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ARTICLE VI Legislative Department

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Name: ____________________________________________________ BSECE5

Unicameralism - is the practice of having one

legislative or parliamentary chamber.
SECTION 1. The legislative power shall be
vested in the Congress of the Philippines
which shall consist of a Senate and a
House of Representatives, except to the
extent reserved to the people by the
provision on initiative and referendum.
Legislative Power is essentially the authority
under the Constitution to make laws and to alter
and repeal them.
Laws refers to the statutes which are the
written enactments of the legislature governing
the relations of the people among themselves or
between them and the government and its

Under the 1987 Constitution, the power to

make, propose or amend laws is also extended
to the people, in whom sovereignty resides,
through the mechanisms of initiative and
By Initiative, we mean that the authority is
reserved to the people through direct
participation of the electorate in law-making
processes, either national or local level.
By Referendum, it means the process in which
the people are referred directly on any question of
passed by Congress or a local legislative body
their approval or rejection.
Difference of House of Representative Vs House

Through laws, the legislature defines the

rights and duties of citizens, imposes taxes,
appropriate funds, defines crimes and provides
for their punishment, creates and abolishes
government offices, determines their
and functions, and in general regulates human
conduct and the use of property for the
promotion of the common good.
Difference of Unicameralism and Bicameralism

Bicameralism - is distinguished from

unicameralism, in which all of the members
deliberate and vote as a single group, and from
some legislatures which have three or more
separate assemblies, chambers or houses.

of Senate

House of Representatives of the

(Filipino: Kapulungan ng mga Kinatawan ng
Pilipinas), is the lower house of the Congress of
the Philippines. (The Senate of the Philippines is
the upper house). It is often informally called
Congress. Members of the House are officially
styled as Representative (Kinatawan) and
sometimes informally called Congressmen (mga
kongresista) and are elected to a three-year
Classification of Powers of Congress

The primary function of congress is to

legislate. The powers of the Congress may be
classified into:

1. General Legislative Power it is the

power to enact laws intended as rules of
conduct to govern the relations among
individuals or between the individuals and
the state.
2. Specific Power they are the power
which the constitution expressly directs or
authorizes Congress to exercise.
3. Implied Powers from the meaning
itself, implied powers are those authority
enjoyed by the legislature to effectively
exercise its constitutionally granted
powers, like the power to conduct
investigation in aid of legislation (Sec 21),
or to determine the rules of its
proceedings (Sec. 16 {3})
4. Inherent Powers they are the powers
which are possessed and can be
exercised by every government because
they exist as an attribute of sovereignty.
Section 2. The Senate shall be composed
of twenty-four Senators who shall be
elected at large by the qualified voters of
the Philippines, as may be provided by law.
Section 3. No person shall be a Senator
unless he is a natural-born citizen of the
Philippines and, on the day of the election,
is at least thirty-five years of age, able to
read and write, a registered voter, and a
resident of the Philippines for not less
than two years immediately preceding the
day of the election.


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Name: ____________________________________________________ BSECE5

Section 4. The term of office of the

Senators shall be six years and shall
commence, unless otherwise provided by
law, at noon on the thirtieth day of June
next following their election.

(c) able to read and write;

(d) a registered voter; and
(e) a resident of the Philippines for
not less two (2) years immediately
preceding the day of the election (Sec. 3)

No Senator shall serve for more than

renunciation of the
office for any length of time shall not be
as an interruption in the continuity of his
service for the full term of which he was

4. Maximum of terms - In line with the

policy on equal access to
opportunities for public service and
against political dynasties (Art II, Sec. 6),
a Senator is disqualified to serve for more
than two (2) consecutive terms (Sec.4,
par. 2)

The Senate
1. Composition and election - It is
composed of 24 Senators. They are
elected at large (nationwide) by the
qualified voters, as may be provided by
law (Sec. 2). Unless otherwise provided
by law, the regular election of Senators
shall be held on the second Monday of
May (Sec. 8)
2. Term of office - It is six (6) years. It shall
commence, unless otherwise provided by
law, at noon on the 30th day of June next
following election (Sec. 4, par. 1). The
Constitution has a similar provision with
respect to the President and VicePresident except that the hour and date
of commencement of their term of office
cannot be changed by law.
3. Qualifications
A Senator must be:
(a) a natural-born citizen of the
(b) at least 35 years of age on the
day of the election (i.e., day of the

(2) The party-list representatives

shall constitute twenty per centum of the
total number of representatives including
those under the party list. For three
consecutive terms after the ratification of
this Constitution, one-half of the seats
allocated to party-list representatives shall
be filled, as provided by law, by selection
or election from the labor, peasant, urban
poor, indigenous cultural communities,
women, youth, and such other sectors as
may be provided by law, except the
religious sector.

