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Steam Generator Tube Failures

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The document provides an overview of steam generator tube failures and their impact on plant safety. It discusses degradation mechanisms, failure mechanisms, inspection requirements, and risk significance.

The document covers pressurized water reactors, CANDU reactors, Russian WER reactors, steam generator degradation, tube ruptures, thermal-hydraulic response, risk significance of ruptures, inspection criteria in different countries, and defect detection reliability.

Degradation mechanisms discussed include corrosion, wear, stress corrosion cracking, and others which can be difficult to detect and predict.



Steam Generator Tube Failures

HAY 2 2 t99S

Prepared by
P. E. MacDonald, V. N. Shah, L. W. Ward, P. G. Ellison

Idaho National Engineering Laboratory

Lockheed Idaho Technologies Company

Prepared for
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States
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manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views
and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the
United States Government or any agency thereof.




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Steam Generator Tube Failures

Manuscript Completed: April 1996

Date Published: April 1996
Prepared by
P. E. MacDonald, V. N. Shah, L. W. Ward, P. G. Ellison

Idaho National Engineering Laboratory

Lockheed Idaho Technologies Company
Idaho Falls, ID 84315

J. R. Boardman, NRC Project Manager

Prepared for
Safety Programs Division
Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, DC 20555-0001
NRC Job Code E8238

NUREG/CR-6365 has been reproduced

from the best available copy.

A review and summary of the available information on steam generator tubing failures and the
impact of these failures on plant safety is presented. The following topics are covered: pressurized
water reactor (PWR), Canadian deuterium uranium (CANDU) reactor, and Russian water
moderated, water cooled energy reactor (VVER) steam generator degradation, PWR steam
generator tube ruptures, the thermal-hydraulic response of a PWR plant with a faulted steam
generator, the risk significance of steam generator tube rupture accidents, tubing inspection
requirements and fitness-for-service criteria in various countries, and defect detection reliability
and sizing accuracy.
A significant number of steam generator tubes are defective and are removed from service or
repaired each year. This wide spread damage has been caused by many diverse degradation
mechanisms, some of which are difficult to detect and predict. In addition, spontaneous tube
ruptures have occurred at the rate of about one every 2 years over the last 20 years, and incipient
tube ruptures (tube failures usually identified with leak detection monitors just before rupture) have
been occurring at the rate of about one per year. These ruptures have caused complex plant
transients which have not always been easy for the reactor operators to control. Also, nuclear
power plant design basis accidents, such as a main steam line break, may cause multiple failures
of badly degraded steam generator tubes. Our analysis shows that if more than 15 tubes rupture
during a main steam line break, the system response could lead to core melting. Although
spontaneous and induced steam generator tube ruptures are small contributors to the total core
damage frequency calculated in probabilistic risk assessments, they are risk significant because the
radionuclides are likely to bypass the reactor containment building. The frequency of steam
generator tube ruptures can be significantly reduced through appropriate and timely inspections and
repairs or removal from service. However, a continuing issue has been exactly what constitutes
an appropriate and timely inspection and which degraded tubes are still fit for service. There have
been many different approaches to this problem throughout the world. Also, the most widely used
inspection equipment is not able to detect and size all the degradation of concern.

Job Code E8238-Specialized Technical Assistance




















Pressurized Water Reactor Recirculating Steam Generators


CANDU Reactor Recirculating Steam Generators


Pressurized Water Reactor Once-Through Steam Generators



Russian VVER Steam Generators



Codes and Specifications



Fabrication and Materials

Heat Exchanger Tubes
Tube Installation in the Tubesheet
Tube Supports
Steam Generator Shells and Feedwater Nozzles







Summary of the PWR and CANDU Tube Degradation Problems



Pressurized Water Reactor and CANDU Reactor Recirculating Steam

Generator Tubes
Primary Water Stress Corrosion Cracking
Outside Diameter Stress Corrosion Cracking
Fretting, Wear and Thinning
High-Cycle Fatigue




Pressurized Water Reactor Once-Through Steam Generator Tubes

3.3.1 Erosion-Corrosion
3.3.2 High-Cycle Fatigue
3.3.3 Low-Temperature Primary-Side Stress Corrosion Cracking
3.3.4 Outside Diameter Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking and
Intergranular Attack



Russian VVER Steam Generator Tubes



Steam Generator Tubing Residual Life Estimates



Pressurized Water Reactor and CANDU Reactor Steam Generator Shell,

Feedwater Nozzle, and Tubesheet Degradation
3.6.1 PWR Steam Generator Shells
3.6.2 Feedwater Nozzles
3.6.3 Erosion-Corrosion of the Thermal Sleeves, J-tubes, Feedrings, and
Divider Plates






Russian VVER Collector, Shell, and Feedwater Distribution System Degradation . . . . 73

3.7.1 Stress Corrosion Cracking of the WER-1000 Collectors
3.7.2 Erosion-Corrosion of the WER Feedwater Distribution Systems
3.7.3 Failure of Collector Cover Bolts




Point Beach Unit 1

4.1.1 Cause of the Tube Rupture
4.1.2 Plant Transient
4.1.3 Operator Actions
4.1.4 Environmental Impact
4.1.5 Remedial Actions



Surry Unit 2
4.2.1 Cause of the Tube Rupture
4.2.2 Plant Transient
4.2.3 Operator Actions
4.2.4 Environmental Impact
4.2.5 Remedial Actions



Doel Unit 2
4.3.1 Cause of the Tube Rupture
4.3.2 Plant Transient
4.3.3 Operator Actions
4.3.4 Environmental Impact
4.3.5 Remedial Actions






Island Unit 1
Cause of the Tube Rupture
Plant Transient
Operator Actions
Environmental Impact
Remedial Actions



Ginna Unit 1
Cause of the Tube Rupture
Plant Transient
Operator Actions
Environmental Impact
Remedial Actions



Fort Calhoun
Cause of the Tube Rupture
Plant Transient
Operator Actions
Environmental Impact
Remedial Actions



North Anna Unit 1

Cause of the Tube Rupture
Plant Transient
Operator Actions
Environmental Impact
Remedial Actions



McGuire Unit 1
Cause of the Tube Rupture
Plant Transient
Operator Actions
Environmental Impact
Remedial Actions




Unit 2
Cause of the Tube Rupture
Plant Transient
Operator Actions
Environmental Impact
Remedial Actions


4.10 Palo Verde Unit 2

4.10.1 Cause of the Tube Rupture
4.10.2 Plant Transient
4.10.3 Operator Actions
4.10.4 Environmental Impact
4.10.5 Remedial Actions




4.11 Summary and Comparison of the Information from the Ten Steam Generator
Tube Ruptures
4.12 Incipient Tube Rupture Events






Surry Plant and RELAP5 Model



Evaluation of the Steam Generator Tube Rupture Event



Results of the RELAP5 Simulation of a Double-Ended Rupture of a Steam

Generator Tube
Results of the RELAP5 Simulation of a Steam Line Break with One Steam
Generator Tube Failed
Results of the RELAP5 Simulation of a Steam Line Break with 15 Steam
Generator Tubes Failed





Results of the RELAP5 Simulation of a Steam Line Break with 15 Steam

Generator Tubes Failed and No Operator Actions



Operator Actions During Combined Steam Line Break-Tube Rupture Events












U.S. Individual Plant Examination Core Damage Frequency and Risk Profile



Steam Generator Tube Rupture Risk Contributions

6.3.1 Spontaneous Steam Generator Tube Rupture



Induced Steam Generator Tube Rupture



Risk Significant Steam Generator Tube Rupture Failures



Containment Bypass



Steam Generator Tube Degradation



Conditional Tube Rupture Probability

6.7.1 Initiating Events
6.7.2 Screening Analysis Methodology




Screening Computation of Induced Steam Generator Tube Rupture

Identification and Selection of Dominant Induced Steam Generator
Tube Rupture Accident Contributors
Mechanistic Induced Steam Generator Tube Rupture Frequency
Typical Values for the Induced Steam Generator Tube Rupture
Containment Bypass Frequencies



Coolant System Natural Circulation

Importance of Natural Circulation Flows
Hot Leg Countercurrent Flow in Recirculating Steam Generators
Coolant Loop Flow
Description of Scenarios Leading to Natural Circulation








Tubing Inspection Requirements

7.1.1 Tubing Inspection Requirements in the United States
7.1.2 Tubing Inspection Requirements in the Czech Republic
7.1.3 Tubing Inspection Requirements in France
7.1.4 Tubing Inspection Requirements in Germany
7.1.5 Tubing Inspection Requirements in Japan
7.1.6 Tubing Inspection Requirements in Russia
7.1.7 Tubing Inspection Requirements in Slovenia
7.1.8 Tubing Inspection Requirements in Spain
7.1.9 Tubing Inspection Requirements in Sweden
7.1.10 Tubing Inspection Requirements in Switzerland
7.1.11 EPRI Tubing Inspection Recommendations



Tubing Repair Criteria

7.2.1 Generic Fitness-For-Service Criteria
7.2.2 Defect Type and Location Specific Repair Criteria



Tubing Fitness-For-Service Guidelines in Various Countries

7.3.1 Regulatory Practices and Fitness-For-Service Guidelines in the
United States
7.3.2 Alternative U.S. Fitness-For-Service Guidelines for Outside Diameter
IGSCC/IGA at Tube Support Plates
7.3.3 Alternative U.S. Fitness-For-Service Guidelines for PWSCC in the Roll
Transition Region Proposed by EPRI
7.3.4 Other Alternative Fitness-For-Service Guidelines in the U.S
7.3.5 Regulatory Practices and Fitness-For-Service Guidelines in Belgium
7.3.6 Fitness-for-Service Guidelines in Canada
7.3.7 Regulatory Practices and Fitness-For-Service Guidelines in the
Czech Republic
7.3.8 Regulatory Practices and Fitness-For-Service Guidelines in France
7.3.9 Regulatory Practices and Fitness-For-Service Guidelines in Germany







Regulatory Practices and Fitness-For-Service Guidelines

Regulatory Practices and Fitness-For-Service Guidelines
Regulatory Practices and Fitness-For-Service Guidelines
Regulatory Practices and Fitness-For-Service Guidelines
Regulatory Practices and Fitness-For-Service Guidelines
Fitness-For-Service Guidelines in Switzerland

in Japan
in Russia
in Slovenia
in Spain
in Sweden






Conventional Eddy-Current Techniques

Principles of Eddy-Current Testing
Basic Probes
Multifrequency/Multiparameter Eddy-Current Methods



Advanced Eddy-Current Techniques

Rotating Pancake Coil
Array Probes
Transmit/Receive Probes
Sleeve Inspection
Inspection of Nickel Plated Tubing
Inspection of Mechanical Plugs



Ultrasonic Testing



Limitations of Inservice Inspection Methods for Steam Generator Tubes

Primary Water Stress Corrosion Cracking
Intergranular Attack
Outside Diameter Stress Corrosion Cracking
High-Cycle Fatigue













PWR recirculating steam generator cross section


Cut-away view of a typical recirculating steam generator


Typical design of a steam generator with a preheater


Typical tube patterns



CANDU Recirculating Steam Generator used at the Darlington Station



PWR once-through steam generator cross section



VVER-440 steam generator (side view)



VVER-440 steam generator (end view)



Cut-away drawing of a VVER-1000 steam generator



VVER-1000 steam generator (end view)



Top view sketch of the tube layout in VVER-440 and VVER-1000 steam generators



Basic arrangement of the heat exchanger tubes and headers used in VVER-1000
steam generators


10. Profilometry readings from a typical tube in one of the Siemens/KWU replacement


steam generators for Ringhals Unit 2


Typical tube support configurations


12. Typical steam generator tube support layouts used in the United States with tube


support plate and tubesheet nomenclature


Typical recirculating steam generator antivibration bar arrangement


14. Typical CANDU steam generator tube support structures


15. PWR steam generator showing shell welds

16a. Typical Westinghouse feedwater nozzle and thermal sleeve design with the sites
susceptible to high-cycle thermal fatigue damage caused by turbulent mixing of
leaking feedwater and hot steam generator coolant identified
16b. Westinghouse feedwater piping-to-nozzle weld design at the D.C. Cook plant


with crack locations identified


17. Percentage of PWR and CANDU steam generator tubes plugged



18. Worldwide causes of steam generator plugging


19. Locations of known tube wall degradations in recirculating steam generators



Degradation mechanisms and locations in CANDU recirculating steam generators



Schematic diagram showing the influence of nickel content on the cracking processes
occurring in three steam generator tubing materials stressed slightly above the yield
point in 350C water


Effect of austenitic alloy chromium content on material lost due to corrosion to

deaerated, borated water flowing at a velocity of 5.5 m/s


Resistance to stress corrosion cracking of mill-annealed or heat treated Alloy 600,

Alloy 690, Alloy 800, and Type 316 stainless steel as a function of sodium hydroxide
concentration at 350C



CANDU recirculating steam generators staggered scallop bar arrangement



Preheater cross sections



Weibull analysis of data for PWSCC at hot leg roll transitions and rolled area below



the top of the tubesheet for plants with full depth rolls


27. Phenomena occurring during erosion-corrosion



Ginna B steam generator hot leg tubesheet map before event of January 25, 1982



Photograph of segment of ruptured tube (R42-C55) removed from the Ginna

steam generator
Schematic diagram of Westinghouse-designed pressurized water reactor of Rochester
Gas and Electric Corporation's Ginna Nuclear Power Plant


Ginna reactor coolant and steam generator parameters as a function of time,

January 25, 1982




32. North Anna Unit 1 reactor coolant system pressure versus time during the first
58 minutes of the transient




North Anna Unit 1 pressurizer level versus time during the first 58 minutes
of the transient


North Anna Unit 1 reactor coolant system temperature versus time during the
first 55 minutes of the transient


Time-dependent leakage curve






Pressurizer level during the first 39 minutes of the McGuire Unit 1 steam
generator tube rupture event of March 7 and 8, 1989


Reactor coolant system and B steam generator secondary side pressure during
the McGuire Unit 1 steam generator tube rupture event of March 7 and 8, 1989



Palo Verde Upper Tube Bundle Geometry on the hot leg side



Palo Verde steam generator cross section in the region of the tube bundle with
the ruptured tube



Surry Reactor vessel nodalization



Surry primary coolant loop C nodalization



Pressurizer pressure vs. time



Pressurizer level vs. time



Break and high pressure safety injection flow vs. time



Steam generator secondary pressure vs. time



Primary steam generator and secondary pressure vs. time



Secondary relief valve flow rate vs. time



Reactor coolant system subcooling vs. time



Failed steam generator wide and narrow range levels vs. time



Residual heat removal system inlet and outlet temperatures vs. time



Pressurizer spray flow rate vs. time



Reactor coolant system letdown flow rate vs. time



Reactor coolant pump velocity vs. time



Pressurizer pressure vs. time



Pressurizer level vs. time



Reactor vessel level vs. time



Reactor coolant system hot leg temperature vs. time



Break and high pressure safety injection flow rates vs. time



Integrated safety injection flow vs. time



60. Residual heat removal system inlet and outlet temperature vs. time


61. Failed steam generator secondary pressure vs. time


62. Failed steam line break flow rate vs. time


63. Pressurizer PORV flow rate vs. time


64. Reactor coolant pump speed vs. time


65. Intact steam generator pressure vs. time


66. Steam generator steam dump flow rate vs. time


67. Pressurizer pressure vs. time


68. Pressurizer level vs. time


69. Reactor vessel level vs. time


70. Hot leg temperature vs. time


71. Break and emergency core cooling injection flow rates vs. time


72. Integrated safety injection flow vs. time


73. Residual heat removal system inlet and outlet temperatures vs. time


74. Pressurizer pressure vs. time


75. Reactor coolant system hot leg temperature vs. time


76. Integrated emergency core cooling injection flow vs. time


77. Fuel rod cladding surface temperature vs. time


78. The U.S. nuclear power plants' core damage frequency distribution as reported to
the U.S. NRC by the IPE programs


79. Typical steam generator tube rupture contribution to the total core damage frequency


80. Steam generator tube rupture contribution to the total containment bypass fraction
at the Sequoyah nuclear power plant
81. Comparison of two different conditional tube rupture probability screening methods


82. Estimated steam generator tube failure probability as a function of pressure and
crack depth





Demonstration of induced steam generator tube rupture frequency for a single

defective tube


84. Hot leg natural circulation stream flows


85. Typical eddy-current signal displayed on a cathode ray tube


86. Eddy-current bobbin probe with flexible wafter guides, used for inspection
of steam generator tubesheet rolled joints


87. Schematic showing (a) the location of the probe coils in an ac bridge circuit,
(b) an absolute probe configuration, and (c) a differential probe configuration


88. Eddy-current signals from a typical calibration tube using (a) an absolute probe
and (b) a differential probe


89. A cross section of an eddy-current probe showing how the spring loaded pancake
coil is arranged in an absolute mode


90. Typical differential hybrid coil arrangement


91. Example of support-plate suppression: (a) shows a normal single-frequency

response from a 60% flaw, (b) shows the same response when the flaw is under
a support plate, (c) shows the response of a three-frequency multi-parameter mix


92. Illustration of a motorized rotating pancake coil helical scan


93. Schematic of a shielded 3-coil motorized rotating pancake coil probe


94. A multiple coil probe for detecting circumferential cracks in steam generator tubing


95. Typical hybrid-expansion-joint sleeve installation


96. Configuration of hybrid-expansion-joint


97. Schematic of a cross wound bobbin coil probe for sleeve inspections


98. Schematic of the "I" type motorized rotating pancake coil probe for sleeve inspections

. . . . 224

99. Orientation of the coils in the Zetec Plus-Point probe and typical responses from a weld
scan with the probe configured in the standard differential mode


100. Nickel plating of a roll-transition region with PWSCC cracks


101. Sketches of unexpanded and expanded mechanical plugs


102. Schematic of rotating ultrasonic beam scanning device


103. Comparison of actual arc length of circumferential cracks in pulled tubes with the
ones estimated using eddy-current inspection

104. Comparison of actual arc length of circumferential ODSCC cracks in pulled tubes
with the ones estimated using eddy-current inspection


A-l. RHR primary inlet and outlet temperatures


A-2. RHR shell side temperatures



Typical U.S. steam generator models and their parameters


Typical Mitsubishi Heavy Industries recirculating steam generator models and

their parameters



Typical Siemens/KWU recirculating steam generators and their parameters



VVER steam generator parameters



Chemical composition of typical tubing materials



Units reporting steam generator problems



PWR plants with more than 2,000 steam generator tubes plugged or sleeved



Summary of PWR recirculating steam generator tube degradation processes



Summary of major CANDU steam generator degradation


10. Summary of once-through steam generator tube degradation processes

Summary of degradation processes for PWR feedwater nozzles and steam
generator shell
12. Summary of the leak rate, degradation mechanism, rupture size, rupture location,





and stressor information associated with the ten ruptures discussed in Section 4


Summary of plant transient information


14. Recent incipient steam generator tube rupture events

Double-ended failure of a steam generator tube: sequence of events and key
16. Steam line break with one steam generator tube failed: sequence of events and key




xv l


17. Steam line break with 15 steam generator tubes failed: sequence of events and key


18. U.S. PWR IPE results


19. Identification of initiating events


20. Impact of the number of tubes failed on defense in depth


21. Information of screening induced steam generator tube rupture


22. Steam generator tubing inspection guidelines


23. Steam generator tube inspection requirements in the United States


24. General information on repair criteria currently implemented


25. Fitness-for-service guidelines in eight countries


26. Sites, typical characteristics, and inspection of steam generator tube damage




defects near, or beyond the limits set by their

The steam generators in the pressurized water
reactor (PWR), Canadian deuterium uranium
(CANDU) reactor, and Russian water moderated,
water cooled energy reactor (VVER) plants are
large heat exchangers that use the heat from the
primary reactor coolant to make steam in the
secondary-side to drive turbine generators. The
primary reactor coolant passes through the tubes
and boils water on the outside of the tubes
(secondary-side) to make steam. The design
confines radioactivity from neutron activation or
fission products to the primary coolant during
normal operation. However, the primary reactor
coolant is at a higher pressure than the secondary
coolant, so any leakage from defects in the tubes
(or in the VVER collectors or PWR tubesheets)
is from the primary to the secondary-side, and
rupture of the heat exchanger tubing can result in
release of radioactivity to the environment
outside the reactor containment through the
pressure relief valves, the condenser off-gas, or
other paths in the secondary system.

The relative impact of the tube degradation

mechanisms on overall PWR steam generator
performance has dramatically changed over time.
Phosphate wastage was the major cause of tube
failures in PWR steam generators until about
1976. From 1976 to about 1979, denting was the
major cause of PWR steam generator tube
failures. After about 1979, a variety of corrosion
mechanism became important, including outside
diameter stress corrosion cracking/intergranular
attack (ODSCC/IGA) and pitting on the outside
diameters of the tubes and primary water stress
corrosion cracking (PWSCC) on the inside
surfaces. Fretting damage became more apparent
after about 1983. In 1994, ODSCC (42%),
PWSCC (22%), and fretting (4%) accounted for
about 68% of all the tubes plugged. However,
the degradation mechanism is unknown for a
significant number of defective tubes (about
30%). Over 50% of the PWR units worldwide
have now reported some occurrence of tube
fretting wear. Not all steam generators are degrading equally. At least 14 plants have each
plugged and sleeved over 2,000 steam generator
tubes. However, some plants report no problems, even after 5 years of operation (7-10% of
the plants report no problems after 5 years of

Steam Generator Degradation.

To prevent the release of radionuclides, the steam
generator tubing must be essentially free of
cracks, perforations, and general deterioration.
However, widespread degradation of the steam
generator tubes has occurred at a number of
plants. As a result, about one-half of the PWR
nuclear power plants in the world have been
removing from service (plugging) or repairing
(sleeving) steam generator tubes in any given
year. The number of steam generator tubes
plugged per year during the last few years has
ranged from about 10,000 to 12,000 tubes. A
total of about 48,000 tubes had been sleeved by
the end of 1994. These data indicate that at any
given time, and prior to their tubes being sleeved
or plugged, a significant number of the PWR
plant steam generators are operating with tubing

Most of the PWR and CANDU steam generator

tubes which have failed over the years have been
mill-annealed Alloy 600 tubes. However, some
failures of thermally treated Alloy 600 tubing
have been reported, primarily due to fretting and
denting; degradation mechanisms due to the
design of me support plates and antivibration bars
(AVBs) and the presence of loose parts, rather
than the tubing material. There have also been
failures of thermally treated Alloy 600 tubing due
to primary and secondary-side stress corrosion
cracking, primarily in plants with roll-transitions.


The Monel-400 tubes have also been susceptible

to pitting degradation. Tubes made of Alloy
800M and Alloy 690 have been resistant to stress
corrosion cracking and have exhibited relatively
few failures. However, there have been Alloy
800M tubing failures due to wastage and fretting
in the older Siemens/KWU steam generators.

have experience both expansion-transition and Ubend PWSCC and tubes with PWSCC at dents
have been plugged at, at least five plants.
ODSCC is a degradation mechanism which
includes both intergranular stress corrosion
cracking (IGSCC) and IGA on the outside
surfaces of the tubing. IGSCC requires the same
three conditions as PWSCC: tensile stress,
material susceptibility, and a corrosive environment (in this case, high-temperature water containing aggressive chemicals). IGA is a similar
form of attack but, unlike IGSCC, it can occur
without large tensile stresses present. The cracks
caused by IGSCC can be single cracks or
networks of multiple cracks generally oriented
normal to me maximum principal stress. The
IGA is characterized by a relatively uniform
attack on all the grain boundaries in a particular
area. Often, IGA is a precursor to IGSCC.
Most outside diameter stress corrosion cracks are
primarily oriented in the axial direction, however, significant circumferential cracking has
been observed in the expansion-transition region
of the tubing in some steam generators and
circumferential ODSCC is sometimes found near
dents. Shallow circumferential cracks may sometimes occur in the IGA affected regions producing a grid-like pattern of axial and circumferential cracks termed "cellular corrosion."

PWSCC is an intergranluar cracking mechanism

requiring at least the following conditions to be

high applied or residual tensile stress or

both (near the yield strength),

a corrosive environment (high temperature

water), and

susceptible tubing microstructure (alloy

content and few intergranular carbides).

PWSCC occurs at locations on the inside surfaces

of recirculating steam generator (RSG) tubing
with high residual stresses. These locations are
primarily the expansion-transition regions in the
tubesheets, the U-bend regions of the tubing in
the inner rows (i.e., the tubes with a small bend
radius), and any dent locations at the tube
support plate, tubesheet, or sludge pile
elevations. Both axial and circumferential cracks
can occur at some expansion-transition and dent
regions. An axial PWSCC crack will generally
leak before the critical crack size for rupture is
achieved; however, the evolution of circumferential cracks is not known and they are usually
plugged or sleeved upon detection. Tubes with
axial cracks have ruptured before the leakage was

ODSCC strongly depends on the concentration of

corrosive impurities in the steam generator. The
impurities are brought into the steam generator
with the feedwater at low concentrations as a
result of condenser in-leakage, makeup water
system impurities, corrosion of piping and heat
exchanger equipment, and condensate polisher
leakage. The bulk boiling process concentrates
the impurities over time in the steam generator
coolant and even higher impurity concentrations
form in the tubesheet and tube support plate
crevices, the sludge pile, and occasionally
between tubes in the upper free-span regions
where crud collects. The impurities concentrate
in these regions because the coolant circulation is

Approximately 14,180 RSG tubes with PWSCC

at or near the expansion-transitions have been
plugged at 85 plants, as of December 1993.
Tubes with PWSCC have also been sleeved at 17
plants. Approximately 8,430 RSG tubes with
PWSCC in the U-bend regions have also been
plugged at 63 plants. Fifty-three PWR plants



poor and local boiling or dryout (steam

blanketing) occurs.

designs at 17 plants (Westinghouse models F,

44F, and 5 IF and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
Model 5IF) as well as in the earlier model steam
generators. Steam generator tubes have also
been plugged due to AVB (batwing or vertical
strap) wear/fretting at, at least seven Combustion
Engineering designed plants and one CANDU
plant. AVB wear/fretting has also occurred in
most of the older Siemens/KWU RSGs. At least
841 tubes have been plugged because of loose
parts damage in 78 plants, although most of these
plants (44 plants) have plugged less than 10 tubes

Approximately 14,140 RSG tubes with ODSCC

at the tube support plate locations have been
plugged at 63 PWR plants, as of December 1993.
Approximately 13,860 RSG tubes with ODSCC
in the tubesheet crevice and sludge pile regions
have also been plugged at 75 PWR plants (49
PWR plants have had both tube support plate and
tubesheet ODSCC repairs). Tubes with ODSCC
have also been sleeved at 25 plants. This
degradation has occurred primarily in Combustion Engineering (8 plants) and Westinghousetype plants (79 plants) with Alloy 600 millannealed tubing. Only one tube with ODSCC
has been found in the Siemens/KWU steam
generators with Alloy 800M tubing and only one
plant with thermally treated Alloy 600 tubing has
reported ODSCC. The only CANDU plant with
extensive ODSCC has been Bruce-A2 where
1,399 tubes failed (were plugged) due to lead
assisted stress corrosion cracking. The most
extensively degraded steam generators have had
as many as 40 to 56% of all their tubes plugged
or sleeved as a result of ODSCC and have been
replaced at a number of plants (or in some cases,
the plants have been shut down). However,
similar steam generators (same model number) at
other plants have experienced only a few percent
failures due to ODSCC.

Pitting is a degradation mechanism appearing as

groups of small-diameter wall penetrations
resulting from local corrosion cells. It is probably promoted by the presence of chloride or
sulfate acids. Condenser leaks and leakage of
beads, resin fines, or regeneration chemicals
from ion exchangers can introduce impurities
such as chlorides and sulfates, which result in
local acidic conditions conducive to pitting.
Oxidizing conditions and the presence of copper
are probable accelerators. Significant pitting was
first reported in an operating PWR steam
generator about 1981. As of December 1993,
only 11 PWR plants with RSGs had plugged
tubes because of pitting and a few other plants
had reported minor pitting degradation of 15%
throughwall depth or less. However, a few
plants have experienced significant pitting

The major stressor in fretting and wear is flowinduced vibration. Tube vibration can be
induced by fluid cross flow or by parallel flow.
Initiation, stability, and growth characteristics of
damage by these mechanisms may be functions of
a large number of variables, including support
locations, stiffness of the supports, gap size
between tube and support, secondary flow
velocities and directions, and oxide layer

The term denting describes the mechanical

deformation or constriction of a tube at a carbon
steel tube support plate intersection or within the
tubesheet caused by the buildup of deposits and
the growth of a voluminous support-plate or
tubesheet corrosion product in the annulus
between the tube and support plate or tubesheet.
Dents do not themselves result in tube wall
penetration or reduction in wall integrity.
However, denting at some plants has been
sufficiently severe that it caused structural
damage to the tube supports and denting is a
concern because even small dents can induce

There have been 4,633 tubes plugged because

AVB wear/fretting, mostly in Westinghouse-type
steam generators. This damage has occurred in
the more recent Westinghouse steam generator


tensile stresses above yield strength in the tube

wall. As a result, these tubes may be subject to
PWSCC or IGSCC at the dents during
subsequent operation. As of December 1993,
1,471 RSG tubes at 41 plants (4 Combustion
Engineering and 37 Westinghouse-type plants)
had been plugged because of tubesheet and
sludge pile denting, and 9,092 RSG tubes at 17
plants (4 Combustion Engineering and 13
Westinghouse-type plants) had been plugged
because of support plate denting.

ures. The lower failure rate is attributed to the

differences in the steam generator design,
manufacturing processes, and operation. Many
of the chemical concentration processes do not
operate in once-through steam generators, as they
do in RSGs. Failures have occurred in oncethrough steam generators due to erosioncorrosion, environmentally assisted high-cycle
fatigue and low-temperature primary-side stress
corrosion cracking.
The VVER tubing has been relatively trouble
free; however, the collectors in the WER-1000
steam generators have been a problem. As of
July 1993, 33 steam generators at 8 WER-1000
plants had been replaced because of failure or the
potential of failure of the cold collectors.
Unfortunately, many (most) of the replacement
steam generators are not significantly different
than the original equipment so additional
cracking is expected. The collector cracks and
crack propagation rates can be large. Cracks up
to 1,000 mm (40 in.) in length have been found
and crack propagation rates up to six ligaments
per operating cycle have been observed.

High-cycle fatigue occurs in steam generators

with high recirculation flow factors (causing
flow-induced vibrations in the U-bend region)
and improper AVB support. A high mean stress
(e.g., residual stress) or a tube defect (fretting
mark or crack) significantly reduces the fatigue
strength. High-cycle fatigue ruptures have
occurred in the U-bend regions of the North
Anna Unit 1 and Mihama Unit 2 steam
generators. These ruptures were located high up
in the steam generator where the leak location
can more readily become uncovered by
secondary water. This can allow escape of
fission products from the primary coolant without
partitioning in the secondary water.

PWR and CANDU steam generator shell,

feedring, feedwater nozzle and divider plate
degradation has also occurred and is discussed in
the report. Erosion-corrosion of the VVER
feedwater distribution systems is also discussed.

Most of the earlier tube failures in CANDU

steam generators tubed with Alloy 600 have been
due to high-cycle fatigue. These failures were
caused by flow-induced vibration and were
initiated at either fret marks at the land area of
the upper trefoil tube support plates or more
recently at stress corrosion cracks on the outside
surfaces in the U-bend area and at the seventh
support plate. These failures continue to occur in
the older CANDU steam generators. The
resulting fatigue cracks were circumferential, but
did not lead to a tube rupture.

Steam Generator Tube Ruptures.

Ten steam generator tube ruptures have occurred
over the past 20 years at a rate of about 1 rupture
every 2 years. In addition, incipient tube rupture
events have been occurring in the U.S. at the rate
of about once a year in recent years. Five
different tube degradation mechanisms caused the
ten ruptures: three ruptures were caused by
ODSCC, two ruptures were caused by high-cycle
fatigue, two ruptures were caused by loose part
wear, two ruptures were caused by PWSCC, and
one rupture was caused by wastage.

