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The Pennsylvania State University

The Graduate School

College of Engineering


A Dissertation in
Mechanical Engineering
Robert L. Campbell
c 2010 Robert L. Campbell

Submitted in Partial Fulllment

of the Requirements
for the Degree of

Doctor of Philosophy
August 2010

The dissertation of Robert L. Campbell was reviewed and approved1 by the following:

Eric G. Paterson
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Dissertation Adviser
Co-Chair of Committee

Robert F. Kunz
Professor of Aerospace Engineering
Co-Chair of Committee

John M. Cimbala
Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Stephen A. Hambric
Professor of Acoustics

Boris Leschinsky
Vice-President Technology, Datascope Corporation
Special Member

Karen A. Thole
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Head of the Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering

Signatures on le in the Graduate School.



Highly exible turbomachinery comprised of soft polymeric impellers, exhibit large, time-dependent deformation when subjected to uid stresses during
operation. The large deformations of the impeller blades and the close proximity
of the blades to the pump casing require simulations that consider the interaction
of the uid ow and the structural deformations. This thesis explores the use of
uidstructure interaction (FSI) modeling to perform time-accurate simulations of
exible polymeric turbomachinery and also explores the use of an inverse structural
analysis to account for blade deformations over an initial startup period. The purpose of the inverse analysis is to determine the shape of a blade that, when acted
on by uid stresses, will deform into the design shape.
A partitioned FSI solver is developed, using the OpenFOAM software and
an author-developed nite element (FE) structural solver, to perform FSI simulations of exible turbomachinery. The ow and structural solvers are tightly coupled
using xed-point iterations to ensure fully converged structural and ow solvers for
each solution time step. The solver interface supports disparate ow and structural
meshes through interpolation and load mapping algorithms. A water tunnel test
of a modied NACA 66 viscoelastic n is performed at multiple angles of attack
to generate validation data for the FSI solver. The validated solver is applied to
an expandable impeller pump to simulate time-accurate performance changes that
result from impeller elastic and viscoelastic deformation under application of the
uid stresses.
An inverse FE structural solver is developed and used to compute inverted
structural shapes that account for deformations due to uid loads so that the structures deform into their design shapes after elastic and viscoelastic deformations

occur. The inverse solver is validated for several cases based on numerical simulations. Time-accurate performance estimates of the expandable impeller pump
for the inverted impeller shape demonstrate the accuracy of the inverse procedure
when subjected to time-varying uid forces. FSI simulation results for inverted
modied NACA 66 ns are also presented. The deformed inverse shapes show
good agreement with the intended (design) shapes, but slight discrepancies exist
between the prescribed and simulated time at which these shapes are achieved.
The slight discrepancies in the target times are attributed to inaccuracies in the
load histories assumed during the inverse analyses.

Table of Contents

List of Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


List of Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Chapter 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Previous and Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


FluidStructure Interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Turbomachinery FSI Modeling . . . . . . . .

Commercial FSI Software . . . . . . . . . . .

Inverse Structural Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Agenda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Thesis Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Chapter 2. FSI Solver Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




Governing Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Flow Solver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



SimpleFoam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



MRFSimpleFoam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Structural Solver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Small-Deformation Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Large-Deformation Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Solver Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Inverse Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Constitutive Relationships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




Structural Body Force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Fluid Mesh Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



FSI Solver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



FSI Solver Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



FSI Solver Coupling

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



FSI Interface Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



FSI Parallel Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Chapter 3. Structural Material Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Elastomer Elastic Modulus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Viscoelastic Material Denition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Poissons Ratio and Nearly Incompressible Eects . . . . . . .



Temperature Eects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Parameter Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Beam Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Modied NACA 66 Fin Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Chapter 4. Water Tunnel Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Experimental Facility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Fin Fabrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Test Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Chapter 5. FSI Solver Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




Mesh Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Flow Domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Solid Domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Structural Solver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Beam Bending Comparisons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Modied NACA 66 Fin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Solver Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Structural Inverse Solver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Flow Solver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Fluid Mesh Motion Solver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



FluidStructure Interaction Solver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Solver Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Solver Subiterations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Chapter 6. Modied NACA 66 Fin Inverse Model Simulations . . . . . . .



Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Chapter 7. Expandable Impeller Pump Simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Mesh Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Flow Domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Structural Domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Rigid Impeller Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



FSI Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Inverse Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Chapter 8. Summary, Conclusions, and Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . .





Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Appendix A. Sample Structure Input File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Appendix B. Matlab Edge Finding Routine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



List of Tables


Prony series stress relaxation parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Revised Prony series stress relaxation parameters based on beam


bending test results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Angle of attack and required shim thickness . . . . . . . . . . . .



Water tunnel water temperatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Fin dimensions as measured with calipers for mold master and cast
parts versus n design dimensions where T is the thickness, C is
the chord, and S is the span dimension (see Figure 4.13); the mean
and standard deviation results are for the cast parts only . . . . .



Fin dimensions as measured with calipers for mold master and cast
parts versus n design dimensions where T is the thickness, C is
the chord, and S is the span dimension (see Figure 4.13); the mean
and standard deviation results are for the cast parts only . . . . .



Structural forces (pressure + viscous) for solver validation study .



Structural forces (pressure + viscous) for solver validation study .



Comparison of solver elapsed wall-clock times . . . . . . . . . . .


List of Figures


Impeller tip clearance dependency on time; obtained from a oneway uid-solid coupling model with negative loads applied . . . .


Notional FSI problem domain showing the uid, solid, and boundaries for each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Finite element approach sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Reference element for the eight node hexahedron . . . . . . . . . .



Motion of a general solid body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Generalized Maxwell Element with N components . . . . . . . . .



Mesh motion for a cylindrical surface using the face decomposition

solver; the initially cylindrical surface does not remain cylindrical


Mesh motion weighting function as a simple alternative to the generalized mesh motion solvers in OpenFOAM . . . . . . . . . . . .



Example motion mesh showing dierent regions of element stiness

to control deformation of the underlying uid mesh elements . . .



Example of FE motion mesh (black element edges) overlaying a

uid mesh (gray element edges) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




Strain contours corresponding to the auxiliary mesh of Figure 2.8,

showing very small strains and hence small mesh distortion near
the n for a rigid-body rotation of the n . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


2.10 FSI solver ow chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


2.11 Conventional Serial Staggered solution approach . . . . . . . . . .


2.12 Partitioned approach to FSI showing a xed-point iteration with

under-relaxation for tightly coupled solutions . . . . . . . . . . . .


2.13 Example of disparate uid and structure meshes at the interface
F/S ; the uid vertices do not lie on the structural element faces
and the surface normal directions between the uid and structure
are not exactly opposite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


2.14 Example of interface force mapping showing the load scaling factors
used to apply the uid load to the structural nodes . . . . . . . .


2.15 Example of a nite element reference element, its reference coordinates, and a point within the element for which the parameterized
location (i , i , i ) is sought . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Hapex 598 tensile test results with a load rate of 1% strain per
second . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Simple tension results for Hapex 598 using three strain rates . .



Simple tension results for Hapex 598 at two temperatures with

curve for a Youngs modulus of 60 MPa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Stress relaxation data with measured stress normalized by initial

stress; Prony series t using three Prony series parameters of Table 3.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Volumetric compression results for Hapex 598 samples at two temperatures and a curve showing stress-strain values for a bulk modulus of 2.3 GPa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Finite element model of Hapex 598 beam test; two models used,
coarser model shown here . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Fin bending model for evaluation of incompressible eects . . . .



Beam bending model results for displacement-based and pressure

/ displacement elements; the displacement-based elements with reduced integration agree well with the pressure / displacement hybrid elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Fin bending model results for both displacement-based and pressure/displacement elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


3.10 Dimensions of Hapex 598 beams tested for material model validation (dimensions in mm); Note that 125 mm is the active length
of the beams during testing, the actual beam length is 150 mm . .


3.11 Boundary conditions of the Hapex 598 beam tests showing the
xed-free constraints and the tip load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


3.12 Test setup for beam and n bending tests; a video camera is used
to capture images of the deformed specimen; the setup is shown
here with a Hapex 598 n (described below), but the same setup
is also employed for the Hapex beams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


3.13 Sample image of edge detection for the Hapex 598 beam test; the
top and bottom edges are identied separately and shown here with
dierent colors

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


3.14 Beam tip deection for three Hapex 598 beam samples subjected
to a tip force of 0.0785 N (8 g mass) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


3.15 Beam deformation after subjected to gravity for 1 hr; the nal material model is used for this simulation; deformed beam contoured
by displacement magnitude in meters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


3.16 Beam tip deection for coarse and rened nite element meshes .


3.17 Beam nite element model comparisons to experimental results;

model results are shown for the API-derived material model for
both the constitutive and viscoelastic parameters and also for the
revised material model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


3.18 Stress relaxation data with measured stress normalized by initial

stress; synthesized relaxation curves generated using both the original and revised viscoelastic models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


3.19 Beam deformation shape comparisons between revised FE model
and empirical results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


3.20 Deformed beam after 1 hr of relaxation, contoured by equivalent

strain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


3.21 Fin tip deformations for various mesh renements; simulations performed using feanl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


3.22 Comparison of nite element n model (using beam-tuned material

model) to n test results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


3.23 Comparison of deformation shapes from the nite element n model

(using beam-tuned material model) to n test results after 1 hour
of relaxation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


3.24 Fin deformation after subjected to gravity for 1 hr; the nal material model is used for this simulation; deformed n contoured by
displacement magnitude in meters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Modied NACA 66 n for water tunnel testing . . . . . . . . . . .



Water tunnel schematic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Water tunnel and some key data acquisition system components

(note that the curvature in the image is not real, but an artifact of
stitching multiple photographs together into a panoramic view) .



Water tunnel test section showing video camera and light . . . . .



Water tunnel test section and the Hapex n prior to a test . . .



Setting the n angle of attack; view is from above test section

beside video camera shown in Figure 4.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Mechanism to rotate n to change its angle of attack . . . . . . .



Augmented rotator mechanism to accurately and quantitatively

control changes in the ns angle of attack; the view is looking
up from beneath the test section with the rotator mechanism fully
installed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Photograph of water tunnel annotated with pressure transducer

locations; the Kiel probe is located in the central plane of the
tunnel at the same elevation as the static probe . . . . . . . . . .


4.10 Water tunnel water temperature during three tests; statistics of

these temperatures are provided in Table 4.2 . . . . . . . . . . . .


4.11 Modied NACA 66 prole geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4.12 Fin master for n casting; fabricated from stereolithography process; surface markings added to identify the zero angle-of-attack
location when mounted in water tunnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4.13 Fin model dimensions with values provided in Table 4.3; S - span,
C - chord, and T - thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4.14 Fin mold fabrication with alignment xtures in place; the mold
silicone is visible in this photograph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4.15 Fin mold and casting hardware; the base plate provides threaded
holes to mount the n in the water tunnel test section . . . . . . .


4.16 Relevant dimensions of n insert; through-holes added to allow

material to form a mechanical lock to the insert; fabricated from
aluminum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4.17 Hapex 598 is poured into mold cavity to for a n for testing;
screws are placed into tapped holes of n insert to keep material
from lling the holes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4.18 Mold assembly shown inside a vacuum chamber to remove entrained air from the Hapex 598 while still in the liquid state . . .


4.19 The cast n is removed from the mold by submerging in water (see
water droplets on outer surface of mold and n); some ash exists
on cast part which is removed using a sharp knife . . . . . . . . .


4.20 Sample video frame from water tunnel testing; red line connects
the manually picked points at the tips of the leading and trailing
edges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4.21 Hydrofoil leading edge tip deection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4.22 Hydrofoil trailing edge tip deection

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4.23 Hydrofoil pitch angle change at the n tip . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4.24 Hydrofoil heave at the n tip, normalized by the n span . . . . .


4.25 Water tunnel ow speed in test section, corresponding to n tip

deections in Figures 4.21 through 4.24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4.26 Flow speed excursions strongly correlated to displacement . . . .



Top view of o-grid during mesh construction for simulation of

water tunnel test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Top view of water tunnel meshed ow domain, zoomed to show

close-up of foil region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Top view of water tunnel meshed ow domain . . . . . . . . . . .



Front view of water tunnel meshed ow domain . . . . . . . . . .



Slice through mesh showing concentration of cells near foil tip . .



Element through-thickness distribution for mesh with only hexahedral elements; pressure surface is on the top side of the mesh,
suction surface is on the bottom side . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Graphical user interface for bladeGen software . . . . . . . . . . .



Modied NACA 66 n showing locations of section points for the

FE mesh creation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Cantilevered beam coarse nite element mesh (100 elements) for

validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


5.10 Cantilevered beam linear model validation results showing nite
element beam deformation compared to analytical results; the nite element results are the centerline nodal displacements in the
y-direction (the load is applied in the negative y-direction, see Figure 5.9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


5.11 Cantilevered beam nonlinear (large deformation) model deformation computed by feanl; the light blue elements represent the undeformed shape; the deformed shape is contoured by displacement
magnitude in mm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


5.12 Comparison of beam centerline vertical displacements computed by

feanl and Abaqus for the cantilevered beam subjected to a large
deformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


5.13 Test beam model results demonstrating Structure member functions for FSI subiterations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


5.14 Convergence of nite element n model using preliminary Hapex

598 material model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


5.15 Comparison of nite element results for large- and small-displacement

formulations; outlines of deformed n along the mid-span of the
coarse n model are shown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


5.16 Strain contours of deformed n after 1 hr of relaxation . . . . . .


5.17 Comparison of number of Newton-Raphson iterations per solution

increment for feanl and Abaqus

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


5.18 Test case for structural inverse solver showing constraints, tip force,
and the structures dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


5.19 Structural inverse solver test case showing the inverted shape and
the original shape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


5.20 Inverted model deformed into the original shape from application
of the tip force; contoured by location error in meters with respect
to the original shape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


5.21 Boundary conditions for the water tunnel simulations; all walls are
stationary except the n surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


5.22 Contours of static pressure (Pa) on n surface as computed by

Fluent at inlet ow speed of 1.2 m/s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


5.23 Contours of static pressure (Pa) on n surface as computed by

OpenFOAM at inlet ow speed of 1.2 m/s using the mediumrenement mesh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


5.24 Contours of static pressure (Pa) on n surface as computed by

OpenFOAM at inlet ow speed of 1.2 m/s using the rened mesh


5.25 The x-component of the inlet boundarys velocity, Ux , as a function

of simulation time; Ux = 1.22 m/s for all times greater than 100 s


5.26 Flow speed comparison for the tunnel tests and simulations . . . .


5.27 Simulated and measured leading edge tip deection . . . . . . . .


5.28 Simulated and measured trailing edge tip deection . . . . . . . .


5.29 Simulated and measured pitch angle change at the n tip . . . . .


5.30 Simulated and measured heave at the n tip, normalized by the n

span . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


5.31 Simulated lift force corresponding to the baseline and baseline

0.25 AOA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


5.32 Fin deformation comparisons between experiment and simulation

for time 10 s to 600 s (window surface bubbles present in top left
image) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


5.33 Fin deformation comparisons between experiment and simulation

for time 1050 s to 1500 s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


5.34 Fin strain contour for the 1.375 AOA FSI simulations . . . . .


5.35 Elapsed wall-clock times per solution time increment for each of
the three FSI elds for the modied NACA 66 n and the Laplace
face decomposition mesh motion solver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


5.36 Elapsed wall-clock times per solution time increment for each of
the three FSI elds for the modied NACA 66 n and the custom
RMF mesh motion solver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


5.37 Elapsed wall-clock times per solution time increment for each of
the three FSI elds for the modied NACA 66 n and the custom
RMF mesh motion solver; parallel execution of solver . . . . . . .


5.38 Fin leading edge tip deection at 100% span for various numbers
of sub-iterations with constant under-relaxation . . . . . . . . . .


5.39 Fin trailing edge tip deection at 100% span for various numbers
of sub-iterations with constant under-relaxation . . . . . . . . . .


5.40 Fin lift force for various numbers of sub-iterations with constant
under-relaxation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


5.41 Fin leading edge tip deection at 100% span for various numbers
of sub-iterations with constant under-relaxation; plotted on logarithmic scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


5.42 Fin trailing edge tip deection at 100% span for various numbers
of sub-iterations with constant under-relaxation; plotted on logarithmic scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


5.43 Fin lift force for various numbers of sub-iterations with constant
under-relaxation; plotted on logarithmic scale . . . . . . . . . . .


5.44 Fin leading edge tip deection at 100% span for various numbers
of sub-iterations with constant under-relaxation compared to case
with ten sub-iterations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


5.45 Fin lift force for various numbers of sub-iterations with constant
under-relaxation compared to case with ten sub-iterations

. . . .



Inverted n shape corresponding to 1000 s of relaxation under the

uid loads for a n with an AOA of 3 compared to design shape
n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Top view of inverted n shape corresponding to 1000 s of relaxation

under the uid loads for a n with an AOA of 1.5


. . . . . . .


FSI simulation of inverted n for 1.5 AOA; deviation of leading

and trailing edge points from the design shape location . . . . . .



Node location error (shown as a percentage of chord length) between design shape and deformed inverse shape for a 3 AOA



Node location error (shown as a percentage of chord length) between design shape and deformed inverse shape for a 2 AOA



Node location error (shown as a percentage of chord length) between design shape and deformed inverse shape for a 1.5 AOA



Top view of inverted n shape corresponding to 1000 s of relaxation

under the uid loads for a n with an AOA of 3. . . . . . . . .



Top view of inverted n shape corresponding to 1000 s of relaxation

under the uid loads for a n with an AOA of 2. . . . . . . . .




FSI simulation of inverted n for 2.0 AOA; deviation of leading

and trailing edge points from the design shape location . . . . . .


6.10 FSI simulation of inverted n for 3.0 AOA; deviation of leading

and trailing edge points from the design shape location . . . . . .


6.11 FSI simulation of inverted n for 1.5 AOA; FSI force compared
to force used during FE inverse analysis

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .


6.12 FSI simulation of inverted n for 2.0 AOA; FSI force compared
to force used during FE inverse analysis

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .


6.13 FSI simulation of inverted n for 3.0 AOA; FSI force compared
to force used during FE inverse analysis

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Solid model of viscoelastic impeller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Unstructured cyclic-symmetric uid mesh for expandable impeller

pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Impeller blade section points plotted with the impeller solid model;
these points are used by bladeGen to create the impeller FE mesh




Impeller nite element mesh showing the blade and hub section
elements by distinct colors; the model is constrained at the downstream end of the hub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


The nal impeller nite element mesh showing the blades constrained at the roots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




Impeller deformations (contoured by displacement magnitude as a

percentage of the impeller diameter) due solely to centrifugal force
when rotating at 30, 000 rpm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Inlet and pipe wall velocity magnitude in the absolute reference

frame for the impeller simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Impeller and hub velocity magnitude in the absolute reference

frame for the impeller simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




Inlet and pipe wall pressure magnitude for the prescribed boundary
conditions and a rigid impeller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


7.10 Pressure contours on the impeller and hub for the prescribed boundary conditions and a rigid impeller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


7.11 Impeller pressure contours on the ow boundaries for select simulation times from 0 s (just prior to the impeller deformation) to
1250 s; streamlines are shown colored by velocity magnitude . . .


7.12 Impeller deformation at 1450 s contoured by displacement magnitude as a percentage of the impeller diameter . . . . . . . . . . .


7.13 Impeller deformation at 1450 s contoured by radial displacement

as a percentage of the impeller diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


7.14 Impeller tip clearance change with time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


7.15 Pump head rise variation with time due to impeller blade deformation; head rise at t = 0 s represents head rise prior to any impeller
deformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


7.16 Pump impeller inverted shape, color contoured by displacement

magnitude as a percentage of the impeller diameter . . . . . . . .


7.17 Pump impeller inverted shape, color contoured by radial displacement as a percentage of the impeller diameter . . . . . . . . . . .


7.18 Distance, as a percentage of the impeller diameter, from the design shape to inverted shape deformed by the design loads; the
displacements shown here indicate an inverse error approximately
three orders of magnitude smaller than the maximum inverse deformation shown in Figure 7.16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


7.19 Location error for the inverted impeller shape after being subjected
to uid loads for 100 s; all nodes of the impeller FE model are
considered; results reported for various number of subiterations . .


7.20 Location error for the inverted impeller shape after being subjected
to uid loads for 100 s; leading edge tip nodes of the impeller FE
model are considered . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


7.21 Location error for the inverted impeller shape after being subjected
to uid loads for 100 s; trailing edge tip nodes of the impeller FE
model are considered . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


7.22 Net blade loads for a single blade of the inverted impeller shape .


7.23 Magnitude of net blade loads for a single blade of the inverted
impeller shape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


7.24 Time-accurate pump head rise for the inverted and design-shape
impeller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




This research was conducted at the Applied Research Laboratory (ARL) of

the Pennsylvania State University. Financial support was provided by Datascope
Corporation in the form of a gift to Penn State. Special thanks goes to Mr. Boris
Leschinsky, formerly of Datascope, for making possible this nancial gift. Without
this sponsorship, the work presented in this dissertation would not have been possible. I would like to also thank Dr. Richard Stern and the ARL Exploratory and
Foundational (E&F) Program for the nancial support to write this dissertation.
I would like to acknowledge my advisor Dr. Eric Paterson for his guidance,
encouragement, and persistance during this endeavor. Throughout this process he
has served as both a mentor and a colleague. I appreciate our candid conversations
and have much respect for his technical prowess. A special thanks goes to my Oce
Head at ARL, Mr. Charles Brickell. Not only did he graciously pay for some of the
test equipment required for the water tunnel tests, he also persistently inquired
about my thesis progress and reminded me of the importance of this degree to my
family. Drs. Stephen Hambric and Dean Capone were instrumental in ensuring I
had sucient time away from my regular duties to complete this research. I am
grateful for their support and acknowledge the importance of their interest in the
education of others.
Most importantly, I would like to acknowledge my wife April and son Kenton. Completion of this research would not have been possible without their support and understanding.

Chapter 1


Fluidstructure interaction (FSI) is the interaction of a moveable and/or

deformable structure that is immersed in a uid and/or contains a uid. Motion
of the structure causes a change in the uids stresses that act on the structures
wetted surface, which in turn causes a change in the structures motion. A model
that captures such an interaction must use two-way coupling, where the uid
motion aects the structures motion and the structures motion aects the uids
motion. Moreover, FSI might involve oscillatory or non-oscillatory interactions.
Oscillatory interactions occur when the structure experiences strain due to uid
forces, deforms toward its original conguration to reduce the strain, but is forced
back into the strained conguration once again by the uid forces. This interaction
continues causing oscillatory motion of the structure. Non-oscillatory interactions
are those that cause a steady or quasi-steady strain in the structure due to uid
Fluidstructure interaction modeling has been a very active area of research
in recent years as evidenced by numerous papers in the literature. Advances in
computer capacity concurrent with the maturation of ow and structural modeling have made feasible these coupled simulations. The long-term goal of research
in this area is to make FSI simulations commonplace in the design and analysis
environment for real-world applications. Such capability would be very benecial to many industries, including the biomedical industry for the understanding
and treatment of disease. Several examples of such have appeared in the recent
literature. For example, Vierendeels, DeHart, and others have investigated the

ventricle lling process of the human heart [143] and the ow eld and forces acting on the heart valves with the aim of improving the design of prosthetic valves
[142, 26], Wolters et al. [149] simulated aortic wall stress with the intent of predicting rupture risk for abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA), and Wall et al. [144]
have simulated airow patterns in both diseased and healthy lungs to improve drug
delivery through improved understanding of particle and aerosol depositions.

This thesis focuses on the challenging problem of FSI modeling for an ex-

pandable impeller pump that could be implanted in the human heart [96]. The
pump would collapse prior to insertion, be inserted through a small incision in the
skin, traverse the arteries until correctly positioned in the hearts left ventricle,
and then be deployed for operation. The impeller for such a device is required to
undergo large elastic strains to enable the initial collapse and then expand under
stored strain energy. The requirement of a large elastic strain is satised through
the use of a soft polymeric material. The downside to a polymer for this application, however, is that the impeller will exhibit time-dependent deformation during
operation as a result of the operating surface pressures acting on the blade surfaces
and the viscoelastic nature inherent to all polymeric materials.
Experience has shown that blade deformations for such a pump cause changes
to the impeller tip clearance (i.e., the clearance between the blade tips and the
pump housing), thereby impacting pump performance. Impeller tip clearance
changes, obtained using a one-way coupling (uid stresses transferred to the structure, but no displacements transferred to the uid, which diers from a two-way
coupling as described earlier) between a computational uid dynamics (CFD)
model and a structural model with the uid loads applied in the reverse direction,
are shown in Figure 1.1. The purpose of this gure is to provide the reader with

a qualitative understanding of the problem at hand. The details of the analyses
used to create this gure are not further discussed.

t=7 min
t=3 hr

Fig. 1.1. Impeller tip clearance dependency on time; obtained from a one-way
uid-solid coupling model with negative loads applied

Knowledge of impeller performance is imperative to the design cycle in order

to ensure the nal pump design will meet the performance goals. For viscoelastic
pump impellers, initial performance change with time is signicant and must be
considered and accounted for during the design phase. As described above, the
inverse impeller shape shown in Figure 1.1 was created with a one-way analysis.
Ideally, this shape would deform into the design shape at some time during operation of the pump. The ability to assess the correctness of this inverted shape
and also to predict time-accurate pump performance requires two-way coupled FSI
modeling because the uid stresses depend upon the structural geometry, which
in turn depends upon the uid stresses and time for this viscoelastic material.
Fluidstructure interaction for the viscoelastic materials and ow conditions considered here is of the non-oscillatory type. If the material did not exhibit

viscoelastic eects, the uid stresses would deform the structure into a static position where the structures strains were sucient to balance the steady uid forces.
However, the presence of viscoelasticity results in structural strains that continue
to increase so that the structural stresses balance the uid stresses, resulting in
a structure that continues to deform slowly over a long period of time and only
asymptotically approaches a steady state condition. The FSI simulations required
for this system are therefore quasi-steady.
It is the intent of this work to rst develop and validate an FSI solver,
second develop an inverse modeling approach for the viscoelastic materials, and
third apply the FSI solver to the inverted system to assess the validity of the inverse
approach for the large-deformation, nonlinear, and time-dependent problem. In
the process of achieving these goals, a method inherently will be developed and
validated to simulate the time-accurate performance of a pump comprised of a
viscoelastic impeller. Before discussing the present work, however, a summary of
the work that has been done by others is provided below for some relevant topics.

