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The Inside Story of America's Struggle

to Secure Cyberspace
Charlie Mitchell


Lanham Boulder New York London

Published by Rowman & Littlefield

A wholly owned subsidiary of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc.
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Copyright 2016 by Rowman & Littlefield
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systems, without written permission from the publisher, except by a reviewer
who may quote passages in a review.
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Information Available
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Mitchell, Charlie, 1962- author.
Title: Hacked : The inside story of America's struggle to secure cyberspace / Charlie Mitchell.
Description: Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield, 2016. | Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2016006180 (print) | LCCN 2016016849 (ebook) | ISBN 9781442255210 (cloth :
alk. paper) | ISBN 9781442255227 (electronic)
Subjects: LCSH: Internet--Government policy--United States. | Computer security--Government policy--United States. | Cyber intelligence (Computer security).
Classification: LCC TK5105.875.157 M575 2016 (print) | LCC TK5105.875.157 (ebook) | DDC
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For Andrew, Benjamin and Joaquin.

May their futures be cyber-secure.




1 Carry Out Our Demand If You Want to Escape Us

2 The First Cyber President


3 Sirens on Capitol Hill


4 To Build a Framework


5 The Department of Insecurity


6 The Telecom Challenge


7 The FTC, Protecting Americas Consumers


8 Fear and Failure, Again, on Capitol Hill


9 The Information-Sharing Matrix


10 A New Congress Brings a New Energy to Cyber Debate


11 The Promise and Peril of Strong Encryption


12 Cyber Tensions Define the U.S.-China Relationship


13 Help Wanted, Desperately, for Cybersecurity


14 Senate Debate Takes Shape, ThenSurprise!Stalls


15 At Long Last, the Political System Arrives at an Answer




16 The Unfinished Journey


Authors Note


Bibliographical Essay




About the Author



In October 2015, as the Senate prepared to take a historic step on cybersecurity, news broke that a teenager had hacked the private e-mail account of the Central Intelligence Agencys director. Like many
Americans, John Brennan stored a collection of sensitive documents in
his e-mail account that provided a virtual users guide to his personal life
as well as sensitive government documents. The hacker revealed his actions, though not his identity, to the New York Post, which broke the
The hacker said he used a tactic called social engineering that involved tricking workers at Verizon into providing Brennans personal
information and duping AOL into resetting his password, the paper reported. The hacker said he got into Homeland Security Secretary Jeh
Johnsons Comcast account as well.
Anyone and everyone is at risk in cyberspace. The risk rises exponentially if you use common passwords across sites and services. Cyber
crooks and hackers employed by foreign intelligence services make fast
work of passwords that use proper names, birth years, or other easily
obtainable personal information. Once in, hackers can silently bleed
funds from bank accounts or cause any number of personal headaches.
But thats the lower end of the cybersecurity threat facing the United
States and the rest of the world. At the upper end, youll find the destruction of industrial control systems, fried computer networks, and disabled
electric power grids. All of those types of cyber attacks have already
taken place. Much worse could be in store.


The effort to secure cyberspace, by government and industry, remains

in the embryonic stages.
Cybersecurity is about the vulnerability of the computers and cyber
networks that run every aspect of life in the United States and other
technology-based countries. Its about potential threats on a grand scale
to the global economy.
The U.S. government defines cybersecurity as The activity or process, ability or capability, or state whereby information and communications systems and the information contained therein are protected from
and/or defended against damage, unauthorized use or modification, or
The extended definition puts it fully in a policy context:
Strategy, policy, and standards regarding the security of and operations
in cyberspace, and encompass[ing] the full range of threat reduction,
vulnerability reduction, deterrence, international engagement, incident
response, resiliency, and recovery policies and activities, including
computer network operations, information assurance, law enforcement, diplomacy, military, and intelligence missions as they relate to
the security and stability of the global information and communications infrastructure.

The federal government identifies sixteen critical infrastructure sectors within the U.S. economy. Each one touches every American in some
way. The information technology sector, the telecommunications industry, the financial sector, and gas and electric utilities are obvious targets
for cyber attacks and cyber theft. But each of the other critical infrastructure sectorstransportation, water works, chemical facilities, the healthcare system, seaports, nuclear power plants, the emergency services system, the so-called defense industrial base and even smart buildings,
dams, and agriculturehas its own vulnerabilities in cyberspace.
As the first decade of the twenty-first century ended and the second
decade began, the political class was beginning to get it. But political
leaders and government policymakers had barely scratched the surface on
any of the policy elements described above.
Cyber is deeply ingrained in virtually every facet of our lives, Rep.
Mac Thornberry of Texas said in 2011, after chairing a congressional
Republican task force on the subject. We are very dependent upon it,
which means that we are very vulnerable to disruptions and attacks. Cy-



ber threats pose a significant risk to our national security as well as to our
economy and jobs.
Thornberry pointed to the policy rub: At least 85 percent of what
must be protected is owned and operated by the private sector. Government must tread carefully in this area or risk damaging one of our greatest
strengthsdynamic, innovate companies and businesses that are the key
to our economy and to cybersecurity advances.
But tread it must. Republican and Democratic politicians alike were
realizing that cybersecurity was an issue that couldnt be avoided, and
that sculpting answers would be an arduous and frequently thankless task.
A glance at the statistics told the story.
The FBIs Internet Crime Complaint Center received 269,422 complaints in 2014. Those cyber crimes came with a price tag of over $800
million. Social media platforms were an increasingly popular entry point
for crooks, according to the bureau.
Every stolen electronic record carried an average cost of $154, IBM
and the Ponemon Institute declared in the tenth annual Cost of Data
Breach Study released in 2015. Millions upon millions of records were
being stolen at lightning speed. Do the math, and the potential economic
cost shoots way over FBI estimates based on formal complaints. PricewaterhouseCoopers did the math in 2015 and found 1 billion compromised records.
And that was just the garden-variety criminal side of the cybersecurity
equation. The Department of Homeland Securitys center for monitoring
computer networks for cyber attacks would record 350,000 attacks or
intrusions in a six-month period between October 2013 and May 2014.
That was 120,000 more incidents than in the entire previous twelvemonth period. Intruders remained on infected systems for months or even
They scooped up the most sensitive of personal information, swiped
the keys into databases containing valuable intellectual property and trade
secrets, and slipped past security obstacles to map industrial control systems in preparation for future attacks. Darker still, there were politically
inspired distributed denial of service, or DDoS, attacks launched by rogue
players and aimed at bringing down systems critical to the U.S. economy.
NBC News in July 2015 obtained a National Security Agency map
showing more than 600 corporate, private or government Victims of

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Chinese Cyber Espionage that were attacked over a five-year period,

with clusters in Americas industrial centers.
Red dots represented the location of each attack; the Northeast Corridor, Silicon Valley, Southern California, and the technology-rich northwestern corner of the United States were lost in blurs of red. But dots
spread from coast to coast, popping up wherever China, a commercial
rival and potential military adversary, might find value.
A month later, NBC News reported the Chinese had infiltrated the emails of top Obama administration officials.
Cyber attacks and breaches were not just an inconvenience; in total,
the attacks by criminals, terrorists, and nation-states threatened to pull
apart the Internet itself. They set the stage for future attacks, the cyber
Peal Harbors foreseen by ex-defense secretary and CIA director Leon
Panetta that could blind the nation and grind its economy to a halt. The
insurance firm Lloyds calculated in 2015 that a determined assault on the
U.S. electric grid could cause between $250 billion and $1 trillion in
damage. Others postulated mind-boggling body counts. Yes, cyberspace
could be deadly on a massive scale.
With that in mind, approaching cybersecurity as simply a technology
problem is a mistake. Its a people problem, rooted in the freewheeling
online habits of consumers and employees that can undermine the safety
of vitally important national assets. We all expect businesses to protect
our sensitive information, Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) told an audience at Iowa State University in 2014. But, we as consumers simply
cant stick our heads in the sand and assume that we dont also share
some responsibility. The fact of the matter is that there are simple steps
that can be used to strengthen the security of online information.
Its a motivation problem, with cyber attackers and criminals enjoying
an abundance of incentives: Cyber saboteurs can unleash terrible hightech mayhem; cyber crooks can make enormous illicit profits. Deterrence,
detection, and law enforcement are still spotty or nonexistent in cyberspace. Even worse, it may be easier and cheaper for honest citizens and
companies to absorb the attackseven if they do gradually expose our
nation to possible catastrophe.
Technologists say the problem is that business executives and government representatives arent listening toor paying forthe skilled technology experts who could apply solutions. Experts in security technology
and processes look around the meeting halls during cybersecurity confer-



ences sponsored by the government and they see mid-level corporate

managers, vendors pushing their products, lawyers worried about liability, and lobbyists worried about government rules. They dont see very
many of the people who actually devise cybersecurity solutions down in
the corporate boiler room or at research universities. Some are in the hall,
to be sure: the veterans of the Y2K scare in the late 1990s and the people
who built up frontline cybersecurity structures like the U.S. Computer
Emergency Response Team. But those folks are outnumbered and underrepresented in this policy discussion, in their own eyes.
Theres no disputing that cybersecurity is a process problem: Entities,
ranging from major corporations to small companies to government offices, need to empower someone at a high, influential level with responsibility for ensuring that the enterprise as a whole accounts for the cybersecurity of all the component parts.
The government and private sector response to cybersecurity challenges is often shockingly inept. But trying to identify root causes triggers
defensive reactions, finger-pointing, and endless disputes in policy circles. That helps explain why cybersecurity is such a difficult issue for the
U.S. political system to sort out. Politicians hear mixed messages on the
nature of the problem and on the business communitys needs and responsibilities. Is it a military or a law enforcement problem? Is it industrys responsibility to secure cyberspace, or is it governments?
The answers easily fall into the all of the above category.
As politicians and policy stakeholders struggle to define the problem,
they naturally struggle to spell out what success might look like. Attacks averted is an extremely hard metric to produce. A successful cyber
breach, in fact, actually might demonstrate the process is working as
planned. Attacks and breaches will occur; the policy goals, therefore,
must be based on management and mitigation.
That, however, is an extremely hard argument to make, convincingly,
in political circles. And yet, there is truth to it.
The underlying policy challenge, according to Dave Oxner of the
Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association, is getting the
government side, the private sector, and the public all to realize that cyber
risks can be mitigated but not eliminated. We need to change the mindset that this can be solved, Oxner said. A longtime congressional aide
before moving over to the financial sector, Oxner could testify on both

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the difficulty of selling that message and on how difficult it is to actually

get solutions, even partial solutions, through the political process.
As a result of this unavoidable ambiguity, politicians and policymakers often fall back into preconceived answers formulated in response to
entirely different questions: We need regulation, for instance, or we need
tax breaks. But whatever the answer, it has to fall within the jurisdiction
of my congressional committee!
Cybersecurity, as a policy issue, also frequently lands next to the
unsettled debate over the governments anti-terror surveillance powers.
The conflation of the two issues is often, but not always, an unfair distortion. But it makes the development of national cybersecurity policies a
delicate dance through privacy and civil liberties issues, with all of the
accompanying political fireworks.
Policy development on cybersecurity inches through the process at
glacial speeds that would dismay any self-respecting tech entrepreneur.
As perhaps should be expected, Congress chews over policies, but cant
keep up with the policy demand. The tech sector offers brilliant products,
including security systems. Its major customers in the private sector
manufacturers, bankers, everyone elseengage on the issue and show
flashes of innovative and organizational brilliance. But keeping pace with
the cyber challenges and attacks is a daunting, expensive prospect as the
bad guys get their hands on the same technological innovations that fuel
economic growth.
Time is working against our political system writ large: the elected
officials, the federal bureaucracy, and the industry stakeholders who
interact with government over cybersecurity on a dailyif not hourly
In the face of such a monumental challenge, the political systems
response has been muted, and perhaps even negligent. What exactly has
government done to protect cyberspace and what are our elected officials
And why is cybersecurity policy so hard to make? The warning flags
are clear, so this is not a problem sneaking up on the nation. There wont
be a cyber Pearl Harbor for one simple reason: In this case, we see the
enemy fleet just off our shore and can hear the opponents attack bombers
warming up their engines.
Technological tools and computer network security doctrines and
guides are available to counter these attacks. Increasingly, the will is



there too, at the highest levels of government as well as in corporate

boardrooms. But transferring tools and desire into effective policy
doesnt come easily. There are legal, political, and financial barriers;
there are philosophical differences to bridge and gaps in awareness and
comprehension. As we shall see, the nation is only just beginning a journey into a policy realm unlike any other seen before.
As befits a great democracy, the U.S. strategy on cybersecurity, such
as it is, is a compromise between the demands for security and for economic and personal liberty. The current operating philosophy underlies a
voluntary cybersecurity strategy in which industry has much responsibility and a degree of flexibility, while government maintains much
coercive power that it exercises cautiously, for now.
The system is voluntary because political efforts to establish a mandatory regime of cybersecurity controls for industry failed. But even hardcore opponents of command-and-control government regulation concede
that more must be done, particularly in the private sector.
[T]he risk calculus some private-sector entities employ does not adequately account for foreign cyber threats or the systemic interdependencies between different critical infrastructure sectors, Director of National
Intelligence James Clapper warned lawmakers in September 2015. But
was building defenses against foreign enemies really the responsibility of
the private sector? Many on the industry side argued that they were being
placed in an unprecedented position of responsibility to perform a national security function.
Clapper wasnt finished with his stinging critique of the private-sector
targets of cyber attacks. The muted response by most victims to cyber
attacks has created a permissive environment in which low-level attacks
can be used as a coercive tool short of war, with relatively low risk of
retaliation, he told the lawmakers.
The result of this push and pull has been a sometimes strange amalgamation of private-sector initiative and government guidance and threats.
It has played out at agencies such as the National Institute of Standards
and Technology, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commission. It has played outincompletelyon Capitol
Congresss inability to put a legal stamp on a national cybersecurity
strategy and philosophy permitted federal bureaucracies and activist
agencies to set the policy course, often with industry hanging on desper-

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ately. It also spurred cottage industries around business-sector sharing of

cyber threat indicators, for instance, and groundbreaking initiatives from
places like the insurance sector. It motivated major industry groups to
produce strategies and self-policing tools to encourage cyber best practices for warding off hacks and monstrous cyber attacks.
But is a semi-voluntary approach to securing cyberspace going to be
effective? And if it isnt, can the U.S. political system manage to respond
and recalibrate?
Is there an alternative?


I am sympathetic to Sonys situation. The hit they have sustained from

a perception and a cost perspective is substantial. But if there is one
good thing to come of all this, I hope it is the increased awareness of
how serious this problem is. It is not a problem to be solved, but one to
be managed, and if we are going to do that, we need to take action
today. The Internet was not built with security in mind, but security
must be on our minds going forward.
Rep. James Langevin (DRhode Island),
co-chairman, Congressional Cybersecurity Caucus,
December 22, 2014

By late 2014 and early 2015, lawmakers on Capitol Hill were getting
restless about cybersecurity and that posed both a danger and an opportunity for the Obama administration.
For almost two years congressional squabbles and distractions left the
White House firmly in charge of cyber policy. In 2013, President Barack
Obama signed an executive order on cybersecurity that unfurled a
panoply of initiatives at the Departments of Commerce and Homeland
Security, and throughout the government.
Most significantly, it directed the National Institute of Standards and
Technology to build a framework of cybersecurity standards, which
was released February 12, 2014, and instantly became the focus of
governmentprivate sector interaction on cyber policy.


But one year later members of Congress were already clamoring for
results, even lawmakers who were anxious to preserve the collaborative
approach embodied in the framework.
And the problem right now is simple, Sen. Bill Nelson of Florida,
the top Democrat on the Senate Commerce Committee, said at a hearing
in early 2015. As strong as the framework is, and as much as I trust that
companies and industry sectors are working towards adopting it, there is
no way to actually verify that progress. . . . How [can] you say everythings working?
Dr. Charles Romine, director of the NIST Information Technology
Laboratory, gamely tried to address the impatience. Were one year in,
we havent seen an entire culture shift, but the conversations are taking
place, Romine told Nelson and other senators on the Commerce Committee. Moreover, industrys willingness to engage and actually move on
the issue of improving cyber defense was astonishing, he added.
Romine, and NIST, enjoyed tremendous respect in Congress. But scientists tended to get trampled when impatient lawmakers began chasing
an issue.
Democrats, including consumer-rights firebrand Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Massachusetts), in the fall of 2014 sent sharply worded letters to
sixteen banks and other financial firms asking for details on their cyber
breach experiences.
The hacks kept coming. One of the Department of Homeland Securitys own contractors was breached. The Postal Service revealed a breach
in November 2014. The cloud was hacked and nude celebrity photos
came tumbling out. Home Depot said 56 million credit and debit card
numbers and 53 million e-mail addresses were exposed in a hack on its
network. The hack at the health insurer Anthem struck close to home for
many consumers and employees of the federal government.
The crime wave was beginning to make cyberspace look and feel as
dangerous as New York Citys streets in the 1970s.
And then there was Sony Pictures.
In the late fall of 2014, the movie studio was preparing to release The
Interview, a clownish farce about a fictional assassination attempt against
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. A group calling itself the Guardians of
Peace first sent e-mails trying to blackmail the studio, then began disabling computers and destroying data on Sonys computer networks,
leaking embarrassing information about the company and its executives,


and threatening violence against American moviegoers. U.S. law enforcement agencies quickly traced the attack back to North Korea.
As a result of our investigation, and in close collaboration with other
U.S. government departments and agencies, the FBI now has enough
information to conclude that the North Korean government is responsible
for these actions, the bureau announced on December 19, 2014.
The FBI offered a nod to Sony Pictures for swiftly notifying law
enforcement about the breach. Sony reported this incident within hours,
which is what the FBI hopes all companies will do when facing a cyber
attack, the FBI said in its statement. Sonys quick reporting facilitated
the investigators ability to do their jobs, and ultimately to identify the
source of these attacks.
But Sony Pictures co-chairwoman Amy Pascal was mortified by
leaked e-mail exchanges in which she made jokes about Obama with
racial overtones. She would lose her job in the uproar.
All of Sony Pictures would be mortified when Obama publicly lambasted the studio for delaying the release of The Interview, suggesting the
company had abandoned American principles in a cowardly retreat.
We cannot have a society in which some dictator someplace can start
imposing censorship here in the United States, Obama said at an end-ofyear news conference. The president spoke on the same day the FBI
identified North Korea as the culprit in the Sony Pictures attack.
Because if somebody is able to intimidate folks out of releasing a
satirical movie, Obama said, imagine what they start doing when they
see a documentary that they dont like or news reports that they dont
To many on the business side, the presidents comments came off as
blaming the victim, a common industry refrain when companies were
vilified after hacks.
Sen. John McCain (R-Arizona), soon to take over as chairman of the
Senate Armed Services Committee, laid blame at the presidents own
feet, saying the Obama administration had failed to articulate a policy of
deterrence against cyber foes.
The episode triggered concerns among cybersecurity experts and policymakers that went far beyond the fate of a silly movie or even the threat
to the First Amendment or determining the proper response to cyber


It wasnt a cyber Pearl Harbor, but it gave hints at the destructive

potential of cyber attacks. And the North Koreans, while active players in
the cyber-war space, were not even considered top-tier combatants by
cybersecurity authorities. If a peeved minor power could attack a company in the United States, make it flinch in the face of violent threats, and
spill the secrets in its computer files, what kind of damage could the big
playerssay, China, Russia, or Iranrender if they really wanted to do
Sony really threw the administration for a loop and showed significant gaps in the policy, said a financial-sector expert on cybersecurity.
The Sony Pictures attack demonstrated how cyber vulnerabilities almost
anywhere could have a dramatic impact on the United States as a whole.
It also suggested that the Obama administrations overall cyber strategy
had varsity and junior varsity components: Critical infrastructure like
power systems was varsity; the retail economy was important, but not in
such a life-threatening way.
In October 2014, before Sony Pictures, the administration announced
plans for a summit with financial-sector and technology industry leaders to address consumer data security issues. The plan was to show off
tools being developed by the government and private sector to confront
all of those annoying, costly hacks at places like Home Depot, Target,
Neiman Marcus, and so many others. The event would be oriented around
the administrations BuySecure Initiative aimed at preventing identity
theft in commercial transactions and protecting citizens personal data
during interactions with the government. It was to be an important junior
varsity event, though the administration certainly didnt phrase it that
The White House realized it had to broaden the summits scope and
related policy steps following the violent cyber attack on Sony Pictures.
Almost immediately the administration began work on a new executive
order on cybersecurity, this one addressing the sharing of cyber threat
indicators between government and the private sector. The White House
planned for a major rollout around the annual State of the Union address
in January 2015; the promised summit would follow in February, almost
two years to the day from release of the Obama administrations first
cybersecurity executive order.


Those hacks at JP Morgan, Target, and other companies might elicit a

quick look and then a collective yawn from most of the public, and not
much more from Congress.
Sony Pictures was just a movie studio, and yet the cyber attack there
quickly became a public sensation and preoccupied the policy discussion
in Washington. There was a sense of outrage at a brazen foreign attack, it
was relatively easy to understand, at least in its consequences, and it was
Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin), who would ride the Republicans
November 2014 electoral victory into the chairmanship of the Senate
Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, told that the hack had upended his plans.
Before Sony, I thought wed have a little time to address other issues, Johnson said in a late December interview. But I want to take
advantage of the public awareness generated by the cyber assault on
The restlessness, and anxiety, wasnt confined to Capitol Hill. It was
particularly acute across the Potomac River at the Pentagon.
The country is more vulnerable than it should be, Gen. Martin
Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said in a February 2015
Dempsey wasnt so worried about movie studios. He was worried
about what North Korea or China or some other adversary could do to
Internet service providers or the civilian electricity companies that supplied all of his domestic military bases.
And Im telling you this because its not a military issue uniquely or
solely, Dempsey said in that speech to an audience in Texas. Ninety
percent of my logistics enterprise, 90 percent of . . . our ability to flow
forces and to distribute this incredible network of aircraft that we have
90 percent of that rides on commercial Internet providers. And so if
theyre vulnerable, Im vulnerable. And I dont like being vulnerable.
As lawmakers reorganized and launched the new 114th Congress in
January 2015, the Obama administration prepared to get out in front,
again, with the new executive order on information sharing and a package
of legislative proposals on cybersecurity issues. The administration was
doubling down on its cyber strategy.


Congress was welcome to play in the cybersecurity space, the White

House seemed to be saying, but we like our approaches much better than
anything you can offer.
With a nudge from the Sony Pictures affair, a lame-duck session of
Congress passed a flurry of minor cyber bills in December 2014. These
measures tidied up government lines of authority for addressing cyber
issues and gave a stamp of approval to what the executive branch was
already doing. Five cyber bills were signed into law as the 113th Congress expired, essentially housekeeping measures on government roles,
research, and hiring cybersecurity personnel.
They were important as foundations, and they showed that Congress
could actually pass bills with cybersecurity in the title. That was never
a sure thing after the notorious leaks by fugitive ex-National Security
Agency contractor Edward Snowden revealed previously unknown details about the scope and often embarrassing substance of U.S. government electronic surveillance.
But business groups like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and many
of their allies on Capitol Hill, wanted something more, a new law that
would clear the way for better information sharing on cyber threats between the government and industry, and among companies themselves.
Liability protection was the key. This was the top cyber policy priority for
much of the business community, and had been for several years.
It made sense and the administration didnt disagree with the need for
such a law. The government often had information on imminent cybersecurity threats, but what it could share with the private sector was limited
by law or national security constraints.
On the other side, U.S. businesses had technical clues that could help
thwart or limit the damage from a cyber attackwhether it was a nationstate sponsored act of aggression or a criminal hack. But industry was
often reluctant to share those clues amid fears of possible legal liability.
The perceived risk of government penalties, shareholder lawsuits, and
public disclosure dominated the discussions among corporate executives,
security officers, and lawyers whenever information sharing came up.
Phyllis Schneck, the Department of Homeland Securitys top cybersecurity deputy during Obamas second term, saw firsthand how companies
hesitated before sharing timely data on cyber threats during her previous
career as a senior security executive with McAfee.


The next day we were not able to share information about certain oil
and gas companies in the sector being targeted, Schneck testified before
a congressional panel in 2013, describing an episode faced by McAfees
security professionals. Our lawyers didnt let us because they worried
wed get sued the next day if the stock prices of the energy sector went
A small number of very large companies were engaged in extensive
sharing by 2013, but that could provide only a partial view of the threat
environment. The question, an industry source said, is How do you get
the thousands of other companies over the hump so theyll participate?
How do you allow the government to really pull the pieces together?
There were limits on what industry could and would share on its own,
with no further guidance and protection from government. Those exemptions from lawsuits, regulatory action, and public disclosure were incentives only government could provide. We need many more private entities participating but that wont happen without liability protection, the
industry source said.
Determining the appropriate level of liability protection, while ensuring the sanctity of privacy and civil liberties, hobbled efforts to pass a
cybersecurity information-sharing bill in 2012, 2013, and again in 2014.
The Obama White House simply wouldnt support the leading congressional proposals to address the issue, which would have provided
extensive legal immunity for companies engaged in the sharing of cyber
threat indicators. Despite its public embrace of the need for an information-sharing law, White House cybersecurity coordinator Michael Daniel
signaled in January 2014 that the administration was in no hurry to back
information-sharing legislation.
Daniel told audiences he wanted to really drill down on the policy
changes that were actually necessary to spur more sharing. Everyone
loves information sharing, Daniel said, and no one knows what it
Before signing off on any legislationand giving away a valuable
incentive such as liability protectionthe White House wanted to understand the core barriers to information sharing and what could be addressed unilaterally through executive action.
What information do we need to move between government and the
private sector? Daniel asked. Or between companies? First we need to
make it more specified, then we need to make it automated.


Daniel put together a small group of staffers to work on information-sharing policy questions. He wanted to engage in a structured conversation with industry . . . [and] avoid unintended consequences and
figure out what the real barriers are, Daniel said.
That did not suggest a speedy embrace of the legislation, or ready
acceptance of industrys prescription for addressing cyber problems.
A bill championed by Intelligence Chairman Mike Rogers (R-Michigan) passed the House twice with a solid bloc of Democratic votes.
Known as CISPA, for the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act,
it didnt pass the White House test for ensuring the protection of privacy
and civil liberties. The Snowden leaks, beginning in June 2013, spelled
doom for that bill.
Snowden killed information sharing, said Brian Finch, a Washington, DC, attorney. Finch was an adamant supporter of Rogerss information-sharing bill, but said Snowdens inflammatory disclosures about
government cyber-snooping poisoned the well for all kinds of cyber legislation.
Snowdens leaks, Finch observed, had little or nothing to do with the
type of information-sharing legislation industry was seeking. But they
created a political environment of heightened sensitivity that made it
impossible to get near the issue. Skeptics looked at CISPA and other
proposals and asked: What exactly would the government and big corporations be doing with the data they wanted to share, behind a wall of legal
immunity and a shield from the disclosure requirements of the Freedom
of Information Act?
Sens. Dianne Feinstein (D-California) and Saxby Chambliss (R-Georgia), the leaders of the Senate Intelligence Committee, produced a cybersecurity information-sharing bill in the summer of 2014 that they thought
would meet the demands of the White House and soothe privacy concerns
stoked by the Snowden leaks.
They were wrong.
Their bill, the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act, or CISA,
passed the Senate Intelligence Committee by a twelve-to-three vote on
July 8, 2014. The overwhelming bipartisan vote for the bill was hailed by
groups including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the American Bankers
Association, the Financial Services Roundtable, energy groups, manufacturers, and other industries on the cybersecurity frontlines.


In the House, Rogers slapped his hands together, disavowed any pride
of authorship and said he would gladly bring the Feinstein-Chambliss bill
to the House floor. If, that is, they could get it through the full Senate.
We had to make compromises between what the business sector
wanted and what the privacy folks wanted, Chambliss told reporters
after the committee vote. Now we think we have a done a very good job
in achieving compromises on significant issues. Will there be complaints? Sure. Because its not perfect for anybody.
One complaint was over Feinsteins decision to hold the vote behind
closed doors, even though everything in the bill would be publicly released and other congressional committees were discussing the exact
same issues in open session. Supporters of the bill said opponents were
exaggerating its flaws and misrepresenting its impact on citizens privacy
and civil liberties. The secret markup did little to ease those concerns,
even if it was standard operating procedure for the congressional intelligence panels. It wasnt standard operating procedure for a broader audience where buy-in was needed before this legislation could move any
further through Congress.
The seeds of the bills ultimate demise were evident in those three
lonely votes against it in the Senate Intelligence Committee.
We agree there is a need for information-sharing between the federal
government and private companies about cybersecurity threats and how
to defend against them, Sens. Ron Wyden (D-Oregon) and Mark Udall
(D-Colorado) said in a joint statement after the vote.
But Snowdens baleful influence was hanging over the bill.
However, we have seen how the federal government has exploited
loopholes to collect Americans private information in the name of security, Wyden and Udall said. The only way to make cybersecurity information-sharing effective and acceptable is to ensure that there are strong
protections for Americans constitutional privacy rights. Without these
protections in place, private companies will rightly see participation as
bad for business.
The senators added: We are concerned that the bill . . . lacks adequate
protections for the privacy rights of law-abiding Americans, and that it
will not materially improve cybersecurity. We opposed the bill for these
reasons, but we stand ready to work with our colleagues to address its



The third no vote came from Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-West Virginia),
though he never publicly acknowledged it. Rockefeller was retiring at the
end of the year, so he couldve said anything he wanted to say about what
happened in the Intelligence Committee. But he was a senator from the
old school and why have a secret vote if youre going to talk about it?
What Rockefeller said publicly, on multiple occasions, was that corporations didnt really need all that liability protection they were clamoring for.
Wyden was an iconoclastic voice on the Intelligence panel and, along
with Udall and Rockefeller, uncompromising on civil liberties issues. The
Intelligence Committee as a whole was much more favorable than Wyden, Udall, and Rockefeller to the views of the intelligence services like
the National Security Agency.
By the terms of their membership on the secretive committee, there
was often little they could say in public about its work. But because of the
nature of the Senate, the three could cause massive headaches on the
Senate floor for the bills sponsors. With Democrats fearing catastrophe
in the upcoming elections, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada) showed no interest in dealing with the Feinstein-Chambliss bill, or the
divisions it caused within his own caucus, in the fall of 2014.
Feinstein, a twenty-two-year Senate veteran, knew that moving major
cybersecurity legislation was a long shot. But she was a powerful figure
in the Senate, who built up reservoirs of respect for taking on difficult
issues, like the federal ban on assault weapons in the 1990s. As a longtime member of the Intelligence Committee, she wasnt afraid to stand up
for the National Security Agency, which didnt endear her to civil liberties groups. Snowden was a traitor, in Feinsteins eyes, not some kind of
self-styled hero of the U.S. Constitution.
She characterized her committees cybersecurity bill as a first step in
a very difficult area. The policy would evolve and be revisited, she
stressed. But the first step was needed, and quickly, to begin reorienting
the government and industrys resources and thinking toward this cybersecurity challenge.
Her homestate Los Angeles Times editorialized against the proposal.
Although the bill . . . is better than the House proposal and some of
the previous versions, it still leaves too many openings for personal information to be shared with government agencies that dont need to see it,
and that could use it for too many purposes beyond cybersecurity, the



Los Angeles Times wrote. In fact, it requires that information shared

with the government be sent automatically to the Department of Defense
and, presumably, the National Security Agency, given the latters interest
in cyberattacks. For that reason, it feels too much like a bill to deter
hackers by expanding the surveillance of ordinary Internet users.
Feinstein responded forcefully in a letter to the Los Angeles Times.
First, the legislation is purely voluntary, she wrote.
Second, the bill already includes numerous privacy protections.
These include requirements that companies strip out personally identifying information before sharing, that the government destroy information
it receives after a specified time and that the information sharing program
is reviewed by the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board, inspectors general and many others.
On Capitol Hill, Feinstein expressed hope that the bill would move to
final passage and asked for patience as cybersecurity officials tried to
implement a complex policy.
Her patience with privacy advocates, on the other hand, was beginning
to wear thin. The privacy community, and trial lawyers, wanted more,
more, more, she said in an October 2014 speech at a U.S. Chamber of
Commerce cybersecurity conference.
Feinstein and Chambliss felt they had bent over backward to accommodate privacy concerns. After all, the criminal hacks, cyber espionage,
and waves of attacks were a far greater threat to privacy than law enforcement activities. Now, Chambliss complained to
after a Ripon Society breakfast, the privacy and civil liberties folks were
moving the goal posts a little bit.
Groups like the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and Center
for Democracy and Technology were unapologetic.
Gabriel Rottman of the ACLU said the Feinstein-Chambliss bill
would allow auto-sharing of cyber threat information among various
federal agencies without any mitigation or sorting by DHS.
By contrast, Rottman and others felt they received a better bargain on
privacy and civil liberties protections from both the House and Senate
homeland security committees.
The small-bore bills mentioned earlier were mostly the work of those
homeland security committees rather than the intelligence panels. They
may have been low hanging fruit, as some in industry dubbed them, but
they were a big deal in the way they established a Department of Home-



land Security entity, the National Cybersecurity and Communications

Integration Center (NCCIC), as the forum for sharing cyber threat indicators between government and the private sector.
The NCCIC (pronounced N-KICK in policy circles), could receive
threat indicators from industry and go through steps to ensure the elimination of personally identifiable information before that data went to
intelligence services or law enforcement. That scrubbing stage was critical to the Obama administration and online privacy advocates.
The Feinstein-Chambliss bill allowed direct information sharing, with
liability protection, between industry and other government entities beyond the NCCIC, including the intelligence community and FBI. The
senators said multiple privacy safeguards were included. Industry said
having multiple avenues for private sector-to-government sharing was
crucial and would allow existing cybersecurity relationships to flourish
and fight the bad guys.
The ACLU saw it differently.
So, Rottman said, youre talking about the entire SIGINT, HUMINT (military and civilian), counterintelligence, and federal law enforcement communities receiving this information either automatically or
permissively (and without any check in the law).
Rottman added: Theres potentially a serious amount of communications content that the government would be unable to get without a subpoena, court order, warrant or other process that will flow freely to the
government under this new privacy exception.
What followed were five months of on-again, off-again discussions
involving the White House and Feinstein, Chambliss, Rogers, and Dutch
Ruppersberger, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee.
Chambliss and Rogers were retiring at the end of 2014 and Ruppersberger expected to be term-limited off the intelligence panel. All were
desperate to get an information-sharing bill into law before they left.
The White House declined official comment on the Senate Intelligence Committee-passed bill, even though it had formally threatened to
veto the House-passed version by Rogers and Ruppersberger. An unnamed senior official told Information Security Media Group in July
2014 that privacy issues must be resolved before the administration could
support Feinstein-Chambliss.
Publicly, administration officials pointed favorably to those smallbore bills produced by the House and Senate homeland security commit-



tees and the Senate Commerce Committee, the housekeeping measures

that would put into law things the Obama team was already doing.
While deliberations continue on other areas of cybersecurity, dont
wait on areas where there is consensus, Department of Homeland Security undersecretary Suzanne Spaulding urged senators in September 2014.
In December 2014, thats exactly what happened. The Obama administration-backed bills, reflecting Obama administration policies, passed
both the House and Senate without debate and were signed into law.
Lobbyists and lawmakers said the bills represented a series of first
downs on cyber policy, incremental progress down the field.
The Obama administration praised Congress for its work and, just
slightly disingenuously, urged Congress to take the next step and pass a
cyber information-sharing bill.
One of the things in the new year that I hope Congress . . . is prepared
to work with us on is strong cybersecurity laws that allow for information
sharing across private-sector platforms, as well as the public sector, so
that we are incorporating best practices and preventing these attacks from
happening in the first place, Obama said at his 2014 end-of-year news
New Republican chairmen at both the House and Senate intelligence
committees, and the new Republican chairman of the Senate Homeland
Security Committee, were promising to do just that. House Homeland
Security Chairman Michael McCaul (R-Texas), who deferred on the issue
to the House Intelligence Committee in 2014, by December was already
writing his own information-sharing bill with liability protection for industry.
Jurisdictional fights on Capitol Hill might be in the offing, but the
issue was already engaged by the close of 2014.
And once again, the Obama administration would move to get out in
front of Congress. The administration prepared its executive order and
legislation on information sharing, as well as new law enforcement tools
to fight hackers and a proposal for a national consumer data-breach notification law.
And, in a bit of dj vu, administration witnesses and the leaders of the
House and Senate homeland security committees seemed to share at least
some common ground on information-sharing during the first cybersecurity hearings of the new 114th Congress. By contrast, the administration



appeared to be turning a cold shoulder to the intelligence committees in

both chambers.
Congress had been working on all of these issues in fits and starts, but
the administration had its own timetable. Why wait for them?


Its the great irony of our Information Agethe very technologies that
empower us to create and to build also empower those who would
disrupt and destroy. And this paradoxseen and unseenis something that we experience every day.
President Obama, May 29, 2009

In April 2009, news reports revealed that cyber intruders were detected
maneuvering through the computer systems that run the great American
electricity grid, the power system that lights our cities and charges our
laptops. The Wall Street Journal said the hacks originated in Russia,
China, and other countries. What was the point? They were preparing the
ground for a future war. In a hypothetical conflict between the United
States and China, the grid would be target number one. The adversary
would attempt to plunge the United States into darkness. And in 2009,
such an attack would carry a high probability of success.
President Obama publicly claimed ownership over the cybersecurity
issue in a seventeen-minute speech to a White House audience on May
29, 2009. The top news story that morning concerned whether nominee
Sonia Sotomayor had the right temperament to serve on the Supreme
Court. A few articles mentioned that Obama would make a cybersecurity
speech that day; most of those focused on whether he would name a
cyber czar.
The stock market was on tenuous footing and the U.S. economy was
shaky following the collapse of the previous year that helped catapult
Obama into office. The economy was priority number one for the Obama



administration, but the new president saw cybersecurity as a foundational

issue and an existential challenge to be confronted immediately.
Its no secret that my presidential campaign harnessed the Internet
and technology to transform our politics, Obama said that day in May.
What isnt widely known is that during the general election hackers
managed to penetrate our computer systems.
The issue had the presidents personal attention, but addressing cybersecurity would require nothing less than a cultural change, a dramatic
evolution in the publics conception of cyberspace. The problem, in part,
was people: the daily practices and habits of consumers, employees, profit-driven business executives, and budget-conscious bureaucrats.
It was technological, in the rapid dissemination of tools that could be
used to pilfer and destroy, as well as in the very construction of an
Internet economy with insufficient consideration to security.
It was a military/diplomatic problem with poorly defined rules of engagement or standards of conduct. And it was a political problem, as the
executive branch and Congress groped for appropriate answers within
governing systems not designed to confront a challenge that showed no
regard for lines of authority or jurisdiction.
Obama was clearly intrigued by this challenge and was well-aware of
the dangerous state of the playing field, former administration officials
would say. The president and other policymakers knew there were three
grades of bad when it came to cyber attacks.
The nation and its citizens were vulnerable in each category: the common, though quite sophisticated, cyber thievery; cyber espionage carried
out by the vastly talented armies and intelligence arms of China, Russia,
and Iran, and aimed at Americas secrets, its infrastructure, and, for often
mysterious reasons, even the personal data of its citizens; and then there
was the Big One, the cyber attack built to destroy and perhaps kill.
The threat was overshadowed during much of the first decade of the
twenty-first century by two wars in the Middle East. But even as the
George W. Bush presidency was engulfed and defined by those wars, the
forty-third president was also intrigued by this new front in cyberspace
and Bushs White House would get the policy gears moving on cybersecurity.
Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Mike McConnell briefed Bush
on the severity of the cyber challenge, particularly the vulnerability of the
defense industrial base to cyber attacks. That got the presidents attention



and DNI McConnell was ordered to come up with a plan. President Bush
was very easy to persuade on national security issues, commented one
source active on cyber policy within the Bush II White House.
Mike McConnell put Melissa Hathaway in charge as Cyber Coordination Executive and director of a first-ever interagency task force on the
issue. The task force included the departments of Defense, Homeland
Security, and Treasury; the FBI; and other agencies. Members devised a
one team, one fight strategy that the president and all of the cabinet
secretaries signed off on over the summer of 2007. Hathaway and her
colleagues put together a strategy to get the entire program funded in an
unprecedented way: as a single budget item even though it cut across
If you killed funding for one part, youd have to zero everything
outthat was my strategy to ensure that Congress didnt pick and
choose, because that wasnt going to work, Hathaway recalled. This
was one team, one fight.
In January 2008, President Bush signed two policy directives that
would establish for the first time a Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative. It was classified secret and revealed to lawmakers only in
closed settings. That reflected the security-minded atmosphere of the
time, but it also fueled lawmakers interest in putting together a cybersecurity policy that the public could understand and, hopefully, support.
One of President Obamas earliest moves on cyber was to publicly
release a description of the 2008 directives, signaling at least a new
atmosphere around cybersecurity policy discussions. But the policy
pieces developed by the Bush team would heavily influence Obamas
In particular, the Bush initiative called for strenuous efforts to secure
the government domain along with policies to increase situational
awareness, encourage new leap-ahead technologies, and define the
federal role in protecting critical infrastructure, which was, of course,
mostly in private hands.
After at least 150 briefings, Bush administration officials persuaded
Congress to go along with upward of 80 percent of the program elements
in the budget that year, according to Hathaway. The foundation for engaging on cybersecurity policy was now in place for the first time in the
executive branch.



As a bookend to the year 2008, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) produced a nonpartisan report on cybersecurity for
the forty-fourth presidency that would provide more pieces of the policy
template for the new administration.
The commission that wrote the report, Securing Cyberspace for the
44th Presidency, was co-chaired by Reps. Michael McCaul (R-Texas)
and James Langevin (D-Rhode Island), along with Scott Charney of
Microsoft and retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Harry Raduege.
CSISs own James A. Lewis was the project director.
The report became a well-thumbed desktop reference for Obamas
policy advisers and industry leaders alike, and commission members
would play important roles in the coming years.
McCaul, a conservative Texan and former federal prosecutor, became
a key cybersecurity policy liaison on Capitol Hill for an administration
generally viewed by Republicansespecially Texas Republicanswith
hostility. Charney was a frequent witness at congressional hearings on
cyber policy and a point of contact for the administration in the tech
community. Lewis would help make CSIS one of the premiere locales for
the cybersecurity dialogue that Obama hoped to foster among government, industry, academia, and others.
The ninety-six-page CSIS report emphasized the need for government-industry partnership on cybersecurity and to develop regulations for
critical infrastructure. The report had an animating effect within the new
White House and many of its conclusions would feed directly into Obamas first legislative proposal on cybersecurity in 2011. That included a
regulatory aspect that would be swept under the rug after a historic run at
cyber legislation collapsed in the Senate at the end of 2012.
As the 2008 election neared, Hathaway was assigned to the transition
team developing policy books for either Obama or Republican nominee
John McCain. She created a catalogue of what the George W. Bush
administration had done on cyber, and worked assiduously to ensure that
cybersecurity was listed as one of the top three priorities in the separate
transition books on policy issues facing the Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, and the FBI.
After his election, Obama kept Hathaway in the White House and
placed her in charge of a pivotal sixty-day review of cybersecurity policy.
Hathaway was an American University graduate who studied advanced
strategic issues at the U.S. Armed Forces Staff College. She brought a



ferocious passion to the task and liked to say she was running the cybersecurity initiative like a business. That is, it was as if she were spending
her own money: There would be no waste, no diversions into extraneous
areas, and every aspect of the policy would be meticulously accounted for
and documented.
Her review fed directly into President Obamas May 2009 speech.
The Bush guys laid the foundation and Obama was first to build off
that. . . . There was momentum in the work by Melissa and so the Obama
administration was off to a running start, said Bruce McConnell, who
served as chief cybersecurity strategist at the Department of Homeland
Security during Obamas first term and into his second.
Based on the Hathaway-led sixty-day review, the White House would
propose a strategy grounded in partnerships with the private sector, measurable results, research into new technologies, and a commitment to
protecting citizens online privacy even as the government and industry
battled cyber attackers.
The demands of this approach could be contradictory at times, and
there was a fierce battle within the administration and on Capitol Hill
between what Bruce McConnell characterized as command-and-control and laissez-faire factions.
The debate began during the final years of the George W. Bush administration and carried over into the new administration. Some of that was
traditional turf squabbling among agencies, some was deeply philosophical, and some a potentially toxic combination of the two.
A top cybersecurity official at the Department of Homeland Security
(DHS), Rod Beckstrom, resigned in March 2009, citing the National
Security Agencys dominance over cyber policy. The nations founding
fathers would surely object to this subjugation of a civilian agency to
military control, Beckstrom told United Press International.
But Philip Reitinger would assume some of Beckstroms responsibilities and help secure DHSs place in the governments cybersecurity hierarchy over the next two years. Reitinger fit well into the young Obama
administrations cast. The one-time member of the Vanderbilt fencing
team knew his way around the skirmishing in both government and the
highest levels of the technology sector: He served in both the defense and
justice departments, and had been a senior strategist at Microsoft. Reitinger was also a graduate of Yale Law School.



Hathaway herself would resign in August 2009 after waiting for

months to get the nod as Obamas White House cybersecurity czar, a
position that would go to Howard Schmidt, another former Microsoft
There were some differences between the Obama and Bush approaches, said Bruce McConnell, who helped coordinate the federal response to the Y2K challenge during the Bill Clinton administration, and
returned to government eight years later to work on Obamas cyber policy team from a billet at the Department of Homeland Security.
From her perspective, Hathaway said the new administration tilted so
heavily toward economic considerations that it was unwilling to take
tough stances on national security. It was a challenge, she said. The
Clinton [administration] veterans in the new administration saw all the
benefits of the Internet and thought the Bush people were overblowing
the security threat.
John Brennan, then as White House homeland security adviser, was a
champion of cybersecurity issues in the early days of the Obama administration, according to Hathaway. But it was a complicated issue to explain
within the White House policy councils, and economic adviser Lawrence
Summers almost always had the last word. Economic growth trumped
national security, Hathaway said. It was a source of tension. They had
Recovery Act money to spend and they didnt want to hear things like
Dont build a smart grid without security. It was hard to bring the
economic people [in the White House] along on cybersecurity policy.
Bruce McConnell downplayed tensions between security and economic issues. The Obama administration was more sensitive to privacy and
there was more emphasis in the Bush administration on traditional security roles, McConnell said. But Bush left the institutional framework for
developing the policy, and the approach was similar.
Most importantly, McConnell said, many officials in both administrations were grasping an emerging consensus on the direction the government should take with cyber policy. Part of that was a decision regarding
what exactly the government should focus on protecting. Was it lifeline
industries that provided the blood and oxygen to the rest of the economy? Or was it all of critical infrastructure? The Obama administration
decided on the latter, and the result would be a cybersecurity strategy of
use to virtually every type of business.



American military leaders werent necessarily in agreement with that

consensus, which was taking shape in the private sector and among civilian security officials. In fact, the generals and admirals warned loudly
that the private-sector operators of power plants and other critical infrastructure werent doing nearly enough to protect cyberspace. The military
was reliant on these private companies to power its bases and provide
other services.
The sense of vulnerability in the uniformed ranks was acute andas
evidenced by Gen. Dempseys remarks in early 2015would remain so
throughout the years of the Obama administration. Military leaders believed electric power companies and others simply must be required to
follow increasingly stringent, mandatory standards.
Many of the bright new faces and canny cyber veterans in the Obama
administration countered with a practical argument: How could top-down
regulations possibly keep pace with this threat?
And to top it off, 85 percent or more of the nations critical infrastructurethe vulnerable power lines, financial systems, wireless networks,
and water workswas in private hands. A regulatory regime would have
to be massive, and would enormously intrude into U.S. business operations.
The new administration had to quickly resolve this debate between
command-and-control and laissez-faire factions. It was dawning on
many that it was a mistake to view cybersecurity as a technical issue. It
was about people, process, and commitment. Some policymakers got that
distinction during Obamas first term, and some didnt.
By the spring of 2009, the Obama administration was ready to embark
on what a few of its cyber policy leaders referred to as the laissez-faire
approach to cybersecurity, a colorful if not-fully complete description of
a strategy it would follow through two terms. Regulation was part of the
equation under the Obama teams initial approach, but it wasnt solely or
even predominantly based on setting hard and fast cybersecurity rules for
On May 29, Obama announced that he would create a new White
House position, cybersecurity coordinator, but didnt name the person
who would take on the role. Of greater importance, Obama for the first
time publicly sketched out his administrations cybersecurity philosophy.
This new approach starts at the top, with this commitment from me:
From now on, our digital infrastructurethe networks and computers we



depend on every daywill be treated as they should be: as a strategic

national asset, Obama said. Protecting this infrastructure will be a national security priority. We will ensure that these networks are secure,
trustworthy, and resilient. We will deter, prevent, detect, and defend
against attacks and recover quickly from any disruptions or damage.
Obama announced that a comprehensive cyber strategy would be developed in collaboration with industry and other stakeholders. He released a report detailing the findings of Hathaways review and how the
administration would proceed.
One element of the strategy clearly differed from that established by
the Bush administration in January 2008, the New York Times reported.
Mr. Obamas approach is described in a 38-page public document being
distributed to the public and to companies that are most vulnerable to
cyberattack; Mr. Bushs strategy was entirely classified.
Obama also wanted to trumpet the roleand leadershipof the private sector in his cyber strategy.
[W]e will strengthen the public/private partnerships that are critical
to this endeavor, Obama said. The vast majority of our critical information infrastructure in the United States is owned and operated by the
private sector. So let me be very clear: My administration will not dictate
security standards for private companies. On the contrary, we will collaborate with industry to find technology solutions that ensure our security
and promote prosperity.
That was welcome news to industry lobbyists, many of whom saw the
new Obama administration as regulation-happy and predisposed to fight
the business community rather than partner with it. Despite the words,
industry leaders still saw the lurking hand of regulation behind the administrations highly public embrace of private-sector solutions. Many
thought Obamas commitment not to regulate was strictly aimed at his
friends in the tech sector, not the broader business world.
On the other side of the policy fence, the military brass continued to
lament the seeming inability of civilians to confront the true danger.
Let me also be clear about what we will not do, Obama said. Our
pursuit of cybersecurity will notI repeat, will not includemonitoring
private sector networks or Internet traffic. We will preserve and protect
the personal privacy and civil liberties that we cherish as Americans.
Media coverage of the speech was mildly positive, as was the business
communitys public reaction. But the mainstream media wasnt quite



convinced there was any substance there. Who was this coordinator?
Would she, or he, have clout? Time called the whole speech cyberhooey.
It was often the case in cyber policy that the forest eluded media and
political onlookers who fixated on individual trees like the desired
personality in a White House cyber coordinator or the lack of meaty rules
or even tax breaks to get businesses out of their seats and working to
build a stronger cyber network.
Cybersecurity was complicated, tangible signs of progress were elusive, and it was often difficult to distill cyber policy developments into
interesting news stories. But in the spring of 2009, even some astute
security experts were questioning whether the Obama administrations
entire exercise was more public relations than cybersecurity. The administration was asking industry, and Congress, to stand up and take responsibility for cybersecurity, but all of these stakeholders were extremely
curious to see what the administration itself was bringing to the game.
Obama provided the beginning of an answer in his May 2009 speech.
But the new administration wasnt quite ready to drive policy, yet. Roles
within the executive branch still needed to be fleshed out, and members
of Congress still planned to define the policy direction. It would take
several years, actually, for the White House to slide into the drivers seat.


People say this is a military or intelligence concern, but its a lot more
than that. It suddenly gets into the realm of traffic lights and rail
networks and water and electricity. . . . Its not a problem that will ever
be completely solved. You have to keep making higher walls.
Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-West Virginia), interview with the
Washington Post, April 1, 2009

Congress was trying to play catch-up, but the cyber threat environment
was already quite severe in 2009, evidenced by a numbing succession of
breaches and attacks.
As senators knew and a Senate committee report would later point out:
In 2007, TJX Corporationthe parent company of T. J. Maxx and
Marshalls department storesexperienced a breach in its wireless
networks that left about 45 million credit and debit card numbers exposed to theft and cost the company about $25 million to resolve. In
early 2009, Heartland Payment Systems learned they had suffered a
breach that allowed criminal access to in-transit payment card data,
requiring them to spend $32 million in the first half of 2009 to resolve.

The hacks were hitting American citizens in their wallets.

There were other, even more troubling episodes for lawmakers to
ponder. As noted, foreign powers were detected mapping out the computer controls for U.S. electricity grids and natural gas pipelines. There was
nothing hypothetical about the threat posed by such activities: The Rus25



sian military successfully used cyber attacks as part of its 2008 invasion
of neighboring Georgia.
Later in 2009, Google and other tech companies would be hacked in a
sophisticated operation allegedly originating from China. American citizens browsing habits and every other aspect of the cyber lifestyle were
now the targets of bad actors with unknown, but clearly sinister, motives.
It would take several more years before the idea took hold on Capitol
Hill that higher walls probably werent the answer to the nations cybersecurity challenge. But in the spring of 2009, many influential lawmakers were aware of the growing cyber threat as the new administration
settled in, and were sorting through legislative responses. The problem
was, with dozens of committees claiming jurisdiction over cybersecurity,
urgent economic issues taking precedence, and the White House focused
on passing health reform, cybersecurity was at the top of very few to-do
lists for members of Congress.
It was also still a bit of a mystery issue to many in Congress. Republican lawmakers fretted over giving President Obama a kill switch to cut
off the Internet. Democrats postulated elaborate regulatory schemes.
Lawmakers like Sens. Jay Rockefeller (D-West Virginia), Olympia
Snowe (R-Maine), Joseph Lieberman (D-Connecticut), and Susan Collins
(R-Maine) were eager to develop a major bipartisan policy response.
Intelligence Committee leaders like Dianne Feinstein and Saxby Chambliss in the Senate, and Mike Rogers and Dutch Ruppersberger in the
House, wanted to move quickly on legislation to get ahead of the threat.
The need for a legislative response was becoming increasingly apparent. But as always, the jurisdictional lines in Congress played an outsized
role in structuring the response. Rockefeller and Snowe, in April 2009,
came out first with a bill designed to fall within the Commerce Committees jurisdiction. The bill called on the National Institute of Standards
and Technology to create industry standards on cybersecurity that could
be audited, a huge red flag for business groups. It called for a certification
process for cyber professionals, another red flag. Some lawmakers were
also fixated, for a while, on creating a congressionally chartered White
House office on cybersecurity as a way of elevating the issue as a policy
priority. It would also give congressional committees access to a White
House official who was subject to confirmationand to lawmakers demands for testimony. The Obama White House didnt much care for that
idea, or for Congress telling the White House how to organize itself.



After several rounds of revisions, the Senate Commerce Committee

passed its cyber bill in March 2010.
Members of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
Committee believed the first pieces of legislation should clarify the Department of Homeland Securitys (DHS) cybersecurity responsibilities.
Collinss staff took the first shot at drafting language in 2009, beginning a
collaborative if lengthy process with Liebermans staff. It would take
over a year before the committee was ready with a bill.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Neveda) began showing interest in the issue as the commerce, homeland security, and intelligence
committees got rolling. Reid didnt know much about cybersecurity, but
he did know that conflicting jurisdictional claims by committees could
create major problems for leadership. At one point he suggested a special
committee on cybersecurity, but the chairmen of the existing committees
quickly shot down that idea. The next step, then, was for the commerce,
homeland security, and intelligence panels to resolve their differences,
which they would do in a long series of negotiations. Still, Senate leaders
wouldnt find time on the floor for cyber legislation during a lame-duck
session at the end of 2010.
The new year brought a new Republican majority to the House, which
was the most direct political fallout from President Obamas health care
push and the emergence of the conservative Tea Party. Amid this, the
Obama administration was putting the final touches on its own bill defining the governments response to cybersecurity and charting a path forward, based on the principles outlined by Obama in the spring of 2009.
The Obama administrations bill was finally unveiled in May 2011. It
took nearly two years to writeabout twice as long as it should have,
according to Bruce McConnell, the former DHS cyber strategist.
But it strived to encompass the latest thinking and consensus on cyber
policy, and, in the words of White House officials, kick off an unprecedented dialogue on the topic. The administration had identified the need
for a collaborative approach, at least in rudimentary form, and now
wanted to encourage the political process to catch up. That would take
some time; four years and two election cycles later, many of the same
aspects were still subjects of debate.
The Obama bill would update laws on securing the governments own
computers and networks. It called for a uniform national data-breach
reporting standard and tougher criminal penalties for hackers. It called for



DHS to offer assistance to industries that asked for help in securing their
networks and called for voluntary information sharing.
That was a mixed bag from businesses perspective; the voluntary
aspects were welcome, while the others were sources of division or outright opposition within industry. Language on robust privacy protection
triggered a bout of nerves: A whole new framework on privacy protections and civil liberties threatened to upend established law and precedent
and create a legal nightmare for industry groups, at least in their eyes.
But heres where the Obama administration plan went completely off
the rails, from industrys perspective:
The Administration proposal requires DHS to work with industry to
identify the core critical-infrastructure operators and to prioritize the most
important cyber threats and vulnerabilities for those operators, according
to the May 12, 2011, White House fact sheet.
Critical infrastructure operators would develop their own frameworks
for addressing cyber threats, according to the White House. And the
hook: Then, each critical-infrastructure operator would have a thirdparty, commercial auditor assess its cybersecurity risk mitigation plans.
Operators who are already required to report to the Security and Exchange Commission would also have to certify that their plans are sufficient.
A mandatory auditing process was akin to regulation from industrys
perspective and would lead inevitably to a costly, check-list approach that
was the antithesis of good cybersecurity practice.
Further, the White House said,
A summary of the plan would be accessible, in order to facilitate
transparency and to ensure that the plan is adequate. In the event that
the process fails to produce strong frameworks, DHS, working with
the National Institute of Standards and Technology, could modify a
framework. DHS can also work with firms to help them shore up plans
that are deemed insufficient by commercial auditors.

The bill was a big bite, coming at a time when ascendant Republicans
were muscling Congress away from such comprehensive approaches to
virtually any policy question. Obamacare, the signal issue of the previous
two years, convinced a new generation of Republicans that big was bad
when it came to legislation. The Obama proposal would not find a spon-



sor for its bill on Capitol Hill, but elements would be folded into the
bipartisan work underway in the Senate.
The new year was, in fact, bringing a new interest in cybersecurity
from House Republican leaders. They empowered a task force on cybersecurity that ultimately would tilt the playing field in ways that reflected
the new majoritys bite-sized approach to legislation.
The 2011 House Republican Cybersecurity Task Force included
twelve Republican lawmakers and was chaired by Rep. Mac Thornberry
of Texas. The groups report, released in October 2011, drew an enthusiastic response from industry as a departure from the command-andcontrol approaches being pursued in the Senate and contemplated by both
the Bush and Obama administrations.
The GOP report urged leaders of the relevant House committees to
move legislation that would encourage development of voluntary industry
standards on cybersecurity, backed by incentives including liability protection. An agency such as the National Institute of Standards and Technology should collaborate with industry on developing the voluntary
standards. Regulations on information security should be streamlined.
Government grants and tax credits should be tweaked to encourage better
cybersecurity practices. Congress should consider the role of insurance.
Targeted, limited regulationpromulgated by existing regulators
could be considered in certain critical infrastructure sectors, the Republicans said. Congress should discuss the desirability and usefulness of mandatory reporting of cyber incidents. The task force also suggested a uniform national consumer data-breach notification requirement to replace
the dozens of state laws on the topic.
The governments own systems needed better security. And criminal
law should be updated. Information sharing should be encouraged, again,
with liability protection.
It was mostly a forward-looking reportmany of the recommendations would be melded into Obamas 2013 cybersecurity executive order,
and many would still be the subject of debate in Congress in 2016.
But significantly, it did not call for a restructuring of congressional
jurisdiction and responsibilities. After all, the majority-ruled House didnt
face the same kind of obstacles that routinely stifled legislative efforts in
the Senate. And the GOP leadership didnt need to kick up a fight with
the newly empowered Republican committee chairmen who had received



their coveted gavels just months earlier. Those chairmen wouldnt be

interested in ceding any of their jurisdictions, in any policy area.
There were sound reasons for the task forces decision on congressional restructuring. Two House committeesIntelligence and Homeland Securityultimately would be able to fulfill their responsibilities
under the report. But it was a missed opportunity to put Congress ahead
of the curve on cyber policy, for once, by facing up to the fact that
jumbled and duplicative lines of authority made it impossible to craft a
comprehensive cybersecurity strategyin the Senate or in the House.
Cases in point: The tax-writing Ways and Means Committee never got
around to taking up the recommendations on tax breaks; the commerce,
banking, and judiciary committees couldnt settle on data-breach legislation; and the committees with jurisdiction over particular critical infrastructure sectors rarely if ever discussed the cybersecurity regulations
applicable to those industries.
A month after the task force report, in November 2011, House Intelligence Committee leaders would follow up with their first pass at a cybersecurity information-sharing bill. Intelligence Chairman Rogers and ranking member Ruppersberger collaborated on a measure that would allow
sharing of cyber threat data with federal agencies including law enforcement and the National Security Agency. It allowed the government to use
the data for a variety of law enforcement purposes beyond cybersecurity,
and gave a scant nod to the privacy and civil liberties concerns that would
ultimately shape the debate over information-sharing legislation. The key,
to industry, was liability protection for companies that shared data with
the government.
This was a security bill, with a law enforcement component, its sponsors believed. But cybersecurity, like the Internet itself, always spawned
unexpected issues and policy twists.
The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, H.R. 3523, known
as CISPA, would pass the House in April 2012 on a 248 to 168 vote, with
strong industry support and vehement opposition from the online privacy
community. Voting in favor were 206 Republicans and 42 Democrats; 28
Republicans and 140 Democrats voted no.
Immediately, it was linked to other debates in the unsettled areas of
Internet rights and privacy.
Did Congress really not pay attention to what happened with
SOPA? the Web site TechDirt asked, incredulous that lawmakers were



treading this turf after a recent net-roots uprising thwarted congressional

plans to pass a Stop Online Piracy Act bill supported by much of the
business community.
Like SOPA early on, it appears that Congress simply takes for
granted that if you call something one thing (whether its stopping piracy or protecting cybersecurity) no one will bother looking at the details
to realize just how problematic the bill actually is, TechDirt wrote. But
this is a bad, bad bill, which effectively will lead to significant spying on
Internet usage and private communications by the government with little
to no oversightand that includes not just domestic law enforcement, but
military spying as well, according to TechDirt. The whole thing is
absolutely crazy (especially when there are less onerous bills that are
much more sensible).
Web sites with names like TechDirt didnt have a lot of currency
among lawmakers prior to the online piracy SOPA debate, and the
concerns cited still didnt particularly register in congressional committees worried about providing security tools for companies. But more easily recognizable names like the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
were weighing in as well on the RogersRuppersberger bill.
We urge you to amend the bill to include explicit collection and use
limitations and rigorous oversight mechanisms, the ACLU wrote in a
letter to Rogers and Ruppersberger just before the House vote. In the
absence of such amendments, we will vigorously oppose this legislation
as inconsistent with the long tradition of Americans reasonable expectations of privacy.
Rogers was a media-savvy former FBI agent and Ruppersberger was a
street-smart politician from Baltimore. So it was a bit surprising to find
the duo so utterly tone deaf on the politics of this one, at least in 2012.
But they wised up quickly and over the coming months would propose
dozens of changes to the legislation to meet privacy advocates concerns.
It was to no avail: CISPA had joined SOPA as fighting words for many in
the digital-rights community.
The White House didnt like the CISPA bill either, citing the scale of
liability protection and the scope of information that could be shared, and
threatened to veto the measure. The White House also, very publicly,
wanted to be seen as the champion of online privacy and civil rights. It
was a matter of legacy.



