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Chapter 5

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Financial Intermediation and Markets

A growing economy needs investment to sustain

its growth process. Such investments can be
quickly and efficiently undertaken if investors have
With the transition of the Indian economy
to a higher growth trajectory, the provision of
access to a well-developed financial market.
adequate and timely availability of bank credit to
Historically, banks have played the role of
the productive sectors of the economy has
intermediaries matching savers with investors.
acquired importance. As public sector banks still
However, the modern world of business requires a
own about 71 per cent of the assets of the banking
much more sophisticated level of intermediation. It
system, they continue to play an important role
is no longer sufficient to have an efficient means of
in responding to the changes in the economic
allocating savers’ funds to investors; one also needs
environment. As the banking regulator and
financial markets to allocate risk and to re-allocate
supervisor and as the monetary policy authority,
capital from inefficient to more efficient projects.
the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) continues to guide
Given the institutional nature of banks, it is not
the banking system, including foreign, private
possible for them to provide all these functions of a
sector and public sector banks, to meet emerging
modern financial market. Banks are one of the many
economic challenges.
players within a financial set up which has banks,
insurance companies, pension funds, mutual funds, Policy Intervention
venture capital funds, and the stock and commodity 5.4 A number of policy initiatives have been
exchanges. Together, they perform the various types taken by the RBI/Finance Ministry to make the
of intermediation necessary in a global world. banking system more responsive to the needs of
the market as well as to strengthen its role in
5.2 Since 1991, when India had a bank-
making growth more inclusive. Some of the
dominated financial market where the capital
measures initiated to widen the credit delivery
market was totally controlled by administrative
include: (i) permitting the use of banking
officers, it has made remarkable progress to facilitators/correspondents; (ii) augmentation of
become one of the most developed financial credit flow to the agriculture and other priority
markets among emerging economies. It still has a sectors as also to the distressed farmers and the
long way to go, but its current state of development areas hit by natural calamities; (iii) simplification
is well reflected in the fact that there is a growing of systems and procedures; (iv) information
group of experts who want to see Mumbai as an technology to address the last mile problem; and,
international financial centre. Of more immediate (v) providing greater operational flexibility to the
significance to us, however, is how to use financial Regional Rural Banks (RRBs).
markets to enable everyone to participate in the
growth process and distribute the process of wealth Access to banking facilities
creation across all individuals. This chapter 5.5 A large number of people, especially in
summarizes the major developments in this sector rural areas, do not have bank accounts. Banks
in India in the last year. have been encouraged to make available “no-frills”
86 ECONOMIC SURVEY 2007-2008

bank accounts with “nil” or very low minimum (manufacturing) enterprises having investment in
balances making such accounts accessible to plant and machinery up to Rs. 5 lakh and micro
public at large. The RRBs have also been advised (service) enterprises having investment in
to allow limited overdraft facilities in “no–frills” equipments up to Rs. 2 lakh; (ii) 20 per cent of
accounts without any collateral. Banks are required the total advances to small enterprises sector
to make available all the printed material used by should go to micro (manufacturing) enterprises
retail customers in the regional language with investment in plant and machinery above Rs.
concerned. All the State Level Bankers’ Committee 5 lakh but less than Rs. 25 lakh and micro
(SLBC) convenor banks have been advised to (service) enterprises with investment in equipments
initiate action for identifying at least one district in above Rs. 2 lakh but less than Rs. 10 lakh.
their State/Union Territory for 100 per cent financial
inclusion. Guidelines have been issued to banks 5.9 The revised priority sector guidelines
to enhance their outreach by utilizing "business envisaged that foreign banks having a shortfall in
facilitators" and "business correspondents" models. the stipulated priority sector lending target/sub-
Banks are also entering into agreements with the targets would be required to contribute to the
Indian postal authority for using the wide network Small Enterprises Development Fund (SEDF) to
of post offices as business correspondents. be set up by the SIDBI, or for such other purpose
as may be stipulated by the RBI from time to
Directed credit time. The corpus of SEDF would be decided by
5.6 Efforts to widen and intensify the credit the RBI on a year-on-year basis. The tenors of
delivery mechanism have also continued. The deposits shall be for a period of three years or
guidelines on lending to the priority sector were as decided by the RBI from time to time.
revised, effective April 30, 2007, to expand its
ambit. The target and sub-targets for the sector Credit subsidy
are being linked to (i) adjusted net bank credit 5.10 From the kharif and rabi of 2005-06
(ANBC) or (ii) credit-equivalent amount of off- commercial banks had provided interest relief of
balance sheet exposure, as on March 31 of the two percentage points in the interest rate on the
previous accounting year. The broad categories of principal amount up to Rs. 1 lakh on each crop
the priority sector for scheduled commercial banks loan granted by them. The Government had also
now include: (i) Agriculture (direct and indirect ensured that the farmers receive short-term credit
finance), (ii) Small enterprises (direct and indirect at 7 per cent rate of interest on loans up to Rs.
finance), (iii) Retail trade, (iv) Micro-credit, (v) 3,00,000 on the principal amount with effect from
Education loans and (vi) Housing loans. kharif 2006-07. The public sector banks and RRBs
5.7 All SLBC convenor banks were advised were advised that the Government would provide
on May 8, 2007, to review their institutional interest rate subvention of 2 per cent per annum
arrangements for delivering credit to the Small to them in respect of the short-term production
and Medium Enterprises (SME) sector, particularly credit up to Rs. 3,00,000 provided to farmers. The
in 388 clusters identified by the United Nations Union Budget 2007-08 announced that the 2 per
Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) cent subvention scheme for short-term crop loans
spread over 21 States of the country. Public sector would continue in 2007-08.
banks were advised to operationalize at least one Bank Credit and Investment
specialized Small Scale Industry (SSI) branch in
every district and centre having a cluster of SSI Bank credit
units. At end-March 2007, 636 specialized SSI 5.11 The credit-deposit (C-D) ratio reached an
bank branches were in operation as compared to all-time high of 74 per cent at end-March 2007.
629 at end-March 2006. This was despite a deceleration in the Scheduled
Commercial Banks’ (SCBs) credit growth to 28
5.8 To ensure steady flow of credit to various
per cent at end-March 2007 from 30.8 per cent at
segments of SSI, new instructions were given in
end-March 2006. RBI’s policy interventions have
April and July 2007. Banks were advised in July
reduced credit growth sharply during the current
2007 to ensure that (i) 40 per cent of total advances
financial year, with the SCBs’ credit growing by
to small enterprises sector should go to micro
only 21.5 per cent till January 4, 2008, compared

Figure 5.1 Credit-deposit ratio
74 2007-08
Per cent

70 2006-07
66 2005-06
to 30.8 per cent on January 5, 2007. During the current financial year 2007-08 too, there
Concomitantly, the non-food credit by SCBs as has been an upward trend in the SLR investments;
on this date was well below the indicative target these investments (up to January 4, 2008) had
of 24-25 per cent growth for 2007-08. The C-D expanded by Rs. 1,64,458 crore. They remain
ratio has consequently decreased to 71.8 per cent above the statutory minimum of 25 per cent.
as on January 4, 2008 (Figure 5.1), compared to
5.13 The current financial year has witnessed
74 per cent on January 5, 2007. Any further
a spurt in SLR investments due to continued higher
deceleration in the credit provided by SCBs would
aggregate deposit mobilization coupled with lower
not only worsen the credit deposit ratio but would
offtake of credit. On a year-on-year basis as on
also have a detrimental impact on the overall
January 4, 2008, the increase in SLR investments
economic growth.
was Rs. 1,89,349 crore (with investment in the
Bank investments Government securities at Rs. 1,85,524 crore)
5.12 Investments by SCBs in SLR (statutory compared to an increase of Rs. 42,836 crore
(investments in Government securities at Rs.
liquidity ratio) securities grew by 10.2 per cent
45,379 crore) during the corresponding period of
during 2006-07 compared to a decline of 3.1 per
the previous year. The investment-deposit ratio as
cent during 2005-06. This was mainly due to
on January 4, 2008, was the same as was on
significant improvement in the mobilization of
January 5, 2007, at 32 per cent (Figure 5.2). This
deposits, in particular the term deposits by SCBs.
was higher than the level as at end-March 2006.
They were Rs. 7,90,432 crore at end-March 2007
compared to Rs. 7,17,454 crore at end-March 2006. 5.14 Non-SLR investments by SCBs during
The increase in investments was largely in the 2006-07 had expanded by Rs. 3,929 crore. During
Government securities (Rs. 74,239 crore) compared the current financial year (up to January 4, 2008)
to the decline of Rs. 19,514 crore during 2005-06. these investments increased by Rs. 4,679 crore

Figure 5.2 Investment-deposit ratio

41 2007-08
Per cent

37 2006-07
33 2005-06

88 ECONOMIC SURVEY 2007-2008

compared to a decline of Rs. 32 crore during the crore (28.4 per cent) compared to Rs. 16,831
corresponding period of the previous year. crore (22.7 per cent). During 2007-08, the credit
to the priority sectors on the last reporting Friday
Sectoral deployment of bank credit of November 2007, increased by 20.5 per cent
5.15 As per the sectoral credit data relating to compared to 25.1 per cent during the corresponding
51 SCBs (covering about 90 per cent of SCBs month of the previous year (Table 5.1).
credit) there was deceleration in the overall credit
expansion during the year 2006-07 compared to Export Credit
the earlier year. During the current financial year, 5.17 Apart from the commercial banks, the
(as on last Friday of November 2007) bank credit Export-Import Bank of India (Exim Bank) is also
expansion has further slowed down. financing different stages of exports. Availability of
adequate export credit at competitive rates
Priority sector lending
continues to be an important factor of export
5.16 As per the RBI stipulation, domestic performance. While export credit as a proportion
banks and foreign banks operating in India are of net bank credit (NBC) has gone down steadily
required to provide 40 per cent and 32 per cent, in the current decade (Table 5.2), in the first nine
respectively, of their adjusted net bank credit to months of the current year, export credit as
priority sector. The credit to priority sector extended percentage of NBC increased marginally. Export
by SCBs during 2006-07 followed the overall trend credit as proportion of exports reached a high of
in the expansion of credit during the year. It had 29.5 per cent as on December 21, 2007.
expanded by a lower amount of Rs. 1,22,472 crore
Lending to sensitive sectors
(24 per cent growth) compared to Rs. 1,35,222
crore (36.1 per cent) during 2005-06. Loans 5.18 Credit to real estate by SCBs expanded
extended to agriculture was higher at Rs. 56,305 by 41.5 per cent at end-March 2007 compared to
crore (32.4 per cent) compared to Rs. 49,606 78.7 per cent growth at end-March 2006. The 91.9
crore (39.9 per cent) in the previous year. The per cent share of the real estate sector in the
credit to SSI sector was higher at Rs. 25,888 total credit of Rs. 4,03,532 crore extended to