Once-through steam generators in the United

States (U.S.) use the same Alloy 600 tubing
materials as RSGs, yet these steam generators
have experienced substantially fewer tube fail-



The rupture locations have generally been either

just above the tubesheet (three ruptures), or in
the U-bend region (six ruptures). Only the
McGuire rupture was near one of the lower
support plates. (Although the Palo Verde Unit 2
rupture was in the U-bend region, it was in the
straight portion of a row 117 tube between the
08H and 09H partial support structures.) The
ruptures caused by loose parts wear have
occurred just above the tubesheet whereas the
ruptures caused by high-cycle fatigue have
occurred just above the top tube support plate.
Any future ruptures caused by those mechanisms
will probably occur in the same locations.

Despite these variations in timing, it should also

be noted that in all cases the plants were properly
cooled down and the radioactive material releases
were small and well below regulatory limits.
Also, the operator performance was sometimes
hampered by inadequate Emergency Operating
Procedures (Palo Verde, for example) or by
defective equipment (Mihama, for example). At
other times, the operators were hampered by
plant conditions that did not allow rapid employment of Emergency Operating Procedures.
There are still numerous reasons for (a)
continued operator training on steam generator
tube ruptures, and (b) training on the recognition
of events based on the indications that are

The size and shape of the ruptures varies. Seven

of the ruptures were axial cracks ranging in size
from 32 to 250 mm (1.25-10 in.) in length.
Some of the axial crack ruptures became so
called "fishmouth" openings (4 tubes). Two of
the ruptures were 360-degree circumferential
breaks and one rupture consisted of two adjacent
bulges, each about 20 mm (0.75 in.) long. The
ten ruptures caused leak rates that ranged in size
from 425 0/min (112 gpm) to 2,900 J/min (760

For some of the incipient steam generator tube

rupture events, the operators were able to quickly
shut down the reactor and isolate the defective
steam generator. (In other cases, the cracks
stopped growing for unknown reasons.) These
actions limited the contamination of the
secondary coolant and may have prevented actual
tube rupture. Also, some of these events
demonstrated how quickly very low leak rates
can increase as the crack grows. Leak rate
monitoring programs that provide close to real
time information can limit the frequency of steam
generator tube ruptures.

During a tube rupture transient, the reactor

operators are expected to (a) maintain the
primary coolant subcooled, (b) minimize the
leakage from the reactor coolant system to the
faulted steam generator secondary side, and (c)
minimize the release of radioactive material from
the damaged steam generator. The success of the
reactor operators has been mixed, some were
slow to understand what was occurring, slow to
start reducing power, and slow to isolate the
defective steam generator. Others reduced power
and isolated the faulted steam generator
promptly. Some operators were slow to cool and
depressurize the primary system, others took
prompt action. The result was that the faulted
steam generators were overfilled in a number of
cases and more radioactive material was released
to the environment than necessary.

Thermal-hydraulic Response of a Nuclear

Power Plant.
Analyses of the spontaneous steam generator tube
rupture and combined steam line break-induced
tube rupture events are presented to demonstrate
system behavior and the associated methods for
bringing the reactor coolant system to shut down
cooling conditions while minimizing radiological
releases and controlling the reactor coolant
system inventory. Our analysis of the spontaneous steam generator tube rupture event demonstrate that, with a timely diagnosis, the break
flow and release of secondary steam from the



affected steam generator can be terminated within

1 hour of initiation of the tube failure. Cooldown
and initiation of residual heat removal for longterm cooling can be achieved in approximately 4
hours following opening of the break.

induced steam generator tube rupture is an

accident that is associated with an upset
condition. Induced steam generator tube ruptures
are conditional based on the occurrence of other
events, and the presence of severely degraded
steam generator tubes. (Note: As of April 1996
no induced steam generator tube ruptures have
occurred). The relative risk importance of
spontaneous steam generator tube ruptures and
induced steam generator tube ruptures is a
function of the amount of tube degradation found
in the steam generators. Induced steam generator
tube ruptures become more risk important than
spontaneous tube ruptures as die steam generator
tubes' ultimate pressure capacity degrades.

Following a combined steam line break-induced

tube rupture event, it is necessary to cool down
and throttle the emergency core cooling system
flow as soon as possible to prevent exhaustion of
the refueling water storage tank. Since the
combined steam line break-tube rupture event
results in exhausting the refueling water storage
tank through the secondary system, it is not
possible to develop a containment sump inventory
to eventually transfer injection from the refueling
water storage tank. As a consequence, there is
the need to more quickly cool and lower the
pressure in the reactor coolant system using the
pressurizer power operated relief valves.
Analysis of the combined steam line break-single
tube rupture event demonstrates that there is
sufficient time or about 7 hours for operator
action to cool down the reactor coolant system
and actuate the residual heat removal system to
assure long-term coolability of the core.
Analyses of the steam line break-multiple tube
failure event demonstrates that, in the unlikely
event 15 tubes are failed, operator action
within 1 hour to throttle emergency core cooling
and initiate the residual heat removal system can
assure long-term cooling. If more man 15 induced steam generator tubes rupture, the system
response could lead to core melting.

Both spontaneous and induced steam generator

tube ruptures may be risk significant due to the
fact that the radionuclides may bypass the reactor
containment building during these events.
Containment bypass events widi subsequent core
damage result in a disproportionate amount of
radionuclides being released to the environment.
This risk significant observation is valid even
though steam generator tube ruptures are small
contributors to the total core damage frequency
in most probablistic risk assessments.
As noted above, containment bypass events are
very important in understanding the risk
associated steam generator tube rupture and the
steam generator tube rupture accident's thermalhydraulic progression. The important containment bypass effects are: (a) containment bypass
influences the number, reliability, and types of
systems needed to prevent core damage from
occurring, (b) containment bypass events
influence the core damage frequency distribution
associated with a range of multiple tube rupture
events, and (c) containment bypass provides a
direct release pam to the environment for

The Risk Significance of Steam Generator

Tube Rupture Accidents.
Section 6 of mis report summarizes a few key
risk observations regarding spontaneous and
induced steam generator rupture accidents. A
spontaneous steam generator tube rupture is the
rupturing of one or more steam generator tubes
that is not caused by another event or an upset in
normal expected operational parameters. Unlike
spontaneous steam generator tube ruptures, an


The conditional probability of a steam generator

tube(s) failing is a function of me type of aging
degradation and the extent of the degradation.


The thermal-hydraulic conditions imposed on the

tube are also important. The important thermalhydraulic parameters are: (a) steam generator
tube temperature, and (b) the steam generator
tube pressure differential.
These mermalhydraulic conditions are a function of the
transient and/or accident, as discussed above.

generator tubes include: (a) anticipated transient

without scram, (b) station black out, and (c)
station blackout with a stuck open atmospheric
dump valve or safety relief valve. Even minor
tube degradation in association with severe
accident induced elevated pressure-temperature
conditions can increase the probability of tube

The risk associated with induced steam generator

tube ruptures has contributions from the
following type of events or accidents: (a)
operational transients, (b) rare events, and (c)
severe accidents. All of these events introduce
moderate to large increases in the pressure
differential across the steam generator tubes. For
degraded tube conditions, the moderate to large
increases in die pressure differential increases the
probability of a steam generator tube failure.
Operational transients occur frequently and may
result in slight or moderate increases in the
pressure drop across me steam generator tubes.
These types of transients include: (a) turbine
trip, (b) loss of main feed, (c) temporary loss of
off site power, (d) failed open turbine bypass
valve, and (e) loss of a reactor coolant pump.

Insights into the U.S. steam generator tube

rupture risk profile can be gained from an
examination of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (USNRC) and industry probabilistic
risk assessment (PRA) and Individual Plant
Examination (IPE) program results. These
insights indicate that the risk associated with a
steam generator tube rupture is dominated by a
few significant failures. Typically the dominate
steam generator tube rupture failure contributors
are human error (the operator fails to
depressurize the primary system) and mechanical
system failures along with human errors that
cause a loss of the refueling water storage tank
Steam Generator Tubing Inspection Requirements and Fitness-for-Service Criteria in
Various Countries.

Rare events are design basis or other events that

have a low frequency of occurrence, but may
result in significant steam generator tube over
pressures. These types of events typically
include: (a) main feed line break, (b) main steam
line break, (c) anticipated transients without
scram, and (d) loss of coolant accidents (reversed
pressure drop). Rare events with moderate tube
degradation can be less risk significant man the
operational events with severely degraded steam
generator tubes due to the lower frequency of
occurrence of a rare event. However, rare
events are typically used to conservatively bound
the worst case accident for regulatory purposes.

The probability of steam generator tube failures

can be reduced through timely and effective
inspections and appropriate acceptance (fitnessfor-service) criteria. We summarize in this
report the inspection requirements and fitnessfor-service criteria used in a large number of
countries. Some countries have chosen to have
somewhat more conservative fitness-for-service
criteria and less inspection. Omer countries have
chosen less conservative fitness-for-service
criteria (thereby saving money on repairs) and
more inspections. Some countries have more or
less of both, compared to other countries. These
differences are due, in part, to the fact that
different steam generator designs and materials,
and specific plant sites, are susceptible to
different types of aging degradation, some of
which is easier to detect or has less severe safety

Severe accidents are very low frequency events.

In some cases, severe accidents may cause
elevated pressure-temperature conditions in the
steam generators over that found under typical
design bases accident conditions. Typical severe
accidents of concern for degraded steam


consequences than other types of degradation.

Also, these differences are due to the fact that
some countries are willing to accept more risk
than other countries.

plates, led to the development of defect-type and

location specific repair criteria. The P* and F*
criteria allow tubes with flaws in the tubesheet
region to remain in service without repair if the
flaws are low enough so that the damaged tube
remains in the tubesheet even if it separates at the
flaw. Because steam generator tubing is very
ductile, reasonably short through wall axial
cracks exhibit slow propagation. Therefore,
axial cracks located close to the top of the
tubesheet, and shorter than about 10 to 13 mm,
may remain in service in some countries even if
they are through the wall. The complex
morphology of ODSCC and the difficulties in
detecting and sizing this degradation have led
some plants to use a statistical voltage based
criteria. The allowable eddy-current signal is
based on: (1) a burst pressure correlation
together with allowances for defect progression
and inspection uncertainties, and (2) a leak rate
correlation, the recent population of defects in
the steam generator, and, again, allowances for
defect progression and inspection uncertainties.

To determine the number of steam generator

tubes to be inspected and the frequency of the
inspections, some countries group their steam
generators into two categories with quite different
numbers of tubes inspected in each category.
The categories used are either "susceptible tubing
and less susceptible tubing" or "previous defects
or no defects." Other countries apply the same
inspection criteria to all their steam generators.
Some countries inspect a small fraction of the
tubes (for example 3%) and then more tubes
when defects are found. Other countries inspect
a much larger fraction of the tubes, especially in
steam generators with susceptible tubing, or
previous defects. Some countries inspect all the
tubes every year in steam generators with
defects. The types of inspection equipment in
use varies greatly from plant to plant and country
to country. The defect detection reliability and
defect sizing accuracy of the various inspection
techniques is discussed below. In addition, the
locations within the tubes that are inspected
varies somewhat. Some countries inspect the full
tube length; other countries focus their
inspections on selected areas where the
degradation is most likely to be found. Some
countries do both.

Some countries depend, in part, on very good

leak detection (nitrogen-16) and the assumption
that degraded steam generator tubes will leak
before they rupture. However, long throughwall
cracks have been found that are rather leak tight.
The current tendency is, therefore, to put
increasing weight on the use of inspections and to
use leak detection as an added safety feature.

Repair or removal from service criteria can be

grouped into two families: generic and defecttype and location specific fitness-for-service
criteria. The simplest and most conservative
generic approach is no detectable defects. The
most widely implemented fitness-for-service
criterion is a minimum wall thickness criterion,
usually the value specified in the American
Society for Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Code.

Steam Generator Tube Defect Detection

Reliability and Sizing Accuracy.
Inspection of steam generator tubes has faced two
types of challenges that have made reliable
detection and accurate characterization of defects
difficult: (1) appearance of newer and much more
subtle forms of degradation in the aging steam
generator tubes, and (2) the presence of a variety
of design features (such as support plates,
tubesheets and AVBs) and deposits on the outside
surface of the tubes which produce signals that
mask me signals from the defects. During the

The occurrence in recent years of new types of

tube degradation, such as PWSCC within the
tubesheet or axial ODSCC within the support



last 25 years, steam generator tubes have been

damaged by about 10 different degradation
mechanisms ranging from stress corrosion
cracking, high-cycle fatigue, and pitting to
wastage, denting, and wear. The morphology of
the damage caused by each of these mechanisms
is different and complex. For example, stress
corrosion cracking defects are small-volume
flaws, whereas wall thinning caused by wastage
and wear are large-volume flaws. The stress
corrosion cracking initiates either at the outside
or at the inside surface and generally has an axial
or a circumferential orientation. Sometimes,
both axial and circumferential cracks are present
at the same location.

a certain threshold or the cracks are long.

Rotating pancake coil probes are used for sizing
the axial PWSCC. Comparison with pulled tube
results show that a rotating pancake coil can
measure axial PWSCC within 1.5 mm.
Single-frequency bobbin coils may not reliably
detect axial ODSCC if extraneous variables, such
as a support plate, denting, or a deposit on the
outside surface, are present. Therefore, multifrequency/multiparameter eddy-current methods
employing bobbin coils are used for inspection of
axial ODSCC. These methods suppress the
changes produced by the extraneous variables
and can detect and size deep ODSCC (>40%
throughwall). However, reliable detection and
accurate sizing of ODSCC/IGA defects with
bobbin coil probes is difficult. Some ODSCC/
IGA defects greater than 40% throughwail have
been missed. Therefore, the indications detected
with bobbin coils are often confirmed with rotating pancake coil inspections.

Eddy-current testing is well suited for inspecting

thin-walled steam generator tubes with large
surface areas because it offers high scanning
speed and high sensitivity. Different eddycurrent probes have been designed in response to
the difficulties associated with the steam
generator tube inspections. Eddy-current probes
with bobbin coils and rotating pancake coils are
usually used for inspection of steam generator
tubes, and reliably detect flaws, but their
detection threshold is high, some deep cracks
have been missed, and defect sizing and
resolution are not accurate. As a result,
advanced eddy-current probes employing different arrangements of the pancake coils and
multiple transmit-receive coils, and ultrasonic
inspection probes employing pulse echo and tip
diffraction techniques are being developed for
more reliable detection and accurate sizing of
stress corrosion cracking. The capabilities and
limitations of these probes for inspection of steam
generator tubes are summarized next.

The rotating pancake coil probe is used for detection of circumferential PWSCC and ODSCC.
This probe can reliably detect circumferential
PWSCC in the expansion-transition region once
it exceeds 50% throughwall depth. Based on the
analyses of pulled tube data at North Anna, the
detection limits of these probes for circumferential cracks in dents is about 50% throughwall
and a 50-degree arc length, or 100% throughwall
and a 23-degree arc length.
No eddy-current methods are qualified at present
for sizing the length and depth of circumferential
cracks. Based on comparisons between measurements from rotating pancake coil probes and
Cecco-5 probes, and metallographic data from
pulled tubes, the nuclear industry has estimated
that the arc lengths of circumferential cracks are
being measured to within 37 to 45 degrees.
The nuclear industry is also currently working on
developing qualified techniques for sizing the
depth of circumferential cracks using Plus-Point
probes, which are sensitive to both circumferential and axial indications.

Inspection of PWSCC and IGSCC. Bobbin

coils are sensitive to axial cracks and volumetric
flaws. However, field studies have shown that
bobbin coils can detect axial PWSCC in a rolltransition region only when multiple axial cracks
with near diroughwall penetration are present.
Similarly, the bobbin coil probe appears to be
able to detect axial cracks in the U-bend regions
only when the total number of cracks are beyond


Ultrasonic inspection methods are being

developed for sizing and resolution of the
ODSCC detected during eddy-current inspections. For example, rotating pancake coil
inspection of the expansion-transition region of
steam generator tubes at one U.S. plant revealed
extensive circumferential cracks at the outside
surface. Ultrasonic measurements revealed mat
the cracks ranged in circumference from 84 to
329 degrees, and ranged in depth up to 100%
throughwall. The ultrasonic measurements
compared well with the actual crack profile
determined from examinations of pulled tube
specimens. The ultrasonic inspection also
revealed that the cracks consisted of several
discontinuous microcracks separated by small
ligaments of sound material. The discontinuous
nature of the array of microcracks was confirmed
by me examination of the pulled tube specimens.

contactless pancake coils or rotating ultrasonic

inspection probes are being used for estimating
the radial profiles of dented tube cross-sections.
Inspection of High-Cycle Fatigue Cracking.
High-cycle fatigue cracking has occurred at the
top tube support plate in once-through steam
generators. Detection of a high-cycle fatigue
crack with an eddy-current probe is difficult
because of the presence of the tube support plates
and because the crack produces a low-amplitude
signal. However, an 8 x 1 array probe is likely
to provide reliable detection and accurate sizing
High-cycle fatigue-induced tube ruptures in the
U-bend region of recirculating steam generators
pose another inspection problem; the initiation
time for a high-cycle fatigue crack is long and the
crack growth is very rapid. This makes timely
detection of the fatigue crack difficult.
Ultrasonic examination with tip diffraction
techniques could be used for detection and
characterization of high-cycle fatigue cracks.

Inspection of IGA. It is difficult to detect and

characterize IGA damage with conventional
bobbin coil or rotating pancake coil probes; as
revealed by the inspection experience at the
Trojan plant. These probes are not sensitive to
the slow changes in the electrical conductivity
and magnetic permeability caused by IGA.
However, an 8 x 1 array probe can estimate the
circumferential extent and depth of IGA.

Inspection of Fretting and Wear. Eddy-current

inspection of tube fretting caused by the AVBs is
difficult because the bars, which are made from
Alloy 600 or 690, are typically chrome plated.
In addition it is difficult to estimate the wear
depth because fretting wear may take place at one
or both sides of the outer tube surface, depending
on the AVB configuration. Therefore, for each
AVB design and material, eddy-current signal
amplitude calibrations have been developed for
one-sided and two-sided wear at selected depths.
Using these calibrations, the tube fretting damage
can be characterized with a two-frequency eddycurrent inspection system.

Inspection of Pitting. Pitting appears as a group

of small diameter wall penetrations with a
diameter to depth ratio greater than 1.0. Once
pitting has initiated, the rate of pit growth can be
rapid. The accuracy of the eddy-current pit
depth measurements is severely limited because
of the small size of the pits and because the pits
are often filled with copper containing corrosion
products with a high conductivity. A rotating
ultrasonic inspection probe has accurately
measured pit depths to 2% of the wall thickness
in Monel 400 tubes in CANDU steam generators.

Loose part induced wear is generally limited to

peripheral tubes and is relatively easy to detect
when it is suspected. However, the sizing of the
affected area may not be accurate. Also, the rate
of loose part induced wear is unpredictable.

Inspection of Dents. Bobbin coils are usually

employed to detect and size denting. Specialized
probes such as array probes with eight




Accident Specific Degradation Threshold Value


American Society of Mechanical Engineers


antivibration bar


all volatile treatment


Canadian deuterium uranium


Electricite de France


effective full power years


Electric Power Research Institute


International Atomic Energy Agency


intergranular attack


intergranular stress corrosion cracking


individual plant examination


loss-of-coolant accident


multifrequency eddy-current


multiparameter eddy-current


maximum tolerable flaw size


non-destructive examination


Nuclear Plant Aging Research (Program)


outside diameter stress corrosion cracking


Pacific Northwest Laboratories


power operated relief valve


probabilistic risk assessment


pressurized water reactor


primary water stress corrosion cracking


reactor coolant pump


residual heat removal


recirculating steam generator


United States


United Stated Nuclear Regulatory Commission


water moderated, water cooled energy reactor



The authors would like to thank Dr. Denwood F. Ross who provided the initial direction for this project
and articulated the need for a comprehensive and integrated evaluation of steam generator tube degradation,
tube rupture, the thermal-hydraulic response of a plant with a defective steam generator, tubing inspection
requirements and fitness-for-service criteria, tube defect detection reliability and sizing accuracy, and plant
risk. The authors would also like to thank the following USNRC staff for their careful review of this report
and helpful comments: J. R. Boardman, J. E. Donoghue, and K. J. Karwoski.
The steam generator design and degradation material (Sections 2 and 3), and the information on steam
generator tubing inspection requirements and fitness-for-service criteria (Section 7), was developed, in part,
during two other projects: the USNRC's Nuclear Plant Aging Research (NPAR) Program and a project
sponsored by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to develop guidelines for the aging
management of the major nuclear power plant components. The authors would very much like to thank
the managers of those projects, J. Vora and J. Pachner, for their support and advice. Also, we would like
to acknowledge the support of A. P. L. Turner and J. A. Gorman of Dominion Engineering, on die
original NPAR work. We would also like to acknowledge the technical contributions to the IAEA project
(used mainly in Sections 2 and 7) of J. Bros, Tecnatom, Spain; L. Cizelj, Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenija;
P. Cornet, Electricite de France, France; Y. G. Dragunov, OKB Gidropress, Russia; G. Fluekiger, NOKBeznau, Switzerland; R. E. Gold, Westinghouse Electric Co., USA; N. Ito, Mitsubishi Heavy Ind., Japan;
C. Maruska, Ontario Hydro, Canada; K. Matocha, Vitkovice, Czech Republic; F. M. Remy, Electricite
de France, France; G. Roussel, Nuclear Safety Institute, Belgium; and T. Schwarz, Siemens/KWU,
The authors would also like to acknowledge the work of A. M. Porter who wrote parts of Section 8 and
provided valuable advice on the subject of tube defect detection reliability and defect sizing accuracy.
Finally, the authors would like to thank Paula Olsen who typed the many initial drafts of this report and
Ann Grimes who typed the manyfinalversions of this report and did thefinallayout. Also, we would like
to thank Jim Bryce for providing programmatic guidance, editing and other services to complete the report
in a timely manner.



Steam Generator Tube Failures

given year. The total number of steam generator
tubes plugged per year during the last few years
has ranged from about 10,000 to 12,000 tubes.
Also, about 48,000 tubes had been sleeved by the
end of 1994. This means that a large fraction of
the PWR plants are operating with tubing defects
near or beyond the national limits at any given
time. Also, new forms of steam generator tubing
degradation have occurred in recent years, some
of which is not easily detected.

Background. The steam generators in the

pressurized water reactor (PWR), Canadian
deuterium uranium (CANDU) reactor, and
Russian water moderated, water cooled energy
reactor (WER) plants are large heat exchangers
that use the heat from the primary reactor coolant
to make steam in the secondary-side to drive
turbine generators. A typical plant has two to six
steam generators per reactor; although some units
have up to twelve steam generators. The steam
generators are shell-and-tube heat exchangers
each with several to tens of thousands of tubes.
The primary reactor coolant passes through the
tubes and boils water on the outside of the tubes
(secondary-side) to make steam. The design
confines radioactivity from neutron activation or
fission products to the primary coolant during
normal operation. However, the primary reactor
coolant is at a higher pressure than the secondary
coolant, so any leakage from defects in the tubes
(or in the VVER collectors or PWR tubesheets)
is from the primary to the secondary-side, and
rupture of the heat exchanger tubing can result in
release of radioactivity to the environment outside the reactor containment through the pressure
relief valves in the secondary system.

Ten spontaneous steam generator tube ruptures

have occurred over the last 20 years. These
ruptures have been caused by a variety of tubing
degradation mechanisms including stress
corrosion of the outside surface of the tubing,
high-cycle fatigue, loose parts wear, stress corrosion on the inside surfaces, and wastage (uniform
corrosion). The 10 ruptures resulted in leak rates
ranging from 425 0/min (112 gpm) to 2,900 f/min
(760 gpm) and complex plant transients which
have not always been easy for the operators to
control. In some cases the plant operators took
a relatively long time to realize that a steam
generator tube rupture had occurred and,
therefore, they were slow to start reducing power
and isolate the defective steam generator. Also,
at some plants, the reactor coolant system
pressures were held well above the defective
steam generator secondary side pressures for
relatively long periods of time and the defective
steam generators were overfilled.

The thin-walled steam generator tubes are,

therefore, an important part of the reactor coolant
pressure boundary and, in fact can compromise
well over 50% of the area of the total primary
system pressure-retaining boundary. To act as an
effective barrier, this tubing must be essentially
free of cracks, perforations, and general
deterioration. However, widespread degradation
of the steam generator tubes has occurred at a
number of plants. As a result, about one-half of
die PWR nuclear power plants in the world have
been removing from service (plugging) or
repairing (sleeving) steam generator tubes in any

a. A spontaneous tube rupture is the rupture of one

or more steam generator tubes that is not caused by
another event or an upset in normal expected
operational parameters.


Certain nuclear power plant design basis
accidents, such as a sudden break in the steam
line, can lead to rapid depressurization of the
secondary coolant system. The pressure difference across the tubing walls generated during
these accidents may result in simultaneous
leakage or rupture of a number of steam generator tubes when an active degradation mechanism
has severely damaged a large number of tubes.
Simultaneous leakage or rupture of several tubes
can lead to a plant transient which is even more
difficult to control than a spontaneous tube rupture transient, and radioactivity levels released to
the environment which may exceed site limits.
The sudden rupture of several steam generator
tubes also results in a rapid depressurization of
the primary coolant system and possibly may
uncover the core and cause core melting.
The frequency and consequences of steam generator tube failures can be significantly reduced
through appropriate and timely inspections and
plugging or sleeving of excessively damaged
steam generator tubing. Most steam generators
are routinely inspected during plant outages,
when their internal structures become accessible
to non-destructive inspection equipment, and the
defective tubes repaired or plugged as necessary.
However, a continuing issue has been exactly
what constitutes an appropriate and timely inspection and which partly defective tubes are still
fit for service. The steam generator tube inspection requirements and fitness-for-service criteria
vary from country to country, and are even
somewhat different at separate plants within certain countries such as the United States (U.S.).
This is because:

Different steam generator designs and

materials and specific plant sites are
susceptible to different types of aging
degradation. Some types of degradation
are easier to detect or have less severe
safety consequences than other types of


An appropriate level of steam generator

and plant safety can only be maintained
by a suitable combination of inspection
and acceptance (fitness-for-service) requirements. Some countries have chosen
to have somewhat more conservative
fitness-for-service criteria and less inspection. Other countries have chosen
less conservative fitness-for-service criteria (thereby saving money on repairs)
and more inspection.

The frequency and extent of the inspections often increase as problems develop.

Also, a wide variety of steam generator

inspection equipment is used in various countries.
Unfortunately, the most widely used inspection
technique (eddy-current bobbin coils and rotating
pancake coils) is not able to detect and size all of
the degradation of interest, and equipment that is
able to detect certain degradation is slow and
Steam generator performance is important to
nuclear power plant safety. For example, the
various nuclear power plants in the U.S. have a
core damage frequency which ranges from a low
of 3 x 10" per year to about 3 x 10" per year.
Steam generator tube rupture accidents are
relatively small contributors to these values, but
are risk significant because the radionuclides
bypass the containment. A review of 20 U.S.
PWR Individual Plant Examinations (IPEs) has
shown that the risk associated with steam
generator tube ruptures at most PWR plants is
above 10% and at many plants is as high as 75 to
99% of the total risk. These numbers are based
on the past history of spontaneous tube ruptures,
but do not consider the possibility of induced
tube ruptures in badly degraded steam generators
and radionuclide bypass of the containment
during other transients and accidents.

Objective. The objective of this report is to put
the issue of steam generator tubing failure, and
its impact on nuclear power plant safety, in
perspective. To do this, we have summarized
much of the available information on the
following topics:

cases, the only available source of information on

some subjects. The focus of this report is steam
generator tubing degradation at PWR plants;
however, we have included relevant information
about CANDU reactor and VVER steam generator degradation.

steam generator degradation,

steam generator tube ruptures,

the thermal-hydraulic response of a

nuclear power plant with a defective
steam generator,

the risk significance of steam generator

tube rupture accidents,

steam generator tubing inspection

requirements and fitness-for-service criteria in various countries, and

steam generator tube defect detection

reliability and sizing accuracy.

Report Structure. The steam generator designs

are discussed in Section 2. The stressors,
susceptible sites, and failure modes associated
with the various steam generator degradation
mechanisms are presented in Section 3. These
degradation mechanisms include primary water,
outside diameter, and transgranular stress corrosion cracking; intergranular attack; fretting,
wear, and thinning; pitting; denting; high-cycle
fatigue; wastage; erosion-corrosion; and corrosion-fatigue. The steam generator tube rupture
events, which have occurred to date, are
discussed in Section 4. The cause of the tube
rupture, the plant transient, the effectiveness of
the operator actions during the transient, the
environmental impact and the remedial actions
after the accident are all discussed. The thermalhydraulic response of a typical PWR plant with a
defective steam generator is presented in Section
5. The risk significance of steam generator tube
rupture accidents is discussed in Section 6. The
steam generator tubing inspection requirements
and fitness-for-service guidelines in various countries are discussed in Section 7. The efficacy and
accuracy of the various steam generator tube
defect detection and sizing techniques is
discussed in Section 8. And, the major findings
are summarized in Section 9.

We have tried to integrate, evaluate, and update

the relevant worldwide information on these
topics. The sources of information include
technical reports issued by the U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission (USNRC), the Electric
Power Research Institute (EPRI), and various
reactor vendors, utilities, and national laboratories; USNRC Inspection and Enforcement
Bulletins, Notices, and Generic Letters; workshops and conferences; media publications such
as Nucleonics Week; the Nuclear Power Experience database; and technical journals. Discussions with technical experts have been, in some



This section first describes the currently
operating steam generators. Recirculating steam
generators (RSGs), designed by Westinghouse
(U.S.), Combustion Engineering (U.S.),
(France), Mitsubishi Heavy
Industries (Japan), and Siemens-Kraftwerke
Union (Germany), are described first. The
Canadian designs are discussed next, followed by
the Babcock & Wilcox (U.S.) once-through
steam generator design, and then the Russian
(VVER) designs. The codes and specifications
used to design steam generators and the materials
and methods used to fabricate the steam
generator components are then discussed.
Emphasis is placed on the design aspects and
fabrication methods which may affect steam
generator degradation.

Steam outlet

2.1 Pressurized Water Reactor Recirculating

Steam Generators
A sketch of a simplified PWR RSG cross section
is shown in Figure 1. A cut-away view of a
typical RSG is shown in Figure 2. The RSG is a
vertical, shell and U-tube heat exchanger with
integral moisture separation equipment. A large
cylindrical vessel encloses an inverted U-shaped
tube bundle consisting of many thousands of
individual tubes, each welded to a thick plate
with a hole for each tube end (called a tubesheet)
located near die bottom of the RSG vessel. The
reactor coolant enters the hemispherical bottom
head through an inlet nozzle, flows through the
U-tubes and exits the lower plenum through an
oudet nozzle. A plate in the lower plenum below
the tubesheet (labeled the divider plate in Figure
2) separates the inlet and outlet primary coolant
and directs the flow through the tubing.

