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Ischemic stroke


The Massachusetts General Hospital acute stroke

imaging algorithm: an experience and evidence
based approach
Ramon Gilberto Gonzlez, William A Copen, Pamela W Schaefer, Michael H Lev,
Stuart R Pomerantz, Otto Rapalino, John W Chen, George J Hunter, Javier M Romero,
Bradley R Buchbinder, Mykol Larvie, Joshua Adam Hirsch, Rajiv Gupta
Additional material is
published online only. To view
please visit the journal online
Neuroradiology Division,
Massachusetts General
Hospital, Harvard Medical
School, Boston,
Massachusetts, USA
Correspondence to
Dr R G Gonzlez,
Neuroradiology Division,
Massachusetts General
Hospital, Harvard Medical
School, Boston, MA 02114,
Received 21 February 2013
Accepted 21 February 2013

The Massachusetts General Hospital Neuroradiology
Division employed an experience and evidence based
approach to develop a neuroimaging algorithm to best
select patients with severe ischemic strokes caused by
anterior circulation occlusions (ACOs) for intravenous
tissue plasminogen activator and endovascular
treatment. Methods found to be of value included
the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS),
non-contrast CT, CT angiography (CTA) and diffusion
MRI. Perfusion imaging by CT and MRI were found to
be unnecessary for safe and effective triage of patients
with severe ACOs. An algorithm was adopted that
includes: non-contrast CT to identify hemorrhage and
large hypodensity followed by CTA to identify the ACO;
diffusion MRI to estimate the core infarct; and NIHSS
in conjunction with diffusion data to estimate the
clinical penumbra.

The purpose was to use an experience and evidence
based approach to develop the neuroimaging algorithm that best improves outcomes in patients with
severe ischemic strokes caused by anterior circulation occlusions (ACOs). Patients with these strokes
account for the majority of individual, family, and
societal costs due to stroke, and they are treatable
with intravenous (IV) tissue plasminogen activator
(tPA) or/and intra-arterial therapy (IAT). Critically
evaluated was the capability of each specic method
to provide reliable information on three key components of stroke physiology: (1) site of arterial occlusion; (2) extent of irreversibly injured tissue (infarct
core); and (3) the size of the ischemic penumbra
(gure 1). Although varying denitions of the ischemic penumbra exist, the penumbra is dened herein
as severely hypoperfused brain tissue that may
eventually be recruited into the infarct core, if not
reperfused quickly enough.1

To cite: Gonzlez RG,
Copen WA, Schaefer PW,
et al. J NeuroIntervent Surg
Published Online First:
[please include Day Month
Year] doi:10.1136/

The critical physiological information in the acute

stroke patient with severe symptoms is shown in
gure 1, which is a representation of a patient with
a proximal right middle cerebral artery occlusion.
Individual neuroradiology and neurology faculty
from the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH)
presented the best evidence from the literature and

Gonzlez RG, et al. J NeuroIntervent Surg 2013;0:16. doi:10.1136/neurintsurg-2013-010715

clinical experience on the value of each method.

Expert opinions were presented for the National
Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS), noncontrast CT (NCCT), CT angiography (CTA), CTA
source images (CTA-SI), diffusion MRI, CT perfusion (CTP), and MRI perfusion (MRP). Faculty and
fellows who did not present but heard the evidence, met to weigh the evidence and make recommendations. Each modality was assessed on two
different sets of criteria shown in tables 1 and 2.
The basic practical question was: Is the modality
valuable for patient care and can we obtain it in an
acute setting? In addition to traditional metrics
such as sensitivity and specicity, the following
factors were factored into the assessments:
Workow. Place of the imaging test in the
workow and does it negatively or positively
affect the workow when an acute stroke
patient arrives in the emergency department.
Repeatability. The values measured by the
imaging test are not affected by extraneous
parameters and repeated invocations of the
test would result in the same conclusions.
Reliability. Measured values reect the purported physiologic parameter about the
patient condition.
Clinical efcacy. The imaging test improves
patient outcomes.


Intravenous tissue plasminogen activator
Intravenously administered tPA is a proven effective
treatment for ischemic stroke.2 The primary indicators for its administration are an elapsed time since
onset of 4.5 h or less and an absence of hemorrhage or large infarct on imaging, usually NCCT.

