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Converse Rubber Corp. vs. Universal Rubber Products, 1987

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G.R. No. L-27906 January 8, 1987

PATENTS, respondents.
Respondent Universal Rubber Products, Inc. filed an application with the Philippine
Patent office for registration of the trademark "UNIVERSAL CONVERSE AND DEVICE"
used on rubber shoes and rubber slippers.
Petitioner Converse Rubber Corporation filed its opposition to the application for
registration on grounds that:
a] The trademark sought to be registered is confusingly similar to the word
"CONVERSE" which is part of petitioner's corporate name "CONVERSE RUBBER
CORPORATION" as to likely deceive purchasers of products; and,
b] The registration of respondent's trademark will cause great and irreparable injury to
the business reputation and goodwill of petitioner in the Philippines .
Thereafter, respondent filed its answer and at the pre-trial, the parties submitted the
following partial stipulation of facts:
1] The petitioner's corporate name is "CONVERSE RUBBER CORPORATION" and has
been in existence since July 31, 1946; it is duly organized under the laws of
Massachusetts, USA and doing business at 392 Pearl St., Malden, County of Middle
sex, Massachusetts;
2] Petitioner is not licensed to do business in the Philippines and it is not doing business
on its own in the Philippines; and,
3] Petitioner manufacturers rubber shoes and uses thereon the trademarks "CHUCK
The witness also testified that she had no Idea why respondent chose "Universal
Converse" as a trademark and that she was unaware of the name "Converse" prior to
her corporation's sale of "Universal Converse" rubber shoes and rubber sandals.
Eventually, the Director of Patents dismissed the opposition of the petitioner and gave
due course to respondent's application. His decision reads in part:
I am guided by the fact that the opposer failed to present proof that the single word
"CONVERSE' in its corporate name has become so Identified with the corporation that
whenever used, it designates to the mind of the public that particular corporation.
Its motion for reconsideration having been denied by the respondent Director of Patents,
petitioner instituted the instant petition for review.
Whether or not the respondent's partial appropriation of petitioner's corporate name is of
such character that it is calculated to deceive or confuse the public to the injury of the
petitioner to which the name belongs.
A trade name is any individual name or surname, firm name, device or word used by
manufacturers, industrialists, merchants and others to Identify their businesses,
vocations or occupations. 8 As the trade name refers to the business and its goodwill ...
the trademark refers to the goods." 9 The ownership of a trademark or tradename is a
property right which the owner is entitled to protect "since there is damage to him from
confusion or reputation or goodwill in the mind of the public as well as from confusion of

goods. The modern trend is to give emphasis to the unfairness of the acts and to
classify and treat the issue as fraud. 10
From a cursory appreciation of the petitioner's corporate name "CONVERSE RUBBER
CORPORATION,' it is evident that the word "CONVERSE" is the dominant word which
Identifies petitioner from other corporations engaged in similar business. Respondent, in
the stipulation of facts, admitted petitioner's existence since 1946 as a duly organized
foreign corporation engaged in the manufacture of rubber shoes.
This admission necessarily betrays its knowledge of the reputation and business of
petitioner even before it applied for registration of the trademark in question. Knowing,
therefore, that the word "CONVERSE" belongs to and is being used by petitioner, and is
in fact the dominant word in petitioner's corporate name, respondent has no right to
appropriate the same for use on its products which are similar to those being produced
by petitioner.
A corporation is entitled to the cancellation of a mark that is confusingly similar to its
corporate name. Appropriation by another of the dominant part of a corporate name is
an infringement." Respondent's witness had no Idea why respondent chose
"UNIVERSAL CONVERSE" as trademark and the record discloses no reasonable
explanation for respondent's use of the word "CONVERSE" in its trademark. Such
unexplained use by respondent of the dominant word of petitioner's corporate name
lends itself open to the suspicion of fraudulent motive to trade upon petitioner's
reputation, thus:
When, however, there is no reasonable explanation for the defendant's choice of such a
mark though the field for his selection was so broad, the inference is inevitable that it
was chosen deliberately to deceive. The testimony of petitioner's witness, who is a
legitimate trader as well as the invoices evidencing sales of petitioner's products in the
Philippines, give credence to petitioner's claim that it has earned a business reputation
and goodwill in this country.
Furthermore, said sales invoices provide the best proof that there were actual sales of
petitioner's products in the country and that there was actual use for a protracted period
of petitioner's trademark or part thereof through these sales. "The most convincing proof
of use of a mark in commerce is testimony of such witnesses as customers, or the
orders of buyers during a certain period. 18 Petitioner's witness, having affirmed her lack
of business connections with petitioner, has testified as such customer, supporting
strongly petitioner's move for trademark pre-emption.
Any sale made by a legitimate trader from his store is a commercial act establishing
trademark rights since such sales are made in due course of business to the general
public, not only to limited individuals. Such actual sale of goods in the local market
establishes trademark use which serves as the basis for any action aimed at trademark
pre- exemption. It is a corollary logical deduction that while Converse Rubber
Corporation is not licensed to do business in the country and is not actually doing
business here, it does not mean that its goods are not being sold here or that it has not
earned a reputation or goodwill as regards its products.
Another factor why respondent's applications should be denied is the confusing
similarity between its trademark "UNIVERSAL CONVERSE AND DEVICE" and
petitioner's corporate name and/or its trademarks "CHUCK TAYLOR" and "ALL STAR
DEVICE" which could confuse the purchasing public to the prejudice of petitioner,
The trademark of respondent "UNIVERSAL CONVERSE and DEVICE" is imprinted in a
circular manner on the side of its rubber shoes. In the same manner, the trademark of
petitioner which reads "CONVERSE CHUCK TAYLOR" is imprinted on a circular base
attached to the side of its rubber shoes. The deteminative factor in ascertaining whether
or not marks are confusingly similar to each other "is not whether the challenged mark
would actually cause confusion or deception of the purchasers but whether the use of
such mark would likely cause confusion or mistake on the part of the buying public.
The similarity y in the general appearance of respondent's trademark and that of
petitioner would evidently create a likelihood of confusion among the purchasing public.
By appropriating the word "CONVERSE," respondent's products are likely to be
mistaken as having been produced by petitioner. "The risk of damage is not limited to a