Table 5.1 Sectoral deployment of gross bank credit

Per cent1 Per cent share in total
Items 2005- 2006- Nov-06 Nov-07 2005- 2006- Nov-06 Nov-07
06 07 06 07

Gross bank credit 38.0 27.6 29.1 22.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
1. Public food procurement credit -1.0 14.3 -8.9 -2.5 2.8 2.5 3.4 2.4
2. Gross non-food bank credit 39.6 27.9 30.4 22.6 97.2 97.5 96.6 97.6
(a) Priority sectors (i+ii+iii)2 36.1 24.0 25.1 20.5 35.3 34.3 35.2 34.1
i. Agriculture and allied activities 3 39.9 32.4 31.5 21.5 12.0 12.5 11.7 11.9
ii. Small-scale industry 22.7 28.4 21.1 34.5 6.3 6.3 6.4 6.0
iii. Housing 47.5 21.5 28.1 20.8 9.2 8.8 9.3 9.2
iv. Other priority sectors 30.0 10.4 15.2 6.2 7.8 6.7 7.8 7.0
(b) Medium and large industries 31.5 25.2 26.5 23.4 31.8 31.2 32.1 31.5
(c) Wholesale trade 25.4 25.1 38.0 13.7 2.7 2.7 2.6 2.8
(excluding food procurement)
(d) Other sectors 58.2 36.5 41.6 25.3 27.3 29.2 26.6 29.2
Of which:
1. Housing 19.2 32.5 33.4 16.1 3.6 3.7 12.5 13.2
2. Consumer durables -20.9 28.9 11.2 -4.4 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.6
3. Real estate loans 97.1 69.8 77.7 33.4 1.8 2.5 1.7 2.4
4. Loans to individuals4 27.4 -13.7 -6.4 -7.1 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.3
Source: Reserve Bank of India.
Note: Data is provisional and accounts for 90 per cent of bank credit of SCBs.
1. As on the last reporting Friday of the year/month.
2. Exclude investments in eligible securities.
3. Indirect finance not included.
4. Against shares and debentures/bonds.

Table 5.2 Export credit 5.19 Total exposure of SCBs to the sensitive
sectors was 20.4 per cent of aggregate bank loans
Export Export and advances in 2006-07 as compared to 18.8 per
Outstanding Export Variat- credit credit
as on credit ions as per as per
cent in the previous year.
(Rs. crore) (per cent cent
cent of NBC exports
Agricultural credit

March 24, 2000 39118 9.0 9.8 24.5

5.20 To improve credit flow to the agriculture
March 23, 2001 43321 10.7 9.3 21.3 sector, the Government initiated a number of policy
March 22, 2002 42978 -0.8 8.0 20.6 measures, from time to time, like farm credit
March 21, 2003 49202 14.5 7.4 19.3
March 19, 2004 57687 17.2 7.6 19.7
package and Special Agricultural Credit Plans
March 18, 2005 69059 19.7 6.3 18.4 (SACP). The Union Finance Minister in his Budget
March 31, 2006 86207 24.8 5.7 18.9 speech for 2006-07 had urged the banks (including
March 30, 2007 104926 21.7 5.4 18.4
Dec. 22, 2006 97763 13.4
5.6 26.5 cooperative banks and RRBs) to disburse
Dec. 21, 2007 117719 12.2 5.5 29.5 Rs. 1,75,000 crore as credit to agriculture sector
Source: Reserve Bank of India. during 2006-07. The overall achievement during
Over the corresponding figure as on March 30, 2007 2006-07 was Rs. 2,03,296 crore. Also, new farmers
b covered under the institutional credit system were
Variation over March 31, 2006
Note : 1. Data up to March 2004 relate to select banks
8.35 million as against the target of 5 million.
accounting for 90 per cent of bank credit Encouraged by the achievement, Budget 2007-08
2. March 18, 2005, onwards, data pertain to all set a higher target of Rs. 2,25,000 crore for
scheduled banks excluding RRBs availing export
credit refinance from the RBI. disbursement of credit and further addition of 5
million new farmers as borrowers to the banking
sensitive sectors continued to be high (Table 5.3). system. Up to November 30, 2007, the flow of
The outstanding credit extended to the capital credit to this sector was Rs. 1,37,760 crore which
market at end-March 2007 increased by 37.4 per is about 61 per cent of the target (Table 5.4).
cent compared to an expansion of 40.6 per cent
at end-March 2006. Kisan Credit Card (KCC) Scheme
5.21 To provide adequate and timely credit
Table 5.3 Lending to sensitive sectors by support to the farmers from the formal banking
SCBs system in a flexible, hassle-free and cost-effective
manner the Kisan Credit Card (KCC) scheme was
Sector At end-March introduced in 1998-99. The KCC scheme has now
2006 2007 2006 2007 been extended to borrowers of the long-term
Rs. crore Per cent cooperative credit structure, thus paving the way
to total for acceptance of KCC as a single window for a
(i) Capital market 22303 30637 7.8 7.6 comprehensive credit product. To give further fillip
(ii) Real estate 262053 370689 91.7 91.9 to the KCC scheme, NABARD advised all RRBs
(iii) Commodities 1413 2206 0.5 0.6 to achieve the targets of issuing at least 150 KCCs
by each branch of RRB during 2007-08. Since
Total 285770 403532 100.0 100.0
inception of the KCC scheme, the banking system

Table 5.4 Institutional credit to agriculture and allied activities

(Rs. crore)
Agencies 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 a
2007-08 b
Cooperative banks 23,716.38 26,958.79 31,424.23 39403.77 42,479.80 33,070.17
RRBs 6,069.79 7,581.15 12,404.00 15222.90 20,434.65 15,924.56
Commercial banks 39,773.60 52,440.85 81,481.14 125858.90 1,40,381.93 88,764.83
Total 69,559.77 86,980.79 1,25,309.37 1,80,485.57 2,03,296.38 1,37,759.56
Source: NABARD a
Provisional b
Up to November 30, 2007

90 ECONOMIC SURVEY 2007-2008

Table 5.5 Agency-wise KCCs issued “quality in operations”. To make the operation
more user-friendly and comprehensive in its
coverage of credit needs of the farmers through a
Year Cooperative RRBs Commercial Total single window, NABARD has extended the scope
banks banks of KCC to cover term loans for agriculture and
1998-99 1.56 0.06 6.22 7.84 allied activities and reasonable component for
1999-00 35.95 1.73 13.66 51.34
2000-01 56.14 6.48 23.90 86.52
consumption loan. The scheme has also been
2001-02 54.36 8.34 30.71 93.41 extended to the clientele of the State Cooperative
2002-03 45.79 9.64 27.00 82.43 Agriculture and Rural Development Banks
2003-04 48.78 12.75 30.94 92.47
2004-05 35.56 17.29 43.95 96.80
2005-06 25.98 12.49 41.65 80.12
2006-07 22.97 14.06 48.08 85.11 Micro-finance
2007-08a 14.01 10.29 7.21 b 31.51
5.24 The Self-Help Group (SHG)-bank linkage
Total 341.10 93.13 273.32 707.55
programme continued to be the main micro-finance
% Share 48.21 13.16 38.63 100.00 model by which the formal banking system reaches
Source: NABARD and RBI. the microentrepreneurs (including farmers).
a As on November 30, 2007
b Up to June 30, 2007 Launched in 1992 as a pilot project, it has since
proved its efficacy as a mainstream programme
for banking by the poor who mainly comprise the
has issued 707.55 lakh KCCs up to November 30,
marginal farmers, landless labourers, artisans and
2007 (Table 5.5).
craftsmen and others engaged in small business
5.22 During 2006-07, the total number of KCCs like hawking and vending in the rural areas. The
issued were 85.11 lakh and the amount sanctioned main advantages of the programme are timely
was Rs. 46,729 crore. As per the available repayment of loans to banks, reduction in
information for 2007-08 (as on November 30, 2007), transaction costs both to the poor and the banks,
the amount sanctioned was Rs. 25,263 crore. doorstep “saving and credit” facility for poor and
exploitation of the untapped business potential of
5.23 With the renewed emphasis by the
the rural areas. In all 498 banks (50 commercial
Government on increasing credit flow to the
agriculture sector, NABARD advised cooperative banks, 96 amalgamated RRBs and 352 cooperative
banks and RRBs to identify and cover all farmers banks) are actively participating in the programme.
including defaulters, oral lessees, tenant farmers, As on December 31, 2007, bank loan of Rs. 20,114
sharecroppers and others, who might have been crore was availed of by 30.51 lakh SHGs (Table
left outside the fold of the KCC scheme for any 5.6). The average bank loan availed of per SHG
reason, as also new farmers so that all farmers and per family amounted to Rs. 65,924 and Rs.
are covered under the scheme by March 31, 2007. 4,708, respectively. The outreach of the programme
Further, the banks were advised to issue KCCs in has enabled an estimated 427 lakh poor households
a hassle-free manner and extend crop loans only to gain access to micro-finance from the formal
through KCC and renew them so as to ensure banking system.

Table 5.6 Progress under SHG-bank linkage

Year New SHGs financed by banks Bank loana (Rs. crore)

During the year Cumulative During the year Cumulative
No. Growth (%) No. Amount Growth (%) amount
2002-03 255,882 29 717,360 1,022.34 87 2,048.68
2003-04 361,731 41 1,079,091 1,855.53 81 3,904.21
2004-05 539,365 49 1,618,456 2,994.25 62 6,898.46
2005-06 620,109 15 2,238,565 4,499.09 50 11,397.55
2006-07 686,408 11 2,987,441 6,643.19 47 18,040.74
2007-08 b 126,068 3,051,041 2072.78 20,113.52
a Includes repeat loans to existing SHGs.

b As on December 31, 2007.