Primary inlet

steam generator

RED 0772

Figure 1. PWR recirculating steam generator

cross section.

bars and small plates in the U-bend region of the

tube bundle. The upper region of the RSG vessel
contains the feedwater inlet piping and various
swirl or cyclone-type steam-water separators and

The tubes are supported with plates or eggcrate

type dividers at a number of fixed axial locations
along the tube bundle and with various shaped


Primary outlet


Steam outlet to turbine generator

Moisture separator
Manway (2) 180 apart

Swirl vane moisture separator

Anti-vibration bars
Upper shell

Tube bundle

Tube supports
Lower shell
Divider plate

Feedwater inlet

Tube sheet


Channel head
Primary coolant outlet

Support foot
Primary coolant inlet

M96 0081

Figure 2. Cut-away view of a typical recirculating steam generator.



steam dryers. The materials of construction

consist mainly of carbon or low alloy steel
(except the tubes and the tube supports in later
models) with all surfaces in contact with the
reactor coolant fabricated or clad with corrosion
resistant material.
The primary coolant enters the steam generator
at 315 to 330 C on the hot leg side and leaves at
about 288C on the cold leg side. The secondary
system water (feedwater) is fed through a
feedwater nozzle, to a feedring, into the
downcomer, where it mixes with recirculating
water draining from the moisture separators.
This downcomer water flows to the bottom of the
steam generator, across the top of the tubesheet,
and then up through the tube bundle where steam
is generated. About 25% of the secondary
coolant is converted to steam on each pass
through the generator; the remainder is
recirculated. The steam generators are generally
designed to produce, at rated steam flow,
saturated steam with less than 0.25% moisture by

Some RSGs include an economizer section

(preheaters), which is a separate section in the
steam generator near the cold leg outlet, shown
in Figure 3. The feedwater flows into the
preheater through a nozzle located in the lower
part of the vessel (there is no feedring in these
steam generators) and auxiliary feedwater is
injected through a separate nozzle in the upper
part of the vessel. Heat from the primary fluid
leaving the steam generator is used to preheat the
feedwater to near the saturation temperature
before it is mixed with the recirculating
secondary system coolant.
Table 1 lists the design features for eleven
Westinghouse and two Combustion Engineering
type steam generator models. Table 2 lists the
design features of seven Mitsubishi Heavy
Industries steam generator models and Table 3
lists the design features of the steam generators
delivered by Siemens/KWU. The Westinghouse,


Framatome, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, and

Siemens/KWU plants have from two to four
steam generators per plant, depending on plant
capacity (two loop plants have two steam
generators, three loop plants have three, and four
loop plants have four steam generators). The
Combustion Engineering plants have only two
steam generators, even in the large plants (except
for Maine Yankee which has three steam
Therefore, the Combustion
Engineering RSGs at large plants have a larger
number of tubes than the other PWR RSGs. The
tubes in the Westinghouse, Framatome, and
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries RSGs are arranged
in a square pattern, those in the Combustion
Engineering and Siemens/KWU RSGs in a
triangular pattern. The tube patterns in the
Combustion Engineering and Westinghouse
RSGs are shown in Figure 4. Note, that there is
an open lane down the center of the steam
generator between the legs of the innermost Utubes.
2.2 CANDU Reactor Recirculating Steam
Currently operating CANDU steam generators
are vertical, RSGs built by Babcock and Wilcox
Canada Ltd. The only exception is the Wolsung
1 unit in Korea which uses similar steam
generators built by Foster Wheeler. Atomic
Energy Canada Limited, and for some units
Ontario Hydro, selected the key design
parameters for the CANDU steam generators
including the tubing materials and size, the steam
generator size, and the key thermal hydraulic
parameters. The fabricators did the detailed
design of the equipment. CANDU RSGs are
very similar to the PWR RSGs with some subtle
differences in size, materials, operating
temperatures and tube support structure. Figure
5 depicts the steam generator used in the
Darlington Generating Station which has all the
most current features of CANDU RSGs.


Main steam

Dry and saturated

steam leaves vessel


Water level

Auxiliary feedwater

mixture leaves
tube bundle

Main feedwater

Primary fluid

Primary fluid inlet

RED 0769

Figure 3. Typical design of a steam generator with a preheater (CSGORG 1983).



Table 1. Typical U.S. steam generator models and their parameters.
Manufacturer type
and model:

Westinghouse (recirculating)






Heat transfer area

(ft )"








No. of tubes








No. of row-1 tubes








Tube pattern








Tube spacing (in.)"


1.026 or 1.031


1.200 or 1.234




Tube dimensions








Tubing material

Alloy 600

Alloy 600

Alloy 600

Alloy 600

Alloy 600

Alloy 600

Alloy 600

Tubing heat








expansion method








Tubesheet crevice




18, 19, or 20

18, 18.75 or



Tube support type

Drilled hole

Drilled hole

Drilled hole

Drilled hole

Drilled hole

Drilled hole

Drilled hole

Tube support

Carbon steel

Carbon steel

Carbon steel

Carbon steel

Carbon steel'

Carbon steel

Carbon steel

Preheater type






Split flow


Flow distribution









a. Replacement Models 44F, 51F and 54F use hydraulically expanded, tfiermally treated Alloy 600 tubing and 405 stainless steel tube support plates, except for die
model 54Fs at D.C. Cook and Indian Point Unit 3 which have thermally treated Alloy 690 tubing. The replacement models generally match the heat transfer area of
the steam generators they replaced except for the 54 Fs with Alloy 690 tubing which are slightly larger than the original 51s due to the slightly lower thermal heat
transfer properties at the Alloy 690 material vis-a-vis the Alloy 600 material.

b. 1 ft = 0.093 m , 1 in = 25.4mm.
c. Later Model 51s used full-depth rolled or explosively expanded tubes. The tubesheet thickness ranges from 525 to 610 mm.



Table 1. Typical U.S. steam generator models and their parameters (continued).
Manufacturer type
and model;

Combustion Engineering

B&W oncethrough

Westinghouse (recirculating)























Heat transfer area

(ft )"



No. of tubes


No. of row -1 tubes

Tube pattern

Square w/T slot

Square w/T slot

Square w/T slot




Tube spacing (in.)"






0.974, 1.00


Tube dimensions

0.750 X 0.043

0.7S0 x 0.043

0.688 X 0.040


0.625 x 0.034

0.750 X 0.048

0.750 X 0.042

Tubing material

Alloy 600

Alloy 600

Alloy 600

Alloy 690

Alloy 600

Alloy 600

Alloy 600

Tubing heat


Mill-annealed or
therm, treated






expansion method


Full-depth rolled
or hydraulic






Tube sheet crevice









Tube support type








Tube support

Stainless steel

Carbon or

405 stainless

405 stainless

Carbon or
MnMo steel

Carbon steel

Stainless steel

Preheater type

expanded preheater tubes

preheater tubes





Axial flow

Flow distribution








d. For Model 51s with part-depth rolled tubes only.

e. The crevice radial gaps varied from 0.005 to 0.011 inches, except in the Model 24 where they were 0.0135-0.0175 inches.
f. Some later Model 51s were equipped with alloy steel tube support plates and flow distribution baffles.
g. The row 1 and 2 tubes in most Model 51, D2/D3, D4 and E steam generators have been u-bend heat treated and shot or rotopeened for added resistance to PWSCC.




Table 2.

Typical Mitsubishi Heavy Industries recirculating steam generator models and their parameters.


and Model






Heat transfer area (nr) 4,130







No. of tubes








No. of row-1 tubes








Tube pattern








Tube spacing(mm)








Tube dimensions(mm)








Tubing material

Alloy 600

Alloy 690

Alloy 600

Alloy 600

Alloy 600

Alloy 690

Alloy 690

Tubing heat treatment


Thermally treated


Thermally treated

Thermally treated

Thermally treated

Thermally treated

Tubesheet expansion

Part-depth rolled

Full-depth hydraulic Part-depth rolled,

and one step rolled Full-depth rolled

Full-depth rolled,
Full-depth hydraulic Full-depth hydraulic Full-depth hydraulic
Full-depth hydraulic and one step rolled and one step rolled and one step rolled
and rolled

Tubesheet crevice

(original design)


488", None





Tube support type


Broached eggcrate


Drilled chamfer

Broached eggcrate

Broached eggcrate

Broached eggcrate

Tube support material

Carbon Steel

405 stainless steel

Carbon steel

Carbon steel,
405 stainless steel

405 stainless steel

405 stainless steel

405 stainless steel

Preheater type








Flow distribution








"Tubesheet radial gap of 0.185mm



Table 3. Typical Siemens/KWU recirculating steam generators and their parameters

Ohrighcim (Orig.)

Obriglieim (Repl.)


Biblis A


Standard with

Konvo! *>


Heat transfer area (m )








No. of tubes








No. of row-1 tubes








Tube pattern








Tube spacing (mm)

27.9 x 28.8








22 x 1.23

antl model

Tube dimensions (mm)

22 x 1.23 (1.5)'>

22 x 1.23

Tubing material

Alloy 600

Alloy 800 M

Tubing heat treatment

Mill annealed

Tubesheet expansion

Part-depth rolled
(3 locations)

TS crevice depth (mm)


Tube support type


Tube support material

stainless steel

Preheater type




Alloy 800 M


Alloy 800 M

22 x 1.23
p )

Alloy 800 M


Replacement SGs
for 51C/51M/D3




19.05 x 1.09

Alloy 800 M i"

Alloy 690 ">

Alloy 800 M "






Part-depth rolled
(both ends)

Part-depth rolled
(both ends)

Part-depth rolled
(both ends)

Part-depth rolled
(both ends)

Part-depth rolled
(both ends)


eggcrale "


stainless steel

stainless steel





eggcrale "

eggcrate *

eggcrate *>


stainless steel

stainless steel

stainless steel

stainless steel


Alloy 690: Therm.

Alloy 800 M""
Full-depth hydraulic
plus part-depth
rolled (both ends)




Split-flow design



Flow distribution baffles None







U-Bend Treatment







Alloy 690: Yes >

Pcening of the rolltransition zone
















Innermost rows: wall thickness - 1.5 mm

Bend: Vertical Hat bars
Bend: Vertical and horizontal flat bars, vertical corrugated strips
Bend: Vertical flat bars, horizontal and vertical corrugated strips
Bend: Radial flat bars, vertical corrugated strips
Bend: Vertical and horizontal flat bars, vertical corrugated strips, block tubing
(zero gaps)
Similar to ASTM SB 163, UNS N05800
Grafenrheinfeld, Grohnde (Manuf.:
MAN-GIIH), Brokdorf (Manuf.:
UDDCOMB). Trillo I (Manuf.: ENS A)
Almost identical plants: Isar 2, Neckarwestheim 2, Emsland
Replacement steam generator for Westinghouse model SIC (Ringhals 2, Manuf.:
MAN-GHll); 51M (Doel 3, Manuf.: ENSA/CMI); D3 (Asco 'A and Alniaraz
'A, Manuf: ENSA); D3 (Ringhals 3, Manuf.: Framatome)

Replacement steam generator for Riiighals 2: 5105 m ;

Doel 3, Asco >A and Almaraz 'A: 6103 m ; Ringhals 3:
7155 in*
Replacement steam generator for Ringhals 2, Doel 3, Asco
Vi and Almaraz 'A: 5130 tubes, 57 row-1 tubes; Ringhals
3: 5428 tubes, 59 row-1 tubes
Replacement generator for Ringhals 2 and Ringhals 3:
Alloy 690; Doel 3, Asco 'A and Almaraz 'A: Alloy 800
Alloy 690: Tulies with Radius <300 nun
Modified according to Siemcns/KWU specification








0.875 in.


Inspection lane I


Wedge area


inspection lane



Triangular pitch OTSG

Typical B&W OTSG tube pattern

Blowdown lane


Square pitch RSG


Typical Model 51 RSG tube pattern

Blowdown lane



Triangular pitch RSG

Typical CE RSG tube pattern


Figure 4. Typical tube patterns. Courtesy of A. P. L. Turner, Dominion Engineering.





Steam drum
Steam generator
Heavy water inlet (2)
H eavy water outlet
Downcommer annulus
Primary cyclones
Secondary cyclones
Blowdown nozzles
Main steam outlet nozzles
Steam generator support
Contaminant seal bar/skirt
Lower lateral restraint lugs
Reheat condensate return nozzle
Feedwater nozzle
Upper lateral restraint lugs
Ring beam

Figure 5. CANDU Recirculating Steam Generator used at the Darlington station. This design is typical
of the current CANDU models. Courtesy of C. Maruska, Ontario Hydro.




primary side SCC

Although the size of CANDU RSGs has escalated

greatly with successive reactor designs, they are
generally smaller than PWR RSGs, and operate
at lower temperatures (290C to 310C primary
inlet temperature). The lower temperatures
generally delay the onset of thermally activated
corrosion processes such as primary water stress
corrosion cracking (PWSCC) or intergranular
stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC). Because the
primary coolant in a CANDU reactor is heavy
water (D 0), relatively small tube sizes [12.7 mm
(1/2") outside diameter and, in more recent units,
15.9 mm (5/8") outside diameter] have been used
to minimize the heavy water inventory. The
smaller size of the primary (lower) head and
tubes increases the difficulty in performing
maintenance activities such as tube inspection,
plugging, removal, etc. The nominal tube wall
thickness ranges from 1.13 mm to 1.2 mm
depending on the type of tube alloy used (for
example Alloy 800M has a lower thermal
conductivity than Alloy 600 requiring thinner

Upper span lane region

circumferential cracks
Fifteenth tube
support plate wear

Upper tube sheet

Corrosion fatigue at
fane regions

Fourteenth tube
support plate
periphery tube

Aspirating steam

First support plate

Lower tube sheet

The most important area of diversity in the

CANDU design is in the choice of tube material,
the CANDU steam generators currently operate
with tubes made from high-temperature, mill
annealed Alloy 600, Monel 400 and titanium
stabilized Alloy 800. These materials are
susceptible to different types of degradation.

Figure 6. PWR once-through steam generator

cross section (EPRI 1985a). Copyright 1985
Electric Power Research Institute; reprinted with

2.3 Pressurized Water Reactor Once-Through

Steam Generators

preheated to saturation. The saturated water

flows down the annulus, across the lower
tubesheet, and up into the tube bundle where it
becomes steam. This superheated steam flows
radially outward near the top of the tube bundle
and then down the annulus to the steam outlet
connection. Most of the secondary coolant is
completely evaporated in a single pass through
the steam generator.

The Babcock & Wilcox once-through steam

generators use straight heat exchanger tubes with
a tubesheet at both the top and bottom of the tube
bundle, as shown in Figure 6. Primary coolant
is pumped through the tubes from top to bottom
while the secondary coolant moves around the
outside of the tubes from bottom to top in a
counter-flow direction. The secondary-system
water enters a feed annulus above the ninth tube
support plate level where it mixes with steam
aspirated from the tube bundle area and is


The Babcock & Wilcox plants have two steam

generators per plant, each with approximately
15,500 tubes arranged in a triangular pattern.
The once-through steam generator key design


parameters are listed in Table 1 and the tube
pattern is shown in Figure 4. Note that an
untubed lane provides access for secondary-side
2.4 Russian WER Steam Generators
The steam generators used in the Russian
designed VVER-440 and VVER-1000 plants are
horizontal shell-and-tube heat exchangers
manufactured by ZiO (Podolsk, Moscow
Region), Atommash (Volgodonsk, Volgograd
Region), and Vitkovice (Czech Republic). They
consist of a pressure vessel, a horizontal heat
exchange tube bundle, two vertical primary
collectors, a feedwater piping system, moisture
separators and steam collector. A sketch of a
VVER-440 steam generator is shown in Figures
7a and 7b (side and end views). A sketch of a
WER-1000 steam generator is shown in Figures
8a and 8b. The tube bundle arrangement in the
WER-440 and WER-1000 steam generators, as
seen from the top, is shown in Figure 9.
Primary coolant enters the steam generator
through a vertical collector, travels through the
horizontal U-shaped submerged stainless steel
tubing, and exits through a second vertical
collector. The tube ends penetrate the collector
wall (which performs the same function as the
tubesheet in a PWR steam generator) and are
expanded using either a hydraulic or explosive
expansion process and then welded at the
collector inside wall surface. The VVER-440
collectors are made of Ti-stabilized austenitic
stainless steel. The VVER-1000 collectors are
made of low-alloy steel with higher tensile
properties, clad with stainless steel. The VVER440 tubes are arranged in line (square array).
The WER-1000 tubes are staggered (triangular
array). Grids consisting of stainless steel bars
and stamped wave-like plates are used to separate
and support the tubes. The distance between the
tube supports is 700-750 mm.

The steam generator vessel is a carbon steel

(WER-440) or low-alloy pearlitic steel (VVER1000) horizontal cylinder consisting of forged
shells, stamped elliptical ends and stamped
branch pipes and hatches welded together. The
vertical hot and cold primary coolant collectors
penetrate the vessel near its mid-point.
Feedwater is supplied to the middle of the
WER-400 tube bundle by perforated piping. In
the WER-1000 steam generators, the feedwater
is supplied to the top of the hot side of the tube
bundle under a submerged perforated sheet. The
tube bundle is completely submerged in both
The WER-440 and VVER-1000 steam generator
designs are similar except for the (a) size (the
VVER-1000 steam generator is about 4 meters
longer), (b) tube arrangement (square versus
triangular), (c) collector material, (d) feedwater
supply location, (e) submerged perforated top
plate (WER-1000 only), (f) steam dryer
arrangement, (g) emergency feedwater distribution system (WER-1000 only), (h) steam header
arrangement, (i) and vessel material. The
WER-1000U steam generator has been designed
to replace the original VVER-1000 steam
generators as needed. The WER-1000U has the
perforated region of the collectors fabricated
from austenitic stainless steel. Table 4 lists the
WER-440, VVER-1000, and WER-1000U
design features.
2.5 Codes and Specifications
Although many countries have, or are developing
their own standards and codes for the design of
nuclear power plant components, the load
restrictions are generally based on Section III of
the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
(ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. The
objective of designing and performing a stress
analysis with the rules of Section III is to afford
protection of life and property against ductile and
brittle failure. The ASME Class 1 design
requirements are used for all the primary-side



1. Sleam generator pressure vessel

2. Primary collector
3. Heat exchange tubes

4. Moisture separator
5. Steam collector
6. Feedwater inlet

Figure 7a. WER-440 steam generator (side view). Courtesy of Y. G. Dragunov, OKB Gidropress.

Steam pipe


5.896 m


Figure 7b. VVER-440 steam generator (end view). Courtesy of Y. G. Dragunov, OKB Gidropress.



"V--"i 1&

a: ..&$


: """;
// /^1 ~ -v



/ -/A

K- ' '/jfrV

Figure 8a. Cut-away drawing of a VVER-1000 steam generator.

Key: 1-Steam generator drum; 2-Cold header; 3-Hot header; 4Heat exchanger tubes; 5-Submerged perforated separator; 6Feedwater header; 7-Steam separators (Koryakin 1993).
Copyright Nuclear Engineering International; reprinted with

Figure 8b. VVER-1000 steam generator (end

view). Key: 1-SG shell; 2-Tube bundle; 3Feedwater branch pipe; 4-Separation device; 5Steam collecting heater; 6-Point of header
jamming; 7-Immersed perforated sheet; 8Unperforated section in perforated zone; 9-Inlet
("hot") header; 10-Outlet ("cold") header.
Courtesy of Y. G. Dragunov, OKB Gidropress.
Copyright Nuclear Engineering International;
reprinted with permission.


Figure 9a. Topview sketch of the tube layout in

VVER-440 and VVER-1000 steam generators.
Courtesy of Y. G. Dragunov, OKB Gidropress.


Figure 9b. Basic arrangement of the heat

exchanger tubes and headers used in WER-1000
steam generators (Titov 1991), Copyright,
Nuclear Engineering International; reprinted with



Table 4. W E R steam generator parameters.





Thermal power, MW




Steam capacity, kg/s




Pressure of steam, MPa




Steam temperature, C








































Pressure loss along the coolant path, MPa




Reduced outlet steam rate from the evaporation surface, m/s




Steam humidity at steam generator outlet, %




Vessel material




with inner cladding

perforated area

Feedwater temperature, C
Coolant temperature, C
- at steam generator inlet
- at steam generator outlet

Coolant flow rate, m /hr

Coolant pressure, MPa
Coolant flow rate in tubes, m/s

Average heat transfer factor, kW/m K

Mean logarithmic temperature head, C

Specific heat flux (average), kW/m

Total heat exchanging surface, m

Total number of tubes

Diameter and thickness of tube walls, mm
Tube mean length, m

Collector material


Heat exchanging tube material





with cladded layer





Collector dimensions in the perforated area

- inner diameter, mm
- wall thickness, mm
Hole array in the header perforated area
- dimensions of minimum ligament, mm
- number of horizontal rows along the height
- number of tubes in a horizontal row




Table 4. VVER steam generator parameters (continued).




Tube array in tube bundle

- array pitch along the vertical axis, mm
- array pitch along the horizontal axis, mm

square array


25, 23




Steam generator circulating factor (minimum)




Void fraction, %




Submerged perforated sheet

This material is also labeled 08Crl8NilOTi which is a titanium stabilized austenitic stainless steel with .08%
carbon, 18% chrome, 10% nickel and less than 1% titamum.

Along medium surface.


25 mm for the central set and 23 mm for the lateral set.

pressure retaining components. The components

on the secondary-side are required to satisfy
ASME Class 2 requirements. However, common
practice is to design the entire steam generator
shell to the ASME Class 1 requirements.
Therefore, Article NB-2300 of Section III of the
ASME Code is employed for assurance of
adequate fracture toughness of all pressure
retaining materials in the steam generator. In
addition, the steam generator tube/tubesheet
complex meets the stress limitations and fatigue
criteria specified in the ASME Code.
2.6 Fabrication and Materials
Materials and methods used to fabricate steam
generator components significantly affect their
susceptibility to corrosion, especially to stress
corrosion cracking. Degradation of the steam
generator tubing is also influenced by other
aspects of the steam generator design and
construction, such as the tube support design and
the method of tube installation.

western countries (except Germany) was made

from nickel based Alloy 600 (76% Ni, 15.5%
Cr, 8% Fe, < 0.15% C). The German steam
generators designed by Siemens/KWU use Alloy
800M tubing (33.5% Ni, 21.5% Cr, 44% Fe,
<0.03% C, <0.6% Ti). Now, most steam
Framatome, Siemens/Framatome, Babcock &
Wilcox and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries are
being fabricated with thermally treated Alloy 690
(61% Ni, 29.5% Cr, 9% Fe, <0.025% C).
Siemens/KWU and Babcock & Wilcox Canada
are also supplying replacement steam generators
with Alloy 800M tubing.
The chemical
compositions of these alloys are listed in Table 5.

2.6.1 Heat Exchanger Tubes

Tube fabrication generally starts with extrusion

of a shell from an ingot and then several cold
reduction steps by either drawing or pilgering.
Each reduction step is followed by millannealing, which typically consists of passing
tube lengths through a furnace on a traveling belt
at temperatures high enough to recrystallize the
material and dissolve all the carbon (about 980C
or above).

Initially, the heat exchanger tubing in most of the

PWR steam generators placed inservice in the

The mill-annealing temperature and initial carbon

content are two of the important parameters in


Table 5. Chemical composition of typical tubing materials.














0.015-0.025 _<0.5














MoneUOO ^ 6 3 . 0

'Inco Alloys International Inc. Product Handbook


EPRI Specifications (EPRI 1990a)








Siemens/KWU Specification














controlling the mechanical and Corrosion

behavior of nickel based alloys such as Alloy
600. The object of the mill-annealing steps is to
first dissolve all the carbides and obtain a
relatively large grain size and then cover the
grain boundaries with carbides upon slow cooling
in air. A higher carbon content requires a higher
mill-annealing temperature to dissolve all the
carbides. Undissolved intragranular carbides are
undesirable because they provide nucleation sites
for the dissolved carbides and prevent
precipitation of the carbides on the grain
Undissolved carbides also prevent grain growth
and, therefore, prevent appropriate grain
boundary carbide coverage because the smaller
grains have a much larger grain boundary area.
The mill-annealing temperature also controls the
material yield strength and, therefore, the
residual stresses.
Higher mill-annealing
temperatures result in lower residual stresses (in
tubes which are not stress relieved). Starting in
the late 1970s, the mill-annealed Alloy 600 tubes
from some vendors were also given a final
thermal treatment at about 705 C for 15 hours in
order to relieve fabrication stresses and to further
improve the microstructure.
The thermal
treatment process promotes carbide precipitation
at the grain boundaries and diffusion of
chromium to the grain boundaries. Therefore,
the chromium used to form the chromium
carbides is replenished on the grain boundary.
Alloy 600 tubing with grain boundary chrome
depletion is susceptible to outside diameter stress
corrosion cracking. Alloy 600 tubing with
insufficient carbides on the grain boundaries is
susceptible to primary water stress corrosion
Subsequent to the final mill-anneal, the tubing is
passed through roll straighteners to produce a
straight product. The- straightening process
plastically deforms the tubing, imparting some
residual stresses. After straightening, the tubing
may be abrasively polished (e.g., using belt abra-


sives) to remove about 0.025 mm (1 mil) from

the exterior surface. This step removes surface
imperfections, but also results in the tubes having
a thin cold-worked surface layer and significant
residual surface stresses, which can range from
compressive to highly tensile.
The final manufacturing steps for straight tubes
involve visual, ultrasonic, and eddy-current
inspections, also various cleaning operations,
including blasting the interior surfaces with
ceramic grit. For RSGs, the straight tubes are
bent to the desired U-tube configuration. For
tight radius bends, internal mandrels are often
used to minimize ovality of the bent portion of
the tube (Shah et al. 1992). In addition, the tight
radius U-bends of tubes in some of the existing
steam generators which had not been thermally
treated, were stress relieved at 705 C for at least
five minutes to relieve bend-induced stresses.
The annealing and thermal treatment temperatures and other details of the tube processing
were somewhat different for the various manufactures and steam generator models and are
briefly discussed below.
Babcock & Wilcox Practice. Babcock &
Wilcox practice was to mill-anneal at a relatively
high temperature, about 1065 to 1095 C (Jones
1982). In addition, after tube installation,
Babcock & Wilcox heat treated the entire steam
generator at about 595 C for 15 hours to reduce
residual stresses from tube fabrication and
installation (e.g., at roll transitions), and to
increase resistance to PWSCC by developing
more carbides at grain boundaries. However, it
also resulted in sensitization (chromium depletion
at grain boundaries), making the tubing
susceptible to other forms of corrosion (stress
corrosion cracking in oxidizing acidic
Combustion Engineering Practice.
Combustion Engineering tubing was annealed at
a relatively high temperature of 980 to 1065C


(Owens 1987a). This final mill-anneal resulted in

a relatively low maximum yield stress below 55
ksi and relatively large grain sizes and carbides
at the grain boundaries, which was initially found
to be relatively resistant to PWSCC.

Most vendors are using a thermal treatment of

about 705 C for 15 hours to relieve the
fabrication stresses and improve the microstructure. Some vendors thermally treat the tight
radius U-bends for various times up to an
additional two hours at about 700 C to relieve
the residual stresses induced by bending and peen
the inside surfaces of the tube legs to produce a
layer of cold worked material a few tens of
microns deep.

Westinghouse Practice. Up until the late 1970s,

Westinghouse practice involved use of relatively
low temperature mill-annealed tubing which was
not thermally treated (Hunt and Gorman 1986).
For these earlier steam generators, prior to
introduction of improved heat treatment and
other fabrication improvements discussed below,
the residual stresses and microstructure of the
tube material are such that the tubes are relatively
susceptible to primary- and secondary-side stress
corrosion cracking.

Siemens/KWU Practice.
The first two
Siemens/KWU steam generators were supplied
with Alloy 600 mill-annealed tubing and began
leaking after two years of operation. Thereafter,
all Siemens/KWU steam generators were
fabricated with Alloy 800M tubing (about onehalf as much nickel as Alloy 600). Compared to
the standard Alloy 800 ASTM specification,
Siemens Alloy 800M has a reduced carbon
content to minimize sensitization, an increased
stabilization ratio (Ti/C > 12), and slightly
increased chromium and nickel contents to
achieve a higher resistance to pitting and
transgranular stress corrosion cracking.

Starting in the late 1970s, Westinghouse used an

array of features to reduce the potential for tube
corrosion. These features included thermal
treatment of tubing for 15 hours at 705 C to
relieve the residual stresses and improve the
microstructure, followed by stress relief of tight
radius U-bends. The improvement of the microstructure due to the thermal treatment involved
precipitation of chromium carbides at the grain
boundaries. In addition, holding the tubing in the
precipitation range for a long period of time
allows the chromium to diffuse from the grain
interiors to chromium depleted regions near the
grain boundaries, preventing sensitization. Because of the improvements associated with this
thermal treatment, experience with thermally
treated Alloy 600 tubing has shown that only a
small fraction of it is susceptible to PWSCC in
highly stressed areas.

CANDU Practice. Following the use of Alloy

600 in a small demonstration reactor, the material
used in the 1960s in the CANDU steam
generators was Monel 400, a high nickel/copper
alloy. This alloy has good corrosion properties
but is extremely sensitive to oxygen content. Its
ferromagnetic properties also increase the
difficulty of inspection with standard eddycurrent coils.
The material used for later units was changed to
Alloy 600. The practice for Babcock & Wilcox
Canada Ltd. for manufacturing Alloy 600 tubing
(high temperature mill-annealing and heat
treatments) was very similar to the practice of its
parent company as described for PWRs. As a
result, this type of tubing tends to behave
similarly, with respect to degradation
mechanisms, to that used in once-through steam
generators built by Babcock & Wilcox in the

Current Practice. Current practice by the steam

generator suppliers in France, Japan and the U.S.
is to use thermally treated Alloy 690. This alloy,
which is similar to Alloy 600 but has about twice
as much chromium (29.5% rather than 15.5%)
and proportionally less nickel, has been found in
tests to be more resistant to primary water stress
corrosion cracking and to have improved corrosion resistance in secondary-side environments.




The current practice for CANDU RSGs is to use
titanium stabilized Alloy 800M tubing and a
manufacturing method which precludes any
random heat addition to the tubing.

plished in the shop using hydraulic methods. The

Siemens/KWU steam generators were fabricated
with either a three or two step mechanical hard
roll until the late 1980s. The most recent
procedure used by most of the PWR and
CANDU steam generator manufactures is to
perform a hydraulic expansion over nearly the
entire tubesheet thickness (stopping and starting
within a few mm of each end) followed by a one
(near the top) or two step mechanical hard roll
near the top and near the bottom (called a kiss
roll). The transition region is formed by the
hydraulic expansion, which leaves significantly
lower residual stresses in the tubing than the hard
mechanical roll expansions. The hard mechanical rolling near the top or near both ends of the
tubesheet provides a larger holding force than
can be obtained with a hydraulic expansion. A
profilometry measurement of the inside diameter
of a typical tube in one of the Siemens/KWU
replacement steam generators for Ringhals Unit
2 is shown in Figure 10. Typical radial deformations associated with both the hydraulic and
mechanical expansions are shown, along with the
length of each of those expansions along the

WER Tubing Material. The VVER-440 and

VVER-1000 steam generator tubing is made of
Type 08X18N10T stainless steel which is a Tistabilized austenitic stainless steel with 0.08%
carbon, 18% chrome, 10% nickel and less than
1 % titanium.
2.6.2 Tube Installation in the Tubesheet
PWR and CANDU steam generator tubes have
been installed in a thick carbon or low alloy steel
tubesheet, which is clad on the primary coolant
side with the same material as the tubing, by
mechanical rolling, hydraulic expansion, or
explosive expansion (which may introduce high
residual stresses) and seal welding to the
tubesheet cladding. The VVER steam generator
tubes have been installed in somewhat thinner
walled collectors in a similar manner. For the
early PWR plants, the mill-annealed tubing was
connected to the tubesheet by hard rolling the
tube into the bottom of the tubesheet for a length
of about 60 to 100 mm.
This left an
approximately 0.2 mm wide, radial crevice
(where chemical impurities could concentrate)
between the tube and tubesheet along the top
portion (about 460 mm) of the tubesheet. In later
steam generators of Westinghouse design (early
to mid 1970s), the tubing was expanded for the
rest of the tubesheet height using an explosive
expansion process (Wextex expansion) in the
field or by additional hard rolling in the shop. In
cases where the expansion was done by
additional rolling, field experience has shown
that high residual stresses were introduced into
some tubes during rolling anomalies, e.g., at
regions rolled twice or at transition regions
where rolling was skipped. For Westinghousetype steam generators made in the later part of
the 1970s, full-depth tube expansion was accom-


Kiss rolls have been used to install the tubes in

the tubesheets of the French steam generators
since 1980. This has resulted in lower residual
stresses on the secondary side of the tubing, but
an increased sensitivity to axial cracking on the
primary side surfaces. Westinghouse uses only
a hydraulic tube expansion. Westinghouse also
machines the tubesheet faces parallel to within
0.38mm so that the secondary side crevice depth
is less than 2.5mm.
Tubesheet crevices generally do not exist in the
CANDU steam generators. Early units closed
the tubesheet crevices by a second roll near the
top (secondary-side) of the tubesheet. Current
CANDU models use a hydraulic method to close
the tubesheet crevice.



