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BCSS Course

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Version 1.0 June 1 2013


Target Audience : All Site supervisors, foreman and above

1. Roles and duties of Site Personnel in Safety and Health
2. Safety Planning and Organization
3. An Overview of Workplace Safety and Health Legislations
4. WSH (Construction) Regulations
5. Work At Height
6. Demolition, Excavation and Piling
7. Mechanical and Electrical Hazards

12 . Safety & Health Inspection

8. Material Handling


Accident Prevention

10 Fire Prevention and Control


Incident Investigation

11. Risk Management


15. An Overview of Safety & Health Management

9. Occupational Health

Course Assessment

Participants must have 80% attendance

Course Examination Duration : 4 hours

100 Multiple Choice Question (MCQ)

(100 marks)

Passing Mark: 65%


The BCSS is a mandatory training course for individuals who
are assigned to undertake the role of a supervisor in the
construction industry.
Legal Requirement: Workplace Safety and Health
(Construction) Regulations 2007 reg. 9 (2b) stipulates that no
person shall be employed to oversee or supervise any work or
process carried out in a worksite unless the person has
received adequate safety and health training for the purpose of
ensuring that such work or process can
be carried out safety.

Lesson : 1
Roles & duties of Site Personnel
in Safety and Health

Introduction importance of safety & health

Legal requirement of safety & health
training for Supervisors, WSH Coordinator & WSH Officer
Roles and duties of Building Supervisor in safety and health
Legal requirement of safety & health
training for other site personnel

importance of safety & health
To familiarize with regulatory requirements related
to construction safety
To familiarize with roles & responsibilities of a
safety supervisor
To conduct basic risk assessment
To be aware of safety issues at the worksite
To be aware of what to do in-case of any

New WSH Act took effect on 1 March 2006
Replaces Factories Act or Bowec regulations
The Workplace Safety and Health Act is an essential part of a
New Occupational Safety & Health (OSH) Framework to
cultivate good safety habits in all individuals at the workplace
from top management to the last worker.
Seven Subsidiary Legislations under WSH Act:

The Workplace Safety and Health (General Provisions) Regulations

The Workplace Safety and Health (Incident Reporting) Regulations
The Workplace Safety and Health (Registration of Factories) Regulations
The Workplace Safety and Health (First-Aid) Regulations
The Workplace Safety and Health (Risk-Management) Regulations
The Workplace Safety and Health (Exemption) Regulations


There three (3) Key Principles :

Reduce risk at source by requiring all stakeholders to

eliminate or minimize the risk they create at the

Instill greater industry ownership of OSH standards.

Shift from complying with prescriptive requirements to making

employers responsible for developing work and safety procedures.

Preventing accidents through higher penalties for poor

safety and health management.

Under WSH Act

WSH Act requires every person at the workplace to take reasonably
practicable steps to ensure the safety and health of every
workplace and worker.
Duties of Persons At Work

If you are an Installer or Erector of machinery

You must ensure, as far as reasonably practicable, the

machinery or equipment erected, installed or modified is safe
and without health risks when properly used.

Duties of Persons At Work

If you are an employed Worker

You should also always use the personal protective

equipment (PPE) provided at work

You must adhere to safe working procedures and

principles introduced at the workplace.

You should not endanger yourself or others working

around you through unsafe behaviour.

You should not tamper with any safety device or

interfere with or misuse any appliance PPE,
equipment, etc, or undertake any wilful or reckless

You should cooperate with your employer or

others to comply with the WSH Act.

Duties of Persons At Work

If you are an employed Worker
You should not endanger yourself or others
working around you through unsafe behavior

Legal requirement of safety &

health training for Supervisors,
WSH Coordinator & WSH Officer

WSH (Workplace Safety and Health Officers)

Regulations (Cap 354A, Rg 9)

Under above regulations, Legislation

that regulates the qualifications,
training, registration, duties of a WSH
Officer as well as mandatory
appointment of WSH Officers

WSH (Workplace Safety and

Health Officers)
These are persons who are registered as WSH officers
with the Ministry of Manpower and who are responsible
for ensuring the safety and health of persons employed
in the workplace.
They are employed on a full time or part time basis
depending on the operational needs of the companies
who are expected to evaluate their workplace safety and
health risks and decide for themselves the best
measures to control those risks.

This includes deciding on the appointment of one or

more WSH Officers to assist in managing the risks.

