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PCOS Evidence-Based Guideline For Assessment and Management Pcos

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Evidence-based guideline for the

assessment and management of

polycystic ovary syndrome
Developed 2011
Updated August 2015 - Section 7.4 Aromatase
Further update scheduled 2016/2017

Publication approval

These guidelines were approved by the Chief Executive Officer of the National Health and Medical Research
Council (NHMRC) on 29 July 2011, (with a subsequent amendment approved on 15 June 2015) under Section
14A of the National Health and Medical Research Council Act 1992. In approving these guidelines the
NHMRC considers that they meet the NHMRC standard for clinical practice guidelines. This approval is valid
for a period of 5 years.
NHMRC is satisfied that they are based on the systematic identification and synthesis of the best available
scientific evidence and make clear recommendations for health professionals practising in an Australian
health care setting.
This publication reflects the views of the authors and not necessarily the views of the Australian

PCOS Australian Alliance: A single voice for

polycystic ovary syndrome
In 2008 Jean Hailes for Womens Health facilitated a national meeting on polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS),
with 25 leaders attending from the research, clinical and community sectors. The outcome of this meeting
was the establishment of the independent PCOS Australian Alliance and the mapping of an ambitious plan to
improve health outcomes in women with PCOS.
The vision of the PCOS Australian Alliance is to improve the lives of Australian women with PCOS through
education, research and evidence-based health care. The Alliance provides leadership and cohesion to
promote education, health and research and support consistent, evidence-based, multidisciplinary service
provision. This involves cross-sector collaborations, community partnerships and interactions with
government and policy makers aimed at prevention and management of PCOS within Australia.
Jean Hailes for Womens Health, a national not for profit organisation with a track record in clinical research,
community and professional education and clinical care for women, facilitates and supports the Alliance. It
provides an authoritative national information service to women, their families, health care professionals
and policy makers in Australia, funded by the Australian government.
There are currently no international evidence-based guidelines to inform women and health professionals
about PCOS. Australia was in a prime position to take a leadership role in the development of clear
guidelines, evidence-based research and translation to women with PCOS, the community and health care
providers. Our national Alliance provided guidance and expertise including internationally recognised
researchers and clinicians and an established consumer advocacy group, the Polycystic Ovary Association of
Australia (POSAA). The Alliance was supported by Jean Hailes for Womens Health, providing management
and leadership, infrastructure and translation capability.
The Alliance, representing the key stakeholders in PCOS in Australia, at the inaugural meeting in 2008
identified key clinical priorities for the guideline using the following criteria:

highest clinical priority

greatest knowledge gaps

priorities identified by the commissioning Australian government

expertise of Alliance members

This guideline reflects the identified key clinical priorities and areas of clinical need, covering assessment of
PCOS, assessment of emotional wellbeing, management of lifestyle and management of infertility in women
with PCOS.
A list of Alliance members can be found in Appendix I.

We gratefully acknowledge the volunteers in the Alliance who were involved in the development of the
guideline (see Appendix II for a list of individuals and organisations), the Jean Hailes for Womens Health
team who contributed so much to this project over the past 2 years, the Department of Health and Ageing
and Health Minister Roxon for their support and funding of this guideline and the subsequent translation
program. Finally we acknowledge the commitment and support of the Centre for Clinical Effectiveness for
providing evidence synthesis and guideline development expertise, including guidance from Dr Claire Harris
and Dr Tari Turner during the early planning phase, and to the Australasian Cochrane Centre for appraising
the guidelines (using AGREE II).

AGREE II appraisal
1st independent rater: 6, 2nd independent rater: 6-7 (1=Lowest possible quality and 7=Highest possible
quality) [3]. The full AGREE II appraisal is available upon request, email
Domain scores (calculated based on two
independent raters scores)
Domain 1: Scope and Purpose
Domain 2: Stakeholder Involvement
Domain 3: Rigour of Development
Domain 4: Clarity of Presentation
Domain 5: Applicability
Domain 6: Editorial Independence




Scaled domain
score (%)

This document is a guide to best practice, designed to provide information to assist decision-making. It is
based on the best available evidence and clinical judgement at the time of development of this publication
and is to be followed subject to the clinicians judgement and patients preference in each individual case.

Copyright information
Jean Hailes for Womens Health on behalf of the PCOS Australian Alliance 2015
Paper-based publication This work is copyright. Apart from any use permitted under the Copyright Act
1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without written permission from Jean Hailes for Womens
Health on behalf of the PCOS Australian Alliance.
ISBN Print: 978-0-646-55470-9
Electronic documents This work is copyright. You may download, display, print and reproduce this material
in unaltered form only (retaining this notice) for your personal, non-commercial use, or use within your
organisation. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, all other rights are reserved.
Copies of the guideline can be downloaded from
Suggested citation Evidence-based guidelines for the assessment and management of polycystic ovary
syndrome. Jean Hailes for Womens Health on behalf of the PCOS Australian Alliance; Melbourne, 2015.

Publication approval .................................................................................................................................... 2
PCOS Australian Alliance: A single voice for polycystic ovary syndrome ............................................................ 3
Acknowledgments ....................................................................................................................................... 4
AGREE II appraisal........................................................................................................................................ 4
Disclaimer .................................................................................................................................................... 4
Copyright information ................................................................................................................................. 4
Preface ................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Executive summary ............................................................................................................................................. 9
Recommendations............................................................................................................................................. 11
Algorithms ......................................................................................................................................................... 25
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................... 31
Background ................................................................................................................................................ 31
Clinical need for this guideline .................................................................................................................. 32
Purpose ...................................................................................................................................................... 34
Patient population ..................................................................................................................................... 34
Setting and audience ................................................................................................................................. 34
Scope ......................................................................................................................................................... 34
Agreed diagnostic criteria for PCOS .......................................................................................................... 36
Funding ...................................................................................................................................................... 38
Editorial independence ............................................................................................................................. 38
Methods used to develop this guideline ........................................................................................................... 39
Multidisciplinary guideline development groups .......................................................................................... 40
Clinical question development and prioritisation ......................................................................................... 41
Search for existing evidence-based guidelines.............................................................................................. 42
Evidence reviews to answer the clinical questions ....................................................................................... 43
Formulation of recommendations ................................................................................................................ 47
Public consultation ........................................................................................................................................ 50
External review .............................................................................................................................................. 51
Piloting of the guideline ................................................................................................................................ 51
Evaluation strategy ........................................................................................................................................ 51
Scheduled review and update of the guideline............................................................................................. 51

Challenges in diagnostic assessment of PCOS ..................................................................... 52

1.1 Hyperandrogenism ................................................................................................................................. 52

1.2 Irregular cycles in adolescents................................................................................................................ 55
1.3 Polycystic ovaries in adolescents............................................................................................................ 56

Interdisciplinary model of care in PCOS .............................................................................. 58


Assessment of cardiometabolic risk in PCOS .................................................................... 61

3.1 Risk of cardiovascular disease ................................................................................................................ 61

3.2 Risk of type 2 diabetes............................................................................................................................ 64

Assessment of emotional wellbeing in PCOS ..................................................................... 67

4.1 Depression and/or anxiety ..................................................................................................................... 67

4.2 Body image ............................................................................................................................................. 69
4.3 Disordered eating ................................................................................................................................... 71
4.4 Psychosexual dysfunction ....................................................................................................................... 73

Lifestyle management in PCOS ............................................................................................ 76

5.1 Effectiveness of lifestyle interventions................................................................................................... 76

5.2 Optimal components of lifestyle interventions ...................................................................................... 78
5.3 Dietary interventions .............................................................................................................................. 80
5.4 Delivery of dietary interventions ............................................................................................................ 82
5.5 Exercise interventions ............................................................................................................................ 84

Non-pharmacological first line management of infertility in PCOS ....................................... 88

6.1 Lifestyle interventions for infertility ....................................................................................................... 88


Pharmacological management of infertility in PCOS........................................................ 91

7.1 Clomiphene citrate ................................................................................................................................. 91

7.2 Metformin .............................................................................................................................................. 92
7.3 Gonadotrophins ...................................................................................................................................... 97
7.4 Aromatase inhibitors .............................................................................................................................. 99

Surgical management of infertility in PCOS .................................................................... 104

8.1 Laparoscopic ovarian surgery ............................................................................................................... 104

8.2 Bariatric surgery ................................................................................................................................... 107
Summary of the impacts of implementation of the recommendations ......................................................... 110
Summary of recommendations for research .................................................................................................. 111
Limitations of the guideline ............................................................................................................................. 113
Translation and implementation ..................................................................................................................... 114
References ....................................................................................................................................................... 117
Appendix I: Membership of PCOS Australian Alliance .................................................................................... 134

Appendix II: Membership of guideline development committees ................................................................. 136

Appendix III: NHMRC Evidence Statement template ...................................................................................... 142
Appendix IV: PCOS referral resource ............................................................................................................... 145
Appendix V: Emotional health screening questionnaire ................................................................................. 147
Appendix VI: Emotional wellbeing tools.......................................................................................................... 148
Kessler Psychological Distress Scale 10 (K-10)............................................................................................. 148
Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS-21) ................................................................................................. 149
Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ9) ......................................................................................................... 151
Generalised Anxiety Disorder 7 item scale (GAD7) ..................................................................................... 153
Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26)..................................................................................................................... 154
Appendix VII: Abbreviations and acronyms .................................................................................................... 156
Appendix VIII: Glossary .................................................................................................................................... 158
Appendix IX: Evidence-based guideline development pathway ..................................................................... 166

This national evidence-based guideline for the assessment and management of polycystic ovary syndrome,
designed to provide clear information to assist clinical decision making and support optimal patient care, is the
culmination of the work of many individuals including women with PCOS. Most gave of their time and expertise
voluntarily and it is important to appreciate the considerable contributions of the guideline development groups
and particularly of the guideline development group chairs: Dr Michael Costello, Dr Amanda Deeks, Dr Lisa Moran
and Clinical Professor Dr Bronwyn Stuckey. We would like to thank the tireless efforts, commitment, dedication
and drive of the Project Director, Professor Helena Teede and Project Manager, Ms Linda Downes, the Senior
Evidence Officer and Guideline Writer, Dr Marie Misso and the Guideline Evidence Team: Ms Angela Melder, Ms
Marie Garrubba and Mr Henry Ko for their contribution to the body of evidence reviews and guideline. Finally we
would like to acknowledge the PCOS Australian Alliance who provided expertise and guidance and Jean Hailes for
Womens Health who auspiced and managed the guideline development process. It is hoped that women with
PCOS, their families, health professionals and policy makers find this useful.
The guideline is based on the best evidence available up to November 2010. Where appropriate, the evidence has
been interpreted with regard to the Australian context in which the guideline will be implemented. It is intended
that the guideline be considered according to the limitations outlined herein and used in conjunction with clinical
judgement and patient preference. The guideline contains the following information:

Introduction including a discussion about the clinical need for the guideline, scope of the guideline and a list
of clinical questions
Discussion chapters covering the clinical need for each question, the evidence to answer each question that
underpins each recommendation and the clinical impact of the recommendation;
Composition of the multidisciplinary guideline development groups
Methods used to develop the guideline
Additional tools and resources

Useful references and supporting information are provided throughout the guideline in clinical practice points.

Professor Helena Teede


Janet Michelmore

Mrs Veryan McAllister

Prof Robert Norman

Executive Director Monash

Partners Academic Health
Sciences Centre



Jean Hailes for

Womens Health

President, Polycystic Ovary

Syndrome Association

Director Monash Centre for

Health Research and
Implementation MCHRI,
School of Public Health and
Preventive Medicine, Monash
University, in partnership with
Monash Health

PCOS Alliance Strategic

Advisory Group
The Robinson Institute,
University of Adelaide
Professor of Reproductive
and Periconceptual
Medicine, University of

Executive summary
This guideline integrates the best available evidence with clinical expertise and
consumer preferences to provide health professionals, consumers and policy makers
with guidance for timely diagnosis, accurate assessment and optimal management of
women with PCOS and promotes consistency of care and prevention of complications.
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) affects a striking 12-21% of Australian reproductive-aged women,
depending on the population studied and the diagnostic criteria used and is a major public health concern
[4-6]. The clinical implications of PCOS are broad and vary across the lifespan [7]. Whilst reproductive
features are prominent, PCOS has potential for major metabolic consequences including obesity and related
type 2 diabetes (DM2) and cardiovascular disease (CVD), all currently national health priority areas [8, 9]. It
also has significant mental health and psychological impact, impairing quality of life (QoL) [10, 11]. Overall
PCOS has significant health and economic costs. With increasing obesity exacerbating incidence, prevalence
and severity of PCOS and weight loss, improving reproductive, metabolic and psychological features and
lifestyle change should be first-line PCOS therapy. Currently 70% of Australian women with PCOS remain
undiagnosed [5], clinical practice is inconsistent [12], psychological issues are neglected [11] and there is
little focus on lifestyle and prevention with most services targeting infertility and costly assisted reproductive
Given the clear gaps in care, PCOS is recognised by government and prioritised in funding for this evidencebased guideline. Jean Hailes for Womens Healths efforts in PCOS have been noted in the 2010 national
womens health policy and priority areas including prevention of chronic disease, mental health, sexual and
reproductive health [13]. The PCOS Australian Alliance and this evidence-based guideline have prioritised the
development and evaluation of interdisciplinary models of care integrated with lifestyle intervention for
women with PCOS, with no such services currently available. Interdisciplinary care involves a collaboration
between a woman and her care team with shared goals for total wellbeing. This encompasses a
multidisciplinary team, an agreed care plan, a care coordinator and clear and regular communication.
Implementation of the PCOS evidence-based guideline through development and evaluation of effective,
sustainable community-based interdisciplinary models of care, integrated with lifestyle interventions,
addressing psychological, metabolic and reproductive features of PCOS is now vital.
This guideline provides recommendations on assessment and management in women and adolescents with
PCOS in the reproductive age groups. The guideline begins by providing guidance around assessment
challenges in diagnosing PCOS followed by methods for assessing emotional wellbeing and risk of
cardiometabolic complications. The lifestyle options considered in this guideline include diet, exercise and
behavioural interventions; pharmaceutical options include clomiphene citrate, metformin, gonadotrophins
and aromatase inhibitors; and surgical options include laparoscopic ovarian surgery and bariatric surgery.
Diagnostic criteria were adapted based on current international criteria and were not evaluated in this
guideline. IVF therapy and other areas were beyond the scope of the guideline but may be included in
subsequent updates.

Executive summary

This guideline was developed using internationally agreed methods for the development of evidence-based
guidelines. Multidisciplinary committees included a Project Board, PCOS Australian Alliance Strategic
Advisory Group and four guideline development groups, comprising experts in PCOS and multiple consumer
representatives appointed by the project board and mostly drawn from Alliance members and the consumer
advocacy group Polycystic Ovary Association of Australia (POSAA). These groups determined the clinical
questions that make up the structure of the guideline; the search for existing evidence-based guidelines; and
the development of clinical practice and research recommendations.
This guideline contains 39 recommendations, each of which is assigned a grade. In developing the guideline
recommendations, the guideline development groups placed emphasis on the accurate assessment as well
as the management of PCOS. The recommendations in this guideline are strengthened by the use of
rigorous methodology for evidence review and guideline development including use of: study designs least
susceptible to bias; a priori criteria for inclusion and appraisal of studies, extraction of study data; and metaanalysis where appropriate. The recommendations were formulated using a considered judgement process
which took into account the amount and quality of available evidence as well as its generalisability and
applicability to current practice in Australia. Further points of relevance in the implementation of
recommendations were made in clinical impact statements for each recommendation including
consideration of resource implications.
In formulating the recommendations for this guideline, the guideline development groups recognised and
took into account a number of factors and limitations pertaining to the available evidence. In many areas of
PCOS, there is little or no evidence or the evidence is of poor quality and other potential biases in the trials
resulting from different methods for diagnosis of PCOS, and differing endpoints. As a result of these
limitations, several clinically important questions remain.
Key gaps in the evidence include inadequate study of the natural history of PCOS, its features and its
complications, establishing the optimal model of care, optimal lifestyle intervention (specifically aiming to
increase engagement, adherence and sustainability) and optimal fertility interventions. Another key gap was
inadequate evidence about the role of bariatric surgery for improving fertility in PCOS. Hence wellconsidered research recommendations are made throughout the guideline.
It is intended that the guideline be considered according to the limitations outlined herein and used in
conjunction with clinical judgement and patient preference.

Executive summary


This summary section provides a list of the evidence-based recommendations discussed in the text of
chapters one through eight. Each of the evidence-based recommendations is given an overall grading from
A to D based on the volume, consistency, generalisability, applicability and clinical impact of the body of
evidence supporting each recommendation (as outlined in the National Health and Medical Research Council
(NHMRC) levels of evidence and grades of recommendations for guideline developers) [14]. When
insufficient evidence was available but there was consensus among the guideline development group,
clinical consensus recommendations have been developed. Clinical practice points have also been included,
where important issues (such as safety, side effects or risks) arose from discussion of evidence-based or
clinical consensus recommendations. It is not possible to grade consensus recommendations and practice
points according to NHMRC grading; instead a classification has been allocated according to its type of
recommendation, ie.. a clinical consensus recommendation is classified CR and a clinical practice point is
classified PP.
The strength of the recommendations can be identified throughout the guideline with the following grades:

Body of evidence can be trusted to guide practice.

Body of evidence can be trusted to guide practice in most situations.

Body of evidence provides some support for recommendation but care should be taken
in its application.

Body of evidence is weak and recommendation must be applied with caution.

Where a grade cannot be applied, the following classifications were used:


In the absence of evidence, a clinical consensus recommendation has been made by

the guideline development group.


Evidence not sought. A practice point has been made by the guideline development
group where important issues arose from discussion of evidence-based or clinical
consensus recommendations.

The words should, could and should not do not directly reflect the grade or classification allocated to a
recommendation and are independent descriptors intended to reflect the judgment of the multidisciplinary
guideline development group on the practical application of the recommendation, balancing benefits and
harms. Where the word should is used in the recommendations, the guideline development group judged
that the benefits of the recommendation (whether evidence-based or clinical consensus) clearly exceed the
harms, and that the recommendation can be trusted to guide practice. Where the word could is used,
either the quality of evidence was underpowered, or the available studies demonstrated little clear
advantage of one approach over another, or the balance of benefits to harm was unclear. Where the words
should not are used, there is either a lack of appropriate evidence, or the harms outweigh the benefits.



Page numbers are provided in the table below to direct the reader to a discussion supporting the
recommendation, including the clinical need for the question, the body of evidence identified to answer the
question and the clinical impact of the recommendation, covering issues of applicability (such as potential
changes in care and the way care is organised), organisational barriers and resource implications. The full
evidence tables supporting the recommendations can be found in the supplementary document titled
Evidence report, which can be found at
The Project Board, the PCOS Australian Alliance Strategic Advisory Group and the guideline development
groups support all 39 recommendations and intend that they be used in conjunction with clinical judgement
and patient preferences.





CHAPTER ONE Assessment challenges in the diagnosis of PCOS



Late-onset congenital adrenal hyperplasia, although rare, needs to be

considered before the diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome is confirmed. In
more severe clinical cases of hyperandrogenism, 21-hydroxylase deficiency,
the most common form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia, can be excluded by
measuring serum 17-hydroxyprogesterone in the follicular phase to explore
this diagnosis.
Calculated bioavailable testosterone, calculated free testosterone or free
androgen index should be first-line investigation for biochemical
determination of hyperandrogenism in polycystic ovary syndrome.

The addition of androstenedione and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate could

be second-line investigation for biochemical determination of
hyperandrogenism in polycystic ovary syndrome.

It is difficult to assess androgen status in women on the oral contraceptive pill

as effects include oestrogen mediated increases in sex hormone-binding
globulin and reduction in androgens.



Where the oral contraceptive pill has already been commenced, it should be
withdrawn for at least three months before appropriate hormonal
assessments for diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome are undertaken.
Contraception should be otherwise managed during this time.


If androgen levels are markedly above laboratory reference ranges, secondary

causes may be considered. Mild elevations of androstenedione may be seen
in polycystic ovary syndrome, whereas marked elevations are more indicative
of non-classical adrenal hyperplasia.


Reference ranges for different methods and different laboratories vary widely
and clinical decisions should be guided by the reference ranges of the
laboratory used.




In adolescent women (<18 years), after two years of irregular cycles (>35 or
<21 days) following the onset of menarche, polycystic ovary syndrome should
be considered and appropriate assessment should be undertaken.


As polycystic ovary syndrome is a diagnosis of exclusion, other causes of

irregular cycles (such as thyroid dysfunction or hyperprolactinaloemia) need
to be considered and excluded prior to the diagnosis of polycystic ovary

If oral contraceptive pill therapy is being considered or has commenced in

adolescents (<18 years), the following are recommended:



After twelve months of irregular cycles (>35 or <21 days) after onset of
menarche, polycystic ovary syndrome should be considered before
commencement of the oral contraceptive pill.
Where the oral contraceptive pill has already been commenced, when
girls are not sexually active, if biochemical hyperandrogenism is needed
for the diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome, the oral contraceptive pill
could be withdrawn for three months to facilitate appropriate hormonal
assessments. Withdrawal of the oral contraceptive pill may facilitate
assessment and early diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome as diagnosis
can have important implications including optimisation of healthy
lifestyle, regular metabolic screening and proactive fertility planning, with
consideration of planning for conception at an earlier age. However, the
risk of unplanned pregnancy needs to considered and weighed up against
potential benefits of early diagnosis. Contraception may still need to be
otherwise managed during this time.



Given the apparent lack of specificity of polycystic ovaries on ultrasound in

adolescents, generally, ultrasound should not be recommended first-line in
this age group for diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome pending further
research. If pelvic ultrasounds are to be ordered in adolescents, the results
should be interpreted with caution.


Vaginal ultrasound is not appropriate in adolescents who have not been

sexually active.



CHAPTER TWO Interdisciplinary model of care in PCOS


Interdisciplinary care, with multiple health professionals involved, should be

offered to women with polycystic ovary syndrome, where appropriate based
on the chronic and complex nature of the disease.



An interdisciplinary care model is the collaboration between a woman with

polycystic ovary syndrome and a care team who have shared goals for her



total wellbeing. It should have the following integral components:

A care team, comprised of representation from varied health disciplines

(e.g. may include dietetics, psychology, endocrinology, gynaecology,
exercise physiology, general practice)
A care plan which has been developed and agreed with the woman, and if
relevant, the carer
A designated care coordinator, who oversees the care plan and monitors
and evaluates outcomes, which is often the general practitioner
Clear and regular communication (e.g. information sharing via different
forms of media, including internet, letters, case conferencing, email,


The complexity of the womans need will determine the extent of

interdisciplinary care required.

When referring a woman with polycystic ovary syndrome to other health

professionals ie.. psychologists, a resource has been developed (Appendix IV)
to inform the professional about polycystic ovary syndrome.


CHAPTER THREE Assessment of cardiometabolic risk in PCOS


All women with polycystic ovary syndrome should be assessed for

cardiovascular disease risk by assessing individual cardiovascular disease risk
If screening in women with polycystic ovary syndrome shows that any of the
following cardiovascular disease risk factors are present, these women with
polycystic ovary syndrome should be considered at increased relative risk of
cardiovascular disease (obesity, cigarette smoking, dyslipidemia,
hypertension, impaired glucose tolerance, lack of physical activity) and those
with metabolic syndrome and/or type 2 diabetes, at even greater risk.




All women with polycystic ovary syndrome should be assessed for excess
weight at every visit.
In assessing women with polycystic ovary syndrome < 18 years, age
appropriate and gender appropriate body mass index should be calculated at
every visit.


All women with polycystic ovary syndrome should be assessed for cigarette

Body mass index should be assessed in all women with polycystic ovary
syndrome using the following criteria:


Body mass index 25kg/m = lean



Body mass index 25.1-30kg/m2 = overweight

Body mass index 30.1-35kg/m2 = obese
Body mass index 35kg/m2 = morbidly obese
Significant benefits have been demonstrated with 5-10% weight loss in
overweight women with polycystic ovary syndrome and is a feasible initial
target (see 5.4c).
BMI doesnt always reflect adverse body fat stores and waist circumference
will be useful.
Waist circumference should be assessed using the following criteria [15]:
Waist circumference >80cm = increased risk of metabolic complications
Waist circumference >88cm = substantially increased risk of metabolic

A complete lipid profile should be measured every two years in women with
polycystic ovary syndrome who have normal lipid profiles.


A complete lipid profile should be measured annually in women with

polycystic ovary syndrome who have abnormal lipid profiles and/or excess

In women with polycystic ovary syndrome, a lipid profile should include:

Total cholesterol - total cholesterol should be <4 mmol/L [16]

Low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) - in women without

additional cardiovascular disease risk factors, LDL-C levels should be <3.4
mmol/L [17]. In women with metabolic syndrome or type 2 diabetes, LDLC levels should be < 1.82.6 mmol/L or 1.8 mmol/L, respectively [17]

High density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) - HDL-C levels should be >

1.0 mmol/L [18]

Triglycerides - Triglyceride levels should be < 1.7 mmol/L [17].


Prediabetes and/or type 2 diabetes should be assessed in all women with

polycystic ovary syndrome (see 3.2a and 3.2b).


Blood pressure should be measured annually in women with polycystic ovary

syndrome and a body mass index 25kg/m2 (lean).





Blood pressure should be routinely measured at each visit in women with

polycystic ovary syndrome and a body mass index 25kg/m2


In women with polycystic ovary syndrome who are at high risk of type 2




diabetes, the ideal day time blood pressure should not exceed 135 mmHg
systolic and 85 mmHg diastolic [19].

To assess for risk of type 2 diabetes, in addition to polycystic ovary syndrome

status, the following diabetes risk factors should be considered [20, 21]:

Parental history of diabetes
History of high blood glucose level
Use of antihypertensive medications
Physical inactivity
Waist circumference


An oral glucose tolerance test should be performed every second year in all
women with polycystic ovary syndrome and annually in those found to have
additional risk factors for developing type 2 diabetes as outlined in 3.2a.


Reference ranges for [22]:



Impaired fasting glucose - fasting plasma glucose: 6.1-6.9 mmol/L

Impaired glucose tolerance -2 hour glucose level: 7.8-11 mmol/L
Type 2 diabetes - fasting plasma glucose: 7.0 mmol/L or 2 hour oral
glucose tolerance test: 11.1 mmol/L.



Ideally 150 grams of carbohydrate per day should be consumed for three days
before, and women should then fast for 8 hours immediately prior to the oral
glucose tolerance test since low carbohydrate intake may lead to false
positive glucose tolerance tests.

CHAPTER FOUR Assessment of emotional wellbeing in PCOS


Depression and/or anxiety should be routinely screened and assessed by all

appropriately qualified health professionals in women with polycystic ovary
If a woman with polycystic ovary syndrome is positive on screening, the
practitioner should further assess for depression and/or anxiety.


If depression and/or anxiety are detected, appropriate management should

be offered.

To screen for depression and/or anxiety, the following questions could be

asked [23]:



1) During the last month, have you often been bothered by feeling down,



depressed, or hopeless?
2) During the last month, have you often been bothered by having little
interest or pleasure in doing things?
3) During the last month, have you been bothered by feeling excessively
worried or concerned?
If any of the screening questions are positive further depression and/or
anxiety assessment could be by either:
a) Referring the patient to an appropriate professional if they do not feel
competent to perform a further mental health assessment. If the health
professional is not the patients usual GP, inform the GP of the referral.


b) If they feel competent, perform a clinical interview and according to level

of competence, choose from one or more of the following :


Kessler Psychological Distress Scale 10 (K10)

Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS-21)

Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ9)

Generalised Anxiety Disorder 7 item scale (GAD7).

Negative body image should be considered in women with polycystic ovary

If a woman with polycystic ovary syndrome is positive on screening, the
practitioner should further assess for negative body image.


If negative body image is detected, appropriate management should be


To screen for negative body image, the following questions could be asked:
1) Do you worry a lot about the way you look and wish you could think about
it less?

2) On a typical day, do you spend more than 1 hour per day worrying about
your appearance? (More than 1 hour a day is considered excessive)
3) What specific concerns do you have about your appearance?


4) What effect does it have on your life?

5) Does it make it hard to do your work or be with your friends and family?
If an issue is identified, the practitioner could further assess negative body
image by:
a) Identifying any focus of concern of the patient and respond appropriately
b) Assessing the level of depression and/or anxiety (if they have not done so



already) (see 4.1a)

c) Identifying if there is any distortion of body image (e.g. presence of
anorexia nervosa (see 4.3) or body dysmorphic disorder)


Disordered eating 1, including eating disorders, should be considered in

women with polycystic ovary syndrome.
If a woman with polycystic ovary syndrome is positive on screening, the
practitioner should further assess for disordered eating and eating disorders.


If disordered eating, or an eating disorder is detected, appropriate

management should be offered.

To screen for disordered eating and eating disorders, the following questions
could be asked:
1) Do you worry you have lost control over your eating?
2) Do you ever feel disgusted, depressed, or guilty about eating?
3) Have you tried fasting or skipping meals in an attempt to lose weight?


4) Have you tried vomiting, laxatives or diuretics in an attempt to lose

5) Have you had significant (e.g. >5-7%), recurrent fluctuation in body


If a woman with polycystic ovary syndrome answers yes to any of the above
questions the practitioner should further assess for the diagnosis of an eating
disorder by either:
a) Referring the patient to an appropriate professional to perform a further
mental health assessment.
b) If the practitioner feels competent, performing a clinical interview which
may be supplemented with standardised assessment tools (e.g. Eating
Assessment Tool (EAT 26)
c) Assessing the level of depression and/or anxiety (see 4.1a).

Psychosexual dysfunction2 should be considered in women with polycystic

ovary syndrome.
If a woman with polycystic ovary syndrome is positive on screening, the
practitioner should further assess for psychosexual dysfunction.



If psychosexual dysfunction is detected, appropriate management should be


Disordered eating refers to eating and weight related symptoms commonly associated with an eating disorder; this
can include behavioural (e.g. bingeing, restriction), cognitive (e.g. dietary restraint, negative body image), and
emotional (e.g. emotional eating) factors.
Psychosexual dysfunction refers to sexual problems or difficulties that have a psychological origin based in cognitions
and/or emotions such as depression, low self-esteem and negative body image.



To screen for psychosexual dysfunction, the following questions could be

1) During the last few months, have you often been bothered by problems
with your sex life such as reduced satisfaction, diminished desire, pain, or
any other problems?
2) Do you feel that polycystic ovary syndrome affects your sex life?
3) (If relevant) Do sexual problems affect your current relationship and/or
have sexual problems affected your past relationships?
If a woman with polycystic ovary syndrome answers yes to any of the above
questions or where sexual function is a concern, the practitioner should
assess this through more detailed clinical interview, and in particular screen
for depression and/or anxiety if not already done (see 4.1) and negative body
image (see 4.2) or refer to a more appropriately qualified health practitioner.



Specific validated scales could be used as outcome measures at baseline to

monitor progress over time. The choice of scale selected should be at the
discretion of the clinician, based on the specific sexual problem, accessibility
and expertise of the practitioner.

CHAPTER FIVE Lifestyle management in PCOS



Lifestyle management (single or combined approaches of diet, exercise and/or

behavioural interventions) for weight loss, prevention of weight gain, or for
general health benefits should be recommended in women with polycystic
ovary syndrome.

Lifestyle management targeting weight loss (in women with a body mass
index 25kg/m2 (overweight)) and prevention of weight gain (in women with a
body mass index 25kg/m2 (lean)) should include both reduced dietary energy
(caloric) intake and exercise and should be first-line therapy for all women
with polycystic ovary syndrome.



Psychological factors should be considered and managed to optimise

engagement and adherence to lifestyle interventions.


Weight loss should be targeted in all women with polycystic ovary syndrome
and body mass index 25kg/m2 (overweight) through reducing dietary energy
(caloric) intake in the setting of healthy food choices, irrespective of diet

Prevention of weight gain should be targeted in all women with polycystic

ovary syndrome through monitored caloric intake, in the setting of healthy
food choices, irrespective of diet composition.







Weight loss (in women with a body mass index 25kg/m2 (overweight)) and
prevention of weight gain (in women with a body mass index 25kg/m2 (lean))
is the joint responsibility of all health professionals, partnering with women
with polycystic ovary syndrome. Where complex dietary issues arise (or
obesity is present), referral to a dietitian should be considered as part of an
enhanced primary care plan.



Tools such as Lifescripts could be used for engagement in dietary change:

Face to face, tailored dietary advice, including education, behavioural change

techniques and ongoing support should be provided to women with polycystic
ovary syndrome and a body mass index 25kg/m2 (overweight). Dietary
modification is the joint responsibility of all health professionals, partnering
with women with polycystic ovary syndrome.


Behaviour change techniques should target prevention of weight gain in all

women with polycystic ovary syndrome including those with a body mass
index 25kg/m2 (lean).


Behavioural change techniques, including motivational interviewing, should

be used in addition to advice/education. Simple strategies, including selfmonitoring, pedometers and time management techniques should be
encouraged. Interventions could be individual, group or mixed mode, in a
range of settings, delivered by a range of health professionals. Individual
techniques should not be used in isolation and should be part of a coherent
multidisciplinary interventional model. Key messages should be reinforced
with women with polycystic ovary syndrome, including that achievable goals
(5% to 10% loss of body weight in overweight women) yield significant clinical


Exercise participation of at least 150 minutes per week should be

recommended to all women with polycystic ovary syndrome, especially those
with a body mass index 25kg/m2 (overweight), given the metabolic risks of
polycystic ovary syndrome and the long term metabolic benefits of exercise.
Of this, 90 minutes per week should be aerobic activity at moderate to high
intensity (60% - 90% of maximum heart rate) to optimise clinical outcomes.

Encouraging exercise is the joint responsibility of all health professionals,

partnering with women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Where appropriate,
referral to an exercise physiologist or specialist could be considered as part of
an enhanced primary care plan. Where there are significant co-morbidities,
assessment for exercise participation should be undertaken by the relevant
healthcare professionals.









Tools such as Lifescripts could be used for engagement in physical activity:
CHAPTER SIX Non-pharmacological first-line management of infertility in PCOS

Lifestyle management, including diet and exercise programs, should be used

throughout the lifespan in women with polycystic ovary syndrome to optimise
health generally and to alleviate polycystic ovary syndrome clinical severity
including infertility.

In women with polycystic ovary syndrome and body mass index 30kg/m2
with due consideration given to age-related infertility, intensive (frequent
multidisciplinary contact) lifestyle modification alone (and not in combination
with pharmacological ovulation induction therapy) should be first-line therapy
for 3 to 6 months to determine if ovulation is induced.

Pharmacological ovulation induction should not be recommended for first-line

therapy in women with polycystic ovary syndrome who are morbidly obese
(body mass index 35kg/m2) until appropriate weight loss has occurred either
through diet, exercise, bariatric surgery, or other appropriate means.