Meaning of Registered Voter and Residence

Registered Voter is one who has all the

qualifications for voter and none of the
disqualifications provided by law and who has
registered himself in the list of voters.
Residence is the place where one has his true
permanent home and to which whenever
absent, he has the intention of returning.
Representatives shall be composed of not
more than two hundred and fifty members,
unless otherwise fixed by law, who shall be
apportioned among the provinces, cities,
and the Metropolitan Manila area in
accordance with the number of their
respective inhabitants, and on the basis of
a uniform and progressive ratio, and those
who, as provided by law, shall be elected
through a party-list system of registered
national, regional, and sectoral parties or

Each legislative district shall
territory. Each city with a population of at
least two hundred fifty thousand, or each
(4)Within three years following the
return of every census, the Congress shall
make a reapportionment of legislative
districts based on the standards provided
in this section.
Section 6. No person shall be a Member of
the House of Representatives unless he is
a natural-born citizen of the Philippines
and, on the day of the election, is at least
twenty-five years of age, able to read and
write, and, except the party-list
representatives, a registered voter in the
district in which he shall be elected, and a
resident thereof for a period of not less
than one year immediately preceding the
day of the election.
Section 7. The Members of the House of
Representatives shall be elected for a term

of three years which shall begin, unless

otherwise provided
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Name: ____________________________________________________ BSECE5

by law, at noon on the thirtieth day of June
next following their election. No Member of
the House of Representatives shall serve for
Voluntary renunciation of the office for any
length of time shall not be considered as an
interruption in the continuity of his service
for the full term for which he was elected.
Difference of Promulgation and Ratification

Promulgation - the word promulgation has

various dictionary definitions, including the
following: to put into force or effect; the official
publication of a new law; to make a law publicly
known after its enactment; to declare or
announce publicly.
Ratification - is a process by which some
decision made or act done by one person
becomes legally effective by being endorsed by
another person. This can be applied to the
The House of Representatives
1. Composition and election/selection It is composed of not more than 250
Congressmen. They are elected from
legislative or congressional districts and
through a party-list system. The party-list
representatives are filled by selection or
election from the labor, peasant, etc. and
other sectors as may be provided by law,
except religious sector (Sec. 5[1]).
Unless otherwise provided by law,
the regular election of the members of

House of Representatives shall be held on

the second Monday of May (Sec. 8).
2. Terms of office -It is three (3) years, to
begin also, unless otherwise provided by
the law, at noon on the 30th day next
following election (Sec. 7, par. 1).
3. Qualifications - A representative must
(a) a natural-born citizen of the
(b) at least 25 years of age on the
day of the election
(c) able to read and write;
representative, a registered voter in the
district in which he shall be elected; and
(e) a resident thereof for a period
of not less than one (1) year preceding
the day of the election (Sec. 6)
4. Maximum terms - The provisions are the
same as those for Senators except that
the limit is for not more than three (3)
consecutive terms (Sec. 7, par. 2)
Party List System
The purpose of party list system is to
bring the government closer to people and
assure that the democracy really works in our
society. Party list representative system is a
device of balancing the representation in the
election of the members to the House of
sectoral parties or organizations duly recognized
by the

Only organized and duly registered

parties with the COMELEC may participate
instead of individual candidates. These are:
1. Sectoral Parties - These refer to
organized groups of citizens whose
principal advocacy concerns and special
interests are in these sectors, namely:
labor, peasant, urban poor, indigenous
communities, veterans, and elderly.
2. Sectoral
organizations are groups of qualified
voters bound together by similar physical
attributes or characteristics or by
employment, interests, or concerns.
3. Political Parties - These are organized
groups of qualified voters pursuing the
principles for general conduct of the
4. Coalitions
aggregations of duly registered national,
regional, sectoral parties, or organizations
for political and/or electoral purposes.
Section 8. Unless otherwise provided by
law, the regular election of the Senators
and the Members of the House of
Representatives shall be held on the
second Monday of May.
Section 9. In case of vacancy in the Senate
or in the House of Representatives, a
special election may be called to fill such
vacancy in the manner prescribed by law,
but the Senator or Member of

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Name: ____________________________________________________ BSECE5

Rights and Privileges of Members of Congress

the House of Representatives thus elected

shall serve only for the unexpired term.
Section 10. The salaries of Senators and
Members of the House of Representatives
shall be determined by law. No increase in
said compensation shall take effect until
after the expiration of the full term
of all the Members of the Senate and the
House of
Representatives approving such increase.