possible confusion of goods but also includes confusion of reputation if the public could
reasonably assume that the goods of the parties originated from the same source. 23
Foreign corporation has a right to maintain an action in the forum even if it is not
licensed to do business and is not actually doing business on its own therein has been
enunciated many times by this Court. In La Chemise Lacoste, S.A. vs. Fernandez, 129
SCRA 373, this Court, reiterating Western Equipment and Supply Co. vs. Reyes, 51
Phil. 115, stated that:
... a foreign corporation which has never done any business in the Philippines and which
is unlicensed and unregistered to do business here, but is widely and favorably known in
the Philippines through the use therein of its products bearing its corporate and
tradename, has a legal right to maintain an action in the Philippines to restrain the
residents and inhabitants thereof from organizing a corporation therein bearing the
same name as the foreign corporation, when it appears that they have personal
knowledge of the existence of such a foreign corporation, and it is apparent that the
purpose of the proposed domestic corporation is to deal and trade in the same goods as
those of the foreign corporation.
We further held:

xxx xxx xxx

That company is not here seeking to enforce any legal or control rights arising from or
growing out of, any business which it has transacted in the Philippine Islands. The sole
purpose of the action:
Is to protect its reputation, its corporate name, its goodwill whenever that reputation,
corporate name or goodwill have, through the natural development of its trade,
established themselves.' And it contends that its rights to the use of its corporate and
trade name: Is a property right, a right in recess which it may assert and protect against
all the world, in any of the courts of the world even in jurisdictions where it does not
transact business-just the same as it may protect its tangible property, real or personal
against trespass, or conversion.
Since it is the trade and not the mark that is to be protected, a trademark acknowledges
no territorial boundaries of municipalities or states or nations, but extends to every
market where the trader's goods have become known and Identified by the use of the
mark. The ruling in the aforecited case is in consonance with the Convention of the
Union of Paris for the Protection of Industrial Property to which the Philippines became a
party on September 27, 1965. Article 8 thereof provides that "a trade name [corporate
name] shall be protected in all the countries of the Union without the obligation of filing
or registration, whether or not it forms part of the trademark. " [emphasis supplied]
The object of the Convention is to accord a national of a member nation extensive
protection "against infringement and other types of unfair competition" [Vanitary Fair
Mills, Inc. vs. T. Eaton Co., 234 F. 2d 6331. The mandate of the aforementioned
Convention finds implementation in Sec. 37 of RA No. 166, otherwise known as the
Trademark Law:
Sec. 37. Rights of Foreign Registrants-Persons who are nationals of, domiciled or have
a bona fide or effective business or commercial establishment in any foreign country,
which is a party to an international convention or treaty relating to marks or tradenames
on the repression of unfair competition to which the Philippines may be a party, shall be
entitled to the benefits and subject to the provisions of this Act . . . ...
WHEREFORE, the decision of the Director of Patents is hereby set aside.

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