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Theorem Questions

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In applying the superposition theorem,

1. all sources are considered independently

2. the sources are considered one at a time with all others replaced by their
internal impedance
3. all sources are considered simultaneously
4. the sources are considered one at a time with all others replaced by their
internal resistance

If two currents are in the same direction at any instant of time in a given branch of a
circuit, the net current at that instant

1. is the sum of the two currents

2. is zero
3. is the difference between the two currents
4. cannot be determined

The two basic components of a Thevenin equivalent ac circuit are


the equivalent voltage source and the equivalent series impedance


the equivalent voltage source and the equivalent parallel impedance


the equivalent voltage source and the equivalent series resistance


the equivalent voltage source and the equivalent parallel resistance

The Norton equivalent current is


the open-current from the source


the short circuit current


the current through the load


none of these

The Thevenin equivalent voltage is


none of these


equal to the source voltage


the same as the load voltage


the open circuit voltage

In order to get maximum power transfer from a capacitive source, the load must


none of these


have a capacitive reactance equal to circuit resistance


have an impedance that is the complex conjugate of the source impedance


be as capacitive as it is inductive

Nortons theorem gives


an equivalent current source in parallel with an equivalent impedance


an equivalent voltage source in series with an equivalent impedance


an equivalent current source in series with an equivalent impedance


an equivalent voltage source in parallel with an equivalent impedance

1. Question

In the figure below find the value of Resistance R in Ohms:





2. Question

The value of resistance R in the figure below is:

2.5 Ohms

5 Ohms

7.5 Ohms

10 Ohms

3. Question

Kirchhoffs Current Law is applicable to only:

Close looped Networks.

Electronics Circuits.

Electrical Circuits.

Junctions in a network.

4. Question

According to KVL the algebraic sum of all the IR drops and Emfs in any closed loop of a

Dependent on the total voltage supplied.

Varies according to the type on circuit.

is always positive,

is equal to zero.

5. Question

A 35 V source is connected to a series circuit of 600 ohms an R as shown. If a voltmeter of

internal resistance 1.2 Kilo ohms is connected across 600 ohm resistor it reads 5 V. The value of
R is.

1.2 Kilo Ohms

2.4 Kilo Ohms

3.6 Kilo Ohms

7.2 Kilo Ohms

6. Question

If all the resistances in the circuit are one ohm. Find the equivalent resistance between points A
and B.

1 Ohm

0.5 Ohm

2 Ohms

1.5 Ohms

7. Question

In the following circuit the total current through the voltage source V0 , I is equal to:

One Ampere

Two Ampere

Three Ampere

Four Ampere

8. Question

Two heaters; both rated 1000 Watt , 250 volt; are connected in series to a 250 voltage , 50 Hz
power supply. The total power drawn from the source would be:

1000 Watts

500 Watts

250 Watts

2000 Watts

9. Question

Two light bulbs rates 40 watt and 60 watt are connected in series to the mains power supply.

Both light will not glow.

Both light will glow equally.

60 watt light will glow brighter.

40 watt light will glow brighter.

10. Question

How many 200W/220 V incandescent lamps connected in series would consume the same
amount of power as 100W/ 220V incandescent lamp?

Not Possible.

11. Question

A certain network consists of large number of ideal linear resistances, one of which is designated
as R and two constant ideal sources. The power consumed by R is P1 when only first source is
active and P2 when only the second source is active. If both sources are active simultaneously
then the power consumed by R is:

P1 P 2

P1 P2

(P1 P2)2

(P1 P2)2

12. Question

The incandescent bulbs rates respectively P1 and P2 for operation at a specific mains voltage are
connected in series across the mains in series. Then the total power supplied by the mains to the
two bulbs is:

(P1P2) (P1 + P2 )

(P12 + P22 )

P1 + P 2

(P1 . P2)

13. Question

A network has 4 nodes and 3 independent loops what is the number of branches in the network?

14. Question

A network with 10 branches and 7 nodes will have

3 loop equations.

4 loop equations.

7 loop equations.

10 loop equations.

15. Question

In an electrical network to neglect a current source the current source is:

Open Circuited.

Short Circuited.

Replaced by a capacitor.

Replaced by an Inductor.

