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Recycling The Big Six

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Recycling the Big Six

At this moment, we probably are wearing or carrying at least a dozen materials that did
not exist 75 years ago, with some new in the last decade. Polymers are everywhere. We use
polymers in our daily life just like they are part of our fundamental needed. They are present
in synthetic forms, such as plastics and nylon. They also are present in natural forms, such as
proteins and cellulose. Then actually what polymers truly are?
Polymers are large molecules consisting of a long chain or chains of atoms covalently
bonded together. A polymer molecule can contain thousands of atoms and have a molar mass
of over a million grams. Given their size, polymers are referred to as macromolecules, that is,
molecules of high molecular mass that have characteristic properties because of their large
size (Eubanks, et al, 2009: 370). Monomers (mono meaning one; meros meaning unit)
are the small molecules used to synthesize the larger polymeric chain. Each monomer is
analogous to a link of the chain. The polymers (poly means many) can be formed from the
same type of monomer or from a combination of monomers (Eubanks, et al, 2009: 370).
When chemists first created polymers, they used natural ones such as cotton and
rubber as models. Indeed, many synthetic polymers originally were substitutes for expensive
or rare materials that occurred naturally. As the number of new polymers grew, their uses
expanded dramatically.
Synthetic polymers sometimes are called plastics, a term that applies to materials with
a broad range of properties and applications. The word plastic is an adjective, capable of
being molded, and a noun, something capable of being molded (Eubanks, et al, 2009: 371).
More specifically, the Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary, 11th edition, refers to plastics
as any of numerous organic synthetic or processed materials that are mostly polymers of high
molecular weight and that can be molded, cast, extruded, drawn, or laminated into objects,
films, or fi laments. As it turns out, some metals have plastic-like properties because they can
be cast, extruded, and drawn. Therefore, the word plastic has many applications beyond that
of describing synthetic polymers.
Today, more than 60,000 synthetic polymers are known. We refer to these everyday polymers
as the Big Six. These six polymers, listed in Table 1, are polyethylene (low-density and highdensity), polypropylene, polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride, and polyethylene terephthalate. The symbol

code we are familiar witha single digit ranging from 1 to 7 and surrounded by a triangle of
arrows, was designed by The Society of the Plastics Industry (SPI) in 1988 to allow
consumers and recyclers to differentiate types of plastics while providing a uniform coding
system for manufacturers.
Table 1. The Big Six

Table 1 also lists some of the important properties of these six polymers. All are solids that can
be colored with pigments. Although all are insoluble in water, some dissolve or soften in the presence

of hydrocarbons, fats, and oils. These six polymers are thermoplastic, meaning that with heat they can
be melted and reshaped over and over again. However, they exhibit a range of melting points
depending on the route by which they were manufactured.

Plastic household containers are usually marked with a number that indicates the type
of plastic theyre made of. Consumers can then use this information to determine whether or
not certain plastic types are collected for recycling in their area. Its important to remember
that these codes were not developed to communicate recyclability, but rather to communicate
the unique properties of the different types of polymers or plastic.
Table 1 also shows that six monomers are used to make six different polymers. Two of
the polymers use the same monomer, ethylene. Three others each use a monomer closely
related to ethylene: styrene, vinyl chloride, and propylene. The sixth polymer, polyethylene
terephthalate, is the odd one of the six being made using two different monomers.

Global plastics usage continues to increase due to high industrial and consumer
demand (Saad and Williams, 2015: A). In 2012, 65.41 million tons of polyethylene (PE),
52.75 million tons of polypropylene (PP), 37.98 million tons of polyvinyl chloride (PVC),
19.8 million tons of polyethylene terephthalate (PET), and 10.55 million tons of polystyrene
(PS) were produced worldwide (Thompson, ET AL, 2009: 1973-1976). From that data we can
just imagine how much plastics waste would be remain in our Earth. Inevitably, more plastics
consumption results in more production of waste plastics.
Plastics have certain properties which are generally considered to be advantageous for
engineering applications. For the most part, plastics have better chemical and moisture
resistance and are more resistant to shock and vibration than metals. They are light and usually
either transparent or at least translucent in thin sections. They have the advantage of absorbing
sound and vibration. Some of them, nylons, for example, are self-lubricating. Significantly,
one of the most important characteristics of plastics is that they usually are easy to fabricate