Intra-arterial therapy
The target of IAT is a proximal artery occlusion.
The focus here is on major ACOs which account
for approximately 90% of all such occlusions.3 In
patients with blockages of the intracranial internal
carotid artery (ICA) or middle cerebral artery stem
(M1 segment), two recent studies have demonstrated the critical role of infarct volume in determining long term functional outcome (gure 2).4 5
When patients have large nal infarcts, there is a
high likelihood of signicant disability or death. It

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Ischemic stroke
Table 1 Massachusetts General Hospital experience and practice
based criteria
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3

Nearly always valuable in patient care, and successfully obtainable in

the vast majority of patients
May be valuable in patient care, and is successfully obtainable in most
Valuable for research purposes and may or may not help in the
management of the patient

stroke. It provides a clinically relevant estimate of the size of

the ischemic tissue at risk but cannot differentiate the core from
the penumbra.
Figure 1 Measurements of physiological components of middle
cerebral artery (MCA) occlusion. Depicted is a representation of a right
MCA occlusion with a growing infarct core coupled to a shrinking
penumbra at a rate determined by collateral ow. The value of each
method used to measure each component of stroke physiology is
shown, as judged according to criteria stated in the methodology and
in tables 1 and 2. CTA, CT angiography; CTA-SI, CT angiography-source
images; CTP, CT perfusion; DWI, diffusion weighted imaging; NIHSS,
National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale.
follows then that patients presenting with extensive infarction
(ie, >70100 ml) before treatment will have little chance for a
good IAT response.6 7 Moreover, studies have shown that the
risk of reperfusion hemorrhage increases with pretreatment
infarct size, and is very high (15%) when infarcts are larger
than 100 ml.8 9 Therefore, risk outweighs benet in this subset
of patients. Numerous studies have conrmed the importance of
core infarct size in predicting IAT outcomes.6 7 1012 The decision to proceed to IAT therefore critically depends on the size
of the infarct core at the time of treatment, and the primary
role of imaging after identication of a treatable occlusion is to
reliably dene core infarct size accurately and precisely.

National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale
The NIHSS is a Level 1/Class I test in the assessment of the
acute stroke patient.2 It helps to quickly determine if the patient
is having a stroke and gives an indication of the severity of the

Non-contrast CT
NCCT is a Level 1/Class I test for excluding intracranial hemorrhage and mass lesions.2 Because of the low sensitivity, NCCT
was scored Level 2/Class IIa to detect the infarct core volume
during the rst few hours after stroke onset. The place of
NCCT in the workow and the order of imaging modalities were
also considered and it was agreed that NCCT should be the rst
test in the evaluation of acute stroke. There are exceptionsfor
example, MRI could be undertaken as the rst imaging study in
patients with poor renal function who cannot get CTA, young
patients presenting with acute stroke, or patients more likely
to have a non-ischemic etiology, such as a mass, seizure, or
migraines as the cause of their presenting symptoms.

CT angiography
CTA is a Level 1/Class I test for the rapid assessment of large
vessel occlusion.2 1315 It may also be effective for detection of
medium and small vessel occlusions, even though they can take
longer to nd. There was no concern regarding repeatability,
reliability, clinical efcacy, or overall utility of CTA. It was
agreed that CTA should be performed immediately after the
NCCT scan, when feasible.

CT angiography source images

CTA-SI have been suggested as a surrogate for the infarct core.
Some older studies suggested that CTA-SI can image ischemic
core.16 17 However, tissue density in CTA-SI is heavily dependent on the scan timing, cardiac output, the rate of injection, and
the osmolality of the contrast media, among other parameters.
For these reasons, questions were raised about the repeatability
and reliability of CTA-SI in measuring tissue perfusion. Overall,

Table 2
Class I

Class II

Class IIa

Figure 2 Relationship of nal infarct size to clinical outcomes in

patients with major anterior circulation occlusions (ACO) treated
endovascularly. The bar graphs depict the proportion of good outcomes
dened as a modied Rankin Scale score of 02 at 3 months (blue
bars) by nal infarct volume strata. The data are from 107 patients
with ACO. The gure was derived from Yoo et al.4

