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Taking Time To Understand Time

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Sue McMillen and Beth Ortiz Hernandez

Taking Time to Understand

Telling Time

his department features childrens hands-on

and minds-on explorations in mathematics
and presents teachers with open-ended investigations to enhance mathematics instruction. These
tasks invoke problem solving and reasoning, require
communication skills, and connect various mathematical concepts and principles. The ideas presented here have been tested in classroom settings.
A mathematical investigation is
multidimensional in content;
open ended, with several acceptable solutions;
an exploration requiring a full period or longer
to complete;
centered on a theme or event; and
often embedded in a focus or driving question.
In addition, a mathematical investigation involves
processes that include

researching outside sources;

collecting data;
collaborating with peers; and
using multiple strategies to reach conclusions.

Although Investigations presents a scripted

sequence and set of directions for a mathematical
exploration for the purpose of communicating what
happened in this particular classroom, Principles
and Standards for School Mathematics (NCTM
2000) encourages teachers and students to explore
Sue McMillen,, teaches math and math education courses at Buffalo State College in New York. She also provides content-based professional development to
in-service teachers. Beth Ortiz Hernandez,, teaches second grade
at the Samuel S. Gaines Academy in Ft. Pierce, Florida.
Edited by Jodelle S. W. Magner,, who teach mathematics and
mathematics education courses at Buffalo State College in New York; and LouAnn H. Lovin,, who teaches mathematics methods and content courses to prospective
teachers and classroom teachers at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia.
Investigations highlights classroom-tested multilesson units that develop conceptual understanding of mathematics topics. This material can be reproduced by classroom teachers
for use with their own students without requesting permission from the National Council of
Teachers of Mathematics. Readers are encouraged to submit manuscripts appropriate for this
department by accessing Manuscripts must include no more than 3000
words on double-spaced typed pages and two reproducible pages of activities.


multiple approaches and representations when

engaging in mathematical activities. In the November investigation, second-grade students explore
seconds, minutes, hours, and the relationships
among them. They connect their observations to the
movements of a clocks hands and to telling time.
This investigation addresses NCTMs Measurement Standard (NCTM 2000).

The Investigation
Learning goals, rationale,
pedagogical context
Telling time is often taught as a rote skill, without
ensuring that children understand the duration of
time and its relation to the numbers and hands on
a clock (Thompson and Van de Walle 1981). This
investigation provides opportunities for children
to investigate time units, experience events lasting
set amounts of time, and develop personal referents
for standard time units. The typical approaches to
teaching time do not highlight the differences associated with the two hands of an analog clock. The
hour hand simply points to the hour, but the minute
hand must be understood in terms of the distance it
has moved around the clock from the numeral 12.
For this reason, this investigation has students work
with two types of one-handed clocks to meaningfully discover both differences and connections
between the two clock hands. The sixteen students
in the investigation were in a diverse second-grade
class at the Samuel S. Gaines Academy in Ft.
Pierce, Florida.

Objectives of the investigation

Students will
develop personal referents for one second and
for one minute;
discover the relationship between seconds and
investigate the connections between the movements of a clocks hands;
Teaching Children Mathematics / November 2008

Copyright 2008 The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Inc. All rights reserved.
This material may not be copied or distributed electronically or in any other format without written permission from NCTM.

connect the numerals on a clock face to groups

of 5; and
tell time to the nearest minute.
Lesson 1
1. A clock with a second hand.
2. Each student will need one copy of activity sheet
1 (activity sheets follow this article).
3. Each activity station will need the materials necessary for the one-minute activities that you choose,
such as Unifix cubes, balls, or jump ropes.
Lesson 2
1. Each student will need a slit clock.
2. The teacher will need
a slit clock;
a piece of rope with evenly spaced knots; and
candles of different widths with evenly spaced
notches or lines.
Lesson 3
1. Each student will need
5 connected Unifix cubes;
a cutout of 5 connected Unifix cubes; and
a copy of activity sheet 2.
2. The teacher will need tape and a clock without

one-minute time spans and discover the relationship

between them. Begin the investigation by asking
students to think about how long one second is and
share what they could do in one second. About half
of our class offered reasonable ideas, such as turn
on a light, do a front flip, walk one step, snap your
fingers, throw a ball, write the numeral 1, do a cartwheel, flip the pages in a book [all at once], count to
two, and count back to one. Nicholas connected time
to distance by offering, Move your finger a small
amount, as he showed about a one-fourth-inch
movement of his finger on his desk. Other students
offered less reasonable ideas of one second and
shared responses such as Count to one hundred,
Go on a plane, and Drink a bottle of water. If
time permits, have your class verify how many seconds some of their suggestions actually take.
Students were then asked to put their heads
on their desks and to raise their hands when they
thought one minute had passed. As we had anticipated, most children underestimated the length of
one minute. In our class, two students raised their
hands in less than twenty seconds, seven raised
their hands between twenty-one and forty seconds,
three raised their hands between forty-one and
fifty seconds, and four made good estimates of one
minute, raising their hands between fifty-one and
seventy seconds.
Have the entire class experience some oneminute events, such as running in place for one
minute or sitting silently for one minute. Then ask
them to predict the result of an activity the teacher

