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Samsung Complaint

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and MOHAMAD IBRAHIM individually,
and on behalf of others similarly situated,





Plaintiffs John Waudby, Robert Spuntak and Mohamad Ibrahim (together,
Plaintiffs) bring this action against Defendant Samsung Electronics America,
Inc. (Defendant or Samsung), by and through their attorneys, individually, and
behalf of all others similarly situated, and allege as follows:

This is a class action lawsuit brought by Plaintiffs on behalf of

themselves and a class of persons and entities (consumers) who purchased or

financed a Samsung Galaxy Note7 smartphone (Note7).

As discussed in more detail below, soon after sales of the Note7

began, complaints surfaced that the Note7s were overheating and catching fire.

Accordingly, Samsung recalled the defective devices and notified consumers that
they should immediately discontinue using the smartphones and exchange them for

Following Samsungs advice, consumers discontinued using their

Note7s only to find out that Samsung did not have replacement smartphones
available. Instead, Samsung informed consumers that they would have to wait
several days, and even weeks in many cases, before receiving a replacement

During this time, and as a result of Defendant failing to provide

consumers with an adequate replacement, consumers continued to incur monthly

device and plan charges from their cellular carriers for phones they could not
safely use.

As a result of Samsungs actions, Plaintiffs and the Class have

suffered injury in fact, incurred millions of dollars in fees, and have otherwise been
harmed by Samsungs conduct.

Accordingly, Plaintiffs bring this action and seek recovery for

Defendants breach of express warranty, breach of the covenant of good faith and
fair dealing, and common law fraud.

Plaintiff John Waudby is a resident of Nevada. On or about August

21, 2016, Plaintiff Waudby purchased a Note7 in the state of Nevada and suffered
damages as a result of Defendants conduct.

Plaintiff Robert Spuntak is a resident of Pennsylvania. On or about

August 21, 2016, Plaintiff Spuntak purchased a Note7, in the Commonwealth of

Pennsylvania and suffered damages as a result of Defendants conduct.

Plaintiff Mohamad Ibrahim is a resident of California. On or about

August 24, 2016, Plaintiff Ibrahim purchased a Note7, in the state of California
and suffered damages as a result of Defendants conduct.

Defendant Samsung Electronics America, Inc., is a New York

corporation with its principal place of business in Ridgefield Park, New Jersey.
Samsung is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., which is
a Korean company headquartered in Suwon, South Korea. Defendant has been and
still is engaged in the business of distributing, marketing, and selling smart phones
and other products throughout United States and this district.

This Court has subject matter jurisdiction of this action pursuant to 28

U.S.C. 1332(d) because the aggregated claims of the individual class members
exceed the sum or value of $5,000,000, exclusive of interest and costs; there are
more than 100 putative class members defined below; and there are numerous
members of the proposed class who are citizens of a state different from Defendant

This Court has supplemental jurisdiction over the state law claims pursuant to 28
U.S.C. 1367.

Venue is proper in this judicial district pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1391

because Defendant resides and is headquartered in this district, and therefore is

deemed a citizen of this district. Additionally, Defendant has advertised in this
district and has received substantial revenue and profits from the sales of Note7
smartphones in this district; therefore, a substantial part of the events and/or
omissions giving rise to the claims occurred, in part, within this district.

This Court has personal jurisdiction over Defendant because Samsung

has conducted substantial business in this judicial district, and intentionally and
purposefully placed Note7 smartphones into the stream of commerce within the
District of New Jersey and throughout the United States.

On August 19, 2016, Samsung released to the market its highly

touted, high-end, flagship smartphone, the Galaxy Note7, which sells for
approximately $850. Shortly after the smartphones highly anticipated release,
however, reports began to surface that the new smartphones were overheating and
exploding in the hands of consumers.

In late-August, Samsung halted shipments of the Note7 while

conducting additional testing for product quality as a result of these reports.


On September 2, 2016, after 35 incidents of overheating smartphones

had been reported worldwide, Samsung suspended sales of the Note7 smartphone.
As a result, Samsung announced the U.S. Product Exchange Program for Note7
owners and stated that the new Galaxy Note7 would be available next week.

This replacement program included an estimated 1 million phones in

the United States and 2.5 million worldwide.


