Alkaloids Gener Tropanes
Alkaloids Gener Tropanes
Alkaloids Gener Tropanes
Alkaloid is an organic compound of natural origin,
which contains a nitrogen atom, is more or less basic,
is of limited distribution, and
has, at low doses, marked pharmacological properties.
These compounds have in common some reactions of precipitation with
the general reagents for alkaloids.
Pseudoalkaloids most often have all of the characteristics of the true alkaloids, but they
are not derived from amino acids.
Terpenoid alkaloids: monoterpenoids (e.g., -skythanine), sesquiterpenoids (from the
Nymphaceae), diterpenoids (e.g., aconitine), steroidal alkaloids (e.g., paravallarine).
Heterocyclic nitrogen-containing substances arising from the metabolism of acetate
(e.g., coniine, the toxic priciple of hemlock).
Protoalkaloids are simple amins in which the nitrogen atom is not part of a heterocyclic
ring; they are basic and are elaborated in vivo from amino acids.
Athough the distinction between true alkaloids , protoalkaloids, and pseudoalkaloids is
intellectually appealing, it is not always easy to apply.
Depends entirely on the availability of the lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen atom.
Colchicine and piperine are, because of the presence of the carbonyl group on the
amide, practically neutral.
The basic character of the heterocyclic ring itself varies depending on that the lone
pair of electrons on the nitrogen atom is available or plays a role in the aromatic
character (see next slide).
As bases
in solution they are sensitive to heat, light, and oxygen;
they form salts with mineral acids (hydrochlorides, sulfates, nitrates), or organic
acids (tartrates, sulfamates, maleates).
Alkaloid salts are generally soluble in water and in dilute alcohols, and they are,
except in rare cases, not soluble in organic solvents.
The basic character of the heterocyclic ring itself varies depending on that the lone
pair of electrons on the nitrogen atom is available or plays a role in the aromatic
Quinoline, isoquinoline : bases; Pyrrole, indole: acids , Pyrrolidine: saturated, strong
They are based on the fact that alkaloids form combinations with metals and metalloids:
bismuth, mercury, tungsten, and iodine.
Methods currently used are TLC, HPLC on normal or reversed phase, and LC-MS.
It is based, as a general rule,
on the fact that alkaloids normally occur in the plant as salts, and
on the differential solubility of the bases and salts in water and organic
The plant material often contains substantial quantities of fats, and also
waxes, terpenes, pigments, and other lipophilic substances, which may
interfere with the extraction procedure, for example, by causing the formation
of emulsion.
Preliminary defatting of the crushed drug can solve this technical problem.
Petroleum ether and hexane are well suited for this step: alkaloids are soluble
in these solvents only in exceptional cases, when the medium is neutral.
Volumetric methods. Acidimetry: direct, or, most often, back titration (pKa 5 -10), or
in non-aqueous medium (weak bases).
HPLC-UV, LC-MS: tend to advantageously replace the classic methods. HPLC-UV tend
to be more and more important technique for the European Pharmacopoeia.
The precursor is, for true alkaloids, an amino acid: ornithine, lysine, phenylalanine,
tyrosine, tryptophan, hisitdine, or anthranilic acid.
The formation of the alkaloid may require the involvment of only one molecule of
amino acid (hygrine, cathine), or two molecules of the same amino acid (quinolizidins,
benzylisoquinolines), or, less commonly, of two different amino acids (tubulosine), or
else of several molecules of the same acid (sparteine).
of their multiple
sympathomymetics (ephedrine), or
sympatholytics (yohimbine, certain ergot alkaloids),
parasympathomimetics (eserine, pilocarpine),
anticholinergic (atropine,hyoscyamine), or
ganglioplegics (sparteine, nicotine).
local anesthetics (cocaine),
agents to treat fibrillation (quinidine),
antitumor agents (vinblastine, ellipticine),
antimalarials (quinine),
antibacterials (berberine), and amebicides (emetine).
These various activities lead to extensive use of alkaloid-containing drugs:
as galenicals ( belladonna, datura, hebane)
as starting material for industrial extraction: morphine from poppy straw or opium,
scopolamine from Duboisia, ajmalicine from Catharanthus roots, vincamine from
periwinkle leaves, and quinine from Cinchona bark.
Some of the extracted alkaloids may undergo transformations: codeine is produced
mostly by methylating morphine, quinine is converted to quinidine, serpentine to
ajmalicine, and tabersonine to vincamine; tropane alkaloids are quaternized.
In a few rare cases, the industry prefers direct synthesis: theophylline and papaverine are
easily obtained that way.
The drive to optimize therapeutic efficacy, has sometimes resulted in achieving deeper
transformations, or even total syntheses of analogous molecules, making use or not of
starting materials of natural, plant, or fermentation origin
(see especially the derivatives of ergot alkaloids, and those of the binary alkaloids of
Tropane alkaloids
With a few exceptions, tropane alkaloids are esters of tropane alcohols and of
acids of various structures, either aliphatic or aromatic.
