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Ec6405 CS QB 2

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1. What is control system?
2. What are the advantages of closed loop control system? (AUC, May-June

2012), (AUC, Nov-Dec 2012).

What are the types of control system and explain it?
Write the application for open loop and closed loop control system.
What are the characteristics of negative feedback? (AUC, May-June 2014).
Distinguish between open loop and closed loop control systems.
What are the components of control system?
Define transfer function. (AUC, Nov-Dec 2013).
Name any two dynamic models used to represent control systems. (AUC,
May-June 2013).
10. What are the basic elements used for modeling mechanical translational
11. Write the force balance equation for
a. Ideal mass element
b. Ideal Dash-pot
c. Ideal spring
12. What are the basic elements used for modeling mechanical rotational system?
13. Write the torque balance equations for
a. Ideal rotational mass element
b. Ideal rotational Dash-pot
c. Ideal rotational spring
14. What are all the two types of electrical analogous of mechanical system?
15. What is Block diagram?
16. What are all the components of Block diagram?
17. What is a signal flow graph?
18. What is transmittance?
19. Define non-touching loops.
20. What are the properties of signal flow graph? (AUC, May-June 2012).
21. Write the masons gain formula. (AUC, May-June 2013), (AUC, May-June
22. Compare the block diagram representation and signal flow graph.

23. What are the applications of synchros? (May June 2014)

1. Write the Differential equations governing the mechanical translational
system shown in fig. and find the transfer function.

2. Find the transfer function Y2(S) / F(S)

3. Write the Differential equations governing the mechanical rotational system

shown in fig. and find the transfer function. (AUC, May-June 2012).

4. Write the differential equation governing the mechanical translational systems

and find the transfer function. Draw the force voltage and force current electrical
analogies. (AUC, May-June 2013).

5. Derive the transfer function for the armature and field controlled DC
Motor. (AUC, May-June 2014).
6. Find the transfer function C(S)/R(S) for the system shown in fig.

7. Using Block diagram reduction technique finds the transfer function for the
system shown in fig.

8. For the Block diagram shown in fig. Find C1 / R1 and C2 / R1.

e overall gain C(S) / R(S) for the signal flow graph shown in fig.

the overall gain C(S) / R(S) for the signal flow graph shown in fig.

a signal flow graph and find the closed loop transfer function for the block diagram shown in fig.


is time response?
are transient and steady state response of a control system? (AUC, Nov-Dec 2012)
reference to time response of a control system, define peak time.(AUC, Nov-Dec 2012)
are poles and zeros?
is first order and second order systems?
is the order of a system?
guish between type and order of a system.
he system is classified depending on the value of damping?
are all the time domain specifications?
e delay time and rise time. (AUC,May - June 2014)
e peak overshoot and settling time.
a neat sketch explain all the time domain specifications.
will be the nature of response of a second order system with different types of damping?
is damped frequency of oscillation?
is steady state error?
he advantages of generalized error coefficients. (AUC, May - June 2012).
derivative controller is not used in control system?(AUC, May - June 2012)
he steady state error to a various standard inputs for type - 2 systems. (AUC, May - June 2013)
are static error constants?

osed-loop transfer function of second order system is C(S)/R(S) = 400/ S 2 +6S +400. Determine the damping ratio and natural
ncy of oscillation. (AUC, May - June 2013)
are type 0 and type 1 systems? (AUC, May - June 2014)

is the effect on system performance when a proportional controller is introduced in a system?

is the effect of PI controller on the system performance? (AUC, Nov-Dec 2013)
is the effect of PID controller on the system performance?
are the units of Kp, Kv and Ka? (AUC, Nov-Dec 2013)

he expressions and draw the response of first order system for unit Step input.
r a second order system Y(s)/R(s) = n2/ s2+2ns+n2. Find the response y(t) to a input of unit step function. (AUC, N
he expressions for Rise time, Peak time, Peak overshoot, delay time.
onal control system with velocity feedback is shown in fig. What is the response of the system for unit step input?

feedback control

system has an open loop tran

x(0.5s+1)(0.2s+1). Determine the steady state error for unit step , unit ramp, unit acceleration inputs. A
e the damping ratio and n of the dominant roots. (AUC, Nov-Dec 2013)

y feedback system is characterized by an open loop transfer function is G(s)= K / s(s+10). Determine the gain K ,so that

ll have a damping ratio of 0.5. For this value of K, determine settling time, Peak overshoot and time to Peak overshoot
p input. (AUC, May - June 2012)

m has open loop transfer function as:

G(S) H(S) = 10/ S(S+5)
undamped natural frequency, the damping ratio, the damped natural frequency, rise time, peak time, peak overshoot
ing time with 2 % criterion.
e static error coefficients for a system whose T/F is,
S) H(S) =10/ S (1+S) (1+2S)
o find the steady state error for r (t) =1+ t + t2/2.
n loop transfer function of a unity feed back system is
G(S) = 20/ S (S+2).
8. Determine the steady state error of the system and generalized error coefficients when
subjected to an input r(t) = 2+3t+t2.(AUC, May - June 2014)
9. Explain P, PI, PID, PD controllers .
10. For a system G(s) H(s) = K1(2s+1)/s(5s+2) (1+s)2. Find the minimum value of K1 , to

limit steady state error to 0.1 when input to system is 1+6t. (AUC, Nov-Dec 2012)

11. The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback control system is given by

G(s)=K/s(sT+1) where K and T are positive constants. By what factor should the
amplifier gain be reduced so that the peak overshoot of unit step response of the system
is reduced from 75% to 25%. (AUC, May - June 2012)
12. A certain unity negative feedback control system has the following forward path
transfer function G(s)=k(s+2)/s(s+5)(4s+1). The input applied is r(t)=1+3t. Find the
minimum value of k so that the steady state error is less than 1. (AUC, May - June

1. What is frequency response?
2. List out the different frequency domain specifications?
3. Define resonant Peak (r)?
4. Define Resonant frequency (f)?
5. What is bandwidth?
6. Define Cut-off rate?
7. Define Gain Margin?
8. Define Phase cross over?
9. What is phase margin? (AUC, Nov-Dec 2013)
10. What is Bode plot?
11. What are the main advantages of Bode plot?
12. Define Corner frequency.(AUC, Nov-Dec 2012),(AUC, May - June 2014)
13. The damping ratio and the undamped natural frequency of a second order system are
0.5 and 5 respectively. Calculate the resonant frequency. (AUC, May - June 2014)
14. What is polar plot?
15. Define gain cross over frequency?
16. Define Phase cross over frequency?
17. How do you calculate the gain margin from the polar plot?
18. How do you find the stability of the system by using polar plot?

19. State Nyquist stability Criterion for a closed loop system when the

open loop system is stable. (AUC, Nov-Dec 2013)

What are the two segments of Nyquist contour.
Compare bode plot and Nyquist plot analysis.
What are M circles?
What are N circles?
What is Nichols chart? (AUC, Nov-Dec 2012)
What are two contours of Nichols chart?
How is the Resonant Peak (Mr), resonant frequency (r ) ,and bandwidth
determined from Nichols chart?
State the uses of Nichols chart.(AUC, May - June 2012)

28 What is compensation? And compensator?

29. What are the different types of compensator available?
30. What are the two types of compensation schemes?
31. What is series compensation?
32. What is feedback compensation?
33. When lag/lead/lag-lead compensation is employed?
34. What are the uses of lead compensator?
35. What is lag compensation?
36. Draw the electrical lag network?
37. Draw the pole-zero plot of lag compensator?
38. What are the characteristics of lag compensation?
39. Draw the bode plot of lag compensator?
40. What is lead compensation?
41. Draw the electrical lead compensator network?
42. Draw the bode plot of lead compensator?
43. What is lag-lead compensation?
44. What is lag-lead compensator?
45. Draw electrical lag-lead compensator network?
46. Write transfer function of lag-lead compensator?
47. Compare series compensator and feed back compensator?
48. Draw the polar plot of G(s)=1/(1+sT) .(AUC, May - June 2012)
49. Draw the polar plot of an integral term transfer function. .(AUC, May - June 2013)
1. For the following transfer function G(s) = k(s+3)/s(s+1))s+2). Sketch the Bode magnitude

plot by showing slope contributions from each pole and zero. .(AUC, May - June 2012)

2. For an unity feedback system with closed loop transfer function G(s)/1+G(s) derive the

equations for the locus of constant M Circles and Constant N Circles. .(AUC, May June 2012)
3. Write the procedure to obtain Nichols chart from Constant M Circles. .(AUC, May June 2012)
4. Plot the Bode diagram for the following transfer function and obtain the gain and
phase Cross over frequencies. ( AUC May June 2013)
G(S) = 100/ S (1+0.2S) (1+0.1S)
5. Sketch the Bode plot and hence find Gain cross over frequency, Phase cross over frequency,
Gain margin and Phase margin.

G(S) = 0.75(1+0.2S)/ S (1+0.5S) (1+0.1S)

3. Sketch the Bode plot and hence find Gain cross over frequency, Phase cross

over Frequency, Gain margin and Phase margin.