Under the WSH (Construction) Regulations,

a WSH Coordinator
Under the WSH (Construction) Regulations, a
WSH Coordinator shall be appointed in respect
of every worksite where the contract sum of the
building operation or works of engineering
construction carried out therein is less than $10
Such a person must have attended and passed
a training course on Safety Coordinator Training
Course conducted by MOM accredited training

Roles and duties of

Building Supervisor in
safety and health

importance of safety & health
Building Safety
supervisor generally
want the site personnel
not to get hurt whilst
doing their jobs.
Essentially, the name
of the game is
prevention and
evaluating hazards in
the workplace.

Roles and duties of

Safety Supervisor

Safety supervisor is the person to assist in

the Health & Safety department of
company, he will coordinates & promote
safe conduct of work.
To assist in development and implement
effective safety and health management
To assist in the permit-to-work system

As a Safety Supervisor
Duties & Responsibilities :
Safety supervisor is responsible for the day to day
monitoring and implementation and recording of daily
WSH process these includes :
To assist in the delivery and recording of the site
orientation programmed for all personnel coming to the
To arrange and participate in the site Safety training
activities as well as coordinate and or conduct additional
worksite project specific employee safety training as
identified through the project training needs analysis

Duties & Responsibilities of

safety supervisor (cont)
To assist administer and participate in the safety audit
and inspection scheme being applied.
To carry out scheduled inspections of all work areas to
ensure compliance on the part of the contractor with
regard to safe working practice and application of safety
programmed and ensure the Main contractor personnel
are monitoring their subcontractor safety performance.
To Compile and maintain all safety forms eg: Inspection
report, Tool box meeting, machinery inspection, Material
Safety Data Sheets and risk assessments for inclusions
in the safety records.

To participate in the investigation of any incident / near

miss as necessary.
To monitor field site status and report daily to RSO on
To communicate incidents reports and lessons learned
to sub contractor personnel.
To provide advice to the main & sub contractor line
management in the development of Job Hazard &
Analysis (JHA).

To advice supervisory staff and employee in the

implementation of strategies to identify and
control potential hazards.
To provide assistance to site supervisor with
incident investigation and initiate analysis to
discover accident trends and corrective actions.
To review project safety equipment requirement
and report deficiencies.
To review and monitor hazardous material

To attend Sub-contractor Pre-start and tool box

To conduct safety & housekeeping inspections.
Assist supervisor to resolve hazard issue.
To liaise with the project medical facility to
provide feedback on first aid and medical
To attend scheduled project safety meetings as
requested /scheduled.

Other duties of safety supervisor

To supervise the safety of work force
To act as the contacting or bridge
between the site worker and the
engineering staff eg: you address
worksite unsafe condition or practice to
the committee meeting

Duties of safety supervisor

Where will the safety supervisor
fit into the reporting structure.
The Occupier
Project manager / WSH officer

Site Safety Supervisor

Site Supervisors, foreman

Specific duties and responsibilities

To safeguard the health and safety of person at work. The
safety supervisor need to :

Develop and implement effective safety programmed

Conduct regular site inspections (a record of the

inspection must be filled)

Organize safety meeting

Assist in accident investigation

Ensure proper record keeping

Prepare report and logs of factory occurrences

Safety supervisor will take action against

any workers performed any unsafe acts

On safety Inspections
Safety supervisor must conduct regular
inspections to uncover safety or health
lapses at the workplace. Such
inspections also help to educate
workers on the hazards they might face
at work

Follow-up Actions
Upon discovery of any safety or health
risks, corrective action should promptly
be taken to eliminate or reduce the
chances of a workplace incident, and any
injuries or illnesses that might occur as a

Benefits of Conducting
Safety Inspections
Workplace inspections help companies to meet
legal requirements on safety and health.
Ultimately, the inspections enable companies to
improve operations efficiency, productivity and
worker morale through an accident and injury
free workplace.

Group Committee Inspections

Group safety committee inspections
should involve representatives from
all levels of a company, not just the
middle management (supervisor) and

Inspection Steps
Group committee inspections should involve:
A) Listening to the concerns of workers and supervisors;
B) Gaining a thorough understanding of jobs and tasks;
C) Identifying existing and potential hazards;
D) Determining the underlying causes of hazards;
E) Monitoring hazard controls (E.g. personal protective equipment,
engineering controls, policies and procedures); and
F) Recommending corrective action based on an inspection's

Safety Supervisor
primary roles and duties
Safety Supervisor primary role & duties:
To assist the WSH coordinator and the safety officer in
safety & health matters
Function in a similar capacity as a Site safety supervisor
in a small factories.
To carry out the duties stipulated in the company HSE
duties and responsibility
To assist the HSE dept in the Investigation of fatal
accident, injury, dangerous occurrences and occupational