In its announcement, Samsung stated that it had conducted a thorough

investigation and had found a battery cell issue in the Note7 phones. Samsung
stated that it was working with its supplier to identify possible affected batteries in
the field, but that because safety was an absolute priority, it had decided to stop
sales of the Note7. For those customers already owning a Note7, Samsung
announced that it would voluntarily replace each device with a new device over
the coming weeks.

On September 9, the United States Consumer Product Safety

Commission (CPSC) and Samsung issued advisories urging consumers to

immediately stop using the Note7. The CPSC told consumers to power [the
Note7] down and stop charging or using the device while it worked with Samsung
on the recall details. Samsung Electronics America President, Tim Baxter, told
consumers that Samsung was asking users to power down their Galaxy Note7s
and exchange them now.


On September 10, DJ Koh, President of Mobile Communications

Business at Samsung, further stated:

Our number one priority is the safety of our customers.
We are asking users to power down their Galaxy Note7s
and exchange them as soon as possible. We are
expediting replacement devices so that they can be
provided through the exchange program as conveniently
as possible and in compliance with related regulations.

Samsung directed consumers who had Note7 devices to contact their

place of purchase or call their designated local call center as soon as possible to
exchange their device for a new Galaxy Note7 (with an updated battery).
Alternatively, consumers could choose to exchange their Note7 for a Galaxy S7 or
Galaxy S7 Edge, both of which are less expensive and offer less advanced
technology than the Note7.

Consumers quickly learned that although Samsung announced its

recall on September 2 and told consumers to immediately exchange their

smartphones on September 9, that replacement Note7s were not available.

It was not until September 21 that Samsung announced that it would

begin the Note7 exchanges nationwide. And even on that date, only an estimated
500,000 replacement devices had arrived in the United States. In fact, as of
September 27, approximately 40 percent of the unsafe Note7s sold in South Korea
and the United States still had not been replaced with new devices.

Consumers were left without the safe use of smartphones that they

had purchased, while waiting approximately three weeks (or more) for the
replacement Note7s to become locally available for exchange. During this time,
consumers continued to incur monthly device and plan charges associated with
their Note7s.

Plaintiff Waudby purchased a Note7 on August 21, 2016, and incurred

monthly device charges and monthly plan charges that have not been reimbursed
through the Samsung recall program or other third parties.

Plaintiff Spuntak purchased a Note7 on August 26, 2016, and incurred

monthly device charges and monthly plan charges that have not been reimbursed
through the Samsung recall program or other third parties.

Plaintiff Ibrahim purchased a Note7 on August 24, 2016, and incurred

monthly device charges and monthly plan charges that have not been reimbursed
through the Samsung recall program or other third parties.

On October 11, just as consumers were finally starting to receive their

replacement smartphones, Samsung announced that it was discontinuing the

Galaxy Note7 entirely. Samsungs decision followed reports of some replacement
devices (with new batteries) also exploding. In fact, at least three owners of
replacement Note7s reported fires with their replacement devices, including one
Note7 that caught fire on a Southwest Airlines flight necessitating an evacuation of
the airplane.


On October 14, the Department of Transportation (DOT) issued an

emergency order to ban all Samsung Galaxy Note7 smartphone devices from air
transportation in the United States. Individuals who own or possess a Samsung
Galaxy Note7 device may not transport the device on their person, in carry-on
baggage, or in checked baggage on flights to, from, or within the United States.
This prohibition includes all Samsung Galaxy Note7 devices. The phones also
cannot be shipped as air cargo.

The DOT announcement further stated [i]f passengers attempt to

travel by air with their Samsung Galaxy Note7 devices, the phones may be
confiscated and passengers may face fines.



Plaintiffs bring this suit as a class action on behalf of themselves and

on behalf of all others similarly situated pursuant to Federal Rules of Civil

Procedure, Rule 23(a), 23(b)(2), and/or 23(b)(3). This action satisfies the
numerosity, commonality, typicality, adequacy, predominance and superiority
requirements of the provisions of Rule 23.

Plaintiff seeks to represent the following Nationwide Class:

All persons and entities in the United States who
purchased or leased a Samsung Galaxy Note7.


In the alternative, Plaintiffs seek to represent the following state sub8

All persons and entities in Nevada that purchased
or financed a Samsung Galaxy Note7 (the Nevada
All persons and entities in Pennsylvania that
purchased or financed a Samsung Galaxy Note7
(the Pennsylvania Class).
All persons and entities in California that
purchased or financed a Samsung Galaxy Note7
(the California Class).