Rural Infrastructure Development Fund cash flow should be realized in the first year and
5.25 The Rural Infrastructure Development Fund at least 5 per cent in each half year thereafter,
(RIDF) is operated by NABARD with funds raised subject to full recovery within three years.
from the scheduled commercial banks (public
sector banks and private sector) which are unable
to meet their targets for priority sector and/or 5.28 The income, expenditure and profitability
agriculture lending. The fund has completed 12 of SCBs improved at a faster rate in 2006-07.
years of its operations. RIDF XIII has been set up Total income increased at a robust rate of 25.1
with the NABARD with a corpus of Rs. 12,000 per cent during 2006-07 compared to 16 per cent
crore for 2007-08. The separate window opened during 2005-06. Income was, however, 8 per cent
under the RIDF XII for financing of rural roads of total assets at end-March 2007, only marginally
under the Bharat Nirman with a corpus of higher than the 7.9 per cent at end-March 2006.
Rs. 4,000 crore during 2006-07 has been continued Return on advances registered a higher growth
for the year 2007-08 with an additional corpus of rate of 7.9 per cent at end-March 2007 compared
Rs. 4,000 crore. Out of the total corpus of the to 7.3 per cent at end-March 2006 mainly due to
RIDF (RIDF I to XIII) aggregating to Rs. 72,000 hardening of interest rates. Consequently, interest
crore (excluding Rs. 8,000 crore allocated for the income was 6.9 per cent of assets at end-March
Bharat Nirman), the amount sanctioned and 2007 compared to 6.7 per cent of assets at end-
disbursed to the State Governments, as on January March 2006. “Other income” to assets ratio
11, 2008, was Rs. 69,883 crore and Rs. 41,360 declined from 1.3 per cent as at end-March 2006
crore, respectively. During 2007-08 (up to January to 1.1 per cent at end-March 2007.
11, 2008), the amount sanctioned and disbursed
5.29 SCBs’ expenditure also accelerated in
was Rs. 8,592 crore and Rs. 3,800 crore,
line with income, growing at 24.9 per cent during
respectively. The first six tranches RIDF I to VI 2006-07, up from a growth of 15.9 per cent during
have been closed. The seventh tranche was closed
2005-06. This was mainly due to a doubling of
on December 31, 2007; however, disbursements
the rate of growth of interest expenditure to 34.3
would be made till March 31, 2008. The phasing per cent compared to a growth of 15.9 per cent
period of implementation in respect of projects
in 2005-06. In contrast, the growth of operating
under RIDF VIII to X tranches has been extended
expenses decelerated from a growth rate of 18.1
up to March 31, 2008. The scheduled dates of per cent during 2005-06 to 12 per cent in 2006-
closure of RIDF XI and XII are March 31, 2008 and
07. This owed to lower increase in the wage bill
March 2009, respectively.
during 2006-07. Accordingly, banks’ burden
Bank Performance (excess of non-interest expenditure over non-
interest income) declined marginally to 0.8 per
Banking regulations cent of assets in 2006-07 from 0.9 per cent in
5.26 To prepare banks for the implementation 2005-06. The efficiency ratio, defined as operating
of BASEL II norms, a three-track approach has expenses as a percentage of net interest income
been adopted by the RBI with regard to capital plus non-interest income, improved substantially
adequacy rules. In the first track are commercial to 50.2 per cent during 2006-07 from 52.1 per
banks. They are required to maintain capital for cent during 2005-06.
credit risk and market risk as per BASEL I
5.30 Higher interest income and moderation
framework. In the second track are the cooperative in the operating expenses during 2006-07
banks. They are required to maintain prescribed
positively impacted on the operating profits of
capital for credit risk as per BASEL I framework
SCBs. There was a 21.2 per cent increase in the
and through surrogates for market risk. The RRBs, operating profits of SCBs during 2006-07
which are on the third track, have to maintain a
compared to 6.6 per cent during 2005-06. All
minimum capital which may not be on par with
banks except the State Bank Group registered
BASEL I rules. higher operating profit. The operating profit as a
5.27 The guidelines on sale/purchase of NPAs proportion of total assets of SCBs, however,
were revised in May 2007, whereby it was declined marginally to 1.9 per cent in 2006-07
stipulated that at least 10 per cent of the estimated from 2 per cent in 2005-06. The rate of return

92 ECONOMIC SURVEY 2007-2008

Table 5.7 Working results of scheduled commercial banks

I tems Public sector Foreign banks Old pvt. New pvt. SCBs
banks sect banks sect banks
2005- 2006- 2005- 2006- 2005- 2006- 2005- 2006- 2005- 2006-
06 07 06 07 06 07 06 07 06 07

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
(Rs. crore)
A. Income 159780 188979 17662 24956 11593 13088 31721 49177 220756 276201
I) Interest Income 137874 168108 12291 18019 10372 11643 24851 39501 185388 237271
II) Other income 21905 20872 5371 6937 1221 1445 6870 9676 35368 38929
B. Expenditure 143240 168827 14593 20371 10727 11966 27612 43834 196173 244998
I) Interest expended 80503 103457 5150 7615 6247 7092 15261 25802 107161 143965
II) Intermediation cost 41308 43255 5854 7741 3089 2969 8949 12354 59201 66319
III) Provisions and
contingenies 21429 22116 3590 5015 1392 1905 3402 5678 29812 34714
C. Operating Profit 37968 42268 6658 9600 2257 3027 7511 11021 54394 65917
D. Net profit (A-B) 16539 20152 3069 4585 866 1122 4109 5343 24582 31203
E. Net interest income
(Spread) 57371 64651 7141 10404 4125 4552 9590 13699 78227 93306
F. Total assets 2014874 2439986 199358 278016 149972 160562 421659 584842 2785863 3463406
(As per cent of total assets)
A. Income 7.9 7.7 8.9 9.0 7.7 8.2 7.5 8.4 7.9 8.0
I) Interest Income 6.8 6.9 6.2 6.5 6.9 7.3 5.9 6.8 6.7 6.9
II) Other income 1.1 0.9 2.7 2.5 0.8 0.9 1.6 1.7 1.3 1.1
B. Expenditure 7.1 6.9 7.3 7.3 7.2 7.5 6.5 7.5 7.0 7.1
I) Interest expended 4.0 4.2 2.6 2.7 4.2 4.4 3.6 4.4 3.8 4.2
II) Intermediation cost 2.1 1.8 2.9 2.8 2.1 1.8 2.1 2.1 2.1 1.9
III) Provisions and
contingenies 1.1 0.9 1.8 1.8 0.9 1.2 0.8 1.0 1.1 1.0
C. Operating profit 1.9 1.7 3.3 3.5 1.5 1.9 1.8 1.9 2.0 1.9
D. Net profit (A-B) 0.8 0.8 1.5 1.6 0.6 0.7 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9
E. Net interest income
(Spread) 2.85 2.65 3.58 3.74 2.75 2.83 2.27 2.34 2.81 2.69
F. Total assets 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Memo item
1. Operating expenses as
per cent of net income 52.1 50.6 46.8 44.6 57.8 49.5 54.4 52.9 52.1 50.2

(RoR), defined as the ratio of net profit to total Non-performing assets (NPAs) of the
assets of SCBs, remained static at 0.9 per cent banking sector
at end-March 2007 as was observed at end-March
2006 (Table 5.7). 5.33 With the availability of a number of legal
options for recovery of bad loans for the financial
5.31 With the rise in profits, there was a sharp sector, the gross non-performing assets of SCBs
decline in the amount raised by the SCBs from as proportion of total assets declined to 1.5 per
the domestic primary market. The total mobilization cent during 2006-07 from 1.8 per cent during 2005-
by SCBs through public issues during 2006-07
06. The amount recovered and written off (Rs.
was Rs. 1,066 crore only compared to Rs. 11,067
26,243 crore) was more than the fresh addition
crore during 2005-06.
(Rs. 26,211 crore) of NPAs during the year. Gross
Interest spread NPAs of SCBs, which had declined by Rs. 8,276
crore in 2005-06, declined further by Rs. 611 crore
5.32 Net interest income or spread, defined as in 2006-07. During 2006-07, the largest number of
the difference between interest income and interest cases for NPA recoveries were referred to Lok
expenses, of SCBs as a proportion of total assets Adalat (1,60,368) followed by SARFAESI Act
was 12 basis points lower at 2.69 per cent during (60,178) and Debt Recovery Tribunals (DRT)
2006-07 compared to 2.81 per cent in 2005-06. (4,028). In terms of amounts, the largest amount
The highest spread during 2006-07 at 3.74 per of Rs. 3,749 crore (out of the amount involved of
cent was observed in respect of foreign banks Rs. 9,058 crore) was recovered under SARFAESI
followed by old private sector banks (2.83 per Act followed by Rs. 3,463 crore (out of the amount
cent), and the PSBs (2.65 per cent) (Table 5.7). involved of Rs. 9,156 crore) under DRT.

Capital adequacy ratio Table 5.8 Loans by all-India financial
5.34 Rapid credit expansion by SCBs, institutions
necessitated introduction of stiffer prudential norms
by the RBI for maintaining quality of credit. Risk- Items April-March
weighted assets of SCBs at end-March 2007 2005-06 2006-07
increased to Rs. 24,12,236 crore from Rs. A. Sanctions
17,97,207 crore at end-March 2006. Concomitantly, (a)DFIa 12108 12479
capital funds of SCBs kept pace with the risk- (b)Investment Institutionsb 15558 18759
weighted assets and increased to Rs. 2,96,191 AIFIs (a+b) 27666 31238
crore at end-March 2007 from the level of Rs.
B. Disbursements
2,21,363 crore at end-March 2006. The capital to
(a)DFIa 9375 10799
risk-weighted assets ratio (CRAR) during 2006-07 (b)Investment Institutionsb 11771 27857
remained at 12.3 per cent, unchanged from the AIFIs (a+b) 21146 38656
previous year. It was substantially higher than the
Source: RBI
RBI stipulated minimum CRAR of 9 per cent.
Notes: a Relates to IFCI, SIDBI, IIBI, IFCI-Venture
5.35 During 2006-07, the SBI Group significantly Captial Fund, ICICI Venture and TFCI.
improved its CRAR from 11.9 per cent at end- b Relates to LIC and GIC.

