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Under the care of the Government of the Principality of Sealand and under the responsibility and guidance of its Prime Minister, Johannes W. F. Seiger, certain sections of the VRIL technology programme entrusted to the Principality of Sealand
by the German Empire were continuously developed to reach maturity for civil
applications. The following documentation gives an insight into the present and
sanctioned status of their application possibilities. At the same time, of course the
political aspect of our efforts shall not remain unmentioned.

Vril Energy
for the Twenty-first Century

The Sealand Generator

TV South-West Germany: Cosmic Force Field

On the day when science will begin to research

non-physical events,
it will make greater progress within a decade
than in all the preceding centuries of its existence.
Nikola Tesla (18561943)

FROM THE ENDEAVOURS OF THE GOVERNMENT COMMISSION VRILIA...........................................3
IMPLOSION INSTEAD OF EXPLOSION ........................................................................................................................... 3
The holistic efficacy spectrum of the SEALAND Generator.................................................................................... 3

VRIL THE COSMIC ENERGY ....................................................................................................................................... 4

RELATED DOCUMENTS .........................................................................................................................................8
LETTERS TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT ................................................................................................................. 12
2009 ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
2006 ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 14

ACCESS TO THE VRIL ENERGY ................................................................................................................................... 20

CONTACT ADDRESSES: .............................................................................................................................................. 21
ENEMY STATE CLAUSE................................................................................................................................................ 22
Charter of the United Nations ...................................................................................................................... 22
Article 53 ............................................................................................................................................................................ 22
Article 107 .......................................................................................................................................................................... 22

List of Enemy States........................................................................................................................................ 22

Whose Enemy, whose Friend? .................................................................................................................................... 22

Preface to the New Re-Edition ..................................................................................................................... 24
DYNAMIC TECHNOLOGY .............................................................................................................................................. 25
Essence and Importance of the Force Discovered by Karl Schappeller ....................................... 25
By Dr Franz Wetzel and Engineer L. Gfllner ................................................................................................... 25

THE REALISATION OF THE WORK OF SCHAPPELLER ................................................................................................ 35

By Dr Franz Wetzel and Engineer L. Gfllner ................................................................................................... 35

SCHAPPELLERS PHYSICAL PRIMAL FORCE ............................................................................................................... 40

From: Logos and Bios, the Foundation of a New World View ..................................................................... 40
by Fritz Klein, 1928.................................................................................................................................................... 40

VRIL EFFECTS ON AN ORGANISM ..................................................................................................................45

Represented through Kirlian Photography .............................................................................................. 45

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VRILIA, 13 December 2009

From the Endeavours of the Government Commission

Implosion Instead of Explosion
The simplest way to implement the concept of free cosmic energy is the technical reversal of the explosion principle to that of implosion. In a series of experiments a
study group of the government commission VRILIA has documented how this principle
may become effective by the simplest means. It is possible, for instance, to link these
technologies transitionally with the existing explosion machines.

The holistic efficacy spectrum of the SEALAND Generator

Over the last fifteen years many people have reported confidentially of effects by the
VRIL POWER, transmitted to them by the actual SEALAND Generator and its earlier versions. These effects appear in the following areas:

Mechanical: Increase of torque in combustion engines, enhancement of

driving comfort, etc.


Biological: general strengthening of the immune system, thus an improvement of the individual health level


Emotional: Widening and deepening of the individual sensitivity scale without succumbing to the dominance of uncertain feelings


Mental: Possibility to leave the space and time connections of consciousness, even spanning incarnations, to overcome them without leaving time
and space

The foremost development goals on the SEALAND Generator concern:

1. stabilising and increasing of the efficiency of power equipment driven by combustion engines
2. Extension of the technical application range for instance to electric motors,
to hydropower and environmentally compatible use of nuclear energy, detoxification of Nature etc.
3. Application-geared and personality-neutral dosage control
4. Individual layout of the VRIL power on biological, emotional and spiritual levels
as well as the avoidance of any misuse, in the ideal case all steered by the device itself
5. Specific measurement and dosage technology to ensure the desired quality

VRILIA, 13 December 2009

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Vril the Cosmic Energy

Are the SEALAND Generator [VRIL = Cosmic Force Field],

the Black-violet Stone, the Arc of the Covenant, the Grail, the Black

and the Holy Lance

in the end activated by the same energies?

The development and creation of the SEALAND Generator is based on complex theories that have their source in the historical traditions of the high cultures of this Earth.
In different civilisations there were cult objects, like the Black-violet Stone, the Arc of
the Covenant, the Grail, the Black Sun or the Holy Lance, which represented the connection to the Divine. The higher values, the divine in existence, lost their validity towards the end of the 19th century because of a science that rigorously separated matter from the spirit and were forgotten.
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VRILIA, 13 December 2009

Within a very short time-span whole peoples and with them their environment
meaning plants, earth, water, air (...) lost their soul. Through the denial thus produced of all things that are inexplicable by science modern man at first glance no
longer sees the areas of science, religions and legends as compatible. In our time,
opinions and theories concerning myths and legends in history deviate increasingly
from scientific realisations. Yet there are phenomena that modern science is incapable
of explaining. Historical traditions as they are found in old documents, archives and
also the Bible allow an insight into things that seemingly are not to be grasped rationally, but that nevertheless had happened.
Where for centuries a divinity had been implanted into the souls of human beings, a
new God started his reign in the Occident: Capital. This instigated some people to
start a voyage, a voyage on the road to ontology (study of the nature of being). Also
the pretence for naturalness and romance was still partially around, that earlier had
moved the minds of poets and thinkers in the German-speaking area. At the beginning of the twentieth century many small groups emerged that began to document
and interpret the knowledge collected by secret orders in the Middle Ages, safeguarded in the form fragments from the old world in old writings and archaeological
information. Many old world views were thus revived and new interpretations of the
old world emerged. With the General Relativity Theory published in 1915 the floodgates were opened for scientific speculations. The groups who understood to merge
the achievements of the modern age with the restored old interpretations above all
who gained in those times a fantastic amount of fresh realisations.
Among other things an old myth, the secret of the Black Sun, had been revived.
The provenance of the basic knowledge about the Black Sun could not be conclusively established. The oldest archaeological testimonial (the victory stele of King Naram-Sin) that may be seen as a representation of the Black Sun comes from Susa (in
the South-West of Iran) and is dated in the third millennium before our time (today to
be seen in the Louvre in Paris). Radiation and substance of the Black Sun are compared with the White Sun totally different. This means that it energises completely
different areas (dimensions). Basically one can speak of three overlapping conditions
of the Black Sun. There is the Black Sun firstly as matter, meaning as a body existing really in the universe (today dark matter mathematically as verified by astrophysicists), and secondly as a cosmic force field (VRIL Power) active in several dimensions. The third state is exactly between those two forms. In essence, however, it is
always the same; it emits a radiation that acts as a catalyst on the innermost power
in a human being, in a people, but also of an age. Thus the Black Sun has different
forms of appearance in the mythologies of peoples, its principle, however, always remains the same.
VRIL Today
October 2005 VRIL today Today the selfproclaimed government-in-exile of Sealand under Johannes W. F. Seiger promotes
VRIL free energy and also has started linking to VRIL disc aircraft and history. This
gives some weight to allegations that the Seiger group has contact to Neonazis, especially the self-proclaimed Reichsregierung (Government of the Reich). (Only rarely
found on the German pages

VRILIA, 13 December 2009

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The neutral and independent Principality of Sealand stands for a free development of
spirit and the corresponding evolution of human society. Not without reason was the
Principality of Sealand given the heritage of the German VRIL research in trust, in order to be able to hand the VRIL technology one day to a militarily neutral Germany in
a free world for peaceful purposes and the benefit of humanity.
Since 2004 the Government Commission VRILIA puts documents concerning the
VRIL power research in German-speaking central Europe at the disposal of the worlds
population for assessment. Thus we try again to make the principles of VRIL, basic or
space power known to humanity, transcending the thinking obstacles that have been
erected over more than 100 years by a natural science so far remove from Nature.
The following text passages from reissued documents rather sketch the philosophy
behind the VRIL technology than the technology itself. In this we find ourselves in almost an identical situation as 80 years ago when the original texts were written.
Again the world is in the midst of a financial and economic crisis. The desperate quest
for a better future fosters an appalling indifference towards a high calling and the special tasks for humanity in all strata. Only very few retain the proper sense for the
higher values of morality and culture. A clinical assessment of reality tells us that a
reversal may not be instigated using normal means. Schappeller: Only something
fundamentally new may bring salvation! Rethinking the deeper roots of our misery we realise that a technology without ethics and a science without faith are mainly
responsible for the decay of todays civil society.
Here the discoveries of Karl Schappeller come in. He goes completely new ways. The
study of Nature for more than 30 years and an extraordinary power of perception allowed him to penetrate deeper than any man before him into the essence of matter
and energy. In hundreds of experiments he probed his realisations gained through
study as to their practical applicability, and thus he found indeed the basis of a new
technology at the core of which is the realisation of the dynamic union of the world.
Thus technology has been moved from mechanics to dynamics. This is the most formidable and momentous revolution in all areas that humanity ever experienced. Mastering dynamics subdues all matter and all its inherent energies to man. The discovery
by Schappeller is nothing more and nothing less than the primal force that is the
mother force of all matter and energy and which keeps the world internally together.
The manifestations are manifold in which this primal force now confronts us that had
hitherto only marginally and as it were blindly been technically exploited. We recognise it as the power of coherence that keeps the different bodies (or chemical elements) together. In magnetism we again find the same force, only here it has become
active and is able to perform visible work. In the atmosphere it works as tension
(hereto-fore erroneously called air pressure) and as such forms the force field of the
Earth with all its vital functions. In radioactive radiation the force appears in its inverse (excentric) mode of action and at the same time lets us fathom its inherent gigantic energies. If we study radioactive radiation closer we recognise that any matter
is but energy with a specific vibration that irrevocably reverts to radiation as soon as
the general tension (negative atmospheric pressure) of the Earths force field has become less than the atmospheric pressure under which at the time the respective matter has been clustered. We find the primal force in every vacuum. Here we perceive it
as space force per se that is effective totally concentrical. In all of created Nature
there is no Nothing, no being-less space! Where there is no matter, there is energy;

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VRILIA, 13 December 2009

a so-called empty space is therefore always a power space that in turn is bound to a
matter enclosing it and in its essence is determined in its specific colouring. Hence the
statement by Schappeller: Space is controlled by energy, but held by matter.
The Cosmos as a enclosed vacuum is an immense power space that in turn through
the negative atmospheric pressure effects the formation of planetary bodies. Thus
again we recognise in the cosmic energy the primal force.
All energies working with which Nature or with people are only derivatives of this primal force.