Lesson 4
1. Each student or pair of students will need a clock
with moveable hands that maintain the correct
relationships as they are moved.
2. The teacher will need
a slit clock;
a clock without numbers;
a transitional clock; and
a regular clock.

Photograph by Ivan McMillen; all rights reserved

Previous knowledge
The students in this investigation could tell time to
the nearest hour, and many of them could tell time
to the nearest half hour. They had little or no formal
experiences with fraction representations, and they
had just completed a unit on money.

Lesson 1
The purpose of the first lesson is for students to
develop personal benchmarks for one-second and
Teaching Children Mathematics / November 2008

Second graders investigated connections between a clocks two hands.


Students experienced one-minute activities together. They ran in place.

Photographs by Ivan McMillen; all rights reserved

They bounced a ball.

They connected Unifix cubes and jumped rope.


will do for one minute. Our students were familiar

with the book Are You My Mother? by P. D. Eastman, so they were asked whether or not the entire
book could be read aloud in one minute. Twelve of
sixteen students predicted that it could be, but the
teacher was able to read only one-third of the book
during the minute.
Ask students to predict how many times they can
repeat an activity during one minute. Give them an
opportunity to try each activity for one minute and
compare their predictions to the actual results. We
gave our students an opportunity to cycle through
four activity stations while working with a partner:
bouncing a ball, connecting Unifix cubes, jumping rope or doing jumping jacks, and writing their
name. The teacher announced the beginning and
end of the one-minute time periods. Some students
seemed to think that because the allotted time was
the same for each activity, the number of repetitions for each activity would also be about the same
(see fig. 1a). They made predictions that were
consecutive numbers or were all very close to the
same number. Other students seemed to lack both
number sense and a one-minute reference frame
and made unreasonable predictions (see fig. 1b).
You may want to emphasize that they should continue the activity for the entire minute, not stop if
they reach their predicted number of repetitions, as
some of our students did at first (see fig. 1c). Also,
some students used stacks of Unifix cubes that were
already joined together, resulting in larger numbers
than we had anticipated.
Guide students to discover the relationship
between seconds and minutes. Be careful not to
mention anything about discovering how many
seconds are in a minute, because some students
will likely already know. Ask the class to watch
the second hand and count, as a class, how many
times it moves while traveling all the way around
the clock. The teacher should indicate when to
start and stop counting. Repeat this activity several
times, being sure to start with the second hand at
different locations on the clock. After several repetitions, students should notice that it always takes
sixty seconds. Have a class discussion to ensure
that students understand that a minute is a standard
measurement unit and must therefore always equal
the same number of seconds, namely, sixty seconds. Ask how they can use the clock to tell when
one minute passes. If necessary, prompt them to
connect to their experiences with the second hand
taking sixty seconds to travel the entire way around
the clock face.
Teaching Children Mathematics / November 2008

Figure 1
Students predicted how many times they could repeat an activity in one minute.
(a) S
 ome predicted similar
numbers for all activities.

(b) S
 ome made unreasonable

Next, share some common counting schemes,

such as one Mississippi, two Mississippi or
one one thousand, two one thousand to approximate one-second intervals. Have one student face
away from the classroom clock and use one of the
counting schemes to count out an approximation for
one minute (sixty seconds) while the other students
watch the second hand on the clock to determine the
accuracy of the counting scheme.
After counting all the way to sixty Mississippi,
our students came fairly close to one minute and
decided these were good ways to approximate
one minute. At the end of the Lesson 1 investigation, students reflected on their learning as they
used their benchmark knowledge of second units
and minute units to choose the most reasonable
time for certain events (see activity sheet1).

(c) S
 ome stopped when they
reached their prediction, even
before the minute was up.

students expressed doubt. We handed out the slit

clocks (see figs. 2a and b) and told the class that
the hand represented the hour handjust like the
first clocks from about seven hundred years ago.
You may want to demonstrate how to move the slit

Figure 2
Students worked with one-handed clocks
called slit clocks.

