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Teaching Case Study: Heat Transfer

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A Tale of Two Houses:

A Case Study in Heat Transfer

Frank Bowman and Brian Tande
Department of Chemical Engineering
University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND

Part I Thanksgiving Dinner

You are in your first semester as an engineering student at the University of North Dakota and Thanksgiving
is fast approaching. Despite having serious reservations, you decide to appease your mother and attend
Thanksgiving dinner at the house of your Uncle Bill. The deciding factor in your decision is the fact that
your other uncle, Bubba, from Atlanta will also be there. You havent seen him in a few years and know that
things are never dull when he is around.
As you arrive, you immediately find Bill and Bubba in a heated discussion. As it turns out, Bill has been
complaining about how horrible his heating bills will be during the upcoming winter. Not to be outdone
in the pity-generating department, Bubba claims that things are far worse in the South, where keeping his
house cool in the summer requires much more energy.
Since you have always been known as the smart one in the family, Bill and Bubba naturally turn to you to
settle their argument. Put your vast engineering knowledge to good use and help them settle their debate.
Which house uses more energy: Bills house in January or Bubbas house in August? Why do you think so?

Uncle Bubbas House

Uncle Bills House

Atlanta, GA

Walhalla, ND

2,100 square feet, 3 bedroom, 2 bath

4,000 square feet, 4 bedroom, 3 bath

2 story, aluminum siding, poorly insulated

2 story with half-basement, wood siding

Built 1997, cedar deck, green asphalt shingles

Built 1925, renovated 2005, well-insulated, 3 fireplaces

As Uncle Bubba and Uncle Bill continue to argue, you slip away to another (quieter) room. Pulling out a
pad of paper, you begin to think about what factors will have an influence on how much energy is needed to
heat or cool each house.
List as many factors as you can think of that will affect a houses heating/cooling needs.

A Tale of Two Houses by Bowman & Tande

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Part IIActing Like an Engineer

After a little thought, you are able to narrow down your list to four important factors that influence the
rate of heat transfer: wall thickness, wall surface area, thermal conductivity of the wall, and the difference
in temperature between the inside and outside of the house. As an aspiring engineer, you like to think in
mathematical terms and decide to give variable names to each of these factors. Pulling out your pad of paper
again, you write out the following variable definitions:
Q = rate of heat transfer
x = wall thickness
A = wall surface area
T = inside-outside temperature difference
k = thermal conductivity
You know these factors are important, but arent completely sure what effect each of them will have or how
they are interrelated.
What will happen to the rate of heat transfer?

Heat transfer will

Difference between inside and outside temperatures is increased?



no change

Wall thickness is increased?



no change

Wall area is increased?



no change

Thermal conductivity is increased?



no change

Which mathematical equation describes the relationship between?

1. Q and x

Q = mx+b

Q = mx

Q = mx2

Q = m/x

2. Q and A

Q = mA+b

Q = mA

Q = mA2

Q = m/A

3. Q and T

Q = mT+b

Q = mT

Q = mT2

Q = m/T

4. Q and k

Q = mk+b

Q = mk

Q = mk2

Q = m/k

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Part IIII Remember Algebra (Dont I?)

As you look at all of your equations, you think back to algebra class and remember how one equation with
many variables could be reduced to an equation with only two variables by holding everything else constant.
For example, the equation: Y = X Z2 can become
Y = a X (when Z is held constant)
Y = b Z2 (when X is held constant).
You figure you can do the same thing in reverse and combine the four equations into one equation that
describes how all those variables are interrelated.
Write a single equation that defines how Q varies with x, A, T, and k.

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Part IVFinding an Answer

After much thought and considerable scribbling, you come up with a single equation that describes how these
factors are interrelated:
As you look at the equation, it seems vaguely familiar. Suddenly remembering where youve seen it before, you
jump up to go find it.
Hey! Have you figured out? yells Uncle Bubba.
Ive almost got an answer, you reply, cutting him off as you run upstairs.
Quickly closing the bedroom door, before Bubba and Bill can follow, you begin looking for the backpack with
your school books. You pull out a copy of McCabe, Smith, and Harriot and flip through it until you find the
section on heat transfer and discover that, not only is your equation in the book, but it is famous enough to
have a name: Fouriers Law.
Confident that you are on the right track, you decide you are ready to do some calculations. You look up values
for thermal conductivities in the textbook, use the house dimensions to estimate the surface area of each house,
and make some reasonable estimates for wall thickness and temperatures. Soon you have an answer and return
downstairs to talk to your uncles.
Estimate the missing values and calculate the heat lost/gained from each house.
Uncle Bubbas House

Uncle Bills House

Area (A): _____ft2

Area (A): _____ft2

Effective Conductivity (k): 50 BTU in/(ft2 F day)

Effective Conductivity (k): 15 BTU in/(ft2 F day)

Temperature Difference (T): _____F

Temperature Difference (T): _____F

Thickness (x): _____inches

Thickness (x): _____inches

Q :____________ BTU/day

Q :____________ BTU/day

Illustrations Neeley Spotts | iStockPhoto. Case copyright held by the National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science,
University at Buffalo, State University of New York. Originally published January 20, 2009. Please see our usage guidelines, which
outline our policy concerning permissible reproduction of this work.
A Tale of Two Houses by Bowman & Tande

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