The veto threat for the first time drew a line in the sand between the
White House and lawmakers over cyber policy, but it would never have
to be carried out. In the Senate, Intelligence Chairman Feinstein had
drafted a similar information-sharing bill in early 2012, and merged it
into the effort to advance a comprehensive cybersecurity bill along with
Lieberman, Collins, Rockefeller, and Tom Carper of Delaware.
The broad Senate bill included elements on federal network security,
the role of the Department of Homeland Security, and the responsibilities
of critical infrastructure operators. Language on emergency powers
spurred fears of an Internet kill switch that the sponsors scrambled to
swat away. Likewise, Lieberman and others stressed it was a completely
different animal than the SOPA anti-piracy measure that had stoked so
much antipathy. But separating cybersecurity issues from other policy
disputes related to the Internet would be an enduring problem for sponsors of cyber billsin 2012 and in subsequent years.
On January 30, 2012, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce (Chamber)
weighed in with the first of two letters to Senate leaders that would
largely frame the debate that year. Majority Leader Harry Reid would
fume for years afterward that the Chamber used its muscle to crush the
legislation. But Matthew Eggers, a top cybersecurity strategist and lobbyist at the Chamber, recalled that the business group was trying hard to
reorient the discussion, not kill legislation.
It wasnt the typical Hill letter, he said several years later. It was
lengthy and we wanted to be very clear that this [emerging bill] would be
something wed challenge. But we didnt want to just say no.
What Chamber Vice President R. Bruce Josten spelled out in the letter
to Reid and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) was the
consensus position of much of the business community on the appropriate
approach to cyber policy. First, business leaders were worried that Reid
was using the sense of urgency around cybersecurity to push through a
bill with vast, untold consequences for the economy. Rushing forward
with legislation that has not been fully vetted would be a major mistake,
Josten wrote.
Since 2009, the Chamber has consistently said that it will support
legislation that is carefully crafted and narrowly tailored toward effectively addressing the complex cyber challenges that businesses are experiencing, Josten wrote. However, the Chamber strongly opposes new regulations and compliance mandates that would drive up costs and misallocate



business resources without necessarily increasing security. More topdown regulations would significantly restrict necessary opportunities for
the public and private sectors to work together collaboratively against our
mutual adversaries.
Instead, the Chamber called for voluntary information sharing with
legal protection, improvements to the security of the governments own
networks, a national research and development project, public awareness
campaigns, and international cooperation against cybercrime.
Tellingly, many of these positions would be part of a broad consensus
within the coming years. But a trust deficit in 2012attributable to stakeholders on all points of the political compassmeant policymakers focused more heavily on differences than areas of agreement.
The Chamber takes the issue of cybersecurity very seriously, and we
believe that the best solution to improving Americas cybersecurity will
not be found in additional regulation, Josten wrote.
Instead, legislation should support efforts that genuinely enhance collaboration between industry and government partners and that foster
mutually agreed-upon solutions targeted at increasing collective security. Layering new regulations on critical infrastructure will harm public-private partnerships, cost industry substantial sums on compliance,
and not necessarily improve economic and national security.

In February, Lieberman held a hearing on the Cybersecurity Act of

2012, the joint work of the leadership of his Homeland Security Committee, Rockefellers commerce panel, and Feinsteins Intelligence Committee. The maverick Connecticut senators tone was a bit defensive, according to, a CXO Media Company.
Lieberman began the hearing by stating that the proposed law
wouldnt tell companies how to meet security requirements, that they
could use any hardware or software they chose, and that all indications
were that the law would enhance security innovations, CSOs Wayne
Rash reported. Lieberman also said that despite rumors that have been
circling the Internet, there is no Internet kill switch in the bill that would
allow the President to seize control of the Internet, and there is nothing in
the bill that touches on the balance between intellectual property and free
speech. He specifically pointed out that there is nothing related to the illfated SOPA and PIPA bills in his legislation.



Collins echoed Liebermans assessment and appeared to put the bill

on solid bipartisan footing. But many Republicans backed by their leader,
Sen. McConnell, would object to both the substance of the bill and Democratic plans for quickly moving it across the floor.
Sen. John McCain (R-Arizona) signaled the brewing opposition during that first hearing in February. McCain, along with Sens. Charles
Grassley (R-Iowa), Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas), Saxby Chambliss
(R-Georgia), Mike Enzi (R-Wyoming), Jeff Sessions (R-Alabama), and
Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), had all written to Majority Leader Reid
ahead of the hearing warning him not to short-circuit the process by
quickly bringing the bill to the floor.
McCain said the measure would turn the Department of Homeland
Security into a super regulator.
McCains problems with the bill ran deep, according to the Daily
Caller news site. Additionally, McCain said at that first hearing, if the
legislation before us today were enacted into law, unelected bureaucrats
at the DHS could promulgate prescriptive regulations on American businesseswhich own roughly 90 percent of critical cyber infrastructure.
The Lieberman-Collins bill would go through several permutations in
search of a formula that could pass the Senate. Before February was over,
McCain and his GOP allies would put out an alternative bill, SECURE
IT, based on information sharing and voluntary collaboration. Ominously, cybersecurity had cleaved along largely partisan lines studded with a
variety of philosophical differences. Partisan considerations and the substantive policy disagreements were defining the issue for lawmakers on
Capitol Hill, despite the striking similarities in how a McCain, a Lieberman, or a Rockefeller would tackle the issue.
There was a general sense of agreement on the need for stronger
criminal laws and better information sharing, and for government to get
to work on shoring up its own networks and clarifying DHS authority.
The need for governmentprivate sector collaboration was readily apparent to everyone.
But all of that common ground couldnt make up for a crucial dispute:
Should government ultimately have some kind of hammer to force private companies to better secure their own systems?
Obama administration officials in March held a secret briefing for
senators, walking them through a mock cyber attack that cut off power to
New York City. The scenario was frightening but didnt move the politi-



cal needle. After months of stalemate, Lieberman, Collins, Rockefeller,

and Carper offered a revised version of their combined cyber bill in July
We are going to try carrots instead of sticks as we begin to improve
our cyber defenses, Lieberman said in a statement to BloombergBusiness. If that doesnt work, a future Congress will undoubtedly come
back and adopt a more coercive system.
Bloomberg reported that the new version would create a National
Cybersecurity Council, led by the secretary of Homeland Security, to
work with industry groups to develop voluntary standards on the best
ways to defend against computer attacks. It would offer benefits, such as
liability protection and expedited government security clearances, to
owners of critical infrastructure who meet those standards, according to
Liebermans statement.
President Obama wrote a supportive op-ed in the Wall Street Journal.
Privacy groups expressed satisfaction with the changes. But as Senate
floor debate neared, it wouldnt be enough.
Former DHS official Paul Rosenzweig, writing for the conservative
Heritage Foundation, said the voluntary aspects of the legislation were a
fraud and painted LiebermanCollins as outright regulation.
The revised bill still requires the creation of industry best practice
standards for protecting critical infrastructure, he wrote on July 23,
2012. Instead of making those standards mandatory, it pushes the owners of critical infrastructure to adopt new voluntary standards. Those
incentives include liability protection, priority assistance for cyber
threats, and access to classified information about threats.
The government shouldnt use access to threat information as a hammer to force adoption of the voluntary standards, Rosenzweig wrote.
Second, the liability protections provided as an incentive are far too
weak. If a company adopts the voluntary standards, it could still be sued
for consequential damages. Further, voluntary standards would stifle
innovation and likely be obsolete by the time they are written.
The kicker from Rosenzweig: Finally, a voluntary standard system is
a short step from a mandatory one. Senator Lieberman has already said
that if industries do not adopt the voluntary standards, Congress will
make them do so.
And, though Rosenzweig didnt mention it, the bill contained a carveout for the information technology sector from regulatory and mandatory



reporting requirements. That embittered a lot of the other sectors and

contributed to the hostility against the bill, a business source observed.
Representatives of other industries lined up outside Senate leadership
suites and the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committees
offices in futile bids to obtain a similar exemption.
On the sidelines, Rockefeller and GOP Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison of
Texas were quietly discussing a way out of the political jam: a compromise legislative solution that would rely on the National Institute of Standards and Technology to develop a voluntary approach to boosting industry cyber standards. This was going on under the radar, according to
one source, a Senate aide at the time, and it was largely unreported.
The growing partisan strife around the cyber legislation was drawing
plenty of media attention though. Harry Reid on one side, and Mitch
McConnell and John McCain on the other, exchanged accusations on
what seemed a daily basis over who was stalling cybersecurity. In the
midst of this, Politicos Jennifer Martinez noted a call for calm from
We do hope to come to terms with the bills, Hutchison told Martinez. I think that everybody is serious about this, and theres no reason to
start throwing political punches.
Unmentioned was that Rockefeller and Hutchison were trying to come
to terms outside the main body of negotiations. The effort was scuttled
by the prevailing politics of the Senate, the source said, but thats where
wed end up in 2014.
On August 1, 2012, as the end neared for the Senate cyber bill, Rogers
penned an op-ed in Politico ripping Senate Democrats and the president.
The reason the Senate is likely to fail is many senators (along with
the majority of the House) understand that massive federal regulation
particularly in this troubled economyis the wrong answer to these problems, Rogers wrote.
The Senates inability to find middle ground here can be traced directly back to the presidents failure to exercise serious leadership, Rogers charged. The White House launched its push last May to get Congress to legislate on cybersecurity. The administration sent up a proposal
that was so regulation-heavy and weak in other areas that not a single
House or Senate member would support it.
Obama took his turn, posting a blog on the White House Web page
that would also run in the Wall Street Journal. The cyber threat was real



and the stakes were huge, Obama wrote. Comprehensive cybersecurity

legislation was essential.
On August 2, the Senate voted fifty-two to forty-six on ending the
GOP filibuster of the cyber bill, eight votes short of the sixty needed to
advance the bill under the Senates rules. Cybersecurity legislation was
stalled and Congress headed home for its August recess.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce was cast as the villainor heroof
the episode.
The politics of obstructionism, driven by special interest groups seeking to avoid accountability, prevented Congress from passing legislation
to better protect our nation from potentially catastrophic cyberattacks,
the White House said in a statement.
The New York Times reported:
The bills most vocal opponents were a group of Republican senators
led by John McCain of Arizona, who took the side of the U.S.
Chamber of Commerce and steadfastly opposed the legislation, arguing that it would be too burdensome for corporations.
At a meeting last week, Mr. Lieberman got into an argument with
Mr. McCain, his closest ally and friend in the Senate, about his opposition to the bill. Mr. Lieberman questioned why Mr. McCain was doing
the bidding of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and asked what Mr.
McCain would say if the nation was crippled by a cyberattack.
Mr. McCain angrily said his reputation on national security issues
was unquestionable.

The administration took something of a hands-off approach, Bruce

McConnell said of the Senate end game that summer. They didnt want
to spend a lot of political chips on something that looked like it might be
unsuccessful and was going to be unpopular with the private sector.
After Congress left town for its summer recess, the U.S. Chambers
cybersecurity policy team hammered out a twenty-three-page critique of
the Senate bill. We werent just saying no because of regulations or
because it would be too burdensome to deal with cybersecuritythats a
simplistic view, Eggers said later. We wanted to say we were already
being burdened, by cyber attacks, and our sectorsbanking, chemicals,
utilitieswere already regulated on cyber.
The business community wanted to separate out and act on the information-sharing piece of the legislation. It wanted to maintain and enhance



existing government-industry collaborations like the National Infrastructure Protection Plan, which might be marginalized by the approach in the
Senate bill. The Chamber expressed deep alarm over giving the Department of Homeland Security regulatory authority.
The one place where DHS already tried to exercise such powerin
the chemical sectorwas an unmitigated disaster, the industry group
said. The Chamber quoted Sen. Grassley saying he was baffled why we
would take an agency that has proven problems with overseeing a critical
infrastructure and give them chief responsibility for our countrys cybersecurity.
There would be a Senate re-do in the late fall, with similar results. The
arguments were familiar, including a fight over the majority leaders
insistence on restricting amendments.
On November 14, 2012, Reid brought the bill up again, but the motion
to invoke cloture came up nine votes short of the sixty needed to limit
debate. The bill that was and is most important to the intelligence community was just killed, and thats cybersecurity, Reid said, according to
the Hill newspaper. Whatever we do for this bill, its not enough for the
U.S. Chamber of Commerce. So everyone should understand cybersecurity is dead for this Congress. What an unfortunate thing, but thats the
way it is.
Before the vote, Republican senators argued that Reid was playing
politics by trying to jam the sweeping cybersecurity bill through the
Senate without holding an open amendment process, the Hill reported.
They also argued that industry still held legitimate concerns with the
measure and it would not adequately address the rising cyberthreat. The
paper quoted Sen. Chambliss as saying: Frankly, the underlying bill is
not supported by the business community for all the right reasons.
Theyre the ones that are going to be called to comply with the mandates
and the regulations, and frankly its just not going to give them the protection they need against cyberattacks.
When the LiebermanCollins bill went up in flames on the Senate
floor in late 2012, there were crocodile tears at the White House. Congressional Republicans had missed a chance to bolster the nations cybersecurity, the White House would charge, perfectly content to pin the
failure on GOP obstructionism. On the other hand, Congresss failure
handed the ball to the president and he was ready to advance a cyber
policy initiative with or without the legislative branch.



That was a happy, ironic outcome for the White House, which helped
set the stage for this failure by steadfastly refusing to engage with the
congressional Republican leadership. And Obama wasnt going to negotiate with McCain, his erstwhile presidential opponent, on cybersecurity
either before or after the 2012 election. The politics of cybersecurity often
could be subtle, but deep down, they were as bare-knuckled as on any
other issue between the Obama White House and congressional Republicans.
For its part, the business community had dodged a potential regulatory
bullet, but there wasnt much celebration over the fact. We werent
spiking any footballs, said Eggers of the Chamber. We still had the


It is the policy of the United States to enhance the security and resilience of the Nations critical infrastructure and to maintain a cyber
environment that encourages efficiency, innovation, and economic
prosperity while promoting safety, security, business confidentiality,
privacy, and civil liberties. We can achieve these goals through a partnership with the owners and operators of critical infrastructure to improve cybersecurity information sharing and collaboratively develop
and implement risk-based standards.
Presidential Executive Order 13636, February 12, 2013

Was anything safe in cyberspace? The hacker group Anonymous seized

the State Departments Web site in February 2013. Total hack attempts
around the world crossed the 1 billion mark in 2012, NCC Group, the
British security firm, reported in a study. The Internet was under siege.
By the beginning of 2013, the Obama administration was well on its
way with an alternative plan for advancing the presidents policy agenda
on cybersecurity just as it was doing in other areas, such as immigration,
where Republicans were blocking legislative progress. President Obama
had just been re-elected to a second term, but the House of Representatives was in Republican hands and the Democrats narrow majority in the
Senate promised to keep the legislative process at a standstill.
The answer on cybersecurity would be Obamas Executive Order
13636, an ambitious, detailed policy document that spelled out the administrations cybersecurity principles and priorities. It was focused on




protecting critical infrastructure but administration officials never hid the

idea that this should be the basis for cybersecurity across the economy.
The executive order began taking shape in the late summer and early
fall of 2012. The administration knew Obamas legislative proposal on
cyber was a dead letter, former Department of Homeland Security
(DHS) official Bruce McConnell recalled. But the ideas made it into the
executive order.
Eggers of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce (Chamber) called the executive order a graceful off-ramp to Plan B following the failed legislative debate. And Plan B was a winner.
The U.S. Chamber may have been battling with the administration
across a broad range of policy areas, and delivered a heavy blow against
the Senate cyber legislation the previous year. But the GOP-leaning business groups leaders chose to rally behind the presidents approach to
cybersecurity as embodied by the executive order. In fact, Eggers said,
the administrations embrace of a strong private-sector role allowed the
government and industry to rally together.
The Obama administration had stepped away from a top-down approach, Eggers said, and of similar importance, was eyeing a strategy that
would play well in the international policy arena. The U.S. approach,
whatever it was, would set the tone for cyber policies across the globe; if
the United States opted for a command-and-control system, other powers
would do the sameand would create their own, rival regulatory regimes. U.S. business groups saw the prospect for multiple, conflicting
regulatory requirements in different parts of the globe, at huge cost to
American industries.
White House cybersecurity coordinator Michael Daniel organized listening sessions over several months with industry groups, online privacy
advocates like the Center for Democracy and Technology, representatives
of industry-based cyber information sharing and analysis centers, or
ISACs, and any other stakeholder with a piece of the cybersecurity policy
Daniel moved into the Executive Office of the President as cyber
coordinator in 2012 after seventeen years at the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB), replacing Howard Schmidt. Cyber policy initiatives
had been lagging at the White House since the development of the illfated legislative proposal, and the policy area was in need of a jolt.



After largely ceding the issue to Congressmore specifically to Senate Democratscybersecurity had faded as a top-tier issue within the
White House. There was no unity of purpose within the administration
or between the administration and Congress, Hathaway charged later.
Amid other crises and substantial personnel turnover in the upper ranks of
the national security team, cybersecurity wasnt consistently in the topthree security issues on the administrations radar between 2010 and
Daniel was an unlikely character to help deliver the needed jolt but he
would play an instrumental role in bringing the issue back to the top tier
of White House priorities. He had a masters degree in public policy and
national security from the John F. Kennedy School at Harvard University.
His undergraduate degree was from Princeton University in 1992. More
surprising, perhaps, was his turn in musical theater with the Princeton
University Players. He also practiced martial arts. Daniel appeared quietly at public events and his manner was deferential. However, the stage
experience and martial-arts discipline provided effective tools in dealing
with industry lobbyists and lawmakers.
Daniel was a budget guy, observers noted, not a cybersecurity guy.
Perhaps that was a shortcoming from a technologists viewpoint, but
having someone in an influential spot who could protect cybersecurity
funding priorities was definitely a plus. It also fit into the emerging mantra that cybersecurity was more a process and risk-management issue than
a technology issue. If that was true, Daniels OMB pedigree might make
him the perfect candidate for the coordinator job.
Other personnel moves were afoot as the administration geared up for
a White House-directed push on cyber in 2013.
Ari Schwartz moved from the Commerce Department to the White
House to work on cybersecurity issues, particularly privacy aspects. He
was an invaluable link to online privacy advocates, after spending twelve
years as a senior leader at the Center for Democracy and Technology.
Likewise, industry groups considered him a trustworthy and open-minded
source within the White House. Schwartz, a 1993 Brandeis University
graduate, would continue moving up the ladder by taking over as senior
director for cybersecurity at the National Security Council (NSC) in early
2014, just as key aspects of the executive order were hitting the implementation stage.



Samara Moore, who specialized in systems and technology within the

energy sector, was detailed to the NSC staff from the Department of
Energy. Daniel, Schwartz, and Moore spearheaded upward of 1,600 conversations with stakeholders during development of the executive order.
There was substantial skepticism in the business community when the
executive order effort got rolling in the fall, but one development in
particular helped smooth the way for success. When a draft leaked out in
November, industry groups were alarmed and asked for a chance to provide input. Daniel and the National Security Council staff agreed. That
was very positive and helped create trust, an industry source said.
Presidential Executive Order 13636 was signed by President Obama
on February 12, 2013, a few months after cyber efforts fizzled on Capitol
Hill. The order declared cybersecurity to be a top national priority and the
president flagged the issue in his State of the Union speech that night.
The cyber threat to critical infrastructure continues to grow and represents one of the most serious national security challenges we must
confront, according to the executive order. The national and economic
security of the United States depends on the reliable functioning of the
Nations critical infrastructure in the face of such threats.
The executive order identified the economic infrastructure of the nation that was vulnerable to attack, so vital to the United States that the
incapacity or destruction of such systems and assets would have a debilitating impact on security, national economic security, national public
health or safety, or any combination of those matters.
That could be electricity or natural gas systems, communications networks, the banking system and more.
The order called for increased information sharing on cyber threats
between government and the private sector, and it ordered new enhanced
cybersecurity services be provided to industry.
It included a lengthy section on protecting the privacy and civil liberties of Americans, an Obama administration mantra that would be repeated even more fervently after the Edward Snowden leaks began in June
And it called on the National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) to create a baseline framework to reduce cyber risk to critical
The framework was to be flexible, cost-effective, and voluntary. Unspecified government-provided incentives would encourage its use by



businesses. It would be developed in an open, collaborative process with

industry and other interested stakeholders.
It would be completed within one year, by February 12, 2014.
Daniel, two weeks after the release of the order, stressed the importance of the private sectors role in making the whole thing work.
I cant emphasize enough that it has to be a collaborative process. It
has to be industry-driven, Daniel said at the annual RSA Security conference in San Francisco. It wont work unless we get very heavy participation and really enthusiastic participation from industry.
The outreach to industry was key to the executive orders success, a
telecom industry source said. There was a desire for there to be minimum opposition and maximum support when the executive order came
out. They accomplished that.
The order reserved the right to regulate, if necessary, but they used
the things that caused LiebermanCollins to fail as positive lessons
learned, the telecom source said. They moved away from all that LiebermanCollins stuff except in one small piece.
That would be section 9, which discussed that most vital of all critical
infrastructure. The section required specific information from a handful
of companies operating that vital infrastructure; the identity of the companies was a national secret. Otherwise, the source said, it was all
Creating a policy that assures security, resiliency, efficiency, innovation, and prosperity at the same time is difficult enough for the political
machinery in the nation's capital.
Getting the private sector to buy into actually co-pilot a vast new
federal policy initiativeis virtually unheard of. The first, and in many
ways most important, question would be who was to lead the construction
of the cybersecurity framework within the federal bureaucracy.
If it were a regulatory agency, industry would greet the endeavor with
battalions of lawyers and a defensive mind-set that would probably doom
the enterprise from day one.
The administration wasnt going to put regulation in the E.O., Bruce
McConnell observed. There is a regulatory dimension but its written in
a way thats less scary.
If it were the Department of Homeland Security, the initial skepticism
and mistrust from industry and civil liberties groups alike might be too
much to overcome. DHS would have an important role to play in carrying



the plan out to the critical infrastructure sectors and in areas like exchanging information on cyber threat indicators. But it would not be the organization to build a cyber framework for industry.
Plus, Bruce McConnell said, DHS in early 2013 was still more of an
idea when it came to cybersecurity; it didnt yet represent a real capability to take on immense new cyber responsibilities.
Instead, Obamas announcement in the winter of 2013 that he was
handing responsibility for the heart of his cybersecurity program to an
obscure federal agency in Gaithersburg, Maryland, was one of the most
significant of his administration. It led to a framework of cybersecurity
standards that guided governmentindustry relations on cyber in the coming years.
The telecom source said there was never any question that major
industry groups would play ball on the executive order once they understood the administrations direction. The reason for the buy-in could be
found in Obamas preamble to the executive order. The president said
the owners and operators of critical infrastructure have to be partners,
the source said. You cant do that and threaten a regulatory overhang at
the same time.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology is a rare breed
among government agencies: Its genuinely well-liked and appreciated
among industry groups, academia, and members of Congress. It doesnt
provoke jealousy or underhanded attacks from other government agencies
because its not a regulator and has no interest in bureaucratic turf wars.
Since 1901, NIST has shepherded the formulation of industrial measurements and standards. In the early 1900s that meant standardizing the
length of a foot and the weight of a gallon. By the second decade of the
twenty-first century, NIST was at the leading edge of research into nano
technologies, advanced manufacturing, bioscience, and many other areas
including computer security.
NIST is a part of the Department of Commerce. Tucked away on a
large bucolic campus in suburban Maryland, it seems far from the cacophony and battles of the federal center of Washington, DC. NIST is a
flyspeck on the federal governments organizational chart, an agency
with a budget of $900 million in 2015 and employing three thousand



But in many ways, NIST is the little agency that could. Most importantly, its an impressive and influential entity in the minds of every type
of stakeholder who engages with the federal government.
It was the ideal entity to craft a cybersecurity strategy that would
avoid the political pitfalls exposed in the recent Senate debate, while
steering clear of traditional governmentindustry antagonisms. As the
legislative effort began to crater in the summer of 2012, senators including Jay Rockefeller and Kay Bailey Hutchison suggested NIST might still
play a key role here. By late fall of 2012, the administration officials
working on the executive order, a poorly kept secret in government circles, had already decided on a major role for NIST.
NIST officially got things started in February 2013 by issuing a request for information on what it would take to develop a framework of
cybersecurity standards reflecting industrys best practices. The request
sought to establish a baseline for discussion by asking a series of questions about industrys current risk management practices, the existence
and use of cybersecurity tools, and how variousand sensitiveprivacy
issues were currently being addressed. We had a little bit of a runway to
get started, an administration official recalled, saying the RFI was
ready to go as part of a well-developed, high-level implementation
The request was signed by Patrick Gallagher, NISTs director and the
Commerce Departments undersecretary. Gallagher would leave NIST a
year later, after five years at the helm, with the framework of cybersecurity standards as his crowning achievement. He was moving on to become
chancellor of the University of Pittsburgh, where he earned a PhD in
physics twenty-three years earlier.
But first, Gallagher would spend a year championing the framework to
the public and Congress, and navigating the political shoals as everything
from a government shutdown to the Edward Snowden affair threatened to
push the process off course.
Gallagher was frequently the public face before Congress and in other
high-visibility settings. Adam Sedgewick, NISTs senior technology policy adviser, was carrying the ball down on the field as the project lead for
the framework effort. Sedgewick, a Princeton University graduate, joined
NIST in 2012 after serving on an interagency information security council and for nine years as a staffer on the Senate Homeland Security Committee.



After college, Sedgewick found work, in the fall of 2001, as an intern

in Sen. Joe Liebermans office. On his third day, Sedgewick and many
other staffers were sent home following the anthrax attack on congressional offices. With Liebermans digs in the Hart Senate Office Building
closed as hazmat teams scoured the building, Sedgewick and other staff
were sent to temporary quarters in the offices of the Senate Governmental
Affairs Committee, which Lieberman chaired. Sedgewick was able to
make contacts and learn about the subject matter, and had an inside track
when a staff position finally opened up on the governmental affairs panel,
which would be renamed the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee in a post-9/11 reform.
E-government, information technology, transparency, and online security issues landed in Sedgewicks portfolio. It was heady stuff for a
young staffer, but typical of how responsibility accumulates on the desks
of twenty somethings in the nations capital.
A decade later, Sedgewick, by then a senior NIST official, would be at
the forefront of the showcase initiative within the Obama administrations cybersecurity strategy. His work at the Senate homeland security
panel, where he was one of the few staffers who straddled both the security and the government affairs domains, would be invaluable in shepherding the cyber framework process. He got the security side, and he also
understood how the governmental policy levers actually worked, and how
to move around the political pitfalls.
Fast-forward to 2013. Just before the initial comment period closed,
NIST would host the first workshop on the framework on April 3,
Over six hundred people filled the seats at the Commerce Departments ornate auditorium on Constitution Avenue in Washington, DC.
Lobbyists and journalists leaned over seats to chat and try to figure out
what this new process would be, and how they could get a piece of the
action. Gallagher acted as a master of ceremonies, while officials from
the White House, Department of Homeland Security, and NIST appeared
on panels. Representatives from major corporations, trade groups, and
critical infrastructure organizations made presentations.
It was a strategic device ingrained in the DNA of the Obama administration: Get the possible business-sector adversaries onstageand onboardfor the program. In this case, the industry representatives remarks would carry great weight throughout the process. Industry didnt



want a one-size-fits-all approach, or mandatory requirements. Cyber policies should be risk-based, outcome-based, and globally relevant. Companies needed liability protection.
As a full day of presentations progressed, NISTs Matthew Scholl had
a message for participants. This is the last workshop where we talk at
you, Scholl quipped.
NIST didnt yet have a clear vision of what the framework would look
like, but it did have a pretty good idea of how the process should unfold.
Gallagher announced plans for three more workshops, which would be
true, roll-up-your-sleeves gatherings held on college campuses across the
country in the coming months.
The framework will be drafted at these sessions, Gallagher told the
audience. This framework would address managing risks and cybersecurity metrics, and it would point to industrys own existing security standards. He sought to tamp down regulatory concerns expressed throughout
the day by some participants.
And he tried to give off a hint that the final product would be much
more powerful than just a collection of old standards. It needed to be a
meaningful tool that industry could embrace at a time when corporate
leaders were beginning to realize the need for action.
When you go back to February 2013, one of the challenges was
administration-wide we knew there was a [cybersecurity] risk out there of
increasing complexity, NISTs Sedgewick explained to an audience two
years later. This risk was at long last setting off alarms within corporate
board rooms and even getting the attention of the general public.
Major U.S. banks were hit with a string of distributed denial of service, or DDoS, attacks in the fall of 2012. The volume of traffic sent to
these sites is frankly unprecedented, Dmitri Alperovitch, co-founder ofCrowdStrike, told CNN Money at the time. The well-known security
analyst added, Its 10 to 20 times the volume that we normally see, and
twice the previous record for a denial of service attack.
Around the same time, hackers got into an unclassified White House
network. Earlier in 2012, natural gas pipelines were the target. The threat
level was spiraling upward.
The government wasnt going to be able to tackle this growing threat
on its own.
We at NIST were not developing the framework ourselves, Sedgewick continued during that 2015 appearance. We were a convener in a



process that by its nature had to involve a lot of people. We thought

industry could speak better to their needs than we could.
NIST had a century of experience in voluntary collaborations with
industry to produce standards that would benefit companies, consumers,
and the government. We thought voluntary broadened participation,
Sedgewick said. We didnt have to choose who was in and who was
The process of self-selection would begin immediately with the public
comment period and that initial workshop at the Commerce Department.
The language included in the first request for information represented
our best guess of what should be in the framework, Sedgewick told the
crowd at the February 2013 workshop at the Commerce Department. But
this was to be an industry work product, for and by the people who would
use it in real life. Further, NISTand the broader federal government
wanted this to be in the hands of critical infrastructure operators, not just
the tech vendors who wanted to sell products to those industries.
Over 270 sets of comments flowed into NIST in April 2013. There
were major trade associations representing great chunks of the U.S. economy. Universities and labs weighed in. Companies that had endured highprofile beacheslike Heartland Payment Systemsoffered advice.
Companies ranging from Microsoft to Verizon to small mom-and-pop
shops had opinions and experiences to share, as did interests as varied as
the Philadelphia city government, state regulators, and dozens of technology and security consultants.
It was a jumble of histories, suggestions, arguments, and offers. Fitting together the views of such disparate stakeholders was a daunting
prospect. But Sedgewick and his colleagues at NIST saw the potential for
strength in what could have been an indistinguishable roar of input.
What was taking shape before Sedgewicks eyes was a clearer picture
of how each piece of the American economy leaned on the next piece,
and so on, in a cybersecurity context.
The interdependencies came up nonstop during the framework development, Sedgewick would recall in that May 2015 public discussion. It
threatened to be overwhelming but at the end of the day, bringing all the
sectors together was very helpful.
And it led to an early determination that creating a common vocabulary around cybersecurity would be of immense value to industry stakeholders who were often confronting cyber challenges off in their own



silos, generally unaware of their contemporaries activities. Pulling each

industry out of its silo and creating a cross-sector exchange would drive
improvements across the economy, the NIST officials believed.
The comments began to tease out what industry wanted to see in a
frameworkflexibility, a global perspective, a grounding in risk management, and reliance on the numerous existing standards and best practices
scattered across industry sectors.
There were gaps, too, chiefly in the areas of measuring success and
ensuring the protection of privacy.
But what did all of this mean? The real-world applicability of a flexible approach or a risk-management strategy needed more work. And
government and industry stakeholders would have to come to a consensus
on what these terms and concepts really entailed.
In late May of 2013, NIST moved the cyber framework production to
the campus of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh for the first of
what would total four workshops on college campuses around the country
during development of the framework. Carnegie Mellon approached
NIST and offered to host the event, as would other schools in the coming
months. But Carnegie Mellon was a fitting choice for the inaugural campus-based workshop: The university was home to the U.S. Computer
Emergency Response Team, the granddaddy of integrated, governmentprivate sector collaborations on cybersecurity. The campus teemed
with veterans of the Y2K scare and many other, generally unknown cyber
incidents and threats.
Over three hundred people gathered at the universitys McConomy
Auditorium for the first workshop on the road. Most were from the corporate chief information officer- or chief information and security officerlevel. There was much talk about the need to get CEOs and business- and
policy-side executives into the room.
NISTs Adam Sedgewick would later tell
that a key take-away from Pittsburgh was that risk management should be
the underlying basis of the framework. We got the message, he said.
Determining cost-effectiveness goes to the heart of risk management.
But cost-effectiveness is very different for a large, multinational corporation and a small water utility.
Here NIST began sketching in basic elements of the framework, including the concept that it would be based on functions such as cataloguing assets and identifying threats. These would be supported by catego-



ries and subcategories of security standards developed by industry. There

would be some method of identifying where a company stood in terms of
cybersecurity maturity.
Rick Weber, who attended for, said participants were nervous about DHSs role and concerned that this framework
not conflict with their existing requirements. What incentives would exist
for industry to adopt the framework, they wanted to know, and how
would the government measure adoption? Could they be held legally
liable if they didnt, somehow, adopt the framework?
There was plenty of room for industry anxiety around this government
initiative, even if it was in the trusted hands of NIST. There was also
plenty of anxiety on the government side.
The next stop for the NIST workshop road show was a three-day event
beginning on July 10, 2013, at the University of Californias beautiful,
ocean-side San Diego campus. The University of CaliforniaSan Diego
was a powerhouse in computer sciences and engineering, and was pleased
to donate time and space to the prestigious NIST initiative.
But the six weeks between Pittsburgh and San Diego were the tightest of the entire process, one source recalled after the framework had
been completed. In that stretch, NIST needed to put together the details
for a productive conference even as it was developing the first draft of the
framework. It was a little nerve-wracking, the source said. But San
Diego was where the framework took shape and people started buying
into it. We laid the foundation there.
The University of CaliforniaSan Diego drafted an army of students to
shepherd the five hundred technologists, consultants, security pros, industry lobbyists, and other stakeholders between classrooms overlooking
manicured athletic fields and the Pacific Ocean. The energy, telecom,
finance, technology, and defense sectors were heavily represented. Companies like Microsoft, Bank of America, Dow Chemical, Shell, and
Raytheon had representatives on site. Students enrolled in summer
classes might shoot a curious glance at the odd platoon of mostly middleaged men in blazers and loafers strolling among them.
But the serene scene belied the urgency of the topic at hand. One
security consultant, a California native clad in shorts, a beach shirt, and
sandals, casually explained the high stakes to a reporter: A successful
attack on the electric grid could kill 80 percent of the U.S. population.
The reporter laughed skeptically.



No, no, the consultant said, this threat is legitimate. He explained that
the real-time delivery imperative of the modern U.S. economy meant that
only days-worth of food and other essentials were available within reach
of the population centers at any given time.
An electric grid knockdown would severely limit suppliers ability to
deliver food, medicine, and other goods. Water pumps would shut off, the
transportation infrastructure would dissolve into gridlock. The all-encompassing Internet would be beyond reach.
It was hyperbolic, but it contained some truth.
Security pros of all stripes were deeply rattled a few months earlier, in
April 2013, when someone fired bullets from a high-powered rifle into a
Pacific Gas and Electric substation in Metcalf, California. Utility workers
scrambled to contain the damage and valiantly prevented a disastrous
blackout on the West Coast. It was a physical attack, but cybersecurity
experts grasped the implications about the grids vulnerabilities. Further,
the gunman or gunmen were not apprehended, which only stirred up
speculation that the attack was some kind of probing exercise that could
be the precursor of something else entirely.
It was a dramatic reminder of the stakes. The actual content of the
nations cyber strategy, though, would be hammered out in a much more
mundane way that reflected the often paper-dry process of creating policy.
Just days before the workshop, NIST posted what it called a draft
outline of the preliminary framework to reduce cyber risks to critical
infrastructure. Reading through it had been the assigned homework for
stakeholders, who now made up the audience sitting before an early
morning panel of NIST officials. The officials opened the San Diego
workshop with a first-ever walk-through of their vision for this stillnebulous framework.
After introductions by Dr. Charles Romine, the director of NISTs
Information Technology Laboratory, and Sandra Brown, vice chancellor
for research at the university, the show was handed over to the NIST
officials who were actually running this process.
Sedgewick was the project manager, a star in government cybersecurity circles, who earned awards for his efforts. With him were Donna
Dodson, Matthew Scholl, and Kevin Stine. Together with NISTs Jon
Boyens, a telecom source observed, You really had an alignment of the
best people in government working on this.



Dodson was chief cybersecurity adviser and director of the National

Cybersecurity Center of Excellence. By this time, she said she had been
commuting to the NISTs Maryland campus from her home in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, for twenty-six years.
She raked in awards for innovation and cybersecurity and was a walking representative of two important hallmarks of cybersecurity: The cyber
profession had already become an economic ladder for many thousands
of Americans, and cyber policy worked best when grounded in collaboration.
Growing up in a modest household with parents who worked hard to
support my sister and I, it never occurred to me that I would have the
opportunity to work at a place like NIST, she wrote on a NIST Web site
bio page.
My father taught me to solve problems in a practical way and my
mother always encouraged me to work hard in school. My parents
grew up in West Virginia and had limited employment opportunities
when they moved to DC. We would visit my extended family often
and while we did not have much money I did not notice because we
were just like everyone else in that community.
When I first began my career at NIST in 1987, I was working on a
masters degree in computer science. I did not have a background in
computer security; however to the best of my knowledge, there were
no courses or degrees in security.
Miles Smid, head of the Security Technology Group in the NIST
Computer Security Division hired me and was my first true mentor
outside of my family. Miles would host discussion sessions every
Wednesday where we would debate the fine points of cryptography.
At that time, businesses were being transformed through information
technology. However many business documents required a signature.
Business applications were automated but when a signature was
needed, a paper document was still required.
We were able to apply cryptographic techniques to generate a replacement for the wet or hand written signatures. I worked with two
federal agencies to demonstrate this capability and later helped them to
create the first fully automated government business application using
electronic signatures. While this is not the only time in my career that I
helped to lead a team that started with a blank canvas and created a
platform for innovation, it demonstrated to me the power of collaboration.



Scholl, another official who collected awards for his work, was the
deputy division chief in the computer security division, and would rise to
head the division in the coming years. Stine joined NIST in 2006 after
four years as the chief information security officer at the Food and Drug
These four were lead carpenters who would help hammer together the
framework. The audience of security experts, industry lobbyists, academics, privacy advocates, and other stakeholders were expected to produce
the planks and the nails.
On the opening morning, the NIST team took the stage to explain the
organizational structure they were considering for the framework. It was
based on risk management, an important concept that NIST believed
would put industry and government stakeholders on the same page in
terms of approaching cybersecurity from an economically feasible perspective.
The NIST officials believed the framework should be broken into five
core functions: know, prevent, detect, respond, and recover. These would
be informed by categories and subcategories of specific actions entities
should consider taking. It would also include three Framework Implementation Levels. There was a section addressed to senior executives and
a users guide.
This basic architecture would endure throughout the framework development process, but the wording and the specifics would evolve significantly as industry representatives got their hands on it. Implementation
levels would spur a long-running debate and ultimately be refined into
tiers, something interpreted as less threatening, in a regulatory sense, to
industry. The message to senior executives would vanish later in the
This workshop was about working, the NIST leaders emphasized,
pointing to the 240-day deadline to produce a framework. Welcome to
day 148 since the presidents executive order had launched the process,
Scholl told the audience. Ninety-two days left!
After the opening panel, participants were assigned to eight teams and
dispersed across the vast campus to classrooms otherwise quiet in midsummer. Student volunteers lined the way, pointing the visitors to the
right buildings and the right rooms. This was where the framework would
be constructed, the central piece of President Obamas strategy to secure



There seems to be a good practical hook to these discussions, Eggers said during a break. Its much better than Pittsburgh, it seems productive. The process seems worthwhile so far.
Eggers had an idea on how it would be judged: The key will be to get
buy-in from a few big groups and companies, he said. Then others will
follow. The Obama administration was largely banking on the same
The U.S. Chamber would be an instrumental player in determining
whether to offer a blessing. Eggers was the Chambers point person. He
had a masters degree from George Mason University and an undergraduate degree from Indiana Universitya polite, easy-going Midwesterner
who liked to discuss the realities of cyber challenges outside the beltway
with the Chambers Main Street membership. For the average smallbusiness owner, the cyber predicament was pretty straightforward: How
do I find additional tools, resources, and time to deal with this problem?
Eggers tried to bring the same sensibility to discussions with policymakers.
During one of the classroom sessions, he made clear what it would
take to earn the Chambers blessing: NIST had to produce a framework
that precluded the need for dreaded regulation.
Officials from the Department of Homeland Security sat at the back of
the classroom sessions, furiously scribbling notes on the discussions.
They were an affable and earnest bunch, but their presenceactually,
their departments prospective role in implementing the framework
caused much of the unease at San Diego and throughout the framework
One aspect in particular of the DHS role caused friction and nearly
caught fire during the San Diego workshop: Section 7(D) of Executive
Order 13636, which required DHS to establish performance goals on
industry use of the framework. The meaning was murky and the implications were explosive. Industry representatives heard the words performance goals and conjured images of those DHS officials with clipboards
rating their companies cybersecurity activities, dictating what they
should and shouldnt do, and penalizing them for alleged failures.
The question of metrics was also connected to the question of regulation, and always triggered intense exchanges.
There is a tension in the feedback were getting, a DHS official
privately told a reporter after the first day of the workshop. Be specific



but dont allude to regulations. My view is the framework lays out a

buffet of options. The goals encourage companies to develop their own
metrics and measurements. But the worst-case scenario is companies find
it more cost-effective to just absorb the risk.
The DHS source tried to emphasize the department had no intention of
dictating performance standards. A session on this topic the next day
will be very interesting, the source said.
That was a bit of an understatement. The issue caused a tempest the
next day, with DHS officials getting an earful from a room full of industry representatives. The industry participants expressed bewilderment
over the purpose of the goals and concern that these could become de
facto standards. The concept of performance goals tapped into lingering
industry uncertainty over DHSs precise role and lines of responsibility
between government and industry.
With a large lecture hall in near-mutiny, Robert Kolasky, the director
of DHSs integrated task force on cybersecurity, tried to explain that the
performance goals were intended to talk about what weve accomplished at the national level and to measure progress in managing risk.
They would not be used as a DHS metric for individual companies, he
stressed. We will make that clear in the next iteration of the performance goals, Kolasky said. He said the goals should be layered, and
not reliant on the federal government setting standards.
Another DHS official told, DHS has no intention of developing measures and targets for implementing the goals.
On the other hand, the official said, the goals would help senior managers
in the private sector justify investments in cybersecurity.
Encouraging senior-level executives to engage on cybersecurity policy
was a common theme in San Diego and throughout the framework process. DHS officials said they wanted to craft aspirational language that
fulfilled the performance goal requirement of the executive order but
wasnt a harbinger of future regulation
One participant in San Diego with long experience working with DHS
said the department was kind of thrown under the bus in the executive
order, because performance goals implied metrics and standards. Now
that the department was handed the requirement to come up with the
goals, the source said, it was trying to craft language that encouraged
companies cybersecurity efforts while steering clear of government-imposed mandates.



After the meeting, a DHS official told the

feedback in San Diego would lead to a resetting discussion with industry. We wont dictate the performance goals, the official said. The
goals drive how you [the private sector] leverage the framework. What is
an organization going to get out of the framework? If the goal is resiliency, what are the metrics I need to accomplish that?
In the coming months, DHS would quietly set aside performance goals
as a topic. Officials had clearly heard industry on this, and they were
responding. It was a positive sign to business leaders, evidence that the
Obama administration meant it when asserting that this process would be
driven by industry.
The third stop for the NIST framework road show would be in Dallas,
Texas, in September 2013. In the meantime the Obama administration
tried to fill in some of the surrounding policy architecture that would
accompany and support the framework. Michael Daniel, the White House
cybersecurity coordinator, posted a blog in early August explaining the
administrations latest thinking on incentives to encourage companies to
use the framework and otherwise bolster cybersecurity.
The White House had collected reports from the departments of Treasury, Commerce, and Homeland Security with recommendations on incentives. Streamlined regulations and targeted liability relief were highlighted, as well as grants and preferences in the federal procurement
process for companies with strong cybersecurity practices. The departments said they could help foster a market for cyber insurance. They also
proposed soft incentives like a public recognition system to honor companies that stood up on cyber.
Over the next few months, agencies will examine these options in
detail to determine which ones to adopt and how, based substantially on
input from critical infrastructure stakeholders, Daniel wrote. We believe that sharing the findings and our plans for continued work will
promote transparency and sustain a public conversation about the recommendations. Publishing these agency reports is therefore an interim step
and does not indicate the Administrations final policy position on the
recommended actions.
This is a fairly dramatic change in direction by the administration,
said the Internet Security Alliances (ISA) Larry Clinton, perhaps industrys most vocal and persistent advocate for addressing the economics of



cybersecurity. This is a very clear departure from the position the administration took for several years.
Clinton said the administrations work on incentives bore a striking
similarity with the recommendations for a voluntary, incentive-laden cyber strategy contained in the 2011 report by the House Republican task
force on cybersecurity.
There are reasons for real optimism on this, Clinton said. The
House Republican task force and the Obama administration are largely on
the same page. Even in Congress, the strongest proponents of a mandatory approachIm thinking of Jay Rockefellerhave moved to a voluntary approach.
Others were equally impressed. Bill Erny, a senior director at the
American Chemistry Council, said his group was very encouraged by
the administrations offering on incentives. Were pleased the administration is reaching back out to the private sector to come up with real
answers, he said.
Hopefully this is an indication of an administration commitment to a
voluntary approach, said Brian Raymond, the National Association of
Manufacturers director for technology and domestic policy. Its a move
in the right direction.
The administration was sticking to its commitment to a voluntary
approach, but unfortunately for Clinton and the others in industry, the
August report on incentives was something of a high-water mark on that
topic. When the issue was sent back out to the various federal agencies, it
In January 2014, five months after his blog triggered such a hopeful
response, Daniel told that little progress had
been made on incentives. The White House was in different stages of
figuring out how to move forward on these recommendations from the
assorted departments, Daniel said. There would be no big-bang announcement on incentives in conjunction with the frameworks upcoming release.
There was only so much the White House could do. An incentive such
as the availability of cyber insurance was largely in the private sectors
hands, while liability relief was an issue for Congress. Some type of
public recognition benefit was an incentive the government could provide, Daniel repeated, despite the decided lack of enthusiasm from many
in industry.



Incentives policy remained at a very nascent stage, Daniel said. Its

not as developed as I would like. We are proceeding at a methodical
pace. Over the next two years the effort to take concrete steps in the
identified incentive areas would barely move ahead.
Not so for the cybersecurity framework itself.
In late August, NIST issued a draft framework building off the San
Diego discussions and paving the way to Dallas, where four hundred
stakeholders would gather, beginning on September 10, for four more
days of intense talks on the campus of the University of TexasDallas.
The draft was garnering plenty of positive feedback in the days leading
up to Dallas, but industry stakeholders still had concerns and were beginning to feel the pressure of a ticking clock. NIST was under orders to
produce a preliminary version for public comment in October, and the
veteran government affairs executives participating in the process knew
from long experience that opportunities for meaningful input would diminish as officials ran up against a deadline.
Sedgewick sought to assure his industry counterparts that this process
was different.
There is still room to make changes, Sedgewick said. This is a
stepwise progression and were hoping for no surprises at any stage. We
still have the capacity to make changes.
Sedgewick said NIST might even schedule an additional workshop
after the preliminary framework was released in October. We will continue to have stakeholder meetings . . . in some ways the engagement
increases after the proposed framework is published. Were looking
forward to hearing from people who couldnt attend the workshops.
Theyre not quite there yet but the latest draft is one more step in the
right direction, said Nathan Mitchell, the American Public Power Associations director of electric reliability standards and compliance.
Theyre listening to the various critical infrastructures and what were
saying about making it useful. Its getting closer but theres more work to
be done.
But Larry Clinton of the Internet Security Alliance said the draft reinforced his concern that the framework was a technical manual that
wouldnt be very useful in persuading upper management at companies to
invest in cybersecurity. The first question a senior manager will ask is,
How much more secure will the framework make my company and how
much more will it cost? Clinton said. Always eager to push, he said



those issues werent addressed, and that the document didnt spell out
what it meant for a company to implement the framework.
Presumably it will qualify you for incentives, he said hopefully.
Powerful incentives might make this a useful document, Clinton said.
Sedgewick responded to the worries by saying, Thats always one of
the challenges in this space: How does a dollar invested get you a dollar
of security? Flexibility would make the framework cost-effective, he
said, adding that a lot of the questions in Dallas will be around does this
provide what senior managers are looking for.
NIST officials announced a fifth workshop would be added to the
calendar in early November, after release of the proposed framework and
before the conclusion of a public comment period. NIST director Gallagher told the Dallas audience that the process was accelerating into the
implementation phase. The agency heard the message in Dallas that companies need much more guidance on how to use the framework, and a
proposed section on privacy protection was generating more and more
Obama administration officials stressed repeatedly that the framework
was not the basis for new regulations. But that message wasnt entirely
taking hold among their audience. No one thinks the voluntary framework will remain voluntary forever, one industry participant told InsideCybersecurity.coms Rick Weber. And you heard that today.
NIST officials emerged from Dallas with less than a month to go
before they would publish the preliminary framework. In addition to the
mountain of work they faced in incorporating the running flow of input,
there was one other hurdle: It seemed increasingly likely that a budget
showdown between the White House and congressional Republicans
would result in a partial government shutdown on October 1.
NIST was facing an October 10 deadline to release the preliminary
version of the framework and had announced its plans for the November
workshop in Raleigh, North Carolina. The Administration strongly believes that a lapse in appropriations should not occur, the Commerce
Department said in a statement. There is enough time for Congress to
prevent a lapse in appropriations. The Commerce Department is still in
the process of updating our plans.
If a shutdown did occur, critical national security functions such as
cyber monitoring activities at DHS would continue. NIST framework



efforts would not. Sadly, the framework is not critical, an industry

source lamented.
NISTs Gallagher, at a Billington Security industry conference in late
September, tried to project an air of calm. Work on the framework might
be temporarily interrupted, he said. But the secret to the framework, he
said, was that NIST managed to start the entire endeavor with no new
budget authority or staff. What made it work, he said, is we turned it
over to industry.
Stakeholder ownership was particularly important as the framework
entered the implementation phase, Gallagher said, allowing companies to
bake it into their operations, as well as providing for broader international acceptance.
The adoptive phase begins now, Gallagher said. At this point, he
said, companies should begin putting the framework into practice so that
it permeates all levels of an organization, particularly the C-level. The
CEOs, CTOs, CISOs, and even the CFOs needed to know the framework
and keep it at their fingertips.
Gallagher suggested that several companies were prepared to step forward as early adopters of the framework. Ideally, some key organizations will step up and say were going to adopt this, Gallagher said. We
hear through the grapevine a few companies are ready to do this.
At the same event, Michael Daniel delivered grim news from the
White House: Staffers working on the framework would be furloughed.
The administration announced that only six thousand of the Commerce
Departments forty-six thousand employees would report to work during
a shutdown; these were mostly physical security and safety workers, not
the members of the NIST team working on the framework. The White
House wanted industry audiences to know there were costs to this game
of chicken with Congressand to urge their Republican allies on Capitol
Hill to back off. But Daniel agreed with Gallagher that the framework
itself would not be materially affected. Ultimately we will get there and
we will get it published, he said.
As the calendar flipped over to October 1, work on the framework
halted. NIST and DHS Web sites posted generic messages that work
would resume once government operations resumed. But framework Web
pages and resources were no longer available on the government sites.
Government officials were no-shows at a variety of events promoting
October as Cybersecurity Awareness Month.



Impacts rippled across government cybersecurity efforts. Patrick

Flynn, McAfees director of homeland/national security programs, said
the shutdown froze the procurement process for advanced continuous
diagnostics and mitigation services that McAfee and other companies like
Booz Allen Hamilton, IBM, and General Dynamics-IT were preparing to
provide across the government.
The shutdown essentially brings things to a halt, Flynn said. It was
disconcerting what this does to the [federal] cyber workforce. Its already hard for the government to hold onto these people with such special
skills, he said.
There were practical security concerns as a reduced force of federal
employees analyzed an ever-growing amount of data on possible cyber
The shutdown entered a second week and it was clear the October 10
release of the preliminary framework would be pushed back. But federal
officials, those still on duty, emphasized over and over that the final
version of the framework would be released on February 12, 2014, regardless of how long the shutdown endured.
Over the course of the year, business representatives praised the way
NIST solicited industry input and ran the framework process. Now, some
were expressing concern that this inclusiveness would be limited in the
final lap. Stakeholders were chomping at the bit to get started again, a
source said.
Another source who participated in the NIST process said federal
officials got an earful in Dallas and were likely to get a very negative
reaction if the preliminary framework didnt evolve beyond the late summer draft. This source pointed to industry concerns about the level of
detail in the August draft, saying the agency still had to be moved away
from such a prescriptive approach in the short time remaining before the
February release.
Finally, after three weeks of political stalemate and forced holidays,
on October 17 federal employees returned to work. The preliminary
framework is coming very soon, a NIST spokeswoman told just hours after getting back to her office.
Less than a week later, on October 23, NIST released the preliminary
framework for public review. A forty-five-day comment period would
give industry and other stakeholders an unabridged opportunity to review
the document and formulate proposed changes. The preliminary frame-



work included revised language on levels of implementation, a tightened

six-step process for establishing or improving a cybersecurity program,
and discussion of privacy protections that went much further than a draft
released over the summer.
Initial reactions from industry groups were generally positive, although sources said the document didnt resolve how a company would
demonstrate adoption nor specify whether there was a size threshold for
the type of entities that should be covered.
The new version largely tracked with the structure of NISTs August
draft, with the adjustments in areas like implementation tiers and profiles,
and more guidance for companies on getting started. The framework
maintained the five-part core structure: identify, protect, detect, respond, and recover. It further explained how a framework profile could
be used to describe both the current state and the desired target state of
specific cybersecurity activities.
The document now included implementation tiers one through four,
jettisoning a zero tier contained in previous versions. A zero tier
sounded too pejorative; landing there could cause big problems for business executives and their regulators alike. Many might choose not to use
the framework at all, rather than risk earning a zero. However, NIST
rejected calls to replace the tier system entirely. Business representatives
remained concerned that the tier structure still provided too much of a
metric for possible use by regulators.
An expansive privacy section still raised questions. Industry groups
would be deeply concerned about the privacy language unless and until
NIST killed the section entirely.
Among other nagging issues to industry, the overall framework still
did not seem to speak to the vast majority of executives who werent
directly involved in developing the product. Executives, industry sources
said, just wouldnt get the return on investment they could expect from
using the framework. Worse yet, it still seemed to create a standard of
care that implied legal liability for companies that ignored the framework.
NIST director Gallagher, speaking with reporters, said it was not fair
to look at implied liabilities arising from the framework. Its designed
to be assistive, Gallagher said. Liability discussions will be between
industry and Congress. Gallagher was struggling to convince the business audience of the powerful, cumulative impact of the framework.



A week later, a group of industry honchos was sitting in the Oval

Office; the president was making a personal pitch to come out publicly in
favor of the framework, reported. The participants included Steve Bennett of Symantec; Renee James of Intel; Wes
Bush of Northrop Grumman; Marilyn Hewson from Lockheed Martin;
Joe Rigby from Pepco; Brian Moynihan from Bank of America; MasterCards Ajay Banja; and Visas Charles Scharf. Some of them, including
Rigby, would be on stage when the framework was released at the White
House three months later.
The CEOs expressed appreciation for the way the framework was
developed in partnership with the private sector and support for the process moving forward, the White House said in a statement after the
meeting. The conversation focused on how to encourage its adoption.
They discussed the need for framework adoption by both critical
infrastructure and by their suppliersand the difficulties involved in
helping small and medium sized business to adopt best practices, according to the statement. Both companies and government officials also
expressed the strong desire to have Congress pass information sharing
legislation that protects privacy and civil liberties.
InsideCybersecurity.coms Dan Dupont surveyed the companies and
found twoSymantec and Lockheed Martinwere already willing to
publicly embrace the framework. The others offered positive words but
held back from embracing the early adopter label. They would get there
in the end, and Pepcos Rigby would be one of the stars on stage at a
White House ceremony to release the framework.
Other ideas were percolating in the private sector as well. Larry Clinton proposed a beta testing phase in which select companies would
work out the framework. Clinton, who had a masters degree from the
University of Maryland and a bachelors degree from the University of
Illinois at Urbana Champaign, had led the ISA since 2003 and was a vice
president at the U.S. Telephone Association for twelve years before that.
Clinton brimmed with policy ideas that sought to push discussions in
new directions. But when he alighted on an idea that he thought properly
framed the question and provided an innovative, workable answer, Clinton was unrelenting in pushing his approach in public and private settings.
His proposal now would involve selecting companies in targeted critical infrastructure sectors to attempt to fully implement the framework, in



the process generating a trove of data that would inform broader adoption. Under the plan, the selected companies would be granted the kinds
of incentives that federal officials had discussed and, perhaps, receive
some other form of compensation for carrying out the experiment.
Im suggesting that NIST or DHS do what any organization does
when rolling out a new product and beta test it, Clinton said. Im
talking about a funded project to test the framework with targeted audiences. NIST or DHS would work with the private sector to select companies in targeted areas, and could provide government assistance for them
to implement it.
The beta testing would allow government and companies to assess the
costs and quality of the framework and precisely determine the types of
incentives that would encourage adoption. We would do this if we were
launching a new technology product, Clinton said. Beta test it and use
the data to perfect the product. . . . How difficult it is to implement and
how costly it is to implementwe should know these things, Clinton
said. Then we would know the appropriate targeted incentives.
Clinton questioned the administrations emphasis on early adopters,
saying a scientific process is necessary to get the data, rather than a
self-selected sample that could be signing up for a variety of political or
other reasons. He said early adopters likely would be sophisticated companies that are already performing the activities spelled out in the framework, much like the industry leaders who visited the Oval Office days
NIST and administration officials politely promised to consider the
idea, but they were well along their own path to pushing out the framework. They believed the relevant data would be produced by the process
that was already underway. Early adopterseven if they were big, sophisticated companieswould encourage others to do the same. Clinton
thought the government officials were missing a chanceand, by doing it
their way, would fail to produce data and insight that could meaningfully
guide future cybersecurity policy development. Clinton would keep
pitching his idea, in North Carolina and beyond.
Next up, NIST as scheduled on November 14 convened the fourth and
final stop on its national framework development tour, and the fifth workshop overall, this one on the campus of North Carolina State University in
Raleigh. Another four hundred stakeholders would take part in this event,
starting off with a welcoming ceremony at the modernistic Hunt Library.



Eggers would say there was a growing appreciation of what NIST

was trying to do that congealed between the Pittsburgh and Dallas meetings. By the fifth workshop, there was a feeling that this could be very
good, Eggers said.
NC State Chancellor Randy Woodson welcomed the crowd and enthusiastically urged everyone to tour the high-tech library; through glass
walls robots could be seen retrieving books from towering stacks of metallic cases. Complex magazine called it one of the 25 coolest libraries in
the world. Dozens of companies paid the university to join its Technology Incubator, for space on the campus, and just to be part of this techdriven ecosystem.
NISTs Dr. Romine, at the opening session, said the remaining work
on the framework shouldnt be a heavy lift. Donna Dodson urged stakeholders to take the preliminary framework for a test drive before the
final version was released in February. Kick the tires? she said. The
audience wasnt entirely in hand: What did it mean to kick the tires?
someone rose from the audience to ask. Should companies try to implement it now, before its released? the participant asked.
Kicking the tires, Dodson explained, begins with Do I have a risk
management plan? Have I identified assets? Organizations may have
done this five or six years ago, she said. They should do it again.
Look at the preliminary framework, Dodson beseeched the audience. Are the appropriate standards in there? Are there gaps? These are
things companies can do today.
It wasnt rocket science, but the message from NIST and the Obama
administration in general was that dedicated attention, not rocket science,
was the main ingredient at this point. NIST, and by extension the White
House, DHS and the rest of an expectant government, were eager for
early adopters to step forward and become champions of the framework and the philosophy behind it. Widespread failure to embrace it
after Congresss failure to adopt the alternative, mandatory approach to
ginning up securitydidnt seem to be an option.
Larry Clinton stood up to raise the concern that early adopters would
be the big companies that were already doing the things described in the
framework. This wasnt going to improve overall cybersecurity; it was
more of a status quo strategy. We need to get to the companies that are
not doing it for cost reasons, Clinton told the audience, many of whom
had heard his message repeatedly throughout the process.