Hydraulic Expansion
Upper Mechanical

Lower Mechanica


17.6 17.5 -

E, 17.4 -

17.3 -

17.2 a>
33 17.1 _= = = =
c. 17.0 CO





Tubesheet Thickness


J iii

i i i t i i i i i i i 1 _


700 650 600 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50
Tube length (mm)

M95 0139

Figure 10. Profilometry readings from a typical tube in one of the Siemens/KWU replacement steam
generators for Ringhals Unit 2. Courtesy of P. J. Meyer, Siemens AG.
The VVER steam generators use two vertical
cylindrical collectors or headers, each with an
inside diameter of 800 mm (VVER-440) or
834 mm (VVER-1000) and a wall thickness of
136 mm (VVER-440) or 171 mm (WER-1000)
rather than a thick-wall tubesheet. As mentioned
above, the WER-440 collectors are made of the
same Ti-stabilized stainless steel as the tubing.
The WER-1000 collectors are made of the same
low alloy pearlitic steel (Type 10GN2MFA) as
the vessel, with stainless steel cladding on the
inside surface. The tubes are embedded against
the collector wall by explosion or hydraulic
expansion and welded at the collector inside
surface using argon-arc welding. Collector-tube
crevices generally do not exist, however, some

"under-rolling" of the heat exchanger tubes into

the collector wall has been reported, resulting in
crevices with depths up to 20 mm (explosive
expansions) or 2 mm (hydraulic expansions).
2.6.3 Tube Supports
Several types of tube support systems have been
used in PWR steam generators, as shown in
Figures 11 and 12. Most of the original steam




Drilled Plate
(with flow holes)




Figure 11. Typical tube support configurations (EPRI 1985a). Copyright 1985 Electric Power Research
Institute; reprinted with permission.




hot/cold leg


Diagonal bar
hot leg

Diagonal bar
cold leg

H 9


C7 t e

Hot leg
supports H4

m^m- w&- Tubesheet

llllll llllipi !U l | i



CE recirculating steam generator

fll llllllll Ulf;





outlet ^

S90 0196


| llllllllll 1 \h


ail" &m
lipliiliiii y #
mm m
pi mi |n iII


f i l l n HIuir
llllllllll 3 1
fjii II i II iJS.JM
itiiiiif nil

ft] PI[ill

wmm ^


Primary outlet
Westinghouse recirculating
steam generator
Tube Support Plate/Tubesheet Nomenclature

B & W once-through
steam generator (3)


S90 0197

Westinghouse model 51

Figure 12. Typical steam generator tube support layouts used in the United States with tube support plate
and tubesheet nomenclature.




generators of Westinghouse design have
plate-type tube supports, where tubes pass
through drilled holes in the plate. This
construction leaves a narrow gap around the
tube, between the tube and plate, which allows
secondary coolant to flow through. Separate
smaller holes also provide for the secondary
coolant flow. Combustion Engineering steam
generators mostly use supports formed from a
lattice arrangement of bars (eggcrate tube
supports), but also use drilled plates in some
locations in the U-bend region (see Figures 11
and 13). Babcock & Wilcox steam generators
have plate-type tube supports, but the holes are
broached to give a noncircular hole with three
lands to support the tube, with a larger diameter
between the lands to allow coolant flow adjacent
to the tube (trefoil-design broached hole). Later
Westinghouse designs also use broached hole
tube support plates (with four lands to support the
tube-quatrefoil design). The earlier models have
carbon steel as the tube support material,
whereas the later models have corrosion resistant
Type 405 ferritic stainless steel.

sign above). Recent models use an advanced

version of the lattice grids made of stainless steel
(see Figure 14). Antivibration (U-bend) supports
have also undergone changes, from carbon steel
scallop bars (stacked and staggered) to the
current stainless steel flat bar type. The WER440 and VVER-1000 steam generators use
stainless steel bar and stamped wave-like plates to
separate and support the tubes.
2.6.4 Steam Generator Shells and Feedwater
Figure 15 shows the locations of the feedwater
nozzle and the girth welds in a schematic of the
shell of a Westinghouse PWR recirculating steam
generator without a preheater. Figure 16a shows
a typical Westinghouse feedwater nozzle and
thermal sleeve. The Westinghouse thermal
sleeve is welded to the feedring (not shown in
figure). It fits snugly against the nozzle, but is
not attached to the nozzle. Figure 16b shows the
original configuration for the piping-to-nozzle
weld. (The cracks shown in Figures 16a and 16b
are discussed in Section 3.6.2.) The steam
generator shell, including the feedwater nozzle,
is made of low-alloy ferritic steel, typically SA533 Type A, Class 1 or 2 for the Westinghouse
steam generator shells and SA-508 C12 for the
feedwater nozzle forgings. (Some of the earlier
steam generators made by Westinghouse in their
Lester plant used SA-302 Grade B for the plate
material, but all the steam generators built at the
Tampa plant used SA-533.) The thermal sleeve
inside the feedwater nozzle is made of SA-106
Grade B carbon steel.

Antivibration bars (AVBs) or plates are used in

the U-bend regions of RSG tube bundles to
stiffen the tubes and limit vibration amplitudes.
Typical arrangements for AVBs in Westinghouse
and Combustion Engineering steam generators
are shown in Figure 13. The AVBs in Westinghouse-type RSGs are installed to provide support
to at least Row 11, though many were installed to
deeper depths, e.g., to row eight. The AVBs in
later Westinghouse models have a square cross
section and are made from Alloy 600 and are
chrome plated. The arrangement of the AVBs in
Combustion Engineering steam generators
includes vertical, horizontal, and bat wing strips,
as shown in Figure 13.

As stated in Section 2.6.1, Babcock & Wilcox

heat treated the entire Babcock & Wilcox oncethrough steam generator at about 595 C for 15
hours, thus reducing residual stresses in the shell
and feedwater nozzle, as well as in the tubing.
Most of the other steam generator vendors did
not heat treat the entire steam generator.

The CANDU steam generator tube support

design has gone through many changes. Older
operating units have a carbon steel lattice grid
arrangement, or carbon steel trefoil broached
plates (see description of Babcock & Wilcox de-




Typical Anti-Vibration Bar (AVB) Arrangements

Vertical tube support bar

(bat wing)

Row 73
No. 8 tube support
partial drill hole
support plate
No. 7 tube support
partial egg crate
with drill hole
plate section

CE RSG Anti-vibration
bar arrangement

No. 6 tube support

full egg crate
with drill hole
plate section



Model F Anti-vibration
bar arrangement

11 16
Model 51 Anti-vibration
bar arrangement


Figure 13. Typical recirculating steam generator antivibration bar arrangement.





Support Plate

Tube -


High Support

Low Support

Tube -

Flow Space
Tube to Support

Flow Space

Tube l

Low Support

Free Flow Space Between B&W Lattice Grid

and Broached Plate Design

Figure 14. Typical CANDU steam generator tube support structures. Courtesy of C. Maruska, Ontario





- Upper shell


Upper girth weld

Transition cone
- Lower girth weld

Lower shell

- Stub barrel weld

N91 0456

Figure 15. PWR steam generator showing shell welds (Westinghouse 1990). Copyright Westinghouse
Electric Corporation; reprinted with permission.




Feedwater nozzel


Thermal sleeve

Bore cracks

Nozzle blend
radius cracks


Figure 16a. Typical Westinghouse feedwater nozzle and thermal sleeve design with the sites susceptible
to high-cycle thermal fatigue damage caused by turbulent mixing of leaking feedwater and hot steam
generator coolant identified (Westinghouse 1990). Copyright Westinghouse Electric Corporation; reprinted
with permission.


21.4 mm
(0.844 in.

Deepcs: ^ ^



Fiow-^Pipe end
[406 mm (16 in.) Schedule 80]

17 mm
(0.656 in.)

[406 mm (16 in.) Schedule 60]

Mdp95 0215

Figure 16b. Westinghouse feedwater piping-to-nozzle weld design at the D.C. Cook plant with crack
locations identified (USNRC 1980)..




The VVER steam generator pressure vessels and
feedwater nozzles are shown in Figures 7, 8, and
9. The WER-440 steam generator shell is made
of Type 22K carbon steel. The VVER-1000
steam generator shell and feedwater nozzle is
made of Type 10GN2MFA low alloy steel with

the following chemical composition: 0.08 to

0.12% carbon, 0.17 to 0.37% silicon, 0.8 to
1.1% manganese, <_ 0.30 chromium, 1.8 to
2.3% nickel, 0.4 to 0.7% molybdenum, 0.03 to
0.07% vanadium, and less than 0.02% sulfur and




This section discusses the stressors, susceptible
sites and failure modes associated with the
various steam generator degradation mechanisms.
PWR and CANDU RSG tube degradation is
discussed first, including primary water stress
corrosion cracking, outside diameter stress
corrosion cracking (ODSCC), fretting, pitting,
denting, high-cycle fatigue, and wastage. This
material is followed by similar information on
PWR once-through steam generator tube and
VVER steam generator tube degradation.
Information on how to perform steam generator
tubing residual life estimates is then presented,
followed by information on PWR steam
generator shell and feedwater nozzle degradation
and W E R collector stress corrosion cracking
and feedwater system erosion-corrosion.

December 1994 and about 17,000 more tubes

were sleeved at Main Yankee during 1995 and
The relative impact of the tube degradation
mechanisms on overall PWR steam generator
performance has dramatically changed over time.
Figure 18 shows the percent of the total number
of tube failures* caused by each of the major
degradation mechanisms for the years 1975
through 1994 (EPRI 1995a). Both PWR and
CANDU RSG and PWR once-through steam
generator tube failures worldwide are included.
(Figure 18 does not include data from the WER
reactors, except Loviisa Units 1 and 2.)
Phosphate wastage was the major cause of tube
failures in PWR steam generators until about
1976. From 1976 to about 1979, denting was the
major cause of PWR steam generator tube
failures. After about 1979, a variety of corrosion
mechanisms became important, including
intergranular stress corrosion cracking/intergranular attack and pitting on the outside
diameters of the tubes and PWSCC on the inside
surfaces. Fretting damage became more apparent
after about 1983.

3.1 Summary of the PWR and CANDU Tube

Degradation Problems
In recent years, about one-half of the PWR
nuclear power plants in the world were plugging
or sleeving steam generator tubes in any given
year. This implies that about one-half of these
plants were operating with tubing defects near or
beyond the national limits in any given year.
Figure 17 shows the PWR and CANDU steam
generator tubes plugged per year as a percentage
of the total number of steam generator tubes in
service. In recent years, the percentage of tubes
plugged per year has been about 0.3 to 0.34% (of
a total steam generator tube population which
was more than 3.4 million in 1994). Although an
average plugging rate of 0.3% per year may
seem acceptable, over a 40 year steam generator
life, this amounts to about 10 to 12% of the
available tubes plugged. The total number of
steam generator tubes plugged per year during
the last few years has ranged from about 10,000
to 12,000 tubes. In addition, more than 48,000
steam generator tubes had been sleeved as of


Table 6 lists the number of PWR and CANDU

plants reporting various problems in 1977, 1982,
and 1993 (EPRI 1994). There was a dramatic
increase over the last 15 years in the number of
plants reporting ODSCC, PWSCC, and fretting
problems. In 1994, ODSCC (42%), PWSCC

a. Failure is defined as a nondestructive examination

indication requiring the tube to be removed from
service (plugged) or repaired. The tubes that actually
leaked primary coolant are a small proportion of the
tubes plugged or repaired. Steam generator tubes are
sometimes plugged as a preventive action if they are
judged to have a high probability of future failure.









' <

< *




i '.


_ i


i "




i <

r '
? *















Figure 17. Percentage of PWR and CANDU steam generator tubes plugged (EPRI 1995a). Copyright 1996 Electric Power Research
Institute; reprinted with permission.












Figure 18. Worldwide causes of steam generator plugging (EPRI 1995a). Copyright 1996 Electric Power Research Institute;
reprinted with permission.


Table 6. Units reporting steam generator problems, (EPRI 1995a).








- Tube Support Corrosion




- Tubesheet Corrosion



- Wastage




- Pitting


- ID Cracking






- Fretting



- Fatigue Cracking


- Impingement

No Problems




No problems after 5 years ops (no. of units/no. >5yrs. ops).





Tubing Corrosion

Mechanical Damage

Units reporting no problems after five years of operation




Mihama 3
Davis Besse

Chinon B 3
Cook 2(Rpl)
Cruas 3
Cruas 4
Genkai l(RpI)
Genkai 2
Indian Point 3(Rpl)
Loviisa 1
Loviisa 2
Neckarwestheim 2


Obrigheim (Rpl)
Philippsburg 2
Pickering A 2
Pickering A 3
Pickering A 4
Pickering B 7
Pickering-B 8
Ringhals 2 (Rpl)
Robinson 2 (Rpl)
Tomari 1
Trillo 1
Ulchin 1
Ulchin 2
Wolsung 1



(22%), and fretting (4%) accounted for about
68% of all the tubes plugged. However, the
degradation mechanism is unknown for a
significant number of defective tubes (about
30%). Over 50% of the PWR units worldwide
have now reported some occurrence of tube
fretting and wear. Not all steam generators are
degrading equally. Table 7 lists some of the
plants that have plugged and sleeved over 2,000
steam generator tubes. However, some plants
report no problems, even after five years of
operation (7-10% of the plants report no
problems after five years of operation).

It should be noted that there have been far fewer

tubing failures in the replacement steam
generators than in the original equipment.
Therefore, one would expect that the numbers of
degraded and plugged steam generator tubes will,
at some point, begin to decline as more
replacement steam generator come on-line. As
of December 1994, a total of 61 steam generators
at 22 nuclear plants in Belgium, France,
Germany, Japan, Sweden, Switzerland, and the
U.S. had been replaced.

Table 7. PWR plants with more than 2,000 steam generator tubes plugged or sleeved.





















Maine Yankee










Point Beach-2



San Onofre-1



Three Mile Island






a. All the data except Maine Yankee is for the time period up to the end of December 1994 (EPRI 1995a). The Main Yankee numbers include the
sleeving done in 1995 and 1996.




Most of the PWR and CANDU steam generator
tubes which have failed over the years have been
mill-annealed Alloy 600 tubes. However, some
failures of thermally treated Alloy 600 tubing
have been reported, primarily due to fretting and
denting (degradation mechanisms due to the
design of the support plates and AVBs and the
presence of loose parts, rather than me tubing
material). But there have also been a few
failures of thermally treated Alloy 600 tubing due
to primary and secondary-side stress corrosion
cracking. The Alloy 800M tubing used in the
Siemens/KWU steam generators has performed
relatively well. There were Alloy 800M tubing
failures due to wastage in the Siemens/KWU
steam generators which began operation in the
1970s with phosphate water chemistry, but there
have been no wastage failures in the Siemens/
KWU steam generators which began operation in
the 1980s with an all volatile water treatment.
There have also been some Alloy 800M tubing
fretting failures in the Siemens/KWU steam
generators which began operation before 1986.
But, only one Alloy 800M pulled tube has
exhibited a stress corrosion crack, pits have been
found on only two Alloy 800M tubes, and no
Alloy 800M tubes have exhibited detectable
intergranular attack or primary water stress
corrosion cracking. There have been no Alloy
690 tube defects of any kind reported to date.
3.2 Pressurized Water Reactor and CANDU
Reactor Recirculating Steam Generator Tubes
Figures 19 and 20 identify degradation sites for
PWR and CANDU steam generators, respectively. Table 8 lists PWR steam generator
degradation mechanisms, sites, stressors, failure
mode and inspection methods for tubes and
tubesheets. Table 9 lists the degradation mechanisms and sites currently active in the CANDU
steam generators and the corresponding countermeasures completed or in progress.

Primary Water Stress Corrosion
The corrosion behavior of austenitic alloys is
strongly dependent on me nickel and chromium
content. The influence of the nickel content on
the stress corrosion cracking processes in 18%
chromium austenitic alloys when stressed slighdy
above the yield point of the material in
demineralized water or water containing 1 g/i
chloride ions is shown in Figure 21 (Berge
1993). As indicated on the figure, Alloy 600 can
be susceptible to pure (primary) water stress
corrosion cracking, whereas, Alloy 690 and
Alloy 800M are generally not susceptible to
PWSCC. Austenitic stainless steels with a nickel
content below about 15% are susceptible to
transgranular stress corrosion cracking when
exposed to water containing significant amounts
of chlorides (1 gift). The effects of chromium
content on austenitic alloy material release rates
due to corrosion in high temperature, low
oxygen, borated water flowing at 5.5 m/s are
shown in Figure 22. The high chromium alloys
(800 and 690) appear to lose much less material,
probably because of the low solubility of
chromium oxides in low oxygen primary coolant
(Berge and Donati 1981).
The data plotted in Figures 21 and 22 suggest
that Alloy 600 is much more susceptible to
PWSCC than Alloys 800 or 690 and, in fact,
PWSCC of Alloy (Inconel) 600 was identified in
the laboratory as early as 1959, when Coriou et
al. (1959) reported cracking of this material in
"high purity" water at 350C (662F). PWSCC
of Alloy 600 steam generator tubing was first
observed in the hot leg roll-transitions at the
Obrigheim plant in 1971. Subsequent research
showed that this was an intergranular cracking
mechanism requiring at least the following
conditions to be present:



Inner row

Fretting or
AVB wear
futigue at


pile /Wastage/Pitti

on ID
Hot & cold leg
tube-to-tubesheet crevices

Top of roll expansion

Hot leg
tube-to-tubesheet crevice
N91 0406

Figure 19. Locations of known tube wall degradations in recirculating steam generators. (Courtesy of
K. J. Krzywosz of the Electric Power Research Institute NDE Center; modified.)




Steam Carry Over

Tube High Cycle Fatigue

Corrosion of Supports
Tube Fretting

Tube Corrosion at Supports

- ODSCC (Including Lead Assisted)
- Tube Deformation

Flow Blockage of Supports

Secondary Flow Instabilities

Fouling of Tube Surface (ID and OD)

Loss of Heat Transfer Efficiency

Tube Pitting in Freespan Area

Tube Denting at Supports

Tube Corrosion in Sludge Zone Above

Tubesheet and Tube Supports
- Pitting

Loose Parts Damage

Primary Side Plate Leakage

Figure 20. Degradation mechanisms and locations in CANDU recirculating steam generators. Courtesy
of C. Maruska, Ontario Hydro.





Tabic 8. Summary of PWR recirculating steam generator tube degradation processes.









Degradation Sites


ISI Method

Tubc-(o-tubcshcet crevices
Sludge pile
Tube support plate
Free span

Axial or circumferential
Circumferential crack
Axial crack
Axial crack

MRPC/Cccco 5
Bobbin coil/Cecco 5
Bobbin coil (in absolute mode)

Temperature, residual
tensile stresses,
sensitive materials
(low mill anneal

Inside surface of U-bend

Roll transition w/o kiss rolling
Roll transition with kiss lolling
Dented tube regions

Mixed Crack
Mixed Crack
Axial Crack
Circumferential Crack

Bobbin coil or MRPC

Flow induced
vibration, aggressive

Contact points between tubes and the AVBs, oi

tubes and the prchcater baffles
Contact between tubes and loose parts
Tube-to-tube contact

Local wear

Bobbin coil

Depends on loose part

Axial Wear

Bobbin coil
Bobbin coil


High mean stress level

and flow induced
vibration, initiating
defect (crack, dent,
pit, etc.)

At the upper support plate if the tube is clamped.

circumferential cracking

Leak detection or by detection of



Oxygen, eoppcr oxide,

temperature, pH,
crevice condition,

At the tube support plates, in the sludge pile, in

the tubesheet crevices

Flow blockage in tube,

may lead to circumferential
cracking (see PWSCC),
decreases the fatigue

Profilometry, bobbin coil


Brackish water,
chlorides, sulfates,
oxygen, copper oxides

Cold leg in sludge pile or where scale containing

copper deposits is found, under deposit pitting in
hot leg

Local attack and tube

thinning, may lead to a

Bobbin coil, ultrasonics


Phosphate chemistry,
chloride concentration,
resin leakage

Tubeshcet crevices, sludge pile, tube support

plates, AVBs

General thinning

Bobbin coil

'Based on operating experience and number of defects (as of 1993).

MuItifrcqucncy rotating pancake coil probe.


Tensile stresses,
sensitive materials


Potential Failure





Table 9. Summary of major CANDU steam generator degradation.




Degradation Sites

High stress,
U-bend support
environment due to
deposit build-up
7th support plate

Potential Failure

ISI Method


Cecco 3

some axial

Cecco 3

Outside diameter

Deposits which
cause a corrosive

Tubesheet area
Local tube thinning
under sludge pile
leading to holes
and at lower tube
intersections and at
freespan tubes

E/C [carter]


Flow induced
vibration, loose

U-bend support

Bobbin coil

Corrosion of
carbon steel

U-bend supports
environment, stress

Visual (secondary
disintegration and
metal loss/may lead
to tube degradation
from flow induced
vibration due to
lack of support

high or low cycle

Bolt failure

Break up of bolted
plates may lead to
blockage of PHT

Primary head

high applied or residual tensile stress or

both (near the yield strength),

Metal loss which

may lead to large

Visual and
metallography of

PWSCC occurs at locations on the inside surfaces

of RSG tubing with high residual stresses
(introduced during fabrication and installation of
the tubes, as discussed in Section 2.6). These
locations are primarily the expansion-transition
regions in the tubesheets, the U-bend regions of
the tubing in the inner rows (i.e., the tubes with
a small bend radius), and any dent locations at

a corrosive environment (high temperature water), and

susceptible tubing microstructure (alloy
content and few intergranular carbides).




Susceptibility to SCC



Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC)

Ci-Containing Water
(1000 ppm)




Demineralized Water



Inconel 800


Inconel 690




Inconel 600
M95 0140

Figure 21. Schematic diagram showing the influence of nickel content on the cracking processes occurring
in three steam generator tubing materials stressed slightly above the yield point in 350C water (From
Coriou 1971, as reported by Berge 1993). Copyright 1993 Electric Power Research Institute; reprinted
with permission.

the tube support plate, tubesheet, or sludge pile

elevations. Section 3.1.5 discusses tube denting,
e.g., deformation resulting in residual stresses
due to buildup of corrosion products. PWSCC
generally occurs on the hot leg side of the
recirculating steam generations; however, cold
leg PWSCC has been observed.

Status. As of December 1993, at least 94 PWR

plants worldwide (36 plants in the U.S.) with
RSGs had experienced significant PWSCC at the
expansion-transition (tubesheet), dent, and/or Ubend locations of the tubing (EPRI 1994).
Approximately 14,180 RSG tubes with PWSCC
at or near the expansion-transitions have been
plugged at 85 plants. Tubes with PWSCC have
also been sleeved at 17 plants. Approximately
8,430 RSG tubes with PWSCC in the U-bend
regions have also been plugged at 63 plants
(however, several hundred tubes were
preventively plugged and may not have been
Fifty-three PWR plants have
experienced both expansion-transition and U-

In the case of an axial crack, a leak will occur

before the critical crack size (leading to tube
rupture) is achieved. On the other hand, the
evolution of circumferential cracks is not known.
Consequently, a tube with a circumferential crack
is usually plugged or sleeved immediately after
detection to avoid possible tube rupture.






Borated Water 2250 h

o Descaled metal loss
Corrosion film weight
Material lost to stream




Chromium (%)

M96 0143

Figure 22. Effect of austenitic alloy chromium content on material lost due to corrosion in deaerated,
borated water flowing at a velocity of 5.5 m/s (From Sedriks et. al 1979, as reported by Berge and Donati
1981). Copyright 1981 American Nuclear Society, Inc., LaGrange, Illinoise; reprinted with permission.

bend PWSCC and tubes with PWSCC at dents

have been plugged at, at least five plants.

explosive-transition and U-bend PWSCC

occurred at Maine Yankee after about 16 years of
operation (model CE-67 steam generators) and a
few cracks at the expansion-transition regions
occurred at Palo Verde Units 1 and 3 after five to
seven years of operation (model CE-80 steam
generators). Recently, it has been reported that
after 22 years of operation 60% of the Maine
Yankee steam generator tubes have indications of
circumferential cracking at or near the expansion
transition and the utility has sleeved all 17,000
tubes in its three steam generators (INSIDE NRC
1995, USNRC 1995a).

This degradation has occurred primarily at

Westinghouse-type plants (steam generators built
by Westinghouse and by Westinghouse licensees
in Europe and Japan) in Belgium, France, Japan,
Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the U.S.
with Alloy 600 mill-annealed tubing, typically
expanded by hard rolling (which introduces high
residual stresses at the roll transition and where
rolling anomalies occurred). The most extensively degraded steam generators have had as
many as 20 to 38% of all their tubes plugged as
a result of PWSCC and have been replaced at
some plants. However, similar steam generators
(same model number) at other PWR plants have
experienced only a few tube failures due to

Nine French plants with thermally treated Alloy

600 tubing have plugged tubes because of
PWSCC at the expansion-transition region.
However, the number of steam generator tubes
involved (a total of 82 plugged) is rather small, in
part, because the tubes were not plugged unless
they also had dents (i.e., the possibility of
circumferential cracking). As of December
1993, there had been no PWSCC of thermally

The Combustion Engineering plants with

relatively high-temperature mill-annealed tubing
initially reported less PWSCC. However, both




treated Alloy 600 tubes in the U.S. or elsewhere
outside of France and there had been no PWSCC
of Alloy 690 or Alloy 800M tubing. (PWSCC of
thermally treated Alloy 600 tubing has occurred
only in steam generators in which the tubes were
mechanically rolled into the tubesheet.)
CANDU units using high-temperature millannealed Alloy 600 tubing, running at relatively
low inlet temperatures have not experienced
PWSCC to date (EPRI 1994). The oldest
running plant with Alloy 600 tubing has over 11
effective full power years (EFPY) or
approximately 18 calendar years of operation
with no evidence of this degradation mechanism.
It is believed that the lower operating
temperatures of the CANDU primary system and
more resistant material may have contributed to
the delay in onset of this type of cracking. The
other tubing alloys used in the CANDU steam
generators, Monel 400 and Alloy 800, are not
susceptible to PWSCC.
Crack Patterns. Examination of removed tubes
affected by PWSCC and in situ inspection by
rotating pancake coil eddy-current test probes
indicate that PWSCC cracks typically have the
following patterns (Dobbeni et al. 1985,
Engstrom 1985):

Cracks in U-bends typically are axial in

orientation, though occasional off-axial
cracks have been detected.


Cracks in standard roll transitions are

mostly axial, though occasional short
circumferential cracks occur between
axial cracks. Rarely are isolated circumferential cracks detected.


Some large circumferential cracks have

been detected in the sludge pile area of
kiss-rolled plants in France. In some
cases, large circumferential cracks have
been located at the same transition as
multiple axial cracks. In other cases,


large circumferential cracks have

occurred without any axial cracks.

Cracks at explosive transitions are

typically circumferential in orientation,
though occasionally axial PWSCC is
noted by rotating pancake coil eddycurrent testing.


Primary-side cracks at dented tube

support plate intersections are typically
axial, though some circumferential segments have been noted.


Cracks at dents associated with sludge

pile deposits at the top of the tubesheet
(observed in France) have been circumferential in orientation.

Effect of Stress. The PWSCC damage rate in

Alloy 600 material increases as a function of
stress to an exponent. Test results have shown
this exponent to be in the range of four to seven
(Hunt and Gross 1994). An exponent of four is
typically used, i.e., damage rate * o where a is
the maximum principal tensile stress, which
includes both applied and residual stresses
(Bandy and Rooyen 1984). An exponent of four
on damage rate is typical of stress exponents for
creep and, thus, is consistent with modern
models for PWSCC, which say that slow
straining at the crack tip is an essential part of the
cracking process. This correlation suggests that
a 50% reduction in the effective stress will result
in a sixteen-fold decrease in the damage rate and
a corresponding increase in PWSCC initiation
time. The correlation was developed using
tensile specimen data and is widely used. A
threshold stress, a stress below which PWSCC
does not initiate, has not been determined
experimentally for Alloy 600. However, use of
the strain rate damage model, which is based on
slow strain rate test data, leads to an estimated
threshold stress of about 241 MPa (35 ksi) at an
operating temperature of about 315C (600F)
(Begley 1988).


All the PWSCC failures reported in the field
resulted from high residual tensile stresses; the
applied operating stresses are generally low. The
high residual stresses are caused by tube bending
and expansion during fabrication and installation,
and by any tube denting at the support plates
during operation. The magnitude of the residual
stresses at the affected sites are of yield strength
level; in a cold-worked steam generator tube the
residual stress can be as high as 690 MPa (100

improvement in non-destructive examination

(NDE) detection capabilities that have occurred
in recent years.
Effect of Microstructure. Field experience and
research results show that the PWSCC resistance
of Alloy 600 is highest when the grain
boundaries are covered with continuous or semicontinuous carbides. The PWSCC resistance is
lower when the grain boundaries are covered
with widely spaced, discrete carbides. The
PWSCC initiation time increases by a factor of
five as the grain boundary carbide coverage
increases from 0 to 100% (Rao 1994). The
reasons for this beneficial effect of the
intergranular carbides are not yet fully
understood. According to Bruemmer, Chariot,
and Henager (1988), the intergranular carbides
act as a source of dislocations, resulting in plastic
strains that cause crack tip blunting and, thus,
reduce PWSCC susceptibility. Another possible
explanation, according to Smialowska of the
Ohio State University, is that the Alloy 600
material passivates more readily in the presence
of intergranular carbides (Hunt and Gross 1994).

Effect of Temperature. PWSCC of Alloy 600

material is a thermally activated process, which
can be described by an Arrhenius relationship of
the form
damage rate o" e


where Q is an activation energy, R is the

universal gas constant, T is temperature, and n is
a constant of four to seven as discussed above.
This is the standard form for thermally activated
processes and is supported by several recent
studies. The best estimate for the activation
energy from laboratory studies and field
experience is about 210 kJ/mole (50 kcal/mole)
and the estimates vary from about 160 to 270
kJ/mole (Gorman et al. 1991). As such, a small
decrease in steam generator operating
temperature will significantly slow the initiation
and growth of PWSCC at any location in the
steam generator (Hunt and Gorman 1986, Bandy
and van Rooyen 1984a, Stein and Mcllree 1986).

The percentage of the grain boundary covered

with intergranular carbides depends on the heat
treatment temperature and time, carbon content,
and grain size. During the heat treatment, if the
temperature is high enough, the Alloy 600
material recrystallizes, and new grain boundaries
are formed. If all the carbides are dissolved
during the heat treatment, the carbon is then in
solution, and carbides will precipitate at the new
grain boundaries during subsequent cooldown.
As a result, the grain boundaries may be fully
covered with carbides and the material becomes
resistant to PWSCC. If all the carbides are not
dissolved, then the undissolved carbides remain
as intragranular carbides (at old grain
boundaries), and during subsequent cooldown the
intragranular carbides will limit the grain growth.
As a result, the grain boundary surface area will
be much greater and not fully covered with
carbides, and the material will be less resistant to

Use of this type of time-temperature relationship

to model the time delay expected between a given
percentage of PWSCC failures in me hot and
cold leg tubesheet regions, shows a delay factor
of five to eight in time, depending on plant
temperatures and the value of activation energy
Q used. However, cold leg tubesheet PWSCC
has recently been observed in some plants after
somewhat shorter times, e.g., a factor of two to
three later than hot leg tubesheet PWSCC. This
may have been caused simply by the significant




PWSCC (small grain material has a much larger
grain boundary surface area than large grain

lithium, compared to 1 ppm and 3.5 ppm (Milled:

and Wood 1994).
EPRI-sponsored studies
indicate that increasing the hydrogen concentration in the primary coolant increases the rate of
PWSCC. Consequently, the EPRI Primary
Water Chemistry Guidelines recommend that
utilities maintain hydrogen concentrations in the
range of 25 to 35 cm /kg, which is near the lower
end of the typically used range of 25 to 50
cm /kg (EPRI 1990b, Gorman 1989).

