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Introduction to Rationalism
Introduction to Islam



Rationalism in Quran
Rationalism in the Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace
be upon him)
Rationalism in the Teachings of Prophet Abraham (peace be
upon him)

Rationalism in Belief
Rationalism in Acts of Worship
Rationalism in Islamic Laws


Reliability only on Rationalism


Syed Kazim
Today is the era of science and technology. If anyone wants to belief or
follow something, then they ask for proof either from a rational or
scientific perspective. Today, even religion is not spared and every aspect
of religion is question on the basis or rationalism. The use of a rational
approach in every aspect of life is especially popular among the educated
and intellectual class.

On the other hand, as Islam has become the fasted growing religion of the
world, the enemies of Islam use various methods to give a wrong image of
Islam to the general public. Especially, the process of creating a wrong
image of Islam has increased drastically from the last 15 years, especially
after the 9/11 incident in USA. Some of the methods adopted are to show
that Muslims are terrorists, Muslims are uneducated, Islam subjugates
women, Islam is an irrational religion and many more of this kind.

Among the various misconceptions about Islam, one of the biggest

misconceptions which people have about Islam is that they feel that it is
not a rational religion because it does not give any form of logically
explanation to its various beliefs and actions. People also feel that Islam is
not a rational religion as the Quran was revealed 1430 years back and all
the principles, rules and regulations which it prescribes are outdated. But
when we try to understand Islam deeply, we would realise that it is the
most rational religion on the face of the earth, its principles are even
rational and practical today and will be practical till the day of judgement.

A modern rational man, however, would never accept a religious scripture

but would ask for visible proofs. This is because we live in an age, where
human reason, logic and science are given importance. Thus, the book is

written with an objective to present a rational argument on various

aspects of beliefs, principles and actions of Islam and to remove the
misconception that Islam is not a rational religion.

Introduction to Rationalism
Rationalism is the view that regards reason as the chief source and test
of knowledge or any view appealing to reason as a source of knowledge
or justification. Rationalism is the attitude of appealing to reason as








rationalism is defined as a methodology or a theory in which the criterion

of the truth is not sensory but intellectual and deductive. According to
the Oxford Dictionary, rationalism is defined as, The practice or principle
of basing opinions and actions on reason and knowledge rather than on
religious belief or emotional response.

Rationalists believe reality has an intrinsically logical structure. Because of

this, rationalists argue that certain truths exist and that the intellect can
directly grasp these truths. That is to say, rationalists assert that certain
rational principles exist in logic, mathematics, ethics, and metaphysics
that are so fundamentally true that denying them causes one to fall into
contradiction. Rationalists have such a high confidence in reason that
proof and physical evidence are unnecessary to ascertain truth in other
words, there are significant ways in which our concepts and knowledge









belief, empiricism is one of rationalisms greatest rivals.

Rationalists believe that there is a reason each object or phenomenon

exists. An object comes back to the ground when thrown upwards not

because a million people have observed so but because there is a reason

for it to happen: the law of gravity. In addition, metal is a conductor
because it facilitates movable electric charges, unlike wood. Rationalism
tries to find the already existing general principles (man didn't create
them) behind each phenomenon, which are independent of each
individual's perception of knowledge. The result is undisputed theories
explaining the laws of the world surrounding us.

Different degrees of emphasis on this method or theory lead to a range of

rationalist standpoints, from the moderate position that reason has
precedence over other ways of acquiring knowledge, to the more
extreme position that reason is the unique path to knowledge.

Rationalism is a philosophy in which a high regard is given to reason and








standpoint, rationalism is the view that all or most truth is deductive and a
priori, deriving logically from a set of axioms gained by intuition or
inherent knowledge.

Ever since the dawn of human life on this planet, man has always tried to
understand Nature, his own place in the scheme of creation and the
purpose of Life itself. In this quest for Truth, spanning many centuries and
diverse civilizations, organized religion has shaped human life and, to a
large extent, has determined the course of history. While some religions
have been based on written text, claimed by their followers to be divinely
inspired, others have relied solely on rationalism and human experience.

Although the words, faith and belief are sometimes incorrectly used as
synonyms, faith properly refers to a particular type (or subset) of belief, as
defined above. Broadly speaking, there are two categories of views
regarding the relationship between faith and rationality:
i. Rationalism holds that truth should be determined by reason and factual
analysis, rather than faith, dogma, tradition or religious teaching.

ii. Fideism holds that faith is necessary, and that beliefs may be held
without any evidence or reason and even in conflict with evidence and

Introduction to Islam
Islam is an Arabic word whose root words are Silm and Salam. Salam
means peace and Silm means submission. Thus, Islam means
attaining peace through submission to God, the Creator of this universe.
Islam is the name of the way of life given by the creator of the Universe,
which governs all facets of life, such as moral, spiritual, physical,
intellectual, social, economic, etc. This submission requires a fully
conscious and willing effort to submit to the one Almighty God. One must
consciously and conscientiously give oneself to the service of God. This
means to act on what God enjoins all of us to do in the Quran and what
Prophet, Muhammad (peace be upon him) encouraged us to do. Thus, a

Muslims follow all the instructions given by Islam as he has a strong faith
in God.
Muslim means anyone or anything that surrenders itself to the true will of
God. By this, everything in nature (trees, animals, planets, etc.) are
Muslims because they are in a state of surrender to Gods will. In other
words, they are fulfilling the purpose for which God created them.
As many think, Islam is not a new religion. It was not founded by Prophet
Mohammed (peace be on him). Islam is the way of life given by God, our
Creator, to the first man Adam and to all of us who came after him. This
can be well understood from the fact that all the Prophets sent by God like
Noah, Abraham, Moses, Solomon, David, Jesus, etc (peace be on them all)
taught the same way of life which was to surrender, obey, submit and be
sincere to God Almighty. We call this way of life as Islam in Arabic.
As many think, Allah is not a Muslim God. Allah is the Arabic name for God
Almighty who created everything, including you and me. Even the Arab
speaking Jews and Christians use the word Allah to refer to God.
Islam guides people through the Quran and the life of Prophet Muhammad
(peace be upon him). The Quran is the final word of God which was
revealed for the entire mankind. It is a book which contains not flaws or
contradictions, and has not been altered since it its revelation. On the
other hand, the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him),
especially his 23 years of Prophethood is the best example for the entire
mankind. These two sources combined will give the complete and true
concept of Islam. Other than this, Islam encourages people to seek
knowledge from resources which are helpful for mankind.

Rationalism in Quran
In order to communicate its message, the Quran uses two ways to address
mankind; through emotions and through rational argument. The first
approach appeals the heart and the second approach appeals the intellect
or reason. According to scientists estimation there are 8.7 million species
on the planet earth. Among all these species, human beings are made
superior among all the creatures; they are the only one with common

sense and with ability to reason. So, in order to appeal man through his
ability, reasoning is important.

Now we shall examine the point of view of the Quran regarding

rationalism. It is to be seen whether or not the Quran acknowledges the
authority of rationality. This means whether or not we should respect the
judgements of rationality and act according to them if they happen to be
correct and rightly deduced by it and whether Quran encourages us to be
rational or not. When we read the Quran, we can see how it confirms the
authority of being rational. The following are the various verses from the
Quran which encourage rational thinking:

1. Signs for People

i. God says in the Quran, Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the
earth, and the alteration of the night and the day, and the (great) ships
which sail through the sea with that which benefits people, and what God
has sent down from the heavens of rain, giving life thereby to the earth
after its lifelessness and dispersing therein every (kind of) moving
creature, and (His) direction of the winds and the clouds controlled
between the heaven and earth are signs for a people who use reason
(Quran 2:164).
Explanation: The verse inspires the readers of the Quran to observe and
study the phenomena of nature, which indeed are the signs of the Creator.
That is to say, rather than blind faith, it is an informed faith strengthened
by experimental evidence and reasoning that God urges people to have.
Thus, the Quran demands the people to look around them and think
ii. God says in the Quran, O People of the Scripture, why do you argue
about Abraham while the Torah and the Gospel were not revealed until
after him? Then will you not reason? (Quran 3:65).
Explanation: When the Jews, Christians and Polytheists claim that Ibrahim
(as) belonged to their religion, the verse is presenting a rational argument
in front of them by saying that Judaism and Christianity came into being
centuries after Ibrahim (as), then how can Ibrahim (as) be a Jew or a
Christian? It is obvious that it is the talk of ignorance. Similarly the

polytheistic religion of the people of Mecca is also an invented religion of a

period long after Prophet Ibrahim (as). Thus, the verse is asking to people
to reason on the same.
iii. God says in the Quran, And the worldly life is not but amusement and
diversion; but the home of the Hereafter is best for those who fear God,
so will you not reason? (Quran 6:32).
Explanation: The verse states that one needs to reason on the worldly life
and the hereafter, as the denial of the hereafter is not wise and it is an
outcome of not reasoning.
iv. God says in the Quran, And We have certainly created for Hell many of
the jinn and mankind. They have hearts with which they do not
understand, they have eyes with which they do not see, and they have
ears with which they do not hear. Those are like cattle; rather, they are
more astray. It is they who are the heedless (Quran 7:179).
Explanation: As far as the eyes, ears and hearts are concerned, both the
animals and humans have them, but the same faculty of sight, hearing
and understanding as granted to human is not possessed by the animals.
This is a great distinguishing feature between the two and because of this
man is superior to animals. But those humans, who do not use these
faculties, bring themselves to the level of the animals, even to the lowest
level, because to the animals these higher faculties have not been
granted. These are the people who do not know who has sent them to this
world, why have they been sent and where are they to go. How
astonishing is this neglect of the great thinkers of the world about their
own existence and the purpose of their life. Thus, Islam demands people
to use their sense organs in the way they have to use it. The humans who
possess these faculties and yet do not use them correctly and throw
themselves to a level lower than that of the animals are worse than the
v. God says in the Quran, O my people, I do not ask you for it (i.e., my
advice) any reward. My reward is only from the one who created me. Then
will you not reason? (Quran 11:51).
The verse states that Prophet (peace be upon him) does not want
anything in return for the advice and guidance which he is offering to the
people, and then asking to people to reason from this situation.

vi. God says in the Quran, And We sent not before you (as messengers)
except men to whom We revealed from among the people of cities. So
have they not travelled through the earth and observed how was the end
of those before them? And the home of the Hereafter is best for those
who fear God; then will you not reason? (Quran 12:109).
Explanation: The verse is asking people to go back to the history and see
what God has done with the people of the past and then try to reason on
vii. God says in the Quran, And from the fruits of the palm trees and
grapevines you take intoxicant and good provision. Indeed in that is a sign
for a people who reason (Quran 16:67).
Explanation: The verse is basically appealing people to see how God has
created certain plants from which both evil and good is possible and the
reason on it by seeing His creation.
viii. God says in the Quran, And if you asked them, Who sends down rain
from the sky and gives life thereby to the earth after its lifelessness?
they would surely say, Allah. Say, Praise to Allah; but most of them do
not reason (Quran 29:63).
Explanation: The verse states that if the people had used their ability to
reason and see as to who is sending the rain from the sky by which the
lifeless earth is getting life, they would realise that it is God alone who is
doing it.
ix. God says in the Quran, And of His signs is (that) He shows you the
lightening (causing) fear and aspiration, and He sends down rain from the
sky by which He brings to life the earth after its lifelessness. Indeed in
that are signs for a people who use reason (Quran 30:24).
Explanation: The verse again uses a day to day activity, which is
lightening and rain, to explain to the people to use their ability to reason
so that they can reach the truth.
xi. God says in the Quran, It is He who created you from dust, then from
a sperm-drop, then from a clinging clot; then He brings you out as a child;
then (He develops you) that you reach your (time of) maturity, then
(further) that you become elders. And among you is he who is taken in
death before (that), so that you reach a specified term; and perhaps you
will use reason (Quran 40:67).

Explanation: The verse is making the people pass through the stages of
creation and thereafter of his childhood, youth and old age, so that they
may reflect and ponder and with the help of their reasoning they may
recognise their Lord.
x. God says in the Quran, And He has subjected to you whatever is in the
heavens and whatever is on the earth, all from Him. Indeed, in that are
signs for a people who give thought (Quran 45:13).
Explanation: The entire universe works in accordance with the divine law
of nature. The verse inspires the person to look and think about the
various things which are there in the environment, as there are various
signs in the environment only for the people who think.
xi. God says in the Quran, Know that Allah gives life to the earth after its
lifelessness. We have made clear to you the signs; perhaps you will
understand (Quran 57:17).
Explanation: The verse wants people to reason how God gives life to the
dead earth through rain, and in the same way, He will again resurrect
people again after they have died.
The above mentioned verses are not the only verses which talk about the
signs for people but there are many more verses, such as 3:118, 3:190,
6:50, 10:16, 16:12, 28:60, 29:35, 35:27-28, 36:68, 37:137-138 and 45:5.

2. Asking for Proof

i. God says in the Quran, Say, Product your proof, if you are truthful
(Quran 2:111).
Explanation: In this verse, the Quran is making a statement which cannot
be accepted without accepting the authority of reason. This can only be
inferred to mean that the Quran endorses on the authority of reason.

ii. Allah says in the Quran, Is He (not best) who begins creation and then
repeats it and who provides for you from the heaven and earth? Is there a
deity with Allah? Say, Produce your proof, if you should be truthful
(Quran 27:64).