Lesson 2

Teaching Children Mathematics / November 2008

Photographs by Ivan McMillen; all rights reserved

The purpose of the second lesson is for the class

to investigate what can be determined about time
when a clock has an hour hand but no minute hand.
Ask the class how people kept track of time before
clocks were invented. Some children may suggest
using daylight and darkness. You may want to discuss devices without clock hands, such as sundials
and water clocks. In China, people burned ropes
with knots at equal intervals. Similarly, some people
marked equal intervals on candles. We showed our
class candles of different widths, all with marked
intervals of the same distance, and asked if it would
take the same amount of time for each candle to burn
from one mark to the next. Luis said, No, because
the red one is fatter, so it would take a lot longer.
We shared the information that the first clocks
were made in the fourteenth century and had only
one hand. When asked if we would be able to
tell time from a clock with only one hand, most


Photograph by Ivan McMillen; all rights reserved

students worked on the first two activities. Only

students who were ready to move on tried the last
three activities:

Number lines made of Unifix cubes helped clarify minutes and hours on a clock
as students counted by ones and by fives.

clock: Tell the children to reach behind the clock

and turn the circle from the backside with one hand
while holding the full plate with the other hand.
After allowing them a short time to move the clocks
as they wish, ask students to point their hour hands
directly at a number. Then ask a student to hold up
his or her clock and tell what time it is. Our class
quickly agreed that when the hand points directly
at a numeral, such as 7, it is that number oclock
(i.e., 7:00). They spent a few minutes taking turns,
with one partner moving the hand to point directly
at a numeral and the other telling the time.
Next, we held up a clock with the hour hand
just past the numeral 5 (see fig. 2b) and asked what
time that could be. Several students told us that it
was five oclock and that the hand had gone too
far. Others responded, It is five oclock and some
more minutes, and, It is after five oclock. With
prompting, the class agreed to call this just past
five or a little past five. Similarly, when shown
a slit clock with the hand just before the numeral 5,
they described it as a little before five oclock. We
also displayed the slit clock with the hand halfway
between the numerals 2 and 3. They described it as
between two oclock and three oclock but never
offered the idea of being halfway between two and
three oclock (i.e., 2:30). Rather than lead them to
the idea of half hours at this point, we let them continue to investigate locating the hand just before or
just after a numeral on the clock face. They seemed
content to declare each location as closer to one of
the two numerals.
As a whole class, students practiced describing
several times on slit clocks held up by classmates.
The rest of the lesson time was spent on the following five partner activities using the slit clocks. All

1. One partner sets a time on the slit clock, and

the other partner names it using phrases such as
eight oclock, a little before seven oclock,
or a little after three oclock.
2. One partner describes a time, and the other sets
the time on the slit clock.
3. One partner asks a question such as, When do
you get up? and the other answers by setting the
time on the slit clock and naming it.
4. One partner sets a time on the slit clock and asks
the other what he would be doing at that time.
5. One partner sets a time on the slit clock, and the
other sets the time that is two hours later.

Lesson 3
This activity parallels that of Lesson 2, but the
class investigates clocks with only a minute hand.
The lesson emphasizes connecting groups of five
to minutes on the clock face and using efficient
counting strategies to tell time. To begin, give each
student five connected Unifix cubes and point to
children as you go around the room. Have them
chant, counting by fives with you.
Then give each student a cutout of five connected Unifix cubes and repeat the counting by
fives. Next, have a student tape his cutout cubes
to the board. It works best to align the cubes horizontally even though this takes more board space.
Draw a vertical line segment at the right end of the
cubes. Ask the class how many groups of five cubes
are on the board and write the 1 beneath the line
segment. Then ask the class how many cubes are on
the board and write the 5 above the line segment.
Continue in this manner, having students add their
cubes to the horizontal number line one at a time.
Have the students report both the number of groups
of five cubes and the total number of cubes. Some
students may notice that the number of groups is
the same as the number of students who have put
up their cubes.
Once the number line is complete (see fig. 3a),
have the class discuss the two sets of numbers and
how they are connected. To start the discussion, we
asked questions such as, How many groups of five
cubes make thirty-five cubes? We also pointed to
a specific cube (such as the twenty-third cube) and
had the class count up to that cube. Some students
counted by fives as long as they could and then by
ones, but others counted only by ones.
Teaching Children Mathematics / November 2008

