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International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology

Website: (ISSN 2347-6435(Online), Volume 1, Issue 3, December 2013)

Requirements Elicitation Techniques: Comparative Study

Omar Isam Al Mrayat1, Norita Md Norwawi2, Nurlida Basir3

Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), Bandar Baru Nilai, 71800 Nilai, Negeri
Bergey, et al. have highlighted that if the quality
requirements are not proficiently identified, the ensuing
system cannot be properly assessed for success or failure,
well before implementation. The [5] authors have stated
that It is widely acknowledged within the software
industry that software engineering projects are critically
vulnerable when these activities [elicitation, analysis,
specification, and validation] are performed poorly.

Abstract Over the years, software development failures is

really a burning issue, might be ascribed to quite a number of
attributes, of which, no-compliance of users requirements and
using the non suitable technique to elicit user requirements
are considered foremost. In order to address this issue and to
facilitate system designers, this study had filtered and
compared user requirements elicitation technique, based on
principles of requirements engineering. This comparative
study facilitates developers to build systems based on success
stories, making use of a optimistic perspective for achieving a
foreseeable future. This paper is aimed at enhancing processes
of choosing a suitable technique to elicit user requirements;
this is crucial to determine the requirements of the user, as it
enables much better software development and does not waste
resources unnecessarily. Basically, this study will complement
the present approaches, by representing a optimistic and
potential factor for every single method in requirements
engineering, which results in much better user needs, and
identifies novel and distinctive specifications.

Studies have exposed that problems associated with
requirements engineering could cost 10-200 times more to
rectify the program after its implementation, than if they
were recognized during specifications [6, 7, 8]. Few other
researchers have suggested that, the comprehensive amount
of project budget due to requirements flaws is twenty-five
to forty percent 25 to 40 % [9]. It is noteworthy that,
requirements engineering is not only crucial, but will be
disadvantageous, if the acceptable sources are not devoted
early. Requirements Engineering (RE) is an activity,
which aim is to discover, document and maintain a set of
requirements [10, 11].
The use of the term engineering implies that systematic
and repeatable techniques should be used to ensure that
system requirements are complete, consistent and relevant
[12]. Another definition according Software Test and
Evaluation Panel (STEP) is the disciplined application of
scientific principles and techniques for developing,
communicating, and managing requirements [13].
Similarly, [14] have defined requirements engineering as
the systematic process of developing requirements
through an iterative process of analyzing a problem,
documenting the resulting observations, and checking the
accuracy of the understanding gained.
Both these definitions indicate that requirements
engineering is not just a single activity, rather it a process,
which comprises a variety of phases and actions. [15] has
pointed out that requirements engineering can be classified
into elicitation, solution determination, specification, and

Keywords Requirements Engineering, Requirements

Observational methods, Analytic methods, Synthetic methods.

Analysts and experts have reported considerable proofs
in the research literature, related to software quality
requirements that facilitate successful software delivery. [1]
has reviewed 10 software project failures over the span of
two decades. The study has specifically ascribed three of
those downfalls to poor requirements analysis. It has been
claimed that poor requirements are in eighth position in his
list of the top 10 errors made by developers. Wiegers have
argued If you dont get the requirements right, it doesnt
matter how well you execute the rest of the project [2].
McGovern has declared that the critical success factor will
always be the accuracy and completeness with which the
business requirements and goals are captured and traced to
the associated details [3].
According to [4], the intent of requirements analysis, is
to elevate the probability of building right system, i.e.,
upon completion the system must satisfy the targeted
customers and address their needs to a satisfactory degree.