Salaries of members of Congress

Under the above provision, Congress is not
prohibited from increasing or decreasing the salary
of its members. However, any increase can take
effect only after the expiration of the full term of
members approving such increase. This rule
even as to members who voted against the
increase. The obvious purpose of the restriction
is to prevent Congress from increasing the
salary of its members during their incumbency.
Art. XVIII, Sec. 17 reads, The President of the
Senate and the Speaker of the House shall receive
an annual salary of P 240,000, and the Senators
and the members of the House of Representatives
shall receive P204,000 each per year
Section 11. A Senator or Member of the
House of Representatives shall, in all
offenses punishable by not more than six
years imprisonment, be privileged from
arrest while the Congress is in session. No
Member shall be questioned nor be held
liable in any other place for any speech or
debate in the Congress or in any
committee thereof.

The Constitutional rights and privileges of

members of Congress shall include the
1. Right to salary;
2. Freedom of speech and debate without
3. Freedom from arrest while the Congress is
in session, except when the offense of
which a member is charged is punishable
by more than six years imprisonment;
4. Parliamentary immunity. The aim of this
privilege is to facilitate that members of
Congress can effectively discharge their
functions without previous restraints.
Section 12. All Members of the Senate and
the House of Representatives shall, upon
assumption of office, make a full disclosure
of their financial and business interests.
They shall notify the House concerned of a
potential conflict of interest that may arise
from the filing of a proposed legislation of
which they are authors.
Disclosure of financial and business interests

To promote a high standard of integrity in

the legislature, Section 12 imposes two
obligations on all members of Congress.
1. To make a full disclosure of their financial
and business interest, upon assumption
of office; and
2. To notify the House concerned of a potential
conflict of interest that may arise from

of a proposed legislation of which they

are authors.
Section 13. No Senator or Member of the
House of Representatives may hold any
other office or employment in the
Government, or any subdivision, agency,
corporations or their subsidiaries, during
his term without forfeiting his seat.
Neither shall he be appointed to any office
which may have been created or the
emoluments thereof increased during the
term for which he was elected.
Disqualification to hold any other office or employment

Under this provision, a member is

disqualified to hold two classes of office,
1. Incompatible Office this includes any
kind of office or employment in the
government, or any subdivision, agency, or
corporation, during his incumbency. A
member of Legislative cannot be appointed
as a department secretary or a director of
any government positions while holding his
position at the same time, not unless he
2. Forbidden Office this refers to any
office created or the emoluments of
which have been increased during the
term for which he was elected. Under Art.
IX-B, Sec. 8 no elective officer or
employee shall receive

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Name: ____________________________________________________ BSECE5

authorized by law, nor accept without the
consent of the Congress any present
emolument, office or title of any kind from
foreign government.
Section 14. No Senator or Member of the
House of Representatives may personally
appear as counsel before any court of justice
or before the Electoral Tribunals, or quasijudicial and other administrative bodies.
Neither shall he, directly or indirectly, be
interested financially in any contract with, or
in any franchise or special privilege granted
by the Government, or any subdivision,
agency, or instrumentality thereof, including
corporation, or its subsidiary, during his
term of office. He shall not intervene in any
matter before any office of the Government
for his pecuniary benefit or where he may be
called upon to act on account of his office.
Section 15. The Congress shall convene once
every year on the fourth Monday of July for
its regular session, unless a different date is
fixed by law, and shall continue to be in
session for such number of days as it may
determine until thirty days before the
opening of its next regular session, exclusive
of Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays.
The President may call a special session at
any time.

Session of Congress

1. Regular Session - The Congress shall

meet or convene once in every year
beginning on the fourth Monday of July for
its regular session, unless law fixes a
different date.

