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PM CH March Prog

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7:00 am
7:15 am
7:45 am
7:50 am



International Headquarters, Lagos, Nigeria.


March 2016
First Fruit Offering Service,
Deliverance For Dwellers And Indigenes Of Riverine Areas
And First Born Deliverance


7:15 am
7:45 am
7:50 am
8:05 am

Opening Prayers
Praise Worship
Opening Hymn

8:05 am 8:15 am 8:30 am 10:30 am -

`For my sake and the Gospel's, go

And tell Redemption's story,`
His heralds answer, `Be it so,
And Thine, Lord, all the glory!`
They preach His Birth, His Life, His Cross,
The love of His Atonement
For Whom they count the world but loss,
His rising, His Enthronement
Hark, hark, the trump of Jubilee
Proclaims to every nation,
From pole to pole, by land and sea,
Glad tidings of salvation:
As nearer draws the day of doom,
While still the battle rages,
The Heavenly Dayspring through the gloom
Breaks on the night of ages

8:15 am
8:30 am
10:30 am
11:00 am

Hour of Personal Intercession

Choir Ministration
Message and Ministration
Offering and Closing

1. Rise, ye children of salvation,

All who cleaves to Christ the Head;
Wake, arise! O mighty nation
Ere the foe on Zion tread.
Pour it forth a mighty anthem,
Like the thunders of the sea;
Thro the blood of Christ our ransom
More than conquerors are we,
More than conquerors are we,
More than conquerors are we;
Thro the blood of Christ our ransom
More than conquerors are we.
2. Saints and heroes long before us
Firmly on this ground have stood;
See their banners waving oer us
Conquerors through Jesus blood.

Still on and on the anthems spread

Of Hallelujah voices,
In concert with the holy Dead
3. Deathless, we are all unfearing,
The warrior Church rejoices;
Life laid up with Christ in God;
Their snow-white robes are washed in Blood,
In the morn of His appearing
Their golden harps are ringing;
Floweth forth a glory flood.
Earth and the Paradise of God
One Triumph-song are singing
4. Soon we shall all stand before Him,
See and know our glorious Lord;
He comes, Whose Advent Trumpet drowns
Soon in joy and light adore Him,
The last of Times evangels,
Each receiving his reward.
Emmanuel crownd with many crowns,
The Lord of Saints and Angels:
O Life, Light, Love, the great I AM,
Truine, Who changest never,
The Throne of God and of the Lamb
Is Thine, and Thine for ever!

1. Shackled by a heavy burden

Neath a load of guilt and shame,
Then the hand of Jesus touched me,
And now I am no longer the same
He touched me, O, He touched me,
And O, the joy that floods my soul;

Something happened, and now I know

He touched me and made me whole
2. Since I met this blessed Saviour,
Since He cleansed and made me whole;
I will never cease to praise Him,
Ill shout it while eternity rolls.


Confession: Psalm 91

Confession: Psalms 2 and 149


Let Your glory, O Lord, speak for me today, in the name of Jesus.


I will become Gods promotion, in the name of Jesus.


O Lord, protect my portion, in the name of Jesus.


Let Your power, O Lord, establish my promotion, in the name of Jesus.

In faith, I hand over my battle to God. In faith, I come against evil strongholds of any marine
kingdom. In faith, I pollute your water with the blood of Jesus Christ. In faith, I overturn every
marine agenda against me. In faith, I trample upon marine serpents and scorpions. In faith, I spoil
marine palaces and set her captives free.


Change my identity, O Lord, in the name of Jesus.


O Lord, honour me with the provisions of heaven, in the name of Jesus.


O Lord, release my tongue to prosper, in the name of Jesus.


Every good thing I touch, will prosper and become a harvest, in the name of Jesus.


I receive, the mantle to harvest good things, in the name of Jesus.

There shall be no reinforcement or evil reunion of this power against me. I seal my confession with
the blood of Jesus and I cover myself and my family with the blood of Jesus. Amen.

Any witchcraft practice, under any water, against my life, receive immediate judgment of fire,
in the name of Jesus.


Every priest, ministering at any evil altar against me inside any water, fall down and die, in the
name of Jesus.

11. O God arise, and uproot anything You did not plant inside the Mountain of Fire and Miracles


Any power, under any river or sea, remote-controlling my life, be destroyed by fire and I shake
myself loose from your hold, in the name of Jesus.

12. Fire of revival, fall upon Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, in the name of Jesus.


Every marine witchcraft, that has introduced spirit husband/wife or child into my life in my
dreams be roasted by fire, in Jesus name.


I pull down, every stronghold of bewitchment, enchantment, jinx, divination fashioned against
me by marine witches, in the name of Jesus.


Any power of marine witchcraft, holding any of my blessings in bondage, receive the fire of God
and release them, in the name of Jesus.


Any marine witchcraft chain, binding my hands and feet from prospering, be broken and
shattered to pieces, in the name of Jesus.


Every sexual pollution, of marine spirit husband/wife in my body, be flushed out by the blood
of Jesus.