International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology

Website: (ISSN 2347-6435(Online) Volume 1, Issue 3, December 2013)
Dorfman has segregated requirements engineering into
five phases, such as, elicitation, analysis, specification,
validation/verification, and management [16]. [17] have
identified that requirements engineering has the following
phases; eliciting requirements, modeling and analyzing
requirements, communicating requirements, agreeing on
requirements, and evolving requirements.
Even though we mostly agree with the classifications of
the requirements engineering process mentioned above,
however, we feel that the researchers have failed to include
a phase to support requirements during the early stages of
development. Therefore, we have considered requirements
engineering as a process, which is composed of five
distinct, but related phases. Figure I below shows these
phases; however, we do not consider security requirements
engineering to be a sequential process (as each phase can
and should affect the others).

In addition, [23] have defined requirement elicitation is

the first step in the first step in gathering user requirements;
it is the process of understanding and acquiring the needs
of users and other stakeholders.
The term elicitation is used to capture the idea that, the
individuals, who will be engaged within the system on a
daily basis, are the appropriate source for the identification
of needs and opportunities, and that designers must draw
the requirements from such stakeholders. It is important to
note that the requirements elicitation process focuses on
what is expected to be achieved by the predicted system
irrespective of how it is to be achieved. In the literature,
a range of process models have been developed to identify
the various features of the requirements phase of the
software. One widely employed model suggests three
fundamental stages, such as: elicitation, specification, and
validation of requirements [19]. It is noteworthy that the
requirements elicitation is concerned with the process of
determining what issues must be addressed by a design
effort. Requirements specification is constructed upon the
elicitation activity, and comprises the specific
documentation of the specifications for the system [24].
this constitutes both natural language
explanations and official modeling techniques. Ultimately,
requirements are carried out to assure the recognition of
stakeholders for the requirements, which have been
reported and which will be applied in pursuing design
initiatives [25]. While this three-stage model indicates a
linear strategy to develop requirements. The three phases
are generally employed iteratively, often moving
progressively in more detailed levels of requirements
Just as the requirements phase process is critical to the
overall success of software design efforts, the requirements
elicitation also plays a crucial initial role in the extensive
requirements elicitation process. One of the crucial features
of requirements elicitation is that, it is typically one of the
most important components, by which the project team
members acquire knowledge related to organizational
domain. [19] have stated that the importance of
requirements elicitation cannot easily be overestimated;
when you have to solve somebody elses problem the first
thing you have to do is to find out more about it (P.21).
The emphasis of the requirements process is generally
presented as the process revealing the essential obstacles
within the business context, generally known as problem

FIGURE I Requirements Engineering Phases Surveyed.

Source: Adapted from Sommerville. Software Engineering



Quite a number of authors have stated that requirement
elicitation is the first phase of the process, by which a
project team determines the organizational needs that must
be addressed by the project effort [18, 19, 20, 21].
Particularly, requirements elicitation concentrates on the
preliminary pursuit of identified requirements and
possibilities of the social actors (e.g., participants, users)
most strongly associated with the system. A report from
[22] claims that requirement elicitation is concerned with
software requirements originate from and how the software
engineer can gather them. It is the first stage in
understanding the problem, which needs the software is
required to solve.

International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology

Website: (ISSN 2347-6435(Online) Volume 1, Issue 3, December 2013)
Consequently, traditional requirements elicitation
strategies signify a shortfall based mode of inquiry, which
is participating in a study of what is unsuitable, not
working, not up to standard, and in need of a fix [26]. In
the following section, an overview of the most relevant
techniques used in requirements elicitation are presented in
the context of a standard software development process.
Also, the classifications of requirements elicitation
techniques are demonstrated and briefly highlight a number
of the most widely employed methods of requirements
elicitation and discuss the associated strengths and the
Overall, the goal is to force the analyst, user, and other
stakeholders to understand the requirements they want to
address. Defining requirements calls for effective
interaction and open communication between the user and
the developer to generate the necessary requirements they
want to address and the information that can be used to
develop the system that meets the needs of the user [27].