than metals. As you know, some plastics can be plated but perhaps an even more important
property is that plastics can be pigmented in a wide variety of colors. Finally, their lighter
weight, giving many of them an advantage in cost, because finished parts made of plastics are
frequently less costly than the other material, such as using woods or metals.
Among recyclable materials - paper, metals, glass, plastics - plastics are unique in
being prone to thermo-oxidative and photo-oxidative degradation. They require small amounts
of stabilizing additives to retard the loss of properties and to find practical uses. In addition,
they are dissimilar chemically and morphologically, as are metals, and are most useful and
valuable when homogeneous and not mixed. Sorting plastics economically, developing
strategies for reusing recovered materials, especially regarding stabilization needs and
applications, and finding markets for recovered plastics are three big needs for a successful
plastics recycling program. Major barriers exist to the large scale recycling of plastics. Among
them are the infancy of the activity so that the infrastructure and procedures for efficient,
large-scale recycling are not yet in place and also getting waste plastic articles from sources to
plastics recyclers is far from smooth and well organized.
Waste plastics can be recovered from the waste stream and processed, for example,
through mechanical recycling to produce new plastic products. According to Wang, et al
(2015: 28-38) the other mechanical recycling are the using of energy recovery via
incineration, pyrolyzed to produce oils, gasified to syngas, or landfilled.
There are three key factors when thinking about how to recycle The 3 Rs:

Plastics waste recycling is one of the main methods for reducing urban and agricultural
solid waste (Martin-Alfonso, et al, 2009: 4136). Therefore, there is a growing interest on the

development of new materials based on recycled polymers from plastics waste. According
Miguez, et al (1999: 1389), some recycled polymers with acceptable properties can be
obtained from plastic residues of discarded materials found in urban waste. These materials
are basically polyolefins such as LDPE (low density polyethylene), LLDPE (linear low
density polyethylene); HDPE (high density polyethylene), and polypropylene (PP), as well as
polystyrene (PS).
Technologies which convert plastic wastes back to their starting materials are a
promising development in plastics recycling. To effectively recycle plastic items, we need to
know two things, those are the plastic number of the material and which of these types of
plastics our municipality's recycling service accepts. Many facilities now accept #1 through
Plastic #1: PET
The easiest and most common plastics to recycle are made of polyethylene
terephthalate (PET) and are assigned the number 1. Examples include soda and water bottles,
medicine containers, and many other common consumer product containers. Once it has been
processed by a recycling facility, PET can become fiberfill for winter coats, sleeping bags and
life jackets. It can also be used to make bean bags, rope, car bumpers, tennis ball felt, combs,
sails for boats, furniture and, of course, other plastic bottles. PET #1 bottles should not be repurposed as reusable water bottles.
Plastic #2: HDPE
Number 2 is reserved for high-density polyethylene plastics (HDPE). These include
heavier containers that hold laundry detergents and bleaches as well as milk, shampoo
and motor oil. Plastic labeled with the number 2 is often recycled into toys, piping, truck bed
liners, and rope. Like plastic designated number 1, it is widely accepted at recycling centers.
Plastic #3: Vinyl (V)
Polyvinyl chloride, commonly used in plastic pipes, shower curtains, medical tubing,
vinyl dashboards, gets number 3. Once recycled, it can be ground up and reused to make vinyl
flooring, window frames, or piping.
Plastic #4: LDPE

Low density polyethylene (LDPE) is used to make thin, flexible plastics like wrapping
films, grocery bags, sandwich bags, and a variety of soft packaging materials.
Plastic #5: Polypropylene (PP)
Some food containers are made with the stronger polypropylene plastic, as well as a
large proportion of plastic caps.
Plastic #6: Polystyrene (PS)
Number 6 goes on polystyrene (Styrofoam) items such as coffee cups, disposable
cutlery, meat trays, packing peanuts and insulation. It can be reprocessed into many items,
including rigid insulation. However, the foam versions of plastic #6 (for example, cheap
coffee cups) pick up a lot of dirt and other contaminants during the handling process, and
often just ends up being thrown away at the recycling facility.
Plastic #7: Others
Last are items crafted from various combinations of the aforementioned plastics or
from unique plastic formulations not commonly used. Usually imprinted with a number 7 or
nothing at all, these plastics are the most difficult to recycle. If your municipality accepts #7,
good, but otherwise you will have to re-purpose the object or throw it in the thrash. Better yet,
don't buy it in the first place. More ambitious consumers can feel free to return such items to
the product manufacturers to avoid contributing to the local waste stream, and instead put the
burden on the makers to recycle or dispose of the items properly.
As well as recycling, it is important to buy products made from recycled material. This will
increase the demand for recycled products as well as create a good recycling loop. Recycled
products are widely available. Here some steps that can be applied for reduce plastics.
1. Choose what to buy and how to use it.

Waste reduction starts at the

supermarket. By making slight

alterations to your shopping list

you can significantly reduce the

amount of waste created in and

- Buy only what you need

around the home.