Ola Sage, who owned a small technology consulting firm in suburban

Maryland called eManagement, stood up to say shed done just that. The
crowd in the auditorium turned her way. Sage stood in an aisle by her seat
and explained she walked through the frameworks functions, categories,
and subcategories over a couple of days. It was not too onerous, she
told on the sidelines of the conference. At least
how we interpreted how to do it. But she called it an eye-opener, even
for the operations of her small business.
NIST might have summoned her from central casting to be a smallbusiness ambassador for the framework, though of course they hadnt
done anything like that. But Sage would go on to be a frequent smallbusiness representative on industry panels to discuss cybersecurity. Tying
her firms services to the framework was good business, she would later
However, Sage said her company would avoid the early adopter
label, because its not clear what that means. But we are happy to take it
out for a test drive.
It took less than a day to measure eManagements practices against
those contained in the framework, Sage said, but that was possible only
because she participated in two NIST workshops and understood the
context of the document. That level of attention from a closely engaged
CEO and a chief information officer wasnt feasible for all small businesses.
We absolutely found value in going through the process, Sage told Weve already implemented something based
on the results. . . . Using the framework lets people know youre paying
attention. Its like having an ADT sign outside your house.
Others shared the reluctance to publicly proclaim they had adopted
the framework. Phil Agcaoili, a cyber strategist and practitioner at several
major private-sector organizations, asserted: The first company that says
its adopting gets hacked. How can we say we want to kick the tires
without publicly saying were adopting? Were looking for a private way
to participate.
NIST and DHS officials jotted the thought in their notebooks. DHS
officials stressed that the administration was not seeking high-level attestation that companies had adopted the framework. Samara Moore
from the White House told the audience that senior administration offi-



cials were reaching out to regulatory agencies with the message that this
shouldnt be seen as a tool for more regulation.
The Obama administrations top security officials were joining NIST
in a high-energy pitch to industry: This is your framework; come on in,
the waters warm!
Industry groups werent the only ones with concerns as the sessions
plowed ahead in Raleigh, just three months until the framework was due
for release. For one thing, the privacy issue was unresolved.
The American Civil Liberties Union detected an unfolding retreat on
privacy in the framework, while business groups warned that excessive
privacy protections would be a deal-killer that would preclude companies from adopting the framework.
The ACLUs Michelle Richardson used language that was just as
strong and full of implications: Cybersecurity, she said from the stage in
Raleigh, could easily become the new terrorism [scare] . . . used by
government to collect more information from private Americans.
There was another way, she said: The NIST framework could incorporate long-standing principles on privacy, minimize the collection of personal data in the first place, and ensure the data that was collected would
not be repurposed for surveillance activities. Its not beyond your
capability to use the framework as a new standard-bearer for privacy,
she argued, using the words NISTs own leaders employed when discussing the document. The framework is aspirational. Thats how privacy
protection should be written as well. . . . Its important to build this in
now or it wont happen.
But industry representatives warned the government appeared to be
creating a new privacy standard. The privacy language alone could be a
barrier to adopting the framework in the eyes of corporate attorneys.
Industry attorney Harriet Pearson drafted an alternative, streamlined approach to privacy that business groups supported. The ACLU rejected
Pearsons plan as meaningless and a step back from existing privacy
NIST was caught in the middle. What to do? The team in Gaithersburg
actually had an answer: Get out of this debate altogether. While the need
for privacy protections would be emphasized throughout the framework,
NIST jettisoned the appendix dedicated to the issue and decided it wasnt
the agencys role to create a new standard on privacy. Instead, NIST
included a general privacy methodology that had the support of indus-



try and privacy advocates, and would begin an entirely separate initiative
on privacy engineering in 2014.
It was a clever, effective way of defusing a problem that couldve
blown up the greater cyber framework enterprise. The one thing that tied
things up nicely was when they dropped the privacy methodology, Eggers would comment. That was the one place where NIST over-reached
and caused great concern.
Eggers said the episode showed that NIST and the White House were
really listening to industry, which was a huge relief on the business side.
They were practical and accommodating, Eggers said. Of course, the
constraints of the [February 12] due date helped make people accommodating.
On February 12, 2014, the Obama administration formally released
NISTs framework of cybersecurity standards with a ceremony in the Old
Executive Office Building adjacent to the White House. Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, White
House cybersecurity coordinator Michael Daniel, and Chief of Staff Denis McDonough presented the framework, along with DHS, NIST, and
other officials. They were accompanied on stage by CEOs from AT&T,
Lockheed Martin, and Pepco. Dozens of other corporate and trade association executives jammed the auditorium.
Today I was pleased to receive the Cybersecurity Framework, which
reflects the good work of hundreds of companies, multiple federal agencies, and contributors from around the world, Obama said in a statement.
This voluntary Framework is a great example of how the private sector
and government can, and should, work together to meet this shared challenge. The framework marks a turning point, he said, but much more
work needs to be done to secure critical infrastructure and the economy
as a whole from cyber threats.
NIST included with the framework a roadmap of issues to consider
going forward. These covered technical questions such as improving authentication, macro needs like bolstering the cybersecurity workforce,
and essentially political questions such as who would own and manage
the framework in the future. It discussed how NIST would engage with
other agencies to promote the voluntary use of the framework and how
NIST might get involved in such thorny areas as securing industry supply
chains. And it noted the ongoing effort to grapple with privacy standards.



At the same time, the Department of Homeland Security formally

presented its voluntary program to encourage framework adoption, redubbing the initiative as C-Cubed, or C3, for Critical-Infrastructure
Cyber Community. The Department of Energy unveiled new tools mapping the framework for the energy sector and for more general audiences.
In sticking with the administrations theme of letting a thousand flowers
blossom, the American Water Works Association released a guide mapping the framework for the nations drinking water providers.
Obama administration officials stressed the voluntary nature of the
framework and said the White Houses message to federal agencies was
to use the framework to streamline regulations and encourage voluntary
cybersecurity improvements. For the administration, the goal is not to
expand regulation, a senior administration official said on a call for
reporters prior to the ceremony. Agencies were due to report to the White
House that day, February 12, on how their existing regulatory authority
tracked with the framework. The agencies were looking at what cybersecurity guidance they now have and how that stacks up with the framework, the official said, as well as engaging in a normal process with
The administration was still working on incentives for framework
adoption, the officials told reporters, adding that proposals would be
shared publicly over the next few months. They acknowledged the
importance of incentives but also emphasized their belief that marketbased decisions would drive companies to use the framework. That belief
would prove to be an important pillar for the administration, because
actual work on incentives would take much longer than the next few
Pritzker, the Commerce Department chief, called the framework a
starting point for a sustained dialogue between government and industry.
The government needs to stay aligned with industry and move at your
speed, Pritzker told the industry panelists at the public event.
AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson said fear would be the best incentive for companies to adopt the framework. Lockheed Martin CEO Marillyn Hewson praised the document as a risk-based tool that helps companies make business decisions, but she agreed that incentives would be
important for smaller companies and suggested some form of tax break.
Lockheed Martin was already using the framework to work with the



supply chain, she added, noting that her goal is to make sure were
teamed up with them in managing risk.
Pepcos Rigby said he had to own cybersecurity on behalf of his
customers and couldnt blame vendors if the lights went out, suggesting
the company would explore ways to ensure cybersecurity throughout the
supply chain.
The Internet Security Alliance issued a statement in support of the
framework, although Larry Clinton couldnt hide his disappointment. He
questioned how widely it would be adopted without accompanying incentives or a better analysis of its cost-effectiveness. The administration did
what they had to do today, it was a good event and a positive atmosphere, Clinton said. Even big companies would have trouble keeping
up with quickly evolving threats, he said, noting that the elements of the
DHS C-Cubed program were exactly the same stuff that had long
existed at DHS and wouldnt do much to encourage use among a broader
category of companies.
They need to get moving on regulatory streamlining and acquisition
advantages for companies using the framework, Clinton said. They
should have workshops on adoption. They have to face very real problems candidly. . . . I absolutely disagree that all we have to do is tell
people theres a cyber threat and they will rush to use the framework.
Thats just whistling past the graveyard. We already have awareness of
the threat; what we dont have is an understanding of the nature of the
Completion of the framework drew praise on Capitol Hill. Senate
Commerce Chairman Rockefeller, whose committee passed a bill that
would give NIST an ongoing role in managing the framework, put out a
statement of support, as did Senate Homeland Security and Governmental
Affairs Chairman Tom Carper (D-Delaware). Carper said he would continue to work to ensure Congress steps up to the plate with cyber
legislation. House Intelligence Chairman Mike Rogers (R-Michigan) and
ranking member Dutch Ruppersberger (D-Maryland) issued a joint statement praising the process.
The media reaction was lukewarm, at best. In fact, much of the coverage was simply dismissive of the entire exercise. Security experts were
quoted left and right saying there was nothing to be seen in this muchhyped framework.



The New York Times, in its Bits technology column, asked whether
the framework would change anyones behavior and suggested it was
largely a collection of retreads. Security experts say the framework is
not all that different from the checklists chief security officers regularly
implement at their companies, the Times wrote.
When I look at this framework with its beautifully colored boxes, my
first thought is Isnt this obvious? the Times quoted Vincent Berk,
chief executive of network security firm FlowTraq, as saying. Because
the framework was voluntary, the security experts questioned whether
critical infrastructure companies would implement the practices, the
Times reported.
The Wall Street Journal, in its Law Blog, agreed the framework
wouldnt do much in the real world.
Administration officials said the framework avoids specific requirements because different types of organizations face different threats and
would therefore require different remedies, the Journal blogged. But
security experts say the administration has backed away from any meaningful requirements in the face of industry concerns over cost and potential liability. Alan Paller, director of research for SANS Institute, a cybersecurity research group, said the administration had wasted a year developing voluntary guidelines that will do little to improve security even for
the companies that adopt the recommendations.
The SANS Institute was comprised of vendors of cybersecurity products as well as researchers, and promoted its own 20 critical security
controls. The NIST framework could be seen as a rival product, a point
unmentioned by the Journal.
Politico damned the NIST framework under a headline reading, Cybersecurity in slow lane one year after Obama order.
Nearly a year after President Barack Obama issued an executive order
to improve the cybersecurity of the nations vital assets, the administration doesnt have much to show: The government is about to produce only some basic standards, with little incentive for the private
sector to participate, the flashy and frequently quick-to-judge news
site declared.
The programs early weaknesses are a sign thateven as high-profile
breaches at Target and other retailers compromise the data of millions
of consumersthe White House and Congress have made minimal



progress on the potentially more serious issue of protecting power

plants, oil pipelines, and major banks from a crippling cyberattack.

It was a checklist, Politico decided, nothing more.

A week after the release, Daniel tried again to shape expectations with
a post on the White House blog.
The Framework is exactly thata framework, Daniel wrote. It
provides a common language and systematic methodology for managing
cyber risk. It does not tell a company how much cyber risk is tolerable,
nor does it claim to provide the one and only formula for cybersecurity.
Once more he asked organizations to kick the tires and offer feedback. In short, we need your continued engagement. The Framework is
intended to be a living document. We need your collective experience and
knowledge to make it better over time.
The overall significance of the framework was being missed: Its individual elements might be the equivalent of hammers, wrenches, and
screwdrivers already lying around in businesss garages and storerooms.
But put together in one place and wrapped in a unifying message of risk
management, the framework in total was a powerful tool that could drive
companies decisions and efforts on cybersecurity in a completely new
and unique way.
Larry Clinton, despite his pointed critique, recognized a remarkable
accomplishment when he saw one.
It does take some time to effectuate these changes, and that is frustrating, Clinton said. We were calling for this kind of partnership in
2008 and 2009 and 2010 and 2011, and we were rewarded with Lieberman-Collins, which was the polar opposite of what we wanted.
Clinton and others kept at it. The reward was the 2013 executive
order, the NIST framework, and the other policy elements that flowed
from the order.
They embraced our approach, Clinton said with some satisfaction.
He was well aware this was just a step that needed plenty of support in
other areas. But this one step by a small agency based in the Maryland
suburbs was truly a landmark in the development of a critical policy; it
represented formal government adoption of a philosophy that insightful
industry leaders had been pushing for years.



Eight months after its unveiling at the White House ceremony, NIST
convened another workshop, this one in Tampa, Florida, to discuss the
early experiences with the framework. Some stakeholders griped that this
was much too soon for a meaningful assessment. But putting the band
back togetherthe core of a couple of hundred stakeholders who had
traveled around the country as the framework was builthad its own
value and revealed lingering tensions as well as successes.
At a two-day event in late October hosted by the University of South
Floridas Florida Center for Cybersecurity, technology, communications,
and energy companies explained they had customized the framework to
meet their own needs.
Matthew Scholl of NIST said several themes emerged from the
panel discussions on use of the framework, including customization,
development of new tools, and how to assess relative risk. Scholl described the framework as an organizing superstructure and stressed that
the decision on how to use it is a risk-based decision unique to each
organization. The industry input didnt suggest the need for fundamental
changes, Scholl said.
Tim Casey of Intel said his company would release a paper on its uses
of the framework. He approvingly called it a lightweight, easily applied
process that consumed less than 150 work hours so far. He also stressed
that it was not being used as a checklist. NIST, in keeping with the
mantra that the framework belonged to the business entities that were
using it, would post the Intel white paper on its Web site as an important
how-to guide.
Jeff England of the small, Wyoming-based telecom provider Silverstar, said he created a one-page executive summary to enable discussions
between operational offices and senior management. He also said he
created his own system for assigning value to relative risk. But the
framework gave us purpose and direction, England said.
NIST officials also took on lingering concerns that the very concept of
conformity with the framework would be a bridge to regulation. I
want to move the conversation away from conformity assessment to confidence, NISTs Lisa Carnahan told a classroom full of industry representatives in Tampa. Its about confidence that youre managing risk
appropriately. This is about [a companys] internal use of risk management.



Carnahan said conformity had become a lightning rod in the framework process, even though officials meant to make language on the topic
as benign and industry-friendly as possible. I guess I missed the mark.
She added: NIST has no intention of developing a certification program
related to the framework. There is no need for one, she said. Further,
industry should develop any conformity assessment if you need one.
Industry participants reacted positively, if cautiously. Larry Clinton
noted that the concern wasnt with NIST at all, but with what other
federal agencies might do with the framework. Its about the [Securities
and Exchange Commission] adopting elements of the framework and
going out with particular regulations and threatening enforcement actions, Clinton said.
Subsequent conversations with government and industry leaders eighteen months after its release provided an even more informed view of how
the framework was surviving out in the real cybersecurity ecosystem.
These discussions suggested the framework of cybersecurity standards
was holding up well and continued to be a chief organizing tool for
industry and government alike. Industry is farther along than I thought
theyd be eighteen months ago, NISTs Adam Sedgewick said in July
2015. We dont have to ask them for use casesthey reach out to us and
show us how theyre using the framework.
In July 2015, Sedgewick and Matthew Barrett, who had been named
framework program manager, discussed the frameworks evolution since
its release in an exclusive interview with The
agency was making a concerted effort to show where the framework was
at this stage and how it could help. They wanted to make sure it didnt
gather dust as so many government policy manifestos tended to do after a
year or two.
The proposed value of the Framework has been validated through a
large volume and breadth of interactions between NIST and industry,
NIST said in an update posted on July 1, 2015.
One of the most frequently cited benefits of the Framework is a common cyber risk management language, so that more efficient and precise discussions can be held up, down, and across a companys management structure, with auditors, and with supply chain partners. The
Framework is now being used as a basis for security-oriented discussions and decision-making in corporate boardrooms, the C-Suite, and
among line managers and staff with cyber responsibilities.



The NIST officials said they were spending an extensive amount of

time speaking with colleagues in government about the purpose of the
framework and its voluntary nature. Concerns about an eventual regulatory outcome often permeated discussions at the six public workshops
NIST held on the framework. A lot of our message to government
folkswhether they are regulators or notis that making something
mandatory actually moves it out of security operations and into the compliance mode, Barrett said. It causes a shift from dynamic risk management decisioning to compliance decisioning.
Barrett added, So were trying to get agencies to think about the
downstream impacts and we do spend a lot of time working with regulators so they understand the purpose of the framework.
From the very first meeting, people wrapped themselves around the
axle about the regulatory threat, commented a source from the energy
sector. That wasnt the intent and it didnt happen.
Many in industry agreed that the NIST framework effectively structured the governmentprivate sector dialogue on cybersecurity and provided valuable tools such as a common lexicon around the issue.
I think it will continue to play the chief organizing role, said one
trade association lobbyist. The framework embodies the key business
security risk management principle. Its probably the best thing government has done in this space. And were only going to be successful in this
space if business is enthusiastic about it.
Karl Schimmeck of the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association said financial firms were actively using the framework as a
communications mechanism and are starting to align their internal controls to it and use it externally with partners. The framework was proving quite valuable in assessing and addressing vendor risk, he said, which
was one of the goals NIST laid out early in the process.
The energy industry source said: I dont know if the framework was
intended to be the end-all for the nation on cybersecurity, but it has
served the purpose of bringing people together, creating a dialogue, walking through the process and talking through issues.
The source added: Thats more important than using the framework. My member companies dont talk about using the framework for
the most part, but they are more focused on cybersecurity and the framework allows that dialogue.



The energy industry source suggested NIST hold annual workshops,

such as the Tampa check-in, to foster a running dialogue on cybersecurity
issues large and small. The workshops were tremendously helpful, the
source said. They should bring that group of stakeholders together every
Someone needs to own it and keep it a living document, the tech
sector source added. NIST has done a good job but we will need a
strategy on how to keep improving it.
However, a tech industry source said more work needed to be done to
demonstrate the frameworks effectiveness, a theme that would reemerge
The metrics are unclear on whos implementing the framework or
how its being implemented, the tech source said. Im not sure weve
determined what success looks like. Is it the number of companies adopting the framework? Is it the companies that are aware of the framework? Or is it improved cybersecurity? Thats much harder to prove.
The tech source said government and industry need to work together
on metrics. At eighteen months, maybe its too early to evaluate how
successful its been, the source said. But the community hasnt even
begun the discussion on what success means.
Metrics are always on our minds, Barrett replied. But the issue was
extremely complex. A modern computer security enterprise has so many
different parts, he said. Implementing the framework or following up
on a self-assessment are just among the many things that happen within
an enterprise. Its hard to isolate the frameworks impact.
The question NIST asks, Barrett said, is has this helped you improve
risk management and security? In conversations with industry we keep it
conversational and qualitative.
Metrics was a complex issue with many sides. As an agency based on
weights and measurements, NIST would always seek ways to quantify
and assess progress. Stakeholders like Larry Clinton and the tech industry
source were seeking metrics as a basis for business decisions and investments in costly cybersecurity defenses. As Clinton would say repeatedly,
cybersecurity was primarily an economic issue and companies wouldnt
invest in it unless it made business sense.
Something quite different happens when politicians and government
officials begin to demand metrics. The NIST framework would continue
to be the most important manifestation of the governmentindustry col-



laboration on cybersecurity. But perceptionon Capitol Hill, within industry, and in the mediawould be critical to maintaining support for its
voluntary, flexible, and innovation-driven spirit.
The Tampa conferenceand industry responses to a request for information released shortly beforehandserved a tangible purpose as some
in Congress began looking for evidence that the framework was working.
Rep. James Langevin (D-Rhode Island) added an amendment to a congressional spending bill demanding a formal survey of companies. That
set off alarm bells throughout business circles. It was much too early to
begin tabulating adopters, whatever that meant. If companies gave the
wrong answer to the question of whether they were using the framework,
industry feared, the next logical step might be onerous regulation.
Langevin indicated that the NIST survey and subsequent conference
would meet his objectives, for the time being.
Going forward, NIST would focus on ensuring there was an adequate
feedback mechanism to ensure the framework was kept fresh. Dont
let it be static, Sedgewick explained. It must be useful to executives.
Sharing use cases and guidances helps keep it relevant.
The business decision made by security practitioners to build products around the framework kept it relevant.
And taking a long view would keep it relevant, Sedgewick explained. Theres a rich vein of experience in our work on standards and
best practices, he said. We end up taking a longer view of where the
market and technology are going, instead of going for an immediate
security solution that may be short-sighted.
He noted the time NIST officials spent on Capitol Hill explaining the
value of the framework. He noted the efforts of House and Senate staffers
to attend the NIST workshops.
The integrity of the little agency that could was intact. NIST would
continue to drive the governments cybersecurity strategy, if it could keep
the risk-management based strategy front-of-mind. And help make sure it
By the end of 2015, another industry-based initiative was taking shape
to ensure positive answers to those questions. Leaders of the communications, energy, water, IT, and other critical infrastructure sectors decided
to invest in a high-profile effort that would serve as a second-round
awareness and reminder campaign for the framework. But this would be
an enduring structure, a cross-company entity with resources and a de-



fined mission to ensure the voluntary framework remained the basis for
governmentindustry policy on cybersecurity.
Robert Mayer of U.S. Telecom, Larry Clinton of the Internet Security
Alliance, and representatives of the water works and energy trade associations were behind the effort. Significantly, most hailed from sectors that
routinely faced heavy regulation. They were determined to keep the voluntary, industry-led approach to cyber policy on course.
The initiative came as some in industry were beginning to whisper
about drift in the program and flagging attention in the private sector.
But that happened in every policy area, not just cyber. The fact that
industry leaders recognized itand responded with their own answers
was exactly the kind of initiative NIST was hoping to see. It was especially important as the Department of Homeland Security frequently appeared to be stumbling in its designated role as an industry liaison and
evangelist on the framework.
NIST itself was prepared to invest in supporting the industry move
with another request for information in late 2015. This was the governments preferred device for sparking a dialogue with industry. The agency would go straight to the stakeholders for advice on reinvigorating the
substance of the framework and ensuring it was being used. NIST and the
business group leaders agreed the new effort would focus on industrys
role, gaps left open by the framework, and the ever-present question of
measuring effectiveness.
It all suggested the spirit of the framework was intact too.


This is not necessarily a technology discussion. It doesnt even have

much to do with technology providers. This is about how does business protect themselves and how does the governmentwhat you can
do is help incentivize that, and that will actually foster creative innovation for new and better and less expensive methods.
Phyllis Schneck, soon-to-be-named deputy undersecretary for
cybersecurity and communications,
Department of Homeland Security, July 23, 2013

In the spring of 2013, a new kind of cyber threat was discovered, adding
to the ever-growing list of things American consumers needed to worry
about. In this case, the U.S. Computer Emergency Response Team, or
CERT, had detected cyber vulnerabilities in medical devices. Yes, your
pacemaker could be hacked. Someone tapping away on a laptop could
reach into your chest and kill you.
U.S. CERT was a Department of Homeland Security-affiliated entity;
its job was to uncover such threats, and overall it was a positive example
of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) collaboration with the
private sector. But that, unfortunately, was something of an anomaly as
the massive department struggled to define its place in the cybersecurity
Phyllis Schneck, in a congressional appearance while she was still in
the private sector, spelled out a Department of Homeland Security role on
cybersecurity that most industry representatives would applaud. It would
be based on collaboration and supporting industrys creativity and self81



interest in securing cyberspace. But whether DHS could pull this off was
a big question mark for lobbyists. Most thought the answer was no.
If the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) came
into the cybersecurity framework process as the little agency that could,
DHS was at risk of becoming the big agency that couldnt. The department had structural problems, its employees headed for the exits with
alarming frequency, and it suffered a trust deficit in both the business
community and on Capitol Hill that was a kind of death spiral virtually
impossible to reverse.
But as the Obama administration moved through its first and into its
second term, the DHS leadership saw cybersecurity as a potential success
story for the department. First-term Secretary Janet Napolitano, the former Democratic governor of Arizona, early on said she wanted to hire an
army of one thousand cybersecurity experts at the department.
I hope to recruit some of your smartest people to join the government, so watch out, Napolitano said at a cybersecurity conference in
August 2009. Reuters reported that Napolitano also acknowledged that
because DHS was a new department, it was not well organized initially to
deal with cybersecurity issues when she came on board at the start of the
year but that the agency was beginning to mature to address the evolving
It was a subtle swipe at the previous administrationand a rather
blatant attempt to position the new regime as the cyber championsbut
the Napolitano team was strongly attracted to cyber policy.
Napolitano moved to centralize functions and in October 2009 opened
the National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center
(NCCIC), consolidating DHS cyber and telecom system monitoring activities. The next year, National Security Agency (NSA) analysts were
embedded in the NCCIC.
She brought white-hat hackers, who understood where the vulnerabilities really were, into the departments advisory council process. She
started the push to get enhanced hiring authority so the department could
go out to get those cyber professionals she wanted to hire.
And she bemused friends and foes alike by saying she didnt use email or online services. Going back to typewriters would be safer too,
some wags suggested, but it didnt really practically address the problem.
Cybersecurity, in the end, would be a little-noted part of Napolitanos
legacy at DHS. The departments effectiveness would remain a much-



debated point, but there was no disputing that she had energetically positioned DHS at the forefront of cyber policy development.
After four years as a lightning rod and target for Republicans in Congress, Napolitano in July 2013 announced her decision to resign as DHS
secretary to become president of the University of California system.
Despite working to raise DHSs profile on cybersecurity, she didnt dwell
on it during a farewell speech at the National Press Club that was largely
given over to the ongoing battle with Congress over immigration, the
Washington Post reported. But she did leave her audience with a warning:
Our country will, at some point, face a major cybersecurity event that
will have a serious effect on our lives, our economy and the everyday
functioning of our society. More must be done, and quickly.
Napolitanos resignation followed the April departure of Deputy Secretary Jane Holl Lute, who often represented the department on cybersecurity matters on Capitol Hill. Lute was also a fervent believer that mandatory cybersecurity regulations would be needed in the future, so her
departure wasnt much lamented on K Street. But the undersecretary for
cybersecurity, Mark Weatherford, had resigned in March and his position
remained vacant into the summer.
Bruce McConnell, who was now serving as acting undersecretary, told
participants at the July NIST workshop in San Diego: Other countries
are having the same challenge of figuring out whos in charge of cyber.
Were doing as well or better than anyone.
But even as the department fine-tuned a vanguard role for itself on
cybersecurity, the departures were causing alarm on Capitol Hill. Senate
Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Chairman Tom Carper (DDelaware) said the senior management level at DHS was beginning to
resemble Swiss cheese. At DHS alone, I believe there are fifteen senior
leadership positions that are, or will be, vacant in the very near future,
Carper said in July 2013. He couldve added that dozens of cybersecurity
positionsas many as seventy-fiveat DHS were political appointments. That could bring in fresh talent on a regular basis, but it also meant
proven talent was constantly exiting the building more quickly than it
could be replaced.
McConnell followed the others out the door in August 2013, leaving
to take over the global cyber program at the East/West Institute in New
York City.



The roster gradually would be refilled, as the Obama administration

moved to create a DHS cyber team that seemed likely to surpass its
predecessors records on durability if not performance. Suzanne Spaulding took over as undersecretary for the National Protection and Programs
Directorate, a dismally named bureaucratic construction that had a key
piece of cybersecurity policy. Spaulding had law and undergraduate degrees from the University of Virginia, worked for both the House and
Senate Intelligence committees, and spent six years at the CIA.
The directorates mission included providing for both the cyber and
physical security of the nations infrastructure. On the cyber side, Phyllis
Schneck was tapped to serve as deputy undersecretary, Spauldings top
assistant on cybersecurity.
Schneck, with a PhD from Georgia Tech, was a fresh face, full of
energy and catchy phrases, and she quickly won fans among the mostly
middle-aged men who filled the middle and upper ranks of industrys
cybersecurity teams. Schneck liked to call them rock stars in a new,
rapidly changing security environment, and many were flattered. She
would laugh at the name of her directorate and roll her eyes; the times
demanded something sexier and sleeker. It wasnt entirely clear what she
meant but audiences ate it up.
Before joining DHS, Schneck was vice president and chief technology
officer for the public sector at the security firm McAfee, and chairwoman
of the board of directors of the governmentprivate sector National Cyber
Forensics and Training Alliance. Schneck also chaired the FBIs Infragard board of directors for eight years, an information-sharing venue
between the government and private sector on cyber attacks and crime.
Further, she chaired a working group that helped produce the influential
Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) report for the fortyfourth presidency. She was the proud holder of three patents in highperformance and adaptive information security, Napolitano said in announcing her selection.
Her journey from the private sector into government was a frequent
theme of her speeches and the underlying message was clear: The
government folks doing cybersecurity are much smarter and harder working than was popularly imagined, but government must learn and draw
inspiration from tech leaders and the business world. On the surface,
business leaders were reassured that the departments cyber portfolio was



in the hands of someone who wasnt bent on regulating. But they werent
quite sure of how much clout she would actually have.
Dr. Andy Ozment, an affable Georgia Tech graduate with a doctorate
in computer sciences from Cambridge, was named as DHSs assistant
secretary of cybersecurity and communications. Ozment helped write Executive Order 13636 as a White House aide.
But the big hire came in the fall of 2013, when Obama nominated Jeh
Johnson to become the fourth secretary of the department and the first
who didnt come from a political position or a federal judgeship. Johnsons first name was pronounced Jay, he would explain to inquisitive
senators. He would also be the first African American to serve in the role.
Jeh Johnson was practically unknown in cybersecurity circles, but he
was well-known and trusted within Obamas White House. He would
provide a steadying influence at the Department of Homeland Security
that was vitally important in the coming months.
He was born in 1957 in New York City, graduated from Morehouse
College and Columbia Law School, and served as a prosecutor, a corporate attorney, and a Democratic Party activist.
Johnson supported Obamas presidential bid from the early days, and
was appointed general counsel of the Department of Defense in January
2009. From drone strikes to repealing the ban on gays serving openly in
the military, Johnson was a central player in the deliberations as the top
lawyer at the Pentagon during Obamas first term. The Daily Beast,
which first reported plans to nominate Johnson for the DHS post, noted
the challenges ahead for the new secretary: Still experiencing considerable growing pains, running DHS will require someone with a forceful
personality and a sharp set of bureaucratic skills, the news site said.
Johnson has never managed an entire government agency, but he has
overseen one of the largest law firms in the world: Ten thousand civilian
and military lawyers work for the Department of Defense all over the
The site went on:
Johnson was a familiar face at high-level White House meetings and
has a good personal relationship with Obama dating back to the 2008
presidential campaign. On national security matters he is known as a
pragmatist who for the most part stoutly represented the institutional
interests of the military, and was often hawkish on the use of military
force during internal administration debates.



Still, he could be relied on to advance the White Houses legal agenda

within DOD; hed often refer to himself as the presidents man at the

At his confirmation hearing in mid-November, Johnson touched on

cyber issues in a generalized way and offered assurances that he knew the
beleaguered department needed to get its own house in order. He offered
one tantalizing hint that he did in fact get some of the underlying nuances
of cyber policymaking, noting that government and industry had different
ways of calculating risk and each should be respected.
In Washington, DCs, coded language on cybersecurity, that implied a
willingness on the government side to allow industry to define its own
appropriate cybersecurity best practices and priorities.
The committee approved Johnsons nomination by voice vote, though
Sen. John McCain (R-Arizona) voted no over immigration issues and
Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) voted no in absentia without explanation. Other
senators including Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) wouldnt allow
the floor vote to proceed until late December in running disputes between
congressional Republicans and the White House. It was yet another example of cybersecurity prioritiesin this case, filling the governments
top cybersecurity leadership ranksbeing subjugated to unrelated and
often far less important political imperatives.
When the Senate finally cleared Johnsons nomination and the new
secretary was sworn in before Christmas 2013, cybersecurity was just one
area that needed immediate attention at the huge, awkward Department of
Homeland Security. And there were a multitude of issues within the
cybersecurity matrix that he needed to address. To name a few, an industry source said, Theres an astounding lack of clarity on the voluntary
program. There is a lack of action on incentives [for adopting the NIST
framework], and theres a lack of prioritization and attention to costeffectiveness in the framework.
Sen. Tom Carper would recall that he and Tom Coburn, the top Republican on the Senate Homeland Security Panel, approached the new
secretary and asked what he needed in order to empower DHS. Hiring
people on cyber, Johnson told Carper and Coburn. They had the same
problem that the government as a whole had on IT, Carper said. One
answer was enhanced hiring authority.



Johnson also said the department needed clear authority to secure the
federal government itself from cyber attacks. Under the system in place in
2013, Carper said, the White House Office of Management and Budget
had much responsibility for the governments own cybersecurity but few
resources. DHS had a full bureaucracy but little authority to mandate
improvements. Sen. Coburn and I thought that made no sense, Carper
What we had in place was the equivalent of taking a picture once a
year and then doing a bunch of paperwork, according to Carper. We
knew we had to give DHS authority to say to other agencies, What
youre doing is wrong.
And, Johnson and the two senators agreed, the department needed to
turn the DHS cyber information-sharing centerthe National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Centerinto a real functioning
asset. The NCCIC existed as kind of a fiction, Carper recalled. It
wasnt authorized in law and it didnt have adequate resources.
Improvements on personnel, legal authority, and sufficient resources
devoted to its information-sharing center together would help make DHS
a prime-time player, Carper, Coburn, and Secretary Johnson all believed.
Strictly in the policy realm, there were three areas where DHS might
find success if it was going to seize onto the cyber issue: running a socalled voluntary program to spread awareness and use of the popular
NIST framework; as the civilian governments hub for information sharing; and securing the civilian governments own computer networks.
In September 2013, DHS launched the Voluntary Program Working
Group as mandated under Obamas Executive Order 13636. DHS said in
a document circulated to working group participants that it would adopt a
formal, catchier name and described the mission as spreading the word
about the voluntary framework even before its scheduled release in February 2014. The new working group would develop sector-specific strategies on promoting framework adoption, reinforce the framework within
critical risk management planning efforts, and support outreach efforts,
according to the document.
The working group will figure out how to go out and encourage
adoption of the framework, a DHS source told
Its a more formalized approach to encouraging adoption. This is a good
example of the transition from drafting the framework to now, go do it.



Unfortunately, this mission wasnt necessarily compatible with DHSs

skill set.
As sort of a run-up to the voluntary program, which wouldnt begin to
unfold in earnest until the framework was actually released in February
2014, DHS was trying to push out a new National Infrastructure Protection Plan, or NIPP, in the summer and fall of 2013. This was the first
revision of the NIPP since 2009 and that earlier effortand the unfortunate acronymwere largely the work of the George W. Bush administration.
The process of developing the plan, and how well DHS did in promoting a collaborative process with its industry partners, was as important as
the substance in the ultimate document. It was intended to be a blueprint
for government and critical infrastructure sectors on planning for both
cyber and physical risks. Earlier versions earned praise from industry
groups; the initial efforts under Obamas DHS were viewed with concern.
A draft was circulated to 1,100 stakeholders in the summer of 2013
and a public meeting was scheduled for late September. The whole thing
was due at the White House by October 10, but once more a government
shutdown would imperil that schedule.
The early reviews of the draft werent good. Industry groups expected
more collaboration on revising the NIPP, but that hasnt happened, one
source said at the time. The proposed NIPP didnt lay out a process for
joint planning or ways to measure outcomes, key industry objectives.
Its a document, its not a plan. There were significant gaps between
government and industry on cost-effectiveness and risk management.
Im going to remain optimistic but there are huge disconnects here, the
source said.
Its too long, its too wordy and it doesnt have a clearly defined
core, said Internet Security Alliance president Larry Clinton. They
should streamline it and make it more usable. Explain the value proposition for industry to work with government. And explain how [industry]
will interact with government. Industry was comfortable with the existing 2009 NIPP, Clinton said, although updating it is probably a worthwhile exercise. But if they just keep the current draft, that would be
Voices were raised at increasingly tense DHS-industry meetings. Department officials seemed to have already written the plan, industry
sources believed, and were merely going through the motions of collabo-



ration. Once again, the dread prospect of regulation was hanging over an
Obama administration cyber initiative. The DHS officials bristled in response and tried to stress that the work product belonged to the critical
infrastructure operators who would have to use it.
Was this the precursor of a doomed DHS voluntary program to promote the framework?
In the end, the industry side believed that DHS partially responded to
the concerns and revised the NIPP document, which was finalized in
December, somewhat to their satisfaction. The problem was that work on
the NIPP took place in a closed circuit, regardless of DHSs emphasis on
the 1,100 participants in the process. These were mostly familiar faces
who had engaged with DHS before.
The voluntary program, carrying some of the high hopes for the NIST
framework, was a different matter entirely. DHS would need to reach a
new audience and help persuade business owners from far outside the
beltway to participate in an ambitious plan to shore up cybersecurity.
DHS just doesnt collaborate well, an industry source said. Sometimes the White House has to intervene. But in general, DHS has the
power in its relationship with us and they will plow ahead regardless of
our view. DHS is the unequal partner.
As usual, the departments efforts on the voluntary program got off to
a bumpy start. At an opening meeting of the working group in September
2013, DHS came prepared with a series of questions on industry expectations and instead were peppered with questions about what, exactly, the
government expected this voluntary program process to deliver.
There is still a lot of conversation that needs to take place on the
goals for this group, said an industry source. What is the goal and what
is the time frame when this working group will be operating?
The anxiety was palpable around the initiative. Questions tumbled
over questions and the government side had little chance of catching up.
Another source said, Industry people are still struggling with how
much we have to do under the framework. The government hasnt
whittled down who has to participate, they havent defined the benefits of
participating. Whats the governments take on thisand what is DHS
going to require from us?
The perception that the government in general and DHS in particular
would require something of industry in the framework process was
stubbornly enduring.



The White House had released the proposed incentives developed by

DHS but still hadnt answered questions about the sequencing of industry efforts to use the framework. DHS was encouraging along the insurance industry in the development of a cyber insurance market, but other
possible incentives were in limbo.
Spaulding, in a November 2013 appearance at the Brookings Institution, said DHS was analyzing further incentives for adoption of the
framework, noting that grants and expedited security clearances for those
trying to implement the framework could be near-term incentives, while
insurance was probably a longer term incentive.
The message from the voluntary program, Spaulding said, was: How
can we help? How can you look at this framework and translate it into a
program to reduce risk? The department would make the private sector
aware of all of the assistance thats available now on cybersecurity
including information-sharing arrangements and a program called Enhanced Cybersecurity Services. She told the audience, These are all
critical parts of the voluntary program.
But the message wasnt being disseminated broadly enough, and as
incentives languished, DHS didnt have much to offer companies.
DHSs Thad Odderstol, speaking at NISTs fifth workshop on the
framework at North Carolina State University, acknowledged that the
department could offer few incentives to companies as the voluntary
program got started. Odderstol said the very limited incentives available could include technical assistance, continued engagement with the
insurance industry, and engagement with the Defense Department and the
General Services Administration on procurement issues.
He attempted to leaven that message with assurances that DHS intended to assist companies with the framework rather than impose demands. And, he said, the DHS-led interagency task force on cybersecurity
would be a centralized place to continue examining incentives, while
the department would play a leading role in advocating for regulatory
harmonization across governmentan industry priorityand would
not include onerous requirements to prove adoption of the framework.
DHS recognizes different methods and approaches to adoption, he
said, adding, Industry will drive how it wants to be recognized.
Following the delay due to the government shutdown, the Voluntary
Program Working Group held its second meeting in early December 2013
amid industry questions about what role this new body would play.



Working groups were proliferating; stakeholders on the industry side

were unconvinced that their government partners knew how the pieces fit
together or the time demands they were imposing on private-sector representatives who had day jobs, after all.
The second meeting drew at least one hundred attendees, plus more
who participated by conference call. Officials offered a glimpse at their
proposed definition of cybersecurity framework adoption, said they
would take a three-phased approach to the voluntary program, and that
monthly meetings would be held going forward.
The phases included promoting and enabling early adoption of the
framework in the first phase; a more industry-specific focus to encourage
adoption across critical infrastructure sectors in phase two; and moving
toward future versions of the framework in phase three. DHS officials
indicated that phase one of the voluntary program would cover the next
twelve to eighteen months, sources said, and would focus on establishing momentum across the critical infrastructure community.
DHS officials showed participants a proposed draft definition of
framework adoption, inviting feedback on what adoption means, in the
words of one attendee. The draft statement on defining framework adoption was very vague, said an industry source. It appeared that in order
to say youve adopted, you just have to say youve reviewed your cybersecurity program and this is where you stand. Anybody could say theyve
A utility industry source said: DHS was very disorganized in their
approach to requesting comments on the proposed definition of adoption and the examples given in the presentation. We also need further
clarification on the timeline for the rollout of the three phases of the
[voluntary] program. . . . So, still a lot of questions that need to be
The view wasnt unanimous. A technology sector source said there
was a useful discussion of how to move from participation to adoption, and how that was to be measured, as well as talk of whether
adoption was even the right word. Another industry source said DHS
provided helpful scenarios and that officials got the point that it was
essential to better define adoption. The adoption language is still a bit
muddy but the intent is good, this source said. We can live with it,
though it still isnt what I would put in front of my CEO.



By the start of 2014, the department faced growing pressure to spell

out how the voluntary program to encourage adoption of the framework
of cybersecurity standards would actually work. Stakeholders said DHS
should be prepared to offer specifics at the third working group meeting
on January 17. It may have been wishful thinking and the department was
busy trying to temper expectations and pitch the question back to industry
on what it should try to accomplish.
DHSs Jenny Menna, who would leave the department in the coming
summer, cautioned at a public meeting that there was no additional
funding or authorities for phase one of the voluntary program. Speaking before the Information Security and Privacy Advisory Board, Menna
said the initial phase of the program would involve making existing resources available to the private sector, such as cybersecurity best practices developed for the government. DHS was also developing a Web site
that would serve as a repository of information on the program, although
Menna declined to offer a launch date. Were looking at this to be an
industry-led activity, she said, and officials hoped to gather more industry input at the January meeting.
That message didnt resonate with representatives of various industry
sectors. Uncertainty over the voluntary program was creating reluctance
among companies to become early adopters of the framework, which
was due out the next month. We shouldnt have to wait until January 17
to get their vision, one industry source said of DHSs plans. Theres a
high level of frustration over both the product and the level of maturity of
thinking about this program.
Another source said DHS appeared to be holding its nose as it
implemented the program, adding, They dont want the job and are
executing accordingly.
One industry source said DHS could provide much more than a catalogue of existing best practices, even without additional funding. This
source said DHS should be prepared to offer specific information on what
activities qualified as adoption of the framework, how companies could
prioritize cybersecurity efforts, and how critical infrastructure sectors
should measure success, along with providing a structure of available
These were elementary steps, but they werent being executed.
In early 2014, DHS also needed to do a better job reaching out to the
private sector on incentives, even if that simply meant greater communi-



cation and dialogue as the department analyzed what incentives might

work best for various sectors. Instead, DHSs work was happening behind thick walls.
Industry representatives unfavorably compared the voluntary program
with NISTs development of the framework, saying NIST was much
more transparent and collaborative. But NIST officials were consummate
team players and pushed back on that characterization.
NIST will continue to partner with DHS on the voluntary program,
just as DHS partnered with NIST on the workshops and the overall development of the framework itself, NISTs Sedgewick told InsideCybersecurity .com. I think many of the comments talked about additional implementation needsincluding sector specific onesand DHS has capabilities and existing programs to work in those areas and ensure effective
use of the framework.
Sedgewick added, I thought the [privacy board] presentation highlighted all of those things very welland you could see that in the
boards response. Board members expressed a great deal of interest in
and some skepticism aboutDHSs efforts to help expand the insurance
market for cybersecurity, as well as support for efforts to extend the
availability of cybersecurity tools throughout critical infrastructure sectors.
This is a very important period of activity and [I] can tell you that we
are committed to getting this right and ensuring that we have a successful launch of the program and framework and that we keep our partners
involved in the process, a DHS official told
We have a lot of good ideas that well be discussing on the 17th and we
are going to be asking for feedback from a lot of our key partners.
Mindful of the comparisons to the NIST process, DHS announced it
would add a second day to the meeting and pledged plenty of opportunities for industry engagement.
At the second meeting, DHS officials met some of the targets. They
offered assurances that they would align an unwieldy assortment of cyber
policy initiatives to avoid duplication and excessive demands on the departments business-sector partners. Schneck said DHS would be flexible
in defining adoption of the framework, drawing praise from industry
participants in the working group. But she also said there was still a ways
to go in developing metrics for measuring success and for helping companies prioritize activities under the framework. She called for more input



from private-sector stakeholders on these and other issues. An industry

representative at the meeting called for metrics that are objective, comparable, and focused on self-assessment.
But overall, industry sources expressed disappointment that DHS
didnt offer more detail at the meeting on how the voluntary program
would function going forward.
It was a significantly better show than the first two working group
meetings, said one industry source. They were able to explain the resources they have for the program and they emphasized the role of the
private sector, which was good. Now the question is whats their ability
to execute?
DHS officials stressed that they would promote their Cybersecurity
Resilience Review as a tool companies could begin using immediately,
this source noted, but they did not make clear what resources would be
available to promote widespread use. Do they have the resources to
support it? Is it scalable? the source asked.
Sources also noted that DHS had little new to offer on incentives for
adopting the framework. DHS officials did say the incentives program
would focus initially on six lifeline areas of critical infrastructure including energy, water, communications, finance, health care, and transportation.
Im most disappointed that the framework is ready to go out in a few
weeks and we still need some way to get at the target companies, another industry source said. They said nothing new that would motivate a
company that isnt already following the best practices in the framework. This source said DHS failed to provide clarity on what framework
adoption meant and offered only limited information on incentives.
Technical assistance seems to be the only incentive that will be available
at the beginning, but its unclear what that will be or who will qualify,
the source said.
Schneck told meeting participants that the department was taking a
very flexible approach to defining adoption. DHS provided a lot more
information on where theyre going on incentives and a lot of thought is
going into this, said a third source. But the incentives are years away.
Businesses shouldnt get hung up on this.
The source said DHS was on the right path with its plans for outreach and educational efforts throughout the country, and on helping
companies get started with their cybersecurity programs through use of



the resiliency tool and a soon-to-be-unveiled Web site. It was heartening

that they really committed to working with the private sector, the source
said. And were very happy with their broad interpretation of adoption.
That was good news to another source, who said concerns about legal
liability would make framework adoption essentially mandatory, even if
regulators dont do so explicitly. Once this is in ink, some attorney is
going to ask why didnt you adopt the framework? the source said.
People will simply have to adopt it.
Overall, the voluntary program is going to move slowly, commented another participant. It all depends on the resources. The technical
assistance theyre talking about is already existing resources matched to
the framework, and thats good, because a lot of the [critical infrastructure] community doesnt know theyre there.
It moved more slowly than these sources imagined. There would be a
new name: the Critical Infrastructure Cyber Community Voluntary Program, to be known as C-Cubed. That was, perhaps, sexier and sleeker.
But there wouldnt be much more in terms of tangible assistance to industry.
In February DHS held an invitation-only teleconference in which it
revealed the new branding and again tried to explain how the voluntary
program would actually help industry use the new framework. Some
industry sources said the purpose and the usefulness of the DHS-managed
voluntary program were coming into focus; others called C-Cubed the
same old wine in a new bottle. There were fewer than 250 participants on
the February C-Cubed conference call.
C-Cubed consisted of three pieces: converging resources, connecting
stakeholders, and coordinating efforts. A slide presentation touched on
next steps, promising sector by sector events and, potentially, regional workshops and requests for information to encourage broad public
Joining the program was as simple as visiting the Web site, a senior
administration official said. And theres no magicyou dont have to
sign up, you dont ever have to let us know even that youve been to the
website. But if you would like to avail yourself of some of those resources, again, were going to make it very easy for you to know how to
do that and how to interact with the folks in the government who might be
able to provide varying degrees of assistance in this option of the framework.



This has been hard for DHS, said McAfees Kent Landfield, but I
do see a good deal of evolution. They are starting to get a handle on the
messaging and building a community.
Landfield said outreachin particular, efforts to draw in companies
that hadnt engaged on cybersecuritywas the essential goal for the DHS
program, and suggested that DHS understood this challenge.
I dont see any downside to participating, commented Kevin Morley
of the American Water Works Association. Im cautiously optimistic. It
seems like they are seeking a pretty open and collaborative community, Morley added. I think anything that elevates awareness and
makes the issue actionable by management is criticalthat is the underlying objective of our effort.
Other industry observers also saw benefits in C-Cubed.
The C3 Voluntary Program will assist stakeholders with understanding the use of the Framework and other cyber risk management efforts,
and support development of general and sector-specific guidance for
Framework implementation, the American Gas Associations Kimberly
Denbow said in a statement to Denbow noted
that AGA was working with the Department of Energy on implementation guidance.
Questions persisted on whether the DHS resources would be particularly valuable, and how they related to other programs such as the
C2M2 maturity model developed by the Energy Department to help
companies measure their cyber readiness. One industry source who was
closely involved in developing the framework said the departments Cyber Resilience Review tool was helpful, but added that industry groups
were already moving beyond what DHS had to offer.
That wasnt necessarily a bad thing: Perhaps the DHS offerings provided a baseline that could, in fact, be of significant value to less cybermature companies. More advanced approaches could proliferate through
the private sector. Perhaps, but that would be a very modest take on the
mission at hand; industry was seeking more from the department at this
stage of cybersecurity policy development.
Theres nothing new here, said another industry source. DHS is
putting together existing resources and programs and bundling them
under a new name. Questions remain as to what will drive industry to
participate in this voluntary program, what participation means, and
what the incentive is to participate.



This source added: DHS has said in the past that each sector will
develop their own voluntary program through the sector coordinating
councils. I dont know how that reconciles with this national C3 program.
By the winter of 2014, DHS had offered about all it had to offer on the
voluntary program. Meetings would appear and disappear, like an announced session focused on the financial sector in New York that was
never actually discussed with financial-sector representatives and mysteriously vanished from the calendar. A DHS inquiry on cyber solutions for
small businesses prompted concerns that the department was looking to
shape the market and pricing for cybersecurity products, forcing DHS
officials to hastily clarify what they were looking for.
DHS pitched the NIST framework at a June 2014 C-Cubed event in
Boston, in what the department promised would be the first part of an
extensive road show. About 150 people participated. Considering the
thousands and thousands of companies that needed to be reached, observers questioned whether DHS was getting much bang for its buck.
Why not a national advertising campaign like the old Smokey Bear
forest fire messages? asked Danielle Kriz of the Information Technology
Industry Council. Surely that would be more cost-effective. Kriz had a
masters from Georgetown, a bachelors from Ithaca College and was a
veteran of both Silicon Valley and the Commerce Department. She
understood the audience that had to be reached.
October was already Cyber Month, with DHS promoting various
activities. Why not launch a national educational campaign every day?
asked Juniper Networks Robert Dix, leveraging public service announcements, government relationships with various organizations, and
the multitude of contact points between government and citizens.
Dix, a Virginia Tech graduate, had spent over a decade working on
software and Internet security issues in the private sector, after doing his
spell as a subcommittee staff director in the House. But hed also learned
how to carry a message out to the front porch and the neighborhood
sidewalk, serving on town councils and county boards in suburban Virginia. He coached kids athletic teams and knew a bit about messaging.
Its a little disappointing, Dix said. National Cybersecurity Awareness Month seemed a natural place to launch a comprehensive public
awareness campaign.



Such an effort could be relatively inexpensive and packaged in fun

ways, he said, with a heavy emphasis on outreach to students. Every
congressional home page could have a link to cybersecurity information.
The platforms available to government to put the cybersecurity issue in
front of people were practically endless.
Couple this with sustained campaigns from major industry groups
Dix mentioned the U.S. Chamber of Commerce grassroots effort as an
exampleand cybersecurity would become a front-of-mind topic pretty
quickly. The NIST framework is a nice toolbox but it cant reach its full
potential unless people are better educated, Dix argued.
DHS wasnt much interested, and it didnt seem much interested in its
roadshow either, as subsequent sessions failed to materialize for many
months. When the DHS roadshow landed in Houston in November 2014,
forty people showed up.
A U.S. Chamber of Commerce roadshow would hit more cities, reach
larger audiences, and gradually, if only partially, supplant the DHS effort.
Communication wasnt DHSs fortea shortcoming department officials
like Schneck were willing to acknowledgeand the voluntary program
was all about communication.
But C-Cubed was a mandated responsibility and DHS kept trying. By
the fall of 2015 the department put together events aimed at state governments, small businesses, and promoting enterprise-wide approaches to
cybersecurity. It would be a bit more manageable and, perhaps, effective
to tackle the outreach responsibilities in smaller pieces. This was the
modest, lightly promoted start to phase two of the DHS plan for its CCubed program.
The information-sharing function was, perhaps, a different and happier story for DHS. Schneck would tell audiences that the DHS National
Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center was one of the
jewels of the department.
Schnecks top priority, she said, was to build trust between the
government and the private sector on information sharing and to spur the
development of real-time, automated sharing of cyber threat indicators.
A utopian vision of success for the department would include perfect information sharing, Suzanne Spaulding said at a Brookings Institution event in November 2013. It would include deepening the understanding of what resources government and private-sector entities could bring
to bear in an information-sharing arrangement. The system would include



sensors to detect perturbations and the ability to communicate perfectly, she said, along with the capacity to shift quickly and innovate.
Larry Zelvin, then the National Cybersecurity and Communications
Integration Center chief, testified in 2014 that the NCCIC received
350,000 reports of cyber incidents between October 2013 and July 2014,
up from 230,000 in all of fiscal year 2013. The NCCIC could drill down
into these incidents. Terrorists were targeting U.S. Web sites and networks, often deploying relatively low-grade directed denial of service
attacks. Faith-based groups were a rising target, Zelvin said.
Predictably, the finance, energy, telecommunications, information
technology, and transportation sectors were the most frequent targets of
cyber attacks of all kinds, Zelvin said, but he added that other sectors
were being attacked and perhaps didnt know it. Many of these sectors
were under no legal requirement to report attacks or breaches, Zelvin
said, highlighting the NCCICs success in fostering a collaborative
atmosphere in the absence of mandates.
Heres how it worked, as explained in messages to Congress by top
DHS officials:
The NCCIC, as codified by the National Cybersecurity Protection Act
of 2014, serves as a central hub for cybersecurity information sharing
between federal agencies, the private sector, law enforcement, and the
intelligence community. Through a watch floor that operates twentyfour hours a day, seven days a week, the NCCIC provides a forum for
real-time collaboration to understand and gain situational awareness of
cybersecurity incidents and risks.
Currently, representatives of several federal agencies (U.S. Northern Command, U.S. Cyber Command, National Security Agency, U.S.
Secret Service, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, U.S. Department of the Treasury, the Department of Justices Federal Bureau
of Investigation, and the U.S. Department of Energy) and four Information Sharing and Analysis Centers, which represent the financial,
aviation, and energy sectors as well as state, local, tribal, and territorial
governments, have dedicated liaisons on the NCCIC watch floor.
Further, 114 private sector companies have as-needed access to the
NCCIC through their participation in CISCP.
Federal agencies with cleared personnel maintain similar as-needed



The NCCIC enjoyed broad support on Capitol Hill. Sen. Ron Wyden
(D-Oregon), Congresss most vocal critic of government surveillance activities and its collection of personal data, pointed to the NCCIC process
as an appropriate model for collecting and sharing cyber threat indicators.
This watch center receives cyber security threat information from
around the Federal Government and from private companies, and this
watch center sends out alerts and bulletins to security professionals to
provide them with technical information about cyber security threats,
Wyden said on the Senate floor during debate over cybersecurity information-sharing legislation in August 2015.
In fiscal year 2014, this watch center sent out nearly 12,000 of these
alerts to more than 100,000 recipients. That happens today, with lots of
companies participating.
The system that is in place today includes rules to protect the
privacy of law-abiding Americans.

President Obama delivered a speech at the NCCIC headquarters in

Arlington, Virginia, in January 2015 to unveil his plans on cyber information sharing. It was a salute to the work going on at the center, as well as a
call on Congress for greater authority for NCCIC to do its job.
The NCCIC process showed great promise, though DHS and industry
representatives alike warned it wouldnt reach its full potential until companies were give some level of legal immunity in exchange for their
There were also structural issues. Dix of Juniper Networks noted in
the spring of 2015 that only three of the fully functioning industry information sharing and analysis centers were represented in the NCCIC.
One reason is resources, Dix said. Further, he said, it was time to
review whether the NCCIC was structured appropriately considering the
evolving threat environment. There is value being delivered every day
by the NCCIC, they are trying, but the current architecture doesnt reflect
the need of the current threat environment, he said.
NCCIC was too slow, another source said. By the time private companies got the information, it was hopelessly dated.
As DHS faced another shutdown in the winter of 2015, part of the
seemingly endless skirmish with Congress over immigration policy, Ozment testified before the House Homeland Security Panel that 140
NCCIC employees would be sent home. The volume of threat informa-



tion shared with companies would be reduced and would not be as timely.
DHS would be unable to bring on new companies as partners and unable
to begin planning next generation information-sharing capabilities for
real-time and automated sharing.
The message to lawmakers was that DHS had a program that was
providing real value for the private sector as well as improving the nations security. The NCCICand DHSs information-sharing rolehad
friends on Capitol Hill and showed much promise. But it still needed
tending. It would be a mistake to think of this DHS function as a success
story; it was a work in progress.
The third areahow well DHS was doing in securing the governments computer systemswould remain an open and exasperating question for years to come. DHS saw its continuous diagnostics and monitoring system, designed to detect anomalies on federal computer networks,
and other programs like EINSTEIN as uniquely effective and even as
models for the private sector. But revelations about the breaches of the
governments own sensitive databases didnt help.
In August 2014, DHS revealed that USIS, a private contractor that
performed the departments employee background checks, had been
breached. It was embarrassing, but far worse was still to come.
Andy Ozment frequently took on the job of testifying before Congress
on DHSs role and how the system was intended to provide cyber tools
throughout the federal government.
He explained the process as such during one appearance: Although
agencies must take the lead in their own cybersecurity . . . DHS helps
federal agencies protect their systems using two programs: (1) EINSTEIN, a perimeter protection program that detects and blocks threats
attempting to access agencies unclassified networks, and (2) Continuous
Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM), a DHS program that provides federal
civilian agencies with tools to monitor agencies internal networks.
Ozment used a simple illustration:
Like a fence around a physical building, EINSTEIN protects agencies
unclassified networks at the perimeter of each agency. Furthermore,
EINSTEIN provides situational awareness across the government, as
threats detected in one agency are shared with all others so they can
take appropriate protective action. The U.S. Government could not
achieve such situational awareness through individual agency efforts



There was a next step:

The first two versions of EINSTEINEINSTEIN 1 and 2identify
abnormal network traffic patterns and detect known malicious traffic.
This capability is fully deployed and screening all federal civilian traffic that is routed through a Trusted Internet Connection (a secure gateway between each agencys internal network and the Internet). EINSTEIN 3 Accelerated (EINSTEIN 3A), which actively blocks known
malicious traffic, is currently being deployed through the primary
Internet Service Providers serving the Federal Government. EINSTEIN 1 and 2 use only unclassified information, while EINSTEIN
3A uses classified information. Using classified indicators allows EINSTEIN 3A to detect and block many of the most significant cybersecurity threats.

The department was also providing agencies with another tool, continuous diagnostics and mitigation, to provide a real-time view of what was
happening on their networks and the ability to respond.
But this all took time to implement and the system was coming into
question, most spectacularly in the spring of 2015.
The Department of Homeland Security detected malicious activities
on the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) networks in April 2015
and determined in May that the system had been compromised. Federal
employees were notified on June 4 that sensitive personal data had been
That notification letter triggered a media firestorm and a ferocious
reaction on Capitol Hill. Just what was DHS doing with its billions of
dollars in budget authority to protect the government itself?
In the days that followed, the government would acknowledge many
more federal employees were affected by the breachperhaps 14 million
current and former employees. And, though officials wouldnt publicly
say it, China was tagged as the perpetrator. The Washington Posts Ellen
Nakashima, who was exceptionally well-wired into the intelligence and
security communities, reported that a database holding sensitive security
clearance information on millions of federal employees and contractors
also was compromised.
The hackers were going after specific pieces of data, deeply personal
information on government employees and their foreign contacts, that



would provide a treasure trove of information to a foreign intelligence

Ozment was hauled to Capitol Hill to testify on a panel that included
the OPM director, the agencys chief information officer, and its assistant
inspector general.
House Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Jason Chaffetz
(R-Utah) and committee members of both parties lambasted officials
from OPM, the Office of Management and Budget, the Interior Department, and DHS. Chaffetz told reporters later that OPM Director Katherine Archuleta and Chief Information Officer Donna Seymour should
As her boss sat ashen-faced beside her, Seymour heatedly responded
that she and Archuleta had had been hired to fix these very problems.
These were years in the making, she stressed. Were not going to
solve this in one or two years.
Thats where I disagree, responded Rep. Will Hurd (R-Texas). Hurd
was a newcomer to Capitol Hill but he had a special cachet as a former
CIA officer and had been awarded the chairmanship of an Oversight
subcommittee on information technology as well as a seat on the Homeland Security Committee. We dont have one or two years, he warned
the witness.
There was far more heat than light at this hearing, as Democrats and
Republicans took turns tossing the word failure at the witnesses.
You made a conscious decision to leave this system vulnerable,
Chaffetz said to Archuleta.
This has been going on for a long time, Chaffetz said. And yet
when I read the testimony its Were doing a great job. Youre not!
The federal government spent $80 billion on information technology in
2014, Chaffetz said, and it stinks!
Oversight ranking member Elijah Cummings (D-Maryland) tried to
put the OPM breach in the context of large-scale, sophisticated attacks
affecting all industries and aspects of the U.S. economy. We have to
remember who the bad guys are, Cummings said. These federal officials
were not the enemy. On the other hand, Cummings too said the government failed to honor the trust it was given by employees.
Archuleta had been political director for Obamas 2012 re-election
campaign, though she wasnt particularly well-known nationally as a political operative. She had been chief of staff to the secretary of labor in



Obamas first term and the top staffer to the secretary of transportation in
the Bill Clinton administration. She was active on Hispanic issues in
Colorado and had worked as a top adviser to Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper. She was brought in to run OPM as a human resources manager
who could imagine ways to improve and diversify the federal workforce.
Archuleta was well-versed in the demands of the bureaucracy and she
discussed cybersecurity priorities during her confirmation process.
But she wasnt hired to be a cybersecurity professional. It was unclear
whether the critics on the congressional panels thought a cyber professional should run the Office of Personnel Management, but it was becoming clearer that something was missing: Was it the lines of authority, the
availability of tools, or the recurring tendency among both elected and
nonelected officials to put other priorities ahead of cybersecurity?
DHSs Ozment sat largely out of the direct line of fire. But when
Chaffetz said the EINSTEIN system was completely useless in the
OPM hack, Ozment responded eagerly. This was the departments prized
baby, after all.
OPM was leveraging tools provided by DHS when it first identified
the breach, Ozment explained. OPM then notified DHSs NCCIC, which
in turn used its EINSTEIN 2 system to search for similar threats across
government, identifying a second intrusion at OPM. Then the next line of
government defense, EINSTEIN 3, was deployed to block similar intrusions. These efforts may have headed off yet another attack of severe
consequence, Ozment told the committee.
He had another message: Both the government and the private sector
were desperately trying to make up for twenty years of under-investment in cybersecurity.
It wasnt particularly well received. Hasnt the private sector already
moved past EINSTEIN? Rep. Mark Walker (R-North Carolina) demanded.
EINSTEIN is absolutely necessary but its not sufficient, Ozment
said. EINSTEIN 3A will be a significant step forward . . . but no one tool
will solve all our problems.
It was an accurate, if nuanced, response, but members of the Oversight
Committee had no time for nuances.
Homeland Security Chairman McCaul had a different take. That
wasnt surprising: McCaul sharply criticized DHS on occasion but his job
was to try to make the department work as effectively as possible. The



Oversight Committee was just that, a perch from which lawmakers could
toss partisan bombs at an administration of the other party, without much
responsibility to do anything about shortfalls, real and imagined.
McCaul shook his head as a reporter recounted the criticisms tossed
about during that days House Oversight Committee hearing. The evidence suggested EINSTEIN 2 and 3 had worked, McCaul said in a brief
hallway interview with His own committee
and the Senate homeland panelwould be looking at the OPM breach
the following week. But they would look at the mechanics of the DHS
efforts to detect and respond, not searching for scapegoats.
Ozment testified before the House Homeland Security Committee that
DHS had no stick to compel agencies to improve cybersecurity.
Ozment did confirm before the homeland security panels that EINSTEIN 3 had yet to be installed at OPM, but cited the important role
played by earlier versions that were in place. OPM detected the intrusion
because weve been rolling out these capabilities, he testified before the
Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee on June
25. OPMs upgrades are why we detected the attack. In addition, he
said, EINSTEIN 3A was deployed to prevent the same kind of hack on
other federal systems.
But the EINSTEIN 3 system was in place at less than half of all
federal agencies.
Ive heard enough about EINSTEIN 3 in the last few weeks to think
thats something we ought to do, Carper, the top Democratic senator on
homeland security, told his colleagues. He promised a legislative push to
ensure DHS had the tools to get this deployed.
In response to the breach, the Obama administration launched a thirtyday sprint to quickly drive up cybersecurity capacities within government using existing authorities. Tony Scott, the federal governments
chief information officer, and Michael Daniel were able to point to some
positive results with DHS and agencies using the powers they had. By the
end of the sprint on July 29, fifteen of twenty-five agencies met a key
metric for measuring security practices. That was up from four agencies
in April and passed for progress. By late September 2015, DHS reported
that CDM tools were finally available to 97 percent of the civilian
The OPM breach did more than force Ozment and Archuleta to march
from congressional hearing room to hearing room over a sweltering two-



week stretch in June 2015: It threw into relief some of the problems
inherent in DHSs position.
On one hand, there was a congressional oversight structure that was
often at cross-purposesor no purpose at all. Sen. McCain, who served
on the Homeland Security Committee and was chairman of the Armed
Services Committee, demanded that Archuleta answer whether China
was behind the breach. How would she possibly know? On the same day,
Director of National Intelligence James Clapper finally stated publicly
that China was the leading suspect.
Clapper, of course, would be the right person to address this question.
That an astute, experienced senator like McCain would berate Archuleta
for an answer to an intelligence question was just more evidence that
Congress didnt know what it wanted on cybersecurity or how to organize
itself to address the issue.
On the other hand, DHSs precise authority was often in question.
Do we have a government-wide plan? Sen. Jon Tester (D-Montana)
asked Ozment, certainly a softball question.
Ozment paused. There were a variety of documents, he said. In aggregate they lay out a plan.
Tester was a burly, straightforward, and low-key farmer who asked
direct questions.
Is that effective? he probed.
Ozment gamely said the department was focused on implementing
new security programs, which was a better investment of time and energy
than preparing reports. But toward the end of the hearing he would try to
regroup and reassure Tester and his colleagues that the government did,
in fact, have a comprehensive plan to protect its cyber assets.
We have a skeleton of a path forward, he asserted. We want to
flesh out the skeleton.
That wasnt exactly a declaration that the government was marching
into cyber-battle with a clear-cut strategy.
Ozment remained at Archuletas shoulder as officials tried to stem the
criticism and put in place an effective response plan. But the bottom fell
out when OPM revealed on July 9 that 21.5 million current and former
federal employees had been affected. If an individual underwent a background investigation through OPM in 2000 or afterwards . . . it is highly
likely that the individual is impacted by this cyber breach, OPM said in a



statement. If an individual underwent a background investigation prior

to 2000, that individual still may be impacted, but it is less likely.
Archuleta, Ozment, and White House cybersecurity coordinator Michael Daniel led a conference call with reporters that day to discuss the
recovery plan. Ozment said OPM used the governments cybersecurity
tools appropriately. This incident unfortunately is not without precedent, Daniel said.
Daniel said the event highlighted three policy needs that permeated
both the public and private sector. Government and industry alike, he
said, needed to raise their game on cybersecurity. New policiesand
lawswere needed to deter adversaries from mounting these attacks in
the first place. And everyone needed to improve their capacity to respond
and recover from attacks, because they simply werent going to stop
Archuleta responded the same way to two reporters who asked if she
would resign: The answer was no, and she was leading the charge to fix
the problems.
But a growing chorus of lawmakers were demanding her head. And
many cybersecurity professionals and business advocates said the
hacksand the responsemay have diminished the Obama administrations ability to lead on policy in the cyber arena. If it were private
industry, someone wouldve been fired, commented an industry leader
on cybersecurity issues. Thats not to say Im not sympathetic, they have
huge responsibilities on their shoulders, but when the government asks us
to live up to a standard theyre not living up to, thats a broken system.
On July 10, as anger swelled across Capitol Hill, Archuleta resigned.
DHS didnt take the direct hit, but once again the department was on
its heels and seen as part of the problem rather than an enabler of solutions. Even the departments successes, like growing its capacities on
information sharing, were qualified and sandwiched between failures.
The NCCIC, a jewel in the crown, went years without a leader.
But the department had a leader in Johnson. Whether a strong, smart
secretary with a true vision for the department could cure its ailments was
questionable. But Johnson served notice in the aftermath of the OPM
breach that he was in it for the duration.
Cybersecurity is a top priority for me, for the President, and for this
Administration, Johnson said in a speech at the Center for Strategic and
International Studies. It is my personal mission, before I leave office, to



significantly enhance the Department of Homeland Securitys role in the

cybersecurity of this Nation.
There would never be perfect cybersecurity, Johnson said, and achieving any level of security would involve trade-offs.
I will begin this speech like I end most of them, Johnson said.
I tell audiences that homeland security is a balancea balance between basic physical security and the freedoms we expect as
Americans. As I have said many times, I can build you a perfectly safe
city, but it will look like a prison. We can build more walls, install
more invasive screening, interrogate more people and make everyone
suspicious of each other, but not at the cost of who we are as a Nation
of people who cherish privacy, value the freedom to travel and associate, and celebrate our diversity.
The same is true of cybersecurity. Cybersecurity involves striking a
balance. I can build you a perfectly safe e-mail system, but your contact will be limited to about ten people, and you would be disconnected
entirely from the Internet and the outside world. This, too, would be
like a prison.
The reality is we live in an interconnected, networked world. Cybersecurity must also be a balance between the basic security of online
information and the ability to communicate with and benefit from the
networked world.