Photographs by Ivan McMillen; all rights reserved

(a) A completed Unifix number line

(b) A Unifix number line clock face

Ask students how many numerals are on the

face of a clock and then remove the section of the
cube number line beyond twelve groups of five.
Have the class discuss whether or not they could
use their cube number line to tell time. Some of our
students thought it would be too hard because there
was nowhere to go after you get to the twelve,
but others pointed out that you could just go back
to the beginning and start over again. However,
they all agreed that it was easier to tell time on a
round clock face, so we rearranged the sections of
the cube number line into an approximation of a
round clock face. We again labeled with both sets
of numbers, keeping the total number of cubes on
the outside of the circle (see fig. 3b). This created
a transitional clock showing numerals for both the
number of groups of cubes (hours) and the total
number of cubes (minutes).
Help children recall that in the previous lessons
investigation, they used a clock with just the shorter
hand. Today they will use a clock with just the longer hand. Ask, Which numbers should you use to
describe where the longer hand points? Keyontay
said it should be the numbers on the outside of the
circle because the hand has longer to go to reach
them. Although we referred to the hands only as
shorter or longer in order to preserve the investigative nature of the lesson, some of your students
will know them as the hour hand and minute hand
Teaching Children Mathematics / November 2008

and may use those names in their responses. For

example, Roberto said the longer hand has to be
the minute hand, since there is not a thirty-five
oclock. When a couple of our students used this
vocabulary, we did not comment on it, but we continued to use the words shorter and longer in the
hope of deepening students understanding.
We put a clock without numbers on the board
next to the cube clock face. When we asked why
the zero was written at the top of the clock, class
members replied that was because they started the
number line with zero cubes. We then asked what
the lines on the clock meant. They quickly agreed
that each short line was for one cube and that the
longer lines were like the lines on our cube number
line and signified five cubes or five lines. We asked
how many minutes past the hour was shown on
the numberless clock (see fig. 4). All the students
counted by ones to conclude that it showed twelve
minutes past the hour. After a couple more examples with a small number of minutes past the hour,
the minute hand was positioned to forty minutes
after the hour. As anticipated, the class generated
several different answers as a result of counting
errors. When asked to share their strategies, most
indicated that they had counted by ones, but a few
shared that they had counted by fives. All agreed
that counting by fives was easier, and we then did

Figure 4
A clock without numbers shows twelve
minutes after the hour.

Photograph by Ivan McMillen; all rights reserved

Figure 3


several examples with the number of minutes as a

multiple of five. Finally, the long hand was positioned at twenty-eight minutes past the hour. Most
students started counting by fives. When they realized that they were not going to end on a multiple
of five, some switched automatically to counting
by ones, for example, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 26, 27, 28.
However, many went back to the top and began
recounting the entire sequence by ones. During
the ensuing examples, we encouraged students to
use more efficient counting strategies, but a few
continued to count only by ones.
Our students used the remaining time to practice
counting the minutes past the start of an hour with
their partners and to complete activity sheet 2.
The sheet also gave them the opportunity to draw a

Figure 5
Examples of student work from activity
sheet 2
(a) J
 orge drew a hand to represent sixty
minutes past the hour.

(b) M
 ost of the second graders were comfortable working with numberless clocks, but
some wrote numbers to count minutes.

clock hand wherever they wished and then count the

minutes. Several children enjoyed creating a large
number of minutes past an hour, such as fifty-eight
or fifty-nine. Jorge wrote sixty minutes and showed
the long hand pointing to the top of the clock (see
fig. 5a). He clearly explained that the hand went all
the way around the clock, which was sixty minutes,
but when questioned, admitted it did not look any
different than zero minutes past the hour. Most of
the children were comfortable working without
numbers on the clocks, but a couple wrote in the
numbers they needed as they completed each problem (see fig.5b).

Lesson 4
Todays activity begins by asking students to
investigate the motion and location of the minute
hand as it relates to the hour hand. As the children
investigated, we continued to refer to the clock
hands as the long hand and the short hand until it
was time to connect the ideas and practice telling
time. We started by asking students to use their
individual clock (with hands that maintain the correct relationship), point the shorter hand directly
at a number, and then share where the longer hand
points. You may want to make a table showing
the number for each hand and the resulting time
(see table1). Students should conclude that when
the shorter hand points directly at a number, the
longer hand points to the twelve and the resulting
time is a time on the hour (an oclock). Similarly,
ask students to place the shorter hand halfway
between two numbers and ask where the longer
hand is pointing. In this instance, students should
conclude that the longer hand will point to the six
(or thirty) and the resulting times are times on the
half hour (the thirties).