Pharmacological ovulation induction could be second-line therapy, after

intensive lifestyle modification has been undertaken.


Morbid obesity (body mass index 35kg/m2) increases risks during pregnancy
and should be regarded as a relative contraindication to assisted fertility.



Psychological factors should be considered and managed in infertile women

with polycystic ovary syndrome, to optimise engagement and adherence with
lifestyle interventions.





CHAPTER SEVEN Pharmacological management of infertility in PCOS


Clomiphene citrate should be first-line pharmacological therapy to improve

fertility outcomes in women with polycystic ovary syndrome and anovulatory
infertility, with no other infertility factors.


The risk of multiple pregnancy is increased with clomiphene citrate use and
therefore monitoring is recommended.



Metformin should be combined with clomiphene citrate to improve fertility

outcomes rather than persisting with further treatment with clomiphene
citrate alone in women with polycystic ovary syndrome who are clomiphene
citrate resistant, anovulatory and infertile with no other infertility factors.






Metformin could be used alone to improve ovulation rate and pregnancy rate
in women with polycystic ovary syndrome who are anovulatory, have a body
mass index 30kg/m2 and are infertile with no other infertility factors.


If one is considering using metformin alone to treat women with polycystic

ovary syndrome who are anovulatory, have a body mass index 30kg/m2, and
are infertile with no other infertility factors, clomiphene citrate should be
added to improve fertility outcomes.


Gonadotrophins should be second-line pharmacological therapy in women

with polycystic ovary syndrome who have clomiphene citrate resistance
and/or failure, are anovulatory and infertile, with no other infertility factors.


Gonadotrophins could be considered as first-line pharmacological therapy in

women with polycystic ovary syndrome who are therapy nave, anovulatory
and infertile, with no other infertility factors.


Where gonadotrophins or laparoscopic ovarian surgery (see 8.1) are to be

prescribed, the following should be considered:

Cost of either intervention for ovulation induction

Expertise required for the use of either intervention for ovulation
The degree of intensive monitoring that is required for gonadotrophin
Implications of potential multiple pregnancy for gonadotrophin therapy
Implications of the potential risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
for gonadotrophin therapy
Laparoscopic surgery in women who are overweight or obese is
associated with both intra-operative and post-operative risks.




Letrozole, under caution, could be offered as a pharmacological treatment for

ovulation induction indicated for infertile anovulatory women with polycystic
ovary syndrome with no other infertility factors


Letrozole, under caution, could be considered as a first line pharmacological

treatment for ovulation induction in therapy naive, infertile anovulatory
women with polycystic ovary syndrome with no other infertility factors



Where letrozole is to be prescribed, the following should be considered:

Local therapeutic regulatory requirements

Potential cost implications


Need for patient explanation and consent for off label use.



CHAPTER EIGHT Surgical management of infertility in PCOS


Laparoscopic ovarian surgery should be second line therapy in women with

polycystic ovary syndrome who are clomiphene citrate resistant, anovulatory,
and infertile, with no other infertility factors.


If undergoing laparoscopic ovarian surgery, the patient should be advised of

the risks (see 7.3c)



Where ovulation induction would be considered appropriate, laparoscopic

ovarian surgery can be used as first-line treatment if laparoscopy is indicated
for another reason in infertile women with PCOS.



Where laparoscopic ovarian surgery or gonadotrophins (see 7.3) are to be

prescribed, the following should be considered:




Cost of either intervention for ovulation induction

Expertise required for the use of either intervention for ovulation
The degree of intensive monitoring that is required for gonadotrophin
Implications of potential multiple pregnancy for gonadotrophin therapy
Implications of the potential risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
for gonadotrophin therapy
Laparoscopic surgery in women who are overweight or obese is
associated with both intra-operative and post-operative risks.


Bariatric surgery could be considered second-line therapy to improve fertility

outcomes in adult women with polycystic ovary syndrome who are
anovulatory, have a body mass index 35kg/m2, and who remain infertile
despite undertaking an intensive (frequent multidisciplinary contact)
structured lifestyle management program involving reducing dietary energy
(caloric) intake, exercise, behavioural and/or drug interventions for a
minimum of 6 months.


If bariatric surgery is to be prescribed, the following key issues should be


A structured weight management program involving diet, physical activity

and interventions to improve psychological, musculoskeletal and
cardiovascular health should continue post-operatively.
The patient should be made aware of the risk of pre-and post-operative
nutritional deficiencies and should be managed in a specialist
interdisciplinary care setting, including a bariatric surgeon, a dietitian
and/or other multidisciplinary staff trained to work with patients who




have had bariatric surgery.


If bariatric surgery is to be prescribed, the following key issues should be


Bariatric surgery should not be conducted in patients who are known to

be pregnant [24]
Pregnancy should be avoided during periods of rapid weight loss
Patients should be counselled to avoid pregnancy for at least 12-18
months after bariatric surgery [24, 25]
Contraception should be discussed prior to surgery
If pregnancy occurs, the patient should be made aware of the risk of preand post-operative nutritional deficiencies and should ideally be managed
in a specialist interdisciplinary care setting which includes an obstetrician,
bariatric surgeon and a dietitian and/or other multidisciplinary staff
trained to work with patients who have had bariatric surgery to ensure
that nutritional deficiencies and complications are avoided
Fetal growth should be monitored during pregnancy
A structured weight management program involving diet and physical
activity, and interventions to improve psychological, musculoskeletal and
cardiovascular health should continue post operatively.





The algorithms summarise the recommendations of the guideline and provide an accessible desktop tool.
There are five algorithms:

A detailed flow chart covering challenges in diagnostic assessment of PCOS and assessment of
cardiometabolic risk


A detailed flow chart for the assessment of emotional wellbeing


A detailed flow chart for lifestyle management of PCOS


A summary flow chart of options for management of infertility


A detailed flow chart of options for management of infertility.



The 2003 Rotterdam criteria for diagnosis of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) requires two of the following three criteria:
1) Oligo- or anovulation 2) Clinical and/or biochemical signs of hyperandrogenism 3) Polycystic ovaries, exclusion of other aetiologies such as congenital adrenal hyperplasia, androgen-secreting tumours, Cushings syndrome


Calculated bioavailable testosterone, calculated free testosterone or free androgen index should be first
line investigation for biochemical determination of hyperandrogenism in PCOS.
The addition of androstenedione and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate could be second line
investigation for biochemical determination of hyperandrogenism in PCOS. [C]


In adolescent women (<18 years), after two years of irregular cycles (35 or <21 days) following the
onset of menarche, PCOS should be considered and appropriate assessment should be undertaken.
As polycystic ovary syndrome is a diagnosis of exclusion, other causes of irregular cycles (such as
thyroid dysfunction or hyperprolactinaemia) need to be considered and excluded prior to the diagnosis
of polycystic ovary syndrome. [CR]
If oral contraceptive pill therapy is being considered or has commenced in adolescents (<18 years), the
following are recommended:
*After twelve months of irregular cycles (>35 or <21 days) after onset of menarche, PCOS should be
considered before commencement of the oral contraceptive pill.
* Where the oral contraceptive pill has already been commenced, when girls are not sexually active, if
biochemical hyperandrogenism is needed for the diagnosis of PCOS, the oral contraceptive pill could
be withdrawn for three months to facilitate appropriate hormonal assessments. Withdrawal of the oral
contraceptive pill may facilitate assessment and early diagnosis of PCOS as diagnosis can have
important implications including optimisation of healthy lifestyle, regular metabolic screening and
proactive fertility planning, with consideration of planning for conception at an earlier age. However,
the risk of unplanned pregnancy needs to considered and weighed up against potential benefits of
early diagnosis. Contraception may still need to be otherwise managed during this time.
Given the apparent lack of specificity of polycystic ovaries on ultrasound in adolescents, generally,
ultrasound should not be recommended first line in this age group for diagnosis of polycystic ovary
syndrome pending further research. If pelvic ultrasounds are to be ordered in adolescents, the results
should be interpreted with caution. [CR]
Vaginal ultrasound is not appropriate in adolescents who have not been sexually active. [PP]

All women with PCOS should be assessed for excess weight at every visit. In assessing women with PCOS < 8
years, age appropriate and gender appropriate body mass index should be calculated at every visit. All women
with polycystic ovary syndrome should be assessed for cigarette smoking.[CR]


It is difficult to assess androgen status in women on the oral contraceptive pill as effects include
oestrogen mediated increases in sex hormone-binding globulin and reduction in androgens. Where the
oral contraceptive pill has already been commenced, it should be withdrawn for at least three months
before appropriate hormonal assessments for diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome are undertaken.
Contraception should be otherwise managed during this time. [PP]
If androgen levels are markedly above laboratory reference ranges, secondary causes may be
considered. Mild elevations of androstenedione may be seen in polycystic ovary syndrome, whereas
marked elevations are more indicative of non-classical adrenal hyperplasia. Reference ranges for
different methods and different laboratories vary widely and clinical decisions should be guided by the
reference ranges of the laboratory used. [PP]


All women with PCOS should be assessed for cardiovascular disease risk by assessing individual cardiovascular
disease risk factors.
If screening in women with polycystic ovary syndrome shows that any of the following cardiovascular disease risk
factors are present, these women with polycystic ovary syndrome should be considered at increased relative risk
of cardiovascular disease (obesity, cigarette smoking, dyslipidemia, hypertension, impaired glucose tolerance,
lack of physical activity) and those with metabolic syndrome and/or type 2 diabetes, at even greater risk. [CR]


Body mass index should be assessed in all women with PCOS using the following criteria:
BMI d25kg/m2 = lean, BMI d25kg/m2 = overweight, BMI d30kg/m2 = obese, BMI d35kg/m2 = morbidly
obese. Significant benefits have been demonstrated with 5-10% weight loss in overweight women with
polycystic ovary syndrome and is a feasible initial target (see 5.4c). BMI doesnt always reflect adverse body fat
stores and waist circumference will be useful. Waist circumference should be assessed using the following
criteria (NHMRC 2003): Waist circumference >80cm = increased risk of metabolic complications, Waist
circumference >88cm = substantially increased risk of metabolic complications [PP]
A complete lipid profile should be measured every two years in women with PCOS who have normal lipid
profiles. A complete lipid profile should be measured annually in women with PCOS who have abnormal lipid
profiles and/or excess weight. [CR]
In women with PCOS, a lipid profile should include:
Total cholesterol - total cholesterol should < 4 mmol/L. Low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) - in
women without additional cardiovascular disease risk factors, LDL-C levels should be < 3.4 mmol/L. In women
with metabolic syndrome or type 2 diabetes, LDL-C levels should be < 1.82.6 mmol/L or 1.8 mmol/L,
respectively. High density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) - HDL-C levels should be > 1.0 mmol/L.
Triglycerides - Triglyceride levels should be < 1.7 mmol/L. [PP]
Prediabetes and/or type 2 diabetes should be assessed in all women with PCOS. (See 3.2a and 3.2b). [CR]
Blood pressure should be measured annually in women with PCOS and a Body mass index d25kg/m2 (lean).
Blood pressure should be routinely measured at each visit in women with PCOS and a body mass index d25kg/
m2 (overweight/obese). [CR]
In women with PCOS who are at high risk of type 2 diabetes, the ideal day time blood pressure should not
exceed 135 mmHg systolic and 85 mmHg diastolic. [PP]



Late-onset congenital adrenal hyperplasia, although rare, needs to be considered before the diagnosis
of polycystic ovary syndrome is confirmed. In more severe clinical cases of hyperandrogenism, 21hydroxylase deficiency, the most common form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia, can be excluded by
measuring serum 17-hydroxyprogesterone in the follicular phase to explore this diagnosis. [CR]

To assess for risk of type 2 diabetes, in addition to PCOS status, the following diabetes risk factors should be
considered: age, gender, ethnicity, parental history of diabetes, history of high blood glucose level, use of
antihypertensive medications, smoking, physical inactivity, waist circumference. [CR]
An oral glucose tolerance test should be performed every second year in all women with polycystic ovary
syndrome and annually in those found to have additional risk factors for developing type 2 diabetes as outlined in
3.2a. [CR]
Reference ranges for: Impaired fasting glucose - fasting plasma glucose: 6.1 - 6.9 mmol/L. Impaired glucose
tolerance - 2 hour glucose level: 7.8-11 mmol/L. Type 2 diabetes - fasting plasma glucose: 7.0 mmol/L or 2
hour oral glucose tolerance test: 11.1 mmol/L. Ideally 150 grams of carbohydrate per day should be consumed
for three days before, and women should then fast for 8 hours immediately prior to the oral glucose tolerance test
since low carbohydrate intake may lead to false positive glucose tolerance tests. [PP]



Interdisciplinary care, with multiple health professionals involved, should be offered to women with PCOS, where appropriate based on the chronic and complex nature of the disease.
An interdisciplinary care model is the collaboration between a woman with PCOS and a care team who have shared goals for her total wellbeing. It should have the following integral components:

A care team, comprised of and representation from, varied health disciplines (eg. may include dietetics, psychology, endocrinology, gynaecology, exercise physiology, general practice)
A care plan which has been developed and agreed with the woman, and if relevant, the carer
A designated care coordinator, who oversees the care plan and monitors and evaluates outcomes, which is often the general practitioner
Clear and regular communication (eg. information sharing via different forms of media, including internet, letters, case conferencing, email, teleconference)

The complexity of the womans need will determine the extent of interdisciplinary care required.
When referring a woman with PCOS to other health professionals ie. psychologists, a resource has been developed (Appendix IV) to inform the professional about PCOS.


Depression and/or anxiety should be routinely screened and assessed by all appropriately
qualified health professionals in women with PCOS.
If a woman with PCOS is positive on screening, the practitioner should further assess for
depression and/or anxiety.
If depression and/or anxiety are detected, appropriate management should be offered.
The following questions could be asked:
1. During the last month, have you often been bothered by feeling down, depressed, or hopeless?
2. During the last month, have you often been bothered by having little interest or pleasure in
doing things?
3. During the last month, have you been bothered by feeling excessively worried or concerned?
The following areas should be considered for further screening according to presented clinical symptoms:

Assessing Body Image

1. Do you worry a lot about the way you look and wish you could think about it less?
2. On a typical day, do you spend more than 1 hour per day worrying about your appearance?
(More than 1 hour a day is considered excessive)
3. What specific concerns do you have about your appearance?
4. What effect does it have on your life?
5. Does it make it hard to do your work or be with your friends and family?

Assessing Disordered Eating


Do you worry you have lost control over your eating?

Do you ever feel disgusted, depressed, or guilty about eating?
Have you tried fasting or skipping meals in an attempt to lose weight?
Have you tried vomiting, laxatives or diuretics in an attempt to lose weight?
Have you had significant (eg. >5-7%), recurrent fluctuation in body weight?

If issues of
depression and/or
anxiety, body image,
disordered eating or
dysfunction are
identified on
screening explore
the assessment
further by
undertaking a clinical
interview using one
of the recommended

If you do not feel

confident to do so
refer to an


STEP 2: Suggested tools to use for depression and/or anxiety:

A. Kessler Psychological Distress Scale 10 (K10)
B. Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS-21)
C. Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ9)
D. Generalised Anxiety Disorder Tool (GAD7)

Step 2: Further questions for body image:

A. Identify any focus of concern of the patient and
respond appropriately
B. Assessing the level of depression and/or anxiety (if they
have not done so already) (see 4.1a)
C. Identify if there is any distortion of body image (eg.
presence of anorexia nervosa or body dysmorphic disorder)

If issues of depression and/

or anxiety, body image,
disordered eating or
psychosexual dysfunction
are identified appropriate
management should be

Step 2: Suggested tools to use for disordered eating:

A. EAT 26
B. If you have not already done so assess the level of
depression and/or anxiety using the above questions and

Assessing Psychosexual Dysfunction

1. During the last few months, have you often been bothered by problems with your sex life such
as reduced satisfaction, diminished desire, pain, or any other problems?
2. Do you feel that PCOS affects your sex life?
3. (If relevant) Do sexual problems affect your current relationship and/or have sexual problems
affected your past relationships?

Step 2:
The choice of scale selected should be at the discretion of the
clinician, based on specific sexual problem, accessibility and
expertise of the practitioner.





* Lifestyle management (single or combined approaches of diet, exercise and/or behavioural interventions) for weight loss, prevention of weight gain, or for general health benefits should be recommended in women with
* Face to face, tailored dietary advice, including education, behavioural change techniques and ongoing support should be provided to women with PCOS and a body mass index dvykgsm2 (overweight). Dietary modification is
the joint responsibility of all health professionals, partnering with women with PCOS. [C]
* Behaviour change techniques should target prevention of weight gain in all women with PCOS including those with a body mass index d25kg/m2 (lean). [CR]
* Behavioural change techniques, including motivational interviewing, should be used in addition to advice/ education. Simple strategies, including self-monitoring, pedometers and time management techniques, should be
encouraged. Interventions could be individual, group or mixed mode, in a range of settings, delivered by a range of health professionals. Individual techniques should not be used in isolation and should be part of a coherent
multidisciplinary interventional model. [PP]
* Key messages should be reinforced with women with PCOS, including that achievable goals (5% to 10% loss of body weight in overweight women) yield significant clinical improvements. [PP]


Lifestyle management targeting weight loss (in women with a body mass index dvykgsm2 (overweight)) and prevention of weight gain (in women with a body mass index dvykgsm2 (lean)) should include both reduced dietary
energy (caloric) intake and exercise and should be first line therapy for all women with PCOS. [C]
Psychological factors should be considered and managed to optimise engagement and adherence to lifestyle interventions. [PP]


Weight loss should be targeted in all women with PCOS and body mass index 25kg/m2 (overweight) through
reducing dietary energy (caloric) intake in the setting of healthy food choices, irrespective of diet composition. [C]

Prevention of weight gain should be targeted in all women with PCOS through monitored caloric intake, in the
setting of healthy food choices irrespective of diet composition. [D]



Exercise participation of at least 150 minutes per week should be recommended in all women with PCOS,
especially those with a body mass index dvykgsm2 (overweight), given the metabolic risks of PCOS and the
long term metabolic benefits of exercise. [D]
Of this, 90 minutes per week should be aerobic activity at moderate to high intensity (60% - 90% of maximum
heart rate) to optimise clinical outcomes. [D]

Weight loss (in women with a body mass index vykgsm2 (overweight)) and prevention of weight gain (in
women with a body mass index vykgsm2 (lean)) is the joint responsibility of all health professionals, partnering
with women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Where complex dietary issues arise (or obesity is present), referral
to a dietitian should be considered as part of an enhanced primary care plan.


Encouraging exercise is the joint responsibility of all health professionals, partnering with women with PCOS.
Where appropriate, referral to an exercise physiologist or specialist could be considered as part of an enhanced
primary care plan. Where there are significant co-morbidities, assessment for exercise participation should be
undertaken by the relevant healthcare professionals.

Tools such as Lifescripts could be used for engagement in dietary change:

Tools such as Lifescripts could be used for engagement in physical activity:









Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common conditions in Australian women affecting 12-21%
of reproductive-aged women [5, 26, 27] with 70% of these affected women with PCOS remaining undiagnosed
[5]. In Indigenous 3 Australian women the prevalence is 21% [6]. Women with PCOS can present with a range of
features including psychological (poor self-esteem, anxiety, depression) [11, 28, 29], reproductive (menstrual
irregularity, hirsutism, infertility and pregnancy complications) [30], and metabolic features (insulin resistance
(IR), metabolic syndrome, prediabetes, type 2 diabetes (DM2) and cardiovascular disease (CVD)) [31, 32](Figure
1). Not all women demonstrate all symptoms and there is considerable heterogeneity. Presentation can also
vary across the lifecycle. PCOS is a chronic condition with manifestations that begin most commonly in
adolescence with menstrual irregularity and hyperandrogenism with transition over time into problems
including infertility and metabolic complications. PCOS is the most common cause of anovulatory infertility, and
once pregnant, these women have higher risks of pregnancy-related diabetes and pregnancy complications.

Figure 1. Published with permission from the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners [33].

Screening in unselected women with obesity showed 28% had PCOS, compared to 5% of women who were
lean [34]. The prevalence of PCOS will likely increase in line with the increasing prevalence of obesity in
Australia. Other important long-term implications include a 4-7 fold increased risk of DM2 and CVD [21, 35].
Challenges to feminine identity and body image due to obesity, acne and excess hair compromise quality of
life (QoL) in women with PCOS and social stigmas around symptoms adversely impact on self efficacy [10].
Increased rates of depression and anxiety are found in women with PCOS [28].
In 2006, the estimated health care costs of PCOS in the US were $6 billion/year. This equated to $400 million
in Australia (anovulation 31%, infertility 12% and PCOS related DM2 40% of total costs), representing a major
health and economic burden [36].

With acknowledgment that different terms are used, in this context, the word Indigenous refers to all Aboriginal or
Torres Straight Islanders.


Clinical need for this guideline

PCOS has been identified as an area of clinical need and as a public health issue by key stakeholder groups
and by the Australian government. This was affirmed recently in an Australian community-based prevalence
study where unselected women were screened for PCOS using NIH, Rotterdam and AES criteria. This study
demonstrated that 9% have PCOS based on NIH criteria and 18% based on Rotterdam criteria. Of these
women, 70% with PCOS were undiagnosed and only 30% aware of the diagnosis at the time of screening [5].
Furthermore, other Australian research has shown 21% prevalence of PCOS in Indigenous women [6].
Given its heterogeneous clinical features across the lifespan, PCOS is a condition that engages many health
disciplines. The associated complications are serious yet are largely preventable, however there is a lack of
awareness of PCOS among consumers and health professionals. The need for consumers and health
professionals to recognise the lifecourse implications of PCOS, identify the early signs and symptoms and
partner together in managing PCOS and preventing the complications is essential. The burden and cost of PCOS
complications, including infertility, DM2, mental health issues and CVD are significant.

The impact of obesity on PCOS

Obesity or excess weight is a major cause of chronic disease in western countries. In Australia 56% of the adult
population is overweight or obese (body mass index (BMI) 25kg/m2) with 18% obese (BMI 30kg/m2). In
2007, 31% of women were overweight and 24% of women were obese. Recent data from the Australian
Longitudinal study of womens health show that in women aged 26-31 years 20.4% were overweight and a
further 13.9% were obese [37]. The proportion of adults who are obese is increasing and has approximately
doubled in the past 20 years in Australia and the majority of other western countries [38]. Indeed, obesity is
now the primary cause of chronic disease in Australian women with primary adverse outcomes including DM2
and CVD [39]. Obesity also has a specific impact on womens reproductive health, increasing the prevalence and
severity of PCOS, infertility, pregnancy complications, DM2 in pregnancy and fetal pregnancy complications,
with substantial and escalating economic costs [40, 41]. Obesity exacerbates PCOS through increasing IR and
hyperandrogenism. The major and increasing burden of infertility, especially when combined with condensed
reproductive features in women with delayed child bearing, is resulting in a significant social, health and
economic burden in Australia. With dramatic increases in obesity in our society, the impact of obesity on
reproductive health in women is of critical importance. With increasing obesity, known to increase prevalence
and exacerbate all features of PCOS, the prevalence of PCOS is expected to rise further.

Long term metabolic complications of PCOS: Prediabetes, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease
In PCOS, prospective trials have shown a 35% prevalence of prediabetes, a 10% prevalence of DM2, a 5-10 fold
risk of progression from prediabetes to DM2 and a 4-7 fold higher risk of DM2. CVD appears increased in PCOS
despite inadequate long-term studies to appropriately address this question [35]. It is proposed in the
international Androgen Excess and PCOS Society (AE-PCOS) consensus statement [17] that those with PCOS and
obesity, cigarette smoking, dyslipidemia, hypertension, impaired glucose tolerance, and subclinical vascular
disease are at increased relative CVD risk, and those with metabolic syndrome and/or DM2 are at even greater
relative risk. In the general population IR is a predictor of CVD [42, 43]. Women with PCOS also have an
increased prevalence of metabolic syndrome (associated with an increased risk for DM2 and CVD) [31], risk
factors for CVD and clinical signs of atherosclerosis [44, 45] which are all exacerbated by obesity. Women with
PCOS are therefore a population with a high relative risk of developing DM2 and CVD with this predisposition
greatly worsened by obesity. It is acknowledged that data on absolute risk of CVD in women with PCOS suggests



an increase, however data in this area is limited. As DM2 and subsequent CVD are the primary cause of death in
Australian women, any increase in prevalence will have significant public health implications.

Considerations for Indigenous women

The prevalence of PCOS in Indigenous women is as high as 21% by the ESHRE/Rotterdam criteria [6, 46] and
increases with increasing BMI [46]. In a group of Indigenous women with PCOS, 30.3% were obese and 7.0%
had a normal BMI [46].
DM2 and obesity are health issues associated with major morbidity in Indigenous women. DM2 is the second
most common cause of mortality and disability-adjusted life years (DALY) in Indigenous women [47]. The DALY
rate ratio (age standardised to total Indigenous population) for ischaemic heart disease in Indigenous women
compared to all Australian women is 6.6 and for DM2 is 6.3, whilst the mortality rate ratio is 5.0 for ischaemic
heart disease and 18.9 for DM2 [47]. Obesity, as previously noted, is a significant problem for non-Indigenous
women and is even more so for Indigenous women. The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health
survey (NATSIHS) found that Indigenous Australians are 1.2 times more likely to be overweight/obese than nonIndigenous Australians and this disparity is greatest for women in every age group [48].
Eleven selected risk factors have been identified under the broad categories of lifestyle behaviours,
physiological states and social and environmental factors that together were responsible for half the
discrepancy of disease burden between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people [47]. BMI was the second
leading cause of Indigenous burden of disease in 2003 at 11.4%. For females aged 3554 years, high body mass
was responsible for the largest amount of burden among eleven risks examined and DM2 and ischaemic heart
disease accounted for 89% of the total burden due to high body mass in Indigenous Australians; over half of this
burden was experienced by females [47]. High blood cholesterol, physical inactivity, high blood pressure and
low fruit and vegetable intake were also identified as causes.
The risk of metabolic complications is already high in Indigenous women, independent of PCOS and therefore
PCOS has the potential to amplify the risk of metabolic complications in these women. Given that these
metabolic complications are largely preventable, it is important to provide early access to care.
It is important to highlight that access to culturally appropriate care, services and programs is currently not
optimal and the cost of maintaining a healthy diet in rural and remote locations is high, hence the translation
and implementation of recommendations may be difficult. Socioeconomic factors such as poverty and
overcrowding make the use of fridges and kitchen equipment to cook healthy food difficult.

Insufficient existing guidance

Currently, there is no consensus among different medical specialties as to the optimal management of PCOS in
Australia [12]. Diagnosis and treatment of PCOS can therefore differ depending on the medical professional
consulted (e.g. general practitioner, endocrinologist or gynaecologist) [12]. There are limited clinical guidelines
and no evidence-based guidelines either in Australia or internationally for assessment or management of PCOS;
rather PCOS is sometimes mentioned within guidelines for the management of obesity and DM2 [15, 49].
Where international clinical guidelines for the screening and treatment of women with PCOS exist, they are not
evidence-based, they do not consider psychological issues and offer simplistic advice on lifestyle management
of PCOS. There is no guidance on the assessment and management of PCOS in Indigenous women, nor any
adaptation for the Australian context.



The purpose of this guideline is to integrate the best available evidence with clinical expertise and consumer
preferences to provide health professionals, consumers and policy makers with guidance on timely
diagnosis, accurate assessment and optimal management of women with PCOS and to promote consistency
of care and prevention of complications in primary care and specialist settings.

Patient population
This guideline is relevant to the assessment and management of adolescents of reproductive age and
women who have PCOS, including women with PCOS who are also infertile.

Setting and audience

These guidelines will apply in all health care settings and to a broad audience, including:

Community care practitioners

Indigenous health care workers
General practitioners
Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
Allied health professionals - Psychologists, Dietitians, Exercise Physiologists, Physiotherapists,
Community support groups (ie.. POSAA)
General public
Policy makers

The scope of this guideline was driven by the clinical priorities identified by the PCOS Australian Alliance during
a two day workshop in 2008 4. The clinical priorities were:

Development of evidence-based guidelines for the care of women with PCOS in order to facilitate:
a. Early diagnosis of PCOS
b. Early detection and treatment of depression, anxiety and mood disorders
c. Early detection and diagnosis of risk factors for pre-diabetes, DM2 and CVD
d. Early detection and treatment of fertility problems and prevention of pregnancy complications.
Interdisciplinary co-ordinated care. Effective care for chronic conditions cannot take place unless there
are well trained health professionals to ensure appropriate assessment and treatment. The features of
PCOS require an interdisciplinary approach to care potentially including general practitioners, dietitians,
This workshop was funded by the Helen McPherson Smith Trust as a competitive grant.


psychologists, exercise physiologists and nurse practitioners, endocrinologists, obstetricians and

gynaecologists. Optimally trained practitioners armed with evidence- based guidance need to take an
integrated approach to care for women with PCOS to improve outcomes.
Decisional support and education is needed to translate evidence into practice, including a website,
webcasts, CHECK program (continuing education for general practitioners), Active Learning Modules
(ALM), video conference case support, outreach services with advice, clinical attachments, clinical nurse
support. This will be addressed in guideline translation activities currently underway.
Self-management and training, particularly around treatment options including lifestyle management, is
needed in PCOS (ie.. dietary, exercise and behavioural advice).

Using these clinical priorities, the Alliance identified the four key clinical areas and corresponding clinical
questions to be addressed in the guideline:



Challenges in diagnostic assessment of PCOS

In women with suspected PCOS, what is the most effective measure to diagnose PCOS-related
hyperandrogenism? (See 1.1 Hyperandrogenism)
In adolescents, at what time point after onset of menarche do irregular cycles indicate ongoing
menstrual dysfunction? (See 1.2 Irregular cycles in adolescents)
In adolescents, what are the most effective criteria to diagnose polycystic ovaries on ultrasound? (See
1.3 Polycystic ovaries in adolescents)
In women with PCOS, what is the most effective tool/method to assess risk of cardiovascular disease?
(See 3.1 Risk of cardiovascular disease)
In women with PCOS, what is the most effective tool/method to assess risk of type 2 diabetes? (See 3.2
Risk of type 2 diabetes)

Assessment of emotional wellbeing in women with PCOS

What is the effectiveness of an interdisciplinary model of care compared to usual care in terms of biopsychosocial wellbeing? (See CHAPTER TWO
Interdisciplinary care)
In women with PCOS, what is the most effective tool/method to screen and assess depression and/or
anxiety? (See 4.1 Depression and/or anxiety)
In women with PCOS, what is the most effective tool/method to screen and assess body image? (See 4.2
Body image)
In women with PCOS, what is the most effective tool/method to screen and assess disordered eating?
(See 4.3 Disordered eating)
In women with PCOS, what is the most effective tool/method to screen and assess psychosexual
dysfunction? (See 4.4 Psychosexual dysfunction)

In this guideline, the term screen refers to identifying whether the condition exists and is the first step in
offering appropriate management; and the term assess refers to identifying the severity of the condition.


Lifestyle management of women with PCOS

In women with PCOS, are lifestyle interventions (combined compared to minimal or nothing) effective
for improving weight loss, metabolic, reproductive, fertility, QoL and emotional wellbeing outcomes?
(See 5.1 Lifestyle modification)




In women with PCOS, what is the effectiveness of diet compared to exercise for improving weight loss,
metabolic, reproductive, fertility, QoL and emotional wellbeing outcomes? (See 5.2 Type of lifestyle
modification: Diet or exercise)
In women with PCOS, are diet interventions (compared to no diet or different diets) effective for
improving weight loss, metabolic, fertility, and emotional wellbeing outcomes? (See 5.3 Diet)
In women with PCOS, what is the most effective method to deliver dietary information for improving
weight loss, QoL and emotional wellbeing outcomes? (See 5.4 Diet delivery)
In women with PCOS, are exercise interventions (compared to no exercise or different exercises)
effective for improving weight loss, metabolic, reproductive, fertility, QoL and emotional wellbeing
outcomes? (See 5.5 Exercise)

Management of infertility in women with PCOS

In women with PCOS, what is the effectiveness of lifestyle interventions compared to pharmacological
interventions (ie.. metformin and clomiphene citrate) for improving fertility, QoL and emotional
wellbeing outcomes? (See 6.1 Lifestyle modification)
In women with PCOS, is clomiphene citrate effective for improving fertility outcomes? (See 7.1
Clomiphene citrate)
In women with PCOS, is metformin effective for improving fertility outcomes? (See 7.2 Metformin)
In women with PCOS and a BMI<30-32, what is the effectiveness of metformin compared to clomiphene
citrate for improving fertility outcomes? (See 7.2 Metformin) 5
In women with PCOS, are gonadotrophins effective for improving fertility outcomes? (See 7.3
In women with PCOS, are aromatase inhibitors effective for improving fertility outcomes? (See 7.4
Aromatase inhibitors)
In women with PCOS, is ovarian surgery effective for improving fertility outcomes? (See 8.1
Laparoscopic ovarian surgery)
In women with PCOS, what is the effectiveness of lifestyle interventions compared to bariatric surgery
for improving fertility and adverse outcomes? (See 8.2 Bariatric surgery)

Agreed diagnostic criteria for PCOS

This guideline does not address diagnosis of PCOS. The Alliance has agreed to adopt the Rotterdam criteria
(also called the ESHRE/ASRM consensus) for diagnosis of PCOS [2]. The Rotterdam criteria are the most
accepted diagnostic criteria across Europe, Asia and Australia. It is acknowledged that the National Institutes
of Health (NIH) criteria have a strong support base among clinicians as it is generally accepted that the NIH
criteria define a more serious form of the syndrome, but exclude approximately 40% of those meeting
Rotterdam criteria. Rotterdam criteria for diagnosis of PCOS is inclusive of NIH criteria (see Figure 2 below).
The recent Androgen Excess and PCOS Society (AES) [50] consensus criteria were considered, but as yet
these criteria are not widely adopted and the Rotterdam criteria were selected, consistent with international

This additional question was identified as important when the evidence review to answer the original question In
women with PCOS, is metformin effective for improving fertility outcomes? and subsequent recommendations were
discussed. It is apparent from the original evidence review that the effectiveness of metformin may be different
according to BMI in women with PCOS. However the guideline development group is unable to rely on the available
synthesized evidence identified for the original, more general question and more specific analysis of primary evidence
was required to explore the effectiveness of metformin in women with PCOS and a BMI<30-32.