G(S) = 10(S+3)/ S(S+2) (S +4S+100)
4. Plot the Bode diagram for the following transfer function and obtain the gain and
phase cross over frequencies
G(S) =KS2 / (1+0.2S) (1+0.02S).Determine the value of K for a gain cross
over frequency of 20 rad/sec.
5. Sketch the Bode plot and hence find Gain cross over frequency, Phase cross over Frequency,
Gain margin and Phase margin.
G(S) = 10(1+0.1S)/ S (1+0.01S) (1+S).
6. The open loop transfer function of a unity feed back system is
G(S) = 1/ S (1+S) (1+2S).
Sketch the Polar plot and determine the Gain margin and Phase margin.
7. Sketch the polar plot for the following transfer function .and find Gain cross over frequency,
Phase cross over frequency, Gain margin and Phase margin.
G(S) = 10(S+2) (S+4)/ S (S2 -3S+10)
8. Sketch the polar plot for the following transfer function .and find Gain cross over frequency,
Phase cross over frequency, Gain margin and Phase margin.
G(S) = 400/ S (S+2) (S+10)
9. Draw the Nyquist plot for the system whose open loop transfer function is
G(S) H(S) =K/S (S+2) (S+10).
Determine the range of K for which closed loop system is stable.
10. Construct Nyquist plot for a feedback control system whose open loop transfer function is
given by
G(S) H(S) =5/ S(1-S).
Comment on the stability of open loop and closed loop transfer function.
11. Sketch the Nyquist plot for a system with the open loop transfer function
G(S) H(S) =K (1+0.5S) (1+S) / (1+10S) (S-1).
Determine the range of values of K for which the system is stable.
12. Using Nichols chart determine the gain margin, phase margin and bandwidth of the system
described by
GH(S) = 2/S (1+S) (1+S/3).
13. For a certain system,
G(S) = K / S (S+1) ( S+2).

Design a suitable lag - lead compensator to give, velocity error constant = 10 sec ,
phase margin = 50, gain margin 10 dB.
14. For a certain system,
G(s) = 0.025/s (1+0.5s) (1+0.05s).
Design a suitable lag compensator to give, velocity error constant = 20 sec ,
phase margin = 40
15. A unity feedback system has an OLTF
G(s) = K / s(s+2)(s+60).
Design a Lead-Lag compensator is to meet the following specifications.
(i) P.M is atleast 40, (ii) Steady state error for ramp input 0.04 rad.
16. Given G(s) = Ke-0.2s/ s(s+2)(s+8), find K for the following two cases. i) Gain margin equal to 6db
ii) Phase margin equal to 45. (AUC, Nov-Dec 2012).

17. Draw the pole zero diagram of a lead compensator. Propose lead compensation
using electrical network. Derive the transfer function. Draw the bode plots. (AUC,
Nov-Dec 2012)
18. Explain in detail the design procedure of lead compensator using Bode plot.
( AUC May June 2013)

1. Define stability.
2. What is the necessary condition and sufficient condition for stability in routh

stability criterion.? ( AUC May June 2013)

3. What is meant by Relative stability. AUC, May - June 2014)
4. Define Routh Hurwitz stability criterion.
5. Write a note on angle and magnitude condition of root locus.
6. What is direct root locus, inverse root locus and root contours?
7. What are root loci.
8. What are the effects adding open loop poles and zero on the nature of the root

locus and on system?

Explain the terms: i.Asymptodes ii.Centroid iii.Breakaway point
Explain the method of calculating breakaway point.
How will you find the root locus on real axis?
What are the main significances of root locus.
What is a dominant pole?
14. What is root locus? Explain with suitable example. .(AUC, May - June 2012)
15. StateNyquist stability criterion. AUC, May - June 2012)
16. Write the necessary and sufficient condition for stability in routh stability criterion.
AUC, May - June 2013).
17. Define Phase margin. AUC, May - June 2014)
18. State any two limitation of Routh stability criterion. .(AUC, Nov - Dec


1. Construct Routh array and determine the stability of the system whose

characteristic equation is .(AUC, May - June 2012)

