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First Moroccan Crises

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The first Moroccan


By Ticha, Sabine, Constantin, Andrew and Angelo

What happened? - Ticha

The first Moroccan crisis also known as the

tangier crisis occurred in 1905-1906. It took place
in Morocco

In 1904 Britain and France signed an agreement

called the Entente Cordiale

During 1905 Britain had dominating power in

Africa, followed by France Why did France and
Germany want to take control of Morocco?

How this crisis led to world war 1

The German Kaiser nor the German government

had any substantial interest in Morocco. The
main purpose of his appearance was to disturb
the Anglo-French Entente that was formed in
April of 1904

How is it related to the MAIN

causes - Andrew

What were the causes of the crisis? Are any of these related to the MAIN
causes? Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany went to Tangiers to declare his support for
the sultan of Morocco.This provoked France and Britain and this caused the
first Moroccan crisis. With all this happening, it also led towards the greater
conflict, World War 1.

How was this related to the MAIN causes?

Militarism. Germany had sent a war ship to Morocco, claiming that it was to
benefit them and keep them well safe and protected. Britain, which was
threatened, sent a naval patrol to Algeciras Harbour, both countries threatened
each other with war and had many conflicts.

Alliances. There was the Anglo-French Entente, which were made up by France
and Britain. Then Germany started teaming up with Morocco. Germany was
trying to team up with Morocco, to become a more powerful group. Germany
had the desire to disrupt the Anglo-French Entente.

Nationalism. When Britain found out about the war ship that was given to
Morocco by Germany, Britain was ready to defend themselves and the first
thing that they did was to send a naval patrol. Germany also felt threatened
too. So they started threatening each other with threats of war. This caused
outrage between the two countries and then have been very aggressive to each
other and was also creating a lot of conflicts...

Cause of the Moroccan crisis Angelo

The underlying cause of the first Moroccan crises is because Kaiser

Wilhelm, the last German emperor and king, arrived in Tangier,
Morocco, which was currently a French colony and had a large
amount of French influence, in order to inform the Sultan of the
Country, that he has his support for Morocco becoming an
independent country and no longer being part of/under the French

Who were the conflict parties? Consti

-On March 31, 1905 Kaiser Wilhem II of Germany

visited Tangier in Morocco

He conferred with the Sultan Abdelaziz of Morocco and

declared that he came because he wanted to support the
sovereignty of the Sultan which was a provocative
challenge to French influence in Morocco.

Right after that the Sultan rejected a set of French

proposed governmental reforms and issued invitations
to major world powers in a conference which would
advise him on necessary reforms.

The First Moroccan Crisis also showed that the Entente

Cordiale was strong, as Britain had defended France in
the Crisis.

How was the first Moroccan Crisis

linked to world war 1? - Sabine

During the First Moroccan Crises, France had hoped to conquer Morocco
with the help of Britain

German Kaiser Wilhelm visited Morocco in 1905 and promised to protect

them from anyone who tried to invade them.

This made Britain worried, as they thought that this was another one of
Germany's attempts to build an empire to rival theirs. It also made
France furious with Germany.

After these events, there was a conference held in 1906, where Britain,
Russia, and France forced Germany to stay out of Morocco.

This made Germany angry, thinking that the other countries were
trying to stop the German's from "occupying their rightful place in the

A year later, Britain and Russia, alarmed by how ambitious the

Germans were, made an Entente.


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