Once the Congress has convened, the

session continues for such duration until
thirty (30) days before the opening of the
next regular session, exclusive of
Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays.
2. Special Session - The Congress may be
called upon by the President anytime to
consider some urgent and national
concern. Some peculiar characteristics
a. Special session has no definite or
fixed date. It may be called
b. Special session considers only one
Congress is convened for the
c. Special session may also be called
or convened by the Congress; and
d. Special session normally is brief
and attends only to the agenda
being called for.
3. Executive Session - In some rare
cases, the Congress or the President
may call for a secret or close door
session when matters concerning
national interest are to be discussed.
Section 16. (1). The Senate shall elect its
Representatives, its Speaker, by a majority
vote of all its respective Members. Each
House shall choose such other officers as it
may deem necessary.

(2)A majority of each House shall

constitute a quorum to do business, but a
smaller number may adjourn from day to
day and may compel the attendance of
absent Members in such manner, and
under such penalties, as such House may
(3) Each House may determine the
rules of its proceedings, punish its
Members for disorderly behavior, and, with
the concurrence of two-thirds of all its
Members, suspend or expel a Member. A
penalty of suspension, when imposed,
shall not exceed sixty days.
(4) Each House shall keep a Journal of
its proceedings, and from time to time
publish the same, excepting such parts as
may, in its judgment, affect national
security; and the yeas and nays on any
question shall, at the request of one-fifth
of the Members present, be entered in the
Journal. Each House shall also keep a
Record of its proceedings.
(5) Neither House during the sessions
of the Congress shall, without the consent
of the other, adjourn for more than three
days, nor to any other place than that in
which the two Houses shall be sitting.

Powers and Function of Senate President and House Speaker

administrative heads and presiding officers of
their respective chambers, as such, they preside
over their;
a. Sessions
b. Preserve order and decorum
c. Decide all questions of
order d. Sign acts
e. Resolutions

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Orders and warrants

Issue subpoenas
Appoint personnel
Other powers

Meaning of Quorum
A quorum is such a number of the
membership of an assembly or collective body
as is competent to transact its business. It is the
number that makes a lawful body and gives it
power to pass a law or ordinance or do any
other valid corporate act. A quorum is at least
one-half plus one of the members of the body.
Rule of Procedure - are the rules made by any
legislative body to regulate the mode and
manner of conducting its business.
Constitution, each House of Congress may
determine acts constituting disorderly behavior,
and whether a Member should be suspended or
expelled. Each House is authorized under its
Rules to punish its member for disorderly
behavior, and with the concurrence of two-thirds
vote of all kits members, suspend or expel an
erring legislator. The Constitution, however,
limits the suspension to sixty days.
Legislative Journal is defined as the official
record of what is done and passed in legislative
assembly. It is called because the proceedings
are entered therein in chronological order as
they occur from day to day.

Name: ____________________________________________________ BSECE5

Senate and the House of Representatives
shall have been organized with the
Section 17. The Senate and the House of
Representatives shall each have an
Electoral Tribunal which shall be the sole
judge of all contests relating to the
election, returns, and qualifications of
their respective Members. Each Electoral
Tribunal shall be composed of
nine Members, three of whom shall be
Justices of the Supreme Court to be
designated by the Chief Justice, and the
remaining six shall be Members of the
Senate or the House of Representatives,
as the case may be, who shall be chosen
on the basis of proportional representation
from the political parties and the parties
or organizations registered under the
party-list system represented therein. The
senior Justice in the Electoral Tribunal shall
be its Chairman.

Section 18. There shall be a Commission

President of the Senate, as ex officio
Chairman, twelve Senators, and twelve
Members of the House of Representatives,
elected by each House on the basis of
organizations registered under the partylist system represented therein. The
chairman of the Commission shall not vote,
except in case of a tie. The Commission
shall act on all appointments submitted to
it within thirty session days of the
Congress from their submission. The
Commission shall rule by a majority vote of
all the Members.
Section 19. The Electoral Tribunals and the
Commission on Appointments shall be
constituted within thirty days after the

election of the President and the Speaker.