The department was aggressively using the authorities it hadon

EINSTEIN and information sharingand was eager for more authority
from Congress, Johnson said. Lawmakers needed to do their part and
incentivize companies to share more information with the NCCIC, for
But, my message today is we have increased, and will continue to
increase, the instances in which attempted intrusions are either stopped at
the gate, or rooted out from inside the system before they cause damage,
Johnson said. We are taking action. We are aggressively strengthening
our defenses. We are accelerating the deployment of the tools we have,
and working to bring new ones online. Thank you.
Johnson combined personal credibility with a defined vision for his
department, which was a good start, but perhaps it was coming much too
late in the life of DHS.
DHS is not up to the task, Melissa Hathaway said bluntly in late
2015. The department was being asked to develop cybersecurity policy,



build relationships with industry and across government, and have an

operational role collecting and sharing cyber threat information. Its
doing all three poorly, she said.
The departments skill sets simply didnt match up and there was a
critical lack of leadership in each area, Hathaway asserted. Weve
spread them like peanut butter in three directions.
Asked what the department could do best, Hathaway agreed the operational information-sharing role through the NCCIC was probably the best
bet for success. If they can get good at one function, she suggested,
maybe they can improve in other areas.
But it wouldnt come easily. Hathaway and various industry observers
firmly believed that the Obama administration would once again undermine DHS even in its strongest areainformation-sharingby creating
the Cyber Threat Intelligence and Integration Center in 2015.
Secretary Johnson understood the tensionsand possibilitiesand
moved to ensure the NCCICs place in the hierarchy.
Given the central importance of the NCCIC to the DHS cybersecurity
mission, I have determined that we must elevate the NCCIC within our
Departments structure, with an incident reporting line directly to me as
Secretary, Johnson announced on August 10, 2015. Equally as important, I have also directed the National Protection and Programs Directorate to develop a reorganization plan that will ensure the NCCIC is focused on strengthening our operational capabilities for mitigating and
responding to cyber incidents.
Johnson put John Felker in charge of the operational side of the
NCCIC, after the long gap following Zelvins departure. Felker had a
thirty-year career at the Coast Guard and had worked in the private sector.
And, Johnson announced, Andy Ozment would take on direct responsibility for the NCCIC. Ozment had contributed to the key executive
orders on cybersecurity, diligently represented DHS on Capitol Hill in the
bad moments, and now he would be in charge of the departments most
important cybersecurity operational responsibility.
They keep reorganizing and reorganizing, commented Scott Algeier, who ran his own cybersecurity consulting firm and was executive
director of the IT sectors information sharing and analysis center. Until
the NCCIC and U.S. CERT get more authority over federal network
security, there wont be any improvement. Its a mess.



The reorganization moves also drew fire from Capitol Hill, where key
lawmakers felt left out of the loop by the departments leadership. We
share your desire to ensure the Department is optimally organized to
achieve its vital mission and appreciate the responsiveness of your staff
on some aspects of this effort, the bipartisan leadership of the House
Homeland Security Committee and its various subcommittees wrote in a
September 15 letter to Secretary Johnson.
There was a substantial but coming.
However, we are concerned with the lack of transparency on the
proposed reorganization of the National Protection and Programs Directorate (NPPD). Despite multiple media reports . . . and numerous requests
for information from our staff, we have yet to receive any specific details
from the Department.
The committee staff, in fact, had been tipped off by a reporter, who
heard about the reorganization plans from a lobbyist. That lobbyist
learned of the moves in a casual conversation with a DHS official. It
wasnt an ideal process or demonstration of transparency.
Cybersecurity subcommittee chairman John Ratcliffe (R-Texas) issued a sharply worded statement saying:
DHS has been less than forthcoming about its NPPD reorganization
effort. The Department has persisted in its go it alone mentality and
has ignored Congresss requests for informationdespite a record that
demonstrates its need for oversight and accountability. Id certainly
like to see DHS enhance and prioritize NPPDs cyber mission. But I
hope DHS will recognize that NPPDs mission is critical and that
partnering with Congress, rather than obstruction, will produce a
stronger, more effective outcome.

It was the kind of unforced error DHS was known for; worse yet, it
strained relationships with the departments best, if not only, friends in


The communications sector is at a critical juncture. We know there are

threats to the communications networks upon which we all rely. We
know those threats are growing. And we have agreed that industrybased solutions are the right approach. The question is: Will this approach work? We are not Pollyannas. We will implement this approach and measure results. It is those results that will tell us what, if
any, next steps must be taken.
Thomas Wheeler, chairman,
Federal Communications Commission, June 12, 2014

The telecommunications industry has confronted hacks since the dawn

of the cyber age. In the mid-1980s, local Chicago TV stations and even
the Playboy channel were targeted by activists with murky purposes.
Telephone service was an even juicier target, from both a criminal and
national security standpoint. The Federal Communications Commission
(FCC) had responsibility for ensuring the safety of the broadcasting system, cable and satellite services, old-fashioned landline phones, and
mobile devices. The commission had a new, controversial leader at the
beginning of 2014.
Thomas Wheeler was a venture capitalist and former communications
industry leader, who might be expected to become a certain type of chairman at the Federal Communications Commission. Instead, Wheeler
seized the reins at the FCC and quickly became a populist live wire who
frequently kept the executives in his own former industry off balance.




Wheelers Internet neutrality plan would trigger one of the great regulatory and legal conflicts of the Obama years.
By contrast, his approach to cybersecurity would be grounded in collaboration between the FCC and industry. But as was often the case in
both Wheelers administration and the Obama administrations interactions with private industry, there would always be a catch.
Wheeler was sixty-seven years old when he was sworn in as FCC
chairman, in November 2013, after his nomination had stalled for months
in the Senate. Some Republicans feared Wheeler would use the position
to advance President Obamas campaign finance reform agenda, perhaps
by forcing disclosure of the donors behind certain political advertisements. That, of course, would be the least of the Republicans worries as
Wheelers term progressed.
Wheeler did raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for Obamas 2008
presidential campaign; he and his wife, Carole Wheeler, moved to Iowa
to support then-Senator Obama in the run-up to the critical Iowa caucuses
that year. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas and other Republicans worried that
Wheelers nomination was a Trojan Horse, carrying a secret plan to enact
campaign finance restrictions that couldnt get through Congress. Across
the aisle, some Democrats and liberal groups feared the ex-lobbyist for
the wireless and cable industries might turn out to be an industry shill.
Wheelers nomination presents a conundrum for public interest
groups, Time reported in May 2013. On the one hand, Wheeler is a
consummate D.C. insider who ran two major industry groups and raised
hundreds of thousands of dollars for Obama. These facts . . . reinforce the
stereotype that D.C.s most desirable jobs tend to go to those with the best
industry and administration connections.
But Time added that Wheeler was well-known and liked in the technology community.
Cybersecurity wasnt one of the issues flagged by either supporters or
critics of Wheelers nomination in 2013. Surely his term would be dominated by more familiar issues such as net neutrality and spectrum auctions.
Wheeler, like Obama, saw cybersecurity as a foundational issue and a
challenge that needed to be taken on sooner rather than later. But the path
he would select for cybersecurity in the communications sector was far
from clear when Wheeler took office.



Plenty of voices were calling for straightforward regulation to bolster

the sectors cybersecurity. Melissa Hathaway, Bushs former cybersecurity adviser, in an October 2013 speech, said the FCC should be empowered to regulate industrys cybersecurity efforts. She dismissed the National Institute of Standards and Technologys (NIST) nascent framework
as a lot of paper.
But within weeks of Hathaways speech, Wheeler took the FCC effort
in a different direction. FCC officials announced at the November 2013
NIST workshop in Raleigh, North Carolina, that they would develop a
cybersecurity strategy based on the framework of standards, with industry
in the lead. The communications sector would be the first to embrace the
framework, which had yet to be released, as its guiding light on cybersecurity.
The FCCs public safety chief at the time, David Turetsky, quietly
approached the major telecom trade associations in early 2013 about
launching a process to update the sectors cyber best practices. Industry
officials responded by pointing out their commitment to the NIST framework process, which would be a massive undertaking. The FCC leadership agreed to hold off until the framework was completed in February
2014, although Turetsky and other officials made clear that the commission was determined to address cybersecurity policy.
This was a major turning point, in that [the new approach at the FCC]
shifted attention away from the previous focus on technology practices
that would certainly be required to be updated on a regular basis, to a
risk-management approach where processes could be embedded within
enterprises to enhance their ability to manage a constantly evolving ecosystem and cyber-attacks, said U.S. Telecoms Robert Mayer.
Furthermore, Mayer said, the timing was such that we would be in
a position to take a framework that we would be working on for a year
and turn around and adapt that multi-sector framework to the five segments in the communications sector. This approach addressed a key concern that industry had been expressing for several years which was the
importance of avoiding simultaneous and duplicative activities in multiple government venues.
In March 2014, Wheeler formally put the challenge to a security advisory committee that had served as a forum for industrygovernment collaboration for over twenty years. The Communications Security, Reliability, and Interoperability Council (CSRIC) emerged a few years after the



breakup of the Bell telephone system to help the different companies and
services collaborate on important security issues. Wheeler in late 2013
ordered the creation of a new cybersecurity working group within the
council. After the pause to allow NIST to finish its work on the cybersecurity framework, Wheeler, on March 20, gave working group 4 its
orders and one year to produce results.
Because the project began a year late, we faced significant pressure
to meet a CSRIC-imposed deadline of March 2015, Mayer recalled. To
meet this aggressive timeline, we knew we needed to assemble a group of
highly motivated professionals who would have to accomplish the task at
hand while also performing their regular day jobs.
Wheeler was also putting the personnel pieces in place. In November
2013 Wheeler named retired Rear Admiral David Simpson as chief of the
Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau, replacing Turetsky who
was a familiar, comfortable presence for the industry side. Simpson graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1982 and earned a PhD in systems
technology at the Naval Post-Graduate School. He served in Baghdad for
two years as the director for communications services and information
technology for American forces and worked on building up the Iraqi
governments IT capacities and the countrys telecom system.
The admiral, clearly, had experience in difficult stakeholder environments. He was a career Navy man. His approach was to push hard, constantly, and it would be interesting to see how this unfolded with civilian
interlocutors who could simply walk away from the table.
In January 2014, Wheeler pulled Clete Johnson from the Senate Intelligence Committee staff to work on cybersecurity issues. Johnson was a
starting defensive back on the Harvard football team in the mid-1990s
even as he went through the ROTC program. He served overseas in the
Army and earned a law degree at the University of Georgia before a stint
on K Street and on Capitol Hill. In addition to working on the Intelligence
Committee staff, he addressed cyber and other issues as a staffer in Sen.
Jay Rockefellers office.
The Georgia native and son of a one-term congressman was gung-ho
and relentlessly positive.
He was also something of a contrast to Simpson in his approach to
engaging with the telecom industry: Johnson never came off as telling the
industry representatives what they had to do, and seemed to understand
viscerally that this was their process and their product.



With Simpsonas with Wheelerthe industry folks were never quite

sure. Wheeler seemed to delight in the fearsome reputation he was earning. Simpson, on the other hand, felt the FCC leadership got a bad rap at
times from its industry partners. The commission was truly committed to
the industry-led process, he felt, but actually securing the nations communications systems simply had to be achieved. Simpson didnt necessarily dispense with the niceties, but the Navy man would insist on achieving
the objective.
Mayer of U.S. Telecom and Brian Allen of Time Warner Cable were
named co-chairmen of working group 4. Samara Moore was assigned as a
liaison from the White House, signaling interest from the highest levels of
the Obama administration, and Donna Dodson would provide NISTs
perspective. The working group enlisted over one hundred participants
from five segments of the telecom sector: wireless, wireline, broadcast,
cable, and satellite. Their work would be bolstered by subgroups addressing issues particular to small business and barriers to implementation.
Were talking about building a new regulatory paradigm, Chairman
Wheeler said at the inaugural session in the FCC hearing room. If this
workswhen this works, this must workit will prove over-regulation
is not necessary. . . . This is a new model, for this building, for this
government. But we have to make it work. The alternatives are not attractive.
Simpson told Im really excited about the
response from industry. Theres a national security imperative and
theyre taking on the challenge.
We have hit the ground running and are making sure our process is
both directed and inclusive, Mayer told a few
weeks later. Our goal is to look at the [NIST] framework and create an
adaptation for our segments, Mayer said. The change here is were
moving from a standards-and-controls-based construct to a risk-management construct. This shift, or evolution, had been embraced by the different industry segments and by the FCC, Mayer said.
Quick-witted and personable, Mayer would be the glue that held the
entire process together. Mayer earned an MBA from Boston Universitys
School of Management in 1979 and his law degree from New York Law
School a decade later. Mayer did his time as a regulator on telecom issues
in New York State and served as chairman of the communications sectors security policy coordinating council. Beginning in 2007, he was a



leading voice on security issues for the telecom sector as a vice president
at the U.S. Telecom Association.
Over the coming year, as messages from FCC headquarters seemed to
vacillate between regulatory warnings and enthusiastic encouragement of
the industry group, Mayer tempered the agitation on his side of the table
and cajoled and nudged FCC officials to firmly and completely embrace
the collaborative approach. Mayer understood the bureaucratic imperatives from the FCC sideto do something measurable on a critical, highprofile issueand he knew where industrys leverage resided.
The FCC wanted industry on board; in essence, the commission was
eager for industry to carry the heaviest share of the workload. Industry
had the expertise and it had the motivation, commission leaders and staff
knew. But securing the telecom system from cyber attacks was also a
national imperative. The process was one of voluntary engagement and
collaboration, but the commissions leadership made clear there was
nothing voluntary about the FCCs responsibility to ensure security.
The industry representatives had a hole card too: If they felt the voluntary process was a charade, they could demand the FCC pursue its goals
through a full-blown regulatory process. That could drag on for years and
give industry all kinds of appeals options and access to court rooms. That
was the last thing Wheeler wanted to see. The telecom sector could also
turn to allies on Capitol Hill, who would take a dark view of any FCC
regulatory initiative.
But the industry side wasnt looking for this outcome, either.
We needed participation across all five segments and we needed a
leadership structure that could manage a diverse group of cybersecurity
professionals, Mayer observed. In addition, we knew we would have to
reach consensus on a broad set of findings, conclusions, and recommendations before we could submit the final report to the CSRIC Council
members for their consideration.
To make it work, We had to be very well organized and efficient in
our work.
By May, working group 4 had settled on five foundational objectives: conforming the NIST framework to the telecom sector; maintaining flexibility for companies; developing streamlined practices and common risk-management approaches; developing use cases; and offering
guidance on how companies could use the framework.



As the process chugged along, absorbing hours and hours of participants time every week, Wheeler in June 2014 explicitly spelled out his
expectations in a speech before the American Enterprise Institute (AEI)
in Washington, DC.
The challenge is that this private sector-led effort must be more dynamic than traditional regulation and more measurably effective than
blindly trusting the market or voluntary best practices to defend our country, Wheeler said. The new paradigm for the communications sector
must be real and meaningful. It has to work. The commissions commitment to market accountability will help ensure that it does work. And,
while I am confident that it will work, we must be ready with alternatives
if it doesnt.
A standing-room-only audience of lobbyists, lawyers, and journalists
knew the alternative was mandatory rules, enforced by the FCC, with stiff
financial penalties as the cost of noncompliance. Wheeler, Simpson, and
Johnson all said that was an outcome they didnt want to see. But industry
representatives heard an implicit threat, and werent so sure.
It is good that they arent jumping the gun on regulation but they are
leaving open the possibility, one industry source said. The possibility is
still there and it is concerning. The source added that the private sector
would bear all of the costs under the FCCs approach.
Robert Mayer said he took away a more positive message.
The message I heard is that if we demonstrate a commitment to the
[National Institute of Standards and Technologys cybersecurity] framework, if we provide guidance to our members and encourage its use, we
wont get to that point, Mayer said of possible regulation. The expectation, Mayer said, is that companies and trade groups will use the framework to communicate risk management strategies internally, as well as
use it to speak to vendors, customers, and the public. That reflects what
were going to do and what our plan is, Mayer said.
Privately, many in the telecom sector were appalled by the speech.
Wheeler had implied there was little accountability for cybersecurity in
the telecom sector. Hed warned explicitly that industry had to stand up or
face regulation.
That room at AEI was full for the speech because we were afraid, an
industry source said. It did work.
Within days of the speech, Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Michigan) sent a
letter to Wheeler demanding to know the basis of the commissions view



that it had any authority to regulate the telecom sectors cyber practices.
Rogers was asserting his oversight role as a member of the House Energy
and Commerce communications subcommittee, but he also carried great
weight in the cybersecurity realm as chairman of the Intelligence Committee. By July, a House-passed funding bill that covered the FCC likewise raised concern that the commission was overstepping its jurisdiction in the area of cybersecurity.
Industry lobbyists expressed unease about lawmakers efforts to insert
themselves into the FCC policy development process. But the lobbyists
were clearly concerned, too; and their worries were stoked by a July 25
FCC public notice seeking comments on the effectiveness of previous
voluntary efforts by industry to improve cybersecurity. An FCC official
told, on condition of anonymity, that the notice
didnt indicate any kind of shift away from a commitment to an industryled process.
Industry attorneys detected something else.
Cybersecurity has been on the FCCs radar for some time, though
with this Public Notice, the FCC may be to inching closer to a regulatory
and oversight paradigm, attorneys Megan Brown and Caroline Rose Van
Wie wrote in a client alert for their clients at the law firm Wiley Rein.
Now the FCC is publicly entertaining a more muscular role, beginning with an apparent attempt to demand some accountability, the attorneys wrote. This raises important questions about the FCCs goals, as
well as its continued adherence to longstanding federal policy to leave the
Internet and mobile ecosystems free to manage and develop technical and
operational solutions.
Two other telecom industry attorneys, speaking on background to, expressed concern that the entire working group
4 effort could blow up, seven months before its planned conclusion.
Thats a different tone, thats not the conversation we were having in
the CSRIC process, said one attorney. Turning CSRIC into an inquiry
on are you implementing isnt how the process was intended.
The second attorney summed up the fears that had been growing as
industry leaders continued to mull the AEI speech.
The FCC chairman, in the AEI speech, made an explicit threat that if
industry didnt meet some unspecified level of activity, the FCC would
rely on traditional regulatory mechanisms, the attorney said. Its hard to



see how an industry thats regulated by the FCC would feel comfortable
writing what could be future rules in the CSRIC environment.
The source added: That industry may be better served by going
through a traditional rulemaking process with the opportunity for notice
and comment, and the ability to establish a record for appeal that challenges FCCs jurisdiction in the Internet space.
The FCC, through the public notice, seemed to be assuming responsibility over a much broader set of participants in the ecosystem. This is
an area that falls more rightly under the scope of the Department of
Homeland Security and Department of Commerce.
These attorneys were in the room and deeply involved in all of the
working group 4 activities, notas some at the FCC suspectedregulatory ambulance chasers seeking to stir up fears and clients.
An FCC official stressed that the public notice wasnt about compliance with regulations. It is about finding out what is working and
whats not working now that were several years past the recommendations having been adopted. . . . Public safety relies on the availability of
resilient communications; together, we need to make this new paradigm
Still, on the eve of an all-hands meeting of working group 4, Simpson
warned in a speech that if industry doesnt pull it together and do so in a
way that is recognizable for those charged with determining the appropriate risk for consumers, for citizens, for the markets that we in fact regulate, that we may in fact have to go to the same kind of aits time for us
to step in and to increase the level of accountability there.
FCC officials were generally enthusiastic publicly about working
group 4s prospects, but industry representatives were often dismayed by
parallel comments such as Simpsonsand Wheelers in the June
speechin which the commissions leaders made clear that a regulatory
cudgel was available if they decided to use it.
Simpson opened a meeting of the CSRIC days later with a hearty
endorsement of working group 4s work so far, causing some lobbyists
heads to spin. We dont want to define a checklist and enforce it,
Simpson assured the CSRIC participants. We want to orient our approach around owner/operator expertise. But we have to get at these
cyber risks.
The FCC sought to amplify the message that industry owned this
process as summer turned to fall and the deadline for a work product



neared. Communications companies would develop their own methods of

measuring the effectiveness of their cybersecurity efforts and determine
how that should be communicated to the government, Clete Johnson said
at an event sponsored by the law firm Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman
and the International Energy Forum. The companies themselves are the
accountability mechanism and the [NIST] framework of cybersecurity
standards is the common language.
Were expecting big things from this group, Johnson said. The FCC
was asking the companies themselves to answer how theyll communicate their work to us. How do they measure risk internally and what
elements do they need to communicate externally, including to the
government. The FCC had not pre-judged the answer, Johnson
stressed, and the industry was in the drivers seat.
Industry representatives continued to hear regulatory threats in FCC
leaders words throughout the fall. As the holiday season approached,
some began to suggest, very privately, that perhaps they wouldnt provide
such a robust final reportnot if regulators were merely going to use it
against them in the future.
In fact, the hundred-plus working group 4 participants had put in far
too much work to pull back now. By the holiday season in 2014, FCC
officials believed they had at last turned a corner with their industry
partners. On the FCC side, officials felt it took much of the year to
convince industry representatives that the exercise wasnt about laying
the groundwork for regulations. It was a different kind of process, and
would lead to a different kind of product. Eventually, the FCC officials
believed, each side learned to trust the other and that showed up in the
final strategy.
In February 2015, almost exactly one year after the release of the
framework of cybersecurity standards, working group 4 put finishing
touches on the most direct and comprehensive effort to apply the National
Institute of Standards and Technologys handiwork to a specific industrys cybersecurity needs.
I am not aware of any other sector effort thats involved over one
hundred people and twelve months of effort to incorporate the frameworks risk management process, Mayer said in an interview with The working group and its component subgroups
held over one hundred meetings including five all-hands sessions involving most of the one hundred participants.



Were preparing to deliver a report that does more than we were

asked to do, Mayer said. We took framework version 1.0 and asked
ourselves what can we do to develop a deeper understanding so we could
provide enterprises with answers to both why this is valuable and how
to use it. . . . Were confident that the FCC will recognize the substantial
contribution our sector has made to critical infrastructure cybersecurity.
Of course, the glide path to completion of the process couldnt be
entirely smooth.
Weeks before the FCC advisory council was scheduled to consider the
working group plan, communications industry representatives scrambled
to express support for their sectors proposed cybersecurity strategy after
a leaked copy of the proposal prompted a highly critical article in one
Industry sources said the article misrepresented both the industry-led
effort and the content of the recommendations on cybersecurity, which
were submitted to the CSRIC on February 20. Working group 4 members
had agreed not to divulge the contents of the report prior to the CSRIC
meeting, but the news service Politico obtained a leaked copy. Politico
quoted former FCC Public Safety Chief Jamie Barnett as sharply criticizing the working groups report. Barnett, a retired rear admiral, left the
FCC in 2012 and was not part of the working group 4 process. Barnetts
comments were the only negative assessment of the working group 4
product contained in the article, which said critics saw the proposal as
a cop-out.
The FCC wouldnt comment on the substance of the working group 4
report in advance of the March 18 meeting. We are encouraged by the
unprecedented effort that over one hundred industry experts are putting
into developing this plan for future action, a spokeswoman did say.
Based on Barnetts comments, the article proclaimed that working
group 4 had failed to produce a new paradigm around cybersecurity, as
mandated by Wheeler. FCCs new paradigm for cybersecurity will
have to wait, according to Politicos headline. It wasnt surprising, perhaps, since Politico had trashed the NIST framework a year earlier.
Working group 4 members were incensed. I think the comms sector
did a first rate job of developing a sector-specific implementation of the
new paradigm first outlined in the presidents executive order and further
defined by the NIST framework, said Larry Clinton, who led a working
group 4 feeder group on barriers to implementation.



What is new about this model is that it departs from the traditional set
of mandates and metrics, Clinton said. Instead, what the president, and
NIST, and presumably the FCC are looking for is a new approach which
focuses on identifying and managing a set of rapidly changing risks and
adapting best practices and standards as appropriate to the unique risk and
attacks an individual entity might be facing.
Clinton added:
The criticism seems to be that the new paradigm doesnt follow the
model of the old paradigm such as prescribing a set of universal metrics that all entities would be expected to follow, but the point of a new
paradigm is not simply to mimic the old onethat would not be new,
or effective. . . . I would think it would be extremely disheartening if,
after an extensive and fully open partnership process, the report is
rejected because the new approach they outlined doesnt look like the
old model.

Another industry source added: The new paradigm is about industry taking responsibility for improving cybersecurity across all segments. . . . We demonstrated exactly what [Chairman Wheeler] was expecting with regard to a new paradigm and to say the FCC has to wait for
it is frankly insulting.
The article produced sparks but did nothing to illuminate the sectors
efforts to device the new paradigm.
With snarky articles receding in the rear-view mirror, the FCCs security council on March 18, 2015, approved the plan to create a postregulatory new paradigm around cybersecurity.
The plan called on the FCC to adopt availability of the critical communications infrastructure as the meaningful indicator of cybersecurity
risk management. It was designed to be flexible enough for use by
telecom companies of all sizes and levels of maturity to guide cybersecurity risk management strategies and practices. NIST officials said it faithfully adapted the framework to the telecom sectors unique needs.
The report provided tools for identifying an organizations current
cyber practices, its desired state of cybersecurity and for measuring results. It included specific guidance for small- and mid-sized companies,
or SMBs, along with use cases from the different segments to illustrate steps taken by SMBs to use the NIST framework. It prioritized the
NIST framework elements for a small-business audience. The need for



such prioritization was a common refrain at NIST workshops over the

past two years where the framework was drafted.
The working group 4 report offered ten recommendations for the FCC,
including using availability as the meaningful indicator of cyber risk
management. The report urged the FCC to promote an industry threat
intelligence handling model and to encourage information sharing. In
addition, the commission should further examine issues specific to
It called on the commission to promote voluntary use of the framework; encourage dissemination of the framework and the working group
report across the sector; and to coordinate and rationalize Framework
related federal/state government initiatives to ensure efficient use of critical and scarce cybersecurity resources. Finally, the working group provided specific reports from each of the telecom sector segments.
This is a fundamental product, Simpson approvingly told Its up to the companies themselves to personalize this
for their own [enterprises], Simpson said. Well be there with them to
facilitate the process.
A month later, Wheeler offered his most extensive comments on the
final product at the annual RSA Security conference in San Francisco.
Some in the industry were holding their breath. If he offered praise, they
fully expected to find a hook somewhere beneath the positive words.
For more than a year, the commission and key stakeholders have
been working together to develop a strategy to enhance the security of our
wired and wireless broadband networks, Wheeler said. Last month, we
all agreed on that plan. Now our focus shifts to implementation.
Wheeler said: Those that build, own, and operate these networks, and
those that innovate at the edge of the networks, must work proactively
and cooperatively to address shared risks. Companies need to own their
cyber readiness. This is the thinking behind the FCCs approach to cybersecurity.
Wheeler said the new paradigm must be proactive and accountable
self-governance within mutually agreed parameters. This isnt an ideological matter, but simply a logical conclusion. Things change so fast in
the cyber world that prescriptive regulations could never hope to keep
The NIST framework was the essential starting point for industrygovernment collaboration on cybersecurity, Wheeler said, adding,



We see the FCCs role as building on the NIST Framework in the

context of our responsibility to promote the reliability and resiliency of
the communications networks themselves.
The working groups most vital work involved ensuring accountability, he said, and it developed a range of activities intended to provide
transparent assurances to the FCC, to DHS, to industry, and to consumers. These visible assurances should provide confidence that companies
throughout the sector are actually taking effective steps to manage cyber
According to Wheeler, the core proposal is that members of the communications sector volunteer to participate in individualized, face-to-face
meetings with the FCC to discuss each companys cyber risk management priorities, methods to address them, and the effectiveness of these
methods. These meetings would be guided by the NIST Framework and
occur at periodic intervals.
These would not be depositions, he stressed, and details must still be
worked out.
So just what is our expectation for these meetings? Wheeler asked.
The answer is that we expect a thorough demonstration that a companys cyber risk management program is effective. Using the risk
framework drives companies to consider their readiness not just in
stopping attacks, but in each of the identify, protect, detect, respond,
and recover phases critical to minimizing the impact of a malicious
attack. The risk framework doesnt stand alone, companies need to
have threat intelligence, they need to address supply chain risk and
insider threats among other areas, but the risk management framework
provides a great foundation from which to see the gaps and organize
effective mitigation.

Wheeler said:
When fully developed and properly implemented, I believe that
CSRICs assurance model will provide much-needed accountability
for network security, while avoiding top-down prescriptive regulation
of industry practices. A cooperative and collaborative approach is the
FCCs preferred means of engagement. I have every reason to be confident the industry will live up to its commitments and deliver meaningful action. But the hard work has only begun and our review of



these next steps will be guided by the fact that cybersecurity is a

national imperative.

Plenty of questions remained, such as how these assurance meetings

would actually be accomplished, and how confidential industry data
would be protected in the process. But the industry and FCC somehow
had managed to clear a major hurdle without knocking one another into a
The five segments of the telecom industry wasted no time initiating
activities to prove they were implementing the overall strategy. They
quickly moved into extensive awareness and outreach campaigns, and
were paying close attention to how they would demonstrate that an industry-led cyber approach actually worked.
There were plenty of common themes in the different segments approaches. The trade associations distilled the working group 4 report
for their specific industries, and prioritized the elements of the framework
of cybersecurity standards. The groupsand NISTdeveloped use
cases that could be of particular benefit for small- and mid-sized companies. Weve been focused on raising awareness but also on collecting
use cases and sending them back out, said NISTs Sedgewick. NIST saw
the working group 4 report itself as a use case that was helpful to companies in other sectors.
Use cases help our members understand how to walk in these shoes,
said John Marinho, vice president for technology and cybersecurity at
CTIAthe Wireless Association.
The trade groups were well-aware that the FCC would insist on robust
assurances that the process actually improved cybersecurity in the sector.
One part of the effort on assurances would come in the Communications
Sector Coordinating Councils annual report. Cybersecurity is a journey,
not a destination, Marinho said, and the report is a milestone in the
Capturing metrics in this report was a big ask of industry, according
to Matt Tooley, vice president of broadband technology at the National
Cable and Telecommunications Association.
The big ask is youre trying to measure availability, but everyone is a
little different, Tooley said. You need to normalize it and make sure
youre not asking for proprietary information.
There were critics, beyond those located by Politico.



Lazlo, a technologist who insisted on anonymity but had worked

with the communications sector, suggested it was a standard piece of
work by a large committee, meaning it was compromised from the start
and lacked imagination or ingenuity.
Not so earth shattering, Lazlo said. Its predictable. The communications sector took the path of least resistance and easiest to obtain.
The plan had its high points. I agree that it sets a path for the small
and midsized communications companies, so thats good, Lazlo said.
But a technologist could see the seams in the strategy document, he
If they wanted to go for it and make a difference, they should have
incorporated not only DNS security, but from the other existing working
groups on botnets and DDOS protection. CPNI enhancements would begin to address better customer information protection.
In English, that meant the report focused on the Domain Name System, or DNS, but didnt tackle the rampant problem of botnets or distributed denial of service attacks. Likewise, it didnt go deeply enough into
customer proprietary network information, CPNI, the data that telecom
companies collect about their customers activities.
The report, Lazlo said, represented baby steps.
Lazlo chuckled and took a parting shot. Im glad that Im no longer
in that sector. Financial services, for instance, cares a lot about cybersecurity comparatively and is light years ahead of the communications sector in every aspect of maturity and application of sound security practicesbasic cyber hygieneand then some to keep their customers
A camel, the old saying goes, is a horse built by committee. But in the
world of governmentindustry collaboration, with scores of stakeholders
clinging tightly to their own self-interest, creating a camel may represent
victory. Cybersecurity is a journey, as Marinho put it, and camels come in
handy on long, arduous treks.
Sedgewick, several months after the working group 4 report was released, offered the ultimate compliment from NISTs perspective. The
CSRIC product is the most robust response weve seen of a sector taking
up the framework. We hope to share the lessons of CSRIC.
Just as WG4 was getting underway, FCC Chairman Wheeler characterized the WG4 effort as part of a new paradigm where industry would
provide the FCC and the public with so-called assurances that the appro-



priate cyber risk management activities were being undertaken by sector

enterprises, recalled Mayer of U.S. Telecom. The construct he proposed retained the voluntary nature of the NIST framework and recognized that one-size solutions and regulatory mandates were ill-suited to
this emerging threat in cyberspace.
Now, Mayer said,
After over a year of effort, WG4 produced a final report with over four
hundred pages of analysis and guidance that is now serving as the basis
for solidifying the publicprivate partnership model. The fact that industry in conjunction with our regulator could agree on a set of assurances and a path forward speaks to the success of the framework in
facilitating a new conversation about shared responsibilities across a
broad stakeholder ecosystem.


But I wanted to start here, at the FTC, because every day you take the
lead in making sure that Americans, their hard-earned money, and
their privacy are protected, especially when they go online. And these
days, thats pretty much for everything: managing our bank accounts,
paying our bills, handling everything from medical records to movie
tickets, controlling our homessmart houses, from smart phones.
President Obama, speech at the Federal Trade Commission,
January 12, 2015

If American consumers needed further evidence of the risks they faced in

cyberspace, the Christmas 2014 attack on the Sony PlayStation Network
probably crushed any remaining sense of security. Virtually every product or service that had a digital component was vulnerable to cyber attack.
Some were for political reasons, like the 2014 attack that crippled computers at the Las Vegas Sands casinomotivated by the casino owners
support for Israeland some were for straightforward theft. Regardless,
the attack surface stretched across Americas culture and economy, and
responsibility for ensuring security was spread broadly across the government and within the private sector.
While the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) played a
high-profile role in cybersecurity, largely collaborative efforts were blossoming across other departments and regulatory and independent agencies within the federal government. For instance, the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) deferred to the water industry trade group, the



American Water Works Association (AWWA), to develop a cybersecurity plan. Entrusted with this responsibility, the AWWA would become an
energetic promoter of the National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) framework and industry-led cybersecurity initiatives in general.
The Department of Energy churned out cyber tools for the gas and
electric sectors, and did the painstaking work of mapping the NISTs
cybersecurity framework to those industries specific needs. Trade groups
like the American Gas Association helped their member companies make
useand make senseof the tools. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) gave the green light for the chemical manufacturing sector to
follow a plan developed by the American Chemical Council trade association.
On the law enforcement side, the Department of Justice rolled out new
weapons to fight cyber crime and the Obama administration sought new
legal powers. In January 2015 the administration called for legislation
that would allow for the prosecution [for] sale of botnets, would criminalize the overseas sale of stolen U.S. financial information like credit
card and bank account numbers, would expand federal law enforcement
authority to deter the sale of spyware used to stalk or commit ID theft,
and would give courts the authority to shut down botnets engaged in
distributed denial of service attacks and other criminal activity. The
proposal would update both the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act and the
Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act.
Were tremendously supportive of modernizing the relevant statutes,
both on increasing the penalties for hacking and apprehending bad actors, an industry source observed. Clarity was needed on how to indict
individuals overseas as well as on issues such as seizing equipment used
in a botnet action, for example, the source said. We dont want different
interpretations by different courts, the source added.
Here was a government initiative industry leaders could get behind
because it addressed their long-held complaint that federal authorities
were too busy blaming one of the victimscompanies themselvesin
cyber attacks. Instead, much more attention should be paid to getting the
bad guys.
Elsewhere in what some called the civilian government, the NIST
framework provided structure, but regulatory and independent agencies
were largely on their own to craft cyber policy responses. The Securities
and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued guidancesand warningson



cybersecurity responsibilities in the financial sector. The Federal Energy

Regulatory Commission updated mandatory cyber rules that affected the
largest electricity providers. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission
(NRC), which generally enjoyed a close collaborative relationship with
nuclear operators on cyber issues, looked to streamline its regulations
using the NIST framework as a guidepost. The NRC also initiated an
interagency forum that would allow regulators to share insights and experiences on cybersecurity. The SEC was a founding member of that initiative.
But one of the most closely watched agencies was the independent
Federal Trade Commission (FTC). President Obama chose to unveil his
2015 cybersecurity priorities in a speech at the FTCs headquarters
noting that he was the first president since Franklin Delano Roosevelt to
visit a building on Pennsylvania Avenue just blocks from the White
House. I mean, youd think like one of the presidents would just come
here by accident, he said to laughter from an appreciative audience of
career public servants and political appointees. Anyway, I figured it was
time to correct that.
Despite its name, the FTC wasnt about trade in the global sense; it
was about business practices. The commission engaged in an often acrimonious relationship with industry as it sought to implement a mandate
to protect consumers. It was often shunned when a Republican was in the
White House.
Obama wanted to further bolster the FTCs authority to punish companies that failed to adequately protect consumers data. First, Obama
said in his FTC speech,
were introducing new legislation to create a single, strong national
standard so Americans know when their information has been stolen or
misused. Right now, almost every state has a different law on this, and
its confusing for consumers and its confusing for companiesand
its costly, too, to have to comply to this patchwork of laws. Sometimes, folks dont even find out their credit card information has been
stolen until they see charges on their bill, and then its too late. So
under the new standard that were proposing, companies would have
to notify consumers of a breach within thirty days.

The new law, if passed by Congress, would be enforced by the FTC.

Sen. Bill Nelson of Florida, the top Democrat on the Commerce Commit-



tee, introduced Obamas proposal but Republicans werent interested in

the presidents approach, and werent quite sure if they wanted to touch
the issue at all.
The FTC, as the business sector knew, already had real power when it
came to cybersecurity. The commission couldand diddrag companies into court for alleged cybersecurity shortcomings. About a mile
south, across the National Mall, another alphabet soup agencythe Federal Communications Commission (FCC)decided to start levying enforcement actions against telecom companies for allegedly poor consumer data protection in 2014. But this had been the FTCs space for quite a
while before that.
Edith Ramirez, the FTC chairwoman, told the Washington Post in a
June 2015 interview that she absolutely saw the commission as the
key cop on the beat when it came to consumer data security, with broad
reach across industry sectors. The FCC saw itself in that role for the
telecoms. The SEC also saw itself as the cop on the beat for the financial sector. But the securities commission was more of a Sheriff Andy
Taylor: often positive, encouraging, and turning to force as a last resort
on cyber issues. To industry, the FTC under Ramirez was all Eliot Ness,
stern and punishing.
The Federal Trade Commission claimed to derive its authority on
cybersecurity from Section 5 of the 1914 Federal Trade Commission Act,
which authorized action against unfair and deceptive practices. Claiming
or implying that a service was cybersecure would constitute such a deceptive practice, the commission held.
That assertion was challenged in court by industry groups and questioned on Capitol Hill. A U.S. court of appeals upheld the commissions
authority in a landmark 2015 decision in a case involving Wyndham
Worldwide. The hotel resort operators computer systems were breached
three times, affecting 619,000 accounts and resulting in over $10 million
in losses. The FTC swooped in with proposed fines and the company
responded by challenging the commissions authority to exercise such
Industry groups lined up behind Wyndham; consumer rights organizations rallied behind the FTC. It may have been a curious choice of cases,
from industrys perspective, for a pitched-battle over the commissions
authority: The company claimed the FTC was assuming intrusive powers
that could extend to penalizing a grocery store over a banana peel on the



floor. The court of appeals observed, acidly, that any store that allowed
619,000 customers to slip on banana peels should expect to face enforcement action.
The closely watched case ended up affirming the FTCs power to
regulate cybersecurity practices and fine companies that failed to adequately protect consumer information.
The cop could brandish a pretty big nightstick as it tried to influence
corporate behavior. But it wasnt entirely clear to businesses when the
cop would reach for the club. [S]ince there are no set federal rules for
protecting user data, fining a company for not following rules that dont
exist doesnt make any sense, Malwarebytes Labs Adam Kujawa said
after the 2015 court ruling. Its up to the government now to work with
security experts and companies and identify a good solid baseline for the
security of customer data.
It was a case of excessive regulation and ad hoc litigation, according to industry groups. It was a perfect example of blaming the victim,
the U.S. Chamber of Commerce (Chamber), the nations leading business
organization, charged. The Chamber didnt say so, in this statement, but
the sentiment was clear: When the government itself was hacked, it was a
malicious, unavoidable act of violence; businesses, on the other hand,
were just inviting the attacks against their own systems.
American businessesand our own governmentare frequent victims of cyberattacks from foreign adversaries and businesses have every
incentive to defend against these attacks, said Steven Lehotsky, vice
president and chief counsel for regulatory litigation at the U.S. Chamber
Litigation Center.
Lehotsky added: However, excessive enforcement by agencies relying on decades-old laws that were not meant to address cybersecurity is
not the solution to that national security problem. We are concerned that
[the Wyndham] decision will exacerbate the unfortunate trend over the
last ten years of ad hoc litigation and overregulation when it comes to
Consumer rights groups like the Center for Democracy and Technology said the industry side was being deliberately obtuse to obvious, appropriate levels of care.
Wyndham claimed that the plain language of the FTC Act . . . didnt
allow for the agency to regulate data security, according to the Center
for Democracy and Technology. Wyndham argued that the FTC Acts



prohibition on unfair practices was too vague and broad here. However,
because the FTC Act contains a balancing test for unfairness claims, its
not surprising that the court didnt buy this argument.
Ramirez did try to spell out the standards throughout her tenure,
though ideas discussed in an interview arent the same as a detailed rule.
In terms of the deception principle, its really very simple, Ramirez
told the Washington Post: We expect companies that make promises to
actually fulfill those promises. If a company makes a particular promise
in their privacy policy or through some other mechanism, we expect them
to comply.
Ramirez said it came down to this: We think a companys failure to
provide reasonable data protections constitutes an unfair practice, because we think its a reasonable expectation for a consumer. If a company
is making use of personal financial information, they ought to have appropriate protections in place to make sure that information isnt compromised.
Ramirez was born in California, the daughter of Mexican immigrants,
and went on to obtain a bachelors degree and a law degree from Harvard.
She was a partner in a major Los Angeles law firm before Obama appointed her to the FTC in 2010, specializing in intellectual property and
complex business litigation matters, according to a BloombergBusiness
By 2013, the FTC was already moving aggressively to fill a perceived
vacuum in cybersecurity protections for consumersand looking creatively and expansively at areas for potential action. In November 2013,
the FTC held a first-of-its-kind government workshop on privacy and
security issues related to the emerging Internet of Things.
Ramirez boldly proclaimed that she saw the FTC as the enforcer,
even as she urged Congress to give the commission even more explicit
authority to address data breaches.
The touchstone to data security is reasonableness, FTC Consumer
Protection Chief Jessica Rich said at an event in January 2014. Companies must invest in privacy and make it a key part of their business
strategy, Rich said. She noted the breach at Target and said the impact of
a failure to secure data can be enormous in terms of lost profit and
corporate prestige, in addition to the damages suffered by consumers.
How the FTC would determine reasonableness was a matter of huge
concern to business groups.



In January 2015, the FTC issued a report full of recommendations on

reasonable steps industry could take to secure the Internet of Things, or
The recommendations are broad enoughtheyre not a checklist to
show that A, B, C equals reasonable, Karen Jagielski of the FTC told These are reasonable steps but they dont have
the force of law. She did add though, They are things we would look at
when evaluating a complaint or action against a company.
Jagielski commented after making a presentation to the Information
Security and Privacy Advisory Board, which advised the National Institute of Standards and Technology. She told the board there was no strict
definition of reasonable, but said the recommendations urged companies to bake security into IoT devices, hire trained personnel to ensure
security is a part of product development, oversee suppliers, have a defense in depth strategy, and monitor products through their life cycle.
She noted the FTCs authority to penalize companies for unfair or
deceptive claims, which she defined as material misrepresentation or
omission causing substantial injury.
Asked by a board member whether the definition of reasonable
efforts to secure data was evolving in light of the Sony Pictures and other
major breaches, Jagielski said there was no specific definition, but that
the FTC was urging companies to consider security by design.
(Not entirely coincidentally, the Federal Communications Commission also placed a claim on the security by design issue, making it one
of the chief topics to be addressed by the CSRIC V process launched in
the summer of 2015.)
The FTC was not imposing specific cybersecurity requirements. But
certain principles like those reflected in the IoT recommendations do
make sense, Jagielski said. Were not imposing anything, she stressed
to the NIST advisory board. We want to give consumers confidence to
use these products.
Jagielski repeated the FTC position that it was too early to legislate on
IoT security while calling for data security and breach notification legislation. The FTC had also called for broad-based privacy legislation, she
noted. Jagielski said the commission believed companies would find the
IoT recommendations useful, adding, Were trying to help the marketplace.



The breach at Target became a rallying cry for those seeking to

strengthen the FTCs hand. Ramirez testified before the Senate Homeland
Security and Governmental Affairs Committee on April 2, 2014, amid a
flurry of congressional activity following the Target and Neiman Marcus
Ramirez was making the rounds on Capitol Hill urging lawmakers to
establish a national data-breach notification standard and grant the FTC
new regulatory power to enforce data protections. Her call for legislation
focused on three areas: granting the commission authority to seek civil
penalties for unlawful conduct; authority over nonprofit organizations;
and rulemaking authority under the Administrative Procedure Act.
Ramirez argued that enabling the FTC to bring cases against nonprofits would help ensure that whenever personal information is collected
from consumers, entities that maintain such data adequately protect it.
More significantly, the chairwomans call for rulemaking authority
was meant to allow the commission to revise requirements in response to
changing technologies. Rulemaking authority would allow the commission to ensure that as technology changes and the risks from the use of
information evolve, companies would be required to give adequate protection to such data, Ramirez said.
A report on the Target breach prepared in March 2014 by the staff of
Senate Commerce chairman Jay Rockefeller provided more evidence in
support of the FTCs call for additional authority.
Rockefeller suggested at a hearing in late March that companies
hadnt done enough to improve consumer data security and that he was
eager to move ahead with legislation. But he didnt mention a timetable
for moving on his or other cyber legislation despite broadif superficialsupport for a uniform federal breach notification law.
Rockefeller was in his final year in the Senate and he and ranking
member John Thune (R-South Dakota) generally collaborated on cybersecurity issues. But the two senators had their own bills and there were
differences in the details. Thune pledged to work together with Rockefeller and urged that lawmakers not allow the perfect to become the enemy
of the good as they pursued legislation.
Rockefellers report detailed missed steps that contributed to the Target breach affecting millions of consumers. Industrys data security standards were not enough, Rockefeller said, adding that he was increas-



ingly frustrated that companies were not sufficiently investing in cybersecurity.

There has been a lot anxiety lately about what kind of information the
federal government may be collecting about American citizens, as part of
the efforts to protect our country from the ongoing terrorist threat,
Rockefeller said. He continued:
But the truth is that private companies like Target hold vastly larger
amounts of sensitive information about us than the government does.
And they spend much less time and money protecting their sensitive
data than the government does. We learned yesterday that Federal
agents notified more than three thousand companies last year that their
computer systems had been hacked. I am certain there are many more
breaches we never hear about.

Rockefeller said his message to the business community was come to

the table and be willing to compromise. In turn, he said he was willing to
compromise too, though not on core principles.
Ramirez called for legislation that would allow the commission to
require reasonable security practices, timely notification after breaches
and the authority to seek civil penalties when companies allowed
breaches through negligence. How to define negligence? The touchstone, Ramirez said, was reasonableness. A breach does not mean a
company was negligent, she said, and the government should not require
perfect security.
She said there should be concurrent enforcement authority with
state attorneys general, and that the federal standard would prevail when
it was more stringent. Companies continue to under-invest in this area,
Ramirez said.
Rockefeller replied that this highlighted the weakness of relying on
Its not enough, Ramirez agreed.
Meanwhile, the Federal Trade Commissions 2014 annual report on
consumer complaints showed identity theft at the top of the list for the
fifteenth year in a row and underscored the need for a strong federal data
security and breach notification law, according to consumer activists. The
report, issued in February 2015, said the FTC, state agencies, and other
law enforcement entities received over 332,000 complaints of identity
theft, which was the number one category at 13 percent of all complaints.



Identity theft, and the data breaches that fuel it, must be a top concern
not only of regulators at the FTC, but policymakers throughout Washington and beyond, National Consumers League executive director Sally
Greenberg said in a statement. The message from 332,000 identity theft
complaints to the FTC is clear: More needs to be done to protect consumers from this fraud.
Ramirez had called for similar legislation since the beginning of her
term. Representatives of various industries testified repeatedly that they
would support a federal notification standard, with the caveat that it must
preempt often stronger state laws. There were also substantial differences
of opinion between different industry sectors over the advisability or
scope of related security standards.
It wasnt all spinach from the FTC. In April 2014 the commission and
the Department of Justice issued a joint statement seeking to temper
antitrust concerns related to cybersecurity information sharing. Among
the industry asks for cybersecurity liability protection, a shield from
antitrust actions was always near the top of the list. Industry groups
feared the government could swoop inif it chose to do sowith an
antitrust charge if companies collaborated closely on cyber threat indicators.
Cyber threats are becoming increasingly more common, more sophisticated, and more dangerous, the FTC and Justice Department (DOJ)
wrote, continuing,
One way that private entities may defend against cyber attacks is by
sharing technical cyber threat informationsuch as threat signatures,
indicators, and alertswith each other. Today, much of this sharing is
taking place. Some private entities may, however, be hesitant to share
cyber threat information with others, especially competitors, because
they believe such sharing may raise antitrust issues.

Threat data was technical in nature and not the type of information
that would suggest collusion between two companies, the agencies wrote.
[I]t remains the Agencies current analysis that properly designed
sharing of cybersecurity threat information is not likely to raise antitrust
concerns, the DOJ and FTC said.
Ari Schwartz, who oversaw cybersecurity policy at the National Security Council, said the antitrust issue was taken off the table by the
FTCDOJ statement. Industry lawyers and lobbyists said the guidance



reduced antitrust concerns from cybersecurity information sharing but

was no substitute for writing the liability protection into law. Attorney
Brian Finch of the Pillsbury, Winthrop, Shaw Pittman law firm commented: Legislation or a court ruling is always best, but I would think DOJ
guidance is very helpful.
Until, Finch noted, they decide to change their minds.
Some observers suggested the perception of potential antitrust vulnerability was greater than the reality. I agreegenerally speakingthat
legislation should not be necessary to remove antitrust issues as a matter
of concern when companies share information about cyber risks, said
attorney Robert Cattanach of the law firm Dorsey and Whitney. That
said, antitrust lawyers may continue to counsel restraint on any information sharing among potential competitors in an abundance of caution.
Cattanach said companies in general shouldnt be too worried about antitrust liability. [A]bsent egregious conduct masquerading as information
sharing about cyber threats, I see no realistic exposure to antitrust enforcement, he said.
Further, keep in mind that any antitrust protection in potential cyber
information sharing legislation is certainly not likely to be absolute or
unconditional, Cattanach said. Thus, even assuming legislation would
be passed that includes some protection from antitrust enforcement, it
would most likely not extend to the theoretical egregious conduct
circumstances that could trigger enforcement without legislation. With or
without legislation bad actors will face exposure, and those acting in good
faith should not fear enforcement overreach.
Industrys desire for legislation that would embed liability protection
in the law and create a uniform approach to issues like data-breach notification was matched by the administrations desire for a law codifying the
FTCs authority over data breaches and other cyber issues. While the
FTC was assuming and exercising powers, the Obama White House was
well aware that the next administration and the next FTC chair might not
view the issue the same way. They wanted the FTC not only to be permitted, but to be required by law to be the enforcer of business standards in
Thats where the legislation became stuck and in the starkly partisan
environment of the Obama years, there wasnt much chance to split differences and strike a deal. The FTC, unsurprisingly, continued to play



aggressive cop on the beat, a role that unsettled business groups and
angered Republicans on Capitol Hill.
In July 2015, the FTC sent LifeLocks stock price plummeting when
the commission asked a federal court to impose penalties on the company
for allegedly failing to live up to an earlier legal settlement. The commission, in a filing at the federal district court in Arizona, said LifeLock
continued to make false claims about its online identity protection and
data-security services, even after a 2010 settlement with the FTC and
thirty-five state attorneys general. In the hours after the FTC filing, the
companys share price fell 50 percent to eight dollars per share.
Former Homeland Security secretary Tom Ridge served on the LifeLock board of directors, and put out a statement strongly supportive of
the company and its practices. The company itself rejected the allegations
and said it had engaged in good-faith efforts to settle the case with the
commission. LifeLock issued a statement saying:
After more than eighteen months of cooperation and dialogue with the
FTC, it became clear to us that we could not come to a satisfactory
resolution of their issues outside a court of law. We disagree with the
substance of the FTCs contentions and are prepared to take our case to
court. . . . Importantly the FTC is not seeking any relief that would
change LifeLock services and products going forward. The claims
raised by the FTC are all related to the past, not to current business

The company also said the alerting claims raised by the FTC did not
result in any known identity theft for LifeLock members, and that we
do not believe that anything the FTC is alleging has resulted in any
members data being taken.
The FTC claimed that LifeLock violated the 2010 settlement by continuing to make deceptive claims about its identity theft protection services, and by failing to take steps required to protect its users data,
according to a commission statement. The FTC asked the court to impose an order requiring LifeLock to provide full redress to all consumers
affected by the companys order violations.
One of five FTC commissioners voted against proceeding with the
It is essential that companies live up to their obligations under orders
obtained by the FTC, said Jessica Rich, director of the FTCs Bureau of



Consumer Protection. If a company continues with practices that violate

orders and harm consumers, we will act.
The FTC said:
The 2010 settlement stemmed from previous FTC allegations that
LifeLock used false claims to promote its identity theft protection
services. The settlement barred the company and its principals from
making any further deceptive claims; required LifeLock to take more
stringent measures to safeguard the personal information it collects
from customers; and required LifeLock to pay $12 million for consumer refunds.

The company violated the order, according to the FTC, by: (1) failing
to establish and maintain a comprehensive information security program
to protect its users sensitive personal data, including credit card, social
security, and bank account numbers; (2) falsely advertising that it protected consumers sensitive data with the same high-level safeguards as
financial institutions; and (3) failing to meet the 2010 orders recordkeeping requirements.
Further, The FTC also asserts that from at least January 2012 through
December 2014, LifeLock falsely claimed it protected consumers identity 24/7/365 by providing alerts as soon as it received any indication
there was a problem.
The FTC saw the 2010 LifeLock case as a classic example of how a
cybersecurity company should not behave in cyberspace, boasting about
the commissions enforcement action against the firm in a 2015 guide for
businesses that offered lessons from fifty-four data security cases brought
by the FTC.
This enforcement action hinged on the FTCs interpretation of reasonable efforts by a company as well as the commissions definition of
deception, which was a malleable standard enforced in different ways by
different commission leaders. The FTC would produce such guides for
businesses to help them determine appropriate behavior and levels of
responsibility, though these were not strict regulations that clearly needed
to be followed. Without a political deal on the FTCs cybersecurity role,
however, this kind of ambiguous government demand and action would
continue at least until a new commission chair was in place under a new
administration. It would be a blunt but effective tool for consumer advocates and a source of aggravation for the business community.



On June 30, 2015, the commission released Start with Security: A

Guide for Business. It included eleven pages of easy-to-read, commonsense recommendations and references to other resources. Control access to data sensibly. Require strong passwords and authentication. It
went on: Protect data at rest and in transit; segment networks; build
security into new products; make sure the supply chain uses safe practices.
It all made sense. Business executives could certainly use it as a cheat
sheet to assess their internal cyber efforts. But business attorneys knew
something else: FTC lawyers would be using it to guide the commissions
enforcement actions against companies. This wasnt just a helpful hand
from government. It was a warning.
One segment of industry was delighted as the FTC made clear its
intention to hold companies legally responsible for cybersecurity: vendors of security products. After the commissions powers were legitimized by a U.S. court of appeals in 2015, the vendor community quickly
spread the word to potential customers that there was no longer anything
voluntary about cybersecurity.
Vendors crafted security services based on the NIST framework and
other government offerings, which they could market on the increasingly
certain knowledge that both the governments regulators and the nations
courts expected companies to do something on cybersecurity, even if the
required something would not be spelled out.
The FTC, with its court-approved power to penalize and initiate court
actions, would be a locus of an approach to cybersecurity that was as
ambitious as it was ambiguous.


The most important thing we need is the ability to share information

[between industry and government]. Right now, we cant see whats
Army Gen. Keith Alexander, commander of U.S. Cyber Command
and director of the National Security Agency, September 25, 2013
(Alexander, in the same speech at a Billington security conference,
lamented that Edward Snowdens leaks about NSA activities were
stifling cybersecurity policy development in many unrelated areas.)