16. Question

A network have 10 nodes and 17 branches. The number of different node pair voltage would be:



17. Question

If the number of branches in a network is B , the number of nodes is N . and the numbers of
dependent loops is L. Then the numbers of independent node equations will be:





18. Question

A constant current source supplies 300 mA to a load of 1 kilo ohms. When the load is changed to
2 kilo ohms the current through the load will be:

150 mA

300 mA

600 mA

30 mA

19. Question

To neglect a voltage source , The terminals across source are:

open circuited.

short circuited.

replaced by some resistance.

replaced by an inductor.

20. Question

Kirchhoffs laws are valid for

linear circuits only.

passive time invariant circuits.

nonlinear circuits only.

both linear and non linear circuits,

21. Question

Kirchhoffs voltage laws are valid for

IR drop.

battery EMF.

junction voltage,

both "a" and "b".

22. Question

In the following circuit; what is the total power delivered by the 24v power supply?

96 W

114 W

192 W

288 W

23. Question

The current through the 3 Ohms resistor in the circuit below is:

0 mA

1 mA

2 mA

6 mA

24. Question

Assuming ideal elements in the circuit shown below. The voltage across A , B : VAB is?

-3 V




25. Question

In the interconnection of ideal sources shown in the figure below, It is known that the 60 V
source is absorbing power. What is the value of I in the current source I0 ?

10 A

13 A

15 A

18 A

26. Question

The current through 120 Ohms resistor on the circuit shown in the figure is:





27. Question

For the network shown in the figure, what is the voltage across the current source I?

V - RI

V + RI


RI - V

28. Question

For the circuit shown , find out the current through the 2 ohms resistor. Also identify the changes
to be made to double the current through the 2 ohms resistor.

5 A ; Put V = 20 V

2 A ; Put V = 8 V

5 A ; Put I = 10 A

7 A ; Put I = 12 A

29. Question

In the circuit shown in the figure, The value of the current through 3 ohms resister will be:

0.31 A

1.25 A

1.75 A

2.5 A

30. Question

When a resistor R is connected to a current source , it consumes a power of 18 watts. When the
same R is connected to a voltage source having same magnitude as the current source , the power
absorbed by R is 4.5 Watts. The magnitude of the current source and the value of R are:

18 Amps and 1 Ohms.

3 Amps and 2 Ohms.

1 Amps and 18 Ohms.

6 Amps and 0.5 Ohms.

31. Question

For the circuit below, the value of RV is adjusted such that the current through RL is zero. What is
the value of RV?

1 Ohms

2 Ohms

3 Ohms

4 Ohms

32. Question

In the circuit below the value of all the resistances is R Ohms . The switch is initially open.
What happens to the Lamps intensity when the switch is closed?



Remains the same.

Depends upon the value or R.

33. Question

Superposition theorem is not applicable for:

voltage calculations.

bilateral elements.

power calculations.

passive elements.

34. Question

Which of the following theorem is applicable for both linear and nonlinear circuits?

Superposition theorem.

Thevenin's theorem.

Norton's theorem.

none of these.

35. Question

In the circuit shown in figure, what will be the value of current i through the voltage source when
v=4 Volts.

one amps

two amps

zero amps

three amps

36. Question

In the circuit shown , what is the value of the current i?

one amps

two amps

three amps

four amps

37. Question

In the network shown below, what is the current i , in the direction shown?

0 amps

1/3 amps

5/6 amps

3 amps

38. Question

In the circuit given below, what is the voltage across the current source Is?





39. Question

In the circuit below , when the current source Is is 0 amps , then I = 1 Amps. Now find the value
of I when the value of Is 2 amperes.

7 Amps

5 Amps

3 Amps

2 Amps

40. Question

In the circuit shown below, what is the voltage across 5 Ohms resistor?

-30 V

30 V

-1250 V

1250 V

41. Question

For the circuit given in the figure below, the power delivered by the 2 V source is :

4 watts

2 watts

-2 watts

-4 watts

42. Question

A 10 V battery with an internal resistance of 1 Ohms is connected across a non-linear load whose
v-i characteristics is given by; 7i = v2 + 2v ; the current delivered by the battery is:

2.5 amps

5 amps

6 amps

7 amps

43. Question

Consider the following circuit:

In this above circuit, when vs = 3 V , i = 4 amps. What is the value of i when vs = 12 v?

5 amps

10 amps

15 amps

20 amps

44. Question

In the given circuit the potential difference between the point P and Q is:

12 v

10 v

-6 v


45. Question

Maxwells loop current method of solving electrical networks:

uses branch currents.

utilizes Kirchhoff's voltage law.

is confined to single loop circuits.

is a network reduction method.