Explanation: The verse is telling people to bring a proof if they are

claiming something to be right, as just saying something to be right or
wrong cannot be accepted. Thus, is verse is demanding people to be very
much rational, practical and proof oriented in their approach, and this can
only happen when one speak on something with strong evidence.
3. Discouraging Blind Following
i. God says in the Quran, And when it is said to them, Follow what God
has revealed, they say, Rather, we will follow that which we found our
fathers doing. Even though their fathers understood nothing, nor were
they guided? (Quran 2:170).
Explanation: The verse says that the general reason what people give
when they are asked to think is that they will only follow what their
forefathers have been doing.
ii. God says in the Quran, The example of those who disbelieve is like
that of one who shouts at what hears nothing but calls and cries (i.e.,
cattle or sheep) deaf, dumb and blind, so they do not understand
(Quran 2:171).
Explanation: The verse states that the people who do not think are like
people who are deaf, dumb and blind.
iii. God says in the Quran, Thus does God make clear to you His verses
(i.e., laws) that you might use reason (Quran 2:242).
Explanation: The verse states that the reason why God has made his
commandments clear so that man can reason on them.
iv. God says in the Quran, Indeed, the worst of living creatures in the
sight of God are the deaf and dumb who do not use reason (Quran 8:22).
Explanation: It is obvious that the Quran does not mean the physically
deaf and dumb, but those who do not want to listen to truth, or those who,
when they hear, do not wish to admit it with their tongues. In the view of
the Quran, the ears which are unable to listen to truth and which are only
used for listening to illogical and nonsensical things are deaf. The tongue
which is merely used to utter nonsense is dumb. The people, who do not
reason, are those who do not make use of their intellect and their faculty
of thought. Such are not fit to be called human beings.

v. God says in the Quran, We have certainly sent down to you a Book
(i.e., the Quran) in which is your mention. Then will you not reason?
(Quran 21:10).
Explanation: The verse says that God has sent the Quran which speaks
about the creation, nature, responsibility, trails and the return of man, so
that man can understand all this and reason on it.
vi. God says in the Quran, Uff to you and to what you worship instead of
Allah. Then will you not use reason? (Quran 21:67). The verse is basically
addressing to the people who are worshiping other gods besides God. It
states that people who reason will not be the worshipers of false gods.
vii. God says in the Quran, And these examples We present to the
people, but none will understand them except those of knowledge
(Quran 29:43).
Explanation: The verse states that God presents examples to everybody
but the people who have knowledge are the ones who are going to
understand. This shows that in order to understand the examples of God,
one need to gain knowledge.
viii. God says in the Quran, Then do they not ponder upon the Quran, or
are there locks upon (their) hearts? (Quran 47:24).
Explanation: The verse is relating not pondering to the locking of the
hearts. The verse is basically encouraging people to think rationally on the
Quran. God wants people to think rationally but they are acting like their
hearts are locked, as if they are not able to learn and understand things.

ix. God says in the Quran, And they will say, If only we had been
listening or reasoning, we would not be among the companions of the
Blaze (Quran 67:10).
Explanation: This is a very strong verse which states that the people in the
hellfire will regret that they did not listen and did not reason that is why
they have landed in the hellfire. This shows that not reasoning can lead
people to the hellfire.

The above mentioned verses are not the only verses which discourage
people from blind following, but there are many more verses, such as
5:104, 7:169, 10:42, 11:24, 23:68, 25:44, 25:73 and 38:29.

4. Quran Using Rational Argument

i. God says in the Quran, Had there been within them (i.e., the heavens
and earth) gods besides God, they both would have been ruined.
(Quran 21:22).
Explanation: The verse itself uses a rational argument to prove the
oneness of God. The verse appeals to the minds of the people asking
them to think and reason. This clearly shows that the Quran uses rational
arguments in order to prove its point.

ii. God says in the Quran, O people, an example is presented, so listen to

it. Indeed, those you invoke besides Allah will never create (as much as) a
fly, even if they gathered together for that purpose. And if the fly should
steal away from them a (tiny) thing, they could not recover it from him.
Weak are the pursuer and pursued (Quran 22:73).
Explanation: This verse presents one of the best rational arguments of the
Quran. The verse says that the false gods which these people are
worshipping, come to create a fly they will not be able to create it, it also
continues to state that a fly takes away something from these false gods,
they even do not have to power to get it back. This rational argument
presented by the Quran, demands people to think from a logical frame of

iii. God says in the Quran, Indeed, God will not change the condition of
a people until they change what is in themselves (Quran 13:11).
Explanation: The Quran intends to say that, although all destinies depend
on the Will of God, He never imposes upon human beings such fate as is
outside and alien to their determination, will and action. The destinies of
societies also change according to their intrinsic system of functioning.
God does not extravagantly alter the destiny of a nation without any
specific reason, unless they themselves bring about a major change in

their system of social and moral values and their manner of performing
their individual duties. The verse defines various problems in terms of
cause and effect relationship. The cause and effect relationship, or the
law of relationship, is the foundation of rational thinking. This law is
honoured by the Quran and is also employed by it. Despite the fact that
His words transcends the limitations of connection, the Quran is not
oblivious of pointing out to the system of connection operating in the
universe; it views all phenomena and events as being subservient to this

iv. God says in the Quran, And how many a city did We destroy while it
was committing wrong, so it is (now) fallen into ruin and (how many) an
abandoned will and (how many) a lofty palace. So have they not travelled
through the earth and have hearts by which to reason and ears by which
to hear?... (Quran 22:45-46).
Explanation: From this verse, we can learn that God wants people to
reason by studying the conditions and circumstances of societies of the
past and to take lesson from their history. It of is evident that if the
destinies races and nations were random, or dependent upon accidents,
or were prescribed from above, the advice to study and draw a lesson
would not have any sense. By laying emphasis on it, the Quran intends to
remind us that a uniform system of laws governs the destinies of all the
nations of the world. It also reminds us that if the conditions of a society in
which we live, are similar to the conditions prevalent in a society of the
past, the same fate awaits us too. We can also infer that the affirmation of
the law of connection and the approval of the cause-and-effect
relationship, imply the acceptance of authority of rationality.

v. God says in the Quran, Indeed prayer prohibits immorality and

wrongdoing (Quran 29:45).
Explanation: The verse mentions the spiritual effects of prayer, and states
how the prayer can enlighten man. It explains that it is on account of this
exaltation that man can dissociate himself from indecencies.

vi. God says in the Quran, O you who have believed, decreed upon you is
fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become
righteous (Quran 2:183).
Explanation: In this verse, after laying down the rule of observing the fast,
the Quran explains the rationale of its command.

5. Result of Not Being Rational

i. God says in the Quran, And it is not for a soul (i.e., anyone) to believe
except by permission of Allah, and He will place defilement upon those
who will not use reason (Quran 10:100).
Explanation: The Quran in this verse invites us to be rational. The verse
clearly states that the people who do not reason, God will place on them
with filth, wrath or punishment and they would be in confusion and error.

ii. God says in the Quran, And he had already led astray from among you
much of creation, so did you not use reason? (Quran 36:62).
Explanation: The verse is demanding the people to use their reasoning
ability and see that a large number of people have followed the Satan,
and on his bidding have made other beings as their deities. Thus, they
have lost the path of guidance and they have become transgressors.

There are many more verses in the Quran which ask people to reason are
relating to the creation of God which is around us. It is one of the most
significant, logical and common example which every person can easily
relate to. Greatness of creating indicates greatness of action and the
perfection of creating indicates the perfection of actions, and there is
always a harmony between the perfection of creation and the perfection
of actions. The universe is a reflection of the perfection of creating; hence
its Creator should be perfect in His actions.

There are more than one thousand verses in the Quran which speak about
nature and its working and in these verses human being is asked to
pause, see, ponder, reflect and think rationally. From all these verses we
can conclude that, Islam encourages people to behave rationally. It dont

not want its followers to blindly belief anything what is said, but one is
always motivated to see, reflect and think.









commandments, clarifies fully their worldly and terrestrial relevance, and

asks men to cogitate upon their rationale until their meaning becomes
explicit, so that it may not be imagined that these laws are based on a
series of occult notions beyond the power of human comprehension.

Out of all the religious scriptures which are existing in the world today,
there is no scripture which give importance to reasoning, the way Quran
gives. The word reason (aqal) appears not less than 49 times in the Quran.
And everywhere this word is used in the Quran, it is used as a very, which
states that it is an ongoing activity.

God has also used the terminology of men of understanding in the

Quran. Quran mentions this terminology not less than 16 times. The
Quran states that there are a lot of signs hidden for the men of
understanding. In all these places the Quran has used this in a positive
manner. Thus, we can learn that the Quran motivates people to think and
reason on the Quran.

The Quran has framed a conditional proposition, which exempts or

excludes the originator premise for arriving at a conclusion which is
consequent upon it. Thus, the Quran aims at emphasizing the role of
rationalism and refutes the view of some of the religions that faith is alien
to, or, is incompatible with rationalism, and that to embrace faith one has
to suspend his rational faculty and concentrate upon heart alone, so that
it may absorb the Divine light and become illuminated by it. This view is
totally negated and refuted by the Quran.

Rationalism in the Teachings of Prophet Muhammad

(peace be upon him)
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) throughout his life was very
much way rational. He used rationality which conveying the message,

while answering questions, which resolving disputes, etc. If Prophet

Muhammad (peace be upon him) held a message against reasoning, the
pagans would never have left him (as they were on his tail waiting for one
mistake), they would have spoken it out, they would have criticized the
Prophet (peace be upon him), they would have confuted Him, and they
would have defamed Him. Yet, all wise and reasonable people at that time
testify to the eligibility of this message which the Prophet (peace be upon
him) propagated. From the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon
him) we can come across various examples of being rational or using a
rational approach
1. Once Prophet (peace be upon him) asked Muadh ibn Jabal (ra), whom
he had names as a judge in the new environment of Yemen, Through
what will you judge? Muadh (ra) replied, Through the Book of Allah.
Prophet (pbuh) then asked, And if you find nothing in the Book of Allah?,
Muadh (ra) went on to say, I shall judge according to the tradition of
Allahs Messenger. Prophet (pbuh) further asked, And if you find nothing
in the Messengers tradition?, Muadh (ra) answered confidently, I shall
not fail to make an effort to reach an opinion. This answer satisfied the
Prophet (pbuh), who concluded, Praise be to Allah, who has guided His
Messengers messenger to what satisfied Allahs Messenger (At-Tirmidhi,
An-Nisai and Abu Dawood). The hadith states that, when a person wants
to take a decision and is not able to find any kind of reference from the
Quran and the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) then one
should exert utmost power and effort to take a decision, which means that
one should use his intellectual and reasoning ability to arrive at an
answer. This shows that Prophet (peace be upon him) supported the use
of ability to reason to take decisions.
2. When Khalid bin Walid (ra) accepted Islam, the Prophet (peace be upon
him) said, I knew that you have an open mind and I prayed that it would
lead you to safety. From the saying of Prophet (peace be upon him) we
can learn that Islam is embraced by reasonable people, and one of
reasonings requirements is to approach their religion. For that, the
Prophet (peace be upon him) wondered about the delay of Khalids
conversion to Islam despite his reasoning and prudence.
3. Once a Bedouin came to Prophet (peace be upon him) and left after the
Prophet (peace be upon him) taught him Islamic orders and prohibitions,

so the Bedouin converted to Islam. Then his kindred asked him, How
could you tell that he is a messenger of God? to which the Bedouin
answered, Muhammad (peace be upon him) didnt order anything to
which my reasoning asked me not to do it, and he didnt prohibit anything
to which my reasoning asked me to do it. This instance clearly shows that
whatever Prophet (peace be upon him) spoke was rational enough for
people to believe and accept.
4. Once Farrah ibn Hubairah came to Prophet (peace be upon him) and
said, We used to worship idols and goddesses instead of worshiping God
the Almighty, we invoked them, yet they didnt respond to us, we asked
them, yet they didnt answer us, till we came to you and were guided to
God through you, so we worship God now. To which the Prophet (peace
be upon him) said, He who is blessed with reasoning will prosper. Thus,
from this it is clear that one should reason if he has to attain the truth.
5. Once the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, The first thing God
created was the mind, He said to it, come, so the mind came, then He said
to it, go, so it went, then God said, by my glory and exaltedness, nothing
is more preferable to Me among My creation than you (my mind), as I
bestow and withdraw because of you (Abi Umamah). Therefore, the
human being will earn happiness upon using his mind, and will earn
hardship upon deactivating it.
6. Once a young man came to Prophet (peace be upon him) and asked his
permission to commit fornication. The companions told him to be quite
and scolded the young man. So the Prophet (peace be upon him) asked
him, Do you like it for your mother?, the man said No. To which the
Prophet (peace be upon him) commented So are people and asked him,
Do you like it for your daughter?, He answered with a No, to which the
Prophet (peace be upon him) replied So are people. Then the man said,
Be my witness, as I repent from fornication. I came to the Prophet (peace
be upon him) and fornication is the dearest thing to me and went out and
it is the most hatred thing to me. From this we can see that Prophet
(peace be upon him) did not use any verse from the Quran to motivate
him to stop the wrong act but did so with a rational argument.
7. During the battle of Badar, the Prophet (peace be upon him) wanted to
know the number of soldiers in Makkan army so the Muslims could plan

their strategies accordingly. He (peace be upon him) sent a group of

Muslims to find out before the battle could start. They were able to get
hold of the slave of Akbah bin Abi Muait. When he was asked about the
number of Makkan army the man did not know the exact numbers of the
soldiers. No matter how hard the people tried but they could not get the
exact number. Then the Prophet (peace be upon him) asked him as to how
many camels did they slaughter every day? The man replied by saying ten
of the every day. From this answer, the Prophet (peace be upon him)
estimated that the army might comprise of 900 to 1000 soldiers as every
camel is enough for 100 men. This shows that how the Prophet (peace be
upon him) used to think rationally in every aspect of his life.
8. Hussain (father of Imran ibn Hussain) used to worship seven idols
before Islam considering them Gods, and he was a notable man in
Quraish. So some people came to him and told him to talk to Prophet
Muhammad (peace be upon him) as he was putting down his idols and
cursed them. Hussain went to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
and asked him, We overheard that you are cursing our idols. To which
the Prophet (peace be upon him) replied, O Hussain, how many idols do
you worship? He said, Seven on earth and one in the heaven, which
makes it eight. The Prophet (peace be upon him) asked, If you were in
hardship, whom do you call? He said, I call the one in heavens. The
Prophet (peace be upon him) again asked, If you are broken, whom do
you call? He said, The one in the heavens. The Prophet (peace be upon
him) then said, How come you worship those idols with the only one who
responds to your supplication? Do you thank Him yet worship others with
Him? Do you thank Him and fear your people? to which Hussain said,
None of those two. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, Convert to
Islam to be safe, and later Hussain accepted Islam before leaving the
assembly. This shows how rationally Prophet (peace be upon him) spoken
to the idol worshipper and invited him to worship the one true God.
9. The Prophet (peace be upon him) sent Ibn Al-Hadrami to Munzer bin
Sawa with his letter asking him to embrace Islam. Al-Hadrami came to the
king, listened to his words and told him, O, Munzer you have an open
mind, so dont be among the closed mind people in the hereafter. This
means that your mind should guide you to Islam otherwise your mind is
considered among closed mind people in the hereafter. One of the main
aspects of rationalism is thinking with an open mind and which Islam is

presented to the king, he is asked to reason with an open mind so that he

can be successful in the hereafter.
All these instances show us that Prophet (peace be upon him) was very
much a rational person. Wherever necessary he (peace be upon him) used
the verses of the Quran, wherever necessary he (peace be upon him)
used his character and wherever necessary he (peace be upon him) used
a rational argument. Thus, being rational in ones life is a Sunnah of
Prophet (peace be upon him).