Class IIb
Class III

Evidence based classification of recommendations

An imaging modality for which there is evidence for and/or general
agreement that it is beneficial, useful, and effective in the
management of acute stroke
An imaging modality for which there is conflicting evidence and/or
divergence of opinion about the usefulness/efficacy in the
management of acute stroke
Weight of evidence or opinion is in favor of the usefulness or efficacy
of this imaging modality
The usefulness or efficacy is less well established by the evidence or
expert opinion
An imaging test for which there is evidence and/or general agreement
that it is not useful or effective, and in some cases may be harmful,
in the management of acute stroke patients

Gonzlez RG, et al. J NeuroIntervent Surg 2013;0:16. doi:10.1136/neurintsurg-2013-010715

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Ischemic stroke
CTA-SI was judged to be a Level 2/Class III examination in eliciting the core of an ischemic infarct.

Diffusion MRI
Diffusion MRI is a Level 1/Class I test for the early detection of
infarct core. Diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) is nearly 100%
sensitive and specic in diagnosing acute stroke1825 although it
is not perfect in identifying the infarct core. Positron emission
tomography (PET) studies have shown that some non-viable
tissue occasionally may not demonstrate restricted diffusion26 27
Also, DWI abnormalities are sometimes reversible.2833
However, reversal of a DWI abnormality is unusual.34 7 When
DWI reversal does occur, it usually involves only a small part of
the lesion.35 Also, most of the time, the apparent DWI reversal
is actually a pseudo-reversal, in that the tissue involved proceeds
to infarction anyway.7 31 33

Perfusion imaging
Brain perfusion imaging provides information on cerebral hemodynamics imbedded in parameters such as cerebral blood ow
(CBF), cerebral blood volume (CBV), and mean transit time
(MTT). Perfusion imaging may provide many types of important information in the care of acute stroke patients.36 37
Additionally, much research has been devoted to demonstrating
that perfusion imaging can identify the core and penumbra, and
that perfusion imaging is useful for identifying patients with
major ACOs that are suitable for interventional therapy.2 38 39
However, evidence based reviews have questioned this.2 40 41

Perfusion imaging: theoretical considerations

Perfusion imaging studies the hemodynamic status of the brain
at one instant in time, and there is no instantaneous hemodynamic state that uniquely characterizes the infarct core. The
hemodynamic response of the brain to ischemia has been characterized with respect to cerebral perfusion pressure, and perfusion parameters are summarized in gure 3 (and in more detail
in the online supplementary appendix figure A1). The autoregulatory vasodilation in response to reductions in regional cerebral
perfusion pressure would be expected to result in increased,
rather than decreased, CBV in ischemic tissue. Indeed, CBV may
be elevated more often than reduced in the infarct core.42 More
recent proposals have suggested that regions of sufciently
reduced CBF may be labeled as infarct core. This approach has
greater pathophysiologic validity in that CBF reects the rate of
delivery of oxygen and glucose to brain tissue, and reductions in
this rate of delivery are responsible for ischemic cell death.
However, neither CBF nor any other hemodynamic measurement could ever be used to identify the core. Even complete
cessation of blood ow can persist for several minutes without
causing irreversible damage. Obviously, perfusion imaging
demonstrates no evidence of ongoing perfusion impairment in
reperfused tissue.
There are several hemodynamic measurements that are time
related with no direct relationship to threats to tissue viability.
For example, one of these measurements, Tmax, reects the
time that elapses between arrival of blood in an index artery
and its arrival in brain tissue. A delay in the arrival of blood
does not directly threaten tissue survival. MTT measures the
average amount of time that blood spends in brain tissue, which
is usually prolonged in underperfused brain tissue. In the setting
of proximal ACO, blood must reach the tissue bed via collateral
pathways whose increased circuitry would be expected to result
in delayed arrivalthat is, increased Tmax. Also, occlusion of a
proximal artery would be expected to result in at least some