Twitter revealed in early 2013 that it had been hacked and that 250,000
of its users were affected. The New York Times and Wall Street Journal
were hacked around the same time.
Congress surely didnt need any more evidence that it was time to act,
but two other events would bend the arc of cyber policy development on
Capitol Hill in 2013: President Obamas February executive order and
ex-National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowdens leaks about
government surveillance.
After the bitter fight over cybersecurity legislation in the previous
Congress, the executive order was like a policy balm that had a soothing
effect from K Street to the halls of Congress. On March 7, 2013, the
Senate Commerce Committee and the chambers Homeland Security and
Governmental Affairs Committee held a rare joint session on cybersecurity in a cavernous hearing room on the ground floor of the Senate Dirksen
Office Building. The choice of venue was fitting, because every folding



chair in the room was filled and reporters sat elbow to elbow at press
tables along one wall.
We hope to avoid another stalemate, said Sen. John Thune of South
Dakota, the new top Republican on the Commerce Committee. Thune
was moving up the ranks of the Republican leadership and his interest in
cyber policy was encouraging to industry lobbyists. He seemed a natural
advocate for an industry-driven approach.
The executive order may open the way to progress, Thune said. If,
he warned, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was up to the
task of implementing it.
Sen. Tom Carper had replaced the now-retired Joe Lieberman as the
new chairman of the Homeland Security Committee. He noted that the
executive order contained carrots rather than sticks, and observed a
changed atmosphere around cybersecurity from just a few months earlier.
Carper said he had no timetable for legislation, and suggested letting
the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) framework
process unfold to build confidence among all the stakeholders. Legislation could come in one comprehensive swoop, he said, or in smaller,
easily digestible pieces. I want to do what works. . . . But I want to get it
done this year.
Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, the new top Republican on the Homeland Security Committee and a strong conservative critic of many Obama
administration initiatives, was effusive about the cyber executive order.
Sen. Carper and I got a presentation on Wednesday about the executive
order. It was very impressive. . . . The president has shown real leadership
with the executive order. We need to come up and support it.
There was one little problem, Coburn said, which Congress needed to
address: immunity for industry from frivolous lawsuits. We need to
get past that one issue, he said.
NIST director Patrick Gallagher told the senators that he expected an
enormous in-surge of participation from industry around the NIST
framework. And as a point person for the Obama administration on the
initiative, Gallagher took on Democrats concerns about the effectiveness
of a voluntary rather than regulatory process. Voluntary sometimes
feels soft, but when developed by a consensus process it can be very
muscular, he told a somewhat skeptical Sen. Mark Warner (D-Virginia).
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told the senators that
the administration and its industry partners were embarked on a grand



experiment in which a national security issue was being left to a voluntary process. I think we can make it work, she said with confidence.
The Commerce and Homeland Security committees would begin developing bills in the coming months that addressed some of the nuts and
bolts of how government addressed cybersecurity and interacted with the
private sector, while avoiding the on-high mandates that wrecked legislative efforts in 2012. These were the manageable pieces Carper was
hinting about, though it took the entirety of the 113th Congress to digest
even these relatively easy bills. House Homeland Security chairman Michael McCaul was eyeing similar moves in the spring of 2013.
It was a studied, reasonable approach and it was relatively uncontroversial.
McCaul and many other lawmakers of both parties believed legislation was also needed to promote information sharing by providing companies with antitrust and other liability protection. That would be quite a
bit more complicated and primarily the responsibility of the House and
Senate intelligence committees.
The House Intelligence Committee quickly put together a new, revised
version of its Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA)
information-sharing bill in early 2013, and got it to the floor. It passed in
April with bipartisan support, 288 to 127, a better showing than a year
earlier. The White House still didnt like it and issued another veto threat.
CISPA was still poisonous when it came to privacy and civil liberties
despite multiple tweaks and additions to shore up protections in those
areas. At the same time, the House would also pass a bill to improve the
defenses of the federal governments own cyber networks as well as a
measure on cybersecurity research.
CISPA amended the 1947 National Security Act to address cybersecurity issues. Like the 2012 bill, it called on the director of national
intelligence to create a process for information sharing between government and industry, and it provided liability protection for participating
The online privacy community liked nothing about it and once more
lumped it into other debates, such as the uproar over the so-called Stop
Online Piracy Act (SOPA), as yet another government overreach on control of the Internet.
Reps. Mike Rogers and Dutch Ruppersberger thought they had incorporated extensive changes to meet privacy concerns. They were increas-



ingly confident the retooled version would satisfy critics in the Senate.
The lawmakers held frequent conference calls with reporters to scroll
through all of the privacy enhancements theyd added to the bill. They
were determined to get control of how this absolutely necessary policy
improving the governments ability to detect and assess cyber attacks
would be portrayed in the media.
And then everything changed around cybersecurity policy.
In May 2013, a disillusioned former contractor named Edward Snowden slipped out of the country to Hong Kong; in June his illegal leaks
about classified, long-running National Security Agency electronic surveillance activities began appearing in the media. He would end up in
Moscow and the leaks would continue dripping out over the next few
For one thing, the leaked documents revealed the NSA had broken
privacy rules or overstepped its legal authority thousands of times each
year since Congress granted the agency broad new powers in 2008, the
Washington Post reported. The news seemed designed to confirm the
worst suspicions of the privacy community and would overshadow any
congressional moves involving the governments acquisition and handling of data from the private sector.
The leaks even nicked the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Director Gallagher was forced to defend NIST against allegations
that the agency weakened cryptographic standards issued in 2006 under
pressure from the National Security Agency. NIST issued a statement
saying it would not deliberately weaken any standard.
Lawmakers like McCaul grasped how Snowden had tilted the debate
over cybersecurity. The RogersRuppersberger bill had already cleared
the House but was going nowhere in the Senate, where Intelligence Committee leaders were cautiously surveying the upended policy landscape.
The leaders of the House and Senate homeland security panels thought
they had a separate, more tightly focused legislative approach that skirted
the damage caused by the Snowden leaks by largely avoiding anything
that smacked of surveillance.
We want to make sure the NSA [controversy] doesnt spill over into
this legislation, McCaul said in late June. The best strategy is oversight
of the executive order and then legislation. Fall is a good time frame for



McCaul gets the issue . . . leadership doesnt want anything on the

floor in July that even touches on the NSA issue, Ralph Hellmann, a tech
lobbyist and former House GOP leadership aide, said in June.
McCaul had his doubts about the administrations approach through
the executive order, but was willing to give it a chance. I dont think the
[NIST] framework will be well-received by the private sector, he said
He didnt know it at the time, but by the end of the 113th Congress in
December 2014, NISTs framework would be a shield that protected and
guided the advance of legislation produced by McCaul, Carper, Coburn,
Rockefeller, and Thune.
The ground is being prepared, Carper said in the summer of 2013.
Were hoping to be ready to harvest by the end of the year.
Other lawmakers were a bit more impatient, especially Rockefeller
who was retiring at the end of the session. He had been a leading advocate of strong, mandatory cyber controls for industry. He had been willing to negotiate in 2012 on possible alternatives with Republicans like
Kay Bailey Hutchison. Now, nearing the end of his congressional career,
he wanted to accomplish something on cybersecurity and he was more
than willing to recalibrate.
In mid-July 2013, around the time of the NIST workshop in San
Diego, Rockefeller and Thune circulated a draft bill that would formalize
portions of Obamas cybersecurity executive order while avoiding hotbutton issues such as mandatory performance standards and expansive
information-sharing and liability protections.
The RockefellerThune bill recognized the NIST role in developing a
voluntary, industry-led set of standards through a collaborative process
with the private sector. It would mandate close and continuous coordination between NIST and owners of critical infrastructure and relevant private sector entities, while emphasizing the protection of individual privacy and civil liberties. The bill included sections on research and workforce training.
What about mandatory requirements on industry?
During a hearing in late July 2013, Rockefeller turned aside the suggestion of Sen. Edward Markey (D-Massachusetts) that the NIST approach was fine, but needed to be supported by the steel girders of regulation. I understand the thrust of [your remarks] and I share some of that,



but thats not our jurisdiction, thats [the] homeland security [committee], Rockefeller said.
NISTs Chief Gallagher, testifying at the hearing, acknowledged the
onus was on the administration to make a collaborative, market-based
approach to cybersecurity work. If we cant make it work, Gallagher
said, Congress will have to consider what to do, because there are national consequences.
In the meantime, legislation like RockefellerThune would help validate the framework strategy.
Rockefeller announced the Commerce Committee would mark up the
cyber bill prior to the 2013 August recess, jumping ahead of the Senate
Homeland Security and Intelligence panels on the cyber issue. Rockefeller made clear that the Commerce Committee would stay in its own lane
on cybersecurity and only address issues clearly under its jurisdiction,
such as the NIST process, research, and job training. He said the Intelligence Committee, on which he also served, would have to address information sharing, while the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
Committee could take up the Department of Homeland Security-related
issues under its jurisdiction.
Around the same time, Senate Intelligence chairman Dianne Feinstein
(D-California) told that her committee was unlikely to release information-sharing legislation before the August break.
She was working closely with ranking member Saxby Chambliss (RGeorgia), she said, but the timing wasnt quite right. Were trying, she
The Commerce Committee approved the RockefellerThune bill by
voice vote on July 30. It was noncontroversial, but it helped solidify
policy aspects that were already advancing under a broad consensus. The
bill did, however, contain a small element that was mostly overlooked by
industry lobbyists: It required the U.S. Comptroller General to assess the
implementation and effectiveness of the NIST framework. The provision
would be largely forgotten by lobbyists until the bill was signed into law
late the following year. At that point, business sources realized this forgotten line in a harmless bill could be the precursor of future regulation.
But in the summer of 2013, optimism was suddenly fashionable
around cyber legislation. Even the White House was expressing optimism
about the much more difficult information-sharing legislation.



We got the ball rolling with passage of S. 1353, Rockefeller said. I

feel good about it, he responded when asked if Senate floor action was
likely in the fall. Thune expressed confidence too, while stressing that the
bill should move in tandem with information-sharing legislation from the
Intelligence Committee.
Thune saw the bills as a package and believed the Commerce Committees popular, NIST-based measure could help advance the more politically complicated information-sharing bill. Along with many industry
lobbyists, Thune believed information sharing was still too much of a
political target to move on its own and needed to be combined with
something the Obama administration and its Democratic allies on Capitol
Hill really wanted. The RockefellerThune bill, plus homeland security
committee bills affirming the Department of Homeland Securitys authority on cybersecurity, could be the ticket.
A month after expressing concern about the Snowden impact, McCaul
concurred that the Senate Commerce Committee action created momentum for cybersecurity legislation and said he was looking to mark up his
own bill on the DHS role in October.
There is a readiness to move forward in the fall with subcommittee
and full committee markups, added House Homeland Security cybersecurity subcommittee Chairman Patrick Meehan (R-Pennsylvania). We
will lobby leadership to bring it up on the floor.
But the fall would come and go without action on cyber legislation.
Other policy issues and the partial government shutdown had intruded, a
common refrain when it came to cybersecurity and Congress.
When House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Virginia) circulated a
memo on the 2013 fall floor agenda, cybersecurity legislation wasnt on
it. McCaul said he was ready to mark up a couple of bills on training the
cyber workforce and research, but held back on more consequential legislation.
Carper, at a hearing on the twelfth anniversary of 9/11, detailed what
he called six not-so-easy pieces that should be included in cybersecurity legislation. Enacting a comprehensive policy will not be easy, but
hopefully we can get it across the finish line this year, he said. Legislation should address ways to better protect critical infrastructure; information sharing; protecting the federal governments computer networks; improving DHSs ability to attract and retain qualified cyber professionals;
research and development; and data-breach disclosure.



Carper didnt have a timetable for action.

In October, McCaul began circulating a draft of his major cyber bill
even as the government stumbled through a partial shutdown. This was
the third draft of his plan and the Texan was gradually narrowing differences with online privacy advocates and with the business community.
The measure would deal with the mechanics and jurisdiction of cyber
information sharing.
At the end of October, McCauls panel waved through the workforce
and research bills, but there was still no sign of the broader measure.
By now, there was a growing consensus that NISTs framework
should be allowed to go into effect early the next year before Congress
attempted any heavy lifts on cybersecurity. That consensus emerged by
default because broad legislative efforts were bogged down and the Senate had yet to offer an alternative to controversial, House-passed information-sharing legislation. House Intelligence chairman Rogers said a Senate breakthrough on information sharing would be the key to passing
cyber legislation. But that wasnt happening.
Rockefeller tried to get his committees bill added to a defense measure as 2013 came to a close, but that gambit was rejected.
McCaul finally introduced his bill in mid-December. The bipartisan
language, cosponsored by committee ranking member Bennie Thompson
(D-Mississippi), wouldnt move until sometime in the new year, but it
was earning praise from industry groups like the Internet Security Alliance and Financial Services Roundtable, and from privacy and civil liberties groups such as the American Civil Liberties Union.
That odd-partners collection of supporters boded very well for the
legislation, providing a dose of optimism as the year wrapped up. The
FeinsteinChambliss information-sharing bill, on the other hand, was still
on ice at the end of 2013.
That condition persisted through much of 2014. McCaul passed his
cyber bill through committee in early February. The measure would codify roles for NIST and for the Department of Homeland Securitys National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center. Secretary
of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson, in his first appearance on Capitol Hill
since his confirmation, voiced support for the McCaul bill.
I have studied H.R. 3696 reported out of this Committee on a bipartisan basis, Secretary Johnson told McCaul and other committee members. We think this bill is a good step forward. We want to continue



working with Congress on this and other legislation to improve the

government and nations overall cybersecurity posture.
The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee
passed a workforce measure in May and bills on the security of federal
networks and codifying DHSs role in June. The House and Senate homeland security panels at the mid-year point of 2014 had passed an assortment of cyber bills that could match up nicely.
And then they would wait.
Already by mid-March 2014, Congresss election-year schedule was
beginning to work against lawmakers interested in moving cybersecurity
legislation. When the House returned from its Saint Patricks Day recess,
it would be in session for just seventeen weeks before breaking in early
October for the elections. The Senate was on roughly the same schedule.
The House-passed information-sharing bill known as CISPA had
gained no traction in the Senate. A senior Obama administration official
told in March 2014 that the administration was
not reconsidering its veto threat against that measure.
On March 27, the National Security Council staff issued a statement
affirming the presidents support for information-sharing legislation that
included targeted liability protection, safeguards privacy and civil liberties, and preserves the respective roles and missions of civil and intelligence agencies.
Many sophisticated companies currently share cybersecurity information under existing laws, the statement read.
However, the Administration has consistently stated that carefully updating laws to facilitate cybersecurity information sharing is one of
several legislative changes essential to protect individuals privacy and
improve the nations cybersecurity. While there is bipartisan consensus on the need for such legislation, it should adhere to the following
priorities: (1) carefully safeguard privacy and civil liberties; (2) preserve the long-standing, respective roles and missions of civilian and
intelligence agencies; and (3) provide for appropriate sharing with
targeted liability protections.

The statement continued: We welcome a further public discussion to

define the scope of liability protection for cybersecurity information sharing that increases the scale of appropriate exchanges, without creating
legal immunity for reckless, negligent, or harmful actions.



Feinstein and Chambliss would finally pass their information-sharing

bill through the Senate Intelligence Committee in July 2014. And then
that measure would wait; in the end, it would wait for quite a bit longer
than the McCaul or Carper bills.
By the fall of 2014, the clock was winding down on the 113th Congress. It was also winding down on House Intelligence chairman Rogerss
congressional career. He tried repeatedly to light a fire under his colleagues. In September, he warned his colleagues that cyber catastrophe
was just around the corner.
We had better get it done in the lame duck or we are going to have a
major catastrophic event within eighteen months that were all going to
look back and go, My God, why couldnt we get our act together?
Rogers warned.
The answer lay in a crowded agenda, the Snowden impact, and the
need to move deliberately through the complexities of cyber policy questions. It lay in a partial government shutdown and an unparalleled, unending political standoff between the legislative and executive branches over
issues like immigration, health care, and government spending. There
were plenty of reasons, but they didnt add up to a valid justification for
the ongoing inaction on an issue as vital as cybersecurity.
Suzanne Spaulding, DHS undersecretary for the National Protection
and Programs Directorate, urged lawmakers to move cyber bills that had
broad support. In a September 2014 appearance on Capitol Hill she called
on Congress to pass the legislation to protect federal networks, clarify
existing operational responsibilities by authorizing the [National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center], and help bolster the
departments cyber workforce.
Spaulding said there had been significant progress in Congress on
cyber issues and that there was strong consensus in those three areas.
While deliberations continue on other areas of cybersecurity, dont wait
on areas where there is consensus, she said.
That didnt seem to include information sharing. Spaulding repeated
the Obama administrations principles for information-sharing legislation: privacy safeguards, ensuring that newly authorized sharing of cyber
threat information entered the government through a civilian agency, and
carefully targeted liability protection.
The administration didnt offer a formal opinion on whether the FeinsteinChambliss information-sharing bill met the mark, although an offi-



cial said over the summer that there were problems with the privacy
elements. Further, Spaulding and other officials consistently emphasized
their desire for action on other bills, while leaving FeinsteinChambliss
off the list. Information sharing is only one element of what is needed,
Spaulding told lawmakers.
The noncontroversial bills on DHS and NIST were passed almost as
an afterthought at the end of 2014. Obama signed them into law without
much flourish. The 113th Congress could boast of year-end accomplishments on cybersecurity, and victories for the chairmen of the homeland
security panels and the Senate Commerce Committee. But the intelligence panels information-sharing legislation was still hung up.
Cybersecurity policy felt decidedly unsettled.


No foreign nation, no hacker, should be able to shut down our networks, steal our trade secrets, or invade the privacy of American families, especially our kids. We are making sure our government integrates intelligence to combat cyber threats, just as we have done to
combat terrorism.
President Obama, January 20, 2015, State of the Union address

In early 2015, the health insurance provider Anthem revealed that its
networks had been hacked. As many as 80 million customers were affected and the company acknowledged that Social Security numbers, employment information, and other highly personal data may have been
stolen. If there was any bright side, it was that Anthem relatively quickly
uncovered the penetration and swiftly reported it to the government and
to its customers.
After hanging back in 2014, supporting only modest cyber legislation
and never quite signing on for the big information-sharing bill, President
Obama pushed his chips into the middle of the table in January 2015. The
Sony Pictures hack was fresh in the minds of lawmakers, White House
officials, and the public. Here was a chance for a legacy-building accomplishment for both the Republican majority in Congress and an increasingly lame-duck president.
Ive got a State of the Union next week, Obama said on January 13
as he sat down at the White House for the first time with the leadership of
the new 114th Congress. One of the things were going to be talking
about is cybersecurity, Obama told reporters.



Turning to House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and the new Senate
majority leader, Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky), Obama said, I think
we agreed that this is an area where we can work hard together, get some
legislation done and make sure that we are much more effective in protecting the American people from these kinds of cyberattacks.
The administration rolled out draft legislation on information sharing,
consumer data-breach notification and tougher penalties for cyber crooks.
The White House was going all-in.
Republicans were gracious as well, but also took a dig at the White
While it took an attack on Hollywood for the President to re-engage
Congress on cybersecurity, I welcome him to the conversation, said
House Homeland Security chairman Michael McCaul. My committee is
currently working on cybersecurity legislation to remove any unnecessary
legal barriers for the private sector to share cyber threat information.
McCaul had been a key ally the previous fall. Another set of allies, the
online privacy and civil liberties communities, was less thrilled with the
latest turn from the administration.
Although the administrations proposal includes some modest privacy improvements . . . it ultimately falls short when it comes to addressing
the significant privacy and civil liberties concerns that come with companies sharing more data with the government, said Robyn Greene, policy
counsel at New Americas Open Technology Institute.
Likewise, the privacy community rendered a split decision on the
data-breach notification proposal. Despite the inclusion of long-sought
enhancements to the Federal Trade Commissions (FTC) authority, some
lamented that it would preempt even tougher pro-consumer laws in places
like California.
Regardless, the president carried his proposals to the podium as he
delivered his January 20 State of the Union address. And tonight, I urge
this Congress to finally pass the legislation we need to better meet the
evolving threat of cyber-attacks, combat identity theft, and protect our
childrens information. If we dont act, well leave our nation and our
economy vulnerable. If we do, we can continue to protect the technologies that have unleashed untold opportunities for people around the



The details still had to be worked out, but industry groups were
pleased that the administration seemed to finally embrace the need for
liability protection.
The fact that the administration included a degree of liability protection shows theyre probably willing to discuss the details, a financial
sector representative said. Hopefully they can work together.
The second bill in the package proposed new criminal penalties to
raise the price for cyber criminals.
A White House fact sheet explained the proposal would criminalize
the overseas sale of stolen U.S. financial information like credit card and
bank account numbers, would expand federal law enforcement authority
to deter the sale of spyware used to stalk or commit ID theft, and would
give courts the authority to shut down botnets engaged in distributed
denial of service attacks and other criminal activity.
It would also modernize outdated laws on racketeering and computer
The Obama administration would follow up with an April 1, 2015,
executive order that empowered the Treasury Department to impose economic sanctions against individuals, companies, and countries engaged in
the cyber-theft of U.S. companies intellectual property (IP). The president proclaimed a national emergency around such massive-scale criminal hacking.
Thats the degree of importance the administration applies to this
economic theft, observed former assistant secretary of defense for homeland security Paul Stockton. These are new tools and this is a big, big
step to protect IP.
Absent this new approach, Stockton said, Its free, theres no cost to
stealing our IP. This begins to alter the equation. He noted approvingly
that under the April executive order, sanctions could be tailored to inflict
pain on foreign companies that were dependent on both international
trade and the global banking system.
The third part of the presidents 2015 legislative proposal would
create a national data-breach notification standard to replace dozens of
state laws. The proposal would require retailers, banks, and other companies to notify customers within thirty days of a breach. Business groups
favored a uniform standard over the current jumble of state laws on the
issue, while some online privacy groups were concerned that the proposal
would undermine the tougher state laws.



The administration wanted to fortify, in law, the Federal Trade Commissions authority to enforce data-breach standards, but this was a nonstarter in the Republican-controlled Congress of 2015. Even setting a
uniform data-breach notification standard faced long odds on Capitol
Hill, because it almost certainly would pit business groups in the retail
and financial sectors against one another.
Calling for data-breach legislation and actually getting Congress to
engage on the issue were two different thingseven if action to help the
millions of hacked consumers seemed to be a no-brainer after the string
of incidents in recent months.
But the administration wasnt leaving it all up to Congress. Just as it
had done two years earlier, the White House issued an executive order in
February 2015 at the cybersecurity summit at Stanford University in Palo
Alto, California. The summitand the executive order on cyber information sharingwere classic Obama White House productions. Industry
leaders were lined up to publicly commit to enhanced cybersecurity efforts, while the new executive order sought to frame the policy discussion
before Congress could get to it. Stanford also committed to holding a
cyber boot camp for congressional staff each summer.
The centerpiece of the executive order was a call for creation of new
information sharing and analysis organizations.
A February 13, 2015, White House fact sheet explained the Executive Order expands information sharing by encouraging the formation of
communities that share information across a region or in response to a
specific emerging cyber threat.
Information Sharing and Analysis Organizations (ISAOs) could be
developed along flexible lines, covering regions, supply chains, the retail
sector or even lawyers, while the Information Sharing and Analysis Centers (ISACs) covered specific industry sectors.
The order stressed the administrations commitment to privacy protections, a mantra repeated in almost every utterance on cybersecurity.
The Executive Order ensures that information sharing enabled by this
new framework will include strong protections for privacy and civil liberties, according to the White House fact sheet. Private sector ISAOs will
agree to abide by a common set of voluntary standards, which will include privacy protections, such as minimization, for ISAO operation and
ISAO member participation.



And, in a nod to Congress, the White House said the executive order
would help in paving the way for future legislation. Here and in its
legislative proposal the administration was spelling out what it would
accept in terms of liability protection for companies that participated in
cyber information sharing.
The industry reaction was generally positive, at least publicly.
The Sony Pictures hack may indicate the need for the ISAO structure, noted an industry source, who observed that ISACs were designed
to protect critical infrastructure like power grids, not movie studios.
In May, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued a solicitation for bids for a private-sector body to develop best practices and
manage standards for the ISAOs, with industry standards-setting organizations, universities, and nonprofit groups among the expected bidders,
along with private-sector entities established with just this opportunity in
mind. The winning bid would receive an $11 million grant to run the
body for five years.
The department held workshops in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and
San Jose, California, to discuss the mechanics and governing structure of
the new entities. Stakeholders reported productive discussions, even
though fewer than seventy participants showed up in San Jose. DHSs
outreach problems seeped into every area where it had to engage deeply
with the private sector.
Our hope is the ISAO structure is a complement to the traditional
ISAC system, commented Joshua Magri of the Financial Services
Roundtable said at the time. To the extent that it stays complementary,
Im very supportive of the ISAOs.
The financial sector, through the leadership of groups such as the
Financial Services Roundtable and Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA), years earlier had developed an informationsharing ISAC that represented the gold standard. It wasnt an overnight
success, it was fifteen years in the making, noted Karl Schimmeck of
But it enjoyed strong buy-in from companies and groups in the financial sector. The smallest firms paid just $250 a year to be members; the
big entities willingly carried the financial load, paying up to $25,000 in
annual dues.
Financial firms, for one thing, had regulators that strongly supported
cyber information sharing. And, the many elements of the financial sector



were pulled onto the same page by the distributed denial of service attacks in 2012 and 2013, allegedly directed from Iran. Thousands of computers were targeted simultaneously, causing systems to overload and
shut down. Online transactions, part of the sectors life blood, were frozen. The increasing frequency with which we have seen that has really
increased our relationship with financial institutions, then DHS Secretary Napolitano said at the time.
Two years later, financial industry officials wanted to ensure their
highly developed system of cyber information sharing wasnt eclipsed in
any way by the presidents new ISAO program. But they were also huge
supporters of bringing more types of entities into the sharing process in
order to create a complete real-time picture of the threat environment.
The business-based Internet Security Alliance (ISA) and Carnegie
Mellon proposed just such a cross-cutting approach to information sharing nearly fifteen years earlier. But the ISACarnegie Mellon proposal
for a cross-sector entity was rejected by the National Council of Information Sharing and Analysis Centers precisely because it wasnt tied to a
specific industry sector, ISA president Larry Clinton said. We were
structured as an alternative to the original ISACs.
The ISAC concept itself went back even further: T-Mobiles Harold
Salters at an event in Washington, DC, recalled that the seeds of the
communications sectors ISAC were actually planted following the 1962
Cuban missile crisis, when President John F. Kennedy asked for a comprehensive examination of the nations emergency communications capabilities.
The Internet Security Alliance was launched in 2000 and shortly
thereafter presented its proposal to the ISAC council. We were turned
down because we didnt represent a specific sector, Clinton said. But
the soda straws that we used in the late 90s are outmoded, so were very
enthusiastic about the ISAO structure, Clinton added. We need to reformat the process of information sharing specifically for these smaller entities. The economics, not the will, is the problem.
Clinton said he was looking for a simple, elegant solution to cyber
information-sharing challenges. Dont load up ISAOs with excessive
rules and requirements, he said as the administrations process got
underway. Dont weigh it down with bells and whistles.
Others, including Robert Dix of Juniper Networks, saw the ISAO
initiative as a distracting sideshow.



I hope in the conversation around ISAOs we can step back and look
at the model, Dix said, noting that the current ISAC system evolved
from a 1998 presidential policy directive. Does the model still work?
Are there gaps and how can we fill them? Can these affinity groups
[ISAOs] help? Thats the conversation Id like to see.
The question, Dix said, is what do we need to do to raise the bar
across the community?
The White House had another answer to this question, but it wasnt
what observers such as Dix had in mind. The administration followed up
the information-sharing executive order with the announcement that it
was forming a Cyber Threat Intelligence Integration Center, to be known
as the CTIIC (pronounced C-Tick among the wonks). The center would
be small, officials said, with a staff that wouldnt exceed fifty people.
And it was intended as an inward-looking entity to help the government
make sense of the intelligence it was receiving.
A Cyber Armageddon destroying the nations infrastructure was
unlikely, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper would tell lawmakers. But an ongoing series of low-to-moderate level cyber attacks
from a variety of sources over time . . . will impose cumulative costs on
U.S. economic competitiveness and national security, he said.
That kind of threat highlighted the need for enhanced integration and
analysis of intelligence, Clapper said, a role the new CTIIC was intended
to play.
The proposal was met with alarm by lawmakers on the House and
Senate homeland security panels. Just months before, they had sent legislation to the president making DHSs National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center the centerpiece of cyber information sharing and analysis. Was the administration downgrading or sidelining
NCCIC so quickly, lawmakers and lobbyists wanted to know?
Outside observers including Dix clearly thought so, and key lawmakers on Capitol Hill wanted answers.
The administration didnt need this conflict with the homeland panels
and quickly realized that officials had inadequately prepped lawmakers
on the CTIIC plans. The timing was especially bad: Due to an ongoing
struggle over Obama administration executive actions on immigration,
DHS was operating on a short-term spending act that expired at the end of
February 2015. Republicans and Democrats on the homeland security



committees were among the departments few unwavering friends on

Capitol Hilland now they felt snubbed by the CTIIC move.
White House cybersecurity coordinator Michael Daniel scrambled to
the Hill to give House Homeland Security members an hour-long private
briefing on the new center. Daniel and others stressed it would be small
and was not meant to interact with the private sector; that was the
NCCICs job, which the administration strongly supported, the officials
The contrition helped soothe tensions, as did a relatively quick conclusion to the latest budget crisis.
Other criticisms began to emerge as industry chewed over the administrations strategic thinking around cyber information sharing. Some in
the industry believed the ISAO proposal, for instance, was addressing a
situation that the marketplace was already taking care of: The retail sector
as well as law firms were organizing their responses without a new
government-driven information-sharing structure.
That takes time and resources away from other efforts, said one
industry source. Weve been talking to DHS about better ways to share,
but a lot of that was ignored. Now we have to spend a lot of time on this
ISAO concept.
The Obama administrations infatuation with the financial sector information sharing and analysis center as a model of efficiency and performance also rankled some. Not everyone or every sector was going to
invest that heavily, or in that exact way. Likewise, other groups had
created different contractual relationships around sharing and werent
thrilled to tear those up and rewrite their rules. There were real-world,
practical issues that had to be considered; the White House, in some eyes,
seemed to be whipping up strategies in a reality vacuum.
For instance, the administration was looking to involve atypical organizations in the information-sharing process by creating the ISAOs.
But if that meant small- and mid-sized businesses, it would require financial and other assistance. Promised DHS money for that purpose hadnt
materialized by the end of 2015 and it was unclear where it would come
from. Smaller entities need a managed services approach or theyre
just not going to get involved, commented John Abeles, president and
founder of System1, a Bethesda, Maryland, consulting firm.
The White House was offering a tool, but who would be able to use it?



On September 3, DHS made a somewhat atypical choice, announcing that the $11 million grant to set and maintain standards for ISAOs
would go to the University of Texas at San Antonio. The university beat
out bids by better-known entities such as a consortium that included the
financial sector ISAC, former DHS official Jane Holl Lutes Center for
Internet Security and SAE International.
The University of Texas at San Antonio will work with existing
information sharing organizations, owners and operators of critical infrastructure, federal agencies, and other public and private sector stakeholders to identify a common set of voluntary standards or guidelines for the
creation and functioning of ISAOs, Andy Ozment said in a blog announcing the decision.
The ISAO standards developed by the University of Texas at San
Antonio will reflect the most effective and innovative ideas from the
public and private sectors, Ozment said. Through a public, open-ended
engagement with business communities, civil society groups, and other
stakeholders, the University of Texas at San Antonio will develop transparent best practices that align with the needs of all industry groups.
I think its a perfect fit that it went to a university rather than a private
entity, said John DiMaria of the BSI Group, also known as the British
Standards Institution. The setting provided a great ecosystem for the
standards-setting body, which could draw from great minds with a tremendous range of expertise.
DiMaria predicted the universitys role would be more a matter of
developing a standard way of doing things rather than creating standards. He added, Im glad to see a university was chosen.
Christopher Blask, chairman of the Industrial Control Systems Information Sharing and Analysis Center, commented: While I am not yet
knowledgeable about the proposal the University of San Antonio provided, I think that the selection of a university is generally a good move. I
am looking forward to talking with them.
Blask noted that his group, which was part of Webster University, also
bid for the grant. We think it was a good one, but knew there would be
strong competition, Blask said. There are very good arguments for an
academic base for such a creature.
Larry Clinton, president of the Internet Security Alliance (ISA), remarked: Obviously I congratulate them heartily and offer any assistance
ISA may be able to provide. I dont know them personally but the first



vice chairman of my board is CSO at USAA which is based in San

Antonio, and he tells me they have a very strong group there and we
certainly wish them well on a challenging but critical endeavor.
As always, a DHS move raised plenty of questions. Many sources in
the cyber information-sharing ecosystem just were not familiar with the
University of Texas at San Antonios programs or expertise. DHS did not
expound on the selection process or the unique attributes of the winning
bidder. It didnt even say who else had bid for the grant.
To be successful, it will be imperative that the standards organization
utilize and incorporate the expertise of the people and organizations who
have been doing information sharing and analysis successfully, commented one industry source. There are many successful organizations,
including [existing information sharing and analysis centers] who have a
tremendous amount of knowledge. The goal of the standards organization
should be to aggregate that knowledge into a suite of effective practices.
Asked what he knew about the university, one well-known source in
the info-sharing community replied, Only that their nickname is the
My biggest question is what type of experience they have with the
subject matter, the source said. Ive been doing this for many years and
dont recall ever coming across them.
But the university wasnt an entire mystery. The school ran an Institute for Cyber Security and a Center for Education and Research in Information and Infrastructure Assurance and Security. The Ponemon Institute
in 2014 said the school had the best academic cybersecurity program in
the nation. Its cyber center and research institution earned coveted certifications from both DHS and the National Security Agency. Gregory
White, director of the research center, was known and highly acclaimed
in the cyber community, with a long list of writing credits to his name.
Christopher J. Castelli of interviewed White
just after the selection, learning that the university had a sophisticated and
well-developed plan for broad outreach to the cybersecurity community
and for drafting the standards. Amid questions from the greater cybersecurity community, Whites remarks suggested DHS officials might want
to consider a more visible public role for the cybersecurity expert. His
comments on the universities bona fides were much more convincing
than anything DHS could roll out.



Still, the choice triggered unease among existing information-sharing

centers; a more-familiar face setting the ISAO rules wouldve tempered
concerns about conflicting approaches. But perhaps a new face, relatively
speaking, would be beneficial in an area where the goal was to bring
plenty of new faces into the information-sharing matrix.
Overall, the administration continued to emphasize the perceived need
to drive the dialogue in directions of its own choosing. Executive orders
framed relations with critical infrastructure operators and compelled certain approaches to information sharing, law enforcement, and other cyber
The legislative process wasnt quite as easy to manipulate, in 2015 just
as from 2009 to 2012. Obama did find sponsors for his cyber legislative
proposals this time around. But on Capitol Hill, lawmakers had their own


Not since the dawn of the nuclear era have we witnessed such a leap in
technology without a clear strategy for managing it. To establish order
and defend Americas interests in the digital domain, we must map out
the rules of the road and clarify responsibilities inside and outside of
government. We are not quite there. In fact, I would argue that we are
in a pre-9/11 moment when it comes to cybersecurity.
House Homeland Security chairman Michael McCaul (R-Texas),
March 17, 2015, speech at the Center
for Strategic and International Studies


legislative proposals on any topic often receive a polite

smile on Capitol Hill, before being plopped onto a bookshelf in some
committee back room. Staffers might flip through the hundreds of pages
over a cup of coffee during a brief pause in writing their own proposals.
Lawmakers were deeply into their own efforts to craft bills, on information sharing in particular, by the time the Obama administration submitted its cybersecurity proposals in early 2015. The key takeaways from
the White House decision to offer bills were that liability protection was
clearly in play and, more broadly, that the president dearly wanted something to sign into law. Unlike the case in previous years, the administration had a clear stake in achieving a positive outcome on informationsharing legislation this time around.
Members of Congress always know when an issue has become a matter of legacy for a president. Cybersecurity was in that category as Obama



entered the final two years of his term, and that gave lawmakers leverage
and an opportunity.
Mike McCaul was a former federal prosecutor and fourth-generation
Texan with a shock of iron-gray hair that was the envy of his colleagues
on Capitol Hill. He had an undergraduate degree from Trinity University
and a law degree from St. Marys University, both in San Antonio, and
went through Harvards senior executive fellows program. McCaul was
understated in manner, practical, and solutions-oriented, with a sly sense
of humor. He fashioned productive relationships with liberal Democrats
on his committee like Bennie Thompson of Mississippi and Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas, while maintaining the respect and support of conservatives in the House Republican Conference.
McCaul had also been working the cybersecurity issue from the law
enforcement and policy angles for over fifteen years by the time the 114th
Congress was seated in 2015. When we decided to do a report on cybersecurity in 2007, I was told you have to talk to Mike McCaul, James
Lewis of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) recalled in the spring of 2015. That conversation would be a springboard
for the report to the forty-fourth president.
McCauls interest went back further and he liked to cite a portentous
date in the evolution of his work on the issue.
In 2001 we had an idea to do an event on terrorism and cybersecurity, McCaul said, sitting onstage with Lewis. The date of that event was
September 12. It got postponed, obviously, but we had a premonition.
Now, McCaul said in early 2015, the issue finally has the attention of
the American public.
It had the attention of McCauls colleagues as well. At the House
Intelligence Committee, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-California) had replaced
the retired Mike Rogers as chairman and Rep. Adam Schiff of California
replaced Dutch Ruppersberger of Maryland as the new top Democrat.
It was a generational and stylistic changing of the guard, and perhaps a
substantive one as well. Nunes was born in 1973 and elected to Congress
in 2002. His family ran a farm and he had bachelors and masters degrees in agriculture from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. Nunes was a son of
the San Joaquin Valleys agricultural elite that still worked the land and
exercised the most significant conservative influence on government in
the Golden State.



He was a strong national-security type with limited patience for criticism of the National Security Administration (NSA), which he saw as a
vanguard in the battle against terrorism. His relationship with Schiff, a
member of Speaker Nancy Pelosis (D-California) circle and a strong
voice on civil liberties, would test the committees typical comityand
unanimityon cybersecurity.
There will be no shortage of issues to come before Congress in this
session, from addressing new threats of terrorism at home and around the
world, to reforming our surveillance capabilities and oversight, as well as
securing and reinforcing our nations cybersecurity, Schiff said in a
Schiff experienced a different part of the California culture than did
Nunes. He was born in 1960 in Massachusetts and moved to Oakland,
California, as a teenager. He graduated from Stanford University with a
political science degree and returned East to earn a law degree at Harvard
University. Schiff was a prosecutor and was elected to Congress in 2000,
representing areas including Burbank and Pasadena. Redistricting in 2010
would put Hollywood in his territory.
And he was seen as more skeptical of NSA surveillance activities than
was outgoing ranking member Ruppersberger, whose twelve-year term
on the committee had expired. It was unclear how Schiff would approach
the information-sharing issue in 2015. In 2013 Schiff voted against the
Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) information-sharing bill by Rogers and Ruppersberger, an ominous sign for industry lobbyists.
In December 2014, Schiff called for a strong response to the breach at
Sony Pictures, a company headquartered in his congressional district.
This attack demanded a broad policy response, Schiff said.
The Sony hack is also a wake-up call to America and the West, who
have been far too complacent in the face of the demonstrated and growing
cyber threat posed by Russia, China, and Iran, as well as North Korea,
Schiff said at the time. Our national security is not only dependent on
physically safeguarding the American people, but also developing the
means to prevent a rogue nation or a terrorist group from launching a
cyberattack that results in hundreds of millions of dollars in damage or
the loss of life.
Nunes needed to get his relationship with Schiff and the committees
plans together quickly, because McCaul was moving on the issue and



threatening to seize the baton on information sharing. The Texan mentioned his work on an information-sharing bill in every forum possible.
Id like to welcome Representative Schiff as the new Ranking Member of the House Intelligence Committee, Nunes said. His appointment
is one that will benefit both the committee and United States national
security. This committee has a strong record of bipartisanship, and based
on my previous cooperation with Rep. Schiff on the committee and on
other issues, I am confident this tradition will continue in the new Congress.
Dianne Feinstein, who was moving from chair to ranking member of
the Senate Intelligence Committee in the new Republican-led Senate, also
offered support.
Im pleased that Adam Schiff was named lead Democrat on the
House Intelligence Committee. He and Congressman Devin Nunes will
represent California and the country well as leaders of that important
committee, Feinstein said. In appointing Congressman Schiff as ranking member, Leader Pelosi chose someone who cares deeply about national security, is steadfast in the need to protect the homeland and is
committed to meaningful intelligence oversight.
Feinstein added: I had a close working relationship with Mike Rogers
and Dutch Ruppersberger, who led the committee last year. I look forward to continuing that bipartisan cooperation with Chairman Nunes and
Ranking Member Schiff on intelligence matters, foreign policy and
This time around, the Senate Intelligence Committee would move
first, passing a revamped version of its earlier information-sharing bill on
March 12, 2015, on a fourteen to one vote in another closed session. Sen.
Ron Wyden (D-Oregon) voted no, then hurried out of the Hart Senate
Office Building and past reporters without comment. Within the hour his
office would release a statement denouncing the measure as a surveillance bill.
The committees leaders didnt seem very concerned about the lone
This has been a long road, this is the third [cyber] bill Ive worked
on, Feinstein told the cameras and a throng of reporters clustered outside
the Senate Intelligence Committees secure hearing room in the Hart
Senate Office Building. A year earlier, the committees closed-door
markup of a cyber bill had been staked out by a couple of reporters; TV



cameras were nowhere in sight back in 2014. Now, the issue was exploding.
Weve learned from the earlier efforts, Feinstein said. Weve bent
over backwards to provide things in this bill that were important, Feinstein said. The only way to get this first step done is in a bipartisan way.
This is a very good start, said the new Intelligence chairman, Sen.
Richard Burr (R-North Carolina), while cautioning, This is the first leg
in a very long race.
The Senate measure earned praise from the White House, which was
exceedingly rare at this stage of the legislative process.
We commend the committee on taking up cybersecurity information
sharing, and look forward to continuing work on this important issue, a
senior administration official said in a statement.
In January, the President submitted an updated cybersecurity legislative proposal that would improve cybersecurity by striking a careful balance between improving information sharing incentives and protecting
privacy and civil liberties, the administration official said. We are committed to working with Congress to craft legislation that reflects that
balance, and can pass both houses. In that spirit, we thank the committee
for working with us to address some of the administrations most significant concerns with the committees bill, and look forward to reviewing
the legislation and amendments considered by the committee.
Of course, the elements that pleased the White House caused unease in
the business community. Industry sources were anxious to scrutinize provisions that seemed to predicate liability protection on companies sharing
cyber threat indicators, or CTI, solely through the Department of Homeland Securitys (DHS) National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC). The information sharing portal is too narrow:
DHS is designated as the sole portal for sharing CTI in an electronic
format, said a source who represented an industry categorized by the
government as critical infrastructure. We think that is too narrow and
would support language that also allows sharing CTI with sector-specific
agencies . . . as well as law enforcement entities to also be covered by
liability protections.
But the White House decision to issue a statement served a strategic
purpose: It sent a message to House lawmakers, as they put the finishing
touches on their bills, on what the administration would accept. It was a
clever attempt to avoid the veto threats and fruitless negotiations that had



marked the White Houses relationship with the House of Representatives

on the issue over the preceding years.
In late March, Schiff appeared on a C-SPAN weekend program and
said privacy concerns had been adequately addressed in the draft House
Intelligence Committee bill. Schiff said there had been convergence
between Democrats and Republicansand the House and Senateon
requiring threat indicator exchanges to go through a civilian portal and to
require efforts to strip out personally identifiable information.
It was a major breakthroughand a major relief to industry groups.
Adding Schiffs name to the bill provided a strong rebuttal to the online
privacy groups arguments.
The House Intelligence bill, circulated on March 24, called on the
president to select an appropriate civilian portal for sharing between the
government and private sector. We wanted any agency that wanted to
provide a portal to be allowed to do so, a committee source said. Some
companies might be more comfortable sharing with their own regulatory
agency. Some might not be comfortable sharing with DHS. The whole
point is to encourage sharing, so we just didnt designate a portal.
But the NunesSchiff bill would not allow direct, electronic, privatesector sharing with the National Security Agency. Privacy groups questioned the value of that restriction since the bill called for real-time sharing from the civilian portal to other federal entities. The instant sharing
requirement makes it irrelevant that it first goes through a civilian entity,
said Gregory Nojeim of the Center for Democracy and Technology. The
bill requires that any cyber threat information shared with the federal
government be immediately shared with NSA. No privacy group will
support that.
Edward Snowden was alive and apparently well in Moscow, and the
specter of his leaks still hovered over the latest cyber developments. The
Center for Democracy and Technology, the American Civil Liberties
Union, and other civil rights and privacy groups were all calling for NSA
reform prior to action on an information-sharing bill. Many giants of the
technology industry joined online privacy advocates in urging action on
NSA reform.
But Schiffwho saw himself as a privacy fanaticand other lawmakers were determined to take a stand on information-sharing legislation before Congress got wrapped up in addressing the upcoming June



expiration of USA Patriot Act provisions that guaranteed a spring-time

debate on the NSA.
I think their concern is overstated, an industry source said of the
privacy groups criticisms. I understand theyre set on pushing for NSA
reform, but the issues shouldnt be conflated. . . . The hackers are the real
threat to privacy, thats a point that shouldnt be overlooked.
On March 26, the House Intelligence Committee unanimously passed
its information-sharing bill in closed session in a dimly lit and secure
room down in the bowels of the Capitol Visitor Center. Nunes and Schiff
told reporters afterward there had been a few tweaks to the language.
They tightened wording to ensure threat indicators shared with the
government are only used for limited purposes, trying to address the civil
liberties communitys worry that information sharing would create a
plethora of information that law enforcement officials could rummage
through at will.
But most importantly, Nunes and Schiff stressed that the bill did not
provide legal immunity for companies to share information directly with
the NSA.
Schiff said the committee had done everything we can to meet the
demands of the privacy community. He pointedly questioned the strategy of linking information sharing to the debate over NSA reform. The
two are unrelated, Schiff said. The information-sharing bill is not a
surveillance bill.
The online privacy groups were unconvinced.
While the committee did a better job trying to include privacy protections, mechanically, its likely to operate just like CISA [Cyber Information Sharing Act] in Senate intelligence (i.e., youd have auto-sharing
without adequate privacy protections with the military, including NSA),
the American Civil Liberties Unions Gabriel Rottman said in an e-mail
response to that couldve been cut and pasted
from comments a year earlier. It also continues to have the broad use
authorizations, including for Espionage Act cases. [The bill] could still be
used to go after national security leakers and reporters.
Rottman said the draft McCaul bill expected to move through the
House Homeland Security Committee in the coming days was more
narrow in certain key places. Its better especially in terms of use authorizations, but there are still a few areas that need to be improved.



McCaul was up next. The Texan unveiled his bill on April 13, including a few changes to satisfy industry and a few to satisfy the White House
and privacy advocates.
The measure included liability protection for sharing with the DHS
NCCIC or other private entities, assumed to be information-sharing
organizations envisioned in Obamas February executive order. The bill
said DHS must have a portalthe NCCICbut it was silent on whether
other agencies could create a portal. That was the compromise we
worked, said an Intelligence Committee source. McCaul could emphasize the DHS portal without precluding the possibility of creating other
pathways to share with the government.
We were in contact with the Homeland Security folks throughout,
the Intelligence Committee source said. It was handled at the chairmanlevel and didnt really require any intervention from leadership.
The McCaul bill allowed companies to monitor their own networks
with liability coverage and to engage in defensive measures. It also provided protection from regulatory or antitrust action, and from disclosure
under the Freedom of Information Act (FIA).
The revised language stressed that uses of shared data were limited to
cybersecurity purposes and couldnt be used for law enforcement or surveillance.
The proposal required private entities to scrub data of personally
identifiable information before sharing with DHS, and required the department to perform a second scrub before distributing the information.
It required reasonable efforts to remove personally identifiable information known as PII, even though many in the business community favored the Senate Intelligence Committees formulation stating that entities must remove data known at the time of sharing to be PII. It was a
slight but significant legal distinction and the kind of thing that kept
congressional staffers hunkered down in conference rooms for days trying to figure out.
McCaul and his cosponsor, cybersecurity subcommittee Chairman
John Ratcliffe, stressed the privacy elements in a press release. This prosecurity, pro-privacy bill is the result of close collaboration with industry
and privacy stakeholders and other committees in the House, according
to the lawmakers.
The measure unanimously passed the House Homeland Security Committee on April 14, after a short but spirited debate over liability language



that had been developed by the Judiciary Committee in a jurisdictional

compromise engineered by the House Republican leadership. McCaul
didnt much like it either. We didnt get everything we wanted but we
did get some, McCaul said. McCaul added, This bill does not go forward without a sign-off from Judiciary. Thats just a fact.
House leaders set up a floor debate for the following week on the two
committee-passed information-sharing bills, with plans to merge them
into one piece of legislation for purposes of conferencing with the Senate.
A Statement of Administration Policy issued by the White House on
April 21 praised the House Intelligence Committee for strengthening the
bill as it tried to address the administrations concerns. There were still
problems, however: The liability protection should be coupled with a
stronger requirement to remove personal information; the bill allowed too
much sharing through numerous federal departments, not just DHS;
and its language on defensive measures raised an assortment of legal
and policy issues.
But most critically, the White House urged the House to pass the
NunesSchiff bill.
On April 22 the House passed the Nunes bill, 307 to 116, after adding
an amendment saying the whole thing would sunset in seven years, at
which time it would have to be renewed by Congress or it would die.
What if we have the balancing act wrong? asked amendment sponsor
Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-South Carolina). A perpetually busy Congress
needed a hard trigger to come back and review legislation, he said, while
calling seven years a long time before the review.
The McCaul bill passed the House the next day on a 355 to 63 vote,
after being amended to include the seven-year sunset. The White House
praised the McCaul bill for focusing on private-sector sharing with DHS
while quibbling over a few other details.
Now, there were three cyber bills for industry to plow through, evaluate, and compare. The two House bills were merged into a single piece of
legislation, but there were still contradictions in the measures that would
have to be resolved. That was left for the final stage of the process, after
the Senate managed to get its version into the mix.
There were plenty of issues to resolve, though there also appeared to
be plenty of time in April 2015. The tech sector, mindful of overseas
perceptions, wanted the most restrictive language on what kind of information could be shared. Debate would continue on which agencies could



touch the data, and when in the process. Industry wanted to make sure it
got the most liability protection possible. Industry groups were urging
senators to take a stand and kill the sunset provision in the House version.
It was all teed up for final discussions and actions. But now, another
wait would begin.
The Senate leadership is absolutely committed to getting CISA done,
but it seems more likely in June, an industry source said on May 1. Iran
nuclear negotiations, the budget, and trade were all ahead of cyber in the
Senates legislative queue.
Lawmakers faced a June 1 deadline to address expiring surveillance
provisions in the USA Patriot Act. Most industry groups active on information-sharing legislation steered clear of the Patriot Act debate, which
was fraught with baggage, as one source put it. But they were intensely
interested in how the NSA debate affected the separate cyber legislation.
Reining in the NSA prior to Senate consideration of CISA would
help with that consideration because CISA would channel so much user
information to the NSA, said Nojeim of the Center for Democracy and
Technology, hinting that privacy groups just might not mount such a
vigorous campaign against information sharing if NSA reform was taken
care of.
The White House, in mid-May, dismissed the idea of a short-term
extension of government surveillance programs. Our strategy on these
important security matters is to not kick the can down the road, White
House spokesman Eric Schultz told reporters. Congress has known of
this impending deadline for months and months. The June 1st expiration
should not be taking anyone by surprise.
Finally, on June 2, 2015, the biggest perceived obstacle to Senate
action on the cyber billdebate over National Security Agency authorities under the USA Patriot Actwas demolished when the USA Freedom Act cleared the Senate, sixty-seven to thirty-two, despite the vigorous opposition of Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) and
the grandstanding floor tactics of Sen. Rand Paul (R-Kentucky).
The Senate, McConnell charged, was undermining U.S. security. Veteran members of the congressional press corps had seldom seen such
passion from the typically owlish majority leader. In this case, the talons
were out. The president couldnt be trusted with the nations security,
McConnell thundered at his colleagues, harkening back to Obamas 2009
Cairo speech as a disavowal of American exceptionalism. If the con-



nection between the Cairo speech and the expiration of Patriot Act provisions was a tad oblique, McConnell would put it more directly: The
proposed reforms would be a victory for the traitorous Edward Snowden.
Senators were unmoved and overwhelmingly rejected four amendments to the legislation proposed by McConnell and Intelligence Chairman Burr. The Senate approved the House-passed USA Freedom Act
on a sixty-seven to thirty-two vote and Obama signed it into law hours
The White House, industry groups, and key members of Congress all
breathed a huge sigh of relief that CISA was finally poised to get its
moment on the Senate floor, perhaps within weeks.
We are really optimistic, Ari Schwartz, cybersecurity director at the
White House National Security Council, said after the USA Freedom Act
had been signed.
There were lingering issues in the cyber legislation, Schwartz said,
and the White House was well-aware of the ongoing concerns from the
online privacy community. Wyden was busy denouncing CISA as a surveillance bill masquerading as cybersecurity. Schwartz himself was a
former leader of the Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT),
which was not assuaged by passage of the NSA reform.
Were not supporters of CISA, CDTs Nojeim said immediately
after Freedom Act passage, dropping his earlier suggestion that NSA
reform could smooth the way for CISA. Significant amendments would
be required in order to gain our support. They arent likely to be
But great discussions were already underway with lawmakers and
congressional staff, Schwartz said, expressing strong confidence that the
moment was fast approaching for this piece of cyber legislation.
Excitement was rippling through the lobbying community. If we
dont get it done by October, I will be surprised, commented Larry
Clinton, president of the Internet Security Alliance (ISA).
It looks like information sharing will be moving up, a financial
industry source said with enthusiasm. If Congress can pass that, itll
really be a feather in the cap.
This source said the outstanding issues with the House and Senate
versions of the information-sharing bills were merely matters of wording,
not of substance.



And, this source added, The fact that the USA Freedom Act debate
wasnt too bruising will help.
The debate was bruising for some, most notably Mitch McConnell,
but it didnt leave legislative scars that would haunt action on cybersecurity. McConnell had already pegged cybersecurity as the type of bipartisan
issue he wanted to bring to the floor as he sought to demonstrate that
Republicansand he himselfcould actually govern after the legislative
stalemate of recent years.
The pathway for cyber information-sharing legislation was unfolding
nicely in the eyes of supporters. But cybersecurity policy didnt develop
in a news vacuum, and Edward Snowdens impact on the debate would be
felt again within days of final approval of the USA Freedom Act.
On Thursday, June 4, 2015, the New York Times published the latest
installment in a series of articles emanating from Snowdens leaks to the
newspaper and ProPublica. Without public notice or debate, the Obama
administration has expanded the National Security Agencys warrantless
surveillance of Americans international Internet traffic to search for evidence of malicious computer hacking, according to classified N.S.A. documents, read the lead to the Timess story.
Lawmakers, lobbyists, and civil liberties groups quickly grasped the
policy implications for cyber legislation.
Those who have said that the cybersecurity bills are not about surveillance have been proven wrong. The new revelations show that the
NSA sees surveillance as the flipside of cybersecurity, CDTs Nojeim
said in a June 5 statement. Being the victim of a cyber attack should not
be a reason for the NSA to collect your communications and mine them
for intelligence purposes.
The CDT in a posting sought to explain the connection between the
NSA program and cyber issues:
The leaked documents show that the NSA is using Section 702 of the
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) in a far broader manner
than previously understood. Section 702 is supposed to be used to
monitor foreign targets. However, by using Section 702 to collect information directly from main internet cables in the United States, the
NSA is sweeping up communications of Americans, including those
who have been victimized by cyber attacks.



Nojeim said the revelation should slam the door on the pending cyber
bill. The backdoor search loophole in Section 702 of FISA is a far bigger
problem than we thought, he said. Unlike the bulk collection of phone
records under Section 215, collection under Section 702 gets the actual
content of communications. The scope of this incidental collection of
Americans communications in the name of cybersecurity is just not acceptable, Nojeim said.
The cyber information-sharing legislation passed by the House and
pending in the Senate would shuttle mountains of additional data to the
NSA, albeit after a two-step process of scrubbing intended to protect
privacy and eliminate personally identifiable information that was unrelated to a cyber threat.
The sponsors of the Senate cyber bill vehemently rejected the connection being drawn by Wyden, Nojeim, and others.
Recent media reports have shed light on NSA efforts to identify,
track and thwart cyber attacks originating in foreign countries, Feinstein
said in a statement. These programs are not intended to go after
Americans or small-scale cyber theft. They are targeted at foreign
governments, terrorist groups and overseas criminal syndicates that commit sweeping attacks on U.S. networks, stealing data from millions of
Americans and costing our economy trillions of dollars.
Amid this threat, Feinstein said, passage of the CISA bill was critical.
Industry sourcespositively ebullient about CISAs chances just two
days earlierwere suddenly nervous. Hopes for a June Senate floor vote
were imperiled. They knew McConnell would be loath to schedule a
debate that could replay all the unpleasantness of the recent Patriot Act
Cybersecurity policy development was frequently a frustrating, onestep forward, one-step back process. By the spring of 2015, Snowdens
leaks had been knocking policy efforts backby a step or moreat
regular intervals. But there were also regular reminders of the severity of
the cybersecurity threat, which served to propel the policy efforts forward.
On the same day as the latest Snowden-based New York Times report,
the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) announced that it had discovered the breach of its networks, exposing private data of at least four
million current and former federal employees. To some industry sources,
the breach highlighted a disconnect between the Obama administrations



demands on the private sector on issues such as data-breach notification

and cybersecurity in general. People who live in glass houses should not
throw stones, a tech industry source jibed.
The White House bristled at the suggestion, responding quickly to a
reporters inquiry with a huffy assertion that the administration was following the mandates of its own proposals on breach notification.
Id caution you that discovering an intrusion and verifying that [personally identifiable information] may have been compromised are two
different things, an Obama administration official told OPM discovered the incident in April, but only became
aware of potentially compromised data in May. Notification will be completed within the thirty-day period consistent with our legislative proposal.
The White House also used the occasion to prod Congress to get
moving on information-sharing and data-breach notification legislation,
shrugging off any suggestion of glass houses.
Industry sources suggested, hopefully, the OPM breach could offset
the political damage inflicted by the latest Snowden leak. But lawmakers
like Sens. Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont) and Wyden were having none of
I want to look more at what happened at OPM, but I worry that its
always, Pass this law immediately, because otherwise werefill in the
blank, Leahy said during an interview for C-SPANs Newsmakers program, as reported by National Journal.
Youd almost think ISIS was marching up Pennsylvania Avenue during this last debate, if we didnt pass it immediately, Leahy said of the
recent Patriot Act debate. Now, Leahy said, he wanted the Judiciary
Committee to get a chance to review CISA before it reached the floor.
Take a breather, Leahy said. There are always going to be attacks.
There is always going to be hacking.
Wyden said the OPM hack was a bad excuse to try and pass a bad
Mitch McConnell rolled the dice again. As the Senate labored through
an increasingly partisan dispute over a Department of Defense policy bill,
McConnell emerged from Republican senators weekly luncheon on June
9 to announce that the cyber information-sharing bill would be added as
an amendment to the defense bill in the coming days.



[O]ur view is that this is a debate that needs to go on for a while,

McConnell told reporters gathered outside the Senate chamber. The national defense of the country is extremely important given the cyber
attacks that occurred earlier in the week. Its the intention of Chairman
Burr of the Intelligence Committee to offer cybersecurity to this bill, a
bill that came out of Intelligence 141. So well be doing both NDAA,
National Defense Authorization Act, and cybersecurity in the course of
this debate.
McConnell said he was inspired to act by the recent OPM hack. It
might not deal with every aspect of what happened a few days ago,
McConnell said, but Congress is going to act on cybersecurity on this
bill in the very near future.
Feinstein, Burrs partner on the bill, had no immediate comment on
the maneuver. Neither did the White House, except to point a reporter
toward a veto threat hanging over the defense bill due to other issues.
But senators who were leery of the cyber bill were now apoplectic.
I am deeply concerned that the Republican Leader now wants the
Senate to pass this information sharing bill without any opportunity for
the kind of public debate it needs, Leahy said in a statement. This is not
the transparent and meaningful committee process the Republican Leader
promised just months ago.
Leahy added:
I agree that we must do more to protect our cybersecurity, but this
information sharing bill should not be considered as a last-minute
amendment to yet another bill that was negotiated and considered behind closed doors. . . . The American people deserve an open debate
about legislation that would dramatically expand the amount of information about them that companies can share with agencies throughout
the federal government.

The online privacy community erupted as well.

Thats a huge problem, both for privacy and transparency, said Rottman of the American Civil Liberties Union. CISA would create huge
exceptions to basic due process protections and would allow even more
personal information to flow to intelligence agencies. There needs to be a
Nojeim of the Center for Democracy and Technology added: It
would be more than unfortunate if Senate consideration of necessary



privacy amendments to the cybersecurity bill were thwarted by a truncated debate of the bill because it was tacked on to the Defense Authorization Act.
This was either a bold or a reckless parliamentary move by McConnell, his second in recent weeks. The Kentuckian, after eight frustrating
years as minority leader, had vowed as majority leader to make the Senate
a busy, productive place with lots of votes. He said he wasnt afraid of
occasionally losing a vote, a novel and quasi-courageous position for a
Senate leader. The catch here, though, was that the cybersecurity bill
wasnt facing any procedural roadblocks and didnt need to be protected
by the armor of a procedural maneuver that would restrict senators ability to offer amendments. What it needed was time on the floor to allow
serious policy issues to be debated.
Most industry lobbyists held back comment immediately after
McConnells announcement, quite aware that McConnells gambit on
NSA reform had blown up in the leaders face a week earlier. They
wanted to do everything in their power to push the cyber bill along, but
they were terrified that their long-sought legislation would get caught up
in the intense animosity between McConnell and Minority Leader Harry
A framed photo of an old miners shack hung on the wall in Reids
Capitol office. The Democratic leader would jab a finger at the photo of
his childhood home in Searchlight, Nevada, and tell visitors: Thats
where Im from. He loved a scrap, and in particular he loved a scrap
with his dear friend from Kentucky.
Now, Reid charged, McConnell was merely trying to check off the
box on cybersecurity and didnt care about trying to reach a legislative
agreement. But in a timeless legislative tradition, the majority leader
appeared to be simply adding elements that would increase votes for the
troubled defense bill. McConnell, like Reid, was a student of parliamentary procedure and had an equal taste for political combat. The risk in the
current maneuver was that McConnell wouldnt succeed in adding
enough votes to advance the Pentagon measure, while at the same time
poisoning the waters around the bipartisan cybersecurity bill.
Feinstein came to the floor the next day, June 10, to urge Republicans
to reconsider the gambit. This was a serious, perhaps fatal defection. The
Senate Select Intelligence Committee produced a bill in the last Congress
but it didnt receive a vote, Feinstein said. Chairman Burr and I have



been determined not only to get a vote, but to get a bill signed into law.
And it should be evident to everybody that the only way well get this
done is if its bipartisan.
Feinstein said she had a pledge from Harry Reid not to block a vote on
the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act as a stand-alone measure. So
the bill is ready for floor consideration, she said. Now a number of my
colleagues would like to propose amendments, as is their right. And I
expect I would support some of them and would oppose some of them.
But the Senate should have an opportunity to fully consider the bill, to
receive the input of other committees with jurisdiction in this area.
If the Senate leader pushed ahead with the cyber bill as an amendment
to the defense package, Were in real trouble, Feinstein warned.
Armed Services Chairman John McCain took to the Senate floor to
assert that the cybersecurity bill belonged in the defense measureand
required immediate action amid growing cyber threats to the nation.
Pointing to the fourteen to one Intelligence Committee vote for CISA in
March, McCain called the bill a crucial piece of an overall cyber deterrence strategy. McCain noted defense-related provisions in CISA to argue
that the measure was germane to the defense bill.
But Feinstein warned that adding CISA to the defense bill would
prevent senators from debating and amending the cybersecurity measureand undermine painstaking efforts to build bipartisan support. Feinstein added, Now, unless we do this, we wont have a bipartisan vote, I
believe, because like it or not, no matter how simpleand Ive been
through two bills nowthis is not an easy bill to draft because there are
conflicts on both sides.
Wyden, the one vote against CISA in committee, offered a detailed
policy critique of the cyber legislationwhile sharply criticizing the Republicans procedural move in bringing it up as part of the defense debate.
A controversial bill like CISA should be subject to open-ended debate . . . not stapled onto other legislation, Wyden said. Think about
whether this is an appropriate process, Wyden urged.
He called the substance of the bill a placebo and a Band-Aid on a
gaping wound. Wyden cited significant shortcomings on privacy and
civil liberties protection. He said that could be addressed with a language
change specifying that any personally identifiable information shared
with the government must directly describe a cyber threat.