Rotterdam criteria
The 2003 Rotterdam consensus workshop concluded that PCOS is a syndrome of ovarian dysfunction along
with the cardinal features of hyperandrogenism and polycystic ovary (PCO) morphology. PCOS remains a
syndrome, and as such no single diagnostic criterion is sufficient for diagnosis. Clinical manifestations may
include menstrual irregularities, infertility, signs of androgen excess, obesity and psychological features. IR
and/or hyperandrogenism underpin the features of PCOS in the majority of cases.
Rotterdam diagnostic criteria requires two of:
1. Oligo- or anovulation;
2. Clinical and/or biochemical signs of hyperandrogenism;
3. Polycystic ovaries;
and exclusion of other aetiologies such as congenital adrenal hyperplasia,
androgen-secreting tumours and Cushings syndrome [2].
NIH diagnostic criteria requires:
1. Oligo- or anovulation; and
2. Clinical and/or biochemical signs of hyperandrogenism;
and exclusion of other aetiologies such as congenital adrenal
hyperplasia, androgen-secreting tumours and Cushings syndrome [1].

Figure 2. Rotterdam criteria for diagnosis of PCOS is inclusive of NIH criteria, in that a woman diagnosed with PCOS
using the NIH criteria will also meet Rotterdam criteria, however a woman diagnosed with PCOS using Rotterdam
criteria may not meet NIH criteria.

This guideline does not address all aspects of PCOS, such as IVF therapy. Other factors may impact on the
psychosocial wellbeing of women with PCOS including but not limited to compromised infertility, health
related QoL and further depressive disorders such as bipolar disorder. These were beyond the resources
and capacity of this guideline but may be addressed in future updates.
This guideline does not seek to provide full safety and usage information on pharmacological and surgical
interventions. The pharmacological and surgical interventions recommended in the guideline should not be
applied without consideration to the patients clinical profile and personal preferences. It is recommended
that the reader consults the Therapeutic Guidelines ( and the National Prescribing Service
( for detailed prescribing information including:

drug dosage
method and route of administration
supervision and monitoring
product characteristics
adverse effects.



This guideline does not include a formal analysis of cost effectiveness of recommended practice versus
current/established practice. Consideration of cost did occur in guideline development group meetings and
did impact on recommendations. These considerations are discussed in the clinical impact of the
recommendation sections in each chapter. It also does not cover the economic feasibility of the

The development of this guideline was funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and
Ageing, through the national Jean Hailes for Womens Health on behalf of the PCOS Australian Alliance.

Editorial independence
This guideline is editorially independent. The funders, the Australian Government Department of Health and
Ageing, were not involved in the development of the guideline and have not influenced the scope or
recommendations of this guideline.



Methods used to develop this guideline

This guideline was developed as outlined in NHMRC standards and procedures for externally developed
guidelines [51].
In 2008, Jean Hailes for Womens Health facilitated a national meeting on PCOS with 25 leaders attending
from the research, clinical and community sector. The outcome of this meeting was the formulation of the
PCOS Australian Alliance and the mapping of an ambitious plan to improve health outcomes in women with
The Alliance identified key clinical priorities for the guideline using the following criteria:

highest clinical priority

greatest knowledge gaps
priorities identified by the commissioning Australian government
expertise of Alliance members

The scope of this guideline is driven by the clinical priorities:

Development of evidence-based guidelines for the care of women with PCOS in order to facilitate:
a. early diagnosis of PCOS
b. early detection and treatment of depression, anxiety and mood disorders
c. early detection and diagnosis of risk factors for pre-diabetes, DM2 and CVD
d. early detection and treatment of fertility problems and prevention of pregnancy complications.
Interdisciplinary co-ordinated care. Effective care for chronic conditions cannot take place unless there are
well trained health professionals to ensure appropriate assessment and treatment. The features of PCOS
require an interdisciplinary approach to care potentially including general practitioners, dietitians,
psychologists, exercise physiologists and nurse practitioners, endocrinologists, obstetricians and
gynaecologists. Optimally trained practitioners, armed with evidence-based guidance, need to take an
integrated approach to care in women with PCOS to improve outcomes.
Decisional support and education is needed to translate evidence into practice, including a website,
webcasts, CHECK program (continuing education for general practitioners), Active Learning Modules (ALM),
video conference case support, outreach services with advice, clinical attachments, clinical nurse support.
This will be addressed in guideline translation activities currently underway.
Self management and training, particularly around treatment options including lifestyle management is
needed in PCOS (ie. dietary, exercise and behavioural advice).

Using these clinical priorities, the Alliance identified the four key clinical areas:

Challenges in diagnostic assessment of PCOS

Assessment of emotional wellbeing in women with PCOS
Lifestyle management of women with PCOS
Management of infertility in women with PCOS

The scope of the guideline was reviewed and approved by the Project Board, PCOS Australian Alliance
Strategic Advisory Group and the guideline development groups.

Methods used to develop this guideline


Multidisciplinary guideline development groups

Guideline development groups were convened to address each of the four key clinical areas. Expertise was
sought through Alliance networks to ensure multidisciplinary participation within each guideline
development group. Each guideline development group comprised a chair, professional group members with
specific expertise in PCOS and the clinical area of interest (i.e. psychologist in the emotional wellbeing
guideline development group), a consumer representative, evidence officers and where possible, a
representative to provide context in the Indigenous setting. See Appendix II .
Each guideline development group met monthly to discuss the evidence to answer each clinical question and
formulate resulting recommendations. The process for formulating recommendations is detailed below.

Consumer participation
The peak consumer body in PCOS, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Association Australia (POSAA) provided
consumer representatives who participated in the PCOS Australian Alliance Strategic Advisory Group and the
guideline development groups. The President of POSAA is a member of the Project Board and the PCOS
Australian Alliance. Consumers have been involved in every stage including formation of the Alliance,
proposal to the Department of Health and Ageing for funding, development of the scope, public consultation
of the scope and developing and refining the clinical questions and recommendations as part of the
guideline development groups. Consumer representatives will also be extensively involved in the translation
activities of the guidelines.

Indigenous representation
Indigenous representation was present on the PCOS Australian Alliance Strategic Advisory Group (a member
of the Australian Indigenous Doctors Association) and the guideline development groups comprised
clinicians with experience working with Indigenous communities. The Program Manager for Jean Hailes for
Womens Health National Indigenous Womens Health Program provided oversight for Indigenous issues and
considerations across all recommendations in the guideline.

Conflict of interest and confidentiality

Conflict of interest has been proactively managed throughout the guideline development process as outlined
in NHMRC standards and procedures for externally developed guidelines [51]. All members of the guideline
development groups have provided signed declarations of conflict of interest and a confidentiality
agreement. Additionally, declarations of interest were a standing agenda item at each monthly meeting and
guideline development group members were requested to detail areas for potential conflict. The process for
managing conflict of interest and confidentiality and recorded declarations can be provided on request

Training of guideline development groups in evidence review and guideline development methods
The chairs of each guideline development group attended a one day workshop, facilitated by Jean Hailes for
Womens Health and the Centre for Clinical Effectiveness, where the methods of reviewing evidence and
guideline development were described in detail. The purpose of this workshop was to familiarise the chairs

the process of guideline development overall

Methods used to develop this guideline


the process of identifying, appraising and synthesising evidence in a format to facilitate the formulation
of evidence-based recommendations
grading the strength of evidence and its suitability to support evidence-based recommendations
when to facilitate discussion and clinical judgement to formulate clinical consensus recommendations in
the absence of evidence.

At this workshop the chairs also participated in an exercise to generate potential clinical questions.
In addition, at the beginning of the first guideline development group monthly meeting, the evidence advisor
briefly described the processes for evidence-based guideline development and these processes were
reiterated as the evidence reviews were presented each month.

Clinical question development and prioritisation

Development and prioritisation of the clinical questions addressed in this guideline was conducted in three
stages. First, in the workshop described above, attended by the chairs of each clinical area and the evidence
officers, clinical questions were generated. Secondly, the clinical questions were distributed to all members
of each corresponding guideline development group, the Project Board and the PCOS Australian Alliance
Strategic Advisory Group. All members were invited to provide feedback on the suitability of the existing
questions and to suggest additional clinical questions, if appropriate. Thirdly, the clinical questions were
consolidated and distributed once again to guideline development group members who were asked to
prioritise each question according to a ranking of 1-6. Rankings were compiled and 22 highly relevant and
important clinical questions were agreed and form this guideline. The clinical questions are as follows:



Challenges in diagnostic assessment of PCOS

In women with suspected PCOS, what is the most effective measure to diagnose PCOS related
hyperandrogenism? (See 1.1)
In adolescents, at what time point after onset of menarche do irregular cycles indicate ongoing
menstrual dysfunction? (See 1.2)
In adolescents, what are the most effective criteria to diagnose polycystic ovaries on ultrasound? (See
In women with PCOS, what is the most effective tool/method to assess risk of cardiovascular disease?
(See 3.1)
In women with PCOS, what is the most effective tool/method to assess risk of type 2 diabetes? (See 3.2)

Assessment of emotional wellbeing in women with PCOS

What is the effectiveness of an interdisciplinary model of care compared to usual care in terms of biopsychosocial wellbeing? (See 2.0)
In women with PCOS, what is the most effective tool/method to screen and assess depression and/or
anxiety? (See 4.1)
In women with PCOS, what is the most effective tool/method to screen and assess psychosexual
dysfunction? (See 4.2)
In women with PCOS, what is the most effective tool/method to screen and assess disordered eating?
(See 4.3)
In women with PCOS, what is the most effective tool/method to screen and assess body image? (See

Methods used to develop this guideline




Lifestyle management of women with PCOS

In women with PCOS, are lifestyle interventions (combined compared to minimal or nothing) effective
for improving weight loss, metabolic, reproductive, fertility, QoL and emotional wellbeing outcomes?
(See 5.1)
In women with PCOS, what is the effectiveness of diet compared to exercise for improving weight loss,
metabolic, reproductive, fertility, QoL and emotional wellbeing outcomes? (See 5.2)
In women with PCOS, are diet interventions (compared to no diet or different diets) effective for
improving weight loss, metabolic, fertility, and emotional wellbeing outcomes? (See 5.3)
In women with PCOS, what is the most effective method to deliver dietary information for improving
weight loss, QoL and emotional wellbeing outcomes? (See 5.4)
In women with PCOS, are exercise interventions (compared to no exercise or different exercises)
effective for improving weight loss, metabolic, reproductive, fertility, QoL and emotional wellbeing
outcomes? (See 5.5)

Management of infertility in women with PCOS

In women with PCOS, what is the effectiveness of lifestyle interventions compared to pharmacological
interventions (ie.. metformin and clomiphene citrate) for improving fertility, QoL and emotional
wellbeing outcomes? (See 6.1)
In women with PCOS, is clomiphene citrate effective for improving fertility outcomes? (See 7.1)
In women with PCOS, is metformin effective for improving fertility outcomes? (See 7.2)
In women with PCOS and a BMI<30-32, what is the effectiveness of metformin compared to clomiphene
citrate for improving fertility outcomes? (See 7.2) 6
In women with PCOS, are gonadotrophins effective for improving fertility outcomes? (See 7.3)
In women with PCOS, are aromatase inhibitors effective for improving fertility outcomes? (See 7.4)
In women with PCOS, is ovarian surgery effective for improving fertility outcomes? (See 8.1)
In women with PCOS, what is the effectiveness of lifestyle interventions compared to bariatric surgery
for improving fertility and adverse outcomes? (See 8.2)

Search for existing evidence-based guidelines

The evidence officers undertook a systematic search for existing guidelines that address the identified
clinical questions (search conducted in January 2010).

Internet searches to identify relevant websites

The reviewers were aware of websites of guideline clearinghouses, guideline developers, centres of
evidence-based practice, Australian government health services and websites of specific relevance known to
contain evidence-based resources. Additional websites of specific relevance were sought via an internet
search using the Google Advanced Search function with the following string:

This additional question was identified as important when the evidence review to answer the original question In
women with PCOS, is metformin effective for improving fertility outcomes? and subsequent recommendations were
discussed. It is apparent from the original evidence review that the effectiveness of metformin may be different
according to BMI in women with PCOS. However the guideline development group are unable to rely on the available
synthesized evidence identified for the original, more general question and more specific analysis of primary evidence
was required to explore the effectiveness of metformin in women with PCOS and a BMI<30-32.
Methods used to develop this guideline


(((polycystic AND (ovary OR ovarian)) AND (disease OR syndrome)) OR PCOS OR PCOD) AND (professional OR
association OR organisation OR organization OR college OR society OR academy OR peak)

Website searches to identify relevant evidence-based guidelines

Where an internal search engine was available, websites were searched. If no search engine was available,
lists of guidelines, publications or other resources identified on the site were scanned for relevant

Internet searches to identify relevant evidence-based guidelines and systematic reviews

An internet search strategy was conducted to identify evidence-based guidelines and systematic reviews
using the Google Advanced Search function with the following string:
(((polycystic AND (ovary OR ovarian)) AND (disease OR syndrome)) OR PCOS OR PCOD) AND (guideline OR
evidence OR systematic)
The search string was limited to pages in English.
There were no relevant existing evidence-based guidelines available for assessment or management of
women with PCOS. There were guidelines that addressed components of the clinical questions, however
they were not specific for use with women with PCOS ie. NICE guideline for Fertility: assessment and
treatment for people with fertility problems.

Evidence reviews to answer the clinical questions

Evidence reviews were conducted for each clinical question and from the evidence reviews the guideline
development groups were able to develop guideline recommendations. The evidence reviews for each
question can be found in the supporting document titled Evidence report, which can be found at
The links between the body of evidence, the clinical need for the question and the clinical impact of the
resulting recommendation(s), including potential changes in usual care and the way care is organised,
organisational barriers and resource implications are clearly explained in the accompanying discussion
supporting the recommendation.

Selection criteria
The PICO (Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome) framework was used by the guideline
development group to explore the components of each clinical question. These components were used to
include and exclude studies in the evidence review. Details of the selection criteria for each question can be
found in the supporting document titled Evidence report, which can be found at

Systematic search for evidence

A broad-ranging systematic search for terms related to PCOS was developed by the evidence team. This
PCOS search string was then combined with specific searches tailored for each clinical question according to
the PICO developed by the guideline development group. The search terms used to identify studies
addressing the population of interest (ie.. women with PCOS) were only limited to PCOS terms. Therefore
Methods used to develop this guideline


studies addressing women with PCOS in all cultural, geographical and socioeconomic backgrounds and
settings would be identified by the search. The search strategy was limited to English language articles and
there were no limits on year of publication. The literature was searched until November 2010.
In keeping with the outlined schedule to update the guideline (page 50), and to reflect recently published
evidence on the effectiveness of aromatase inhibitors (Section 7.4) that had potential for significant clinical
impact with change in practice, the systematic search for this section was searched until January 2015.
The following electronic databases were employed to identify relevant literature:

Australasian Medical Index

The Cochrane Library
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (Cochrane Reviews)
Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (Other Reviews)
Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (Clinical Trials)
Cochrane Database of Methodology Reviews (Methods Reviews)
The Cochrane Methodology Register (Methods Studies)
Health Technology Assessment Database (Technology Assessments)
NHS Economic Evaluation Database (Economic Evaluations)
EBM Reviews (OVID)
Medline (OVID)
Medline in-process and other non-indexed citations (OVID)
PsycInfo (OVID)

We also searched the bibliographies of relevant studies identified by the search strategy and relevant
reviews/meta-analysis for identification of additional studies. Details of the search strategies and search
results for each evidence review can be found in the supporting document titled Evidence report, which
can be found at
Where no evidence was found in women with PCOS (in emotional wellbeing evidence reviews), the
emotional wellbeing guideline development group requested additional support to help frame their
recommendations. The evidence officer for the emotional wellbeing guideline development group
undertook an additional search for evidence-based clinical practice guidelines that included
recommendations for the following in the general population: assessment of interdisciplinary models of
care; assessment of body image; assessment of disordered eating; assessment of psychosexual dysfunction.
The following methodology and inclusion criteria were applied:

Search known guideline service websites listed below for guidelines relevant to topic area in the general
population (not in women with PCOS)
Guidelines must not be more than 4 years old
Guidelines must pass the following AGREE benchmark criteria:
o Systematic methods were used to search for evidence
o There is an explicit link between the recommendations and the supporting evidence
The evidence officer provided any guidelines identified in this search to the guideline development
group for consideration.

Methods used to develop this guideline


Inclusion of studies
To determine the literature to be assessed further, a reviewer scanned the titles, abstract sections and
keywords of every record retrieved by the search strategy. Full articles were retrieved for further assessment
if the information given suggested that the study met the inclusion criteria. Studies were selected and
appraised by one reviewer in consultation with colleagues, using study selection (according to the PICO) and
appraisal criteria established a priori. Where there was any doubt regarding these criteria from the
information given in the title and abstract, the full article was retrieved for clarification.

Classification of included studies

Studies identified from the literature for inclusion in the evidence review were initially classified according to
the NHMRC levels of evidence [14]. Classifications for intervention, accuracy and prognosis studies were
applicable to the clinical questions in this guideline. The classifications for these types of studies are shown
below in Tables 1a, 1b and 1c.
Table 1a. NHMRC levels of evidence for intervention studies (adapted from NHMRC levels of evidence and
grades for recommendations for developers of guidelines [14]).


Intervention studies

A systematic review of level II studies


A randomised controlled trial


A pseudo-randomised controlled trial

(ie.. alternate allocation or some other method)


A comparative study with concurrent controls:

Non-randomised, experimental trial
Cohort study
Case-control study
Interrupted time series with a control group


A comparative study without concurrent controls:

Historical control study
Two or more single arm studies
Interrupted time series without a parallel control group


Case series with either post-test or pre-test/post-test outcomes

Methods used to develop this guideline


Table 1b. NHMRC levels of evidence for accuracy studies (adapted from NHMRC levels of evidence and
grades for recommendations for developers of guidelines [14]).


Accuracy studies

A systematic review of level II studies.


A study of test accuracy with: an independent, blinded comparison with a valid reference
standard, among consecutive persons with a defined clinical presentation.


A study of test accuracy with: an independent, blinded comparison with a valid reference
standard, among non-consecutive persons with a defined clinical presentation.


A comparison with reference standard that does not meet the criteria required for
Level II and III-1 evidence.


Diagnostic case-control study.


Study of diagnostic yield (no reference standard)

Table 1c. NHMRC levels of evidence for prognosis studies (adapted from NHMRC levels of evidence and
grades for recommendations for developers of guidelines [14]).


Prognosis studies

A systematic review of level II studies.


A prospective cohort study.


All or none.


Analysis of prognostic factors amongst persons in a single arm of a randomised controlled



A retrospective cohort study.


Case series, or cohort study of persons at different stages of disease.

Quality appraisal of the evidence

Methodological quality of the included studies was assessed using criteria developed a priori according to
study design (ie.. quality appraisal criteria used for an RCT is different to that used for a cohort study) [52].
Individual quality items were investigated using a descriptive component approach. Any disagreement or
uncertainty was resolved by discussion among the guideline development team to reach a consensus. Using
this approach, each study was allocated a risk of bias rating (see Table 2). Quality appraisal and data
extraction tables for each evidence review can be found in the supporting document titled Evidence report,
which can be found at

Methods used to develop this guideline


Table 2. Risk of bias ratings [52]




All of the criteria have been fulfilled or where criteria have not been fulfilled
it is very unlikely the conclusions of the study would be affected.


Some of the criteria have been fulfilled and those criteria that have not
been fulfilled may affect the conclusions of the study.


Few or no criteria fulfilled or the conclusions of the study are likely or very
likely to be affected.

Insufficient information

Not enough information provided on methodological quality to be able to

determine risk of bias.

Data extraction
Data, according to the selection criteria, was extracted from included studies using a specially developed
data extraction form [52]. Information was collected on general details (title, authors, reference/source,
country, year of publication, setting), participants (age, sex, inclusion/exclusion criteria, withdrawals/losses
to follow-up, subgroups), results (point estimates and measures of variability, frequency counts for
dichotomous variables, number of participants, intention-to-treat analysis) and validity results. Quality
appraisal and data extraction tables for each evidence review can be found in the supporting document
titled Evidence report, which can be found at

Data synthesis
Data was presented in summary form and descriptively, in tables or narratively in the evidence reviews for
each clinical question. Where appropriate, meta-analyses were conducted. These can be found in the
supporting document titled Evidence report, which can be found at

Formulation of recommendations
Each of the four guideline development groups considered a new evidence review each month and drafted
corresponding evidence-based recommendations as outlined in NHMRC levels of evidence and grades for
recommendations for developers of guidelines [14].
The body of evidence supporting each recommendation was assessed in an NHMRC Evidence Statement
form (Appendix III) and for each of the following components, a grade was assigned: the volume,
consistency, generalisability, applicability and clinical impact of the body of evidence (see Table 3).

Methods used to develop this guideline


Table 3. Body of evidence assessment matrix (adapted from NHMRC levels of evidence and grades for
recommendations for developers of guidelines [14]).






Volume of

several level I or II
studies with low
risk of bias

one or two level II

studies with low
risk of bias or a
SR/multiple level III
studies with low
risk of bias

level III studies

with low risk of
bias, or level I or II
studies with
moderate risk of

level IV studies, or
level I to III studies
with high risk of


all studies

most studies
consistent and
inconsistency may
be explained

some inconsistency
reflecting genuine
uncertainty around
clinical question

evidence is

Clinical impact

very large



slight or restricted


studied in body of
evidence are the
same as the target
population for the

studied in the body
of evidence are
similar to the
target population
for the guideline

studied in body of
evidence different
to target
population for
guideline but it is
clinically sensible
to apply this
evidence to target

studied in body of
evidence different
to target
population and
hard to judge
whether it is
sensible to
generalise to target


directly applicable
to Australian
healthcare context

applicable to
healthcare context
with few caveats

probably applicable
to Australian
healthcare context
with some caveats

not applicable to
healthcare context

These component grades were then compiled and an overall grade was assigned to the recommendation.
The overall grade reflects the strength of the recommendation in terms of trust or confidence practitioners
can have in the recommendation when applied in a clinical situation (see Table 4).
Where there was insufficient or no evidence to make an evidence-based recommendation, a clinical
consensus or research recommendation was made based on the clinical expertise of the multidisciplinary
guideline development group. Where important issues arose from discussion of evidence-based or clinical
consensus recommendations, and thus evidence was not sought, clinical practice points have been provided.
They are essential tips on how to safely and effectively implement the recommendations. Clinical consensus

Methods used to develop this guideline


recommendations, clinical practice points and research recommendations, which are not based on a body of
evidence but rather clinical expertise, are therefore not suitable for grading as outlined in NHMRC levels of
evidence and grades for recommendations for developers of guidelines [14]. Instead, a classification has
been allocated according to its type of recommendation ie. a clinical consensus recommendation is classified
CR and a clinical practice point is classified PP (see Table 5).

Table 4. The strength of the recommendations can be identified throughout the guideline with the following
grades (from NHMRC levels of evidence and grades for recommendations for developers of guidelines [14]):



Body of evidence can be trusted to guide practice.

Body of evidence can be trusted to guide practice in most situations.

Body of evidence provides some support for recommendation but care should be taken
in its application.

Body of evidence is weak and recommendation must be applied with caution.

Table 5. Classifications of recommendations for which a Grade cannot be applied.

Classification Description

In the absence of evidence, a clinical consensus recommendation is made by the

guideline development group.


Evidence not sought. A practice point is made by the guideline development group where
important issues arose from discussion of evidence-based or clinical consensus

The words should, could and should not do not directly reflect the grade or classification allocated to a
recommendation and are independent descriptors intended to reflect the judgment of the multidisciplinary
guideline development group about the practical application of the recommendation, balancing benefits and
harms. Where the word should is used in the recommendations, the guideline development group judged
that the benefits of the recommendation (whether evidence-based or clinical consensus) clearly exceed the
harms, and that the recommendation can be trusted to guide practice. Where the word could is used,
either the quality of evidence was underpowered, or the available studies demonstrated little clear
advantage of one approach over another, or the balance of benefits to harm was unclear. Where the words
should not are used, there is either a lack of appropriate evidence, or the harms outweigh the benefits.
All recommendations formulated from each evidence review were reviewed three times to ensure
consensus among the guideline development group: 1) a first draft recommendation(s) was suggested by the
evidence team and sent to the chair for input; 2) a second draft, formulated by the evidence team and the
guideline development group chair, was sent to the guideline development group; 3) the second draft of the
Methods used to develop this guideline


recommendation(s) was discussed and revised in the monthly guideline development group meeting; 4) the
revised recommendation was revisited and finalised upon consensus using a vote technique within the
guideline development group in the following monthly guideline development group meeting.
Each recommendation is supported by a discussion (in the chapters of this document) about the clinical need
for the question, the body of evidence identified to answer the question and the clinical impact of the
resulting recommendation(s), including potential changes in usual care and the way care is organised,
organisational barriers and resource implications. Such organisational issues are difficult to quantify without
conducting methodologically rigorous assessments of relevant services and resources, therefore the clinical
experience of the multidisciplinary guideline development groups was drawn upon for these discussions.
The Project Board, the PCOS Australian Alliance Strategic Advisory Group and the guideline development
groups support all 38 recommendations and intend they be used in conjunction with clinical judgement and
patient preferences. The guideline development groups acknowledge that lack of evidence is not evidence
of lack of effect and have attempted to reflect this in the strength of the grading given to recommendations
on interventions that are not supported by evidence. In addition, some interventions were not supported by
evidence in the recommendations due to lack of evidence of effect. The guideline development groups
acknowledge that this refers to lack of evidence of effect over placebo; that is, patients may receive some
beneficial outcomes from the intervention but these do not exceed the beneficial effects that can be
expected from a placebo therapy [53].

Public consultation
Public and targeted consultation was conducted for a period of 30 days commencing 5th March 2011 in
accordance with the legislative requirements set out in section 14A of the National Health and Medical
Research Council Act 1992 as outlined in the NHMRC standards and procedures for externally developed
guidelines (2007) [51]. Public consultation was invited via an advertisement in 'The Australian' which
directed the reader to content on the Jean Hailes for Women's Health website and a contact phone number.
The organisations approached for targeted consultation were:

PCOS Australian Alliance Strategic Advisory Group

PCOS Australian Alliance members
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Association of Australia (peak consumer group)
Australian Indigenous Doctors Association
Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
Royal Australasian College of Physicians
Endocrine Society of Australia
Fertility Society of Australia
Androgen Excess and PCOS Society
CRANA plus (remote area health professionals)
Australian Nursing Federation
Dietetics Association of Australia
Australian Psychological Society
PCOS UK (Professor Adam Balen)

Methods used to develop this guideline


Therapeutic Goods Administration

Australian Government, Department of Health and Ageing, Pharmaceutical Benefits Branch

Details of submissions arising from public consultation and the response of the guideline development
groups as well as how the guidelines were altered as a result of their inclusion are available upon request
In keeping with the outlined schedule to update the guideline (page 50), and to reflect recently published
evidence on the effectiveness of aromatase inhibitors (Section 7.4) that had potential for significant clinical
impact with change in practice, the evidence review for this section was updated. Public and targeted
consultation was invited for a period of 30 days commencing 21st February 2015. Public consultation was
invited via an advertisement in 'The Australian' which directed the reader to content on the Monash Centre
for Health Research and Implementation website and a contact phone number. Details of submissions
arising from public consultation and the response of the guideline development groups as well as how the
guidelines were altered as a result of their inclusion are available upon request, email

External review
This guideline has been reviewed by the PCOS Australian Alliance Strategic Advisory Group, and
independently by the Australasian Cochrane Centre, relevant professional colleges and societies and through
public consultation.

Piloting of the guideline

This guideline has been piloted in a new, rigorously developed, evidence-based PCOS Jean Hailes for
Womens Health Service of Excellence since November 2010. Pre- and post-evaluation of the clinical service
by consumers has been completed and notes improvement in QoL, physical and emotional wellbeing,
awareness and understanding around PCOS and engagement in lifestyle modification programs. The pilot
evaluation of this service is available upon request ( The clinicians in the
service reported that the draft guideline was a valuable resource which was useful to guide clinical practice.

Evaluation strategy
For an outline of the evaluation strategy, see Translation and implementation.

Scheduled review and update of the guideline

The guideline development groups will be re-convened to review relevant sections of this guideline if any of
the following occur within five years:

a change in the indications registered by the Therapeutic Goods Administration for any drug included in
this guideline; or
publication of any new major randomised controlled trials or systematic reviews that potentially have a
bearing on the safety of the recommendations in this guideline.

Methods used to develop this guideline



Challenges in diagnostic assessment of PCOS

There is a lack of awareness of PCOS among consumers and health professionals and
70% of women with PCOS remain undiagnosed [5].
1.1 Hyperandrogenism
In women with suspected PCOS, what is the most effective measure to diagnose PCOSrelated hyperandrogenism?

Clinical need for the question

PCOS is a common hormonal and metabolic disorder affecting 12-21% of Australian women of reproductive
age [5]. It is diagnosed based on two of three of menstrual disturbance and clinical/biochemical
manifestations of hyperandrogenism and polycystic ovaries on ultrasound after exclusion of other conditions
such as thyroid dysfunction, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, hyperprolactinaemia, androgen-secreting
tumours and Cushings syndrome [54]. Diagnosis of PCOS is challenging as the presenting symptoms and
signs are heterogenous depending on populations studied, degree of obesity and life stage of the women
affected and indeed clinical features may vary over time within an individual woman.
Hyperandrogenism is a well established contributor to PCOS aetiology, detected in around 6080% of cases,
yet it is especially challenging to diagnose. It includes both clinical (hirsutism, central alopecia and acne) and
biochemical hyperandrogenism. Clinical hyperandrogenism manifests differently depending on the
population studied with Asian populations manifesting few features and South East Asian and
Mediterranean populations displaying significant clinical hyperandrogenism. When determining biochemical
hyperandrogenism, accurate diagnosis is hampered by a lack of ideal methods for measurement. Androgen
assessment in women generally remains controversial. Within these limitations, a direct measure of
androgens is testosterone. Calculated bioavailable testosterone and calculated free testosterone can be
used interchangeably as a marker of testosterone, and can be derived using various different formulas,
however calculated free testosterone is the most commonly measured marker, using the formula of
Vermuelen et al. [55]. The FAI (100 x (total testosterone/SHBG)) is also a widely used measure of androgens.
To diagnose hyperandrogenism, testosterone assays are widely used, however deficiencies in the accuracy
of these assays limit their use in a setting where standardised testosterone measurements that are accurate,
reliable and comparable over time are essential [56, 57]. Also, testosterone assays are generally designed
for use in males with accuracy at lower androgen levels noted in females being much lower. Given the
controversy, methodological challenges and variety of different options for the biochemical measurement of
androgens and uncertainty in clinical practice, it is important to determine which measure is the most

Evidence to answer the question

Three diagnostic studies (level III-2) with low, moderate and high risk of bias compared the diagnostic
accuracy of different reproductive hormone markers in serum to detect PCOS [58-60]. The study with low
risk of bias found that calculated bioavailable testosterone was better than androstenedione, SHBG and total

Chapter 1: Challenges in diagnostic assessment of PCOS


testosterone for diagnosis of PCOS and that the free androgen index (FAI) was better than androstenedione
and SHBG for diagnosis of PCOS [59]. The same study also found that calculated free testosterone and total
testosterone were better than androstenedione for diagnosis of PCOS.
There is supporting evidence from one medium quality, level III-2 study with a moderate risk of bias that FAI
was better than calculated free testosterone for diagnosis of PCOS [58]. However, the authors note that
their study did not have the statistical power to detect this small difference.
There was insufficient evidence from one low quality, level III-2 study with a high risk of bias to support any
differences between total testosterone, SHBG and androstenedione [60].
A diagnostic study (level III-2) with high risk of bias compared the diagnostic accuracy of gas
chromatographic mass spectrometry and radio-immunoassay to detect PCOS using serum reproductive
hormone markers [61]. The authors reported that the FAI had a higher area under the receiver operating
curve (AUC) than free testosterone, however they acknowledged that their study did not have the statistical
power to detect such small differences. No other direct comparisons between techniques were made.
The evidence obtained from the included studies is generalisable to patient population in terms of age and
BMI. The studies were conducted in Germany, Spain, Finland and Sweden and may be applied in the
Australian setting as the tests addressed in the studies are available and routinely used in Australia.

1.1a Late-onset congenital adrenal hyperplasia, although rare, needs to be considered, before the
diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome is confirmed. In more severe clinical cases of
hyperandrogenism, 21-hydroxylase deficiency, the most common form of congenital adrenal
hyperplasia can be excluded by measuring serum 17-hydroxyprogesterone in the follicular phase to
explore this diagnosis.
1.1b Calculated bioavailable testosterone, calculated free testosterone or free androgen index
should be first line investigation for biochemical determination of hyperandrogenism in
polycystic ovary syndrome.
The addition of androstenedione and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate could be second line
investigation for biochemical determination of hyperandrogenism in polycystic ovary



It is difficult to assess androgen status in women on the oral contraceptive pill as effects include
oestrogen mediated increases in sex hormone-binding globulin and reduction in androgens.
Where the oral contraceptive pill has already been commenced, it should be withdrawn for at least
three months before appropriate hormonal assessments for diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome
are undertaken. Contraception should be otherwise managed during this time.

Chapter 1: Challenges in diagnostic assessment of PCOS



1.1d If androgen levels are markedly above laboratory reference ranges, secondary causes may be
considered. Mild elevations of androstenedione may be seen in polycystic ovary syndrome, whereas
marked elevations are more indicative of non-classical adrenal hyperplasia.
Reference ranges for different methods and different laboratories vary widely and clinical decisions
should be guided by the reference ranges of the laboratory used.

Clinical impact of the recommendations: Moderate

There are currently no reliable direct assays for free testosterone but laboratories can provide calculated
bioavailable testosterone, calculated free testosterone (more commonly provided than bioavailable,
however both can be used interchangeably as markers of testosterone), FAI or total testosterone.
Additionally, androstenedione and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate may be used. When biochemical
hyperandrogenism (elevated calculated bioavailable or free testosterone or FAI) has been confirmed, serum
dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate and androstenedione measurement may be considered as second line
investigations to exclude other causes of androgen excess. Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate is
predominantly an adrenal source of circulating androgen. Mild elevation may be seen with PCOS. However,
markedly raised dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate in the setting of rapidly progressive virilisation should
prompt one to investigate for possible androgen secreting adrenal tumour. Androstenedione is elevated in
non-classical congenital adrenal hyperplasia.
Testosterone secretion may be increased during mid-cycle and assessment of androgen status should
preferably be measured in the follicular phase in cycling women which can be determined by clinical
menstrual history and by measurement of luteinizing hormone, FSH, oestradiol and progesterone. Diurnal
variation may also occur [62] and morning levels may be most accurate.
The methodology of testosterone measurement may vary with respect to specificity, but this should be
reflected in appropriate reference intervals. Davison et al describes a highly sensitive direct manual
radioimmunoassay in the Australian setting that has more optimal accuracy for measuring total testosterone
and provides reference values for androgens by age [63]. Automated immunoassay is readily available.
Current practice is unclear, so this recommendation may require changes in usual care. There may be
resource implications as the cost of a calculated testosterone test is higher than a testosterone assay.
However more limited first line androgen testing may also reduce costs. The field of androgen testing is
constantly changing and is likely to keep changing in the future. New automated technology (liquid
chromatography-mass spectrometry) is currently being introduced in many laboratories.

