of record.
(Many state universities consider voting and payment
of state taxes as evidence of residence in that state.)
Obtain a voter registration card and take it with you
Arrange to have an absentee ballot forwarded to you

Personal Effects
Purchase personal property insurance for the time you
leave your home for service overseas until the time you
complete your service and return to the United States.

Financial Management
Obtain student loan deferment forms from the lender or
loan service.
Execute a Power of Attorney for the management of
your property and business.
Arrange for deductions from your readjustment
allowance to pay alimony, child support, and other
debts through the Office of Volunteer Financial
Operations at 1.800.424.8580, extension 1770.
Place all-important papersmortgages, deeds, stocks,
and bondsin a safe deposit box or with an attorney or
other caretaker.


The following list of numbers will help you contact the appropriate
office at Peace Corps headquarters with various questions. You
may use the toll-free number and extension or dial directly using
the local numbers provided. Be sure to leave the Peace Corps toll-
free number and extensions with your family so they have them in
the event of an emergency during your service overseas.

Peace Corps Headquarters

Toll-free Number: 800.424.8580, Press 2, then
Ext. # (see below)

Peace Corps Mailing Address: Peace Corps

Paul D. Coverdell Peace Corps Headquarters
1111 20th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20526

For Direct/
Questions Toll-free Local
About: Staff Extension Number

Responding to Office of
an Invitation Placement
Region Ext. 1850 202.692.1850

Programming or Desk Officer Ext. 2334 202.692.2334

Country Information E-mail: namibia@

Desk Assistant Ext. 2333 202.692.2333

E-mail: namibia@


For Direct/
Questions Toll-free Local
About: Staff Extension Number

Plane Tickets, Travel Officer Ext. 1170 202.692.1170

Passports, (Sato Travel)
Visas, or Other
Travel Matters

Legal Clearance Office of Ext. 1845 202.692.1845


Medical Clearance Screening Nurse Ext. 1500 202.692.1500

and Forms Processing
(including dental)

Medical Handled by a
Reimbursements Subcontractor 800.818.8772

Loan Deferments, Volunteer Ext. 1770 202.692.1770

Taxes, Readjustment Financial
Allowance Withdrawals, Operations
Power of Attorney

Staging (Pre-departure Office of Staging Ext. 1865 202.692.1865

Orientation) and
Reporting Instructions
Note: You will receive
comprehensive information
(hotel and flight arrange-
ments) three to five weeks
before departure. This in-
formation is not available

Family Emergencies Office of Special Ext. 1470 202.692.1470

(to get information to Services (24 hours)
a Volunteer overseas)

Paul D. Coverdell Peace Corps Headquarters
1111 20th Street NW Washington, DC 20526 1-800-424-8580

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