VRILIA, 13 December 2009

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Related Documents
The Technische berwachungsverein Sdwestdeutschland TV mentions a
Cosmic Force Field

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VRILIA, 13 December 2009

The Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt (Federal Motor Transport Authority) talks of a

Pullout from Energy Generation through Explosion

VRILIA, 13 December 2009

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VRILIA, 13 December 2009

Translation into English

Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt (KBA) (Federal Bureau of Motor Vehicles)
Re: Phase-out in energy production from explosion to implosion through the Sealand
Your letter of June 1997
Dear Mr Seiger
Thank you for your letter. Please excuse my late response.
The KBA is basically interested in technical innovations and therefore requests more
detaile information about the Sealand Generator (construction, function, effects
From the information supplied one could classify the device described by you as a
system for fuel reduction.
Should you envisage a general operating licence (ABE) according to 22 in conjunction with 20 of the Motor Vehicle Certification Order (StVZO), the following fundamental evidence will have to be supplied:
The fuel saving must be tested following the RILI 80/1268/EWG on a vehicle with
and without the Sealand Generator.
For this the measured reduction values for all test conditions must exceed the
measurement tolerances as allowed in the guidelines.
If additives (liquids) are used, corresponding certificates by the State Office for the
Environment must be supplied that attest the additives as being non-polluting and
that they do not produce harmful wastes after being burnt.
Further the evidence must be supplied that no deterioration concerning exhaust
emissions does occur. It must be shown that the official type test values for the single toxic elements CO, HC, NOx and particle emissions will be maintained after installation of the device or that the proof is made through comparable tests (with and
without the Sealand generator) in a production vehicle that no deterioration concerning exhaust emissions occurs.
Further the performance improvement mentioned by you should be ascertained,
since these might affect the maximum speed of the motor vehicle and thus might
implicate the vehicles equipment (like tyres) and thus the entries in the vehicle
Should you wish to apply for an ABE, you are asked to contact the KBA again with
more detailed technical papers including the name of the manufacturer of the device.
The KBA will then supply you with the documents necessary for the application.
With our best regards
By proxy
Klaus Pietsch

VRILIA, 13 December 2009

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Letters to the Federal Government


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VRILIA, 13 December 2009

Translation into English

Letter to the Federal Government 2009

Dr Angela Dorothea Merkel
Private and Confidential
Monday, January 26, 2009
VRIL Technology (renewable energies)
Dear Dr Merkel
On the day of the foundation of the Agency for Renewable Energies (IRENA) in Berlin I would
like, by referring to our letter of September 20, 2006, today and for a last time offer you to
test the SEALAND GENERATOR (cosmic force field) confidentially. Our devices are quite small
and handy (see Attachment 1), are able to supply without wires existing drive units with
VRIL energy at no cost. They may easily and cheaply be produced for everybody. This is a
great step in the direction of the IRENA idea and will in the medium term mean I independence of oil, gas, nuclear energy and so forth.
As you, Dr Merkel, might recall, I am the custodian of the VRIL Technology of the German
Reich from the 1920s, with adaptations to todays requirements and possibilities. You surely
have read in Tesla of the Magnifying Transmitter. This deals with the wireless and not
shieldable energy transmission from space. The test report by the TV Southwest Germany
(Attachment 2) names as the energy source a cosmic force field. In order to understand this
energy and its transmission you have to leave traditional quantum mechanics. With the newest version of our technology the energy politics of Germany may be set onto a novel
base without special investments. Thus the chance to renew the global world order at the
beginning of the 21st century would fall into your time of office. The question no longer is
whether but in which way this technology will find its world-wide application.
At this time, negotiations with international interested parties are almost finalised. I have
delayed the signing since I would prefer the responsibility for this energy, with its chances
and effects, to remain in Germany. You should therefore signal your general interest until
February 16, 2009. For a personal contact I give you here my private mobile number.
Yours respectfully
Johannes W. F. Seiger


1. Image of the Sealand Generator, newest version

2. Test report by the TV Southwest Germany

VRILIA, 13 December 2009

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VRILIA, 13 December 2009

This attachment you may see under:

VRILIA, 13 December 2009

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Translation into English

Letter to the Federal Government 2006

The Federal Chancellor
Dr Angela Merkel
September 20, 2006
Reference: 121 K 611 740/94/0001

Peace Treaty (formal ending of World War Two)

and Constitution of the German Reich





Dear Ms Bundeskanzlerin
As Prime Minister of the Principality of Sealand and as a citizen of Germany I consider myself
legitimised and called upon to draw your attention to the above issue. The Principality of
Sealand has signed in December 1998 with the German Reich, as represented by the Commissary Government of the German Reich, a friendship and consular treaty, based on which
we have a special relationship to the German issues. This is independent of how critically,
negatively or positively one might view the Kommissarische Reichsregie-rung. Concerning this
I present Attachment 1.
In respect of the Principality of Sealand, both the Federal Republic of Germany and the former
German Democratic Republic have by their endorsements or visa in my diplomatic passport
generally acknowledged the statehood of the Principality of Sealand. This in the same way
implies my diplomatic immunity. This is regulated by Art. 40 of the Vienna Agreement about
diplomatic relations (Attachment 2). A number of states exceeding 50 have since issued diplomatic visa and endorsements.
Already in 1989 I have in my Government Declaration (Excerpts as Attachment 3) remarked
upon the inclination of the judiciary and other organs of the FRG to illicit behaviour. This unfortunately has been corroborated by the judiciary of the State of Brandenburg in its actions
against me including assassination attempts.
The former director of the District Court Luckenwalde thus had to rescind the recognition of
my immunity as ordered by the OLG president, see Attachment 4. Consequently the public
prosecutors office Potsdam conferred to me that there was no public interest in the continuing pursuance of the massive criminal acts against my person.
The Department of Foreign Affairs in turn declared in 2005 that the inviolability of my person was not given (Attachment 5), and further that the Principality of Sealand obviously was
a fantasy construct (Attachment 6). It seems obvious that all preceding correspondence
between the Department of Foreign Affairs and several Ministries of the Principality of Sealand
has been and is withheld from todays responsible personnel.
You will understand that independently of all this I still observe the interests of the sovereign
state I represent without limitations and that I will seek the assistance of the European Court
of Human Rights in Strassburg for legal action against the FRG and the State of Brandenburg.

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VRILIA, 13 December 2009

All the above points to the fact that every German citizen must have a legitimate interest in
the German Question (Attachments 7: Legal Position of the German Reich and the FRG).
In the Government Declaration of 1989 I further pointed out that the FRG despite its farreaching independence in respect of international law is not a sovereign state. Unfortunately
one must note that the allied caveat rights still valid today, covered by Art. 23 of the transition treaty, not only take precedence over German law, but go as far that the USA and the
faith community dominating its policy exercise their interests in total legality to the detriment of the German population. This led especially since the reunification 1990 through unscrupulous implementation of political power in many cases that disfavoured persons not only
were and are discriminated and defamed, but also to existence-destroying interventions, suicides of those concerned and even to contract killings.
It is therefore of the utmost importance that the full sovereignty of Germany within its legitimate boundaries be re-established through a Peace Treaty. Only with durable territorial
regulations and a final pacification of all participants do reconstruction and order for a new
united Europe get their legal basis (Art. 146 GG).
One can foresee that todays global development will draw the FRG and the German people
into the slavery of an economic dependency and mental immaturity. Therefore, we were
given the task to see to it that the question of a Peace Treaty for Germany will be put on the
daily agenda of world politics. Despite all actual political demands it should be possible to
achieve this within a year and it could be ready to be finalised within a further three
Should we find that after one year nothing in this direction is noticeable in the media, we will
follow our order and make the VRIL technologies in our hands and at our disposal available to
the world without limitations (Attachment 8). We would like to stress here that this is not an
oblique threat of violence.
In the context of this writing I would like to point to the correspondence we had with the Foreign Office since 1980 and since 1994 with the Chancellery. On August 19, 1996, I had written a note concerning the Foreign Office in conjunction with the VRIL technology that is in
Attachment 9.
Newer test with the VRIL technology have shown that by a targeted application of this technology all types of electronic systems may be switched off contactlessly. It is also possible to
massively influence any biologic entity on our planet negatively or positively. Our developments have advanced so far by now that the VRIL technology may be introduced to everyone
for civilian applications. VRIL direct drives are in the process of being tested.
We afford to offer you personally for one year one specimen of our latest Sealand Generator
for testing. Should you be interested, I am ready to present and hand over a Sealand Generator to you personally. Should you so request it, also under observation of the strictest confidentiality.
Let me close with restating that we do not seek confrontation, but rather consensus with the
common goal of serving Germany.
The Ambassadors of the US, Great Britain, the French Republic and the Russian Federation as
well as the Chairman of the EU Commission will receive a copy of this letter.
I remain respectfully yours
Johannes W. F. Seiger, Prime Minister

VRILIA, 13 December 2009

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Access to the VRIL Energy

The PRINCIPALITY OF SEALAND sees itself as Trustee of the VRIL Technology of the German Reich and therefore has the paramount goal to make the VRIL Technology accessible to the German economy. The Federal Republic of Germany that sees itself as
identical with the German Reich, has hitherto left any offer to get custody of the VRIL
Technology unanswered (see letters, personally addressed to Ms Federal Chancellor,
Dr. rer. nat. Angela Merkel, from 2006 and 2009). And this, despite the fact that the
second world economic crisis seriously endangers the well-being of all peoples.
Through VRIL Technology a fresh impulse could spread from Germany to every corner
of the World through a practically cost-free energy supply. Due to the refusal by the
Federal Republic of Germany as well as the EU Commission and allied adversaries
from the Second World War who were informed at the same time the Government of
the PRINCIPALITY OF SEALAND now feels impelled to put the VRIL technology at the disposal to selected individuals and to independent states for testing (SEALAND Generator
Cosmic Energy Field).
Interested parties may contact us by e-mail via or by
mail to the addresses given below to get information about the modalities leading to a
possible co-operation.
As a form of preparation we suggest a study of the VRIL material on the official website of the
Please consider that the texts in the work of Karl Schappeller stem from the time
shortly after the first world economic crisis 1928 and are in the language of the day
infused by worries concerning the German people. The novel by E. Bulwer-Lytton Vril
The Power of the Coming Race von 1871 describes the VRIL technology with its
technical and social implications.
To ensure an unlimited and peaceful utilisation of VRIL energy, the co-operation of the
international community of states with Germany is indispensible. This especially concerns the enemy states in view of the legally still valid enemy state clause (see attachment) in the Articles 53 and 107 of the UN Charter ( In this concern one must aspire to reach a final
Peace Treaty between the German Reich and the former adversaries during the Second World War.