The current language said companies must scrub data known at the
time of sharing to be personally identifiable information. Industry
groups supported this formulation. However, Wyden asserted that would
discourage companies from scrutinizing data before sharing.
Supporters of the legislation were in real trouble. McConnell used a
parliamentary maneuver to tee up the cyber bill as an amendment, promising to allow votes on further changes. But the move only served to
solidify Democrats against the action. And all of the animosity between
Reid and McConnell was on display.
On the morning of June 11, McConnell opened the Senate by saying
the Senate would soon consider the fully vetted cybersecurity measure. He noted the fourteen to one vote in committee, said the measure had
advanced in a transparent way and was posted online for all to read.
We shouldnt wait for the administration to fumble away another four
million Social Security numbers before action, McConnell jabbed, referencing the OPM hack.
This cyber bill was smart, transparent, bipartisan, fully vetted,
McConnell said. It would be open to amendment. But it was urgent the
Senate move it along and get it into conference with the House.
Harry Reids response just seconds later on the Senate floor?
Talk about cynicism and hypocrisy, Reid shot back. He comes to
the floor today and blames Barack Obama for the hacking the Chinese
did. We tried for five years to get a cybersecurity bill, the Republicans
blocked us.
This was not going well for supporters of the cyber bill as Reid blasted
McConnells stewardship of the Senate and even raised the GOPs fundraising connections to the conservative Koch brothers. The leaders were
throwing haymakers at one another.
There were two entwined problems from Democrats perspective.
First, the defense bill was part of a deeper budget policy dispute with
Democrats and the White House on one side and Republicans on the
other. Adding the cyber bill here wouldnt change that underlying dispute, or persuade Democrats to let the defense bill pass without changes.
Second, CISA supporters like Feinstein were well aware of the political sensitivities around their bill and thought they needed plenty of sunshine on the Senate floor to address concerns that they were moving yet
another surveillance bill, as Wyden charged. A quick debate over CISA
as an add-on to the defense bill, with only one amendment allowed to the



long and complex cyber measure, just wouldnt accomplish the goal of
demystifying and building support for desperately needed cyber information sharing.
McCain inherited this CISA problem from his leadership; he was usually perfectly happy to extend his jurisdictional reach into cybersecurity,
but this was holding up his top priority: moving the defense bill. The
signs were becoming obvious that McConnells ploy was destined to fail.
McCain, McConnell, and Reid spent the morning of June 11 in negotiation, often huddled in a mass with a changing cast of other interested
senators at the front of the Senate. While McCain continued to assert the
propriety of adding the cyber bill to the defense bill, he was looking for a
way out.
When Sen. Tom Carper issued a statement denouncing McConnells
maneuver, the GOP leadership could basically turn out the lights. Carper
was a leading voice on cyber policy and a supporter of CISA, who still
wanted to see some tweaks to the bill.
While I appreciate Majority Leader McConnells willingness to
move forward with cyber information sharing legislation, tucking it into
the National Defense Authorization Act with almost no debate is not the
right approach, Carper said. I believe that proceeding in this way would
hurt this critical bills chances to get signed into law in a timely manner. I
strongly encourage Senator McConnell to consider this bill under regular
order so that we can have the full and open debate on this issue my
colleagues and the American people have been expecting all year.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce released two letters to senators in
two days urging passage of the CISA amendment. Privately a well-connected business source expressed bewilderment at McConnells tactic. I
dont think they get sixty votes, the official said. I dont get it.
By mid-afternoon on June 11, McCain was ready to wrap this up and
move on. He came to the floor and proposed moving up the cloture vote
to that afternoon. There was no reason to wait until after midnight or until
the next morning when the outcome was becoming clear.
Reid had a counteroffer: Withdraw the amendment and bring the cyber bill to the floor, under regular order, immediately after the Senate
completed work on the defense bill.
We have acted in a responsible way . . . when out of the blue came
this cybersecurity amendment, Reid said. The cybersecurity bill is a
major bill in its own right, a major bill.



The past is never dead. Its not even past, Faulkner wrote. He
mightve been writing about the U.S. Senate.
We tried for five years to get a cybersecurity bill, Reid said, revealing as much anger and exasperation as he ever had on the Senate floor. Of
course, Reid never showed any interest in bringing up a bipartisan cyber
information-sharing bill in 2014 after McConnell helped thwart movement on a broader, bipartisan cyber bill in 2012.
The issue had history in the Senate and, substance aside, the history
wasnt encouraging.
McConnell thanked his good friend for the offer and made his own
proposal: The Senate would finish the defense authorization bill, proceed
to a defense spending bill, and then move to cybersecurity.
Putting it after defense appropriations is a false promise, a facade,
Reid shot back. Were not going to get to defense appropriations. The
Pentagon spending bill had even more political problems than the authorization bill now on the floor. Democrats already had announced they
would use their parliamentary tools to block the defense spending bill if
McConnell brought it up next.
We set the schedule, McConnell pointedly reminded his colleagues.
The appropriations bill would be on the floor next, and cybersecurity
would be left hanging unless Democrats agreed to support moving it as
part of the defense debate.
Finally, the leaders agreed to hold the vote immediately on whether to
consider the cyber bill as an amendment to the defense measure. The
result was preordained: The motion received fifty-six votes, four short of
the sixty-vote super majority needed to advance the proposal.
The Senate returned to its defense debate and cybersecurity was back
on ice.
An industry source said in an e-mail: Wacky. Unnecessary. Things
could slip to September. That wouldnt be good.
But there were some positive signs from the procedural fiasco.
For one thing, Reid said the cyber bill would only need two or three
days of debate as a stand-alone measure. Wyden, the chief Democratic
opponent of the bill as reported by the Intelligence Committee, agreed
there would be no obstacles to passing the bill if a full debate were
allowed. Reid said Feinstein could work out problems over the bill with
Democratic members of the Judiciary and Homeland Security and
Governmental Affairs committees.



The procedural thickets of the Senate could be navigated. Amassing

the necessary vote total to pass an information-sharing bill could be accomplished too.
Analyzing the vote tally, at least five, and perhaps many more, of the
thirty-seven Democrats that voted against proceeding to CISA as an
amendment to the defense bill seemed certain to vote in favor of the
legislation under regular order. That list would include Feinstein, three
other senators who voted for the bill in committee but opposed the floor
move, and Carper. Seven Democrats crossed lines to vote in favor of the
cloture motion, so they almost certainly would support the bill if and
when it came up again. Some of the Democrats who voted no wanted
changes to the exemption from Freedom of Information Act disclosure,
an issue that could be addressed in the amendment process.
Among the three Republicans who voted against proceeding, Sens.
Mike Lee of Utah and Dean Heller of Nevada raised substantive concerns
related to use of data in noncyber criminal investigations. Both staked out
anti-surveillance positions during the NSA debate. Now, industry lobbyists were confident their concerns with CISA could be addressed through
the amendment process. That would be important, not only in moving the
bill but in the broader policy context of separating cybersecurity information sharing from the issue of government online spying.
Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky was the third GOP no vote, but he was
a different story.
Many agree with the underlying purpose of the bill but want it to go
through the full amendment process, said one lobbyist.
When that would happen was anyones guess. A few days after the
Senate voted to block CISA as an amendment, Sen. McConnell walked
away from a reporter without comment when asked about prospects in
July for the cyber bill. Pursued down a Capitol hallway, McConnell barely broke stride to say, finally, the cyber bill is important, its a priority,
we will continue to look for a way forward. He wouldnt comment on
timing and quickly spun away into his office near the Senate floor.
The Senate was going to consider defense bills, an education bill, and
a highway bill, and cyber wasnt on the table, for now. Memories in the
Senate are long and parliamentary maneuvers are not soon forgotten.
Days earlier, cybersecurity had been a matter of paramount urgency,
necessitating extraordinary procedural moves to get it passed. Now it was
just another item on a to-do list, tucked away somewhere.



I hope Sen. McConnell would put it on the floor quickly, Sen.

Charles Schumer (D-New York) told reporters a few minutes after the
fleeting encounter with McConnell. Democrats would accept time limits
around the cyber bill and move it quickly across the floor, he reiterated.
From the other chamber, House Homeland Security Chairman
McCaul said he was urging Senate leaders to get on with it. He expected
Senate action in July and urged senators not to waste time passing something President Obama would veto.
The president would sign our bill into law, McCaul said of the
House Homeland Security-crafted bill.
Industry advocates quickly moved to regroup, while online privacy
and civil liberties organizations sharpened their lines of attack against the
CISA proposal. Despite Wydens cooperative tone on the Senate floor,
groups like the Center for Democracy and Technology were still gearing
up for a major campaign to obstruct the progress of CISA.
But that was how policy was made in the U.S. Senate.


I know many in our privacy and technology communities are highly

skeptical that any reform can be accomplished without unacceptably
undermining both the privacy interests of our citizens as well as the
international competitiveness of our technology companies. These are,
no doubt, fundamentally important considerations. But as a start, we
need to have an open and honest conversation that examines the costs
and benefits both of potential reforms, as well as continuing down the
path we are headed. And we need to do so with humility and respect
for those who come to the issue from different perspectives.
Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), who called a July 8, 2015, Judiciary Committee hearing on the policy issues raised by strong encryption
Some have suggested that technology companies should build special
law enforcement access into their systems. But we also have to consider the risks of this approach. Strong encryption has revolutionized the
online marketplace and protects American businesses and consumers
from cybercrime, espionage, identity theft, stalking, and other threats
on the Internet. Undermining strong encryption could make our data
more vulnerable.
Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont), July 8, 2015

Other cyber policy issues, such as Chinese hacking, were very much on
Congresss radar, but as always it was unclear how effectively the legislative branch could engage. One question lawmakers seemed interested in
probingas productively as everwas whether rapidly evolving tech189



nology was an answer or part of the problem. Tech wouldnt be the

answer in and of itself. And tech was posing questions for the political
system that seemed intractable.
Strong encryption, the development of a new technology that promised to keep communications private and secure from end to end, was a
case in point.
As these technologies quickly evolved, IT companies and privacy advocates expressed alarm that the government was seeking to mandate
built-in vulnerabilities allowing investigators to get at communications
protected by strong encryption. The first cyber bill introduced in the
Senate in 2015, S. 135 by Sen. Ron Wyden, was intended to prohibit
Federal agencies from mandating the deployment of vulnerabilities in
data security technologies. That was an effort to prohibit the government
from planting bugs in commercial devices. It served notice that Congress
was watching, but the legislation wouldnt move.
Online privacy advocates framed the data encryption debate as law
enforcement versus cybersecurity.
Federal law enforcement leaders wanted access to information locked
up by increasingly sophisticated encryption technology. FBI Director
James Comey posted a blog on July 6, 2015, in which he argued that
universal strong encryption will be good for society, but must be balanced by consideration of security concerns.
To protect the public, the government sometimes needs to be able to
see an individuals stuff, but only under appropriate circumstances and
with appropriate oversight, Comey wrote. He called for an informed
debate in which the potential costs of encryptionsuch as a diminished
ability to track terroristswere understood.
Comeys posting provoked a strong reaction from the tech sector and
privacy advocates.
It was interesting to read Comeys op-ed in Lawfare, especially that
the sides continue to talk past one another, commented a tech sector
source. We continue to say front doors, backdoors, trap doors are technically infeasible and would be exploited by bad actors and cybercriminals,
[but] he continues to push for it. I joke they want a DC solution, like there
is a compromise to be found on the laws of gravity.
The online privacy community pushed back as well, arguing that such
backdoors would fundamentally undermine cybersecurity. These
groups repeatedly challenged the FBI and Department of Justice (DOJ) to



spell out exactly what they wanted in terms of ability to access encrypted
The FBI wants to set up the issue as pitting crime fighting versus
privacy, Nojeim of the Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT)
said. Really its security versus security. Will privacy security be compromised by the FBIs law enforcement interests, he asked. Whats
interesting is what the FBI isnt saying, Nojeim said. What are they
Nojeim said mandatory, built-in backdoors in technology for law enforcement use was a nonstarter. He said any backdoor for the FBI would
be accessible to the National Security Agency as wellseverely damaging U.S. technology brands in overseas markets. Any U.S. product operating under this regime will be seen as inherently suspect, he predicted.
The Information Technology Industry Council agreed and in June
2015 sent a letter to President Obama opposing any efforts to undermine
Further, Nojeim said any kind of access protocol for law enforcement
eventually would be cracked by cyber bad actors. Would this be the next
Stuxnet, a weapon or tool developed for the United States that escaped
into the cyber wild with all kinds of dangerous ramifications?
Are you going to undermine all of cybersecurity to achieve law enforcement goals? asked Joseph Hall, CDTs chief technologist. He said
it was time for the FBI to put up or shut up on what exactly it wanted.
No solution has been put forward and we dont think there is one that
doesnt create bigger problems, Nojeim said.
If you have a backdoor, someone will find it, warned Internet pioneer Vint Cerf.
At a pair of hearings on July 8, 2015, Department of Justice and FBI
officials tried to get off the defensive and recast the debate. They sought
to assure lawmakers they were not seeking backdoors into U.S. technological products to investigate criminal or terrorist activities, but rather
wanted to ensure that service providers themselves could respond to court
orders by accessing customers encrypted communications.
Comey and Deputy Attorney General Sally Quillian Yates testified
before the Senate Judiciary Committee on the law enforcement challenges raised by rapidly evolving encryption technologies that allowed
users to go dark in cyberspace. They also provided an informal closeddoor briefing for committee members before the hearing.



Yates said the Obama administration was not seeking a legislative

response, saying there was no one-size-fits-all solution. Instead, she
said, DOJ and the FBI were trying to engage on a company-to-company
basis on individual approaches. Currently, she said, strong encryption
technology was creating safe zones that put online criminal and terrorist activity beyond the reach of lawful warrants.
Our goal is not to mandate a legislative solution but to have each
provider look at possible answers that fit their circumstances, she said.
The government wasnt asking for the keys, she added, and didnt want
special access. She said companies often keep this data for their own
business purposes and asked that law enforcement and national security
also be considerations when it comes to retaining data.
Comey said there was an urgent need to have this conversation
about how the nation should respond to the emergence of strong end-toend encryption. He described encryption as a great thing for the nation
and the economy, but called for an honest dialogue involving Silicon
Valley and others to address law enforcements concerns.
Judiciary Chairman Grassley said it was critical to start an open and
honest conversation on this issue that respects different points of view.
Today I hope the Senate takes a first step at seeing if any consensus is
possible on this important and complicated issue, Grassley said.
Judiciary ranking member Leahy echoed the thought, but expressed
deep concern about pressuring tech companies to provide backdoors. He
called for more hearingsand for hearing from technology industry witnesses.
Tech groups were not invited to testify but weighed in nonetheless.
We appreciate law enforcement has legitimate needs for information
during criminal investigations and the technology industry works with
local, state, and federal law enforcement to comply with lawful requests
for information during such investigations, Information Technology Industry Council president and CEO Dean Garfield said in a statement. He
We reiterate our commitment to a dialogue with the administration and
law enforcement regarding their concerns, but we also encourage policy makers to consider that weak encryption is essentially no encryption, leaving all consumers vulnerable to breaches of privacy and cybercrime. We therefore caution the administration against pursuing



policies that encourage or require companies to weaken encryption

technologies, including requiring so-called back-doors.

Hinting at both the practical and political complexity of the issue, Sen.
Al Franken (D-Minnesota) noted that there was little data on what if any
negative impact encryption was having on criminal investigations. On the
other side of the issue, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-Rhode Island)
warned there would be a price to pay in innocent victims if law enforcement was stymied by strong encryption.
After the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, the panels top Democrat cast doubt on the likelihood of a legislative response on the issue.
The Bush administration and the Obama administration have wrestled
with the same issues, Leahy told Inside They want
to keep us safe, but run up against policy obstacles ranging from privacy
concerns to impacts on the competitiveness of U.S. technology products.
I have sympathy for law enforcement because this is a tough problem, Leahy said. But people can go to other countries to buy products
if U.S. tech devices contain backdoors allowing law enforcement to
access data that may be screened by advanced encryption.
Leahy said the past two administrations had been unable to craft a
legislative responseand, he noted, the Justice Department witness said
the Obama administration wasnt seeking legislation at this time.
Leahy noted another obstacle to any effort to mandate any kind of
access to encrypted communications: What about the technology? he
asked. In six months its completely new.
A congressional source expressed doubt that the Judiciary Committee
would seek a legislative response and pointed to Grassleys comments
that he was most interested in starting a dialogue at this stage.
Rep. Adam Schiff of California, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, agreed that legislation was improbable. But he said
an answer needed to be found, even if the solution was to consciously
continue the status quo.
Last week, I went to Silicon Valley, where I held a series of very
productive sessions with a number of leading tech companies, Schiff
said at a September 10 hearing with Comey on a panel of witnesses from
the intelligence community. Ill continue to have these conversations,
and I encourage others to sit down with them as well. We in DC just cant



tell tech to figure it out. We have to work with them and others to find the
best mix of incentives, standards, and technological solutions.
Schiff put the question of next moves to Comey.
First of all, Comey said, I very much appreciate the feedback from
the companies. Weve been trying to engage in dialogue with companies,
because this is not a problem thats going to be solved by the government
alone; its going to require industry, academia, associations of all kinds,
and the government.
I hope we can start from a place we all agree theres a problem and that
we share the same values around that problem. When I hear people
talk about the crypto wars, it throws me, because wars are fought
between people with different values. I think we all share the same
values here. We all care about safety and security on the Internet,
right? Im a big fan of strong encryption. We all care about public

Comey agreed that this was a very difficult policy issue to resolve but
I dont think weve really tried. I also dont think theres an it to the
solution. I would imagine there might be many, many solutions depending upon whether youre an enormous company in this business,
or a tiny company in that business. I just think we havent given it the
shot it deserves, which is why I welcome the dialogue. And were
having some very healthy discussions.

A tech industry source, contacted after the hearing, laughed at

Comeys description of a robust dialogue. Im hoping a member of the
panel was lucky enough to press him on what he meant by that, the
source said.
After the hearing, Schiff told reporters: I was impressed by the companies positionits hard to refute. But what was unusual, more than
one of the companies said government should provide its answer in order
to advance the discussion. The tech sector, Schiff said, is unlikely to
advance a policy position other than its opposition to any mandated
President Obama seemed to agree on the need for resolution during a
September appearance before the Business Roundtablethough he acknowledged how elusive an answer was proving to be.



One of the big issues . . . that were focused on, is this encryption
issue, Obama said. And there is a legitimate tension around this issue.
Obama explained:
On the one hand, the stronger the encryption, the better we can potentially protect our data. And so theres an argument that says we want to
turbocharge our encryption so that nobody can crack it. On the other
hand, if you have encryption that doesnt have any way to get in there,
we are now empowering ISIL, child pornographers, others to essentially be able to operate within a black box in ways that weve never
experienced before during the telecommunications age. And Im not
talking, by the way, about some of the controversies around [National
Security Agency surveillance]; Im talking about the traditional FBI
going to a judge, getting a warrant, showing probable cause, but still
cant get in.

According to the president, law enforcement, the tech community, and

others were engaged in a process . . . to see if we can square the circle
here and reconcile the need for greater and greater encryption and the
legitimate needs of national security and law enforcement.
Obama summed up: And I wont say that weve cracked the code yet,
but weve got some of the smartest folks not just in government but also
in the private sector working together to try to resolve it. And whats
interesting is even in the private sector, even in the tech community,
people are on different sides of this thing.
The president may have been overstating the divisions among the
techies, who seemed in agreement on one rather large point: They werent
interested in negotiating a standard or even in putting their own proposal
on the table.
An industry source, asked about the policy perambulations, nodded
and said this was the type of issue that hovers above policy discussions
but doesnt go anywhere in a legislative or federal policy sense. The
Washington Post reported in the fall of 2015 that federal officials had
devised four possible policy approachesand discarded them all.
Strong encryption seemed destined for the rather large basket of cybersecurity policy issues that soak up lots of debate time but do not lend
themselves to actual solutions. Such issues can distract policymakers
from urgent business, with no payoff. In any case, there would be no
legislative payoff anytime soon.


Responsible competitors help to sustain the system where research and

development are rewarded, where intellectual property is protected,
and the rule of law is upheld, because nations that use cyber technology as an economic weapon or profits from the theft of intellectual
property are sacrificing tomorrows gains for short-term gains today.
Vice President Joseph Biden, June 24, 2015,
U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue

The question of what to do about China was another matter of crosscutting importance, with myriad policy implications and few readily
available answers in the summer and fall of 2015.
Gen. Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, called
Russia the number one strategic threat to the United States. In cyberspace, that honor went to the Peoples Republic of China.
Chinese government fingerprints were all over the breaches at the
Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and Department of Homeland
Security (DHS) contractor USIS, originally known as U.S. Investigation
Services. Major news outlets reported the Chinese were probably building a huge database on American government employees. Whether or not
that was, in fact, the Chinese interest in the U.S. government employee
files, Chinas hackers were finding their way into every nook and cranny
of the governments computer networks. They hacked the private e-mails
of top U.S. officials. The Chinese were also mapping the U.S. natural gas
pipelines and electric grid.



And we could only assume the U.S. government was doing the same
to China. But there was a distinction.
Its one thing to poke around on the weapons side, we have an interest in doing that too, Sen. Tom Carper said in an interview. Its quite
another to steal the personally identifiable information of our government
employees or our intellectual property, our seed corn. That is very troubling.
If cybersecurity was the defining issue in the U.S.-China relationship,
it was an open question, in 2015, when and how the two nations would
move to a next phase after the cyber dialogue ground to a halt following
the U.S. indictments of five Chinese military officers for cyber espionage.
Chinas cyber behavior is the number one element of the Sino relationship, Gen. Michael Hayden, the former CIA and NSA chief, said at
the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) in 2014. Hayden, now of Chertoff Group, vigorously pushed back against what he called a false equivalency between U.S. espionage activities and Chinas actions. Contrary to
Chinas approach, Hayden said, We spy to keep you safe. We dont spy
to make you rich.
Then-House Intelligence Chairman Mike Rogers (R-Michigan) at the
same event said human rights issues were important, but the first three
issues with China should be economic espionage, economic espionage,
and economic espionage.
Lawmakers clamored for stronger responses to Chinas cyber activities. Generally though, the approaches by both Congress and the Obama
administration were much more nuanced than confrontational. Every year
Congress passedand the president would signlegislative language
attached to an annual spending bill that required federal agencies to apply
special scrutiny when purchasing technology products made in China. It
was a mild irritant in the U.S.-China relationship, and it made life a tad
more difficult for U.S. technology companies operating in China. Attorney General Eric Holder testified that the requirement had a positive
benefit for security.
After the OPM hack, some in Congress demanded economic sanctions
on the Chinese. The Obama administration in early 2015 actually spelled
out a new policy on sanctions that could be applied to bad actors on
cybersecurity in the international arena. Under the order, the Treasury
Department could hit countries, individuals, or other entities with sanc-



tions for malicious cyber activities. But this was a very blunt, very public
weapon and the administration didnt appear to reach for it.
Its not so easy, said Eggers of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
How do you push back and still encourage trade and investment and
avoid the economic de-globalization thats going on?
There was another problem: The OPM hack might be characterized as
old-fashioned nation-state espionage. Government officials let it be
known in July 2015 that they wouldnt publicly name China as the perpetrator. (Officially, that is; Director of National Intelligence James Clapper
had already done so in a public setting.) There were practical reasons:
The U.S. government was living in a glass house on this one; it would
have to respond accordingly.
The reaction on Capitol Hill bordered on incredulous. The fact that
were not willing to name names is a terrible mistake, said Sen. Cory
Gardner (R-Colorado), who chaired a Foreign Relations subcommittee
with jurisdiction over both China policy and cybersecurity issues. When
Sony got hacked, we got an executive order, he said in exasperation. A
direct assault on the U.S. government would get no response?
China, in the eyes of Gardner and many other lawmakers, needed to
know that such cyber activities affecting everyday Americans were beyond any norms in international behavior.
The Justice Department tried to send a message in 2014 by indicting
five members of the Chinese military on economic espionage charges,
claiming they were stealing trade secrets.
This case should serve as a wake-up call to the seriousness of the
ongoing cyber threat, then-Attorney General Holder said. These criminal charges represent a groundbreaking step forward in addressing that
threat. This indictment makes clear that state actors who engage in economic espionage, even over the Internet from faraway places like offices
in Shanghai, will be exposed for their criminal conduct and sought for
apprehension and prosecution in an American court of law.
Those members of the military would never appear in a U.S. courtroom and China responded by suspending a much ballyhooed bilateral
dialogue on cybersecurity.
Rep. Rogers, at that 2014 AEI event, said China was punching back
in cyberspace after the indictments and said the U.S. private sector is
absolutely vulnerable.



Using indictments to make a pointtargeting individuals rather than

the Chinese government itselfcould be seen as way to maintain room
for government-to-government talks and efforts on cyber.
President Obama, during a joint press appearance with Australian
Prime Minister Tony Abbott in June 2014, stressed that China must abide
by global norms of behavior, a formulation the administration used
repeatedly in discussing China and cyber issues. Obviously, both the
United States and Australia have enormous trade relationships with China, and we both agree that its important to continue to see China prosper
and rise, Obama told reporters. But whats also important is that as
China emerges as this great world power that it also is helping to reinforce and abide by basic international law and norms.
Christopher Painter, the State Departments cybersecurity policy coordinator, said at the AEI event that China, among other nations, had agreed
that international law applies to cyberspace. He said the U.S. governments interest was in building up institutions and legal structures on
cyber at home and abroad. Reputational harm is there for the Chinese,
he said, suggesting that cyber crime, as practiced against the United
States by a foreign power, no longer would get a free pass.
There were also benefits in collaboration, for both countries. Highranking officials including Commerce Department general counsel Kelly
Welsh promoted cybersecurity tools like the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Framework during visits to Beijing. It was
the kind of helpful suggestion one shared with a friend. U.S. officials
suggested, obliquely, that China was helping to stifle dangerous activities in cyberspace by North Korea, as InsideCybersecurity.coms Christopher J. Castelli reported.
Some of that assistance may have been inadvertent and unintended by
China. The only way into North Koreas closed Internet system was
through Chinas own networks. A widely suspected U.S. hack-back that
temporarily brought down North Korean systems after the Sony Pictures
attack was probably only possible because the U.S. side had infiltrated
those Chinese networks, according to a source. If China had actually
allowed the United States to get at North Korean networks through that
pathway, neither side would ever admit it.
The Obama administration was trying to balance carrots and sticks. In
2015, presidential candidates ranging from Ted Cruz to Hillary Clinton



shouted that China only understood the stick. It got a lot more complicated for those who had to actually implement the policy.
The answer, such as it was, would continue to evolve. It would involve a long-haul effort on the public stage to craft those international
norms of behavior. It would also involve a long twilight struggle, to
paraphrase President Kennedys Cold War description, to inflict as much
or more pain on adversaries as we were receiving. Cyber deterrence
would be a crucial concept going forward, especially in the China relationship, but for now remained an amorphous idea.
By the late summer of 2015, the administration had determined its
decision not to call out China in the aftermath of the OPM breach was
untenable, the New York Times reported. The decision came after the
administration concluded that the hacking attack was so vast in scope and
ambition that the usual practices for dealing with traditional espionage
cases did not apply, the New York Times said.
The administration officials didnt say so, but the intensely negative
political reaction at homeand U.S. military and intelligence leaders
near inability to hold their tongues about their frustrationsmay have
had an impact too.
Regardless, the administration didnt have a ready response in its cybersecurity playbook.
But in a series of classified meetings, officials have struggled to
choose among options that range from largely symbolic responsesfor
example, diplomatic protests or the ouster of known Chinese agents in the
United Statesto more significant actions that some officials fear could
lead to an escalation of the hacking conflict between the two countries,
the New York Times reported.
The Obama administration liked to portray itself as the architect of the
nations first holistic strategy on cybersecurity. Critics like McCain frequently said the strategy was more of a Potemkin Village, and was particularly lacking in the area of deterrence. By the summer of 2015, the
administration still hadnt provided Congress with a long overdue report
on deterrence strategy. China, North Korea, and others were taking advantage in an unceasing campaign of cyber hostility.
The stumbling response to the OPM episode provided McCain with
plenty of ammunition to charge that the Obama administration had no
strategy at all to counter this threat.



But the cyber strategy toward China, as the U.S. Chambers Eggers
pointed out, would affect numerous national priorities and couldnt be
formed in a policy vacuum, even amid outrageous activities by the other
There was, for instance, a summit meeting coming in September 2015
between Obama and Chinese president Xi Jinping. It would be the Chinese leaders first state visit to the United States. Obama and Xi had
reached a landmark agreement on global warming during the U.S. presidents November 2014 trip to China. Could a cybersecurity breakthrough
be next?
The two sides had been preparing the ground for this visit for over a
year. There was no interest, on either side, in an acrimonious breakdown
over OPM hacks, no matter how much invective was flowing from Capitol Hill.
Lu Wei, minister of the Chinese Cyberspace Administration, said during a visit to the United States in December 2014 that the United States
and China had far more in common than they had differences over cybersecurity policy. In an appearance at George Washington University, Lu
said he had met with top White House and other officials despite the
suspension of the U.S.-China cybersecurity working group. What I can
tell you is, I am here and I have already started that dialogue, he said.
Lu said the two countries had become one community of common
interest in Internet policy. The two countries agreed on 90 percent of
issues, he said, and areas of disagreement were often exaggerated. We
have reached important consensus during this visit, Lu said. He said the
sides agreed to pursue common rules to avoid mutual condemnations,
to fight cyber theft, and to strengthen the rule of law.
But we cannot repeatedly condemn each other, he said, arguing that
no country could say it was free of hackers and cyber crime. I told [U.S.
officials] I am here with a sincere heart, with friendship and candidness,
Lu said. I told our U.S. friends, we cant fight like teenagers anymore.
Asked about cyber attacks as a tool of policy, Lu said: I have never
engaged in such activities for such purposes. The Chinese government is
very engaged against hackers, against cyber attacks, and cyber theft.
U.S. officials didnt believe it, of course, and Lu was miscasting the
policy disagreement. The U.S. side wasnt up in arms because the Chinese government was insufficiently cracking down on illegal hackers; the
U.S. side was up in arms because the Chinese government employed



those hackers. In any case, the U.S. officials felt they had little choice
besides taking up the offer to engage with Chinese counterparts whose
vision and goals in cyberspace were profoundly different.
Lu was a skilled, glad-handing politician. He said at George Washington University that he enjoyed visiting Beijings bustling university campuses late at night and mingling with the young technologists. He visited
with Facebooks Mark Zuckerberg during his trip to the United States.
But Lu, of course, was Chinas chief censor. His daily activities went far
beyond the government spying and Internet interference that American
digital-rights activists complained about in debates over U.S. cybersecurity policy. Lus agency gobbled up Chinese citizens personally identifiable information for breakfast.
Heres how described Lu on its Pacific Power Index page:
As Chinas Internet czar, Lu Wei has championed both censorship and
Chinas new model of Internet sovereignty, the idea that a government has the right to determine what online content can enter its virtual
borders. That may sound retrograde, but the confident Lu has a keen
grasp of how information moves in Chinese cyberspace, and, as a
result, he knows exactly how to stop it. Its a model that other authoritarian regimes, and even nominally democratic Turkey, may already
be looking to as they step up their own Internet policing. And as
gatekeeper to Chinas 600 million-plus Internet users, Lu may even
have the bargaining power to bring Western Internet companies to

As U.S. cybersecurity policymaking staggered along, China had already articulated its vision of commercial and civilian cyberspace while
its cyber-warriors and spies aggressively advanced the countrys interests
in the shadows.
China is looking for shortcuts to catch up with us economically, one
particularly clear-eyed Senate leader on cyber issues said shortly before
the 2015 ObamaXi summit. When their economy gets more mature,
their interest in cybersecurity will coincide with ours. Were not there
The Washington Post reported on August 31, 2015weeks before the
summitthat U.S. officials had decided they must, in fact, use their
sanctions authority to send a message to China. But they would not link



the sanctions directly to the OPM breach, which was still viewed as
falling into the area of legitimate espionage activity. It was a carefully
nuanced position and as such offered limited satisfaction.
House Intelligence ranking member Adam Schiff told reporters after
an early September hearing that, in order to have a credible deterrence
policy, the United States must impose sanctions on China for some of its
hacks. We should underscore that there is an increasing cost for such
activity, Schiff said. But such sanctions should not be imposed until
after the upcoming visit by the Chinese president. Announcing the sanctions beforehand would be so in-your-face it would disrupt the rest of
the summit, Schiff said.
Schiff had just emerged from a hearing at which NSA director Michael Rogers testified that the threat of sanctions and other actions was
having a moderating impact on the behavior of Iran and North Korea.
Surely such tools could be brought to bear in the most critical relationship
in cyberspace.
Paul Stockton, the former high-ranking Defense Department official,
said use of the sanctions tool spelled out in Obamas April executive
order would in fact be a major turn. The first shoe to drop, against
China and other aggressive actors in cyberspace, was the decision to
assert sanctions authority in that executive order, Stockton said.
Now the second shoe is dropping, Stockton said in September 2015.
The administration is preparing to apply it to Chinese companies. That
new tool is going to get used.
Stockton acknowledged a cost to U.S. companies in China, but said
those firms were already facing discriminatory policies there. The necessary calculus, he said, would always be how to inflict an appropriate level
of pain to positively influence behavior without provoking an unacceptable backlash.
Eyeing the upcoming summit, Stockton said U.S. officials should take
the Chinese up on their offer to collaborate in cyberspace. But we need
to tell the Chinese, we know where these attacks are coming from and
you must take concrete steps to reduce the hacks emanating from China.
With an eye on the policies advanced by Lu Wei and the Chinese
government as a whole, Stockton agreed this was a very difficult proposition because of the vast philosophical differences between the countries.
Negotiating a common approach wont be easy, Stockton said. Its
worth a try but we need to make clear that the Internet must allow a free



flow of information, it must empower individuals and it must never be a

tool of repression.
President Xi sought to set the tone for the visit in a Wall Street Journal
interview published on September 22, saying both the United States and
China were victims of the global hacking plague. And, Xi said, there
would always be disagreements between the countries. But it was beneath
the dignity of two great powers to let those differences define the relationship.
Xi told the Wall Street Journal:
In approaching China-U.S. relations, one should see the larger picture
and not just focus on differences, just as a Chinese saying tells us,
When important things are addressed first, secondary issues will not
be difficult to settle. Together, China and the United States account
for one-third of the world economy, one-fourth of the global population, and one-fifth of global trade. If two big countries like ours do not
cooperate with each other, just imagine what will happen to the world.

That evening, in a speech in Seattle, Xi called for making common

cause against cyber crime. The next morning, the Office of Personnel
Management revealed that 5.6 million electronic fingerprint records were
stolen in the massive hack uncovered the previous springmore than
five times the number previously reported. Federal experts believe that,
as of now, the ability to misuse fingerprint data is limited, OPM said in a
statement. However, this probability could change over time as technology evolves.
Since that hack was never formally attributed to China, the announcement on the eve of Xis arrival in Washington, DC, was probably mere
coincidence. But cyber policy never developed in a news vacuum.
Xi arrived in Washington, DC, on September 24, as Pope Francis was
departing after a celebrated visit to the White House and Capitol Hill. Xi
and Obama dined that evening at the Blair House, across the street from
the White House. David Jackson of USA Today, the White House pool
reporter that night, said the dinner lasted two-and-a-half hours, longer
than expected. Obama, Biden, Secretary of State Kerry, and a passel of
other senior administration officials walked back to the White House
deep in conversation.
The next day, the Chinese and U.S. governments elaborated on their
earlier climate change agreement, but there was also a major announce-



ment on cybersecurity. A framework for future relations in cyberspace

had been reached, though its effectiveness would have to be tested. Immediately, it pushed off the question of economic sanctions and instead
created a new collaborative processand gave the United States an
agreed-upon benchmark for measuring behavior.
It might be frustratingly ambiguous in many ways, as most diplomatic
agreements are. But it was more than observers were expecting.
According to a September 25, 2015, White House fact sheet, the two
countries agreed
that timely responses should be provided to requests for information
and assistance concerning malicious cyber activities. Further, both
sides agree to cooperate, in a manner consistent with their respective
national laws and relevant international obligations, with requests to
investigate cybercrimes, collect electronic evidence, and mitigate malicious cyber activity emanating from their territory. Both sides also
agree to provide updates on the status and results of those investigation
to the other side, as appropriate.

The oftentimes cyber rivals put this in writing: The United States and
China agree that neither countrys government will conduct or knowingly
support cyber-enabled theft of intellectual property, including trade secrets or other confidential business information, with the intent of providing competitive advantages to companies or commercial sectors.
That got at the crux of the international dispute and provided the
benchmark for assessing behavior.
The nations agreed to further identify and promote appropriate norms
of state behavior in cyberspace within the international community. And
they agreed to
establish a high-level joint dialogue mechanism on fighting cybercrime and related issues. . . . As part of this mechanism, both sides
agree to establish a hotline for the escalation of issues that may arise in
the course of responding to such requests. Finally, both sides agree that
the first meeting of this dialogue will be held by the end of 2015, and
will occur twice per year thereafter.

Todays agreement marks encouraging progress toward better protecting our nations ideas and ingenuity, Carper said in a statement. It
also represents a significant step toward building a long-term and robust



pact on cybersecurity with China. That being said, we cant just believe
what China says. We also have to see what they do and continue to
monitor their actions in cyberspace very closely.
Carper added:
I know some of my colleagues will say that this agreement doesnt do
enough. But we must start somewhere and this is more than a good
start. As a former naval flight officer who served our nation for five
years during a hot war in Southeast Asia and for another eighteen years
until the end of the Cold War, I am reminded of our negotiations on
nuclear arms reduction limitations. With that initiative, we took a modest but meaningful first step by stopping atmospheric testing. At the
end of the day, we ended up with a lot more. Likewise, we shouldnt
be satisfied by this agreement alone; more must be done.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein expressed more skepticism: Theres a difference between an agreement on paper and having the Chinese government,
including the Peoples Liberation Army, actually stop conducting and
supporting cyber attacks on U.S. companies. The Senate Intelligence
Committee will be paying very close attention to how faithfully this
agreement is implemented.
And Sen. Devin Nunes came close to kicking dirt on the agreement:
The new agreement between the United States and China regarding
economic espionage would be a big step forward if China abides by it.
Unfortunately, in light of its many long-running cyber-theft enterprises, there is little reason to believe China will live up to its commitments. These cyberattacks will almost certainly continue until the Obama administration puts forward a credible deterrence policy.

The Chinese said they wanted to make common cause against criminal
hackers, terrorists, and rogue states. It was a significant starting point, in
terms of the always delicate U.S.-China relationship. But cybersecurity
policymaking involved much more than security. As the U.S. political
system grappled with the sometimes conflicting demands between security and liberty, the Chinese were still asking the United States to turn a
blind eye to government dictates in cyberspace that neither the American
public nor the political system would even remotely consider. International cybersecurity partnerships were as difficult as any aspect of cyber



policy, requiring stakeholders to confront bedrock principles as they

sought to define a twenty-first-century policy-scape.
A U.S.-China partnership on cybersecurity might not be fully possible
until the Chinese faced the same kind of economic theft that was being
perpetrated against the United States. Theyre catching up to us [economically] and at some point theyll have to worry about someone stealing from them, Carper said in an interview. In the meantime, Carper
said, the Chinese were determined to find economic shortcuts. They
want to play in the Super Bowl without even playing an exhibition
But a shared interest between the two countries was a lot closer than
most people realized.


In many ways, cybersecurity is similar to 19th century medicinea

growing field dealing with real threats with lots of self-taught practitioners, only some of whom know what theyre doing.
The evolution of the practice of medicine mandated different skills
and specialties coupled with qualifications and assessments. In medicine, we now have accreditation standards and professional certifications by specialty. We can afford nothing less in the world of cybersecurity.
From A Human Capital Crisis in Cybersecurity, November 2010,
Center for Strategic and International Studies Commission on
Cybersecurity for the Forty-fourth Presidency

In the summer and fall of 2015, University of California, Los Angeles;

Rutgers University; and the University of Connecticut were among the
latest targets of cyber attacks. Universities, insurers, health care providers, and every other industry were in desperate need of cybersecurity
professionals. So was the U.S. government.
China faced no manpower limits as it challenged the United States for
preeminence in cyberspace. That was far from the case in the United
States. While enlightened corporate and government leaders stressed cybersecurity as an existential issue within their enterprises, they also faced
a critical shortfall in skilled technologists.
One of the easy cybersecurity bills passed in December 2014 at the
end of the 113th Congress gave the Department of Homeland Security



(DHS) new authority to recruit and retain cybersecurity experts. Several

years earlier, Congress gave the Department of Defense (DOD) special
powers to go around the cobwebbed civil service rules to recruit and pay
certain skilled civilian professionals. Now DHS would have the same
authority as it built a cybersecurity workforce. Another easy bill passed
at the time required DHS to assess its cyber workforce and develop a
manpower strategy.
The competition for cyber professionals within industryand between industry and governmentwas intense. One development from the
Office of Personnel Management (OPM) breach was newfound interest in
putting a dedicated cybersecurity adviser at the elbow of department and
agency leaders. That trend could extend to the private sector as well;
cybersecurity expertise was already becoming a ticket to a seat on corporate boards of directors.
Advertisements for college degrees in cybersecurity frequently graced
the walls of the Metro system in Washington, DC. Trend Micro found
cybersecurity positions growing twelve times faster than the rest of the
U.S. job market in 2015. Frost & Sullivan estimated a global workforce
shortfall of 1.5 million cybersecurity professionals by 2020.
Its clearly a sellers market, former White House official Robert
Knacke blogged from the annual Def Con hackers conference in Las
Vegas in the summer of 2015. Unfortunately, the market for talent
doesnt work the way that the market for firewalls works. More forensics
experts cannot be rolled out of a cleanroom. Training takes time and
money and in this field much of the learning is best done on the job.
The Defense Departments plan to train six thousand cyber warriors
was well and good, Knacke blogged, but every one of them would be
snapped up by the private sector as soon as their enlistment contracts are
over without making a dent in the workforce demand. Knacke called for
a collaborative effort on the industry side to provide free training for
cyber professionals. Perhaps it is time for the many rivals . . . to band
together and train the workforce so that there is someone to respond to the
millions of alerts of malicious cyber activity their devices generate each
day, he blogged.
In the spring of 2015 Booz Allen Hamilton and the Partnership for
Public Service issued a report finding nearly 93,000 federal government
employees who could be characterized as cyber professionals, which



means one in every twenty-two workers deals in this field. That was the
civilian government and wouldnt include those Pentagon cyber warriors.
Calculating how many cybersecurity professionals there were in the
private sector was more difficult, if not impossible. The National Institute
of Standards and Technology (NIST) jumped on the question of defining
what constitutes a job in cybersecurity, laying the basis for better assessing the state of the workforce. It was a complicated challenge.
At an Institute for Information Infrastructure Protection workshop in
2011, Hewlett-Packards William G. Horne pointed to his own companys 325,000 employees at the time and said, theres no database I can
query to find out how many of those people know government and risk
management and how many people know incident response.
Cybersecurity was obviously a growth industry, regardless of the
sketchy metrics, but one that still needed to figure out how exactly it
would be staffed. The federal government launched the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education, or NICE, as a promising vehicle for
promoting cybersecurity as a field of study. Within that process there was
an opportunity to expand outreach to communities not typically represented in this space. Cybersecurity policy conferences and other events
attracted participants from all walks of life, naturally, but the audiences
were largely white and male. Diversity was coming, but slowly.
The marketplace was moving in this direction and government could
lend a hand. In January 2015 Vice President Joe Biden and Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz traveled to Norfolk State University to announce a new
program to bolster cybersecurity offerings at historically black colleges
and universities. A $25 million grant would be shared among thirteen
schools participating in the Cybersecurity Workforce Pipeline Consortium.
More publicity needed to be brought to the opportunities available in
the cybersecurity profession. The people who were making a living in
cybersecurity, both in government and private industry, had a compelling
story to tell. By 2014, Obama administration officials were appearing
with increasing frequency on college campuses to encourage young people to choose a career in cybersecurity.
DHSs leadership was particularly active in reaching out to the university community, and Secretary Jeh Johnson flagged it as a personal priority. The Administration, including the White House but also DHS,
DOD, and other relevant agencies, considers outreach on cybersecurity



issues an important element of our work, National Security Council

spokeswoman Laura Lucas Magnuson said in a statement to in 2014. As part of those efforts, we frequently engage
with universities to encourage a conversation about cybersecurity.
National Security Council official Samara Moore appeared before a
packed lecture hall at George Washington University in April 2014 to
urge students to help fill the cybersecurity workforce gap, as part of an
outreach effort that was often overshadowed by other cybersecurity priorities. Moore spoke on a panel with several high-ranking corporate cybersecurity executives at a George Washington University event celebrating
women in cybersecurity.
Appearing on stage with Moore was an all-star lineup: Leslee Belluchie, a former Defense Department official who founded National Security Partners; Deborah Bonanni of Intelligent Decisions Inc., who was
National Security Agency chief of staff from 2006 to 2013; and Gina
Loften of IBM and Cheri McGuire of Symantec, cyber executives who
were both active in initiatives such as creation of the NIST Framework.
Moore said Big Data, the Internet of things, and multiple other developments present significant opportunities in the field of cybersecurity,
adding that the workforce is already challenged today to meet the demands. The needs were varied, Moore said; the complex field required
people with the technical skill setcoders, hackers, and system developersas well as people who can translate the technical side to the
business side. We need business people who understand how [cyber issues] can affect their enterprise.
Bonanni said women comprised 40 percent of the NSA workforce and
40 percent of then-NSA Director Keith Alexanders senior leadership
staff. Once she returned to the private sector, Bonanni said, she would
sometimes find herself the only woman in a meeting for the first time in
twenty-five years. McGuire said the cybersecurity workforce needed people with risk management, communications, compliance, and social science skills. Its about policy, not just the technical side, she said.
We need to think about how to talk to the CEO, the CISO, and the
CFO about how they see risks, Loften said. I see cybersecurity evolving across the entire enterprise; its not just the CISO.
Moore touted cybersecurity as a field in which practitioners could go
from doing system assessments at a chemical plant to making policy at an
enterprise levelor at the White House. She had a bachelors in account-



ing and information systems from Virginia Tech and a masters in engineering management and systems engineering from George Washington
University. She hadnt expected to land in the White Houseor necessarily to land in the field of cybersecurity. But thats where the need and the
opportunities propelled her. Moore would later leave government service
to become senior manager for critical infrastructure security at the energy
company Exelon.
Her path was a model that should be offered to more students from all
The nations cybersecurity policy was full of gaps, but filling this
onethe workforce gapcould provide an economic boon and help address long-held worries about the United States losing its educational and
thus its technological edge, all while preparing both government and
businesses for the long struggle in cyberspace.


The Internet makes a lot of good things possible, but it also makes it
possible for corporations and governments to exploit us in ways they
never could before. The debate over CISA is not about hackers, or
China, or cybersecurityits about whether we want to further normalize ubiquitous monitoring, warrantless surveillance, and unfettered
manipulation of our vulnerabilities, or if we want to protect the Internet as a promising platform for freedom and self expression.
Evan Greer and Donny Shaw, Fight for the Future,
July 29 blog in the Hill

There was no compromise in sight on the preeminent cyber legislative

issueinformation sharingas the summer of 2015 began.
Amid the ongoing political impasse on Capitol Hill, GOP candidate
Jeb Bush decided the time was right to insert cybersecurity into the 2016
presidential campaign. The Office of Personnel Management (OPM)
breach had revealed a cultural failure on cybersecurity within the Obama administration, Bush charged. The president was failing to lead on the
stalled legislation in Congress, Bush asserted. Using to get
a high-tech splash on a high-tech issue, Bush on June 22, 2015, posted an
extensive critique of the Obama approach to cyber.
Other GOP candidates, including Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, used the
OPM breach to lambaste the administration as soft on China. But Bush
was the first to launch into an extensive policy discussion on cybersecurity.



The President can issue an Executive Order or give a speech about

cybersecurity, but without sustained leadership and determined implementation including a concerted effort to work with the Congress we
will not adapt to meet the growing threats, Bush said in the post. Recent
high-profile intrusions into private and government networks suggest we
are not meeting this challenge.
Bush noted that vulnerabilities within the OPM system had been identified as much as a year earlier and asked whether any agency officials
would be held responsible for not fixing the problems.
We are not powerless unless we choose to be, Bush wrote. It would
be a start for the President to show leadership on Capitol Hill, and to
throw his weight behind the Houses effort to improve cybersecurity
information sharing between the government and the private sector a
critical impediment to cybersecurity according to experts.
Bush said: For three Congresses in a row, the House of Representatives has passed information-sharing legislation only to see it stonewalled
by Senate Democrats. . . . President Obama should step up, show some
leadership, and work with Congress to pass this legislationa key step
towards creating a more robust publicprivate partnership.
As noted earlier, cybersecurity legislation that included informationsharing provisions was filibustered by Senate Republicans in 2012, while
the Senate Democratic leadership refused to bring up a bipartisan Intelligence Committee bill in 2014.
Bush asserted that Obama had underfunded both the Department of
Defense (DOD) and intelligence community in his budgets, increasing
the nations cyber vulnerabilities.
And the candidate blamed the president for failing to engage with the
private sector. We need a President with the experience and trust necessary to mobilize public and private resources to ensure that our critical
infrastructure, networks, and communications remain secure, Bush
wrote. These efforts will help guarantee America remains on top
throughout the ongoing technological and communications revolutions
that will transform fundamental aspects of our world, economy, and society.
The post was a mild declaration of cyber policy, but between the lines
it didnt venture very far from the general consensus that already existed
within the administration and on Capitol Hill. Information-sharing legislation had broad support and the publicprivate partnership concept was



central to the Obama strategy. Bushs broadside whizzed past the Capitol
without noticeable effect.
Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton took her first swipe at cybersecurity over the July Fourth holiday weekend, bemoaning Chinese theft of
U.S. defense secrets and commercial property. Theyre also trying to
hack into everything that doesnt move in America. Stealing commercial
secrets, blueprints from defense contractors, stealing huge amounts of
government information. All looking for an advantage.
The former secretary of state didnt have an answer, necessarily, except that it was time to get tough on China. Where her policy would
depart from Obamasor her own when she served as Obamas top
diplomatwas left unsaid.
As Congress returned from its July Fourth recess, insiders worried that
the coming five-week stretch would have significant implications for the
fate of cybersecurity legislation in 2015, and perhaps into the next year as
well. There was a narrow window for legislation and anything that fell
over to 2016 would face long odds amid election-year scheduling and
Legislating by crisis was a catchphrase often attached to Congresss
deadline-driven approach to budget and other issues, but thanks to the
Senates inability to move an information-sharing bill, cybersecurity legislation was slipping into this category. If a cyber information-sharing bill
didnt make it through the Senate in July or early August, the legislation
would be one of many priorities jostling for floor time on the crowded fall
Over the July Fourth break, business lobbyists met with staff for Senate Republican and Democratic leaders to beg for just two days of floor
time for the Senate Intelligence Committee-passed information-sharing
bill. That would be cutting it close in the Senate, they knew, but they had
to get the bill to the floor.
At least three major, discrete cybersecurity issues were on Congresss
plate, if only lawmakers would act: information sharing, data-breach notification, and enhanced criminal penalties for cyber bad actors. Leaders of
the congressional homeland security committees were also looking at a
direct legislative response to the OPM breach by accelerating deployment
of the EINSTEIN 3 detection and response system across government



The full House had passed an EINSTEIN provision in April as an

amendment to the McCaul information-sharing bill, and Sen. Tom Carper
and Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs chairman Ron Johnson
(R-Wisconsin) were in discussions on how to move a Senate version. But
Sen. Johnson had other priorities as well: He put the Mexican border
crisis, avian flu, national debt, and regulatory reform on the committees
July agenda.
The pace on information-sharing frustrated advocates of that legislation, but data-breach notification bills were on an even slower track. In
the aftermath of blockbuster consumer data breaches in 2014, it appeared
consumer-friendly notification legislation might be primed for quick action. Here was an issue where Congress could provide direct comfort to
voters whod been hit in the pocketbook by malicious hacks. Alas, jurisdictional and substantive issues between the House commerce and financial services committees were hanging up data-breach legislation in that
chamber, while the issue couldnt get a toe-hold in the Senate commerce,
judiciary, or banking committees.
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), in the meantime, would continue issuing guidances and dangling the threat of prosecution over the
heads of companies that handled sensitive consumer data.
The Senate Judiciary Committee scheduled an early July hearing on
modernizing criminal law to fight cyber crime. Sens. Lindsey Graham
(R-South Carolina) and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-Rhode Island) championed the issue for years, but so far had been unable to move legislation.
Across the Capitol, the House Judiciary Committee hadnt announced
any plans on the issue, once again revealing the chronic lack of coordination on cyber policy that would constantly thwart legislative efforts.
I want to partner with Sen. Whitehouse if I can and come up with
legislation, Graham said at the conclusion of the hearing. He noted that
the senators had draft legislation but did not mention any timing for
introduction. We cant just play defense, Whitehouse said, noting that
many of our key cyber laws are as much as thirty years old.
With a month to go before the summer breakand with only a short
season for legislating in the falllawmakers were increasingly hardpressed to achieve their cybersecurity objectives before time ran out. But
sometimes Congresss own self-made messes created opportunities. An
ongoing partisan war over the federal budget for fiscal year 2016 had
basically halted the annual appropriations process to fund government. It



meant another shutdown showdown was probable in the fall of 2015, but
in the meantime there was a sudden surplus of available Senate floor
time. Cybersecurity might just slip onto the July agenda after all.
Senate leaders from both parties expressed optimism on July 8 that
cybersecurity information-sharing legislation would reach the floor that
month. It was Majority Leader Mitch McConnells decision, of course,
and lobbyists were thrilled when he listed cybersecurity as one of the
promising areas for bipartisan action along with education and a couple
of other bills. Were going to make a major effort to ferret out those
things we do agree on and those are some examples, McConnell said.
Pushing through bipartisan legislation was the theme of this Republican majority, McConnell said.
Theres a good chance well take up the cybersecurity bill in July,
Majority Whip John Cornyn (R-Texas) told reporters after the first Senate
Republican Conference policy luncheon following the July Fourth recess.
Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Illinois) also expressed optimism
the bill would be addressed on the floor in July, saying it comes up
regularly in our meetings. Intelligence chairman Richard Burr (R-North
Carolina) said the bill would come up as soon as we can get a slot and
added that I think July looks good.
As much as they wanted to believe, industry sources werent buying
into the optimism so quickly. Their conversations with Senate offices
werent always quite so upbeat, they told reporters on the down-low.
There was a rumor afoot that McConnell would give supporters fortyeight hours for debate, in early August, shoved up against the beginning
of the summer recess. That way, the leader could test advocates assertion
that the measure was widely supported. It would also impose a hard stop
on the debate that could prevent fights from breaking out on extraneous
issues like retail breach notification or a re-do of the NSA battle.
If lawmakers needed a nudge from the real world, actual and perceived threats continued unabated. On July 8, as senators were making
positive noises about acting on cybersecurity, the New York Stock Exchange went down for over three hours, United Airlines was forced to
ground flights due to an unspecified computer problem, and the Wall
Street Journals Web site was taken down. There were no established
links between the events and no evidence that a cyber attack was behind
them. But that didnt stop the speculation or screaming headlines.



Day of technical glitches puts lawmakers on edge, the Hill newspaper declared. Lawmakers are having a hard time swallowing the idea
that a major stock exchange, a global airline and a prominent media outlet
coincidentally suffered major outages on the same day, the paper reported. The Obama administration said there were no signs the outages
were caused by nefarious outside actors, but lawmakers were having a
tough time buying it could all be a coincidence and are vowing to look
into the matter.
I think it has the appearances of a cyberattack, said Sen. Bill Nelson
of Florida, the top Democrat on the Senate Commerce Committee.
The cyber-panic would recede fairly quickly. United Airlines was suffering from chronic technical problems in its reservation system. Concern
over the other events faded as it became apparent that routine issues
were behind the failures.
Perhaps it would still take the Big One to move the political system,
but these mini-big ones were coming with increasing frequency and
growing implications. So-called routine failures in an airlines reservation
system disrupted travel plans of a half-million people; a problem with
loading the Wall Street Journals homepage stoked dark speculation.
By this point, the specter of the Big One was enough to cause at
least mild cyber-panic. Maybe the political system had enough evidence
in hand to do something.
It certainly helped push cybersecurity into a category where Majority
Leader McConnell saw value in producing some kind of legislative answer from what he characterized as the freshly invigorated, GOP-controlled Senate. After rapping the Obama administration for total incompetence in the hacking at the Office of Personnel Management, McConnell on July 12 told a Fox News Sunday interviewer: These cybersecurity
issues are enormously significant. What were going to do is before August, take a step in the direction of dealing with the problem with information sharing bill that I think will be broadly supported.
Word of the comments trickled out slowly after a balmy summer
weekend, and generated skepticism.
Still, industry groups needed to do their due diligence. Business lobbyists met with Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) on July 13 with a simple request:
Please temper your rhetoric against the legislation. Please dont paint it as
an NSA bill, thus galvanizing opposition to businesss top cyber priority.
Lee was a Tea Partier on many issues, but he was also a friend of the



business community. I think we got him to come around, a business

source said.
On the substance, Lee was concerned that a provision in the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA) allowing law enforcement to
make use of cyber data to investigate serious violent felonies expands
the scope of the bill too much and could be misused, according to an
industry source. That wasnt industrys issue, but lobbyists understood it
repels some senators, the source said, and thus weakens the political
traction for the bill.
Lee and other civil liberties advocates also believed the bill gave the
government too much wiggle room to use the data in various ways not
directly related to cybersecurity, the source said.
On July 13, Cornyn came close to putting a date on the planned
debate. He told the Hill newspaper the bill would be on the floor sometime the week of August 3, just before the Senate decamped for summer
recess on August 7.
I think it will be on the floor this work period, Dianne Feinstein told a couple of days later. Chuck Schumer, a key
member of the Democratic leadership, said he would support the bill as
reported by the Intelligence Committee. Id like to see the bill strengthened a little bit, but Id take it right now because weve done nothing on
cyber for a long time, he said in a brief interview outside the Senate
Schumer was on track to replace the retiring Harry Reid as Democratic leader in the next Congress and his positive comments on the legislation were significant. The New Yorker remembered the inconclusive debates of 2012 and often suggested industry obstructionism was a root
cause of the nations cyber vulnerabilities. Now he was offering a strong
show of support for a pro-industry cyber bill, representing a long stride
away from his advocacy in years past for the LiebermanCollins approach.
Whenever the debate got underway, senators including Ron Wyden,
Rand Paul, Patrick Leahy, and Sen. Dean Heller (R-Nevada) were all
expected to push amendments that could degrade the liability protection
in the bill and increase industrys responsibilities to ensure personal privacy.
We will have privacy amendments, Wyden told as he loped to his office in the Dirksen Senate Office Building.



Wyden was a lanky former college basketball player and reporters frequently had to jog to keep up with him. But the senator, first elected in
1992, was always polite and helpful even as he zipped away down corridors.
Cybersecurity was a serious problem, Wyden acknowledged, noting
that a company in his state, Solar World, was hacked by the Chinese.
Information sharing can play an important role, he said, but without
adequate privacy protections, its a surveillance bill.
CISA advocates always bristled at those words. Knocking down that
perception was one of their top priorities, which is why the NSA debate
carried such importance for the cybersecurity bill.
Wyden said there would be a number of strong amendments on
privacy and civil liberties when CISA reached the floor. I dont believe
Ill be alone, he added, suggesting he would have plenty of allies.
Feinstein, encountered the same day on her way to the Senate floor,
said bill sponsors had bent over backwards to address privacy concerns.
We put thirteen privacy amendments in the bill already, based on input
from the privacy community, Feinstein said.
Perhaps privacy issues would need to be revisited in the future, she
said. Thats a discussion for another day.
Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Connecticut), an ally of Wydens on civil
liberties issues, said the information-sharing debate offered a unique opportunity to improve individual privacy rights in the cyber age. We
should have a full debate, Blumenthal said. Few significant measures
are done in forty-eight hours.
Once again, the procedure could be as important to the debate as the
And, as optimism spread about the legislations chances, the cyber
information-sharing bill began to look like something more than a complicated, contentious measure: It began to look like a Christmas tree that
could hold those other cyber-related priorities.
Perhaps the EINSTEIN legislation could be added to strengthen
government networks. Whitehouse announced that he would try to add
the data-breach notification and cyber crimes bills as amendments to
CISA. Some in industry cringed: Would this add votes or hopelessly tie
up the information-sharing measure?
We have a very good chance to move cyber legislation this year,
Whitehouse said at an event on July 15. He said the core information-



sharing measure should be bolstered by thoughtful amendments on

cyber crimes and breach notification.
The data-breach proposal by Whitehouse, Carper, and Roy Blunt (RMissouri) was backed by the financial sector. The retail industry favored
a rival measure that passed the House Energy and Commerce Committee.
Retail groups might drop their support for CISA if the Carper-BluntWhitehouse plan was added.
This was getting messy.
Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) was working on a proposal to expand
the number of government agencies that could receive cyber threat indicators directly from industry with related liability protection. His amendment would allow direct sharing between industry and law enforcement
As meticulously crafted by the Senate Intelligence Committee, CISA
restricted direct electronic sharing to the National Cybersecurity and
Communications Integration Center (NCCIC) portal run by the Department of Homeland Security. The House-passed version potentially allowed sharing with multiple government entities, but not with the Defense Department or National Security Agency.
Limiting it to DHS is too narrow, said an industry source who
suggested the Cotton amendment would be the only one with broad industry support. However, online privacy groups that already opposed
CISA could be expected to erupt over any expansion in the number of
acceptable government portals.
In turn, the financial and technology industries were two sectors that
were perfectly happy with the restrictions in the Senate bill and didnt
support an expansion that would trigger even more opposition on the
Senate floor.
As Sen. McConnell assessed how much time the bill would need, and
the potential for controversial amendments, industry lobbyists now urged
Senate leaders to allow several days of floor debate in order to build
political support for a measure that was frequently, if unfairly, linked to
separate debates over government surveillance.
I think weve shifted peoples thinking on this, said one industry
source. Were telling them, this is not FISA [the Foreign Intelligence
Surveillance Act], this is not that surveillance issue you were dealing with
a few weeks ago.



