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wh 2 1907 08.30 10.0044. 18 oan Tyee en nea This assignment | is pretty tough, ‘The teacher asked us to explain some famous quotes, give our opinion and follow up with an example, A it’s tough, Pathara:; Yeah, . What quote did you get from the teacher? Siriruk: Peper from. Mark Twain. “Never argue with a fool; onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.” What is an ‘onlooker'? hr Wi 0 the audience Or people watching something going on F do you think the quote means then? es jam 1 that a fool js Semeotie who has an itopinion diiiching and soe naerow-minded 10 consider ee. with @ narrow-minded person, you won't change his itis Wwatste 0} Ee ee page Nt eae you Sieieuky svinyy 29 nnn Aunt @ nario 2856 foamy? Vous, Minstelis was making a joke with a serious message. The Universe ix supposed (9 be infinite — so big it can’t be measured. So he As dhying that human stupidity is actually bigger than the universe =, 7? Was Binstein a snob then, because he was so much aimarter than everyone? Maha, No, 8 ‘The quote means that while humans think ‘dey. are simiart, they are actually really dumb Wut Uhave good grades. | am not stupid, Pini, Yea, an individual person can be intelligent, but there is a big oa in being intelligent and in being wise. ceseeasl is intelligent will have a high 1Q and get high scores on tests. Someone who is wise shows good judgment with their behavior and decisions in their life. 41 =< How can an intelligent person not be wise? ‘Phat is easy, easy, Ail you need to do is to read the newspaper every day to ee how so many people in this world luck wisdom, ‘The newspaper 1s filled with stories of intelligent people who are corrupt, commit ‘crimes and $0.68, I believe Bingtein is stating that our greed and our {gnorainice are infinite and it results in people doing stupid things, every dity. Fee 0 11. I guess: “5.1. Will you hold: ah. ANI} [> Fuoriadil 6 unsims 2556 ries 99) O80. 11.1, That makes more sense 2, Something's got to give 3. Too good to be true 4, Put two and two together 5. Keep up the good work Conversation 3 At the mall Siriruk: It’s great'to get away from our assignments. Why is it-so busy at the mall? Pathara: = Yeah, 12 A new. book or movie would be goad to get. 1 have no idea why it is so busy though. Siriruk: Hey look, a new smart phone is out. That is why so many people are lining up for that. Pathara: Let's go to the other side of the mail then. | want to avoid this crowd. Sirirtik: ” Maybe you should buy a new smart phone; you are still using a phone from almost 10 years ago, Pathara: 13 . Asa phone, mine is still working just fine Siriruk: But it is so big. it looks like a bomb. Patharay Haha, funny. Siriruk: You know you might have more friends if you had the latest phone : People will think that you are coo! and up-to-date. Wo : ma yourself and buy one? a __. This is a perfect example of what ih being a person of material goods. ANTE could improve your image- Pathara: ation 29 amndingu : wh 8 Fuwriindll 6 unsiew 2556 Biaicrecc TNT OO: 10.00 . You've got to be kidding No joke No thanks Not a chance No doubt No such luck . don’t tell a soul don’t speak so soon .. don’t waste my time don’t sweat the small stuff don’t say such a ridiculous thing ~ Leave it to me . Pm just saying . Just biding my time . You can say that again . That’s just what you need rich and famous indifferent and contented bright and smart . fake and superficial knowledgeable and practical Now you are talking Sorry that asked . Don’t be so serious What can I tell you Ai wh 10 aoe 1701 0830+ 10.00 4 Il; READING (40 items) 1 Graph and Ads @ items) ‘Directions: Study the ads and choose the best answers to the questions ee using the information given. ‘Don’t let the energy and excitement of this summer break pass you by! Nev - ‘beginnings and new learning opportunities in the University of South Carolin: (USC) summer school “are open to those seeking io expand and advance skill: and knowledge in language and literature. Many can be taken for college credit Here is one choice to pick. _ Book Week » June 12 i Join faculty and students from the children’s language learning program in th tof Curriculum and Instruction reviewing the best in books for youn _ readers. Acclaimed author and literacy expert members from Australia wil speak. On-hands opportunities are provided for those interested in literary opriarr wi 12 191 08.30- 19.00 4. - THERAPEUTIC CLONING 101 _NBERAPEUTIC CLONING 101 ” Deciors bemeve stem cell produced through therapeutic cloning could one “place damaged tissues all aver the body. A iook day be Used td repait or e wm Nerve Ce 1“penucteated™ege: The pucieus of atreag cell— and the DNA E contains ex removed — the egg 8. Cuttivating stem cells: 4. Treatment The ster remaingintact. Chernicals are used to calls Gould then be : activate the egg. and soon, jrawn jnite any ot a Small cluster of celts called fur oil types Fotient cell abisstocyst forms. Calls trom and used to treat the 2. DNA trasster: The nucleus = this cluster fise-to embryonic patiant, “atone ofthepatient’abedycols, stem cells, _ which notds the pationt's genetic smatenal is wansterred to the e909, atin 29 mwWanqu win id Juoriadh 6 unsims 2556 shennan £2801 08.30 - 10,00 1 Fa Ne le gare ee rm 27. What property do nerve cell, blood cell, brain cell, and muscle cell have | common? 