March 2006 to 12.3 per cent at end-March 2007. All data are provisional.
CRAR for foreign and new private sector banks
was 12.4 per cent and 12 per cent, respectively, to Rs. 21,146 crore (Table 5.8). Keeping pace
at end-March 2007 compared to 13 per cent and with the higher disbursements by AIFIs at end-
12.6 per cent, respectively, at end-March 2006. March 2007, their combined balance sheet
Technology registered an increase of 14.9 per cent compared
to 8.2 per cent at end-March 2006. Deposits with
5.36 Banks' programmes of technological AIFIs increased by 51.5 per cent at end-March
upgradation through computerization, automation 2007 compared to 8.7 per cent at end-March 2006.
and development of communication networks Borrowings were also higher at 18.2 per cent at
continued apace. The cumulative expenditure during end-March 2007 compared to 8.8 per cent at end-
September 1999 to March 2007 was Rs. 12,826 March 2006. However, there was capital erosion
crore. These programmes are designed to improve by Rs. 543 crore in 2006-07 resulting in the
the processes and procedures, promote rapid reduction of the capital base to Rs. 4,888 crore.
product development through alternative delivery Nevertheless, AIFIs continued to have significantly
channels, reduce transaction costs and eventually higher capital adequacy ratio than the minimum
lead to higher productivity. They also help in stipulated norm of 9 per cent at end-March 2007.
changing the image and outlook of the banking
sector. Technology is also being leveraged to Non-banking financial companies
expand the banking outreach particularly to rural (NBFCs)
areas. The number of branches providing “core
5.38 With the exit of many NBFCs from deposit
banking solutions” (CBS) rose rapidly to 44.4 per
taking business, the total number of NBFCs,
cent at end-March 2007 from 28.9 per cent at
consisting of NBFCs-D (deposit taking NBFCs),
end-March 2006. The number of Automated Teller
residual non-banking companies (RNBCs), mutual
Machines (ATM) at end-March 2007 was 27,088
benefit companies (MBCs), miscellaneous non-
compared to 20,267 at end-March 2006.
banking companies (MNBCs) and Nidhi companies
All India financial institutions (AIFIs) registered with RBI declined from 13,014 at end-
5.37 Loans sanctioned and disbursed by AIFIs June 2006 to 12,968 at end-June 2007. The
improved during 2005-06 and 2006-07. Loans number of NBFCs-D declined from 428 at end-
sanctioned during 2006-07 were 12.9 per cent June 2006 to 401 at end-June 2007 (Table 5.9).
higher (Rs. 31,238 crore), following a 41 per cent
5.39 Despite the significant decline in the
increase (Rs. 27,666 crore) during 2005-06.
Disbursements grew even more strongly during number of reporting NBFCs-D, the assets, public
2006-07 by 82.8 per cent (to Rs. 38,656 crore) on deposits and net own funds of NBFCs increased
top of an increase of 38 per cent during 2005-06 by Rs. 12,549 crore, Rs. 2,074 crore and Rs. 795

94 ECONOMIC SURVEY 2007-2008

Table 5.9 Non-banking financial companies per cent, respectively, during 2006-07, as compared
registered with RBI (number) to increases of 0.3 per cent and nil, respectively,
during 2005-06. Net profit (profit after tax) declined
End-June Total Accepting public by 6.7 per cent in 2006-07.
1999 7,855 624 5.43 The asset quality of NBFCs-D continued
2000 8,451 679 to improve during 2006-07. Gross NPAs and net
2001 13,815 776 NPAs as percentage of gross advances of reporting
2002 14,077 784 NBFCs-D declined to 1.9 per cent and 0.4 per
2003 13,849 710 cent, respectively, at end-March 2007 compared
2004 13,764 604 to 3.6 per cent and 0.5 per cent, respectively, at
2005 13,261 507 end-March 2006.
2006 13,014 428
2007 12,968 401 5.44 Capital adequacy ratio norms were made
Source: Reserve Bank of India. applicable to NBFCs in 1998. Accordingly, rated
NBFCs were required to maintain a minimum
capital (consisting of Tier-I and Tier-II capital) of
crore, respectively. The ratio of deposits of reporting 12 per cent (15 per cent in the case of unrated
NBFCs to the aggregate deposits of SCBs dropped deposit taking loan/investment companies) of the
to 0.95 per cent at end-March 2007 from 1.07 per risk-weighted assets and of risk-adjusted value of
cent at end-March 2006. off-balance sheet items. Total of Tier-II capital
cannot exceed 100 per cent of Tier-I capital at
5.40 Total assets/liabilities of NBFCs-D
any point of time. The number of NBFCs-D with a
(excluding RNBCs) sharply increased by 29.8 per
CRAR less than 12 per cent declined to 13 at
cent (Rs. 49,097 crore) at end-March 2007 from end-March 2007 from 37 at end-March 2006.
Rs. 37,828 crore at end-March 2006. On the
liabilities side, the highest increase was achieved CAPITAL AND COMMODITY
by “other liabilities” (98.4 per cent) followed by MARKETS
“borrowings” (31.4 per cent) and “paid-up capital”
(27.8 per cent). On the assets side, significant 5.45 The capital and commodity markets
increase was achieved by “other assets” (98 per remained buoyant during 2007. Relatively stable
cent) followed by investment (74.5 per cent). Bill macroeconomic conditions as reflected in
discounting business declined by 83.2 per cent moderate rate of inflation, growth-conducive interest
during 2006-07. rate situation, improved fiscal conditions and larger
investor participation augured well for capital and
5.41 During 2006-07, there was a turnaround commodity markets as measured in terms of
in the financial performance of NBFCs-D largely volume and value of transactions.
on account of substantial increase in fund-based
income (26.8 per cent) compared to an increase Capital Market
of 5.3 per cent during 2005-06. Fee-based income,
5.46 The Indian capital market attained further
however, continued the declining trend observed
depth and width in business transacted during
during the previous year (during 2006-07 income
2007. The Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE)
from this source declined by 7.6 per cent on top
Sensex, which had been witnessing an upswing
of the decline of 61.2 per cent in 2005-06). The
since the latter part of 2003, scaled a high of
overall income of NBFCs-D during 2006-07
20,000 mark at the close of calendar year 2007.
increased by 25.7 per cent compared to the
The National Stock Exchange (NSE) Index rose in
decline of 0.1 per cent during 2005-06.
tandem to close above the 6,100 mark at the end
5.42 The percentage increase of operating of 2007. Both the indices more than tripled between
expenditure of NBFCs-D during 2006-07 was 2003 and 2007, giving handsome yearly returns.
marginally higher at 33.9 per cent compared to Alongside the growth of business in the Indian
33.6 per cent during 2005-06. However, financial capital market, the regulatory and oversight norms
expenditure and other expenditure recorded have improved over the years, ensuring a sound
substantial increases of 30.5 per cent and 22.3 and stable market.

Table 5.10 Resource mobilization through The sharp increase in funds flowing into mutual
primary market funds during 2007 was partly due to buoyant equity
markets and partly to efforts made by the Indian
(Rs. crore)
Mode Calendar Year
mutual funds to introduce innovative schemes.
2004 2005 2006 2007 Income/debt-oriented schemes fared relatively
better during the year compared to other schemes.
1. Debt 2,383 66 389 594
The private sector mutual funds outperformed the
2. Equity 33,475 30,325 32,672 58,722
Of which, IPOs 12,402 9,918 24,779 33,912
public sector mutual funds in terms of resource
Number of IPOs 26 55 75 100 mobilization in 2007. The share of UTI and other
Mean IPO size 477 180 330 339 public sector mutual funds in total amount
3. Private mobilized gradually declined over the years to 17.8
Placement 93,506 83,812 117,407 1,11,838a per cent in 2006 and further to 12.7 per cent in
4. Euro Issues 2007.
(ADR/GDR) 2,029 9,788 11,301 41,567
Secondary Market
Total (1 to 4) 131,393 123,991 161,769 2,12,721
5.50 In the secondary market segment, the
Source: SEBI and RBI (for Euro Issues)
a Till November 2007 market activity expanded further during 2007-08
with BSE and NSE indices scaling new peaks of
Primary Market 21,000 and 6,300, respectively, in January 2008.
Although the indices showed some intermittent
5.47 The primary capital market grew in 2006
fluctuations, reflecting change in the market
and 2007 after the set back of 2005. The amounts
sentiments, the indices maintained their north-
raised and the number of new issues which entered
bound trend during the year. This could be attributed
the market increased in 2007. The total amount of
to the larger inflows from Foreign Institutional
capital raised through different market instruments
Investors (FIIs) and wider participation of domestic
during 2007 was 31.5 per cent higher than during
investors, particularly the institutional investors.
2006, which itself had seen a rebound of 30.6 per
During 2007, on a point-to-point basis, Sensex
cent over the lows of 2005 (Table 5.10).
and Nifty Indices rose by 47.1 and 54.8 per cent,
5.48 Component-wise, private placement at Rs. respectively. The buoyant conditions in the Indian
1,11,838 crore (up to November 2007) accounted bourses were aided by, among other things, India
for the major share during 2007. The total equity
posting a relatively higher GDP growth amongst
issues mobilized was Rs. 58,722 crore, of which
the emerging economies, continued uptrend in the
Rs. 33,912 crore was accounted for by the Initial
profitability of Indian corporates, persistence of
Public Offerings (IPOs). During 2007, the total
difference in domestic and international levels of
number of IPOs issued was 100 as compared to
interest rates, impressive returns on equities and
75 in the previous year.
a strong Indian rupee on the back of larger capital
5.49 In line with the rising trend in resources inflows.
raised in the primary market, the net inflow of
5.51 Amongst the NSE indices, both Nifty and
savings into mutual funds increased by over 30 per
Nifty Junior delivered record annual equity returns
cent in 2007 to Rs. 1,38,270 crore (Table 5.11).
(current year-end index divided by previous year-
end index multiplied by 100) of 54.8 per cent and
Table 5.11 Trends in resource mobilization
75.7 per cent, respectively, during the calendar
(net) by mutual funds
year 2007 (Table 5.12 and Figure 5.3). While Nifty
(Rs. crore) gave compounded returns of 34.4 per cent, Nifty
Sector Calendar year Junior recorded compounded returns of 38.4 per
2004 2005 2006 2007 cent per year between 2003 and 2007.
1. UTI -1,487 1,273 6,426 9,245 5.52 In terms of month-to-month movement, the
2. Public Sector -1,262 4,446 12,229 8,259 NSE indices (Nifty and Nifty Junior) were subdued
3. Private Sector 7,524 19,735 86,295 1,20,766 during February and August 2007, while they
4. Total (1 to 3) 4,775 25,454 1,04,950 1,38,270 showed a rising trend during the rest of the year.
Source: SEBI The BSE Sensex (top 30 stocks) too echoed a