The Commission on Appointments shall
meet only while the Congress is in session,
at the call of its Chairman or a majority of
all its Members, to discharge such powers
and functions as are herein conferred upon
Organization of the Commission on
The Congressional and Commission of
appointments made by the Chief Executive to
various government positions. All appointments
by the President can only be pursued upon the
consent of the Commission on Appointments.
The characteristics of the Commission are as
1. The Commission shall consist of the
President of the Senate, as ex-officio
chairman, 12 Senators, and 12 members of
the House of Representatives, elected by
each House on the basis of proportional
2. The Chairman of the Commission shall
not vote, except in case of tie;
3. The Commission shall act on all
appointments submitted to it within
30 sessions days of Congress from
their submission; and
4. The Commission shall rule by a majority
vote of all members (Sec. 18)
Section 20. The records and books of
accounts of the Congress shall be preserved
and be open to the public in accordance with
law, and such books

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Name: ____________________________________________________ BSECE5

shall be audited by the Commission on Audit
which shall publish annually an itemized list
of amounts paid to and expenses incurred
for each Member.

Records of Congress open to public

Congress is enjoined by the Constitution
to preserve and open its records and books of
accounts to the public. Such books shall be
audited by the Commission of Audit which shall
published itemized list of amounts paid to and
expenses incurred for each member.
Section 21. The Senate or the House of
Representatives or any of its respective
committees may conduct inquiries in aid of
legislation in accordance with its duly
published rules of procedure. The rights of
persons appearing in, or affected by, such
inquiries shall be respected.

Power of legislative inquiry and

1. Sound legislation
2. Other desirable benefits
Scope of the Power
1. Aid to other legislative functions
2. Limitations
Section 22. The heads of departments may,
upon their own initiative, with the consent of
the President, or upon the request of either
House, as the rules of each House shall
provide, appear before and be heard by such
House on any matter pertaining to their
departments. Written questions shall be
submitted to the President of the Senate or
the Speaker of the House of Representatives
at least three days before their scheduled

Interpellations shall not be limited to

written questions, but may cover matters
related thereto. When the security of the
State or the public interest so requires and
the President so states in writing, the
executive session.
Section 23. (1) The Congress, by a vote of
two-thirds of both Houses in joint session
assembled, voting separately, shall have
the sole power to declare the existence of
a state of war.
(2) In times of war or other national
emergency, the Congress may, by law,
authorize the President, for a limited
period and subject to such restrictions as
it may prescribe, to exercise powers
necessary and proper to carry out a
declared national policy. Unless sooner
withdrawn by resolution of the Congress,
such powers shall cease upon the next
adjournment thereof.
Power to declare existence of a state war
The Constitution grants Congress the sole
power to declare the existence of a state of war.
The concurrence of two thirds of both Houses in
joint session assembled, voting separately is
required for the exercise of this power.
War contemplated
The war contemplated here is a
defensive, not an aggressive war, because by
express constitutional provision, the Philippines
renounces war as an instrument of national
Delegation of emergency powers
Section 23(2) is an exemption to the rule
that the congress may not delegate its

authority to any other office, agency or entity.

During grave emergencies, it may not be
possible or practicable for Congress to meet and
exercise powers.
Section 24. All appropriation, revenue or
tariff bills, bills authorizing increase of the
public debt, bills of local application, and
private bills, shall originate exclusively in
the House of Representatives, but the
Senate may
propose or concur with

Appropriation Bill is one the primary and

specific aim of which is to make appropriations
of money from the public treasury.
Kinds of Appropriations

Appropriations is an authorization made

by law or other legislative enactment, directing
payment out of government funds under
specifies conditions and or for specified

Annual or general appropriations

Special or supplemental appropriations
Specific Appropriations
Continuing Appropriations

Section 25. (1) The Congress may not

increase the appropriations recommended
by the
President for the operation of the
Government as specified in the budget.
The form, content, and manner of
preparation of the budget shall be
prescribed by law.
(2) No provision or enactment shall
be embraced in the general appropriations
bill unless it relates specifically to some
particular appropriation therein. Any such
provision or