Methods in this group are also referred as verbal

methods [32]. A standard conversational strategy is
interview. It is generally used in requirements elicitation
[20]. Other methods under this category include workshop,
focus groups and brainstorming (Table I).
Conversational methods




analyst with
about the

Interviewer discusses
the desired product with
different groups of
people and builds up an
understanding of their
(Interviewer asks
questions to the
specialist or end-users,
related to a particular

[33, 34]


representatives gather
together for a short but
intensely focused period
to create or review high
-level features of the
desired products

[34, 35, 36


Brainstorming is a kind
of mini conference, held
among six to ten
experts. Members from
different walks of life
involve in the
brainstorming, chaired
by the organizer, who
asserts the topic to be

[20, 33,



focus groups

The requirements elicitation techniques facilitates the

developers to have an understanding of the requirements of
users, this phase allows the developers to recognize the
requirements of stakeholders, other than the actual users of
systems [28, 29]. Nevertheless, [30] have stated that
elicitation is the process, which motivates the dynamic
contribution of users in system development, which
consequently increases the accomplishments and endurance
of information systems. According to [31] specifications
progression is an rigorous communication procedure
among stakeholders and the programmers, therefore the
four kinds of elicitation methods vary depending on the
context of communication: observational, conversational,
analytic, and synthetic [31]. Each and every kind provides a
unique communication model among programmers and
stakeholders, and demonstrates the characteristics of a
strategy. Realizing the category of method facilitates
engineers to comprehend various elicitation methods and
guides them to choose a suitable technique, for
requirements elicitation.

, 37, 38]

One of the most common types of social relationship is

conversation. Generally people are pleased to express about
the jobs they perform, and the challenges they encounter.
The verbal needs and limitations are generally called nontacit specifications. As oral communication is realistic and
productive to gather non-tacit knowledge, the
conversational methods constitute the principal approach to
non-tacit requirements elicitation, by carrying out
interviews, workshops or brainstorming sessions [39].
Generally, conversational strategies are extremely used in
requirements development, however not by itself, they
require combining other kinds of techniques, to accomplish
the software development phase.

A. Conversational Methods
The conversational method provides a means of verbal
communication between two or more people. As
conversation is a normal means to convey requirements and
concepts, and ask and answer questions, it is efficient to
build and comprehend the issues and to elicit generic
product requirements [32].

International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology

Website: (ISSN 2347-6435(Online) Volume 1, Issue 3, December 2013)
However, they require a lot of human efforts [18, 40]:
conference set up and creating transcript and examining
records of a live conversation, and consume a lot of time.
On the other hand, it is concern to accomplish the
elicitation process, particularly when employing workshop
or brainstorming, e.g. organizing the meeting and making
sure that the representatives are available for the meeting

Observational methods seem to be best suited, when

individuals find it complicated to communicate their
requirements and when analysts search for a improved
comprehension of the perspective, where the preferred
product has to be utilized [42]. Good examples of tacit
information consist of the scheduled work, which
individuals accomplish day-to-day, spontaneously and in
the organizational or social contexts, which most likely
affect the specifications. As people are acquainted with the
perspective and scenario of their work, they do not
deliberately contemplate about the schedules and the
working environment. It is challenging for them to
enunciate how work is performed, despite the fact that
occasionally the routine work is simple to be revealed to
others [20]. Therefore, to be engrossed in the actual work
scenario, to acquire the observational facts, can assist
engineers to thoroughly, understand the routine of work,
the societal group, the organization, and the wider
perspective, within which the product is used. As
observation methods fall into the category of longitudinal
studies, in general, it takes longer period than the other
methods [43], which is considered as main disadvantage of
such methods, especially when the project has tight
schedule at the requirements stage. Besides this,
observation requires compassion and receptiveness to the
physical environment [31]. It is easy for observers to
perceive a good image about the work context, but it is
normally hard to specify and analyse their perception.
Observational methods are used for understanding
complex societies, rather than making judgments about
improving or supporting the ways of working [20, 31].
They are beneficial to discover fundamental elements of
routine order, such as the standard design of work, and
offer the most relevant information towards designing
solutions [44]. Consequently, it is generally a good practice
to begin with an observational method, to get a preliminary
comprehension of the preferred product, when the
development team falls short of experiences of product
development in a given domain.