The solubility of carbon in Alloy 600 is fairly

low and depends on the weight percent carbon
and the temperature. For example, a temperature
of 980C (1800F) will dissolve a carbon content
of 0.03 wt%, whereas, a temperature of 1204C
(2200 F) is needed to dissolve a carbon content
of 0.15 wt%. So, if the heat treatment temperature is not high enough or the carbon content is
too large, such that all the carbides are not
dissolved, the resulting microstructure will be
less resistant to PWSCC. Review of several
PWSCC failures supports this observation
(Campbell and Fyfitch 1994). However, it is
also desirable to avoid carbon contents that are
extremely low (C _<_ 0.015%, for example)
because adequate strength requires the presence
of carbides in the material. In general, plant
experience has shown that the high stress or
temperature locations in steam generators with
tubing that was mill-annealed at a relatively low
temperature (low-temperature mill-annealed
tubing) may exhibit PWSCC after one to ten
EFPYs of operation (Hunt and Gorman 1986,
Gorman and Hunt 1986). Plants with hightemperature mill-annealed tubing may experience
significant PWSCC after ten or more EFPYs of
operation (Kuchirka and Cunningham 1986,
Benson 1988).

3.2.2 Outside Diameter Stress Corrosion

ODSCC is a degradation mechanism which
includes both IGSCC and intergranular attack
(IGA) on the outside surfaces of the tubing.
ODSCC of Alloy 600 was first seen in the field
in the early 1970s and has since become the most
pervasive secondary-side steam generator
corrosion problem. It has been experienced in
many steam generators operating at fresh-watercooled locations, and to a lesser extent at
seawater-cooled units. Most of this degradation
takes place in the tube-to-tubesheet and tube-totube support plate crevices, however, ODSCC in
the sludge pile and/or free-span locations has
been observed at some plants. IGSCC requires
the same three conditions as PWSCC: tensile
stress, material susceptibility, and a corrosive
environment (in this case, high-temperature water
containing aggressive chemicals). As a result of
the corrosive environment on the secondary-side,
this mechanism apparently occurs at somewhat
lower stresses, material susceptibilities, and
temperatures than those required for stress
corrosion cracking on the primary-side (EPRI
1985a, Partridge 1986a,b,c). IGA is a similar
form of attack but, unlike IGSCC, it can occur
without large tensile stresses present. However,
it is believed that stress has an accelerating effect
on IGA initiation and growth.

Effect of Coolant Chemistry. Tests over the

range of high temperature pH values from 6.9 to
7.4 show that the primary coolant chemistry has
a secondary effect on PWSCC initiation in Alloy
600 material (Lott et al. 1992).
preliminary results show that PWSCC initiation
is sometimes accelerated when the lithium
content is high. For example, PWSCC initiation
time was reduced by about a factor of two when
the lithium concentration was increased from 2.2
ppm to 3.5 ppm at a constant boron concentration
of 1200 ppm. A recent Japanese study showed
that PWSCC damage is minimized at 2 ppm


The IGSCC corrosion morphology consists of

single or networks of multiple major cracks
generally oriented normal to the maximum



principal stress with limited patches of IGA.

Virtually all the crack propagation is intergranular. The IGA morphology is characterized by a
relatively uniform attack on all grain boundaries
at the tube surface. It occurs at dry out areas
such as in crevices and sludge piles. It is
believed that IGA is often a precursor to IGSCC,
i.e., that relatively uniform IGA occurs until
stresses increase (e.g., as a result of tube wall
thinning) to the point that isolated fingers of IGA
accelerate and become IGSCC cracks (EPRI
1985a, Partridge 1986a,b,c). Most outside
diameter stress corrosion cracks are primarily
oriented in the axial direction, however, significant circumferential cracking has been observed
in the expansion-transition region of the tubing in
some steam generators and circumferential
ODSCC is sometimes found near dents. For
example, circumferential ODSCC at the expansion-transition region of the tubing had occurred
in about 50% of the tubes in each of the three
steam generators at Doel Unit 4 by the end of the
8th cycle. Shallow circumferential cracks may
sometimes occur in the IGA affected regions
producing a grid-like pattern of axial and circumferential cracks termed "cellular corrosion."
Corrosive Impurities.
ODSCC strongly
depends on the concentration of corrosive
impurities in the steam generator. The impurities
are brought into the steam generator with the
feedwater at low concentrations as a result of
condenser in leakage, makeup water system
impurities, corrosion of piping and heat
exchanger equipment, and condensate polisher
leakage. In some cases, phosphates from previous operation with phosphate water chemistry
are still present in hideout locations and can
contribute to tube corrosion. The bulk boiling
process then concentrates the impurities over
time in the steam generator coolant and even
higher impurity concentrations form in the tubesheet and tube support plate crevices, the sludge
pile, and occasionally between tubes in the upper
free span regions where crud collects. The
impurities concentrate in these regions because

the coolant circulation is poor and local boiling

or dry out (steam blanketing) occurs. The
impurity levels in secondary-side systems are
highly variable, and are likely influenced by at
least the following: crevice geometry, cooling
water type (fresh, brackish, sea), secondary plant
materials (e.g., presence of copper), condenser
leakage history, air in leakage history, water
treatment history, plant attention to secondary-side chemistry, and types and application
history of remedial measures.
From analytical determinations, it appears that
for IGA to occur a highly alkaline condition must
exist in the crevice caused by the concentration
of alkaline species present in the secondary-side
water. It was noted that a combination of IGA
and IGSCC is often present close to each other in
failed tube samples, with the IGA being more
extensive than the IGSCC. In general, plant
experience has shown that the high-temperature/high-caustic concentrating locations in a
steam generator (e.g., the hot leg tubesheet
crevice region) may exhibit IGA/IGSCC after
two to ten EFPYs operation.
The presence of various anions strongly
influences the corrosion attack. Carbonates and
sulfates, and to a lesser extent phosphates, are
very deleterious and can develop deep IGA and
IGSCC, depending on the value of the
electrochemical potential. The electrochemical
potential of the Alloy 600 tubes is governed by
the composition of the secondary water during
operation. When AVT control is used, reductive
conditions are encountered, and in the case of
caustic pollution, IGA should preferentially occur
in crevice regions. On the other hand, when
oxygen enters the steam generator (either in the
form of oxygen or metallic oxides), the potential
is raised and favors an IGSCC mechanism. For
this reason, the composition of the sludge and, in
particular, the oxidizing potential could be the
deciding factor in whether IGA or IGSCC or
both will occur. Tubes removed from existing
plants (Airey and Pement 1982) indicate that both



the outside diameter surfaces and the intergranular fracture faces had in addition to the
three major elements (nickel, chromium, and
iron), the presence of sodium, potassium,
calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, aluminum, and
Laboratory tests also show that Alloy 600 tubes
exposed to high temperatures [324C (615F)]
for 4,000 hours are susceptible to stress
corrosion cracking in an aqueous environment
contaminated with lead. Lead has been found on
the crack faces and tube surfaces of some tubes
removed from operating steam generators
(Miglin and Sarver 1991).
Status. As of December 1993, at least 89 PWR
plants (44 U.S. plants) with RSGs and a few
CANDU plants have experienced some degree of
ODSCC in the tubesheet crevice, sludge pile,
tube support plate intersection, or free-span
locations (EPRI 1994). Approximately 14,140
RSG tubes with ODSCC at the tube support plate
locations have been plugged at 63 PWR plants.
Approximately 13,860 RSG tubes with ODSCC
in the tubesheet crevice and sludge pile regions
have also been plugged at 75 PWR plants (49
PWR plants have had both tube support plate and
tubesheet ODSCC repairs). Tubes with ODSCC
have also been sleeved at 25 plants. This
degradation has occurred primarily in
Combustion Engineering (eight plants) and
Westinghouse-type plants (79 plants) with Alloy
600 mill-annealed tubing. Only one tube with
ODSCC has been found in the Siemens/KWU
steam generators with Alloy 800M tubing and
only one plant with thermally treated Alloy 600
tubing has reported ODSCC (Kori-2 has reported
finding ODSCC in the tubesheet region and
plugging 125 tubes). The only CANDU plant
with extensive ODSCC has been Bruce-A2 where
1,399 tubes failed (were plugged) due to lead
assisted stress corrosion cracking. The most
extensively degraded steam generators have had
as many as 40 to 56% of all their tubes plugged
or sleeved as a result of ODSCC and have been
replaced at a number of plants (or in some cases,


the plants have been shutdown). However,

similar steam generators (same model number) at
other plants have experienced only a few percent
failures due to ODSCC.
ODSCC has appeared in PWR steam generator
tubes with both high and low mill-annealed
temperature, but generally not in thermally
treated tubes because the thermally treated tubes
do not have chrome depletion at the grain
Tests were conducted using
high-temperature electrochemical measurements
to identify conditions leading to IGA
(Pinard-Legry and Plante 1983). The results of
these tests indicate that in 10% caustic media at
320C, IGA is commonly observed in Alloy 600
in the mill-annealed condition whereas, material
thermally-treated at 700 C shows definite
improvement over the mill-annealed material in
resistance to both IGA and IGSCC. Similar
results have been reported by Berge and Donati
(1981) and are plotted in Figure 23. The
minimum times for inducing a 500 /^m crack in
various C-ring samples of mill-annealed and heat
treated (16 hours at 700C) Alloy 600, Alloy
800, Alloy 690, and Type 316 stainless steel
material, exposed to a deaerated caustic soda
solution (NaOH) at 350C and subjected to
stresses at about yield (according to ASTM STP
425), are plotted versus NaOH concentration.
Note, that the Alloy 690 and 800 samples appear
to be immune to stress corrosion cracking in
350C NaOH solutions with a concentration of
about 50 g/{ or less, however, all of the materials
are susceptible to stress corrosion cracking within
a few thousand hours at NaOH concentrations
over about 100 g/l. The thermally treated Alloy
600 material is susceptible to stress corrosion at
NaOH concentrations of 50 g/H or less, but less
susceptible than die mill-annealed Alloy 600
The oldest running CANDU units tubed with
Alloy 600 are currently experiencing widespread,
but relatively shallow (5-10% of the wall
thickness) ODSCC at the tube U-bend supports.



4 10
40 100 400 1000
NaOH concentration (g//)
M96 0142

Figure 23. Resistance to stress corrosion cracking of mill-annealed or heat treated Alloy 600, Alloy 690,
Alloy 800, and Type 316 stainless steel as a function of sodium hydroxide concentration at 350C (Berge
and Donati 1981). Copyright 1981 American Nuclear Society, Inc., LaGrange, Illinoise; reprinted with

The degradation was severely aggravated in

Bruce-A2 by contamination due to a lead blanket

inadvertently left in one steam generator during

maintenance activities. The lead was transported
into the other steam generators at the unit
through the water in the common steam drum.
Cracking in the lead contaminated steam
generators was typical of lead assisted cracking:
mixed mode, transgranular and intergranular,
ranging from 0-100% throughwall.
shielding was also inadvertendy left behind in the
Doel Unit 4 Steam Generator B in Belgium and
is believed to have contributed to the severe
ODSCC which subsequently occurred in that
steam generator.

a. Maruska, C. C. 1995. Unpublished material

provided by C. C. Maruska to the authors.

Because ODSCC can take several forms (short

axial cracks, long axial cracks, circumferential
cracking, cellular corrosion, etc.) and the ease of

This degradation has been due to a combination

of heavy secondary-side deposits which created
an aggressive environment on the tube surface
and corrosion of the carbon steel supports which
caused high stresses in the area. The heavy
deposits in the steam generators were due to
early water treatment plant problems, condenser
leakage, abnormal chemistry incidents, and
feedtrain corrosion problems. Final failure of a
few tubes occurred due to high-cycle fatigue.




detection of these various kinds of ODSCC

degradation varies considerably, the potential
safety consequences of ODSCC at separate plants
can be quite different. For example, ODSCC
within the tubesheet is much more difficult to
detect with a standard eddy-current bobbin coil
probe than PWSCC within the tubesheet or axial
ODSCC at the tube support plates. However, it
is possible to detect ODSCC within the tubesheet
before it reaches a critical size and, therefore,
make repairs before tube rupture. To date, there
have been no tube ruptures due to undetected
ODSCC in the tubesheet region. Axial ODSCC
at the tube support plates can usually be readily
detected with a bobbin coil probe, however,
detection of circumferential ODSCC at the tube
support plates requires special probes as does the
sizing of ODSCC. Also, the evolution of the
ODSCC depends significantly on the local
environment within the crevice or under the
crud, the details of which are often unknown.
Therefore, the future crack growth rate cannot
always be accurately estimated. However, some
tube supports (and the tubesheet) can provide
reinforcement in the event of a throughwall
crack, provided the support does not move
relative to the tube during the event and the crack
is within the support. Freespan IGA/IGSCC can
occur if there are deposits on the tube, which
concentrate impurities. The sensitivity of the
eddy-current signal is poor and a special analysis
in absolute mode is needed to detect a freespan
flaw before the flaw achieves a critical size.
Tube ruptures have occurred due to freespan

sliding wear, or wear. Thinning generally results

from concurrent effects of vibration and
corrosion. However, thinning occurs at some
locations where flow-induced vibrations are not
expected, so it is not certain that tube motion is
required for this mechanism; in some cases it
may simply be the result of corrosion wastage.
The major stressor in fretting and wear is flowinduced vibration.
Tube vibration can be
induced by fluid cross flow or by parallel flow.
Initiation, stability, and growth characteristics of
damage by these mechanisms may be functions of
a large number of variables, including the
support locations, the stiffness of the supports,
the gap size between tube and support, secondary
flow velocities and directions, and oxide layer
characteristics. A complete understanding of
flow-induced tube vibration and resultant tube
fretting/wear/thinning can only be achieved by
quantifying the structural, hydraulic, and material
wear characteristics of a specific steam
generator. These topics are beyond the scope of
mis section, but note that this type of analysis has
been performed during efforts to mitigate certain
wear/fretting problems (CSGORG 1983). Also,
EPRI has sponsored the development of a
mechanistic computer model that predicts the
fretting and wear caused by flow-induced
vibrations in RSGs (Stuhmiller et al. 1988). The
model calculates local turbulence to determine
the unsteady flows in the vicinity of AVBs and
near the bundle peripheral tubes, and provides
time histories of the resulting buffeting loads.
Whenever mild wear occurs on a tube, the
fatigue strength of the material can be reduced.
In most cases, the reduction in fatigue strength is
attributed to the wear process assisting in the
nucleation or early growth of a fatigue crack.
However, fretting-fatigue failures of steam
generator tubing have not occurred. The absence
of such failures is attributed to the low
probability that high cyclic stresses will be
present at the sites where the fretting is
occurring. The span between tube supports is

3.2.3 Fretting, Wear and Thinning

These steam generator degradation types are
broadly characterized as mechanically-induced or
-aided degradation mechanisms. Degradation
from small amplitude, oscillatory motion, between continuously rubbing surfaces, is generally
termed fretting. Tube vibration of relatively
large amplitude, resulting in intermittent sliding
contact between tube and support, is termed




typically too small to allow excitation of high
amplitude vibrations of the segments of tube
between supports (Jacko 1983).
Status. Fretting/wear/thinning degradation was
first identified as a problem in about 1973 and
has been noted to some degree in all major PWR
steam generator designs. This includes preheater
and AVB wear/fretting in Westinghouse-type
RSGs, cold leg thinning in Westinghouse-type
RSGs, AVB (diagonal support) wear /fretting in
Combustion Engineering RSGs, and AVB
wear/fretting in Siemens/KWU RSGs (EPRI
As of December 1993, 116 plants with RSGs had
experienced tubing failure due to AVB wear/
fretting, 78 plants had reported wear/fretting
failures due to loose parts damage, and 12 plants
had reported wear/fretting failures associated
with the steam generator preheaters (EPRI 1994).
4,633 tubes have been plugged because of AVB
wear/fretting (920 tubes were preventively
plugged and the rest were plugged due to NDE
indications), mostly in Westinghouse-type steam
generators. This damage has occurred in the
more recent Westinghouse steam generator
designs at 17 plants (Westinghouse models F,
44F, and 5IF and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
model 5 IF) as well as in the earlier model steam
generators. Steam generator tubes have also
been plugged due to AVB (batwing or vertical
strap) wear/fretting at, at least seven Combustion
Engineering designed plants,, three Siemens/
KWU plants and one CANDU plant. At least
941 tubes have been plugged because of loose
parts damage in 78 plants, although most of these
plants (44 plants) have plugged less than ten
tubes each. One plant did plug 176 tubes due to
loose parts damage.
Antivibration Bars Fretting. As discussed in
Section 2, AVBs are used in the U-bend regions
of RSG tube bundles to stiffen the tubes and limit
vibration amplitudes. Various arrangements of

bars and plates have been used for this purpose

by the various steam generator manufacturers.
Typical arrangements for AVBs are shown in
Figure 13. Wear/fretting at AVBs in Westinghouse-type RSGs is believed to be caused at least
in part, by insufficient tube restraint, but the
appropriate flow excitation phenomena has not
been established in the open literature. In some
RSG models, wear requiring tube plugging has
occurred only in peripheral regions of the tube
bundle, while other plants have experienced
random AVB wear/fretting degradation, but no
consistent differences among the different RSG
models have been identified. Most plants with 6
to 10 EFPYs or more of operation have
experienced AVB wear to at least some degree.
Several plants experiencing AVB wear/fretting
have performed AVB replacement, where an
improved AVB design was considered necessary
or excessive clearance between tube and AVB in
the existing configuration was demonstrated.
Some plants have accumulated significant
operating experience following AVB replacement, and subsequent inspections indicate that
this modification has been successful at reducing
AVB wear/fretting in these units to a level of
minor concern. Alternatively, other units have
not yet determined the primary cause of their
AVB wear/fretting and, as such, are currently
experiencing degradation that is of a more
significant operating concern (Blomgren 1986).
AVB (or diagonal support) wear in Combustion
Engineering RSGs is believed to be caused, in
part, by the secondary-side flows causing the
diagonal supports to move.
configuration for these RSGs is also shown in
Figure 13. The flow exerts a pressure on the
diagonal support, which deflects it into the tubes,
resulting in contact forces between the two. The
in-plane flow-induced vibration of the tubes
results in a relative sliding of the tube and
support, and tube and support wear occurs. The
degradation, generally, appears in the tubes near
the inner periphery of the central cylinder, in the




Scalloped Bars

Figure 24. CANDU recirculating steam generators staggered scallop bar arrangement. Courtesy of C.
Maruska, Ontario Hydro.
region of the longest diagonal support span.
Plants experiencing this AVB wear have plugged
tubes as indicated necessary by NDE wall-loss
evaluations. Vendor analysis of the problem has
concluded that the degradation is self-limiting
since only a relatively smallfraction(3 to 4%) of
the tubes experience the requisite cross flow
force for degradation to occur. As a result,
preventive plugging of all these tubes is possible
without threatening steam generator life
(Harberts 1986).

staggered scalloped bars (the U-bend support bar

stack is split into two offset stacks as shown in
Figure 24, and the tubes are held in semicircular
holes). This degradation is caused by flowinduced vibration of the tubes which is due to Ubend supports which were widely spaced and
perhaps insufficiently rigid." Although tube
fretting is severe and widespread, no tube failures
have occurred in CANDU steam generators due
to this degradation mechanism to date. There is
evidence to indicate that the fretting rate in these
steam generators is decreasing with time,
suggesting that this mechanism is self limiting.

Fretting is occurring in CANDU steam

generators with U-bend supports made of

a. P. E. MacDonald, Personal communication with

C. Maruska, Ontario Hydro, Canada, 1995.




Loose Parts Damage. As indicated by the

number of tubes plugged due to loose parts
damage, loose parts and other debris have been
found on the secondary-side of the steam
generators at a large number of PWRs over the
years. These parts include tools (for example, a
152 mm flat file at Wolf Creek, a grinder wheel
at Watts Bar Unit 1, a weld rod at Turkey Point
4, parts of a pocket knife at D.C. Cook Unit 1,
and a 152 mm C-clamp at Point Beach), valve
and pump parts (for example, a check valve pin
at Turkey Point Unit 4), equipment used for
previous inspections, broken steam generator
material, debris left from previous modifications
and repairs (for example, pieces of steel plate,
copper tubing, weld material, wire, etc.), and
other things. These loose parts have also been
implicated in at least two tube rupture events in
operating plants in the U.S.
One of the worst examples of this problem
occurred at Ginna from 1975 to 1982. Foreign
objects including various size pieces of carbon
steel plate up to about 150 mm in length fell onto
the tubesheet outside the periphery of the tube
bundle during steam generator modifications
performed in 1975 and later. This debris then
impacted on the exposed peripheral tubes during
subsequent operation and caused defects. The
damaged tubes were plugged as a result of eddycurrent indications and/or small leaks. However,
the debris continued to damage the plugged tubes
and eventually caused the tubes to collapse and in
some cases to become completely severed near
the top of the tubesheet. The severed tubes and
debris then interacted with the adjacent inboard
tubes resulting in fretting type wear of the
adjacent tubes. These tubes, in turn, were
plugged as a result of eddy-current indications or
leaks, however, damage continued until they also
became severed. Eventually, an unplugged tube
in the third row in from the outside row was
subjected to fretting type wear over about 150
mm of length and burst. The wear removed
about 84% of the wall thickness over about 100
mm of length, which caused a relatively long
"fish mouth" type burst. The peripheral tube

damage mechanisms were primarily mechanical

and included impact, collapse, fatigue, fretting
type wear, abrasion, and ductile overload and
tearing. The transient that resulted from this
rupture is discussed in Section 4.5
USNRC Generic Letter 85-02 requested the U.S.
PWR owners perform visual inspections in the
vicinity of me tubesheet along the entire
periphery of the tube bundle and the tube lane to
identify and remove any foreign objects (USNRC
1985). Such an examination should be done after
any secondary-side repairs. Obviously, all tools
and equipment going into a steam generator
during an inspection should come out.
Although most loose parts damage has occurred
on the secondary-side of the steam generators,
there have also been cases of primary-side
damage, primarily to protruding tube ends and
tube-to-tubesheet welds.
Preheater Fretting. Several different arrangements have been used for the preheaters in
different Westinghouse plants, as shown in
Figure 25. Wear/fretting in the outer tube rows
near the inlet nozzle has occurred in Model
D2/D3 split-flow preheater RSGs and Model
D4/D5/E counterflow preheater RSGs. The
degradation was determined to be caused by
large flow velocities and turbulence, and
insufficient tube restraint (Hoffman et. al. 1986).
The wear/fretting problem in the D2/D3 RSGs
was addressed by redistributing feedwater flow
between the primary and auxiliary feedwater
inlets to reduce the flow into the preheater
through the primary inlet, and by incorporating
a preheater manifold to reduce cross flow
vibration. Turbulence and peak flow velocities
were reduced. Model D4/D5/E RSGs were
modified by performing an expansion of the tubes
within the tube baffle plates at certain preheater
locations, in effect changing the tube natural
frequency. In addition, a split of the feedwater
flow between primary and auxiliary inlets was
also implemented on the D4/D5 RSGs. These
modifications appear to have been successful,





4-f 4r4




Counter flow

Split flow

Axial flow
(cold leg side)

RED 0777

Figure 25. Preheater cross sections (EPRI 1994a). Copyright 1994 Electric Power Research Institute;
reprinted with permission.

RSGs due to preheater wear/fretting (EPRI


there have been no tubes plugged because of

preheater wear/fretting in the D4 and D5 type
RSGs and only one tube plugged in the Model E
RSGs (at South Texas Unit 1). This tube was
located one row in from the inside row of
expanded tubes near the tee slot opening where
there were relatively high flow velocities (the
Model E steam generators have about 230 to 250
tubes expanded at two elevations). The tube was
prematurely plugged after losing about 30% of its
wall thickness. Also, only 206 tubes have been
plugged (at eight plants) with model D2 and D3


Three-hundred ten tubes have been plugged in

the Combustion Engineering model CE-80 RSGs
with axial flow preheaters because of preheater
wear/fretting (at the only three plants operating
with that design RSG). This fretting occurred at
the eggcrate-type tube support above the top of
the preheater divider plate near the tube lane (see
Figures 4 and 25). The secondary-side flow in
the downcomer enters the cold leg side of the



tube bundle above the preheater, between the
second and third tube supports. At the inside of
the tube bundle (tube lane), a unique condition
exists where the recirculating flow preferentially
seeks the low flow resistance open tube lane.
The fretting was caused by the relatively high (on
the order of 7.6 m/s) radial velocities in this area
(Schever 1987).

3.2.4 Pitting
Pitting is a steam generator degradation type
appearing as groups of small-diameter wall
penetrations resulting from local corrosion cells,
probably promoted by the presence of chloride or
sulfate acids. Condenser leaks and leakage of
beads, resin fines, or regeneration chemicals
from ion exchangers can introduce impurities
such as chlorides and sulfates, which result in
local acidic conditions conducive to pitting.
Oxidizing conditions and the presence of copper
are probable accelerators. Any barriers to
diffusion such as sludge accumulation on the tube
wall will accelerate the pitting process by
enhancing the chemical concentrations.

Cold Leg Thinning. Cold leg thinning in

Westinghouse-type RSGs is believed to be the
result of a corrosive mechanism (i.e., wastage) in
combination with tube vibration.
degradation has been seen primarily in peripheral
tubes exposed to high cross flow velocities, and
at the first and second tube support plate
locations. The identity of the chemical presence
responsible has not been determined, but acidic
sulfates may be the cause. No conclusive
evidence of the necessity for tube motion has yet
been obtained. However, pulled tube results
show a strong correlation exists between tubes
exhibiting cold leg thinning and those showing
AVB wear. As a result, it is expected that both
corrosion and tube motion play a role in the
degradation. Cold leg thinning is easily detected
by conventional NDE methods and has been
shown to progress at a limited rate [about 6%
throughwall depth per EFPY] (Baum et al. 1987,
USNRC 1983). No unscheduled plant shutdowns
caused by throughwall leakage have resulted
from cold leg thinning. Affected plants have
plugged limited numbers of tubes as indicated
necessary by NDE wall loss evaluations. One
plant has implemented a trial program to
hydraulically expand the tubes at the tube-to-tube
support plate Intersections one through three,
in an attempt to eliminate the tube motion
component of the degradation mechanism. Initial
inspection results regarding the effectiveness of
this technique were inconclusive (Weakland
1988). Maintenance of low secondary-side
impurity levels is also considered necessary to
reduce the effects of crevice chemical
concentration (Baum et al. 1987).

Pitting corrosion typically occurs at locally weak

spots in the passivated surface of the Alloy 600
tube. These susceptible locations may be the
result of localized cold work of the metal, the
presence of metal carbides, sulfides, or other
secondary phase particles, or emergence of grain
boundaries at the metal surface. The pits are
characterized by an undercut geometry (i.e.,
having a larger subsurface than surface diameter)
and are typically found to be filled with corrosion
products such as chromium oxide, sulfides, and
copper metal. Some investigations have also
noted some shallow IGA degradation at pit
bottoms (Theus and Daniel 1984, Angwin 1984).
Status. Significant pitting was first reported in
an operating PWR steam generator about 1981.
As of December 1993, only 11 PWR plants with
RSGs had plugged tubes because of pitting and a
few other plants had reported minor pitting
degradation of 15% throughwall depth or less
(EPRI 1994). However, a few plants have
experienced significant pitting degradation
including Indian Point Unit 3 (1,290 tubes
plugged because of pitting in the original steam
generators and 3,606 tubes sleeved), Kori Unit 1
(804 tubes plugged because Of pitting and 1,578
tubes sleeved for various reasons), and Millstone




Unit 2 (1,655 tubes plugged because of pitting in
the original steam generators and 5,164 tubes
sleeved for various reasons). Most of this
degradation occurred in the cold leg and cold leg
sludge pile regions, however, pitting has also
been found on the hot leg side of the RSGs
(Laskowski and Hudson 1986, Angwin 1984,
Theus and Daniel 1984). And, most of the
pitting has been associated with Alloy 600 tubing
exposed to severe secondary-side chemistry
incursions. However, 332 Type 304 stainless
steel steam generator tubes at the Yankee Rowe
plant were also plugged because of pitting

It has been shown in the laboratory that it is

possible to pit Alloy 600 under a variety of
conditions but only a few of the laboratory-grown
pits have the same morphology found in
operating plants. Electricite de France (EdF)
has produced pits in low-oxygen, high-chloride
(740 ppb), high-sulfate (760 ppb) water. These
pits had chromium-rich, copper-included scabs
similar to those found in the Millstone and Indian
Point steam generators. There is no universal
agreement as to whether steam generator pit
initiation and growth is primarily an operating
temperature (hot) phenomenon or a layup (cold)
phenomenon. However, chromium oxide-filled
pits are seen in high-temperature tests, but not in
low-temperature laboratory tests.

Severe pitting has been experienced in CANDU

units tubed with Monel 400 (1994 tubes plugged
at one unit). This pitting is more accurately
described as tube outside surface under-deposit
corrosion and is caused by heavy secondary-side
deposits, both on top of the tubesheet and in
the lower tube support areas. These deposits
concentrate aggressive species such as chlorides
and sulfides present due to condenser leakage and
water treatment problems. One CANDU unit
tubed with Alloy 800M has experienced a small
number of tube failures due to pitting (underdeposit chloride pitting) at the first and second
support plates. Early condenser tube leakage
(seawater) and sludge deposits contributed to this

Once pitting has initiated, the rate of initiation of

new pits can be rapid. The growth of pitting
indications has not been well-quantified. Pits
have grown up to 50% throughwall depth per
cycle, but the degradation is generally considered
to progress at approximately 10% throughwall
depth/cycle (Laskowski and Hudson 1986).
However, even widespread pitting is not
considered to pose a significant safety hazard,
since deep, small volume defects such as pits
typically show a well-defined leak-before-break
character (Laskowski and Hudson 1986).
Mitigation Activities. A number of design and
operational modifications can be implemented to
limit the occurrence of pitting degradation. In
general, maintenance of proper water chemistry
is considered critical. Condenser leakage,
particularly in seawater or brackish water-cooled
plants, should be quickly remedied. Control of
oxygen and chlorides during operation and layup
are also important. Leakage of ion exchanger
beads, resin fines, or regeneration chemicals
should be minimized, and extended heatup/
cooldown periods should be avoided. Removal
of sludge pile accumulations by sludge lancing or
chemical cleaning, or bom, is also recommended.
These operational modifications, with the
exception of sludge lancing, are similar to those
considered important for minimizing the occur-

Laboratory Studies. As a result of the extensive

pitting in the Millstone Unit 2 and Indian Point
Unit 3 steam generators (40% throughwall pits),
the EPRI conducted a workshop (Angwin 1984)
on steam generator tube pitting. It was reported
that both affected plants had pits of similar
morphology (chromium oxide and copper
metal-filled undercut pits). These pits were
found under scale and in similar locations (e.g.,
the cold leg side near the sludge pile).

a. P. E. MacDonald, Personal communication with

C. Maruska, Ontario Hydro, Canada, 1995.



rence of ODSCC and denting. The primary design modification to be considered is the removal
of all copper from the secondary-coolant system.