The Nationwide Class, Nevada Class, Pennsylvania Class and

California Class will be referred to collectively as the Class for purposes of

Plaintiffs claims.

Excluded from all classes are the Judge(s) to whom this case is

assigned and any member of the Judges immediate family, along with
Defendants employees, officers, directors, agents, and representatives and their
immediate family members. Also excluded are those persons who have suffered
personal injuries as a result of the facts alleged herein.

Numerosity: Members of the Class are so numerous that joinder of all

members is impracticable. While the exact number of Class members remains

unknown at this time, upon information and belief, there are hundreds of thousands
of putative Class members throughout the United States who are generally
ascertainable by appropriate discovery.


Commonality: This action involves common questions of law and

fact, which predominate over any questions affecting individual Class members.
These common legal and factual questions include, but are not limited to, the
a. Whether Samsung engaged in the conduct alleged herein;
b. Whether Samsung breached any warranties through its conduct as
alleged herein;
c. Whether Plaintiffs and other Class members are entitled to restitution
for monthly device and plan charges for phones they could not safely
use during the relevant period;
d. Whether Plaintiff and other Class members are entitled to recover
compensatory damages as a result of Samsungs breach of warranty.

Typicality: Plaintiffs claims are typical of those of the other Class

members because, inter alia, all members of the Class were injured through the
common misconduct described above and were subject to Samsungs breach of
warranty. Plaintiffs are advancing the same claims and legal theories on behalf of
themselves and all members of the Class.

Adequacy of Representation: Plaintiffs will fairly and adequately

represent and protect the interests of the Class in that they have no disabling
conflicts of interest that would be antagonistic to those of the other members of the


Class. Plaintiffs seek no relief that is antagonistic or adverse to the members of the
Class and the infringement of the rights and the damages they have suffered are
typical of other Class members. Plaintiffs have retained counsel experienced in
complex consumer class action litigation, and Plaintiffs intend to prosecute this
action vigorously.

Superiority: The class litigation is an appropriate method for fair and

efficient adjudication of the claims involved. Class action treatment is superior to

all other available methods for the fair and efficient adjudication of the controversy
alleged herein; it will permit a large number of Class members to prosecute their
common claims in a single forum simultaneously, efficiently, and without the
unnecessary duplication of evidence, effort and expense that hundreds of
individual actions would require. Class action treatment will permit the
adjudication of relatively modest claims by certain Class members, who could not
individually afford to litigate a complex claim against large corporate defendants.
Further, even for those Class members who could afford to litigate such a claim, it
would still be economically impractical.

The nature of this action and the nature of laws available to Plaintiffs

and the Class make the use of the class action device a particularly efficient and
appropriate procedure to afford relief to Plaintiffs and the Class for the wrongs
alleged because Samsung would necessarily gain an unconscionable advantage


since they would be able to exploit and overwhelm the limited resources of each
individual Class member with superior financial and legal resources; the costs of
individual suits could unreasonably consume the amounts that would be recovered;
proof of a common course of conduct to which Plaintiffs were exposed is
representative of that experienced by the Class and will establish the right of each
member of the Class to recover on the cause of action alleged; and individual
actions would create a risk of inconsistent results and would be unnecessary and
duplicative of this litigation.

Plaintiffs reserve the right to modify or amend the definition of the

proposed class and subclasses before the Court determines whether certification is
appropriate and as the parties engage in discovery.

The class action is superior to all other available methods for the fair

and efficient adjudication of this controversy. Because of the number and nature
of common questions of fact and law, multiple separate lawsuits would not serve
the interest of judicial economy.

Individual litigation of the claims of all Class members is

economically unfeasible and procedurally impracticable. While the aggregate

damages sustained by the Class are likely in the millions of dollars, the individual
damages incurred by each Member resulting from Samsungs wrongful conduct
are too small to warrant the expense of individual suits. The likelihood of


individual Class members prosecuting separate claims is remote, and even if every
Class member could afford individual litigation, the court system would be unduly
burdened by individual litigation of such cases. Individual Class members do not
have a significant interest in individually controlling the prosecution of separate
actions, and the individualized litigation would also present the potential for
varying, inconsistent, or contradictory judgments and would magnify the delay and
expense to all parties and to the court system resulting from multiple trials of the
same factual issues. Plaintiffs know of no difficulty to be encountered in the
management of this action that would preclude its maintenance as a class action. A
class action in this matter will avoid case management difficulties and provide
multiple benefits, including efficiency, economy of scale, unitary adjudication with
consistent results and equal protection of the rights of each Class member, all by
way of the comprehensive and efficient supervision of the litigation by a single

Notice of a certified class action and of any result or resolution of the

litigation can be provided to Class members by first-class mail, email, or

publication, or such other methods of notice as deemed appropriate by the Court.