Previous and Related Work

Fluidstructure interaction modeling is a eld that has existed for some

time, but recently has been gaining substantial interest in the engineering community as the ability to accurately perform these very demanding simulations for
real-world systems is becoming feasible with current computer capacities. As described in the current section, many researchers are investigating FSI for various
applications, but there have been very few validation studies, and to the authors
knowledge nobody has performed FSI simulations of large-deformation viscoelastic
The calculation of inverse models is also a eld that has existed for some
time, but has not been applied to systems comprised of viscoelastic materials. A
summary of the work done in this eld of study is also provided below.


FluidStructure Interaction
Fluidstructure interaction modeling has a long history dating back to the

late 1970s. Research in this eld emerged independently at three locations in

the United States [42]: Northwestern University (Belytschko and Mullen), Cal
Tech (Hughes and Liu), and Lockheed Palo Alto Research Laboratories (DeRuntz,
Felippa, Geers, and Park later moved to the University of Colorado at Boulder as
the Center for Aerospace Structures, CAS). FSI was researched heavily for several
years for application to the aerospace eld, wherein predictions of utter and other
similar phenomena have been pursued. The general approach to FSI in this eld of
research is to employ what is referred to as a loosely-coupled partitioned approach
(explained below). Researchers in the eld are discovering that application of FSI
to some types of problems render this approach inadequate for various reasons,
and thus other approaches have come into play. A brief introduction to these
approaches is provided next.
The various modeling approaches used in the eld of FSI can essentially be
grouped into two categories: monolithic and partitioned. The monolithic approach
casts the governing equations for both the uid and solid domains in terms of the
same primitive variables (usually pressure and velocity [54, 61, 74]), and discretizes
the entire domain using the same scheme. The main advantage of a monolithic
approach is the seamless coupling of the uid and structure domains, which can
lead to improved solution stability. The drawbacks to this approach are cited as:
1. specialized, highly complex software is required [39, 108],
2. the rigidities of the uid and the structure can be vastly dierent (e.g.,
E/(f cf 2 ) 106 for a steel structure in air, where E is Youngs modulus
of steel and f and cf are the density and sound speed of air, respectively)
and therefore the solutions for such cases are dominated by structural attributes rather than the combined interaction eects [103, 73]; in some cases,

the system matrix can be ill-conditioned with zeros on the diagonal leading
to diculties implementing a solver [61, 67],
3. the resulting set of equations might not be solvable due to prohibitively large
amount of required memory because of the need to simultaneously store the
unknown variables for both the uid and structure domains, and therefore
may require the use of a matrix-free approach [55, 67],
4. a single time step is used for all domains, which can lead to ineciencies if
disparate time scales are present [61], and
5. the use of a single mesh creates a challenge to generate meshes of suitably
high quality for both domains [115].
The partitioned approach is by far the most heavily used approach based
on the literature. This approach retains separate domains for the uid (F ) and
structure (S ) and separate solvers with independent discretizations are used in
the modeling of each domain. The extent of the domains generally varies during
an FSI simulation because of deformation of the structural domain in response
to unbalanced uid stresses. The union of these two domains comprises the total
domain, = F S . There are three boundaries that must be considered for the
domain: uid (F ), solid (S ), and the uid/solid interface (F/S = F S ).
These domains and boundaries are depicted in Figure 1.2. The most important


F /S

Fig. 1.2.
for each

Notional FSI problem domain showing the uid, solid, and boundaries

advantages of the partitioned approach are the ability to separately maintain and
advance the ow modeling and structural modeling software [41, 93, 121, 153] and
to employ separate meshes for the structure and the uid, which often require
dierent mesh resolutions. The drawbacks to this approach are cited as:
1. the need to accurately and eciently couple the two domains on F/S [121],
and the degradation of solution stability due to small errors in this coupling
[42], and
2. poor solution stability for loosely coupled schemes [97] (described in Section 2.5.2), or costly sub-iterations of a tightly coupled scheme [97] (also
described in Section 2.5.2).
The partitioned approach has been chosen for the current application based
on a comparison of the benets and drawbacks of each approach. While the monolithic approach oers a seamless uid/structure communication, the ill-conditioned
system of equations that sometimes arises due to disparate domain stinesses could
be a limiting factor. The partitioned approach will require some consideration of
the interface communication at F/S to ensure an accurate and stable solution,
but the use of a tightly coupled algorithm will provide results that are equivalent
to those from a monolithic approach [93, 94, 140]. In addition, separate solvers
can be developed, maintained, and advanced independently.
Fluidstructure interaction simulations have been applied to a vast range
of applications in recent years. Applications have included parachutes [117, 132]
and other cloth dynamics [111, 129], singing hydrofoils [104], nuclear reactor steam
generator tube bundles [113], bridges [88], rotor dynamics [68], shape optimization
studies [90], and a vast number of biomedical applications including arterial blood
ow [43, 48, 60, 105, 128, 135, 136, 153], aortic heart valves [27, 25, 28, 26, 142],
heart and ventricle [64, 81, 84, 86], lung modeling [144], and aortic aneurysms [35,
83, 130, 149]. Surprisingly, very few of these investigations performed verication

and validation studies of their FSI solvers. There has been a proposal by Turek
and Hron [138] for a numerical benchmark for FSI, but the proposal has not yet
gained any ground. The proposed benchmark problem is a cylinder with a trailing
elastic plate subject to incompressible, laminar channel ow. The ow over the
cylinder interacts with the trailing plate causing large oscillations of the plate. A
similar problem, but for a square body instead of a cylinder, was introduced by
Wall and Ramm [145] and has been used by others [33, 61, 95, 126, 150] to perform
numerical evaluations of their solver. Both of these problems are two-dimensional.
Experimental data are available for the Turek benchmark [51], but the author
is not aware of similar data for the Wall and Ramm problem. A review of FSI
modeling for turbomachinery is described separately in the following section.

Turbomachinery FSI Modeling

The body of literature related to FSI simulations and turbomachinery is

very limited.1 The FSI work that has been reported employs simplied ow models, simplied structural models, or is limited to steady-state conditions. A brief
summary of relevant publications is provided below.
Lin and Lin [87] performed one of the earliest FSI simulations of a marine
propeller using shell nite elements for the propeller and lifting surface theory
with the steady Bernoulli equation for the ow. Their use of lifting surface theory
does not include any eects of blade thickness on the ow eld and the propeller
material was modeled as linear elastic.
Gnesin and Rzadkowski
[50] investigated the aeroelastic behavior of an os
cillating blade row of a turbomachine using an inviscid ow model and a modal
Note that this review does not consider the large body of work related to small-deformation, dynamic aeroelastic/hydroelastic modeling of lifting surfaces (for such things as utter), which represents
a specialized subset of FSI (see, for example, [21] for additional information).

representation of the structure. Their approach employed a linear elastic material model and varied the modal coecients with time to compute the structures
Benra [11] investigated ow-induced oscillations of a single-blade, singlestage sewage water pump using commercial software and data exchange at the
interface via output les. A one-way coupling of uid pressures to the structure
was employed for this work because of coupling diculties resulting from disparate
meshes at the interface. Benra concludes that a two-way coupling is needed for
this model to improve agreement with experimental results.
Lastly, Young [152] employed a FSI model of a composite marine propeller
to investigate the hydroelastic behavior in subcavitating and cavitating ows.
The approach employs a low-order Boundary Element Model (BEM) with a noncommercial solver for the uid and employs the commercial software Abaqus for
the structure. Structural deformations are incorporated by updating the BEM
geometry and iterating between the structural and ow solvers until the system
converges. Comparisons for steady-state operation are made for computed and
measured thrust and cavitation patterns.

Commercial FSI Software

There has been some movement in the commercial sector to develop multiphysics modeling capability, of which FSI represents a subset. The approach that
has garnered the most attention for FSI seems to be a partitioned approach with
coupling accomplished through the use of separate coupling software. The Meshbased parallel Code Coupling Interface (MpCCI) [99] is a commonly referenced
coupling software, which is supported by the nite element (FE) solver Abaqus
[57], and possibly others. A thorough evaluation of commercial software capability
has not been performed, but a limited investigation at the onset of this research has
found that the available software tends to only support loosely coupled simulations.

The use of commercial software can have advantages over non-commercial
codes, but the ability to apply these codes to new applications often requires
several cycles of code releases, which can take years. The author performed some
preliminary work and found the use of Abaqus for the current problem to be
hindered by the need to communicate with the ow solver via output les, as
further described in Chapter 2.
The loosely coupled approach employed by the commercial sector has been
found by some researchers to be a limiting factor due to added-mass instability
eects (see Section 2.5.2 for an explanation of the added-mass instability). For
example, Timperi et al. [134] employed commercial coupling software to couple
Fluent and Abaqus using MpCCI, and Star-CD and Abaqus using ES-FSI (both
Star-CD and ES-FSI are products of the commercial company CD-adapco) to
model a transient event of a commercial nuclear reactor. In both cases, the loosely
coupled approaches failed to solve the problem and a one-way coupling (also loosely
coupled by denition) approach was used instead. The one-way coupling approach
caused high-frequency oscillations in the results and also contributed to large differences between the simulation and empirical results.
The quasi-steady nature of the expandable impeller pump investigated here
should alleviate added-mass instabilities common to loosely-coupled solvers. However, reduced restrictions on time step size with a tightly coupled solver are attractive for this application because of the anticipated long simulation times. A
tightly-coupled solver is therefore pursued for this work.

Inverse Structural Analysis

The discussion involving Figure 1.1 earlier in this chapter was meant to

introduce the reader to the idea of an inverse problem. The use of the word inverse
here is in contrast to the traditional inverse problem used with measurements
to ascertain material property or load information (see for example [16]) or a

die shape for material processing (see [77]). The inverse problem described here
represents the inverse of the classical, or direct, problem of elasticity: determine
the deformed shape of an object subjected to known loads in its reference (i.e.,
unloaded) conguration. The objective of the inverse analysis is to determine the
reference conguration knowing its deformed shape. The focus here is on largedeformation problems in nite elasticity because the solution for small-deformation
(i.e., linear) elasticity is trivial.
Shield [112] proposed the original formulation for inverse analysis in nite
elasticity. His method exploited the duality in the governing equations when the
role of the deformed and reference (or unloaded) congurations are interchanged.
Chadwick [20] later revisited this duality to formulate Shields equilibrium equations using Eshelbys energy-momentum tensor.
Yamada [151], Govindjee and Mihalic [52, 53], and Fachinotti et al. [36]
separately developed inverse nite element formulations for nite deformations
of hyperelastic bodies. The work of Govindjee and Mihalic involved the Eulerian formulation, Yamada used an arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian approach, and
Fachinotti et al. used a Lagrangian formulation so that the derived approach could
be implemented into existing software without substantial modications.
Govindjee and Mihalic applied their solver in [52] to determine an undeformed gasket prole and applied their solver of [53] to a deformed seal and a
rubber forming tool. In each of these cases, the nite element solver alone can be
used to evaluate the ecacy of the inverted model. Fachinotti et al. [36] applied
their inverse nite element solver to gas turbine blades to predict the inverted,
or manufactured, shape of the blades. This analysis, however, requires the blade
pressures in the design shape and do not account for load variations with blade
deformation. In the extreme case, it could be argued that the loading would be
insucient for the blade to ever arrive at the design shape. One of the goals of

this work is to evaluate such inverted models to ascertain their robustness. The
existence of a validated FSI solver is paramount to satisfying this goal.

This thesis explores the use of inverse structure analysis for highly exible

turbomachinery, including a viscoelastic expandable impeller pump, to determine

the manufactured shape required for the blades to deform into their design shape
while operating. Fluidstructure interaction simulations are required to evaluate
the inverted structural shapes and thus substantial eort is invested in developing
and validating an FSI solver. The solver validation is accomplished with water
tunnel testing of a simplied problem. An accurate viscoelastic material model is
necessary for the simulations and thus additional component testing and simulation
is performed with a focus on structural model validation. The large deformations
of the viscoelastic structures complicates the uid mesh motion of the FSI solver
and therefore some eort is spent on the mesh motion solver development.
The specic contributions of this research to the eld of computational
mechanics include:
1. demonstration of FSI simulations for a highly exible viscoelastic hydrofoil,
with comparisons to experimental data,
2. acquisition of validation data for FSI simulations of a viscoelastic hydrofoil,
3. demonstration of FSI simulations for a highly-exible turbomachine,
4. development of a novel approach for an inverse nite element solver, and
5. demonstration of the inverse nite element technique for a exible, viscoelastic turbomachine.


Thesis Outline
Chapter 2 describes the implementation of the FSI solver used to achieve the

objectives outlined above. Specic information is provided about the individual

solvers that comprise the FSI solver and details of their interface communication.
Details of the inverse structural solver and parallel processing for the FSI solver
are also included in this chapter. Chapter 3 is dedicated to developing and validating a material model for the viscoelastomer used in this research. Beam and n
specimens are tested and compared to FE models to evaluate and rene the viscoelastic material model. Chapter 4 describes a water tunnel test of a viscoelastic
n. Data from this test are used to validate the FSI solver, which is the subject
of Chapter 5. Chapter 5 also describes the mesh generation for the water tunnel
FSI model, validation of the ow and structural solvers, and solver performance.
Chapter 6 focuses on inverse simulations of the n to determine inverted structural
shapes for various angles of attack and describes FSI simulations of the inverted
shapes to evaluate the use of the inverse technique for the viscoelastic n. This
chapter provides additional validation of the inverse structural solver. Chapter 7
applies the FSI solver and the inverse structural solver to the expandable impeller
pump. Details of the mesh generation and the ecacy of the inverse solver for the
pump are provided. The nal chapter summarizes and provides conclusions of the
research, and recommends future work.

Chapter 2

FSI Solver Implementation

The vast majority of the research reported in the introduction employed partitioned FSI solvers with the Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) formulation for
the ow solver [63].1 This formulation enables the uid mesh to be deformed in
response to structural deformations. Alternatives to the ALE approach include
the immersed boundary method, ctitious domain method, and the mortar nite
element method, all of which involve to some degree the more general Lagrange
multiplier approach [4, 91, 79, 123, 124] and use xed uid meshes. Tezduyar et
al. [131] describe the advantage of the ALE approach over the xed-mesh alternatives is the ability to maintain high-quality meshes near the structures interface,
resulting in more accurate uid mechanics in that region. For geometries of high
complexity, remeshing is often required in addition to mesh motion. Based on this
argument, and the availability of existing ALE ow solvers, the ALE formulation
has been chosen for this work.
It should be noted that prior to implementing the solver described below,
initial FSI simulations were performed using Fluent coupled to Abaqus [57] via
Fluent User-Dened Functions [45] and OpenFOAM [102, 146] coupled to Abaqus
using a custom OpenFOAM solver to facilitate the solver communication. These
solvers functioned well for simple test problems, but were very inecient because
communication with the commercial structural solver took place with le input
Flow solvers typically employ an Eulerian formulation where the computational mesh is xed in space
and the uid particles move relative to the mesh. Structural solvers often use a Lagrangian formulation
where the computational mesh moves with the associated material particle during motion. An ALE
formulation allows an arbitrary motion of the computational mesh, allowing parts of the mesh to be
moved with the particles similar to the Lagrangian approach, other parts of the mesh can be stationary
like an Eulerian approach, or the mesh can be moved arbitrarily with no correlation to the particle

and output, and the structural solver was restarted for every solve. Discussions
with Abaqus technical representatives about the solvers FSI capability revealed
their intentions of providing an enhanced interface to improve its multi-physics capability, but at that time the capability did not exist. At that point it was decided
to move forward with all non-commercial software to implement a tightly-coupled
FSI solver. Because of the lack of an open-source, validated structural solver capable of modeling large deformation viscoelastic response, a structural solver was
created especially for this eort. Note that the creation of a structural solver has
facilitated the implementation of an inverse FE solver and a displacement interpolation scheme for solver coupling. Both of these would have required substantial
more eort had a commercial structural solver been used. Details of the structural solver are provided below after a discussion of the governing equations and
a description of the OpenFOAM ow solvers.

Governing Equations
The governing equations for both the uid and solid domains dier only in

their constitutive relationships and therefore the general equations for continuum
mechanics are rst introduced, followed by the specics for each domain. The
equations are cast in an ALE form, which provides a very general framework that
captures the Eulerian, Lagrangian, or an arbitrary frame of reference. The rst
equation to consider is the continuity equation:

= 0,
+ vv
where is mass density, v is the (uid or solid) particle velocity, and v


is the

grid point velocity (which is required in this work to deform the uid mesh to

accommodate structural deformation). For a Lagrangian implementation, v = v,

and for an Eulerian implementation, v

= 0. Performing a force balance and

making use of the continuity equation leads to the following momentum equation:

+ v v v = + b,


where is the Cauchy stress tensor and b is the body force.

An additional constraint for the ALE approach is that the mesh velocity
satisfy the Geometric Conservation Law (GCL) [73, 114, 133]:

+ v = 0,
where V



is the volume of a control element. The GCL requires the change in

volume of each control volume between two adjacent time steps equal the volume
swept by the cell boundary during the time step.
The two predominant solution techniques are the nite-element method
(FEM) in which the functional form of the solution to these equations is expanded
in terms of a predetermined basis set and its residual minimized, and the nitevolume method (FVM). The structural solver in this work uses the FEM, while
the ow solver uses the FVM. In the FVM, the computational domain is divided
into a set of discrete volumes Vi which ll the computational domain D without
overlap. The uid-ow equations are then volume integrated over each individual
nite volume Vi . Gausss theorem is used to convert the divergence terms in
Equations 2.1 and 2.2 into surface-integrated ux terms, reducing the problem of
discretizing these terms to one of nding dierence approximations for the uxes
at the surface of the control volume based on the known cell-center values.
Application of the constitutive relationships then provides the necessary
closure of the governing equations. The constitutive relationships and resulting
equations for the uid and solid domains and details of the equation solvers are

provided next, followed by the procedure used to couple these domains at the
interface F/S and details of the implementation.

Flow Solver
Models for Newtonian uids undergoing incompressible ow often make use

of the following approximation to the stress tensor:

= pI + 2S,


where p is the thermodynamic pressure, is the absolute viscosity, and S is the

strain-rate tensor. Substitution of Equation 2.4 into the momentum equation

(Equation 2.2) and using 2 S = v, yields the Navier-Stokes equations:

+ v v v = p + v,


where is the kinematic viscosity.

The motion of the uid mesh is often considered a third eld of the otherwise
two-eld uidstructure problem because its solution is not trivial. Generally the
mesh motion is computed using one of three approaches: 1) use a spring analogy
where all point-to-point mesh connections are replaced with springs, 2) cast the
mesh as a pseudo solid, or 3) model the mesh motion with the Laplace operator
as described by Jasak and Tukovic [70]. Jasak and Tukovic have implemented
their Laplacian approach to mesh motion in OpenFOAM. The approach involves
rst a decomposition of OpenFOAMs arbitrary polyhedral mesh into tetrahedral
elements that are then moved according to the Laplace equation:

v = 0,


where is the diusion coecient that can be constant or variable throughout the
uid domain. Within OpenFOAM, the standard options for a variable diusion
coecient are 1) inversely proportional to the distance from the moving boundary,
or 2) proportional to the density of the deformation energy. Further discussion of
mesh motion is provided below in Section 2.4.
OpenFOAM is the ow solver of choice for this eort because it facilitates
custom integration with third-party solvers, has a pre-existing, robust mesh motion
capability that satises the GCL, and its source code is freely available through
the GNU General Public License. OpenFOAM is an object-oriented library for
numerical simulations in continuum mechanics, written in the C++ language.
OpenFOAM does have some nite element capability, but it is best known for
its cell-centered nite volume solvers. OpenFOAM versions 1.4.1-dev and 1.5-dev
have been used for this research. However, all FSI and other ow simulation results
reported in this thesis are from version 1.5-dev.

The ow problems to be modeled in this work are treated as incompress-

ible and steady (the FSI problem is quasi-steady, as described below, but the ow
eld is treated as steady), and therefore OpenFOAMs simpleFoam solver provides
a good starting point for the solver development. Because OpenFOAM employs
a segregated approach to solve the coupled continuity and momentum equations
(Equations 2.1 and 2.2), which requires equations to be formulated for each dependent variable and solved sequentially, an iterative scheme is required to solve
the systems of equations. The simpleFoam solver uses the SIMPLE (Semi Implicit
Method for Pressure Linked Equation) algorithm to solve for the pressure and velocity elds. The basic idea of the SIMPLE algorithm is to compute a pressure
derivative p/xi such that the ow eld is divergence-free. The procedure is:

1. compute velocity eld from momentum equations (Equations 2.2) using an
assumed pressure eld,
2. compute pressure from the Poisson equation (Equation 2.7) using the previously computed velocity eld,
3. correct the velocity eld using the new pressure eld, and
4. repeat steps 2 and 3 until the velocity eld is divergence free.
The Poisson equation is derived by rst applying the divergence to the
momentum equation and then making use of continuity to eliminate terms to
arrive at the nal Poisson equation:

ui u j
= f ui .



MRFSimpleFoam is an extension of simpleFoam such that it enables rotating

frames of reference by including centrifugal and Coriolis body-force components in

Equations 2.2. This capability is important for the rotating impeller simulations.
The body-force contribution to Equations 2.2 is

b = ( r) + 2 v,


where is the rotation rate and r is the radial distance measured from the axis of
rotation. The rst term on the right-hand side is the centrifugal acceleration and
the second term is the Coriolis acceleration.


Structural Solver
Traditionally, the nite element approach is employed for structural model-

ing while the nite volume (FV) approach is used for ow modeling. Development
of the FE approach for structural modeling was underway in the early 1960s [8].
The ability to employ simple linear constitutive relationships for solids with wide
applicability to real-world problems made feasible the early development of the
structural FE approach. Fluid models, however, require the solution of non-linear
equations and a much more complicated constitutive relationship to model turbulent ow and thus lagged the FE structural solver development because of computer
speed and memory capacity limitations [30]. The FV approach for uids evolved
from the nite dierence approach in the early 1970s, with the FV approach cited
to oer some advantages over the FE method for convective-dominant equations
and the FE approach oers some advantages over the FV approach for diusiondominant equations [65]. However, Idelsohn and O
nate [65] have shown that the
FV and FE approaches have many commonalities and for some cases they are
completely equivalent. Recently, there has been interest in FV structural modeling [30, 37, 71, 91, 125, 137, 147] because it would enable both ow and structural
modelling to occur with a single discretization scheme [37]. Such an approach is
not necessary for the partitioned approach to FSI, and many researchers still rely
on FV uid solvers and FE structural solvers. The author has chosen to implement
a FE solver for the structural modeling in this work, based solely on individual
The structural FE solver developed for this research uses the h-method
(in contrast to the p-method or more recently the h/p-method) of nite element
modeling, which means the element interpolations are of xed polynomial order
and only through mesh renement can the solution accuracy be improved [8, 23].
This is the traditional approach to FE structural modeling and provides the most
straight-forward implementation. The solver is implemented with a Lagrangian

frame-of-reference, which means the mesh velocity is equivalent to the material

velocity, v = v and hence the momentum equation (Equation 2.2) becomes:


= + b,


where u are the material displacements (u/t = v). As is described later in

Section 4.3, the structural response can be treated as quasi-steady due to the long
time scale associated with material stress relaxation and negligible inertial terms
of Equation 2.9. Therefore, the momentum equation for the solid reduces to

+ b = 0,


with the boundary conditions:

u(x, t) = u (x, t)

(x, t) n(x, t) = t (x, t)

on surfaceAu


on surfaceAt


where Au is the constrained portion of the boundary surface, At is the portion of


the boundary surface subject to an external traction, t is the applied traction,

and n is the unit boundary surface normal.
The nite element procedure for structural mechanics is well-documented
in a number of texts [8, 23, 24, 62], and is therefore only summarized herein. The
basic approach is to rewrite the strong form of the stress equilibrium equation

(Equation 2.10) in its weak form, apply integration by parts, use the divergence
Governing dierential equations and boundary conditions represent the strong form of a problem,
whereas the weak form is an integral expression of the problem that implicitly contains the dierential

theorem, and then incorporate the Bubnov-Galerkin (most often referred to as
simply the Galerkin) method which implies the weak forms weighting function
has the same form as the nodal interpolation scheme for the trial solution. The
process is summarized in Figure 2.1, which shows the equivalence of the weak and
strong forms, the use of approximation between the weak and Galerkin form, and
the equivalence in the Galerkin and matrix forms.





Fig. 2.1. Finite element approach sequence


Small-Deformation Formulation
The resulting matrix equation for a single nite element of the small-

deformation formulation is [8]:

R(u) =

T p
N b wJ
N t wj,




where R is the element force residual that is non-zero when the trial solution
u diers from the exact solution (this represents the imbalance between the externally applied loads and the internal element reaction forces), B is the strain is the stress tensor in vector form, w is the Gauss-point
displacement matrix,
weight for the Gaussian quadrature, J is the volume-to-volume Jacobian relating
reference and physical element volumes, and j is the face-to-face Jacobian. The
strain-displacement matrix is determined by dierentiation of the shape function

matrix (N ) and relates strains () to nodal displacements (u):

= Bu


is the engineering strain:









The strain-displacement matrix is computed by dierentiating the shape

function matrix. The shape functions enable interpolation of nodal values (e.g.,

u ) to a location within the element:


N u ,


where N is a function of the element reference coordinates N (, , ) shown in

Figure 2.2 for a hexahedral element, and k is a counter over all nodes of the element.
The present work uses only isoparametric elements, which means the same shape
functions interpolate the solution variables and the element geometry. The shape

functions used for the eight-node hexahedron are:

N = ( 1)( 1)( 1)/8


N =

( + 1)( 1)( 1)/8

N = ( + 1)( + 1)( 1)/8

N =

( 1)( + 1)( 1)/8

( 1)( 1)( + 1)/8

N =


N = ( + 1)( 1)( + 1)/8


N =

( + 1)( + 1)( + 1)/8

N = ( 1)( + 1)( + 1)/8

Fig. 2.2. Reference element for the eight node hexahedron

The stress tensor is computed from the material constitutive relationship
using the fourth-order material stiness tensor, C, as follows:

= C : .


The stress tensor in engineering format (using Voight notation) is








= C
which is related to the engineering strain for linear elastic materials using
where C is the material stiness matrix.