96 ECONOMIC SURVEY 2007-2008

Table 5.12 Closing values of NSE indices (Nifty 50 and Nifty Junior) at month end

Month 2005 2006 2007 2005 2006 2007

Nifty 50 (Top 50 Stocks) Nifty Junior
January 2,058 3,001 4,083 4,248 5,883 7,268
February 2,103 3,075 3,745 4,338 5,967 6,722
March 2,036 3,403 3,822 4,275 6,412 6,878
April 1,903 3,558 4,088 4,024 6,856 7,527
May 2,088 3,071 4,296 4,365 5,827 8,023
June 2,221 3,128 4,318 4,393 5,264 8,699
July 2,312 3,143 4,529 4,919 5,335 8,850
August 2,385 3,414 4,464 5,053 5,941 8,633
September 2,601 3,588 5,021 5,304 6,510 9,821
October 2,371 3,744 5,901 4,714 6,823 10,643
November 2,652 3,955 5,763 5,342 6,967 11,432
December 2,837 3,966 6,139 5,541 7,106 12,488
Source: National Stock Exchange.

Figure 5.3 Movement of indices of NSE and BSE

14000 25000
12000 NSE Top
20000 50 Stocks
NSE Indices

BSE Indices
15000 Nifty
8000 Junior
6000 10000
4000 30 Stocks
BSE 500
0 0
Dec 2005 2006 2007

similar trend (Table 5.13). The sell-off in Indian 5.53 While the climb of BSE Sensex during
bourses in August 2007 could partly be attributed 2007-08 so far was the fastest ever, the journey
to the concerns on the possible fallout of the sub- of BSE Sensex from 18,000 to 19,000 mark was
prime crisis in the West. achieved in just four trading sessions during

Table 5.13 Closing value of BSE indices (Sensex and BSE-500) at month end

Month 2005 2006 2007 2005 2006 2007

Sensex BSE 500
January 6,556 9,920 14,091 2,726 4,005 5,409
February 6,714 10,370 12,938 2,826 4,130 4,938
March 6,493 11,280 13,072 2,735 4,517 4,955
April 6,154 12,043 13,872 2,611 4,830 5,311
May 6,715 10,399 14,544 2,829 4,158 5,647
June 7,194 10,609 14,651 2,928 4,030 5,781
July 7,635 10,744 15,551 3,125 4,029 6,063
August 7,805 11,699 15,319 3,273 4,424 5,950
September 8,634 12,454 17,291 3,522 4,740 6,774
October 7,892 12,962 19,838 3,199 4,957 7,785
November 8,789 13,696 19,363 3,568 5,228 7,866
December 9,398 13,787 20,287 3,796 5,271 8,592
Source: Bombay Stock Exchange

Table 5.14 Cumulative change in movement of global indicesa

Index Cumulative change over end-2003 level

2004 2005 2006 2007
BSE Sensex, India 13.08 26.87 33.16 36.53
Hang Seng Index, Hong Kong 13.15 9.64 17.28 22.44
Jakarta Composite Index, Indonesia 44.51 29.65 37.68 41.14
Nikkei 225, Japan 7.61 22.84 17.29 9.43
Kospsi Index, South Korea 10.48 30.26 20.92 23.67
Kuala Lumpur Comp Index, Malaysia 14.23 6.47 11.34 16.15
TSEC Weighted Index, Taiwan 4.23 5.43 9.92 9.62
SSE Composite Index, China -15.36 -11.93 21.35 36.92
Source: Derived from various country sources.
a End Month closing.

October 2007. It further crossed the 20,000 mark by 39.3 per cent, Kospi (South Korea) by 32.3 per
in December 2007 and 21,000 in an intra-day cent and Kuala Lumpur Comp Index (Malaysia)
trading in January 2008. However, BSE and NSE by 31.8 per cent (Figure 5.4).
indices declined subsequently reflecting concerns
on global developments. BSE Sensex yielded a 5.56 As the stock indices scaled new highs,
compounded return of 36.5 per cent per year investors’ wealth as reflected in market
between 2003 and 2007. In terms of simple capitalization also rose correspondingly. The
average, BSE Sensex has given an annual return market capitalization in India nearly doubled in
of more than 40 per cent during the last three 2007. The markets were more stable in 2007 as
years. BSE 500 recorded compounded annual measured by the standard deviation of daily volatility
return of 38 per cent between 2003 and 2007. of the Indian indices as compared to the previous
year (Table 5.15). The price-to-earnings (P/E)
5.54 Among the Asian stock markets, Chinese
ratio, which partly discounts future corporate
and Indonesian markets outperformed the Indian
earnings reflecting investors’ expectations of
markets in terms of cumulative performance over
corporate profit, was higher at around 27 by
2003 levels (Table 5.14). While the BSE Sensex
end-December 2007 as compared to around 21
rose by 47.1 per cent during 2007, SSE Composite
at end-December 2006.
Index (Shanghai, China) rose by 96.7 per cent
and the Jakarta Composite Index (Indonesia) 5.57 It is, however, noted that in the period
increased by around 52 per cent. January 2006 to December 2007, the volatility of
5.55 Other international indices which rose weekly returns of Indian indices was higher as
appreciably in 2007 were Hang Seng (Hong Kong) compared to indices outside India such as S&P

98 ECONOMIC SURVEY 2007-2008

Table 5.15 Equity returns, volatility, market capitalization & P/E ratio

Index Calendar year

2004 2005 2006 2007
Returns (per cent) 10.7 36.34 39.83 54.77
End-year market capitalization (Rs. crore) 9,02,831 13,50,394 19,75,603 35,22,527
Daily volatility a 1.73 1.11 1.64 1.60
End-year P/E 15.32 17.07 21.26 27.62
Nifty Junior:
Returns (per cent) 30.8 24.43 28.24 75.73
End-year market capitalization (Rs. crore) 1,65,444 2,18,575 3,33,693 6,43,625
Daily volatility a 1.94 1.22 1.96 1.71
End-year P/E 14.19 17.11 21.78 26.48
BSE Sensex:
Returns (per cent) 13.1 42.3 46.7 47.2
End-year market capitalization (Rs. crore) 7,35,528 12,13,867 17,58,865 28,61,341
Daily volatility a 1.6 1.1 1.6 1.5
End-year P/E 17.1 18.6 22.8 27. 7
BSE 500:
Returns (per cent) 17.5 36.6 38.9 63.0
End-year market capitalization (Rs. crore) 15,80,762 22,81,579 33,36,509 64,70,881
Daily volatility a 1.8 1.1 1.6 1.5
End-year P/E 15.2 17.5 20.2 29.1
Source: National Stock Exchange and Bombay Stock Exchange.
a Standard deviation values.

500 of United States of America and Kospi of Table 5.17 P/E ratios in select emerging
South Korea (Table 5.16). markets

Index/Market Mar. 2007 Dec. 2007

Table 5.16 Volatility of weekly returns on the
equity markets (standard South Korea KOSPI 11.36 15.04
deviation) Thailand SET 10.59 19.92
Indonesia JCI 19.54 18.43
Class of Stocks Period Malaysia KLCI 16.97 16.07
Jan 2005- Jan 2006- Taiwan TWSE 17.92 20.14
Dec 2006 Dec 2007 BSE Sensex 20.50 27.67
India S&P CNX Nifty 18.38 27.62
Top 50 (Nifty) 2.01 2.45 Source: SEBI and Bloomberg Financial Services.
Next 50 (Nifty Junior) 2.41 2.85
Sensex 2.96 3.17
5.59 One of the important indicators to assess
BSE 500 3.23 3.30
the size of the capital market is the ratio of market
Outside India
U.S (S&P 500) 0.95 1.28 capitalization to GDP. In India as on December
Korea (Kospi) 1.84 2.17 30, 2007, market capitalization (BSE 500) at US$
Source: National Stock Exchange and Bombay Stock
1,638 billion was 150 per cent of GDP, which
Exchange. compares well with the other emerging economies
as well as select matured markets (Table 5.18).