46. Question

Nodal analysis is based on:



both KCL and KVL

Law of conversation of energy.

47. Question

In nodal analysis, if there are N nodes in the circuit, then how many equations will be written to
solve the network?




48. Question

Point out the wrong statement: In the node voltage technique of solving networks, choice of
reference node does not:

affect the operation of circuit.

change the voltage across any element.

alter the PD between any pair of nodes.

affect the voltages of various nodes. |

49. Question

Consider the following statements on mesh and nodal analysis:

1. Networks that contain many series-connected elements , voltage source or
meshes having common current sources(Super Mesh) are more suitable for
mesh analysis then for nodal analysis.
2. Networks with parallel connected elements. current sources or nodes
connected by voltage sources are more suitable for nodal analysis then mesh

3. A circuit with fewer nodes then meshes is better analysed using mesh
analysis, while a circuit with fewer meshes, then nodes is better analysed
using nodal analysis.

Which of the statements given are correct?

1 and 2 only.

2 and 3 only.

1 and 3 only.

1, 2 and 3.

50. Question

In Thevenins equivalent of a circuit, the Thevenin Voltage ( Vth ) is :

Short-circuit terminal voltage.

Open-Circuit terminal voltage.

Total voltage available in the circuit.

EMF of the battery nearest to the terminal,

51. Question

In the circuit shown below, The black box contains only resistors and independent sources.
When R is 0 Ohms , I = 3 Amps and When R=2 Ohms, I = 1.5 Amps. What is the current for

R=1 Ohm?

1 Amps

2 Amps

3 Amps

4 Amps

52. Question

In the given figure, The Thevenins equivalent pair ( Voltage , impedance), as seen at the
terminals P-Q is given by:

2V, 5 Ohms

2V, 7.5 Ohms

4V, 5 Ohms

4V, 7.5 Ohms

53. Question

For the network shown below, when I=0 , VPQ=20V and when r=0, I=10 A. If now R=3 Ohms,
What is the value of current I?

6.67 Amps

6.0 Amps

4.0 Amps

10.0 Amps

54. Question

For the terminals a , b in the circuit given below; The Thevenins voltage and resistance are

5 V, 10 ohms

10 V, 10 ohms

5 V, 5 ohms

54 V, 15 ohms

55. Question

The Thevenins equivalent resistance Rth for the given network along the terminal AB is:

One Ohms

Two Ohms

Four Ohms

Infinite Ohms

56. Question

For the circuit shown in the figure, the Thevenin voltage and resistance at the terminal AB are:

4/3 V , 2 ohms

4/3 V , 2/3 ohms

4 V , 2/3 ohms

4 V , 2 ohms

57. Question

Norton equivalent to the network given below, of AB is a current source IN = 4 Amps from B to
A, RN = 2 Ohms. The current through RL when it is connected across AB is 2 Amps, What is the

value of resistance RL ?

One Ohms

Two Ohms

Three Ohms

Four Ohms

58. Question

For the network shown in the figure if Vs = 1 Volts and V=0 Volts then , I = -5 Amps. And if Vs=
0 Volts and V = 1 Volts, then I = 1/2 Amps. The value of Ino and Rno or Current and Resistance
equivalent of Norton equivalent of the circuit across AB would be:

-5 A and 2 ohms

10 A and 0.5 Ohms

5 A and 2 Ohms

2.5 A and 5 ohms

59. Question

The Norton equivalent of circuit shown in the first figure below is drawn in the second figure.
The Value of INO and RNO respectively are:

5/2 Amps and 2 Ohms.

2/5 Amps and one Ohm.

4/5 Amps and 12/5 Ohms.

2/5 Amps and 2 Ohms.

60. Question

The two circuits shown in the figure below are equivalent. In that case, What is the value of I and

3 A, 40 Ohms

4 A, 24 Ohms

1 A, 100 Ohms

2 A, 100 Ohms

61. Question

A voltage source with an internal resistance RS, supplies power to a load RL. The power delivered
to the load varies with RL as:

62. Question

When the power transferred to the load is maximum the efficiency of power transfer is:





63. Question

The maximum power that can be transferred to the load rL from the voltage source in the given
circuit is:

1 watt

10 watts

0.25 watt

0.5 watt

64. Question

Consider the following circuit; What should be the value or R in the circuit, so that it absorbs
maximum power from the source?

8/3 Ohms

3/8 Ohms

4 Ohms

8 Ohms

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