B. Observational Methods
The observational method provides a means to develop a
rich understanding of the application domain by observing
human activities [31]. In addition to non-tacit requirements,
some requirements are obvious to stakeholders, but
difficult to verbalize, which is called as tacit requirements
[39]. Verbal communication is frequently weak, when
gathering tacit requirements. Consequently, observing how
people perform their routine work, facilitates gather
information, which are challenging to explain in words.
Methods under this group are illustrated in Table II.
Observational methods




Social analysis

[20, 39]

[33, 41,

[33, 39]


The observer
must be
accepted by the
people being
studied as a
kindred spirit
and must be
familiar that
they carry on
with their
normal practices
as if he was not

An observer
spends a period
in a society or
culture on
making detailed
observation of
all their
practices. User
culture and work
environment are
A subject is
engaged in some
task, and
speaks out loud
and explains his

C. Analytic Methods
Analytic methods provide ways to explore the existing
documentation or knowledge and acquire requirements
from a series of deductions. These methods are illustrated
in Table III.

International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology

Website: (ISSN 2347-6435(Online) Volume 1, Issue 3, December 2013)
Analytic methods




[20, 33,41,
45, 46, 47]


In this technique
the systems within
the same product
family is used to
requirements of
the desired system

[20, 45,


A common
method consisting
of reading and
studying available
documentation for
content that is
relevant to and
useful on the
elicitation tasks


Expert s

It involves the
creation, reviewing
and modification
of hierarchical
content of experts
knowledge, often
in the form of
ladders (i.e. tree

Furthermore, they recognize and reuse requirements

from the specification of the heritage or identical products.
It is always worth searching and filtering for reports and
recorded information, relevant to the desired product. The
mapping techniques are beneficial for knowledge
acquisition, in analytic methods [50]. Multidimensional
scaling [50, 51] allows users to obtain conceptual structure,
to recognize aspects and identify cause-effect associations
of a process, and variance analysis [50,52] to use existing
system as a basis for determining new system requirements.
Generally these techniques are considered as knowledge
acquisition strategies; however they are also flexible in
requirements elicitation. As explained in Table III,
laddering [48] is utilized to elicit justification and
explanation of technological terminologies or subjective
terms, and to elicit, how specialists composite their
knowledge about a field, and card sorting [49]. Generally,
the analytic strategies are not essential to requirements
elicitation, because requirements are grabbed ultimately
from other sources, instead of end users and clients.
Nevertheless, they form secondary variants, to enhance the
performance and usefulness of requirements elicitation,
particularly when the information from heritage or relevant
products is re-usable.



studies /content




Card sorting

D. Synthetic Methods
According to [39], the synthetic strategies incorporate
various channels of communication, and offer models to
illustrate the characteristics and relationship of system, they
deliver good hints for requirement recognition, in the form
of abundant semantic models. For instance, the prototypes
offer an initial version of the system to the users, which can
emphasize them about the functions which are usually in
any other case ignored. Storyboard technique, which is
categorized between scenarios and prototyping. It presents
a procession of prospects beginning from sample
components to live interactive reports [34]. Appreciative
Inquiry (AI) is a combined method, which includes
communication between clients and designers, examine the
existing systems, tracking the behaviours of the users and
visualize the future system or software, with all the
necessary functions. It includes combined strategies, which
enhance requirements elicitation process. Examples of
synthetic methods are illustrated in Table IV.

The expert is
asked to sort into
groups a set of
cards each of
which has the
name of some
domain entity
written or depicted
on it

A wide range of studies have focused on requirements of

the preferred product, which consists of problem
evaluation, organizational charts, specifications, user
manuals of existing systems, research report of competitive
systems in market. By understanding it, the engineers
capture the information about the application domain, the
work-flow, the characteristics of product, and map it to the
requirements specification [48].