Evil name, given to me under any water, I reject and cancel it with the blood of Jesus.

10. O Lord, gather my portions, in the name of Jesus.

13. O Lord, let the power of peace and progress overshadow this nation, in the name of Jesus.
14. O God, arise and give us God-fearing leaders, in the name of Jesus.
Lift up the offering and pray like this:
Father, I thank You, for giving me the opportunity, the strength and the wisdom to acquire this
seed. I recognise and worship You with this offering from the only source of all my income. I thank
You because once I was lost, but now Im found. I thank You for the salvation of my soul.
As I give this first fruit offering now, accept it, O Lord, by the power in the blood of Jesus. By this
offering, I hereby acknowledge that You are my priority. O God, arise and use this offering as a key
to my increase, enlargement, promotion, and uncommon favour. By this offering, let the power of
the wasters be destroyed from my life, deliver me from losses of any kind, and envelope my life with
blessings money cannot buy.
By this offering, I plug myself into the socket of financial open heavens, uncommon
breakthroughs, dominion prosperity, uncommon favour, unimaginable achievements, and total
victory, in the name of Jesus.
As I give this 1st fruit offering, let its sanctifying power flow down into all my incomes. O Lord,
catapult me into Your divine location, position, anointing and wisdom for my life. Let the milk and
honey of the earth be deposited into my bosom.
This I pray, in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

10. Every dark covenant, binding me with water spirits, break, by the blood of Jesus.
11. Every evil association, between me and marine spirits, break, by the blood of Jesus.
12. Every evil dedication, made by my parents on any marine altar, blood of Jesus, destroy it now,
in the name of Jesus.
13. I reject and renounce, every satanic office given to me in the marine kingdom, in Jesus name.
14. Every satanic instrument, buried inside my body from the marine kingdom, I reject you, in the
name of Jesus.


17. I decree, that my first born potentials shall not be caged, in the name of Jesus.

Scriptures: Psalm 113:5-8; Deut. 28:13; Job 22:25-28; Psalm 27:6

18. Every satanic assignment to bury my first born star, scatter, in the name of Jesus.

Confession: I am a first born. I am the beginning of strength of my household. I am the excellence of

dignity, excellence of power. I shall not be a deficit unto the world. I shall be as stable as a rock. I shall
excel and no one shall degrade me. I shall not die a grievous death. I shall not be an infant of days,
neither shall I be an adult that has not fulfilled his years. I shall have the might of Samson but not his
carelessness. I shall have the wisdom of Solomon, not his whoredom. I shall have the holiness of Job
and not his calamities. I shall possess the gate of my enemies. I shall not be subjected to pain or poverty.
The enemy shall not outwit me. The Lord shall anoint me with the oil of gladness above my fellows.
The fire of the enemy shall not burn me. My head shall not be buried in shame. I shall be respected and
honoured in my fathers house. I shall always be the first among equals. I shall be the preferred among

19. I reject spirit of the tail, I claim the position of headship, in the name of Jesus.

My voice shall be heard and reckoned with. As a first born, I redeem my destiny with the precious blood
of Jesus. I dedicate myself this day to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the Father of our Lord
Jesus Christ. Amen.

Every incantation, ritual and witchcraft power against my destiny, fall down and die, in the
name of Jesus.


I render null and void, the influence of destiny swallowers, in the name of Jesus.


Every household wickedness, struggling to re-arrange my destiny, fall down and die, in the
name of Jesus.


My destiny is attached to God, therefore I decree that I can never fail, in Jesus name.


Every power, waging war against my destiny, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.


I overthrow, every satanic re-arrangement programmed against my destiny, in Jesus name.


I refuse to accept, satanic substitute for my destiny, in Jesus name.


Every power, drawing powers from the heavenlies against my destiny, fall down and die, in
Jesus name.


Today, I raise up an altar of continuous prosperity upon my destiny, in Jesus name

10. I reject, every satanic rearrangement of my destiny, in Jesus name.

11. I reject and renounce, destiny- demoting names and I nullify their evil effects upon my destiny,
in Jesus name.
12. The designs of my enemy, against my destiny, shall be destroyed, in Jesus name.
13. Conspiracy of darkness, against my destiny, scatter by fire, in the name of Jesus.
14. You evil strongman, attached to my destiny, be bound, in Jesus name.
15. Every parental curse, that is demoting my life, be broken by the blood of Jesus.
16. Every paternal and maternal pronouncement, issued against my life, be scattered, in Jesus

20. By the power in the blood of Jesus, I break every witchcraft agenda to exchange and manipulate
my star, in the name of Jesus.
21. Every curse and affliction, working against every first born in my fathers house, die, in Jesus
22. Every dedication, working against me as the first born, be destroyed, in the name of Jesus.
23. I destroy, the power of any Herod, assigned to trouble my first born destiny, in the name of
24. Any covenant, my ancestors might have made over my life as a first born, break, in the name
of Jesus.

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