1. Their curing purpose. 2. Their cellular connection. 3, Their DNA ingredients 4. Their cell formation, 5. Their treatment for sickness, 28%. According to the information given in the chart, what does therapeut cloning 101 most likely lead to? 1, Future remedy for sicknesses and injuries. 2. Replacement of all kinds of human beings. 3. Networking of nerve cell, blood cell, brain cell, and muscle cell 4. Treatment of patients with various Kinds of therapy requirements 5. Successful DNA transfer. poly ANE) | wn 10 that goods ate delivered quickly and safely, 15 aceess code received peerage ce : : young consumers adelivery. said they age less willing than older Businesses sufter as a result. buying products froma. to the Interactive. Media’ i association. Customers and sellers should welcome h new way to er increasing!y not to honte addresses Dut to loeal up. This summer Amazon, met network of delivery lockers in local cities as well as in London. A locker even bigger locker networks, Some shoppers are willing m1 pay firm, charges shoppers about £2 Tacations around. the country. “Other 2Ocan seve tots. of money: by sending | delivery is guaranteed, so they ar sev) 29. nnindanqu YIFI wh mere NIETS Ywortiad 6 wnsinw ass6 meetin (201 08.30 - 1 29. What does this Passage chiefly deal with? 1. Delivery firms 2. Delivery lockers Delivering goods ts Us fb . Pick-up services. >. Locker networks. 30. Why do many people avoid shopping online? « Menacing dogs . Doorstep thieves Unanswered doorbell . Troublesome deliveries . Waiting for the mailmen aa od TR pas ad - Which of the following is NOT offered as new deli, ery ad - Comfort. « Safety * - Convenience. . Reliability, » Security A £30). ANIC} in Be ko wih 18 vores | 4901 08.30 - 10.00 U1. “Seieritists have thought that humans only started emitting significant quantities of greenhouse gases in the 19th century, after the Industrial Revolution tack hold. But a study in Nature today suggests that our history ‘Hs heavy emitters stretches back much farther, to the charcoal fires of the 5. Roman Empire and the intensive agriculture of Han China. ‘To examine carbon emissions past, the research team analyzed more than 50 ice cores fvom Greenland, gauging levels of the greenhouse gas methane in Lavth's atmosphere going back to 100 B.C. They looked at specific carbon _ Sigoatures In the methane to determine whether it came from burning coal 10 and other material or a natural biological process, then used mathematical models to further narrow down manmade emissions from naturally occurring ones, Human emissions, they found, were noticeable, though minuscule compared. i post-industrial levels; only perhaps 10% human methane ~ emissions ayer the past 2,000 years were produced before 1800. For a time 15 “When there were far fewer people around, however, that’s still a lot of Mhethine to be sending off into the atmosphere. ‘While: our current technologies and our sheer numbers mean we're emitting _ grsenhouse gases at astonishing rates today, this study shows it’s a far older pattem than seientists believed, And climate models, which often use pre- 0. Industri levels ay a baseline, may eventually have to be updated to reflect cone tong past as polluters. Aah ANE} | 4. From a legend. 5. From a field statin 29 onndangy IVIFI. wiht Fuowind! 6 ansray 2556 senacnsnenmies wees 7817 08,30 ~ 10,0014, 39, Which of these statements do we learn from the passage? 1, Char¢oal fire was the only cause of pollution 100 BC back. 2. Before the industrial revolution there was no pollution, 3. The latest high technology was used in the research, 4. Ice cores were used to analyze the carbon signatures 5. Human beings 2000 years back caused pollution more than now 40. What is the writer's purpose of writing this passage’ 1. To campaign for the reduction of natural or manmade pollution with new technology. 