Figure 3 Changes in hemodynamic parameters that may occur in

major anterior circulation occlusions. The change in cerebral perfusion
pressure (CPP) may or may not be fully compensated by the collateral
circulation. In each of the four scenarios, arrows indicate possible
increase or decrease in cerebral blood volume (CBV), cerebral blood
ow (CBF), mean transit time (MTT) and Tmax. This is a derivation of
the more detailed graph shown in the online supplementary appendix
gure A1.
reduction in distal perfusion pressure, which would cause compensatory vasodilation in some of the downstream tissue. This
vasodilation by itself should result in prolongation of MTT.
Thus patients with major ACO may or may not have large
regions with reduced CBF but virtually all of these patients will
demonstrate large regions of MTT and Tmax elevation.
Empirically, we have shown this to be the case, as demonstrated
in the online supplementary appendix figure A2.43 44 In
general, the existence of a large region with increased Tmax
and MTT may be inferred from the existence of a proximal
artery occlusion on CT or MR angiographic imaging alone.

CT perfusion
Several issues and concerns about CTP were raised in addition
to radiation exposure. These concernswhich are related to the
workow, process of obtaining CTP maps, and the utility of the
information derived from a CTP studyare summarized below.

CTP process and workow

There is a lack of clear guidelines on when CTP should be performed, and how it should be interpreted. There was broad
agreement that:
Quantication of perfusion using CTP is not validated.
There is high inter-vendor variability.
There is high intra-vendor variability based on the software version used.
The variability in CTP maps is as yet unquantied with
respect to the variations in heart rate, blood pressure, ejection fraction, rate of infusion, osmolality of IV contrast,
rotation time, and temporal resolution of the scanner.45
The efcacy of CTP in improving patient outcomes is
Studies performed at MGH directly comparing core volumes
by DWI and CTP in patients with severe strokes with ACOs
revealed statistically signicant high correlations between the
two methods. However, while there is good correlation in a
population, there is a wide clinically relevant discordance

Gonzlez RG, et al. J NeuroIntervent Surg 2013;0:16. doi:10.1136/neurintsurg-2013-010715

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Ischemic stroke
between DWI and CTP derived core volumes in individual
patients (see online supplementary appendix figure A3).
The above considerations led to the following guidelines on
the use of CTP.
CTP is a Level 3/Class IIb method for early estimation of
the infarct core in acute stroke patients. Because CTP is
unable to adequately estimate the core, it necessarily
follows that it is a Level 3/Class IIb method for estimation
of the penumbra.
CTP has no proven role in selecting ACO patients for IV
thrombolysis or endovascular therapy. Its roles should be
limited to:
Research patients
Patients who cannot get a diffusion weighted MRI
Perfusion data could be used for other purposes such as
hypertensive therapy. However, there are scant data on
this application.

MR perfusion
MRP was deemed preferable to CTP because there is no radiation exposure and it has a generally superior workow.
However, the repeatability, reliability, and clinical efcacy of
MRP raise similar concerns to those of CTP, including:
Quantication using MR perfusion maps is not validated.
There is high inter-vendor variability.
The variability of MRP maps with respect to physiologic
variables (eg, heart rate, blood pressure, ejection fraction)
and scan parameters (eg, rate of infusion, osmolality of IV
contrast, rotation time, etc) is unknown.
Carroll and colleagues46 performed a BlandAltman analysis
of eight smokers who were imaged with MRP and H2 15O PET
and concluded that Until reproducibility is improved, MR is not
suitable for reliable quantitative perfusion measurements. Other
research assessing the reliability of MRP was also reviewed. For
example, Takasawa and colleagues47 studied perfusion MR
(deconvolution method) and PET in ve patients, back to back,
at a mean time interval of 16 h after stroke onset. The authors
concluded that MRP appears sufciently reliable for clinical
purposes. However, most participants deliberating on the value
of the methods thought that reliability does not override the concerns regarding high variability and low repeatability.
Overall, MRP was judged to be a Level 3/Class IIb technique in
the management of acute stroke. There was broad agreement that:
MRP has no proven role in selecting ACO patients for
endovascular therapy. There is preliminary evidence that it
may improve patient selection for intravenous thrombolysis but this evidence is currently insufcient to justify
MRPs clinical use in this role.
Clinical indications for MRP may include:
Research patients
If perfusion data are deemed essential for evaluating the
full clinical picture
When perfusion data can be used for other purposes
such as hypertensive therapy, although there are few
data on this.