Perceptions around cyber information sharing were vitally important

and the bills advocates didnt want to be seen as ramming the measure
through the process without careful consideration and ample debate time.
Industry lobbyists from the Protecting Americas Cyber Networks Coalition met with McConnells staff on July 16. Unsurprisingly, McConnells employees were as inscrutable as the majority leader himself. The
lobbyists reported on their efforts to canvass Senate offices and to educate members and staff about the substance of the bill. We said well do
whatever we can to help and that were hitting as many [Senate] offices
as we can, said one industry participant in the meeting.
One of McConnells aides casually noted that December had been a
good month for cybersecurity legislation the previous year. That could be
interpreted as an ominous remark. Was the leader backing away from
summer action on the bill?
I didnt like that suggestion, the industry lobbyist said. Those were
mom-and-apple-pie bills last year. CISA isnt mom-and-apple-pie.
The source said business lobbyists were getting good vibes from
Democratic and Republican Senate offices alike. But they couldnt quite
pin down McConnells intentions. After the meeting with staff, the source
said, I came away not discouraged, but not encouraged either.
The source mulled the legislative calendar. Three weeks wasnt really
three weeks in the Senate. What do they have, nine working days left?
the source asked. The summer could slip away still.
As August drew near, possible amendments went from a trickle to a
flood. That signaled a growing confidence among senators that the cyber
bill was actually headed to the floor. But it was also creating the probability of an unruly debate, which McConnell would be anxious to keep
within certain parameters.
A bipartisan group of senators led by Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine)
announced a new bill to address the breaches at the Office of Personnel
Management by giving the Department of Homeland Security clear, direct authority to drive cybersecurity upgrades at other agencies. They
intended to offer it as an amendment to CISA.
Some senators believed they had already accomplished that in legislation signed into law the previous year.
Im glad to see my colleagues engaged on such an important issue,
Carper said.



Its my understanding that this legislation attempts to build on the

FISMA modernization bill that the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee worked so hard to pass last year. I look
forward to reviewing the bill and working with all the sponsors on
improving security of our federal networks, including overseeing the
implementation of my FISMA legislation that became law in December.

Collins was also considering an amendment to require industries designated by DHS as critical infrastructure to report to the government on
cyber attacks. Such a proposal would provoke strong opposition from
Online privacy advocates were finalizing their amendment wish lists:
In addition to excluding the NSA from the sharing process and limiting
law enforcement uses of shared data, they wanted to strike language on
defensive measures that they believed would allow private companies
to hack back and fight their own wars in cyberspace. They also wanted
to get rid of an exemption from disclosure of sharing activities under the
Freedom of Information Act. Otherwise, they said, there would be no way
to police what the government and industry were doing with this new
It would be an extraordinarily heavy lift to get CISA, specifically, to
be privacy neutral, the American Civil Liberties Unions (ACLU) Gabe
Rottman said in late July. The bill is currently far beyond the paleit
would literally enable and facilitate the kind of surveillance revealed over
the past couple of years. Worse, this would pump even more sensitive
information to government agencies, increasing the chances of another
OPM hack.
And still more issues were being pushed into the equation.
Sen. Cory Gardner (R-Colorado) said he might try to address the
congressional oversight structure around cybersecurity during the information-sharing debate.
Were trying to direct the State Department to create a [cybersecurity] strategy, Gardner said, pointing to an amendment he successfully
added to a State Department bill. Maybe we need to do the same thing in
Gardner said a select committee on cybersecurity comprised of the
leaders of standing committees with extensive cyber portfolios could help
better organize lawmakers approach to the issue.



As the Senate worked through a late July debate on a major transportation bill, the cyber policy world was watching McConnell for signs of
how he would structure the CISA debate and what kind of fence he would
place around amendments. The majority leader let industry lobbyists
know that he wanted a clean bill, or as clean as possible. Now, before
McConnell had even announced a floor date, there were amendments
growing in three distinct piles.
Amendments like the one contemplated by Cotton would have a significant impact on how an information-sharing law actually worked, but
the amendment didnt undermine the purpose of the bill. This amendment
fell into pile number one: generally supportive proposals that tweaked the
bill around the edges.
Pile number two held amendments from bill foes like Wyden and
Rand Paul. They didnt expect to winif their amendments on privacy
and other issues actually got votesbut they wanted a thorough debate. If
they could kill the underlying bill in the process, all the better.
The third pile held amendments on issues that were cybersecurity in
nature but not directly related to information sharing. For senators and
lobbyists who had been struggling for years to make incremental progress
on discrete cyber issues like information-sharing, these unrelated amendments were the most dangerous. If the Senate became preoccupied with a
debate over consumer data-breach notificationan issue that had bogged
down without resolution in multiple Senate and House committeesthe
CISA bill might stall and get yanked from the floor.
Legislation on DHSs role, and the EINSTEIN program in particular,
was less controversial. With a rump caucus of senators unveiling their
own plan, Sens. Johnson and Carper moved to ensure the Homeland
Security and Governmental Affairs Committee remained in charge of any
proposals related to DHS. Despite the chairman and ranking members
polite words, they were clearly rankled that the Collins group, which
included Sen. Mark Warner (D-Virginia) and a number of other Homeland Security Committee members, had jumped outside of regular channels in releasing their proposal.
But Carper was a master at stepping back from confrontation and
getting his colleagues to focus instead on making progress. After he and
Johnson agreed to fold the Collins legislation into their own measure, the
Homeland Security Committee on July 29 unanimously passed its EINSTEIN bill.



Still, the twists wouldnt let up and suddenly the big cybersecurity
vehicle for all of these measures, CISA, appeared to be veering off the
road on the way to the Senate floor.
Making clear that the privacy community was at war over CISA, a
coalition put together a Web site called and planned
to bombard Senate offices with anti-CISA faxes. Congress is stuck in
1984, the groups said on the Web site. It doesnt seem to understand
modern technology. So were going to communicate with it in a way itll
understand: With faxes. Thousands and thousands of faxes.
With the subtlety of a brick through a window, the group was using a
1984 technology to oppose what it claimed was an Orwellian 1984 piece
of legislation. The campaign claimed to generate over 6 million faxes to
Senate offices within days, raising at least one question: Why were senators keeping so much fax paper on hand in 2015?
At the same time, the ACLU, Center for Democracy and Technology
(CDT), New America Foundation, and other civil liberties groups
which the Obama White House would like to consider as friendswrote
to the president urging him to issue a veto threat against CISA, just as he
did against the CISPA bills in the House in previous years. They were
looking for a sign of where the administration stood this time around, as
was everyone involved in the debate.
And then, outside factors once again intruded on an orderly march into
a Senate debate on cybersecurity. As a few news outlets reported breathlessly on whether the CISA bill would come up in two or three or five
days, Majority Whip Cornyn dropped a bombshell, saying it wouldnt
come up at all before the summer break. A transportation bill had to be
finished, and then there would be an abortion debate, and an important
veterans bill needed to be completed. They were all weighty, important
issues. Cybersecurity, on the other hand, was once again a third-tier issue
for lawmakers regardless of their protestations.
After the Senate Republicans July 28 weekly policy luncheon, Cornyn told reporters there wasnt enough time to take up the complex and
controversial bill before August 7, the Senates planned departure date,
the Hill reported. Cornyn pledged a renewed effort to bring up the bill
when Congress returned in September.
If CISA does get pushed to September, it would be disappointing
because every delay throws getting the bill passed into question, an
industry source said, before reaching for a positive spin. But, many in



the private sector are confident that Senate leadershipboth Senators

McConnell and Reidis committed to acting on CISA as soon as possible. They recognize the importance of the bill to business and U.S.
economic security. It has to happen.
That belied industry sources gnawing fear that the Senate debate
would drag out into the fall, that the eventual HouseSenate negotiations
over a final version of the legislation wouldnt begin until late September
or October, and that the whole thing would be knocked off the agenda by
year-end budget and political issues. After that, a bill this controversial
simply wouldnt get to the floor in 2016 while a full-blown presidential
election campaign was underway. If it didnt happen in the fall of 2015,
the next best chance would probably be the inevitable lame-duck session
at the end of 2016.
The online privacy groups itching for a fight also saw an advantage in
the delay.
There is a decent chance that CISA will not come up before the
recess, Wyden said on a conference call organized by the digital privacy
group Access. The Republican leadership keeps going back and forth
because they cant decide among themselves. But whether it comes up
now or at the very beginning of September, it is coming up.
Wyden added: Its definitely a temporary win to have this bill not
come up next week. The delay gives us a month to ramp up the
opposition, Wyden said. Members are going to hear about the concerns
about this bill, he warned his colleagues. A lot of members are getting
interested in offering amendments.
Amid the uncertainty about floor prospects, lawmakers across Capitol
Hill were spreading their bets on what would happen with the cybersecurity legislation. Early in the week of July 27, the CISA bill was widely
seen as the big train that would carry multiple cyber initiatives. Senators
were ready to haul everything from consumer data-breach notification to
cyber criminal law reform to the Senate floor. Later in the week, some
lawmakers were quietly preparing to unpack their individual initiatives
from that train.
The leaders of the House and Senate homeland security panels began
setting up their bills to secure the dot-gov domain so they could move
either as amendments to CISA or as stand-alone bills in the fall. Were
monitoring the Senate but we could move separately in the fall if we have
to, a House Homeland Security Committee source said.



The source emphasized that the homeland panels legislation built off
the Department of Homeland Security-oriented cybersecurity bills signed
into law the previous year. Those bills sailed to passage and were signed
into law without controversy. It was a poignant if unspoken counterpoint
to the political fireworks surrounding CISA. That was step one and this
is step two, the source said of the effort to secure the dot-gov domain.
The new bills would allow DHS to proactively protect the governments
These proposals clarified the Department of Homeland Securitys
power to fix cybersecurity holes like the ones that allowed the massive
breaches at the Office of Personnel Management. The Senate version
cleared the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee on
a unanimous vote on July 29. The House version would be ready to go as
well, as soon as the CISA outlook became clear.
The last week of July, just a week away from summer recess, was
always a confusing time of shifting priorities and schedules in the Senate.
Virtually every senator had a priority he or she hoped to slip across the
finish line before the Senate shut down for a month. Cyber was competing with a hundred parochial issues; could it transcend that dynamic and
finally advance as an issue that should have a hundred advocates in the
Perhaps it could. Two days after Cornyns pronouncementand moments after Wydens conference callMcConnell came to the microphones outside the Senate chamber to take a victory lap after passage of a
major transportation bill. The Senate would move next, on Monday, August 3, to a bill defunding Planned Parenthood, he said. But, he added
casually, if that was blocked by Democrats, as expected, they would take
up cybersecurity.
If we are unable to get on the defund Planned Parenthood vote on
Monday, hopefully we will get on it, but if we dont well turn to cybersecurity next week and see if we can achieve something additionally for the
American people before the August recess, McConnell said.
McConnell wasnt going to be intimidated by 6 million faxes. But he
could be dissuaded by prospect of an uncontrollable floor debate.
Feinstein and other supporters of the bill raised concerns about trying
to shoehorn the debate into a couple of days before recess. I have mixed
feelings about it, Feinstein told the Hill. Id obviously like to get it



done. Were working with people. Whether it can get done in a short floor
time or not, I dont know.
Schumer, on the other hand, said Democrats would accept a reasonable time limit and that he was eager to get this debate started, even if it
wasnt finished before recess. But Wyden, Leahy, Paul, and others were
preparing for a fightover process as well as substance.
By Friday, July 31, Senate staffers who worked on cyber issues were
preparing for a floor debate, even though the situation was about as clear
as mud, in the words of one aide. An industry source offered updates
throughout the day: Debate was on; it was off. Best to hold off on reporting anything.
The White House was hanging back on issuing the customary Statement of Administration Policy on legislation about to hit the floor. We
are encouraged by the progress and reiterate that it should be brought to
the floor for consideration as soon as possible, a senior administration
official said.
The official declined to comment on whether the administration
wanted to see additional privacy and civil liberties protections. The White
House had long suggested it would be satisfied to see CISA clear the full
Senate and open the way to three-sided negotiations involving the administration and the House and Senate to develop final language. But the
ferocious opposition from the digital privacy crew might have altered that
calculation just a bit. This was a legacy issue, after all, and Obama didnt
want to wrap up his term as an enemy of online privacy.
That evening, Carper attended Senator Carper Bobblehead Night at
the minor league ballpark in Wilmington, Delaware. As he tried to follow
the Senate Republican leaders on-again, off-again plans for cyber, Carper could empathize with the bobbleheads.
Carper was a patient, level-headed legislator. He sprinkled simple axioms throughout his conversations but loved tackling complex policy
questions. Hed gone through Ohio State as an ROTC cadet at the height
of the Vietnam War in the late 1960s and served a total of twenty-three
years in the Navy, including three war-time tours in Southeast Asia as a
flight officer aboard a P-3 Orion reconnaissance plane. Afterward, hed
earned an MBA at the University of Delaware and gone on to represent
the state in the U.S. House for five terms before serving two terms as
governor. Carper joined the Senate in 2001 and had no illusions about
how difficult it was to move a complicated bill through the chamber.



But this was getting ridiculous.

The Senate returned on Monday, August 3, but as the day progressed
Mitch McConnell didnt give any indication of his next steps. High
drama, a Senate source joked. Its like a Lifetime Channel movie.
Burr and Feinstein did their part to make it as hard as possible to delay
action, circulating a managers amendment that sought to neutralize
many of the hot-button issues around CISA. It might also take away some
of the reasons why industry supported the information-sharing bill in the
first place. But the important thing now was to get it through the Senate
and to the next stage of negotiations.
Under the managers amendment, shared information couldnt be used
to investigate serious violent felonies, which the sponsors called a
very significant privacy change. The new language sought to limit uses
to tightly specified cybersecurity purposes. Burr and Feinstein agreed
to partially eliminate the exemption from disclosure under the Freedom
of Information Act, and to put new restrictions around the uses of defensive measures by private entities.
The secretary of homeland security would join the attorney general in
writing the rules around sharing; this responsibility was handed to the
attorney general in the version that passed the Intelligence Committee in
The revised bill also sought to limit the types of industry-generated
information that could be shared outside of a portal maintained by the
Department of Homeland Security. DHS Deputy Secretary Alejandro
Mayorkas, in a letter late the previous week to Sen. Al Franken, expressed concern that the BurrFeinstein bill still allowed too much sharing to take place directly between industry and other agencies. The DHS
portal at NCCIC needed to be the main portal, Mayorkas said, in order to
ensure efficiency as well as uniform treatment of sensitive personal data.
The changes may have weakened the bill, at least slightly, from industrys perspective, but the business world wasnt backing off at this late
stage. Instead, groups like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce (Chamber),
Securities Industry and Financial Management Association, and Financial
Services Roundtable put out letters saying how much stronger the bill
was with those controversies resolved.
Among other things, the managers amendment further limits the
sharing of cyber threat data to cybersecurity purposes, the U.S. Chamber wrote.



Closely related, the revised measure eliminates the governments use

of cyber threat indicators to investigate and prosecute serious violent
felonies, thus putting to rest false claims that CISA is a surveillance
bill. The managers amendment also ensures that the use of defensive
measures does not allow an entity to gain unauthorized access to a
computer network. The bill writers have worked diligently to address
the concerns of privacy and civil liberties organizations.

The online privacy community grudgingly acknowledged some improvements, but the changes didnt go far enough to earn their support or
even temper their opposition. Personal information could still be shared,
CDTs Greg Nojeim asserted. The NSA would still get the data. There
were plenty of unresolved issues.
The tighter definition of cybersecurity purpose was a significant
improvement, Nojeim wrote in a blog posted late on August 3, as were
stricter limits on government uses of cyber threat indicators.
The language on defensive measures was improved, Nojeim wrote,
but it was still not adequate and should be removed entirely. He said the
bill continued to marginalize the Department of Homeland Securitys
role in cybersecurity, echoing Mayorkass complaints to Al Franken.
Critically, CDT believed the legislation needed stronger requirements
to remove personally identifiable information from threat indicators and
tighter restrictions on National Security Agency access to the data.
Frankens office said the bill was still a mess, regardless of the managers amendment. The privacy community wasnt moving either.
The White House, on the other hand, offered encouragement for senators to pass the bill before adjourning for the summer.
While there are still areas of concern that we hope to address, the
bills sponsors have made a good faith effort to address some of our
biggest concerns, a senior administration official told We are very encouraged by this progress and want to work with
Congress to ensure that cybersecurity legislation preserves the longstanding, respective roles and missions of civilian and intelligence agencies and contains appropriate privacy protections.
The official added, Cybersecurity is an important national security
issue and the Senate should take up this bill as soon as possible and pass
That indicated a possible disconnect in the administrations position.
Mayorkas, reflecting DHSs perennial concern over its place, may have



written before Burr and Feinstein had finished work on the managers
amendment. In any case, the White House was satisfied at this stage.
At the appointed hour on Monday evening, senators began voting on a
motion to proceed to a bill defunding Planned Parenthood. Lobbyists and
online privacy activists alike were gathered around screens across the
capital, watching for what McConnell would say after the inevitable defeat of the Planned Parenthood bill. That bill, as expected, was blocked.
The majority leader asked for recognition. Without elaboration or any
signs of emotion, the tight-lipped Kentuckian entered a motion to invoke
cloture on S. 754, the cybersecurity bill. With that, he spun off and left
the Senate floor.
The debate was on, though. The cloture motion would require a vote
in two days on limiting debate. In the meantime, the question was whether McConnell and Reid would come to some kind of agreement on how to
structure this debate.
Interest groups quickly filled senators in-boxes with messages of support or opposition.
The Retail Industry Leaders Association urged lawmakers to add the
amendment by Sen. Cotton that would expand the acceptable portals
for industry-to-government sharing to include the FBI and Secret Service.
But most industry groups simply asked senators at long last to pass the
bill. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce wrote to senators urging support for
the bill. As an added inducement, the Chamber said it would consider this
a key vote in its vote ratings.
On August 4, McConnell opened the Senate on an optimistic note. If
senators pulled together, he said, they could pass the bill before adjourning for the summer. He underscored the urgency by reading from an
Associated Press article about the vulnerabilities in federal computer networks. The Senate could help rescue the Obama administration from
the cybersecurity dark ages, McConnell said, a line that brought smiles
from his GOP colleagues and made Democrats on the Senate floor grimace.
McConnell asked colleagues who wanted to amend the measure to
begin discussions and said with cooperation the Senate could pass the
measure before adjourning at the end of the week.
Reid, in his opening remarks, said he would discuss a way of proceeding in a dignified manner to CISA, but warned that was easier said
than done. Democrats were willing to proceed to the bill once they



receive assurances on amendments. He pointed to a Monday letter from

Wyden urging Reid to stand up for an adequate process for considering
a reasonable number of amendments.
This was not an optimistic note, and it went downhill from there.
Reid sharply criticized McConnell for limiting the minoritys ability
to offer amendments on unrelated legislation. The Republican leader,
Reid charged, had used a legislative device known as filling the amendment tree to limit debate far more times than Democrats ever did when
they were in the majority. Next, he blasted the Republican for blocking
the 2012 version of cybersecurity legislation in 2012. The long memories
of the Senate were not working in favor of the bill.
As senators went into their weekly Tuesday policy luncheons, there
was still no agreement on how many amendments would be voted on, and
the clock was ticking toward that cloture vote the following day. The two
leaders, through staff and emissaries, were trading offers and discussing
the process with their respective caucuses.
When they emerged from their separate closed-door luncheons, there
was still no deal, but McConnell continued striking the optimistic notes.
He would ask for unanimous consent to call off the cloture vote and
proceed to debate on a limited number of amendments. Remember,
McConnell told reporters, the Democratic leader had said in June that this
was a two-day bill.
Reid came next to the mics. Accomplishment as well as maturity are
in short supply in the GOP-controlled Senate, he said. He questioned
whether Republicans really wanted this cybersecurity bill and said they
seemed afraid of the issue. In 2012, Reid said in an ominous flashback,
McConnell had teed up Obamacare repeal as the first amendment to that
cybersecurity bill. This time, the Senate had wasted time on the Planned
Parenthood vote and now was trying to cram the debate over cyber into a
few hours prior to the summer break. McConnell wants to drag it out
until vacation and then push it over into the crowded September agenda.
Moments later, the two leaders were at their desks on the Senate floor,
separated by a few feet, but unwilling to look at one another.
Now is the time to allow the Senate to debate and pass the cyber
legislation, McConnell said. He and Reid were largely alone on the floor,
watched by a few dozen tourists in the galleries and attended to by a



handful of aides and pages. No other senators were about; this was a
leadership game.
McConnell proposed allowing each side to offer ten amendments, but
Reid objected, saying the offer included no guarantee that the Democratic
or Republican amendments would actually receive a vote.
The Republican leader is my friend, Reid said gravely, and I dont
mean in any way to disparage him. But I dont know how he can make
that offer with a straight face.
Reid called for an agreement to actually begin debating and voting on
amendments, saying this would be the only way to pass the bill that week.
Reid and other Democratic leaders said their caucus was united on the
terms for debate, casting doubt on whether the underlying bill could win
sixty votes the following morning to advance absent a deal between the
McConnell responded by offering to continue the negotiations. There
may be a way forward, he said, choosing to find a tiny patch of common
ground in the supposed mutual desire to address cybersecurity before the
August break.
Reid agreed, but the talks would produce no breakthrough Tuesday
Possible amendments were continuing to proliferate, as Sens. Lee and
Leahy announced they would try to add their proposal to reform the
Electronic Communications Privacy Amendments Act, the federal
governments main law on e-mail privacy. Homeland Security and
Governmental Affairs Chairman Johnson confirmed he would move to
add his committee-passed bill on DHS authorities and tools. Over seventy
amendments were filed by Tuesday night.
Wyden took to the floor to reiterate that he planned a major fight over
civil liberties and privacy protections. The bill was portrayed as a voluntary information-sharing measure, Wyden said, but that was only partially true. Companies might have the option of participating or not, he said,
but their customers would have no say in the matter. And it was their
information that would be bouncing between companies and government.
McCain came to the floor a few minutes later, seething.
I tell my colleagues on the other side of the aisle . . . by blocking this
legislation, youre putting this nation in danger by not allowing the United States to act against a very real threat to our very existence, McCain
said, nearly shouting. So I say, Mr. President, this is a shameful day in



the United States Senate. I urge the Democrat leader to come to the floor
and allow us to consider amendments [and] move forward with this legislation because the security of the United States of America is in danger.
Wyden had located a seam in the billthe distinctly involuntary role
played by ordinary citizens in the information-sharing processthat he
would try to relentlessly exploit in his rhetoric against the measure.
McCain added his sense of personal outrage to the sense of urgency being
emphasized by the bills supporters. These were the two poles at either
end of the debate.
Schumer, approached as he awaited the subway train that shuttled
between the Capitol and Senate office buildings, expressed his enduring
hope that a deal would be reached. I hope so, he said, but its not fair
for [McConnell] to fill the amendment tree. Under the Republicans
plan, pending amendments would go away as soon as the GOP leader
filed another cloture motion, Schumer said.
He turned away from the reporter to speak into his mobile phone.
Pending means nothing, Schumer said before returning to his
phone call.
Schumer very much wanted a cyber deal; the financial industry in
New York City was sending out releases on a daily basis to help push the
bill along. But one of the reasons Schumer wanted to get it cleared had
nothing to do with cybersecurity: The likely successor to Harry Reid as
the Senates top Democratand one of the partys most visible, influential leadershad to make a momentous decision on whether he would
support or oppose Obamas nuclear accord with Iran when the issue was
debated in September. Later that week, Schumer would announce his
opposition to the Iran deal, bringing on furious denunciations from the
White House and its allies and from throughout the liberal community.
The New Yorker smiled tightly at the reporter as he signed off his phone
call and jumped on the Senate subway car. Cybersecurity legislation
wasnt his biggest worry at the moment.
On Wednesday morning, McConnell opened the Senate at 9:30 a.m.
with a discussion of how the chamber would handle the Iran debate in
September, before turning to cybersecurity. The vote on the cloture motion was scheduled to take place in one hour. In the meantime, McConnell thought it worthwhile to remind his colleagues of what was at stake.
The threat in cyberspace, he said, was personally violating . . . financially crippling . . . and just plain creepy.



Luckily, there was an answer at hand, he said, pointing to the CISA

bill. He noted the White Houses strong support for the measure. He
reminded listeners that Feinsteinthe top Democrat on the issuehad
added important privacy protections.
And, McConnell, said, he had made a fair offer for debating amendments. Frankly, McConnell added with a little, humorless chuckle, everyone was taken aback when Reid rejected the offer. McConnell urged
fellow senators to ignore this procedural spat and vote with him on proceeding to the CISA debate.
Reid, in his opening remarks, focused on Iran and the possibility of a
government shutdown. He didnt say a word about cybersecurity.
Feinstein came to the floor next, saying she was very disappointed
by the failure to reach agreement thus far. This critical legislation was
hung up by procedural issues that people dont care about. The CISA
bill wouldnt end cyber attacks, Feinstein said, but it would greatly enhance the ability of government and industry to identify and respond to
the threats. Just as she began to riff on the privacy protections added to
the bill, McConnell returned to the floor and asked to interrupt.
If senators would agree, the cloture vote would be postponed until 2
p.m. It seemed talks were afoot. But 2 p.m. would come and go. Sen.
Thune led a press conference with committee chairmen to tout the Republicans successes after seven months in the majority. He hailed 165 roll
call votes so far in 2015, contrasting that with the gridlocked, Democratic-run Senate of the previous year. A vote on passing the cybersecurity
information-sharing bill was not among those 165, of course.
Senate Democrats and Republicans met separately behind closed
doors to discuss the final moving pieces of the work period before the
recess. As those meetings broke, Paul Kane of the Washington Post
tweeted that senators were going home; the work period was over and
there would be no more votes.
Finally, at 3:27 p.m., McConnell and Reid were back on the floor,
looking exhausted. McConnell asked for unanimous consent to withdraw
the cloture motion. Without fanfare he announced the deal: At a time to
be determined by the majority leader in consultation with the Democratic
leader, the Senate would return to CISA.
At a time to be determined meant September, perhaps, but certainly
after the debate on Iran. The two leaders had reached agreement on con-



sidering an Iran resolution, and included a side deal on how they would
start the CISA debate, though not when.
McConnell continued: Each side would be permitted to offer ten
amendments; he proceeded to list the Republican proposals that would be
debated when CISA returned.
Reid didnt object; his only ask was for one additional amendment on
the Democratic side. McConnell nodded.
Under the deal, the first amendment would be the managers amendment by Burr and Feinstein. Other amendments to be debated would
include the one by Cotton allowing companies to share directly with the
FBI and Secret Service as well as with the Department of Homeland
Security. The list seemed tight, excluding extraneous issues but allowing
a serious debate on privacy and other controversial aspects of the legislation.
Activist groups quickly issued triumphant news releases.
This is a victory for our basic right to privacy, said Nathan White of
the digital privacy group Access. Credit goes to the activists who have
generated more than six million faxes demanding that the Senate slow
down and consider the privacy implications of this overly broad, dangerous cyber surveillance bill. White called the delay a clear failure for
CISA and its proponents and said: Activists voices will only get louder
during the August work period. Senators will hear opposition to this bill
in every state.
The U.S. Chamber acknowledged the setback in a release from senior
vice president for emergency preparedness Ann Beauchesne.
The Senate may have left town without passing cybersecurity legislation, but the need for it remains, she said. Cyberattacks are being
launched on a daily basis from various sources, and CISA would help
companies achieve timely and actionable situational awareness, which
will improve the business community, and the nations detection, mitigation and response capabilities. We remain committed to seeing this legislation over the finish line, and urge the Senate to swiftly take up and pass
CISA after recess.
Carper, who had been laboring for years to pass cybersecurity legislation, saw a bright side.
I am encouraged by the significant progress the Senate made this
week on this critical issue, and I would like to commend Senators Burr
and Feinstein and their staffs for their leadership and tireless efforts on



their cybersecurity information sharing bill, Carper said in a statement.

While we do not agree on everything in this legislation, I greatly appreciate the compromises that have been made to make the bill stronger.
And that was it. The drama of the previous days drained away as
senators wrapped up a few loose ends and turned their thoughts to the
summer recess. Cybersecurity was an issue for another day.
I would love to have finished cybersecurity this week, McConnell
said the next day, but we have now an agreement that will allow us to
finish it in September.
Wyden, though, would have the last word on the rapidly emptying
Senate floor as lawmakers scrambled for the exits on August 5. There was
a fundamental misunderstanding about this cyber bill, Wyden repeated,
returning to a line of argument that he was sharpening and would brandish in the coming months: This was not a voluntary cybersecurity bill,
as portrayed. There was nothing voluntary about it for companies customers, whose data could be shared with the government at the businesss
discretion. He would propose a notification amendment, requiring that
individuals be informed whenever their personal data was shared as part
of a cyber threat indicator.
Wyden was satisfied with the process, for the moment. Now, he said
as the Senate chamber grew quiet and lonely,
so that all concerned understand where things are, there are going to be
more than twenty amendments to this badly flawed bill. Those of us
who want to make sure that there is a full airing of the issues, have
come to understand that there is no time limit that has yet been agreed
to on those amendments. So theres going to be a real debate. And of
course that is what the United States Senate is all about. And I particularly want to commend the millions and millions of advocates around
the country who spoke outI understand that there were something
like six million faxes that were sent to members of this body.

He was just warming up:

I start with the basic proposition, Mr. President, that we have a very
serious set of cyber security threats, as I touched on seeing it at home.
Second, information sharing can be valuable. There is certainly a lot of
it now. It can be constructive. Information sharing, however, without
vigorous, robust privacy safeguards will not be considered by millions



of Americans to be a cybersecurity bill. Millions of Americans will say

that that legislation is a surveillance bill.

It wasnt voluntary for citizens, Wyden exclaimed, and the abuses it

would enable were beyond legal remedy. As written, the cybersecurity
legislation prevents law abiding Americans from suing private companies
that inappropriately share their personal information with the government.
With that shield, Wyden said, companies would be far less motivated
to remove personal data from the threat indicators they wanted to share.
Then it would go into a big vat of data within government agencies,
accompanied by questionable safeguards. The sanctity of this personal
information would be subject to the whims of potentially over-zealous
bureaucrats as well as industry security officers.
What was this debate about?
When I say personal information, Im talking about the contents of emails, financial information, basically any data at all that is stored
electronically. CISA, as the bill is called, would allow private companies to share large volumes of their customers personal information
with the government after only a cursory review. And colleagues who
want to look at that provision ought to take a look at page 16 of the
bill. And we were told repeatedly that this legislation was voluntary.

Not so, Wyden said. While the fact is it is voluntary for the companies. But for the citizens of Pennsylvania, the citizens of Oregon, those
across this country, its not voluntary. The people of Pennsylvania wont
be asked first whether they want their information sent to the government.
Oregonians wont have the chance to say whether or not they want that
information sent. For them, this legislation is mandatory.
Wyden offered an example: Imagine that a health insurance company
finds out that millions of its customers records have been stolen. If that
company has any evidence about who the hackers were, or how they stole
this information, of course it makes sense to share that information with
the government.
On the other hand, he said,
that company shouldnt simply say here you go, and hand millions of
its customers financial and medical information over to a wide array
of government agencies. The records of the victims of a hack should



not be treated the same way that information about the hacker is treated. If companies are sharing information for cybersecurity purposes
they ought to be required to make a reasonable effort to remove personal information that isnt needed for cybersecurity before that information is handed over to the government.

CISA would require companies to remove data known at the time of

sharing to include personal information. Industry lobbyists preferred that
definition to reasonable, which could be interpretedby bureaucrats or
juriesin various, shifting ways.
Now I want to talk about just one other issue specifically that I think
senators are not familiar with, and that is the issue of cyber signatures,
Wyden said. Cyber signatures are essentially recognizable patterns in
online code. A number of informed observers have raised the concern that
once individual cyber signatures are shoveled over to the government by
private companies they could be used as the basis for broad surveillance
affecting law abiding Americans.
This was a sensitive area, Wyden acknowledged. Now Im not going
to confirm or deny any of the press reports that have raised concerns
about cyber signatures being used in this way, he said. He was an Intelligence Committee member and restricted in what he could share. He
could, however, turn that restriction into a rhetorical advantage with
heavy hints.
But I believe senators should understand that this is certainly, and its
been widely discussed in the public arena, a theoretical possibility, he
said. And that helps underscore the importance of including a strong
requirement for private companies to remove unrelated personal information about their customers before dumping data over to the government.
And then there was a secret Department of Justice legal opinion that
Wyden believed would show the governments expansive view of what it
could do with citizens private information. Wyden had been agitating for
disclosure, without success, for much of the last year.
This opinion interprets common commercial service agreements and
in my judgment it is inconsistent with the publics understanding of the
law, Wyden said.
So once again, Mr. President, we have this question of what happens
when the people of Pennsylvania, Virginia, or Oregon think that
theres a law because theyve read it in the public arena or on their



iPad at home, and then there is a secret interpretation. Ive urged the
Justice Department to withdraw this secret Department of Justice opinion that relates directly to the cybersecurity debate. Theyve declined
to do it. I suspect many senators havent had the chance to review it,
and I would urge, as I have done before, on this type of topic, I would
urge senators or their staff to take the time to read it. Because I believe
understanding the executive branchs interpretation of these agreements is an important part of understanding the relevant legal landscape on cybersecurity.

Wyden wrapped up with a final kick at the bill, namely, that it

wouldnt work.
And Im going to close by talking about the question of effectiveness, he said.
Because I think we all understand that we are facing very real cyber
threats. Im of the view this bill in its present form would do little if
anything to stop large sophisticated cyberattacks like the Office of
Personnel Management hack. And I dont think senators ought to take
just my word for it here. In April, sixty-five technologists and cybersecurity professionals expressed their opposition to the bill in a letter to
Chairman Burr and Vice-Chairman Feinstein. Referring to the bill and
similar bills they wrote and I quote We appreciate your interest in
making our networks more secure. But the legislation proposed does
not materially further that goal and at the same time it puts our users
privacy at risk.

Wyden concluded:
Well have a chance in the fall to look at ways to address cybersecurity
in a fashion that I think does respond to what our people want, and that
is to show that security, and in this case cybersecurity, and liberty are
not mutually exclusive. That sensible policies worked out in a bipartisan way will respond to the needs of this country in what is unquestionably a dangerous time. With that Mr. President I yield the floor.

It was a pointed reminder of what to expect in the fall.

Its too bad hes not crazy, an industry source said of Wyden, just a
little bit worried. Hes a pretty smart guy.
There was a good fight coming.


I spent countless hours crafting and debating cyber legislation back in

2012the last time we attempted to pass major cyber legislation. This
body has come a long way since that time. We understand that we
cannot improve our cyber posture by shackling the private sector,
which operates the majority of our countrys critical infrastructure,
with government mandates. As I argued at that time, heavy-handed
regulations and government bureaucracy will do more harm than good
in cyberspace. The voluntary framework in this legislation represents
the progress we have made in defining the role of the private sector
and the role of the government in sharing threat information, defending networks, and deterring cyber-attacks.
Sen. John McCain (R-Arizona), Senate floor speech, August 4, 2015

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) may have been desperate

for success stories, but so was Congress. In mid-August 2015, a Gallup
Poll showed Congress with a 14 percent approval ratingnot its lowest
on record, but pretty dismal and suggestive of the need to reel off some
accomplishments. Senate leader Mitch McConnells national unfavorable
rating was 41 percent, compared to a 22 percent favorable rating. Lawmakers would be looking for areas of possible success when they returned in the fall.
The Senate failed to advance cybersecurity legislation in early August,
but the agreement on a process for considering the bill in the fall provided




a silver lining. The procedural deal between the Senates leaders could,
potentially, contribute enormously to the ultimate success of the bill.
First, the agreement obviated the need for a cloture vote on proceeding
to the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA), removing one obstacle. The bill could be brought directly to the floor by the leaders.
Second, McConnell and Democratic leader Harry Reid agreed on a list of
amendments that would be in order for consideration once the bill was
taken up. The amendments focused on the content of the CISA bill and
closely related issues, and extraneous proposals were excluded. Third, the
agreement seemed to provide ample time for debate, after debate on the
Iran nuclear agreement and perhaps amid skirmishing over the federal
I could see CISA slip until October, an industry source said, given
the realities of the Senates September agenda and a looming showdown
over government funding. But the prospect wasnt as alarming as it
wouldve been a few days earlier. The fact that they hammered out an
agreement on amendments is notable, the source said. Maybe well
have to live with something on privacy, but I think most of these amendments get defeated.
The timing was still subject to any number of outside influences, as
well as to the vagaries of the always potentially combustible McConnellReid relationship. Some kind of time agreement between McConnell
and Reid for actually voting on and getting through those amendments
would still be needed. But supporters of the CISA bill looked at the
amendment list and saw a pathway to victoryas they wondered what
took the Senate leaders so long to reach this point.
Amendments on limiting legal immunity for companies that shared
threat indicators, privacy protections, securing federal computer networks, and fighting cyber crime would be in order. But separate issues
raised by senators such as consumer data-breach notification and Electronic Communications Privacy Act reform were off the table. Likewise,
Sen. Rand Pauls bid to stoke unrelated debates over defunding sanctuary cities and allowing firearms on military bases was disallowed. The
proposal by Sen. Susan Collins to add mandatory cybersecurity reporting
requirements for some critical infrastructure operators did not make the
We set up expeditious consideration of the cyber bill for when the
Senate returned in September, McConnell said.



The Republican list included at least three problematic amendments

from industrys perspective: a Paul proposal to limit businesses liability
protection, one by Sen. Dean Heller (R-Nevada) that would set a stricter
requirement on removing personally identifiable information, and a proposal by Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Arizona) to sunset the bills provisions after
six years. The House-passed legislation included a seven-year sunset.
There was also the Cotton amendment on direct sharing with the FBI
and Secret Service, which many industry groups supported.
The most contentious Democratic amendments included two by Ron
Wyden strengthening the requirement to remove personally identifiable
information and requiring notification when a customers personal data
had been shared. Sen. Al Franken would offer an amendment to tighten
the definition of the threat indicators that could be shared. Sen. Patrick
Leahy would offer an amendment to eliminate exclusions from the Freedom of Information Act, closing a loophole left open in the managers
amendment by Richard Burr and Dianne Feinstein.
Sen. Tom Carper would offer the Federal Cybersecurity Enhancement
Act, the bill approved by his committee that would accelerate deployment
of the EINSTEIN system across government agencies and make clear
DHS authority to compel other agencies to make cybersecurity improvements. Carper would also offer an amendment clarifying the Department
of Homeland Securitys authority to scrub incoming data of so-called
personally identifiable information (PII).
Supporters of CISA pointed to a two-stage scrubbing process already contained in the bill, which would require companies to remove
data known at the time of sharing to include personal information,
followed by a second scrub at federal agencies receiving the threat indicators. The data first would go from the private sector to DHSs National
Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC), which
would then share it with the other federal agencies without delay.
Burr and Feinstein said this process addressed concerns about direct
sharing between the private sector and entities such as the National
Security Agency (NSA). But critics said it opened the door to vast
amounts of personal data falling into the hands of intelligence and law
enforcement agencies with no intervening scrub at DHS.
Carpers amendment would create space for DHS to take a look at the
threat indicators before sending them along to other agencies, specifically
to determine whether PII was included. Carpers amendment specified



that DHS must share the information among other agencies without unnecessary delay, leaving it up to the department to determine what constituted a necessary delay.
DHSs advocates on the congressional homeland security committees
said the department was far ahead of other agencies in developing the
capacity to review data and strip out PII. Some industry lobbyists believed this was more about protecting DHSs turf, rather than ensuring an
effective information-sharing process.
DHS is supposed to be the agency with the expertise so they should
perform a privacy scrub, a Senate source asserted. The concern is under
the current language it is not entirely clear DHS would be afforded the
flexibility to conduct an automated privacy scrub that may require DHS
to modify or remove irrelevant PII as it sends the info around to other
Industry lobbyists questioned the impact of including an additional
stop at DHS before threat indicators could be put to use, but quietly
agreed they might accept the limited Carper amendment as one price for
getting the bill through the Senate.
Sen. Christopher Coons (D-Delaware) would offer an amendment that
took a harder line, mandating a scrub of personal information at DHS.
Industry groups saw this as much more time-consuming and onerous than
the Carper amendment.
It was classic Carper: a one-word solution that seemed to cut through
the noise.
The great significance of this amendment list was that it allowed debate on the weighty philosophical issues raised by the bill, along with
chances to adjust the functionality of the legislation by degrees. Reluctantly, almost by accidentand only because of the need to deal quickly
with the separate Iran matterthe Senate had arrived at a place where it
could constructively engage on an issue of national import.
If it could actually just get on with it.
Industry supporters of CISA got ready to work over the summer recess, with plans for constant, traditional outreach to Senate offices bolstered by a social media campaign to counter bill opponents on their own
cyber turf. They have a month, but we have a month too, said an
industry source. There needed to be a message of the week countering the
surveillance bill narrative with a myth versus fact campaign.



On August 11, the Protecting Americas Cyber Networks Coalition

sent out its first broadside attempting to wrestle the narrative away from
the online privacy activists. The coalition included forty-eight industry
groups representing much of the U.S. economy and most critical-infrastructure sectors.
The idea behind the myth-versus-fact piece is to describe CISA in
accurate and positive waysin ways that are true to the bill, an industry
insider explained. Opponents describe the bill in ways that are false.
Weve selected five myth-versus-fact combinations to counter such false
claims, and we plan to push them out over the coming weeks in the runup to a vote in September. CISA was so important, the industry source
said, because individual companies in the private sector were forced to
play an outsized role in defending networks against sophisticated international attacks. Companies are confronting nation-states and their proxies, criminal gangs, and rogue hackers on the Internet, the source said.
They are also managing these and other cyber threats to their data and
devices. The source added: Frankly, businesses are supplying security
in environments that used to be supplied by national governments. Companies must have timely situational awareness and legal clarity to defend
against the bad guys. CISA would be a key tool in businesses cybersecurity toolbox.
The first coalition posting challenged bill opponents assertions that
the legislation would allow sharing of broad types of information; that it
authorized surveillance; that it would allow companies to hack back
against cyber attackers; that it didnt require companies to remove personal data from shared information; and that businesses would be encouraged to share with the Defense Department and National Security
The industry side was trying a frontal assault on every point used
against CISA.
The release included a string of data that the coalition said was typical
of the kind of cyber threat indicators shared between industry and government.
The caption below isnt a series of typos. It shows a typical example
of cyber threat informationtechnical and sterile datathat businesses
share and receive from industry and government partners to counter cyberattacks. It contains no personal informationand thats the point, according to the coalition.



It looked like this:

(msg:ZBC DDoS - HTTP Header Structure with
Hex Byte URI seen; flow:established,to_server; content:KeepAlive|3a 20|; http_header; fast_pattern; content:!gzip;
http_header; content:Connection|3a 20|Keep-Alive; http_header; nocase; pcre:/[\?&][a-f0-9]{5,6}$/U; classtype:webapplicationattack; sid:40000006; rev:4;)
(msg:ZBC DDoS - KamiKaze;
flow:established,to_server; content:CLIENT-IP|3a 20|; http_header;
fast_pattern; content:Via|3a 20|; http_header;
content:X-FORWARDED-FOR|3a 20|; http_header; classtype:webapplication-attack; sid:40000007; rev:1;)

This is what the fight is about, the industry side was arguing. Privacy
protections are very important, the CISA supporters said repeatedly. But
now they were not going to sit back while the opposition turned cyber
info sharing into something that it most emphatically was not.
The online privacy crew shrugged it off. I didnt find it very convincing, said Nathan White of Access. Things were going their way, the
digital rights groups were convinced, more than ever.
Industry representatives thought it a smug response, and that CISA
foes were already chalking up a victory. I wouldnt say anythings a
given in the Senate, one business source said. Id say smugness captures the attitude in their camp.
Behind the scenes, industry advocates were monitoring social media
and finding few signs of the promised anti-CISA campaign. The chatter
was minimal, and it was all inside the Beltway. The online privacy camp
seemed to be on vacation.
This source expressed the industry sides frustration: They arent
quite capturing the nuances of our argument. They dont even want to talk
about our needsand were always willing to talk about how to improve
the privacy protections.
The source added: We need to remember who the bad guys are, this
is aimed at overseas bad actors.
In the existing threat environment, the source said, it was simply a fact
that the National Security Agency would get the kind of data it needed to



battle a dangerous adversary. But under CISA, it wouldnt be a

straightforward handover of the data; there would be steps to ensure the
government wasnt tossing around personal information.
What the bill does is require Uncle Sam to review it first, the source
said. It doesnt just go directly to Admiral Rogers at the NSA.
That may have been true, but late on August 15, the Snowden effect
slammed into the CISA debate once again.
The New York Timess latest bombshell from the Snowden leaks detailed the cozy relationship between AT&T and the national security
establishment. The story was posted online Saturday evening and appeared on the front page of the Sunday paper on August 16. The upshot
was that plenty of data was going to Adm. Rogers and others at the NSA
and other intelligence centers without a great deal of concern for privacy
While it has been long known that American telecommunications
companies worked closely with the spy agency, newly disclosed N.S.A.
documents show that the relationship with AT&T has been considered
unique and especially productive. One document described it as highly
collaborative, while another lauded the companys extreme willingness
to help, the New York Times reported in collaboration with ProPublica.
The article continued: AT&Ts cooperation has involved a broad
range of classified activities, according to the documents, which date
from 2003 to 2013. AT&T has given the N.S.A. access, through several
methods covered under different legal rules, to billions of emails as they
have flowed across its domestic networks.
AT&T declined to comment to the New York Times. But in terms of
this storys impact on cybersecurity, that didnt really matter. Perceptions
were key at the intersection of cybersecurity and surveillance, and here
was another episode that fit snugly into the online privacy communitys
narrative: A surveillance-oriented government and its willing partners in
industry were constantly charging up to or over the line when it came to
protecting citizens online privacy rights.
It didnt matter that the executive branch said it had changed its policies and that the USA Freedom Act had been signed into law. Look at
what the government and the telecom industry have been doing already
and theyre asking for more authority to dig into peoples data?
If the Cyber Information Sharing Act were to pass, companies like
AT&T would be encouraged to share more of their customers data with



law enforcement and surveillance agencies in the United States without

concern about any privacy laws, said Peter Micek, senior policy counsel
at the digital rights group Access. In fact, the bill creates legal incentives
to encourage companies to give more and share more private data. This
news should put an immediate halt to consideration of CISA.
An industry source fired back, saying: In my mind, theres no reason
to slow pushing CISA for one second. The Times story is limited to a
company. The policy and legal underpinnings are different.
The source stressed: CISA is not about surveilling law-abiding citizens but about guarding U.S. cyber networks, respecting privacy, and
sharing threat data at Internet speeds. There ought to be no impact on
CISA. The bill should get taken up the first week the Senate gets back.
By early Monday morning, August 17, industry groups that supported
CISA were stressing to reporters the distinction between surveillance
activities as opposed to government and private-sector sharing of cyber
threat indicators. This is common-sense legislation, its not at all about
personally identifiable information or surveillance, said a financial-sector source. Those issues had already been addressed in the USA Freedom
Act debate, the source said with some exasperation.
Another source, also from the financial community, said firms had no
interest in handing over personal data as part of an information-sharing
regime under CISA. This is about technical threat indicators, the source
said. Industry representatives put on a brave face, saying the short legislative calendar in the fall, not the steady drip of ruinous leaks from Edward
Snowden, were still the biggest obstacle to passing CISA.
There was the McConnellReid consent agreement to proceed and the
White House had said nice things about the bill. There were plenty of
signs that senators wanted to get it done. The crowded fall agenda was
still the main problem, not this new story about AT&T, a company that
was a highly active and well-respected member of industrys cybersecurity inner circle.
But behind the scenes the mood was very worried, if not approaching
panic. E-mails whipped between the offices of trade association officials
who were leading the industry campaign for CISA. Some felt the latest
story killed CISA; others noted it was posted on a sleepy weekend in midAugust.
Industry representatives heatedly debated whether to take on the
charges directly or hope that it would settle down on its own. In a bit of



cyber-irony, AT&T announced its Digital You campaign on August 17,

a new program aimed at giving consumersand especially parentsnew
tools to secure their digital lives. Such positive gestures didnt have much
sway in the bare-knuckled policy arena though.
Amie Stepanovich of Access published a piece in Wired hammering at
the involuntary nature of the bill, when it came to consumers unwitting
participation in the program or even for companies that signed a cooperative agreement with the government. The legislation sacrifices peoples
privacy and security at the altar of corporate liability protection, Stepanovich wrote.
AT&T just galvanized the civil liberties groups, an industry lobbyist
said glumly. It would be another bullet to fire at the legislation, but the
privacy-rights community was feeling confident that it had plenty of ammunition.
The industry coalition charged back into the fight with an August 19
posting that once again tried to explain cyber threat indicators and how
they were far different from personal, private information. CTIs, according to the bill, describe or identify malicious reconnaissance, a method of
defeating a security control or exploitation of a security vulnerability,
malicious cyber command and control, the actual or potential harm
caused by an incident, among other types of cyber threat data, the coalition wrote.
That might include domain names or Internet protocol addresses. It
could be log data, which the coalition described as the exhaust gas of an
information system. It could include signatures, recognizable, distinguishing patterns associated with a cyberattack (e.g., a binary string in a
virus or a particular set of keystrokes used to gain unauthorized access to
a network), or time stamps or a Web address.
But it wasnt the content of someones e-mail.
In those rare instances where an individuals personal information
might happen to be embedded within CTIs or defensive measures, CISA
mandates that public and private entities remove such personal information unrelated to a cyber threat when sharing CTIs and defensive measures, the coalition wrote.
The bottom line is that CISA is about protecting Americas cyber
systems. It is not a surveillance bill, which some privacy advocates
wrongly argue by stretching the intent of CISA to unrecognizable lengths.



The fact is that CISA does not authorize the government to surveil individuals or target crimes unrelated to cybersecurity.
As the dog days of August stretched out, hackers began publicly revealing the contents of their haul from an attack on the Ashley Madison
Web site, which promoted itself as an adultery-enabling service under the
slogan Life is short. Have an affair. E-mail content and the embarrassing personal details of more than 30 million alleged customers were
released into cyberspace.
Now here was a scandal that might motivate Congress to act! Or so
snickered the cynics.
In the immediate, sometimes grim reality of cyberspace, within days a
couple of suicides were linked to the releases, the data inspired blackmail
schemes aimed at hapless customers who had, apparently, entered extensive personal data in hopes of scoring a fling, and a mayor in Alabama
felt compelled to resign.
The CEO of the Ashley Madison parent company stepped down about
ten days after the hacked content began seeping out through the Web.
Despite the tawdry nature of the business, the resignation demonstrated
the risk that cyber insecurity posed to the upper leadership of virtually
any organization. From Sony Pictures to OPM to Ashley Madison, it was
becoming the norm for CEOs to take the fall after massive hacks.
The Ashley Madison hack didnt have much visible impact on Capitol
Hill in late August. The prospects for the cyber information-sharing legislation were as murky as ever, with senators back in their states, many
staff on vacation, and an industry coalition gamely trying to win a message war that the other side didnt seem to feel much need to counter.
Politicos Tim Starks posted an item on August 28 noting dour vibes
around the bill on Capitol Hill. An industry lobbyist dashed off an e-mail
to the reporter playfully demanding to know his source on congressional
vibes. Things were going very well, the lobbyist asserted. But the lobbyist was paid to keep hope alive; Starks was calling them as he saw
A well-connected senator, off the record, said September was extremely unlikely for floor action. He heavily qualified the prospects for
action in the later months of the year, offering one thin reed of hope:
Congress would likely be in session right up until Christmas Eve.
After running through a check list of show votes on other issues, the
Senate finally turned to cybersecurity in the fall of 2015. With little



fanfare and minimal histrionics, the legislation by Burr and Feinstein

sailed through in late October, setting the stage for negotiations with the
House and ultimate passage of a major cybersecurity bill that President
Obama would sign into law.
Lawmakers added privacy protections and folded in the EINSTEIN
legislation that would speed up the implementation of advanced cybersecurity technology throughout the government. In the end, Congress came
up with a workmanlike product that could accomplish a modest goal, a
result that belied the almost apocalyptic debate of the preceding years.
Congress could be maddeningly inward-looking and childishly distracted, but it wasnt alone on the cybersecurity-policy playing field. The
policy was going to march ahead regardless of what lawmakers managed
to accomplish. Besides the latest titillating news produced by illegal
hacks, the last full week of August 2015 also produced a string of hugely
significant cybersecurity policy developments that would, naturally, be
overlooked amid the summer doldrums, the Donald Trump watch on the
presidential campaign trail, and the latest episodes of homicidal rage that
would dominate the Web and the airwaves.
As Congress fiddled, cybersecurity policy was actually still being
made in new collaborative efforts between government and industry, but
also in regulatory moves by the federal bureaucracy and in courtrooms. It
was, as always, a menagerie of partnership, legal brickbats, and regulatory muscle-flexing.
As noted earlier, on August 24, a U.S. appeals court stamped its approval on the Federal Trade Commissions authority to enforce cybersecurity standards. Two days later, the Pentagon released a new rule requiring its contractors to report breaches on their networks. Just a couple of
weeks earlier the White House Office of Management and Budget proposed new rules for all government contractors on improving the cybersecurity of their supply chains. The federal government awarded over $305
billion in contracts in the 2015 fiscal year, so its ability to influence
cybersecurity habitsin this case, the habits of its vast network of vendorswas unparalleled within the U.S. economy.
That was the disciplinary and regulatory side of governments approach; there were also developments on the partnership side. The same
week in late August, the Federal Communications Commissions (FCC)
industry-led advisory council got to work on its next collaborative endeavor on cybersecurity, addressing information sharing, security by



design, and the telecom sectors cyber workforce. As information-sharing legislation lagged, the FCCs leaders wanted to independently work
with industry to see if barriers to sharing could be reduced.
The Commerce Department announced the details of a new multistakeholder process aimed at getting cybersecurity researchers and vendors of security products on the same page when it came to revealing
vulnerabilities in software. And the Department of Homeland Security
reached a decision on a private-sector entity to establish rules of the road
for the new information sharing and analysis organizations created under
Obamas executive order of the previous February.
The policy needs wouldnt disappear in the absence of congressional
action, and multiple interestswithin and outside governmentwould
push the policies in a variety of directions. Many of those efforts would
be discretely effective. But what was lacking was the overarching policy
guidance that only Congress, as the representative of the nations myriad
interests, could produce.
Why has this been so hard? Im stumped, a financial-sector source
said in the late summer of 2015, as the CISA bills fate still hung in the
balance. Everyone says the next breach will be the one that changes the
political calculation. But whats the magic number? The government has
already literally lost the crown jewels.
And still, Congress stumbled and could only offer partial answers. At
long last, completion of the information-sharing legislation wasnt a final
victory, but would mark another step toward completion of a policy arc
that began with Obamas 2013 executive order. The legal fears that inhibited sharing of threat indicators would be addressed; at the same time, the
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) voluntary framework of cybersecurity standards would guide industry efforts, rather than
a top-down regulatory command structure as was envisioned just a few
years before.
There were missing pieces, most notably tangible incentives to encourage expensive investments in cyber defenses by individual companies, which would in turn benefit entire industry sectors and the United
States as a whole. But once Congress finally acted on information sharing, even more responsibility for cybersecurity clearly would be in industry hands. At that point, industry and its government partners would just
have to make it work.


We are all for improving the safety and security of the Internet. Your
own choices, your practices [and] the practices of Internet service
providers are all part of the fabric that we have to maintain. The things
that you do to protect your own safety and security and privacy affect
me, too, because if you dont do a good job of it, you become an
avenue through which phishing attacks can be made.
Vint Cerf, chief Internet evangelist at Google, National Press Club,
May 4, 2015

By 2016 government and industry alike could claim a series of policy

accomplishments. Any improvements in the cybersecurity policy landscape only set the stage for the next round of challenges, of course, and
the essential question remained whether policy accomplishments translated into better security in cyberspace. The White House put out lengthy
fact sheets and the Department of Homeland Security boasted of hundreds of meetings with stakeholders, but were we any more secure? The
business community stressed the benefits and need for a nonregulatory,
industry-led approach, but was it actually effective? Congress toted up
hearings and bills passed, but the effect, if any, was far from certain.
Cybersecurity posed a surging river of questions that twisted in surprising directions and never, ever, slowed down.
On the government side, cyber policy was first articulated under the
Bill Clinton administration, became an upper-tier priority under the
George W. Bush administration, and at times dominated policy discussions during the Obama administration. But the current governmental



approach, priorities, and structure for dealing with cybersecurity still

might not get it done.
The verdict wasnt in yet on the voluntary approach to driving cybersecurity improvements in the private sector. By 2016, the verdict wasnt
even in on whether the federal government truly believed in a voluntary
approach, or whether it could or would maintain such an approach.
Some of the flagship efforts launched under the banner of the National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) framework of cybersecurity standards quickly revealed inherent strains, regardless of the sturdiness of the NIST product itself. By late 2015, for instance, it was unclear
whether the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) could actually
provide the confidentiality guarantees that industry needed before handing government highly detailed reports about companies cyber efforts. In
the FCCs eyes, such reporting was a key to assuring that the communications industry was actually using the NIST framework-based working
group 4 report released earlier in the year.
Without an adequate system for assuring effectiveness, industry lawyers believed the FCC almost certainly would decide to fall back on a
more traditional mandatory approach to requiring beefed up cybersecurity
controls in the communications sector. Government and industry lawyers
would dominate the process, it would be battled out over years and probably trigger multiple lawsuits. The year-long FCCindustry collaborative
process would be for naught.
Such an outcome was averted as the FCC, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and industry representatives figured out a way to
hold the assurance meetings under a legally sound cloak of privacy. But
the difficulty in settling this point demonstrated, once again, the inherently precarious nature of governmentindustry collaboration in the risky,
costly world of cybersecurity.
Viewed in a different light, the constant tension between a private
sector-led approach and the threat of government intervention provided
motivational sparks that kept industry moving forward to improve the
nations cybersecurity. In any case, industry wouldnt have much choice
when an activist government such as the Obama administration was in
power. Yet another experiment in cybersecurity policy would be in store
if and when the next Republican administration came into office. Would a
more hands-off government approach, devoid of a regulatory threat, lead
industry to slack off?



Some on the security side didnt think that was the right question. As
seen under George W. Bush, a Republican administration might not be
shy at all about requiring cybersecurity improvements.
The Obama administration as part of the executive order in 2013 made
sure federal agencies had the regulatory authority they needed to drive
cyber improvements, if they decided that was necessary. But the threat of
regulation was kept in the holster into 2016.
The voluntary part of the [2013] executive order was all about politics, a former Obama administration official, who was oriented toward
the security side, said in late 2015. This is a Google White House, a
Microsoft White House. They think the national security types stifle innovation.
Melissa Hathaway, who worked in both the Bush and Obama White
Houses, cited a conundrum in the business community. Industry leaders
desperately feared and opposed regulatory mandates, but also cried out
for specific guidance on what they should do to improve cybersecurity.
Businesses were reluctant to make investments that their competitors
werent makingand spending on cybersecurity was still, in many ways,
a choice. Critical sectors still needed guidance and it wasnt clear that
voluntary would achieve the goal.
A source from the tech sector, speaking on background, was harsher in
the assessment of the Obama White House and its commitment to a
voluntary, industry-led cyber strategy. I dont believe a word they say,
said the source, who worked for a critical infrastructure entity. They talk
about partnership but everything they do is counter to partnership.
Governmentindustry collaboration quickly soured when the Obama
administration took office in 2009, this source charged. Partnership is
just a way for them to get what they want from business. The process of
collaborating on securing critical infrastructurein both cyber and physical spacewas far more robust under both the Bill Clinton and George
W. Bush administrations, according to this source. With this administration, theres a belief that government can provide the solutions and should
be at the center of everything, the source said.
In previous administrations it was about finding common ground,
the source said. Slowly but surely the government side became the dominant partner.
From the 2013 National Infrastructure Protection Plan to the 2014
NIST framework to the 2015 proposal on information sharing and analy-



sis organizations, or ISAOs, this source reflected a view that was widelyif quietlyheld in industry: Partnership was a one-way street for
the Obama administration.
Nobody in industry was clamoring for a NIST framework; it pulled
away a lot of resources. And, they say the framework is voluntary but if
we dont do it theyll make it mandatory, the source charged. Theyre
asking us to write our own regulations, the source said of the Obama
administrations allegedly voluntary approach to cybersecurity.
Likewise, with the ISAOs, we provided a lot of input on what the
[existing] ISACs could be doing better and they ignored it, according to
the source.
After fifteen years, the source said in late 2015, this is the worst
Ive ever seen it on governmentindustry partnership on security issues.
Questions about the Obama administrations commitment to a voluntary approach emanated from a few corners of the largely unregulated
technology sector. Stakeholders from heavily regulated communities
such as telecom, finance, or energy were often quicker to praise the NIST
framework and other initiatives.
For them, any commitment to an industry-driven, risk-management
approach was a breath of fresh air.
Was the framework a distraction? No way, said a telecom industry
source who was closely involved in the NIST process. You have to
remember, we were just coming off LiebermanCollins, which was a
very prescriptive approach to the policy. This, by contrast, was collaborative, it was industry-driven.
Participants enjoyed the NIST framework process, the source asserted.
The blowup aimed at DHS during the San Diego workshop was the only
negative moment at those meetings over the course of a full year, this
source said. Ive never seen that before in governmenta truly productive dialogue over a year.
The two points of view, from two industry representatives on the front
lines of cyber policy, reflected an unsettled conflict over philosophy
when it came to government and industry roles. There were plenty of
practical, tangible problems as well.
On the question of how the federal government organized itself, the
verdict was already in by 2016and it was not a positive one. The
government was structured extremely poorly to take on the challenge of
cybersecurity and virtually all of the stakeholders knew it.



The Department of Homeland Security had the biggest piece of jurisdictional pie, but cybersecurity was just a small part of the departments
responsibilities. DHS was an amalgamation of functions whose leaders,
going back to the last years of the George W. Bush administration, saw
cyber as a potential win area. The department desperately needed a
success story as it was frequently hammered over issues like the porous
border with Mexico and incompetent TSA officers at the nations airports. But the departments culture was jumbled, its morale low, and
mission confused.
DHSs priorities could shift with the political winds. The secretary of
homeland security generally had to answer to the president about immigration and transportation security before the conversation ever got
around to cybersecurity. Questions surrounding an expensive new campus that would bring together the departments disparate elements often
got more attention from Congress than cybersecurity.
DHS needed a win, but it was reasonable to conclude by 2016 that its
focus should be terrestrial, and on security at the shoreline and in the
As an alternative, the security of the nations computer networks and
digital life could be in the hands of a new Department of Cybersecurity.
Much of the government restructuring discussion during the early years
of the Obama administration centered on the supposed need for a legally
empowered cybersecurity czar within the White House apparatus. The
existing White House coordinator position was often portrayed as toothless, though Michael Daniel gave it real power through his collaborative
and evangelical efforts.
Creation of a cybersecurity department would obviate the need for a
new structure within the White House.
It would, however, raise its own set of issues. First and foremost,
Hathaway observed, you slow things down. Nothing else goes away and
you create a new layer of bureaucracy. You have to merge multiple
cultures and we saw how well that worked at DHS.
Hathaway spent substantial time pondering whether a new department
was worthwhile and how it would work. Existing entities at other agencies that were drivers of Internet policy would have to be folded into a
cyber department, she said. That would include the National Telecommunications and Information Administration at the Commerce Department,



the Information Assurance Directorate at the National Security Agency,

and the State Departments cybersecurity office.
There were ways to bring logic to the governments organization on
cyber, Hathaway determined, but the practical downsides argued against
building up an entirely new department.
A Department of Cybersecurity would be threatening to some, commented an industry lobbyist. People would say, What are they going to
do to us?
A stand-alone department would face tremendous pressure to justify
its existence. Many on the industry side believed that would translate into
pursuit of a far-reaching regulatory regime insinuating itself into every
corner of the U.S. economy.
And on Capitol Hill, DHS had supporters who believed the department was on the right trajectory. Sen. Tom Carper, for one, said strong
leadership under Secretary Jeh Johnson and deputies like Phyllis Schneck
was creating an environment that brought in more talent. The DHS workforce law passed in late 2014 was beginning to show results, in terms of
effective recruitment, by the fall of 2015, Carper said.
New laws made clear that DHS could force improvements at other
agencies and the departments cyber information-sharing center now had
real operational capacity. The federal government is as challenged by
hacks as other sectors of the economy, Carper said. We have had a
huge struggle to define responsibilities. We want all of the agencies to
straighten up and fly right, and we want for DHS to drive the improvements.
But greater focus and attention to the cyber mission were badly
needed. As an alternative to a new department, the U.S. Chamber of
Commerces (Chamber) Matthew Eggers suggested DHSs authority
should be allowed to sunset, with Congress stepping back to analyze
the various pieces and decide what should be appropriately housed within
a centralized homeland security structure.
Departmental reauthorizations are fairly routine in Congress: periodic
reviews of mission, authority, and budgeting, performed by the committees that oversee each federal department. Congress has passed a reauthorization bill for the Defense Department every year since the landmark
national security overhaul of 1947, which put the structural pieces in
place for the government to fight a Cold War.