International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology

Website: (ISSN 2347-6435(Online) Volume 1, Issue 3, December 2013)
Synthetic methods



[57, 58, 59,

Inquiry (AI)

[20, 34, 35,

[20, 34,


[35, 39, 54,





Inquiry (acronym
"AI") is principally
an organizational
method, which
focuses on increasing
what an organization
does well rather than
on eliminating what
it does badly

60, 61, 62]

Analysts and
and coordinate
to reach a
of the

This approach
describes the precise
details of the current
and future processes,
which comprises the
actions and
interactions between
the users and the

The synthetic methods are generally integrated at other

phases of the product development life cycle. As the
purpose of synthetic methods is to enhance the
communication among programmers and the clients, they
are appropriate for various phases of the development
process. They efficiently coordinate the requirements stage
with the remaining development processes.

It provides
stakeholders with a
concrete (although
partial) model or
system that they
might expect to be
delivered at the end
of a project. It is
often used to elicit
and validate system
Prototype generally
represents and
visualizes the actual
parts of system


The categories are due to the outcomes of dissimilarities
between the requirements elicitation techniques, each and
every group has some characteristics, which make all
categories to have distinctive characteristics. The table
below shows comparison among various groups of
elicitation techniques and their benefits and drawbacks.

It stands for Joint

Development. Rapid
Development and
emphasizes user
involvement through
group sessions with
unbiased facilitator.
This approach is
more or less similar
to the brainstorming,
however, it differs is
one aspect, where the
stakeholders and the
users are also
allowed to participate
and discuss on the
design of the
proposed system

Comparison between categories of elicitation techniques

al methods


It is a combination of
interview, workplace
observation, and
prototyping. This
method is primarily
used for interactive
systems design
where user interface
design in critical




Future system

stakeholders are
the main

Not applicable

Some hints or
guidelines are
provided that might
guide the future
development of
systems. Novel ideas
might lead the
analyst to envisage
future system

Stake holders do
not participate,
as this method
totally involves
the observer to
observe the
activities of the

The whole
process is
based on the
of observation
(s), hence this
criteria is very

Observing the
current methods are
not easily applied to
the development of
future concepts

Stake holders do
not participate

A lot of
including the
codes are

The analyzing of
codes and other
existing documents
will pave way for
getting knowledge
about the future

International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology

Website: (ISSN 2347-6435(Online) Volume 1, Issue 3, December 2013)
stakeholders and
systems analysts
to identify needs
or requirements


al methods




the domain
sharing might
make analyst to

Some parts of
the process is
based on the
hence this
criteria is very
crucial also
Behaviors of
people are

The strong Synthetic

make people to give
more ideas about the
future systems,.
Hence gaining
knowledge about
future system is one
of the biggest
advantage of this
method. Synthetic
methods are a
strategy for
purposeful change
that identifies the
best of what is to
pursue dreams and
possibilities of what
could be