2. To convince that people nowadays cause pollution less than those in the past, 3. To remind researchers to push back the date of first pollution before the industrial revolution, 4, To blame the misunderstanding of the cause of pollution to the old scientists §. To update about the new technology used in finding the carbon signatures. Apia lots. ot beau? look fort Want to eat healthy, But what Hit mean What people think, aren't that: Siete front Aig niece bras oy ‘checkout? Phat’s the question raised opie at Stanford Universit published this, week, on that the: benefits af organic grown produce, meats, egas and cheeses are ; owhen compare. their non-organic counterparts; Not only were faods labeled organic no 1 nutritious than other foods, which tend to be substantially fess exper Moreover, the researchers. found that the ni and vegetables depended more on ripeness, soil and climate than on low they were farmed, Organje produce generally had higher level phosphorus and compounds known as phenols, which may help pr some cancers: But the differences were so: tiny researchers couldn't sure they conferred any overall health benefit. Meanwhile, some non- strains of fruits and vegetables actually had and anti-oxid: thai their pricier organic cousins, : 3 ~ Will any of this discourage | wh 22 SS 907 08.30- 10,00 1, M it, Organic farmers not only avoid the intensive use of pesticides ect their plants, they also employ techniques like crop rotation and lizers that don’t produce harmful agricultural runoff. to rivers and streams. farming has the potential to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions ‘Contribute to climate change. For many people, a healthier planet is as @ reason as any for eating organic, regardless of the health advantages foods confer, ic foods are quite different from non-organic counterparts, of people are misled by the words “organically grown’. Which is NOT the trues! « Non-organie foods Non-organi¢ foods are ina oe “3, Health benefits of organic a ‘different, i » 4. Both organie.and voor od cn be comand by bacteria ) = other dangerous gernis. i 5. Organically grown produce, meats, eggs and cee are more del _. than their Wijeesteaer lio i 44, How are the ideas of the pasagemsily develope 4. Through general analysis. 2. Through specific details. . Through chronological order, . hat Gonctusiog oan be draws fhom the passage? BBersotny healthier tifestyte is unneascleahle. wai organic foods. aS the research findings, the growth of organic. food business is fntellectual property dhe ie bed od he pocion. tt eee ek Creativity, Ht issusnally cheaper to copy something than create somes): » Wholly new. If immovatars are not protected against imitation. they will» SPSS eibeslontvaliwrbicat tate how the soy Bos 2 ‘The real world, fallen different Story, Imitation the een . 4A Enormous amount of innoVation. Rules against copying ate sone, So aD rte to sone down innovation. eps atic ‘often central to eneativity, i look cats cop ylig be bebe theish® Receuse it ean-enable as well as inhibit 10 innovation. When Wwe think of innovation, we ysually picture a lonely ac © toiling away until he or she finally: has an “aha!” moment. fe fact, innos at po chemi collective und competitive process. And the abilin. bition: existing creative work — to tweak and refite it is critical to! : ‘Greation of new and better things, ‘Once we look, We sce examples ail around us. Thomas Edison's fight bulb ler oo Shakespeare's "Romeo anv ed from earlier writers, | "West Side Story” in turn drew Kind copying and tweaking often leads \ | r variations on a theme ~~ and more consumers. Copying can also drive the edie oars Aad Copying car for originators, one that carries even expand | 5 bh [PN And it is not, Just 5 inning A\ P ie heck ask Apple, From o ‘beginning Apple was an 4 Interview, Steve Joby invoked Picasso's ulleged dictum that "yood Copy, great artists steal,” Jobs went on fo say that at Apple, "We have s been shameless about stealing great ideas.” )Was right. While he has often been invoked as a visionary, he was, as colm Gladwell recently described, “the greatest tweaker of his ition.” On a visit in 1979 to the Xerox research center in Palo Alto, he ne fascinated with a Xerox prototype computer that used 8 mouge and N icons. Jobs (and company) took ideas he'd seen at Xerox, refined and made them central features of the Macintosh, at is the writer's purpose of this passage?” accuse that copying is harmful, ‘stress the importance of intellectual property law. 9 discuss the right balance between competition and copying. convince that innovation is impossible without copying. the writer use most to develop his points? f t does sific examples. 1. tis a moment of enlightenment. 2. It is. a competition for excellence. 5, Itinvolves.@ group off people cunning business together 54. Which of the following is NOT what the writer uses fo Support bis =: by mentioning Edison's light bulb and Stakcspearc’s s"Reemee and Jo mh 28 1907 08.30~-10.00 u. thoughts. people’s thoughts and comments about him. does the writer’s final remark suggest? “the best ttle for the passage? ement of Intellectual AUD Crean FHT 08.30 - 10.004, iid 29 mwndanqy | huoviindil 6 aunsinai 2556 SECTION IFl: WRITING (20 ITEMS) Directions; Read the passages below and select the best word choices to complete the passages. Cloze Passage 1 Dear Sir/Madam eee comes. 