The clinical penumbra

The evidence supports that the clinical penumbra, as measured
by a combination of the NIHSS and the core determined by
DWI, is the best indicator of a poor outcome in the absence of
timely reperfusion. The Prolyse in Acute Cerebral
Thromboembolism II trial demonstrated that patients with
NIHSS scores <10 did not derive a clinical benet from IAT.48
This is due to the relatively good natural history in this subset

of patients.49 Approximately one-third of the middle cerebral

artery M1 segment occlusions present with such low scores.50
The evidence best supports the following denition of a clinically signicant penumbra: (1) major anterior circulation (ICA
terminus or M1) occlusion; (2) NIHSS score >10; and (3) small
core infarct size (DWI lesion volume <70). Both NIHSS and
DWI are Level 1/Class I tests; together it is judged to be a Level
1/Class I method to assess the clinically relevant penumbra.


Based on the conclusions of the evaluation committee on the
value of each method delineated above, a new imaging algorithm
was proposed and adopted. A diagram of the algorithm is shown
in gure 4. Briey, all patients presenting with a stroke syndrome
receive a neurological evaluation, including the NIHSS. NCCT is
performed followed by CTA. If NCCT does not demonstrate
hemorrhage or large hypodensity, and the patient is within the
time window, tPA is prepared while the CTA is performed, and
infusion begins once it is prepared. If the patient has a distal ICA
and/or proximal middle cerebral artery occlusion, he/she is
moved to the MRI scanner where diffusion MRI is performed. If
the DWI lesion is small (<70 ml), the patient is sent for IAT if
the additional clinical and medical criteria are met. Perfusion
imaging with CT or MRI may be performed if these conditions

Figure 4 Massachusetts General Hospital acute stroke imaging

algorithm for triage of patients with severe ischemic strokes caused
by anterior circulation occlusions. All patients undergo non-contrast CT
(NCCT) followed by CT angiography (CTA). If the patient has severe
neurological decits (National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score
10), no large hypodensity and no hemorrhage on NCCT, and an
occlusion is identied of the distal internal carotid artery and/or
proximal middle cerebral artery that is accessible by microcatheter,
then the patient is immediately evaluated by diffusion MRI if there are
no contraindications to MRI. If the diffusion weighted imaging (DWI)
lesion is small, dened as <70 ml, then the patient is immediately
triaged to endovascular therapy if the patient is otherwise eligible for
such treatment. If the patient is not eligible for MRI, he/she may
undergo a CT perfusion study for possible guidance for therapy or
for prognostic information. Also, if the patient is not eligible for
endovascular therapy, CT or MR perfusion may be performed for similar
reasons. Only the rst step in this algorithm (NCCT) and the time from
stroke onset are needed for the decision to treat with intravenous
tissue plasminogen activator. IA, intra-arterial.

Gonzlez RG, et al. J NeuroIntervent Surg 2013;0:16. doi:10.1136/neurintsurg-2013-010715

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Ischemic stroke
are not met, the patient cannot be scanned by MRI, or is not
otherwise eligible for IAT and there is relevant clinical information that may be provided by the perfusion data.
After the algorithm was adopted, there was a signicant
decline in the number of perfusion CT examinations performed,
as shown in the online supplementary appendix figure A4.
From 4050 CTP examinations per month in stroke patients
performed during the peak years of 20052008, it fell to
approximately 10 per month. There has been no discernible
effect on patient outcomes.




Contributors All authors contributed to the manuscript and study.

Competing interests JMR is on the imaging committee of the DIAS trial for
Lundbeck Pharmaceuticals. MHL has research support from GE Healthcare and is a
consultant for Millenium Pharmaceuticals.


Provenance and peer review Commissioned; not externally peer reviewed.

Open Access This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 3.0) license, which
permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-commercially,
and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is
properly cited and the use is non-commercial. See:














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The Massachusetts General Hospital acute

stroke imaging algorithm: an experience and
evidence based approach
Ramon Gilberto Gonzlez, William A Copen, Pamela W Schaefer,
Michael H Lev, Stuart R Pomerantz, Otto Rapalino, John W Chen,
George J Hunter, Javier M Romero, Bradley R Buchbinder, Mykol Larvie,
Joshua Adam Hirsch and Rajiv Gupta
J NeuroIntervent Surg published online March 14, 2013

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