(1 + )(1 2)

(1 )

(1 )

(1 )




, (2.20)

where E is the Youngs modulus and is Poissons ratio.

The Jacobian, J, is the determinant of the Jacobian matrix, J , and represents a scale factor relating physical dimensions to reference-element (Figure 2.2)

x y z
, , ,

J = x, y, z,

x, y, z,


where the subscript following the comma implies dierentiation with respect to
that variable.

The global residual, R, is determined by summing the force residual for all
elements (the direct stiness method [8]):

R(U) =




where U is the global displacement vector.

A Newton-Raphson approach is employed to solve the system of equations,

which requires an initial guess of the global solution vector, U for i = 0, and a
tangent to compute the next guess of the solution vector:
dR  1
R(U ),
U =

dU U i


and then the next guess of the solution is:


= U + U.


Typically the rst guess of the global solution vector is zero displacement for all
degrees of freedom.
The tangent stiness is derived by dierentiating Equation 2.22 by U or
equivalently for all elements Equation 2.13 with respect to the solution vector u:

T dtp

T d
T db




The iterative procedure described by Equations 2.23 and 2.24 continues until
the global residual is suciently small. The convergence criterion implemented for
the present work is that the solution is considered converged when the Euclidean

norm of R is less than 0.001 times the net applied load magnitude. Linear analyses
require a single solution step to satisfy this criterion.
The numerical integration over the element volumes in Equations 2.13 and
2.25 employ Gauss quadrature, which uses sampling points with assigned weights
chosen to minimize integration error when the integrand is a general polynomial. By default, the hexahedron element used in this work employs points and
weights such that the integration is considered full. Full integration, as dened
by Cook [23], is a quadrature rule of sucient accuracy to exactly integrate the
stiness coecients of an undistorted, i.e., rectangular, element. For a distorted
element the quadrature is not exact. The sampling points for the hexahedral ele
ment are , , = 1/ 3 for a total of eight points. The corresponding weights w
are all unity.
Unfortunately, for the standard shape functions of Equations 2.17, full element integration, and a nearly incompressible material, the elements have a tendency to lock during a bending deformation causing them to appear overly sti.
This phenomenon is a result of spurious strains in the element that require much
greater energy input than do the physically correct strains (see Cook [23] for additional information). Two approaches are available to address this issue. The rst
is to decompose the stress tensor into volumetric and deviatoric components and
solve for the displacements (from the deviatoric stress) and the pressure (volumetric
stress) separately (see [8]). This approach is referred to as a mixed formulation [62]
or equivalently a pressure/displacement formulation [8]. An alternative approach
is to employ selectively-reduced integration, where the volumetric and deviatoric
stress components are integrated dierently. Applying reduced integration, using
a single quadrature point at parameterized location (0,0,0) and weight of 2 to the
volumetric terms, and full integration to the deviatoric terms, the equivalence of
the reduced integration and hybrid techniques can be shown [62]. The reduced

integration hexahedral elements are implemented in the FE solver and their performance is demonstrated during the solver validation study described later.
Note that the reduced-integration elements were pursued subsequent to initial FSI simulations using highly rened structural meshes. The dense meshes
were required to reduce the locking eects caused by the nearly-incompressible
material. After pursuing quadratic elements and a parallelized FE solver using
the PetSc solver libraries [5, 6] as alternative avenues to reduce the structural
solve times, the reduced order elements were implemented and enabled dramatic
increases in mesh coarseness while still maintaining accurate structural response.
The equations for the small-deformation nite element formulation were
implemented rst into a solver with the intent to expand to a large-deformation
formulation if later required. The need for a large-deformation formulation became
apparent during the Hapex beam and n testing that is described later in Section 3.5.1. A large-deformation formulation is required when the deformation is
large enough to alter the applied loads or the internal resisting forces and moments
[23]. In practice, the solution is computed using both approaches to determine if
the more costly large-deformation formulation is required. The large-deformation
formulation implemented here follows the approach described by Bath [8] and Hibbett et al. [58]. The formulation is briey summarized next.

Large-Deformation Formulation
The large-deformation FE formulation diers primarily from the small-

deformation formulation due to geometric nonlinearity that arises from large deformations. The geometric nonlinearity must be accounted for when the deformations
become large enough that the equilibrium equations must be written for the deformed conguration. Also, loads that follow the geometry will change direction
as the structure deforms. With this formulation, the geometry for which the equilibrium equations are formed is not known a-priori and thus an incremental type

solution is used where the nonlinear solution is built up as a series of linear increments [58]. As described by Bathe [8], an eective incremental solution approach
requires appropriate stress and strain measures. It is the purpose of this section
to present the denitions of these measures. Note that for the present application
as is shown later, the strain levels are small enough to use a linear constitutive
relationship, thereby allowing the use here of the material model described for the
small-deformation formulation.
The Total Lagrangian (TL) formulation is implemented for this work, which
means all variables are referred to the initial conguration (occurring at time 0).
In contrast to the TL formulation is the Updated Lagrangian (UL) formulation,
wherein all variables are referred to the last-calculated conguration. The dierence between the two methods lies only in their relative numerical eciency [8].
The TL method generally requires more memory but less computation than the
UL method because spatial derivatives are with respect to a xed reference frame
for TL and thus only need to be computed one time. The UL method requires updated derivatives each iteration because the reference conguration changes. Note
that nearly all commercial solvers employ the UL method, but mostly because of
historical reasons. When originally developed, memory was scarce and expensive
and thus computational speed was sacriced in favor of reduced memory requirements [98].
A notional schematic of the reference and current congurations is shown
in Figure 2.3. This gure shows a general body undergoing a large deformation
from a base conguration B0 to a deformed conguration B. A position X in B0
changes to the position x in B leading to the following relationship:

x=X +u



Fig. 2.3. Motion of a general solid body

The key dierence in the large-deformation formulation over the linear nite
element approach is the need for a strain measure that is invariant to rigid body
rotations. One such strain measure is the Green-Lagrange strain, . The denition
of is usually stated in terms of the deformation gradient F :

F =





The Green-Lagrange strain, usually referred to as the Green strain, is dened as:

= F F I ,


where I is the second rank unity tensor. Alternatively, the Green strain can be

u + (u) + u (u) ,


to highlight its nonlinearity when compared to the small-strain relation used in
linear analyses

u + (u) .


Another important variable is the displacement gradient, D






which can also be related to F as follows

F = I + D.

A suitable stress measure must also be used for the large-deformation formulation. The requirement is that the stress measure must be a work conjugate of
the strain measure. For the Green strain, the work-conjugate stress is the second
Piola-Kirchho stress, S. While this stress measure is used in the nite element
equations below, it has little physical meaning [8] and must be transformed to the
Cauchy stress when interpreting computed stresses:

= JF F SF ,


where JF is the Jacobian of the deformation gradient:

JF = det (F ) .


The element residual equation for the large-deformation formulation is similar to that for the small-deformation formulation (Equation 2.13), but uses a
nonlinear strain-displacement matrix B nl and the second-Piola-Kirchho stress S
as follows
R(u) =


T p
N T b wJ
B nl S
N t wj,



is the second-Piola-Kirchho stress written in vector form.

where S
The non-linear strain-displacement is composed of linear and nonlinear components
B nl = B l + B n
such that the Green strain (in engineering form) is computed as
= B l u + B n u.

The large-deformation formulation follows the same solution procedure as
dened above for the small-deformation formulation (see Equations 2.23 and 2.24)
and thus a tangent stiness matrix is required. This is computed as follows:

T dtp

T dS
T db

B nl
B nl + G SG N



where G computes the displacement gradient D in vector form

= Gu


is a reorganized form of the second-Piola-Kirchho stress
and S

S 0 0

= 0 S 0

0 0 S


0 0 0

0 = 0 0 0 .

0 0 0

Solver Implementation
The nite element formulation described above has been implemented us-

ing the C++ object-oriented programming language. While the primary classes
created were not meant to use all aspects of the language, such as inheritance and
polymorphism, the ability to create objects with custom methods (i.e., member
functions) in a highly modular fashion provided a user-friendly development environment. Moreover, the use of a programming language consistent with that of the
ow-solver simplies the FSI solver integration. The current section describes some
of the classs member functions and provides a general overview of the stand-alone
structural solver called feanl for nite element analysis, non-linear. Later while
describing the FSI solver implementation, the member functions described here
will be referenced. The implementation of the class Structure required slightly
over 18,000 lines of source code with over 3,000 lines of comments.
The member functions required for the FSI solver are listed below with a
brief description. Additional information is subsequently provided where deemed

loadModel loads the nite element model from a le on disk. The le format
mimics that of the Abaqus input le format for ease of communicating with
existing pre- and post-processors. See Appendix A for a sample input le.
init initialize the solver to allocate all memory and perform node and element
mappings for the element denitions, loads, and constraints. This is separated from the loadModel member function so not all compute nodes in a
parallel processing paradigm need to allocate memory (this point is further
discussed in Section 2.5.4).
loadedFaceInformation provides face location and face normal for all faces subject to a distributed load (e.g., the wetted faces of an FSI simulation). This
allows the user to specify which faces reside on the uid/structure interface,
F/S , to facilitate the interface mapping algorithm discussed in Section 2.5.3.
deleteCurrentLoad deletes all existing externally applied concentrated forces and
distributed (traction) loads. This is necessary to remove the distributed loads
referenced by loadedFaceInformation when identifying F/S .
createConcentratedLoad creates a nodal force load set. All nodes comprising the
faces on F/S are assigned one or more force vectors that are later modied
during the FSI simulation.
setConcentratedLoadComponent sets the force vectors (magnitude and direction)
of a concentrated load set created using createConcentratedLoad.
setEndTime sets the simulation end time. This enables the ow solver to control
the FSI simulation, with the ability to perform sub-iterations for tightlycoupled FSI simulations.
solve solves the structure from the previously solved state to the current end time
as specied by setEndTime.

elementParameterizedLocation nds the location in the reference element space
corresponding to physical space. This is necessary to interpolate displacement results to physical locations for the ow elds mesh motion solver.
elementInterpolateDisplacement interpolates displacement vectors to a physical location characterized by reference-element coordinates. Later it will be
shown that the physical coordinates of interest here are those corresponding
to the ow solvers vertices that reside on F/S .
saveCurrentState saves the current state of the structure (displacements, stresses,
strains, output stream pointers, etc.). This is required for sub-iterations for
a tightly-coupled FSI solver.
resetState resets the state of the structure (displacements, stresses, strains, output streams, etc.) to the state corresponding to the saveCurrentState
function call. This is required for sub-iterations for a tightly-coupled FSI
setNodeDisplacements sets the global displacement vector using values from a
le. This is useful for the inverse analysis (described later) to move the uid
mesh to avoid manual mesh generation for the ow domain.
The member functions solve and elementParameterizedLocation warrant additional discussion. The solve member function performs the matrix and
vector assembly for each iteration of the Newton-Raphson scheme (Equation 2.23).
In general, the system matrix is very sparse and non-symmetric (but it is structurally symmetric). To facilitate the matrix assembly, a sparse matrix class was
implemented that provides member functions for constructing and accessing the
matrix elements by specifying either the row and column index or the sparse index location to enable fast matrix assembly. The reason for using a separate
sparse matrix object was to simplify parallelization in the future, with for example

PetSc [7, 5, 6]. Once the tangent stiness matrix and the global residual vector
are assembled, a linear solver is called to compute the increment in the global disR
placements, U. The primary solver used for this work is the IntelMath

Library (MKL) Direct Sparse Solver (DSS) [66]. Validation of feanl is provided
later in Section 5.2.

Inverse Formulation
The purpose of the inverse nite element analysis is to solve for the refer-

ence conguration (unknown) that would be required by the current conguration

(known) to support prescribed load conditions (see Figure 2.3). Previous work,
most recently by Fachinotti et al. [36], involved re-casting the nite element formulations in terms of the unknown conguration X instead of x (Figure 2.3). A
similar approach was followed by other researchers but for dierent materials than
required here [52, 53].
While starting to implement an extension of the work by Fachinotti et al. for
hyper-elastic materials to perform the inverse analysis for a viscoelastic material,
it was realized that the incremental formulation employed for large-deformation
nite element analysis is based on a series of linear increments (see Section 2.3.2).
Given the use of linear increments, it makes no dierence whether the current conguration is changed during a conventional forward analysis or if the reference
conguration is changed by application of the displacements in the opposite sense.
The only requirement is that the derivatives of the TL method be updated each
increment. It turns out that this approach works very well for the problems considered here (see Section 5.3), and should be general for all such inverse problems.
The inverse technique as described here was implemented into a second solver
called ifeanl for inverse nite element analysis, non-linear. The inverse solver
has all of the elements of the forward solver, but instead of only incrementing the
displacement vector for the next guess at a solution (Equation 2.24), the reference

conguration is modied:


= X0 U



where X 0 is the original reference conguration, and all derivatives are updated
each solution increment.
The limitations of this solver with respect to the approach employed by
others should be evaluated in the future. For the present application, the inverse
solver is shown to replicate well the inverse conguration. Validation of the inverse
solver is provided later in Section 5.3.

Constitutive Relationships
A variety of constitutive relationships are commonly used for structural

mechanics problems, especially when the models involve elastomeric materials. A

linear-elastic material model with a large-deformation formulation was employed
for this research. While both the small- and large-deformation formulations were
implemented, only the large deformation formulation is described here in detail.
The constitutive model used is linear-viscoelastic, and is implemented as a modication to a linear-elastic model. The Cauchy stress tensor for a linear-elastic solid
is dened as follows:
= 2 + uI,


where = E/2(1 + ) and = E/(1 + )(1 2) are Lames constants, I is

the second rank unity tensor, and is the Green-Lagrange strain tensor (Equations 2.28 and 2.29).
The introduction of material viscoelasticity to the linear material model
requires a nonlinear solution approach, as described below. The material viscoelasticity is modeled using a time-domain approach, similar to that used by the
commercial software Abaqus (see the Abaqus Users Manual [57]) and derived in
a similar manner by Kaliske and Rothert [72]. This model is for linear viscoelastic

materials, which does not mean the time response of the material is linear, but
rather the stress is proportional to strain at any given time [c(t)] = c [(t)],
where c is a constant [44], and uses the approximation that shear and volumetric
behavior are independent. Furthermore, the viscoelastic behavior is dominated
by the deviatoric part of the materials deformation and therefore the shear and
volumetric terms must be isolated [57, 72].
The underlying material model for this approach is the Generalized Maxwell
Element, which consists of Maxwell elements (i.e., a spring and dashpot in series)
in parallel with a Hooke element (i.e., a spring) as shown in Figure 2.4. The spring




Fig. 2.4. Generalized Maxwell Element with N components

stiness 0 shown in this gure represents the material stiness at innite time
(i.e., after all of the viscoelastic forces have diminished to zero). Each Maxwell
element, dened by a stiness i and a viscosity i , represents a dierent time
scale of the materials response and comprises a term in a Prony series (a series of
the form
i e i ) representation of the material.

Decomposition of the Cauchy stress is required for the viscoelastic model to

eect only the shear component. The stress can be decomposed into hydrostatic
and deviatoric components as follows:



= tr

I + dev



where is the bulk modulus ( = + 2/3 for linear elastic materials). The
deviatoric part of the material stress tensor for the current (n + 1) time step then
takes on the following form:



= dev 0







where hi are the internal stress variables that come from the so called heredity
integral [72]:

hi (t) =

0 (s)


i e


where i are the normalized relaxation constants, i are the relaxation times, and
0 is the stress associated with the Hooke element of the Generalized Maxwell
Element (Figure 2.4). The relaxation constants and times are dened by tting
a Prony series constructed with these parameters to empirical data, often using
a least-square error approach. Splitting this integral into parts that are known


(i.e., time period [0, t ]) and unknown (i.e., time period (t , t


0 (t)



]), and using the

, the internal stress variables at the next time

step are approximated as follows:




where t = t

hi + i



dev 0


dev 0



t is the time step.

The Prony series parameters required to implement this model are the focus
of Chapter 3.


Structural Body Force

The body force vector that appears in the element residual equations (Equa-

tions 2.13 and 2.34) is only required in this work for two purposes: gravity and
centrifugal force (no Coriolis force is required because the n velocities are negligible for these quasi-steady analyses). Support for both of these body force loads
is included in the structural solver. Gravity loads are most important for the material model and structural solver validation studies, while the centrifugal force is
important for the rotating impeller simulations.

Fluid Mesh Motion

The partitioned approach to FSI has been described by several researchers

as a three-eld problem [10, 39, 82, 109, 114, 115, 116, 117] because it requires the
solution of the ow, structure, and uid mesh motion, none of which is trivial. The
ow solver and the structural solver are described above with a brief introduction
to the mesh motion for the ALE ow solver. Additional information for the mesh
motion solver is provided in the current section.
The sole purpose of the mesh motion is to enable the exible structure to
deform in response to the uid stresses acting on its wetted surface. The uid mesh
must track the motion of the structure and should deform such that it maintains
the mesh quality near the uid/structure interface. Such an approach is referred
to as interface tracking [120, 119] because the interface between the ow and
structural domains must be tracked as the structure deforms. The main objective
with any mesh motion approach is to accommodate the structures deformation
while maintaining a quality mesh.
The mesh motion strategy can be as simple as prescribing a functional
relationship between a boundary displacement at the uid/solid interface and the
uid vertices [120, 127]. This approach can work for simple problems but becomes
cumbersome, if not impossible, for complicated ow geometries. For complex ow

geometries, a more general approach that represents the uid mesh as an articial
elastic continuum has been employed by several researchers [12, 61, 114, 117]. This
approach is often referred to as the pseudo-solid method, with a stiness matrix
that can be derived by treating each cell edge as a spring with the spring stiness
based on the relative edge lengths [40]. Even more demanding geometries and
deformation magnitudes might require re-meshing of the ow domain [119].
Unfortunately, the spring analogy approach to moving the uid mesh has
been shown to be non-robust for various problems and modications to the basic
approach have been made to improve the performance while adding complexity
and computational cost to the approach [29, 38, 70].
In an eort to improve upon the mesh motion techniques for FV codes, Jasak
and Tukovic [70] introduced a vertex-based, unstructured mesh motion solver (operates on the cell vertices to avoid interpolation, which can lead to cell ipping and
degeneration). The approach solves the Laplace equation with variable diusion,
as shown above in Equation 2.6. The OpenFOAM development versions (including
versions 1.4.1-dev and 1.5-dev) features this mesh motion solver.
While the OpenFOAM Laplace face decomposition solver performs very well
for many problems and is easy to implement because only motion on the tracked
interface is required, it does have limits. In particular, the author has found that
in its current form it does not function properly for parallel solutions, does not
support cyclic boundaries, and does not support non-Cartesian boundary surfaces
(e.g., for slip along a cylindrical surface).
While the use of a parallel solver is desired to improve turn-around time
of the many simulations required for this research, it is not absolutely necessary.
What is necessary, however, is to be able to perform mesh motion inside cylindrical
tubes. A simple test case involving a deforming stator inside a tube is shown in
Figure 2.5. The tube is specied as a slip boundary condition for the mesh motion
solver. The large motion, coupled with the inability to constrain the boundary

mesh to a constant radius surface, causes the unwanted radial motion of the tube
boundary shown in this gure. As such, other mesh motion techniques have been
explored. These are summarized next.
The Radial Basis Function (RBF) mesh motion solver, implemented in
OpenFOAM by Bos [14] has been explored for this research. This solver does
support parallel execution and works well for large motion, as described by Bos.
However, the author is unaware of a method to use this solver for motion near a
boundary with a slip constraint, similar to that required in Figure 2.5.
Faced with limited alternatives, a custom mesh motion approach was implemented using a simpler approach of specifying eld motion based on the boundary
motion and weighting function (e.g., a half-wave sinusoid, Figure 2.6) to nonuniformly displace the uid vertices. The function species a value of unity when
the eld point is located on F/S and a value of zero when the eld point is at a
maximum distance from F/S as prescribed by an input parameter to the solver.
The advantage of this approach is that it is easily implemented for parallel solutions (a global listing of the boundary displacements are sent to each compute node
and each processor moves the nodes in its domain). Processor boundary errors are
avoided by rst creating a global listing of all uid vertices, each global vertex is
mapped to a boundary point from which its motion is derived, and the mapping
array is sent to all processors. This way, all global points are moved based on the
same boundary point and the same motion function. This results in a computationally cheap motion solver because no matrix solution is required. While this
approach works well for simple geometries, complex geometries and large structural deections yield poor-quality cells thus violating one of the requirements of
the motion solver. This motion solver is used for the FSI simulations described
later and is referred to in this thesis as the Radial Motion Function (RMF) solver.
An alternative mesh motion solver was developed that makes use of the
nite element solver feanl and its ability to interpolate displacements to arbitrary




Unwanted Radial
Deformation of
Outer Boundary

Fig. 2.5. Mesh motion for a cylindrical surface using the face decomposition
solver; the initially cylindrical surface does not remain cylindrical



Displacement Scale Factor


Normalized Distance From Interface


Fig. 2.6. Mesh motion weighting function as a simple alternative to the generalized
mesh motion solvers in OpenFOAM

spatial locations. The approach is similar to the pseudo-solid technique described
above, except that it uses an auxiliary mesh that intersects the ow mesh. Only
the uid vertices that fall within the intersected space are moved, which oers
excellent control of the mesh motion. Moreover, the ability to vary element stiness
throughout the overlayed mesh allows the mesh quality near the moving surface
to be maintained by causing the deformation to occur farther from the surface.
Figure 2.7 shows an example uid mesh overlayed by a coarser motion mesh.
Figure 2.8 shows the same motion mesh, with the stiened inner region colored
dierently than the softer outer region. This minimizes deformation of the uid
cells near the structure and forces most of the deformation to occur elsewhere. This
is especially useful for rigid body rotations of the n to change its angle of attack
because the mesh quality near the n does not change. Only when the n deforms
will the near-eld mesh quality change. This is demonstrated by strain contours
for the pitching n in Figure 2.9. This mesh motion solver was implemented near
the completion of this research and has been used only for large angle-of-attack n
simulations described later.

FSI Solver
As described above, the coupled problems to be solved for this research are

being treated as incompressible, laminar, and steady. Typically for ow problems

of this type an OpenFOAM user would employ the simpleFoam solver. Therefore, this solver is extended for the present work to include a dynamic mesh (i.e.,
the ALE formulation), the structure class Structure, and a method to interface
the uid and solid domains. To accomplish this task while maintaining a userfriendly program interface and reusable software that facilitates updates to the
separate, stand-alone structural solver feanl, a separate C++ class has been created. The class is called fsiInterface and consists of header and source les


Fig. 2.7. Example of FE motion mesh (black element edges) overlaying a uid
mesh (gray element edges)


Fig. 2.8. Example motion mesh showing dierent regions of element stiness to
control deformation of the underlying uid mesh elements
named fsiInterface.h and fsiInterface.cpp, respectively. The class is comprised of just under 5,000 lines of source code and about 1, 500 comment lines.
The use of classes for both the FSI interface (fsiInterface) and the structure (Structure) enables updates to both without changes to the actual FSI solver
as long as the member function prototypes do not change. However, because the
programming requires both the Standard Template Library (STL) [122] containers (Structure uses the STL) and OpenFOAMs custom containers, there is some
redundancy in the data structures used to interface the OpenFOAM library with
Structure which can be confusing and requires some additional memory. This
situation could be avoided with some data type redenitions, but it is not necessary for the present eort. The following sections provide an overview of the class,
including a summary of the class member functions, and details on the uid/solid
interface communication and parallelization approach.

Very low strain in region
surrounding fin

Fig. 2.9.
Strain contours corresponding to the auxiliary mesh of Figure 2.8,
showing very small strains and hence small mesh distortion near the n for a
rigid-body rotation of the n

FSI Solver Overview

As described above, fsiInterface provides the interface between Open-

FOAM and the structural solver but also handles the mesh motion for the ALE ow
domain. Additionally, the class must support sub-iterations for fully-coupled simulations. Several of the necessary features to support these requirements, such as
the sub-iterations, have been implemented in the structural solver class Structure
and require only an interface to the correct member functions of Structure. Such
cases are identied in the member functions listing of fsiInterface provided next.
initialize creates the uid/structure interface mappings (further described in
Section 2.5.3), creates interface-related output les, loads the nite element
model of the structure, creates a generic load case that is modied during
the simulation, and for parallel solutions assembles the interface mapping
containers on the master node (further described in Section 2.5.4). This

step occurs automatically if the user instantiates the fsiInterface object
by including the mesh object, the pressure eld variable, and OpenFOAMs
time object.
saveStructureState saves the current state of the structure and interface objects
for use in sub-iterations for a tightly coupled solution.
resetStructureState resets the current state of the structure and interface objects to a previously saved state; required for sub-iterations.
transferBoundaryStressToStructure transfers the uid stresses at F/S to the
structure (further described in Section 2.5.3).
solveStructure solves the structure for the current boundary conditions from
the structures current time to the prescribed end time (in an incremental
moveFluidMesh moves the uid mesh (further described in Section 2.4).
applyFluidAOA rotates the structure about the z-axis to impart an angle-of-attack
(AOA) change on the n structure for the water tunnel/n validation simulations described later. This reads a time-dependent listing of AOAs from a
text le and uses the mesh motion solver to impart a rigid-body rotation of
the structure on the uid mesh. Note that the AOA time-dependency was
implemented for general use because only xed AOAs are required for the
validation simulations.
writeVTK writes the structure results to a VTK le for post-processing. The le
is only written if the current simulation time is one of the requested output
times by the user in OpenFOAMs system/controlDict le.
A owchart showing the ow of the simpleFsiFoam solver is provided in Figure 2.10. This high-level owchart shows how the FSI solver begins by initializing

each of the three solvers (uid, mesh motion, and structure) and their interfacing
variables. After initialization the FSI solver begins a process of incrementing over
all solution times, with each increment involving a xed-point iteration to ensure
the interaction of the uid and solid domains is converged to within a specied
tolerance (further described in Section 2.5.2). Prior to entering the xed-point
iteration, the current state of the structure is saved. This is necessary to correctly
model time-dependent constitutive relationships, such as the viscoelastic material
of concern here. Within each xed-point iteration, the structure state is reset to
this saved state, allowing the material to relax under the applied uid stresses.
Once converged, the xed-point iteration is exited, the results are written to disk
(if requested at this solution time), and the solution time is incremented. Iteration
for the next solution time then begins. Details of the solver coupling by way of
xed-point iterations are provided next.