Rationalism in the Teachings of Prophet Abraham (peace

be upon him)
Not only Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was a rational person
but also various prophets who came before him were rational beings. From
the communication of Abraham (peace be upon him) which is recorded in
the Quran, we can learn that he has also used rational arguments to his
people, to convey his message.

There are two situations to prove the


1. God says in the Quran, So when the night covered him (with
darkness), he saw a star. He said, This is my lord. But when it set, he
said, I like not those that disappear. And when he saw the moon rising,
he said, This is my lord. But when it set, he said, Unless my Lord guides
me, I will surely be among the people gone astray. And when he saw the
sun rising, he said, This is my lord; this is greater. But when it set, he
said, O my people, indeed I am free from what you associate with Allah.
Indeed, I have turned my face toward He who created the heavens and
the earth, inclining toward truth, and I am not of those who associate
others with Allah. (Quran 6:76-79). The verses show that Prophet
Abraham (peace be upon him) gave logical explanation to people as to
how the starts, moon and the sun cannot be God.

2. God says in the Quran, Have you not considered the one who argued
with Abraham about his Lord (merely) because God had given him

kingship? When Abraham said, My Lord is the one who gives life and
causes death, he said, I give life and cause death. Abraham said,
Indeed, God brings up the sun from the east, so bring it up from the
west. So the disbeliever was overwhelmed (by astonishment), and God
does not guide the wrongdoing people (Quran 2:258).
When Prophet Abraham (peace be upon him) confronted with the kind of
Iraq called Namrud, who also called himself God. After Abraham (peace be
upon him) came out of the fire unharmed, a large port of the society
started believing in God and he being a prophet of God. After this the king
felt that his throne was in danger, and that he was losing power. Seeing
this situation, Namrud wanted to debate with Abraham (peace be upon
him) to show his people that he was God and Abraham (peace be upon
him) was a liar. Namrud asked Abraham (peace be upon him) What can
your God do that I cannot? Abraham (peace be upon him) replied, My
Lord is He who gives life and death. Nimrod then shouted, I give life and
death. He immediately ordered an innocent person to be killed by the
royal executioner. Then he freed a prisoner who was on death row. He
turned his attention to Abraham (peace be upon him) and said, Did you
see how I can also give life and death? Seeing this, Abraham (peace be
upon him) said, My Lord makes the sun rise from the East. Can you make
it rise from the West? Nimrud was confounded. He was beaten at his own
game, on his own territory and in front of his own people. Prophet
Abraham (peace be upon him) left him there speechless and went back to
continue his mission. This incident shows how Prophet Abraham (peace be
upon him) used a rational approach which speaking with Namrud.
3. God says in the Quran, And (mention) when Abraham said, My Lord,
show me how You give life to the dead. (Allah) said, Have you not
believed? He said, Yes, but (I ask) only that my heart may be satisfied.
(Allah) said, Take four birds and commit them to yourself. Then (after
slaughtering them) put on each hill a portion of them; then call them, they
will come (flying) to you in haste. And know that God is Exalted in Might
and Wise (Quran 2:260). This verse is a communication between
Prophet Abraham (peace be upon him) and God, where Abraham (peace
be upon him) is asking God to show him tangible proof as to how he gives
life to the dead. God does not tell him to just follow him blindly, but agrees
to his request and show him a tangible proof of giving life the dead birds.

By this we learn that when one sees tangible proofs and thinks rationally,
he increases in faith and there is nothing wrong is being rational.

4. God says in the Quran, (Mention) when he said to his father, O my

father, why do you worship that which does not hear and does not see and
will not benefit you at all? (Quran 19:42). God also says in the Quran,
When he said to his father and his people, What do you worship? They
said, We worship idols and remain to them devoted. He said, Do they
hear you when you supplicate? Or do they benefit you, or do they harm?
(Quran 26:70-73).

This is a communication of Abraham (peace be upon him) which is

recorded in the Quran. Here, Abraham (peace be upon him) is discussion
with his father and presenting him a rational argument stating that the
god which he is worshiping is neither able to hear not is he about to see
him, then how could that god benefit him or harm him. This shows that
Abraham (peace be upon him) used a rational approach which speaking
with his father as well.
These instances help us understand that not only Prophet Muhammad
(peace be upon him) was a rational person but also Prophet Abraham
(peace be upon him) was a rational person and he used his rationality to
call people to the ultimate truth and achieve his mission.

Rationalism in Belief
1. Existence of God
God is the creator and sustainer of the entire universe. Today majority of
the world also believes in God. God says in the Quran, And to Him
belongs whoever is in the heavens and earth. All are to Him devoutly
obedient (Quran 30:26).
i. Definition of God: For a person to say there is no God, he should know
what the meaning of God is. If I hold a book and say that this is a pen, for

the opposite person to say, it is not a pen, he should know what is the
definition of a pen, even if he does not know nor is able to recognise or
identify the object I am holding in my hand. For him to say this is not a
pen, he should at least know what a pen means. Similarly for an atheist to
say there is no God, he should at least know the concept of God. His
concept of God would be derived from the surroundings in which he lives.
The God that a large number of people worship has got human qualities,
therefore he does not believe in such a God. Similarly a Muslim too does
not and should not believe in such false Gods.
The word God has different meanings with different understandings
depending on the language, faith, philosophy, and the culture we
represent. For some, anyone who helps them in need is their God, and for
some, their parents are their Gods, for some; popular and successful
human beings become their God, for others money is their God, and for
some the natural elements are Gods, and for some anything and
everything is God.
It is indeed very easy to understand the correct meaning of God. For
example, if you are asked, who is a mother? Your obvious answer will be:
One who gives birth to a child. We may address Mother Teresa as 'mother'.
However, it does not give Mother Theresa the same status as our real
mother. We dont have the choice to choose someone to be our mother;
our mother is the one who gave birth to us.
Similarly, God is the One who created us and this whole universe. We may
call anyone, or anything as God, but nothing can be our true God except
the One who created us and the entire universe. We dont have the choice
to choose someone we like, to be our God. The one who created us alone
can be God. None of Gods creation, regardless of how great the creation
is, can ever be God.
ii. Our Existence: Many people have been brought up more on science
than religion, and to believe in evolution more than a creator. Let us
analyze if we have a creator. When you see a bridge, a building or an
automobile, you will not deny that it has a maker, a person or a company
behind its existence.

What about the human body with its massive and intricate control
systems? Think about the brain:

how it thinks, functions, analyzes,

retrieves, stores, distinguishes and categorizes information in a millionth

of a second, all of this instantly. (And dont forget the fact that you are
using your brain to read this too!). Think about the heart. Think about how
it pumps continuously and maintains steady precision throughout the life
of the person. Think about the kidneys and the liver and the various
functions they perform. The purifying instruments of the body perform
hundreds of chemical analysis simultaneously and also control the level of
toxicity in the body. Think about your eyes, the human cameras that
adjust, focus, interpret, evaluate and discern colour automatically,
naturally receiving and adjusting to light and distance.
Can random mutation or evolution develop these intricate systems? Can
this design come about by itself? For example, throwing paint of different
colours on the wall randomly might create some design like a hand or a
bird, but it can never create Mona Lisa! The design in our body is much
more complex and intricate than Mona Lisa. How rational is it to believe
that this design came into existence without a designer?
iii. Order in the Universe: Our planet earth is one of the several planets
in our solar system, and our solar system is one of the several such solar
systems in our galaxy. Our galaxy, the Milky Way, is one of the several
galaxies present in the universe. Scientists say that there are thousands of
galaxies in the universe. We can observe an excellent order and precision
in the universe. To give an example, solar and lunar eclipses are
calculated well in advance. It is possible to calculate the time of sun-rise
and sun-set for the next hundreds of years. These things are possible
because of the synchronization, balance and harmony that exist amongst
the planets and stars in the universe. This is a wonderful example for the
presence of excellent design and a set pattern in the universe.
Did this beautiful and perfect design come into existence by chance or by
a mere explosion? Let us consider an example for things to happen by
chance. Ten marbles numbered 1 to 10 and of different colours are put in
a bag and the bag is shaken violently to mix the marbles up. Then, closing
your eyes, you try to pull out the marbles in order of 1 to 10. What are the
chances of pulling out the marbles in that order? It is twenty six million to
one (26,000,000 to 1) and this is just for 10 marbles. What is the

probability for the millions of stars and planets to come together with the
exact precision, synchronization and orchestration by chance? The answer
is zero. This shows that it is not rational to deny the existence of a Creator
for this grand universe.
When we reflect upon the nature of our world, we see order everywhere
from the water cycle to the movement of the earth around the sun.
Commenting on the order found in the universe, the physicist Stephen
Hawking explains that, The overwhelming impression is one of order, the
more we discover about the universe, the more we find that it is governed
by rational laws. This observation is shared by the vast majority of
scientists. Since the universe has order and is governed by the laws of
science, we should question how this order came about. The most
effective way to answer this question is to reason to the best conclusion.
Take your mobile phone for example; your phone is made of glass, plastic
and metal. Glass comes from sand, plastic comes from oil, and metal is
extracted from the ground. Imagine you were walking in a desert (where
there is lots of oil, sand and metals in the ground), and you found a mobile
phone lying around. Would you believe that it came together by itself?
That the sun shone, the wind blew, lightning struck, the oil bubbled to the
surface and mixed with the sand and metal, and over millions of years the
mobile came together by chance?
No one would believe such an explanation. A mobile phone is clearly
something that was put together in an organised way, so it would be
rational to believe that it must have an organiser. In the same way, when
we see the order in the universe, isnt it rational to say that the universe
has an organiser? This organiser is best explained by the existence of
God. God is the one who bought about the order in the universe.

iv. Beginning of the Universe: If something has always existed it

doesnt need a creator. In the first part of the 20th century some
physicists held the view that the universe had always existed. If the
universe had always existed it wouldnt need a creator. However,
according to Cosmology, the universe had a beginning some 14 billion
years ago with a cosmic event commonly known as the Big Bang.

Imagine you heard a loud bang, and you asked where did that sound
come from? Would you be satisfied with the answer that it came from
nothing and it just happened?, of course not. You would say what was
the cause of that loud bang? In the same way, rationally the Big Bang
must also have a cause that bought it about. Now we can ask since the
Big Bang has a cause, what was the cause of that cause? Then we can
ask, what was the cause of that cause? And so on and so on. But this cant
go on forever and must end with a first cause, because of the following
Imagine a sniper who has just found his target and calls back to base to
get permission to shoot. The person at the base tells the sniper to hold on
while they seek permission from someone else higher up. So the guy
higher up seeks permission from the guy even higher up and so on and so
on. If this goes on forever, will the sniper ever get to shoot the target?
The obvious answer is that he wouldnt be able to shoot. The only way the
sniper can shoot is if someone gives permission without asking for anyone
elses permission. That person would be the first cause of the sniper
shooting. In the same way, the Big Bang must have a first cause.
We can conclude that this first cause must be powerful as it bought the
whole universe into existence, and it must be intelligent as it caused the
laws of science which govern the universe. Also, this first cause must be
timeless, space-less and immaterial, because time, space and matter
began at the Big Bang. Finally, since it is uncaused it must have always
existed. All of these attributes of the first cause make up the basic
concept of God. God is the uncreated first cause of the universe.

v. Human Nature: Throughout the history of the world, the majority of

people have believed in God. There seems to be something built in the
human that makes us want to believe. Over the last decade some really
startling facts have been found that show that children have an innate
belief in God. Dr. Justin Barrett, a senior researcher at the University of
Oxford Centre for Anthropology and Mind, states:

The preponderance of scientific evidence for the past 10 years or so has

shown that a lot more seems to be built into the natural development of
childrens minds than we once thought, including a predisposition to see
the natural world as designed and purposeful and that some kind of
intelligent being is behind that purpose
He adds that If we threw a handful (of children) on an island and they
raised themselves... they would believe in God. To put it simply, his
answer as to why anyone would believe in God is that, our minds are
designed to do so. Disbelief in God is something which is unnatural to the
human being. Oxford University development psychologist Dr. Olivera
Petrovich, who is an expert in the Psychology of Religion states that, belief
in God develops naturally and that atheism is definitely an acquired
So where did this natural belief in a creator come from? We cant say it is
taught by society as this belief is innate, and studies show that it is
independent of societal pressures and is cross cultural. The best
explanation for this belief is that God has put this into humanity.

All these rational examples help us belief and understand that God does
exists. From this we can also conclude that the belief in God is not only
rational but it is also part of human nature.

vi. Who Created the Creator: According to Cosmology the universe had
a beginning some 14 billion years ago with a cosmic event commonly
known as the Big Bang. Along with the beginning of universe, time - the
factor we use to measure beginning and end, also came into existence. All
things created in this world are dependent on time; they all have a birth
(beginning) and death (end). The Creator who created the universe was
present even before time came into existence and is hence Independent
of it. Hence the Creator can neither have a beginning nor an end and has
always existed. Think about the booklet you are reading right now. If this
booklet had always existed it wouldnt need a Creator or an author.

Now, imagine a soldier who has found his target, but needs the permission
of a higher official to fire. The official tells the soldier that he is dependent
on another higher official and needs to get his permission to open the fire.
The higher-higher official then tells that he needs the permission of
another higher-higher-higher official, as he is dependent on him. If this
chain of dependency goes on forever, will the soldier ever get to shoot
the target? The obvious answer is no. The only way the soldier can shoot
is if and only if there is someone along the chain who is independent of all
others and can take a decision on his own without consulting anyone or
needing others help.
When we apply this principle to the universe, we can safely conclude that
the very existence of the universe points to the Existence of an Entity
which is not dependent on anyone else and takes Independent Decisions.
This Independent Entity is referred to as the Creator or God.

2. Characteristics of God
Everything in the world has some or the other characteristics. Similarly,








characteristics of God will help a person to develop a correct concept of

God. God introduces himself in the Quran. God says in the Quran, Say,
He is God (who is) One, God, the Eternal Refuge. He neither begets nor is
born, nor is there to Him any equivalent (Quran 112:1-4).
Some of the characteristics of God are as follows:

God is only one

God is not in need of anything or God is free of wants
God does not have parents, wife or children
There is none equal to God in all His attributes like power,

knowledge, wisdom, forgiveness, etc.