5.58 The valuation of Indian stocks as reflected 5.60 The price of a security depends largely
in P/E multiples of around 27 times at end- on demand and supply conditions and is influenced
December 2007 was the highest amongst the by the impact cost and liquidity. The liquidity and
select emerging market economies such as South the impact cost are inversely related. While the
Korea, Thailand, Malaysia and Taiwan (Table 5.17). impact cost for purchase or sale of Rs. 25 lakh for

Table 5.18 Market capitalization in select 5.62 The spot market turnover (one-way) for
countries NSE and BSE (together) amounted to
Rs. 45,08,709 crore. In the derivatives market, the
Country Market Market NSE and BSE turnover added up to Rs.
capitalization capitalization 1,21,60,701 crore during 2007, showing a quantum
(US$ billion) as as per cent
growth over the previous year. During 2007, as a
on 30.12.2007 of GDP
proportion of market capitalization of Nifty, the
China 4,459.48 137.3 turnover in NSE spot and derivative markets was
India 1,638.20a 150.0 87.8 per cent and 339 per cent, respectively. The
Japan 4,535.08 104.4
turnover in BSE spot and derivatives accounted
South Korea 1,103.34 116.2
for 22 per cent and 3 per cent, respectively, of
United States of America 17,773.05 128.8
market capitalization of BSE 500.
Source: Derived from various country sources.
a Market capitalization of BSE 500. 5.63 In terms of institutional players, both FIIs
and mutual funds leveraged their activity in the
Nifty Junior portfolio improved marginally over the equity market during the year. While the net
years to 0.14 per cent during 2007, for the Nifty investment by FIIs in both spot and derivative
portfolio, it remained stable at 0.08 per cent during markets witnessed quantum increases during
the last few years (Table 5.19). 2007, the corresponding gross buy and sell by
FIIs too increased significantly. In 2007 FIIs net
Table 5.19 Equity spot market liquidity: activity (gross buy/gross sell) constituted 17.3 per
Impact cost (%) cent of the spot market and 9 per cent of the
derivative market (Table 5.21). The number of
Portfolio Calendar year
registered FIIs rose to 1,219 at the end of 2007
2004 2005 2006 2007
from 1,044 in the corresponding period of last
Nifty impact cost year; the number of sub-accounts also increased
at Rs. 50 lakh 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.08 to 3,644 from 3,045 over the same period.
Nifty Junior impact
5.64 The assets under management of mutual
cost at Rs. 25 lakh 0.31 0.16 0.16 0.14
funds grew by 1.7 times from Rs. 3.23 lakh crore
Source: NSE.
during 2006 to Rs. 5.50 lakh crore in 2007
(Table 5.22).
5.61 The turnover in the spot and derivatives
market, both on NSE and BSE, continued to show DEBT MARKET
an upward trend. During 2007, NSE and BSE
5.65 The Indian debt market has two segments,
spot market turnover showed a rise of over 60 per
viz. Government securities market and corporate
cent and 47 per cent, respectively, over the previous
debt market.
year. In respect of NSE and BSE derivatives, the
increase was around 70 per cent and 200 per Government securities market
cent, respectively (Table 5.20).
5.66 The fresh issuance of Government of India
(GoI) dated securities in 2007 amounted to Rs.
Table 5.20 Market turnover
1,62,000 crore as compared to Rs. 1,47,000 crore
(Rs. crore) in 2006. The market capitalization of GoI securities
Market Calendar year increased from Rs. 11,31,558 crore at end-2006
2004 2005 2006 2007 to Rs. 13,18,419 crore at end-December 2007.
NSE Spot 11,70,298 18,88,112 19,16,227 30,93,982 The zero-coupon rate on one-year bonds, which
BSE Spot 5,33,483 7,01,025 9,61,653 14,14,727 ranged between 6.11 per cent and 7.29 per cent
NSE during 2006, edged up during 2007 to the range of
Derivatives 25,86,738 39,26,843 70,46,665 1,19,40,877 6.78 and 8.07 per cent. Similarly, the range of
BSE zero-coupon rate on 10-year bonds showed an
Derivatives 19,173 1,965 18,071 2,19,824
increase from 7.2-7.97 per cent in 2006 to 7.5-
Source: NSE and BSE. 8.37 per cent during 2007.

100 ECONOMIC SURVEY 2007-2008

Table 5.21 Transactions of FIIs

(Rs. crore)
Transactions Calendar year
2005 2006 2007
End-year number of FIIs 823 1,044 1,219
End-year number of sub-accounts 2,273 3,045 3,644
1. Equity market activity
a. Spot
Gross buy 2,86,021 4,75,623 8,14,877
Gross sell 2,38,839 4,39,083 7,43,391
Net (Gross buy - Gross sell) 47,182 36,540 71,486
(Proportion of FII turnover to total turnover) (one-way) (10.1) (15.9) (17.3)
b. Derivatives activity
Gross buy 2,54,322 5,64,887 10,93,260
Gross sell 2,49,875 5,64,182 10,90,117
Net (Gross buy - Gross sell) 4,447 705 3,143
(Proportion of FII turnover to total turnover) (one-way) (6.4) (8.0) (9.0)
c. Total Equity (a+b)
Gross buy 5,40,343 10,40,510 19,08,137
Gross sell 4,88,714 10,03,265 18,33,507
Net (Gross buy - Gross sell) 51,629 37,245 74,629
2. Debt
Gross buy 7,015 11,061 31,418
Gross sell 12,533 7,012 21,990
Net (Gross buy - Gross sell) -5,518 4,049 9,428
3. Total FII Investment (1+2)
Gross buy 5,47,358 10,51,571 19,39,554
Gross sell 5,01,247 10,10,277 18,55,497
Net (Gross buy - Gross sell) 46,111 41,294 84,057
Total FII investment (net) in US$ milliona 10,467 9,031 20,837 b
Source: SEBI
a At 1US$ = Rs. 40.34
b Total FII investment (net) excluding derivatives is US$ 19,533 million.

Corporate debt market Policy and Regulatory Changes

5.67 As in the past, private placements appear 5.68 During 2007, several policy initiatives
to have dominated the mobilization of resources relating to the capital market were taken. The
in the corporate primary debt market. The yield salient developments in the primary and secondary
rate on corporate debt papers (with AAA rating) for markets, as well as FII investment and mutual
five-year maturity ranged between 7.26 per cent funds are delineated below.
and 8.45 per cent in 2005-06, 8.43 per cent and
Primary Market Regulations
9.44 per cent in 2006-07, and 9.19 per cent and
10.80 per cent in 2007-08 (April-December). Figure 5.69 During 2007, SEBI amended Disclosure
5.5 gives the comparative yield rates on zero and Investor Protection (DIP) Guidelines to
coupon GoI Bonds and Indian Corporate Debt (i) Permit “Fast Track Issues” for well
Papers (AAA rating) during 2007. The market established and compliant listed
capitalization of corporate bonds which was Rs. companies so as to enable such
49,155 crore at end-December 2006 rose to Rs. companies to access the capital market
68,074 crore at end-December 2007. in a time effective manner.

Table 5.22 (v) Include mandatory grading of IPOs
under the eligibility criteria for an IPO.
Assets under management of mutual funds
(Rs. crore) (vi) Relax certain provisions like minimum
Schemes At end of calendar year dilution requirements and minimum
2004 2005 2006 2007 period of holding of pre-issue capital to
be issued in an offer for sale, eligibility
Money Market 59,447 64,711 97,757 1,12,349
of shares for the purpose of computation
(39.5) (32.5) (30.2) (20.4)
of promoters’ contribution, etc., to
Gilt 4,876 3,730 2,057 1,975
(3.2) (1.9) (0.6) (0.4)
facilitate Government companies/
Income 47,451 52,903 86,350 1,97,342 corporations, statutory authorities/
(31.5) (26.6) (26.7) (35.9) corporations or any special purpose
Growth 31,551 67,144 1,19,538 1,92,129 vehicle set up by any of them, which
(21.0) (33.7) (36.9) (34.9) are engaged in infrastructure sector, to
Balanced 5,472 6,833 9,170 19,938 raise funds in the Indian primary market
(3.6) (3.4) (2.8) (3.6) through IPOs.
(vii) Remove the stipulation that debt
Savings Scheme 1,740 3,927 8,726 19,063
instruments issued through public/rights
(1.2) (2.0) (2.7) (3.5)
issues shall be of at least investment
Gold Exchange
grade to widen the corporate bond
Traded Funds ... ... ... 467
market. Further, issuers now need to
... ... ... (0.1)
Other Exchange
obtain rating from only one credit rating
Traded Funds ... ... ... 6674 agency instead of two.
... ... ... (1.2) 5.70 Other initiatives included the following:
Total 1,50,537 1,99,248 3,23,598 5,49,936
Under the overall guidance of SEBI, BSE and
Source: SEBI NSE jointly launched a common electronic platform
Figures in parentheses indicate percentage of total. at [also referred as Corporate
Filing and Dissemination System (CFDS)] on April
(ii) Allow all categories of investors to apply 1, 2007. This portal acts as:
in an IPO of Indian Depository Receipts (i) A common place for filing of information
(IDRs) and reduced the minimum on listed companies, and
application value in an IDR issue to
(ii) A common place for viewing information
Rs. 20,000 from Rs. 2 lakh. about listed companies.
(iii) Mandate use of Permanent Account
5.71 A subcommittee appointed by the SEBI
Number (PAN) in all applications
irrespective of value. Committee on Disclosures and Accounting
(SCODA) has been given the task of integrating
(iv) Enable companies making public
initial and continuous disclosures of listed
issues to issue securities to retail
companies. The main objective of this exercise is
individual investors/retail individual
to reduce duplication of disclosures by issuers/
shareholders at a discounted price.

Figure 5.5 Monthly yield rates on zero coupon GOI bonds & Indian corporate debt papers
10.5 Yield Rate
Rate (Per cent)

on Zero
10.0 Coupon GOI
9.5 Bonds (5 yr
Yield Rate
8.5 on Corp-
8.0 orate Debt
Papers (AAA
7.5 Rating) (5 yr