But by 2016, the Department of Homeland Security had never been

through the exercise since its inception in 2002. At the beginning of each
new year, the leaders of the House and Senate homeland security panels
would declare that DHS reauthorization was a high priority; inevitably it
would slide off the calendar. Reauthorization of DHS would be an extremely complicated, time-consuming endeavor, and there were other priorities.
We dont need a whole new bureaucracy while we do need more
focused attention on cybersecurity within the existing department, Eggers said. Congress could, perhaps, tackle this in a reauthorization process. The challenges of securing cyberspace in the twenty-first century
were different from the Cold War challenges of the mid-twentieth century, but the implications could be similar. In any case, the U.S. government was short-changing itself and its citizens by failing to confront the
question of how it should line up to effectively pursue cybersecurity.
The governments organizational shortcomings went beyond the problems at DHS.
For one thing, the Obama administration often inadequately expressed
its cybersecurity priorities in the annual budget submission to Congress.
Any presidents budget document was often viewed as a worthless anachronism, dissected and quickly discarded on Capitol Hill. But it was an
administrations chief policy tool for organizing its mission and priorities.
The Obama budget submissions reflected an emphasis on cybersecurity in
the raw numbers, but frequently represented a missed chance to demonstrate the whole of enterprise approach to cyber that the administration
was demanding of the private sector.
The federal budget could show how a large organization instills security and risk management into both its operations and philosophy. Instead,
cybersecurity elements were typically siloed throughout the budget, popping up discretely in documents for each federal agency. There was no
directive for managers at different levels of the executive branch to include cybersecurity in their decision-making processes. The Obama administration, meanwhile, was urging that very cultural change on the
private sector.
The omissions suggested how easily cybersecurity considerations
were trumped by other factors. Corporate managers were well aware of
that tension; government officials were often reluctant to acknowledge it
might be a legitimate problem for businesses. To its credit, the Obama



administration's final budget, proposed in February 2016, included a

much more coherent approach to cybersecurity.
By 2016, Congress desperately needed to step up its game on cybersecurity as well.
Knowledge is a mile wide and an inch deep in Congress, Carper
observed. Its not an issue well understood by generalists, and we are
generalists in Congress. Further, Carper said, often times the technologists who do grasp all the nuances of the issue dont do a very good job of
explaining it to non-expert audiences, such as a hearing-room full of
A first step, which lawmakers continued to resist, would be streamlining the congressional cybersecurity oversight process through a consolidation of committee jurisdiction, or perhaps by chartering a multi-committee task force. Creation of a new Department of Cybersecurity would
produce a logical imperative to engage in congressional reform and help
accomplish this. But in the absence of a new department, it still seemed
reasonable that lawmakers could self-motivate to clean up their own lines
of authority.
We have overlapping jurisdiction among the Homeland Security, Intelligence, and Judiciary committees, you saw that on FISA [reform of
the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act] and you see that on info-sharing, a House source said. Cybersecurity is now a big-ticket item, and as
a result, a lot of committees are interested in creating their own turf.
Depending on who was doing the counting, anywhere from eightyeight to over one hundred congressional committees and subcommittees
claimed jurisdiction over cybersecurity issues. DHS officials, careful not
to insult the lawmakers who fed their department, would cautiously acknowledge the tremendous amount of time and energy that went into
preparing for congressional hearings on cybersecurity and responding to
members requests for information. Consolidation would be nice, senior
DHS officials would respond when asked at congressional hearings.
That would involve someone ceding authority over a hot legislative
issue. Disputes between the House Homeland Security and the Oversight
and Government Reform committees almost sank legislation to strengthen the security of government computer networks in 2014. Consolidation
wouldnt be easy.



Whether or not there would be a Department of Cybersecurity, Congress could create dedicated committees on cybersecurity in the House
and Senate.
Other congressional panels would continue to delve into cyber issues.
The banking committees wouldnt stop looking at financial-sector cybersecurity under such an approach, nor would the transportation committees
drop their oversight of the Coast Guards quite advanced cyber activities.
But one committee in each chamber could be empowered to consider
cybersecurity issues every week. It could demand accountability from all
corners of the federal bureaucracy, not merely those within the narrow
jurisdiction of a typical congressional committee.
A look at the homeland security committees agenda for any given
week offered a hint at why this would be desirable.
Border controls, foreign fighters, DHS contracting, regulatory reform,
first responders, bioterrorism, government fuel purchase programs, drug
traffickingany and all of these subjects could occupy the homeland
security panels agenda.
The congressional homeland security committees had the same problem as the Department of Homeland Security: responsibility for a vast
range of policy issues, covering topics as disparate as allowing passengers to carry shampoo bottles onto commercial airplanes to the care of
children brought illegally into the country. Cyber was but a drop in this
Olympic-sized pool of duties and troubles.
There was nothing new about the idea of reforming the twentiethcentury lines of congressional oversight to recognize the twenty-firstcentury challenge of cybersecurity. The Aspen Institute amplified the call
for reform in the fall of 2013, in a report by a task force led by former
Rep. Lee Hamilton (D-Indiana) and former New Jersey Gov. Thomas
Kean (R). The retired politicians previously chaired the national commission on 9/11 and had extensive ties and strong credibility on Capitol Hill.
Other prominent voices on security policy weighed in at regular intervals with a clear message: Congress must face up to the need to reorganize around cybersecurity.
Republican and Democratic leaders need to sit down around a table
before the next Congress and say enough is enough, former DHS Secretary Tom Ridge testified in 2013. We need to consolidate responsibilities so a small group of House members and senators have jurisdiction
over DHS.



Former Rep. Jane Harman (D-California), a veteran of the Intelligence

and Homeland Security committees, said reorganizing congressional
oversight is absolutely essential and painful to do.
Harman noted, People in this institution earned their power through
their committee positions. Leaders would have to mandate changes that
would shrink the authority of some of their members, an unpleasant task.
I dont think we should reorganize the deck chairs [at DHS] but if we
can reorganize Congress, this country will be safer, Harman said.
Sen. John McCain repeatedly called for creation of a select committee
on cybersecurity; he stopped issuing that call when he assumed the chairmanship of the Armed Services Committee in January 2015, inheriting
his own piece of cyber turf.
Reorganizing Congress would be tough, but it wasnt any tougher than
asking business leaders to reorient their entire management approach to
account for cybersecurity.
We cant afford any more delay on these issues, Carper said of the
broad array of cybersecurity challenges in the summer of 2015. In the
coming days, Congress needs to step up and get to work.
Carper was speaking directly to cyber legislation pending at the time,
but even that was easier said than done, in part due to Congresss entrenched existing organizational structure, and in part due to the short
attention spans endemic to lawmakers.
Carper saw another way of dealing with this problem: a task force
comprised of leaders from the many committees of jurisdiction, empowered by the Senate leadership to forge legislative answers to cybersecurity
challenges. Were often plagued by jurisdictional battles, Carper said.
What we need is a majority leader and minority leader working together
to create a task force, so all of these committees dont act as free agents.
Carper summed up his preferred approach: We need leaders to lead
and work together. If they do, we will follow.
New lines of authority certainly wouldnt resolve one of the biggest
problems facing Congress: its tendency to fight the last war when it
came to policymaking. To wit, the vast majority of energy expended on
Capitol Hill in recent years on cybersecurity policy was devoted to the
information-sharing debate. But observers like Larry Clinton, Robert Dix,
and Scott Algeier of the Information Technology Information Sharing
and Analysis Center (IT-ISAC) long cautioned that this was just an aspect, a tool, even as they welcomed the related liability protection.



These efforts are focused on mature companies that can digest information and afford to engage in machine-to-machine automated sharing,
Algeier explained. That doesnt work for smaller entities.
Instead, he said, we should spend a lot more time on creating a
national capability. We need a strategy for enhanced situational awareness nationally.
Information sharing was a tool but it was often portrayed as a goal in
and of itself. What was missing, Algeier said, was a unified national
strategy that recognized the different needs and abilities of different types
of enterprises. We need concise reports on what to look for, of use to
even the small guysgood old-fashioned PDFs, Algeier said.
That was not in the works yet, by the beginning of 2016. Weve
proposed ways to do this through the IT-ISAC, Algeier said, and all we
hear is silence.
Others were even more skeptical of lawmakers focus on information
sharing and openly lamented Congresss misplaced priorities. The Center
for Democracy and Technologys (CDT) Greg Nojeim said: Weve objected from the outset to the premise of the [information-sharing] bill
preempting all law in the service of cybersecurity. Theyre not going to
change that.
Nojeim agreed there was a flaw in the current law that prohibited
companies from sharing information for the purposes of helping others
protect their networks and assets, but he said that could be addressed
through a much narrower fix. An information-sharing bill, structured
along the lines of legislation offered every year from 2012 to 2015, would
never be acceptable to the privacy community.
The surgery on this bill that would be required would be so significant that you wouldnt recognize the bill afterward, Nojeim said.
This was going to provoke a running battle, and stakeholders might
want to consider the cost-benefit ratio.
It wasnt just digital privacy activists who were dismissive of the
massive time and effort put into the information-sharing debate.
I dont think it will be useful, Hathaway said of a new informationsharing law. How does a company get data? Is it data thats useful to
them? Is the use to raise their defenses or just to help them qualify for
cyber insurance?
If company officials needed security clearances to access the data, the
program wouldnt be scalable across the economy, she said. If it offered



blanket immunity for sharing, the incentive to improve ones own cyber
defenses would be undermined.
Would the information-sharing law do anything to adjust the economic calculus companies had to make before investing in cybersecurity?
Larry Clinton didnt think so. It could improve industrys view of the
cyber threatscape, but how many companies would participate in the
schemeand could a small- or mid-sized company (SMB) even make
use of the information? The answer was probably no, Clinton believed,
unless those companies had a better economic rationale for investing in
cybersecurity. And that rationale needed to be developed as part of an
overall national strategy on cybersecurity.
Passage of an information-sharing law would be, at best, just an element of such a strategy. Congress, in its wending way, had settled on a
solution, but the question had already changed.
And other critics went further, usually requesting anonymity to do so.
I personally believe that government information sharing regarding
cybersecurity is a joke, our observer Lazlo, from the technology security
community, said in the spring of 2015, off-the-record. Many of us in the
security community are already sharing intelligence. We dont need a bill
to do this.
The leading legislation in Congress created problems, not solutions.
I personally believe any cyber information-sharing bill expands unnecessary and unfruitful government surveillance, violates our fourth
amendment rights, and severely impacts our First Amendment rights.
Government information sharing isnt worth the price of our freedom
and the dystopian world of having Big Brother. Lets leave that to
Russia and China on their own citizens, not America. There you have

And, Lazlo added with a wry smile, so does the NSA.

Thats just government. Amid the political foibles and stalemates,
business initiatives were moving ahead fitfully.
There were positive signsdevelopments, in fact, that mightve been
seen as astounding even a few short years before. Business representatives said this wasnt fully appreciated in the policymaking realm as 2016
Larry Clinton saw a major evolution in businesss outlook on cyber
issues by the spring of 2015. While Clinton continued to bemoan the



inability of government, at various levels and branches, to grasp the need

for an economic dialogue on cybersecurity, corporate leaders were pushing ahead, he said.
And Clinton had evidence. En route to a June meeting of the North
Carolina branch of the National Association of Corporate Directors, Clinton paused to discuss the great thirst for information about cybersecurity coming from the upper reaches of corporations.
This is my sixth event with corporate boards in the last six months,
according to Clinton, whose day job also required him to pay close attention to everything cyber that might be brewing in Congress and the federal bureaucracy. But what was happening out in corporate America, from
the big firms to the smaller ones, clearly was energizing Clinton. Hed
spent over thirteen years at the Internet Security Alliance (ISA) by this
point, and had done his turn of duty on Capitol Hill. Clinton, in short, was
a man who could distinguish between policy public relations, meant to
please this or that audience for the short term, and a real evolution that
was going to change the way people did business in the United States.
On cybersecurity, the corporate people are starting to think about this
in a much more sophisticated fashion than some inside the Beltway,
according to Clinton.
Part of this stemmed from an epiphany that occurred within the
business community, perhaps since 2014, that cyber attacks were inevitable and the real question was about risk management. Were maturing in
this space and industry is often ahead of the government policymakers,
Clinton said.
Initiatives were sprouting across cyber policy areas and industry sectors. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce frequently updated the list of initiatives underway to use and build upon the NIST framework of standards.
Automakers, chemical makers, the communications sector, electricity,
gas, IT, water works, mutual funds, oil, retail, hotel keepersthey were
all implementing cyber programs based on the NIST framework.
Of interest to executives in all industries, the leaders of the insurance
sector were moving ahead with new products, but also with plans for
deepening relationships with clients that could lead to dramatic new approaches to corporate cybersecurity strategy. This was a development the
Obama White House and Department of Homeland Security had fervently hoped for as an essential companion to the NIST framework and other
initiatives flowing out of the 2013 executive order.



In short, insurers could use their access and leverage to push companies to improve cybersecurity, probably in a more efficient and lessintrusive way than could be accomplished through government regulation.
Peter Hancock, president and CEO of American International Group
(AIG), in April 2015 gave a seminal speech on what insurers could offer
beyond merely shouldering a portion of companies cyber risks. Major
insurers were in a unique place to pull together collective intelligence
on the cyber threat environment, Hancock said, in what was something of
a manifesto on cyber from the insurance perspective.
The insurance industry could nudge discussions on broader economicsocietal issues such as a possible over-reliance on digital interconnectivity. For instance, whether all of the data within an enterprise should be
interconnected required strategic thinking and not just a decision by the
IT office, Hancock said. An enlightened insurer could raise such an issue
with a corporate executive, who otherwise might have allowed a critical
internal cybersecurity policy decision to be made by default.
Insurers had a role to play in discussions around other strategic issues
like encryption and deterrence, Hancock said. On the latter, Hancock said
going after the bad guys is an expensive proposition for an insurance
company, but legal and other actions undertaken by insurers could have a
strong deterrent effect that would pay dividends over time. He predicted
more efforts in this area. Further, insurers willingness to provide more
and more comprehensive types of cyber coverage would rise along with
the maturity of their customers efforts to fend off cyber threats, Hancock
Insurers were self-motivated, to be sure, but their sophisticated curiosity about how industry was approaching its cyber needs was a positive
development that suggested the market would in fact be able to produce
answers. DHS frequently tried aligning itself to progress in the insurance
industry as it attempted to demonstrate the effectiveness of its own initiatives to support the private sector. But insurers had sorted out the needs
and opportunities on their own, a good thing in a policy environment so
dependent on the initiatives and follow-through of private industry.
But were the high-profile industry commitments to enhanced cybersecurity really enough?
There were lots of discussions about the appropriate metrics to answer
that question, but what it boiled down to would be extremely difficult to



measure. We could add up the initiatives and meetings, but did it really
reflect an internalization, on a broad enough scale, of the type of risk
management mind-set that would be needed going forward?
ISAs Clinton declared himself an optimist, though perhaps a qualified
The progress in industry isnt that companies are hiring more IT
people, Clinton said. Its that boards are engaged and taking a sophisticated approach to risk management. These are big issues, and if we allow
ourselves to focus on the small issues, we wont make the kind of
progress we need to make.
Here was the qualification: The system itself is getting technologically weaker, Clinton warned in the spring of 2015. The attackers are
getting better. The economics are increasing the motivation to attack.
The campaign to raise awareness of the cybersecurity challenge, in
corporate boardrooms, congressional offices, and across the federal
government, had the makings of a success story. But Clinton and others
knew more was needed and that the campaign to secure the nations
critical infrastructure and Americans digital lives had only just begun.
As Clinton said frequently to government and business audiences, cybersecurity was an economic challenge and the government still hadnt gotten around to figuring out an incentive structure that would help industry
invest wisely.
Small-ball is not going to get it done, Clinton warned.
But tackling the large-scale economic factors consistently proved beyond the reach of elected officials and bureaucrats alike. DHSs work on
providing incentives barely got off the ground. On Capitol Hill, the debate continued on whether any additional incentives were needed at all.
Republicans and Democrats in late 2015 tangled over the relatively
narrow question of whether to provide companies with some legal protection on cyber through an anti-terrorism law known as the SAFETY Act.
Would such coverage incentivize companies to improve cybersecurity or
to sit on their hands?
Rep. John Ratcliffe, who chaired a cybersecurity subcommittee, said
the SAFETY Act could help ensure the costly threat of litigation
doesnt inhibit improvements in cybersecurity. But Rep. James Langevin
suggested private-sector system administrators still werent widely adopting even the simple best practices, like two-step authentication, and
questioned the purpose of using the SAFETY Act. Liability protection



under the act could dissuade companies from pursuing new technologies
and best practices, Langevin said.
If this questionaccess to a limited government insurance program
triggered such a debate, it seemed extremely unlikely that the government
would be able to provide more impactful economic incentives. And why
should the government? asked many Democratic lawmakers including
Langevin. Companies had economic and reputational self-interest as a
powerful motivator to improve cybersecurity. Langevin felt that should
be backed by regulation, not tax breaks or other carrots to do what was
necessary in any case.
Regardless, the political system wasnt in a place to begin mandating
cyber regulations as 2016 dawned. The government shouldnt even begin to think of imposing standards on the private sector until it can maintain the security of its own systems, House Intelligence Chairman Nunes
said pointedly.
So, much of the policy responsibility would remain in private hands.
And it remained to be seen if this would work out.
Addressing the congressional and executive branch organizational
questions, and filling out the teams of skilled professionals needed to
protect cyberspace, might be the easy parts. Weve only begun to get into
the most vexing and intractable cybersecurity policy challenges. These
span the policy horizon from the impact of new technologies on policy
choices to how cybersecurity shapes the United States most critical global relationship: the partnership, competition, and outright conflict with
China in cyberspace.
From China to encryption, the U.S. political system and stakeholders
from multiple industries, academia, civil liberties groups, and elsewhere
must formulate policies that get beyond reactive scrambles to avert disaster in the moment. In all of these policy areas, the collaborative approach
taken in the NIST framework process could be instructive, but it was not
a panacea. It was risk management, a mind-set, and the government and
private sector were placing a huge bet that this strategy would propel
innovation while also protecting the crown jewels of the U.S. economy.
It had to be embraced and used, internalized into organizations very
DNA. By the end of 2015, some of the NIST frameworks biggest advocates in the private sector were growing concerned about the potential for
complacency to seep in. Industry efforts launched in late 2015 to revitalize and further spread the word about the framework reflected more than



a desire to make the program work; they represented an intrinsic understanding that policy would be made in this area, and this was industrys
one chance to be the author of that policy.
Addressing cybersecurity required nothing less than a cultural change,
a dramatic evolution in the publics conception of cyberspace. It required
an understanding that there was probably no technical answer that would
solve the problem, as smart as Americas technologists were and as innovative as the technology industry proved itself to be. It required an enduring commitment to address the issue every day across enterprises. It also
might require the government telling industry it must take action, while
somehow leaving the details to people who knew more about making this
work than did the folks within the federal bureaucracy.
From the emerging Internet of Thingsand the accompanying, science fiction-like security challenges linked to smart refrigerators and
everything elseto the question of how to deter hostile foes in cyberspace, unsettled policy questions were multiplying. And there was no
answer, yet, as to whether our leaders, political structures, and business
structures could successfully respond to the preeminent security challenge of the twenty-first century. Cybersecurity was in a place, perhaps,
not unlike environmental policy in the early 1970s. Then, as now, there
was a growing bipartisan consensus on the gravity of the situation and the
need to do something on a grand policy scale. Then, as now, the early
structures for carrying out policy were being created. Then, as now, there
was an evolving democratization of the policy discourse.
Democratization, in the case of cyber, suggested an influential role for
small technology and strategic consulting firmswell beyond that of
bottom feeders, picking up contract crumbs at the end of a massive corporations supply chain. In this case, smaller tech and consulting firms
could play the essential role of providing services that allow small businesses to secure their own systems. John Abeless System1, Ola Sages
eManagement, and many others intrinsically understood the needs of socalled SMBs, because they themselves were from that community. They
could inform small businesses on their cybersecurity status, elevate their
practices, and help secure a vulnerable flank on the cyber battlefield. But
Abeles, Sage, and others in this space pointed out that many of their
clients had extremely limited resources to focus on cybersecurity. Most
companies do not have a dedicated IT person. This would take resources
and a commitment from government as well as the private sector.



The policy discourse spread outward in the 1970s to the general public. Remember the 1971 advertising campaign featuring Native American
actor Iron Eyes Cody with a tear running down his check? That advertisement, arguably, helped make environmentalism a mainstream position
in the 1970s. The Smokey Bear campaign envisioned by Danielle Kriz
and Robert Dix could have a similar impact for cybersecurity. Basic
cyber hygiene could become the default setting for the average citizen,
just as the vast majority of citizens today wouldnt dream of tossing trash
out their car window.
And this time, on this issue, there remained a chance that the policy
discourse wouldnt eventually dissolve into the kind of zero-sum politics
that took over environmental policyand most other policy areasin the
nations capital by the start of the 1990s. This time, perhaps the policy
would advance with less overt, some would say onerous and intrusive,
regulation and less willingness to cluster into camps of conflict rather into
collaborative workshops.
Voluntary might come to be accepted as an impermanent state of
being that could endure only with constant nurturing and attention from
government and industry alike. The threat of regulation and the constant
policy accordion of more or less pressure from government might always
be there.
And thats because there would always be more than one way of doing
this. Policymakers could, for example, look to a tool like the critical
controls managed and updated by the independent Center for Internet
Security. The center, led by former DHS deputy secretary Jane Holl Lute,
said its goal was to create a world in which best practice becomes
common practice. Sometimes that could be accomplished through mandatory regulation. Lawmakers like Jim Langevin and some officials within the White House posited that the centers top-ten controls, or a subset,
could provide the basis for a regulatory framework. Those controls are
incorporated into the voluntary NIST framework; some believe they
could be plucked out and applied as mandatory rules for industry.
That would have a profound impact on the policy ecosystem, of
course, for good or ill.
Regulation was one road that could be taken. Theres another possible outcome, said the telecom industry source. The market takes off
around tools and processes such as the NIST framework. The supply-anddemand equation increasingly could lead the private sector to drive the



needed cybersecurity improvements, with government figuring out its

place in a supporting role.
By late 2015, major technology and defense companies were quietly
planning to use the NIST framework as the chief tool for enterprise-level
cyber risk management and cloud security. They would use the profiles
section of the framework, which allowed users to match their state of
security to different tiers and plot a plan for improvement, as the basis for
its cloud security program. NIST had deliberately left vague the details of
the profiles section, in hopes that companies would pick it up and give it
an effective real-world definition.
The key for the framework is getting top level buy-in to drive the
culture throughout the entity, the telecom source said. The big companies work on the framework profiles could create a cybersecurity accountability method that went well beyond anything government could
mandate in terms of swaying behavior. Its a fascinating idea, the telecom source said, to hold executives accountable for cybersecurity
through the profiles. A few large companies doing that will have a huge
The policy needs would change at astonishing speeds. The responses
would be varied. And they needed to be developed in places like the
classrooms on college campuses coopted by NIST during the framework
development process. A broad, ongoing, democratic, and nondiscriminatory discussion was needed, because cybersecurity posed a broad, ongoing, democratic, and nondiscriminatory threat.
The precise answers werent clear by 2016 and they will never be
entirely clear. Some were relatively straightforward: finding ways to keep
governmentindustry collaborations fresh and invigoratedand at the
forefront of the nations cyber strategy, for example. Cleaning up the
structural lines of authority and responsibility in both Congress and the
executive branch seemed achievable.
Others were more amorphous or complex, like promoting a national
dialogue highlighting the enormous stakes of the cybersecurity policy
debate and somehow compelling stakeholders to determine where the
responsibilities of government, companies, and citizens begin and end.
Determining responsibilities entailed determining who would shoulder
what portions of the massive cost of cybersecurity.
The important thing was posing the right questions, to the right audiences, in a spirit of collaboration. It was absolutely crucial to find a way



to keep cybersecurity as a front-of-mind issueon Capitol Hill and in the

White House, in corporate boardrooms and even around kitchen tables.
Because the hacks would keep coming.
I spent a lot of time tracking Soviet submarines in a P-3 Orion,
Carper would recall of his military service in the Cold War. There was
always a huge change in the technology of the subs and our adversaries
were always changing up what they were doing.
Carper reflected: Its very similar today in cybersecurity, the adversary is always changing up. We still have a problem with that.
Successful businesses are known for their adaptability to changing
environments. The most effective lawmakers adjust and adapt in order to
tease policy solutions through a legislative system prone to stalemate and
inertia. Presidents, cabinet secretaries, and policymakers throughout
government hammer away at a message until it takes hold. Then try to do
it all over again as the policy environment changes.
Cybersecurity is a policy problem that will not drift away. An informed citizenry could engage and demand answers; enlightened leaders
in both government and the private sector could respond with energy and
innovation. But cybersecurity, and cyber threats, are now a permanent
feature of the governing, political, and economic landscape.
Our elected leaders, our government, and our companies and industries should be judged by how effectively they manage this risk and limit
the disruptions. But the threat will not go away and the attacks wont
stop. Answers must be crafted around that reality.


In the summer of 2012, as one cybersecurity debate was coming to a

heated, inconclusive and temporary end in the Senate, I was working on a
variety of energy, health, trade, and defense policy issues at Inside Washington Publishers (IWP), and keeping an eye on my old stomping grounds
on Capitol Hill. After fourteen years of immersion in congressional politics, as a reporter and senior editor at National Journals CongressDaily
and editor-in-chief of Roll Call, I was back at IWP, where Id gotten my
first break in journalism in the pre-digital days.
Cybersecurity wasnt part of my beat in 2012, but the issue kept popping up in each of IWPs core coverage areas. Together with Rick Weber
and Dan Dupont, who helped lead the environment/energy and defense
groups, respectively, we began exploring how our company could provide IWPs professional readership with useful information on emerging
cyber policy.
The result was, the first news service devoted entirely to how cyber policy was evolving in Congress and the
federal bureaucracy. Much of the day-to-day coverage detailed in this
book draws from my reporting for
I am deeply indebted to IWP owner and founder Alan Sosenkofirst,
for hiring me as a cub reporter in 1989, for his support in launching the
cyber news service in 2013, and in his backing for this book. Alan has
been a champion of investigative reporting and deep-dive explorations of
federal policy for over thirty years. Alan and CEO Robert Harrelson have
been enormously supportive of, while providing



strong, consistent backing for all of the immensely talented teams of

journalists at IWP. I hope this book can serve as a modest testament to the
IWP way that Alan pioneered.
Rick Weber and Dan Dupont contributed mightily to the concept behind and to its execution. Christopher J. Castelli
has been an outstanding reporter for the news service who has provided
unparalleled coverage of policy development at the Homeland Security
and Defense departments, and on explosive topics such as cyber deterrence. Joshua Higgins provided much of our coverage of cyber policy
development in agencies such as the Department of Transportation. Their
reporting and insights have been invaluable in informing this work.
I would also like to thank Hugo Gurdon, editor of the Washington
Examiner, who invited me to write a column about cybersecurity policy.
Hugo realized early on the transformational impact cybersecurity issues
were having across the federal policy realm. Some material in these pages
is based on columns I wrote for the Examiner.
The material in this book draws from exclusive interviews by the
author and my running coverage and analysis of policy development.
Content originally reported by my colleagues is
noted. Other material comes from multiple news sources and is attributed
in the text of the book. Likewise, research material, government documents, and law firm blog posts are cited and the sources are attributed.
Sources have many motivations for speaking with journalists, but I
would like to especially thank everyone who took time to speak with me
and help explain the nuances and significance of cybersecurity developments. Particular thanks to Sen. Tom Carper and Rep. Mike McCaul;
Robert Mayer, Matthew Eggers, Larry Clinton, Brian Finch, Danielle
Kriz, Robert Dix, Scott Algeier, Karl Schimmeck, Jim Linn, Ola Sage,
and John Abeles, among many others in the business community; the
team at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), including Adam Sedgewick, Matt Scholl, Kevin Stine, and Donna Dodson;
many high-ranking veterans of government including Bruce McConnell
and Melissa Hathaway; from the digital privacy world Gabe Rottman and
Greg Nojeim; Rochelle Cohen at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC); numerous helpful and conscientious staffers on Capitol Hill,
including Jennie Westbrook, Tom Mentzer, Jack Langer, April Ward, and
many others who politely declined to be publicly identified; and all the
other sources who offered such valuable insights.



Beyond any short-term calculations, its clear they were all motivated
by a strong desire to bring clarity to an extremely complicated, extremely
important issue. Without exception, these sources repeatedly stressed the
need for the public to understand what was at stake and what policy
options were actually available. Amid numerous policy differences, hopefully Ive faithfully presented their views.
Charlie Mitchell
December 2015



The New York Post first reported the hack of CIA Director John Brennans personal e-mail account:
The U.S. government defines cybersecurity on the Department of
Homeland Securitys Web site at:
The nations sixteen critical infrastructure sectors are described
Rep. Mac Thornberry of Texas discussed the cybersecurity challenge
in a statement on the 2011 Recommendations of the House Republican
Cybersecurity Task Force:
The 2014 annual report of the FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center
can be found here:
The annual IBM-Ponemon Institute Cost of Data Breach Study can be
found here:
PriceWaterhouseCoopers 2015 assessment of the cost of cyber crime
Larry Zelvin, then director of the Department of Homeland Securitys
National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center dis279



cussed the 20132014 cyber attack environment in a May 21, 2014, appearance before the House Homeland Security Committee.
NBC News on July 30, 2015, carried an exclusive report on a secret
National Security Agency map showing the location of Chinese cyber
penetrations in the United States, available here:http://www.nbcnews.
On August 10, NBC News followed up with an exclusive report that
Chinas cyber spies had infiltrated the White House email system:http:/
Lloyds 2015 report Business Blackout, on the potential costs of an
attack on the U.S. electric grid, can be found here:
Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) discussed cybersecurity in a September 2014 speech at Iowa State University, which the author highlighted in
a column for the Carroll Daily Times Herald:
Comments by Dave Oxner of the Securities Industry and Financial
Management Association are from an August 17, 2015, interview with
the author.
Director of National Intelligence James Clapper discussed the cyber
threat environment at a September 10, 2015, hearing of the House Intelligence Committee:

Quote from North Korean hackers threatening Sony Pictures, as reported
by Breitbart News:
Blog on House homepage of Rep. James Langevin:http://langevin.
Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Florida) and National Institute of Standards and
Technology discussed the effectiveness of the NIST cybersecurity frame-



work at a February 4 Senate Commerce Committee hearing covered by

the author for
The FBI on December 19, 2014, issued a statement on the Sony Pictures breach available here:
Interviews by the author with Sens. Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin) and
Saxby Chambliss (R-Georgia), and with Gabriel Rottman of the
American Civil Liberties Union, originally published in part in
Gen. Martin Dempsey discussed cyber vulnerabilities in a February
19, 2015 speech reported on by InsideCybersecurity.coms Christopher J.
The author covered then-McAfee executive Phyllis Schnecks July
2013 congressional testimony for
White House cybersecurity coordinator Michael Daniel explained at a
January 14, 2014, cybersecurity summit sponsored by the Global Law
Forum how he was approaching cyber information sharing, covered by
the author for
Attorney Brian Finch of the Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman law
firm discussed the fallout from the Snowden leaks in an April 7, 2015,
interview with the author.
Sen. Chambliss discussed cybersecurity issues at a September 11,
2014, Ripon Society breakfast and in a brief interview afterward with
Gabriel Rottman of the ACLU discussed his view of problems with
cybersecurity legislation in an interview with

President Obamas May 29, 2009, speech on cybersecurity can be found
The Wall Street Journal reported on April 8, 2009 on the penetration



Melissa Hathaway, a former official in the Bush and Obama White

Houses, discussed cybersecurity policy evolution in an interview with the
This Congressional Research Service report from March 2009 discusses elements of the George W. Bush cyber initiative declassified by
the Obama administration:
Information on the Obama administrations initial cyberspace policy
initiatives can be found here:
The Center for Strategic and International Studiess influential report
on cybersecurity for the forty-fourth presidency can be found here:http://
Bruce McConnells comments throughout the chapter are from an
interview with the author.
The 2009 resignation of Department of Homeland Security official
Rod Beckstrom was reported in the Washington Times on March 12,
The New York Times coverage of the 2009 Obama cybersecurity
speech noting the new administrations more-public approach to the issue
can be found here:

Fox News in 2009 aired this report on the possibility of an Internet kill
switch being authorized by cybersecurity legislation:http://www.
The Senate Commerce Committee would detail major breaches between 2007 and 2009 in this report:



This Washington Post story examined Senate legislative efforts in
The first Obama administration cyber proposal, released in 2011, is
described here:
This report discusses the content of Sen. Rockefellers cybersecurity
proposal in 2009:
This report describes the content of a cyber info-sharing bill offered
by Sen. John McCain (R-Arizona) as an alternative to Democratic-led
This article by the news service CSO describes the initial hearing on
Sen. Joseph Liebermans (D-Connecticut) comprehensive cyber
This Daily Caller article discusses the emerging Republican position
against a regulatory approach to cybersecurity:
In the summer of 2012, partisanship seemed to take over the cybersecurity discourse on Capitol Hill, according to this Politico article:http://
The Heritage Foundation released a highly critical assessment of the
regulatory aspects of pending cyber legislation:
More reports on the demise of the Senate cyber effort came from
And from the New York Times:



The U.S. Chamber of Commerces Matthew Eggers discussed the

business communitys efforts in 2012 on Senate cyber legislation in an
interview with the author.

President Obamas landmark cybersecurity executive order can be read in
The State Department hack is discussed here:
The NCC Group report on global hacks is discussed here:http://
Bruce McConnell discussed the framework process in an interview
with the author.
Matthew Eggers discussed the framework process in an interview with
the author.
Melissa Hathaway discussed the framework process in an interview
with the author.
Michael Daniels comments at the RSA conference were reported on
by the Hill newspaper:
Background on NIST can be found at:
NISTs initial request for comment on a cybersecurity framework of
standards can be found here:
Details on the April 3, 2013, NIST workshop at the Commerce Department are from the authors notes. These are previously unpublished.
Adam Sedgewicks comments are from the authors previously unpublished notes on a May 12, 2015, panel discussion hosted by the Federal Communications Bar Association.
CNNs report on distributed denial of service attacks against banks
can be found here:



The White House hack was covered by the Huffington Post:http://
The Christian Science Monitor reported on hostile probes of the natural gas sector:
Initial industry stakeholder comments on the NIST framework can be
Previously unpublished details of the NIST meeting at Carnegie Mellon were provided by Rick Weber. Adam Sedgewick later discussed the
meeting in an interview with the author for
Coverage of the NIST conference at the University of California-San
Diego was provided by the author. Some of this material was originally
reported in
The initial version of the NIST cybersecurity framework can be found
Michael Daniels White House blog on cyber incentives can be found
The authors interviews with Brian Raymond, Adam Sedgewick, Nathan Mitchell, Larry Clinton, and Ola Sage were conducted for
Coverage of the NIST workshop in Dallas was provided by InsideCybersecurity.coms Dan Dupont and Rick Weber.
An article on North Carolina State Universitys high-tech library can
be found here:
Coverage of industry reaction to the NIST framework was provided
by the author and reported in
The New York Timess coverage of the framework release can be
found here:
Politicos coverage of the frameworks release can be found



Adam Sedgewick and Matthew Barrett discussed the NIST framework

eighteen months after its release in an interview with the author, originally reported in produced a special report on the NIST workshop at Tampa that can be viewed here:

The Reuters report on DHS Secretary Napolitanos August 2009 speech
can be found here:
This article by eWeek discussed the discovery of cyber vulnerabilities
This article in Wired discusses Napolitanos efforts to bring cyber
pros, including white-hat hackers, into the DHS process:http://www.
Napolitanos resignation speech was covered by the Washington
Comments by Bruce McConnell and Sen. Tom Carper (D-Delaware)
about DHSs cybersecurity leadership ranks were originally covered by
the author in
The Daily Beast article on Jeh Johnsons nomination to head DHS can
Sen. Carper discussed his early conversations with Jeh Johnson in an
interview with the author.
The authors coverage of Phyllis Schnecks call for clearer DHS authority and other aspects of DHSs efforts was originally for
DHS official Andy Ozments June 16, 2015, testimony on the OPM
data breach and how the departments security tools work:http://



Christopher J. Castelli of covered DHS testimony on the limits of its authority to compel changes at other federal

The text of FCC Chairman Thomas Wheelers AEI speech can be found
A Motherboard article discusses the history of television hacks:http://
This article in the Hollywood Reporter discussed industry views of
Times article cited praise for Wheeler in the technology community:
This story discussed Melissa Hathaways
call for cyber regulation in the telecom sector:http://insidecybersecurity.
Robert Mayer of the U.S. Telecom Association discussed the FCC
strategic approach in an interview with the author.
The FCC Web page offered biographical information on retired Rear
Adm. David Simpson:
The FCC Web page offered biographical information on Clete Johnson:
The author covered Thomas Wheelers AEI speech and subsequent
fallout for
Letter from Rep. Mike Rogers to FCC Chairman Wheeler questioning
the commissions claim of regulatory authority over cybersecurity:http://



Posting by Wiley Rein attorneys suggesting a new regulatory approach to cyber by the FCC:
The authors coverage in of industry reaction to a Politico story on the FCC process:http://insidecybersecurity.

The text of President Obamas January 12, 2015, speech at the Federal
Trade Commission can be found here:
Federal Trade Commission Chairwoman Edith Ramirez discussed her
role in this Washington Post interview:
Details on the White House 2015 cyber crime and other proposals can
be found here:
BloombergBusinesss profile of Edith Ramirez can be found
personId=23838793&privcapId=5410670. provided extensive coverage of the implications of the FTCs enforcement action against Wyndham Worldwide. The
commission posted this statement on the U.S. Third Circuit Court of
Appeals ruling in the case, along with a link to the courts opinion:https://
FTC Chairwoman Ramirezs April 2, 2014, testimony before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee can be accessed here:
The 2014 Senate Commerce Committee report on the Target breach
can be accessed here:



Information on the joint FTC-Department of Justice statement on cyber information-sharing and antitrust can be found here:https://www.ftc.
White House official Ari Schwartz and private-sector attorney Brian
Finch discussed the implications of the DOJ-FTC statement with the
author for

Authors notes on September 25, 2013, speech by Gen. Keith Alexander
at Billington security conference, Washington, DC.
Authors notes, March 7, 2013, joint hearing of Senate Commerce and
Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs committees.
The Washington Post coverage of the Edward Snowden leaks regarding government surveillance had a dramatic effect on the cybersecurity
debate in Congress:
Authors interview with Rep. Michael McCaul, first reported in
The author reported for on Senate Commerce Committee action providing a jolt of optimism for supporters of a
broad array of cyber bills.
The author first reported for exclusive news
on an amendment to the Senate Commerce Committees NIST bill that
could have far-reaching implications.

A White House fact sheet explained the presidents February 2015 executive order on information sharing:
Dr. Paul Stockton discussed the need for sanctions and penalties in an
interview with author.



Director of National Intelligence James Clapper discussed the role of

the Cyber Threat Intelligence and Integration Center in September 10,
The author reported for on administration
efforts to ease congressional concerns over the new CTIIC.
The DHS announcement that the University of TexasSan Antonio
would be the standards-setting body for new information sharing and
analysis organizations can be found here:
The University of TexasSan Antonio posted this article on the high
ranking for the schools cybersecurity program:

The authors June 8 article in the Washington Examiner discussed the
impact of the NSA debate on cybersecurity legislation:http://www.
Content from the authors interview with Ari Schwartz appeared in
Content from the authors interview with Gregory Nojein appeared in
This New York Times report on the scope of NSA surveillance bolstered critics of cyber info-sharing legislation:
The Center for Democracy and Technology put out this assessment of
the link between NSA activities and cybersecurity proposals:https://cdt.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-California) put out this statement seeking to
refute criticism of cyber info-sharing legislation based on the latest
Snowden revelations:



The Washington Post provided an in-depth report on the hack at the

Office of Personnel Management, which supporters of cyber legislation
cited as a clarion call for action on an information-sharing bill:http://
Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont) strongly and colorfully decried efforts to link the OPM hack with the pending cyber legislation:http://www.

Senate Judiciary Chairman Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) and ranking member Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont) discussed encryption at a July 8, 2015
FBI Director James Comeys July 6, 2015, blog on LawFare on the
perils of strong encryption, which provoked a strong response from tech
The Information Technology Industry Council sent this letter to President Obama urging him to oppose policies that would undermine strong
Representatives of the Center for Democracy and Technology discussed the encryption issue with reporters on a conference call covered
by the author for
The author covered the July 8, 2015, hearings on encryption for
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Washington) discussed the policy challenges
posed by strong encryption and the tech sectors responses in comments
to the author first reported in
The Washington Posts exclusive report on Obama administration policy deliberations on strong encryption can be found here:https://www.




Sen. Tom Carper discussed the difficulties of the U.S.-China relationship
in an interview with the author.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerces Matthew Eggers discussed the myriad issues tied up in the U.S.-China relationship in an interview with the
The New York Times reported on the Obama administrations shifting
position on sanctioning China:
The author reported on Lu Weis appearance at George Washington
University for
Ellen Nakashima of the Washington Post reported on August 30 on
the Obama administrations emerging sanctions plan:https://www.
Dr. Paul Stockton discussed sanctions policy in an interview with the
The Wall Street Journals interview with President Xi can be accessed
Sen. Tom Carper discussed the U.S.-China relationship in a September 10 interview with the author.

The author reported on workforce challenges for



Op-ed in the Hill by Evan Greer and Donny Shaw opposing the Senate
cybersecurity bill can be found here:
GOP presidential candidate Jeb Bushs initial blog on cybersecurity
can be found here:
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clintons criticism of Chinese hacking can be found here:
The Hill newspaper in the summer of 2015 reported on how a series of
Internet-related events alarmed lawmakers:
The Hill reported on Sen. John Cornyns (R-Texas) optimism over
prospects for action on the cyber bill:
Shortly thereafter the Hill and other news outlets would report that Cornyn reversed himself and said cyber would not come up over the summer.
A third twist would come quickly when Senate Majority Leader Mitch
McConnell (R-Kentucky) surprised many of his colleagues by trying unsuccessfully to insert the cyber bill into a separate debate over defense

The August 15, 2015, New York Times article on the relationship between
the NSA and AT&T can be found here:
Amie Stepanovichs article in Wired on the Senate cyber bill can be
Report by Politicos Tim Starks on dour vibes around the Senate
cyber bill can be found here:



Federal government spending on contracting is detailed here, highlighting the governments ability to influence corporate behavior by setting stringent requirements on its own vast network of vendors:https://

Internet pioneer Vint Cerfs May 4, 2015, speech at the National Press
Club can be seen here:
Gregory Nojeim discussed the flaws in Congresss prevailing approach to cybersecurity issues at a September 2, 2015, Center for Democracy and Technology press event and subsequent interview with the author.
Larry Clinton discussed the issues in a June 1, 2015, interview with
the author, some of which was reported in
American International Group CEO Peter Hancocks April 2015
speech on cybersecurity at the NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering.
More can be found here:
The author covered the SAFETY Act debate for
House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes (R-California) discussed
possible cyber regulation at a September 10, 2015, hearing.
Information on the Center for Internet Security can be found
Sen. Tom Carper (D-Delaware) discussed parallels between the Cold
War and current cyber threats in an interview with the author.


Abbott, Prime Minister Tony, 200

Abeles, John, 162, 271, 276
Access Now, 228, 238, 248, 250, 251
Agcaoili, Phil, 68
Alexander, Gen. Keith, 144, 212
Algeier, Scott, 109, 264265, 276
Allen, Brian, 115
Alperovitch, Dmitri, 49
American Bankers Association, 8
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU),
11, 12, 31, 69, 150, 172, 173, 181, 225,
227, 276
American Enterprise Institute (AEI), 117,
198, 200
American Water Works Association, 71,
96, 130
Anthem, 2, 155
AOL, ix
Archuleta, Katherine, 103, 104, 105106,
106, 107
Ashley Madison, 252
AT&T, 70, 71, 249250, 250, 251
Banja, Ajay, 65
Bank of America, 52, 65
Barnett, Adm. Jamie, 121
Barrett, Matthew, 76, 77, 78
Beauchesne, Ann, 238
Beckstrom, Rod, 19
Belluchie, Leslee, 212
Bennett, Steve, 65

Berk, Vincent, 73
Blask, Christopher, 163
Blumenthal, Sen. Richard, 222
Blunt, Sen. Roy, 223
Bonanni, Deborah, 212
Booz-Allen-Hamilton, 63, 210
Boyens, Jon, 53
Brennan, John, ix, 20
Brown, Megan, 118
Brown, Sandra, 53
Burr, Sen. Richard, 171, 177, 181, 182,
219, 231, 233, 238, 242, 245, 253
Bush Administration. See Bush, George
Bush, George W., 1617, 17, 18, 19, 20,
22, 29, 88, 113, 193, 255, 257, 259
Bush, Jeb, 215, 216217
Bush, Wes, 65
BuySecure Initiative, 4
Carnahan, Lisa, 75, 76
Carnegie Mellon University, 51, 160
Casey, Tim, 75
Castelli, Christopher J., 164, 200, 276
Cattanach, Robert, 139
Center for Democracy and Technology
(CDT), 11, 42, 43, 133, 172, 176, 177,
178179, 181, 188, 191, 227, 232, 265,
Center for Strategic and International
Studies (CSIS), 18, 84, 107, 167, 168,


Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), ix, xii,
84, 103, 198
Cerf, Vint, 255
Chaffetz, Rep. Jason, 83, 103
Chambliss, Sen. Saxby, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 26,
34, 38, 148, 150, 152, 153
Charney, Scott, 18
China, xii, 4, 5, 15, 16, 26, 102, 106, 169,
197201, 202208, 209, 215, 217, 266,
Clapper, James, xv, 106, 161, 199
Clinton Administration. See Clinton, Bill
Clinton, Bill, 20, 103, 255, 257
Clinton, Hillary, 200, 217
Clinton, Larry, 5859, 59, 60, 61, 6566,
67, 72, 74, 76, 78, 80, 88, 121122,
160, 163, 177, 264, 266, 266267, 269,
Cloud, 2, 273
CNN, 49
Coburn, Sen. Tom, 86, 87, 144, 147
Cohen, Rochelle, 276
Collins, Sen. Susan, 26, 27, 32, 34, 35, 38,
45, 74, 221, 224, 225, 226, 244, 258
Comey, FBI Director James, 190, 191,
192, 193194
Coons, Sen. Christopher, 246
Cornyn, Sen. John, 219, 221, 227, 229
Cotton, Sen. Tom, 223, 226, 233, 238, 245
Cruz, Sen. Ted, 112, 200
Cummings, Rep. Elijah, 103
Daily Caller, 34
Daniel, Michael, 7, 8, 42, 43, 44, 45, 58,
5960, 62, 70, 74, 105, 107, 162, 259
Dempsey, Gen. Martin, 5, 21, 197
Denbow, Kimberly, 96
DiMaria, John, 163
Dix, Robert, 97, 98, 100, 160161, 161,
264, 272, 276
Dodson, Donna, 5354, 67, 115, 276
Dow Chemical, 52
Dupont, Dan, 65, 275, 276
Eggers, Matthew, 32, 37, 39, 42, 56, 67,
70, 199, 202, 260, 261, 276
Energy, Department of, 44, 71, 96, 99, 130
England, Jeff, 75


Enzi, Sen. Mike, 34

Erny, Bill, 57
Executive Order 13636, 41, 44, 56, 85, 87
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), xi,
3, 12, 17, 18, 31, 84, 99, 190, 190191,
191, 192, 195, 233, 238, 245
Federal Communications Commission
(FCC), xv, 111, 111112, 113, 115,
116, 117, 117127, 129, 132, 135, 253,
254, 256, 276
Federal Trade Commission (FTC), xv, 129,
131136, 137142, 156, 158, 218, 253
Feinstein, Sen. Dianne, 8, 9, 1011, 12, 26,
32, 33, 148, 150, 152, 153, 170, 171,
179, 181, 182183, 183, 184, 186, 187,
207, 221, 222, 229, 231, 233, 237, 238,
242, 245, 253
Felker, John, 109
Financial Services Roundtable, 8, 150,
159, 231
Finch, Brian, 8, 138, 139, 276
Flake, Sen. Jeff, 245
Flynn, Patrick, 63
Foreign Policy, 203
Fox News, 220
framework of cybersecurity standards. See
Franken, Sen. Al, 193, 231, 232, 245
Frost and Sullivan, 210
Gallagher, Patrick, 47, 48, 49, 61, 62, 64,
144, 146, 148
Gardner, Sen. Cory, 199, 225
Garfield, Dean. See Information
Technology Industry Council
George Washington University, 202, 203,
212, 213
General Dynamics, 63
Google, 26, 255, 257
Graham, Sen. Lindsey, 86, 218
Grassley, Sen. Charles, xii, 34, 189
Greenberg, Sally, 138
Greene, Robyn, 156
Greer, Evan, 215
Gurdon, Hugo, 276
Hall, Joseph. See CDT
Hancock, Peter, 268


Harman, Jane, 264

Harrelson, Robert, 275
Hathaway, Melissa, 17, 1819, 20, 22, 43,
108109, 113, 257, 259260, 265, 276
Hayden, Gen. Michael, 198
Heartland Payment Systems, 25, 50
Heller, Sen. Dean, 187, 221, 245
Hellmann, Ralph, 147
Hewson, Marilyn. See Lockheed Martin
The Hill, 38, 215, 220, 221, 227, 229
Holder, Attorney General Eric, 198, 199
Home Depot, 2, 4
Homeland Security, Department of (DHS),
xi, 2, 6, 11, 13, 18, 19, 20, 27, 28, 32,
34, 37, 38, 42, 45, 46, 48, 5658, 71,
80, 81, 8182, 82, 8283, 83, 84, 85,
8689, 8990, 9192, 9394, 95, 96,
9697, 97, 9899, 100102, 103, 104,
104105, 105, 106, 107, 108110, 119,
130, 144, 148, 149, 150, 159, 171, 197,
209, 223, 224, 229, 231, 232, 238, 243,
245, 254, 255, 256, 259, 261, 263, 267
House Republican Cybersecurity Task
Force, x, 29, 59
Hurd, Rep. Will, 103
Hutchison, Sen. Kay Bailey, 34, 36, 47,
IBM, xi, 63, 212
Information Security Media Group, 12
Information Technology Industry Council,
97, 191, 192, 5, 11, 51, 52, 57,
58, 59, 61, 63, 65, 68, 76, 87, 93, 96,
105, 115, 118, 120, 123, 135, 148, 151,
164, 173, 180, 193, 200, 212, 221, 232,
275276, 276
The Interview. See Sony Pictures
Iran, 4, 16, 160, 169, 176, 204, 236, 237,
238, 244, 246
Jackson, David, 205
Jackson Lee, Sheila, 168
Jagielski, Karen, 135
James, Renee, 65
Johnson, Clete, 114, 120
Johnson, Secretary Jeh, ix, 70, 8587,
107108, 109, 150, 210, 260
Johnson, Sen. Ron, 5, 218, 226, 235


Josten, R. Bruce, 32, 33

JP Morgan, 5
Justice, Department of (DOJ), 19, 99, 130,
138, 190, 191192, 193, 198, 241, 242
Kean, Thomas, 263
Kennedy, John F., 160, 201
Kerry, Secretary John, 205
Kolasky, Robert, 57
Knacke, Robert, 210
Kriz, Danielle, 97, 272, 276
Kujawa, Adam, 133
Landfield, Kent, 96
Langer, Jack, 276
Langevin, James, 1, 18, 79, 269, 270, 272
Lawfare, 190
"Lazlo", 126, 266
Lee, Sen. Mike, 187, 220221, 235
Lehotsky, Steven, 133
Lieberman, Sen. Joseph, 26, 27, 32, 3334,
34, 3435, 35, 37, 38, 45, 48, 74, 144,
221, 258
LifeLock, 140, 140141
Lloyd's, xii
Lockheed Martin, 65, 70, 71
Lofton, Gina, 212
Los Angeles Times, 1011
Lute, Jane Holl, 83, 163, 272
Lu Wei, 202203, 204
Magnuson, Laura Lucas, 212
Magri, Joshua, 159
Marinho, John, 125, 126
Markey, Sen. Edward, 147
Mayer, Robert, 80, 113, 114, 115,
115116, 116, 117, 120, 121, 127, 276
Mayorkas, Alejandro, 231, 232
McAfee, 6, 7, 63, 84, 96
McDonough, Denis, 70
McCain, Sen. John, 3, 18, 34, 36, 37, 39,
86, 106, 183, 185, 201, 235, 236, 243,
McCaul, Rep. Michael, 13, 18, 104, 105,
145, 146147, 149, 150, 152, 156, 167,
168, 169, 173174, 174, 175, 188, 218,
McConnell, Bruce, 19, 20, 27, 37, 42, 45,
46, 83, 276


McConnell, Mike, 16, 17

McGuire, Cheri, 212
Meehan, Rep. Patrick, 149
Menna, Jenny, 92
Mentzer, Tom, 276
Metcalf Incident. See Pacific Gas and
Micek, Peter. See Access Now
Microsoft, 18, 19, 20, 50, 52, 257
Mitchell, Nathan, 60
Moniz, Secretary Ernest, 211
Moore, Samara, 44, 68, 115, 212, 213
Morley, Kevin, 96
Moynihan, Brian, 65
Mulvaney, Rep. Mick, 175
Murkowski, Sen. Lisa, 34
Nakashima, Ellen, 102
Napolitano, Secretary Janet, 8283, 84,
144, 160
National Association of Corporate
Directors, 267
National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST), xv, 1, 2, 26, 28,
29, 36, 44, 46, 4647, 48, 49, 4950,
50, 51, 52, 5354, 5455, 55, 58, 60,
61, 6162, 62, 63, 64, 66, 6667,
6768, 68, 69, 6970, 70, 72, 73, 74,
75, 7577, 78, 79, 80, 82, 86, 87, 89,
90, 93, 97, 98, 113, 125, 126, 130, 131,
142, 144, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 153,
200, 254, 256, 257, 258, 267, 270, 272,
273, 276
National Security Agency (NSA), xi, 6, 10,
11, 19, 30, 82, 99, 143, 146, 147, 164,
169, 172, 173, 176, 178, 178179, 179,
191, 195, 212, 223, 232, 245, 247, 248,
249, 260, 266
NBC News, xi, xii
Neiman Marcus, 4, 136
Nelson, Sen. Bill, 2, 131, 220
New York Post, ix
New York Times, 22, 37, 73, 143, 178, 179,
201, 249
Nojeim, Gregory. See CDT
Norfolk State University, 211
North Carolina State University, 66, 67
North Korea, 2, 3, 4, 5, 169, 200, 201, 204


Nunes, Rep. Devin, 168169, 169, 170,

172, 173, 175, 207, 270
Obama Administration. See Obama, Barack
Obama, Barack, xii, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13,
1315, 1516, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21,
2123, 26, 27, 28, 29, 34, 35, 36, 39,
4142, 42, 44, 46, 48, 55, 56, 58, 59,
65, 67, 69, 70, 71, 82, 84, 85, 100, 105,
109, 112, 115, 129, 131, 132, 134, 137,
139, 143, 151, 152, 153, 155, 155156,
157, 158, 161, 162, 165, 167, 174, 176,
177, 180, 184, 188, 191, 194195, 198,
200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 207, 211,
215, 216, 217, 220, 227, 230, 233, 253,
254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 261, 267
Odderstol, Thad, 90
Office of Management and Budget (OMB),
42, 87, 103, 253
Office of Personnel Management (OPM),
102104, 105, 106, 107, 179, 180, 181,
184, 197, 198, 199, 201, 202, 204, 205,
210, 215, 217, 225, 252
Orwell, George, 227
Oxner, Dave, xiii
Ozment, Andy, 85, 101102, 103, 104,
105, 106107, 109, 163
Pacific Gas and Electric, 53
Painter, Christopher, 200
Panetta, Leon, xii
Pascal, Amy. See Sony Pictures
Paul, Sen. Rand, 86, 176, 187, 226, 244
Pearson, Harriet, 69
Pelosi, Rep. Nancy, 169, 170
Politico, 36, 73, 74, 121, 125, 252
Ponemon Institute, xi, 164
Postal Service, U.S., 2
PriceWaterhouseCoopers, xi
Pritzker, Penny, 70, 71
ProPublica, 178, 249
Raduege, Harry, 18
Ramirez, FTC Chairwoman Edith, 132,
134, 136, 137, 138
Ratcliffe, Rep. John, 110, 174, 269
Raymond, Brian, 59
Raytheon, 52


Reid, Sen. Harry, 10, 27, 32, 34, 36, 38,

182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 221, 228, 233,
233234, 234235, 235, 236, 237, 238,
244, 250
Reitinger, Philip, 19
Retail Industry Leaders Association, 233
Reuters, 82
Rich, Jessica, 134, 140
Richardson, Michelle. See ACLU
Ridge, Secretary Tom, 140, 263
Rigby, Joe, 65
Rockefeller, Sen. Jay, 10, 25, 26, 32, 33,
34, 36, 47, 59, 72, 114, 136137, 137,
147, 147148, 148, 149, 150
Rogers, Rep. Mike, 8, 9, 12, 26, 30, 31, 36,
72, 117, 118, 145, 146, 150, 152, 168,
169, 170, 198, 199
Romine, Dr. Charles, 2, 53, 67
Rosenzweig, Paul, 35
Rottman, Gabriel. See ACLU
Rubio, Sen. Marco, 215
Ruppersberger, Rep. Dutch, 12, 26, 30, 31,
72, 145, 146, 168, 169, 170
Russia, 4, 15, 16, 169, 197, 266
Sage, Ola, 68, 271, 276
Salters, Harold, 160
SANS Institute, 73
Scharf, Charles, 65
Schiff, Rep. Adam, 168, 169170, 172,
173, 175, 193194, 194, 204
Schimmeck, Karl, 77, 159, 276
Schmidt, Howard, 20, 42
Schneck, Phyllis, 6, 7, 81, 84, 93, 94, 98,
Scholl, Matthew, 49, 53, 55, 75, 276
Schumer, Sen. Charles, 188, 221, 230, 236
Schwartz, Ari, 43, 44, 138, 177
Securities and Exchange Commission
(SEC), 76, 130, 132
Securities Industry and Financial Markets
Association, xiii, 159
Sedgewick, Adam, 4748, 49, 4950, 50,
51, 53, 60, 61, 76, 79, 93, 125, 126, 276
Sessions, Sen. Jeff, 34
Seymour, Donna, 103
Shaw, Donny, 215
Shell, 52


Simpson, Adm. David, 114, 115, 117, 119,

Smid, Miles, 54
Snowden, Edward, 6, 8, 9, 10, 44, 47, 143,
146, 149, 152, 172, 178, 179, 180, 249,
Snowe, Sen. Olympia, 26
Sony Pictures, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 129, 135,
155, 159, 169, 199, 200, 252
Sosenko, Alan, 275
Spaulding, Suzanne, 13, 84, 90, 98, 152
Stanford University, 158, 169
Starks, Tim, 252
State, Department of, 41, 200, 225, 260
Stepanovich, Amie. See Access Now
Stephenson, Randall. See AT&T
Stine, Kevin, 53, 55, 276
Stockton, Paul, 157, 204
Summers, Lawrence, 20
Target, 4, 5, 73, 134, 136, 137
Tester, Sen. Jon, 106
Thompson, Rep. Bennie, 150, 168
Thornberry, Rep. Mac, x, xi, 29
Thune, Sen. John, 136, 144, 147, 148, 149,
Time Magazine, 23, 112
Tooley, Matt, 125
Trump, Donald, 253
Turetsky, David, 113, 114
U.S. Chamber of Commerce, 6, 8, 11, 32,
3233, 33, 37, 3738, 38, 39, 42, 56,
98, 133, 185, 199, 202, 231, 233, 238,
260, 267
Udall, Sen. Mark, 9, 10
University of California-San Diego, 52, 53
University of South Florida, 75
University of Texas-Dallas, 60
University of Texas-San Antonio, 163164
U.S. Computer Emergency Response
Team (CERT), xiii, 51, 143
Van Wie, Caroline Rose, 118
Verizon, ix, 50
Virginia Tech, 97, 213
Walker, Rep. Mark, 104


Wall Street Journal, 15, 35, 36, 73, 143,

205, 219, 220
Ward, April, 276
Warren, Sen. Elizabeth, 2
Washington Post, 25, 83, 102, 132, 134,
146, 195, 203, 237
Weatherford, Mark, 83
Weber, Rick, 52, 61, 275, 276
Westbrook, Jennie, 276
Wheeler, Carole, 112
Wheeler, Thomas, 111, 111112, 113, 114,
115, 116, 117, 119, 121, 122, 123124,
White, Nathan. See Access Now


Whitehouse, Sen. Sheldon, 193, 218,

Woodson, Randy, 67
Wyden, Sen. Ron, 9, 10, 100, 170, 177,
179, 180, 183184, 184, 186, 188, 190,
221, 222, 226, 228, 229, 230, 234, 235,
236, 239240, 241242, 245
Wyndham Worldwide, 132133
Xi Jinping, 202, 203, 205
Yates, Sally Quillian, 191192
Zelvin, Larry, 99, 109
Zuckerberg, Mark, 203


Charlie Mitchell is the editor and co-founder of Inside Cybersecurity,

the first online news service dedicated to explaining the policy challenges
of securing cyberspace. Inside Cybersecurity goes inside Congress, the
White House, the corporate boardrooms, and security command centers
to explain cyber policymaking to a professional audience.
Mitchell also writes a column on cybersecurity for the Washington
Examiner that is a must-read feature for cyber insiders and concerned
citizens alike. He is a regular speaker and panelist at cybersecurity
A veteran journalist, Mitchell is the former editor-and-chief of Roll
Call, the authoritative source of news on Capitol Hill. At Roll Call, Charlie built one of the most respected investigative units in the nation and
drove a "hometown approach" to covering the life, times, and misadventures of Congress.


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