Safety supervisor
Primary roles and duties
To assist in the worksite accident investigation.
Act as a secretary for safety meetings
To assist in the enforcement of site rules & regulations
Advice and assist with the job safety analysis, instruction
training, safe work procedure. Method statements, risk
analysis, safety Management system, safety talks, get feed
back from the workforce.
To Conduct health & environmental
monitoring of workplaces

The Criteria
In order to perform the duty and play the role effectively.
Safety supervisor must be:

Strong & Committed

Knowledgeable in WSH
Open minded
A good communicator & listener
A good trainer
Have patience

Co ordination
Safety supervisor must co ordinate between:
Authority, regulation bodies and the
Top Management and down to the work force
All departments in the work site.
Company and community (public)
Company and the developer
Factory (worksite) and its neighborhood

Main roles & duties

For daily / weekly / monthly

Site Safety Coordination.

Safety promotion
Organized Safety meeting
Perform Safety inspection
Accident investigation
Conduct Safety Training
Administrative - Record keeping

Safety promotion
Safety promotion can be done by motivation and
communication through:
Education and training eg: safety inductions,
Talks and presentation eg: tool box meeting,
Video shows and exhibition eg: safety
programme, new poster, in other languages
Safety campaigns, eg: health issue, noise, etc
Safety notice board ( to be updated regularly)
Safety news eg: paper cutting, accident, other

Safety promotion

Safety promotion

Procedure and process in safety promotion

Identification of needs - check

Target group to whom
Topics of interest must be related
Selection of facilities in house or other place ?
Sourcing of avenue Organizing of activities
The Result and feed back after completed
Improvement monitor them for any changes
Record keeping - for safety auditor to review

Safety meeting
The Safety meeting is a legal requirement by MOM. It must be
planned, objective, recorded and encourage participation.
Safety meeting should be conducted at least once a month
and :

When there is a major issue.

After an incident or accident happens
After a near miss ..
When there is a change in work operation
When there is a change in work procedure
When theres new safety measure are introduced or
new WSH regulations.

Safety Inspection
Site Safety inspection must be:
Organized eg: do a weekly plan
Scheduled eg: between paper works
and others
Periodic eg: how long you spend
Subject targeted eg: which location
Result oriented eg: need to write and

Safety inspection
After site inspection :

Recommend a realistic action

Assign responsible party to do it
Set agreed date for rectification
Confirmation of work done
follow up and ensure that its done

Look out for those workers working

at the edge of a building

Fall from Height

Check those ladders and
step-ladders ensure that
they are good
construction, sound
material and adequate
strength for the purpose.
Before climbing up,
worker must ensure that
the ladder are secure
properly, to prevent him
from slip & fall .

Falling Hazards
Falling hazards or material falling from height is the most
common hazards found in the construction site.

Fall from Height

No temporary hand rail
on the staircase walk
way, workers can
easily fall from height
especially when they
carry construction

Temporary hand rail

Provide and maintain a lower rail or other effective means to
guard open sides of staircases

Legal requirement of safety &

health training for other site

Safety and health training

Under section 9.
(1) It shall be the duty of
(a) the employer of any person who carries out manual
work in a worksite; or
(b) the principal under whose direction a person carries
out manual work in a worksite, to ensure that the person
does not carry out any manual work in the worksite
unless the person has received adequate safety and
health training for the purpose of familiarizing the
person with the hazards associated with such work
and the precautions to be observed.

Safety and health training

(2) It shall be the duty of
(a) the employer of any person who carries out oversight
or supervisory work in a worksite; or
(b) the principal under whose direction any person carries
out oversight or supervisory work in a worksite, to ensure
that the person does not oversee or supervise any work
(including any process) in the worksite unless the person
has received adequate safety and health training to
ensure that the work which the
person oversees or supervises
can be carried out safely.

Safety and health training

Theres a requirement and need in every company for safety and skill
training. Firstly :
Identify the training needs.
Identify the group or person, who need training.
Source of training provider. Who is the best training which trades
Co ordination selecting training techniques., training location,
training aids
Participants feedback. This is to find out success of the training
Record Keeping. All training session

Safety and health training

The need & type of training can link to:

Work related
Legally required
Personnel upgrading
Future needs
Work enlargement
Work rotation

Lets work together as a team

as Workplace Safety & Health is everybody business


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