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VRILIA, 13 December 2009

Contact Addresses:
SEALAND HOUSE, P.O. Box 2366, D-33351 Rheda-Wiedenbrck, Germany
Joweid Zentrum 1, CH-8630 Rti ZH, Switzerland,,
Telephone: +49-700-0-sealand





Regierungskommission VRILIA


signed Johannes W. F. Seiger

signed Urs Thoenen

Prime Minister

Minister for Culture and Information

VRILIA, 13 December 2009

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Enemy State Clause

Charter of the United Nations
Article 53
The Security Council shall, where appropriate, utilize such regional arrangements or
agencies for enforcement action under its authority. But no enforcement action shall
be taken under regional arrangements or by regional agencies without the authorization of the Security Council, with the exception of measures against any enemy state,
as defined in paragraph 2 of this Article, provided for pursuant to Article 107 or in regional arrangements directed against renewal of aggressive policy on the part of any
such state, until such time as the Organization may, on request of the Governments
concerned, be charged with the responsibility for preventing further aggression by
such a state.
The term enemy state as used in paragraph 1 of this Article applies to any state which
during the Second World War has been an enemy of any signatory of the present

Article 107
Nothing in the present Charter shall invalidate or preclude action, in relation to any
state which during the Second World War has been an enemy of any signatory to the
present Charter, taken or authorized as a result of that war by the Governments having responsibility for such action.

List of Enemy States

Whose Enemy, whose Friend?
The following list contains all states with whom Germany is according to international
law still at war even today. A ruling by the Bundesverfassungsgericht (Federal Constitutional Court) of July 31, 1973, the German Reich continues to be and is identical
with the FRG. Therefore the so-called Enemy State Clause issued by the United Nations against Germany persists in the form of the FRG. And every enemy state still
de jure retains the full right of access (right of intervention), since up to today no
peace treaty has been signed with any one of them or their legal successors.
The actual reparation demands by Greece (see UN 7 and 8/2000) again pose the
question if and to what extent the FRG is facing up to the rights and duties of the
German Reich. The modus vivendi (UNO Resolution 50/52 of 1995 and the 2+4

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VRILIA, 13 December 2009

Treaty), declaring the Enemy State Clause as obsolete, does not change the legal
status quo.
This legal status may only be returned to normal by the signing of the respective
peace treaties. This, however, is still opposed mainly by the former Allies.
The Enemy States and the Dates of Declaration of War respectively of Entry into the

09.04. Island


01.09. Poland

09.04. Norway

16.01. Iraq*

01.09. Czechoslovakia

10.05. Belgium

17.04. Bolivia

10.05. Luxemburg

09.09. Persia (Iran)

03.09. Great Britain

10.05. Netherlands

13.10. Italy

03.09. France

10.05. Indonesia*

27.11. Columbia

03.09. Australia*



03.09. Bangladesh*

06.04. Greece

27.01. Liberia

03.09. Burma*

06.04. Yugoslavia

26.08. Romania

03.09. Ceylon*

22.06. USSR

08.09. Bulgaria

03.09. India*

09.12. China

15.09. Finland

03.09. Israel (Declaration by

11.12. USA

30.12. Hungary

11.12. Costa Rica


03.09. Jordan*

11.12. Dominican Republic

08.02. Paraguay

03.09. Cambodia*

11.12. Guatemala

13.02. Peru

03.09. Laos*

11.12. Cuba

16.02. Venezuela

03.09. Morocco*

11.12. Nicaragua

22.02. Uruguay

03.09. Monaco

11.12. Philippines

23.02. Chile

03.09. New Zealand

11.12. Puerto Rico

23.02. Turkey

03.09. Pakistan*

12.12. El Salvador

26.02. Egypt

03.09. Tunisia*

12.12. Haiti

26.02. Syria

03.09. Vietnam*

12.12. Panama

27.02. Lebanon

06.06. South-African Union

13.12. Honduras

01.03. Saudi-Arabia

10.09. Canada


27.03. Argentine


22.05. Mexico

09.04. Denmark

22.08. Brazil

09.04. Greenland*

01.12. Ethiopia

(Government in Exile)

Zionist World Congress)

States marked with a * were at the time of entry into the war in colonial dependency
of a warring power.

VRILIA, 13 December 2009

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Space Force,
Its Exploitation and Utilisation by Karl Schappeller


Special Edition for the SEALAND BUSINESS CLUB

Preface to the New Re-Edition

Following the re-publication of the documents Vril The Primal Force and World Dynamism from the competence of the Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft Das kommende
Deutschland (Reich Study Group The Coming Germany) in 2004 we will now make
documents from the history of the Vril Power research in German-speaking central
Europe available for evaluation.
This document deals with the work of Karl Schappeller that today is all but forgotten.
This simple person had been selected to make available to his German fatherland and
humanity through spiritual inspiration by-passing the thought blockages erected
over 100 years in the obdurate and nature-less natural sciences of Anglo-Saxon coinage the elementary principles of the Vril, primal or space force and to demonstrate
its technical application. For reasons that we will soon discuss publicly this attempt
had not been successful at the time.
The content of this document that was published in 1928 in Austria rather sketches
the philosophy or world-view behind this technology rather than the technology itself.
In this translation the original page layout had to be abandoned.
Government Commission VRILIA of the Principality of Sealand

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VRILIA, 13 December 2009

Dynamic Technology
Essence and Importance of the Force Discovered by Karl Schappeller
By Dr Franz Wetzel and Engineer L. Gfllner
You shall believe in Germanys future,
In the resurrection of your people,
Let not this belief be taken from you
Despite of everything what had happened
And you should always act,
As if from you and your actions alone
The destiny of German things depended,
And the responsibility would be yours.

The discoveries and inventions of the 19th and 20th centuries in the area of mechanics,
physics and where in consideration also chemistry moved indubitably in the direction of a steadily increasing action of force with a steadily decreasing material of the
mechanical apparatus. Safe flight with aircraft only became possible when the proper
weight of the engine has been reduced as far as possible while supplying increased
The performances of technology and physics in the past century as well as the twoand-a-half decades of this century are astonishing, but not in all respects admirable.
They did free human beings of some heavy and degrading physical work and had
given civilisation unimagined possibilities of expansion, yet they remained deficient in
the most important factor without which no true culture may prosper, the inherent
Technology and engineering even today are largely ends in themselves. Coming from
a materialistic realm of thought and imagination they mainly served the erection of
that materialistic mammonistic economic order, the apparent boom of which in the
pre-war times should not blind us to the fact that the same technology has gifted
us with the social problem with all its terrible effects for nation and national community, for culture and morality.
After the war, this technology had become a Golem threatening all of cultured humanity with certain extinction the more the inventions and discoveries in physics and
chemistry laboratories and in the workplaces of engineers and technicians are rushing
in. Hardly a new invention of import that is not immediately checked for its adaptability to military use, that is for the destruction of human beings. This today leads to the
general view that a future war may lead to the total extinction of whole peoples.
The German people is all but powerless towards this frightening development of war
technology. The reasons do not have to be elaborated on here. Unfortunately the
forced backwardness of the German weapons technology reduces the general political
influence of the German people in the peaceful competition of the nations. For the
higher ethical power that a disarmed Germany may put in the weighing scale of international politics has little weight and value in the present world order. There, next to
the dollar, the fist still reigns.
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Besides this weakening of Germanys war technology the complete economic technology of the German people is also in a bad shape. Despite all efforts by our industry,
despite all great inventions by our physicists, chemists and technicians we are no
longer capable to employ our population surplus continuously and adequately; it was
not even possible to ensure a sufficient income for a majority of our workforce that in
turn would form the basis for a healthy inner market. The total inadequacy of our
inner market, of the normal product turnaround within the country, exacerbated by
the deficient buying power of a weakened agriculture, is further shown up by the dangerously great passivity of German trade balance. As things stand today, no German
government will be able to restrict imports in such a way that trade would be balanced; trade agreements with the most important producing countries of the world
will not allow it, nor would the undeniable fact that the German soil is no longer able
to nourish the population that is crowding it from its own resources. The option to
move our population surplus to somewhere outside of our borders conveniently and
place them there so that they retain the German national identity is not possible
within the present political world order.