sources of

Predictive ability of
unique attributes




Based on the explanation about the various categories of

elicitation methods, it is evident that, each and every
category has its own advantages and disadvantages. The
above table has clearly illustrated the pros and cons of each
method. The conversational methods have a lot of
advantages, such as the actual fact, which is very helpful
for collecting loaded information about the requirements.
Apart from unearthing opinions, the interview technique
indentifies feelings and goals of different individuals. With
the help of interviews, it is easy to dig the details by asking
follow-up questions. However the conversational methods
have the following disadvantages: it is very difficult to
master the skills of interviewing. The requirement
elicitation depends a lot on the behaviour and attitude of
interviewer. Moreover, the interviewer has to be always
unbiased. Even though we can collect lot information with
the interview method, we cannot assure for getting
meaningful information.
The benefits of observational methods can be
summarized as follows; the observational methods are
better option for fetching basic aspects of routine order.
Furthermore, they offer crucial information for designing
solution. These methods are very handy, when the
development team lacks experience about product domain.
However, there are some problems in practicing the
observational methods. The most critical drawback is that,
observational methods need a lot of time, and these
techniques are not good choice, when schedule is tight.
Similar to conversational methods, the observational
methods are also very difficult to understand thoroughly.
Furthermore, observational methods need sensitivity and
responsiveness towards physical environment. Many
studies have discussed about the analytic methods and give
the techniques that are related to this category as mentioned
before, for example reusing the requirements of the existing
system as common method of requirements elicitation.
There are a lot of advantages of using the existing
knowledge to develop the new product, which includes low
cost and less time. Despite the disparities of type of users
and stakeholders, this method is used very commonly
particularly in developing user interfaces, database and
security policies.
Many projects have failed due to the employment of
inappropriate elicitation methods. One such example of big
project failure is Ariane 5 Flight 501 (European Ariane 5
expendable launch System), where, the requirements
specifications of Ariane 4 were reused.

Depends on the

clearly makes
the analyst to
understand the
Again, the code
process will
reveal the facts
of domain

Definitely, this
method needs
makes the
analysts to
and identify
the source of


As the experts
will be made to
converse about
the domain, it
becomes very
effective means
to understand the
domain. This
type makes the
analyst to
understand the

volumes of
data that
provide great
detail on the
origins and
of local needs
and resource

Its one of the most

important features is
the predictive and
find a unique

International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology

Website: (ISSN 2347-6435(Online) Volume 1, Issue 3, December 2013)
However, the flight path of Ariane 5 was very much
different, hence, the system developed using the
requirements of Ariane 4 was unable to handle the Ariane 5
flight path, this is one of the most important disadvantages
of analytic methods, because the failure will be after testing
the new software or system, so this methods depends on the
old code or software that might completely or partially
different from the new software.
The synthetic methods, it is particularly valuable for
stakeholders such as, business owners and end users who
might not understand the technical aspects of requirements,
however, will better relate to a visual representation of the
end product. Prototyping as a example may be an
interactive screen, a mock-up, a navigation flow or a
storyboard. Simple, throwaway prototypes might be
executed in the initial stages of discovery, and more
detailed, interactive prototypes might be done once
business requirements have been identified [31]. Another
example under the same category is appreciative inquiry
technique (AI), in order to clearly understand this
technique, it is crucial to dissect the terms and comprehend
the meaning in the context: appreciation means to
recognize and value the contributions or attributes of things
and people around us. Inquiry indicates the exploration and
identification of possibilities of novel ideas. When
combined, this term means that by appreciating what is
good and valuable in the present situation, it is possible to
discover and understand the means to institute positive
change for the future [61].
The positive aspects of appreciative inquiry are: this
approach is constructed upon the advantages of an
organization or group; it understands things that are well
implemented. Consequently, a very beneficial and
optimistic influence on spirits, guarantee and value of
individuals and groups, contributors can become
empowered and encouraged. It is very easy to involve
people, who do not generally get engaged in this kind of
activity, due to the fact of the conversational style of
questioning and specific focus on the participants [62, 63,
64]. However, the disadvantages of the appreciative inquiry
are: it consumes time, needs periodic commitment, to
motivate participants and occasionally additional works
should be done to get people out of the SWOT (strengths
weaknesses, opportunities threat) mindset.

The beneficial factors of synthetic methods are: these
methods is built upon the positive aspects of an
organization or group, it recognizes factors, which are well
executed; therefore, we can have a very effective and
optimistic effect on state of mind, assurance, and value of
individuals and groups. Contributors are motivated,
because they feel very much appreciated. Due to the casual
conversational style of questioning, and specific focus on
the participants, it is easy to involve individuals in
synthetic methods, who generally do not get involved in
these kinds of activities.






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