102 ECONOMIC SURVEY 2007-2008

intermediaries/investors and improving access to execution as possible. Permission was accorded

the information placed on the public domain. for setting up trading platforms at BSE and NSE
for corporate bonds.
5.72 A group called GRIP (Group on Review of
Issue Process) appointed by the Primary Market 5.78 It was made mandatory for companies
Advisory Committee has been given the task of issuing debentures to disseminate all the required
reviewing the entire issue process with the objective information in the event of: (i) default by issuer
of making the process company to pay interest on debentures or
redemption amount; (ii) failure to create a charge
(i) More efficient in terms of time and cost on the assets; and (iii) revision of rating assigned
and align it with international standards; to the debentures.
(ii) Widely accessible to all; 5.79 SEBI has stipulated that Permanent
(iii) Leverage the existing infrastructure and Account Number (PAN) would be the sole
databases of Indian securities market; identification number for all participants in the
and securities market, irrespective of the amount of
transaction with effect from July 2, 2007.
(iv) Bring more efficiency in discovering
price of public issues. 5.80 Sixteen stock exchanges successfully
completed their demutualization process during
5.73 SEBI registered VCFs, desirous of making August-September 2007 by diluting at least 51
investments in offshore venture capital per cent of their equity shareholding to public,
undertakings, can submit their proposal for other than shareholders having trading rights.
investment directly to SEBI for prior approval, Presently, there are 18 corporatized and
without separate permission from RBI. demutualized stock exchanges in the country.
5.74 To provide a better framework for delisting 5.81 On December 20, 2007, SEBI permitted
of securities from the stock exchanges, SEBI has short selling by institutional investors, in addition
initiated work for converting the SEBI (Delisting of to the retail investors who were allowed to short
Securities) Guidelines, 2003 into Regulations. sell hitherto.
5.75 With the objective of developing the 5.82 SEBI has approved the introduction of
corporate bond market, SEBI has proposed the seven new products - mini-contracts on equity
simplification of the primary debt market issuance indices, options with longer life/tenure, volatility
process. Some of the major features of the index and Futures and Options (F&O) contracts,
proposed regulations include rationalization of options on futures, bond indices, exchange-traded
disclosure requirements, enhanced responsibilities currency (foreign exchange) futures & options, and
to merchant bankers for exercising due diligence introduction of exchange-traded products to cater
and issuance of certificates in regard to new to different investment strategies. The mini
issuances, and mandatory listing of private derivatives contract on index (Sensex and Nifty)
placement of debt. with a minimum contract size of Rs. 1 lakh was
5.76 SEBI has proposed Regulations for “Public introduced from January 1, 2008.
Offer and Listing of Securitized Debt Instruments”. 5.83 SEBI has proposed additional regulations
The draft regulations provide for a system of special to the SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading)
purpose distinct entities which could offer Regulations, 1992, with a view towards
securitized debt instruments to the public or could incorporating an additional corporate governance
seek listing of such instruments. measure which aligns the interests of a company’s
shareholders to that of the company’s insiders.
Secondary Market Regulations
This seeks to compel an “insider” to surrender
5.77 To implement the Budget announcement such profits to the company in any of his/her
on creation of a unified platform for trading of transaction concerning equity based securities of
corporate bonds, SEBI stipulated that an the company (including its parent’s or subsidiary’s
authorized reporting platform be established to shares) in the event both the buy and sell sides
capture all information related to trading in of the transaction are entered into within six
corporate bonds as accurately and as close to months of the other. Such a regulation would check

insiders, who have greater access to price sensitive Table 5.23 Turnover on commodity futures
company information, from taking advantage for markets
making short-term profits.
(Rs. crore)
5.84 During the year the investment limit for Name of the Exchange Calendar year
FIIs in Government Securities was enhanced from 2005 2006 2007
US$ 2 billion to US$ 2.6 billion. In October 2007 Multi Commodity
Exchange (MCX),
SEBI prohibited FIIs and their sub-accounts from Mumbai 6,33,324 20,25,663 27,30,415
issuing or renewing Participatory Notes using National Multi
offshore derivative instruments like futures and Commodity Exchange,
options. Ahmedabad 12,107 1,11,462 25,056
National Commodity
5.85 In respect of Mutual Funds, SEBI and Derivatives
amended the SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations, Exchange, Mumbai 8,83,209 12,43,327 7,74,965
1996, to disallow a trustee of a mutual fund to act National Board of
Trade, Indore 50,889 73,691 82,272
as a trustee or a director on the asset
Others 57,816 30,342 41,779
management company of any other mutual fund
and specifying the methodology for the valuation Total 16,37,345 34,84,485 36,54,487

of gold for the purpose of gold exchange traded Source: Ministry of Consumer Affairs
5.89 The daily average value of trade in the
5.86 Guidelines were issued restricting the limit commodity exchanges improved from Rs. 13,000
of parking of funds by mutual funds to 15 per cent crore during 2006 to more than Rs. 15,000 crore
of their net assets in short-term deposits with all in 2007. While the commodities traded at the
scheduled commercial banks with a sub-limit of exchanges included major agricultural
10 per cent with any one scheduled commercial commodities, the major share of the turnover was
bank. Also, SEBI increased the limit for overseas accounted for by spices, crude oil and natural
investment by each mutual fund from US$ 200 gas.
million to US$ 300 million.
5.90 The Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX)
5.87 With effect from January 4, 2008, entry continued to be the largest commodity futures
load by mutual funds was waived for investors exchange during 2007 both in terms of turnover
making applications for investment in mutual fund volume and number of contracts (Table 5.24 and
schemes directly. SEBI has proposed Real Estate Figure 5.6).
Investment Trust Regulations with a view to
encourage and facilitate growth of such trusts in 5.91 The growth of MCX commodity future index
India. In pursuance of Budget (2007-08) at 8 per cent during 2007 was somewhat lower as
announcement SEBI has appointed a committee compared to the international commodity futures
on the launch of dedicated infrastructure funds indices of Dow Jones AIG Commodity Index Cash
(DIF) by mutual funds. In consonance with the
international practices, SEBI proposes to introduce Table 5.24 Number of contracts traded in
National Exchanges
the fast-track model for the launch of products by
mutual funds. (in lakh)
Name of the Exchange Calendar year
5.88 Commodities which were traded in the Multi Commodity
Exchange, Mumbai 110.8 310.5 452.1
commodity futures market during 2007 included a
variety of agricultural commodities, spices, metals, National Multi
Commodity Exchange,
bullion and crude oil. The total volume of trade in Ahmedabad 10.1 31.4 12.1
the commodity futures market rose from Rs. 34.84
National Commodity
lakh crore in 2006 to Rs. 36.54 lakh crore in and Derivatives Exchange,
2007, notwithstanding the suspension of trading Mumbai 247.4 307.1 236.5
of wheat, rice, urad and tur (Table 5.23). Source: Ministry of Consumer Affairs

104 ECONOMIC SURVEY 2007-2008

Figure 5.6 markets. FMC gave special emphasis to create

Indian commodity exchanges
market share (in terms of awareness about these markets among the
turn-over) (End-Dec 2007) participants in the physical markets including
farmers. FMC has initiated various steps to attract
National Multi Commodity
Exchange, Ahmedabad (NMCE)
larger participation of all the stakeholders in the
Multi Commodity
Exchange, 0.7% supply-chain so as to make the price discovery
Mumbai (MCX) process more efficient. An Ordinance has been
74.7% Othes (includes
NBOT, Indore) issued on January 31, 2008 converting FMC into
3.4% an independent regulatory body.
National Commodity
Derivatives Exchange, Policy Developments
Mumbai (NCDEX)
21.2% 5.94 Major policy developments during 2007
included FMC initiating a process of dissemination
of futures and spot prices at various mandis, post
offices, rural branches of commercial banks and
other areas frequented by participants including
farmers. Dissemination of price information is
expected to help such participants to cover their
price risk in their pre-sowing and post-harvest
decisions. On January 30, 2008, Foreign Direct
Investment (FDI) upto 26 per cent and FII
Index (DJAIG) (11 per cent) and Reuters/Jefferies
Commodity Research Bureau (RJCRB) (17 per investment upto 23 per cent (subject to no single
investor holding more than 5 per cent) were allowed
cent) (Figure 5.7).
in Commodity Exchanges.
Regulation of Commodity Futures Market
5.95 FMC in association with the various State
5.92 The commodity futures markets facilitate Governments, agricultural universities, academic
price discovery process and provide for risk institutions, NGOs, commercial banks, and others,
management. Their effectiveness depends on the has been organizing the awareness/training
participation of all the stakeholders. At the same programmes exclusively targeted at farmers. During
time it is important to ensure that such trading 2007, 43 awareness programmes were organized
does not become an instrument for pronounced exclusively for the farmers. The awareness
speculation. programmes are designed to make farmers aware
of the benefits of the futures market and to utilize
5.93 The Forward Markets Commission (FMC),
the price signals emanating from the futures
under the Department of Consumer Affairs, which
exchanges in taking various decisions.
is the regulator for commodity futures trading under
the provisions of Forward Contracts (Regulation) 5.96 Direct participation of the farmers in the
Act, 1952, continued with its proactive approach commodity futures markets is somewhat difficult
towards regulation and development of the at this stage as the large lot size, daily margining,

Figure 5.7 Movement of MCX and other international indices

Reuters/Jefferies CRB Index

400 2500
350 2400 MCX
Dow Jones AIG

300 2300
250 Dow Jones
2200 AIG
2100 Reuters/
150 Jefferies
100 2000 CRB Index














high membership fees, etc., work as deterrent for 2006-07 was Rs. 75,617 crore as compared to
farmers' participation in these markets. Farmers Rs. 9,708 crore in 2000-01. During the current
can directly benefit from futures market if year, the life industry has reported growth of 1.41
institutions are allowed to act as aggregators on per cent in new business premium underwritten
behalf of farmers. during the period April to November 2007. The first
year premium underwritten during the period under
INSURANCE AND PENSION report was Rs. 44,696 crore as against Rs. 44,073
FUNDS crore in the corresponding period of the previous
Non-life insurance industry
5.97 The insurance sector was opened up for
private participation with the enactment of the 5.100 The non-life insurers (excluding specialized
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority institutions like ECGC and AIC) underwrote
Act, 1999. While permitting foreign participation in premium within India to the tune of Rs. 24,905.47
the ventures set up by the private sector, the crore in 2006-07, as against Rs. 9,807 crore in
Government restricted participation of the foreign 2000-01. Two of the fastest growing segments are
joint venture partner through the FDI route to 26 motor and health accounting for 42.73 and 12.77
per cent of the paid-up equity of the insurance per cent of the premium underwritten in India in
company. 2006-07. The premium underwritten in these two
segments alone in 2006-07 was Rs. 11,080 crore
New entrants and Rs. 3,311 crore, respectively. During the current
5.98 Since opening up, the number of year, the non-life insurers underwrote premium of
participants in the sector has gone up from six Rs. 18,509 crore during April to November 2007
insurers (including the Life Insurance Corporation as against Rs. 16,560 crore in the corresponding
of India, four public sector general insurers and period of the previous year. Post-de-tariffing, while
the General Insurance Corporation (GIC) as the the growth in premium has slowed down on
national re-insurer) in the year 2000 to 37 insurers account of reduction in rates, the number of policies
operating in the life, non-life and re-insurance underwritten has shown an increase.
segments as at December 2007. This includes Penetration and density
specialized insurers, viz., Export Credit Guarantee
Corporation; Agricultural Insurance Company and 5.101 The potential and performance of the
two stand-alone health insurance companies. Of insurance sector is universally assessed in the
the 17 life insurance companies, as many as 15 context of two parameters, viz., insurance
are in joint venture with foreign partners. Of the 10 penetration and insurance density. Insurance
insurers which have been set up in the non-life penetration is defined as the ratio of premium
segment, 9 are in collaboration with the foreign underwritten in a given year to the GDP. Insurance
partners. In addition, two stand-alone health density is defined as the ratio of premium
insurance companies have been set up in underwritten in a given year to the total population
collaboration with joint venture foreign partners. (measured in US$ for convenience of comparison).
Thus, as on date, 26 insurance companies in the The insurance penetration was 2.32 (life 1.77 and
private sector have been granted registration in non-life 0.55) in the year 2000 when the sector
the country in collaboration with established foreign was opened up to the private sector, and has
insurance companies from across the globe. increased to 4.80 in 2006 (life 4.10 and non-life
0.6). The increase in the levels of insurance
Industry Development penetration has to be assessed against the average
growth of over 8 per cent in the GDP in the last
Life insurance industry
three years. Insurance penetration in some of the
5.99 The total premium underwritten by the emerging economies in Asia, i.e., Malaysia,
industry has grown from Rs. 34,898 crore in 2000- Thailand and China, during the same period was
01 to Rs. 1,56,041 crore in 2006-07. The first year 4.9, 3.5 and 2.7, respectively. The insurance
premium, which is a measure of new business density in India was US$ 9.9 in 2000 which has
secured, underwritten by the life insurers during increased to US$ 38.4 in 2006. The comparative