(four Combustion Engineering and 37 Westinghouse-type plants) had been plugged because of
tubesheet and sludge pile denting and 9,092 RSG
tubes at 17 plants (four Combustion Engineering
and 13 Westinghouse-type plants) had been
plugged because of support plate denting (EPRI
1994). Significant support plate denting occurred
at only five plants: Millstone Unit 2 (796 tubes),
Surry Unit 1 (1,996 tubes), Surry Unit 2 (1,964
tubes), Turkey Point Unit 3 (1,249 tubes), and
Turkey Point Unit 4 (1,835 tubes); all of the
original steam generators at those plants have
since been replaced. The majority of the support
plate denting has occurred on the hot leg side at
plants with seawater or brackish water for condenser cooling.

3.2.5 Denting
The term denting describes the mechanical
deformation or constriction of a tube at a carbon
steel tube support plate intersection or within the
tubesheet caused by the buildup of deposits and
the growth of a voluminous support-plate or
tubesheet corrosion product in the annulus
between the tube and support plate or tubesheet.
Denting has also been reported in the sludge pile
region of certain plants where iron particles were
embedded in the sludge pile. Dents do not
themselves result in tube wall penetration or
reduction in wall integrity. However, denting at
some plants has been sufficiently severe that it
caused structural damage to the tube supports and
denting is a concern because even small dents can
induce tensile stresses above yield strength in the
tube wall. As a result, these tubes may be
subject to PWSCC or IGSCC at the dents during
subsequent operation, (EPRI 1985a, Clark and
Lewis 1985). Also, tubes with dents at the top
tube support plate in the U-bend region of the
RSGs are more susceptible to high-cycle fatigue
failure. Tubes with small dents can be kept
inservice unless subsequently found to have stress
corrosion cracking. Tubes with dents large
enough to restrict calibrated go/no go probes
must be plugged because they are not inspectable
and are expected to crack.

CANDU units with the older Alloy 600 and

Monel 400 steam generators with carbon steel
supports have also experienced tube deformation
due to deposit buildup in the tube-support gaps
and corrosion of the supports. However, tube
cracking has not been detected in the deformed
Mechanism. The denting mechanism has been
studied extensively and its causes are relatively
well-defined. Chlorides in the secondary-side
feedwater resulting from condenser leaks or other
water chemistry excursions are concentrated by
local boiling in, for example, a crevice between
a tube and drilled tube support plate. The
chlorides result in an acidic environment, which
causes rapid corrosion of the carbon steel support
plate when sufficient oxygen is present, forming
a nonprotective magnetite corrosion product
more than twice the volume of the base metal.
Growth of the corrosion product is linear with
time because it is nonprotective and it gradually
fills the annulus. Subsequent growth constricts
the tube and can also cause deformation of the
support plate. The primary factors influencing
the corrosion rate are degree of superheat in the
crevice and bulk water chloride and oxygen
concentration. Copper oxide or ions may also

Status. Denting of Alloy 600 tubes at tube-totube support plate intersections was first identified as a significant steam generator degradation
mechanism in about 1975, shortly after the time
when many PWRs switched from phosphate to
AVT secondary-side water chemistry, and this
degradation mechanism became the primary
cause of steam generator tube plugging during
the period 1976 through 1979 (Figure 18). As of
December 1993, 1,471 RSG tubes at 41 plants




play an important role as a supplier of oxygen to

the carbon steel support plates. Sulfates (e.g.,
from condensate polisher leakage) are believed to
cause denting in the same manner as chlorides,
though the laboratory test database is not as
extensive. Some evidence of alkaline-induced
denting has been seen in laboratory and field
data, but this mechanism is not considered a
significant source of field denting degradation
(EPRI 1985a, Theus and Daniel 1984, Nordmann
et al. 1983, McKay 1983).
Denting was relatively uncommon when most
plants used phosphate water chemistry, since the
phosphates kept the crevice pH high. With AVT
water chemistry, no buffering of the crevice
environment occurs, and the potential for
corrosion increases. Since the degradation is a
strong function of crevice superheat, rates of
denting progression are generally much higher in
the hot leg. Widespread denting with growth
up to 50 mils in depth has been experienced
during single operating cycles in plants with high
feedwater chloride concentrations.
commonly, somewhat lesser initial chloride
concentrations produce much shallower dents;
subsequent modifications to water chemistry can
then be made before significant denting
degradation has occurred.
Onset of Tube Support Plate Denting. In
contrast to mechanisms such as PWSCC or
IGSCC, denting does not tend to occur
progressively on a time scale of operational
cycles with increasing numbers of tubes affected
at each inspection. Denting, when it occurs,
generally affects large numbers of tubes at
approximately the same time (i.e., the scatter in
the times required to produce denting under
proper chemical conditions is small). Most
plants having experienced denting have
implemented one or more remedial actions, once
denting was discovered. These remedial methods
are generally highly effective at halting the
initiation and progression of dents.


In regard to predicting the initial onset of

denting, recent work (Balkrishnan and Pathania
1988) has resulted in the ability to produce rough
estimates of the time-to-denting initiation based
on bulk water chloride type and concentration
and the tube-to-tube support plate radial gap.
The time-to-denting initiation is relatively short in
plants with sea or brackish water contamination
(i.e., acid chloride contamination).
time-to-denting initiation will be much longer in
plants with neutral salt in the bulk water. For
example, plants with an acid chloride
concentration of 20 ppb and a radial gap of 0.305
mm (0.012 in.) could expect denting to initiate in
about 2.5 years, while the plants with a neutral
chloride concentration of 20 ppb and the same
radial gap could expect denting in about 50
For plants operating with chloride
concentrations below the EPRI Water Chemistry
Guidelines (EPRI 1993c), the time-to-denting
initiation would be longer yet.
Several factors in addition to chloride type and
concentration and the tube-to-tube support plate
radial gap can affect the corrosion rate. They
include an exceptionally high or low degree of
crevice superheat, excessive crevice fouling,
crevice geometry (e.g., plain drilled, or
quatrefoil), dissolved oxygen, and presence of
Sludge Pile Denting. Denting failures away
from the tube support plates in the newer steam
generators at EdF plants have also been reported.
(Nucleonics Week 1989; de Keroulas and Lunven
1990). Oxidation of metallic grit (iron shot) in
the sludge around the tubes next to the tubesheet
apparently caused swelling of the sludge and
constriction (denting) on the hot leg tubes in the
middle part of the tube bundle. The iron shot
was used for surface cleaning of certain
secondary-side components during initial
construction of the plant (Nucleonics Week
1990). A crack at one dent, probably due to
PWSCC, leaked at a rate of about 3.1 /hr (0.82
gph). As of December 1993, steam generator


tubes had been plugged at 31 French plants due
to denting in the tubesheet region (EPRI 1994).
Most of this degradation was apparently due to
sludge pile expansion, but tubes with dents
caused by tubesheet corrosion may also have
been plugged. EdF has developed improved
cleaning processes to mitigate this problem.
Tubesheet Denting. A few plants have operated
with a relatively acidic secondary-side water
chemistry for significant periods of time which
caused corrosion of their low alloy tubesheets
and tube denting. Most of the dents caused by
this mechanisms have been relatively small, but
a few have been large enough to require
3.2.6 High-Cycle Fatigue
The combination of high vibration amplitude and
low fatigue strength may lead to catastrophic
fatigue failure.
Vibration occurs in steam
generators with high recirculation flow factors
(causing flow-induced vibrations in the U-bend
region) and improper AVB support. A high
mean stress (e.g., residual stress) or a tube defect
(fretting mark or crack) significantly reduces the
fatigue strength. Therefore, tubes with dents,
fret marks, or cracks at the top tube support plate
in the U-bend region of the RSGs are susceptible
to high-cycle fatigue failure.
High-cycle fatigue ruptures have occurred in the
U-bend regions of the North Anna Unit 1 and
Mihama Unit 2 steam generators. Though
high-cycle fatigue from tube vibrations is not a
general problem in PWR steam generators, tube
ruptures, such as those at North Anna and
Mihama Unit 2, are of particular concern
because they were 360 breaks located high up in
the steam generator where the leak location can
more readily become uncovered by secondary
water. This can allow escape of fission products
from the primary coolant without partitioning in
the secondary water. For example, upon failure
of the Mihama Unit 2 Steam Generator A tube,

the primary system leak rate rapidly escalated

from a very low level to a value exceeding the
normal capacity of the charging pumps. The
ruptured tube eventually released about 55,000kg
(55 tons) of primary coolant to the secondarycoolant system. Approximately 1,300kg (1.3
tons) of steam, 0.6 curie of radioactive noble
gases, and 0.01 curie of radioactive iodine
subsequently escaped from the damaged steam
generator's relief valve to the environment. The
reactor core remained submerged owing to the
operation of the high-pressure injection system.
The North Anna and Mihama tube ruptures are
discussed in more detail in Section 4.
Most of the earlier tube failures in CANDU
steam generators tubed with Alloy 600 have been
due to high-cycle fatigue. These failures were
caused by flow-induced vibration and were
initiated at either fret marks at the land areas of
the upper trefoil tube support plates or more
recently at stress corrosion cracks on the outside
surfaces in the U-bend area and at the seventh
support plate. These failures continue to occur in
the older CANDU steam generators. The
resulting fatigue cracks were circumferential, but
did not lead to a tube rupture.
3.2.7 Wastage
The term wastage describes the relatively
uniform corrosion and thinning of a steam
generator tube on its outside surface (secondaryside of the steam generator). This degradation
tends to occur in relatively stagnant regions in
RSGs with secondary-side phosphate water
chemistry, where phosphate solutions have
become concentrated. These regions include the
tube-to-tubesheet crevices, the tube-to-tube
support plate annuli, and the sludge pile on the
tubesheet. In addition, extensive wastage of the
short radius U-bends in the vicinity of the AVBs
in a few Combustion Engineering RSGs has also
been reported (Stoller 1979). The 100 mm(4in.-) wide flat carbon steel AVBs and the first
11 rows of tubes formed a tight configuration that



caused steam blanketing; wastage was
concentrated at the boundary of this region.
Wastage of the peripheral tubes near the lower
support plates on the cold leg sides of the RSGs
in a few plants might also have been caused by
acidic sulfates.
Resin leakage from the
condensate polisher beds could have produced
the acidic sulfate environment. The phosphate
corrosion or wastage is transgranular and may
lead to significant thinning and, ultimately, to
local ductile rupture and leakage. Phosphate
wastage was the major cause of tube failures in
PWR steam generators until about 1976.
However it is no longer an active degradation
mechanism in most of the PWR and CANDU
plants because phosphate water chemistry is no
longer used in most plants.
3.3 Pressurized Water Reactor Once-Through
Steam Generator Tubes
Once-through steam generators in the U.S. use
the same Alloy 600 tubing materials as RSGs, yet
these steam generators have experienced substantially fewer tube failures. The lower failure
rate is attributed to the differences in the steam
generator design, manufacturing processes, and
operation. Many of the chemical concentration
processes do not operate in once-through steam
generators, as they do in RSGs. Table 10 lists
once-through steam generator tube degradation
mechanisms, sites, stressors, failure mode and
inspection methods. The most com-mon tube
degradation mechanisms are briefly discussed
here. However, as noted below, even these
mechanisms affect a relatively small per-centage
of the tubes inservice.
3.3.1 Erosion-Corrosion
Entrained solid particles impinging on metal
surfaces can cause material removal, wear, and
mechanical damage, especially if there is a
protective surface film present. This has
happened to a variety of piping and tubing


materials affected by particles with certain sizes,

shapes, and hardnesses, and impinging velocities
and angles. When the erosion factor is combined
with a corrosive environment, the mechanical
damage can be accelerated. In a noncorrosive
environment, the erosion process simply removes
metal from the tube wall. In a corrosive
environment, the erosion process may first
remove a protective film from the tube, thus
making the tube susceptible to more corrosion
and then more erosion. In both cases, wall metal
loss occurs, either directly or by accelerated
corrosion of the tube surface.
Inspection of removed tubes indicates that
erosion-corrosion has occurred in once-through
steam generators, principally around the
fourteenth tube support plate at the periphery of
the tube bundle. The erosion-corrosion degradation mechanism results in dished-shaped
depressions and metal loss on the outside of the
tube. It is thought that solid particle impingement
on the tubing is the most probable cause. This
solid particle impingement, continually striking
the tube, wears away the metal's protective oxide
as well as the base metal. The source of the solid
particles has not been positively identified but is
thought to be caused by debris in the steam from
the generator or the feedtrain.
The fraction of tubes for all once-through steam
generators affected by erosion-corrosion is small.
Through December 1993, 1,622 tubes in four
Babcock & Wilcox designed plants (about 0.75%
of the tubes inservice) have been taken out of
service due to erosion-corrosion (EPRI 1994).
More than half (991) have been from one plant,
hence, the mechanism is not occurring at the
same rate in all steam generators. No remedial
measures to eliminate degradation of affected
once-through steam generator tubes by
erosion-corrosion have been identified, though
some consideration has been given to chemical
cleaning of the generators to remove solid
corrosion products on the tube support plates.


Table 10. Summary of once-through steam generator tube degradation processes.




failure mode

Inservice inspection

Outside surfaces
of the tubes on
the periphery of
the tube bundle
near the 14th
tube support

Velocities, sizes, shapes,

impact angle, and
hardness of particles

Erosion-corrosion from
impingement of particles

Wear of material

Eddy-current testing

Tube outside
surfaces near the
upper tubesheet
and the open
lane or near the
uppermost tube
support plate
and the open

Aggressive chemicals,

assisted high-cycle

Circumferential cracks

Eddy-current testing

Inside surfaces
of tubes near the
upper tubesheet
roll transitions
and welds
(primary side)

Sodium thiosulfate, air

primary-side stress
corrosion cracking

Circumferential cracks

Eddy-current testing

a. Based1 on operating experience and number of defects.

This would reduce the particulate content of the

steam and, thus, reduce the rate of erosion.

site for fatigue crack initiation. Laboratory tests

indicate that the corrosive metal loss, including
the microcracks, can be achieved with
concentrations of sodium sulfate, silicates, and
chlorides (Monter and Theus 1982). Thus, the
degradation mechanism has been described as
environmentally assisted high-cycle fatigue.

3.3.2 High-Cycle Fatigue

Throughwall circumferential cracking has
occurred in once-through steam generator tubes
at the top tube support plate (i.e., 15th tube
support plate) and at the bottom of the upper
tubesheet in the inspection lane region. The
inspection lane region includes about three rows
of tubes on either side of the inspection lane and
a few additional rows at the periphery. The
cracks initiated at the outside diameter of the
tubes and propagated circumferentially in a
transgranular mode. Tube samples revealed a
serpentine band of metal loss in the areas near
the upper tube support plate and just below the
lower face of die upper tubesheet (EPRI 1985a,
Theus and Daniel 1984). Sometimes these metal
loss areas contained microcracks that acted as the

The stressors for this corrosion fatigue cracking

are believed to be deposits of concentrated
impurities and cyclic vibration. Evaporation of
the secondary-side water in the lower elevations
of the once-through steam generators concentrates any contaminants or impurities into the
remaining droplets. The steam flow then carries
these droplets up the open inspection lane to the
upper tubesheet area, where the droplets impinge
on the hot tubes around the inspection lane, dry
out, and deposit the impurities. This process
further concentrates the chemicals at selected
locations on the steam generator tubes.




Babcock & Wilcox has reported that a total of
158 tubes have been taken out of service (through
August 1989) because of corrosion fatigue in
seven domestic operating once-through steam
generators (Snider 1989). These cumulative
failures represent about 0.06% of the tubes
inservice. Togo et al. (1985) indicate that the
failures have mainly been associated with Oconee
Units IB and 2B, and the Arkansas Nuclear One
Unit 1 once-through steam generator. Hence, the
occurrence of this degradation mechanism for all
once-through steam generators is minor, and the
mechanism is not occurring at the same rate in all
steam generators.
Further, failures were
occurring in the above generators when the plants
were partially bypassing their condensate
polishers. The failure rates went down when the
condensate polishers were fully used (Theus and
Daniel 1984).
3.3.3 Low-Temperature Primary-Side Stress
Corrosion Cracking
Stress corrosion cracking on the inside surfaces
(primary-side) was detected in the tubes of a
once-through steam generator at TMI-1 in 1981,
where essentially all the tubes were affected and
1,619 tubes plugged and 502 tubes sleeved (Jones
et al. 1982, Giacobbe et al. 1988). The incident
is unique and the combination of conditions
necessary to promote this type of attack is not
expected to occur at other plants. Partially
reduced sulfur species (e.g., sodium thiosulfate)
had inadvertently been introduced into the
primary system from the containment spray
system. It is believed that aggressive concentrations of sodium thiosulfate and oxidizing conditions developed in the failure area from dry out
and exposure to air and the cracking occurred
during shutdown, while the plant was cooling
from a hot test period. Most of the defects were
circumferential in geometry and located in the
upper part of the upper tubesheet near the weld
heat-affected zone or the roll transition. The
main protection against recurrence of this type of
incident in once-through steam generators with


sensitized tubing (due to heat treatment, see

Section 2) is to avoid acidic oxidizing conditions
by strict water chemistry controls and proper
3.3.4 Outside Diameter Intergranular Stress
Corrosion Cracking and Intergranular Attack
As discussed above in Section 3.2.2, IGSCC
requires tensile stress, material susceptibility and
a corrosive environment. IGSCC cracks occur
along the grain boundaries, normal to the
maximum principle stress. IGA is characterized
by local, corrosive loss of material along the
grain boundaries. Both mechanisms require a
concentration of corrosive impurities on the
outside surface of the tubing.
Through December 1993, 543 tubes (about
0.25% of the once-through steam generator tubes
inservice) at four plant were removed from
service or repaired due to IGSCC/IGA (EPRI
1994). The damage primarily occurred near the
upper tubesheet (492 tubes).
3.4 Russian W E R Steam Generator Tubes
The horizontal, U-shaped tubing used in the
VVER-440 and VVER-1000 reactors has been
relatively trouble free. The VVER tubing is
made of titanium-stabilized austenitic stainless
steel with about 0.08% carbon, 18% chrome,
10% nickel, j<.l% titanium and the rest mostly
iron. Through the end of 1989, only about 2,815
WER-440 tubes and 655 WER-1000 tubes had
been plugged out of a total of 1,774,480 tubes in
operation; e.g., only about 0.2% of the total
number of tubes had been plugged (Titov et al.
The main cause of damage has been outside
surface stress corrosion cracking due to poor
secondary-side water chemistry, primarily
chloride ion and oxygen excursions, but also low
pH and the presence of various organic
Secondary-side chloride ion


concentrations of several hundred to several
thousand ppb have been reported for relatively
significant times (Raussokhin et at. 1992). Also,
the effects of the chloride ions on the stress
corrosion rate have been accelerated due to the
presence of porous crud deposits in quantities in
excess of 150 g/m (the recommended limit).
The chloride ions tend to concentrate in the crud
capillary structures by factors of 10 to 10 (Titov
et al. 1992, Mamet and Martynova 1993). At
some VVER plants, the secondary-side pH has
dropped below 7.8 (the original lower limit
which has now been revised to 8.8 for the
feedwater and 8.0 for the blowdown water) for
up to 20% of the overall running time, and to the
range of 5-6 for up to 2% of the running time.
Also, up to 700 ppb of acetic acid (due to organic
compound breakdown) has been found in the
feedwater at several plants (Martynova and
Mamet 1991).These secondary-side chemistry
excursions have also caused pitting corrosion, for
example at the grid spacer locations at the
Novo Voronezh Units. There have also been a
few collector weld defects which have resulted in
plugged tubes. The repair criteria for the VVER
steam generators is tube leakage and the method
is plugging; e.g., leaking tubes are plugged,
other indications (part throughwall defects) are
usually ignored.

3.5 Steam Generator Tubing Residual Life

This section summarizes the steps of an overall
approach used by the nuclear industry, but not
necessarily approved of by the USNRC, for
estimating the rate of degradation of steam
generator tubes. The approach employs a
statistical technique and an empirical model
which is consistent with the known degradation
processes. A statistical approach is useful
because of the large number of tubes in each
steam generator and because the rate of
degradation of steam generator tubes is
influenced by a number of materials and
environmental variables.
One statistical
technique used by some plant operators is the

Weibull probability distribution which is easy to

handle mathematically and has been successfully
used to describe the statistics of material failure
caused by fatigue and stress corrosion cracking.
An alternate to the Weibull distribution is the lognormal probability distribution. This method has
proven particularly useful for the analysis of
laboratory corrosion results (and is, in fact,
suggested by the National Association of
Corrosion Engineers for that purpose), and for
long-term projections of degradation in operating
steam generators. However, in view of its
broader use in recent analyses, the Weibull
distribution will be emphasized here.
The equation for the two-parameter Weibull
distribution (Lipson and Sheth 1973) is

F(t) = 1 - exp[-(t/t ) ]

F(t) = cumulative fraction of tubes
"failed" by a given degradation

time of operation using

an appropriate time

characteristic time of the

Weibull probability distribution (63.2% of a
population has failed by
the completion of a period of service equal to
the characteristic time;
the value of t,. depends
on the environment of
the tube at the failure

the slope of the

distribution when plotted
on a Weibull probability



The fraction F(t) in the Weibull equation is the

fraction of tubes that are "failed" according to a
particular criterion.
Generally, a tube is
considered to have failed when it is removed
from service (plugged) or repaired by sleeving
because of defects produced by the degradation
mechanism being analyzed. For some purposes,
it is useful to use a criterion other than plugging
or sleeving to define the failed condition for
analysis purposes. EFPY is generally used as a
convenient measure of time of operation (total
energy generated divided by the reactor rated
power). This measure of time provides an
approximate means of accounting for the effects
of changes in operating temperature of the tubes
for different reactor operating conditions. If the
reactor has operated for an extended period of
time at substantially reduced power, equivalent
full power years should be used. However, the
determination of equivalent full power years
requires a value of the activation energy for the
degradation mechanism being analyzed (Shah et
al. 1992).
The parameters b and t in the Weibull equation
are adjustable parameters generally determined
by fitting the distribution function to the observed
data. The exponent b defines the slope of the
Weibull curve. Its value determines how much
scatter there is in times to failure among a given
population. This exponent accounts for the
random variations of properties between different
tubes in one steam generator. The characteristic
time t in the Weibull equation is the basic rate
constant of the degradation process. As several
of the degradation mechanisms that affect steam
generator tubes are considered to be stress
assisted, thermally activated processes, the
parameter t is primarily a function of
temperature, stress, and chemical environment.
For such mechanisms, an Arrhenius equation for
the characteristic time t is used


characteristic time appropriate to a specific


temperature for the specific location

appropriate stress component for the location

constant describing the

stress dependence of the
degradation mechanism

activation energy of the

degradation mechanism

gas constant

temperature for a standard reference condition

such as full power condition

from t,,, = A o ' , where
t is the characteristic
time for reference condition T , a .

A o exp [Q/R (1/T 1/T )]




Various estimates for the activation energy Q

have been derived from laboratory studies and
field experience. For example, the estimate for
the activation energy for the PWSCC mechanism
ranges from 39 to 65 kcal/mole, with a best
estimate value of 50 kcal/mole (Gorman et al.
1991, Stein and Mcllree 1986). The stress
exponent value (m) is approximately 4 and is
briefly discussed in Section 3.2.1. The constant
A is a scaling constant determined by the
characteristic time for some standard stress level
and reference temperature. The value of A will
change whenever there is a systematic change in
the material characteristics and chemical


environment, the average stress level at the
location of interest, or other conditions that may
differ from plant to plant.

always provided accurate life predictions. The

failure of the calculated time to correlate with the
field experience may arise from several
uncertainties in the input variables. Frequently,
the activation energy is given as 50 kcal/mole,
however, the basis for this value is suspect.
Some recent events have suggested that the value
is temperature dependent and may be as low as
35 kcal/mole. Additionally, a single value of
activation energy may not be valid for both
incubation and crack growth, as is generally
assumed when life prediction calculations are
performed. Also, not all of the variables
controlling stress corrosion cracking in steam
generator tubes have necessarily been identified,
and thus, their omission from the equation can
only lead to erroneous results. This opinion is
supported by the consistent failure of accelerated
laboratory corrosion tests to correlate with field
experiences with cracking in Alloy 600.

Figure 26 represents the application of the

Weibull model for an assessment of PWSCC
damage to the hot-leg transition region of
recirculating steam generator tubes. Tube
inspection data from several plants for PWSCC
failure in the hot-leg transition and rolled portion
of the tube near the top of the tubesheet have
been compiled and plotted using a Weibull
distribution. These plants use similar detection
technologies and have similar low-temperature
mill-annealed tubing material and primary water
chemistry. Therefore all the tubes in all the
plants are within the same PWSCC population.
All the tubes are included in the analysis. The
plots illustrate the scatter expected in plant
inspection data for PWSCC degradation. The
data for each plant lie approximately on a straight
line, except where perturbed by application of
peening as a remedial measure. Even though the
intercepts and the slopes (Weibull exponents b)
for each plot vary, the slopes scatter around the
bold dashed line drawn for a Weibull exponent of
3.0. Therefore an exponent of 3.0 can be used to
make short extrapolations to predict the future
rate of degradation at a plant where insufficient
data are available to establish a plant-specific
slope. However, when looking at a Weibull plot
of steam generator tubing failure data (or eddycurrent indications of defects) over a longer
period of time, the slope tends to taper off and
the rate of cracking is over predicted when a
slope of 3 is used. This has led some plant
operators to use log-normal statistics for

3.6 Pressurized Water Reactor and CANDU

Reactor Steam Generator Shell, Feedwater
Nozzle, and Tubesheet Degradation
This section discusses degradation mechanisms in
steam generator shells and feedwater nozzles.
Corrosion fatigue, high-cycle thermal fatigue,
and stress corrosion cracking have caused
cracking on the secondary-sides of the PWR
steam generator shells. PWR primary-side
degradation has not been observed and there has
been no PWR tubesheet or CANDU shell,
nozzle, or tubesheet degradation reported.
Thermal fatigue and erosion-corrosion are
responsible for most of the aging degradation that
has occurred in PWR feedwater nozzles and die
nozzle-to-pipe weld regions. Aging degradation
may cause leakage but probably not failure,
however, it may also weaken the system and
reduce the safety margin so that another event,
such as a pressure pulse or a water hammer,
could be the final cause of a rupture. Primaryside divider plate damage has occurred at some
CANDU units.

Although a number of steam generator experts in

the nuclear industry are quite comfortable with
this approach, some experts at the USNRC and
the national laboratories question its validity. An
Arrhenius equation is an empirical correlation
which may be qualitatively useful, but may not,
and in the case of Alloy 600 tubing, has not






/ /



7 <'./..

< .-:*


* *


Dashed line
= postpeening




* *











Low temperature
mill-annealed tubing
T ot! g=616 Fto619F
(324C to 326C)



- /





Service time (EFPY)

Figure 26. Weibull analysis of data for PWSCC at hot leg roll transitions and rolled area below the top
of the tubesheet for plants with full depth rolls. Courtesy of A.P.L. Turner, Dominion Engineering.
Table 11 lists, and ranks by importance, the
degradation mechanisms, sites, stressors, failure
modes, consequences, and inspection methods for
the PWR feedwater nozzles and the steam
generator shells. The feedwater nozzle is ranked
highest, because a break at this point would cause


a much larger leak then from a steam generator

shell crack and could not be isolated from the
steam generator and could lead to rapid
blowdown of the steam generator. Such a break
would challenge the integrity of any severely
degraded tubes.


Table 11. Summary of degradation processes for PWR feedwater nozzles and steam generator shell.


Degradation site(s)


Degradation mechanism(s)

Potential failure mode

Inservice inspection

Feedwater nozzle and nozzle-to-piping


Flow velocity, 0 content and pH level in

feedwater, impurities, stratified flows,
thermal shocks, water hammer, plant

High and low cycle fatigue,


Rupture from wall

thinning, leakage through
fatigue cracks, rupture
from water hammer

Ultrasonic testing

Steam generator shell girth welds

Plant transients, oxygenated coolant

containing copper oxide, in-leakage of
brackish water through condenser tubes,
residual stresses

Corrosion-fatigue, stress
corrosion cracking

Leakage through fatigue or

stress-corrosion cracks

Ultrasonic testing,

Feedwater nozzle bore, blend radius,

shell inside surface beneath the nozzle

Leakage of feedwater through the nozzle

thermal sleeve joint causing turbulent
mixing of cold feedwater and hot steam
generator coolant

High-cycle thermal fatigue

Leakage through fatigue


Ultrasonic testing,

J-rubes and feedring

Flow velocity, 0 content and pH level in

feedwater, impurities


Damage caused by loose

parts, thermal fatigue to

Problem remedied,
inspection unnecessary

a. Currently performed but not included in the inservice inspection requirements.


3.6.1 PWR Steam Generator Shells
Corrosion-Fatigue. High-amplitude, low-frequency cyclic stresses, combined with coolant
containing oxygen and copper oxides have caused
corrosion-fatigue damage to the upper girth weld,
i.e. upper shell to transition cone weld, in about
seven RSG shells in the U.S. (Note that
significant concentrations of copper oxides are
associated with copper alloys in the feedtrain.)
The presence of oxygen and copper oxides
probably contributes to the formation of surface
pits, which act as stress raisers, and therefore, as
sites for fatigue crack initiation in the steam
generator shell. During a few transient events,
the water level in the steam generator drops
below the girth weld region, and the incoming
feedwater impinges on the girth weld and
produces rather high stresses (Bamford, Rao,
and Houtman 1992). Also, fluctuations in the
steam generator water level will impose thermal
fatigue cycles on the steam generator shell.
Shallow circumferential cracks have been
observed in the girth weld under the feedwater
nozzle, mainly in the heat-affected zone, with
little penetration in the base metal. This suggests
that the fracture toughness of the heat-affected
zone was substantially lower than that of the base
metal, and that the stresses were large enough to
drive the cracks through the heat-affected zone
but not through the base metal (Kobayashi and
Shockey 1991).
Transgranular Stress Corrosion Cracking.
Steam generator shell material subjected to high
tensile stresses and oxygenated secondary coolant
containing copper oxides is susceptible to
transgranular stress corrosion cracking. High
tensile stresses include both weld residual and
operating stresses. Transgranular stress corrosion cracking and corrosion fatigue are differentiated by their load histories. Transgranular stress
corrosion cracking occurs when the applied
stresses are constant or have a very small
fluctuation, i.e., the ratio of the mini-


mum-to-maximum stress intensity factors is close

to one. Corrosion fatigue occurs when the
applied stresses are cyclic and the ratio of stress
intensity factors is smaller than about 0.95.
Circumferential cracks and linear indications
have been detected on the inside surface of the
girth welds in 18 steam generators in the U.S.,
all of which are Westinghouse Models 44 and 51
with a feedring design (USNRC 1990a). This
type of cracking wasfirstobserved in 1982 when
a girth weld of a steam generator leaked at a
U.S. plant (USNRC 1982). Linear indications
have also been detected at least one non-U. S.
plant. In most of these cases, the girth weld
region was predominantly subject to static loads
and the cracking was caused by transgranular
stress corrosion cracking.
Leak-before-break analyses show that a stress
corrosion crack will grow through the shell wall
and produce a measurable leak before it exceeds
the critical flaw size and the vessel ruptures
(Westinghouse 1990). Field experience to date
supports this analysis. Inspection port holes in
the steam generators have also experienced
cracking, most likely stress corrosion cracking,
on the inside surface. Grinding of the inspection
port hole might have introduced the residual
stresses needed for stress corrosion cracking.
High-Cycle Fatigue.
High-cycle fatigue
degradation can be caused by cyclic thermal
stratification, thermal striping, and turbulent
mixing of leaking cold feedwater (if any) with
hot steam generator coolant. Any leakage of the
feedwater through the feedwater nozzle-thermal
sleeve joint can cause thermal stratification,
turbulent mixing, and thermal shocks in the
feedwater nozzle. These thermal stresses can
promote fatigue damage in the nozzle bore,
nozzle blend radius, and the inside surface of the
shell. At one PWR plant in the U.S., the
feedwater nozzle bore region, blend radius,
steam generator shell inside surface beneath the
nozzle (see Figure 16a), and feedring support


bracket welds have all experienced cracking,
probably due to both thermal fatigue and stress

the feedwater nozzles at 18 of the 54 facilities

inspected (Cofie et al., 1994). All cracks were
corrosion-fatigue cracks caused by cyclic thermal
stratification, except the cracks at one plant,
which were identified as stress corrosion
cracking (USNRC 1979). Recently, feedwater
fatigue cracking has again been observed at
several U.S. plants, including a throughwall
crack at one unit. This cracking appears to have
been caused by high stresses at the counterbore
and fluctuations in the auxiliary feedwater flow,
water chemistry may also have played a
secondary role.