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So the German people is seriously threatened at the basis of its existence through the
lack of living space, chronic unemployment of hundreds of thousands, even millions of
countrymen and an increasing indebtedness to foreign countries. This slide towards
the abyss is sped up by the unbearable load of reparation payments and the incredible
taxes and social charges that lie upon the German economy like a suffocating nightmare.
Worse than the economic consequences of such untenable situations are the ethiccultural and national effects. The desperation to reach a better future that has wide
circles of our people in its grasp gives rise to a distressing indifference towards the
high calling and the special humanitarian tasks of the German people in all walks of
life. The people only live for the day; many no longer care whether it stands on a
marshy or on hard ground. Few retain the right sense for higher values in ethics and
culture, for a lived Christianity, the word Fatherland has lost its exalted sound in
the hearts of many Germans.
Is it any wonder that such a people is susceptible to all kinds of undermining? But
how should this German people, and this question is not any less important, come to
a rebirth of its true essence? How should it again become healthy, big and mighty?
A sober look at reality tells us that with normal means a turnaround and salvation
may not be brought about. All efforts by patriotic and sacrificial people and groups are
condemned to an early downturn und dieback, as experience tells us. For all movements that came about in this way in order to free and save our country solidify in
the all too long duration of preparation to organisations with the unloving bureaucratism of such constructs and their raison dtre is limited with time to parades (basically meaningless), in the publication of newspapers and magazines (being foisted on
the members) and in the collection of membership fees that in most cases are paid
rather grudgingly.
The dream of many of these patriotic organisations, to be able one day to usurp governance by fascist ways and then to create order, is an Utopia as the circumstances and the instruments of power are arranged today. To wait for a war between
France, England and the Soviet Union and then to attack when the hands of the western opponents to the re-strengthening of Germany are bound that is frivolous thinking. For the western as well as the eastern neighbours of Germany would ensure that
all possibilities to attack would be taken from the patriotic associations in Germany
presupposing the actual instruments of power of the whole German people. And even
n the unlikely case that a great patriotic association one day would be in the position
to take over the government of Germany: would it then have the opportunity to remove all those social evils that we have recognised as the undertakers of the German
nation? Parliaments and parties may be suppressed, the press restricted, the Jewish
influence maybe! partially curbed, the reparation payments perhaps! withheld;
even then the German people would still be threatened from without and from within
in its naked existence. No national organisation may alter the nature of our soil and
our environment that at this time are hostile towards us with the means that are actually available.
That is the harrowing tragedy hanging like a dreadful sword of Damocles over your
German people and threatening it constantly with extinction.
But if that is the case, how may the German people be helped? Parties and Parliament have failed; the economy as such is also not in a position to bring recovery, and
the patriotic organisations have neither enough means of power nor the prerequisites
for an economic and ethical renascence of the German people.
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There is no other way out: Only something fundamentally new can bring us salvation,
salvation from the enemies without and salvation within.
How must what is new be conditioned to bring real salvation? This great task
alone, that must be solved, demands help of a universal measure. Small measures
can no longer help when the existence of a people is threatened.
If we rethink the deeper causation of our national misery, we clearly recognise that a
technology without ethics and a science without Christendom have been the main
cause for the disintegration of our national soul. For healing to start at the roots, a
technology filled by the highest ethics and by a science that is Christian through and
through is essential.
Here the discovery of Schappeller comes in. He is going totally new ways. A study of
Nature spanning more than 30 years, uninfluenced by any classical science, but paired
with an unusual cognitive power, let him penetrate deeper into the essence of matter
and energy than any human being before him. What in modern nuclear physics and
electrochemistry has slowly been recognised as partial results, Schappeller was conversant with more than ten years ago. In hundreds of experiments he tested the realisations he had won through his studies as to their practical usefulness, and thus he
discovered in fact the foundation for a totally new technology, whose character is the
realisation of the dynamic unity of the world.
Thus, technology has been moved away from mechanics to dynamics. This means
and it will have to be shown the most formidable and consequential revolution in all
areas that humanity has ever experienced. For mastering dynamics will free humanity
from the dominion of matter; it will totally subdue all of matter and all its inherent
energies. The desperate struggle that despite the astounding art of engineering humanity is forced to wage against the recalcitrant forces of Nature will be replaced by
the total victory over them. Because what Schappeller brings us is nothing less than
the primal force that is at the same time the mother force of all matter and energy.
But what is this primal force? It is the force that holds the world together in its
inner core. The manifestations in which this force that so far was utilised technically
only in a limited way and almost blindly confronts us are manifold. We know it as the
cohesive force and understand that as the concentric effect of the atmospheric
pressure that holds the different bodies (for instance the. chemical elements) together. In magnetism we again find the same force, only here it has become active; it
is already able to perform visible work. In the atmosphere it functions as tension (up
to now erroneously called air pressure) and as such forms the force field of the
Earth with all its vital functions. In radioactive radiation the primal force emerges in
its opposed (excentric) mode of action and lest us begin to fathom its gigantic inherent energies. By studying radioactive radiation closer, we perceive that all matter is
nothing but cumulative energy with a defined specific vibration that inevitably returns
to radiation as soon as the general tension (the negative atmospheric pressure) of the
Earths force field becomes less than the atmospheric pressure under which the respective matter (chemical element) was originally formed. Primal force is found in
every vacuum. Here we recognise it as the space force per se acting absolutely concentrically. In all of created Nature there is no nothing, no unsubstantial space.
Where there is no matter, there is energy; a so-called empty space is therefore always a force area that in turn is bound to matter enveloping it and that is in its essence determined by a specific colouring. Hence the sentence:
Energy Controls Space, Matter Occupies Space.

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Since the Cosmos is a self-contained vacuum, an immense force area filled by a yet
undifferentiated space force that in turn effects by the negative atmospheric pressure
the specific formation of all planetary matter, we recognise in that cosmic energy
again that primal force in its purest and most genuine essence.
All energies that Nature or mankind is working with are merely deductions of the primal force. Unfortunately man neglected to study the effects of the primal force in the
workings of Nature. Had he done so, natural science would not have been stifled in
materialism, nor would technology gone so far astray that as an unrestrained Golem it
endangers humanity to its roots; it would rather have served the building up as do the
forces of creative Nature. Here we may insert this reflection:
If Watt and Stephenson or Volta and Werner Siemens or Hertz and Marconi had suspected what fatal gifts they had provided for humanity with their inventions of the
steam engine, of electricity and of radio telegraphy; If they but had had an inkling of
the immense revolutions their inventions had caused in a very short time on the
whole Earth might they then not rather have destroyed their basically ingenious
work before it saw the light of day?
This question is justified when we look at the dreadful set of problems leading a humanity that had been delighted with these (and many other) inventions and thus
led onto the wrong track.
This consideration forces the irrefutable moral duty upon us not to release a new
force, a new technology for general use before every imaginable safeguard was established that it would be a boon for our German people and for humanity. This responsibility becomes immeasurable when this concerns the introduction of a dynamics working with the effects of the primal force in economic life as a whole and in the complete
state apparatus of our Nation.
Following these necessary interposed considerations we return to the study of Schappeller. A yearlong preoccupation with the essence and the mode of action of the primal force (which he had recognised as a magneto-static force) led him closer to a indepth study of electricity. He recognised electricity as a concentric gas made up of
hydrogen and oxygen in the tightest connection with the force of the vacuum. In
every electron, this vacuum force resides; for every electron is a little force space
separated in north and south, ergo magneto-static. But since, as presented already,
every magneto-static force space envelops primal force as space force, it is susceptible to any excitement from outside and thus may be charged by any impulse. This
discovery by Schappeller, tested in experiments, is of an enormous import. We will be
able to deal with this only later in this treatise.
Schappeller studied the essence, the effects and the cycle of electricity on all occurrences imaginable. Thus he found that electricity, even if only latently, is inherent in
all matter as magneto-static cohesive force and may be activated through the creation
of an apt circulation, i. e. be brought to flow and by joining up in circuit a suitable resistor be forced to provide output. Starting from a simple zinc-carbon element, the
electricity-producing effect consists as is well-known of the overflow of the less bound
cohesive force of the zinc to the more stable carbon in the connective conductor
formed by a metal (copper, iron, osmium) or carbon, Schappeller in an ever deepening intrusion into the essence of matter and force learnt to connect a number of substances to elements and to bring their cohesive forces in the form of specific electric
currents to flow. The most important outcome of this research and experimentation of
many years was the reclamation of electricity from stone, to wit of vital electric force.

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We call this electric force vital in contrast to the dead electricity from metals as it is
produced today, since in every stone due to its early formation is a remanent life
force. The rocky mantle of the Earth is made up of reams of living beings and has not
gone through the life-destroying conversion of the metals by fire. The different possibilities of application of vital electricity will be discussed separately.
Essence and utilisation of the universal energy developed by Schappeller are easiest
understood through the study of the simple zinc-carbon element. Here electricity is
produced when the zinc mantle positioned concentrically around the carbon rod is
connected to that rod by a suitable connective conductor. We have already heard that
two arbitrary bodies exhibiting different cohesive forces may be coupled in an electrolyte through a connective conductor and then will deliver electric power of a certain
quantity and quality. Continuing logically on this path, Schappeller has achieved das
most enormous feat that any man had technically achieved: He has connected the
Earth and the atmosphere, and extending from it the Cosmos, by a connective conductor of a special type and thus produced the largest element imaginable. Chemistry
teaches that the negative atmospheric pressures (wrongly called solution tension),
by which all planetary elemental materials are kept together, are in the range of 10-38
to 1048 atmospheres (hydrogen uranium). The larger is the tension differential of
the cohesive forces of two elemental materials joined as an electric element, the larger is the resulting electric current, as long as the connective conductor used is the
proper one. This realisation, applied to the universal element Earth-Cosmos of Schappeller, naturally leads to the notion that the energy gained from this element simply
must be inexhaustible as to the amount and the character.
The technical apparatus of this element shall only be touched upon briefly here. Any
understanding of its mode of action requires an in-depth study coupled with laboratory demonstrations. It shall suffice to mention that the element of primal force has
been physically tried and its many possibilities of application been set down constructively.
Since the Earth and the atmosphere (respectively the Cosmos) are given prerequisites, it was only necessary to find the proper connective conductor between the two
electrodes through which the energy circuit Earth-Cosmos is caused. The nature of
this connective conductor was realised through the study of lightening, its formation,
its essence and its transformations. For a bolt of lightening is nothing else than a voltage equalisation between the Earth, the reservoir of all forces, and the atmosphere.
This equalisation is effected in the form of an electron charged with glowing magnetism. The material source of this magnetism is the water in a thundercloud that has
ascended in the form of vapour from the Earth and has been supercharged with heat.
The energetic source of lightening is to be found in the magnetic force field of the
Earth, to wit in the atmosphere. Thus lightening may be described as a concentrated
glowing atmosphere.
Based on this short discourse follows: If one succeeds to create a constant bolt of
lightening, the connective conductor between Earth and atmosphere is found through
which a constant circulation of streaming electric energy must move from the inexhaustible force reservoir Earth to the atmosphere respectively to the Cosmos and
back; a circular flow whose intensity and type of current is merely dependent of the
charge of the artificially produced bolt of lightening.
Schappeller succeeded in a perfect way to create this constant bolt of lightening that
we also call electric steam or concentrated energy, or perhaps best glowing