God does not get tired
God does not forget
God does not make mistakes
God loves all humans and does not differentiate on the basis of
caste, color, race or descent (vamsha/khandan).

i. Can God be in need of anything? Can God have Wife or

Children? Can God have Parents?

If God is in need of something, there should be someone to fulfill the

needs of God. This would mean that the person who fulfills Gods needs
has something that God does not have and God becomes incomplete
without that person. For example, we need a spouse because we are in
need of a companion. If God has a wife, it would mean that He has needs
and thus requires a wife to satisfy Him. This makes God needy and
dependent on His spouse and God being in need of anything goes against
the very nature of God. Hence, God cannot have a wife.
If God has no wife, then He cannot have any children. If God has parents,
then it would mean that He did not exist before He was born. This would
mean that God did not exist at one point and this is impossible as it goes
against the definition of God. So God cannot have parents.
ii. Can God get Tired? Can God Forget or make Mistakes?
God is the All Powerful. Hence He cannot get tired. God is the All Knower.
Hence He cannot make mistakes or forget.
iii. Can there be anyone Equal to God?
If there is anyone equal to God, then that person can also claim to be God
and this would make more than one God, which is impossible and
irrational as we have seen above.
3. Monotheism
Natures greatest truth, the supreme truth of this cosmos, is that the
Creator and Organizer of the universe and its creatures is the One and
only One Master, One God. God also says in the Quran, And your god is
one God. There is no deity (worthy of worship) except Him, the Entirely
Merciful, the Especially Merciful (Quran 2: 163). God also says in the
Quran, In the heavens and the earth if there were other Gods besides
Allah, there would be been ruin to both. But Glory to Allah, the Lord of the
Throne (High is He) above whatever they associate with Him (Quran
He is sole and singular in all His qualities. None else is His associate or
partner in creating and managing this world, in creating all creatures and
in giving them life and death. He is a Power who is Omni-present,
Omniscient. He hears all, sees all. Not a leaf stirs sans His consent. Every
mans soul, inner being, acknowledges this. Be he a believer in One God

or a worshipper of idols, he surely knows deep down within him and

believes that the Nourished and the Real Master is but One only.

Some people believe that there is more than one Creator or God for this
world or at the very least they argue that there is One God along with








Polytheism. Let us do a careful examination of this particular belief

system with the help of various scenarios.

i. Scenario 1: A persons intellect too refuses to accept anything other

than this that the worlds Master and Creator is One. The logic is plain.
Take the case of the school which has two Principals or a village having
two Heads. They cannot function at all. Their functioning is disrupted and
in turmoil. For that matter, a nation too cannot have two kings or two
Presidents or Prime Ministers. How, then, can the affairs of such a vast
universe be managed by more than One God or by many masters? How,
then, can there be many directors and managers of the world?

Generalizing this scenario, we will get millions of gods executing a single

task which can easily be done by just one God. So, mutually agreeing
gods cannot exist as one God is sufficient to execute the task. This in
philosophy is termed as Occams razor which says that Objects or things
should not be multiplied beyond necessity.

ii. Scenario 2: Had there been many Gods, the scenario would have been
something like this; one God would order that night should set in but
another God would insist that it should be day time. One God would
decide that the span of a day would be six months while another would
decide differently. Yet another God would want the sun to rise in the west
but one of the Gods would disagree and say, No, the sun will rise in the
east. Had there many Gods sharing the One Supreme Gods powers,
decisions and management, then again the scene would be somewhat like
this; a man would pray to the rain God for rains. The rain God would
accept his supplication. But, suddenly, another God would disagree and
would command that there will be no rain. Then, the subordinate rain God

would go on strike in protest. Meanwhile, the people would be waiting for

day break but it would turn out that the sun God was on strike.











gods disagreeing on several issues ranging from creation of Universe to

rainfall on a particular day. If there were really so many gods, then this
Universe would never have existed in such a perfect order as it does

iii. Scenario 3: Let us say three people go for a job interview. There is
just one vacancy for the job. Each of the three persons worships their own
God with sincerity and asks his God for the job. If we assume that there is
more than one God, then each God would want to grant the job to the
person who worshipped it. We have just one vacancy with three people
expecting the job and three gods trying to give the job to their worshipper.
Will anyone ever get a job? A trivial thing like this will trigger a fight
amongst gods. There are billions of things happening in this world and
they all require the approval of God. The whole universe will be full of
chaos if we have more than one God.

The farthest the Polytheist can go on this issue is to claim that all the
other gods will submit to or accept the choice or will of One God. If this is
the case, then naturally all those several so called gods are not gods as
they do not possess their own choice but they in fact submit to the will of
the One True supreme God. Hence, they all are not gods but servants of
the One True God.

The plain and sober truth is that everything in the universe and its
harmonious, organized functioning, speaks for itself and testifies to the
fact that there is One and only One Master of this universe. He can do, at
one command, whatever He wishes anytime, anywhere. He can neither be
visualized in imagination or thoughts nor can he be depicted in images.
He created the heavens and the earth, the entire cosmos only to put them
at the service of mankind. The sun serves us. The winds serve us. This
earth too is at our disposal. Fire, water and all inanimate and animate

creation, apart from our own species, of course, have seen daylight only
to be put to our service and use. God crowned man as the chief and
leader of all these things and created him as His slave only, to worship
and obey Him. The existence of this universe and the perfect order that is
in place is an undeniable and an irrefutable evidence of the fact that there
is only One Supreme God for this world, Who is regulating all the affairs of
the world. Thus, rationally we can conclude that there is only one God who
is the Creator and Sustainer of the entire Universe.

4. Prohibition of Idol Worship

There are a number of people in the world that practice idol worship. Islam
strictly prohibits idol worship of any kind. God says in the Quran, Indeed,
those you (polytheists) call upon besides God are servants (i.e., creations)
like you. So call upon them and let them respond to you, if you should be
truthful (Quran 7:194). God also says in the Quran, O people, an
example is presented, so listen to it. Verily, those to whom you call,
besides God, cannot create (even) a fly, if they all get together for the
purpose. And if the fly should grab anything from them, they would have
no power to regain it from the fly. Weak are those who call and (weak are)
those to whom they call (Quran 22:73).
Let us rationally analyze the concept of idol worship, taking into
consideration the reasons given by those who practice it. The following
are the reasons given by people with regard to idol worship:
i. An Idol itself is not god. It is just a symbol of God.
ii. Idols are just an object of concentration. We do not believe idols
themselves to be Gods.
iii. We do not worship the idols, we worship God through idols.
iv. We revere God like we revere our leaders and forefathers by
remembering them with their pictures and statues.
v. God is everywhere, so worshiping idols is not a sin.
vi. We use simple examples to make children understand. Similarly,
common people are like children when it comes to spirituality. That is why
idols are used during worship.
Before we being with the main discussion, we need to remember the
following points:

i. Gods image is an assumption: None of us have seen God.

Therefore, the images of God that people worship are not correct. They
are mere assumptions made by people.
ii. Images derived from Mans experience: The images attributed to
God are derived from peoples experiences of what they have seen and
perceived in their daily life.
i. Why is idol worship a sin in Islam?
People think that worshipping idols is not a sin because idols are
worshipped only to revere God. Idol worship is not a sin since God
understands the intentions behind it. Even though people who worship
God using idols might do so with the best of intentions, idol worship is still
a sin because of the following reasons:
a. God did not permit idol worship
God did not allow people to worship Him through idols. In order to be
remembered or thought upon no one would like to have the statue or
painting of a dog or monkey made for him, since we consider them subhuman creatures which are far below us. Similarly all objects in this
universe are created by God and everything here is so insignificant that
there is no comparison to any of them with God. It is a gross injustice to
God to erect any of these objects to remember or to concentrate on God.
Hence it becomes an unpardonable sin.
b. Images attributed to God disrespect God
Although images are made to revere God, unfortunately the same images
become a means for disrespecting God. For example, we see the images
attributed to God being used in calendars, hand bags, crackers, lottery
tickets, invitation cards and even beedis. Once the calendar year expires,
the calendar which has the image of God gets thrown into the garbage
bin. The same happens with used and old notebooks, invitation cards and
hand bags. We see old lottery tickets with the image of God being used in
hair salons, while some beedis with the image of God are flushed in toilets
and others stamped under peoples feet.
Would we accept such things to be done to our picture or the pictures of
our parents or our beloved ones? If not, how can we accept such things
done to God?
c. Images attributed to God are many times unacceptable to us

Some of the images attributed to God are many times unacceptable to us.
For example, would we like to see ourselves with a big pot belly, disfigured
face with teeth protruding outside? Would we agree to marry such a
person or agree to get our children married to such persons? We would
never accept. God who created beauty would be the most beautiful. The
images do gross injustice to God by portraying Gods image as something
we ourselves would not accept. So the reason We revere God like we
revere our leaders and forefathers by remembering them with their
pictures and statues is not valid.
d. Images of God distort the correct concept of God
When images of God are drawn from what man has experienced, man
starts to think that Gods nature is similar to humans and ends up
attributing all types of human weaknesses like family, wives, concubines,
sleep, forgetfulness etc. to God. This leads to the distortion of the correct
belief of God thus making man careless about the accountability of his
deeds as he starts to consider God weak.
ii. Do we need idols for concentration?
We do not need idols or images to concentrate. The following are the
points which will give us a clear explanation on this aspect:
i. We see many people close their eyes when they pray standing in front of
the images or idols. If images and idols are used for concentration, why do
people close their eyes?
ii. Concentration needs to be at the maximum when we pray to God for an
urgent need. For example: You travel in a bike and the brake of the bike
fails. It is natural that you would pray to God and concentration for this
prayer needs to be at the maximum. Would you search for a picture or an
idol of God before you pray or would you directly pray to God?
iii. If idol is used only for concentration, any object could be used and the
substitution of any other object for the idol would not be opposed. This
never happens. Hence the statement that idols are used only for
concentration is not true.
iv. Moreover, if the idols are used only for concentration then people
should be ready to treat the idols and images like any other object. This
never happens. Man gets the image and reflection of things where his
mind and eyes concentrate. The idolater will have the image of the idol
settled in mind, and idols will occupy Gods place. This is why the statues
and images are sanctified and honoured with worship (pujas). This shows

that people treat the images and the idols as God. So the reasons Idol
itself is NOT god. It is just a symbol of God; idols are just an object of
concentration. We do not believe idols themselves to be Gods and we do
not worship the idols - we worship God through idols are not true.
v. It is a common practice for people to use photos of the deceased
during the anniversary rites. If the picture of the deceased is not to be
found, would people agree to substitute with a picture of someone else? If
no, how is it fine to substitute an image for God?
iii. Is God everywhere?
People think that since God is everywhere, idols and statues can be
worshipped. This reasoning is incorrect due to the following reasons:
i. If God is everywhere, then we can start worshiping any object present
around us and need not look for an idol or an image attributed to God.
Example: pen, chairs, tables, etc.
ii. It is illogical to think that God is everywhere. Creations have a
beginning and end. If the God (creator) is within the creations, then what
would happen to God when the creations come to an end?
iii. Our universe comprises of matter and anti-matter. When matter and
anti-matter come in contact with each other, they cancel each other and
the result is non-existence. So if God is present everywhere, it would
mean God is present in both matter and anti-matter. So when the matter
and anti-matter come in contact with each other, it would mean that God
becomes non-existent because the matter and anti-matter cancel each
other. Hence, God being present everywhere is illogical and impossible.
Hence the reason God is everywhere, so worshiping idols is not a sin is
rationally incorrect.
iv. How can we achieve concentration in worship?
When man starts to think about the attributes of God like Gods mercy,
forgiveness, love, wisdom, power, etc. man would be able to really
concentrate in his worship and the worship will also become meaningful.
One important thing everyone needs to ask themselves is, have we ever
tried to worship God without using an image or an idol? If no, how is it
correct to dismiss the idea without even trying it?
v. Common people need Idols to worship God

The claim that common people are incapable of worshipping God without
idols is false because of the following reasons:
i. There are millions of common people in Islam, Judaism and several
denominations of Christianity who worship God without idols. If all these
people can worship God without idols, it should be possible for common
people of all faiths to worship God without images and idols.
ii. To say that common people are like children in spirituality and hence
would need idols is like saying we need to draw a picture of a small sun
for children to look at since they cannot see the sun rays directly.
iii. Only if the fundamentals of any particular subject are strong, a person
will be able to excel in future. For example, a teacher of mathematics in
standard one teaches the students that 2 + 2 = 4. Irrespective of whether
the student passes school or does graduation or does a Ph.D. in
mathematics, the basics of 2 + 2 = 4 will always remain the same, it will
not change to 5 or 6. In higher standards the student may learn about
Algebra, Trigonometry, and Logarithm etc., besides addition, but the
fundamentals of addition will yet remain the same. If the teacher in
standard one itself teaches the fundamentals wrong, how can you expect
the student to excel in future?
Will you tell your son who is in standard one that 2 + 2 is not equal to 4
but is equal to 5 or 6 and tell him the truth after he passes school? We
would never do that. In fact if he makes a mistake you will correct him and
say it is 4 and not wait till he graduates; and if you dont correct him
initially you will ruin his future. Similarly the fundamentals of worship can
never change irrespective of whether the person is a scholar or a
vi. Do we have an excuse to worship Idols?
When we confront the person who worships an idol with the evidences and
reasons against it, he may recant saying, What matters is to be good, let
us not worry about how we worship God. Using this statement, the person
attempts to nullify all the arguments against idol worship. If this
statement is made by a person who worships God, we may ask him, if it is
just about being a good human being, why do you worship God?
By worshiping God, the person agrees that as much as we strive to be
good human beings, it is equally important to worship God. Since worship
is for God, are we not supposed to see if God ratifies how we worship? We

did see that God does not permit idol worship and also the problems with
it and why it becomes a sin.
Let us try to understand this through a simple example. Say there is a
person called A, who does a lot of social services like helping the poor,
sick and the needy and he is known as an excellent human being in his
society. One day, people discover that he was involved in treason by
secretly helping an enemy nation by passing on confidential information
to them.
On the other hand, we have another person called B, who does not do
much social services or get involved in any social welfare activities and is
not considered as a great person by his society. Although this person does
not do any good acts, he stays loyal to his country. Compare these two
persons, A and B. Who is better of the two? Can person A be forgiven just
because he has helped a few people? In no case, will he be forgiven, as
what he has done amounts to treachery and planning against the country.
All countries consider treason as a very serious crime.
Similarly, God does love people who do good deeds, but under NO pretext,
will God forgive those who do treachery against Him, by worshipping
things other than Him or by worshipping idols. It is hence, very clear that
when a person is involved in idol worship, he disobeys God. A person can
never be a good human being by disobeying God and doing things that
displeases God. Hence, to be a good human being, a person has to obey
God in all matters including worship. So the excuse What matters is to be
good, let us not worry about how we worship God is not justified.
vii. Essence of Worship
Worship is a deed done by the worshipper out of extreme piety, reverence
and humility to God. It is unbecoming of man, who is the best of Gods
creations to offer worship to something that is equal to him to or
something which is below him in status.
Moreover, worship with extreme reverence is shown only to the one who
deserves it. God alone is perfect in greatness, wisdom and power. So God
alone deserves worship and it is Gods privilege to be worshipped and
adored. What God alone deserves should not be given to others; and
doing so is against Gods will because it is like elevating them to the same
level as God, who is the one and only deity.