These alcohols fall into two series depending on the orientation of the hydroxyl group
at C-3.
The acids may be aliphatic (acetic, butiric, icovaleric, 2-methylbutyric, tiglic acid, angelic
acid) or aromatic.
The aromatic acid may be specific like (S)-(-)-tropic acid, or may be more widely distributed
in the plant kingdom like benzoic, phenylacetic, cinnamic acid and their derivatives.
Belladonnae folium
Belladonna leaf has an elliptic blade,
acuminate at the apex, and attenuate at
the base (5-25 x 3-12 cm)
The pubescence of young leaves only
remains near at the veins in the older
The secondary veins are at 60 and are
anastomosed near the margin.
Microscopic characteristic
Striated cuticle.
Microsphenoidal crystals in the cells of the
parenchymas especially under the palisade
Trichomes: multicellular, uniseriate, rare
covering trichomes.
Belladonnae folium
Chemical composition
Stramonii folium
The blade of the stramonium leaf (8-25 x
7-15 cm) is acumuminate and very often
asymmetric at the base.
The secondary veins are prominent on the
lower side and depressed on the upper
The older leaf is practically glabrous,
whereas the veins of the young leaves are
tomentose. The secondary veins are at 45
and end at the apex of the blade.
Microscopic characteristics
Epidermal cells with wavy walls and a
smooth cuticle.
Calcium oxalate cluster crystals from 10 to
30 m.
Numerous conical covering trichomes,
often broken and with verrucose wall .
Hyoscyami folium
The henbane leaf can be sessile, in which
case it is cordate at the base, or on a
short petiole, in which case it is acute.
The blade (25 x 5-7 cm) is highly
pubescent and viscous on both sides,
especially near the midribs;
its margin is irregular and divided in
wide triangular lobes.
The secondary veins form a wide angle
with the midrib and run to the apex of
the blade.
Microscopic characteristic: epidermal
cells with wavy wall and a smooth
cuticule. Calcium oxalate crytals of
prisms from 5to 20 um. Trichomes: very
numerous glandular trichomes of several
types, often fragmented, and numerous
covering trichomes.
Hyoscyami folium
Chemical composition
Minerals (18-20 %).
Total alkaloid content: 0.04-0.15%.
Hyoscyamine is the chief constituent and the percentage of scopolamine
can be high (25 % and more).
Hebane is not used much more than stramonium.
It is an ingredient of combinations, for example with buckthorn, aloe
(stimulant laxative), belladonna (gastrointestinal pain), or ephedrine
black berries.
Both species, as well as and their hybrids, are rich in alkaloids (up to 3%) and are
Both species are exploited for the extraction of alkaloids , which used to be carried
out on site for a long time.
At present, the leaves are exported toward Europe, mainly to Germany for extraction.
E. coca Lam var. coca grows wild in the Peruvian and Bolivian Andes and cultivated on
the damp eastern side of the mountains. The leaves are dark green; the blade is elliptic
and wide; its midrib forms a prominent ridge on the upper side.
The three taxa are thought to represent stages in evolution, which would have E. coca
var. coca as their ancestor; the latter is the only form capable of reproducing without
human invention.
Cocae folium
The depletion which follows the reuptake blockade explains the short term depressant
effect (psychic and physical asthenia, respiratory and vasomotor depression) and rapid
development of an intense psychic dependence which is reinforced by further abuse.
Cocae folium
Neither coca leaf nor its galenicals are used any more, but the leaves are still used to
extract cocaine.
In the United States, cocaine is used in combinations (phenol, menthol, cocaine) for local
anaeshesia, for example to stich small wounds.
Traditional uses
As a masticatory, a very ancient habit; the coca leaf is chewed, and added alkalis
facilitate the release of cocaine.
In infusion; the common form is a tea bag which yields a strikingly aromatic infusion,
consumed like coffee or tea (mate de coca) .
Cocaine hydrochloride is generally snorted by the intranasal route, and less often used
by IV injection.
Its activity resembles that of amphetamines, and also manifests itself by a decrease in
fatigue, insomnia, anorexia, and increased talkativeness ,
but also by irritability, altered sensations and impaired judgement, physical exhaustion,
and emotional depression.
Cocaine use commonly causes severe headaches and sometimes causes convulsions;
delusions and hallucinations suggesting a serious paranoid psychosis are also described.
Another effect is compulsive scratching, and difficulties with verbal expression and
memorization are common.
Coca paste, the initial product of the extraction of the leaves, contains from 40 to 70 %
cocaine (extraction of the leaves with sulfuric acid, alkalinization with carbonate,
dissolution of the free base in kerosene). The past is smoked. Kerosene and other
residual solvents impart their own toxicity to the preparation.
Cocaine is also smoked (this is freebasing). The smoked forms (pure base) have
intense effects with a rapid onset, but these effects do not last; the profound
depression which follows drives the user to take the drug again, and dependence sets
in very rapidly.