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Name: ____________________________________________________ BSECE5

enactment shall be limited in its operation

to the appropriation to which it relates.
The procedure in approving
appropriations for the Congress shall
strictly follow the procedure for approving
appropriations for other departments and
(4)A special appropriations bill shall
specify the purpose for which it is
intended, and shall be supported by funds
actually available as certified by the
National Treasurer, or to be raised by a
corresponding revenue proposal therein.
(5) No
authorizing any transfer of appropriations;
however, the President, the President of
the Senate, the Speaker of the House of
Representatives, the Chief Justice of the
Constitutional Commissions may, by law,
be authorized to augment any item in the
general appropriations law for their
respective offices from savings in other
items of their respective appropriations.
(6) Discretionary funds appropriated
for particular officials shall be disbursed
only for public purposes to be supported
by appropriate vouchers and subject to
such guidelines as may be prescribed by
(7) If, by the end of any fiscal year,
the Congress shall have failed to pass the
general appropriations bill for the ensuing
fiscal year, the general appropriations law
for the preceding fiscal year shall be
deemed re-enacted and shall remain in
appropriations bill is passed by the

Other Kinds of Appropriation

1. Revenue Bill one of the primary and

specific purpose of which is to raise

2. Tariff bill - is one that imposes revenues

or customs duties for specific purposes.
But, a bill imposing high tariff rates in
particular foreign goods with the purpose
to protect local goods on industries
against competition is not a revenue bill.
3. Bill authorizing income of the public
debt - essentially, a bill, which facilitates
the government to issue bonds and other
forms of indebtedness, which will be
chargeable from future public funds.
4. Bill of local application - a bill that
directly allots to local or municipal
5. Private bill - a bill that affects purely
private interests, like indemnification to a
person who suffered damages from the
negligence of the government or its agency
or instrumentality or any part thereof.
Budget is the financial program of the
national government for a designed calendar
year, consisting of statements of estimated
receipts from revenues and expenditures for the
calendar or which it is intended to be effective
based on the results of operations during the
preceding calendar year.
Rider is a provision or enactment inserted in
the general appropriations bill which does not
relate to some particular appropriation therein.

Section 26. (1) Every bill passed by the

Congress shall embrace only one subject
which shall be expressed in the title
(2) No bill passed by either House shall
become a law unless it has passed three
readings on separate days, and printed
copies thereof in its final form have been
distributed to its Members three days before
its passage, except when the President
certifies to the necessity of its immediate
enactment to meet a public calamity or
emergency. Upon the last reading of a bill,
no amendment thereto shall be allowed, and
the vote thereon shall be taken immediately
thereafter, and the yeas and nays entered in
the Journal.
Limitations on the power of Congress
1. Substantive- they refer to the subject
matter of legislation, and they may be:
a. Implied Limitations
b. Specific
legislative powers
c. Specific Limitations on specific powers
2. Formal they refer to the procedural
requirements to be complied with by
Congress in the passage of bill.
Prohibition against the enactment of
irrepealable laws
1. Essence of legislative power
2. Consequences to public welfare if laws
Bill - is essentially a proposed law by the
legislative department. Each house may propose a
bill, when the House of Representatives proposes
one, it shall

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Name: ____________________________________________________ BSECE5

be called a House Bill, and when the Senate

initiates a proposal, it shall be called a Senate
Hodge-podged legislation - refers to any
proposed measure consisting of general or more
unrelated subjects, but are integrated in the
proposal in order to guarantee support from
members of the Congress. The avoidance of
logrolling legislation is to ensure enough
consideration and support from the members in
regard to the passage of a bill into law.
The passage of a bill into law follows
strictly the procedures:
1. First Reading
2. Referral to appropriate committee
3. Second Reading
4. Floor Debates
5. Printing and Distributions
6. Third Reading
7. Transmitted to the Other House
8. Submission to Joint Bicameral Committee
9. Submission to the President
President Particularly:
a. Every bill must be presented and
approved by the President;
b. In case, the President disapproves a
bill, he exercises veto power and
returns it, with his objection, to the
House where it originated;
c. In case the House, after such
deliberation, considered the bill as
proposed, a 2/3 vote may carry its
power to override the veto.

Section 27. (1) Every bill passed by the

Congress shall, before it becomes a law, be
presented to the President. If he approves
the same he shall sign it; otherwise, he shall
veto it and return the same with his
objections to the House where it originated,
which shall enter the objections at large in
its Journal and proceed to reconsider it. If,
after such reconsideration, two-thirds of all
the Members of such House shall agree to
pass the bill, it shall be sent, together with
the objections, to the other House by which
it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if
approved by two-thirds of all the Members of
that House, it shall become a law. In all such
cases, the votes of each House shall be
determined by yeas or nays, and the names
of the Members voting for or against shall be
entered in its Journal. The President shall
communicate his veto of any bill to the
House where it originated within thirty days
after the date of receipt thereof, otherwise,
it shall become a law as if he had signed it.
(2) The President shall have the
power to veto any particular item or items
in an appropriation, revenue, or tariff bill,
but the veto shall not affect the item or
items to which he does not object.