To conclude, idol worship is a major sin, God did not permit idol worship,
images attributed to God humiliate God, images of God distort the correct
concept of God, images attributed to God are many times unacceptable to
us, we do not need idols for concentration as concentration in worship can
be achieved by thinking about the attributes of God and the argument
God is everywhere, so Idol worship is correct is erroneous.

5. Life after Death

The question of whether or not there is life after death does not fall into
the field of science, because science is only concerned with the
classification and analysis of recorded data. Moreover, man has been
busy with scientific enquiries and research, in the modern sense of the
term, only for the last few centuries, while he has been familiar with the
idea of life after death since time immemorial. God says in the Quran,
He says, Who will give life to bones while they are disintegrated? Say,
He will give them life who produced them the first time; and He is, of all
creation, Knowing (Quran 36:78-79).

i. Need of Hereafter: We need a life after death, because complete

justice cannot be established in this world. Let us try to understand this
with a few examples. Hitler killed millions Jews during his reign of terror.
Even if the police had arrested him, what punishment can the human law
give Hitler? The most they can do is to send Hitler to the gas chamber.
That will only be punishment for the killing of one Jew. What about the
remaining five million, nine hundred and ninety nine thousand, nine
hundred and ninety-nine Jews? How do we punish a suicide bomber who
killed millions of innocent people? We will not be able to punish him as he
is already dead.

We have heard of judges writing multiple life sentences which can go up

to 100 years for the convicted criminals. This is because the criminal
deserves so many years of punishment. Will the convict complete his term
of punishment if it is 100 years? True and perfect justice would mean that

the people who were victims are also taken care of. What compensation
can we give to those innocent people who were killed by people like Hitler
and suicide bombers? We will not be able to compensate them because
they are already dead.

Several righteous people were tortured and some even killed. Dont you
think those righteous people should be rewarded for their righteousness?
Rational thinking will lead us to conclude that there is definitely a need for
an eternal life after death to compensate people for what they did in this
world. God who is most just will not let people go without being rewarded
or punished for what they did.

In the world, there is a powerful and the weak, the tyrant and the
oppressed, the poor and the rich, the healthy and the sick, and the short
lived and the long lived, and when death occurs, there must be another
day in which all accounts will be settled.

ii. Concept of Hereafter: Islam teaches that the whole world will come to
an end one day. All the human beings, from the first man to the last will be
brought back to life (Resurrection) on the Day of Judgment and will be
questioned for their deeds. People who have done good deeds and lived a
life in accordance with Gods command will receive a reward and people
who have disobeyed God will be punished. The reward will be Heaven and
the punishment will be Hell. The life in Heaven and Hell will be eternal and

Since the life in Heaven and Hell is eternal and never ending, God can
punish Hitler and the suicide bombers several times in the hell fire.
Similarly, God can reward and compensate countless times, the righteous
and the innocent people who were killed.

iii. Resurrection: God who created us for the first time will give us life
the second time after we die. We all know that creating something for the
first time will be difficult. Repeating the same creation again will not be as
difficult as the first time. God did not have any difficulty creating us the
first time, why will He find it difficult to give us life after we die? Bringing
us back alive after we die is indeed very easy for God.

iv. World has to End: The world has to come to an end for complete and
perfect justice to be rendered to human beings. For example, I plant a tree
and the tree benefits people by giving fruits and shade. You would agree
that I need to be rewarded for it. Let us say, I plant the tree and I die a few
years after I planted it. The tree continues to live for some 200 years. If I
am re-born before those 200 years, I am not rewarded fully for planting
that tree as the effects of that good deed still continue. So I will have to
wait for 200 years till the tree dies to be fully rewarded for planting that

This is the case with every good deed you initiate. Imagine starting an
orphanage. You can be given the full reward only after the orphanage
ceases to exist. This is the case with a bad deed you do as well. Take the
example of the atom bomb dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Doctors
say that the consequences of that bomb are still seen today. As long as
the consequences exist, the people who were behind the dropping of the
bomb can never be fully punished. They have to be brought into complete
account for all the damage they caused. To put it in a nutshell, unless the
world ceases to exist, effects of many good and bad deeds will not cease
to exist. So logically, the world has to come to an end for complete and
perfect justice to be rendered.

6. Need of Prophets
God, in His Mercy, turned towards this shortcoming and disability of man.
He sent messages and guidance to some select, noble souls through
angels. These men, the prophets, conveyed the art of living and the ways
of worship. They unveiled to people those truths of life which were out of
bounds of the intellect. These Prophets were only human and they did not

have any divine quality. They stand tall as the role models and leaders for
human beings. God says in the Quran, And We have not sent you, (O
Muhammad), except as a mercy to the worlds (Quran 21:107).
i. Why we need Prophets?
To teach someone how to use a washing machine, we use a washing
machine to demonstrate. To teach someone how to drive a car, we use a
car to demonstrate. If there were angels living on the earth then God
would have sent angels to demonstrate as to how they will have to lead
their lives. Now, as Human Beings are living on the earth, God sent a
Human Being to demonstrate how to lead their lives. These demonstrators
chose by God are called Prophets.
ii. Was a Prophet sent to every nation?
Every nation in this world was sent a Prophet. Some of the Prophets are,
Noah, Abraham, David, Solomon, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad (peace be
upon them all). They could also be called Avtaars provided the term
Avtaar means one on whom something has been sent down or
These great men, the prophets, selected by God to blaze out the true path
for mankind, appeared in every region and nation and in all times and
climes. Each of them instructed the people to believe in and worship none
but One God only and to abide by the code and way of life which they
brought and spend their lives according to His wishes. Not one of these
prophets invited men to worship anyone other than the One God. On the
contrary, they made every effort to drag people away from this sin (of
polytheism). People accepted their teachings and began treading the true
iii. Why did God Himself not come to Earth?
God and man are opposites. If God becomes a man, then He cannot be
God. It is like having a diagram which is square and circle at the same
time. For example:
a. God will not die, Man will die.
b. God is not bound by time and space. Man is bound by Time and space.
This is a huge problem to be solved when we say God became man.
c. Moreover, man has severe limitations. For example, man cannot hear
what the dog hears; man cannot see what the owl sees, etc. If God

becomes a man, it would mean that God became a man with all these
limitations, which does not befit the qualities of God. So the fact is, either
a person can be God at a given point of time or be human at a given point
of time and not both simultaneously.
One might argue, God can do everything and hence He can be God and
human at the same time. If God can do everything, would God be unjust?
Would God lie? The answer is No. If God wants to lie or be unjust, He can;
but He will not. The reason is, the acts of being unjust and lying do not
befit the qualities of God. We can conclude that God will only do things
that befit His divinity. We can understand that God becoming man does
not befit His divinity, as it ascribes limitations to God.
Even if we assume that God can come down to the earth, then it would
not serve the purpose at all. We know of incarnated gods who married
thousands of wives, stole things, lied and cheated. The common humans
might argue that since they were gods they could do it, but we humans
should not do such acts. This proves that incarnate gods cannot be good
role models for us, since they do not suffer from the limitations we have,
they are not bound by the principles that we are often bound by. Moreover
they easily overcame problems with their godly powers, where as we
humans have to strive and struggle to tackle them. All these points
suggest that the best role-models for humans can be a human and not an
incarnate God.

7. Quran being the word of God

To every Prophet, God gave some miracles, but gone are the Prophets and
their miracles. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the last
prophet and God gave him a timeless miracle, and that miracle is the
Quran. The Quran is the only sacred text that has been in circulation from
a long period of time, yet remains as pure as the day it was revealed over
1430 years ago in its original Arabic language. Nothing has been added or
removed from it and it is free from errors or contradictions. God says in
the Quran, And We have sent down to you the Book as clarification for
all things and as a guidance and mercy and good tidings (Quran

It has often been argued that the Quran is not only the first book, and the
highest linguistic achievement, of the Arabic language, but that it is also
Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) strongest argument against
those who doubted his Message. The question that needs to be addressed
here concerns the reason why a book, a composition of language, should
be hailed as Islams strongest miracle and argument. The point has
sometimes been made that other prophets had more tangible miracles. In
the case of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), however, the
miracle was not comparable to Prophet Moosa (as) staff or Prophet Isa (as)
healing powers, but was more than that.

Muslims strongly believe Quran to be the final word of God for the entire
mankind. Few people argue that it is not the word of God and it is just
another religious book. Following are some rational arguments to prove
that the Quran can only be the word of God:
i. Falsification Test
Surprisingly enough, the Quran itself provides us with the test of
authenticity and offers challenges to prove it wrong. God says in the
Quran, Then do they not reflect upon the Quran? If it had been from (any)
other than God, they would have found within it much contradiction
(Quran 4:82). This is a clear challenge to the people inviting them to find a
mistake. The seriousness and difficulty of the challenge aside, presenting
such a challenge itself is inconsistent with human nature. One doesnt
take an exam in school, and after finishing the exam, write a note to the
valuator at the end saying, This answer script is perfect. There are no
mistakes in it. Find out if you can. One just doesnt do that. The teacher
would not sleep until he found a mistake.

To proof the book wrong, one need to just point out one mistake and then
claim of the book will be provide wrong and then the entire religion itself
would become wrong. But since 1430 years not a single person was
successful in identifying a genuine mistake from the Quran.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) had an uncle by the name of

Abu Lahab. This man hated Islam to such an extent that he used to follow

the Prophet around in order to discredit him. If Abu Lahab saw the Prophet
(peace be upon him) speaking to a stranger, he would wait until they
parted and the would go to the stranger and ask him, What did he tell
you? Did he say, Black? Well, its white. Did he say morning? Well, its
night. He faithfully said the exact opposite of whatever he heard
Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the Muslims say. However, about
ten years before Abu Lahab died; a little chapter in the Quran (Surah AlLahab, Number 111) was revealed about him. It distinctly stated that he
would go to the fire (i.e., Hell). In other words, it affirmed that he would
never become a Muslim and would therefore be condemned forever. For
ten years all Abu Lahab had to do was say, "I heard that it has been
revealed to Muhammad that I will never change - that I will never become
a Muslim and will enter the Hellfire. Well, I want to become Muslim now.
How do you like that? What do you think of your divine revelation now?"
But he never did that. And yet, that is exactly the kind of behavior one
would have expected from him since he always sought to contradict Islam.
In essence, Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, You hate me and you
want to finish me? Here, say these words, and I am finished. Come on, say
them. But Abu Lahab never said them. Ten years and in all that time he
never accepted Islam or even became sympathetic to the Islamic cause.
This was only possible because God revealed the Quran and He knew that
whatever may happen, Abu Lahab would never accept Islam.
ii. Linguistic Challenge
Literature and poetry have been instruments of human expression and
creativity, in all cultures. The world also witnessed an age when literature
and poetry occupied pride of position, similar to that now enjoyed by
science and technology. Even non-Muslim scholars agree that the Quran is
Arabic literature par excellence, that it is the best Arabic literature on the
face of the earth. The Quran challenges mankind to produce something
similar. God says in the Quran, And if you are in doubt about what We
have sent down (i.e., the Quran) upon Our Servant (i.e., Prophet
Muhammad (peace be upon him)), then produce a surah (chapter) the like
thereof and call upon your witnesses (i.e., supporters) other than God, if
you should be truthful. But if you do not and you will never be able to
then fear the Fire, whose fuel is men and stones, prepared for the
disbelievers (Quran 2:23-24). The verse not only challenges the readers
to product a chapter but in the next verse it states that they will never be

able to produce anything similar. This shows how confident is God with the
challenge which He is posing to the readers.
God repeats the same challenge in another two verses. God says in the
Quran, Say, Then bring forth a surah (chapter) like it (Quran 10:38).
God also says in the Quran, Say, Then bring ten surahs (chapters) like
it (Quran 11:13). Ever since the Quran was revealed, 1430 years ago,
no one has been able to produce a single chapter like the chapters of the
Quran in their beauty, eloquence, splendour, wise legislation, true
information, true prophecy, and other perfect attributes. Also, note that
the smallest chapter in the Quran (Chapter 108) is only ten words, yet no
one has ever been able to meet this challenge, then or today. Some of the
disbelieving Arabs who were enemies of Prophet Muhammad (peace be
upon him) tried to meet this challenge to prove that Muhammad was not a
true prophet, but they failed to do so. This failure was despite the fact that
the Quran was revealed in their own language and dialect and that the
Arabs at the time of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) were a very
eloquent people who used to compose beautiful and excellent poetry, still
read and appreciated today.

The challenge of the Quran is to produce a single Surah (chapter) like the
Surahs it contains. The same challenge is repeated in the Quran several
times. The challenge to produce a Surah, which, in beauty, eloquence,
depth and meaning is at least somewhat similar to a Quranic Surah,
remains unmet to this day.

iii. Scientific Proof

The Quran is not a book of Science but a book of Signs. There are more
than six thousand signs in the Quran of which more than a thousand deal
with hard core Science. The Quran speaks about astronomy, physics,
geography, geology, oceanology, biology, botany, zoology, medicine,
physiology, embryology and general science. All these scientific aspects
which are mentioned in the Quran are established scientific facts and not
hypotheses and theories based on mere assumptions and not backed by
proof. The Quran was revealed 1430 years back when science had not
progressed but still it is very much accurate and precise in its claim.