106 ECONOMIC SURVEY 2007-2008

figures for Malaysia, Thailand and China during Pension Sector: Highlights
the same period were US$ 292.2, US$ 110.1 and
5.106 The pension sector essentially
US$ 53.5, respectively.
encompasses the organized sector. The majority
5.102 The Insurance Regulatory and Development of the country's workforce in the unorganized sector
Authority (IRDA), set up under the statute, is the has no access to formal channels of old-age income
regulator for the insurance sector. During 2007-08, support. Only about 12 per cent of the working
the IRDA has carried forward the process of de- population in India is covered by some form of
tariffing of the general insurance sector, creation retirement benefit scheme. Besides the problem
of the motor pool effective April 1, 2007, of limited coverage, the existing mandatory and
implementation of the micro-insurance regulations, voluntary pension system has been characterized
and amendments to the obligations towards the by limitations like fragmented regulatory framework,
rural and social sectors. lack of individual choice and portability, lack of
Policy Developments uniform standards, low real rate of returns, etc.
India's need for comprehensive reforms in the
5.103 Several policy initiatives were taken in the pension system is thus self-evident.
insurance sector during 2007 (Box 5.1). To further
deregulate the insurance sector, IRDA had done 5.107 The major developments in the pension
away with the tariffs on the rates of general sector include the introduction by the Government
insurance products from January 1, 2007. This of the New Pension System (NPS) from January
measure was aimed at providing better choices to 1, 2004, through a notification dated December
policyholders, differentiated rates consistent with 22, 2003, for new entrants to the Central
the level of risks borne as well as overall Government service, except to the Armed Forces
improvement in risk management. of the Union. The Government has constituted a
regulatory body, namely, the Pension Fund
5.104 The IRDA (Obligations of Insurers towards
Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA).
the rural and social sectors) Regulations, 2002,
had laid down the obligations of the insurers for 5.108 The main feature of the NPS is based on
the first five years of operations. Amendments to defined contribution. New entrants to the Central
the regulations incorporating the obligations of the Government service contribute 10 per cent of their
insurers up to the tenth year and thereafter have salary and dearness allowance (DA), which is
been notified during 2007. matched by the contribution by the Central
5.105 IRDA has advised all insurance companies Government (Tier-I). Once the NPS architecture is
to furnish details of the initiatives taken to promote fully in place, employees will have the option of a
micro-insurance as a viable business opportunity, voluntary [Tier-II) withdrawable account (in the
with particular reference to understanding the absence of the facility of General Provident Fund
constraints faced by them. With a view to (GPF)] to which Government will make no
synergizing the efforts of all State Governments contribution. Employees will normally exit the
which are promoting the poverty alleviation system at or after the age of 60 years. At the time
programmes, the IRDA has requested the State of exit, it is mandatory for them to invest 40 per
Governments to publicize the concept of micro- cent of the pension wealth to purchase an annuity
insurance through their various agencies. to provide a lifetime pension for the employee and
his dependents. The remaining 60 per cent will be
Box 5.1 Recent initiatives taken in the paid to the employee in lump sum at the time of
insurance sector exit. Individuals would have the flexibility to leave
the pension system prior to the age of 60. However,
In the insurance sector the major policy initiatives
in this case, mandatory annuitization would be 80
per cent of the pension wealth. The new system
 De-tariffing of the general insurance industry will have a central record keeping and accounting
 Obligations towards the rural & social sectors infrastructure and several fund managers to offer
investment options with varying proportions of
investment in fixed-income instruments and equity.

5.109 The Pension Fund Regulatory and issues (ADR/GDR) too are expected to gain in
Development Authority Bill, 2005, was introduced importance to supplement the domestic resource
in Parliament on March 21, 2005. It has been mobilization by the corporates. The Government’s
approved by the Standing Committee on Finance efforts to streamline the regulatory framework and
which recommended its passage with certain to bring business transparency may enhance
modifications. This is under consideration of the activity in the primary capital market in terms of
Government. increase in the number of debt and equity issues
5.110 As per data available (as on February 1, as well as larger participation of investors,
2008), approximately 2.85 lakh employees were particularly retail investors.
covered under the NPS. An amount of
5.114 The performance of Indian stock prices in
approximately Rs. 1,177 crore, including the
Government contribution and interest component the secondary market hinges broadly on long-
has been credited into the pension account. term and short-term factors. In the long run, strong
Nineteen State Governments have also notified world output growth is important to sustain the
similar schemes for their new recruits. investment activity across the globe. Since India’s
growth performance is relatively better among the
5.111 The PFRDA has appointed three sponsors emerging economies, the country would continue
for pension funds for managing the corpus under to attract significant cross-border portfolio
the New Pension System for the Government investments. In the short term, expectation of
employees after due consideration. These are the higher relative returns from investment in India,
State Bank of India, UTI Asset Management favourable risk perception of investors and improved
Company Private Limited and Life Insurance global liquidity would help the country in being an
Corporation of India. They have incorporated the attractive destination for investment. Going forward,
pension funds as companies under the Companies despite the possible subdued global growth, the
Act, 1956. The entire architecture of the NPS is strong fundamentals of the Indian economy in
expected to be operationalized by May 31, 2008. tandem with higher growth would help in sustaining
The accumulation and contribution of subscribers
the interest of domestic and foreign investors in
of NPS would be invested as per the investment
the Indian market.
guidelines prescribed for the non-government
provident funds. An alternate option of investing 5.115 Domestically, corporate earnings are
100 per cent of the corpus in the Government expected to remain encouraging. Strong projected
securities would also be available to the economic growth and supportive policy initiatives
subscribers. would enhance investors' preference to invest in
financial instruments, such as equity and debt
CHALLENGES AND OUTLOOK papers. If the recent pick-up in the amount of
5.112 As the Indian economy has entered a resource mobilization by mutual funds and the
higher growth trajectory, the investment demand assets they manage are any indication reflecting
is expected to remain strong in the short to increased preference for investment in the capital
medium term. The banking sector is equipped to market via mutual funds, the resources available
meet the growing demand for resources; it is with the Indian financial institutions would increase.
however, necessary that credit expansion is non- This would find its way to the capital market. The
inflationary and the productive sectors receive recent efforts of the insurance companies to
adequate credit at a resonable cost. This may broaden the geographical outreach and increase
call for the banking sector to review the spreads in innovative products would strengthen their
suitably, thereby ensuring that credit offtake by resource base and may stimulate their participation
productive sectors is maintained facilitating the in equity and debt markets. The continuation of
growth momentum of the economy. initiatives towards policy reforms in the area of
5.113 With a vibrant capital market, the Indian insurance and pension funds would provide the
corporates would step up their access to the credibility to the Government's efforts to carry
primary market to raise resources both through forward the economic reforms, auguring well for
equity and debt issues. Alongside, the overseas the capital market as well.

108 ECONOMIC SURVEY 2007-2008

5.116 Against the backdrop of expected suggest measures to activate the interest rate
expansion of activity in the Indian capital market, futures market, the transparency and price
the importance of ensuring healthy and orderly discovery process of interest rates on the
conditions in the market becomes more urgent. Government securities would be enhanced.
Ensuring stable conditions in the market is the However, a major policy challenge is in the area
responsibility of policymakers, regulators as well of corporate debt market. A high-level Committee
as market participants. While the policy initiatives on Corporate Bonds and Securitization set up by
are required to be well calibrated to transmit the the Government had gone into the various issues
right policy signals unambiguously, the regulators relating to corporate debt market such as corporate
need to remain proactive and vigilant to obviate debt issuance, pricing, trading and settlement.
the occurrence of any irregularities in the conduct The various recommendations of the Committee
of business in the market. Investors' awareness is are under different stages of implementation.
equally important from the market stability angle
5.118 The commodity exchanges, which have
as investment in equities could be based on
grown from strength to strength in the last few
incomplete analysis and guided by short-term
years, measured in volume of turnover as well as
speculative gains. Individual investors need to take
number of transactions, are expected to perform
informed decisions and remain cautious. They
well in the near to medium term also. In terms of
would do well to resist from commonly observed
transactions in the futures markets, besides gold
"herd mentality" and "panic" in their buying and
and crude oil, other commodities, especially
selling operations.
agricultural commodities, have gradually started
5.117 The growing importance of insurance and gaining in importance. This would help in deepening
pension funds would provide impetus and broaden the process of price discovery. While an Ordinance
the horizon of the Government securities market. has been issued for ensuring autonomy to the
The provisions in the Government Securities Act, Forward Markets Commission, the legislation for
2006, which allow nomination, pledging and the purpose would further strengthen commodity
stripping of securities are expected to expand the futures trading in India and help the process of
Government securities market, particularly its retail price discovery and provide an effective mechanism
segment. With the RBI setting up a group to for price-risk management.


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