FSI Solver Coupling

As described earlier, the partitioned approach is being implemented for this

work. This approach employs a staggered solution procedure wherein each domain
is solved sequentially and results are transferred between solvers. The most basic
procedure, referred to as the Conventional Serial Staggered (CSS) approach by


Piperno et al. [108], involves rst a prediction of the structures motion ( u

solution of the uid to get the stress acting on the structure (s

solution of the structure (u



), and then

), see Figure 2.11. It is evident from this gure that

the CSS approach does not guarantee convergence of the uidstructure interaction during a solution step because there is no check that the predicted structural
displacements match the displacements computed at the end of the step. This

Also known as a segregated or time-lagged approach.



if t > tend

Write Results
And Increment

Save Structure

if t tend

Fixed-Point Iteration

Solve Fluid
If Not

If Converged

Deform Fluid

Continue Until

Reset Structure

Solve Structure

Fig. 2.10. FSI solver ow chart




(,v)n+1 (,v)n+1


n +1



u n+1

Fig. 2.11. Conventional Serial Staggered solution approach


algorithm is therefore said to provide a loose (or weak ) coupling [75]. The tightness (or strength) of the coupling refers to the degree of convergence of the uid
and solid domains at any time during the solution. A loose coupling is akin to an
explicit time integration even though the integration of the individual components
may be implicit [95]. Similarly, a tight (or strong) coupling is akin to an implicit
time integration. It is for this reason that loose and explicit are used synonymously and tight and implicit are used synonymously both in this work and
in the literature [92, 93, 94].
A loosely coupled algorithm is converted to tightly coupled with the introduction of a corrector step that requires iteration to convergence at each solution
step [93]. This modication ensures the computed structural displacements match
the predicted displacements in the CSS algorithm at each step of the solution. The
required iteration for a tightly coupled approach is generally either a xed-point iteration [31, 93] or a block-Newton root nding formulation [34]. The most popular
approach seems to be the xed-point iteration because of the compatibility with
black-box solvers (it does not require the calculation of a tangent, which is problematic for closed solvers). However, the xed-point iterations tend to converge
slowly unless certain improvements (e.g., the Aitken extrapolation as described
later, Equation 2.49) are employed [56, 33, 141]. The solution procedure for a
tightly coupled approach using a xed-point is shown in Figure 2.10, and is repeated here in Figure 2.12 in a slightly dierent form having more details within
the xed-point iteration loop (see [2, 89] for additional information).
The details of how and when information is transfered across the uid/structure interface for a loosely coupled segregated approach has received much attention over the last decade because of solution instabilities inherent to the staggered
solution approach. The issue is related to energy conservation at the interface and
The term weak coupling is also heavily used instead of loose coupling. The terms loose and
tight are used herein because they are antonyms.


Move Fluid Mesh

Solve Fluid

Solve Solid







Fixed-Point Iteration

Fig. 2.12. Partitioned approach to FSI showing a xed-point iteration with underrelaxation for tightly coupled solutions
is referred to as the added-mass eect [19, 47, 48]. The eect is most pronounced
when the uid and solid have similar densities [19, 101]. Several researchers have,
with limited success, devised improvements to the loosely coupled schemes, such as
the use of non-collocated time stations, to address the added-mass eect [108]. Fortunately, a tightly coupled approach does not suer from the added-mass eects,
as shown by Abouri et al. [2], Deparis et al. [32], and others.
Regardless of the tightness of the coupling, uid stress information must
be transferred from the ow solver to the structural solver and displacement in5

formation transferred from the structural solver to the ow solver.

In terms of

equations, the requirements for compatibility and the no-slip condition require the

v =


n= n

on F/S ,


As described by Bathe and Zhang [9], for sti structures it is important for stability to impose
the uid stresses on the structure and the structures displacements on the uid. Reversing this (i.e.,
imposing a stress boundary condition on the uid and a velocity on the solid) might lead to instability
because small errors in displacements imposed on the structure would lead to large errors in tractions
imposed on the uid because of the sensitivity of structural stresses to displacements.

where n is the unit normal on the interface and the superscripts on denote stress
for either the uid or solid domain.
Note that the FSI implementation developed here is for the permanent type,
which implies there is no uid detachment (i.e., the uid stays in contact with
the structure) [17, 18]. This restriction helps simplify the problem allowing the
software to be more general because the interface information need not be updated
during the simulation. The uid points will then always be in the same relative
position with respect to the structural nodes and vice versa.
The owchart dening the solution procedure in Figures 2.10 and 2.12 include a xed-point iteration that is performed to ensure the uid pressures and
solid displacements are tightly converged before moving on to the next time step.
The use of under-relaxation in this iteration ( in Figure 2.12) controls the amount
of the structures displacement that is imparted on the ow domain and is solely
used to improve convergence. The relaxation coecient can be constant, or, for
improved convergence characteristics a dynamic coecient is often used. One op2

tion for dynamically changing the coecient is the Aitken method [76]. This
method employs a recursion formula that originates with the secant root nding
xn+1 = xn

xn xn1
f (xn ),
f (xn ) f (xn1 )


where xn in this case is the applied interface structural displacement, represented

by the variable d, at the current time step di . (The derivation is provided for
one-dimension and then is later expanded to three dimensions.) Here, the function
being ciphered is the dierence between the computed displacement d to be used in
the next iteration of the loop i + 1 and the applied displacement d for the current
iteration i with the goal of nding the applied displacement for the next iteration
di+1 :

f di = di+1 di .


Rewriting Equation 2.43 in terms of di+1 and substituting for the function
with Equation 2.44 gives the applied displacement for the next iteration
di1 di+1 di di


di+1 di di di1

di+1 = 


A relaxation factor i is sought such that

di+1 di .

di+1 = di + i


Combining Equations 2.45 and 2.46 and factoring the numerator yields
di ui1


di+1 di di di1


ri ri1


i = i1 

i = i1

where ri = di+1 di . This is the same formula presented by K

uttler and Wall [76].
For the case of vectors instead of scalars, the quotient of Equation 2.48
cannot be evaluated and thus the following approximation is used [76]

i = i1

r i (r i+1 r i )
|r i+1 r i |2


As described by K
uttler and Wall [76], this is a projection of the participating
vectors in the r i r i1 direction. The relaxation equation, Equation 2.46, is
shown in the coupling algorithm of Figure 2.12. Convergence of the system is

based on the residual norm as follows:
|r |
i <


where n is the length of r i and

is the error tolerance that can be set based on
an allowable error in the displacements, which is interpreted as a small fraction of
the size of the structures domain. The FSI solver allows the user to set this error
tolerance via OpenFOAMs system/controlDict le.
It should be noted that the relaxation parameter for the current iteration
depends upon information from two previous iterations. Therefore, FSI simulations
using dynamic under-relaxation as dened here require at least two xed-point
iterations and require a prescribed relaxation parameter for the rst two iterations.
The choice of this parameter for the rst two iterations is found to be problemdependent and in general should not be set from previous time increments [76].
The intent of the present research is to rst employ a constant relaxation
coecient and proceed to a dynamic coecient only if required. The details of
the information communication between the solvers appearing in Figure 2.12 is
described next.

FSI Interface Communication

The communication of stress and displacement information between the ow

and structural solvers is a subject that has recently attracted several researchers
(see for example [40, 49, 124]) and has warranted at least one focused PhD dissertation [123]. The diculty in the coupling involves the use of non-conforming meshes
at the uid/solid interface F/S and how to transfer uid stresses to the structure
and structural displacements to the uid in an energy-conserving manner. The
simplest coupling scheme is to have matching interfaces and exchange uid stress
and displacements in a one-to-one fashion. However, it is generally advantageous

to employ dierent mesh resolutions for the uid and solid domains because the
uid domain often requires much more renement to accurately model the ow
eld and using an over-rened structural mesh can lead to excessive computation
times. Moreover, the use of non-conforming meshes at the interface simplies mesh
generation, allowing the uid and solid domains to be independently discretized.
The techniques applied to couple the uid and solid at the interface for
non-conforming meshes range from simply interpolating the uid stresses onto the
structures element faces and integrating by the structural solver to get force [9], to
a fully implicit approach using Lagrange multipliers wherein the interface traction
and displacements are solved simultaneously [123, 124] (but currently only demonstrated for one- or two-dimensional problems using nite element formulations for
both the uid and solid domains). In any case, the objective of the coupling scheme
is to satisfy the requirements of Equations 2.42.
The present application employs a consistent approach similar to that described by Farhat et al. [40] and used by others [49, 118] (including the MpCCI
commercial coupling software [49, 99]). The consistent approach, as introduced
by Farhat et al., states that the solver that owns the information to be exchanged
interpolates that information to the necessary location required by the receiving
solver, thereby using an interpolation scheme that is consistent with the scheme
used to compute the information. For the case of pressure or viscous stress transfer from the uid to the structural solver, the approach of Farhat et al. calls for
the stress to be interpolated to the Gauss points of an appropriate structural face
and the structural solver then integrates the stress to compute a force. This approach, however, does not guarantee the same discrete loads as computed by the
ow and structure solvers because in general they will employ dierent interpolation schemes and have dierent discretizations, resulting in a non-conservative
coupling (force times displacement on the uid side does not equal force times
displacement on the structural side). Note that Farhat et al. [40] show that even

though the coupling is strictly non-conservative, numerically conservative results
can be achieved even for highly disparate meshes.
The approach employed here uses a consistent approach in that the solver
that owns the variable interpolates that variable, but with the modication to the
method in [40] that the same solver also integrates the eld if an integration is
required. This means that the ow solver integrates over all cell faces on F/S
to compute a resultant uid force centered on the cell face. This force is then
applied to the structural solver by weighting the force magnitude based on distance
to the structural nodes to approximately preserve the moment. This approach,
which is similar to the approach used by the MpCCI software as described by
uck et al. [49], guarantees the resultant force on the uid and structural solvers
are identical. However, as stated in [49], the disadvantage is that for a coarse
source grid and a ne receiving grid the forces are distributed in a non-physical
way. Fortunately, the uid domain usually requires a much ner mesh than the
structural mesh thereby alleviating this issue.
Transfer of displacement information from the structure to the uid does
not require integration, and thus only interpolation is required by the structural
solver to approximate the computed nodal displacements at prescribed locations
on the uid/structure interface F/S .
The process of coupling the solvers begins by identifying for each uid face

center on F/S an owner structural element. The structural element must have a
face with an outward facing normal that is nearly opposed to the outward facing
normal assigned to the uid face. The face normals, in general, will not be of
exact opposite sense because of the disparate discretization of non-planar surfaces,
as demonstrated by the two-dimensional example in Figure 2.13. The location of
the uid vertex must also fall within the bounds of the structural face. This is
achieved for each uid vertex by searching all structural faces until the best match

OpenFOAM is a cell-centered solver, so the integrated uid forces reside at the face centers

is found, with the match criteria weighted heavily on proximity and a go/no-go

criterion on face normal directions to be greater than 135 of each other.


Fig. 2.13. Example of disparate uid and structure meshes at the interface F/S ;
the uid vertices do not lie on the structural element faces and the surface normal
directions between the uid and structure are not exactly opposite

Because the structural solver requires forces be applied to the structural

nodes, the uid force vector computed at the face centers is applied to the structural nodes by a load-weighting factor that depends on the distance from the uid
face location projected onto the structures face to each node of that structural
elements face. This scheme results in a unity scale factor if the uid location
coincides with a structural node and yields a scale factor that equally divides the
force if the uid location is centered on the structural face. An example showing
the load scaling factors for a uid face location that is not quite centered on a
structural face is provided in Figure 2.14. During each loop of the xed-point
iteration, the uid force vector is computed by the ow solver using its inherent


Structure face contoured by weighting

Structure Normal
Fluid Normal

Fig. 2.14. Example of interface force mapping showing the load scaling factors
used to apply the uid load to the structural nodes
interpolation scheme and applied to the structural nodes according to the scaling
dened at the start of the analysis. (The uid and solid move together during the
analysis such that the parameterized location of any given uid face on a structural
element remains constant for the duration of the simulation.)
All structural nodes that are subject to uid loading are identied in the
structural model with a distributed load boundary condition, i.e., using the *dload
keyword to be consistent with the Abaqus input le format [57]. This load is
subsequently removed from the structures load set.
Communication requirements of the structural displacements to the uid
mesh varies depending on the mesh motion scheme as dened in Section 2.4. Regardless of the scheme, the computed structural displacement eld must be interpolated to a prescribed location on the interface F/S (e.g., a uid vertex for the
Laplace face decomposition and RMF mesh motion, or an enforced displacement
location for an overlayed nite element mesh). The prescribed spatial location on
F/S changes during the simulation, but its location relative to the nite element

reference coordinates does not change if the point resides on F/S (because the uid
and solid move in unity on F/S ). The process involves rst locating the owner
structural element for each mesh motion vertex, and then nding the location on
the owner element in terms of the elements parameterized coordinates using the
feanl member function elementParameterizedLocation. This member function
uses a three dimensional Newton-Raphson iteration scheme with a numerical Jacobian to iterate within the reference element to nd the prescribed location to

within a specied tolerance of 1.0x10

(the iteration stops when the Euclidean

norm of the point location dierence is less than this tolerance). In practice, the
point locations are generally found to within machine tolerance. An example reference element showing a point inside the element for which the parameterized
location is sought is shown in Figure 2.15.

Fig. 2.15. Example of a nite element reference element, its reference coordinates,
and a point within the element for which the parameterized location (i , i , i ) is


FSI Parallel Processing

Parallel processing is important for this research to provide reasonably short

simulation (wall-clock) times for the numerous required simulations. The approach


taken here is to maintain OpenFOAMs existing parallelized ow solver and implement parallel support for the FSI interface class fsiInterface, which involves
parallel mesh motion as described previously for the RMF solver and communication with the structure solver. The structural solver operates in serial model
for all FSI simulations and is always solved on the master node. Interface displacements computed and interpolated by the structural solver are then sent to
each computed node based on interface mapping containers created at the start
of the simulation. Likewise, uid forces computed by each processor are sent to
the master node for inclusion in the structural solvers solution. Solution times for
this scheme of parallel processing are still dominated by the ow solver as shown
later in Section 5.6.1.

OpenFOAM uses a domain decomposition approach for parallel solves. This approach sub-divides
the domain and assigns each division to a single processor.

Chapter 3

Structural Material Model

The target application for this research is an expandable impeller pump

that is fabricated from a polymeric material to satisfy large strain requirements
of the device. The downside to using a polymeric material for the pump is that
the material exhibits stress relaxation, which is time-dependent deformation that
occurs even for a constant load. Aside from the materials viscoelasticity, the
need to collapse the impeller during implantation [96] requires the material to be
relatively soft. As a result, large deformations of the impeller blades occur in
response to the uid stresses imparted on the impeller blades. An accurate model
of the impeller material is paramount to an accurate FSI simulation of this device.
As such, an entire chapter is devoted to the characterization of the material.
The impeller material is an industrial-grade polymer called Hapex 598,
purchased from Hapco, Incorporated of Hanover, Massachusetts, USA. The Hapex
598 material exhibits a stress-strain relationship depicted by the tensile test results
shown in Figure 3.1. These results are generated by the cyclic loading of a tensile
specimen from no load to a strain of approximately 5% for several cycles and then
followed by cyclic loading to approximately 10% for several cycles. The load rate
for all cases is 1% strain per second. It is evident from this gure that the material
does not instantaneously return to zero strain upon load removal. The non-zero
strain is comprised of nonrecoverable and recoverable strains. The recoverable
strain comes from the materials viscoelasticity. The fraction of recoverable to
nonrecoverable strain could be determined, for instance, by subjecting the tensile
test specimen of Figure 3.1 to one cycle of loading and then monitor the specimens strain at zero load until a steady state condition is achieved. Experience

Tensile Test
Enginerring Stress, MPa







Engineering Strain

Fig. 3.1. Hapex 598 tensile test results with a load rate of 1% strain per second
with this material (for strain levels of  5%) has shown that nearly all of the strain
is recovered after several hours in a relaxed state.
The current application requires only the loading portion of the rst cycle
of the curve in Figure 3.1 and does not require any unloading or cyclic behavior.
Therefore, the material model is comprised of two components. The rst is a
constitutive representation of the material that is independent from eects of stress
relaxation. This is accomplished by loading the material either over a very short
duration where there is negligible time for the material to relax or over a very
long duration to provide sucient time for the material to fully relax. A second
component is necessary to model the stress relaxation. This is accomplished by
treating the material as viscoelastic. The constitutive models employed for this
material are described in Section 2.3.5. The material parameters required for these
constitutive relationships are dened in this section.
It is shown in this section that the Hapex material exhibits dierent deformation response based on lot-to-lot variations. Material lot-to-lot variation is
known to cause signicant property variation as described in [57]. The approach

employed here is to evaluate an initial material model, derived from material characterization tests performed on samples of the material in 2007, by comparing FE
simulations to experimental results. The material model is then tuned such that
the FE model simulations match closely the empirical results. The initial material
model is derived from material testing performed by Axel Products, Incorporated

(API). It has been found that modications to only the viscoelastic properties are
necessary to get good agreement between the simulations and experiments. Also,
the use of a linear elastic material model is found to be sucient and the elastic
modulus and Poissons ratio are determined from the test results of API. The nal
viscoelastic property parameters are determined through a trial-and-error process
and conrmed by beam and n material testing as described below.

Elastomer Elastic Modulus

The underlying model used to represent the elastomeric material (in one di-

mension) is the Generalized Maxwell Element, which consists of Maxwell elements

(i.e., a spring and dashpot in series) in parallel with a Hooke element (i.e., a spring)
as shown in Figure 2.4. The spring stiness 0 shown in this gure represents the
material stiness at innite time (i.e., after all of the viscoelastic forces have diminished to zero). The Maxwell elements capture the stress relaxation characteristics
of the material through their dashpots. Each of the Maxwell elements constitute
a term in a Prony series (a series of the form
i e i ) representation of the

material, which is further described below.

The spring with stiness 0 of Figure 2.4 (which is observed at innite time
after all of the dashpots have relaxed) corresponds to the long term modulus for
a three-dimensional, linear-elastic material model. The instantaneous modulus is
obtained through the step application of a load to avoid any viscoelastic eects
Testing performed in October 2007 by Axel Products, Incorporated of Ann Arbor, Michigan

because the dashpots have no time to react. The long term and instantaneous
moduli are related through the viscoelastic Prony parameters, i , as follows [57]:

Einst = E +

Ei E = Einst

Ei = Einst

i ,


where E is the long term modulus (E = 0 of Figure 2.4), and Einst is the
instantaneous elastic modulus. Ideally, the instantaneous modulus is obtained empirically by a step application of a load, but limitations of test equipment preclude
a truly instantaneous load application. Instead, the approach recommended for
determining the instantaneous modulus is to measure the initial elastic response
under several increasingly high strain rates, until the measured modulus converges
on a value [57].
Tensile test results for Hapex 598 specimens are provided in Figures 3.2
and 3.3, which were acquired from simple tension tests employing dog-bone
specimens (shown in the inset of Figure 3.3). The objective of the simple tension
test is to achieve a state of pure tensile strain, and thus the specimen must be much
longer in the direction of stretching than in the width and thickness dimensions.
Ideally, there will be no lateral constraint to specimen thinning.
The data of Figure 3.2 do not indicate a substantial change in tensile performance of the material for the evaluated strain rates, and thus this test approximates
the idealized stepped load test described above. Therefore, API employed a strain
rate of 1 mm/mm/s for the tensile tests of Figure 3.3 and for all of their subsequent
testing. The Youngs modulus for the material is approximately 60. MPa as estimated from the simple tension data and is shown by the solid curve in Figure 3.3,
which considers strains up to 1.2%. Later it will be shown that the computed
material strain levels for the FSI simulations are less than this maximum value.


Engineering Stress, MPa





23C, 1 mm/mm/s
23C, 2 mm/mm/s


23C, 3 mm/mm/s



Engineering Strain



Fig. 3.2. Simple tension results for Hapex 598 at 23 C and three strain rates



Engineering Stress, MPa


E=60 MPa


23C, Test 1


23C, Test 3

23C, Test 2
37C, Test 1


37C, Test 2


Engineering Strain



Fig. 3.3. Simple tension results for Hapex 598 at two temperatures and curve
showing stress-strain values for a Youngs modulus of 60 MPa


Viscoelastic Material Denition

As previously described in Section 2.3.5, the material viscoelasticity is mod-

eled using a time-domain approach for linear viscoelastic materials ( [c(t)] =

c [(t)], where c is a constant) and uses the approximations that shear and volumetric behavior are independent and the viscoelastic behavior is dominated by
the deviatoric part of the materials deformation.
Viscoelasticity is often characterized by stress relaxation data. These data
are generated by straining a uni-axial tensile stress specimen to a prescribed strain
level and then measuring the stress as it relaxes with time while holding the strain
constant. The stress relaxation data measured by API is provided in Figure 3.4.
These data were collected for a strain of 5%.
The curve t shown in Figure 3.4 is obtained by tting a Prony series using a

least-square error approach to the 23 C Test 1 data. Three components of a Prony

series are required to obtain a t with a root-mean-square error of 0.49%, which
are provided in Table 3.1. These parameters are then used by the nite element

Table 3.1. Prony series

Component, i

stress relaxation parameters

0.1484 4.130
0.2115 8.195x10
0.1993 1.610x10

material model to represent the materials viscoelasticity. This viscoelastic model

provides a starting point for the material model and is updated below based on
beam simulation and test results.







23C, Test 1
23C, Test 2
23C, Test 3


37C, Test 1
37C, Test 2

37 C, Test 3
Prony Series Fit
0.4 1






Time, s

Fig. 3.4. Stress relaxation data with measured stress normalized by initial stress;
Prony series t using three Prony series parameters of Table 3.1


Poissons Ratio and Nearly Incompressible Eects

The current material exhibits what is considered nearly incompressible ef-

fects because the bulk modulus is much larger than the shear modulus, yielding
near zero volumetric strains when deformed. Because strains are determined via
derivatives of displacements in the displacement-based nite element approach,
errors in predicting the near zero volumetric strains yield large variations in the
computed stresses, which in turn aect the computed displacements when trying
to balance element forces with externally applied loads [8]. This behavior can be
addressed by decomposing the stress into deviatoric and volumetric components
and then solving for the volumetric component separately using a displacement/
pressure approach instead of the more common displacement-based nite element
approach. The Abaqus software has implemented the displacement/pressure approach via their hybrid elements. The benet of using a hybrid approach over
a pure displacement approach with and without reduced integration elements is
evaluated using Abaqus. But rst, an estimate of Poissons ratio is required.
Poissons ratio for a linear elastic material can be determined from the
Youngs and the bulk moduli as follows:

3 E


where is the bulk modulus. The bulk modulus is estimated from volumetric
compression data acquired by API for the Hapex 598 material. The volumetric
compression results provided in Figure 3.5 show a bulk modulus of 2.3 GPa is a
good approximation for the material.
The Youngs modulus for the material is estimated as 60. MPa from the
simple tension data. Substituting these values into Equation 3.2 yields a Poissons
ratio of = 0.496.


23C, Test 1

Engineering Stress, MPa


23C, Test 2
23C, Test 3


37C, Test 1
37C, Test 2


37C, Test 3

=2.3 GPa



Engineering Strain



Fig. 3.5. Volumetric compression results for Hapex 598 samples at two temperatures and a curve showing stress-strain values for a bulk modulus of 2.3 GPa

To evaluate the eects of this nearly incompressible material on the use of
pure displacement-based nite elements, two nite element models are evaluated
both with and without hybrid elements. The rst FE model is of a Hapex 598
beam undergoing a bending load (Figure 3.6) and the second is a n structure also
undergoing a similar bending load (Figure 3.7). Bending deformations are considered here because they are the most representative of the load types pertinent to
this research (impeller blade bending) and this mode of deformation is much more
susceptible to the shear locking eects of the nearly-incompressible material [22].
Both models employ xed-free boundary conditions and details of the models are
provided in the following sections of this chapter. The bending load for both cases
is achieved by a concentrated force near the tip of the free end. The concentrated
force in the FE simulations is linearly increased from zero load to its maximum
value in one second (the step application of this load for the quasi-static analysis
is acceptable, but is dicult to achieve with the large displacement, non-linear
analysis because the deformations are large and the FE solvers are based on an
incremental formulation).
Comparisons of tip deections for the cases with full integration displacement elements, selectively reduced integration displacement elements, and hybrid
elements for both models are provided in Figure 3.8 for the beam and Figure 3.9
for the n. The results in these gures suggest there is no need to employ pressure/displacement nite elements for these models, because selectively reducedorder integration elements provide equivalent results as expected from Hughes [62]
and Bathe [8]. Note that these models employ the nal material model described
in Section 3.5.1.

Temperature Eects
Two temperatures were used in the material evaluations performed by API

to ascertain the impact of temperature on the material stiness and relaxation. The


Fig. 3.6. Finite element model of Hapex 598 beam test; two models used, coarser
model shown here
Root Constraints

Tip Force

Fig. 3.7. Fin bending model for evaluation of incompressible eects


Displacement Formulation
Pressure/Displacement Formulation
Displacement Formulation, Reduced Integration


Tip Deflection, m

0.045 1






Time, s

Fig. 3.8. Beam bending model results for displacement-based and pressure/displacement elements; the displacement-based elements with reduced integration
agree well with the pressure/displacement hybrid elements


Displacement Formulation
Pressure/Displacment Formulation
Displacement Formulation, Reduced Integration

Tip Deflection, m





0.03 2



Time, s




Fig. 3.9. Fin bending model results for both displacement-based and pressure/displacement elements


temperatures were chosen as 23 C and 37 C to correspond to room temperature

and body temperature, respectively, thereby bounding the anticipated temperature
variation for use in the expandable impeller pump.
The data shown above in Figures 3.33.5 do not indicate a signicant impact of this temperature variation on the material characteristics of interest. The
material model developed here is used to model a n subjected to quasi-steady

ow with a nearly constant uid temperature of 22 C and also to a pump im

peller subject to uid at 37 C. Therefore, temperature eects are not included in

the present material model.