The Quran speaks about the creation of universe, spherical shape of the
earth, the light of the moon, the rotation of the sun, extinguishing of the
sun, the expansion of the universe, existence of sub-automatic particles,
water cycle, structure of the mountains, sweet and salt water, darkness in
the depth of the ocean, component of living things, creation in pairs,
animals living in communities, flight of the birds, the bee, spiders web,
lifestyle and communication of ants, benefit of honey, blood circulation,
production of milk, creation of man in stages, fingerprints, pain receptors,
All the scientific aspects mentioned in the Quran have proved to be right
according to modern science. To attribute the presence of scientific facts
in the Quran to coincidence would be against common sense and a true
scientific approach. Amazingly, the Quran spoke about several 21 st
century discoveries in science 1430 years ago with pristine accuracy,
which was impossible for Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to
know on his own. The scientific evidences of the Quran clearly prove its
divine origin. No human could have produced a book, 1430 years ago, that
would contain profound scientific facts, to be discovered by humankind
centuries later.
Thus, these are various rational proofs which the Quran has to offer to
prove it to be true and to prove it to be the final word from God which is
revealed for the entire mankind to read, understand, follow and
implement it.

Rationalism in Acts of Worship

1. Salah (Daily Prayers)

Prayer is the second pillar of Islam. After a person testifies to or affirms

their belief in God and His messenger Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon
him) the next important step is to pray. It constitutes the physical, mental,
and spiritual submission to God which starts by pronouncing Gods
greatness and ends with salutation of peace. The performance of Prayer
serves as the foundation of Islam, without it there is no Islam. It is the
concrete proof of our submission to God and it also fulfils our very purpose
of creation.

Muslims need to pray in the way that has been prescribed by God and
taught by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). God says in the
Quran, And celebrate the Praises of your Lord, before rising of the sun
and before (its) setting (Quran 50:39). God also says in the Quran,
Verily, the prayer is enjoined on the believers at fixed hours (Quran

Let us try to understand the way Muslims pray and try to understand the
significance of the positions we assume and the order in which we assume
them. Before we begin it is worth remembering that Islam is a religion
that is actually more than a religion. It is a way of life. While for many
religion is something practiced on a weekly basis, for Muslims it is a way of
life that flows into every aspect of their being. Islam is concerned with
healthy believers; healthy in mind, body and spirituality. The way Muslims
pray demonstrates this.

Muslims pray in the early morning before sunrise, in the middle of the day,
in the afternoon, at sunset and at night. Muslims pray in obedience to
God because they believe God created humankind for no other purpose
except to worship Him. Thus the epitome of worship is prayer. God is the
most kind and the most merciful so, as we would expect, the benefits
embedded in the prayer are for us and us alone. God does not need our
prayers but we surely need the benefits we attain from praying. The
benefits are spiritual, emotional and physical and the most important is
establishing a connection to our Lord, the Most Merciful.

The Arabic word for prayer is Salah and interestingly it is a word that
denotes connection. Prayer is our way of connecting with and maintaining
a connection with God. Prayer at fixed times serve as a reminder of why
we are here and helps to direct a persons thoughts and actions away
from sin and onto the remembrance of God.
Prayer comprises of both physical movement and mental concentration. It
includes the posture of standing, deep bowing, kowtowing (touching the
forehead on the ground) and sitting. The movements or postures have
been compared to other exercise regimes and there is no doubt that five
times per day, a Muslim is engaging in a moderate exercise regime that
encourages good blood circulation, regular calm controlled breathing and
general suppleness. Although not physically over demanding it is a mild
form of physical exercise done consistently.
It is important to perfect all of the movements of the prayer, rather than
haphazardly rushing through them because each movement has a
purpose. From the beginning of the prayer by saying Allahu Akbar (God is
Great) to begin the prayer the movements and postures are of both
physical and spiritual benefit for us. Standing calmly and gathering our
thoughts improves posture, balance, and self-awareness, as well as
normalizing blood pressure and breathing.

However, saying Allahu

Akbar (God is Great) also denotes that the prayer has begun and all
matters relating to this world are left far behind.
is achieved and a connection is made.

A calm meditative state

In the few minutes it takes to

pray, each person stands before God in full submission. We gain peace,
tranquility and numerous health benefits a few of which are mentioned
Bowing stretches and tones the muscles of the lower back, thighs, legs
and calves, and abdomen. The physical benefits of prostration are many;
prostration can help maintain the lymph and skeletal systems and the
prostrate, bladder and adrenal glands.

The placement of the forehead

upon the ground causes an increased blood supply to the brain and has
been cited as having a good effect upon memory, vision, hearing,
concentration, and other cognitive abilities. As the person praying moves
through the positions of prayer, standing, bowing, prostrating and sitting,
it assists in general good health by stimulating the large intestine and
aiding detoxification and digestion.

The position of prostration, when the forehead touches the ground is

exclusively associated with the Islamic form of prayer. It is the apex of a
persons prayer and it is mentioned in the traditions of Prophet
Muhammad (peace be upon him) as the position in which a believer is as
close to God as it is possible to be. The nearest one comes to his Lord is
when he is kowtowing. This is the supreme benefit in the different
postures of prayer and it is a mercy from God that so many other physical
benefits are also associated with prayer. God asks us to worship Him and
then rewards us with countless blessings beyond the supreme benefit of
pleasing our Creator.
It is rational to think that the One who created us also gave us the means
with which to keep ourselves healthy and strong both in belief and
physical attributes related to the mind and body.
2. Sawm (Fasting)
It is obligatory for every Muslims who has attained the age of maturity to
fast in the month of Ramadan. God says in the Quran, O you who believe.
Fasting is prescribed to you, as it was prescribed to those before you that
you may (learn) self-control (Quran 2:183). For few, fasting is just
keeping away from food and giving physical torture to one self. Various
researches today have highlighted various benefits of fasting but Muslims
do not fast for the reap the health benefits but they fast as it is command
from God as that they attain God consciousness.

Many people observe fasting as a religious obligation but only few know
the health benefits it has. Fasting is a good practice, if properly
implemented. It promotes elimination of toxins from the body, reduces
blood sugar and fat stores. It promotes healthy eating habits and boost

Fasting has physical and psychological benefits. There are many health
benefits of fasting, when the body is starved of food, it starts burning fat,
and therefore, if done correctly, fasts can be a good way to lose weight.
But there are other merits too. Fasting in general has been used in

medicine for medical reasons including weight management, for rest of

the digestive tract and for lowering lipids. There are many adverse effects
of fasting. Some of them are as follows:
i. Boost your Brain
No doubt youll be aware of the positive effects fasting can have on your
mental wellbeing and spiritual focus, but the brain-boosting powers of
fasting are even more significant than you might think. A study carried out
by scientists in the USA found that the mental focus achieved during
fasting increases the level of brain-derived neurotrophic factor, which
causes the body to produce more brain cells, thus improving brain
function. Likewise, a distinct reduction in the amount of the hormone
cortisol, produced by the adrenal gland, means that stress levels are
greatly reduced both during and after fasting.
ii. Ditch Bad Habits
Because you will be fasting during the day, fasting is the perfect time to
ditch your bad habits for good. Vices such as smoking and sugary foods
should not be indulged during fasting, and as you abstain from them your
body will gradually acclimatise to their absence, until your addiction is
kicked for good. Its also much easier to quit habits when you do so in a
group, which should be easy to find during fasting. Fastings ability to help
you cut out bad habits is so significant that the UKs National Health
Service recommends it as the ideal time to ditch smoking.
iii. Lower Cholesterol
We all know that weight loss is one of the possible physical outcomes of
fasting during fasting, but theres also a whole host of healthy changes
going on behind the scenes. A team of cardiologists in the UAE found that
people observing fasting enjoy a positive effect on their lipid profile, which
means there is a reduction of cholesterol in the blood. Low cholesterol
increases cardiovascular health, greatly reducing the risk of suffering from
heart disease, a heart attack, or a stroke. Whats more, if you follow a
healthy diet after Ramadan, this newly lowered cholesterol level should be
easy to maintain.
iv. Lasting Appetite Reduction
One of the main problems with extreme fad diets is that any weight lost is
often quickly put back on, sometimes even with a little added extra. This
isnt the case with fasting. The reduction in food consumed throughout

fasting causes your stomach to gradually shrink, meaning youll need to

eat less food to feel full. If you want to get into the habit of healthy eating
then fasting is a great time to start. When its finished your appetite will
be lower than it was before, and youll be far less likely to overindulge
with your eating.
v. Promotes Detoxification
As well as being great for spiritually cleansing yourself, fasting acts as a
fantastic detox for your body. By not eating or drinking throughout the day
your body will be offered the rare chance to detoxify your digestive
system throughout the month. When your body starts eating into fat
reserves to create energy, it will also burn away any harmful toxins that
might be present in fat deposits. This body cleanse will leave a healthy
blank slate behind, and is the perfect stepping stone to a consistently
healthy lifestyle.
Processed foods contain lots of additives. These additives may become
toxins in the body. Some of them promote production of advanced
glycation end products (AGEs). Most of these toxins are stored in fats. Fat
is burnt during fasting, especially when it is prolonged. And the toxins are
released. The liver, kidneys and other organs in the body are involved in
vi. Absorb more Nutrients
By not eating throughout the day during fasting youll find that your
metabolism becomes more efficient, meaning the amount of nutrients you
absorb from food improves. This is because of an increase in a hormone
called adiponectin, which is produced by a combination of fasting and
eating late at night, and allows your muscles to absorb more nutrients.
This will lead to health benefits all around the body, as various areas are
able to better absorb and make use of the nutrients they need to function.
vii. Rests Digestive System
During fasting, the digestive organs rest. The normal physiologic functions
continue especially production of digestive secretions, but at reduced
rates. This exercise helps to maintain balance of fluids in the body.
Breakdown of food takes place at steady rates. Release of energy also
follows a gradual pattern. Fasting however does not stop production of
acids in the stomach. This is reason patients with peptic ulcer are advised

to approach fasting with caution. Some experts believe they should not
viii. Resolves Inflammatory Response
Some studies show that fasting promotes resolution of inflammatory
diseases and allergies. Examples of such inflammatory diseases are
rheumatoid arthritis, arthritis and skin diseases such as psoriasis. Some
experts assert that fasting may promote healing of inflammatory bowel
diseases such as ulcerative colitis.
ix. Reduces Blood Sugar
Fasting increases breakdown of glucose so that the body can get energy. It
reduces production of insulin. This rests the pancreas. Glucagon is
produced to facilitate the breakdown of glucose. The outcome of fasting is
a reduction in blood sugar.
x. Increases Fat breakdown
The first response of the body to fasting is break down of glucose. When
the store of glucose is exhausted, ketosis begins. This is break down of
fats to release energy. The fats stored in kidney and muscles are broken
down to release energy.
xi. Corrects High Blood Pressure
Fasting is one of the non-drug methods of reducing blood pressure. It
helps to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is clogging of
arteries by fat particles. During fasting glucose and later, fat stores are
used to produce energy. Metabolic rate is reduced during fasting. The fearflight hormones such as adrenaline and noradrenaline are also reduced.
This keeps the metabolic steady and within limits. The benefit is a




xii. Promotes Weight Loss

Fasting promotes rapid weight loss. It reduces the store of fats in the body.
However fasting is not a good weight loss strategy. Reducing fat and sugar
intake, and increasing fruits and rest are better measures to achieve
weight reduction.
xiii. Promotes Healthy Diet

It has been observed that fasting reduces craving for processed foods. It
promotes desire for natural foods, especially water and fruits. This is one





xiv. Boosts Immunity

When an individual is on balanced diet in between fasts, this can boost
immunity. Elimination of toxins and reduction in fat store also helps the
body. When individuals take fruits to break a fast, they increase the body's
store of essential vitamins and minerals. Vitamins A and E are good
antioxidants readily available in fruits. They help to boost immunity.

By this we can understand that there is a huge wisdom behind making it

obligatory for people to fast for a month every year. Keeping the religious
and spiritual benefits aside, we can scientifically and rationally prove the
benefits one can get from the act of fasting.

3. Zakat (Charity)
Islam had made giving of Zakat as an obligation on every Muslim who has
wealth above a certain limit. A mere 2.5% of the excess wealth must be
given annually to the poor and needy and to various other categories of
people. God says in the Quran, Zakah expenditures are only for the poor
and for the needy and for those employed for it and for bringing hearts
together (for Islam) and for freeing captives (or slaves) and for those in
debt and for the cause of Allah and for the (stranded) traveler an
obligation (imposed) by Allah. And Allah is Knowing and Wise (Quran
9:60). Thus giving Zakat have a lot of social and economic benefits to
offer, they are as follows:

i. Equal Distribution of Wealth

The main problem of modern economic system is unequal distribution of
wealth which is the main cause of social and economic problem. Islamic
economic system solves this problem with Zakat in a good manner. Once
government implements the system of Zakat, it will automatically solve

the problem of unequal distribution of wealth because the rich people will
give zakat to the poor for consumption.

ii. Economic Growth

Islam discourages people to accumulate their wealth but it wants people
to circulate the money in the market as it will lead to business and
employment. If capital goes towards accumulation the economic activities
will be badly affected. For example, if a person has accumulated money
and holds it for a period of one year then he will have to end up paying
Zakat at the end of the year, which in turn will reduce his wealth. Thus, in
order to avoid reduction in wealth, people invest their money and some
business venture, which ultimately helps in the economic growth of the

iii. Solution for Unemployment

The basic reason of unemployment is the shortage of an effective
demand. It is Zakat through which unemployment decreases by increasing










unemployment allowance can be given to unemployed persons.

iv. Protection of Needy Persons

There are different people living in a society, there are some people
unable to earn and depend on others for financial help. Such a can be
honourably protected with necessaries of life with the help of Zakat.

v. Increase in Collective Welfare

It is the most basic source of social welfare. In an Islamic society, Zakat
funds can be utilized in school and hospitals to help poor. This act
promotes collective welfare of the society.

vi. Reducing Poverty

One of the biggest problems faced by most of the countries in the world is
poverty and Islam strives to eliminate this with the system of Zakat. Zakat
is a system where the distribution of the wealth happens from upwards to
downwards in the society. The wealthier a person is, the more Zakat he
has to pay. The downward flow of money through Zakat aims on
eradicating poverty, and every person slowly and gradually reaches the
point where they can buy commodities with ease. This creates an increase
in the demand, and to cater to it; ample supply is made. Zakat also helps
in to eradicate begging. This results in economic growth of the people. In
this way, Zakat creates socio-economic balance in the society in a smooth
and unhindered way.

All the above mentioned points are a rational explanation to understand

the importance of the system of Zakat for a society. It is a system which is
beneficial for the individual, society and the entire nation.

