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Department of Education


Division of Batangas
Kaylaway, Nasugbu, Batangas

Summative Test in Science Grade 8 S.Y. 2016-2017


Grade & Section:___________


Multiple Choice: Read each statement carefully and write only the letter of the correct answer.
1. A book is at rest on top of a table. Which of the following is correct?
A. There is no force acting on the book.
D. The book is in equilibrium.
B. The book has no inertia.
C. There is no force acting on the table.
2. Which of the following situations involves friction?
A. A bicycle rolling down a hill
D. All of the above experience some friction.
B. A baseball player sliding into 2nd base C. A diver falling through the air to a pool
3. What is gravity?
A. Newtons first law
B. The force that objects exert on each other because of their masses
C The downward pull on the Earth
D. The friction that an object has put on it
4. Which is the best example of gravity?
A. A car hits a tree, and its motion stops
D. A person drops a ball, and it falls to the ground
B. A breeze blows, and a sailboat moves
C. A book is pushed, and it moves across the table
5. How does Earth s gravity affect objects near Earth?
A. It pushes them away. B. It pulls them in C. It makes them larger. D. It makes them move faster.
6. ______________ refers to when a force is equal and opposite.
A. balanced force B. unbalanced force
C. magnitude
D. friction
7. When one force in a pair is greater than the other, we call this:
A. balanced force B. unbalanced force
C. magnitude
D. friction
8. If two forces are acting on an object they are equal in magnitude
A. and equal in direction B. and in opposite direction C. cancel each other D. none of the above
For question no 9 and 10 refer to the diagram below.
Two tugboats are moving a barge. Tugboat A exerts a force of 3000 N to the left. Tugboat B exerts a
force of 5000N in the same direction.

a. Draw arrows showing the individual forces of the tugboats.

b. Are the forces balanced or unbalanced? ______________
c. In what direction will the barge move? ________________

11. According to Newton's First Law of Motion,

A. an object in motion eventually comes to a stop. D. an object at rest remains at rest unless acted upon
by a net force.
B. an object at rest eventually begins to move.
C. an object at rest always remains at rest.
12. The greater the mass of an object,
A. the easier the object starts moving. B. the more space it takes up. C. the greater its inertia D. the
more balanced it is.
13. The tendency of an object to resist any change in its motion is known as
A. balance.
B. force
C. inertia. D. mass.
14. The mass of the object is a quantitative measure of its inertia and is stated in which law of motion?
A. first law B. second law
C. third law D. fourth law
15. Which of the following best describes the concept of inertia?
A. A force that attracts objects with mass
B. The tendency of an object to float in water
C. A force created when surfaces are in contact
D. The tendency of an object to resist a change in motion
16. Which among the Newtons Laws of Motion states that force equals mass times acceleration?
A. 3rd Law B. 1st Law C. 2nd Law D. all of the above
17. According to Newton's 2nd Law of Motion, force equals
A. mass divided by acceleration
B. mass plus acceleration
C. mass subtract acceleration
D. mass times acceleration
18. How does the acceleration of an object change in relation to its mass? It is _________.
A. directly proportional
B. inversely proportional
C. acceleration doesnt depend on mass at all
D. neither A or B
19. Suppose a cart is being moved by a force. Suppose a load is dumped into the cart so that the carts
mass becomes double, what happens to the carts acceleration?
A. It quadruples. B. It doubles.
C. It halves.
D. It quarters.
20. Which will accelerate faster?
A. a 1000 tons truck
B. a fully loaded bus
C. an overloaded jeepney
D. a race car
21. What is the mass of a truck if it produces a force of 14,000N while accelerating at a rate of 5 m/s2 ?
A. 280 kg B. 2800kg
C. 70,000kg
D. 7000kg
22. Which is the correct unit of acceleration?
A. m/s
B. m/s2
C. kg.m/s
D. kg.m/N
23. Suppose that a sled is accelerating at a rate of 2m/s2 . If the net force is tripled and the mass is
halved, what then is the new acceleration of the sled?
A. decrease by half
B. doubled C. tripled D. quadrupled
24. Suppose a ball of mass 0.60 kg is hit with a force of 12 N. Its acceleration will be:
A. 20 m/s2
B. 40 m/s2
C. 10 m/s2
D. 20 m/s
25. If the ball in question no. 4 is increased by 24 N, what is the increased in acceleration?
A. 20 m/s2
B. 30 m/s2
C. 4 0 m/s2
D. 50 m/s2
26. As a 500 N lady sits on the floor, the floor exerts a force on her equal to______________.
A. 1000
B. 500 N
C. 250 N
D. 50 N
27. According to Newton's Third Law of Motion, when a hammer strikes and exerts a force on a nail,
the nail