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magnetism and to find a suitable apparatus enabling is usage as cosmic connective

conductor. In the construction of his apparatus Schappeller began with the study of
known forces and their technical means of utilisation. Only he set different common
tool and machine forms kind of on their heads, meaning he connected them in a way
opposed to the way that was usual up to now.
The study of a telegraph line teaches us that the electric current circuit used to telegraph or telephone must me absolutely closed should the talking or listening apparatus joined up as resistor function at all. The circuit is closed by the line wire on the
one hand and the Earth on the other, where at both end stations of the line plates
have been installed in the ground water. Here we see that the Earth as such is an excellent connective conductor for electric currents. It must be since the Earth as the
reservoir of all planetary forces and the Earth magnetism are nothing else but the
mother force that if in a certain manner generates the electric spark or current.
The amount drawn from the power reservoir Earth in each case is dependent on the
force with which suction is applied to the reservoir. The principle of the siphon is applied here. The stronger and longer the suction is applied to the siphon, the more liquid is drawn from the container to which it is fastened. In the same way the dynamo
of the power plant of today is only drawing as much power as the devices linked to
the power grid are using up (motors, light bulbs etc.). Of course this is only valid
within the capacity (charge or efficiency) of the dynamo that again is determined by
the strength of the cohesive force of the material from which rotor and stator of the
dynamo are made. In the meantime, the proof that the Earths magnetism is an inexhaustible and thus easily usable source of electric energy has been shown by a Wiesbaden engineer (see Mnchener Zeitung of December 24, 1927). The Hamburg physicist Hermann Plauson has given the same confirmation years ago, only with much
more unwieldy devices.
A further step towards the discovery of Schappeller is the utilisation of the atmosphere as carrier of the emitted electric waves between two aggregates (emitter and
receiver) in wireless telegraphy and radiotelephony. Up to now it was only possible to
transmit electric power through the atmosphere in a quantitatively very limited
amount. As already mentioned, such a transmission happens in the form of exciter
waves. To transport electric high-tension current through the atmosphere would at
least be quite a dangerous undertaking, as the large-scale experiments of Tesla
proved. X-rays may be sent via the Coolidge tube for about two metres through the
atmosphere; their effect however is lethal to all organisms. These x-rays multiplied as
well as death rays of unimaginable action are ready.
But Schappeller did not aim for such effects. He wants to create tools of construction
and of peace, not weapons of destruction and war. He sees the humanitarian task of
the German people in the safeguarding of world peace and the creation of a culture
ensouled by a genuine Christendom. To this end he wants to give the German people
defensive weapons of unimagined force, but no offensive weapons that in the end always lead to disaster. Therefore Schappeller has declined all offers, however tempting, to make the dynamic of the ether (as the primal force is also called) he harnessed
available for the construction of new tools of war; it would be easy for him to transform any radio transmitter from a wave emitter to a radiation emitter of deathly effect. For the conductibility of the atmosphere for all kinds of radiation is proven as
long as the proper transmitter is available.
Schappeller also inverted the hitherto existing technology of energy transmission: He
dos not send potentially lethal electric energy through the atmosphere, but the nonVRILIA, 13 December 2009

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hazardous mother force of electricity, namely magnetisms in a specifically designed

form. The electric energy needed for all kinds of mechanical and other uses is then
gained everywhere locally through novel motors excited by this magnetic radiation
from Earths magnetism that is available in abundance everywhere. So here the reverse takes place compared to todays generation and use of electricity. In the latter
magnetism is retained on the power plant (dynamo) and electricity is transmitted
Schappeller does quite the opposite (exactly as does Nature): he sends out the specifically excited magnetism and through it lets electricity in the desired form be generated at the place of application.
In order to produce the indicated effects it was necessary to construct a technical apparatus in which glowing magnetism may be produced and permanently sustained as
connective conductor between Earth and the atmosphere. This apparatus is relatively
simple. It is basically nothing else but the translation of the natural flow of power in
all organisms into the technological realm. In essence it consists of a precisely calculated hollow sphere the wall of which is formed of magnetic lamellae into whose interstices have been filled with a non-magnetic diaphragm. Two magnetic poles are extended into the interior of the sphere (which actually consists of two semi-spheres)
the points of which have been given a very specific shape. Hollow wires filled with
electret compound (a compound that may be charged with permanent electricity, the
counterpart of a permanent magnet) are connected to the poles that for the first
time in technology are set head to head. These wires are lying in multiple tight spirals inside the sphere, but separated from the wall of the sphere by an insulating
layer. In the remaining small space in the centre of the sphere between the pole
points the magneto-static filling is placed that serves as atmospheric connective conductor whose essence and generation is the absolute secret of Schappeller. The hollow wires are connected with one pole to the Earth via a specially constructed battery.
The second pole forms in the centre of the sphere, and from there, electric energy
may be drawn in any form and intensity up to the maximum performance that had
been induced into the sphere at the start. The energy drawn from the sphere is replaced constantly in equal amounts from the Earth magnetism. The sphere rests on a
magnetic support arm with a special guide via which it can be switched on and off. It
is filled with the strongest magnetic tension (by which it reacts continuously to the
tension in the atmosphere), but at its surface it remains magnetically indifferent. In a
way it is an ideal representation of the Earth, a kind of small artificial Earth with its
own force field. If the sphere is switched on, a magnetic needle reacts to its north and
south pole exactly as it does to the north and south pole of the Earth. This sphere is a
generator, accumulator, transformer, aerial and stator in one. It delivers electric
power for all possible uses of the technology for light or power in both high-tension
and low-tension currents. Coupled with a specially constructed motor it is the first real
electric motor. With another useful device the sphere may become a wave transmitter
that is able to emit any amount of waves at the same time. Thanks to this sphere
and its astounding performance the complete light and poor technology may be totally
remodelled in a short time, for the generation costs of the energy produced sink very
low while the scope of applications is innumerable.
New motors for all kinds of applications and levels of performance, new cars and locomotives, new airplanes and all high-power engines may be served by this new
power as easily, cheaply and reliably as are all devices using low-power technology
like novel, individually adaptable telephones, communicators, cinematographs able to
transmit images and sound combined and vividly, new types of lighting equipment
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and many more. Of special import for agriculture are machines for growth promotion
enabling two harvests per year. Implementing these energy-producing spheres requires the existence of so-called centrals: These are similarly constructed spheres of
greater dimensions having an action radius of about five kilometres (similar to todays
transformer stations). For a distance of about five kilometres the conductibility of the
atmosphere is absolutely warranted for the transmission of the specific power carrier
waves by means of the present constructions of Schappeller.
All centrals are wirelessly and without exception also energetically connected to the
so-called Ur-Machine (primal machine) from which they all receive their first filling.
The location of this Ur-Machine is kept secret. As already mentioned, this Ur-Machine
is producing the so-called filling, a specific glowing magnetism without which neither
the centrals nor the individual motors, machines and apparatuses will function. The
filling is executed by special charging machines that are erected in a sizeable number
of locations; the sphere engines themselves which will number in the millions may be
built anywhere where suitable factories and workshops exists and from there will be
sent to the charging station. Safeguards against misuse come from the power of the
Ur-Machine that through the filling is connected to every single motor or other device.
The Ur-Machine is an aggregate of seven engine spheres, five of them circle around a
sixth that is connected to Earth. In this way they continuously tear away the magnetic
ray bridge emanating form the seventh sphere that is also connected to Earth, but
with the opposite pole, and thus concentrate the magnetism inside.
Besides the power generating machines another, maybe even more important type of
machine is connected to this Ur-Machine: the matter-generating machine. Through
this machine we are able to bring any kind of matter without exception and in any
depth to radiate and by way of an energetic electrolysis bath bring it to the Earths
surface and solidify it again to matter. The realisation of modern nuclear physics and
electro-chemistry already confirm the discovery of Schappeller that all matter is condensed from cosmic energy charged with specific vibrations. Therefore all matter may
be transmuted by radiation to its energetic form and from this again to a gaseous,
liquid and solid aggregate state. The necessary negative atmospheric pressure (better: atmospheric suction) is delivered by the condensation machine.
An extension of the condensation machine is the matter-transmuting machine that is
able to transmute any chemical element into any other by way of the energetic electrolysis bath.
The matter-generation and matter-transmuting machines may be set up and run
anywhere. But unlike the motors for light and power generation that will be made
available in the free market, the matter-generation and matter-transmuting machines
will not be articles of trade, they will later become the inalienable monopoly of the
German State and until then will remain the property of the association of Schappeller. They assure the State the necessary dominance of economic life in the whole
Reich, even an intangible supremacy worldwide.
The whole new technology including the Ur-Machine shall be placed under the direction of a newly established organisation to be set up according to a plan that is thoroughly organised and must include the sense of responsibility of each member. This
organisation set up in a ring system but that shall not be further elaborated here also
has to ensure that the introduction of the new technology is not a revolution, but
rather an evolution, meaning that todays technology is replaced gradually thus avoiding an economic calamity.