Table 1
Sample Chart of Clock Hands and
Corresponding Times


The shorter
hand is
directly at

The longer
hand is
pointing at

The time is









Teaching Children Mathematics / November 2008

Next, ask the students to set the time as 2:00 and

then to observe what happens when they move the
hour hand to 3:00. Be sure that they move the hands
correctly (in the clockwise direction). Have them
try this with other times that are on the hour or the
half hour. After they determine that the minute hand
makes an entire revolution around the clock face in
one hour, ask them to explain why. Students should
realize that one revolution covers sixty minutes and
recall that sixty minutes are in one hour.
It is now time for students to synthesize the individual ideas they have been investigating for the last
few days and apply them to telling time on a transitional clock with both hands and two sets of numbers. Have students describe some times displayed
on a slit clock. Ask which time unit the shorter hand
points to. Next, show a clock without numbers. Ask
students to determine the number of minutes past
the start of an hour and which time unit the longer
hand points to. Finally, set a time on a transitional
clock. Ask students how to determine the time.
Our class counted the minutes first, then found
the hour, and finally combined them, stating the
answer in several ways: (1) It is eighteen minutes
past the hour. (2) It is after seven oclock. (3) It is
eighteen minutes past seven oclock. When asked
how to write the answer, children responded with
both seven eighteen and eighteen seven until
Nicco reminded the class that the hour must always
be written first. After his observation, some students switched to identifying the hour first and then
counting the minutes past, but others continued to
count the minutes first. Both groups seemed to be
equally competent at writing the times correctly.
After telling a number of times as a class, students
practiced with their partners. One partner set a time
on the clock, and the other told the time; then they
switched roles. We did not identify minutes before
the hour with the class, because all our counting on
the clocks without numbers was minutes past the
hour. However, if students identified a time as minutes before an hour, we did not ask them to change
their response.
The investigation ended by asking the children to
use their clocks to make times that seemed funny to
them and identify the time. Some made random times,
but others created times such as one minute after one,
two minutes after two, 2:22, 11:11, and so forth.

Beyond the Lesson

Students can create a timeline for their day and
then represent the time of various events using slit
Teaching Children Mathematics / November 2008

clocks, transitional clocks, or regular clocks as they

progress through the investigation. The investigation
could also be enriched by a discussion of impossible
times such as 7:82 or 2:61. Similarly, students could
be asked to explain why the minute hand cannot
point at the six when the hour hand points directly at
the three, or why the hour hand cannot be closer to
the three than to the four if the time is 3:45.

The activities from this investigation can also be
used to address times with minutes before the hour.
We deliberately omitted the phrases quarter past
and quarter of and referred to such times only as
fifteen minutes past and fifteen minutes of. The students had just finished a money unit that explained
a quarter as 25 cents, and we anticipated that they
would struggle with a quarter of an hour being fifteen minutes rather than twenty-five minutes. Students have not yet had experiences with different
representations of fractions, so we did not attempt
to reconcile fifteen minutes with one quarter of a
clock face but will return to this concept after we
introduce fractions. Similarly, if a class is only telling time to five-minute intervals, all of the activities
in this investigation are easily adapted. It is not
necessary to wait until the class is ready to tell time
to the nearest minute.
This investigation is designed to provide students with a working understanding of time units
and their connections to the hands of a clock. It provides opportunities for students to incorporate time
concepts into their personal experience. As suggested by Principles and Standards, the activities
emphasize the development of concepts of time
and the ways it is measured, rather than learning
just to tell time (NCTM 2000, p. 104).

Friederwitzer, Fredda J., and Barbara Berman. The Language of Time. Teaching Children Mathematics 6
(December 1999): 25459.
Horak, Virginia M., and Willis J. Horak. Teaching Time
with Slit Clocks. Arithmetic Teacher 30 (January
1983): 812.
Krustchinsky, Rick, and Nancy Larner. Its about Time.
Teaching Exceptional Children 20 (Spring 1988):
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM).
Principles and Standards for School Mathematics.
Reston, VA: NCTM, 2000.
Thompson, Charles S., and John Van de Walle. A SingleHanded Approach to Telling Time. Arithmetic Teacher 28 (April 1981): 49. s

Activity Sheet 1. Taking Time to Understand Telling Time



Circle the most reasonable time.

Fill in a number to make the sentence reasonable.

1. A bus ride to school takes

10 seconds

10 minutes

1. It takes our class

2. Peeling an orange takes

2 seconds

2 minutes

2. It takes me
my chair.

3. Tapping your foot once takes

1 second
1 minute
4. Yawning takes
4 seconds

4 minutes

minutes to walk to lunch.

seconds to stand up and push in

3. It takes

seconds to sharpen my pencil.

4. It takes

minutes to do our spelling test.

5. Telling someone your name takes

2 seconds
2 minutes
6. Brushing your teeth takes
55 seconds

55 minutes

From the November 2008 issue of


Activity Sheet 2. Taking Time to Understand Telling Time



How many minutes have passed?


From the November 2008 issue of


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