Reduce unnecessary waste by avoiding those pointless purchases. Items that rarely get

used can be borrowed or shared with others

Buy products that can be reused
Buy bottles instead of cans and rechargeable batteries. Items such as this create very
little waste, as they dont have to be thrown away after they have been used just once.
Buy all-purpose household cleaner
Instead of buying many different ones for each cleaning role.
Buy products with little packaging
So that less packaging ends up in your rubbish bin. For those items you use regularly,
buy them in bulk instead of in smaller amounts. This will save you money as well as
reduce waste.
Sell or give away unwanted items
Reduce waste by donating unwanted items to family, friends or neighbours. You could

even sell your possessions in a car-boot sale and earn some extra cash.
2. Reducing the Hazardous Waste

Many hazardous products cannot be recycled as they contain harmful chemicals. However,
there are ways of reducing waste by dealing with hazardous products in the correct manor.

Buy non-toxic products whenever possible

Many toxic products such as motor oil and pesticides cannot be reused.
Recycle motor products
Such as break fluid, oils and tyres by taking them to your local petrol station. By
recycling these products instead of throwing them away, you are reducing hazardous
Use all of the toxic product, such as furniture polish, so there is no hazardous material

left in the container when it is discarded.

- Find safer alternatives to hazardous household products.
3. Think Before You Throw

Many of the items that you would normally consider as rubbish could be used for other
purposes. So instead of throwing items away, reduce waste by using them for other roles.

Paper and envelopes can be used as scrap paper for making notes.
Cardboard, newspaper and bubble wrap can be used as packing materials. Packaging
products, such as foil and egg cartons, can be used for art projects in schools and

Jars and pots can be used as small containers to store odds and ends.
Plastic and paper bags can be reused in the shops, used as bin bags around the house

or as wrapping paper.
Used wood can be used in woodcrafts for making small garden objects such as bird
tables. Alternatively it could be used as firewood.

Many items found around the home can be used for different purposes. So before you
throw those items away, think about how they can be reused. Below are some suggestions of
how to reuse those everyday bits and pieces. Here some reusable items:
Carrier bags and twist ties. Carrier bags can be reused in the shops or as bin bags
around the house. Paper bags make useful wrapping paper and twist ties can be used
to secure loose items together, such as computer wires.
Envelopes By sticking labels over the address you can reuse envelopes.
Alternatively, old envelopes can be used as scrap paper to make notes on.
Jars and pots. By cleaning glass jars and small pots, you can use them as small
containers to store odds and ends.
Newspaper, cardboard and bubble wrap Make useful packing material when
moving house or to store items.

Old clothes can be made into other textile items such as cushion covers or teapot
Packaging Such as foil and egg cartons can be donated to schools and nurseries,
where they can be use in art and craft projects.
Scrap paper Can be used to make notes and sketches. Dont forget to recycle it when
you no longer need it.
Tyres Old tyres can be given to your local petrol station where they will be recycled.
Or you could make a tyre-swing by tying a strong rope around a tyre and attaching it
to a tree.
Used wood Can be used in woodcrafts for making objects such as a spice rack or a
bird table. Alternatively it could be used as firewood.
You may be surprised, but it is possible to build a house using almost all recycled or
recyclable material. Below are some examples of things that can be made from plastics.



End-use applications for recycled plastics are far from optimum. As recycling
increases, as the necessary facilities and procedures are in place and working smoothly, the
barriers will disappear. But, plastics recycling are far from a humming business activity.
Economics and legislation will play important roles in determining the success of recycling.
Legislation at the state and community levels has already led to the establishment of many
municipal recycling programs. Then, as the human being that living in this beloved Earth, we
should be more aware of the plastics waste problem. By doing some simple action for reuse,
reuse, and recycle the plastics waste, the hope for a living in better environment in future may
not be impossible.


Eubanks, Lucy Pryde, Catherine H. Middlecamp, Carl E. Heltzel, and Steven W. Keller. 2009.
Chemistry in Context: Applying Chemistry to Society, Sixth Edition. New York:
Martin-Alfonso, J. E., C. Valencia, M. C. Sanchez, J. M. Franco, and C. Gallegos. 2009.
Rheological Modification of Lubricating Greases with Recycled Polymers from
Different Plastics Waste. Ind. Eng. Chem., 8 (48): 41364144.
Miguez, J. C.; Biasotto, E.; Chagas, C. 1999. Effects of Gamma-Irradiation on Mechanical
Characteristics of Recycled Polyethylene Blends. Polym. Eng. Sci. 39: 1398.
Saad, Juniza Md and Paul T. Williams. 2016. Pyrolysis-Catalytic-Dry Reforming of Waste
Plastics and Mixed Waste Plastics for Syngas Production. Journal of Chemical
Education. 1021: A-G.
Thompson, R. C., S. H. Swan, C. J. Moore, F. S. vom Suaal. 2009. Our plastic age. Philos.
Trans. R. Soc., B. 364 (1526), 19731976.
Wang, C.-q.; Wang, H.; Fu, J.-g.; Liu, Y.-n. 2005. Flotation separation of waste plastics for
recyclingA review. Waste Manage. 41: 2838.


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