A. creates a balanced force.

B. disappears into the wood.
C. moves at a constant speed. D. exerts and equal and opposite force back on the hammer.
28. Pick the best example of Newton's Third Law in action.
A. A rocket taking off from the ground which pushes gases downward and in turn pushes the rocket
B. A rocket sitting on the ground preparing for take-off but it needs an outside force to overcome its
inertia of a non-moving object.
C. A rocket that is accelerating through space and exerts a great amount of force because its mass and
acceleration is so large.
D. Both b and c.
29. When the teacher stands in front of the class, what are the action- reaction forces acting on her?
A. the weight and friction B. friction and normal force
C. the weight and normal
D. gravity and friction
30. for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. This is a statement of
A. Newton's First Law of Motion.
B. Newton's Second Law of Motion.
C. Newton's Third Law of Motion.
D. Newton's Law of Action.
31. What made the stone in the previous activity move in circular path?
A. The central force enables the stone to stay in its path.
B. The gravity enables the stone to move in circular path.
C. The force of attraction make its stay in place.
D. The string made the stone to whirl in circular path.
32. This is a force that keeps an object move in circular path.
A. frictional force B. centripetal force
C. gravitational force
D. attractive force
33. All are examples of events/ activities in our daily life which shows
or illustrates the need of a central force. Which is not included in the group?
A. merry-go-round
B. banking on curved
C. satellite moon D. cyclist on the straight
34. In what direction does an object fly if the force giving its centripetal acceleration suddenly
A. The object continuously moves in circular motion,
D. Hard to determine where the object goes.
B. The object moves in straight line at constant speed.
C. The object changes its velocity in a
straight path.
35. When a car turns around a curve and its speed doubled, what happens to the force between the road
and its wheels?
A. It doubles
B. It increases four times C. It is reduced to one-half
D. It is
reduced to one-fourth
36. How much work is required to lift a 2 kg mass to a height of 10 meters?
A. 5 J
B. 20 J
C.!00 J
D. 200 J
37. A garden tractor drags a plow with the force of 500 N in a distance of 10 meters in 20 seconds.
How much work is done?
A. 0.25 J
B. 1000 J C. 2599 J D. 5000J
38. One joule is equivalent to:
A. 1 N.m3 B. 1 kg.m3 C.1 watt2 .N
D. 1 kg.m2 /s2

39. Which of the following 10 N forces acting over 10 m would produce the most work?

40. Students A and B run up the same flight of stairs.

Both students run up the stairs at constant velocities.

I. Student A develops more power than student B.

II. Student B does more work than student A.
III. The change in potential energy of student A is twice that of student B.
A. I only
B. III only C. I and II only
D. I and III only
41. In which situation is there NO work done in the system?
a. A monkey climbing a tree
d. A stone whirled around the horizontal circle
b. A person in an ascending elevator
c. A weight lifter lifting a barbell in the air
42. Describe the energy changes that take place when the ball is thrown upward.
a. Potential to Kinetic
b. Kinetic to Potential
c. Both a and b
d. Cannot be determined
43. What happens to energy when it is transferred from one body to another?
a. Energy is gained.
b. Energy is destroyed c. It loses energy. d. Both a and c
For numbers 44 and 45, Show complete solutions.
44. A ball with mass of 2 kg is dropped from a height of 60 m. What is the potential energy of the ball?
Assume that the reference position is the ground.
45. A book weighs 5.0 newtons when it is raised 1.5 meters. Calculate its increase in potential energy.
46. A roller coaster climbing the first hill is an example of
A. building kinetic energy.
B. building potential energy. C. gravitational forces. D. nuclear
47. Of the following units, the one that is a unit of potential energy is?
A. Newton
B. Joule
C. Meter
D. Liter
48. A stationary object may have
A. potential energy
B. velocity C. kinetic energy D. acceleration
49 . A 50 kilogram object is located 5 meters above the ground level. Find its potential energy.
A. The object's potential energy is 2450 J. B. The object's potential energy is 24.50 J
C. The object's potential energy is 2.450 J. D. The object's potential energy is 245.0 J.
50. A 12 kg cat who is resting on a tree has a potential energy of 50 J. Calculate its position (height)
relative to the ground.
A. The cat is located 0.43 m above the ground.
C. The cat is located 0.43 m above the ground.
B. The cat is located 0.43 m above the ground.
D. The cat is located 0.43 m above the ground.

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