4612. your website last week been. English for many years at a public high schoo! i — skills. 62. me if you have any )__. what are the sta starting dates, and hon w tion. Fate single coins availeble? _ 64 ees Cote Send me more information about NDo meals include with VAre meals included in “Will meals be included with © meats included to meals include in d be grateful if ‘appreciated if could be grateful that il appreciate that a be : jated that eee a. ceoenibsioimeiss 1307 08.30 ~ 20.00 1. Par 1.000 Peapie 4960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1900 1995 2000 Rates of smoking in Ireland ~men and women The praph compares the rate of smoking in men and women in Ireland betweer wears 1960 and 2000. It 66 that the rate of smoking for both n women is currently declining and that fewer women have smoked throughout this period. |, 600 in every 1,000 men were smoking. This number 67__ te by ‘1974 and continued to diminish more steeply to. 250. in 2000. , the rate of smoking in women in 1960 was very low at only 80 1,000. By 1968, this number increased to 170, and increased again 20 in 1977. The rate of female smokets then = 69. at ‘1984 at which Soe began to — ae 2 | wih 32 cues. 1907 08.30 - 10.00 14, fate of smoking in women increased until 1977 but then decreased Of this period, ‘be crystal clear be clearly seen ‘obviously see Id be obviously seen Bill sce tlearly Mihereased slightly Seat have’ known: for a ie | small children aré phenomenally quick on the uptake, 72, of their systematically exploring the world through trial and error, and they ¢ ———73____ stem like complex concepts very quickly. Babies, we know, an intuitive ‘grasp of probability. Tn one experiment, researchers showed babics box filled mostly with white balls and a few red ones, then drew out a sample of balls and showed it to the baby, If the sample was mostly red. balls, the bab) fooked longer at it than ___74_____ mostly white balls. The infant knew ths: drawing several red balls out of the bin was unlikely, and therefore noteworthy ‘Toddlers, multiple experiments haye shown. can test hypotheses about how machines work for example, they can —_75__ ‘which blocks made < machine play when some bt ot blocks trigger the toy. ile 71. most new Mie that babi ave Sera mes 9987 0830 <1 omc be nab al vrcmma (901 88.30 ~ 10.00 1 aie : a Part Tl Paragraph Organization (5 items) Directions: Choose the correct answers that show the logical sequences. 76, A. He walks with pride and grace, performing a dance of disdain as he slowly lifts and lowers each paw with the delicacy of a ballet dancer ar enjoys TV commercials, especially those for Meow Mix and 9 dives. His familiarity with cat food commercials tias led him to reject generic brands of vat food in favor of only the most expensive brands. » Kenny is my beautiful gray Persian cat. His pride; however, does not extend tw his appearatice, for he spends moat ofhis time indoors watching television and growing fit. oo > ng f 2. 3 4. fi awh 36 seme! 1907. 08.30 10,00 UW. good news is that there is heip for many of these people, and steps you can take to get a good night’s sleep. of that, these people tend to have higher rates of depression, heart ASeS, accidents, and missed work or school. many of us, this can be simply caused by stressed, but for a large : “percentage of the population, about 1/3, this occurs nightly and can even ent those people from functioning properly during the day, ‘Many of us have dealt with insomnia at one point or another in our life. of the most important steps in getting a good sleep is simply to be fortable; this includes sleeping in a quieter room, or even wearing ‘Those who are dieting can talk toa a plan for them, People looking to lose weight have a few options: exercise, dict, weight loss pills. and surgery. - : iduals who are severely overweight can talk to a doctor about In ing surgery to lose the weight that they need, a Exercising involves going toa gym, working out at home, or joining ar tacks pe taken, if proper preeautions and directions are 37 1701 08.30- 10.00, WA foe Ca ene be on B. [hese vitatnins contain aitioxidant properties which ean help preven: c. indi, ee so many Sie nfs you sud on eating black pepper. DB There are also many vitamins in black pepper, including vitamins K, A, Cyand 8: E Did You know that there are many health benefits you can get from 1 ACA 2. B-DCE-A DAL 4,D-EA-C-B SADR 0, A. With the today's age, one day soon these robot : there't is no definitive answer to that ve «am mae de OP Sciences had a team that created

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