4. Hajj (Pilgrimage)
Pilgrimage to the city of Makkah must be performed at least once in a life
time, if they are physically and financially capable. Performing the
pilgrimage is a temporary suspension of all worldly activities, and is a time
for one to reflect, worship, seek the forgiveness of Allah and attain His
closeness. God says in the Quran, And (due) to Allah from the people
is a pilgrimage to the House, for whoever is able to find thereto a way
(Quran 3:97). The following are the various benefits from performing Hajj,
which could be rationally explained:

i. Universal Brotherhood
Hajj is a platform to exhibit universal brotherhood; it is an act which helps
people to overcome any form for racial discrimination. During Hajj,
Muslims from all parts of the world come together and show their love for
one another and get to know one another. That is also accompanied by
exhortations, guiding towards truth and encouraging people to adhere to

it. Hajj helps humans break the many barriers of race, language, ethnicity,
and color that divide them, and helps them to create the unity of a single
human family based on the recognition of God as the Creator and
Sustainer of all creation.

ii. Sense of Unity

The Muslims demonstrate unity in time, place, actions and appearance. All
of them stand in the different locations of Hajj at the same time, doing the
same actions, wearing the same clothes, with humbleness before God,
may He be glorified and exalted.

iii. Increases the Level of Spirituality

Hajj is actually a spiritual journey. Hajj helps individuals become whole
once again after cleansing themselves of the many sins they accumulate
over the course of their lives. Hajj strengthens one's belief and brings the
pilgrim closer to the God. Hajj helps in illuminating the mind with the
sparks of Faith. Hajj, as a travel, familiarizes man with patience,
discomfort and teaches him discipline and abidance by orders. Thus, it
overall contributes to improve the level of spirituality of the individual.

Man is a spiritual being, and an act like Hajj helps a person to improve his
spirituality level and become a much better person in Islam. Thus, Islam
focuses on developing the individual, improving the society and ultimately
making the world a better place to live in.

Rationalism in Islamic Laws

Islam is not only the name of a religion but it is a way of life, thus, Islam
gives laws to be followed by people in every aspect of their lives. The
Islam law deals with many topics, including crime, politics, and economics,
as well as personal matters such as sexual intercourse, marriage, division
of property, hygiene, diet, everyday etiquette, etc. The following are the
various laws of Islam and its rational argument.

1. Hijab for Women

Hijab is not merely a covering dress, but more importantly, it is behavior,
manners, speech and appearance in public. The headscarf is an outer
manifestation of an inner commitment to worshipping God it symbolizes a
commitment to piety. Modest clothing and hijab are precautions to avoid
social violations. The following verse of the Quran instructs the women to
observe Hijab. God says in the Quran, O Prophet, tell your wives and
daughters and the believing women to draw their outer garments around
them (when they go out or are among men).That is better in order that
they may be known (to be Muslims) and not annoyed... (Quran 33:59).
The status of women in Islam is often the target of attacks in the secular
media. The hijab or the Islamic dress is cited by many as an example of
the subjugation of women under Islamic law. When Tawakkol Karman, the
First Arab Woman and Youngest Nobel Peace Laureate was asked about
her Hijab By Journalists and how it is not proportionate with her level of
intellect and education, she replied, Man in The early times was almost
naked, and as his intellect evolved he started wearing clothes. What I am
today and what Im wearing represents the highest level of thought and
civilization that man has achieved, and is not regressive. Its the removal
of clothes again that is regressive back to ancient times.

Basically, Islam has prescribed Hijab for women in order to avoid attention
from unwanted males. As the appearance is subjected to public scrutiny,
the beauty, or perhaps lack of it, has been removed from the realm of
what can legitimately be discusses. No one knows how the hair of a
woman looks or even if they have unsightly stretch marks, because no
one knows, no one cares. Feeling that one has to meet the impossible

male standards of beauty is tiring and often humiliating. The girls, who
dont wear Hijab, spend their entire teenage years trying to do it. They
also tend to spend a lot of money on potions and lotions in hopes of
becoming the next Miss World.

The definition of beauty is ever-changing; waifish is good, waifish is bad,

athletic is good, sorry, now it is bad. Women are not going to achieve
equality by putting their bodies on display, as some people would like to
have you believe. That would only make women a party to their own
objectification. True equality will only be there when women dont need to
display themselves to get attention and wont need defence their decision
to keep their bodies to themselves.

2. Dealing with Rape

Islam is strictly against committing the act of rape. God says in the Quran,
And come not near to unlawful sex. Verily, it is a shameful (deed) and an
act evil, opening the road (to many other evils) (Quran 17:32).
The vilest and the most violent of all the sexual crimes is rape as the
mental agony of rape cannot be erased with the passage of time. The rate
of rapes in India is alarming and the statistics bears testimony to that. The
statistics according to National Crimes Records Bureau shows us that:

India stands at number 3 in the world for the number of rapes in a

year behind only to U.S.A and South Africa.

Every 22 minutes one woman is raped in India which means that

approximately 65 women are raped in India every day.

Three Dalit women are raped in some part of India every day.
After Independence, crimes like murder, robbery and kidnapping
have increased by 106%, 27% and 298% respectively. Rape rates
have increased by a staggering 792%. This means that rape rates
have increased almost 9 times since 1947.

The statistics above reveal the seriousness and the rampancy of this evil
act. This makes it imperative for us to seek solutions to this social evil.

Islam provides the solution to eradicate rape. Solutions to any disease

whether it is social or physical, will be effective only if the root causes for
the problem are taken into consideration and analyzed. For example, head
ache. A head ache can be caused by different reasons like, common cold,
eye defect, brain tumour, sinusitis, lack of sleep, hunger or thirst etc. A
good doctor will determine the cause of the head ache before he attempts
to treat it. Once the cause of the head ache is identified, the treatment
becomes effective. Similarly, for us to find effective solutions to rapes, we
need to identify the root causes and eliminate them.

Studies have shown that the major cause for rape is consumption of
alcohol, watching pornography, treating women as sex objects in the
society, lack of strict laws and lack of God consciousness. Islam stops this
problem at the grass root by prohibiting alcohol, the viewing of
pornography, treating women with respect and dignity, having strong
punishment for the culprits, and asking people to become God conscious
as they will be answerable to God on the day of judgement. Other than
these laws, Islam offers strict moral codes for men and women; it prohibits
women to be alone with a man (who is not her close relative) and it also
prohibits women to travel long distances without a male relative. All these
aspects, supplement in curbing the immoral act of rape.

The solution proposed by Islam deals with all the root causes of rape and
other sexual crimes. This is exactly why it is the best solution. If adopted
by humans throughout the world, the Islamic solution would decrease
these horrible crimes in a profound manner. Islams solution to rape
eliminates all the triggers to rape.

3. Polygamy

Polygamy means a system of marriage whereby one person has more

than one spouse. Polygamy can be of two types. One is polygyny where a
man marries more than one woman, and the other is polyandry, where a
woman marries more than one man. In Islam, limited polygyny is
permitted; whereas polyandry is completely prohibited. God says in the
Quran, then marry those that please you of (other) women, two or
three or four. But if you fear that you will not be just, then (marry only)
one (Quran 4:3).

Polygyny can only be proven to be rationally practical and necessary when

the popular of women is more than men in the world. Let us try to
understand this with the help of various situations:
i. A female child has more immunity than a male child. A female child can
fight the germs and diseases better than the male child. For this reason,
during the paediatric age itself there are more deaths among males as
compared to the females. Thus, there are more women than men.
ii. During wars, there are more men killed as compared to women, as
majority of the people who take part in war are men. Thus, there are more
women than men. We can understand this with a practical example, after
the Second World War the population of women was more than men in
Europe as more than 8 million men died in the war. In this situation, the
only moral solution was that men should marry more than one women to
make them part of a respectable family.
iii. More men die due to accidents, as there are more men riders and
drives than women. Thus, there are more women than men.
iv. More men die due to diseases, as there are more men to indulge in
consumption of alcohol, tobacco and various forms of injurious projects
when compared to women. Thus, there are more women than men.

If we take all these aspects into consideration, we can generally conclude

that the population is woman is more than men in most parts of the world
and in order to give a life partner to every woman in a respectable

manner, the solution is to get her married to a man who already has a

Polygamy is also is very helpful, when a woman is a barren or she is ill. In

both these cases the man can marry another women rather than adopting
wrong and immoral means to fulfill his sexual desires.

According to a study in Scientific American, authored by Thomas Perls and

Ruth Fretts, women live longer than men. In all developed countries and
most developing countries, women outlive men, sometimes by a margin of
as much as 10 years. In the United States, life expectancy at birth is about
79 years for women and about 72 years for men. The gender gap has
widened in this century as gains in female life expectancy have exceeded
those for males. The death rates for women are lower than those for men
at all ages, even before birth. More boys than girls die in infancy and
during each subsequent year of life, mortality rates for males exceed
those for females, so that by the age of 25 women are in the majority.
From this study as well, it is clear that women outnumber men in various

According to an another report published by Medical Diary on Sep 23,

2014, states that scientists have confirmed that throughout history
women have outnumbered men and, consequently, contributed more to
human genetic diversity. The authors claim to have used higher resolution
gene sequencing than previous research to compare the DNA of hundreds
of people in modern populations around the world. Peering into their
father-inherited Y chromosomes and mother-inherited mitochondrial DNA,
scientists can deduce a wealth of information about historical populations.
Not only did they confirm the dominance of women. Thus, if we want to
give a life partner to every woman in a respectable manner, then
polygamy is the only solution.

4. Eating of Non-Vegetarian Food

Few people feel that killing an animal is a ruthless act then why then do







movement the world over. Many even associate it with animal rights.
Indeed, a large number of people consider the consumption of meat and
other non-vegetarian products to be a violation of animal rights. God says
in the Quran, O you who have believed, fulfill (all) contracts. Lawful for
you are the animals of grazing livestock (Quran 5:1). God also says in
the Quran, And the grazing livestock He has created for you; in them is
warmth and (numerous) benefits, and for them you eat (Quran 16:5).
Islam enjoins mercy and compassion for all living creatures. At the same
time Islam maintains that God has created the earth and its wondrous
flora and fauna for the benefit of mankind. It is upto mankind to use every
resource in this world judiciously, as a Divine blessing and trust from God.

The various reasons why Islam permits people to eat non-vegetarian food
because meat is nutritious and rich in complete protein, because human
beings are given omnivorous set of teeth by God which are used to use
meat, because the digestive system of human beings is designed in such
a way it can digest non-vegetarian food, etc. The argument of eating nonvegetarian food also holds good because if people stop eating cattles,
then the world will face a problem of over population of cattles, which will
again become an even more bigger problem to handle. Thus, all this
proofs and logical explanations should help us realise the truth and help
us understand as to why Islam has allowed people to consume nonvegetarian food.

5. Division of Property
Some people have the opinion that Islam is unjust because the womens
share in the inheritance of property is only half that of a man. God says in
the Quran, God instructed you concerning your children (i.e., their
portions of inheritance), for the male, what is equal to the share of two
females (Quran 4:11).

The various reasons for such division of property is because the male
inherits gets double than the female because he financially supports the
family and the female does not have the same. On the other hand, the
females sometimes inherit more than their male counterpart, as she lands
up getting a share from her fathers, mothers, husbands and children.

6. Circumcision
Circumcision is the surgical removal of the foreskin (prepuce) from the
human penis. Islam is currently the largest single religious group in which
the practice is widespread and it is mentioned in the sayings of Prophet
Muhammad (peace be upon him). God says in the Quran, Then We
revealed to you, (O Muhammad), to follow the religion of Abraham
(Quran 16:123). Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has said, The
Prophet Ibrahim circumcised himself when he was eighty years old
(Bukhari, Muslim & Ahmad).

Dr. Muhammad Ali al-Baar (a member of the Royal College of Surgeons in

the UK and a consultant to the Islamic Medicine department of the King
Fahd Centre for Medical Research in the King Abdul Aziz University in
Jeddah) says in his book al-Khitaan (Circumcision), Circumcision of new
born boys (i.e., within the first month of life) brings numerous health

The various benefits of performing circumcision are that it protects against

local infection in the penis, it protects against the infections in the urethra,
it protects against cancer of the penis, it helps to abstain from Sexually
Transmitted Diseases (STDs) and it protect the wives against cervical

7. Prohibition of Pork
Many people have an opinion on the reason as to why Islam has forbidden
pork when it has permitted other form of non-vegetarian food. God says in

the Quran, Prohibited to you are dead animals, blood, the flesh of swine,
and that which has been decided to other than God, and (those animals)
killed by strangling or by a violent blow or by a head-long fall or by the
goring of horns, and those from which a wild animal has eaten (Quran

When we try to ponder over the prohibition of pork in Islam, we come

across both the moral and scientific reason. The moral reason is that
people should not consume its meat because it is the filthiest animal on
earth as it lives and thrives on muck, faeces and dirt. It is the natural
scavenger which is created by God and on the other hand it is the most
shameless animal because it invites its friends to have sex with its mate

The scientific reasons are that consumption of pork causes several

diseases and it has fat building material. Thus, all these points help us
understand the wisdom of God to forbid the consumption of pork. Surely,
a person who ponders over this issue with an open mind will stop its

8. Prohibition of Alcohol
Alcohol has become so common that it is sold in every nook and corner of
the country today, which has become a major contributing factor for
various crimes. But Islam has strictly prohibited from its consumption and
thus Muslims are the largest number of teetotallers across the globe. God
says in the Quran, O you who have believed, indeed, intoxicants,
gambling, (sacrificing on) stone alters (to other than Allah), and divining
arrows are but defilement from the work of Satan, so avoid it that you may
be successful (Quran 5:90).