Parameter Estimation
Beam Model

The material model is evaluated against large-displacement , time-dependent

bending tests of sample beams made of Hapex 598. The beams are intended to
have rectangular cross sections of 3.5 mm thick, 6.5 mm wide, and the tested
length (from edge of constraint to tip) is 125 mm (see Figure 3.10). Three beams
have been tested. The beam width and length are consistent between the samples,
but the beam thickness ranges from 3.41 mm to 3.62 mm along the length of the
beams. This causes scatter in the empirical results presented below and is a source
of discrepancy between the predicted and empirical results.
The test conditions for the beams consist of xed-free constraints and a
constant load applied to the beam tip, Figure 3.11. The beams are clamped by a
mounting bracket such that the active length of the beams from the edge of the
clamp to the tip is 125 mm. The beam deformation is quantied through pattern
Large-displacements as described herein imply displacements large enough to violate the assumption of innitesimal displacements as used in the derivation of the linear nite element approach. This
means, for a linear-elastic material, the displacement response of an object is not a linear function of an
applied load.


Fig. 3.10. Dimensions of Hapex 598 beams tested for material model validation
(dimensions in mm); Note that 125 mm is the active length of the beams during
testing, the actual beam length is 150 mm
recognition of the beam edges using a video camera setup as shown in Figure 3.12.

The procedure for testing the beams is as follows:

1. clamp beam into xture ensuring the active length is 125 mm,
2. start the data acquisition,
3. apply known weight to tip of beam, and
4. acquire images for one hour.
An edge detection routine with pixel scaling to scale the imaged displacements was
implemented in Matlab to post-process the videos. A listing of the source code,
called imageEdges, for this software is provided in Appendix B. Sample output
from the program is shown in Figure 3.13. From results similar to these for all


Mounting Bracket
Test Specimen

Tip Force

Fig. 3.11. Boundary conditions of the Hapex 598 beam tests showing the xedfree constraints and the tip load


Test Specimen
Video Camera


Fig. 3.12. Test setup for beam and n bending tests; a video camera is used to
capture images of the deformed specimen; the setup is shown here with a Hapex
598 n (described below), but the same setup is also employed for the Hapex


Fig. 3.13. Sample image of edge detection for the Hapex 598 beam test; the top
and bottom edges are identied separately and shown here with dierent colors
acquired frames, the beam tip deection is quantied and plotted versus time in
Figure 3.14. Note that the resolution of the results in this gure is limited by
the pixel size of the processed images. In all cases, the load application began at
approximately 5 seconds and was completed by approximately 10 seconds. However, the eect of gravity on the beam (which is signicant as shown below) began
during setup of the beam. The eect of gravity on the beam deformation between
when the beam is exposed to gravity and when the video recording began has been
estimated by measurements from a stationary ruler near the beam tip (not shown
in Figure 3.11 or 3.12). The magnitude of this deection is evident in the non-zero
deection at time = 1 second in Figure 3.14.
The validity of the material model is then determined by comparing nite
element model results of the beam model to the empirical results shown in Figure 3.14 and by comparison of deformation shapes. The beam deformation shapes
are compared after about one hour of relaxation under the applied load.
The nite element model is constructed in the commercial software Femap
[139] using hexahedral elements, constrained at the root, and loaded with a concentrated load of 0.0785 N (corresponding to the 66.5 g mass shown in Figure 3.11



Tip Deflection, m


Sample 1
Sample 2
Sample 3

0.045 0


Time, s



Fig. 3.14. Beam tip deection for three Hapex 598 beam samples subjected to
a tip force of 0.0785 N (8 g mass)

at the free end) and a body force due to gravitational eects (the beam deformation due to gravity only is shown in Figure 3.15, which uses the nal material
model described below and corresponds to time of 1 hour). The concentrated load
is linearly increased from zero magnitude to its maximum value in one second
(the load application for the experiments is somewhat longer than this, but the
numerical results are shifted in time such that the time at which the load is fully
applied agrees between all results). A quasi-static analysis is used for the simulations because time only aects the viscoelastic behavior. The inertial terms are
negligible in the experiment because the load was applied nearly uniformly over
several seconds, which is much lower in frequency than the rst exural mode of
the beam, approximately 3.5 Hz as estimated experimentally with the tip mass
Undeformed Shape

Fig. 3.15. Beam deformation after subjected to gravity for 1 hr; the nal material model is used for this simulation; deformed beam contoured by displacement
magnitude in meters

Two nite element models with varying mesh resolution (Figure 3.6 shows
the coarse-mesh model) are constructed to ensure mesh convergence. The results
of the convergence study are provided in Figure 3.16, which shows less than a 2%
dierence in the displacement results between the coarse and rened mesh.


Coarse (4,500 Elements)
Refined 2 (42,419 Elements)

Tip Deflection, m







0.04 2



Time, s




Fig. 3.16. Beam tip deection for coarse and rened nite element meshes

Finite element model results are compared to the empirical results in Figure 3.17 using the API-derived material model and for a revised material model.
As indicated by the steeper slope of the simulated response for the original API
model in this gure, the material model exhibits too much stress relaxation (i.e.,
the beam deection is larger than the measured deection after viscoelastic eects
have diminished), but the response to the initial instantaneous loading represents well the material. The initial modulus obtained via the tensile testing is
accurate, and only the viscoelastic parameters require tuning (recall, the innite
modulus depends on the instantaneous modulus and the viscoelastic relaxation
parameters, Equation 3.1).
The nal material model compares well with the empirical results, as shown
in Figure 3.17. The revised viscoelastic Prony series parameters are shown in
Table 3.2. The revised parameters yield a material model that exhibits much less
relaxation, as indicated by the synthesized stress relaxation data of Figure 3.18.

Table 3.2.
Revised Prony series stress relaxation parameters based on beam
bending test results
Component, i i
0.05 4.130
0.1 8.195x10
0.1 1.610x10

The measured and computed (using the revised material model) beam deformations in Figure 3.19 show the computed deformations to be within the scatter
of the empirically-derived shapes. It is therefore concluded that the viscoelastic
material model with an underlying linear-elastic constitutive relationship is satisfactory for these Hapex beams undergoing large deformations.


Sample 1
Sample 2
Sample 3
Axelderived Material Model
Axelderived Modulus & Revised Visco

Tip Deflection, m






0.07 0


Time, s



Fig. 3.17. Beam nite element model comparisons to experimental results; model
results are shown for the API-derived material model for both the constitutive and
viscoelastic parameters and also for the revised material model





23C, Test 1

23 C, Test 2
23C, Test 3

37 C, Test 1

0.4 1

37C, Test 2
37C, Test 3
Original Prony Series
Revised Prony Series






Time, s

Fig. 3.18. Stress relaxation data with measured stress normalized by initial stress;
synthesized relaxation curves generated using both the original and revised viscoelastic models


Sample 1
Sample 2
Sample 3
Finite Element


Vertical Direction, m



Horizontal Direction, m


Fig. 3.19. Beam deformation shape comparisons between revised FE model and
empirical results

The maximum computed strain levels from the numerical model are less
than 1.2% as shown in Figure 3.20. The maximum strains considered when deriving
the elastic modulus and Poissons ratio in Figures 3.3 and 3.5 was 1.2%, which is
in good agreement. Had the computed strain levels been much larger and the
results disagreed, then the API data would need to be revisited. Note that the
equivalent strain metric used in Figure 3.20 is similar to von Mises stress in that
it enables a single strain level to be computed for a complex stress state within
a structure [22, 59]. Note also that the material test results from API were used

Fig. 3.20. Deformed beam after 1 hr of relaxation, contoured by equivalent strain

as the starting point for the development of the material model. It is shown
herein that the material parameter estimates from these data do not represent
well the Hapex beams tested and reported herein. The underlying reason for
this is unknown, but it is most likely due to lot-to-lot variations in the material.
Material lot-to-lot variation is known to cause signicant property variation [57].
In summary, the material modeling results have thus far shown the following:

1. A linear-elastic constitutive relationship is sucient to model this material
given a uni-directional loading and strains of less than approximately 1.2%.
2. The material is nearly incompressible with a Poissons ratio of 0.496, but a
displacement-based nite element approach with selectively reduced integration provides nearly identical results to a pressure/displacement formulation.

3. Temperature eects are not signicant over the temperature range of 23 C

to 37 C which is comparable to the desired operating range of this material

for the cases to be considered during this research, 22 C and 37 C.

The nal step in the material model development is to evaluate an FE
model of the single n that will be modeled and tested. The results of this study
are provided next.

Modied NACA 66 Fin Model

Ultimately, the nite element solver and material model must represent well

the structure to be used in the FSI simulations. Therefore, feanl is evaluated here
against quasi-static load tests for the modied NACA 66 n made of Hapex 598
(the modied NACA 66 n is described in Chapter 4). An experimental characterization of the n deformation has been performed using a similar approach
to the characterization of the Hapex beams in the preceding section. The FE
model results are compared to the empirical results below. First, however, similar
to the mesh development for the Hapex beam tests a mesh resolution study was
performed to ensure the FE model is converged. Three mesh renements were considered: coarse (4, 692 elements), rened x 1.5 (15, 300 elements), and rened x 2
(37976 elements). The rened x 1.5 model is shown in Figure 3.7. (The blade
models were created automatically from the blade section data using the custom
bladeGen software described in Section 5.1.2.)

The results of the convergence study, Figure 3.21, show a change in tip
deection at 3600 s between the coarse and rst renement is approximately 4%,
whereas the change between the rst and second rened meshes is approximately
Comparisons between the FE results and the experimental results using the
previously tuned material model are shown in Figure 3.22 for the tip deection
and in Figure 3.23 the foil deformation shape after 1 hour of relaxation. The FE
results in Figure 3.22 were shifted in time so that the starting time corresponds
to the beginning of load application in the experiments. Note that the eect of
gravity is included in the FE simulations, similar to the approach used for the
beam models. Gravity alone accounts for the deformation shown in Figure 3.24.
Note that the n tests in these gures used the same ns multiple times
with a minimum of three hours between tests. The objective of this evaluation
was to show the material response is not signicantly inuenced by multiple tests.
This observation enables multiple water tunnel tests to occur with the n, thereby
eliminating the need to reinstall a new n for each tunnel test.
Note also that Fin 08 was fabricated from a dierent lot of material than
that used by the other ns. It was observed that the original material was becoming
dicult to degas, resulting in unwanted voids in the cast parts, so a second batch
was purchased from Hapco. After characterizing the ns during bending testing,
and observing the substantial change in character, it was decided to return to the
original material for sake of consistency. After discussing the degassing and air
entrainment issue with material experts at ARL/Penn State, the original material
batch (part A of the two-part material) was exposed to an elevated temperature of

66 C for 24 hours to remove the unwanted polymer chain linking that was causing
issues degassing the material (the chain linking occurs in the material over time
due to exposure to humid air). The ability to degas the material enabled all n
specimens created beyond Fin 08 to use the original material.


Coarse (4,692 Elements)
Refined 1.5 (15,300 Elements)
Refined 2 (37,976 Elements)

Tip Deflection, m





0.03 2



Time, s




Fig. 3.21. Fin tip deformations for various mesh renements; simulations performed using feanl


Fin 02 Test 1
Fin 02 Test 2
Fin 08
Fin 10 Test 1
Fin 10 Test 2
Fin 10 Test 3
FE (37,976 Elements)

Tip Deflection, m







Time, s


Fig. 3.22. Comparison of nite element n model (using beam-tuned material

model) to n test results

Deformed Shape at 1 Hour


Vertical Direction, m


Fin 02 Test 1
Fin 02 Test 2
Fin 08
Fin 10 Test 1
Fin 10 Test 2
Fin 10 Test 3
FE (37,976 Elements)







Horizontal Direction, m




Fig. 3.23. Comparison of deformation shapes from the nite element n model
(using beam-tuned material model) to n test results after 1 hour of relaxation

Fig. 3.24. Fin deformation after subjected to gravity for 1 hr; the nal material model is used for this simulation; deformed n contoured by displacement
magnitude in meters

Chapter 4

Water Tunnel Test

A water tunnel test of a single hydrodynamic n (Figure 4.1) is used to


verify and validate the FSI solver. The n is a modied NACA 66 with a = 0.8

camber as described by Brockett [15] and summarized in Section 4.2. This chapter
rst describes the experimental facility, followed by details of the foil fabrication,
and concludes with results from the water tunnel tests.

Experimental Facility
The 0.3048 m (12 in.) test section diameter water tunnel at ARL/Penn

State was used to create validation data for the FSI solver. The tunnel is a closedcircuit, closed-jet system with test section maximum speed of 20 m/s and absolute
pressure range of 20.7 kPa to 413.7 kPa. The velocity is controlled by a mixed-ow
peerless pump that is powered by a 111.8 kW (150 hp) electric motor. The waters

air content is regulated by a 0.2 m /s bypass system. Free air in the tunnel can be
observed through two transparent domes at the tunnel high points, and excess air
can be vented through these domes by solenoid-operated valves. These vents must
also be used during the ll and drain process of the tunnel. The water tunnel free
stream turbulence level is controlled using a 0.152 m deep section of honeycomb
with a 0.025 m core size positioned in the plenum upstream of the nozzle and
an 11.3:1 contraction ratio through the inlet nozzle. The free stream turbulence
intensity is roughly 0.3% to 0.5% over the tunnels velocity range. [106]

The parameter a represents the fraction of the chord from the leading edge over which the loading
is uniform at the ideal angle of attack [1].


Fig. 4.1. Modied NACA 66 n for water tunnel testing

While there exist two test sections for the tunnel, one circular and the other
rectangular, only the rectangular section was used for this research. The test
section measures 0.508 m wide by 0.114 m high by 0.762 m long. A schematic of
the water tunnel is provided in Figure 4.2 and photographs of the tunnel (from the
opposite side and with markings to identify key features) are provided in Figures 4.3
and 4.4. The water tunnel test section with the Hapex n in place is shown in
Figure 4.5. Additional information about the water tunnel facility can be found
in the lecture notes by Lauchle et al. [78].

Fig. 4.2. Water tunnel schematic


Data Acquisition

Data Acquisition

Fig. 4.3. Water tunnel and some key data acquisition system components (note that the curvature in the image is not
real, but an artifact of stitching multiple photographs together into a panoramic view)

Test Section


The angle of attack is estimated by matching an alignment mark on the
n with an alignment mark in the tunnel test section, Figure 4.6. This provides
an approximate setting for zero AOA. The actual angle of attack is not known.
Instead, this orientation is considered a baseline AOA and the n is rotated a known
amount to give baseline plus or minus a change in the AOA. The FSI simulations
will rst determine what simulation AOA corresponds to the baseline AOA and
then also simulate changes in AOA about the baseline for model validation.
The mechanism that enables a change of the ns angle of attack without
disassembling the water tunnel is shown in Figure 4.7. This was augmented with
an extension arm and a grounding bracket to accurately and quantitatively control
changes in the n AOA. The modied mechanism is shown in Figure 4.8, which
is a view from below the water tunnel test section. As shown in this gure, an
extension arm is axed to the lever arm of the rotator mechanism (Figure 4.7)
and constrained to a grounding bracket. The distance from the ns rotation axis
to the grounding point is 266.3 mm. By the addition of standard machinists shim
stock at this point, the angle of attack can be changed very accurately. A bar
clamp is used to constrain the extended lever arm to the grounding bracket. Three

dierent AOA variations were used during the experiments: 0.25 , 0.375 , and

0.5 . The required shim thickness for each of these AOA variations, computed
using the lever arm length and the AOA change (shimThickness = radius x angle),
is shown in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1. Angle of attack and required shim thickness

AOA, degrees Shim Thickness, inches


Video Camera


Fig. 4.4. Water tunnel test section showing video camera and light


Direction of Flow

Fig. 4.5. Water tunnel test section and the Hapex n prior to a test


Zero AOA
Alignment Marks

Fig. 4.6. Setting the n angle of attack; view is from above test section beside
video camera shown in Figure 4.4


Load Cell

Bearing Housing


Lever Arm

Load Cell

Cam Follower

Fig. 4.7. Mechanism to rotate n to change its angle of attack


Extension Arm

Shims Added


Fig. 4.8. Augmented rotator mechanism to accurately and quantitatively control

changes in the ns angle of attack; the view is looking up from beneath the test
section with the rotator mechanism fully installed

The AOA settings and the tunnel speed were chosen to provide a suciently
large n deection while maintaining a Reynolds number low enough to avoid
transition to turbulent ow (described below). The speed chosen for the tunnel
was 1.2 m/s.

The water tunnel mean water temperature ranged from 21.4 C to 22.1 C
for the three tests reported here. The temperature, measured in the same plane
as the Kiel probe, but near the tunnel wall (Figure 4.9) varied the most during
startup of the tunnel due to stratication of the stagnant water, but tended toward
a steady temperature as the water was mixed inside the tunnel, see Figure 4.10
and Table 4.2. These results give an average temperature for all three tests of

approximately 21.7 C. The water static pressure in the test section is maintained

at approximately 1.25 bar (18.1 lbf/in ) by the tunnels pressure control system.
This pressure was chosen primarily because it simplies the tunnel operation (for
bleeding pressure transducers and draining). Cavitation was not a concern for
these tests. The water density and viscosity at these conditions is approximately

998 kg/m and 1.003x10

Pa s, respectively [148]. The Reynolds number based

on chord length (0.05 m, described below) is therefore

Rec =

60x10 .

The critical Reynolds number for transition to turbulence is approximately 2x10 ,

and therefore the ow can be treated as laminar in the FSI simulations [1].

Table 4.2. Water tunnel water temperatures

Test Number Mean Temperature, C Standard Deviation, C



Axial Location
of Kiel and

Test Section
Static Pressure
Differential Pressure

Load Cell Power


Fig. 4.9. Photograph of water tunnel annotated with pressure transducer locations; the Kiel probe is located in the central plane of the tunnel at the same
elevation as the static probe


Water Temperature
Test 47
Test 48
Test 44


Temperature, C






1000 1200
Time, s





Fig. 4.10. Water tunnel water temperature during three tests; statistics of these
temperatures are provided in Table 4.2

A stagnation pressure of the ow is measured just upstream of the test
section nozzle using a Kiel probe (Figure 4.9). A static pressure measurement occurred just inside the test section (Figure 4.9). With the approximation of steady,
incompressible, and frictionless ow along a stream line, Bernoullis equation is
applied to estimate the tunnel ow speed in the test section as follows:

pk +

+ gzk = pt + t + gzt ,

where the subscripts k and t represent the axial location of the Kiel probe and the
test section, respectively, z is the elevation at which the pressure measurement is
made, p is the static pressure, v the ow velocity, and g is the acceleration due to
gravity. Because the Kiel probe is at the same elevation as the test sections static
probe, the elevation eects are removed and the relation becomes:

pk + k = ps k = pt + t .
With the stagnation pressure at the Kiel probe location, ps k , measured
directly with the Kiel probe and the static pressure in the test section measured
by the static probe, the ow velocity is estimated as follows:

vt =

ps k pt


Note that the pressure dierential for a ow speed of 1.2 m/s is approximately 720 Pa (0.10 psi). The magnitude of this dierential is too small to separately measure the stagnation and static pressures with the standard 100 psi
transducers used for the tunnel. Instead, a Honeywell model FDW 2 psid dierential pressure transducer was used to measure the pressure dierence directly.


Fin Fabrication
The objective of the n testing is to provide validation data for the FSI

solver, which is to ultimately be applied to the expandable impeller pump. The

ns are therefore fabricated from the same material as the pump impeller, namely
Hapex 598. A casting process is employed to fabricate the ns, which requires a
mold master from which a mold can be made.
The n considered here is constructed from blade section geometry that is
commonly used for propeller design. These sections are similar to the NACA 66-006
with a=0.8 camber, but thickened near the trailing edge for ease of manufacture as
described by Brockett [15]. A plot of the prole geometry is provided in Figure 4.11.
The prole geometry was used to loft a blade with a chord length of 0.05 m and
a span of 0.10 m. A llet was then added to the root of the blade solid model to
provide additional structural stability (see root llet in Figures 4.12 and 4.13).
The mold master is fabricated using a rapid prototype manufacturing technique called stereolithograpy (SLA). Protogenic, a division of Spectrum Plastics
Group of Westminster, CO, fabricated the part using their Accura 60 resin. The
part, shown in Figure 4.12 is hand-polished to provide smooth outer surfaces.
Alignment holes and a leading edge indicator have been added to the mold master
for registration of the parts during the casting process and alignment of the part
in the water tunnel test section, respectively. These features are identifed in the
The material used in the SLA process is advertised as being similar to the

more commonly known polycarbonate. It has a tensile modulus of about 3 GPa,

which is suciently sti to use in the mold-making process described herein. Protogenic advertises dimensional tolerance of 0.005 in. ( 0.13 mm). The actual

Information obtained from on 18 November 2009.


Modified NACA 66 Profile Geometry














Fig. 4.11. Modied NACA 66 prole geometry


part dimensions have been measured using calipers and are summarized in Table 4.3 with percent changes relative to the design dimensions shown in Table 4.4.
The results in these tables indicate excellent agreement between the SLA master
and the design intent and also indicate the presence of some shrinkage of the of the
cast parts relative to the mold master. Finite element models of the n account
for this shrinkage.

Table 4.3. Fin dimensions as measured with calipers for mold master and cast
parts versus n design dimensions where T is the thickness, C is the chord, and S
is the span dimension (see Figure 4.13); the mean and standard deviation results
are for the cast parts only
Measured Dimensions, mm
Design Master Fin 1 Fin 2 Fin 3 Fin 4 Fin 5 Mean Std. Dev.

The mold is fabricated by placing the n master into a cavity and pouring
the cavity full of mold making silicone rubber (Rhodorsil V-3040, purchased from
Freeman Manufacturing & Supply Company of Avon, OH) as shown in Figure 4.14.
The alignment plate and pins shown in this gure are used to register the mold
to the n master. The outer alignment pins produce a cavity in the mold for
use in aligning and centering the n base plate when casting the ns. It should
be noted that the alignment plate and pins were necessary only to orient the
base plate (described below) so that it provided part-to-part consistency within
approximately 15 degrees so the rotary xture of the tunnel did not need to be
adjusted when changing ns. The more important alignment mark for zero AOA
shown in Figure 4.12 does not require special xturing because it is transferred to
the mold and each cast part.


Alignment Hole

Zero AOA

Fig. 4.12. Fin master for n casting; fabricated from stereolithography process;
surface markings added to identify the zero angle-of-attack location when mounted
in water tunnel


Fig. 4.13. Fin model dimensions with values provided in Table 4.3; S - span, C chord, and T - thickness


Table 4.4. Fin dimensions as measured with calipers for mold master and cast
parts versus n design dimensions where T is the thickness, C is the chord, and S
is the span dimension (see Figure 4.13); the mean and standard deviation results
are for the cast parts only
Percentage Change from Design Dimensions
Design Master Fin 1 Fin 2 Fin 3 Fin 4 Fin 5 Mean Dev.
-2.33 -1.74 -3.49 -0.58 -1.74 -1.98 1.06
-0.26 -0.42 -0.42 -0.16 -0.21 -0.29 0.12
0.00 -0.51 -0.43 -0.53 -0.38 -0.37 0.22

Mold pullers are added to the mold for use when removing the cast parts.
These allow the mold to be pulled radially to separate the bond between the silicone
rubber and the cast part.
Figure 4.15 shows a mold and the necessary hardware for casting a n.
The aluminum base plate is fully encapsulated in the cast part to provide a rigid
base for mounting of the n in the water tunnel test section via metal cap screws
and threaded holes in the base plate. Details of the base plate geometry are
provided in Figure 4.16. The various through-holes are used to allow the material
to ow through and provide a mechanical bond. Multiple copies of this insert were
fabricated on a computer-numeric controlled (CNC) milling machine to enable
multiple cast parts at any given time.
The n insert is axed to the silicone mold using the alignment plate and
pins and the Hapex 598 is poured into the mold cavity to form the n. The nal
poured mold is shown in Figure 4.17. Prior to pouring the Hapex material into
the mold cavity, the material is subjected to vacuum for approximately ve minutes
to remove entrained air to minimize air pockets in the cast parts. The assembly
as shown in Figure 4.17 is also subjected to a vacuum immediately after pouring
the Hapex to again remove entrained air to ensure there are no air pockets in the
nal part. This time, the vacuum is maintained for up to 15 minutes (prior to the
material curing too much to freely ow), but no longer or any air remaining in


Alignment Pins
Alignment Plate
Fin SLA Master

Mold Pullers

Fig. 4.14. Fin mold fabrication with alignment xtures in place; the mold silicone
is visible in this photograph

Silicone Mold

Fin Base Plate

Fixture Hardware
Alignment Plate

Fig. 4.15. Fin mold and casting hardware; the base plate provides threaded holes
to mount the n in the water tunnel test section


Fig. 4.16. Relevant dimensions of n insert; through-holes added to allow material

to form a mechanical lock to the insert; fabricated from aluminum

the material will produce a much larger void than if left at atmospheric pressure.
The vacuum chamber and vacuum pump are shown in Figure 4.18.

Silicone Mold
Fin Base Plate
Alignment Plate

Mold Puller

Fig. 4.17. Hapex 598 is poured into mold cavity to for a n for testing; screws
are placed into tapped holes of n insert to keep material from lling the holes

The cast part remains in the mold for at least 24 hours to allow the Hapex
time to cure. The part is then extracted from the mold by rst removing the
alignment plate, submerging the mold assembly in water, pulling on the mold
puller pins (see Figures 4.14 and 4.17) to de-bond the n from the mold, and then
pulling the n out of the mold (see Figure 4.19). Submerging the assembly in
water lubricates the interface between the n and the mold and keeps the n from
re-bonding to the mold once the bond is broken.
Several ns have been cast and measured for dimensional stability. Results
are provided in Tables 4.3 and 4.4. A total of three molds and ten ns were cast
using Hapex material from two dierent lots.




Cast Part

Fig. 4.18. Mold assembly shown inside a vacuum chamber to remove entrained
air from the Hapex 598 while still in the liquid state


Cast Fin


Fig. 4.19. The cast n is removed from the mold by submerging in water (see
water droplets on outer surface of mold and n); some ash exists on cast part
which is removed using a sharp knife

Test Results
The results of the water tunnel test for the modied NACA 66 n are

provided next. These data consist of ow speed and blade deformation. Note
that a force cell was installed to measure n lift force (Figure 4.7), but it proved
too noisy to obtain useful information. The cell is designed for maximum lift of
50 lbf and the current application has a maximum lift of approximately 0.1 lbf.
The low signal level did not provide sucient signal-to-noise to reliably extract lift
force during the testing. However, because the n material model and structural
solver are validated separately, the only need for a measured force cell would be to
identify the source of error if large discrepancies exist between the predicted and
measured results.