Bill is a draft of law submitted to the

consideration of a legislative body for its
Statute is the written will of the legislature as
an organized body expressed according to the
form necessary to constitute it into a law of the
Component Parts of a Law

1. Title refers to the subject matter of the

law, or the Act carried by the legislative
department, and the executive as well.
2. Preamble introduces the objectives for
the enactment of the Act and explains the
general reasons for such legislation.
3. Enacting Clause refers to the
collective and distinct will of both Houses
to enact an act or a bill. Enacting clause
specifically states the reason for the
legislation Act.
4. Body pertains to the total substance
or content of the proposed bill.
5. Effectively Clause indicates the time
at which the law shall take effect. Usually,
a law will be enforced next following the
next 15-day publication requirement in a
newspaper of general circulation in the
Philippines or in the Official Gazette, not
unless a date is fixed as to its effectivity.
Veto is the Latin term for I forbid or deny.
It is the power vested in the president to
disapprove acts passed by Congress.
Resolution a formal expression of opinion, or
intent by an official body or assembled group.

Kinds of Resolutions

1. Simple
2. Concurrent
3. Joint

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Name: ____________________________________________________ BSECE5

Section 28. (1) The rule of taxation shall

be uniform and equitable. The Congress
shall evolve a progressive system of
authorize the President to fix within
specified limits, and subject to such
limitations and restrictions as it may
impose, tariff rates, import and export
quotas, tonnage and wharfage dues, and
other duties or imposts within the
framework of the national development
program of the Government.
(3) Charitable institutions, churches
and personages or convents appurtenant
thereto, mosques, non-profit cemeteries,
exclusively used for religious, charitable,
or educational purposes shall be exempt
from taxation.
exemption shall be passed without the
concurrence of a majority of all the
Members of the Congress.
Taxation - is a means of raising funds for the
operation of the government, especially its
public services. The distribution of the tax
burden should be equitable or fair. This means a
person has to pay taxes based on his ability to
pay. Taxes should serve as tools in facilitating
economic stability and growth.
Uniformity in taxation means that all
taxable articles or properties of the same class
shall be taxed at the same rate.
Basis of Taxation
Under the Constitution, the rule of
taxation (See Sec. 28) shall include the

1. The rule shall be uniform and equitable;

2. The taxation should be
progressive income system;



3. The
President to fix tariff rates, import and
export quotas, tonnage and wharfage
dues, and other duties and imports,
subject to the limitation of the Congress;
4. Charitable institutions, churches and
parsonages or convents appurtenant
thereto, mosques, non-profit cemeteries
improvements actually, directly, and
exclusively used for religious, charitable,
or educational purposes shall be exempt
from taxation.
Section 29. (1) No money shall be paid out
of the Treasury except in pursuance of an
appropriation made by law.
(2) No public money or property shall
employed, directly or indirectly, for the
use, benefit, or support of any sect,
institution, or system of religion, or of any
priest, preacher, minister, other religious
teacher, or dignitary as such, except when
such priest, preacher, minister, or dignitary
is assigned to the armed forces, or to any
orphanage or leprosarium.
(3)All money collected on any tax
levied for a special purpose shall be treated
as a special fund and paid out for such
purpose only. If the purpose

for which a special fund was created has

been fulfilled or abandoned, the balance, if
any, shall be transferred to the general
funds of the Government.

Prohibition against use of public money or

property for religious purpose
The prohibition, however, is not violated:
1. Payment given as compensation
2. Religious use incidental
3. Use public in nature
4. Payment based on contract
5. Consideration received
Section 30. No law shall be passed
increasing the appellate jurisdiction of the
Supreme Court as provided in this
Section 31. No law granting a title of
royalty or nobility shall be enacted.
Section 32. The Congress shall, as early as
possible, provide for a system of initiative
therefrom, whereby the people can
directly propose and enact laws or approve
or reject any act or law or part thereof
passed by the Congress or local legislative
body after the registration of a petition
therefor signed by at least ten per centum
of the total number of registered voters, of
which every legislative district must be
represented by at least three per centum
of the registered voters thereof.

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