Chapter 1: Challenges in diagnostic assessment of PCOS


1.2 Irregular cycles in adolescents

In adolescents, at what time point after onset of menarche do irregular cycles indicate
ongoing menstrual dysfunction?

Clinical need for the question

Physiologically, during the first year post-menarche, hormonal responses do not match adult patterns.
During the second year, hormonal profiles are similar to control adult women during both phases of the
menstrual cycle, although progesterone levels remain low [64].
The average adult menstrual cycle is 28 days, with a normal cycle range of 24 to 35 days [65]. However,
during the first few years post-menarche, cycles vary considerably [65-67]. In the first post-menarcheal year,
around half of cycles are anovulatory. Nonetheless, 80% of cycles occur within a predictable range of 21 to
45 days and last two to seven days [66-69]. By the third post-menarcheal year, 95% of cycles fall into this
range and as such the 5% without regular cycles should be investigated for PCOS.
Regular ovulatory cycles onset are related to age at menarche [70]. In girls who begin menses at <12 years,
between 12 and 13 years, and >13 years of age, 50% of cycles are ovulatory by one year, three years, and 4.5
years, respectively [70].
It still remains unclear at what developmental stage irregular cycles in adolescents reflect immaturity of the
reproductive system or possible PCOS.

Evidence to answer the question

We did not identify any evidence in our patient population to answer the question and therefore a clinical
consensus recommendation has been made informed by the natural history of menstrual cycles and
ovulation in adolescents (aged <18 years).


In adolescent women (<18 years), after two years of irregular cycles (>35 or <21 days) following the
onset of menarche, polycystic ovary syndrome should be considered and appropriate assessment
should be undertaken.
As polycystic ovary syndrome is a diagnosis of exclusion, other causes of irregular cycles (such as
thyroid dysfunction or hyperprolactinemia) need to be considered and excluded prior to the
diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome.


1.2b If oral contraceptive pill therapy is being considered or has commenced in adolescents (<18 years),
the following are recommended:

After twelve months of irregular cycles (>35 or <21 days) after onset of menarche, polycystic
ovary syndrome should be considered before commencement of the oral contraceptive pill.
Where the oral contraceptive pill has already been commenced, when girls are not sexually

Chapter 1: Challenges in diagnostic assessment of PCOS


active, if biochemical hyperandrogenism is needed for the diagnosis of polycystic ovary

syndrome, the oral contraceptive pill could be withdrawn for three months to facilitate
appropriate hormonal assessments. Withdrawal of the oral contraceptive pill may facilitate
assessment and early diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome as diagnosis can have important
implications including optimisation of healthy lifestyle, regular metabolic screening and
proactive fertility planning, with consideration of planning for conception at an earlier age.
However, the risk of unplanned pregnancy needs to considered and weighed up against
potential benefits of early diagnosis. Contraception may still need to be otherwise managed
during this time.

Clinical impact of the recommendations: Very large

Irregular cycles (>35 or <21 days) that continue for more than two years after the onset of menarche are
likely to reflect oligo-anovulation. Consideration should be given to age of menarche. Current practice is
unclear. It is likely that current practice involves prescription of the oral contraceptive pill without diagnosis
of PCOS in adolescents. This recommendation may increase referral for diagnostic testing and specialist
care, however the benefits of early diagnosis and prevention of associated complications and infertility are
likely to result in significant savings. Focus on lifestyle management, rather than medical management, may
be increased.

1.3 Polycystic ovaries in adolescents

In adolescents, what are the most effective criteria to diagnose polycystic ovaries on

Clinical need for the question

Between the ages of two and nine years, the size and morphology of the ovaries are relatively stable with
the volume of each ovary being less than 2 cm3; however from around nine years of age onward, the ovaries
undergo progressive increases in size [71]. The number of large antral follicles and ovarian size reaches its
maximum around the time of menarche [72, 73] and many girls with regular menstrual patterns may have
polycystic ovaries [72]. Recently up to 68% of 19-21 year old Danish women were shown to have polycystic
ovaries according to Rotterdam criteria on community based screening [74]. As follicle counts are high at a
younger age, this needs to be considered to avoid over diagnosis of PCOS [74]. It seems unlikely that the
adult criteria (presence of 12 or more follicles in each ovary measuring 2-9mm in diameter, and/or increased
ovarian volume (>10ml)[2]) for diagnosing PCOS according to polycystic ovaries are directly applicable to
adolescents. There is continuing discussion as to the quantitative characteristics of a polycystic ovary given
increasing resolution of ultrasound.

Evidence to answer the question

One level III-3 case-control study with moderate risk of bias [75] was identified by our search to answer the
question and was deemed insufficient evidence on which to base a recommendation. Therefore a clinical

Chapter 1: Challenges in diagnostic assessment of PCOS


consensus recommendation has been made based on the clinical expertise of the multidisciplinary guideline
development group.


Given the apparent lack of specificity of polycystic ovaries on ultrasound in adolescents, generally,
ultrasound should not be recommended first line in this age group for diagnosis of polycystic ovary
syndrome pending further research. If pelvic ultrasounds are to be ordered in adolescents, the
results should be interpreted with caution.


1.3b Vaginal ultrasound is not appropriate in adolescents who have not been sexually active.

Clinical impact of the recommendations: Very large

The role of pelvic ultrasound in diagnosing PCOS in adolescents remains unclear. With inadequate evidence
about its use for diagnosis of PCOS in adolescents, pelvic ultrasound should be used and interpreted with
caution in this age group. Current practice is unclear, however it is anticipated that ultrasound will be less
likely to be used for PCOS diagnosis in adolescents. There is a high prevalence of polycystic ovaries in
adolescents and normal reference ranges for the age group have not been developed or validated. The
guideline development group is not aware of resources implications, except for possible savings on
ultrasound testing in adolescents.

Further methodologically rigorous trials are important to determine:
1) Natural history of menstrual cycles in PCOS compared to non-PCOS adolescents
2) Age-appropriate normal ranges for sonographic features of polycystic ovaries and for clinical and
biochemical features of PCOS in adolescents (<18 years)
3) Accuracy of ovarian volume to diagnose polycystic ovary syndrome in adolescents (<18 years).

Assessment considerations for Indigenous women

It is acknowledged that the role of ultrasound is more limited and the recommendations may not be
applicable in the Indigenous setting due to the limitations in care, access to ultrasound facilities and to
service provision in rural and remote locations.

Chapter 1: Challenges in diagnostic assessment of PCOS



Interdisciplinary model of care in PCOS

Interdisciplinary care involves collaboration between a woman and her care team
with shared goals for total wellbeing.
What is the effectiveness of an interdisciplinary model of care compared to usual care in
terms of bio-psychosocial wellbeing?

Clinical need for the question

The literature shows a high incidence of psychological issues amongst women with PCOS such as depression,
anxiety and eating disorders when compared to the general population. A woman with PCOS may benefit
from care from a variety of health professionals to manage the biological, psychological and social issues
that may manifest from PCOS. A woman with PCOS may need to see a general practitioner, dietitian,
psychologist, exercise physiologist, endocrinologist, gynaecologist and infertility specialist. Although most
women with PCOS do not adequately access those disciplines, when they do it is usually via a general
practitioner referral to separate multidisciplinary health professionals.
Multidisciplinary team approaches have been used in the management of a number of chronic diseases. A
multidisciplinary approach has been credited with improvements in health related behaviours, health
parameters and general wellbeing. However there have been a number of criticisms with the
multidisciplinary care model, namely the compartmentalisation of patient care and the limited
communication between health professionals. As a consequence of these limitations and the need for more
patient-centred care, an interdisciplinary model has been developed.
Interdisciplinary care is collaboration between health professionals and patients in addressing health issues
with common care goals. Health professionals are responsible for complementary tasks, work
interdependently with clear communication pathways and with a clear patient-centric focus. Elements of a
successful collaboration include a willingness to collaborate, trust in each other, mutual respect and
communication [76]. Successful collaboration also relies on adequate systems and organisational supports
[77]. Interdisciplinary care has the advantages of providing more efficient and better coordinated care with
better use of resources [78]. It also has the advantage of empowering patients in being active participants in
their management.
A recent Cochrane review about interdisciplinary care identified the complexities of collaborative
management [79]. The review did not show consistent improvements in clinical outcomes, but studies were
not of high quality, highlighting both a considerable research gap and the vital need for evaluation strategies
in development and implementation of interdisciplinary models of care.

Evidence to answer the question

We did not identify any evidence in women with PCOS to answer the question and therefore a clinical
consensus recommendation has been made based on the clinical expertise of the multidisciplinary guideline
development group and informed by the literature in other chronic disease areas.

Chapter 2: Interdisciplinary model of care in PCOS



Interdisciplinary care, with multiple health professionals involved, should be offered to women with
polycystic ovary syndrome, where appropriate based on the chronic and complex nature of the
An interdisciplinary care model is the collaboration between a woman with polycystic ovary
syndrome and a care team who have shared goals for her total wellbeing. It should have the
following integral components:

A care team, comprised of representation from varied health disciplines (e.g. may include
dietetics, psychology, endocrinology, gynaecology, exercise physiology, general practice)
A care plan which has been developed and agreed with the woman, and if relevant, the carer
A designated care coordinator, who oversees the care plan and monitors and evaluates
outcomes, which is often the general practitioner
Clear and regular communication (e.g. information sharing via different forms of media,
including internet, letters, case conferencing, email, teleconference)

The complexity of the womans need will determine the extent of interdisciplinary care required.
2.1b When referring a woman with polycystic ovary syndrome to other health professionals ie..
psychologists, a resource has been developed (Appendix IV) to inform the professional about
polycystic ovary syndrome.

Further methodologically rigorous trials are important to address implementation and evaluation of
interdisciplinary models of care in polycystic ovary syndrome, where an evaluation strategy for a service
model needs to be designed from the outset of the interdisciplinary service. Implementation
research/evaluation of health service models requires resources.

Clinical impact of the recommendations: Very large

Current management models for women with PCOS are single disciplinary, where a women sees only one
health professional or multidisciplinary where a women may be referred to a number of health professionals
who manage a single component of the syndrome. An interdisciplinary care model is the collaboration
between different health professionals and the patient. This model of care emphasises the need for shared
decision making, mutual respect between all collaborating members of the team and a philosophy and
culture of equality between all team members. This requires changes to the current systems of
management, both organisational and systemic.
Currently the health system in Australia is not well set up to manage chronic complex diseases in an
interdisciplinary model of care. Funding arrangements hinder the establishment of interdisciplinary clinic
models especially in ambulatory care settings. Medicare funding to see allied health professionals is capped,

Chapter 2: Interdisciplinary model of care in PCOS


and often women with PCOS need to see multiple health professionals frequently. Although current care
plans do facilitate chronic PCOS care, funding models need to be adapted for chronic, complex health
problems like PCOS.
Whilst there are organisational changes that need to take place, there is also a need to change the cultural
mindset and philosophy of clinicians. The single and multidisciplinary care models have been well
established, where clinicians tend to work autonomously. The interdisciplinary model of care requires a
considerable change in culture and in health service delivery. Clinicians need to shift to a philosophy of
collaboration, trust and respect for all professional competences and recognise complementary skills and
knowledge. This may require an education strategy aiming to break down impedance to this model of care.

Interdisciplinary care considerations for Indigenous women

We expect that the above recommendations are applicable to Indigenous women but acknowledge that they
may not be applicable in the Indigenous setting due to the limitations in care and service provision in rural
and remote locations. It is important to encourage and enable Indigenous women with PCOS to access
services that are available.

Chapter 2: Interdisciplinary model of care in PCOS



Assessment of cardiometabolic risk in PCOS

Complications of PCOS such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease are serious
yet largely preventable.
3.1 Risk of cardiovascular disease
In women with PCOS, what is the most effective tool/method to assess risk of
cardiovascular disease?

Clinical need for the question

CVD remains one of the leading causes of death in women in Australia. There is an increased prevalence in
metabolic syndrome in women with PCOS [80]. They also have abnormal traditional (hyperinsulinaemia,
dyslipidaemia, hypertension) CVD risk factors. Dyslipidemia in PCOS occurs in the setting of abnormal lipid
metabolism which may be due to a combination of overproduction of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins and
increased catabolism of high density lipoprotein particles [81]. These abnormalities are thought to be a
consequence of a global metabolic effect of IR and an excess of both visceral and hepatic fat [81]. Lifestyle
interventions improve dyslipidemia [81].
In women with PCOS, other novel CVD risk factors (C-reactive protein [hsCRP], endothelial dysfunction and
impaired fibrinolysis) [21, 31, 44, 45, 82-85] and early onset cardiovascular dysfunction (endothelial
dysfunction, arterial stiffness, plaques and coronary artery calcification) [44, 45, 83], have been noted and
are related to IR and obesity [32, 86, 87]. High androgens and low SHBG have also been linked to increased
CVD risk in both pre- and post-menopausal women [88]. Studies to date suggest that women with PCOS
have subclinical evidence of premature CVD [84, 89, 90]. Two large epidemiological studies have reported
increased prevalence of CVD among women with anovulation [91, 92] but initial poor quality long term
studies have not shown an increase in cardiovascular events or cardiovascular mortality with PCOS [84, 93].
However, recently Shaw et al. examined a subset of the Womens Ischaemia Evaluation Study (WISE) and
confirmed increased cardiovascular events and deaths in postmenopausal women with PCOS [35].
As CVD is the biggest killer of Australian women and ~80% is preventable, the public health impact of early
identification and targeted prevention in high risk, young, reproductive age women with PCOS is likely to be
very significant [94-97], however the best method for assessing cardiovascular risk in women with PCOS
remains unclear.

Evidence to answer the question

We did not identify any evidence in women with PCOS to answer the question and therefore clinical
consensus recommendations have been made based on the clinical expertise of the multidisciplinary
guideline development group, an international position statement on CVD risk assessment in PCOS [17] and
national guidelines on absolute CVD risk assessment [98], management of obesity [15], lipids [16, 18] and
hypertension [19] for the general population.

Chapter 3: Assessment of cardiometabolic risk in PCOS



All women with polycystic ovary syndrome should be assessed for cardiovascular disease risk by
assessing individual cardiovascular disease risk factors.
If screening in women with polycystic ovary syndrome shows that any of the following
cardiovascular disease risk factors are present, these women with polycystic ovary syndrome should
be considered at increased relative risk of cardiovascular disease (obesity, cigarette smoking,
dyslipidemia, hypertension, impaired glucose tolerance, lack of physical activity) and those with
metabolic syndrome and/or type 2 diabetes, at even greater risk.


3.1b All women with polycystic ovary syndrome should be assessed for excess weight at every visit.
In assessing women with polycystic ovary syndrome < 18 years, age appropriate and gender
appropriate body mass index should be calculated at every visit.
All women with polycystic ovary syndrome should be assessed for cigarette smoking.

Body mass index should be assessed in all women with polycystic ovary syndrome using the
following criteria [15]:
Body mass index <18.5kg/m2 = underweight
Body mass index 18.5 24.9kg/m2 = lean
Body mass index 25.0 29.9kg/m2 = overweight
Body mass index 30.0-34.9kg/m2 = obese
Body mass index 35kg/m2 = morbidly obese
Significant benefits have been demonstrated with 5-10% weight loss in overweight women with
polycystic ovary syndrome and is a feasible initial target (see 5.4c).
BMI doesnt always reflect adverse body fat stores and waist circumference will be useful.
Waist circumference should be assessed using the following criteria [15]:
Waist circumference >80cm = increased risk of metabolic complications
Waist circumference >88cm = substantially increased risk of metabolic complications


3.1d A complete lipid profile should be measured every two years in women with polycystic ovary
syndrome who have normal lipid profiles.
A complete lipid profile should be measured annually in women with polycystic ovary syndrome who

Chapter 3: Assessment of cardiometabolic risk in PCOS


have abnormal lipid profiles and/or excess weight.


In women with polycystic ovary syndrome, a lipid profile should include:

Total cholesterol - total cholesterol should be <4 mmol/L [16]

Low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) - in women without additional cardiovascular

disease risk factors, LDL-C levels should be <3.4 mmol/L [17]. In women with metabolic
syndrome or type 2 diabetes, LDL-C levels should be < 1.82.6 mmol/L or 1.8 mmol/L,
respectively [17]

High density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) - HDL-C levels should be > 1.0 mmol/L [18]

Triglycerides - Triglyceride levels should be < 1.7 mmol/L [17].



Prediabetes and/or type 2 diabetes should be assessed in all women with polycystic ovary syndrome
(see 3.2a and 3.2b).



Blood pressure should be measured annually in women with polycystic ovary syndrome and a body
mass index 25kg/m2 (lean).
Blood pressure should be routinely measured at each visit in women with polycystic ovary syndrome
and a body mass index 25kg/m2 (overweight/obese).


3.1h In women with polycystic ovary syndrome who are at high risk of type 2 diabetes, the ideal day time
blood pressure should not exceed 135 mmHg systolic and 85 mmHg diastolic [19].

Clinical impact of the recommendations: Very large

All women with PCOS should be assessed for individual CVD risk factors to establish those who are at
increased relative risk of CVD. Although the absolute risk of CVD in PCOS appears increased [17], this does
require further research. CVD risk is often not considered in women with PCOS, however, women with PCOS
have a high prevalence of metabolic abnormalities, high risk of prediabetes and DM2 and increased risk of
CVD and therefore CVD risk factors should be routinely monitored. There may be resource implications
here as this may result in more frequent ordering of metabolic tests in PCOS. However early detection of
increased relative risk of CVD may motivate lifestyle changes, with long term benefits. A shift in cultural
mindset to acknowledge the cardiovascular features of PCOS may be required. In some populations, where
cardiometabolic and DM2 risk is high, the impact of weight gain appears to be more significant than in
Caucasian populations and this needs to be considered when assessing and managing women with PCOS. In
these populations consideration should be given to potentially lower BMI limits in high risk ethnic groups.
Chapter 3: Assessment of cardiometabolic risk in PCOS


3.2 Risk of type 2 diabetes

In women with PCOS, what is the most effective tool/method to assess risk of type 2

Clinical need for the question

IR is a key etiological feature in PCOS, worsening reproductive and metabolic features, DM2 and CVD risk
[45, 99, 100]. Obesity, DM2 and CVD are all national health priority areas. IR is present in around 65-80% of
women with PCOS, independent of obesity [101] and is further exacerbated by excess weight [102-104].
Women with PCOS have increased risk of gestational diabetes [30] as well as increased risk of DM2 using the
Finnish diabetes risk tool [105]. A meta-analysis reported increased risk of impaired glucose tolerance and
DM2 in PCOS [21] independent of obesity. Earlier onset hyperglycaemia and rapid progression to DM2 is
also reported in PCOS [106, 107]. DM2 risk in women with PCOS is independent of, yet exacerbated by,
obesity. PCOS is listed by the International Diabetes Federation as a non-modifiable risk factor for DM2
[108]. Furthermore, DM2 is a major CVD risk factor, with 80% developing CVD. Lifestyle therapy has been
shown to prevent or delay progression to DM2. Hence early screening and identification in this high risk
group of women with PCOS is vital. Fasting blood glucose level alone has been shown to be inaccurate and
results in under-diagnoses of DM2 in PCOS. International groups have recommended screening all women
with PCOS with an oral glucose tolerance test [26]. Whilst the high risk of DM2 is recognised in PCOS and
screening is important to facilitate effective lifestyle therapy to prevent DM2, the most appropriate measure
to assess risks for glucose intolerance and DM2 in women with PCOS remains unclear.

Evidence to answer the question

One low quality systematic review (level I) with high risk of bias was identified by our search [109] that asked
the question: How can women with PCOS be identified for Type 2 diabetes screening? The authors found no
publications addressing the question and in the absence of evidence, the authors suggest that
oligomenorrhoea, along with clinical or biochemical hyperandrogenism, obesity or a family history of risk of
DM2 may be indicators of risk of DM2. The systematic review was deemed insufficient evidence on which to
base a recommendation. Therefore clinical consensus recommendations have been made based on the
systematic review, an international position statement on CVD risk assessment in PCOS [17] and national
guidelines for case detection and diagnosis of type 2 diabetes [22].


To assess for risk of type 2 diabetes, in addition to polycystic ovary syndrome status, the following
diabetes risk factors should be considered [20, 21]:

Parental history of diabetes
History of high blood glucose levels
Use of antihypertensive medications

Chapter 3: Assessment of cardiometabolic risk in PCOS


Physical inactivity
Waist circumference


3.2b An oral glucose tolerance test should be performed every second year in all women with polycystic
ovary syndrome and annually in those found to have additional risk factors for developing type 2
diabetes as outlined in 3.2a.

Reference ranges for [22]:

Impaired fasting glucose - fasting plasma glucose: 6.1-6.9 mmol/L

Impaired glucose tolerance -2 hour glucose level: 7.8-11 mmol/L
Type 2 diabetes - fasting plasma glucose: 7.0 mmol/L or 2 hour oral glucose tolerance test:
11.1 mmol/L.

Ideally 150 grams of carbohydrate per day should be consumed for three days before, and women
should then fast for 8 hours immediately prior to the oral glucose tolerance test since low
carbohydrate intake may lead to false positive glucose tolerance tests.

Further methodologically rigorous trials in women with polycystic ovary syndrome are important to
1) absolute risk of CVD in women with polycystic ovary syndrome across age ranges
2) the most appropriate way of identifying those with polycystic ovary syndrome at highest risk of
developing type 2 diabetes and the value of utilising existing scores such as the AUSDiab risk score in
women with polycystic ovary syndrome
3) the most effective method to prevent the development of type 2 diabetes.

Clinical impact of the recommendations: Very large

The impact of the significantly increased risk of developing DM2 amongst women with PCOS is very large,
representing a significant disease burden and health care cost. Up to 80% of prediabetes will be missed on a
fasting glucose test, therefore the guideline development group recommends the use of an oral glucose
tolerance test in line with international recommendations [22]. The recommendation to perform an oral
glucose tolerance test and not fasting blood glucose alone will result in earlier disease detection
(prediabetes and early detection of DM2) and will present opportunities for prevention of DM2 and
complications of DM2 and CVD. Early assessment of risk and detection of prediabetes is vital because
lifestyle interventions can be commenced which will reduce the risk of developing DM2 as outlined in
chapter five. There may be resource implications as screening tests will be ordered more frequently, but
earlier detection of risk will facilitate early lifestyle intervention and may result in a reduction of progression

Chapter 3: Assessment of cardiometabolic risk in PCOS


to DM2 and CVD. It is acknowledged that oral glucose tolerance tests increase inconvenience for patients
and may impact on compliance. In some populations where cardiometabolic and DM2 risk is high, the
impact of weight gain appears to be more significant than in Caucasian populations and this needs to be
considered when assessing and managing women with PCOS. In these populations consideration should be
given to potentially lower BMI limits in high risk ethnic groups. It is important to note that assessment of
insulin resistance has no current role in clinically assessing for risk of DM2.

Metabolic risk assessment considerations for Indigenous women

CVD and DM2 are major causes of mortality and morbidity in Indigenous women. This is due to a number of
causes, including dyslipidaemia, obesity, physical inactivity, poor diet [47] and other non-traditional risk factors
including high C-reactive protein, albuminuria and the long-term effects of low birth weight [110-112].
HDL-C has been noted to be low in a number of studies in Indigenous Australians and to be inversely related to
triglyceride level, LDL particle size and waist-to-hip ratio, as has been reported in other populations [110, 113,
114]. Further, ONeal et al. also found for any given level of these factors, the corresponding HDL-C was
disproportionately reduced in Indigenous participants compared to non-Indigenous participants [114]. In
populations of European origin, women have higher HDL-C than men but Indigenous men and women have
similarly low levels of HDL-C [114]. This may be related to the higher insulin levels and IR in the Indigenous
women, secondary to high levels of abdominal obesity.
We expect that the above recommendations are applicable to Indigenous women but that the clinical impact
may be even more significant in this group of women given the higher underlying burden of risk factors for
DM2 and CVD.

Chapter 3: Assessment of cardiometabolic risk in PCOS



Assessment of emotional wellbeing in PCOS

Challenges to feminine identity and body image due to obesity, acne and excess hair
adversely impact on mood and self efficacy, compromise quality of life and impact on
the effectiveness of lifestyle intervention in women with PCOS.
4.1 Depression and/or anxiety
In women with PCOS, what is the most effective tool/method to assess depression and/or

Clinical need for the question

Prevalence of depression in women with PCOS is higher (28% - 64%) [11, 115, 116] than for women in the
general population (7.1% - 8%) [117, 118]. Prevalence of anxiety in women with PCOS ranges from 34% [119]
to 57% [11], yet again higher than in the general population (18%) [117]. Women with PCOS are also likely to
experience more severe anxiety and depression [11, 29].
The reasons for higher prevalence and severity of anxiety and depression in women with PCOS are complex
with hormonal, metabolic and reproductive features such as increased IR, androgen levels, acne, hirsutism,
increased obesity and infertility likely to impact. While acne, hirsutism, infertility and increased BMI have
been linked to increased mood and distress, the evidence is inconsistent [11, 119-121]. Further potential
contributors to depression and anxiety in PCOS include the chronic [122-126], complex and frustrating
nature of PCOS [127, 128].
The higher prevalence and severity of anxiety and depression in PCOS is likely to impact on ability to follow
treatment and management plans and overall QoL. Lifestyle interventions are first line treatment for PCOS
[129] and small changes to lifestyle are known to decrease weight, improve symptoms, increase ovulation
and improve fertility. Yet to undertake lifestyle change requires motivation and self efficacy which are
limited by depression and/or anxiety. Recognition of poor emotional wellbeing in PCOS may prompt
intervention and improve clinical outcomes in this chronic and common condition. Assessment of depression
and/or anxiety in women with PCOS is vital as recognition and treatment improves emotional wellbeing and
QoL and is likely to improve effectiveness of lifestyle intervention in PCOS. With the routine need for
screening and assessment of depression and/or anxiety in PCOS, effective, readily available tools are

Evidence to answer the question

We did not identify any evidence in women with PCOS to answer the question and therefore a clinical
consensus recommendation has been made based on key relevant sources of evidence-based information
for the general population and the clinical expertise of the multidisciplinary guideline development group.
The guideline development group has consulted the following guidelines:

The treatment and management of depression in adults with chronic physical health problems, NICE,
2009 [23].
Chapter 4: Assessment of emotional wellbeing in PCOS


Depression: the treatment and management of depression in adults, NICE, 2009 [130].

Beyondblue Depression in Adolescents and Young Adults, Beyond Blue, 2010 [131].

Anxiety: management of generalised anxiety disorder and panic disorder (with or without agoraphobia)
in adults in primary, secondary and community care partial update, 2011 [132].

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) [133] also informed the clinical
consensus recommendation.

4.1a Depression and/or anxiety should be routinely screened and assessed by all appropriately qualified
health professionals in women with polycystic ovary syndrome.
If a woman with polycystic ovary syndrome is positive on screening, the practitioner should further
assess for depression and/or anxiety.
If depression and/or anxiety are detected, appropriate management should be offered.
4.1b To screen for depression and/or anxiety, the following questions could be asked [23]:
1) During the last month, have you often been bothered by feeling down, depressed, or hopeless?
2) During the last month, have you often been bothered by having little interest or pleasure in
doing things?
3) During the last month, have you been bothered by feeling excessively worried or concerned?
If any of the screening questions are positive further depression and/or anxiety assessment could be
by either:
a) Referring the patient to an appropriate professional if they do not feel competent to perform a
further mental health assessment. If the health professional is not the patients usual GP, inform
the GP of the referral.
b) If they feel competent, perform a clinical interview and according to level of competence,
choose from one or more of the following :

Kessler Psychological Distress Scale 10 (K10)

Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS-21)

Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ9)

Generalised Anxiety Disorder 7 item scale (GAD7).

Chapter 4: Assessment of emotional wellbeing in PCOS


Clinical impact of the recommendation: Very large

It is not usual practice to screen women with PCOS for depression and/or anxiety and doing so may identify
affected patients who would otherwise be missed. Screening may have resource implications such as an
impact on length of consultation, however this can be reduced by the use of the PCOS emotional wellbeing
general screening tool (Appendix V) and other tools recommended here. If depression and/or anxiety are
detected, intervention may require referral to other health practitioners. Additional time with the patient
may also be required to complete a Mental Health Plan. It is important to note that all tools recommended
are free to use in clinical practice, research and education. Access to appropriately trained and experienced
health professionals will be required. It is the responsibility of all health professionals to understand the
impact of PCOS on psychological health and to screen for and manage these disorders.

4.2 Body image

In women with PCOS, what is the most effective tool/method to assess body image?

Clinical need for the question

Body image is complex and is influenced by many factors. For the purpose of this clinical question, body
image is defined as the way a person may feel, think and view their body including their appearance.
Physical factors affecting appearance (excess weight and hirsutism), psychological factors (self-esteem) and
sociocultural influences all appear to influence the way women think and feel about their bodies. Body
image includes attitudes to physical appearance, understanding of health, physical fitness and body size, the
mental picture that individuals form of their bodies, values and self-esteem. Assessment of body image
includes measures of body dissatisfaction and disordered eating [134], body size estimation [135] and weight
[136, 137].
Two thirds of women from the general population are dissatisfied with their body, yet negative body image
is more prevalent in PCOS and impacts on thoughts and feelings of health, appearance, QoL, mood and
physical fitness. A recent study demonstrated that women with PCOS, compared with control women, had a
greater negative body image in 7 out of 10 subscales of the validated Multidimensional Body-Self Relations
Questionnaire [28]. Women with PCOS appear to feel less physically attractive, healthy or physically fit and
are less satisfied with their body size and appearance than women without PCOS [138] and this negative
body image predicts both depression and anxiety [139]. PCOS features, in particular hirsutism and increased
weight, appear to impact negatively on body image and QoL [139, 140] and negative body image [141] is
associated with depression in women with PCOS, even after controlling for weight [29].
Given that negative body image in PCOS may result in increased depression and poorer health-related QoL,
body image of women with PCOS should be considered as part of a comprehensive assessment and
management plan. Recommendations for screening and assessment that are easy to use and widely
applicable are needed in PCOS. If identified, addressing negative body and associated mood disorders is
important to improve emotional wellbeing and QoL in PCOS.

Evidence to answer the question

We did not identify any evidence in women with PCOS to answer the question and therefore a clinical
consensus recommendation has been made based on key relevant sources of evidence-based information

Chapter 4: Assessment of emotional wellbeing in PCOS


for the general population and the clinical expertise of the multidisciplinary guideline development group.
The guideline development group has consulted the following guidelines:

NICE Guideline 31 Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Core interventions in the treatment of obsessive
compulsive disorder and body dysmorphic disorder [142].

Australian Medical Association Position Statement: Body Image and Health 2002 [143].

4.2a Negative body image should be considered in women with polycystic ovary syndrome.
If a woman with polycystic ovary syndrome is positive on screening, the practitioner should further
assess for negative body image.
If negative body image is detected, appropriate management should be offered.
4.2b To screen for negative body image, the following questions could be asked:
1) Do you worry a lot about the way you look and wish you could think about it less?
2) On a typical day, do you spend more than 1 hour per day worrying about your appearance?
(More than 1 hour a day is considered excessive)
3) What specific concerns do you have about your appearance?
4) What effect does it have on your life?
5) Does it make it hard to do your work or be with your friends and family?
If an issue is identified, the practitioner could further assess negative body image by:
a) Identifying any focus of concern of the patient and respond appropriately
b) Assessing the level of depression and/or anxiety (if they have not done so already) (see 4.1a)
c) Identifying if there is any distortion of body image (e.g. presence of anorexia nervosa (see 4.3) or
body dysmorphic disorder)

Clinical impact of the recommendation: Moderate

Negative body image is more prevalent in women with PCOS and is related to depression and reduced QoL,
hence it is important and highly recommended that women with PCOS are screened and assessed for
negative body image. It is not usual practice to screen women with PCOS for negative body image and doing
so may identify affected patients who would otherwise be missed. Detection of negative body image
provides the opportunity to address both psychological aspects such as self-esteem and self-acceptance as
well as working on the physical aspects of the condition such as hirsutism, overweight and acne if
appropriate. Screening may have resource implications in terms of impact on length of consultation,
however this can be reduced by the use of the emotional wellbeing general screening tool (Appendix V) and
Chapter 4: Assessment of emotional wellbeing in PCOS


other tools recommended here. Intervention may require referral to other health practitioners. Where
needed, access to appropriately trained and experienced health professionals is required. A shift in cultural
mindset may be required to ensure the clinical impact of negative body image is understood.

4.3 Disordered eating

In women with PCOS, what is the most effective tool/method to assess disordered eating?

Clinical need for the question

Australian research [144] suggests that prevalence of diagnosable eating disorders is increasing with ~0.2%
of women reporting anorexia nervosa, 1.1% bulimia nervosa, 2.6% binge eating disorder. The prevalence of
disordered eating is likely to be higher with 7.5% of women noted binge eating, 2.1% purging, and 5.2% strict
dieting or fasting. Disordered eating refers to eating and weight related symptoms and can include
behavioural (e.g. bingeing, excessive restriction), cognitive (e.g. excessive dietary restraint, negative body
image) and emotional factors. Disordered eating affects health and wellbeing and capacity to participate in
and contribute to society. The consequences of eating disorders encompass medical, psychological, social
and occupational difficulties [144, 145]. Eating disorders are also often linked with other psychiatric illness,
particularly mood and anxiety disorders [145].
There is a lack of good prevalence data on eating disorders in women with PCOS [146, 147], with links
between PCOS and bulimia nervosa [148, 149] and abnormal eating behaviour [148, 150, 151]. The
prevalence of any eating disorder has been reported at 21% in PCOS [152]. This study also reported
significant mood disturbances among women with PCOS and an eating disorder; 62% had major depression
and 41% anxiety disorders.
Proposed mechanisms linking PCOS and eating disorders include hormonal links as well as the impact of
PCOS on self-esteem and body image [153, 154]. Women with PCOS have higher prevalence of risk factors
for eating disorders including excess weight, depression, anxiety, low self-esteem and poor body image
[145]. There may also be more motivation for weight loss and prescribed and self-imposed dietary restriction
in women with PCOS.
Available research suggests that fewer than half of patients with clinically significant eating disorders are
identified in primary care, potentially related to ambivalence, secrecy and shame or health practitioners
knowledge, attitudes and skills. Health practitioners are well placed to identify these problems and high-risk
groups are often routinely screened for the presence of eating disorders. The NICE guidelines recommend
initially screening using simple clinical questions and these have informed the recommendations below
[154]. Once identified a range of more detailed assessment tools is available. Effective assessment is
important as it should increase recognition and management of eating disorders and disordered eating,
thereby improving the psychological functioning and overall QoL in women with PCOS and reduce health
risks associated with disordered eating.

