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Donna ISD Lawsuit

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Case 7:16-cv-00605 Document 1 Filed in TXSD on 10/18/16 Page 1 of 7


ROY PADILLA, Individually & in his
Representative Capacity as Chief of Police
DISTRICT & Unknown Co-Conspirators

Civil Action No.


Comes now the Plaintiff, by and through counsel, and in support of his claims against the
above named and unnamed Defendants respectfully states:
1. This is a civil rights lawsuit brought by the Plaintiff, Ernesto Lugo, a victim of false
arrest by the DONNA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Chief of Police. Pursuant
to 42 USC 1983 and 42 USC 1988 compensatory and punitive damages are sought
against the police officer(s) involved in the charges made by the Defendant Chief of
Police of the DONNA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT. Charges and Damages
are also sought against all other members of the DONNA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL
DISTRICT Police Department who were co-conspirators in seeking the arrest on false
charges against Plaintiff. Plaintiff also seeks Charges and Damages against several
unknown Co-Conspirators.

Case 7:16-cv-00605 Document 1 Filed in TXSD on 10/18/16 Page 2 of 7

2. Plaintiff, Ernesto Lugo, resides in Hidalgo County, Texas. Ernesto Lugo at all times was
a member of the Donna Independent School District Board of Trustees.
3. Defendant, Roy Padilla, is an individual who may be served with service of process at his
office located at 215 N. 11th St. Donna, Texas 78537.
4. Defendant Donna Independent School District may be served by serving its
superintendent, Fernando Castillo at 904 Hester Ave. Donna, Texas.
5. Defendant Joseph McCandless may be served with service of process at his office located
at 215 N. 11th St. Donna, Texas 78537.


6. This action arises under the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States
Constitution, and under the Civil Rights Act of 1871, 42 U.S.C. Sections 1983 and 1988.
This Court has jurisdiction of this cause under 28 U.S.C. Sections 1331 and 1343.
7. Venue is proper under 28 U.S.C. section 1391 in that the Defendants and Plaintiff reside
and the cause of action arises in Hidalgo County, Texas which is within the venue of the
Southern District of Texas McAllen, Division.
8. On or about April 15, 2015 Defendant Roy Padilla acting in his individual and official
capacity began a series of surreptitious audio recordings of Plaintiff Ernesto Lugo.
Defendant was an employee of the Donna ISD and was its Chief of Police.
9. On or about April 16, 2015 Defendant once again, without advising Plaintiff, secretly
tape recorded his meeting with the Plaintiff.

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10. On April 17, 2015 Defendant Padilla once again, without advising Plaintiff, secretly tape
recorded a meeting between himself, Plaintiff and then superintendent Jesus Rene Reyna.
11. The purpose of the tape recording was to entrap Plaintiff into admitting that Plaintiff
wanted the Defendant to cease an investigation into Superintendent Reyna and or his
family members.
12. In return Defendant sought to have Plaintiff agree, along with Superintendent Reyna, to
provide him with a mileage stipend, thereby seeking to have him accused of bribery.
13. The tape recordings were then used to fabricate a complaint against Plaintiff which led to
his unlawful arrest on charges of Bribery, Obstruction and Retaliation on May 29, 2015.
Said charges were later No Billed by a Hidalgo County grand Jury.
14. Prior to these illegal actions by the Defendants, Plaintiff had voted to terminate
Defendant Padillas employment as chief of the Donna ISD police department upon the
recommendation of then superintendent Jesus Rene Reyna on or about May 15, 2014.
15. Defendant Padilla was an at-will employee of the Donna ISD.
16. As a result of his termination Defendant Padilla filed a lawsuit against the Donna ISD.
17. In November of 2014 the majority on the Donna ISD board of trustees changed and the
new majority voted to reinstate Padilla to his former position, after paying him
approximately $50,000.00 for the settlement of his lawsuit.
18. Thereafter Padilla with the assistance of Defendant McCandless and others unknown at
this time to the Plaintiff began to conspire in order to have Plaintiff, Ernesto Lugo, falsely
arrested, without probable cause, and falsely imprisoned Plaintiff in order to extract
revenge for Defendant Padillas termination.
19. The Defendants actions were under the color of law.