The blade deections are quantied from the video data recorded from a
location above the test section as shown in Figure 4.4. For quantitative comparisons to the simulation results, tip deections at the leading and trailing edges are
required. Because of the poor contrast between the n tips and the background
(i.e., the bottom of the tunnel test section), the video frames were processed manually. A sample frame from one test video is shown in Figure 4.20, which shows a
line connecting the LE and TE tip points that are manually selected.
To avoid large perspective distortion as the blade deforms and changes its
distance from the camera, the ow speed and ns AOA were limited to control
the blade tip deection to less than about 20% of the blade chord, which results
in a blade tip elevation decrease of approximately less than 0.5 mm based on the
solver simulation results presented below. The measured n deections are scaled
based on the known chord length of approximately 0.05 m at the n tip. Results
for three test cases are shown in Figure 4.21 for the leading edge tip deection and
in Figure 4.22 for the trailing edge tip deection. The results are also plotted in
terms of pitch and heave in Figures 4.23 and 4.24, respectively. A plot of the ow
speed for each test is shown in Figure 4.25. The tip deection excursions shown
in the gures are a direct consequence of water tunnel ow rate excursions. This
is demonstrated by the plots in Figure 4.26.
One approximation that is made in the FSI modeling for this eort is that
the system is quasi-steady. Ignoring the small-amplitude deections of the n
attributed to large-scale ow structures that are visible in the recorded videos, the
response of the n observed here is quasi-steady and can be quantied using the
reduced frequency parameter as follows. The reduced frequency, k, is often used
to characterize the degree of unsteadiness for a system and is dened based on the
hydrofoil semi-chord:




Fig. 4.20. Sample video frame from water tunnel testing; red line connects the
manually picked points at the tips of the leading and trailing edges


LE Tip Deflection

x 10

LE Tip Deflection, m

Test 47, BaselineAOA

Test 48, BaselineAOA
Test 44, 0.25






1000 1200
Time, s



Fig. 4.21. Hydrofoil leading edge tip deection




TE Tip Deflection

x 10

TE Tip Deflection, m

Test 47, BaselineAOA

Test 48, BaselineAOA
Test 44, 0.25






1000 1200
Time, s



Fig. 4.22. Hydrofoil trailing edge tip deection




Pitch Change at Fin Tip

Test 47, BaselineAOA
Test 48, BaselineAOA
Test 44, 0.25

Pitch Change, Degrees






1000 1200
Time, s



Fig. 4.23. Hydrofoil pitch angle change at the n tip













Test 47, BaselineAOA

Test 48, BaselineAOA
Test 44, 0.25




1000 1200
Time, s




Fig. 4.24. Hydrofoil heave at the n tip, normalized by the n span



Flow Speed


Flow Speed, m/s






Test 47, BaselineAOA

Test 48, BaselineAOA
Test 44, 0.25




1000 1200
Time, s





Fig. 4.25. Water tunnel ow speed in test section, corresponding to n tip deections in Figures 4.21 through 4.24



LE Tip Deflection

x 10

LE Tip Deflection, m


Test 44, -0.25

Smoothed Curve

Time, s





Flow Speed

Flow Speed, m/s



Time, s

Fig. 4.26. Flow speed excursions strongly correlated to displacement excursions

where is the oscillating angular frequency, c is the chord length, and U is the
ow speed. For k less than 0.05, the ow can be considered quasi-steady [80]. This
yields a maximum frequency of approximately 0.4 Hz for the current system to
be considered quasi-steady. Note that k is meant for periodic unsteadiness but
is used here to qualitatively demonstrate the quasi-steady nature of these water
tunnel tests. The time-averaged response (obtained by tting a smooth curve,
similar to the smoothed curve in Figure 4.26, through the data to ignore the owrate induced unsteadiness that is not part of the simulations) of the n shown in
Figures 4.21 and 4.22 has a frequency character several orders of magnitude less
than the limit. Therefore, the FSI simulations of this system can be treated as
The water tunnel test results presented here provide a validation data set
for the FSI solver. Multiple angle of attacks were tested to address uncertainty in
the actual angle of attack. The approach to validating the FSI solver is to infer the
baseline angle of attack by simulating various attack angles until the simulation
and water tunnel test results are in agreement. Comparisons of simulated and
experimental results at multiple angles of attack are then used to assess the validity
of the simulation results.

Chapter 5

FSI Solver Validation

The use of an elastomeric material for a turbomachine results in timedependent performance characteristics because of the materials viscoelastic response to applied loads. The impellers response to uid loads can be non-linear
due to not only viscoelasticity, but also due to large displacements. The FSI solver
developed herein is used to evaluate the structural inverse method for viscoelastic
materials. In preparation for this, the solver is validated and veried through experiments of a modied NACA 66 n fabricated of the same Hapex material as
the expandable impeller pump. Similar to other elastomeric materials, Hapex 598
exhibits a non-linear response when deformed to suciently high strains and the
displacements are time dependent due to stress relaxation. However, the strains
for this research are small enough to employ a linear-elastic modulus for the instantaneous part of the material model. The development and validation of the
material model are described in Chapter 3. The structural solver validation is described here followed by validation of the FSI solver. First, however, a description
of the mesh generation used for both the uid and structural domains is provided.

Mesh Generation
Flow Domain
The ow domain is meshed with GridGen [110], which supports the creation

of either structured or unstructured meshes. The ow model of the water tunnel

test conguration uses a structured mesh with 256,000 hexahedral cells. The mesh

resolution was evaluated using a coarsened mesh having 45,200 hexahedral cells
and a rened mesh having 664,000 hexahedral cells.
The mesh was created by rst constructing a boundary mesh on the ns
surface, extruding the surface mesh to create an o-grid (the peanut-shaped
mesh around the n in Figure 5.1), and then the outer volume between the o-grid
and the boundary surfaces was meshed, as shown in Figure 5.2. A top view of the
entire mesh is shown in Figure 5.3.
While the cells are uniformly spaced in the vertical direction on the domain
outer boundaries (Figure 5.4) they are concentrated in the tip region between the
n and upper wall of the test section, as shown in Figure 5.5. The cells are also
concentrated in the ow-direction near the leading and trailing edges of the foil,
as shown by these gures. The cells are concentrated near the leading and trailing
edges because the ow eld experiences large spatial gradients in these locations.

Fig. 5.1. Top view of o-grid during mesh construction for simulation of water
tunnel test


Fig. 5.2. Top view of water tunnel meshed ow domain, zoomed to show close-up
of foil region

Fig. 5.3. Top view of water tunnel meshed ow domain


Fig. 5.4. Front view of water tunnel meshed ow domain

Tip Concentration

Fig. 5.5. Slice through mesh showing concentration of cells near foil tip


Solid Domain
Two techniques are used to generate structural meshes for this work. The

rst technique is applicable to simple models, like the beams described previously
and in the next section, that can be extruded from planar elements. These meshes
are created manually in the commercial software Femap [139]. The second technique, used for more complicated models of the n and impeller, is a Matlab
application written by the author called bladeGen. This application rst uses
Non-Uniform, Rational B-Splines (NURBS) [107] to parameterize a surface, and
then applies a smooth mesh on the pressure and suction surfaces based on the
NURBS, and nally extrudes elements through the thickness. The user is given
two options for meshing at the leading and trailing edges; one option uses wedge
elements and the second uses rotated hexahedral elements to produce a mesh consisting of only hexahedral elements. The latter approach, which is used for this
work, results in an element cross-section distribution as shown in Figure 5.6. The
program features a GUI (Graphical User Interface) front end, shown in Figure 5.7.
As indicated by the GUI, the software allows the user to specify the number of elements in all three local directions (chord-wise, span-wise, and through-thickness)
and allows biasing in the chord-wise and span-wise directions. Once satisfactory
mesh distributions are achieved, the mesh resolution is changed by modifying the
number of elements in any of the three dimensions. The users previous settings
are saved in the computers registry (for the Microsoft Windows operation system)
and become the softwares default settings for ease in changing mesh resolution or
other settings at a dierent time without needing to re-enter the values.
The software requires input of blade section information in the form of point
locations sequentially ordered from the trailing edge along the suction surface to
the leading edge and then back the pressure surface to the trailing edge for all
sections (or slices of the n), starting at the blade root and extending to the blade
tip. A plot of the points required for the modied NACA 66 n, obtained by slicing


Fig. 5.6. Element through-thickness distribution for mesh with only hexahedral
elements; pressure surface is on the top side of the mesh, suction surface is on the
bottom side
the solid model at several span locations, is provided in Figure 5.8. Multiple llet
sections are used to ensure the mesh accurately represents the solid model in this
region of high-curvature. Note that these sections are scaled based on the measured
n shrinkage described in Section 4.2. An example mesh of the n, created using
the bladeGen software, is shown in Figure 3.7.

Structural Solver
The objective of the structural solver is to accurately translate uid forces

acting on a structure to displacements of the structure. The ability of the structural

solver developed for this eort to accomplish this objective is demonstrated in
this section. Because the primary mode of deformation in the models studied
here is bending, and because this usually causes the most diculty due to locking
eects for nearly-incompressible materials [23], comparisons are focused on bending
loads. The rst set of evaluations are for a slender beam model, followed by the
simulations of the modied NACA 66 n.


Fig. 5.7. Graphical user interface for bladeGen software

Mod 66 Sections


Fillet Sections

Fig. 5.8. Modied NACA 66 n showing locations of section points for the FE
mesh creation


Beam Bending Comparisons

The structural solver is validated by comparing simulation results from

feanl to either analytical results for linear, small-deformation problems or simulation results from the commercial software Abaqus [57] for nonlinear, largedeformation problems. Feanl is validated rst for small deformations and then for
large deformations. While the solver does support load types other than concentrated forces (e.g., tractions and enforced displacements), comparisons are provided
only for cases relevant to the modeling required herein.
The FE solver is rst validated for the linear response of a xed-free beam
with a single, concentrated tip load. The analytical solution is derived by integrat2

ing over the beam length the beam bending moment relation (d y/dx = M/EI)
with the boundary conditions of y(0) = 0, dy/dx|x=0 = 0, and a tip load P at
x = L:

(3L x) ,
where x is the distance along the beam, y is the beam deection, E is Youngs

modulus, I is the bending moment of inertia (I = bh /12 for the rectangular

cross section used here), and L is the beam length. The beam dimensions are
b = 6.5 mm, h = 3.5 mm, and L = 125 mm (Figure 3.10). A Youngs modulus
of 60 MPa is employed and for the nite element model a Poissons ratio of 0.33
is applied. The applied load acts in the negative y-direction with a magnitude of
0.001 N. Three nite element models have been developed, each of dierent mesh
resolutions. The coarsest mesh is shown in Figure 5.9. Comparisons of the FEsimulated beam deformations to the analytical results are provided in Figure 5.10.
The results in this gure show that the FE model converges to the analytical
solution with a maximum dierence at the beam tip of 28% for the coarse mesh
(100 elements), 4.6% for the medium mesh (1,600 elements), and 1.5% for the
rened mesh (12,800 elements). These results are similar to those obtained from


Tip Force

Fig. 5.9. Cantilevered beam coarse nite element mesh (100 elements) for validation
Abaqus: 26%, 3.9%, and 1.3%, respectively for the coarse, medium, and rened
mesh models.
The structural solver is also validated against Abaqus for a cantilevered
beam undergoing a large deformation. For this case, only a single mesh resolution
is employed because two nite element models are being compared. This model
uses the same dimensions used for the linear beam model, but the material properties are slightly dierent: a Youngs modulus of 69. MPa and a Poissons ratio of
0.49. Furthermore, the load magnitude has increased substantially to 2.2 N. The
beam deformation as computed by feanl is shown in Figure 5.11 and a comparison between feanl and Abaqus of the beam shape along the beam centerline is
shown in Figure 5.12. Feanl computes a beam tip displacement magnitude that
is 0.31% less than the value computed by Abaqus, which is well within anticipated specimen-to-specimen variations of the hardware (see the beam deection
variations in Figure 3.14).
The saveCurrentState and resetState member functions described in
Section 2.3.3 are required for tightly coupled solutions requiring sub-iterations.


100 Elements
1,600 Elements
12,800 Elements

(Beam Deflection)/(Beam Length), %




(Position Along Beam)/(Beam Length)



Fig. 5.10. Cantilevered beam linear model validation results showing nite element beam deformation compared to analytical results; the nite element results
are the centerline nodal displacements in the y-direction (the load is applied in the
negative y-direction, see Figure 5.9)


Fig. 5.11. Cantilevered beam nonlinear (large deformation) model deformation

computed by feanl; the light blue elements represent the undeformed shape; the
deformed shape is contoured by displacement magnitude in mm



(Beam Displacement Magnitude)/(Beam Length)









(Position Along Beam)/(Beam Length)



Fig. 5.12. Comparison of beam centerline vertical displacements computed by

feanl and Abaqus for the cantilevered beam subjected to a large deformation

These functions were validated using the xed-free beam of Figure 5.9 comprised
of a viscoelastic material and a concentrated load near the beams tip. The beam
deformation was simulated to 2 seconds, the current state was saved, the simulation
continued to 5 seconds where resetState was executed to reset the solver to the
state at 2 s and then the simulation continued until the end time of 100 s. A
plot of the tip deection versus time, provided in Figure 5.13, demonstrates that
the continuous and restarted results are identical, establishing the validity of this
solver operation.

Modied NACA 66 Fin

The ability of feanl to accurately model the modied NACA 66 n has

been demonstrated previously in Section 3.5.2, where a mesh convergence study

was reported and comparisons made to empirical results. The purpose of the
present section is to describe additional modeling capability of feanl.
FSI simulations were originally performed using the rened x 2 mesh of
the modied NACA 66 n described above in Section 3.5.2. However, the structural solution times were prohibitive and thus two alternative approaches were
pursued. The rst was a parallelized solver using PetSc. While this solver showed
improvement in system matrix assembly times because each processor creates matrix entries for its assigned elements, the default iterative solver converged very
slowly if at all for these problems. Alternative sparse, distributed memory direct
solvers, MUMPS [3] and SuperLU [85], were tried but without substantial solution
time improvements.
In parallel with this development, a second approach was explored that
involved alternative element formulations. Considered in this approach were pressure/displacement (i.e., hybrid) elements, selectively reduced-order elements, and


stateReset @ 2 s


ydisplacement, m

0.05 1




Time, s

Fig. 5.13.
Test beam model results demonstrating functionality of the
saveCurrentState and resetState member functions of Structure

quadratic elements. Hybrid elements are designed specically for nearly-incompressible materials and thus perform well. However, they require a substantial reformulation of the structural solver. It was then discovered that selectively reduced-order
integration elements, as described by Hughes [62], perform equivalently to the hybrid elements. Quadratic elements were also evaluated because, relative to linear
elements, they are not as susceptible to shear locking.
A comparison of the solution convergence of the coarse mesh model using
selectively reduced integration elements and the highly-rened (rened x 2) mesh
model of the n is shown in Figure 5.14. The agreement is excellent with only a
0.06% dierence between the tip displacement of the Hapex 598 n at 3600 s.
Also shown in this gure is the tip-displacement for the quadratic-element model,
which is within 0.7% of the rened x 2 mesh results. Given the good agreement
between the models and having already implemented the FSI interface coupling
algorithm for linear elements, the selectively reduced-order elements were chosen
for all subsequent models over the quadratic elements.
The motivation for this investigation was to replace the somewhat large
nite element model with a model that can be solved quickly based on long simulation times that occurred during the initial FSI simulations The original comparisons reported here were completed prior to implementing the reduced integration
and quadratic element support in feanl, and therefore the comparisons to experimental results presented previously employ the rened x 2 mesh.
It should be noted also that similar results to the Hapex beam models were
obtained when comparing pressure/displacement hybrid and reduced-integration
elements using Abaqus.
The dierence between n deformations for the large- and small-deformation
FE formulation is shown for the n subjected to the test tip load in Figure 5.15.
It is apparent from the results in this gure that a large-deformation formulation
is required for these analyses.


Coarse Reduced Int (4,692 Elements)
Refined 2 (37,976 Elements)
Coarse Quadratic (2,448 Elements)

Tip Deflection, m





0.03 2



Time, s




Fig. 5.14. Convergence of nite element n model using preliminary Hapex 598
material model



Vertical Direction, m



Large Deformation
Small Deformation






Horizontal Direction, m




Fig. 5.15. Comparison of nite element results for large- and small-displacement
formulations; outlines of deformed n along the mid-span of the coarse n model
are shown

The maximum equivalent strain computed for the n is approximately
1.47% as shown in Figure 5.16. This is slightly larger than the maximum strain
observed for the Hapex beams, but not substantially larger to invalidate the use
of a linear material constitutive relationship based on the good agreement between
the numerical and experimental results presented previously.

Fig. 5.16. Deformed n after 1 hr of relaxation, contoured by equivalent strain


Solver Performance
The performance of the structural solver is compared to that of the commer-

cial software Abaqus [57]. Two aspects are important in this comparison, which is
focused on the large-deformation formulation. The rst is the number of NewtonRaphson iterations required for a given solution increment. This evaluates the
accuracy and completeness of the stiness tangent of Equation 2.25. The second is
the time required per Newton-Raphson iteration. This comparison contrasts time
required to assemble the system matrix and residual vector and solve for the next
solution guess.

The test problem used to compare the solvers is the rened x 2 hydrofoil
model (see Section 3.5.2). This is the most germaine to the present work because it
features large deformations and viscoelasticity. Both solvers were executed using an
Intel dual quad core 2.39 GHz CPU having 8 GB RAM and running the Windows
XP operating system. Feanl used approximately 160 MB RAM while Abaqus
used approximately 130 MB, which is most likely due to dierent formulations
of the problem (Total versus Updated Lagrangian). Feanl required 82 solution
increments while Abaqus required 67 increments. This dierence is due to the use
of dierent time step sizes, which are determined by an automatic time stepping
algorithm in each solver. For instance, feanl doubles the time-step size if three
or less Newton-Raphson iterations are required for a solution step. Abaqus uses a
more complex rule, which is not described here.
The number of Newton-Raphson iterations per solution increment are plotted in Figure 5.17 versus the solution increment. This gure shows that Abaqus
generally requires far fewer time steps than feanl for a given solution increment.
This is due to dierent convergence constraints, dierent residual tangents, or a
combination of these. Feanl should be further evaluated in the future to improve
the convergence characteristics. Comparisons of wall-clock times on a per-iteration
basis, shows the solvers to be comparable. Abaqus requires approximately 2.93 s
per iteration and feanl requires approximately 1.55 s. However, feanl automatically uses multiple processor threads when available for the linear equation solves
and Abaqus does not. For this test case, feanl used two threads and Abaqus
used only one. The two largest consumers of clock time for feanl are the matrix assembly and linear equation solution. For this test problem, feanl spent
approximately 54% of the time assembling the system matrix and 42% of the time
solving the system of equations. Similar information is not available for Abaqus.
The results indicate feanl provides reasonable performance with respect to similar
commercial software.


Number of NewtonRaphson Iterations





Solution Increment





Fig. 5.17. Comparison of number of Newton-Raphson iterations per solution

increment for feanl and Abaqus


Structural Inverse Solver

The inverse structural solver is initially validated using a test case similar

to that employed by Fachinotti et al. [36]. Validation of the solver is also shown
for each inverse analysis employed in this work within the relevant sections of this
thesis. The test case of [36] is a two-dimensional cantilevered beam subjected
to a tip force as shown in Figure 5.18. The case used here diers from that in
[36] in that a linear-elastic material is employed here whereas their material was
orthotropic. The inverted structural shape is shown in Figure 5.19. Application
of the tip force to the inverted shape should cause the inverted shape to deform
into the original shape if the inverse solver is functioning properly. Figure 5.20
shows the nal shape of the inverted structure deformed by the tip force, colored
by the displacement error in meters. The maximum node location error is 0.09%,
thereby validating the inverse nite element solver for this large-deformation, linear
elastic case. Note that the inverse solver implementation makes no distinction
between constitutive materials and thus the solver should also function properly
for the viscoelastic materials considered here. However, comparisons are performed
elsewhere to ensure proper inverse shapes are used in the FSI simulations.

Flow Solver
The OpenFOAM simpleFoam ow solver is veried against the commercial

software Fluent [46]. The test case for this comparison is the modied NACA 66
n in the water tunnel. The model consists of uniform axial velocity of magnitude
1.2 m/s at the inlet, xed pressure at the outlet, incompressible, laminar ow,
and the rigid n was set at zero angle of attack. Figure 5.21 shows the boundary
conditions for this model. Contours of static pressure are compared in Figures 5.22
and 5.23 and the integrated stresses on the structures surfaces are provided in

Tip Force
= 120 N

0.48 m

0.16 m


E=7.5 MPa, =0.3

Fig. 5.18. Test case for structural inverse solver showing constraints, tip force,
and the structures dimensions
Table 5.1. These comparisons provide conrmation that the OpenFOAM solver is
functioning properly.
A mesh resolution study for the ow solver has also been conducted. Three
meshes have been used, a coarse mesh with 45,200 cells, a medium mesh with
256,000 cells (see Figures 5.1 through 5.5), and a rened mesh with 664,000 cells.
The static pressure contours on the n surface for the rened mesh are shown in
Figure 5.24 and the net n forces are compared to the medium-mesh n forces
in Table 5.2. With the exception of the force component in the z-direction, the
medium mesh agrees within 1% of the rened mesh. Because of the minor eect
the z-direction loads have on this application, and the computational cost of the
rened mesh over the medium mesh, the medium mesh is used throughout the
work reported here. The ultimate conrmation of model accuracy comes from
comparisons of the FSI solver with experimental results, which is described below
after a brief discussion of the mesh motion solver.


Fig. 5.19. Structural inverse solver test case showing the inverted shape (shaded
elements) and the original shape (transparent elements)

Table 5.1. Structural forces


(pressure + viscous) for solver validation study

0.0927 N -0.305 N 0.0321 N
0.0915 N -0.309 N 0.0317 N


x 10









Fig. 5.20. Inverted model deformed into the original shape from application of
the tip force; contoured by location error in meters with respect to the original

Table 5.2. Structural forces (pressure +

Number of Cells
0.108 N -0.337 N
0.0915 N -0.309 N
0.0908 N -0.306 N

viscous) for
0.0361 N
0.0317 N
0.0298 N

solver validation study

|F |
0.356 N 10.1%
0.323 N
0.321 N


Pressure Outlet

Velocity Inlet
All other walls:
no-slip, impermeable
velocity = wall velocity
pressure is zero gradient

Fig. 5.21. Boundary conditions for the water tunnel simulations; all walls are
stationary except the n surfaces

Fluid Mesh Motion Solver

The purpose of the mesh motion solver is to track the uid/solid interface

and deform the uid mesh to accommodate structure deformations while maintaining sucient mesh quality. The validity of the mesh motion solver is therefore
evaluated by ensuring that 1) the uid/solid boundary from the perspective of the
uid mesh matches the uid/solid boundary from the perspective of the structural
mesh, and 2) the uid mesh has acceptable quality. All mesh motion schemes
employed in this work rely on a motion specication of F/S , which occurs by
displacement interpolations within the structural solver to reference element locations corresponding to each uid boundary vertex. Run-time checks are performed
during each simulation to ensure all uid motion vertices are correctly mapped to
the structural elements and that the structure solver accurately locates each uid
motion vertex in its owner structural element, both of which were previously described. A failure in either regard is considered a fatal error.


Fig. 5.22. Contours of static pressure (Pa) on n surface as computed by Fluent

at inlet ow speed of 1.2 m/s


Fig. 5.23. Contours of static pressure (Pa) on n surface as computed by OpenFOAM at inlet ow speed of 1.2 m/s using the medium-renement mesh


Fig. 5.24. Contours of static pressure (Pa) on n surface as computed by OpenFOAM at inlet ow speed of 1.2 m/s using the rened mesh

The second criterion for the mesh motion solver is mesh quality, which
not only concerns cell quality but loosely includes boundary conformity. The
meshs cell quality is checked after completion of each simulation using OpenFOAMs checkMesh utility, which checks things such as aspect ratios, volumes,
non-orthogonality, and skewness [69]. The approach employed in this work is to
ensure the mesh quality does not substantially degrade from the undeformed mesh
quality. The boundaries are also reviewed to ensure the solver functions as planned
and that gross errors like that shown in Figure 2.5 have not occurred.
In general, the mesh motion solvers employed here, with the exception of
the Laplace tetrahedral decomposition solver, cause fatal run-time errors if they
are not working properly. However, motion of the uid mesh remains the most
non-robust aspect of the three-eld FSI solver implemented in this work. Further
work is required in this area for future endeavors.

FluidStructure Interaction Solver

This section discusses the validation of the FSI solver for quasi-steady prob-

lems using the viscoelastic, modied NACA 66 n subject to incompressible, laminar ow. The approach is to simulate the water tunnel test described in Chapter 4
and compare results for time-dependent n deformation. The measured n deections have been quantied at the n tips, and video images looking down from
above the test section are available for qualitative comparisons. The simulations
employ the structured mesh of the ow eld described in Section 5.1.1 and the
coarse structural mesh of Section 5.1.2 with selectively-reduced integration linear
hexahedral elements. Motion of the ow mesh was accomplished initially using
OpenFOAMs Laplace face decomposition solver and later transitioned to the custom RMF to enable the problem to be solved in parallel (to dramatically reduce
the solution wall-clock times).