Evidence to answer the question

We did not identify any evidence in women with PCOS to answer the question and therefore a clinical
consensus recommendation has been made based on key relevant sources of evidence-based information
for the general population and the clinical expertise of the multidisciplinary guideline development group.

Chapter 4: Assessment of emotional wellbeing in PCOS


4.3a Disordered eating, including eating disorders, should be considered in women with polycystic ovary
If a woman with polycystic ovary syndrome is positive on screening, the practitioner should further
assess for disordered eating and eating disorders.
If disordered eating, or an eating disorder is detected, appropriate management should be offered.
4.3b To screen for disordered eating and eating disorders, the following questions could be asked:
1) Do you worry you have lost control over your eating?
2) Do you ever feel disgusted, depressed, or guilty about eating?
3) Have you tried fasting or skipping meals in an attempt to lose weight?
4) Have you tried vomiting, laxatives or diuretics in an attempt to lose weight?
5) Have you had significant (e.g. >5-7%), recurrent fluctuation in body weight?
If a woman with polycystic ovary syndrome answers yes to any of the above questions the
practitioner should further assess for the diagnosis of an eating disorder by either:
a) Referring the patient to an appropriate professional to perform a further mental health
b) If the practitioner feels competent, performing a clinical interview which may be supplemented
with standardised assessment tools (e.g. Eating Assessment Tool (EAT 26)
c) Assessing the level of depression and/or anxiety (see 4.1a).

Clinical impact of the recommendation: Very large

As eating disorders are more common in PCOS, screening should be considered. It is not usual practice to
screen women with PCOS for disordered eating. It is likely that improved screening practices will improve
the identification of disordered eating/eating disorders and that this will increase treatment. However, given
that women with eating disorders have increased health service utilisation for weight management and
general psychopathology, appropriate treatment may shift, or reduce, rather than increase health service
utilisation. Effective treatment is available for the management of disordered eating/eating disorders [155158]. Screening may have resource implications as appropriate disordered eating assessment will require
longer consultation times, however this can be reduced by the use of the emotional wellbeing general
screening tool (Appendix V) and other tools recommended here. It is important to note that the Eating
Assessment Tool (EAT 26) requires some minor adaptation (metric measurements for height and weight) for
use in the Australian setting. Increased detection of disordered eating will result in increased referrals to
other health professionals. Access to appropriately trained and experienced health professionals will be

Chapter 4: Assessment of emotional wellbeing in PCOS


required. A shift in cultural mindset may be required to ensure the clinical impact of eating disorders is

4.4 Psychosexual dysfunction

In women with PCOS, what is the most effective tool/method to assess psychosexual

Clinical need for the question

Psychosexual dysfunction refers to sexual problems or difficulties that have a psychological origin based in
cognitions and/or emotions such as depression, low self-esteem and negative body image [159]. It appears
that women with PCOS suffer from greater psychosexual dysfunction than women in the general population
[160]. Whilst there is limited quality research in this area, studies [120, 160, 161] do show a correlation
between PCOS and reduced QoL, sexual satisfaction and feminine identity.
Physical PCOS symptoms such as hirsutism, obesity, menstrual irregularity and infertility may cause loss of
feminine identity and a feeling of being unattractive which may impact on sexuality [120, 160, 162]. Women
with PCOS also report less sexual satisfaction and lower sexual self-worth than women without PCOS and
sexual dysfunction impacts more on relationships in women with PCOS [163].
Overall, psychosexual dysfunction appears to be more common in women with PCOS, may be an important
issue for the individual woman and is likely to impact on QoL and relationships. Hence clinicians should be
aware of potential psychosexual dysfunction in PCOS and screening and assessment should be considered.
In this setting guidance on the most effective way to assess psychosexual dysfunction is needed.

Evidence to answer the question

We did not identify any evidence in women with PCOS to answer the question and therefore a clinical
consensus recommendation has been made based on key relevant sources of evidence-based information
for the general population and the clinical expertise of the multidisciplinary guideline development group.

4.4a Psychosexual dysfunction should be considered in women with polycystic ovary syndrome.
If a woman with polycystic ovary syndrome is positive on screening, the practitioner should further
assess for psychosexual dysfunction.
If psychosexual dysfunction is detected, appropriate management should be offered.
4.4b To screen for psychosexual dysfunction, the following questions could be asked:
1) During the last few months, have you often been bothered by problems with your sex life such
as reduced satisfaction, diminished desire, pain, or any other problems?

Chapter 4: Assessment of emotional wellbeing in PCOS


2) Do you feel that polycystic ovary syndrome affects your sex life?
3) (If relevant) Do sexual problems affect your current relationship and/or have sexual problems
affected your past relationships?
If a woman with polycystic ovary syndrome answers yes to any of the above questions or where
sexual function is a concern, the practitioner should assess this through more detailed clinical
interview, and in particular screen for depression and/or anxiety if not already done (see 4.1) and
negative body image (see 4.2) or refer to a more appropriately qualified health practitioner.
Specific validated scales could be used as outcome measures at baseline to monitor progress over
time. The choice of scale should be selected by the discretion of the clinician, based on the specific
sexual problem, accessibility and expertise of the practitioner.

Clinical impact of recommendation: Moderate

As prevalence and severity of psychosexual dysfunction is increased in women with PCOS, screening and
assessment should be considered in sexually active women facilitating appropriate intervention aiming to
optimise sexual function, limit the social impact of PCOS and improve QoL. It is not usual practice to screen
and assess women with PCOS for psychosexual dysfunction and screening for psychosexual dysfunction may
pick up affected patients who would otherwise be missed. Screening may have resource implications such
as an impact on length of consultation and intervention may require referral to other specialist health
professionals. The guideline development group is not aware of barriers to implementation of these

Emotional wellbeing assessment considerations for Indigenous women

The leading cause of burden of disease in Indigenous women in the National and Torres Strait Islander
Health Survey was anxiety and depression, accounting for 10% of the burden [48]. Little is known about the
prevalence of eating disorders and disordered eating in Indigenous women. We expect that the above
recommendations are applicable to Indigenous women but acknowledge that they may not be applicable in
the Indigenous setting due to the limitations in care and service provision in rural and remote locations. We
also acknowledge that social and cultural factors influence emotional wellbeing and that the challenges
facing many Indigenous women are likely to amplify the impact of PCOS on emotional wellbeing. Further
research in this area is needed.

Further methodologically rigorous trials in women with polycystic ovary syndrome are important to
determine the most effective tool to assess and optimal approaches to manage:

Depression and/or anxiety

Psychosexual dysfunction
Eating disorders and disordered eating

Chapter 4: Assessment of emotional wellbeing in PCOS


Negative body image

Overall health related quality of life

This body of research should consider emotional wellbeing across the different cultural and age groups
affected by PCOS.

Chapter 4: Assessment of emotional wellbeing in PCOS



Lifestyle management in PCOS

As weight gain increases, the potent combination of obesity and PCOS is adversely
affecting health in up to 1 in 5 young Australian women, presenting a major public
health challenge which needs addressing to limit adverse health outcomes.
5.1 Effectiveness of lifestyle interventions
In women with PCOS, are lifestyle interventions (combined compared to minimal or
nothing) effective for improving weight loss, metabolic, reproductive, fertility, quality of
life and emotional wellbeing outcomes?

Clinical need for the question

The aetiology of PCOS is unknown although abnormalities in steroidogenesis, gonadotrophin action and IR
are proposed as significant aetiological factors. Of these, IR is present in a high proportion of lean and
overweight women with PCOS [101, 164] and increases free androgens via insulin stimulated ovarian
androgen production [165] and decreased hepatic production of SHBG [166]. Women with PCOS who are
relatively more insulin resistant also present with worsened reproductive and metabolic features compared
to women with PCOS who are relatively more insulin sensitive [101]. IR is inherent in PCOS but is also further
exacerbated by excess weight [102]. Excess weight increases the prevalence and severity of PCOS including
reproductive [103, 104], psychological and metabolic features [32, 86]. Where the features of PCOS are
worsened by obesity, weight loss or prevention of excess weight gain reduce the contribution of obesity to
the features of PCOS.
Treatment of PCOS aims to improve biochemical and clinical hyperandrogenism, reproductive function,
psychological features and metabolic (diabetic and cardiovascular) outcomes. Where the clinical features of
PCOS are worsened by IR or obesity, lifestyle (diet, exercise and/or behavioural) interventions to reduce
weight or IR are preferable and cost-effective [167, 168] compared to surgical and pharmacological options.
There is a large number of small, uncontrolled trials demonstrating that weight loss achieved through
lifestyle management decreases abdominal fat, hyperandrogenism and IR, and improves lipid profiles,
menstrual cyclicity, fertility, risk factors for DM2 and CVD and psychological health in women with PCOS who
are overweight [167, 169-171]. Lifestyle management is also useful in preventing excess weight gain,
especially relevant as women with PCOS appear to have an increased rate of weight gain and higher weight
than the general population [172, 173]. As such, weight loss, weight management and lifestyle management
may be feasible treatment options for a large proportion of women with PCOS. Lifestyle management may
also improve PCOS independent of weight loss, with exercise intervention improving metabolic risk factors
associated with PCOS, including hypertension, IR and elevated blood glucose, even when no weight loss
occurs [174-176]. It is difficult to be certain about the effectiveness of lifestyle interventions in women with
PCOS based on small uncontrolled trials addressing different outcomes in different subgroups of women
with PCOS.

Chapter 5: Lifestyle management in PCOS


Evidence to answer the question

One high quality systematic review (level I) with a low risk of bias was identified to answer this question.
The systematic review appraised six randomised controlled trials (RCTs) (low to moderate quality and
moderate to high risk of bias) for the effectiveness of lifestyle treatment compared to minimal treatment in
improving reproductive, metabolic, anthropometric and QoL factors in women with PCOS [177]. Due to the
inconsistencies and methodological weaknesses of included studies, caution is recommended when
interpreting the combined meta-analyses and results of the systematic review. There were three studies that
used exercise and three that used combined lifestyle modification programmes (including diet, exercise and
behaviour), with the outcome measurements reported at various times (12, 16, 24, and 48 weeks). None of
the studies addressed fertility outcomes. Lifestyle intervention was better than minimal treatment for total
testosterone (mean difference (MD) -0.27 nmol/L [-0.46 to -0.09] p=0.004), hirsutism by Ferriman-Gallwey
score (MD -1.19 [-2.35 to -0.03] p=0.04), weight (MD -3.47 kg [-4.94 to -2.00] p<0.00001), waist
circumference (MD -1.95 cm [-3.34 to -0.57] p=0.006), waist-hip-ratio (MD -0.04 [-0.07 to -0.00] p=0.02),
fasting insulin (MD -2.02 U/mL [-3.28 to -0.77] p=0.002) and oral glucose tolerance test insulin
(standardised mean difference -1.32 [-1.73 to -0.92] p<0.00001) and percent weight change (MD -7.00% [10.1 to -3.90] p<0.00001). There was no difference between the two interventions for BMI, FAI, SHBG,
glucose or lipids. QoL, patient satisfaction and acne were not reported.

5.1a Lifestyle management (single or combined approaches of diet, exercise and/or behavioural
interventions) for weight loss, prevention of weight gain, or for general health benefits
should be recommended in women with polycystic ovary syndrome.

Further methodologically rigorous trials in women with polycystic ovary syndrome are important to
1) The extent of the benefits of lifestyle management compared to no or minimal therapy for all clinically
relevant outcomes
2) Comparing efficacy of different types of lifestyle management (diet alone, exercise alone, behavioural
modification alone, or combinations of the three)
3) The effect of lifestyle management in prevention of weight gain/weight maintenance compared to
weight loss
4) The effect of lifestyle management for women who are both overweight and not overweight and
specific reproductive outcomes such as menstrual regularity, ovulation and fertility and the relative
efficacy of lifestyle management either compared to or in combination with pharmacological therapy.

Clinical impact of the recommendations: Moderate

Given the high prevalence and important adverse impact of excess weight in PCOS as well as the efficacy of
lifestyle intervention in improving outcomes, lifestyle management is important in PCOS. It is likely that the

Chapter 5: Lifestyle management in PCOS


recommendation will reduce variation in practice and ensure lifestyle advice is prescribed to all women with
PCOS, targeting prevention of weight gain and promoting weight loss, where appropriate. The
recommendation may result in increased consultation times, increased utilisation of care plans and
increased referral to allied health professionals and as such, higher associated healthcare costs, however
long term benefits of lifestyle change are anticipated to reduce the health and economic burden of PCOS.
Barriers to implementation of these recommendations include the engagement of health practitioners,
access to allied health professionals and financial barriers. Insufficient consultation time allocated by general
practitioners and other health professionals may also be a barrier and a shift in cultural mindset may be
required to focus on lifestyle interventions especially around prevention of weight gain which is not
traditionally a focus of health professionals. In high risk populations where cardiometabolic and DM2 risk is
increased, the impact of weight gain appears to be more significant than in Caucasian populations and this
needs to be considered when assessing and managing women with PCOS.

5.2 Optimal components of lifestyle interventions

In women with PCOS, what is the effectiveness of diet compared to exercise for improving
weight loss, metabolic, reproductive, fertility, quality of life and emotional wellbeing

Clinical need for the question

With the high prevalence of PCOS likely to increase secondary to increasing rates of obesity, identifying key
components of successful lifestyle interventions, particularly dietary modifications and exercise, has the
potential to effectively treat symptoms and to reduce the risk of longer-term complications including DM2,
CVD and infertility in women with PCOS.
As recommended above, lifestyle management including diet, exercise and weight loss is recommended as
the first line of treatment for women with PCOS and should precede and/or accompany pharmacological
treatment [177]. In women with PCOS and excess weight, a reduction of as little as 5% of total body weight
has been shown to reduce insulin levels, improve menstrual function, reduce testosterone levels, improve
hirsutism and acne, improve ovulation and fertility and improve psychological outcomes [167, 169-171, 178196]. However, despite these benefits, there are no specific dietary or exercise recommendations for
women with PCOS and few studies have compared the effectiveness of diet or exercise in PCOS
management. The literature on interventions for promoting changes in lifestyle in adults at risk of DM2
shows that interventions which target both exercise and diet are most successful, yet lifestyle interventions
have low engagement and adherence rates and it is clear that more research is needed to identify key
successful components.

Evidence to answer the question

One low quality non-randomised controlled trial (level III-2) with a high risk of bias investigated the changes
in anthropometric, fertility, non-fertility, metabolic, QoL, and adverse events by comparing a structured
exercise training (SET) programme to a low caloric, high protein diet in women with PCOS [197]. SET was
better than diet for increased menses frequency (SET: 28 observed menses/107 expected cycles (26.2%),
hypocaloric hyperproteic diet group (HCHP): 18 observed menses/118 expected cycles (15.3%), p=0.043),

Chapter 5: Lifestyle management in PCOS


increased ovulation rate (SET: 28 ovulatory cycles/113 observed cycles (24.8%), HCHP: 18 ovulatory
cycles/119 observed cycles (15.1%), p=0.032) and increased cumulative ovulation rate (SET: 13 ovulatory
patients/20 patients (65.0%), HCHP: 5 ovulatory patients/20 patients (25.0%), p=0.011). In the SET group,
there were thirteen ovulatory women, compared to the diet group of just three ovulatory women. There
was no difference between the interventions for anthropometric, metabolic, non-fertility or QoL outcomes,
however upon subgroup analysis in women who were ovulatory, SET was better than diet for fasting insulin
(SET: -23.4 10.0, HCHP: -13.1 8.6, p<0.05), fasting glucose-to-insulin ratio (SET: 37.5 19.6, HCHP: 19.0
10.1, p<0.05), homeostasis model of assessment-insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) (SET: -41.0 15.9, HCHP: -9.1
4.1, p<0.05), SHBG (SET: 82.5 30.6, HCHP: 41.9 19.1, p<0.05) and FAI (SET: -27.2 9.2, HCHP: -18.1
9.7, p<0.05). Diet was better than SET for weight (SET: -5.6 1.6, HCHP: -10.5 4.1, p<0.05) and BMI (SET:
10.0 3.7, HCHP: -15.4 3.9, p<0.05). The evidence from the included study is directly generalisable to the
patient population of women with PCOS, particularly to women who have BMI 33kg/m2.
There may be limitations to generalising these findings to other ethnic groups, especially to non-European
populations. The usability of the evidence is limited to the particular exercise (bicycling) and diet (high
protein, low carbohydrate) interventions used in this study.

5.2a Lifestyle management targeting weight loss (in women with a body mass index 25kg/m2
(overweight)) and prevention of weight gain (in women with a body mass index 25kg/m2
(lean)) should include both reduced dietary energy (caloric) intake and exercise and should
be first line therapy for all women with polycystic ovary syndrome.


5.2b Psychological factors should be considered and managed to optimise engagement and adherence
with lifestyle interventions.

Clinical impact of the recommendation: Moderate

PCOS is integrally linked to excess weight, and lifestyle interventions improve outcomes. Successful lifestyle
components, including diet and exercise, separately and in combination, in both the general population and
in PCOS, have significant health benefits. Hence the recommendation to combine diet and exercise
approaches was made. It is acknowledged that there may be changes to usual care and the way care is
organised and there are potentially greater barriers to integration of exercise in lifestyle interventions in
young women. However it is expected that the cost of lifestyle interventions will be less than the cost of
pharmacological intervention.

Chapter 5: Lifestyle management in PCOS


5.3 Dietary interventions

In women with PCOS, are diet interventions (compared to no diet or different diets)
effective for improving weight loss, metabolic, fertility, and emotional wellbeing

Clinical need for the question

If a woman with PCOS is overweight, lifestyle therapy should be first line, as recommended above, as weight
loss improves reproductive, metabolic and psychological features of PCOS [129]. With regards to the
recommendations for obesity management in the general population on dietary components of lifestyle
interventions, a low-fat high fibre (~30% of energy, saturated fat ~10%, <300 mg cholesterol daily),
moderate protein (~15%) and high carbohydrate diet (~55%) in conjunction with moderate regular exercise
is recommended for the management of obesity and related co-morbidities [15, 198, 199]. An area of
increasing focus in PCOS is the macronutrient composition of the dietary component of a lifestyle
intervention. Specific dietary approaches (including modifying the amount of type of dietary carbohydrate,
protein or fat) are proposed to have either more favourable hormonal or metabolic effects or be more
effective in achieving and sustaining long-term weight loss. Systematic reviews in the general population
report similar or less weight loss and compliance for a low fat diet compared to other approaches [200, 201]
whilst a large RCT reported similar changes in weight for a range of reduced energy diets with different
macronutrient content over two years [202]. It appears that the caloric (energy) restriction per se, rather
than macronutrient composition, is effective for weight loss and clinical benefits. However, there is limited
research assessing the effect of modifying dietary macronutrients in women with PCOS.

Evidence to answer the question

Six articles reporting five RCTs were identified to answer this question. Two articles [170, 203] report
different outcomes of the same study and therefore have been reported together. Three RCTs had a
moderate risk of bias [170, 182, 193, 203] and two had a high risk of bias [204, 205]. The studies compared
various macronutrient dietary compositions, including low carbohydrate, low glycaemic index,
monounsaturated fatty acid-enriched, conventional healthy diet, high protein, carbohydrate-counting, or
fat-counting dietary approaches. There was no difference for the majority of the anthropometric, metabolic,
fertility, non-fertility, QoL and emotional wellbeing outcomes, however, regardless of the type of diet, the
overall finding was that a diet aimed at reducing weight was of benefit to women with PCOS. The evidence
from the included studies is directly generalisable to the patient population of women with PCOS,
particularly to women >30 years of age and who have BMI 30kg/m2. However, the majority of the women
studied were European Caucasian, so there may be limitations to generalizing these findings to other ethnic


Weight loss should be targeted in all women with polycystic ovary syndrome and body
mass index 25kg/m2 (overweight) through reducing dietary energy (caloric) intake in the
setting of healthy food choices, irrespective of diet composition.

Chapter 5: Lifestyle management in PCOS


5.3b Prevention of weight gain should be targeted in all women with polycystic ovary syndrome
through monitored caloric intake, in the setting of healthy food choices, irrespective of
diet composition.



Weight loss (in women with a body mass index 25kg/m2 (overweight)) and prevention of weight
gain (in women with a body mass index 25kg/m2 (lean)) is the joint responsibility of all health
professionals, partnering with women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Where complex dietary
issues arise (or obesity is present), referral to a dietitian should be considered as part of an
enhanced primary care plan.
Tools such as Lifescripts could be used for engagement in dietary change:

Further methodologically rigorous trials in women with polycystic ovary syndrome are important to
1) A range of diet compositions including low glycaemic index for both prevention of weight gain/weight
maintenance and weight loss in women who are overweight and in women who are lean
2) Monitoring of safety and harms of diets and longer follow-up
3) Increasing engagement and compliance with intervention studies.

Clinical impact of the recommendations: Moderate

Healthy food choices, irrespective of diet composition, are recommended in overweight and obese women
(BMI 25kg/m2) with PCOS for weight loss and in lean women (BMI 25kg/m2) with PCOS, for prevention of
weight gain. Based on the presumption that most practitioners are not recommending a specific dietary
composition about diet due to time restriction, there may not be changes to usual care. However consumer
targeted evidence about PCOS purports the use of specific macronutrient composition in PCOS and a shift in
mindset to ensure consumers understand the lack of evidence to support these approaches and the need for
more research is important. The guideline development group is not aware of resource implications, changes
to the way care is organised or barriers to implementation of these recommendations.

Diet management considerations for Indigenous women

The largest differences in the contribution of risk factors for disease burden between Indigenous and nonIndigenous Australians includes low fruit and vegetable intake [47]. There is a low intake of these
substances and the replacement foods are often high in saturated fat and refined carbohydrates. There are
many reasons why diet quality is poor for many Indigenous people; certainly the high cost of fresh fruit and
vegetables compared to processed foods rich in saturated fat, sugars and salt plays a significant role in food
choices in remote communities [206]. Programmes are in place to try and address these issues but in the

Chapter 5: Lifestyle management in PCOS


short term, combined with lack of access to services in rural and remote areas, implementation of the
dietary recommendations may be difficult in some settings.

5.4 Delivery of dietary interventions

In women with PCOS, what is the most effective method to deliver dietary information for
improving weight loss, quality of life and emotional wellbeing outcomes?

Clinical need for the question

Despite weight loss being first line treatment in PCOS, there are few comparative studies on the most
effective method to deliver diet and lifestyle information to improve weight loss in PCOS. Motivational
interviewing and established behaviour techniques appear more effective than traditional advice-giving for
changes in weight, diet and/or exercise [207]. Providing instruction, establishing self-monitoring (including
pedometer use), time management techniques, incorporation of relapse prevention techniques, individual
tailoring, engaging social support and setting goals have all been shown to be useful. Individual, group, and
mixed interventions have been shown to be effective [208-210]. Also, a wide range of providers (with
appropriate training) including doctors, nurses, dietitians, nutritionists, exercise specialists, can deliver
effective interventions for changing diet and/or exercise [209-212].
Greater intensity, behaviour change techniques, contact time and duration generate significantly more
weight loss [213]. The impact of intervention setting on effectiveness remains unclear, although evidence
suggests that there is no difference in outcomes (either dietary or exercise change) between interventions in
primary care, community and workplace settings.
Overall interventions to promote changes in diet and/or exercise in adults with increased risk of DM2 or CVD
are more likely to be effective if they combine intensive lifestyle interventions and sustainable behaviour
change methods. However the interventions to optimise engagement, adherence and successful outcomes
in young women with PCOS remain unclear.

Evidence to answer the question

Eight articles reporting seven RCTs were identified by the search to answer this question. Five RCTs were of
moderate risk of bias [170, 189, 193, 203, 214] and three were of high risk of bias [204, 205, 215]. The
included studies used various diet delivery methods/tools (and associated support mechanisms) and various
macronutrient diet compositions, including low carbohydrate diet, low glycaemic index diet,
monounsaturated fatty acid-enriched diet, conventional healthy diet, high protein diet, carbohydratecounting, or fat-counting dietary approaches.
Consistency across studies included the involvement of a dietitian consultation. Furthermore, all studies
used compliance and progress monitoring, but the timing varied from daily monitoring [204], to weekly
[193], to monthly monitoring [170, 189, 203, 214, 215], or a mixture of intervals [189, 205].
Of the diet delivery methods used, two studies reported explaining and using official dietary guidelines with
participants [189, 193, 205] and three studies provided food for participants [189, 204, 214]; of these, two
used partial meal replacement [189, 214]. Other studies advocated changing the composition of whole foods
consumed for their dietary changes [170, 189, 193, 203, 205, 214, 215]. One study used a food preparation
kitchen to support the study [204]. Diet changes were made to all daily meals, except in the case of one

Chapter 5: Lifestyle management in PCOS


study where only breakfast was altered [214]. Exercise was only increased in two studies [170, 203]. Other
studies reported participants having regular exercise [189, 205], or having no change in exercise levels [193,
214]. One study offered participants other lifestyle support mechanisms such as menu plans, emails,
newsletters, articles, recipes, and motivational support [189, 205].
There was no difference between the diet delivery methods for the majority of the anthropometric, QoL,
and emotional wellbeing outcomes. Two studies reported differences for anthropometric outcomes [204,
214] and another study reported a difference in an emotional wellbeing outcome [205], however the studies
varied by the diet delivery regime and by degree of dietary support, so it is difficult to make a
recommendation about the use of one method over another.
The evidence from the included studies is directly generalisable to the patient population of women with
PCOS, particularly to women >30 years of age and who have BMI 30kg/m2. However, the majority of the
women in the studies were European Caucasian, so there may be limitations to generalising these findings to
other ethnic groups. The multidisciplinary guideline development group included evidence comparing diet
compositions as different diets have inherent differences in the method of their delivery and on the
behaviour of the participant.
Overall, the diet delivery approaches that were consistently reported included face to face advice and
education about diet composition, food types and practical approaches to healthy eating, including
behaviour change techniques.

5.4a Face to face, tailored dietary advice, including education, behavioural change techniques
and ongoing support should be provided to women with polycystic ovary syndrome and a
body mass index 25kg/m2 (overweight). Dietary modification is the joint responsibility of
all health professionals, partnering with women with polycystic ovary syndrome.


5.4b Behaviour change techniques should target prevention of weight gain in all women with polycystic
ovary syndrome including those with a body mass index 25kg/m2 (lean).

Behavioural change techniques, including motivational interviewing, should be used in addition to

advice/education. Simple strategies, including self-monitoring, pedometers and time management
techniques should be encouraged. Interventions could be individual, group or mixed mode, in a
range of settings, delivered by a range of health professionals. Individual techniques should not be
used in isolation and should be part of a coherent multidisciplinary interventional model. Key
messages should be reinforced with women with polycystic ovary syndrome, including that
achievable goals (5% to 10% loss of body weight in overweight women) yield significant clinical

Chapter 5: Lifestyle management in PCOS


Further methodologically rigorous trials in women with polycystic ovary syndrome are important to
1) the types of diet delivery methods and diet support and tools that are effective - an initial study would
be to have diet compositions the same and vary the delivery method or support tools between the
2) comparison of the delivery methods for lifestyle interventions including comparing settings and

Clinical impact of the recommendations: Moderate

Face to face, tailored dietary advice, including education, behavioural change techniques and ongoing
support should be provided to women with PCOS for weight loss in overweight women (BMI 25kg/m2) and
for prevention of weight gain in lean women (BMI 25kg/m2). Current practice is unclear. Dietary
modification is the joint responsibility of all health professionals, partnering with women with PCOS and
these recommendations may result in increased referrals to allied health professionals. PCOS information to
aid allied health management of PCOS has been developed (Appendix IV). There may be resource
implications due to increased consultation times and increased utilisation of care plans. Engagement of
health practitioners and financial barriers for patients may present implementation issues.
To find a dietitian, follow the links on the Dietitians Association of Australia website:

5.5 Exercise interventions

In women with PCOS, are exercise interventions (compared to no exercise or different
exercises) effective for improving weight loss, metabolic, reproductive, fertility, quality of
life and emotional wellbeing outcomes?

Clinical need for the question

Although not included in the diagnostic criteria, IR, underpinned by insulin signalling pathway defects, is
strongly implicated in the aetiology of PCOS [216, 217] and is closely associated with the reproductive
(hirsutism, infertility) and cardiometabolic (impaired glucose tolerance and metabolic syndrome)
complications of the disorder [216-220]. Furthermore, approximately 40-60% of women with PCOS are
either overweight (BMI 25kg/m2) or obese (BMI 30kg/m2) with increased central adiposity [103, 104],
which exacerbates underlying IR and IR-associated metabolic and reproductive complications in PCOS [86,
104]. Exercise effectively ameliorates IR and offers a potentially effective intervention in PCOS.
Moderate aerobic exercise can be defined as an intensity between 50-80% of maximum oxygen
consumption (VO2 max) or 60-90% of maximal heart rate [221]. A single session of moderate exercise
enhances whole-body glucose disposal and improves insulin sensitivity in skeletal muscle short-term [222].
Ongoing moderate exercise at least three to five times per week has consistently been shown in high risk

Chapter 5: Lifestyle management in PCOS


groups to reduce DM2 risk [223, 224] and improve cardiovascular risk factors (ie. weight, lipid profiles and
blood pressure) [225, 226]. Similarly, resistance or weight-bearing exercise either alone or in combination
with aerobic exercise has been shown to improve health outcomes in high risk groups [227-230]. When
combined with dietary changes, exercise has been shown to potentiate the effects of diet on insulin
sensitivity in obese DM2 patients [231].
Whilst diet and exercise should be combined in PCOS lifestyle interventions, there is significant evidence to
support the role of exercise alone for improving overall health and insulin sensitivity, independent of any
weight loss [174, 232]. Thus, it is important to determine whether the inclusion of moderate to high intensity
exercise and different types of exercise may be effective in management of PCOS and its associated comorbidities.

Evidence to answer the question

Eight RCTs, all with a high risk of bias, were identified by the search to answer this question. Two studies
compared different exercises to each other [171, 233, 234]. Orio et al. showed that 24 weeks exercise was
better than no exercise with diet for fasting glucose response, insulin area under the curve (AUC),
glucose/insulin AUC, LDL-C, HDL-C, BMI, waist-to-hip ratio, and waist circumference [233].
The evidence was inconsistent among the five studies that compared exercise to no exercise [235-239].
Triglycerides were lower in the exercise group [235]. Bruner et al. reported no difference between the
interventions for any outcomes [236]. In Giallauria et al. exercise was better than no exercise for fasting
insulin (exercise group (E) change: -1.9 4.61U/ml, non-exercise group (NE) change: 0.4 5.56U/ml;
p<0.01), insulin AUC (E change: -896 1577, NE change: -30 1353, p<0.001), AUCGLU/AUCINS ratio (E change:
0.06 0.21, NE change: 0.02 0.18, p<0.001), highly sensitive C-reactive protein (E change: -0.31
0.86mg/L, NE change: 0.06 1.20mg/L, p<0.01), SHBG (E change: 1.9 9.62nmol/L, NE change: -1.2
9.12nmol/L, p<0.05), BMI (E change: -1.3 3.83, NE change: -0.2 4.88, p<0.05), and waist-to-hip ratio (E
change: -0.05 0.14, NE change: -0.01 0.14, p<0.05) [237]. BMI was better in the exercise group in the
study by Stener-Victorin et al (E change: 0.4 6.79, NE change: 0.5 8.77; p=0.05) [238]. In the study by
Vigorito et al. exercise was better than no exercise for glucose AUC/insulin AUC ratio (E change: 0.07 0.22,
NE change: -0.01 0.28, p<0.001), systolic blood pressure (E change: -3.8 14.71, NE change: 1.1 13.02,
p<0.01) and diastolic blood pressure at peak exercise (E change: -0.8 5.70, NE change: 10.6 5.25, p<0.01)
[239]. There was no difference between exercise and no exercise for all other outcomes.
Three studies [171, 197, 234, 238] compared exercise to non-exercise lifestyle interventions. Palomba et al.
reported that exercise was better for menses frequency (SET: 28 observed menses/107 expected cycles
(26.2%), hypocaloric hyperproteic diet group (HCHP): 18 observed menses/118 expected cycles (15.3%),
p=0.043), increased ovulation rate (SET: 28 ovulatory cycles/113 observed cycles (24.8%), HCHP: 18
ovulatory cycles/119 observed cycles (15.1%), p=0.032) and increased cumulative ovulation rate (SET: 13
ovulatory patients/20 patients (65.0%), HCHP: 5 ovulatory patients/20 patients (25.0%), p=0.011) [197].
Stener-Victorin et al. reported that there was no difference between exercise and low-frequency electroacupuncture [238].
There was no difference between aerobic exercise and aerobic-resistance exercise for percent of body fat ,
fat mass, fat-free mass, depression scores and PCOS-related QoL [171, 234].
The evidence from the included studies is directly generalisable to overweight women with PCOS with
practical exercise regimens used. There may be limitations to generalising these findings to other ethnic
groups, especially to non-European populations.
Chapter 5: Lifestyle management in PCOS


It is important to note that while exercise has benefits for overweight women with PCOS, the evidence is
limited, inconsistent and of low quality.


Exercise participation of at least 150 minutes per week should be recommended to all
women with polycystic ovary syndrome, especially those with a body mass index
25kg/m2 (overweight), given the metabolic risks of polycystic ovary syndrome and the
long term metabolic benefits of exercise. Of this, 90 minutes per week should be aerobic
activity at moderate to high intensity (60% - 90% of maximum heart rate) to optimise
clinical outcomes.


5.5b Encouraging exercise is the joint responsibility of all health professionals, partnering with women
with polycystic ovary syndrome. Where appropriate, referral to an exercise physiologist or specialist
could be considered as part of an enhanced primary care plan. Where there are significant comorbidities, assessment for exercise participation should be undertaken by the relevant healthcare
Tools such as Lifescripts could be used for engagement in physical activity:

Further methodologically rigorous trials in women with polycystic ovary syndrome are important to help
define what types, intensities and delivery methods of exercise strategies are optimal for lean and
overweight women for improved clinical outcomes.