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20. The Defendants actions were reckless and callously indifferent to the Plaintiffs
federally protected rights.
21. The use of the investigative power of the Donna ISD police force against Plaintiff was
the result of a policy, practice and custom of the Donna ISD to inadequately supervise
and discipline law enforcement officers who exceeded their authority, including falsely
arresting individuals, falsely accusing individuals without probable cause and making
false allegations in arrest and search affidavits.
22. The inadequate supervision and discipline of police officers by the Donna ISD has led to
the unnecessary and illegal arrest, including the arrest of Plaintiff. The false arrest of the
former superintendent Dr. Jesus Rene Reyna and the false arrest of Dr. Reynas son in
23. The policy, practice and custom of the Donna ISD is that when police officers falsely
accuse and swear out false complaints and falsely arrest individuals there are no
repercussions. As a result of these illegal actions, there is no reprimand, discipline or
corrective action of the officers for their actions, thereby condoning their actions by their
employer, in violation of the federally protected rights of individuals under the First,
Fourth, Fifth and Fourteenth amendments to the Constitution of the United States of
America, such as the Plaintiff.
24. The above policies and practices have resulted in culture of silence within the Donna
ISD police department and police officers reasonable conclude that their use of their
authority in an unlawful manner will not result in discipline, termination, or criminal
prosecution against them.

Case 7:16-cv-00605 Document 1 Filed in TXSD on 10/18/16 Page 5 of 7

25. There is a history of false arrests by the Donna ISD police department including that of
the Plaintiff, that of Dr. Jesus Rene Reyna and Dr. Reynas son-in-law.
26. The actions by the Defendants Padilla and McCandless were authorized by the Donna
ISD board of trustees if not explicitly then implicitly. No action was ever taken by the
employer to correct the actions taken by the defendants Padilla or McCandless. No
reprimands were ever issued to the individual defendants, nor was there ever any action
to illuminate their defective interpretation of the Texas Penal code.
27. The actions taken by the individual defendants and either explicitly or implicitly
approved by the majority of the board of trustees in in Violation Texas Penal Code
sections 39.02 abuse of official capacity, 30.03 official oppression and violation of
section 37.02 perjury.
28. In December and January of 2015 the Defendant ISD moved to demote and cut the pay of
several individuals. Plaintiff was opposed to such action by the majority and voiced his
dissent with the action that was to be taken. In spite of his opposition to such action,
which Plaintiff believed was in violation of state and federal laws, the Defendant ISD
demoted and reduced the pay of certain individuals. As a result of the action taken by the
District a lawsuit was spawned in cause no. 7:15-CV-070 styled Jose V. Campos et al v
Donna ISD et. al. which resulted in a significant monetary award. Plaintiff upon
information and belief was retaliated by the majority of the Donna ISD board for his
outspoken opposition to the action taken by the majority. As a result of his opposition to
the action against these individuals, Defendants were motivated in part if not in whole in
retaliation for the opposition to the actions.

Case 7:16-cv-00605 Document 1 Filed in TXSD on 10/18/16 Page 6 of 7

29. Plaintiff incorporates by reference the allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through 28.
30. The Defendants actions constituted an unlawful deprivation of Plaintiffs liberty without
due process of law in violation of the First, Fourth, Fifth and Fourteenth Amendment to
the United States Constitution.
31. As a result of the above alleged illegal acts, Plaintiff has suffered emotional pain,
suffering, and inconvenience, mental anguish loss of enjoyment of life and other
nonpecuniary losses.
32. As alleged in detail in the facts portion of this petition, Plaintiff, Ernesto Lugos arrest
was illegal, unlawful and constituted a violation of his rights under 42 USC 1983.
33. As alleged in detail in the facts portion of this petition, Plaintiff, Ernesto Lugos arrest
was without probably cause and was in retaliation of his exercise of his rights as a board
member of the Donna ISD board of trustees in terminating Defendant, Padilla.
34. As alleged in detail in the facts portion of this petition, Defendants Padilla and
McCandless conspired with others to commit the false arrest of Plaintiff.
35. The actions by the Defendants Padilla and McCandless constitute criminal conduct
pursuant to Texas Penal Code 39.03, Official Oppression, 37.02 abuse of official
capacity and 37.02 perjury.
36. The Donna ISD was negligent in failing properly train the defendants in proper police
investigation and procedures.
37. The Donna ISD was negligent in employing the Defendants Padilla and McCandless.
38. As a result of the actions of the Defendants Plaintiff, Ernesto Lugo, has suffered actual
and compensatory damages.

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Jury Trial Requested

39. Plaintiff, Ernesto Lugo, requests a trial by jury.
40. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff, prays that the Court enter judgment in his favor and against
Defendants Padilla, McCandless and the Donna Independent School District and award
Plaintiff the following:
a. Compensatory damages arising from the physical and emotional injury, pain
suffering, loss of reputation and humiliation Plaintiff suffered as a result of
defendants misconduct;
b. Punitive damages as allowed by law;
c. Prejudgment interest as allowed by law;
d. Post-judgment interest as allowed by law;
e. Attorneys fees;
f. Court costs; and
g. Such other legal and equitable relief ultimately justified by the proof in this case.

Respectfully submitted,
/s/Ruben R.Pea
Attorney in Charge
S.B.N. 15740900
Federal I.D. No. 1216
125 Old Alice Rd.
Brownsville, Texas 78520
956-546-5775 (tele)
956-546-5778 (fax)

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