Plaintiffs do not anticipate any difficulty in the management of this



(On Behalf of the Nationwide Class or, Alternatively, the Pennsylvania,
California and Nevada Classes)

Plaintiffs and the Class incorporate by reference each preceding and

succeeding paragraph as though fully set forth at length herein.


Defendant expressly warranted to Plaintiffs and the Class members

that the Note7s were of high quality and, at a minimum, safe.


Defendant breached this warranty by selling to Plaintiffs and the Class

members Note7s that were subject to a known and dangerous defect and known to
fail prematurely.

As a result of Defendants actions, Plaintiffs have suffered economic

damages including but not limited to monthly charges and fees, loss of use of the
Note7, substantial loss in value and resale value of their Note7s, and other related

Defendants attempt to disclaim or limit these express warranties is

unconscionable and unenforceable under the circumstances here. Specifically,

Defendants warranty limitation is unenforceable because they knowingly sold a
defective product without informing consumers about the defect.

Plaintiffs and Class members have complied with all obligations

under the warranty, or otherwise have been excused from performance of said
obligations as a result of Defendants conduct described herein.

(On Behalf of the Nationwide Class or, Alternatively, the Pennsylvania,
California and Nevada Classes)

Plaintiffs incorporate by reference each preceding and succeeding

paragraph as though fully set forth at length herein.


Defendant made material misstatements and omissions concerning the

availability of replacement Note7s.


As a result, Plaintiffs and Class members were fraudulently induced to

continue incurring and paying monthly charges and fees for their Note7s, which
they could neither use nor replace.

These misstatements and omissions were made by Defendant with

knowledge of their falsity, and with the intent that Plaintiffs and Class memebrs
rely upon them.

Plaintiffs and Class members reasonably relied on these misstatements

and omissions, and suffered damages as a result.

(On Behalf of the Nationwide Class or, Alternatively, the Pennsylvania,
California and Nevada Classes)

Plaintiffs and the Class incorporate by reference each preceding and

succeeding paragraph as though fully set forth at length herein.


Every contract in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, California and Nevada


contains an implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing.


Defendant breached the covenant of good faith and fair dealing by

failing to notify Plaintiffs and Class members that replacement Note7s would not
be made available in a timely manner, or that the Note7 would be discontinued

Defendant acted in bad faith and/or with a malicious motive to deny

Plaintiffs and Class members some benefit of the bargain originally intended by
the parties, thereby causing them injuries in an amount to be determined at trial.
WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs, on behalf of themselves and members of the Class,
respectfully requests that this Court:

determine that the claims alleged herein may be maintained as a

class action under Rule 23 of the Federal Rules of Civil
Procedure, and issue an order certifying one or more Classes as
defined above;


appoint Plaintiffs as the representatives of the Class and their

counsel as Class counsel;


award all actual, general, special, incidental, statutory, punitive,

and consequential damages to which Plaintiffs and Class
members are entitled;



award pre-judgment and post-judgment interest on such

monetary relief;


grant appropriate injunctive and/or declaratory relief, including,

without limitation, an order that requires Defendant to repair,
recall, and/or replace the Note7s and to extend the applicable
warranties for a reasonable period of time, or, at a minimum, to
provide Plaintiffs and Class members with appropriate curative
notice regarding the existence and cause of the design defect;


award reasonable attorneys fees and costs; and


grant such further relief that this Court deems appropriate.

Dated: October 14, 2016

Respectfully submitted,

//s// Joseph G. Sauder

Joseph G. Sauder
Matthew D. Schelkopf (030362002)
Joseph B. Kenney
555 Lancaster Avenue
Berwyn, PA 19312
Telephone: (610) 200-0580
Richard D. McCune
David C. Wright
Emily J. Kirk

2068 Orange Tree Lane, Suite 216

Redlands, California 92374
Telephone: (909) 557-1250
Facsimile: (909) 557-1275


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