Clinical impact of the recommendations: Moderate

Healthcare professionals can recommend 150 minutes of exercise per week based on current national and
international guidelines for the general population [240-248] on exercise prescription for health and weight
maintenance. Ninety minutes of exercise per week at moderate to high intensity can be recommended. In
cases where there is risk from injury or barriers to exercise, due consideration should be given to
involvement of exercise physiologists and specialists to assist in structured exercise training.
For most practices, this recommendation will result in changes to usual care. This recommendation will also
reduce variation in practice and ensure exercise advice is prescribed to all women and may result in
increased referral to exercise physiologists. There may also be additional cost to the healthcare system with
potentially increasing: 1) referrals to Medicare-funded exercise physiologists 2) consultation times 3)
referrals to allied health professionals 4) utilisation of care plans. Engagement of, and adequate access to,

Chapter 5: Lifestyle management in PCOS


health professionals including insufficient consultation time allocated by general practitioners, may be
barriers. Drop-out or non-adherence to exercise programmes by patients may be a problem, but if there is
adequate allied health and clinical support, then this issue may be reduced. A shift in cultural mindset may
be required to ensure clinicians and women with PCOS understand the importance of exercise in PCOS
To find an exercise physiologist, follow the links on the Exercise and Sports Science Australia website:

Lifestyle management considerations for Indigenous women

Indigenous Australians preferentially deposit fat abdominally when they gain weight. With their traditionally
linear body build for any given BMI they have a greater central distribution of body fat than Australians of
European background [249, 250]. Thus, even in the healthy BMI range for Europeans (2025kg/m2) they can
have excess central fat. Central fat conveys a higher health risk with greater IR and cardiovascular risk than
peripheral fat distribution [251]. Remaining lean (BMI 20kg/m2) has been shown, to a large extent, to protect
even older Indigenous people from dyslipidaemia, IR and DM2 [250]. Therefore it may be that due to
differences in body build the healthy BMI may be lower in Indigenous people [252, 253].
There is little information about the patterns of exercise in Indigenous Australians. However, the National
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey (NATSIHS) 20042005 reported that fewer than half of those
surveyed aged >15 years had played sport or participated in any physical activity in the last 12 months and that
the amount of activity decreased with age and was less in women than men [48].
Knowledge of the health benefits of exercise among urban Indigenous adults appears to be well understood and
most people would like to be more active than they are. However, a number of barriers to exercise have been
identified. For Indigenous women, as for those from other backgrounds and cultures, domestic work takes up
much of their time and having children negatively affects the physical activity of mothers. Cost and safety
concerns have also been identified as barriers to activity [254].
In attempting to address the lack of activity, consideration should be given to findings from studies with
urban Indigenous adults which report that family/community activity is more important than individual
exercise and that there is a lack of opportunity to participate in ongoing team activities [254, 255].
We therefore expect that the above recommendations are applicable to Indigenous women but
acknowledge that exercise programs may need to be applied in different ways to engage Indigenous women
and incorporate exercise into daily activities, especially in rural and remote locations due to a lack of service
provision and facilities.

Chapter 5: Lifestyle management in PCOS



Non-pharmacological first line management of

infertility in PCOS
With increasing obesity exacerbating infertility in women with PCOS and weight loss
improving reproductive, metabolic and psychological features, lifestyle interventions
should be first line PCOS therapy.
6.1 Lifestyle interventions for infertility
In women with PCOS, what is the effectiveness of lifestyle interventions compared to
pharmacological interventions (ie. metformin and clomiphene citrate) for improving
fertility, quality of life and emotional wellbeing outcomes?

Clinical need for the question

Lifestyle therapy is deemed first line for women with PCOS targeting prevention of weight gain and
promoting weight loss where required [129]. Diet, weight loss and exercise induces significant benefits in
women with PCOS [177, 256]. Fertility rates are low in women with a BMI 30-32kg/m2 and the benefits of
lifestyle intervention are wide ranging and extend beyond fertility (including DM2 prevention). There is a
dramatically rising prevalence of obesity in Australian women with greater rates of weight gain in PCOS
[173]. Lifestyle therapy is clearly critical in PCOS women. Implementation challenges include engagement
and sustainability of lifestyle programme uptake rates are often low and drop out rates can be high. There is
inadequate high quality evidence on pregnancy outcomes with lifestyle intervention in women with PCOS
[177]. Pharmacological therapy, including clomiphene citrate, metformin and gonadotrophins, is available
and effective in improving fertility in women with PCOS [257]. However there is little comparative literature
on the benefits of lifestyle versus pharmacological therapy in women with PCOS who are overweight or

Evidence to answer the question

Ten RCTs (level II) of moderate [194, 258, 259] to high [182, 191, 192, 260-263] risk of bias compared various
types of lifestyle interventions (including low carbohydrate or healthy diets, exercise programmes and group
sessions) to pharmacological therapy (including metformin or clomiphene citrate) in women with PCOS and
BMI 25kg/m2.
Statistical significance values have been presented where differences between interventions were found. For
detailed results for each individual RCT, please see section 6.1 in the Evidence report, found at
There was no difference between lifestyle (diet) therapy (with or without placebo) and pharmacological
therapy (with or without lifestyle (diet) therapy) for fertility outcomes. In two studies [191, 260], metformin
plus diet was better than placebo plus diet for menstruation frequency. In one study, lifestyle plus
clomiphene citrate was better than clomiphene citrate alone or lifestyle alone for ovulation rate and
Chapter 6: Non-pharmacological first line management of infertility in PCOS


menstrual frequency (p<0.05) [259]. There was no difference between lifestyle (diet) therapy (with or
without placebo) and pharmacological therapy.
When comparing lifestyle (diet) therapy (with or without placebo) to pharmacological therapy plus lifestyle
(diet) therapy, five out of the eight studies reported that there was no difference between the interventions.
Gambineri et al. reported that metformin was better than placebo plus diet for menstrual pattern after six
months (p=0.03) and 12 months (p=0.003) [182, 260] and frequency of menstruation at both baseline to six
months (p=0.05) and baseline to 12 months (p=0.01). Pasquali et al. reported that metformin plus diet was
better than placebo plus diet (p<0.05) for menstruation frequency [191]. Another study reported that
lifestyle plus clomiphene citrate was better than lifestyle alone for ovulation rate and menstrual frequency
(p<0.05) [259].
Adverse events were not consistently reported. Two patients had adverse events in the metformin group
[261] and Qublan et al. [192] reported that 11 women withdrew due to side-effects in the metformin plus
diet group. Six women withdrew from the placebo plus diet group due to side effects within the first 2
months of the study, however the side effects were not defined.
It is important to note that there was inconsistency in the components of lifestyle (diet) therapy and
therefore a recommendation cannot be made about a specific intervention; however given that there is no
difference between lifestyle and pharmacological therapy overall, the guideline development group deemed
that there are clear benefits in using lifestyle interventions over pharmacological interventions.


Lifestyle management, including diet and exercise programs, should be used throughout
the lifespan in women with polycystic ovary syndrome to optimise health generally and to
alleviate polycystic ovary syndrome clinical severity including infertility.

6.1b In women with polycystic ovary syndrome and body mass index 30kg/m2 with due
consideration given to age-related infertility, intensive (frequent multidisciplinary contact)
lifestyle modification alone (and not in combination with pharmacological ovulation
induction therapy) should be first line therapy for 3 to 6 months to determine if ovulation
is induced.


Pharmacological ovulation induction should not be recommended for first line therapy in
women with polycystic ovary syndrome who are morbidly obese (body mass index
35kg/m2) until appropriate weight loss has occurred either through diet, exercise,
bariatric surgery, or other appropriate means.

6.1d Pharmacological ovulation induction could be second line therapy, after intensive lifestyle
modification has been undertaken.




Morbid obesity (body mass index 35kg/m2) increases risks during pregnancy and should be
regarded as a relative contraindication to assisted fertility.


Psychological factors should be considered and managed in infertile women with polycystic ovary

Chapter 6: Non-pharmacological first line management of infertility in PCOS


syndrome, to optimise engagement and adherence to lifestyle interventions.

Further methodologically rigorous trials are important to investigate the impact of lifestyle improvement
on fertility outcomes including live birth. Implementation research into the optimal engagement,
adherence and delivery of lifestyle intervention is needed to inform consumers, health professionals and
policy makers.

Clinical impact of the recommendations: Very large

Lifestyle management, including diet and exercise programs, should be used throughout the lifespan in
women with polycystic ovary syndrome to optimise health generally and to improve fertility outcomes.
Pharmacological ovarian stimulation and/or assisted fertility should not be prescribed in morbidly obese
women (BMI 35kg/m2) unless appropriate weight loss has occurred in accordance with the Royal Australian
and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists recommendations [264]. With lifestyle
intervention as first line for overweight women with PCOS, initial therapy for infertility can be commenced at
the primary care level. Barriers to implementation of these recommendations may include impact on
workloads in general practice, increased referral to allied health professionals and availability and funding
for lifestyle programs. Barriers to implementation of these recommendations may also include availability
and funding for interventions. A shift in cultural mindset may be required to focus on lifestyle interventions
especially around prevention of weight gain which is not traditionally a focus of health professionals.

Non-pharmacological management considerations for Indigenous women

We expect that the above recommendations are applicable to Indigenous women but acknowledge that they
may not be applicable in the Indigenous setting due to the limitations in care and service provision in rural
and remote locations and potential barriers presented by cultural and traditional health practices.

Chapter 6: Non-pharmacological first line management of infertility in PCOS



Pharmacological management of infertility in

Hormonal disturbances can affect ovulation, making it more difficult for women with
PCOS to conceive naturally. Pharmacological ovulation induction can be used to
induce ovulation but is generally second line after intensive lifestyle therapy in
overweight women with PCOS.
7.1 Clomiphene citrate
In women with PCOS, is clomiphene citrate effective for improving fertility outcomes?

Clinical need for the question

Clomiphene citrate is a selective oestrogen receptor modulator with both oestrogenic and anti-oestrogenic
properties [265]. It was first approved for use in women with anovulation in 1967 and has been used as a
first line ovulation induction agent for over 40 years [266]. Acting as an anti-oestrogen, clomiphene citrate
competitively inhibits the binding of estradiol to its receptors in the hypothalamus and pituitary which in
turn blocks the negative feedback effect of endogenous oestrogens including estradiol. This release of the
hypothalamus from negative inhibition results in an increased secretion of pulsatile gonadotrophin-releasing
hormone secretion from the hypothalamus leading to an increase in FSH and luteinizing hormone production
and secretion from the pituitary gland. This increase in FSH secretion stimulates follicular growth and
estradiol production inducing a midcycle luteinizing hormone surge and ovulation [267].
Standard practice is to administer clomiphene citrate for 5 days, commencing on menstrual cycle day 2 to 5,
starting with 50mg/day and increasing to 150 mg/day. If ovulation cannot be achieved with clomiphene
citrate administration at doses of 150mg/day, clomiphene citrate resistance is reached. If pregnancy cannot
be achieved after six ovulatory cycles with clomiphene citrate, then the patient is described as having
clomiphene citrate failure [268].
Studies with clomiphene citrate have shown an ovulation rate of 6085% and a pregnancy rate of 3050%
after 6 ovulatory cycles. This apparent discrepancy between good ovulation rates and lower pregnancy rates
has been attributed to the anti-oestrogenic effects of clomiphene citrate on the endometrium and cervical
mucus. The rates of twin pregnancy and triplets with clomiphene citrate are 57% and 0.3%, respectively.
The incidence of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome is less than 1% [269]. Although more studies are
required, it is best to limit a patients lifetime exposure to clomiphene citrate to 12 treatment cycles, as
additional cycles may place the patient at increased risk of borderline ovarian tumours [270]. It is important
to establish the effectiveness of clomiphene citrate, particularly in comparison to other treatments, in
infertile women with PCOS in light of the potential risks.

Chapter 7: Pharmacological management of infertility in PCOS


Evidence to answer the question

One high quality systematic review (level I) with low risk of bias found that clomiphene citrate was better
than placebo for pregnancy rate per patient (OR 5.77 [1.55 to 21.48] I2=0% p<0.009; 3 studies, 133
participants) and ovulation rate per patient (OR 7.47 [3.24 to 17.23] I2=0% p<0.00001; 3 studies, 133
participants) in women with PCOS, including those whose sensitivity to clomiphene citrate was not reported
[271]. The evidence obtained from this systematic review is generalisable to patient population in terms of
age and BMI. The setting was varied and study locations included USA and Canada. None of the studies
were conducted in Australia and may not be generalisable to Indigenous populations.


Clomiphene citrate should be first line pharmacological therapy to improve fertility

outcomes in women with polycystic ovary syndrome and anovulatory infertility, with no
other infertility factors.


7.1b The risk of multiple pregnancy is increased with clomiphene citrate use and therefore monitoring is

Clinical impact of the recommendations: Slight

First line clomiphene citrate therapy should be prescribed in specialist care. It should be noted that there
are limitations which differ across states in terms of those specialists who are able to prescribe and monitor
clomiphene citrate therapy. There may be resource implications as adequate monitoring will require
additional resources. Costs to the patient of having adequate monitoring (tests and specialist visits) and
accessibility to specialist care may be barriers to the use of clomiphene citrate, however it is anticipated that
increased costs will be offset by reduced multiple pregnancy related costs.

7.2 Metformin
In women with PCOS, is metformin effective for improving fertility outcomes?

Clinical need for the question

IR with compensatory hyperinsulinaemia is a prominent feature of PCOS [164] affecting approximately 65 to
80% of women with PCOS [101]. Hyperinsulinaemia results in increased ovarian androgen biosynthesis in
vivo and in vitro and decreased SHBG synthesis from the liver, leading to increased bioavailability of free
androgens. This excess in local ovarian androgen production augmented by hyperinsulinaemia causes
premature follicular atresia and anovulation [272].
The association of IR contributing to anovulation in PCOS has led to the introduction of insulin-sensitizing
drugs in an attempt to restore ovulation and enhance pregnancy. Of the insulin-sensitizing drugs, metformin
has been the one studied most widely in PCOS and has the most reassuring safety profile [273]. Metformin
Chapter 7: Pharmacological management of infertility in PCOS


is a biguanide which is used as an oral antihyperglycaemic agent in the treatment of DM2 [274]. The first
published report on the use of metformin as a treatment for PCOS was in 1994 [275]. The early studies
examining the reproductive system effects of metformin in women with PCOS showed promising results but
most of the studies had relatively small sample sizes [272].
Metformin is available in two formulations: immediate and extended-release. Therapeutic regimens of
metformin administration in PCOS are not well standardized in clinical practice, and various protocols have
been used in the studies available in literature with an extremely variable target dose of 1500 to 2550 mg
per day having been proposed [258].

Evidence to answer the question

Forty four articles met the selection criteria, however only the most current, high level and high quality
evidence for each comparison was used to answer this question. Four systematic reviews (level I) and five
RCTs (level II) were used to answer the question.
Three systematic reviews (two high quality systematic reviews (level I) with low risk of bias [257, 276] and a
medium quality systematic review (level I) with moderate risk of bias [277]) and one high quality RCT (level
II) with low risk of bias (that was published after publication of the most current systematic review) [278]
found that:

Metformin was better than placebo for ovulation rate in overall women with PCOS 7 (OR 2.12 [1.50,3.00]
I2=69% p=0.000019; 13 studies, 875 participants) [257], women with PCOS and a BMI 30kg/m2 (OR 2.33
[1.433.81] I2=88% p=0.00071; 4 studies, 417 participants) [257], women with PCOS and a BMI 30kg/m2
(OR 1.94 [1.203.15] I2=39% p=0.0073; 9 studies, 458 participants)[257] and women with nonclomiphene citrate resistant (non-CCR 8) PCOS (OR 3.55 [1.468.65]; 6 studies, 401 participants) [276].
However, there was significant statistical heterogeneity in overall women with PCOS and women with
PCOS and a BMI 30kg/m2. There was no difference in ovulation rate between metformin and placebo
in women with CCR PCOS.
Metformin was better than placebo for pregnancy rate in overall women with PCOS (OR 3.86 [2.18, 6.84]
I2=0% p<0.00001; 6 studies, 479 participants) [257] and women with PCOS and a BMI 30kg/m2 (OR 4.41
[2.248.66] I2=40% p=0.000017; 3 studies, 250 participants) [257] but no difference in women with PCOS
and a BMI 30kg/m2, women with clomiphene citrate nave PCOS, women with CCR PCOS or women
with non-CCR PCOS.
There was no difference between metformin and placebo for live birth rate in overall women with PCOS,
women with CCR PCOS and women with PCOS and a BMI 30kg/m2.
There was no difference between metformin and placebo for miscarriage rate in overall women with
Metformin had a higher incidence of gastrointestinal related adverse events compared to placebo (OR
9.23 [4.18, 20.37] I2=25% p<0.00001; 5 studies, 253 participants) in women with PCOS [257].

Two systematic reviews (one high quality systematic review (level I) with low risk of bias [257] and a medium
quality systematic review (level I) with moderate risk of bias [277]) and two RCTs (one high quality RCT (level
II) with low risk of bias [278] and a medium quality RCT (level II) with moderate risk of bias [262] (both RCTs
were published after publication of the most current systematic review) found that:

Overall women with PCOS is defined as all the women with PCOS in the relevant study or studies regardless of BMI
or clomiphene citrate exposure or sensitivity.
Non-CCR PCOS is defined as clomiphene citrate sensitive or unknown clomiphene citrate sensitivity.
Chapter 7: Pharmacological management of infertility in PCOS


Clomiphene citrate was better than metformin for ovulation rate in overall women with PCOS (OR 0.48
[0.41, 0.57] I2=78% p<0.00001; 3 studies, 2470 participants) [257] and women with PCOS and a BMI
30kg/m2 (OR 0.43 [0.360.51] I2=0% p<0.00001; 2 studies, 2044 participants) [257]. However, there
was significant statistical heterogeneity seen in overall women with PCOS. There was no difference in
ovulation rate between metformin and clomiphene citrate in women with PCOS and a BMI 30kg/m2.
Clomiphene citrate was better than metformin for pregnancy rate in overall women with PCOS (OR 0.63
[0.43, 0.92] I2=91% p=0.018; 3 studies, 600 participants) [257] and women with PCOS and a BMI
30kg/m2 (OR 0.34 [0.210.55] I2=0% p=0.000011; 2 studies, 500 participants) [257]. However, there
was significant statistical heterogeneity seen in overall women with PCOS. Metformin was better than
clomiphene citrate for pregnancy rate in women with PCOS and a BMI 30kg/m2, however this was
based on a single study (OR 3.47 [1.527.90] I2=NA p=0.0031; 1 study, 100 participants) [257].
There was no difference in live birth rate between metformin and clomiphene citrate in overall women
with PCOS with statistical heterogeneity. Clomiphene citrate was better than metformin for live birth
rate in women with PCOS and a BMI 30kg/m2 without statistical heterogeneity (OR 0.30 [0.170.52]
I2=0% p=0.000021; 2 studies, 500 participants) [257]. Metformin was better than clomiphene citrate for
live birth rate in women with PCOS and a BMI 30kg/m2, however this was based on a single study (OR
4.94 [1.9912.26] I2=NA p=0.00059; 1 study, 100 participants) [257].
There was no difference in multiple pregnancy rate (without statistical heterogeneity) and miscarriage
rate (with statistical heterogeneity) between metformin and clomiphene citrate in overall women with

Three systematic reviews (two high quality systematic reviews (level I) with low risk of bias [257, 276] and a
medium quality systematic review (level I) with moderate risk of bias [277]) and five RCTs (three high quality
RCT (level II) with low risk of bias [278-280], a medium quality RCT (level II) with moderate risk of bias [262]
and a low quality RCT (level II) with high risk of bias [281]) (all RCTs were published after publication of the
most current systematic review) found that:

Metformin plus clomiphene citrate was better than clomiphene citrate alone for ovulation rate in overall
women with PCOS (OR 1.76 [1.51, 2.06] I2=74% p<0.00001; 11 studies, 2668 participants) [257], women
with PCOS and a BMI 30kg/m2 (OR 1.61 [1.132.31] I2=65% p=0.0091; 5 studies, 525 participants) [257],
women with PCOS and a BMI 30kg/m2 (OR 1.80 [1.512.14] I2=81% p<0.00001; 6 studies, 2143
participants) [257], women with CCR PCOS (OR 4.86 [2.43, 9.74] I2=0% p<0.00001; 5 studies, 179
participants) [257], women with non-CCR PCOS (OR 3.84 [1.3810.68]; 5 studies, 832 participants) [276],
and women with unknown clomiphene citrate sensitivity PCOS (ie. clomiphene citrate sensitivity not
defined) (OR 1.65 [1.40, 1.94] I2=85% p<0.00001; 5 studies, 2433 participants) [257]. However, there
was significant statistical heterogeneity seen in all these types of PCOS women except in the women
with CCR PCOS. There was no difference in ovulation rate between metformin plus clomiphene citrate
and clomiphene citrate alone in women with clomiphene citrate sensitive PCOS.
Metformin plus clomiphene citrate was better than clomiphene citrate alone for pregnancy rate in
overall women with PCOS (OR 1.48 [1.12, 1.95] I2=58% p=0.0058; 7 studies, 976 participants) [257],
women with PCOS and a BMI 30kg/m2 (OR 1.67 [1.182.36] I2=41% p=0.0038; 5 studies, 643
participants) [257], women with clomiphene citrate nave PCOS (RR 1.5 [1.21.8] I2=78% p<0.0001; 7
studies, 985 participants) [277] and women with CCR PCOS (RR 5.6 [2.313] I2=0% p=0.0001; 5 studies,
212 participants) [277]. However, there was significant statistical heterogeneity seen in all these types
of PCOS women except in women with PCOS and a BMI 30kg/m2 and women with CCR PCOS. There
was no difference in pregnancy rate between metformin plus clomiphene citrate and clomiphene citrate

Chapter 7: Pharmacological management of infertility in PCOS


alone in women with PCOS and a BMI 30kg/m2, women with non-CCR PCOS and women with unknown
clomiphene citrate sensitivity PCOS.
Metformin plus clomiphene citrate was better than clomiphene citrate alone for live birth rate in women
with CCR PCOS, without significant statistical heterogeneity (RR 6.4 [1.234] I2=0% p=0.03; 2 studies, 107
participants) [277]. There was no difference in live birth rate between metformin plus clomiphene
citrate and clomiphene citrate alone in overall women with PCOS women, women with PCOS and a BMI
30kg/m2, women with PCOS and a BMI 30kg/m2, or women with clomiphene citrate nave PCOS.
There was no difference between metformin plus clomiphene citrate and clomiphene citrate alone for
miscarriage rate in overall women with PCOS and women with PCOS and a BMI 30kg/m2.
There was no difference between metformin plus clomiphene citrate and clomiphene citrate alone for
multiple pregnancy rate in overall women with PCOS, women with PCOS and a BMI 30kg/m2 and
women with unknown clomiphene citrate sensitivity PCOS.
Clomiphene citrate alone had fewer gastrointestinal related adverse events compared to metformin plus
clomiphene citrate in overall women with PCOS.

One high quality systematic review (level I) with low risk of bias evaluating two RCTs with a mean BMI 30
kg/m2 [282] and two RCTs (one high quality RCT (level II) with low risk of bias [278] and one medium quality
RCT (level II) with moderate risk of bias [262] (both RCTs were published after publication of the most
current systematic review)) and found that:

Metformin plus clomiphene citrate was better than metformin alone for ovulation rate (OR 0.23 [0.15,
0.34] Q=0.948 (p=0.330 test for heterogeneity) p<0.0001 (for test of overall effect); 2 studies, 741
participants), pregnancy rate (OR 0.23 [0.14, 0.37] Q=0.244 (p=0.622 test for heterogeneity) p<0.0001
(for test of overall effect); 2 studies, 741 participants) and live birth rate (OR 0.23 [0.13, 0.40] Q=0.533
(p=0.465 test for heterogeneity) p<0.0001 (for test of overall effect); 2 studies, 741 participants) in
overall women with PCOS [282].
There was no difference between metformin plus clomiphene citrate and metformin alone for
miscarriage rate or adverse events in overall women with PCOS.

The included studies provide supporting evidence for the use of metformin alone as well as for the use of
metformin combined with clomiphene citrate. The included studies also provide supporting evidence for the
use of clomiphene citrate over metformin, therefore we suggest that metformin be used (alone or in
combination with clomiphene citrate) only in women with PCOS who have not responded to clomiphene
citrate as first line therapy either in terms of ovulation or pregnancy. There is evidence that the use of
metformin may be associated with gastrointestinal related adverse events and therefore women with PCOS
who are prescribed metformin (alone or in combination with clomiphene citrate) to improve fertility
outcomes should be informed about associated gastrointestinal related side effects.
There is heterogeneity in the evidence about efficacy of metformin for rates of ovulation, pregnancy and live
birth across the subgroups, including BMI ( or 30kg/m2) and sensitivity to clomiphene citrate.
Additionally, we conducted a meta-analysis of four RCTs (level II) comparing metformin and clomiphene
citrate in women with PCOS and a BMI 30-32kg/m2 [262, 278, 283, 284], since this was not performed in
any of the included systematic reviews. There was no difference between metformin and clomiphene
citrate in women with PCOS and a BMI30-32kg/m2. Due to significant heterogeneity across the RCTs and
wide confidence intervals in the results, we were unable to make an evidence-based recommendation. For
more detail about this evidence review and analysis, see section 7.2b in the Evidence report
Chapter 7: Pharmacological management of infertility in PCOS


The evidence is generalisable to patient population in terms of age and BMI. The setting was varied and only
one of the RCTs within one systematic review was conducted in New Zealand which may be generalisable to
the Australian setting but may not be generalisable to Indigenous populations.


Metformin should be combined with clomiphene citrate to improve fertility outcomes

rather than persisting with further treatment with clomiphene citrate alone in women
with polycystic ovary syndrome who are clomiphene citrate resistant, anovulatory and
infertile with no other infertility factors.

7.2b Metformin could be used alone to improve ovulation rate and pregnancy rate in women
with polycystic ovary syndrome who are anovulatory, have a body mass index 30kg/m2
and are infertile with no other infertility factors.

If one is considering using metformin alone to treat women with polycystic ovary
syndrome who are anovulatory, have a body mass index 30kg/m2, and are infertile with
no other infertility factors, clomiphene citrate should be added to improve fertility


Further methodologically rigorous trials are important to address:
1) whether the addition of metformin to clomiphene citrate improves live birth rate in anovulatory PCOS
women with no other infertility factors
2) whether there is a difference in effectiveness between clomiphene citrate and metformin in PCOS
anovulatory, infertile women with a body mass index 30kg/m2 to improve fertility outcomes.

Clinical impact of the recommendations: Moderate

Metformin should be added to clomiphene citrate in women with CCR PCOS; metformin alone could be used
in women with PCOS and a BMI 30kg/m2; and clomiphene citrate should be added to metformin in women
with PCOS and a BMI 30kg/m2. This may result in a change in usual care as clinicians may now be more
likely to prescribe metformin. There is evidence that the use of metformin may be associated with mild
gastrointestinal related adverse events and therefore women with PCOS who are prescribed metformin
(alone or in combination with clomiphene citrate) to improve fertility outcomes should be informed about
potential associated gastrointestinal related side effects. The guideline development group is not aware of
resource implications or changes to the way care is organised upon implementation of the
recommendations, however a barrier may be that while metformin is listed as an unrestricted benefit on the
Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, no application for metformin approval has been made to the TGA and

Chapter 7: Pharmacological management of infertility in PCOS


hence it is not approved for use in PCOS 9. Whilst use is evidence-based, patient explanation and consent is

7.3 Gonadotrophins
In women with PCOS, are gonadotrophins effective for improving fertility outcomes?

Clinical need for the question

Gonadotrophin therapy is often used as second-line therapy in anovulatory women with PCOS with either
clomiphene citrate resistance or failure to conceive, however sensitivity to gonadotrophin therapy is
increased in PCOS with increased multiple follicular development and cycle cancellation [285].
Gonadotrophins also increase the risk of multiple pregnancy and ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. To
overcome this risk a low-dose step-up protocol is well established in fertility practice [286]. This regime
involves commencing therapy with 50 or 75IU per day of FSH for 7 to 10 days and then increasing the dose
incrementally by 37.5IU every week if there is not development of a follicle 12mm in size. Ovulation is
triggered when there is development of a solitary follicle 18mm in size in the absence of any other follicles
in excess of 14mm in size. A step-down protocol is also used with a usual starting dose of 150IU of FSH until
a dominant follicle develops and then the dose of FSH is decreased until the triggering of ovulation with
human chorionic gonadotrophin [287]. The success of this regime is comparable to that of the step-up
protocol although it is believed that a step-up approach is safer with regard to the induction of
monofollicular ovulation and potentially easier to monitor [288]. Despite a large body of observational
evidence supporting the use of gonadotrophin therapy in anovulatory women with PCOS [286], its
effectiveness, particularly in relation to other therapies, needs to be evaluated using the best available

Evidence to answer the question

One systematic review and one RCT was identified by our search. The systematic review compared
gonadotrophins to laparoscopic ovarian surgery and is described in detail in 8.1 Ovarian surgery. Briefly, the
systematic review found that there was no difference between gonadotrophins and laparoscopic ovarian
surgery and this is reflected in the pathway of the algorithm for therapy for infertility (see Algorithms). The
high quality RCT (level II) with low risk of bias compared recombinant FSH with clomiphene citrate in women
with PCOS who were therapy naive and found that there was no difference between FSH and clomiphene
citrate for all fertility outcomes [289]; however due to the small sample size and inadequate power, a
recommendation cannot be based on this evidence alone.
A multi-centre RCT comparing clomiphene citrate versus low dose gonadotrophins, as the first line therapy
for ovulation induction in anovulatory women with PCOS who were therapy nave, reported with intention
to treat analysis that the clinical pregnancy rate was significantly higher in the gonadotrophin treated group.
Furthermore the chance of pregnancy was almost double in the first treatment cycle when compared to
clomiphene citrate [290]. This study to date has only been published in abstract form, hence it has informed
the guideline development group in formulating the recommendation, but is not included in the evidence

For TGA approval, industry must propose metformin for approval and as metformin is generic and produced by many
companies, no one company will fund and support an application to TGA. This technical challenge is independent of
effectiveness or evidence.
Chapter 7: Pharmacological management of infertility in PCOS


review (in the supporting document titled Evidence report, which can be found at
The evidence obtained from the included studies is generalisable to patient population in terms of age and
BMI. Where reported, studies were conducted in Spain and India. These studies may be applied in the
Australian setting, but may not address issues of special importance, such as generalisability to Indigenous


Gonadotrophins should be second line pharmacological therapy in women with polycystic

ovary syndrome who have clomiphene citrate resistance and/or failure, are anovulatory
and infertile, with no other infertility factors.

7.3b Gonadotrophins could be considered as first line pharmacological therapy in women with
polycystic ovary syndrome who are therapy nave, anovulatory and infertile, with no other
infertility factors.



Where gonadotrophins or laparoscopic ovarian surgery (see 8.1) are to be prescribed, the following
should be considered:

Cost of either intervention for ovulation induction

Expertise required for the use of either intervention for ovulation induction
The degree of intensive monitoring that is required for gonadotrophin therapy
Implications of potential multiple pregnancy for gonadotrophin therapy
Implications of the potential risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome for gonadotrophin
Laparoscopic surgery in women who are overweight or obese is associated with both intraoperative and post-operative risks.

Further methodologically rigorous trials are important to address the role of gonadotrophins in ovulation
induction in polycystic ovary syndrome.

Clinical impact of the recommendations: Slight

Gonadotrophin therapy is suitable for improving infertility in women with PCOS in specialist care. The
guideline development group is not aware of resource implications, changes to the way care is organised or
barriers to implementation of these recommendations. Gonadotrophins appear to be as effective as
laparoscopic ovarian surgery (comparison described in 8.1) and therefore the issues covered in the clinical
practice point should be considered when deciding between the two therapy options.

Chapter 7: Pharmacological management of infertility in PCOS


7.4 Aromatase inhibitors

In women with PCOS, are aromatase inhibitors effective for improving fertility outcomes?

Clinical need for the question

Aromatase inhibitors are oral ovulation-inducing drugs that were first proposed as new ovulation-inducing
agents in anovulatory women (with an inadequate response to clomiphene citrate) in 2001 [291]. The most
commonly used aromatase inhibitors in ovulation induction are letrozole and anastrozole, with letrozole
being the most widely used [274].
The enzyme aromatase is a member of the cytochrome P450 hemoprotein containing enzyme complex
super family and catalyses the conversion of androgens to oestrogens, specifically the conversion of
testosterone and androstenedione to estradiol and estrone respectively in the ovary. Therefore, aromatase
inhibitors inhibit oestrogen biosynthesis, thereby releasing the hypothalamus/pituitary axis from oestrogenic
negative feedback and increasing the secretion of FSH by the pituitary. As a result, the ovary receives
increased FSH stimulation, allowing for greater follicular growth and development. In addition, androgens
that are normally converted to oestrogens accumulate in the ovary and these androgens increase follicular
sensitivity to FSH [292].
The main incentives for the proposal of aromatase inhibitors as ovulation induction agents were to avoid
some of the adverse effects of clomiphene citrate including the effects on the endometrium and cervical
mucus [293] and the increased risk of multiple pregnancy [294]. The increasing estradiol levels secreted by
the multiple developing ovarian follicles which first appear on day 7 results in normal negative feedback on
FSH secretion later in the follicular phase and those follicles that are smaller than the dominant follicle
undergo atresia, resulting, in most cases, in single follicle ovulation [294].
Letrozole is typically administered on days 37 of the menstrual cycle at doses of 2.57.5 mg per day in
2.5mg increments [266]. Adverse effects include gastrointestinal disturbances, asthenia, hot flushes,
headache and back pain [292]. The potential teratogenic effect of letrozole for infertility treatment was first
raised at an American Society for Reproductive Medicine meeting in 2005 where an oral abstract
presentation suggested that the use of letrozole for infertility treatment might be associated with a higher
risk of congenital cardiac and bone malformations in newborns [295]. However, four subsequent
publications suggest that letrozole use for ovulation induction may not be associated with significant
increased risk of fetal anomaly [296-298], where congenital anomalies found in the letrozole group were 0%,
2.4%, 0% and 1% compared with 2.6%, 4.8%, 2% and 0.3% in the clomiphene citrate group, respectively.
Given that aromatase inhibitors have recently been used in the treatment of infertile women with PCOS, it is
important to evaluate their effectiveness in improving fertility outcomes in this group of women.

