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Normal Operators and

Orthonormal Bases of Eigenvectors

Let V and W be a finite-dimensional complex Euclidean vector spaces.
Theorem 1. Let T : V W be a linear map. Then there is a unique linear map
S : W V such that

(T v, w) = (v, Sw) for all v V and w W .

If we use orthonormal bases for V and for W to represent T and S by matrices, then
Sij = Tji .
Definition. The map S is called the adjoint of T and is denoted T .
Proof. Let e1 , . . . , en and f1 , . . . , fm be orthonormal bases for V and for W , respectively.
(T v, w) = (T (
vi ei ),
wj fj )
vi wj (T ei , fj )

vi wj (the fj component of T ei )

vi wj Tji .




Almost exactly the same calculation shows that

(v, Sw) =
vi wj Sij .

Thus if we let Sij is the conjugate of Tji (for all i and j), then (2) and (3) will be equal
for all v and w. This establishes the existence of a map S with property (1).
Conversely, if S has the property (1), then (2) and (3) will be equal for all v and w. In
particular, they will be equal when v = ei and w = fj , in which case (2) is Tji and (3) is
the conjugate of Sij . This proves uniqueness. 
Theorem 2. Let V be a nite-dimensional complex Euclidean vector space. A linear map
T : V V has an orthonormal basis of eigenvectors if and only if T T = T T .
Remark. A linear transformation T : V V such that T T = T T is called normal.
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Lemma 1. If T : V V is normal, then |T v| = |T v| for all v.

Proof of lemma 1.
|T v|2 = (T v, T v) = (T T v, v) = (T T v, v) = (T v, T v) = |T v|2

Lemma 2. Suppose T : V V is normal. If v is an eigenvector of T with eigenvalue ,
In other words,
then it is also an eigenvector of T , with eigenvalue .

T v = v = T v = v.

Proof. If T is normal, then so is (T I). Thus by lemma 1 applied to T I,

|(T I)v| = |(T I) v| = |T v v|

Since T v = v, the left side is 0. Therefore the right side is 0, which means that T v =


Proof of theorem 2. Any linear transformation of a complex vector space has at least one
eigenvector. So let v1 be a unit eigenvector for T .
Now suppose we have orthonormal eigenvectors v1 , . . . , vk for T . If k = dim V , we are
done. If not, let W be the set of all vectors that are orthogonal to v1 , . . . , vk :
W = {x V : (x, vi ) = 0 for i = 1, . . . , k}.
Then W is an n k dimensional subspace (where n = dim V .)
Claim: If x is perpendicular to vi , then so is T x.
Proof of claim. If x is perpendicular to vi , then
(T x, vi ) = (x, T vi ) = (x, i vi ) = (x, vi ) = 0.
Thus (T x, vi ) = 0, so T x is perpendicular to vi . This proves the claim.
Consequently, if x is perpendicular to all the vi s, then so is T x. In other words,
x W = T x W.
Now since T maps W into itself, W contains a unit eigenvector vk+1 .
Continuing in this way, we get an orthonormal basis of eigenvectors.

Special Classes of Normal Transformations

Note that if T = T , or if T = T , or if T = T 1 , then T is normal. These conditions
define the following classes of normal operators:
1. The eigenvalues of a normal operator T are real if and only if T = T . Such a T is
called self-adjoint or Hermitian.
2. The eigenvalues of a normal operator T are imaginary if and only if T = T . Such a
T is called skew-adjoint or skew-Hermitian.
3. The eigenvalues of a normal operator T are unit complex numbers (i.e., have norms 1)
if and only if T = T 1 . Such a T is called unitary.
Unitary operators have other important characterizations:
Proposition. The T : V V be an operator on the nite dimensional complex Euclidean
space V . The following are equivalent:
(1) T is unitary.
(2) (T u, T v) = (u, v) for all vectors u and v in V .
(3) |T v| = |v| for all vectors v in V .
Proof. Exercise.

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