Simulations for multiple angles of attack were required because of the inability to accurately quantify the AOA during the water tunnel testing. Simulations

for AOAs ranging from +0.5 to 2.5 were performed and then compared against
the baseline AOA test results. Satisfactory agreement between the simulation and
test results for the single AOA is sucient to conrm validation of the solver because the temporal degree of freedom must also match. However, for additional
conrmation comparisons are made for a second AOA. Recall, the absolute AOA
for the water tunnel tests could not be dened, but changes in the AOA were
very accurately and precisely controlled using a long lever arm and shim stock as
previously described. Comparisons are reported here for the baseline AOA and

the baseline AOA 0.25 . (The method used to modify the n AOA for the FSI
simulations is discussed in Section 2.5.1.)
The boundary conditions for the water tunnel test simulations include a
prescribed velocity inlet, prescribed pressure at the outlet, and no-slip conditions
at all surfaces as shown in Figure 5.21.
The inlet velocity prole is prescribed to be uniform and solely in the xdirection, with a time-varying magnitude. The water tunnels test section velocity
varied with time during startup from 0 to nominally 1.22 m/s in about 100 s.
This temporal variation of Ux was quantied during some early tests and is used
throughout all tunnel simulations reported here. A plot of the ow speed versus
time is shown in Figure 5.25. This closely represents the experimental ow speeds
as shown in Figure 5.26.
Comparisons of the leading and trailing edge tip deections are provided

next for the baseline AOA and baseline AOA 0.25 in Figures 5.27 and 5.28,
respectively. These gures show good agreement between the measured and simulated blade tip deections. Note that the ordinate scaling between these plots is
consistent to facilitate amplitude comparisons between the dierent AOAs. The
slope of the curves, caused by changes in load magnitude and n stiness as the





U , m/s









Time, s






Fig. 5.25. The x-component of the inlet boundarys velocity, Ux , as a function of

simulation time; Ux = 1.22 m/s for all times greater than 100 s


Flow Speed


Flow Speed, m/s



Test 47, BaselineAOA
Test 48, BaselineAOA
Test 44, 0.25


Simulation, 1.125 AOA






1000 1200
Time, s




Fig. 5.26. Flow speed comparison for the tunnel tests and simulations


n relaxes and changes the span-wise AOA, match well, as do the curve amplitudes. The n deection results are also presented in terms of pitch and heave in
Figures 5.29 and 5.30, respectively. These gures show the same information as in
Figures 5.27 and 5.28 but facilitate the interpretation of the results. As reported
previously, noise in the load cell measurements precluded their use here. However,
it is instructive to plot the n lift (i.e., y-direction force) for the simulated results.
These results, shown in Figure 5.31 for both AOAs, indicate the n lift decreases
with time as the n deforms.
Images of the deforming n from Test 44 at various times during the experiment and the corresponding FSI simulated results are shown in Figures 5.32 and

5.33. These images correspond to the tip deection plots for the simulated 0.375

AOA in Figures 5.27 and 5.28. The images show good qualitative agreement of
the simulation to the measured response.
The maximum strain levels in the simulated n results are less than 0.7%

as shown in Figure 5.34. These results are for the 1.375 AOA case, which has

larger deformations than the 1.125 AOA case and therefore higher strain. The
use of the linear-elastic material model as derived herein is therefore acceptable
for these simulations.

Solver Performance
The performance of the FSI solver is characterized based on time required to

solve each of the three elds: uid, solid, and mesh motion. Relative comparisons
of the dierent mesh motion techniques are then made. The modied NACA 66 n

having a 1.125 AOA and the medium-density uid mesh is used for the timing
study presented here. Figures 5.35 and 5.36 show the elapsed wall-clock times
per solution time increment for the Laplace face decomposition and the custom
RMF mesh motion solvers, respectively. Results were generated on a Linux cluster
having 256 2.8 GHz 64-bit Intel processors with 2 GB RAM per processor. It is


LE Tip Deflection

x 10

LE Tip Deflection, m

Test 47, BaselineAOA
Test 48, BaselineAOA
Test 44, 0.25

Simulation, 1.125 AOA


Simulation, 1.375 AOA





1000 1200
Time, s




Fig. 5.27. Simulated and measured leading edge tip deection



TE Tip Deflection

x 10

Test 47, BaselineAOA

Test 48, BaselineAOA
Test 44, 0.25
Simulation, 1.125 AOA
Simulation, 1.375 AOA

TE Tip Deflection, m






1000 1200
Time, s




Fig. 5.28. Simulated and measured trailing edge tip deection



Pitch Change at Fin Tip

Test 47, BaselineAOA
Test 48, BaselineAOA
Test 44, 0.25

Simulation, 1.125 AOA

Simulation, 1.375 AOA

Pitch Change, Degrees






1000 1200
Time, s




Fig. 5.29. Simulated and measured pitch angle change at the n tip











Test 47, BaselineAOA

Test 48, BaselineAOA
Test 44, 0.25

Simulation, 1.125 AOA

Simulation, 1.375 AOA


Fig. 5.30.





1000 1200
Time, s





Simulated and measured heave at the n tip, normalized by the n


Lift Force
Simulation, 1.125 AOA
Simulation, 1.375 AOA


Lift Force, N





Time, s

Fig. 5.31. Simulated lift force corresponding to the baseline and baseline 0.25


Fig. 5.32. Fin deformation comparisons between experiment and simulation for
time 10 s to 600 s (window surface bubbles present in top left image)


Fig. 5.33. Fin deformation comparisons between experiment and simulation for
time 1050 s to 1500 s


Fig. 5.34. Fin strain contour for the 1.375 AOA FSI simulations at t = 1500 s

evident from these gures that the ow solver requires the most time, followed by
either the structural solver if the custom RMF mesh motion solver is used, or by
the mesh motion solver if the Laplace face decomposition solver is used. Similar
results are obtained for parallel execution of the solver using 16 processors, as
shown by the results in Figure 5.37 for the RMF mesh motion solver. A summary
of these results, in terms of the solution time percentages for each of the three
elds per simulation, is provided in Table 5.3.

Table 5.3. Comparison of solver

1 Processor, Laplace Face Decomposition
1 Processor, RMF
16 Processors, RMF

elapsed wall-clock times

Flow Structure Mesh Motion
74.8% 4.1%
93.2% 5.9%
81.0% 18.5%

It should be noted that the initial solves of the structure require the most
time because it is during this time that the largest change in structure shape occurs.
Several solution increments are required to simulate this time period. Later in the
simulation, the structures time step size is increased and requires less time per
FSI time increment.
Memory requirements were characterized using the n model for the Laplacian face decomposition and the custom RMF mesh motion solvers. The former
requires approximately 1.9 GB, while the latter approach requires approximately
1.2 GB. Using the domain decomposition approach for parallel processing, the
per-processor memory requirement decreases from these values.

Solver Subiterations
A study was conducted to determine the number of subiterations required

to tightly couple the ow and structure solvers. The study was conducted using a


Solver Times for 1 Processor and Laplace Face Decomp Mesh Motion
Mesh Motion

Wall Clock Time Per Increment, s









Simulation Time, s




Fig. 5.35. Elapsed wall-clock times per solution time increment for each of the
three FSI elds for the modied NACA 66 n and the Laplace face decomposition
mesh motion solver


Solver Times for 1 Processor and RMF Mesh Motion

Mesh Motion

Wall Clock Time Per Increment, s









Simulation Time, s




Fig. 5.36. Elapsed wall-clock times per solution time increment for each of the
three FSI elds for the modied NACA 66 n and the custom RMF mesh motion


Solver Times for 16 Processors and RMF Mesh Motion

Mesh Motion

Wall Clock Time Per Increment, s









Simulation Time, s




Fig. 5.37. Elapsed wall-clock times per solution time increment for each of the
three FSI elds for the modied NACA 66 n and the custom RMF mesh motion
solver; solver executed in parallel on 16 processors

xed relaxation parameter, i , for the xed-point relaxation shown in Figure 2.12.

The medium-rened mesh with an AOA of 1.125 and inlet ow speed of 1.22 m/s
was employed for this study. The leading and trailing edge points at 100% span
and lift force versus time are compared in Figures 5.38, 5.39, and 5.40, respectively.
The simulation results are reported to 700 s in these gures. The results show good
agreement between each of the dierent degrees of coupling. However, if the results
are plotted on a logarithmic scale for the abscissa, Figures 5.41, 5.42, and 5.43, it is
evident that dierences are largest during the rst 100 seconds of the simulations.
During this period, the inlet ow speed changes and the n deformations are due
to elastic relaxation, which has a short time scale. After 100 seconds, the inlet
ow speed is constant and only the viscoelastic material relaxes. The results for
coupling with less than ten sub-iterations are compared against the results using
ten sub-iterations for the leading edge and lift force in Figures 5.44 and 5.45. A
similar plot for the trailing edge deection is not shown because the trailing edge
deection passes through zero causing the %-error results to be misleading (i.e.,
a division by zero). These results demonstrate that the use of 10 xed relaxation
sub-iterations provides results that are tightly coupled to within a few percent error
during tunnel startup (i.e., t 100 s) and much more accurate for t > 100 s. Note
that these results employed a simulation time step size of 5 s. Decreasing the time
step size would reduce the number of required sub-iterations for the same coupling
accuracy or alternatively improve the coupling accuracy while maintaining the
same number of sub-iterations. Based on these results, all simulations reported
here employ a constant relaxation factor with ten sub-iterations and the dynamic
relaxation factor of Equation 2.49 is not used.


LE Tip Deflection

x 10

LE Tip Deflection, m

1.125 AOA, loose coupling

1.125 AOA, 2 subiterations

1.125 AOA, 3 subiterations

1.125 AOA, 5 subiterations

1.125 AOA, 10 subiterations









Time, s

Fig. 5.38. Fin leading edge tip deection at 100% span for various numbers of
sub-iterations with constant under-relaxation


TE Tip Deflection

x 10

1.125 AOA, loose coupling

1.125 AOA, 2 subiterations

1.125 AOA, 3 subiterations

1.125 AOA, 5 subiterations

1.125 AOA, 10 subiterations

TE Tip Deflection, m









Time, s

Fig. 5.39. Fin trailing edge tip deection at 100% span for various numbers of
sub-iterations with constant under-relaxation


Lift Force

1.125 AOA, loose coupling

1.125 AOA, 2 subiterations


1.125 AOA, 3 subiterations

1.125 AOA, 5 subiterations

1.125 AOA, 10 subiterations

Lift Force, N














Time, s

Fig. 5.40. Fin lift force for various numbers of sub-iterations with constant underrelaxation


LE Tip Deflection

x 10

1.125 AOA, loose coupling

1.125 AOA, 2 subiterations

1.125 AOA, 3 subiterations

LE Tip Deflection, m

1.125 AOA, 5 subiterations

1.125 AOA, 10 subiterations



Time, s

Fig. 5.41. Fin leading edge tip deection at 100% span for various numbers of
sub-iterations with constant under-relaxation; plotted on logarithmic scale


TE Tip Deflection

x 10

1.125 AOA, loose coupling

1.125 AOA, 2 subiterations

1.125 AOA, 3 subiterations

1.125 AOA, 5 subiterations
1.125 AOA, 10 subiterations

TE Tip Deflection, m



Time, s

Fig. 5.42. Fin trailing edge tip deection at 100% span for various numbers of
sub-iterations with constant under-relaxation; plotted on logarithmic scale


Lift Force
1.125 AOA, loose coupling


1.125 AOA, 2 subiterations

1.125 AOA, 3 subiterations
1.125 AOA, 5 subiterations


Lift Force, N

1.125 AOA, 10 subiterations







Time, s

Fig. 5.43. Fin lift force for various numbers of sub-iterations with constant underrelaxation; plotted on logarithmic scale


LE Tip Deflection

LE Tip Deflection, %Error





loose coupling w.r.t.
2 subiterations w.r.t.
3 subiterations w.r.t.
5 subiterations w.r.t.



10 subiterations
10 subiterations
10 subiterations
10 subiterations


Time, s

Fig. 5.44. Fin leading edge tip deection at 100% span for various numbers of subiterations with constant under-relaxation compared to case with ten sub-iterations


Lift Force


Lift Force, %Error





loose coupling w.r.t.

2 subiterations w.r.t.
3 subiterations w.r.t.
5 subiterations w.r.t.


10 subiterations
10 subiterations
10 subiterations
10 subiterations


Time, s

Fig. 5.45. Fin lift force for various numbers of sub-iterations with constant underrelaxation compared to case with ten sub-iterations

Chapter 6

Modied NACA 66 Fin Inverse Model Simulations

The validated FSI and inverse nite element solvers are applied to the modied NACA 66 n to assess the validity of using the inverse approach for the timedependent, viscoelastic response. The objective of the inverse model is to dene an

inverted shape that deforms into the desired (design) shape due to uid loading.

The inverse simulations are evaluated for several n AOAs. FSI simulations are
used for each case to evaluate the validity of the inverted shapes.

Simulations of an inverted model require the following steps. First, the loads

acting on a n in its design shape are determined. This is accomplished by running

a modied version of simpleFsiFoam, called simpleFsiFoamRigidStructure. This
solver treats the structure as a rigid entity but still calculates the uid loading
on the structure based on the interface coupling scheme for the disparate meshes.
These forces are applied to the structural model and the inverse FE solver, ifeanl,
is used to determine node locations for the corresponding inverted model.
Barring the use of the ow solvers mesh motion capability, the next step
would involve the creation of a new uid mesh. Rather than performing this
labor-intensive task, the mesh motion solver is used, along with the structural
solvers member function setNodeDisplacements, to deform the uid mesh. The
simpleFsiFoam solver is once-again modied to accomplish this task, and the
new solver is called fsiInverseFoam. This solver reads a text le containing the
If the material exhibited purely elastic deformation, then the inverse shape would deform into the
design shape. Viscoelasticity introduces a temporal component to the materials response and thus the
shape will only correspond to the design shape for an instant as it passes through the shape.

structural nodal displacements from the design shape to the inverted shape, and
moves the uid mesh accordingly. The moved mesh then becomes the starting
mesh for the inverse FSI analysis. The inverted structural model created from
ifeanl is also used in the inverted FSI analysis.
The use of a stress-relaxing material requires the inverse evaluation to occur
over a specied amount of time, and ideally the forward FSI analysis will show the
inverted model deforming into the design shape after being exposed to the ow
eld for that same amount of time. Some error is anticipated because of the
nonlinearity of the history-dependent, viscoelastic material. As such, load ramps
are used when appropriate to approximate the anticipated load history of the uid
on the structure during deformation from the inverted shape to the design shape.

The inverse analysis of the modied NACA 66 n employs the same uid and

structural meshes described previously. The ow conditions are similar to those described elsewhere: laminar, incompressible, the same uid and viscoelastic material
m/s that is
properties used previously, and a uniform inlet velocity of (1.2i, 0
j, 0k)
gradually applied with the temporal variation similar to that shown in Figure 5.25

but scaled by the factor 1.2/1.22 to yield a maximum velocity of 1.2 m/s. The
inverse structural analysis is used to determine the inverted shape corresponding to

1, 000 s of relaxation for the design-shape uid loading at AOAs 1.5 , 2 , and

3 . Comparisons of the design- and inverse-shapes are provided in Figure 6.1 for

an AOA of 3 showing a three-dimensional view of the n outline and top view of

all three AOAs in Figures 6.2 to 6.4. As evident from these gures, the dierence
between the inverse and design shape increases with increasing magnitude of the
AOA, as expected. To ensure the inverted shape is accurate, the uid design-shape

The ow speed objective of the water tunnel tests was 1.2 m/s, but was closer to 1.22 m/s. Therefore,
many of the FSI simulations were performed at 1.2 m/s and additional FSI simulations at 1.22 m/s were
performed for the validation study.

loads are applied to the inverted models and comparisons are made between the
deformed inverted shape at 1, 000 s and the design shape. The dierence between
each node of the design geometry and the deformed inverse geometry is shown in
Figures 6.5 to 6.7 for the three AOAs. The maximum error for all cases is less

than 6.5x10

m, which is about 5 orders of magnitude less than the chord length,

thereby validating the inverse shapes.

Ideally, the FSI solver would show the inverted shape deforming into the
design shape at 1000 s. Plots of n tip location at the leading and trailing edges
versus time are used to quantify the results. The results are provided in Figures 6.8
to 6.10. In each of these gures, it is evident that time at which the n shape
coincides with the design shape occurs later than the target time of 1000 s, between
40 and 80 s late for the cases shown here. The reason for this discrepancy is related
to the material time-dependency and discrepancy between actual and simulated
load history. The inverse shapes are determined assuming a linear load application
from 0 to the maximum at the design conditions over a period of 100 s. In reality,
the load time-dependency is unknown but could be estimated by iteration of the
inverse problem stated here. Plots of load magnitude versus time for the inverse FE
analysis and the FSI simulation of the inverted shape are shown in Figures 6.11 to
6.13, corresponding to the results in Figures 6.8 to 6.10, respectively. Each of these
load plots shows the inverse FE analysis applied loads that are generally of larger
magnitude than the load resulting from the FSI simulations. This discrepancy is
the underlying cause of each of the FSI simulations missing the target times in
Figures 6.8 to 6.10.
It is expected that increases in the AOA beyond a certain value will cause the
forward FSI simulation to diverge from the design shape, but this is not explored
here. Rather, it is observed that the inverse analysis technique can produce an
inverted shape that deforms into the design shape. However, to arrive at the
design shape at a specic time requires additional knowledge of the load, a priori.


Design Shape
Inverse Shape

Fig. 6.1. Inverted n shape corresponding to 1000 s of relaxation under the uid

loads for a n with an AOA of 3 compared to design shape n


Design Shape
Inverted Shape

Fig. 6.2. Top view of inverted n shape corresponding to 1000 s of relaxation

under the uid loads for a n with an AOA of 1.5

Design Shape
Inverted Shape

Fig. 6.3. Top view of inverted n shape corresponding to 1000 s of relaxation

under the uid loads for a n with an AOA of 2.

Design Shape
Inverted Shape

Fig. 6.4. Top view of inverted n shape corresponding to 1000 s of relaxation

under the uid loads for a n with an AOA of 3.

(Location Error)/(Chord Length), %



Fig. 6.5. Node location error (shown as a percentage of chord length) between

design shape and deformed inverse shape for a 1.5 AOA

(Location Error)/(Chord Length), %



Fig. 6.6. Node location error (shown as a percentage of chord length) between

design shape and deformed inverse shape for a 2 AOA

(Location Error)/(Chord Length), %



Fig. 6.7. Node location error (shown as a percentage of chord length) between

design shape and deformed inverse shape for a 3 AOA

Such a requirement can be met with an iterative approach, but this is not explored
here but instead recommended for future work in this area.
Tip Node Distance from Design Location

(ydir Distance)/(Chord Length)






1000 1200
Time, s





Fig. 6.8. FSI simulation of inverted n for 1.5 AOA; deviation of leading and
trailing edge points from the design shape location


The inverse structural FE solver accurately denes inverse shapes for the

modied NACA 66 n for the given load history. These inverse shapes do deform
into the design shapes when subjected to ow stresses. However, slight discrepancies exist in meeting the target times at which the shape should conform to the
design shape. This is attributed to inaccurate load histories used in the inverse
FE analysis. For cases where the time at which the design shape is achieved is of


Tip Node Distance from Design Location


(ydir Distance)/(Chord Length)










1000 1200
Time, s





Fig. 6.9. FSI simulation of inverted n for 2.0 AOA; deviation of leading and
trailing edge points from the design shape location


Tip Node Distance from Design Location


(ydir Distance)/(Chord Length)










1000 1200
Time, s





Fig. 6.10. FSI simulation of inverted n for 3.0 AOA; deviation of leading and
trailing edge points from the design shape location



Applied Force Magnitude, N


FE Inverse Force
FSI Simulation Force


Time, s


Fig. 6.11. FSI simulation of inverted n for 1.5 AOA; FSI force compared to
force used during FE inverse analysis



Applied Force Magnitude, N


FE Inverse Force
FSI Simulation Force


Time, s


Fig. 6.12. FSI simulation of inverted n for 2.0 AOA; FSI force compared to
force used during FE inverse analysis




Applied Force Magnitude, N






FE Inverse Force
FSI Simulation Force


Time, s


Fig. 6.13. FSI simulation of inverted n for 3.0 AOA; FSI force compared to
force used during FE inverse analysis

utmost importance, an iterative approach will be required to rene the load history used in the inverse structural analysis. It is also speculated that some inverse
shapes can lead to a diverging system that requires a system modication, such as
a time-varying AOA, to achieve the design shape. The next chapter demonstrates
the inverse approach for the viscoelastic expandable impeller pump.

Chapter 7

Expandable Impeller Pump Simulations

One of the objectives of this thesis is to determine if an inverse technique

can be used to derive a manufacture shape for a viscoelastic expandable impeller
pump. The goal of the manufacture, or inverse, shape is to accommodate impeller
deformations that will occur due to elastic and viscoelastic response of the impeller
material to uid stress at operating conditions. Ideally, the inverse shape will
pass through the design shape at a prescribed time as described previously for
the modied NACA 66 simulations. The FSI solver and the inverse technique
have been demonstrated in previous chapters of this dissertation for a single n
subjected to quasi-steady ow. This chapter discusses the application of the FSI
solver and the inverse technique to a rotating viscoelastic impeller comprised of
two blades. The impeller is prescribed to rotate at 500 rev/s and the ow is treated
as incompressible and laminar with a ow rate of 5 L/min. The impeller has an
outside diameter of 5.9 mm, and operates in a 6.0 mm-diameter pipe, yielding a
radial tip clearance of 0.05 mm. The uid (blood) is approximated as Newtonian
(see [35] for discussion of why a Newtonian model is acceptable for blood) with a
kinematic viscosity = 3.302x

m /s and density = 1060 kg/m . The Reynolds

number based on chord and tip relative velocity is approximately 14, 700, which
is far less than the critical Reynolds number of 200, 000. Therefore, the ow is
modeled as laminar.
The purpose of this analysis is to demonstrate the FSI solver and the inverse
analysis approach for the rotating impeller and thus a mesh convergence study is
not performed. The creation of the uid and structural meshes is described next,
followed by the simulation results. Note that the pump impeller described in

Chapter 1 consists of two blade rows with two blades per row. The impeller used
in this analysis consists only of the upstream blade row which exhibits the largest
blade deformation.

Mesh Generation
Mesh creation for both the ow and structure domains follows a similar

procedure to that used for the single n model described in Section 5.1. Details
of the mesh creation for the ow domain of the impeller model are provided next,
followed by mesh creation for the impeller structure.

Flow Domain
The complexity of the impeller geometry, shown in Figure 7.1, made dicult

the use of a structured uid mesh having acceptable cell quality. An unstructured
mesh was therefore created in GridGen. The mesh was created as a cyclic symmetric mesh with two-times symmetry (Figure 7.2) and consists of 500,178 tetrahedral
cells. The mesh was then rotated about the symmetry axis to create a full mesh.
The use of a full mesh eliminated the need for multi-point constraints and cylindrical coordinate systems in the structural solver.

Structural Domain
The impeller mesh is created using the bladeGen Matlab application de-

scribed previously in Section 5.1.2. The blade sections used by bladeGen are shown
plotted on the impeller geometry (note the use of symmetry requires the creation
of only a single blade model) in Figure 7.3. The coarse section points shown in
this gure are sucient to create a fairly accurate representation of the blade.
However, to ensure the blade surface nodes are correctly placed, each is projected
onto the blade solid bodys surface using the commercial software Femap[139].


Fig. 7.1. Solid model of viscoelastic impeller

Fig. 7.2. Unstructured cyclic-symmetric uid mesh for expandable impeller pump


Fig. 7.3. Impeller blade section points plotted with the impeller solid model;
these points are used by bladeGen to create the impeller FE mesh
The resulting nite element mesh of the impeller is shown in Figure 7.4.
Note that the mesh was created solely by bladeGen, except for some hand-work to
x a few distorted elements in the hub and also to create the nose and downstream
ends of the hub. The mesh shown in this gure consists of 9,676 hexahedral
elements and 13,404 nodes.
The hub is comprised of an embedded tube that is much stier than the
impeller material, which results in negligible rotation of the hub due to uid loading
on the blade surfaces. This fact enables the hub region to be eliminated from
the structural model during the FSI simulations, which reduces the number of
wetted surfaces that must be searched and interpolated for mesh motion. The
nal impeller model consists of two blades, each constrained at their roots as
shown by Figure 7.5. This model is comprised of 4,896 elements and 7,696 nodes.
Note that the blade deformation due to centrifugal force is accounted for in
the analyses. The deformations resulting from the force are very small as shown


Fig. 7.4. Impeller nite element mesh showing the blade and hub section elements
by distinct colors; the model is constrained at the downstream end of the hub


Fig. 7.5. The nal impeller nite element mesh showing the blades constrained
at the roots

by the displacement contours in Figure 7.6. These displacements are a result of
only the centrifugal body force application to the impeller for a period of 1, 000 s.

Fig. 7.6. Impeller deformations (contoured by displacement magnitude as a percentage of the impeller diameter) due solely to centrifugal force when rotating at
30, 000 rpm


Rigid Impeller Simulation
Prior to showing blade deformation results, rigid-impeller results are pre-

sented in order to provide a qualitative check that the ow solver is functioning

properly and to describe the ow boundary conditions. The prescribed ow rate
of 5 L/min is introduced to the system as a uniform x-direction ow at 2.947 m/s.
The velocity inlet and the stationary pipe wall velocities (in the absolute reference
frame) are shown in Figure 7.7. The impeller (blades and hub) are prescribed to

rotate about the x-axis at 500 rev/s. Figure 7.8 shows the boundary velocity magnitude in the absolute frame of reference. The resulting pressure distribution over
the pipe wall and impeller surfaces is shown in Figures 7.9 and 7.10, respectively.
The net head rise across the impeller is 43.4 mmHg based on the impeller thrust.