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The introduction of all innovations stemming from the dynamic technology in Germany will take about seven years; this has been set down point by point after detailed
studies in the so-called execution programme. The essence of the dynamic technology
inherently prohibits its delivery to the unscrupulous and irresponsible economic capitalism of today that has no sense for German or Christian thought. It is rather destined to set the recovery and renewal of the German people and the Greater German
Reich to a federative base and enable the German people to realise its great humanitarian mission.
This technology will therefore been handed over only to those Germans who as human
beings and Christians have reached that ethical level from which alone the true human culture may be created. To them is then bestowed the universal force that will
introduce a new age in every respect. Free within, protected from inimical attacks
from without, the German people will, with immense power, but also with a great
sense of responsibility, indeed take over the leadership among the peoples of the
Earth, and then the prophetic word will be fulfilled:
and so the world will recover thanks to the German character!

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The Realisation of the Work of Schappeller

By Dr Franz Wetzel and Engineer L. Gfllner
For the practical application of the discovery of Schappeller one must consider that
here we do not deal with a new invention, a new machine or the like, but rather with
the discovery and utilisation of the universal energy, the primal force, that happens to
exist. From this reclamation a totally new technology emerges by necessity and
since the freed primal force bestows upon its dominators an insurmountable power
a new age for humanity. Therefore it is indispensible to test and prepare the application of the new force under different aspects.
1. Economically and technically the new force brings a complete turnaround, a reassessment of all values. There will be hardly a machine, a technical apparatus that in
its mode of action and its economy shall not be affected or even superseded by the
new technology. The new dynamic technology comprises all kinds of high-power or
low-power electric motors. In the future electric locomotives and cars may be produced without costly armatures and then run in the cheapest possible way (through
the generation of electric energy from water) or, where a sufficient number of centrals
have been erected, even easier through a connection to these. New types of aircraft
using magneto-static power and steering, safe from any crashes, could be built at a
fraction of todays costs for airplanes or airships and then be steered by anyone without protracted training. These. too, shall be switched to centrals and as airplanes may
only move between assigned airports, or they are totally independent and steerable.
Large airships may also be built that using the new power may bridge long distances
in a surprisingly short time without engines or propeller noise. Shipping on the seas or
on inland waters will be easiest to be switched to the new type of propulsion. Existing
ships can be equipped with the new motors without great cost; at the same time totally new constructions will be possible.
Not less important than the new propulsion motors will be the fixed motors based on
the new power. The importance, however, of the power centrals to be erected every
ten kilometres (comparable to todays transformer stations) shall be especially
stressed. These centrals form through their reciprocal connection over the area they
cover a power net of immense effect. They serve as control unit for thousand, even
millions of high-power and low-power motors dispersed all over the land and provide
the dynamic connection of these with the Ur-Machine. They are of special benefit for
the advancement of agricultural production. By producing electricity from stone they
are able to funnel natural fertiliser and nourishment to the soil and the cultivated
plants and thus under certain circumstances allow two crops a year. The centrals are
also able with the help of their exceptionally strong and adequately adjusted radiation
to influence the atmospheric conditions and to prevent natural catastrophes. They
represent the strongest imaginable magnetic bridge between the Earth and the atmosphere.
Generally the new power serves to run all imaginable stable motors via the centrals.
These motors run with a maximum output of as many horsepowers as they had been
charged with at the first charging. All power consumed is immediately and automatically replaced from the Earths magnetism. The illumination of houses and built-up
areas, finally of the whole area served by the centrals, becomes independent of extrinsic power plants. Every house, every community, produces the electricity individu-

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ally. Special light bulbs adapted to the new power provide a bright, pure but inoffensive light. Heating, too, is completely renewed. The new heaters produce a healthy,
natural warmth quite in contrast to todays steam and electric heating devices. All fire
hazards are excluded, the sooting of the cities ends, industrial areas burnt to deserts
by carbon dust and sulphurous gases again become green and blooming terrains.
Telephony and television will also be reshaped by the new power. We will all get personal phones that are set so that we may only be connected to people we want to
speak with (independent of wherever we are). The transmission of images and events
of all kinds over any distance, also in connection with musical offerings, will be easy
with the new power. Complete operas may be transmitted including the respective
music. The new telephones and televisions may be carried anywhere and be immediately operational.
Medical science will also vastly profit from applying the primal force in practise.
Check-ups, diagnosis and therapy forms will be on the energetic, i. e. essential foundation and will thus fulfil the demands of reasonable modern physicians (see address
given by Privy Council Dr Sauerbruch at the German Physician Meeting in Bonn 1927).
There will thenceforth no longer be any incurable diseases. All the other sciences and
even the arts will profit from the new force, since new research instruments, for instance in astronomy and astrophysics, will be made available.
In short, the area of application of the new force is limitless, because it is the universal energy; only a number of examples had been given above. More than one hundred
constructions exist already, and all modes of application have been tested.
Equally extensive are the applications for condensing machines that quite in contrast to high-power and low-power motors are not trading goods, but must remain
under state monopoly. There are two types of condensing machines: Matter-producing
and matter-refining machines. With their help it is possible to bring any type of matter
in the ground, at any depth, to radiate and then through condensation of the emanation in the condensing machine to densify it back to matter. In the same way matter
may be refined. In this way all mining operations will slowly become surface mining
and human beings freed from the life-threatening, harmful occupation below the surface that is unbefitting civilised man.
The reclamation of radium, gold and other valuable materials as well as the production of pure carbon in the form of diamonds may accrue new riches in a short time
and in this context through the new jobs produced social strife be lastingly conquered.
One of the most urgent public work programmes that today are neglected due to financial shortages, the reconditioning of existing roads and the construction of new
ones, will receive an immense boost through the condensing machines. It will be possible with the aid of electricity to melt the masses of stone necessary for road construction and thus pour the road surfaces similar to asphalt. In a like way new and
valuable building material may be mass-produced.
From this short summary we may see that the number of application of the condensing machine is equally limitless as that of the high-powered and low-powered electric
2. Socio-ethical the new technology will bring fundamental changes in our total population. In future the state will be enabled to reduce taxes and levies due to the new
monopoly income and further to guarantee every citizen an abode, nourishment and
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attire as well as provide a sufficient old-age pension. In return each citizen must execute those works that according to his profession and predisposition he will be assigned in the new state. The unemployment pay seducing to immorality will be superannuated since occupation is available in abundance. To work is a moral duty for
every citizen; who refuses to work will have to bear the results themselves. Since degrading and harmful occupations will be phased out, individuals may increasingly be
led back to their original destiny, to be creators of culture, and thus the seed will be
sown in the populace for a higher ethics.
There is no doubt that through the great new ides from which the dynamic technology
emanates and through the deeper understanding of the living laws of Nature religions
and judicature will also be greatly influenced. Pure German and truly Christian ethos
will again be awakened in our population and will be protected by the new force. One
shall not overlook that this is not a new physical energy but actually the Urkraft, the
primal force, nothing surmounting it may be given to human beings. For this reason
Schappeller recognising his immense responsibility tied the release of this new
force to the implication of a socio-ethical programme, as set out for example in the
text Die soziale Monarchie (The Social Monarchy) by Dr Franz Wetzel.
3. The new force will also political-culturally effect the largest change imaginable, but
it would be wrong to strive for political revolution and to employ the force to this end
without deeper reflection; it is rather to be expected that through the basic economic
and social changes accompanying the introduction of the dynamic technology paired
with a more profound understanding of the world will show up the true foundations
of an organic state structure. The option to decentralise our home industry and to
render small businesses and manufacturers again competitive with large scale industries will bring the ever increasing problem of our megacities and with their culturedestroying impact to a natural solution. In the course of a few decades it will be possible, even necessary, to make the horrid suburbs and large tenements disappear and
replace them with parks. The working population will live in healthy village-type areas
around the newly erected industrial works. Away from the weirdest daily politics and
the destructive influence of class struggle demagogues the worker family will receive
respect for the home soil and a sense for higher spiritual goods. Establishments caring
for culture and art, of German inclination, will rise up everywhere and will lastingly be
maintained through means gained from the new force.
A revival of the notion of professionalism in a modern form will arise, and it will automatically replace partisan organisations. In this way the future state will receive an
inner structure that reflects again the old Germanic aristocratic principle, but will offer
to anyone qualified and competent the ascent to the leading state authorities.

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In no way less important is the efficient reform of our state judiciary. Roman law
largely controls todays dispensation of justice and places objects above human beings, it must be replaced by a newly created German law. The old Arian legal sources
and norms will awaken again and under their determining influence the religious and
moral life of your people will experience a total reversal. Inasmuch the new force may
also show great influence here shall not at this point be further explored. Let the
statement suffice that it is possible.
With the reintroduction of German law todays unethical banking and stock-exchange
laws disappear will together with all banking and stock-exchange nuisance. Money will
be divested of its falsified character as commodity that even works and revert to
its proper assignation as a means of exchange and payment. This alone will mean the
removal of the worst cancerous detriments of our national development.
These hints at political-cultural effects of the new force will be easily expanded
through logic extrapolation to embrace all of folkish life.
4. In the organisation of the execution of the ideas of Schappeller one must distinguish between the inner and the outer implementation of the programme. Outwardly
one must avoid giving the impression it could be but a political action or even a revolution. Therefore, any closer relation with existing patriotic associations or other economic or social-political organisations must carefully be avoided. But patriotic individuals of import shall be contacted to inform them of the coming dynamic technology
and its ensuing effects. In this way a strong phalanx for the protection of the new
technology came about without surrendering the force to be used for putsches or
similar futile adventures.
The inner organisation for the practical implementation is built on a ring system. In
the innermost circle, next to the head of the whole system, there are five men heading five different working teams. Each of the five again has five assistants for whom
he is responsible to the innermost circle. Each of these five members in the second
ring in turn oversees a special section of the working team to which he belongs. The
chairman of every second circle instigates the formation of third rings each responsibly headed by a member of the wider circle. In this way the system branches out over
the whole Reich and forms in a way living nerve cords assuring the steering of the
great work speedily and surely. This system is important for the proper running of the
centres as well as the reliable operation of the condensing machines. There is one
condensing machine for every ten members.
To the innermost circle would belong next to the discoverer Karl Schappeller: one responsible specialist each for dynamic technology, state and social politics, religion,
culture, judiciary, finances, trade and traffic.
This circle of persons would represent in a way a reforming authority having the task
to compile the guidelines of the future development of our public life and with the
help of the new force and the collaborators disseminated in the outer rings over the
whole people prepare the erection of a true German Reich.
This objective determined by the essence of the new force will lead for the uninitiated
after some reflection to the answer to the following obvious question: Why does the
discoverer of the new force not seek patent protection and then gives it to industry to
exploit? Why does Schappeller even eschew demonstrations and experiments in front
of larger audiences of interested people or so-called experts? The answer is: Since

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this is a discovery of unprecedented novelty and immense importance, totally new

ways must be found to ensure its auspicious exploration. A new view of the world
must be created. Only persons of high spirit will achieve that. These people must be
present before the primal force may come into effectiveness. Through heir personal
thinking they must realise the essence of that force that shall serve them later. This is
the touchstone for the friends of Schappellers work. They shall be friends of the new
spirit, not friends of new motors and machines. To the spirit, the knowledge, the
ethos of honour, not to technology and matter! Who is able to grasp it shall do so!