3.6.2 Feedwater Nozzles

Corrosion-fatigue cracks, caused by coolant
thermal stratification and the stress concentrations
at a counterbore (a joint between the feedwater
nozzle and piping with a geometric discontinuity), have been observed in the vicinity of the
feedwater nozzles as shown in Figure 16b.
Under low feedwater flow conditions, typically
during hot standby when the feedwater is
supplied by the auxiliary feedwater system, the
relatively cool feedwater tends to flow along the
bottom of the horizontal sections of the piping
adjacent to the feedwater nozzle, with the top
portion containing hot water. This thermal
stratification may lead to two different stressors
which cause fatigue damage: cyclic local
stratification and "thermal striping." Cyclic local
stratification stresses, caused by small auxiliary
feedwater flow fluctuations and subsequent
changes in elevation of the interface between the
hot and cold layers, can produce significant stress
changes at a point in the pipe cross-section.
Thermal striping, due to turbulent mixing at the
interface of the hot and cold layers, can produce
high-cycle fatigue crack initiation, generally a
surface effect.
Thermal striping does not
propagate cracks; however, cyclic thermal
stratification may propagate shallow cracks
caused by thermal striping.
The stress
concentration at the sharp transition from the
smaller thickness nozzle to the larger thickness
feedwater pipe near the nozzle/pipe weld
counterbore can also promote cracking in this
region (Cofie et al., 1994).

Both carbon steel piping material and carbon

steel or low-alloy steam generator shell material
are susceptible to corrosion fatigue if they
contain sulfur inclusions, such as manganese
sulfides (Bamford et al. 1987, Van der Sluys and
Cullen 1987). The morphology and distribution
of the sulfides can cause crack growth in
low-alloy pressure vessel steels to differ by a
factor of two, depending on the crack plane
orientation (Van der Sluys 1982). Environmental
effects appear highest for steels with
medium-to-high concentrations of sulfur ( > 0.015
wt%) in highly oxygenated water; environmental
effects may be negligible in low sulfur ( < 0.010
wt%) steels in deoxygenated water.
3.6.3 Erosion-Corrosion of the Thermal
Sleeves, J-tubes, Feedrings, and Divider Plates
Erosion-corrosion is a flow-assisted corrosion
mechanism that affects carbon steel piping
carrying single-phase, subcooled feedwater and
steam lines carrying wet steam. The damage
caused by erosion-corrosion is higher than
damage attributed to erosion or corrosion alone.
Carbon steel feedwater piping corrodes during
normal operation, forming a thin layer of iron
oxide [mostly magnetite (Fe 0 )] on the inside
surface. This layer protects the underlying
piping material from the corrosive environment,
and in the absence of erosion, limits the
corrosion rate. However, if stressors causing

On June 25, 1979, the USNRC issued Bulletin

79-13, requesting examinations of the feedwater
nozzles and adjacent piping in the U.S. to
address the safety concerns raised by fatigue
cracking (USNRC 1979).
The resulting
inspections revealed pipe cracks in the vicinity of




erosion are present, the layer of iron oxide will
dissolve and the uncorroded metal surface will
again be exposed to the corrosive environment,
and piping corrosion will continue. Thus, the
continuous process of oxide growth and
dissolution leads to thinning of the pipe wall and
ultimately to a catastrophic failure when the pipe
is subject to a pressure pulse of large magnitude.
Figure 27 presents a simple model describing the
phenomena occurring during erosion-corrosion
(Sanchez-Caldera 1984).

The factors affecting the erosion-corrosion rate

include the following:
Piping configuration
Feedwater temperature
Bulk-flow velocity
pH level
Oxygen content
Piping material

interface (E)

A. Iron hydroxides are generated: Fe + 2H 0c*Fe(OH)2 + H
B. Magnetite is formed according to the Schikorr reaction:
3Fe(OH) c - Fe 0 + H + 2H O
C. A fraction of the hydroxides formed in step B and hydrogen generated in steps A and
B diffuse along pores in the oxide
D. Magnetite can dissolve in the pores
E. Magnetite dissolves at the oxide-water interface
F. Water flow removes the dissolved species by a convection mass transfer mechanism
G. Solid particles break off porous oxide layer by a mechanical
erosion mechanism

N91 0447

Figure 27. Phenomena occurring during erosion-corrosion (Sanchez-Caldera 1984).




Carbon steel components with less than 0.1 wt%

Cr are susceptible to erosion-corrosion damage.
Although erosion-corrosion is a greater concern
in PWR feedwater piping, steam generator
components have also experienced damage from
this mechanism.
Erosion-corrosion of the
thermal sleeve at Diablo Canyon Unit 1 was
recently reported (USNRC 1993). The carbon
steel J-tubes and feedrings within RSGs have also
experienced significant erosion-corrosion-induced
wall thinning. The affected J-tubes have been
repaired or replaced with Alloy 600 J-tubes.
Erosion-corrosion damage of some of the carbon
steel primary-side divider plates in the CANDU
steam generators, as well as fatigue damage to
the divider plate bolts (also carbon steel), has
been reported. (The primary-side divider plate is
located below the tubesheet in the lower plenum
of the RSGs.). The erosion-corrosion of the
plate and fatigue of the bolts caused increased
divider plate leakage and excessive bypass flow,
which decreased the performance of the steam
generators somewhat. Fatigue of the bolts may
also lead to loose parts damage to the tubesheet.
3.7 Russian W E R Collector, Shell, and
Feedwater Distribution System Degradation
Although the VVER tubing has been relatively
trouble free, stress corrosion cracking of the
VVER-1000 cold collectors and erosioncorrosion of the W E R feedwater distribution
systems has occurred. The stress corrosion
cracking of the collectors is discussed first,
followed by a brief discussion of the feedwater
Stress Corrosion Cracking of the
WER-1000 Collectors
In contrast with the vertical tube bundles and
horizontal flat tubesheets used in the West, the
VVER steam generator tube bundles are
horizontal and are attached to the walls of two
vertical cylindrical collectors or headers.

Primary coolant from the reactor core region

enters through the inlet (hot) collector, passes
through the U-shaped tubing, and leaves through
the outlet (cold) collector. The VVER-1000
collectors are fabricated from pearlitic steel and
clad on the inside with austenitic stainless steel.
The hot and cold collectors are similar with
normal operating temperatures at 320C (608F)
and 290C (554F), respectively. The inner
diameter of the WER-1000 collectors is 834 mm
and the wall thickness is 171 mm.
Higher than normal radioactivity levels were
observed in the secondary system of South
Ukraine Unit 1 in late 1986. It was determined
that three adjoining ligaments in the cold
collector of one of the four steam generators had
developed throughwall cracks resulting in failure
of the tube-to-collector inside surface cladding
welds and significant leakage of primary coolant
into me secondary system (Titov 1991). This
steam generator had been in operation for less
than one year. As of July 1993, 33 steam
generators at eight VVER-1000 plants had been
replaced because of failure or the potential of
failure of the cold collectors (Koryakin 1993,
Titov 1991). These replacements occurred at
only 3-25% of the design lifetime (240,000 hrs).
Cracking and potential rupture of the VVER
collectors is of concern not only because of the
economic losses associated with repairing or
replacing these steam generators, but also
because of public safety. Radioactive primary
coolant could be discharged to the environment
via the main steam atmosphere dump valves if
they stick open. Worst case calculations suggest
that about 200 tons of primary system, steam
generator, and emergency core cooling water
might be released. Also, long term cooling
might be lost if the atmospheric dump valves do
not close properly because there are no isolation
valves on the atmospheric dump valve lines
(IAEA 1994).
Metallographic examination of failed collector
material "showed that the cracks were corrosion-



induced, mechanical in nature, initiating and
propagating from the secondary circuit side, at
first via an intercrystalline and then via an
intergranular mechanism" (Titov 1991). The
maximum crack length (as a sum of the lengths
of the affected ligaments) on the secondary-side
was about 1,000 mm.
The maximum
throughwall crack length on the primary-side was
about 10-15 mm. To date, cracks have been
found only in the cold collectors. However,
"indications" have also been reported for the hot
collector (IAEA 1993). Three types of cracks
have been observed: satellite cracks with widths
up to 0.1 mm and lengths up to 1 mm; planetary
cracks between two adjacent holes with widths up
to 0.5 mm, lengths across the ligament, and
depths up to 30 mm; and arterial cracks through
several (up to 30) holes with lengths up to 1,000
mm, widths more than 0.5 mm, and depths
through the wall (171 mm). The maximum crack
propagation rate was six ligaments within one
operating cycle (approximately 18 months).

residual stresses near yield in the

collector ligaments.

The metallographic examinations also showed

that the cracks usually started at a crevice
between the collector hole and a nonexpanded
tube, near the nonperforated zone (Vconfiguration) of the collector. The cracks start
at pits and grow across the ligaments first,
further growth occurs through the wall. The wall
is penetrated only after cracking of several
ligaments. Ductile cladding failure occurs after
the cracks penetrate the collector wall.


The collector hole drilling techniques

coupled with the explosive tube rolling
led to the formation of a layer of
embrittled, highly cold work material on
the inside surface of the collector holes
which was sensitive to cracking.


Crevices with depths up to 20 mm were

present due to under-expansion of the
tubes. These crevices collected impurity
deposits which promoted stress corrosion
cracking. The deposits in the cold
collector crevices tended to be porous,
whereas, the deposits in the hot collector
crevices were generally dense enough to
prevent water ingress.


The pearlitic steel used for the W E R 1000 collectors undergoes strain aging at
about 290C (554F). It is also more
susceptible to stress corrosion cracking at
temperatures below 280C (536F) than
at higher temperatures.


Abnormal secondary water chemistry

conditions accelerated the cracking
process, especially a drop in pH to acid
conditions (as low as 4.3) and significant
periods when the chlorine ions ranged
from a few hundred to a few thousand
ppb rather then the specified less than
150 ppb (Gorbatykh 1993, Martynova
and Mamet 1991, Rassokhin et al. 1992).
Excessive oxygen due to aerated
auxiliary feedwater and copper from the
condenser tubes may also have
contributed to the problem (IAEA 1993).
The steel fabrication process may have
created MnS inclusions which acted as
sites for crack initiation.

Investigation and analysis of the design,

fabrication, operational loads, and water
chemistry conditions led to the following findings
(Titov 1991, Titov 1993):

The tubing in the steam generators with

collector cracking had been explosively
expanded into the collectors using
"rigid" charges. This procedure led to
deformation of the collectors, seizure of
the upper part of the collector in the
steam generator vessel flange, and



To improve the performance of steam generators

already in operation, the following changes were



made: release of the collector upper racks, low

temperature heat treatment (450 C) of the
collector perforated zone, and improvements in
secondary water chemistry. These changes
helped but were not fully effective. For steam
generators fabricated but not in operation, a high
temperature heat treatment at 650 C was
conducted along with full depth hydraulic
expansion of the tubes. The new VVER-1000U
design will probably use titanium stabilized
austenitic stainless steel in the perforated regions
of the collectors rather then low alloy steel and
the tubes will be expanded hydraulically.
The WER-1000 steam generators fabricated in
the Czech Republic by Vitkovice, J. S. C. for the
Temelin plant incorporated several improvements
to address these problems. All their Type
10GN2MFA low alloy steel was doubly vacuum
treated to minimize the gas concentrations and
secure a homogeneous chemical composition.
The phosphorus and sulfur contents were
reduced. The collectors were forged so as to
suppress macrosegregations on their inner
surfaces. The tubing was expanded to the
collector wall by a hydraulic expansion process
which minimized the residual stresses and
Erosion-Corrosion of the
Feedwater Distribution Systems


As discussed in Section 3.6.3, erosion-corrosion

is a flow-assisted corrosion mechanism where
damage caused by erosion-corrosion is higher
than damage attributed to erosion or corrosion
The factors affecting the erosioncorrosion rate include piping configuration,
feedwater temperature, pH, bulk-flow velocity,
turbulence, oxygen content, impurities and
A current issue involves the erosion-corrosion of
the WER-1000 feedwater distribution systems.
The VVER-440 feedwater distribution system is
shown in Figure 7 and consists of a feedwater
pipe which enters the steam generator vessel on

the side opposite the hot collector in the steam

region, travels across half the table bundle, and
then travels down to about the center of the tube
bundle where it connects via a tee joint with a
horizontal manifold. The horizontal manifold is
equipped with a number of nozzles directed
down, through which sub-cooled feedwater is
injected into the corridor between the two sides
of the tube bundle to mix with the saturated
liquid. The system was originally fabricated with
mild carbon steel. Flow-assisted corrosion of the
nozzles has occurred at a number of plants
including Dukovany, Paks and Rovno. The
damage has ranged from modest wall loss to
complete nozzle destruction (the nozzles closest
to the tee tend to be more damaged). Erosioncorrosion of the tee joint has also been observed,
which could lead to cold feedwater spray onto the
hot collector.
Loss of the feedwater distribution nozzles is not
considered a major safety issue because
experiments conducted at OKB Gidropress has
shown that the feedwater flow distribution is still
adequate. However, the missing parts may cause
fretting damage to the steam generator tubes or
damage the valves in the blow down lines (only
2 of the 13 missing feedwater distribution nozzles
at Paks have been found). Also, continued
erosion-corrosion of the system will eventually
destroy the tee joint.
In response to this problem, OKB Gidropress has
designed a new VVER-440 feedwater system
which has similar geometry but is made of
titanium-stabilized austenitic stainless steel. This
new system has been installed in the Rovno steam
generators and will be installed in the Paks steam
generators. Another retrofit design prepared by
Vitkovice in the Czech Republic is characterized
by a manifold above the water level and
feedwater distribution through long downcomers
into mixing boxes situated at the level of the
previous feedwater manifold. This design has
been installed in the Dukovany steam generators
(16 steam generators) and one Bohunice steam
generator. A slightly different upper feedwater



system was installed in another Bohunice steam
generator. The tee joints were repaired at
Loviisa in 1989-1990.
Later, on finding
extensive damage to the feedwater distribution
nozzles, a program of feedwater system piping
replacement was begun.
Erosion-corrosion of the WER-1000 steam
generator feedwater distribution system may also
be a problem, and alternate designs and materials
are being evaluated by OKB Gidropress.
3.7.3 Failure of Collector Cover Bolts
The W E R steam generator collectors are sealed
at the top with covers (plates) which are bolted to
thin flanges around the top of the collectors (see
Figures 7b and 8b). On January 24, 1982 all
twenty bolts holding the cover on the hot
collector in Steam Generator Number 5 at Rovno
Unit-1 broke during a reactor power increase
from 75 to 82%. The cover blew off (lifted),
creating a break area around the collector
circumference with an equivalent diameter of
about 120 mm. The primary coolant system
pressure dropped rapidly and the reactor was
automatically scrammed at 12 seconds. All three
trains of emergency core cooling started shortly
thereafter. At 13 minutes, the operators shut off
the reactor coolant pump in Loop 5 and
attempted to close the isolation valve but it would
not fully close (the primary coolant pressure was
about 4MPa (580 psi).
Between 30 and 39 minutes the operators were
able to improve the leak tightness of the Loop 5
isolation valve, but also noted that Loop 3 was
leaking. Eleven of the twenty bolts on the hot
collector cover in Steam Generator Number 3
were later found to be broken. The operators
shutdown the Loop 3 reactor coolant pump and
tried to close the Loop 3 isolation valve. It
initially closed only 50% of the way. The result
of these actions (full isolation of Loop 5 and
partial isolation of Loop 3 and full emergency
core cooling flow) was that the primary system


pressure increased to 105 atmospheres at 39

minutes and then all twenty bolts on the cover of
the hot collector in Steam Generator 1 broke.
(Also, four of the twenty bolts on the cover of
the hot collector in Steam Generator 4 broke at
some point.) The primary coolant system
pressure then dropped back to about 40
atmospheres within about one minute. At 65
minutes, there were indications that some of the
steam generators were overfilled and there was
water in the steam lines. Eventually, all four
defective steam generators were isolated and the
plant was cooled using Loops 2 and 6 only.
Altogether, about 1,100 tons of primary coolant
and emergency core cooling water was lost to the
secondary side and about 20 tons were released
to the environment along with about 17 curies of
radioactive material (Solovyev 1992).
Inspection of the bolts after the accident
determined that the failures probably occurred as
a result of corrosion-fatigue damage. The bolting
material chemical and mechanical properties
were within specification, however, there was
some non-uniformity in yield strength (56 to 67
Kg/m ) and hardness (19 to 27 Rockwell). Forty
percent of the fracture surfaces had a clearly
visible striated structure characteristic of fatigue
damage. There were differences in grain size
ranging from 3 to 9 degrees BALL and carbide
inclusions. The "character of the fracture
surfaces was brittle" with numerous inter- and
trans-granular microcracks. The breaks occurred
in the transition region from the threaded to nonthreaded material or in the first few threads.
Some of the microcracks appeared to have been
present for a considerable period of time. Due to
wear of the top cover seals, there had been
primary to secondary coolant system leakage
from the hot collector covers in Steam generators
1, 3, 4, and 5 and the bolts had been screwed
down very tight the previous year creating high
tensile stresses. Other possible reasons for the
bolt cracking include water level oscillations and
splashing on the secondary side which caused
mermo-cycling and fatigue damage and may have


copper-graphite, a change in the secondary side
chloride limits from 500 to 50 ppm, and better
secondary side water level control. Also, the
bolts and covers on all the Rovno steam
generator collectors were replaced. Other
VVER-440 plants have also implemented
nitrogen-16 monitoring on the main steam lines
in response to this accident (IAEA 1995).

caused an accumulation of impurities in the bolt

region, a poor choice of bolt lubricant, and high
chloride levels on the secondary side (Solovyev
1992, IAEA 1995).
Corrective measures at Rovno included a new
procedure for tightening the bolts, a change in
the stud lubricant from molybdenum sulfide to




Ten steam generator tube rupture events are
discussed in this section.
A variety of
degradation mechanisms have caused these
ruptures including wastage, PWSCC, wear,
ODSCC, and high-cycle fatigue. In each case,
the rupture caused a complex plant transient
which challenged the operators. The operator
actions during these accidents were directed

maintaining the primary coolant subcooled,

minimizing the leakage from the primary

system to the secondary coolant system, and

preventing the release of radioactivity from

the damaged steam generator.

considered to be a steam generator tube rupture

rather than a steam generator leak. The Fort
Calhoun tube rupture discussed in Section 4.6
resulted in a relatively low leak rate that was
initially within the normal charging flow capacity
of the plant. However, the volume control tank
was depleted after about 27 minutes and the
charging pumps had to be secured. Therefore,
the Fort Calhoun event should also be
categorized as a steam generator tube rupture
rather than a steam generator leak.
4.1 Point Beach Unit 1
A 470 i/mva (125 gpm) leak developed in Steam
Generator B at Point Beach Unit 1 on February
26, 1975 (USNRC 1980). The degradation
mechanism, size and location of the rupture, and
the results of previous and subsequent steam
generator inspections are discussed in Section
4.1.1. The plant transient, operator actions,
radiation release, and remedial actions are
discussed in Sections 4.1.2 through 4.1.5,

Their success varied somewhat, however, none

of these accidents resulted in a significant dose to
the public.
The ten steam generator tubing rupture events are
discussed in chronological order in Sections 4.1
through 4.10. The leak rate, degradation mechanism, rupture size and location, stressor, and
plant transient information for all ten events are
summarized and compared in Section 4.11. A
few of the more recent and better publicized
incipient steam generator tube rupture events in
the U.S. are briefly discussed in Section 4.12.

4.1.1 Cause of the Tube Rupture

The Point Beach rupture was apparently caused
by wastage (relatively uniform corrosion and
thinning of the tube on its outside surface),
possibly combined with stress corrosion
cracking. A horoscope viewing of the ruptured
tube identified two adjacent, axially aligned
bulges, the total length of which was less than 38
mm (1.5 in.) and neither of which exceeded
about 20 mm (0.75 in.) in length and width. The
shape of the bulges suggest a phosphate corrosion
or wastage mechanism which caused significant
and relatively uniform thinning and ultimately
local ductile rupture. However, eddy-current
signals typical of ODSCC were also obtained
from the area. The ruptured tube was not
removed for a detailed examination.

The USNRC classifies a steam generator tube

rupture event as a primary to secondary leak
through a break in a steam generator tube in
excess of the normal charging flow capacity of
the reactor coolant system (USNRC 1988a). At
Surry Unit 2, the same high pressure pumps are
used for both charging and safety injection. The
rupture discussed in Section 4.2 resulted in a leak
rate that was within the capacity of the pumps,
but only when the system was aligned for safety
Therefore, the Surry event is




The ruptured tube was located in the outer row of
the tube bundle on the hot leg side. The ruptures
were located at an elevation close to, but above
the tubesheet, in the sludge pile region. The
ruptured tube had not been inspected prior to the
rupture. Subsequent eddy-current inspection of
the remaining tubes in both the A and B steam
generators identified 127 tubes with apparent
reductions in wall thickness greater than 60%.
The steam generators were Westinghouse Model
44 RSGs with mill-annealed Alloy 600 tubing.
The steam generators were replaced in 1984 after
176 tubes were plugged due to wastage and 473
tubes were plugged due to ODSCC in the
tubesheet region.

The main steam isolation valve for the affected

Steam Generator B was closed at 48 minutes,
however the feedwater to Steam Generator B was
not stopped until 58 minutes. At 51 minutes, a
reduction in the reactor coolant system pressure
and temperature was started by dumping steam
from the intact steam generator to the condenser.
The B loop reactor coolant pump was manually
tripped at 1 hour and 6 minutes and then
restarted at 1 hour and 40 minutes, so that the
pressurizer spray could be used to help cool the
plant down. At 1 hour, 48 minutes, the reactor
coolant system pressure was about 6.9 MPa
(1000 psi) and the defective steam generator
pressure was about 6.3 MPa (920 psi). At 3
hours, 5 minutes, the residual heat removal
system was placed in operation, however, the
primary system pressure apparently stayed
slightly above the defective steam generator
secondary pressure for about 6 or 7 hours, which
resulted in overfill of the defective steam
generator secondary side.

4.1.2 Rant Transient

The Point Beach rupture occurred while the plant
was operating at full power. The air ejector
high-radiation alarm was the first indication of
the rupture. This was followed by alarms
indicating that the operating charging pump was
at maximum flow and the pressurizer level was
decreasing, at which point the operators
recognized that they had a leak, but thought that
it was in the auxiliary building (USNRC 1980).
A second charging pump was started at 2
minutes, the reactor let down system was isolated
at 8 minutes, and a third charging pump (initially
out of service) was started at 19 minutes in an
attempt to control the pressurizer level. A
portable radiation monitor was used to check the
B steam generator blowdown sample cooler and
the readings led the operators to conclude (at 28
minutes) that a steam generator tube rupture had
occurred. A 5% per minute load reduction
began at 30 minutes and the plant was manually
tripped at 47 minutes from 25% power. The
safety injection system did not start, but the
safety injection pumps were intermittently used
during the subsequent cooldown (after 61
minutes) to control the reactor coolant system

4.1.3 Operator Actions

Overall, the slow decrease in pressure and
pressurizer level allowed an almost normal
shutdown. "The actions taken and the decisions
made by the operator during the event were
reasonable and prudent. The decision to ramp
down the unit prior to tripping prevented the
activation of the atmospheric dump valves and/or
safety valves, thus keeping radioactive releases as
low as possible" (USNRC 1980). However,
there were some questionable operator actions.
The operators were slow to recognize that a
steam generator tube rupture or leak had
occurred (28 minutes). Therefore, they were
slow to start the load reduction (30 minutes) and
slow to isolate the defective steam generator (58
minutes). Also, the defective steam generator
received feedwater for about 10 minutes after the
main steam isolation valve was shut. This error,
along with the fact that the primary system




pressure remained above the pressure on the

secondary side of the defective steam generator
for about 6 or 7 hours, led to overfilling the
secondary side of the defective steam generator.
On a more positive note, the cooldown and
depressurization were relatively fast and the
residual heat removal system was in operation by
3 hours, 5 minutes.

1976 (USNRC 1980).

The degradation
mechanism, size and location of the rupture, and
the results of subsequent tube inspections are
discussed in Section 4.2.1. The plant transient,
operator actions, radiation release, and remedial
actions are discussed in Sections 4.2.2 through
4.2.5, respectively. The leak rate discussed in
this section is the leak rate estimated by the
USNRC from post-accident analysis rather than
the leak rate reported by the plant operator (300
0/min or 80 gpm).

4.1.4 Environmental Impact

The total radioactivity released to the
environment through the air ejector and the
blowdown tank vent was about 2,265 Ci of Xe133 equivalent over about a 1 hour and 8-minute
period. There was probably no significant offsite dose and the release was a small fraction of
what could have occurred had the Steam
generator B safety valves or atmospheric dump
valves opened.

4.2.1 Cause of the Tube Rupture

The Surry rupture was caused by PWSCC in the
U-bend region of the tube located in Row 1,
Column 7 (Stoller 1976a). The high stresses that
caused the PWSCC resulted from the
deformation of the carbon steel tube support
plates. The deformation of the plates was caused
by corrosion of the plates. As discussed in
Section 3.2.5, corrosion of drilled hole carbon
steel support plates in the early Westinghouse,
French, and Japanese steam generators resulted
in the growth of a voluminous corrosion product
in the gaps between the tubes and support plates.
This caused denting of the tubes and sometimes
deformation and cracking of the support plates
(Stoller 1976b). There is a row of rectangular
flow slots in the tube support plates of the
Westinghouse Model 51 steam generators
between the hot and cold leg sides of the tube
bundle. These slots were originally about 406
mm (16 in.) long by 70 mm (2.75 in.) wide and
were spaced about 508 mm (20 in.) center to
center. The denting phenomenon deformed the
support plates so that the flow slots became hour
glassed in shape, that is, the center portion of the
parallel flow slot walls moved together.
Subsequent measurements indicated that the flow
slot openings in the top tube support plate in the
Surry Unit 2 A steam generator had decreased to
an average opening size of 37 mm (1.46 in.).
The smallest flow slot opening was 35 mm (1.38
in.). The flow slot openings in the top tube
support plates of the Surry Unit 1 steam

4.1.5 Remedial Actions

Point Beach Unit 1 began commercial operation
in December 1970 and operated with phosphate
secondary water chemistry through the fall of
1974, when it was converted to an all volatile
treatment (AVT). A substantial amount of sludge
accumulated on the tubesheet during the
operation with phosphate water chemistry and
was not removed upon initial AVT operation.
The first sludge lancing was in January 1975.
The sodium phosphate caused wastage and then
some of it may have been converted to sodium
hydroxide after the AVT was implemented and
caused stress corrosion cracking in the tubesheet
region. The remedial actions consisted of sludge
lancing (completed just before the rupture),
additional tube inspections, and plugging of all
tubes with eddy-current indications greater than
30% through the wall.
4.2 Surry Unit 2
A 1250 t/mia (330 gpm) leak developed in Steam
Generator A at Surry Unit 2 on September 15,




charging pump. Also, the flux mapping was

stopped and the control rods were moved to
return the average reactor coolant temperature
back to program.

generators (which had operated longer) decreased

to a minimum value of about 13 mm (0.5 in.)
(Stoller 1976b).
The deformation of the tube support plates in the
Surry Unit 2 A steam generator caused each leg
of the tubes along the center portions of the flow
slots to be displaced inward about 16.5 mm (0.65
in.). This caused significant ovalization of the
tubes in the U-bend region and high stresses at
the inside surface at the apex of the bend.

At 7 minutes, the operators initiated emergency

boration by lining up the discharge of the boric
acid transfer pumps with the charging pump
suction and commenced a load reduction of 10%
per minute. At 10 minutes, the operators tripped
the turbine which caused an automatic reactor
trip. At 11 minutes, the operators started the
safety injection system [the pressurizer level was
off scale low and the reactor coolant system
pressure was about 12 MPa (1800 psig)]. At 16
minutes, the operators throttled the safety
injection flow by stopping both the low head
safety injection pumps and one of the two high
pressure safety injection pumps, and re-aligning
the other high pressure pump discharge to the
normal charging flow path (the two high pressure
safety injection pumps are also the charging
pumps at Surry). The reactor coolant system
pressure peaked at about 14 MPa (2100 psig).

Nine U-bend sections were removed from the A

steam generator including the six necessary to
gain access to the ruptured tube in Column 7 and
the next two tubes. The ruptured tube had a
114.3 mm (4.5 in.) long axial branching
intergranular crack which initiated on the top
inside surface (Stoller 1976a). Five of the other
eight pulled tubes showed significant ovalization
and four of the eight had cracks on the inner
surface (Stoller 1976b).
The tubes with
ovalization and cracks were located near the
middle of the flow slot. Thirty-one Row 1 Ubend samples were removed from the Turkey
Point Unit 4 B steam generator (similar tubes,
support plates, and operating conditions) in
October of 1976. Similar PWSCC was found in
three of the pulled tubes (Stoller 1976c). Neither
the Surry or Turkey Point cracks were detected
with the eddy-current techniques available at the

Between 17 and 18 minutes, the operators

secured the feedwater flow to all three steam
generators, determined that the rupture was in the
A steam generator, and isolated the A steam
generator. At 19 minutes, the reactor coolant
pump in the B loop was tripped, it remained off
for the rest of the transient. The other two
reactor coolant pumps remained in operation
which allowed the operators to use the
pressurizer spray to help depressurize the reactor
coolant system (from the A and C loops) and
allowed for forced circulation cooling through
the C steam generator. At 21 minutes, the
operators restarted the second high pressure
charging/safety injection pump and re-aligned the
flow from both high pressure pumps back to the
safety injection flow path. This increased the
pressurizer level back to about 20% where it was
maintained during the rest of the cooldown. The
plant was cooled by dumping steam from the
intact steam generators to the condenser. At 1

4.2.2 Plant Transient

The Surry rupture occurred while the plant was
operating at full power with a satisfactory leak
rate (5.3 f/min or 1.4 gpm total, 2.2 /min or 0.6
gpm unidentified) and flux mapping in progress
(USNRC 1980). The maximum charging flow
alarm and a sudden decrease in the reactor
coolant system pressure were the first indications
of a break. This was followed within 1 minute
by the air ejector alarm.
The operators
responded at 5 minutes by securing the reactor
coolant system letdown and starting a second




hour and 10 minutes, the reactor coolant system

pressure had been reduced to about 6.8 MPa
(1000 psig) which stabilized the level in the
defective steam generator at about 75%. (The
defective steam generator was not overfilled.) At
11 hours and 20 minutes, the plant reached cold
shutdown and the A loop reactor coolant pump
was tripped and the A loop was isolated.

leakage from the reactor coolant system could

have been further reduced by tripping the reactor
coolant pump in the defective (A) loop and
closing the loop isolation valves. However, the
defective steam generator was not overfilled
because of the rapid depressurization of the
primary coolant system and the relatively rapid
closure of the main feedwater isolation valve
(which closed automatically when the safety
injection system was started at 11 minutes).