Non-Rotating Wall

Prescribed Uniform
Inlet Velocity

Fig. 7.7. Inlet and pipe wall velocity magnitude in the absolute reference frame
for the impeller simulations


FSI Simulation
With a rigid-impeller ow solution that provides qualitatively correct re-

sults, a exible impeller is introduced using the same viscoelastic material used previously. A tightly coupled FSI simulation is employed using the MRFSimpleFsiFoam
described previously using ten coupling subiterations. The mesh motion solver
employed for this analysis is the custom RMF technique described in Section 2.4.
This mesh motion solver enables the simulations to take place in parallel. Sixteen


Rotating Surfaces

Fig. 7.8. Impeller and hub velocity magnitude in the absolute reference frame for
the impeller simulations


Fig. 7.9. Inlet and pipe wall pressure magnitude for the prescribed boundary
conditions and a rigid impeller


Outlet Prescribed

Fig. 7.10. Pressure contours on the impeller and hub for the prescribed boundary
conditions and a rigid impeller

processors were used to solve the problem on the ARL/Penn State 256 processor
computer previously described. The simulations take place over 1, 450 s. There is
no signicance to the simulation time other than it provides sucient information
to show trends in the results.
Figure 7.11 shows pressure contours on the ow boundaries and some streamlines contoured by ow speed for various times during the simulation. The t = 0 s
results occur just prior to the impeller deforming and the largest impeller deformation per solution time step occurs during the initial deformation (the elastic part of
the deformation). Except for changes during the initial elastic deformation, there
is little change in the ow character during the viscoelastic relaxation.
The impeller deformation at 1450 s is shown in Figure 7.12 contoured by
total displacement magnitude and in Figure 7.13 showing contours of radial deformation. The maximum radial deformation occurs at the blade tip and represents
an increase in the tip clearance by approximately 78.4%. A plot of the impeller
minimum tip clearance, normalized by the design tip clearance, versus time is provided in Figure 7.14. The pump head rise follows a trend similar to that of the tip
clearance and is shown in Figure 7.15.
The decrease in pump performance can be oset by accounting for the
impeller deformations during the design phase. This is demonstrated in the next

Inverse Simulation
The inverse analysis for the expandable impeller pump employs the same

procedure used previously for the modied NACA 66 n. The rst step in the
procedure is to compute the impeller loads for a rigid impeller in the desired
design conguration. These loads are then applied to the impeller for the inverse
structural analysis. Unlike the n analysis where the ow speed is increased linearly
from zero to the maximum value, the uid load is applied instantaneously in the



250 s

1250 s

Fig. 7.11. Impeller pressure contours on the ow boundaries for select simulation
times from 0 s (just prior to the impeller deformation) to 1250 s; streamlines are
shown colored by velocity magnitude


Fig. 7.12. Impeller deformation at 1450 s contoured by displacement magnitude

as a percentage of the impeller diameter

Fig. 7.13. Impeller deformation at 1450 s contoured by radial displacement as a

percentage of the impeller diameter

Minimum Tip Clearance (Normalized by Design Tip Clearance)












Time, s

Fig. 7.14. Impeller tip clearance change with time




Head Rise, mmHg





Time, s

Fig. 7.15. Pump head rise variation with time due to impeller blade deformation;
head rise at t = 0 s represents head rise prior to any impeller deformation

impeller FSI simulations. The inverted structural shape is shown in Figure 7.16
color-contoured by displacement magnitude. This shape corresponds to application
of the design loads for a time period of 100 s. There is no signicance to the use of
100 s here, other than it allows the initial elastic deformation and some viscoelastic
relaxation and does not require substantial computer time to solve. Figure 7.17
shows the same inverted shape, but color-contoured by radial displacement. The
maximum radial deformation shown in this gure occurs at the blade tips and
represents a reduction of the design-shape tip clearance by approximately 57%.
The error in the inverted shape shown in Figure 7.18 indicates the inverted
shape computed by ifeanl results in a design shape that diers from the intent
with an error approximately four orders of magnitude less than the maximum
inverse deection amplitude. The error of the inverted shape is about three orders
of magnitude lower than the manufacturing tolerance for such an impeller.

Fig. 7.16. Pump impeller inverted shape, color contoured by displacement magnitude as a percentage of the impeller diameter


Fig. 7.17. Pump impeller inverted shape, color contoured by radial displacement
as a percentage of the impeller diameter

Fig. 7.18. Distance, as a percentage of the impeller diameter, from the design
shape to inverted shape deformed by the design loads; the displacements shown
here indicate an inverse error approximately three orders of magnitude smaller
than the maximum inverse deformation shown in Figure 7.16

Next, the inverted shape is subjected to uid loads using the FSI solver and
simulated for 150 s, which is long enough to determine if the inverse shape deforms
into the desired design shape at 100 s and shows how the impeller deforms shortly
after this time. Comparisons are made between nodes of the inverse model and the
design shape model at 100 s. The maximum distance between all nodes is shown
in Figure 7.19 for various number of FSI subiterations. As shown by this gure,
three or more sub-iterations provide nearly indistinguishable results. However, ten
sub-iterations are used for all results reported in this chapter. Location errors
are reported for the LE and TE points at 100% span in Figures 7.20 and 7.21,
respectively. The net blade force for a single blade (summing over both blades
would cancel all loads but the axial load because of the 2 x cyclic symmetry) is
shown in Figure 7.22.
The minimum nodal location error of Figure 7.19 represents the time at
which the inverted geometry best matches the design geometry. The minimum
in this plot occurs at 95 s which diers slightly from the intended target time
of 100 s. The location error has a maximum value for all nodes at this time of


m, which is 0.01% of the impeller design diameter and is more than an

order of magnitude less than typical manufacturing tolerances for this type of part.
However, the LE tip location error reaches a minimum at approximately 55 s while
the TE tip reaches a minimum location error at 125 s. These discrepancies are
attributed to dierences between the blade loads used in the inverse FE analysis
to the blade loads that actually occur during the simulation of the inverted shape,
which is shown in Figure 7.22 for all load components and again in Figure 7.23 for
the load magnitude and the load magnitude used during the inverse analysis. It is
evident from this later plot that the net blade load during the inverse FE analysis
diers from the blade load during the inverse FSI simulation. The slight geometry
dierences do impact the pump head rise, but not substantially. Figure 7.24 shows

a plot of the pump head rise versus time for the inverted impeller. The head rise
in this gure at 95 s is only about 0.3% lower than the design shape head rise.

The FSI simulation tools developed and validated here are applied to the

expandable impeller pump to compute the blade deformations and pump performance versus time. The performance decreases as the blade deformation increases
the tip clearance and changes the blade incidence angle. To account for this deformation, the inverse analysis technique developed and implemented here for viscoelastic materials is applied to calculate an inverted shape of the impeller. Recall,
the purpose of the inverse shape is to account for elastic and viscoelastic blade deformations due to the applied uid stresses at operating conditions. The inverse
shape corresponds to the manufactured shape of the impeller such that it will pass
through the impeller design shape at a prescribed time. The FSI simulations of
the inverted shape demonstrate the utility of the technique and show the pump
performance and impeller shape closely match that of the design conguration,
but slightly before the target time. Some shape discrepancies do occur, but it is
speculated that these could be minimized by iterating on the load history employed
by the inverse FE analysis.


Maximum Location Error of All Nodes

1 subiteration
3 subiterations
5 subiterations
10 subiterations

(Location Error)/Diameter, %










Time, s

Fig. 7.19. Location error for the inverted impeller shape after being subjected
to uid loads for 100 s; all nodes of the impeller FE model are considered; results
reported for various number of FSI subiterations


LE Tip Location Error



(Location Error)/Diameter, %











Time, s

Fig. 7.20. Location error for the inverted impeller shape after being subjected to
uid loads for 100 s; leading edge tip nodes of the impeller FE model are considered


TE Tip Location Error



(Location Error)/Diameter, %











Time, s

Fig. 7.21. Location error for the inverted impeller shape after being subjected to
uid loads for 100 s; trailing edge tip nodes of the impeller FE model are considered


x 10

Net Force for Single Blade


Force, N






Time, s

Fig. 7.22. Net blade loads for a single blade of the inverted impeller shape


x 10

Net Force for Single Blade


Force, N

|F| Inverse





Time, s

Fig. 7.23. Magnitude of net blade loads for a single blade of the inverted impeller


Design Shape
Inverse Shape

Static Head Rise, mmHg










Time, s

Fig. 7.24.

Time-accurate pump head rise for the inverted and design-shape im-

Chapter 8

Summary, Conclusions, and Future Work


The objective of this research was to explore the use of FSI for analyzing

highly exible turbomachinery, including a simple n and an expandable impeller

pump, and to evaluate the use of an inverse structural analysis approach to account for blade deformations during the design process. A partitioned FSI solver
with capability for tightly coupled simulations was developed using OpenFOAM
and author-developed mesh motion and structural solvers. Two FSI solvers were
developed, simpleFsiFoam and MRFSimpleFsiFoam, for simulating xed-reference
frame FSI simulations and rotating-frame FSI simulations, respectively. The later
solver diers from the former only in the inclusion of body force terms for the
rotating frame of reference. SimpleFsiFoam was validated against water tunnel
test results for a modied NACA 66 n fabricated from Hapex 598, which is the
same viscoelastic material used by the expandable impeller pump. The validated
FSI solvers were used to evaluate the inverse blade geometries for the viscoelastic
material used in this research.
Substantial eort has been invested in this research to validate the FSI
solver developed herein. The validation study used a modied NACA 66 n subjected to quasi-steady ow in a water tunnel test facility. Comparisons between
simulated and measured blade deformations were performed for multiple n angle
of attacks. The FSI solver simulations show good agreement with the experimental
results. The viscoelastic material model used in the FSI simulations was validated

separately using existing material test data and rened with beam and n bending
A partitioned FSI solver was implemented, which means the ow and structural solvers can be maintained and advanced separately. OpenFOAM was used
for the ow solver because it is freely available and has existing mesh motion capability. A structural FE solver was developed specically for this research and
integrated with OpenFOAM to create a single executable for the FSI solver. An
interface class was implemented to perform the information exchange between the
solvers while enabling independent solver updates so long as the class member function denitions of each solver do not change. This enables ecient exchange of
interface information, something that is not currently possible with existing commercial software. The interface coupling between the ow and structural solvers to
communicate stress and displacement supports disparate meshes at the interface.
Fluid forces are computed by the ow solver and applied to structures to ensure
consistent forces exist on both sides of uid/structure interfaces. Displacement
communication from structures to uids occurs by interpolation of structural displacements by the structural solver to interface vertex locations. Development of
interface coupling in this manner was facilitated greatly by having source code for
each solver.
Motion of uid meshes represents an integral part of the partitioned approach to FSI modeling. OpenFOAMs Laplace face decomposition solver was used
initially for this research, but was later replaced by a custom mesh motion solver
called the Radial Motion Function solver. The custom solver supports parallel execution of the solver and enables sliding constraints on cylindrical boundaries, both
of which are not currently supported by the Laplace face decomposition solver.
Additionally, the RMF solver computational requirements are far less than those
of the Laplace face decomposition solver because there is no need to perform a
matrix solution for each mesh motion. A second custom mesh motion solver was

implemented for large deformations in the n simulations. This solver uses an auxiliary nite element mesh that deforms based on interface motion and interpolates
displacements to compute motion of the underlying uid mesh. This solver has
not been fully evaluated and therefore should be further investigated for future
An inverse nite element structural solver was implemented to enable the
calculation of inverse shapes for viscoelastic components. Other researchers have
implemented inverse FE solvers, but their work is not applicable to viscoelastic
materials where response is dependent upon load history. Rather than implementing a solver specic to viscoelastic materials, a general solver was implemented
that makes use of the underlying linear incremental formulation of the large deformation FE solver. The objective of this solver is to determine an undeformed
(unknown) shape such that prescribed loads cause the unknown shape to deform
into the existing (known/design) shape. The approach taken here to solve this
problem uses a formulation that incrementally changes the reference conguration
until the current (design) conguration can fully support the specied load. The
solver is validated for all inverse simulations performed in this research and has
demonstrated its accuracy for all models analyzed here.
Inverse analyses for the modied NACA 66 n are performed for three
angles of attack. The results show the inverted shapes deform into the design
shape, but the time at which this occurs is not accurately predictable using only
an estimate of the load-history during the model inversion. It is recommended
that an iterative approach be employed to accurately dene a load history for the
inverse FE analysis.
Finally, simulations are performed for an expandable impeller pump to
demonstrate the time-accurate pump performance changes caused by the impeller
deformations. Plots of tip clearance and pump performance versus time are presented. The inverse analysis technique is applied to the pump and demonstrates

the ability to recover much of the lost performance due to impeller blade deformations. The resulting blade shapes and pump performance match well the design
intent, but it is speculated that improvements are possible through an iterative
approach similar to that recommended for the n inverse simulations.

This research has demonstrated the following:

1. the time-accurate response of viscoelastic ns and turbomachinery subject

to uid ow forces can be accurately modeled using a partitioned FSI solver
with subiterations to tightly couple the ow and structural response,
2. with the addition of body force terms for centrifugal and Coriolis acceleration,
the same FSI solver can simulate the time-accurate performance of a pump
comprised of a exible, rotating impeller
3. inverse nite element analysis is possible for viscoelastic materials using the
incremental formulation for large deformations, and
4. the inverse shapes obtained from the FE analysis technique deform into the
design shape but the time at which this occurs deviates slightly from the
prescribed time.

Future Work
While the FSI solver developed here was intended for quasi-steady simula-

tions, it was implemented with the intent of applying it to unsteady simulations in

the future. For instance, the solvers interface coupling scheme was developed to
provide an energy-conserving exchange of forces and displacements between two
disparate meshes with the intent of using the coupling scheme for fully unsteady
simulations without the burden of the added-mass instability that is described in

the literature. Also, dynamic modeling capability has been implemented in the
structural solver. A natural extension of the present work is therefore to validate the FSI solver for unsteady simulations. Included in this work should be a
characterization of the interface coupling scheme developed here. The eects of discretization between donor and receiver solvers should be evaluated for accuracy and
energy conservation. Eects of interpolation order of the structural solver should
also be considered in this study. Dierent interpolation order elements would result
in dierent interpolated displacement values at the same physical location on the
interface. This should be quantied. Also, higher-order surface denition with, for
example, a NURBS object could provide additional functionality at the interface,
especially if the uid mesh were to be remeshed to accommodate large deformations of the structure. Lastly, the structural solver would require validation for
dynamic response simulations.
Motion of the uid mesh has proved to be an area requiring additional development. Future work should formally compare existing mesh motion approaches
and should further evaluate the overlayed mesh motion approach implemented
here. The utility of the overlayed mesh motion is that it can range from a very
coarse mesh that overlays only a small portion of the total ow domain with the cost
of poor resolution, or it can coincide identically with the uid mesh but at great
computational expense. Alternatively, an overset mesh CFD solution [13, 100]
could be used wherein the uid mesh motion would occur only on the overset
mesh without modication of the background mesh. Future work should extend
the current FSI solver with the development by Boger et al. [13] to evaluate the
use of overset meshes for FSI simulations.
Finally, the inverse nite element solver implemented for this research represents a far simpler approach relative to that used by other researchers. While
the inverse solver performed well for all cases evaluated here, a more formal investigation of the solver is warranted. For example, convergence characteristics of

the solver relative to the rigorous inverse formulations used by others should be

Appendix A

Sample Structure Input File

** Comments identified by **
** Keywords identified by *
** Case insensitive, comma-separated entries
** Everything above *step keyword is model data section (defines nodes,

elements, materials, etc.)

** Step and beyond is considered history data
























































** Map the elements to the material

** Isotropic, linear-viscoelastic material




0.06, 0.,


0.20, 0.,


0.18, 0., 1610.

** Define a load ramp amplitude function
** History data section starts here (defines analysis type, output, and

boundary conditions)






** Request output
*El File, Frequency=100,position=averaged at nodes
** Specify boundary conditions






*cload, op=new, amplitude=ramp2

226, 1, 4.86589e-07
226, 2, 1.58708e-06
226, 3, -2.25339e-05
6121, 3, -1.59597e-16

Appendix B

Matlab Edge Finding Routine

The following MATLAB program was used to automatically nd test specimen

edges during the material model validation testing.

f u n c t i o n imageEdges ( inFileName , timeFileName , dispFileName )

i f ( nargin < 1)
inFileName = [ ] ;
i f ( i s e m p t y ( inFileName ) )
e r r o r ( R e q u i r e s a t l e a s t one i n p u t argument ) ;
i f ( nargin < 2)
timeFileName = [ ] ;
i f ( i s e m p t y ( timeFileName ) )
timeFileName = s p r i n t f ( %s . time , inFileName ) ;
i f ( nargin < 3)
dispFileName = [ ] ;
i f ( i s e m p t y ( dispFileName ) )
dispFileName = s p r i n t f ( %s . d i s p , inFileName ) ;
obj = mmreader ( inFileName ) ;
numFrames = g e t ( obj ,

numberOfFrames ) ;

frameRate = g e t ( obj , frameRate ) ;

%videoFrames = r e a d ( o b j ) ;
% Get t h e r e f e r e n c e l e n g t h

h_image = imshow ( read ( obj , 1 ) ) ;
h_axes = g e t ( h_image , p a r e n t ) ;
s e t ( h_axes , n e x t P l o t , add ) ;
waitfor ( msgbox ( Pick two s e t s o f two p o i n t s f o r r e f e r e n c e l e n g t h ( a l s o 
rotation angle ) , . . .
R e f e r e n c e Length ) ) ;
[ x , y , bttn ] = g i n p u t ( 1 ) ;
ptCnt = 0 ;
w h i l e ( bttn = 3 )
i f ( ptCnt ) ;
h = t i t l e ( L e f t t o p ick , middle t o remove , r i g h t t o s t o p ) ;
i f ( bttn==1)
ptCnt = ptCnt + 1 ;
refPt_x ( ptCnt ) = x ;
refPt_y ( ptCnt ) = y ;
h ( ptCnt ) = p l o t ( h_axes , x , y , . r ) ;
e l s e i f ( bttn==2)
i f ( ptCnt )
refPt_x ( ptCnt ) = [ ] ;
refPt_y ( ptCnt ) = [ ] ;
d e l e t e ( h ( ptCnt ) ) ;
ptCnt = ptCnt 1 ;
[ x , y , bttn ] = g i n p u t ( 1 ) ;
% Get t h e l e n g t h and i t s
i f ( mod ( ptCnt , 2 ) )


e r r o r ( Must have an even number o f p o i n t s f o r t h e r e f e r e n c e l e n g t h ) ;

ind = [ 1 : 2 : ptCnt ] ;
f o r ( ii =1: l e n g t h ( ind ) )
refLength ( ii ) = norm ( . . .
[ refPt_x ( ind ( ii ) +1) refPt_x ( ind ( ii ) ) , . . .
refPt_y ( ind ( ii ) +1) refPt_y ( ind ( ii ) ) ] ) ;
ans = inputdlg ( Enter r e f e r e n c e l e n g t h i n m , R e f e r e n c e Length ) ;
refLength_m = str2num ( ans { : } ) ;
scaleFactor = refLength_m /mean ( refLength ) ;
meanRefLen = mean ( refLength ) scaleFactor ;
stdRefLen = s t d ( refLength ) scaleFactor ;

f p r i n t f ( Mean r e f e r e n c e l e n g t h i s %g m with s t a n d a r d d e v i a t i o n o f %g m\n 
meanRefLen , stdRefLen ) ;
% Estimate the r o t a t i o n angle
f o r ( ii =2: l e n g t h ( ind ) )
alpha_bttm ( ii 1) = atan2 ( . . .
refPt_y ( ind ( ii ) )refPt_y ( ind ( ii 1) ) , . . .
refPt_x ( ind ( ii ) )refPt_x ( ind ( ii 1) ) ) ;
alpha_top ( ii 1) = atan2 ( . . .
refPt_y ( ind ( ii ) +1)refPt_y ( ind ( ii 1)+1) , . . .
refPt_x ( ind ( ii ) +1)refPt_x ( ind ( ii 1)+1) ) ;
rotAngle = cat ( 1 , alpha_bttm ( : ) , alpha_top ( : ) ) ;
meanRotAngle = mean ( rotAngle ) ;
stdRotAngle = s t d ( rotAngle ) ;
f p r i n t f ( Mean r o t a t i o n a n g l e i s % g

with s t a n d a r d d e v i a t i o n o f % g \n , . . .

meanRotAngle 180/ pi , stdRotAngle 180/ p i ) ;

% Pick t h e box t o u s e f o r t h e edge d e t e c t i o n
waitfor ( msgbox ( Pick t h e upper boundary f o r t h e edge d e t e c t i o n , . . .
Upper Boundary ) ) ;
[ xUpper , yUpper ] = g i n p u t ( 2 ) ;
waitfor ( msgbox ( Pick t h e l o w e r boundary f o r t h e edge d e t e c t i o n , . . .
Lower Boundary ) ) ;
[ xLower , yLower ] = g i n p u t ( 2 ) ;
edgeBox = round ( [ min ( cat ( 1 , xLower ( : ) , xUpper ( : ) ) ) , . . .
max( cat ( 1 , xLower ( : ) , xUpper ( : ) ) ) , . . .
min ( cat ( 1 , yLower ( : ) , yUpper ( : ) ) ) , . . .
max( cat ( 1 , yLower ( : ) , yUpper ( : ) ) ) ] ) ;
cols = [ edgeBox ( 1 ) : edgeBox ( 2 ) ] ;
rows = [ edgeBox ( 3 ) : edgeBox ( 4 ) ] ;
s e t ( h_axes , n e x t P l o t , r e p l a c e ) ;
fidTime = f o p e n ( timeFileName , wt ) ;
i f ( fidTime == 1)
e r r o r ( F a i l e d t o open %s , timeFileName ) ;
fidDisp = f o p e n ( dispFileName , wt ) ;

i f ( fidDisp == 1)
e r r o r ( F a i l e d t o open %s , dispFileName ) ;
contSw = 1 ;
bwCutoff = 1 5 0 ;
w h i l e ( contSw )
videoFrame = read ( obj , 3 8 0 ) ;
grayFrame = rgb2gray ( videoFrame ( rows , cols , : ) ) ;
ind = f i n d ( grayFrame<bwCutoff ) ;
grayFrame ( ind ) = 0 ;
ind = f i n d ( grayFrame>=bwCutoff ) ;
grayFrame ( ind ) = 2 5 5 ;
h_image = imshow ( grayFrame ) ;
bwCutoff_ = questdlg ( BW S e p a r a t i o n A c c e p t a b l e ? , . . .
BW S e p a r a t i o n , . . .
Yes , No , Yes ) ;
i f ( strcmpi ( bwCutoff_ , No ) )
bwCutoff_ = inputdlg ( Enter new bwCutoff v a l u e , . . .
bwCutoff , 1 , { s p r i n t f ( %d , bwCutoff ) } ) ;
bwCutoff_ = str2num ( bwCutoff_ { : } ) ;
bwCutoff_ = bwCutoff ;
bwCutoff = bwCutoff_ ;
contSw = 0 ;

f o r ii = 1 : numFrames
videoFrame = read ( obj , ii ) ;
grayFrame = rgb2gray ( videoFrame ( rows , cols , : ) ) ;
ind = f i n d ( grayFrame<bwCutoff ) ;
grayFrame ( ind ) = 0 ;
ind = f i n d ( grayFrame>=bwCutoff ) ;
grayFrame ( ind ) = 2 5 5 ;
h_image = imshow ( grayFrame ) ;
h_axes = g e t ( h_image , p a r e n t ) ;
s e t ( h_axes , n e x t P l o t , add ) ;

i f ( ii==1)
% Choose t h e beam o r i g i n
waitfor ( msgbox ( Pick t h e beam o r i g i n ( c e n t e r and l e f t m o s t p o i n t ) 
f o r image d e t e c t i o n and r o t a t i o n , . . .
Beam O r i g i n ) ) ;
[ xOrigin , yOrigin ] = g i n p u t ( 1 ) ;
[ boundaryPts , bottomPts , topPts ] = findBoundaryPoints ( . . .
grayFrame , round ( [ xOrigin , yOrigin ] ) ) ;
%p l o t ( h a x e s , boundaryPts ( : , 1 ) , boundaryPts ( : , 2 ) , . r ) ;
p l o t ( h_axes , bottomPts ( : , 1 ) , bottomPts ( : , 2 ) , . r , . . .
topPts ( : , 1 ) , topPts ( : , 2 ) , .m ) ;
s e t ( h_axes , n e x t p l o t , r e p l a c e ) ;
t i t l e ( s p r i n t f ( %d , %#0.4g , ii , ii / frameRate ) ) ;
pause ( 0 . 0 0 1 ) ;
% S c a l e and r o t a t e t h e p o i n t s and w r i t e t o an output f i l e

boundaryPts = bottomPts scaleFactor ;

bottomPts = bottomPts s c a l e F a c t o r
% Move t h e o r i g i n
boundaryPts ( : , 1 ) = boundaryPts ( : , 1 ) boundaryPts ( 1 , 1 ) ;
boundaryPts ( : , 2 ) = boundaryPts ( : , 2 ) boundaryPts ( 1 , 2 ) ;
% Rotate t h e p o i n t s
f p r i n t f ( fidDisp , %g %g , boundaryPts ( 1 , : ) ) ;
f o r iP = 2 : s i z e ( boundaryPts , 1 )
v = boundaryPts ( iP , : ) ;
r = norm ( v ) ;
alpha0 = atan2 ( v ( 2 ) , v ( 1 ) ) ;
alpha1 = alpha0 meanRotAngle ;
% Compute t h e new p o i n t l o c a t i o n
v ( 1 ) = r c o s ( alpha1 ) ;
v ( 2 ) = r s i n ( alpha1 ) ;
% Write t h i s t o t h e output f i l e
f p r i n t f ( fidDisp , %g %g , v ) ;
f p r i n t f ( fidDisp , \n ) ;
f p r i n t f ( fidTime , %g \n , ii / frameRate ) ;

f c l o s e ( fidTime ) ;
f c l o s e ( fidDisp ) ;

Listing B.1. MATLAB edge detection program



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Robert L. Campbell
Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering
January 2004 to August 2010
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, 16802
THESIS: FluidStructure Interaction and Inverse Design Simulations for Flexible
GPA: 4.0/4.0
M.S. in Mechanical Engineering
August 1999 to December 2002
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, 16802
THESIS: Nuclear Grid Spacer ThermalHydraulic Modeling Using Computational Fluid Dynamics
GPA: 4.0/4.0
B.S. in Mechanical Engineering summa cum laude August 1994 to May 1998
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, 16802
SENIOR PROJECT: Automated Material Handling for Medical-Grade Molybdenum
GPA: 4.0/4.0
Senior Research Assistant
April 1999 to Present
Penn State Applied Research Laboratory, State College, PA, 16804
Perform computational and experimental structural-acoustic and hydro-acoustic
evaluations for projects funded by the U.S. Navy and private industry.
Safety Analysis Engineer
June 1998 to April 1999
Westinghouse Electric Company, Monroeville, PA 15146
Performed transient and steady-state computer simulations for postulated accident
scenarios to support licensing of commercial nuclear power plants worldwide.
Research Assistant to Dr. Michael F. Modest
May 1997 to April 1998
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, 16802
Developed equipment to measure combustion gas transmissivities and developed
computer program to post-process the measured data.
Mechanical Engineering Intern
May 1996 to April 1997
SKF USA, Incorporated, Altoona, PA, 16601
Designed tooling for various assembly-line machines for the manufacturing of ball

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