The impact of alcohol consumption reaches deep into society. Alcohol

consumption causes harm far beyond the physical and psychological
health of the drinker. It also causes harm to the well-being and health of
others. When people are under the influence of alcohol, they go on to

commit a number of wrong acts such as traffic violations, fight with family
member, beating up their wives, cancer, unhealthy sexual behaviour,
impacting interpersonal relationship with friends and neighbour and the
most important, committing rapes. People commit such big crimes under
the influence of alcohol that they regret for it throughout their lives.
Thats not all; there are several scientific reasons for the prohibition of
consumption of alcohol. According to National Institute on Alcohol Abuse
and Alcoholism (NIAAA), in 2013, of the 71,713 total liver disease deaths
among individuals aged 12 and older, 46.4 percent involved alcohol.
Among males, 48.9 percent of the 46,240 liver disease deaths involved
alcohol. Among females, 42.7 percent of the 25,433 liver disease deaths
involved alcohol. Among all cirrhosis deaths in 2011, 48.0 percent were
alcohol related. The proportion of alcohol related cirrhosis was highest
(72.7 percent) among decedents ages 2534, followed by decedents aged
3544, at 70.3 percent. In 2009, alcohol-related liver disease was the
primary cause of almost 1 in 3 liver transplants in the United States.
Drinking alcohol increases the risk of cancers of the mouth, esophagus,
pharynx, larynx, liver, and breast. The maximum number of deaths in the
world related to consumption of alcohol. Millions of people die every year
only because of intake of alcohol.
On the other hand, many people argue that alcohol has many benefits
economically and individual as well. It economically helps the country as it
helps them to generate money through it import and sales tax and it is
beneficial form an individual perspective as it plays a role of a medicine
on many occasions. But we need to understand that larger side of the
issues that it might be beneficial to certain extent but it is causing more
damage than doing good.
Let us try to understand this with the help of few statistics. According to
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), Nearly
88,000 people (approximately 62,000 men and 26,000 women) died from
alcohol related causes annually, making it the third leading preventable
cause of death in the United States. In 2013, alcohol-impaired driving
fatalities accounted for 10,076 deaths (30.8 percent of overall driving
fatalities). In 2006, alcohol misuse problems cost the United States $223.5
billion. Almost three quarters of the total cost of alcohol misuse is related

to binge drinking. More than 10 percent of U.S. children live with a parent
with alcohol problems, according to a 2012 study.
1,825 college students between the ages of 18 and 24 die from alcohol
related unintentional injuries, including motor-vehicle crashes. 6,96,000
students between the ages of 18 and 24 are assaulted by another student
who has been drinking. 97,000 students between the ages of 18 and 24
report experiencing alcohol-related sexual assault or date rape. Roughly
20 percent of college students meet the criteria for an AUD. About 1 in 4
college students report academic consequences from drinking, including
missing class, falling behind in class, doing poorly on exams or papers,
and receiving lower grades overall.
In 2012, 3.3 million deaths, or 5.9 percent of all global deaths (7.6 percent
for men and 4.0 percent for women), were attributable to alcohol
consumption. Alcohol contributes to over 200 diseases and injury-related
health conditions, most notably alcohol dependence, liver cirrhosis,
cancers, and injuries. In 2012, 5.1 percent of the burden of disease and









attributable to alcohol consumption. Globally, alcohol misuse is the fifth

leading risk factor for premature death and disability; among people
between the ages of 15 and 49, it is the first. Thus, taking all this aspects
into consideration, we can conclude that alcohol causes more damage
than doing good to the individual and the society at large.

9. Prohibition of Interest
Islam very strongly condemns any transaction with involved interest. God
says in the Quran, O you who have believed, do not consume interest,
doubled and multiplied, but fear God that you may be successful. And fear
the fire, which has been prepared for the disbelievers (Quran 3:130-131).
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has also strictly prohibited the
dealing with interest by saying, Interest has seventy parts, the least
important being that a man should marry his mother (Al-Tirmidhi).

Interest is prohibited in Islam as it leads to various economics problems

which do not end but also create repercussions on other aspects of ones
life. Interest increases the gap between the rich and the poor; the rich
become richer and the poor become poorer, it increases the selling price
of products, the borrower ends up on the losing side most of the time; the
leader always ends up making huge profit at the cost of the borrower, and
much more. Thus, this unjust system of dealing with interest is considered
a bane to any nation.

Interest is also one of the major reasons of farmers suicide in India. In

2014, the National Crime Records Bureau of India reported 5,650 farmer
suicides. The highest numbers of farmer suicides were recorded in 2004
when 18,241 farmers committed suicide. The farmers suicide rate in India
has ranged between 1.4 to 1.8 per 1,00,000 of the total population, over a
10 year period through 2005. Generally farmers take loan to purchase
seeds, pesticides, tools and machinery which are required for farming and
later fail to pay back due to the high compound interest, which ultimately
leads them to committing suicide.

10. Prohibition of Homosexuality

According to Islam, homosexuality is sin. Islam only encourages physical
relationship between man and women only after marriage. From the
history we can learn that the people of Prophet Loot (as) indulged in the
act of homosexuality and later God destroyed them. God says in the
Quran, Indeed, you approach men with desire, instead of women. Rather,
you are a transgressing people (Quran 7:81).

Homosexuality is a very dangerous act and has a number of ill effects on

the society. A major problem relative to homosexuality is that many
venereal and other diseases are far more a problem with homosexual
behaviour than heterosexual. For non-promiscuous couples who take








heterosexuals is extremely rare, and then usually almost always due to

lack of hygiene. During homosexual behaviour, sperm can penetrate the

partners colon wall. When inside the body, the sperm adversely affects
the immune system, resulting in the person being more vulnerable to
disease. This is especially a problem, in that homosexual practices









For example, homosexuals as a group are far more apt to have rare bowel
diseases, which are generally lumped together under the designation gay
bowel syndrome. One study indicated that one half of homosexuals
eventually contract the colon disease parasitic amebiasis, while rectal
gonorrhea and infectious hepatitis A are far higher among the homosexual
population. Fox, in response to this concern, noted, First, the colon and
rectum are made for the elimination of fecal matter and not for sexual
experience. Fecal matter is eliminated because it is indigestible and
contains disease-causing materials. With sexual penetration, the rectal
muscles are often torn or over-expanded, and the fragile lining of the
colon is almost always torn. The tearing of the colon allows fecal matter to
penetrate into the body, bringing with it infectious disease.
Estimates of the infectious disease rate among homosexuals is about ten
times higher than that of the general populationnot only venereal
diseases, but also hepatitis B and others. Other common diseases include
AIDS, urethritis, viral herpes, pediculosis infestation and others. Of course,
it is not only the type of behaviour that they indulge in which puts them at
a much higher risk, but also their high level of promiscuityone survey
indicated that homosexual males have an average of over 50 sexual
partners in their lifetime. Another study found that 28% had more than
1,000 partners, 15% had 500 to 1,000, 32% from 100 to 500, and only
25% had less than 100 partners in their lifetime. While surveys in this area
vary, depending upon the sampling population, sample size and specific
questions asked, all reveal that an enormous amount of promiscuity is a






From a medical standpoint, they are fraught with health dangers,

including infections, bleeding and disease transmission problems. While
promiscuity among heterosexuals also carries many dangers, they are
generally far less than sodomy, and infections from sexual relations are

actually relatively rare in monogamous couples who practice appropriate

A major reason why this is true is that numerous genital secretions
produce high levels of germicides which minimise enormously the chances
of infection from heterosexual relations. On the other hand, no such
secretions are produced for sodomy relations, which would be expected if
heterosexual behaviour were designed and sodomy were not (meaning it
is biologically wrong and God did not create us that way). Consequently,
studies reveal that homosexual behaviour produces a rate of venereal
disease 22 times higher than the average. The major anatomical problems
with sodomy (for example, tearing of mucosa) are generally not a problem
in heterosexual relationships.
Lets say for the sake of argument that all gays start to go into
monogamous relationships (which is highly unlikely as statistics have
shown) after their rights are recognised and they have the right to marry
and get divorced. A number of problems will arise in a society due to this
scenario in the years to come.
Firstly, it is estimated that gays outnumber Lesbians in the ratio of four to
one, i.e., for every four gays there is one lesbian. This means that millions
of women all over the world will never find a partner for themselves.
Secondly, in many societies the population growth will start to slow down
and go into negative (which west is facing now because people are not
willing to marry because of unfair divorce laws or have more than two
children as more and more women are going into the workforce, and
therefore, they are unable to take care of a lot of children, and hence
many countries like Australia and Canada have relaxed their immigration
laws so that their population can grow steadily and the skill shortages are
Basically, till date there is no solid scientific evidence that people are born
homosexuals. The argument of homosexuality is illogical and selfdestructive, if everyone becomes homosexual, then the human race will
cease to exist in 150 years. If you argue that people can artificially
inseminate and produce babies to keep the population going, then you
have to realise that the population growth will be negative which will
result in all sorts of problems (such as lack of skill shortages in many

fields). All in All, God did not design human beings to be homosexuals. It is
a lifestyle which many adopt because of external factors. This confirms
that revelation guides people in the right path and if humans turn away
from it, they eventually learn it through their intelligence (but this learning
comes at a much higher cost).

Reliability only on Rationalism

History has shown that rationalism cannot be correct all the time due to
the various limitations it has to offer. Let us try to understand this with the
help of certain examples:
1. In earlier times, people out of their rational thinking believed that the
earth was flat. This is an idea that is fully accepted by most people, but it
was not always held with such certainty. While it is a misconception to
think that most people believed in a flat earth well into the early modern
period, it was certainly a commonly held belief in early Chinese thought.
For centuries, men were afraid to venture out too far, for the fear of falling
off the edge. People began to believe that the earth is spherical only when
it was proved by Sir Francis Drake in the year 1597.
2. Through rational thinking, it was believed by the earlier civilization that
the moon emanates its own light. But now Science now tells us that the
light of the moon is reflected light.
3. Geocentricity is the concept which states that the earth is the center of
the Universe and that all other objects move around it. The view was
universally embraced in Ancient Greece and very similar ideas were held
in Ancient China. The idea was supported by the fact that the sun, stars,
and planets appear to revolve around Earth, and the physical perception
that the Earth is stable and not moving. This was combined with the belief
that the earth was a sphere; belief in a flat earth was well gone by the 3rd
century BC. The geocentric model was eventually displaced with the work
of Copernicus, Galileo, and Kepler in the 16th Century. But later, the
development of science proved that the sun is motionless at the centre of
the solar system with the planets revolving around it.
4. Earlier, people believed that the space outside organized astronomical
systems was earlier assumed to be a vacuum. Astrophysicists later
discovered the presence of bridges of matter in this interstellar space.
5. In ancient times a well-known theory by the name of Theory of
Atomism was widely accepted. The word atom derives from a Greek term
meaning something that cannot be divided, and therefore reckoned to be
the smallest particle possible. It was undoubtedly strange, going against
the widely accepted notion that all things were made up of the four
elements, earth, wind, water, and fire. The likes of Leucippus and

Democritus held that all things had the same building blocks, which were
simply rearranged to form different objects. Democritus and the people
that came after him assumed that the smallest unit of matter was the
atom. The ancient Arabs used to believe the same. While it took centuries
for the scientific community to prove the idea, it is now a corner stone of
scientific thought. But in recent times modern science has discovered that
it is possible to split even an atom.
What we need to understand is that describing the world through
reasoning is not reliable, as they may be based on human misconceptions,
otherwise scientists would not conduct experiments and just rely on
logical arguments. From the above mentioned points we can learn that,
only using a rational approach would be very dangerous. Man should
remember that God has not blessed him with complete knowledge of
everything and his knowledge is only limited to an extent. Thus, one
needs to take the help of other sources of knowledge, especially the
guidance and knowledge from God before coming to any conclusion.

The method used by the Quran to train human being is that of inductive
method, i.e., the process of deriving general principles of life by using
logic, reason and facts. According to Quran, there are four sources of
human knowledge through which eternal truth can be derived, and they
are reason, experience, study of nature and history. At the time of Prophet
Muhammad (peace be upon him), when the Quran was being revealed no
one asked to prove the beliefs and actions rationally because many
people at that time believed that Quran to be the word of God. Not only
the Muslims but also the non-Muslims believed it to be the word of God
but they did not follow it because of their ego.

With respect to rationalism, we find two kinds of people. The first category
of people is those who do not believe in rationalism and they only rely on
the commands from their religion and they want to follow it blindly. The
second category of people are the ones who base their beliefs and actions
only on rationality, if any aspect of their life does not have a rational
explanation, then would not accept it. Both these opinions are dangerous,
and one needs to adopt the middle path to lead a comprehensive life.
Once Jostein Gaarder has rightly said, Then you have a big problem,
because a human is a thinking animal. If you dont think, youre not really
a human.

Let us try to understand the concept of rationalism from our daily lives.
Every human being takes many crucial decisions in his life and whenever
he takes this decision, he does think rationally before taking the decision.
For example, when a student is taking a decision to select a particular
course, he thinks rationally, when a person is selecting a job, he thinks
rationally, when a person is getting married, he thinks rationally, when a
person is purchasing something, he thinks rationally, thus why one should
one not think rationally with respect to religion. The other thing what

needs to be understood is that, when God has given us a brain and given
us the ability to reason, then why should man not be rational. Once
Galileo Galilei has also rightly said, I do not feel obliged to believe that
the same God who has endowed us with senses, reason, and intellect has
intended us to forgo their use.
Actually Satan does not want man to think, because if man starts thinking
rationally, he will get closer to truth. The biggest problem is that man
thinks rationally only about the world but fails to think rationally about
various aspects of religion, especially life after death. Thus, rational
thinking will help a person to get closer to the truth and help him
understand the purpose of life.

Despite Islam being a rational religion in most of the situations, all aspects
in Islam cannot be proved rationally as many aspects of Islam are based
on the nature of the human being as Islam is a natural religion which is
imbibed in every individual. On the other hand, Muslims do not wait for a
rational answer or argument before implementing or following anything.
They only follow them because it is commandment from God. As God says
in the Quran, And they say, "We hear and we obey (Quran 2:285).

The creator of the pen will decide the role and purpose of the pen. The
creator of a tool will decide the role and purpose of the tool. The creator a
mobile phone will decide the role of purpose of the phone and for better
functioning it will also provide the customer with certain guidelines, as the
creator (manufacturer) will be in the best position to guide, as to how it
should be used. Similarly, the creator of human beings, who is God, knows
what is good and bad for the human beings and thus he has given them
instructions in the Quran so that they can follow them and be happy in the
world and in the hereafter.

Islam does not prohibit or permit anything without any logic but has
strong reasoning behind. If a person without any bias tries to seek the
truth, then he will realise that Islam is the truth. God adopts various
means to show his signs to people, as God says in the Quran, We will
show them Our signs in the horizons and within themselves until it
becomes clear to them that it is the truth. But is it not sufficient

concerning your Lord that He is, over all things, a Witness? (Quran

Some medieval critics of Christianity such as Peter Bayle and Henry

Stubbe defended Islam as a faith closer to reason that the Catholic










complexities of Christian theology and rituals and admired the advanced

state of Islamic civilization.

All these rational explanations which I have mentioned in the books did
not exist 100 years back, all this is a result of recent researches which
were done across the globe. As time passes and as sciences progresses
there will be many more rational arguments which are going to come
forward in support of the various beliefs, principles and actions of Islam.

One should always strive to gain complete knowledge on any aspect

before coming to any conclusion. As Stephen Hawking has rightly said,
The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of
knowledge. Thus, this book is an effort to impart knowledge to people on
various issues.

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