Evidence to answer the question

Twenty-five studies were identified by our search. The four systematic reviews were found to have a low
risk of bias. Nine of the RCTs were found to have a low risk of bias, three had a moderate risk of bias and
nine had a high risk of bias. The systematic reviews contain the same studies (and therefore do not provide
any additional evidence and in some cases are not as comprehensive or current) as the meta-analyses
conducted thus far in the original 2011 Australian PCOS guideline and the 2014 update by our team on
behalf of the World Health Organisation (WHO), which are further updated here to incorporate new
evidence. Therefore we have incorporated the newly published RCTs into the existing meta-analyses. One of

Chapter 7: Pharmacological management of infertility in PCOS


the identified systematic reviews contains the meta-analyses conducted in the initial Australian PCOS
guideline and thus will not be referred to further [299]. The remaining three systematic reviews will only be
referred to where they provide evidence not already addressed in this evidence review [300-302].
Aromatase inhibitors compared to placebo
Our search did not identify any studies addressing the effectiveness of letrozole as first line therapy in
women with PCOS (ie. letrozole versus placebo in treatment nave patients).
Studies identified by our search addressed the effectiveness of letrozole as second line therapy in women
with PCOS. One high quality RCT (level II) with a low risk of bias compared letrozole to placebo in women
with CCR PCOS and found that letrozole was better than placebo for ovulation rate per patient but there was
no difference between letrozole and placebo for pregnancy rate per patient or live birth rate per patient
Type, duration and dose of aromatase inhibitors
One high quality RCT with low risk of bias found that there was no statistical difference between letrozole
and anastrozole for ovulation rate per cycle, pregnancy rate per cycle and miscarriage rate per pregnancy in
clomiphene-resistant women with PCOS [304]. A low quality RCT with high risk of bias (Al-Omari 2004)
addressing this comparison and outcomes found that letrozole is better than anastrazole for ovulation rate
per cycle (p=0.05) and pregnancy rate per cycle (p = 0.05), however it is possible that the effect may be
overestimated in a study with high risk of bias and therefore the results should be interpreted with caution.
One high quality RCT with low risk of bias found that long term therapy (10 days) of letrozole may be better
than short term therapy (5 days) for pregnancy rate per cycle in clomiphene-resistant women with PCOS (p
= 0.03) but that there is no statistical difference between short and long term therapy for ovulation rate per
patient and miscarriage rate per pregnancy [305]. This is the only study identified addressing the duration
and dose of letrozole and the 10 day protocol using 2.5mg per day appeared optimal.
One low quality RCT with low risk of bias found that there was no statistical difference between 5mg/day
and 7.5mg/day of letrozole for ovulation rate per patient and per cycle, pregnancy per patient and per cycle,
miscarriage rate per pregnancy and multiple pregnancies per pregnancy [306]. No OHSS was reported in
either group.
Aromatase inhibitors compared to clomiphene citrate
Thirteen RCTs (level II) compared letrozole with clomiphene citrate. Seven of these RCTs had a high risk of
bias [307-313], two had a moderate risk of bias [298, 314] and four had a low risk of bias [315-318]. Upon
meta-analysis, we found that letrozole was better than clomiphene citrate for ovulation rate per patient
[298, 307, 308, 310, 312, 314, 317, 318]; pregnancy rate per patient [298, 307-318]; and per cycle [310, 311,
318]; and live birth rate per patient [298, 308, 315, 317, 318]. There was no difference between letrozole
and clomiphene citrate for ovulation rate per cycle [310, 311, 315, 316, 318]; multiple pregnancy rate per
patient [298, 307, 309, 310, 313, 316-318]; and miscarriage rate per patient [298, 308-310, 314-318]. When
subgroup analysis was conducted for studies that included women with PCOS who were therapy nave, there
was no difference between the two interventions for any outcome though we note that for pregnancy rate
per patient the OR 1.68 [95% CI 0.96, 2.94] had an I2 of 0% and a p value of 0.07.

Chapter 7: Pharmacological management of infertility in PCOS




PCOS &**

Effect estimate***


Ovulation rate per


2L 2M 5H


OR 2.01 [95% CI 1.47, 2.76], I2=35%, P<0.0001


Ovulation rate per


3L 2H


rate ratio 0.97 [95% CI 0.87, 1.07], I2=0%, P=0.51


Pregnancy rate per


4L 2M 7H


OR 1.56 [95% CI 1.22, 2.00], I2=31%, P=0.0004


Pregnancy rate per


1L 2H


rate ratio 1.45 [95% CI 1.03, 2.05], I2=0%, P=0.03


Live birth rate per


3L 1M 1H


OR 1.78 [95% CI 1.37, 2.32], I2=0%, P<0.0001


Multiple pregnancy
rate per patient

3L 1M 4H


OR 0.54 [95% CI 0.22, 1.33], I2=0%, P=0.18


Miscarriage rate per


4L 2M 3H


OR 1.47 [95% CI 0.98, 2.20], I2=0%, P=0.06


*Risk of bias: L, low risk of bias, high quality; M, moderate risk of bias, medium quality; H, high risk of bias, low
**Includes women with PCOS and one or more of: TN, therapy nave; CCR, clomiphene citrate-resistant; U,
unknown whether therapy nave or clomiphene citrate-resistant.
***OR, odds ratio

Aromatase inhibitors compared to clomiphene citrate plus metformin

One medium quality RCT (level II) with moderate risk of bias compared letrozole to clomiphene citrate plus
metformin and found that there was no difference between letrozole and clomiphene citrate plus
metformin for ovulation rate per cycle, pregnancy rate per cycle, miscarriage rate per pregnancy and
multiple pregnancy rate per pregnancy in women with CCR PCOS [319].
Aromatase inhibitors compared to laparoscopic ovarian surgery
Two high quality RCTs with low risk of bias [320, 321] compared letrozole to laparoscopic ovarian surgery
(LOD). One of the RCTs in 147 women with CCR PCOS found that letrozole was better than laparoscopic
ovarian surgery for ovulation rate per cycle (p < 0.001), however there was no statistical difference between
letrozole and LOD for pregnancy rate per patient, live birth rate per patient and miscarriage rate per
pregnancy [320]. Another high quality RCT with low risk of bias in 260 women with CCR PCOS compared the
same interventions over the same follow-up time periods and found that there were no statistical
differences for ovulation rate per cycle, pregnancy rate per cycle, pregnancy rate per patient, live birth rate
per pregnancy, biochemical miscarriage rate per patient and clinical miscarriage rate per pregnancy between
letrozole and LOD [321].

Chapter 7: Pharmacological management of infertility in PCOS


The evidence obtained from the included studies is generalisable to patient population in terms of age and
BMI. Detail about the study setting was often not reported but studies were conducted in Egypt, Iraq,
Bangladesh, Iran, India, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the USA. These studies may be applied in the Australian
setting, but may not address issues of special importance, such as generalisability to Indigenous populations
and those of ethnicities not yet studied. It should also be noted that the evidence does not provide clear
guidance on the role of aromatase inhibitors across the different treatment subgroups (eg. Treatment nave
and clomiphene citrate-resistant women) or ethnic groups.


Letrozole, under caution, could be offered as a pharmacological treatment for ovulation

induction indicated for infertile anovulatory women with polycystic ovary syndrome with
no other infertility factors

7.4b Letrozole, under caution, could be considered as a first line pharmacological treatment for
ovulation induction in therapy naive, infertile anovulatory women with polycystic ovary
syndrome with no other infertility factors




Where letrozole is to be prescribed, the following should be considered:

Local therapeutic regulatory requirements

Potential cost implications
Need for patient explanation and consent for off label use [322] 10

Clinical impact of the recommendations: Moderate

We recommend exercising caution when using letrozole. It is important to note that aromatase inhibitors
have not been approved for use in ovulation induction and in women with PCOS, furthermore, costs are not
currently subsidised on the Pharmaceuticals Benefits Scheme. It is likely that they would currently not be
routinely used as first line treatment in women with PCOS and therefore these recommendations may
increase use. The costs are likely to be similar overall to other routinely used ovulation induction agents.
The evidence about the risk of congenital abnormalities with the use of aromatase inhibitors is unclear and
the potential for such a negative impact of aromatase inhibitors should not be ruled out. Patient
explanation and consent is appropriate. Use could be considered in those with an adverse reaction to
clomiphene citrate.


The Council of Australian Therapeutic Advisory Groups (CATAG) includes the following recommendation with regard
to "off-label" prescribing: An in-depth discussion with the patient/carer about potential benefits and risks is necessary
when making the decision to use a medicine off-label. This is particularly important when the use of a medicine offlabel is being considered on the wishes of the patient/carer. In general, the off-label use of a medicine should only be
considered when the approved use of a registered medicine does not address the clinical needs of patients [322].
Chapter 7: Pharmacological management of infertility in PCOS


Pharmacological management considerations for Indigenous women

We expect that the above recommendations are applicable to Indigenous women but acknowledge that they
may not be applicable in the Indigenous setting due to the limitations in care and service provision in rural
and remote locations.

Further methodologically rigorous trials are important to address the role of aromatase inhibitors in
ovulation induction in polycystic ovary syndrome. In particular, the comparison of letrozole and clomiphene
citrate in population subgroups according to BMI and prior therapy or not is important to explore. The
impact on birth defects should also be investigated.

Chapter 7: Pharmacological management of infertility in PCOS



Surgical management of infertility in PCOS

Surgical therapy can be used to induce ovulation, but as a more intensive second line
therapy for ovulation induction in women with PCOS. Risks and benefits should be
well considered by the patient and clinician, together.
8.1 Laparoscopic ovarian surgery
In women with PCOS, is ovarian surgery effective for improving fertility outcomes?

Clinical need for the question

In 1935 Stein and Leventhal were the first to describe an association between the presence of polycystic
ovaries, oligo/anovulation and hirsutism, later known as PCOS [323]. The observation that women with
PCOS resumed regular ovulations following ovarian biopsies led to the belief that the condition was primarily
ovarian in origin. This also resulted in the development of a surgical treatment for the condition involving a
wedge resection of both ovaries via laparotomy [324]. A 15-25 year follow-up of nearly 150 women after
ovarian wedge resection shows that regular menstrual patterns lasting up to 25 years after surgery were
restored in 88% of patients with a cumulative pregnancy/live birth rate of 78% [325].
No alternative treatment was available until the arrival of hormonal preparations such as clomiphene citrate
and gonadotrophins. Ovarian wedge resection was then soon abandoned because of the relative cost of the
surgical treatment and the risk of post-operative adhesions.
It was not until the introduction of minimally invasive techniques that surgical approaches were revisited.
The laparoscopic ovarian drilling procedure was first described by Gjnss in 1984 [326]. Minor variations of
the technique have been reported (electrocautery, laser vaporization, multiple ovarian biopsies and others)
but all are characterised by an altered endocrine profile following surgery. It remains poorly understood,
however, which mechanisms bring about the hormonal changes and the resumption of ovulation.
The main reason laparoscopic ovarian surgery has found support for the treatment of women with CCR PCOS
is the fact that the endoscopic approach is thought 1) to cause fewer adhesions, 2) to be more cost-effective
as an outpatient-procedure and 3) to restore regular mono-ovulations, albeit for a limited time in the
majority of cases. In contrast, ovulation induction with gonadotrophins is expensive, requires regular
monitoring and often results in the development of multiple mature follicles with a potential risk of multiple
pregnancies and ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. It is important to establish the effectiveness of
laparoscopic ovarian surgery, particularly in comparison to other treatments, in infertile women with PCOS
in light of the potential risks.

Evidence to answer the question

Six articles reporting five studies were identified by our search to answer this question. One high quality
systematic review of RCTs (level I) with low risk of bias compared laparoscopic ovarian surgery to
gonadotrophins and found that there was no difference between the interventions for live birth rate per
patient and pregnancy rate per patient, ovulation rate per patient and miscarriage rate per pregnancy, but

Chapter 8: Surgical management of infertility in PCOS


laparoscopic ovarian surgery was better than gonadotrophins for multiple pregnancy rate (OR 0.13 [0.03 to
0.59] I2 = 0%, 4 studies, 303 participants) [327].
One high quality RCT (level II) with a low risk of bias compared laparoscopic ovarian surgery to clomiphene
citrate plus metformin and found that clomiphene citrate plus metformin (CC+M) was better than
laparoscopic ovarian surgery for ovulation rate per cycle (LOS: 77/107 (72%), CC+M: 52/92 (56.5%),
p=0.023), but there was no difference for live birth rate per cycle, pregnancy rate per cycle and miscarriage
rate per pregnancy [328].
Two medium quality RCTs (level II) with a moderate risk of bias compared laparoscopic ovarian surgery to
metformin and found that there was insufficient evidence to make a recommendation about laparoscopic
ovarian surgery compared to metformin for live birth rate per patient, ovulation rate per cycle, pregnancy
rate per cycle, pregnancy rate per patient and miscarriage rate per pregnancy [329-331] because the
evidence was conflicting. One RCT reported that laparoscopic ovarian surgery was better than metformin
for ovulation (OR 2.05; [1.42.9] p=0.001) and pregnancy rate (per cycle: OR 2.19 [1.034.63] p=0.03; per
patient: OR 2.47 [1.055.81] p=0.03) [329] and the other study reported that metformin was better than
laparoscopic ovarian surgery for live birth rate (metformin: 82.1%, LOS: 64.5%, p<0.05), pregnancy rate per
cycle (metformin: 18.6%, LOS: 13.4%, p<0.05), and miscarriage rate (metformin: 15.4%, LOS:29.0%, p<0.05)
[330, 331]. Both medium quality single centre studies had a small sample size and moderate risk of bias and
therefore need to be interpreted with caution.
One high quality RCT (level II) with a low risk of bias compared laparoscopic ovarian surgery to clomiphene
citrate [332] and one high quality systematic review of RCTs (level I) with low risk of bias found that
laparoscopic ovarian surgery was better than gonadotrophins for multiple pregnancy rate (OR 0.13 [0.03 to
0.59] I2 = 0%, 4 studies, 303 participants) [327]. These studies found that there was no difference between
laparoscopic ovarian surgery, clomiphene citrate and gonadotrophins for live birth rate per patient and
pregnancy rate per patient, ovulation rate per patient and miscarriage rate per pregnancy [327, 332].
There was insufficient evidence to support or refute the use of laparoscopic ovarian surgery over metformin
or clomiphene citrate or clomiphene citrate plus metformin for multiple pregnancies [329-332] and there
was insufficient evidence to support or refute the use of laparoscopic ovarian surgery over any intervention
for adverse effects and QoL.
The evidence obtained from the included studies is generalisable to the patient population in terms of age
and BMI. Detail about the study setting was often not reported but studies were conducted in New Zealand,
Italy, UK and Egypt. While the studies conducted in Europe and Egypt may not be directly generalisable to
the Australian setting, it is possible that the RCT [333] included in the systematic review by Farquar et al.
[327], conducted in New Zealand, may address issues of special importance, such as generalisability to
Indigenous populations.

Chapter 8: Surgical management of infertility in PCOS



Laparoscopic ovarian surgery should be second line therapy in women with polycystic
ovary syndrome who are clomiphene citrate resistant, anovulatory, and infertile, with no
other infertility factors.


8.1b If undergoing laparoscopic ovarian surgery, the patient should be advised of the risks (see below).

Where ovulation induction would be considered appropriate, laparoscopic ovarian surgery can be
used as first line treatment if laparoscopy is indicated for another reason in infertile women with


8.1d Where gonadotrophins (see 7.3) or laparoscopic ovarian surgery are to be prescribed, the following
should be considered:

Cost of either intervention for ovulation induction

Expertise required for the use of either intervention for ovulation induction
The degree of intensive monitoring that is required for gonadotrophin therapy
Implications of potential multiple pregnancy for gonadotrophin therapy
Implications of the potential risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome for gonadotrophin
Laparoscopic surgery in women who are overweight or obese is associated with both intraoperative and post-operative risks.

Clinical impact of the recommendations: Slight

Laparoscopic ovarian surgery should be considered a second line treatment indicated for infertile,
anovulatory women with CCR PCOS. Laparoscopic ovarian surgery, when compared to other such second
line treatments, is equally effective to gonadotrophins but has a lower risk of multiple pregnancy (for
comparison see 7.3). However, it is important to note that laparoscopic surgery in women who are
overweight or obese is associated with both intra-operative (ie. difficulty with access to abdominal cavity
and manipulation of surgical instruments, reduced operative field exposure) and post-operative (ie.
bleeding, infection, thromboembolism, pulmonary atelectasis/hypoxemia, and wound complications) risks.
Where laparoscopic ovarian surgery is not already second line treatment, indicated for infertile, anovulatory,
CCR women with PCOS, there may be resource implications. The guideline development group is not aware
of changes to the way care is organised or barriers to implementation of these recommendations. Issues
covered in the clinical practice point should be considered when deciding between laparoscopic ovarian
surgery and gonadotrophins.

Chapter 8: Surgical management of infertility in PCOS


8.2 Bariatric surgery

In women with PCOS, what is the effectiveness of lifestyle interventions compared to
bariatric surgery for improving fertility and adverse outcomes?

Clinical need for the question

Obesity has been shown to adversely impact on fertility. Weight loss improves fertility and addresses
maternal and neonatal complications associated with obesity. It may also increase the safety and
effectiveness of ovulation induction. Most studies suggest even modest weight loss improves spontaneous
pregnancy rates and this has also been observed following bariatric surgery, however surgical studies are
generally poorly designed [334]. Many bariatric procedures require presurgical weight loss and given that
major weight loss may not be essential to improve ovulation and pregnancy, differentiating between the
impact of presurgical and surgically induced weight loss is difficult [335].
Weight loss or preventing weight gain using established lifestyle interventions should be implemented for all
reproductive-aged women with PCOS. More intensive lifestyle interventions should be considered for those
overweight women wishing to improve fertility. Women with a BMI 35kg/m2 and who have tried weight
loss methods for at least 1 year without success may consider bariatric surgery. The 2009 American Congress
of Obstetricians and Gynecologists clinical practice guidelines does recommend bariatric surgery for fertility
treatment [336].
The most recent clinical guidelines for obesity management in the general population [337] recommended
consideration of bariatric surgery in patients with a BMI 35kg/m2 with presence of one or more severe
complications, which are expected to improve with weight reduction. Completion of a structured lifestyle
intervention, not resulting in significant and sustained weight loss is also required [337]. Obesity surgery can
be considered after non-surgical treatment has been attempted unsuccessfully for at least 6 months in
adults with a BMI 40kg/m2 and that obesity surgery can be first line treatment instead of lifestyle
interventions or drug treatment in adults with BMI 50kg/m2 [338].
A Cochrane review on bariatric surgery in general populations noted greater weight loss in obesity (BMI
30kg/m2) and associated reductions in complications including DM2 post-surgery. There is limited data on
weight loss and relative safety with different procedures although greater weight loss was noted with gastric
bypass, isolated sleeved gastrectomy and banded gastric bypass [339]. A recent update and meta-analysis
reported an overall weight loss of 38.5 kg or 55.9% excess body weight loss, complete resolution of DM2 in
78.1% of diabetic patients and partial resolution of DM2 in 86.6% of patients [340].
Specifically with regards to PCOS, recent guidelines from the American Association of Clinical
Endocrinologist, The Obesity Society and American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery [341]
provided expert opinion based on lack of conclusive clinical evidence that women with PCOS should be
advised that their fertility status may be improved postoperatively. Current controversies relevant to PCOS
include whether PCOS should be considered an obesity-related condition as BMI cut-offs for bariatric surgery
may be reduced in this circumstance (e.g. poorly controlled DM2 with BMI 30kg/m2) [342], however
evidence is insufficient to recommend bariatric surgery with a BMI 35kg/m2 [341].
Bariatric methods can result in malabsorptive states, poor food tolerance or psychological issues which may
compromise nutritional status, particularly with ongoing vomiting and or disordered eating. Rates of eating
disorders are higher in women with PCOS than in the general population (21% vs 4%) [152] and may
contribute to a greater nutritional risk which may impact adversely on fertility, maternal and neonatal
Chapter 8: Surgical management of infertility in PCOS


complications. Average energy intake is around 1600kcals/day following bariatric surgery [343] and nutrient
density therefore becomes an issue affecting nutritional status. Women may be at particular risk of
deficiencies in iron, folate and iodine in addition to other nutrients as the recommended daily intake
increases in pregnancy. While supplement use is widely recommended following bariatric surgery and for
pregnant women, there are reports of poor compliance with supplement use in the general population of
pregnant women with only 10% taking adequate folate [344]. This may be further compromised because of
poor food tolerance in bariatric patients, particularly of foods fortified with iodine and folate such as bread.
Assisting women with a BMI 35kg/m2 through standard infertility is not appropriate (see recommendation
6.1c). In severe obesity, lifestyle interventions have very limited efficacy but given the substantial efficacy of
bariatric surgery in women who are severely obese, including in women with PCOS, it is important to
determine the impact of bariatric surgery on infertility in women with PCOS. The potential benefits also need
to be balanced with the risks of bariatric surgery.

Evidence to answer the question

We did not identify any evidence about the effectiveness of bariatric surgery in women with PCOS to inform
this recommendation and therefore a clinical consensus recommendation has been made based on the
clinical expertise of the multidisciplinary guideline development group, informed by existing evidence-based
clinical guidelines for bariatric surgery in the general population. In general populations, bariatric surgery is
recommended in those who have a BMI 35kg/m2 and the presence of co-morbid conditions that are
expected to improve significantly with weight reduction [337, 341]. PCOS is a co-morbid condition that
improves significantly with weight reduction and is strongly associated with other co-morbidities including
DM2, obstructive sleep apnoea, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and increased CVD risk. Therefore the
recommendation reported in the evidence-based guidelines for management of obesity is applicable to this
evidence review and patient population.


Bariatric surgery could be considered second line therapy to improve fertility outcomes in adult
women with polycystic ovary syndrome who are anovulatory, have a body mass index 35kg/m2, and
who remain infertile despite undertaking an intensive (frequent multidisciplinary contact) structured
lifestyle management program involving reducing dietary energy (caloric) intake, exercise,
behavioural and/or drug interventions for a minimum of 6 months.


8.2b If bariatric surgery is to be prescribed, the following key issues should be considered:

A structured weight management program involving diet, physical activity and interventions to
improve psychological, musculoskeletal and cardiovascular health should continue postoperatively.
The patient should be made aware of the risk of pre-and post-operative nutritional deficiencies
and should be managed in a specialist interdisciplinary care setting, including a bariatric surgeon,
a dietitian and/or other multidisciplinary staff trained to work with patients who have had
bariatric surgery.

Chapter 8: Surgical management of infertility in PCOS




If bariatric surgery is to be prescribed, the following key issues should be considered:

Bariatric surgery should not be conducted in patients who are known to be pregnant [24]
Pregnancy should be avoided during periods of rapid weight loss
Patients should be counselled to avoid pregnancy for at least 12-18 months after bariatric
surgery [24, 25]
Contraception should be discussed prior to surgery
If pregnancy occurs, the patient should be made aware of the risk of pre-and post-operative
nutritional deficiencies and should ideally be managed in a specialist interdisciplinary care
setting which includes an obstetrician, bariatric surgeon and a dietitian and/or other
multidisciplinary staff trained to work with patients who have had bariatric surgery to ensure
that nutritional deficiencies and complications are avoided
Fetal growth should be monitored during pregnancy
A structured weight management program involving diet, physical activity and interventions to
improve psychological, musculoskeletal and cardiovascular health should continue postoperatively.

Further methodologically rigorous trials are important to address the efficacy, safety and role of bariatric
surgery in polycystic ovary syndrome including to improve fertility.

Clinical impact of the recommendations: Very large

Obesity is increased in PCOS with major health implications including adverse impacts on fertility and
pregnancy. Bariatric surgery could be considered second line therapy to improve fertility outcomes in
women with PCOS. Current practice is unclear, although it is likely that few of these women are currently
having bariatric surgery. Implementation of these recommendations is likely to have resource implications
including the cost of bariatric surgery and specialist care, which may be offset by less use of assisted
reproductive technologies and fewer complications in pregnancy and beyond. Indications to date regarding
bariatric surgery have primarily addressed Caucasian populations. It is well known that there are ethnic
differences in adiposity, weight distribution and disease risk, such that BMI and cut-off points for clinical
intervention may be adjusted for ethnicity. Women with PCOS who become pregnant after bariatric surgery
could be considered as a high risk pregnancy, as are women in the general population who are obese and

Surgical management considerations for Indigenous women

We expect that the above recommendations are applicable to Indigenous women but acknowledge that they
may not be applicable in the Indigenous setting due to the limitations in care and service provision in rural
and remote locations. There may be cultural factors and potential issues around acceptability of bariatric
surgery, given that most of the evidence is in Caucasian populations.

Chapter 8: Surgical management of infertility in PCOS


Summary of the impacts of implementation of

the recommendations


Impacts of implementation of recommendations, including costs, have been considered throughout the guideline by
the guideline development groups. Recommendations on challenges in diagnostic assessment of PCOS impact primarily
through increased investigations. Metabolic tests on CVD risk factors and glycaemic status would be expected to
increase in response to guideline implementation, with cost implications, whereas more limited androgen testing and
less usage of ultrasounds in adolescents may reduce costs.


In assessment of emotional wellbeing, screening may increase consultation time, however initial screening time can be
minimised by the use of the devised general emotional wellbeing screening tool developed with this guideline
(Appendix V) that can be completed outside consultation times and has been trialled and used in clinical practice. The
primary challenges here are the cost implications when psychological dysfunction is detected, potentially requiring
additional consultation time and referral to other health professionals and utilisation of care plans may be required.


Likewise, in lifestyle management of PCOS, recommendations may increase consultation times, utilisation of care plans
and referral to allied health professionals and as such, higher associated healthcare costs. However long term benefits
of lifestyle change are anticipated to reduce the health and economic burden of PCOS. Whilst in the overall
management of infertility, lifestyle intervention and bariatric surgery have cost implications, which may be offset by
reduced medical intervention to induce fertility, overall the fertility recommendations are not expected to have major
resource implications.


Summary of the impacts of implementation of the recommendations


Summary of recommendations for research

Further methodologically rigorous trials in women with PCOS are important to address:

Age-appropriate normal ranges for sonographic features of polycystic ovaries and for clinical and
biochemical features of PCOS in adolescents (<18 years)
Accuracy of ovarian volume to diagnose PCOS in adolescents (<18 years)
Implementation and evaluation of an interdisciplinary model of care in PCOS, where an evaluation
strategy for a service model needs to be designed from the outset of the interdisciplinary service.
Evaluation of health service models requires resources
Absolute risk of CVD in women with polycystic ovary syndrome across age ranges
The most appropriate way of identifying those with PCOS at highest risk of developing DM2 and the
value of utilising existing scores such as the AUSDiab risk score
The most effective method to prevent the development of DM2
Further methodologically rigorous trials in women with PCOS are important to determine the most
effective tool to assess and optimal approaches to manage:
o depression and/or anxiety
o psychosexual dysfunction
o eating disorders and disordered eating
o negative body image
o overall health related quality of life
This body of research should consider emotional wellbeing across the different cultural and age groups
affected by PCOS.

The extent of the benefits of lifestyle management compared to no or minimal treatment for all clinically
relevant outcomes
Comparing efficacy of different types of lifestyle management (diet alone, exercise alone, behavioural
modification alone, or combinations of the three)
The effect of lifestyle management in prevention of weight gain/weight maintenance compared to
weight loss
The effect of lifestyle management for women who are both overweight and not overweight and specific
reproductive outcomes such as menstrual regularity, ovulation and fertility and the relative efficacy of
lifestyle management either compared to or in combination with pharmacological therapy
A range of diet compositions including low GI for both prevention of weight gain/weight maintenance
and weight loss in women who are overweight and in women who are lean
Monitoring of safety and harms of diets and longer follow-up
Increasing engagement and compliance with intervention studies
The types of diet delivery methods and diet support and tools that are effective - an initial study would
be to have diet compositions the same and vary the delivery method or support tools between the
Comparison of the delivery methods for lifestyle interventions including comparing settings and
The types, intensities and delivery methods of exercise strategies that are optimal for lean and
overweight women for improved clinical outcomes

Summary of recommendations for research


The impact of lifestyle improvement on fertility outcomes including live birth

Optimal translation strategies (implementation research to inform consumers, health professionals and
policy makers) on optimal care of women with PCOS and infertility
Whether the addition of metformin to clomiphene citrate improves live birth rate in women with PCOS
who are anovulatory and infertile with no other infertility factors
Whether there is a difference in effectiveness between clomiphene citrate and metformin in women
with PCOS who are anovulatory, infertile and have BMI 30kg/m2 to improve fertility outcomes
The role of gonadoptophins in ovulation induction in PCOS
The role of aromatase inhibitors in ovulation induction in PCOS; in particular, the comparison of letrozole
and clomiphene citrate in population subgroups according to BMI and prior therapy or not is important
to explore.
The impact of different ovulation induction agents in PCOS subgroups including those based on BMI
The efficacy, safety and role of bariatric surgery in PCOS including to improve fertility.

Summary of recommendations for research


Limitations of the guideline

Given the enormity of the condition of PCOS and its associated complications, it was beyond the resources,
time frame and scope of this guideline to address all possible clinical questions. It is important to note that
there is a paucity of evidence and the evidence that is available is of poor quality.
This guideline does not seek to provide full safety and usage information on pharmacological and surgical
interventions. The pharmacological and surgical interventions recommended in the guideline should not be
applied without consideration to the patients clinical profile and personal preferences. It is recommended
that the reader consults the Therapeutic Guidelines ( and the National Prescribing Service
( for detailed prescribing information including:

drug dosage
method and route of administration
supervision and monitoring
product characteristics
adverse effects.

This guideline does not include a formal analysis of cost effectiveness of recommended practice compared to
current/established practice, nor does it cover economic feasibility of the recommendations. Consideration
of cost did occur in guideline development group meetings and did impact on recommendations. These
considerations are discussed in the clinical impact of the recommendation sections in each chapter.
The guideline is based on the best evidence available up to November 2010. Evidence published after this
date has not been reviewed for the guideline. Development of technology and pharmacological intervention
progresses rapidly and so the guideline may become outdated. However steps are in place to ensure that the
guideline is updated in a timely manner, such as upon publication of new evidence that has any bearing on
the safety of the recommendations or if there are changes in the indications registered by the Therapeutic
Goods Administration for any drug included in the guideline. For more information about scheduled review
and update, see Scheduled review and update of the guideline.
All recommendations are limited by their applicability to a particular population and setting, therefore use of
the recommendations need to be guided by clinical judgement. For example, high risk populations where
cardiometabolic and DM2 risk is increased, the impact of weight gain appears to be more significant than in
Caucasian populations and this needs to be considered when assessing and managing women with PCOS.
Finally, a guideline is only useful if it has been translated and implemented into practice appropriately. In
doing so, cultural barriers may be experienced.

Limitations of the guideline


Translation and implementation

Jean Hailes for Womens Health will be leading the translation of the evidence-based guidelines for
assessment and management of PCOS as a not-for-profit, government funded national womens health
organisation. The Alliance will be actively involved and will provide guidance and expertise to facilitate the
translation process. Jean Hailes for Womens Health has a successful 18-year history of delivering positive
health outcomes to Australian women through an innovative mix of research, education and clinical care. It
has an innovative, three-fold approach to health and wellbeing: the integration of education for the
community and healthcare professionals with clinical practice and focused research with broad translation
strategies. It engages with consumers, communities, health professionals and peak bodies to encourage a
model of informed preventive health.
A key strength of Jean Hailes for Womens Health is its ability to take research findings and translate them
using a broad range of strategies, including the development of evidence-based guidelines, into educational
resources and programs for health professionals and women, and target marginalised groups including CALD
and Indigenous groups at a national level. We do this in a number of diverse ways including:

training health professionals in diagnosis and treatment of specific conditions and diseases
producing multi-media presentations that health services and agencies can use to educate their staff and
maintaining a sophisticated, data-rich website with health education resources for women and health
professionals on a variety of topics relating to women, in multiple languages and for all regions of
responding to requests for information from all sectors by phone, as well as through face-to-face
seminars, presentations and briefings for women and health professionals throughout Australia
extending health promotion messages through the media.

A deliverable of the funding for this guideline is a comprehensive 18 month translation program,
commenced as of February 2011. This program includes dissemination of the guideline and translation of
the guideline into a range of practice enhancement and education tools (e.g. algorithms, facts sheets),
targeting a diverse range of end-users. A comprehensive evaluation of the translation tools is integrated
into the dissemination and translation program. The evaluation is also ongoing through the funded PCOS
Service of Excellence at Jean Hailes for Womens Health which is underpinned by this guideline.
Translation of the updated Section 7.4 Aromatase inhibitors will be facilitated through Jean Hailes for
Womens Health channels, through the fertility-related networks of Alliance and guideline development
group members and through publication of the updated evidence review.
Below are the proposed resources to be developed and translation activities to be undertaken.

Translation and implementation





Printed copies of the Guidelines (for general

distribution and use in educational activities)

To begin November
2011 (ongoing)

Summary document of recommendations contained

within the Guidelines
Algorithms and stepped care processes (as
developed within the Guidelines) as stand-alone
Consumer Resource (which includes information
about PCOS and tools such as types of HPs to
consult, ability to record test results,
food/mood/physical activity diary, etc)

November 2011

As above

November 2011

April 2011

Dissemination via publication in a medical journal and through targeted

education programs delivered by the Jean Hailes for Womens Health
Electronic copies available via Jean Hailes for Womens Health website
(promotion and links through relevant college, medical institutions,
university, POSAA and PCOS Alliance (members) websites.
Promotion through relevant professional colleges, appropriate
government departments and via PCOS Alliance/Strategic Advisory Group
National media campaign to promote Guidelines, supplementary
resources & education programs

Dissemination via targeted education programs delivered by Jean Hailes

for Womens Health and through relevant health professional conference
Electronic copies available through the health professional section of the
Jean Hailes for Womens Health website
Promotion and dissemination to patients attending the JH PCOS Clinic
Promotion via and through POSAA
Dissemination via targeted education programs (for consumers and
health professionals) delivered by Jean Hailes for Womens Health

Translation and implementation


Education Programs/Activities

Face-to-face health professional educational



Feb Nov 2012

Comments/Further Detail
At least 1 education session to be delivered in each capital city (in Australia).
Sessions to be delivered in partnership with local general practice networks
and with the support of members from the

Guideline Development Groups

Strategic Advisory Group

PCOS Alliance

Website content (separate pages for consumers and

health professionals) for

All new content to

be completed by
December 31, 2011

National Videoconference for health professionals

June 2012

How-to-treat PCOS supplement in Australian Doctor

(National magazine/newspaper)

By Nov 2012

Conference presentation & panel discussion

Aug 2011- ongoing

Participation of PCOS Alliance members in specialty (Fertility Society,

Endocrine Society) conferences (by invitation).

Diagnosis & Management of PCOS an online Active

Learning Module (ALM)

By Feb 2012

Updates to be made and guidelines incorporated into Jean Hailes for

Womens Health RACGP-accredited category 1 activity which is available
online at http//

Feb Nov 2012

At least 1 public seminar to be delivered in each capital city (in Australia).

Ideally these seminars should be delivered in each state in conjunction with
the health professional seminars. Public Seminars to be delivered in
partnership with POSAA.