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Addendum to the New Edition:

Schappellers Physical Primal Force

From: Logos and Bios, the Foundation of a New World View
by Fritz Klein, 1928
In the preceding chapter we highlighted the core problem of the polar indifference
from the philosophic, technical and biological side, in a way we have transported it
from static-principled thought to organic-dynamic thought. In this way the problem
seems alive, seems whole yet only theoretically as the life explanation of Leduc, not
object-whole in the sense of reality. Should however the bio-centric thought and
realisation structures claim via a repeated change in the emotional state and mindset eternity values going beyond a merely epochal relevance, they must allow at a
vital position decisive and novel insights into the creative organisation of Nature.
These postulations follow the organic structures inasmuch as they replace the already
known essence elements of the radial and peripheral principle with its two reference
points by the actually effective forces as equation and thus physically solve the secret
of the life process.
The researcher Karl Schappeller in Aurolzmnster, Upper Austria, succeeded in formulating of the life-producing opposite pairs from the joining of the spaces of realisation
and of experience and thus achieved the applicability of the physical primal force. In
this the air- and water-bound, eccentric planetary and active forms of life we observe
in organisms function as the radial poles, while the vacuum-bound, concentric-cosmic
and latent forces of life act as the peripheral poles. The former are force, the latter
Schappeller based his technical creation on Riemanns space and the spherical shape
of celestial bodies. The he developed, as did Henning in his systole and diastole of the
vibrational field of formal infinity, from the radial, energetically operating principle of
force, the two relationships: the telluric by creating instead of the indifferent poles in
the centre through inversion analogous to the indifferent zones of the Earth sphere
two indifferent poles at he periphery 1 , the cosmic by creating two differentiated poles
in the centre of the spherical model. 2
If the same spherical model is laid out as a vacuum, the peripheral, dormant principle
of might with the same points of reference appears: the telluric, in the tension between inner and outer temperature, the cosmic in the tension between inner and
outer pressure.
Decisive and essential to this deduction is the fact that we do not need a technical
construction, because we have an organic creation in front of us inasmuch as physical
life just as any realisation and experience process is born in the fullness of polar de1

The differentiated poles in the middle react to any iron, while the undifferentiated poles at the periphery only react to what is magnetic-polarised separated into north and south.
Two electric wires are coiled against each other in the principle of dampened oscillation (differentiation
spirals) from the periphery to the centre and there joined.
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velopment options (Guardini) from only two correspondences with two references.
The Nerst effect for instance is the result of a similar progressive attempt to set the
opposite pair north and south pole in magnetism in relation to the opposing pair heat
and coldness in order to get in a purely dynamic way the same effect that ordinarily
results from the relation between magnetism and the purely mechanical movement.
The reverse is reached in the Ettinghaus 3 effect in which from the relation of + and
in electricity, north and south pole in magnetism, heat and coldness result.
The secular appearance of Schappeller clearly enters the core problem of indifference
through the words of the macrocosmic-microcosmic correspondence. As lay priest he
emerges from the sublime view of experiential space, forms for himself as compensation to it, in part autonomously, in part by allusion to science, his own realisation
space and in the cosmic space achieves a totality that we will find in the world reciprocal in the highest perfection.
The primal force of Schappeller is the radiant concentric form of energy with which
Nature works on itself, and under the influence of the so-called air pressure, a
thermo-magnetism artificially produced, the possibility is offered to do mechanical
work, too; in the same way as claimed by Professor Klaudy 4 , who postulated: Provide Nature with the conditions, then it will work by itself. The other unpublished
writings of Klaudy point in the same direction. Energy Controls Space, Matter Occupies Space, hence in three-dimensional space there cannot exist absolute rest, everything is rather in constant harmonic movement. (Klaudy).
In that sense, force-space and space force are the Plus and Minus in Natures physics,
comparable to the plus and minus pole of any source of electricity that depending on
the existing potential gradient is capable of performing work. Between these two poles
of Nature Schappeller applies his motor that has to correspond to the form of a differential gradient in the same way as a machine that we connect with the poles of an
electric source of energy at our disposal. We see the reverse experiment with the
Hamburg physicist S. Plauson who connected spherical balloons filed with hydrogen to
antenna nets above ground and through shorting them with Earth got high-frequency
If following Klaudy we recognise the new axiom Energy Controls Space, Matter Occupies Space, the zero point would remain, but not as a pole, but as indifference, and
as counter pole the energetic negative pole will appear as negative activity in the
symbol .
So far science has recognised everything in principle, but in logical consequence had
to reach a false conclusion because it opposed the plus pole of matter not with the
minus pole of energy, but with the Zero of cosmic space.
This comparison may only be made in the sense of the poles of a spherical magnet
that as we have seen has a north and a south polo on the surface of the sphere,
but acts indifferently towards indifferent iron. As in the sphere experiment mentioned
above, that is nothing but a small copy of the Earth, polar indifference results from
these two, the same results from opposing the material poles Earth and Cosmos.

Physicist at the University of Graz.

Der dimensionale Weltbau (The Dimensional Organisation of the World) by the deceased Professor Joseph Klaudy, then president of the Austrian Association of Engineers and Architects, Vienna (unpublished)

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Both are inert by themselves, but together they produce the form of polar indifference
in which everything appears differentiated and in an active form.
If we now draw the mathematical conclusions in the sense of Schappeller-Klaudy, we
get from setting the fundamental equation 0 / = 0 und / 0 = any number the option to
contrast infinity with unity as it is appearing in the formula / 1 = . This formulation
corresponds to the non-observed law of ectropy that must of necessity be contrasted
as the polar compliment to the law of entropy so well-founded in science. Infinity related to the unity, i.e. the peripheral principle of formal infinity to the radial one, leads
to the notion of omnipotence. On the other hand the opposition of unity and infinity,
to wit ! / = 0 , leads to the term of powerlessness. From this results logically that in
world affairs omnipotence represents the cosmic, centralising, creatively constructive
factor (aggregation) that via unity, i. e. individualisation leads to the creation of matter and of cosmic and planetary individuals. But if the individual, i. e. unity, is opposed to infinity without protection 56, this abandonment of individuality means disaggregation, decentralisation, and chaos. If we introduce in physics the term of might
(potential energy) as power reserve and apply it to Ohms law, the result is the simple
formula i = e/r opening unexpected perspectives. If we set i, i. e. the amount of current, which is measured in amperes = to matter, and e, i. e. the electro-motor force
(tension) measured in volt = the term force in general, r, i. e. resistance, which is
determined by the essence of matter and which is measured in Ohm = the term
might, then we get from the philosophical insight the solution of the hitherto quite
controversial problems of matter and force.
Let us permute the basic equation as stipulated by Ohm i = c / r, c = i r, r = c / i
and set the newly-found terms, we get more than a dead formula. For by extending
Ohms law to cosmic relationships we look through the comparisons of
Matter = Force/Might

Force = Matter Might

Might = Force/Matter

deeply into the essence of the polar organisation of the world.

Matter, therefore, is the visible world that is created when the space force through the
denominator Might that is the essence, the logos, a vibration number that is physically exactly determined (see Schrdinger) is being individualised. (Ur)force, the
physically atomistic force, reappears, once we multiply the individual 6 matter with its
denominator, its own essence of being, then matter gets the amplitude and dissolves into force. Might is identical to the essence of matter, and it remains as the
formative principle once we supercharge matter with the force of a similar essence so
that it must disperse (pole hypertrophy).
The fundamental tenet: There is no matter without force and no force without matter remains correct, whereas the term might, the essence, also the thing-initself of Kant, can no longer be made accessible to our three-dimensional modes of
realisation, but only to spirit directly. The thing-in-itself thus exists also outside of
force and matter, and therefore it was for a long time so brittle and inaccessible because one believed with Kant to be able to grasp it through pure reason with threedimensional means. In reality, however, it was, as we have seen from the deduction,
not a telluric three-dimensionally comprehensible, but a cosmic rational construct. The

Without the inherent polar might.

In this context everything that is characterised as a uniform cohesion force, which means it includes the
concept of quintessence (atomos).