S + 2S + 8S + 12S + 20S + 16S+16 = 0
2. For K = 2, determine whether the following unity feedback system is stable.
Use Routh criterion.
2 2
G(S) = K (1+2S) (1+4S) /S (S + 2S + 10)
3. Find the range of K for stability of s +2s + 2s + (3+K)s + K = 0 ,for k>0
4. A unity feedback control system has an open loop transfer function
G(S) = K / S (S2+4S+13).Sketch the root locus
5. Sketch the root locus of the system whose open loop transfer function is
G(S) = K / S (S+2) (S+4). Find the value of K so that the damping ratio
of the closed loop system is 0.5 .(AUC, May - June 2012)
Find the value of K so that the damping ratio of the closed loop system is 0.5.
6. A unity feedback control system has an open loop transfer function
G(S) = K (S+9) / S (S2+4S+11).Sketch the root locus.
7. Sketch the root locus of the system whose open loop transfer function is
G(S) = K / S (S+4) (S2+4S+20).
8. Determine the stability of closed loop system by Nyquist stability criterion,

whose open loop transfer function is given by,

G(S) H(S) = (s+2)/(s+1)(s-1).
9. Draw the Nyquist plot for the system whose open loop transfer function is
G(S) = K / S (S+2) (S+10). .(AUC, May - June 2012)
Determine the range of k for which closed loop system is stable.
10. Sketch the Nyquist Plot for a system with the open loop transfer function
G(S) H(S) = K (1+0.5S) (1+S) / (1+10S) (S-1).
Determine the range of k for which closed loop system is stable.
10. Determine the range of K for stability of unity feedback system whose
open loop transfer function G(s) = K/ s(s+1)(s+2) using Routh stability
criterion. (AUC, Nov-Dec 2012)
11. Draw the approximate root locus diagram for a closed loop system
whose loop transfer function is given by G(s) H(s) =K/S(s+15)(s+10).
(AUC, Nov-Dec 2012)
12. A unity feedback control system has an open loop transfer function
G(S) = K (S+3) /s(s+1)(s+2)(s+4). Sketch the root locus. A unity
feedback control system has an open loop transfer function
G(S) = K (S+9) / S (S2+4S+11).Sketch the root locus.

1. Explain the concept of state.
2. Define state variables and state vectors. ( AUC May June 2013)
3. What is state trajectory?
4. Define state and state variables. .(AUC, Nov - Dec 2012)a
5. What is meant by sampled data control system? .(AUC, May - June 2012)
6. Explain the advantages of state variable method over conventional method.
7. Derive the transfer function from state model.
8. What are the different methods of state variable representations?
9. What is the necessity of compensation in feedback control system?(Aus,

May-June 2014)
Write the transfer function of lag-lead compensator. ?(Aus, May-June
Elaborate upon the basis of selecting suitable state variables for a system.
What is characteristics equation of a system matrix A?
13. What is homogeneous and nonhomogeneous state equation?
14. Define state transition matrix using classical method.
15. What are the properties of state transition matrix? .(AUC, May - June 2014)
16. Draw the circuit diagram of sample and hold circuit? .(AUC, May - June
17. What is zero input response and zero state response?
18. What is Jordans canonical form?
19. Obtain the complete solution of nonhomogeneous state equation

using time domain method and Laplace transform method.

20. State the properties of state transition matrix.
21. Define the various methods of obtaining state transition matrix from state
22. How is modal matrix determined? .(AUC, May - June 2012)
23. What is meant by quantization? .(AUC, May - June 2012)
24. What are the advantages of state space representation.(AUC, May-June
25. Give the concept of controllability. .(AUC, Nov - Dec 2013)
26. Define state equation. .(AUC, May - June 2012)
1. Obtain the state model for the block diagram shown.
2. Obtain the state model in standard Bush form of a system shown in fig.
3. Obtain the transfer function of the system having state model.
4. Obtain the solution of nonhomogeneous state equation using laplace
transform method and explain laplace transform method of obtaining e
5. Obtain the complete solution of nonhomogeneous state equation using
time domain method.
6. Explain the concepts of controllability and observability.
7. Obtain the state space representation of armature controlled D.C.Motor
with load.
.(AUC, May - June 2012)
8. The state space representation of a system is given below.
9. A system is characterized by the transfer function Y(s)/U(s) = 3/

S3+5s2+11s+6. Identify the first sate as the output. Determine whether or

not the system is completely controllable and observable. (AUC, May - June
Obtain the state space representation of armature controlled D.C
Motor with Load. . (AUC, May - June 2012)
11. Obtain the state model of the system described by the following
transfer function y(s)/u(s) =5/s3+6s+7. (AUC, May - June 2014)
12. Obtain the state transition matrix for the state model whose system
matrix a is given by A=

13. Explain the electric network realization of lead compensator and also

its frequency ( May June 2014)

14. Describe the procedure for the design of lag compensator using Bode

Plot. ( May June 2014)

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