Public seminars

Translation and implementation





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Appendix I: Membership of PCOS Australian

Membership at April 2011



Last name Profession

Organisation/ State










Clinical and Health
Psychologist and Senior
Research Fellow
Research Scientist




General Surgeon








Jean Hailes for Womens Health,

Centre for Obesity Research and
Education, Monash University,
Commonwealth Scientific and
Industrial Research Organisation,
South Australia
Centre for Obesity Research and
Education, Victoria
Jean Hailes for Womens Health,
Monash University , Victoria





Prince Henrys Institute, Victoria


































University of New South Wales,

Royal Hospital for Women and
IVF Australia, New South Wales
Royal Perth Hospital, Western
The University of Adelaide, South
Jean Hailes for Womens Health,
Obstetrician/Gynaecologist University of New South Wales,
New South Wales
General Practitioner
Adelaide Health Care, South
Fertility Specialist
University of Western Australia,
Fertility Specialists of Western
Australia, Western Australia
Research Fellow
Hanson Institute, University of
Adelaide, South Australia
Mercy Hospital for Women,
Prince of Wales Hospital, New
South Wales
Obstetrician/Gynaecologist Royal Women's Hospital and
Melbourne IVF, Victoria

Appendix I: Membership of PCOS Australian Alliance



Ee Mun


Chemical Pathologist &


PathWest Laboratory Medicine

and Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital,
Western Australia
Jean Hailes for Womens Health,
The University of Adelaide, South
Northside Nutrition & Dietetics,
New South Wales












Dietitian/ Diabetes




President of the peak

consumer group in PCOS




Chief Executive Officer




Research Fellow/ Dietitian




Research Scientist/







Research Fellow















Lecturer and Researcher in

Exercise Physiology















General Practitioner





University of Western Australia

and Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital,
Western Australia
Mercy Hospital for Women and
Monash IVF, Victoria
Monash University, Monash
Health and Jean Hailes for
Womens Health, Victoria
Harp Family Medical Centre,
Monash Health and Monash IVF,





Monash Health, Victoria

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Assoc of Australia Inc, New South
Jean Hailes for Womens Health,
The Robinson Institute, South
Commonwealth Scientific and
Industrial Research Organisation,
South Australia
The Robinson Institute, South

The University of Adelaide, South

Monash University and Jean
Hailes for Womens Health,
Monash IVF, Victoria

University of Auckland, New

Victoria University, Victoria

Appendix I: Membership of PCOS Australian Alliance


Appendix II: Membership of guideline development committees

Terms of reference for each committee can be provided upon request (



Technical team
Project Director

Professor Helena Teede


Project Manager
Guideline Developer
Evidence Advisor

Ms Linda Downes
Dr Marie Misso
Ms Angela Melder
Dr Henry Ko
Ms Marie Garrubba

Project Manager
Senior Evidence Officer
Evidence Service Manager
Senior Project Officer
Senior Project Officer

Evidence Officers

Project board


Mrs Janet Michelmore

Professor Helena Teede


Professor Rob Norman

Reproductive Endocrinologist

Mrs Veryan McAllister


Organisational affiliation
Director of Research, Jean Hailes for Womens Health; Head of
Diabetes, Monash Health; Professor of Womens Health and
Monash Site Director, School of Public Health, Monash
Jean Hailes for Womens Health
Jean Hailes for Womens Health
Centre for Clinical Effectiveness, Monash Health
Centre for Clinical Effectiveness, Monash Health
Centre for Clinical Effectiveness, Monash Health
Chief Executive Officer, Jean Hailes for Womens Health
Director of Research, Jean Hailes for Womens Health; Head of
Diabetes, Monash Health; Professor of Womens Health and
Monash Site Director, School of Public Health, Monash
Director, The Robinson Institute, University of Adelaide
President, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Association Australia
(the peak consumer organisation in PCOS)

Appendix II: Membership of guideline development committees


PCOS Australian Alliance Strategic Advisory Group



Professor Rob Norman

Ms Irene Apostolopolous

Reproductive Endocrinologist

Professor Helena Teede


Ms Angela Melder

Evidence Service Manager

Dr Sarah Jane McEwan

General Practitioner

Professor Ian Clarke

Principal Research Fellow

Dr Michael Costello

Reproductive Endocrinologist

Associate Professor Michael



Associate Professor John Eden


Associate Professor Manny

Clinical Professor Bronwyn

Senior Research Scientist


Professor Roger Hart

Reproductive Endocrinologist

Dr Meredith Frearson

General Practitioner

Director, The Robinson Institute, University of Adelaide

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Association Australia
Director of Research, Jean Hailes for Womens Health; Head of
Diabetes, Monash Health; Professor of Womens Health and
Monash Site Director, School of Public Health, Monash
Centre for Clinical Effectiveness, Monash Health
Queen Street Medical Centre, NSW
Australian Indigenous Doctors Association
Chairman, Department of Physiology, Monash University
Consultant, IVF Australia; Senior Lecturer, Obstetrics and
Gynaecology, University of NSW; Clinical Academic,
Department of Reproductive Medicine, the Royal Hospital for
School of Paediatrics and Reproductive Health, University of
Director, Barbara Gross Research Unit
Director Sydney Menopause Centre, Royal Hospital for
Director, Womens Health and Research Unit of Australia
CSIRO Food and Nutritional Sciences
Director, Keogh Institute for Medical Research, Sir Charles
Gairdner Hospital
Medical Director, Fertility Specialists of WA
Professor of Reproductive Medicine, School of Womens and
Infants Health, University of Western Australia
Adelaide Health Care

Appendix II: Membership of guideline development committees


Emotional wellbeing guideline development group



Clinical and Research Psychologist

Professor Helena Teede


Clinical Professor Bronwyn



Professor David Clarke


Dr Jennifer Wong
Dr Leah Brennan
Associate Professor Beverley
Dr Mala Thondan
Ms Irene Apostolopoulos
Ms Angela Melder
Ms Marie Garrubba

Clinical and Health Psychologist
Senior Research Fellow
General Practitioner
Evidence Service Manager
Senior Project Officer

Dr Lisa Moran

Dietitian and Research Fellow

Professor Helena Teede


Dr Kate Marsh
Associate Professor Manny
Dr Mac Talbot


The Robinson Institute, Discipline of Obstetrics and

Gynaecology, University of Adelaide
Director of Research, Jean Hailes for Womens Health; Head of
Diabetes, Monash Health; Professor of Womens Health and
Monash Site Director, School of Public Health, Monash
Northside Nutrition and Dietetics

Senior Research Scientist

CSIRO Food and Nutritional Sciences


Monash IVF

Dr Cate Lombard

Evidence team

Lifestyle guideline development group



Manager, Translation Services, Jean Hailes for Womens

Director of Research, Jean Hailes for Womens Health; Head of
Diabetes, Monash Health; Professor of Womens Health and
Monash Site Director, School of Public Health, Monash
Director, Keogh Institute for Medical Research, Sir Charles
Gairdner Hospital
School of Psychiatry, Psychology and Psychological Medicine,
Monash University
Deputy Head of Diabetes, Monash Health
Psychological Medicine, Monash University
Head, National Lifestyle Program, Jean Hailes for Womens
Head of Gynaecology, Monash Health
Monash IVF
Harp Family Medical
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Association Australia
Centre for Clinical Effectiveness, Monash Health
Centre for Clinical Effectiveness, Monash Health

Dr Amanda Deeks

Appendix II: Membership of guideline development committees


Evidence team

Dr Meredith Frearson
Dr Mala Thondan
Ms Irene Apostolopoulos

General Practitioner
General Practitioner

Dr Nigel Stepto

Exercise Physiologist

Ms Angela Melder
Dr Henry Ko

Evidence Service Manager

Senior Project Officer

Assessment and investigations guideline development group



Clinical Professor Bronwyn



Professor Helena Teede


Dr Ee Mun Lim

Chemical Pathologist

Associate Professor John Eden


Dr Elizabeth Davis

Paediatric Endocrinologist

Dr Jacqueline Boyle

Evidence team

Dr Meredith Frearson
Mrs Kedra Egan
Ms Angela Melder
Dr Marie Misso

Therapy for infertility guideline development group


Dr Michael Costello

General Practitioner
Evidence Service Manager
Senior Evidence Officer

Adelaide Health Care

Harp Family Medical
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Association Australia
Centre for Ageing, Rehabilitation, Exercise and Sport Science,
Victoria University, Vic
Centre for Clinical Effectiveness, Monash Health
Centre for Clinical Effectiveness, Monash Health
Director, Keogh Institute for Medical Research, Sir Charles
Gairdner Hospital
Director of Research, Jean Hailes for Womens Health; Head of
Diabetes, Monash Health; Professor of Womens Health and
Monash Site Director, School of Public Health, Monash
Head Clinical Biochemistry, PathWest Laboratory Medicine
Director, Barbara Gross Research Unit
Director Sydney Menopause Centre, Royal Hospital for
Director, Womens Health and Research Unit of Australia
Deputy Head, Diabetes & Endocrinology, Princess Margaret
Hospital for Children
Program Leader, Menzies School of Health
Adelaide Health Care
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Association Australia
Centre for Clinical Effectiveness, Monash Health
Jean Hailes for Womens Health Research Unit
Consultant, IVF Australia
Senior Lecturer, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of

Appendix II: Membership of guideline development committees


Reproductive Endocrinologist

Professor Helena Teede

Professor Rob Norman

Reproductive Endocrinologist
Reproductive Endocrinologist

Clinical Academic, Department of Reproductive Medicine, the
Royal Hospital for Women
Director of Research, Jean Hailes for Womens Health; Head of
Diabetes, Monash Health; Professor of Womens Health and
Monash Site Director, School of Public Health, Monash
Director, The Robinson Institute, University of Adelaide

Medical Director, Fertility Specialists of WA

Professor Roger Hart
Professor of Reproductive Medicine, School of Womens and
Infants Health, University of Western Australia
Dr Jennifer Wong
Deputy Head of Diabetes, Monash Health
Womens Health Program, Monash Health
Dr Luk Rombauts
Monash IVF, Monash University
Ms Narelle Thredgold
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Association Australia
Head of Discipline, School of Population Health & Clinical
Associate Professor John Moss Health Economist
Practice, The University of Adelaide.
Ms Kelly Allen
Independent consumer: AIs update NA
Evidence team
Ms Angela Melder
Evidence Service Manager
Centre for Clinical Effectiveness, Monash Health
Dr Marie Misso
Senior Evidence Officer
Jean Hailes for Womens Health Research Unit
Additional co-opted expertise (to assist with formulation of draft recommendations and practice points for clinical question In women with PCOS, what is the
effectiveness of lifestyle interventions compared to bariatric surgery for improving fertility, quality of life and adverse outcomes?). Note: Some members from
the Lifestyle guideline development group were also co-opted to assist with recommendations for this clinical question.
Associate Professor John
Associate Professor Wendy
Associate Professor Boyd


Head of Obesity Research Unit, Department of General

Practice, Monash University
Deputy Director, Centre for Obesity Research and Education,
Monash University.
Director of Clinical Nutrition Metabolism, Monash Health
Physician-in-Charge, Body Composition Laboratory, Monash
Medical Centre

Appendix II: Membership of guideline development committees


Dr Cate Lombard

Senior Research Fellow

Dr Lisa Moran

Dietitian and Research Fellow

Dr Nigel Stepto

Exercise Physiologist

Dr Amanda Vincent


Head, National Lifestyle Program, Jean Hailes for Womens

The Robinson Institute, Discipline of Obstetrics and
Gynaecology, University of Adelaide and Jean Hailes for
Womens Health
Centre for Ageing, Rehabilitation, Exercise and Sport Science,
Victoria University, Vic
Jean Hailes for Women's Health Research Unit

Appendix II: Membership of guideline development committees


Appendix III: NHMRC Evidence Statement template

1. Evidence base (number of studies, level of evidence and risk of bias in the included studies)

One or more level I studies with a low risk of bias or several level II studies with a
low risk of bias

One or two Level II studies with a low risk of bias or SR/several Level III studies with a
low risk of bias

One or two Level III studies with a low risk of bias or Level I or II studies with a
moderate risk of bias

Level IV studies or Level I to III studies/SRs with a high risk of bias

All studies consistent

Most studies consistent and inconsistency can be explained

Some inconsistency, reflecting genuine uncertainty around question

Evidence is inconsistent

2. Consistency (if only one study was available, rank this component as not applicable)


Not applicable (one study only)

3. Clinical impact (Indicate in the space below if the study results varied according to some unknown factor (not simply study quality or sample size) and thus the clinical impact of the intervention could not be

Very large




4. Generalisability (How well does the body of evidence match the population and clinical settings being targeted by the Guideline?)

Evidence directly generalisable to target population

Evidence directly generalisable to target population with some caveats

Evidence not directly generalisable to the target population but could be sensibly

Evidence not directly generalisable to target population and hard to judge whether it

Appendix III: NHMRC Evidence Statement template


is sensible to apply

5. Applicability (Is the body of evidence relevant to the Australian healthcare context in terms of health services/delivery of care and cultural factors?)

Evidence directly applicable to Australian healthcare context

Evidence applicable to Australian healthcare context with few caveats

Evidence probably applicable to Australian healthcare context with some caveats

Evidence not applicable to Australian healthcare context

Evidence Statement Matrix

Please summarise the development groups synthesis of the evidence relating to the key question, taking all the above factors into account. Please indicate any dissenting opinions.



Volume of Evidence
Clinical impact

Other Factors (Indicate here any other factors that you took into account when assessing the evidence base (for example, issues that might cause the group to downgrade or upgrade the recommendation)

What recommendation(s) does the guideline development group draw from this evidence? Use action statements where possible.

The overall grade is the summation of the

grades for individual components.
A recommendation cannot be graded A
or B unless the volume and consistency
of evidence are both A or B.

Grade of Recommendation
Unresolved Issues (If needed, keep note of specific issues that arise when each recommendation is formulated and that require follow-up.)
Implementation of Recommendation
Please indicate yes or no to the following questions. Where the answer is yes please provide explanatory information about this. This information will be used to develop the
implementation plan for the guidelines.

Appendix III: NHMRC Evidence Statement template


Will this recommendation result in changes in usual care?


Are there any resource implications associated with implementing this recommendation?


Will the implementation of this recommendation require changes in the way care is currently organised?


Are the guideline development group aware of any barriers to the implementation of this recommendation?


Appendix III: NHMRC Evidence Statement template


Appendix IV: PCOS referral resource

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Assessment of Emotional Health

Practitioners Information Sheet
Your client has recently attended the Jean Hailes Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Service. This service
provides multi-disciplinary management of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), with referral linkages to
other health professionals as required in each individual patients circumstances. PCOS now affects
between 12-18% of Australian women.
Living with a chronic condition such as PCOS can negatively impact on emotional health. Symptoms of
PCOS including excess hair growth, acne, weight changes and fertility problems may negatively affect
mood, sexual function, self esteem, body image and perceptions of femininity. The physical and emotional
symptoms of PCOS may also make some women more prone to disordered eating.
Anxiety and depression are commonly experienced by women with PCOS, but are often overlooked and
therefore left untreated. Approximately 34 per cent of women with PCOS have depression compared to 7
per cent of women in the general population and around 45 per cent have anxiety, compared to only 18 per
cent of the general population.
It is important to address anxiety and depression in women with PCOS as this will assist with selfmanagement of PCOS as a chronic disease and in improving quality of life for women suffering this
common condition.
This information sheet contains some questions that may be helpful to provide further information and detail
on your clients emotional wellbeing. The questions we have used include those listed below; however, you
may have your own questions you would prefer to use.
1. During the last month, have you often been bothered by feeling down, depressed, or hopeless?
2. During the last month, have you often been bothered by having little interest or pleasure in doing things?
3. During the last month, have you been bothered by feeling excessively worried or concerned?

Body Image
1. Do you worry a lot about the way you look and wish you could think about it less?
2. On a typical day, do you spend more than 1 hour day worrying about your appearance?
(More than 1 hour a day is considered excessive)
3. What specific concerns do you have about your appearance?
4. What effect does it have on your life?
5. Does it make it hard to do your work or be with your friends and family?

Appendix IV: PCOS referral resource


Disordered Eating

Do you worry you have lost control over your eating?

Do you ever feel disgusted, depressed, or guilty about eating?
Have you tried fasting or skipping meals in an attempt to lose weight?
Have you tried vomiting, laxatives or diuretics in an attempt to lose weight?
Have you had significant (e.g. >5-7%), recurrent fluctuation in body weight?

Psychosexual Dysfunction
1. During the last few months, have you often been bothered by problems with your sex life such as reduced
satisfaction, desire, pain, or any other problems?
2. Do you feel that PCOS affects your sex life?
3. Do sexual problems affect your current relationship and/ or have sexual problems affected your past

If you require any additional information regarding PCOS and emotional health please contact the Jean
Hailes PCOS Service on 03 9562 7555 and ask to speak with the PCOS Service Coordinator.
You can also visit the Jean Hailes for Womens Health website and the website, which contain professional development webcasts and extensive
information on PCOS and other womens health conditions.

Dr Mandy Deeks

Professor Helena Teede MBBS, FRACP, PhD


Emotional wellbeing in PCOS
Guideline development group

Project Director
PCOS evidence-based guidelines project

Appendix IV: PCOS referral resource


Appendix V: Emotional health screening

Assessment of emotional health in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome
Screening questionnaire






During the last month, have you often been bothered by feeling down, depressed, anxious
or hopeless?
During the last month, have you often been bothered by having little interest or pleasure in
doing things?
During the last month, have you often been bothered by feeling excessively worried or
Do you worry a lot about the way you look and wish you could think about it less?
On a typical day, do you spend more than 1 hour day worrying about your appearance?
(More than 1 hour a day is considered excessive)
What specific concerns do you have about your appearance?

What effect does it have on your life?

Does it make it hard to do your work or be with your friends and family?
Do you worry you have lost control over your eating?
Do you ever feel disgusted, depressed, or guilty about eating?
Have you tried fasting or skipping meals in an attempt to lose weight?
Have you tried vomiting. laxatives or diuretics in an attempt to lose weight?
Have you had significant (e.g. >5-7%), recurrent fluctuation in body weight?
During the last few months, have you often been bothered by problems with your sex life
such as reduced satisfaction, desire, pain, or any other problems?
Do you feel that PCOS affects your sex life?
Do sexual problems affect your current relationship and/or have sexual problems affected
your past relationships?

Appendix V: PCOS emotional health screening questionnaire 147

Appendix VI: Emotional wellbeing tools

Kessler Psychological Distress Scale 10 (K-10)

None of
the time

In the past 4 weeks, about how often did you feel tired
out for no good reason?


In the past 4 weeks, about how often did you feel



In the past 4 weeks, about how often did you feel so

nervous that nothing could calm you down?


In the past 4 weeks, about how often did you feel



In the past 4 weeks, about how often did you feel

restless or fidgety?


In the past 4 weeks, about how often did you feel so

restless you could not sit still?


In the past 4 weeks, about how often did you feel



In the past 4 weeks, about how often did you feel that
everything was an effort?


In the past 4 weeks, about how often did you feel so

sad that nothing could cheer you up?


In the past 4 weeks, about how often did you feel


A little of
the time

Some of
the time

Most of
the time

All of the

For more information about its use in Australia, visit:

Appendix VI: Emotional wellbeing tools


Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS-21)

(Lovibond, S.H. & Lovibond, P.F. (1995). Manual for the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales. (2nd. Ed.) Sydney: Psychology Foundation.)




Please read each statement and circle a number 0, 1, 2 or 3 which indicates how much the statement applied to
you over the past week. There are no right or wrong answers. Do not spend too much time on any statement.
The rating scale is as follows:

Did not apply to me at all

Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time
Applied to me to a considerable degree, or a good part of time
Applied to me very much, or most of the time

I found it hard to wind down

I was aware of dryness of my mouth

I couldn't seem to experience any positive feeling at all

I experienced breathing difficulty (e.g. excessively rapid breathing,

breathlessness in the absence of physical exertion)

I found it difficult to work up the initiative to do things

I tended to over-react to situations

I experienced trembling (e.g. in the hands)

I felt that I was using a lot of nervous energy

I was worried about situations in which I might panic and make

a fool of myself


I felt that I had nothing to look forward to


I found myself getting agitated


I found it difficult to relax


I felt down-hearted and blue


I was intolerant of anything that kept me from getting on with

what I was doing


I felt I was close to panic


I was unable to become enthusiastic about anything


I felt I wasn't worth much as a person


I felt that I was rather touchy


I was aware of the action of my heart in the absence of physical

exertion (e.g. sense of heart rate increase, heart missing a beat)

Appendix VI: Emotional wellbeing tools



I felt scared without any good reason


I felt that life was meaningless

Remember when using the DASS21 to multiply the obtained scale scores by 2, so that they can be compared to the DASS
normative data and to other published DASS data.

Appendix VI: Emotional wellbeing tools


Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ9)

Appendix VI: Emotional wellbeing tools


Appendix VI: Emotional wellbeing tools


Generalised Anxiety Disorder 7 item scale (GAD7)

(Spitzer RL, Kroenke K, Williams JBW, Lowe B. (2006). A brief measure for assessing generalized anxiety disorder. Arch Intern Med:
166: 1092-1097)

GAD-7 total score for the seven items ranges from 0 to 21.
Scores represent:
0-5 mild
6-10 moderate
11-15 moderately severe anxiety
15-21 severe anxiety.

Appendix VI: Emotional wellbeing tools


Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26)

Appendix VI: Emotional wellbeing tools


Appendix VI: Emotional wellbeing tools


Appendix VII: Abbreviations and acronyms


Area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (analysis)


Body mass index


95% confidence interval


Cardiovascular disease


Clomiphene citrate resistant


Accredited Practising Dietitian


Type 2 diabetes mellitus


Fasting blood glucose


Follicle stimulating hormone


High density lipoprotein cholesterol


Homeostasis model of assessment-insulin resistance


Insulin resistance


Low density lipoprotein cholesterol


National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence


National Institutes of Health


Non-clomiphene citrate resistant


Oral contraceptive pill


Oral glucose tolerance test


Odds ratio


Polycystic ovary


Polycystic ovary syndrome


Participants/Population, Intervention/Exposure, Comparison/Control, Outcome

Appendix VII: Abbreviations and acronyms



Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Association Australia


Quality of life


Randomised controlled trial


Relative risk


Sex hormone-binding globulin


Therapeutic Goods Administration (Australian Government)


Measure of statistical precision

Appendix VII: Abbreviations and acronyms


Appendix VIII: Glossary

Sources for this glossary include: The Cochrane Resources Glossary (,
Jean Hailes for Womens Health (, Diabetes Australia
(, Better Health Channel (, the
2009 NHMRC Clinical practice guideline for the prevention of venous thromboembolism (deep vein
thrombosis and pulmonary embolism) in patients admitted to Australian hospitals [345] and the 2009
NHMRC levels of evidence and grades for recommendations for developers of guidelines [14].
Adverse effect

Aerobic exercise/activity

An adverse event for which the causal relation between the

drug/intervention and the event is at least a reasonable possibility.
Any physical activity that produces energy by combining oxygen
with blood glucose or body fat.
An international collaboration of researchers and policy makers
whose aim is to improve the quality and effectiveness of clinical
practice guidelines (
The AGREE II instrument developed by the collaboration is
designed to assess the quality of clinical guidelines.


A flow chart of the clinical decision pathway described in the

guideline, where recommendations are presented in boxes, linked
with arrows.


A condition in which the ovary does not produce and release an

egg each menstrual cycle.


When fears or thoughts that are chronic (constant) and distressing

interfere with daily living.

Area under the receiver

operating characteristic curve

In this guideline, it is used as a method of analysis that measures

the ability and reliability of a risk assessment method or diagnostic
test to correctly identify the optimal balance between falsepositive and false-negative tests.


In this guideline, assess refers to the process of identifying the

severity of the condition

Blood pressure

Blood pressure is the pressure of the blood in the arteries as it is

pumped around the body by the heart.

Body image

The way a person may feel, think and view their body including
their appearance.

Body mass index (BMI)

A calculated number used to discriminate between lean,

overweight, obesity and morbid obesity, calculated from an
individuals height (kg) and weight (m).

Appendix VIII: Glossary


BMI = (weight/height)2

Metabolic factors that increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Cardiovascular disease (CVD)

A condition that affects either the heart or major blood vessels

(arteries) supplying the heart, brain and other parts of the body.

Clinical impact

The potential benefit from application of the recommendations in

the guideline on the treatment or treatment outcomes of the
target population.

Clinical question (guideline


One of a set of questions about an intervention or process that

define the content of the evidence reviews and subsequent
recommendations in the guideline.

Clomiphene citrate resistant


When the patient is unable to ovulate with clomiphene citrate


Clomiphene citrate failure

When the patient is able to ovulate with clomiphene citrate

treatment but does not conceive.

Clomiphene citrate sensitive

When the patient is able to ovulate and conceive with clomiphene

citrate treatment.

Cochrane review

Cochrane Reviews are systematic summaries of evidence of the

effects of healthcare interventions. The specific methods used in a
Review are described in the text of the review. Cochrane Reviews
are prepared using Review Manager (RevMan) software provided
by the Collaboration, and adhere to a structured format that is
described in the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of


The presence of one or more diseases or conditions other than

those of primary interest. In a study looking at treatment for one
disease or condition, some of the individuals may have other
diseases or conditions that could affect their outcomes. (A comorbidity may be a confounder.)


The extent to which a person adheres to the health advice agreed

with healthcare professionals. May also be referred to as
adherence or concordance.

Confidence interval

A range of values for an unknown population parameter with a

stated confidence (conventionally 95%) that it contains the true
value. The interval is calculated from sample data, and generally
straddles the sample estimate. The confidence value means that
if the method used to calculate the interval is repeated many
times, then that proportion of intervals will actually contain the
true value.

Appendix VIII: Glossary


Congenital adrenal hyperplasia

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia is a condition where the enzyme

needed by the adrenal gland to make the hormones cortisol and
aldosterone is lacking and thus the body produces more androgen
and causes male characteristics to appear early or inappropriately.

Consensus methods

Techniques that aim to reach an agreement on a particular issue.

Formal consensus methods include Delphi and nominal group
techniques, and consensus development conferences. In the
development of clinical guidelines, consensus methods may be
used where there is a lack of strong research evidence on a
particular topic. Expert consensus methods will aim to reach
agreement between experts in a particular field.


A condition or factor that serves as a reason to withhold a certain

medical treatment.


Depression is more than low mood and sadness at a loss and is a

serious medical illness. It is the result of chemical imbalances in the
brain. The sufferer feels extremely sad, dejected and unmotivated.

Diagnostic accuracy

The accuracy of a test to diagnose a condition which can be

expressed through sensitivity and specificity, positive and negative
predictive values, or positive and negative diagnostic likelihood

Disordered eating

Eating and weight related symptoms commonly associated with an

eating disorder including behavioural (e.g. bingeing, restriction),
cognitive (e.g. dietary restraint, negative body image) and
emotional (e.g. Emotional eating) factors.


The prescribed amount of a drug to be taken, including the size

and timing of the doses.

Eating disorder

Eating disorders include anorexia, bulimia nervosa and other binge

eating disorders.

Effect (as in effect measure,

treatment effect, estimate of
effect, effect size)

The observed association between interventions and outcomes or

a statistic to summarise the strength of the observed association.

Evidence statement table

A table summarising the results of a collection of studies which,

taken together, represent the evidence supporting a particular
recommendation or series of recommendations in a guideline.

Exclusion criteria (for a

systematic evidence review)

Explicit criteria used to decide which studies should be excluded

from consideration as potential sources of evidence.


Describes the variation in, or diversity of, participants,

interventions, and measurement of outcomes across a set of

Appendix VIII: Glossary


studies, or the variation in internal validity of those studies. It can

be used specifically, as statistical heterogeneity, to describe the
degree of variation in the effect estimates from a set of studies.
Also used to indicate the presence of variability among studies
beyond the amount expected due solely to the play of chance.
The term is used in meta-analyses and systematic reviews when
the results or estimates of effects of treatment from separate
studies seem to be very different in terms of the size of
treatment effects or even to the extent that some indicate
beneficial and others suggest adverse treatment effects. Such
results may occur as a result of differences between studies in
terms of the patient populations, outcome measures, definition of
variables or duration of follow-up.
Hormonal profile

Cyclical levels of hormones.


Clinical hyperandrogenism is characterised by hirsutism, acne and

male pattern alopecia.
Biochemical hyperandrogenism is characterised by excessive
production and/or secretion of androgens.

Impaired fasting glucose

When fasting morning blood glucose levels are higher than normal
but not high enough to diagnose diabetes.

Impaired glucose tolerance

When glucose levels are above normal during or after an oral

glucose tolerance test but are not high enough to diagnose


The number of new occurrences of something in a population over

a particular period of time, e.g. the number of cases of a disease in
a country over one year.

Inclusion criteria (for a

systematic evidence review)

Explicit criteria used to decide which studies should be considered

as potential sources of evidence.

Infertility (women)

Infertility problems in women include failure to ovulate, blockages

in the fallopian tubes, and disorders of the uterus, such as fibroids
or endometriosis.

Interdisciplinary care

An interdisciplinary care model is the collaboration between a

woman with PCOS and a care team who have shared goals for her
total wellbeing.


Any action intended to benefit the patient, for example, drug

treatment, surgical procedure, psychological therapy.

Insulin resistance (IR)

A rise in glucose occurs because the body cant make enough

insulin or the insulin produced is not working properly.

Appendix VIII: Glossary


Irregular cycles/oligomenorrhea

When the duration of menstrual cycles is >35 or <21 days.


A medical procedure used to examine the interior of the

abdominal or pelvic cavities to diagnose or treat (or both) a
number of different diseases and conditions, including female


BMI 25kg/m2

Lipid profile

A group of blood tests that are often ordered together to

determine risk of cardiovascular disease, including total
cholesterol, HDL-C, LDL-C and triglycerides.


The onset of the first period of the menstrual cycle, which occurs
on average between the ages of 11 and 14 years.


A statistical technique for combining (pooling) the results of a

number of studies that address the same question and report on
the same outcomes to produce a summary result. The aim is to
derive more precise and clear information from a large data pool.
It is generally more reliably likely to confirm or refute a hypothesis
than the individual trials.

Morbidly obese

BMI 35kg/m2

Non-clomiphene citrate
resistant (Non-CCR)

Those who are either clomiphene citrate sensitive or who have

unknown clomiphene citrate sensitivity.


BMI 30-35kg/m2

Odds ratio (OR)

The ratio of the odds of an event in one group to the odds of an

event in another group. In studies of treatment effect, the odds in
the treatment group are usually divided by the odds in the control
group. An odds ratio of one indicates no difference between
comparison groups. For undesirable outcomes an OR that is less
than one indicates that the intervention was effective in reducing
the risk of that outcome.


Clinically, irregular cycles lasting <21 or more than 35 days or less

than 8 periods per year. Endocrinologically, the absence of raised
serum progesterone greater than 20nmol/l 7 days prior to a

Oligomenorrhea/irregular cycles When the duration of menstrual cycles is >35 or <21 days.
Oral glucose tolerance test

A test to diagnose diabetes where a high-glucose drink is given and

blood samples are checked at regular intervals for two hours.

Ovarian hyperstimulation

A condition where too many follicles develop (following ovulation

Appendix VIII: Glossary


syndrome (OHSS)

induction) which can result in marked abdominal swelling, nausea,

vomiting and diarrhoea, lower abdominal pain and shortness of


BMI 25.1-30kg/m2


Ovulation is the release of an egg from one of the ovaries.

Ovulation induction

Ovulation induction is the use of medication to stimulate the ovary

to increase egg production.

Polycystic ovaries

Characterised by clusters of blister-like cysts on the ovary.

Polycystic ovary syndrome


PCOS is a chronic metabolic and hormonal condition, which can

impact on physical health and emotional wellbeing.


An inactive substance or preparation used as a control in an

experiment or test to determine the effectiveness of a medicinal
drug. Placebos are used in clinical trials to blind people to their
treatment allocation. Placebos should be indistinguishable from
the active intervention to ensure adequate blinding.


The period after a patient leaves the operating theatre, following



Where blood glucose levels are higher than normal, but not high
enough to be classified as diabetes. Pre-diabetes includes impaired
fasting glucose and impaired glucose tolerance.


The period before surgery commences.

Psychosexual dysfunction

Sexual problems or difficulties that have a psychological origin

based in cognitions and/or emotions such as depression, low selfesteem and negative body image.

P value

Measure of statistical precision. The probability that an observed

difference could have occurred by chance, assuming that there is
in fact no underlying difference between the means of the
observations. If the probability is less than 1 in 20, the P value is
less than 0.05; a result with a P value of less than 0.05 is
conventionally considered to be statistically significant.


Allocation of participants in a research study to two or more

alternative groups using a chance procedure, such as computergenerated random numbers. This approach is used in an attempt
to ensure there is an even distribution of participants with
different characteristics between groups and thus reduce sources
of bias.

Randomised controlled trial

A comparative study in which participants are randomly allocated

Appendix VIII: Glossary



to two or more alternative groups and followed up to examine

differences in outcomes between the groups.

Resource implication

The likely impact of the recommendation in terms of cost,

workforce or other health system resources.

Risk of bias

Also called methodological quality, it is the degree to which the

results of a study are likely to approximate the truth for the
participants recruited in a study (that is, are the results free of
bias?). It refers to the integrity of the design and specifically the
extent to which the design and conduct of a study are likely to
have prevented bias. More rigorously designed (better quality, low
risk of bias) trials are more likely to yield results that are closer to
the truth.

Relative risk (RR)

The ratio of risks in two groups. In intervention studies, it is the

ratio of the risk in the intervention group to the risk in the control
group. A relative risk (also called risk ratio) of one indicates no
difference between comparison groups. For undesirable outcomes,
a relative risk that is less than one indicates that the intervention
was effective in reducing the risk of that outcome.


In this guideline, screen refers to the process of identifying

whether the condition exists and is the first step in offering
appropriate management

Selection criteria

Explicit standards used by guideline development groups to decide

which studies should be included and excluded from consideration
as potential sources of evidence.


Those with an interest in the topic. Stakeholders include

healthcare professionals, patient/consumer and carer groups,
manufacturers and sponsors.

Statistical power

The ability to demonstrate an association when one exists. Power

is related to sample size; the larger the sample size, the greater the
power and the lower the risk that a possible association could be

Systematic review

A review of a clearly formulated question that uses systematic and

explicit methods to identify, select, and critically appraise relevant
research, and to collect and analyse data from the studies that are
included in the review. Statistical methods (meta-analysis) may or
may not be used to analyse and summarise the results of the
included studies.

Therapy naive

A patient who has not been administered prior treatment for the

Appendix VIII: Glossary


Type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2)

When the pancreas makes some insulin but it is not produced in

the amount your body needs and it does not work effectively.
Type 2 diabetes results from a combination of genetic and
environmental factors and risk is greatly increased when
associated with lifestyle factors such as high blood pressure,
overweight or obesity, insufficient physical activity, poor diet and
the classic apple shape body where extra weight is carried around
the waist.

Appendix VIII: Glossary


Appendix IX: Evidence-based guideline

development pathway

Appendix IX: Evidence based guideline development pathway


Appendix IX: Evidence based guideline development pathway


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