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resulting deduction if applied to man is of eminent importance since it stringently

proves from a purely cognition-critical viewpoint the existence of the being also outside of force and matter. That the existence of active life energies in man are quantitatively guaranteed follows from the law of preservation of energy by Robert Mayer,
but that they also retain their essence, remain also qualitatively existent, we trust to
have explained exhaustively (physical-mathematical proof of immortality).
From the simple basic mathematical formulation in logical deduction the following
possibility to erect a physical bridge from logos to bios automatically arises. Whosoever wishes it, can extract the irrational kernel from the rational shell, the proof of
immortality that in the cosmic sense seems indispensible for all true creativity.
If we apply the formulated terms to the different disciplines, we arrive at the following
confrontations that fundamentally are consubstantial even if they permute in their
forms of expression:



Chemistry materia prima



materia secunda insen- materia secunda sensibilis

sibilis 7

Those who have incorporated the continuum of aggregation 8 :








Tech- Transubstantiation Transformation Transmutation and Permutation

whereby one must state that the control of the transformation of forces (conversion of
one energy form to another) had already been achieved in the past, and the transmutation and permutation (conversion of one form of matter to another), artificial breeding, hybridisation following the laws of heredity is all done at present, while transsubstantiation or transformation represents our future task, the great problem of the alchemists who wanted to conceive a thing from its essence and replace it with another.
As in the last paragraph we use new nomenclature, we must for completeness sake
also give the analogues pertaining to space:
the philosophical or facultative space (0 and ).
the physically real cosmic space (finite large).
Matter: the measurable space dimension (finite small).

About the essence of which Thomas Aquinas in his Summa theologiae informs us as the only philosopher, if we reject alchemist literature.
Cosmic (materia prima), fluidal, ethereal (materia secunda asensibilis), gaseous (materia secunda sensibilis), liquid, also solidified liquids (colloidal state), solid (crystal).
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In the quaternistic world view Might: corresponds to the indifference, the total spiritual calm as starting point for the experience space produced by the living force and
for the realisation space created from the sensual realisation bound to matter.
Interestingly it showed in the development of organic thought structures that the immense philosophical problems space, time, causality and matter that were dominating
capital in a time where logo-centric abstraction took primacy, have been dissolved in
the bio-centric view as serving a bigger whole.
When we now know the life forms of the cosmos, we still do not have the insight in
those of the individual, because we lack the stepping stones in this continuum. The
indifference is at the same time the starting point of life and of death, and in this way
life is the architect of planetary individuals and death that of the cosmic, these are
the world bodies of all kinds.
This monumental dictum of Schappeller is equally to be understood in the sense of the
world breath of Henning, as is the answer by Wilhelm Ostwald to Klaudys question
concerning the whereabouts of entropy: It returns in the form of culture. When one
mere generation ago we were astonished by this realisation by a materialist, todays
notion of physiologic-psychological transmutation of world affairs is literally in the air.
It condenses in the telluric conclusion of Henning and in the cosmic connective
conductor of Gfllner.
The layperson will store the importance of such organic thought results at best in the
subconscious, an advanced person however will recognise in clear perception of things
the possibilities of realisation, an ethicist and sociologist sees in the reconciliation of
religion and science den dawn of a new morning for humanity, and only the aesthete
will not be rewarded, he has to wait until the newly blossoming culture has again become an end in itself.

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VRIL Effects on an Organism

Represented through Kirlian Photography
Kirlian photography is a method to create images of the psychic, and physical state of
a person through light emanations in close proximity to the body that has been excited by high-tension power of a high frequency either individually or objectspecifically. The interpretations in regard to biological states have been importantly
expanded by Prof. K. Korotkov, TU St. Petersburg, applying the points of view of Chinese and Indian medicine.
Kirlian photography is used all over the world to study the effects of medications,
foodstuffs, water, but also of appliances, on body, soul and mind of people. It is used
in alternative medicine, in psychology, in biophysics, in ecology and even in professional sports.
In the test here the effects of a VRIL staff and a SEALAND Generator upon two test persons have been recorded and tentatively interpreted.

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Secrets of Living Refulgence

according to Prof. Konstantin Korotkov from Russia
With the GDV system of measurements (GDV = Gas Discharge Visualisation) it is possible to record the functionality of a person. If a person is subjected to a stimulus, this is reflected in the persons energy body.
Korotkov was a student of the electric engineer Semjon Kirlian, who using his Kirlian photography achieved high-frequency high-tension images from the discharges from organic and inorganic
objects and thus made the aura, the energy field visible. In this way the GDV system of measurements represents an evaluation on the energetic-informational level that is reproducible at any time
and thus is scientific.
For instance is it thus possible to render visible the effects of medications, of food, water and also
of instruments and to ascertain what quality and quantity they bring to the person concerned.
Korotkovs method is already widely recognised in Europe, the USA, India, Australia, Korea, Japan and is used in medicine, psychology, bio-physics, ecology and in competitive sports. His serious and scientific approach linked western science with the methods of Chinese and Indian medicine. Thus it is now possible to display in real time the energy field of body, spirit and soul together and to offer application-geared results for diagnoses that are also useful in TCM.
Measurements with Vril Staff and Vril Generator VR19
Mr Johannes Seiger asked us to measure on his person the Vril Staff and on another person the
Vril Generator VR19.
Both persons were analysed before the submission to the instrument as well as after a 20-minute
action time. Both test persons sat erect and held the instrument in question in both hands.
The results are shown here in two of three possible ways:
1. Circular charts showing the left and the right side of the body in the red line with the spiritual, emotional, psychic state. The blue line shows the physical state.
2. Chakra giving an overview of the balance and intensity of the energy centres.
Basically the green area shows an optimum that due to the individuality of each person may appear
different in each case.

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Messung und Auswertung des Funktionszustandes von:
Herrn Johannes Seiger; Alter: 68 Jahre, vor und nach der Einwirkung des Vrilstabes
Ergebnisse VOR
der Einwirkung des Vrilstabes

Ergebnisse NACH
der Einwirkung des Vrilstabes (20 Minuten)

Herr Johannes Seiger hat einen robusten

Grundzustand, der kaum Energieeinbrche
erkennen lt.
Lediglich ein kleiner Energieeinbruch im Bereich der Leber in Richtung einer Unterfunktion stellen einen Handlungsbedarf dar.
GDV Virtual Chakra:
Die Bereiche Krper, Geist und Seele liegen
nah beieinander und sind gut geffnet, was
auf eine gute Balance schlieen lt.

Der Vrilstab zeigt eine positive Wirkung auf

Herrn Seiger.
Das rechte Kreisdiagramm zeigt, das sich der
Energieeinbruch der Leber verringert hat und
das eine Angleichung der blauen und roten Linie erfolgte. Auch hier ein besserer Einklang
vom Krper, Geist und Seele - ein Vorgang der
Harmonisierung wurde bewirkt.
GDV Virtual Chakra:
Die Chakren zeigen hier insgesamt eine grere Intensitt und haben sich durchschnittlich
mehr mittig positioniert, was eine hhere
Ausgeglichenheit zur Folge hat.

Seite 48 von 57

GDV Diagramm - Herrn Johannes Seiger; Alter: 68 Jahre

Ergebnisse VOR der Einwirkung des Vrilstabes

Ergebnisse NACH der Einwirkung des Vrilstabes (20 Minuten)

Seite 49 von 57

GDV Virtual Chakra - Herrn Johannes Seiger; Alter: 68 Jahre

Ergebnisse VOR der Einwirkung des Vrilstabes

Ergebnisse NACH der Einwirkung des Vrilstabes (20 Minuten)

Seite 50 von 57

GDV Energiefeld psychisch-geistig / Herrn Johannes Seiger; Alter: 68 Jahre

Ergebnisse VOR der Einwirkung des Vrilstabes

Ergebnisse NACH der Einwirkung des Vrilstabes (20 Minuten)

Seite 51 von 57

GDV Energiefeld physisch-krperlich / Herrn Johannes Seiger; Alter: 68 Jahre

Ergebnisse VOR der Einwirkung des Vrilstabes

Ergebnisse NACH der Einwirkung des Vrilstabes (20 Minuten)

Seite 52 von 57

Messung und Auswertung des Funktionszustandes der zweiten Testperson,
Alter: 43 Jahre, vor und nach der Einwirkung des Vril-Generators VR19
Ergebnisse VOR
der Einwirkung des Vril-Generators VG19

Ergebnisse NACH
der Einwirkung des Vril-Generators VG19


Die Testperson reagiert positiv auf den

Vril-Generator VR19.

Die Testperson zeigt im psychischen Bereich

(rot Linie) mehrfache Energieeinbrche, die
u.a. auf eine psychisch-emotionale Unbalance
und auf Strefaktoren zurckzufhren sind.
Hier besteht ein Handlungsbedarf, damit sich
die Unbalance und der Energiemangel nicht
im krperlichen/physischen (blaue Linie) manifestiert.
GDV Virtual Chakra:
Das Muladhara-Chakra (rot) ist auerhalb des
Normalbereiches in einer starken Unterfunktion. Es ist kaum geffnet und bentigt eine

Die mehrfachen Energieeinbrche konnte bis
auf die Bereiche Leber und Niere aktiviert werden.
GDV Virtual Chakra:
Auch hier kann eine Angleichung von Krper,
Geist und Seele besttigt werden. Die Energiebilanz wurde angehoben. Insbesondere das Muladhara-Chakra wurde aktiviert und hat sich
von seinem Energiezustand her verbessert. Es
wurde aus der Unterfunktion herausgehoben.

Seite 53 von 57

GDV Diagramm - Testperson; Alter: 43 Jahre

Ergebnisse VOR der Einwirkung des Vril-Generators VG19

Ergebnisse NACH der Einwirkung des Vril-Generators VG19 (20 Minuten)

Seite 54 von 57

GDV Virtual Chakra - Testperson; Alter: 43 Jahre

Ergebnisse VOR der Einwirkung des Vril-Generators VG19

Ergebnisse NACH der Einwirkung des Vril-Generators VG19 (20 Minuten)

Seite 55 von 57

GDV Energiefeld psychisch-geistig / Testperson; Alter: 43 Jahre

Ergebnisse VOR der Einwirkung des Vril-Generators VG19

Ergebnisse NACH der Einwirkung des Vril-Generators VG19 (20 Minuten)

Seite 56 von 57

GDV Energiefeld physisch-krperlich / Testperson; Alter: 43 Jahre

Ergebnisse VOR der Einwirkung des Vril-Generators VG19

Ergebnisse NACH der Einwirkung des Vril-Generators VG19 (20 Minuten)

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