4.2.3 Operator Actions

The Surry steam generator tube rupture caused a
relatively severe transient because of the
relatively high leak rate and the fact that the
operators were involved in control rod
manipulations at the time of the rupture. The
control rod movements initially led the operators
to believe that the initial pressure drop was
caused by control rod induced changes in the
average reactor coolant temperature. This led to
a short delay in recognizing that a steam
generator tube rupture had occurred (about 5
minutes). The operators actions after about 5
minutes were prompt and effective. A load
reduction was started at 7 minutes, the turbine
was tripped and the reactor scrammed at 10
minutes, the safety injection system was started at
11 minutes and then throttled at 16 minutes, the
defective steam generator was isolated at 18
minutes, the pressurizer level was stabilized at 21
minutes, and the primary coolant system pressure
was reduced to the defective steam generator
secondary pressure within about 1 hour.

Overall, the operator actions effectively mitigated

the transient and the mistakes made in operating
the reactor coolant pumps had no significant
effect on the outcome of the transient (USNRC
4.2.4 Environmental Impact
Release of radioactivity to the environs was
minimized by automatic diversion of the air
ejector discharge to the reactor containment
(USNRC 1980). The dump and safety valves on
the defective steam generator did not open during
the transient and the radiological consequences
were well below regulatory limits.
4.2.5 Remedial Actions
Following the September 15, 1976 tube rupture
of Surry Unit 2, the innermost row of tubes were
plugged in the Surry Units 1 and 2, Turkey Point
Units 3 and 4, Indian Point Unit 2, and San
Onofre Unit 1 steam generators (USNRC 1980).
In addition, augmented inservice inspection
programs were implemented at these plants
(increased inspection frequency and sample
sizes). The augmented inspection programs
included eddy-current and go/no-go gauging
inspections of the tubes and support plate
examinations. Eventually, the steam generators
at the Surry, Turkey Point and Indian Point Unit
3 plants were replaced.
The new steam
generators have stainless steel support plates and
more corrosion resistant tubing (thermally treated
Alloy 600).

As mentioned above, the operators tripped the

reactor coolant pump in the B loop at 19 minutes
in conformance with their standard operating
procedures. There are no pressurizer spray lines
from the B loop cold leg and running this pump
puts additional energy into the primary coolant
system. However, in the case of a steam
generator tube rupture at a three loop plant the
primary coolant system will cool down faster
with forced circulation in both intact loops.
Also, the reactor coolant pump in the defective
loop operated through out the transient. The




4.3 DoelUnit2

system let down line was isolated and the

pressurizer heaters turned off at 2.4 minutes, and
the pressurizer relief line was isolated at 4.6
minutes. At 9.4 minutes, a rapid increase in the
defective steam generator water level was noted
and the damaged steam generator was isolated.
Then the third charging pump was started and the
suction for all the charging pumps aligned to the
reactor water storage tank at about 10 to 15
minutes and the main coolant pump in the loop
with the defective steam generator was shut off at
17.4 minutes. Despite these efforts to control the
primary system pressure and pressurizer level,
automatic high pressure safety injection (along
with diesel generator startup and containment
isolation) began at about 19.2 minutes.

A 510 JVmin (135 gpm) leak developed in Steam

Generator B at Doel Unit 2 (Antwerp, Belgium)
on June 25, 1979 (USNRC 1980).
degradation mechanism, size, and location of the
rupture are discussed in Section 4.3.1. The plant
transient, operator actions, radiation release, and
remedial actions are discussed in Sections 4.3.2
through 4.3.5, respectively.
4.3.1 Cause of the Tube Rupture
The Doel rupture was caused by PWSCC in the
U-bend region of a Westinghouse Model 44 RSG
due to excessive residual stresses caused by
ovalization of the tubing during fabrication.
Visual and video examination revealed a
relatively long axial crack located at the top of
the U-bend of the tube in Row 1, Column 24.
Row 1 is the innermost row of tubes in the tube
bundle. Bending of small radius U-bends causes
their cross section to become oval and, therefore,
the Row 1 and 2 tubes in the Westinghouse RSGs
were bent using an internal ball mandrel to limit
the degree of ovalization. The amount of
ovalization in the inner row tubes in both steam
generators was estimated by pushing various size
ball bearings through the tubes. Twenty-four
tubes in the B and 50 tubes in the A steam
generator had minimum inside diameters less
than 18.21 mm (0.717 in.) as compared with a
nominal inside diameter of 19.69 mm (0.775 in.).
This was much more ovalization than expected
and suggested improper fabrication practices
(USNRC 1980).

The high head safety injection pumps caused the

primary system pressure to rapidly increase.
Normal pressurizer spray was initiated at 28
minutes in an attempt to decrease the primary
system pressure, however, this caused the
pressurizer to become filled with water. The
auxiliary feedwater flow to both steam generators
automatically started at 41 minutes and then the
flow to the defective steam generator was stopped
at 50 minutes. This helped cool the plant and
lower the primary system pressure. Depressurization of the primary coolant system began at 68
to 88 minutes when the safety injection pumps
were shut off and the isolation valves in the
letdown line opened. The residual heat removal
system began operation at 3 hours, 15 minutes.
4.3.3 Operator Actions
The operators were generally successful in
keeping a sufficiently high degree of subcooling
in the primary system by shutting down the loop
B main coolant pump (a source of heat) and
controlling the pressure. Also, the secondary
side of the defective steam generator was isolated
early in the transient and the setpoints for the
atmospheric dump valves were increased to their
maximum value to prevent the escape of
radioactive fluid. The reactor coolant system
was cooled and depressurized fairly rapidly.

4.3.2 Plant Transient

The Doel rupture occurred while the plant was
being heated to normal operating temperature and
pressure and the reactor was not critical. The
first indication of a leak was a rapid decrease of
the primary system pressure (0.19 MPa/min). A
second charging pump was manually started at
1.8 minutes, the chemical and volume control




indicating a significant and relatively uniform

reduction in the tubing wall thickness before
ductile failure. The adjacent tubes also showed
signs of wear on the tube bundle outer surfaces at
about the same elevation.

4.3.4 Environmental Impact

There were no radioactive releases.
4.3.5 Remedial Actions
The ruptured tube, the tubes immediately
surrounding the ruptured tube, and all tubes with
an inside diameter less than 18.21 mm (0.7169
in.) were plugged.

4.4.2 Plant Transient

The Prairie Island rupture occurred while the
plant was operating at full power. Again, the air
ejector high-radiation alarm was the first
indication of the rupture. This was followed by
alarms indicating that the pressurizer level and
pressure were rapidly dropping, at which point
the operators apparently suspected that a steam
generator was leaking (USNRC 1980). The
operators initiated a load reduction (10% total) at
about 7 minutes and started the second and third
changing pumps at 9 and 10 minutes, however,
an automatic reactor scram on low pressure
occurred at 10 minutes, 9 seconds, and the
atmospheric dump valves on the defective steam
generator lifted for 1 to 2 seconds.

4.4 Prairie Island Unit 1

A 1,270 S/min (336 gpm) leak developed in
Steam Generator A at Prairie Island Unit 1 on
October 2, 1979 (USNRC 1980).
degradation mechanism, size and location of the
rupture, and the results of previous and
subsequent steam generator inspections are
discussed in Section 4.4.1. The plant transient,
operator actions, radiation release, and remedial
actions are discussed in Sections 4.4.2 through
4.4.5, respectively.

Automatic safety injection on low pressure

resulted at 10 minutes, 14 seconds, and the
primary system pressure was driven back up to
about 13.8 MPa (2,000 psi) from 12.5 MPa
(1,815 psi) over the next 12 minutes. The
reactor coolant pumps were manually tripped at
12 and 13 minutes and the primary system cooled
using natural circulation flow for most of the
transient. The main steam isolation valve on the
defective steam generator was closed at 27
minutes and one safety injection pump was
stopped at 42 minutes.

4.4.1 Cause of the Tube Rupture

The Prairie Island tube rupture was caused by
loose parts wear. A steel coil spring 216 mm
(8.5 in.) long, 32 mm (1.25 in.) in diameter, and
made with 2.4 mm (0.095 in.) wire was found on
the tubesheet next to the ruptured tube. One end
of the spring was wedged between the tubesheet
and a flow blocking device. The wear pattern on
the tubesheet indicated that the spring had moved
back and forth during operation. The spring was
apparently part of some sludge lancing equipment
left in the steam generator during an outage prior
to installation of the flow blocking device in
March of 1976.

Once the primary system pressure had stabilized

at about 13.8 MPa (2,000 psi), a pressurizer
power operated relief valve was used
intermittently (beginning at 43 minutes) to reduce
the pressure in the primary system because
normal pressurizer spray was not available
because the primary coolant pumps were tripped.
Eventually, the operators closed the power
operated relief valve, secured the remaining

The rupture occurred on the hot leg side of the

tube at Row 4, Column 1, about 76 mm (3 in.)
above the tubesheet. The rupture was a "fish
mouth" opening about 38 mm (1.5 in.) long with
a maximum width of about 13 mm (0.5 in.). The
rupture edges were worn to a "knife edge,"




safety injection pump (at 52 minutes), and

continued cooling the primary system using
natural circulation flow and steaming from the
undamaged steam generator. The reactor coolant
pump in loop B with the intact steam generator
was restarted at 7 hours and the cooldown
continued (restart procedures were not
immediately available).
The residual heat
removal system began operation at 16 hours, 26

reactor was cooled only by natural circulation

flow. The RHR system was not in operation
until 16 hours, 26 minutes after the tube rupture.
Also, it took 27 minutes to isolate the damaged
steam generator.
4.4.4 Environmental Impact
About 30 Ci of Xe-133 equivalent of noble gases
and about l/*Ci of 1-131 equivalent of iodine
isotopes were released. The major sources of
airborne releases were the brief release of steam
from the defective steam generator through the
atmospheric dump valves and the vent on the
auxiliary feed water turbine. Some radioactivity
was also released through the air ejector. The off
site doses did not exceed 10 CFR Part 100 limits.

4.4.3 Operator Actions

The Prairie Island tube rupture resulted in a very
rapid drop in the primary system pressure and the
pressurizer water level, and an automatic scram
and safety injection system actuation. The size of
the rupture did not allow time for the operators to
maintain the pressurizer level by isolating the
reactor coolant system let down flow and
increasing charging flow. However, they could
have started the second and third charging pumps
and started decreasing the reactor power sooner.
In any event, the rapidly decreasing pressure
would probably still have caused the automatic
reactor and turbine trip immediately followed by
the safety injection, which, of course, results in
a rapidly increasing primary system pressure and
more flow out the rupture. As required by NRC
Bulletin 79-06C, the operator tripped both
reactor coolant pumps upon actuation of the
safety injection system and, as a result, lost
pressurizer spray capability. This then lead to
the decision to open the pressurizer power
operated relief valve, which was successful in
bringing the reactor coolant system pressure
down to 6.3 MPa (910 psi) at 61 minutes, which
was the pressure of the defective steam generator
secondary side at that point in the transient.
Therefore, the primary-to-secondary leakage was
terminated relatively early. However, the reactor
coolant system cooldown took a long time, in
part, because the reactor coolant pump on the
intact loop was turned off for a long time and the

4.4.5 Remedial Actions

The ruptured tube and four adjacent tubes that
showed signs of wear were plugged. The outer
peripheral area of the tube bundle and the open
flow lane of both steam generators were
inspected and additional pieces of the sludge
lancing equipment were found and removed.
About 12% of the tubes were inspected with
eddy-current equipment including all the tubes on
the periphery of the tube bundles. Also, several
procedural and equipment changes were
4.5 GinnaUnitl
A 2,900 0/min (760 gpm) leak developed in
Steam Generator B at Ginna on January 25, 1982
(USNRC 1982b, USNRC 1982c).
degradation mechanism, size, and location of the
rupture, and the results of previous and
subsequent steam generator inspections are
discussed in Section 4.5.1. The plant transient,
operator actions, radiation release, and remedial
actions are discussed in Sections 4.5.2 through
4.5.5, respectively.




were plugged as a result of eddy-current

indications or leaks, however, damage continued
until they also became severed. Eventually, an
unplugged tube in Row 42, Column 55 in wedge
area 4 (third row in from the outside) was
subjected to fretting wear over about 150 mm (6
in.) of length and burst.

4.5.1 Cause of the Tube Rupture

The Ginna rupture was caused by loose parts
wear (USNRC 1982c). Foreign objects including
various size pieces of carbon steel plate and strip
fell onto the tubesheet outside the periphery of
the tube bundle during steam generator
modifications in 1975 and later. The largest
piece of debris was a carbon steel plate 12.7 mm
(0.5 in.) thick by 106 mm (4.18 in.) wide by 160
mm (6.31 in.) long. It was apparently part of a
downcomer flow resistance plate that had been
cut out and mostly removed in 1975. This plate
(along with some of the other debris) impacted on
some of the exposed peripheral (outermost) tubes
during subsequent operation and caused defects
at four general locations around the tube bundle,
welded lug locations (wedge areas) 2, 4, and 6,
and near the tube at Row 39, Column 70. A hot
leg tubesheet map is shown in Figure 28, which
identifies the locations of the plugged tubes
before the rupture event of January 25, 1982
(USNRC 1982c).
Flow model testing by
Westinghouse confirmed that a steel plate of that
size would be mobile in the peripheral region,
tending to linger at the wedge areas since those
areas tend to be areas of relatively low flow.
The initial plugging activity occurred first at the
Row 39, Column 70 vicinity in February 1976,
and then shifted to wedge areas 2 and 6 during
May 1976, and then shifted to wedge area 4 (the
rupture location) during July 1977 and thereafter
(USNRC 1982c).

Inspection of the wedge area 4 region found that

a number of tubes had been severed about 50 mm
(2 in.) above the top of the tubesheet and two
tubes (R45-C54 and R44-C56) were missing, that
is, they had severed at two locations, just above
the tubesheet and just below the first tube support
plate. The two tubes immediately outboard of
the ruptured tube were severed just above the
tubesheet. The ruptured tube had two long axial
wear scars, one of which reduced the original
1.27 mm (0.05 in.) wall thickness to
approximately 0.20 mm (0.008 in.) for
approximately 100 mm (4 in.) in length (an 84%
reduction in wall thickness). The total length of
the wear scar was about 150 mm (6 in.). The
burst was ductile in nature and a relatively long
"fish mouth" type opening as shown in Figure
29. Five other tubes (immediately outboard from
the ruptured tube) showed wear areas similar to
those on the burst tube. The severed tube
fracture surfaces showed evidence of wear and
then fatigue and tearing. Also, evidence of
extensive cold work was found on the collapsed
surfaces. In summary, the peripheral tube
damage mechanisms were primarily mechanical
and included impact, collapse, fatigue, fretting
type wear, abrasion, and ductile overload and

Although the damaged tubes on the tube bundle

periphery were plugged as a result of eddycurrent inspection indications and/or small leaks,
the debris, in conjunction with the hydraulic and
pressure loadings, continued to damage the
plugged tubes and eventually caused the tubes to
collapse and in some cases to become completely
severed near the top of the tubesheet. The
severed tubes were free to swing over about a
1,270 mm (50 in.) span, pivoting at the first
support plate, and cause fretting type wear of the
adjacent (inboard) tubes. These tubes, in turn,


The wear on the ruptured tube at Row 42,

Column 55 produced a detectable eddy-current
indication in April 1981, which was not
interpreted at the time as a pluggable indication.
In fact, prior to the rupture, the eddy-current
indications from the outermost tubes were generally interpreted as inside diameter indications
or bulges even though a tube pulled from the
outer periphery in 1978 revealed no evidence of


i^l Plft7B58ilTmSTb7tL')UiS(.%i.5F>5755 5 3 5 l 4 > 4 7 4 S 4 l 3937353331 2 9 2 7 2 5 2 3 2 1 1 9 1 7 15 1311

9 7 5 3 1

T2 ?o88 8ie4 82 80 76Tt 74 72 70 L8 U. LA C2 to SBy. 54 52 SO 4fi 4L44 42. 4C 38 34,14 32 30 78 ru 24 222C 18 16 14 12 10


Ruptured Tube 42-55)

# 4 Wedge Area

# 2 Wedge A r e a ;

# 6 Wedge,



2222^?22 25^i^22$v25222






Small dots - Outside Boundary of flowholes

Large dots - Location of Plugged Tubes
X ' s Sleeved tubes
Open Circles - Outside boundary of tube locations
Figure 28. Ginna B steam generator hot leg tubesheet map before event of January 25, 1982 (USNRC 1982c).


-2 3






Figure 29. Photograph of segment of ruptured tube (R42-C55) removed from the Ginna steam generator
(tubesheet to the right) (USNRC 1982c).



inside diameter cracking but had shallow peenlike marks and dings, shallow wall thinning on
the outside, and local distortions including a
bulge. The root cause analyses of the loose parts
damage from 1976 to the time of the tube rupture
were inadequate.
4.5.2 Plant Transient
The Ginna rupture occurred while the plant was
operating at full power. A schematic diagram of
the Ginna plant is shown in Figure 30 (USNRC
1982c). The air ejector radiation monitor, the
pressurizer level and pressure alarms, and the B
steam generator level and steam/feed flow
mismatch alarms indicated to the operators the
existence of a large leak in the B steam generator
(at 9:25 am). The operators began a power
reduction at 1.5 minutes along with an increase
in the number and speed of the operating
charging pumps (the third charging pump was
started at 2.5 minutes). Also at 2 minutes, the
eight main steam dump valves opened
automatically in response to a valid error signal
from the reactor coolant system temperature and
four valves closed automatically at 3 minutes. At
3 minutes there was an automatic reactor scram
(at 12.91 MPa or 1,873 psig) and actuation of all
three safety injection pumps (at 11.88 MPa or
1,723 psig) on low primary system pressure.
This was followed by automatic containment
isolation, main turbine trip (on reactor trip),
automatic start of the auxiliary feed pumps, main
feedwater isolation and trip of the charging
pumps. At 4 minutes, both reactor coolant
pumps were manually tripped as required, the
pressurizer was almost empty, and the steam
supply valves to the turbine-driven auxiliary
feedwater pump opened automatically because of
low water levels in the steam generators. At 5
minutes, the remaining four main steam dump
valves closed automatically and the initial reactor
coolant system depressurization stopped at about
8.27 MPa (1,200 psig), apparently due to the
establishment of saturation conditions in the
reactor vessel upper head along with the effects

of the safety injection. A steam bubble probably

formed in the upper head at this time. Plots of
the reactor coolant system pressure, the
pressurizer level, and the steam generator
secondary side pressures are presented in Figure
31 along with the times when (a) the safety
injection (SI), charging, and reactor coolant
pumps (RCPs) were on; (b) the steam generators
were dumping steam to atmosphere; and (c) the
pressurizer power operated relief valve (PORV)
was open.
At 7 minutes, the B steam generator motor driven
auxiliary feedwater pump and steam supply to the
turbine-driven pump were secured. At 15
minutes, the B steam generator main steam
isolation valve was closed and the defective
steam generator isolated. Plant cooldown was
continuing by natural circulation in the A loop
and by dumping steam from the A steam
generator to the main condenser. However, the
water level on the B steam generator continued to
rise due to the flow through the ruptured tube.
At 30 minutes, the level indicator on the B steam
generator went off-scale high and the steam line
started to fill with water. At 32 minutes, the
safety injection actuation circuitry was reset to
allow resetting the containment isolation system
and get instrument air to the air-operated valves
inside containment. At 42 minutes, the operators
attempted to equalize the pressure differential
between the reactor coolant system and the
secondary side of the B steam generator by
opening a pressurizer PORV to stop the break
flow. On the fourth cycle (at 44 minutes) the
PORV stuck open. The operator then closed the
block valve to prevent further loss of reactor
coolant through the open PORV and the reactor
coolant system pressure increased again. During
cycling of the PORV, steam bubbles formed in
the reactor vessel upper head and the top of the
tubes in the B steam generator and the
pressurizer level rose rapidly. However, natural
circulation in the A loop and core cooling
continued despite the steam bubbles.













Cooling Water
Intake Tunnel




ECCS (Emergency Core Cooling System)

3 High Pressure Safety Injection Pumps
2 Low Pressure Safety Injection Pumps
2 Passive Tanks for Low Pressure Injection

Chemical anil Volume

Control System

^ |


K^t*H Condenser
[j<>a Cooling Water
Charging and
I Lotdown Systems

Figure 30. Schematic diagram of Westinghouse-designed pressurized water reactor of Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation's Ginna
Nuclear Power Plant (USNRC 1982c).
















Figure 31. Ginna reactor coolant and steam generator parameters as a function of time, January 25, 1982 (USNRC 1982c).
The transient started at 9:25am.


A B steam generator code safety valve lifted (at

1,085 psig) and then closed at 54 minutes and
again at 63 minutes because the safety injection
pumps were maintaining the primary system
pressure above the B steam generator secondary
pressure, and reactor coolant continued to flow
out the tube rupture. At 1 hour and 13 minutes,
safety injection was terminated to prevent further
steam generator safety valve lifts. At 1 hour and
15 minutes the condensate system was secured to
prevent further radioactive contamination of the
condensate system.
This made the main
condenser unavailable for further dumping of
steam. To continue the plant cooldown, the
operators relieved steam from the A steam
generator to atmosphere using its PORV.

pressure were equalized at 3 hours,2 minutes.

Thereafter, the operators maintained the reactor
coolant pressure about 25 psi below the B steam
generator secondary pressure to promote
backfiow. At 9 hours, 15 minutes, the B steam
generator water level returned on scale. At 21
hours, 35 minutes, the residual heat removal
system was placed in operation.
4.5.3 Operator Actions
The operators quickly determined that the plant
had experienced a major steam generator tube
rupture. The operators confirmed that the fault
was in the B steam generator by performing a
radiation survey of the main steam line and
isolated the B steam generator at 15 minutes.
The operators efforts to cool the primary system
down were not quite as efficient. They tripped
the reactor coolant pumps at 4 minutes as
required but did not get the A loop reactor
coolant pump back until almost 2 hours had
passed. Therefore, most of the heat transfer
during the first 2 hours was by natural circulation
in the A loop, a slow process. (Their tube
rupture procedure required normal pressurizer
pressure control before restarting the reactor
coolant pumps.) Also, it took the operators over
3 hours to get the primary system pressure below
the pressure in the defected steam generator
secondary side. This was, in part, because the
safety injection pumps were operating too much
of the time and the operators had lost control of
the pressurizer.
However, the operators
recognized that there was a steam bubble in the
upper head and monitored its existence and
further verified core subcooling. Also, "during
plant conditions of a pressurizer PORV stuck
open, both pressurizer relief block valves shut, a
steam bubble in the reactor vessel upper head
region, a liquid-filled pressurizer and a faulted
steam generator code safety valve periodically
relieving reactor coolant to the environment, the
operators recognized the need to cooldown the
reactor vessel head, collapse the steam bubble
and then depressurize the reactor coolant system

At 1 hour and 17 minutes, the pressurizer heaters

were re-energized to help reestablish a steam
bubble in the pressurizer (they had tripped at 3
minutes due to low level). At 1 hour, 27
minutes, the rupture disc on the pressurizer relief
tank bursts (the letdown line was the major
contributor). At 1 hour, 42 minutes, one safety
injection pump was started to provide a buffer for
starting the loop A reactor coolant pump. As a
consequence, the B steam generator safety valve
lifted and closed at 1 hour, 54 minutes, releasing
water rather than steam. At 1 hour, 56 minutes,
the loop A reactor coolant pump was started,
which accelerated the cooldown and collapsed
any remaining steam bubbles in the upper head
and B steam generator. At 2 hours, 12 minutes,
a fifth lift of the B steam generator safety valve
occurred and the safety injection pump was
stopped. Although the safety valve on the B
steam generator closed, it continued to leak water
at about 380 tf/min (100 gpm).
At 2 hours, 27 minutes, a steam bubble was
reestablished in the pressurizer and the level
returned on scale and at 2 hours, 47 minutes, the
operators switched from continuous to
intermittent use of the safety injection pump to
control the pressurizer level. The reactor coolant
system and B steam generator secondary side




to limit the radioactive material releases to the

environment" (USNRC 1982b).

rity," requested that the USNRCs PWR licensees

perform visual inspections on their steam
generator secondary sides in the tubesheet area
(around the outside of the tube bundle and in the
tube lane) to identify and remove any foreign
material and identify any tube damage.
Information Notice No. 88-06, "Foreign Objects
in Steam Generators," again warned the utilities
about this problem.

4.5.4 Environmental Impact

It was estimated that a total of about 90 curies of
noble gases were released, mostly from the steam
jet-air ejector. About 0.4 curies of dose-equivalent 1-131 (a total of about 5 curies of all
isotopes of iodine), and about 1.3 curies of
cobalt, molybdenum, barium, and cesium were
estimated to have been released, mostly from
openings of the faulted steam generator code
safety valve. About 25 curies of tritium may
have been released, some from the air ejector and
trace amounts from the safety valve openings
(USNRC 1982b).

4.6 Fort Calhoun

A 425 ?/min (112 gpm) leak developed in Steam
Generator B at Fort Calhoun on May 16, 1984
(Jones 1984, Stoller 1984, Kusek 1984). The
degradation mechanism, size and location of the
rupture, and the results of previous and
subsequent steam generator inspections are
discussed in Section 4.6.1. The plant transient,
operator actions, radiation release, and remedial
actions are discussed in Sections 4.6.2 through

Since the reactor coolant iodine inventory prior

to the event was only about 2% of the Technical
Specification limit, the iodine releases were well
below those calculated for the design-basis steam
generator tube rupture. Airborne radionuclide
concentrations offsite resulted in doses far less
than 10CFR Part 100 guidelines.

4.6.1 Cause of the Tube Rupture

The Fort Calhoun rupture was caused by ODSCC
in the U-bend region of a Combustion
Engineering RSG. The rupture was located
between the scallop bars in the vertical tube
support (batwing) on the hot leg side of the steam
generator, in a tube in Row 84, Column 29,
which is the second peripheral row from the
outside. A sketch of the Combustion Engineering RSG AVB arrangement is shown in Figure
13. The main rupture was centered on the righthand vertical tube support bar (the scallop bars
are not shown in Figure 13, but are
perpendicular to the tube support bars). Two
cracks were located in tube R84-C29. The first
was a 32 mm (1.25 in.) long axial crack leading
to a small fishmouth type rupture and the second
crack was a series of small fissures about 6 mm
(0.25 in.) in length which were oriented about
45 to the axis of the tube. The second crack
was about 6 mm from the hot leg end of the
small fishmouth rupture. The fishmouth rupture

4.5.5 Remedial Actions

Corrective measures at Ginna included removing
the debris and 24 "structurally degraded" tubes,
upgrading the quality control practices used for
maintenance work, and installation of a loose
parts monitoring system.
In response to the Ginna and Prairie Island Unit
1 tube ruptures, the USNRC issued Information
Notice No. 83-24, "Loose Parts in the Secondary
Side of Steam Generators at Pressurized Water
Reactors." This notice warned the utilities that
loose parts had been implicated in two of the four
rupture events to date and encouraged them to
keep foreign material out of their steam
generators. Generic Letter 85-02, "Staff Recommended Actions Stemming from NRC Integrated
Program for Resolution of Unresolved Safety
Issues Regarding Steam Generator Tube Integ-




faced downward (6 o'clock position) and the tube
was ovalized in the region of the support bars
with the major axis (6-12 o'clock) elongated by
1.2 to 3.1 mm (0.05 to 0.12 in.) whereas the
minor axis (3-9 o'clock) was compressed by 1.1
to 1.8 mm (0.043 to 0.71 in.).

Tube R84-C29 (the ruptured tube) had been

included in the March 1984 steam generator
inspection program. Re-evaluation of the data
tape from that inspection indicated a 99%
throughwall defect at the rupture location and a
50% throughwall defect 6 mm along the tube.
These indications were missed during the initial
analysis of the data due to human error (Jones
1984). Subsequent multi-frequency eddy-current
testing of all the accessible tubes in both steam
generators at Fort Calhoun identified three
additional tubes with eddy-current indications
greater than 40% throughwall. Tube R18-C37
showed evidence of wastage several inches above
the tubesheet, Tube R85-C64 had an ODSCC
indication just below the 7th hot leg tube support
grid, and Tube R86-L85 had an indication at a
vertical tube support bar (batwing).

A metallographic examination of the ruptured

tube revealed the presence of IGSCC across
approximately 95% of the wall thickness. The
remaining 5% of the wall thickness near the
inside surface failed by ductile tearing. "The
fishmouth fracture was most probably formed
from a series of essentially throughwall axially
oriented intergranular penetrations, followed by
ductile tearing of the material between the
penetrations and the remaining tube wall
thickness" (Jones 1984). There was no evidence
of IGA or wall thinning due to corrosion or
plastic deformation. The R84-C29 material had
a typical mill-annealed Alloy 600 microstructure
and was not sensitized. Measurements of the pH
of the residual deposits near the rupture
suggested a caustic environment at some

4.6.2 Plant Transient

The Fort Calhoun tube rupture occurred during
plant startup after a refueling outage, while the
reactor coolant system was being pressurized for
a leak test. The reactor coolant system was at a
pressure of about 6 MPa (880 psia) and a
pressurizer fill was in progress using one
charging pump with suction from the safety
injection refueling water tank and minimum
letdown, when the operators noted that the
pressurizer level was no longer increasing and
the pressurizer pressure was slowly decreasing.
They started the other two charging pumps at
4:18 pm (start of transient) and the pressurizer
pressure and level started to slowly increase. At
18 minutes, the operators switched the charging
pump suction to the volume control tank and the
charging flow increased from 190 to 450 d/min.
(50 to 120 gpm) (inadequate net pump suction
head with the safety injection refueling water
tank level) and the pressurizer pressure increased
rapidly until it reached a peak value of about
12.8 MPa (1,850 psia) at 27 minutes.

The Fort Calhoun ODSCC rupture was probably

caused by excessive stress due to corrosion
product build-up between the tube and the carbon
steel vertical supports and the presence of a
caustic environment. The corrosion of the
vertical tube support bars apparently caused the
tube deformation (ovalization) discussed above.
"A caustic environment may have occurred in
steam blanketed areas at Fort Calhoun as a result
of periodic low level condenser in leakage.
When concentrated, the cooling water (Missouri
River) tends to become alkaline, thereby
producing a caustic condition. Caustic SCC has
been produced in the laboratory in Alloy 600 at
strain levels as low as 0.5% (Jones 1984).




At 24 minutes, the operators isolated the letdown

line and noted that the water level in the B steam
generator had increased above the setpoint. The
operators closed the block valve on the auxiliary
feedwater line thinking that the level increase was
due to leakage through the auxiliary feedline
valve HCV-1106. At 27 minutes, the water level
in the volume control tank approached 0%
despite blended makeup and the operators
secured two of the charging pumps. A few
minutes later the pressurizer pressure began
dropping rapidly. At 32 minutes, the operators
noted a continuing increase in the B steam
generator water level and the auxiliary feedwater
pump which usually feeds the B steam generator
was secured. At 36 minutes, the pressurizer
pressure was down to 3.86 MPa (560 psia) and
the reactor coolant system was water solid. At
40 minutes, the main steam line isolation valve
from the B steam generator was closed, thereby
isolating the defective steam generator. At 41
minutes, cooldown of the reactor coolant system
was initiated using the A steam generator and its
atmospheric dump valve. The reactor coolant
pumps were tripped at 42 and 43 minutes and the
system cooled thereafter with natural circulation
in the A loop. Shutdown cooling was initiated at
3 hours, 47 minutes.

4.6.4 Environmental Impact

The Fort Calhoun tube rupture resulted in a
primary system depressurization with no release
of radioactivity into the environment.
4.6.5 Remedial Actions
Several measures were taken to provide
additional assurance that steam generator leaks
will be detected early. These included improvements in the laboratory capabilities (faster and
more accurate analysis of the coolant samples)
and more frequent sampling. Also, the steam
generator tube rupture emergency procedures
were reviewed and minor improvements made
and the operators subjected to refresher training.
Also, efforts were made to improve condenser
integrity and the secondary side chemistry
specifications were revised (lowered) to bring
them in line with Combustion Engineering
recommendations. And finally, all tubes with
ODSCC indications in the hot leg vertical support
regions were plugged, regardless of the size of
the indication.
4.7 North Anna Unit 1
A 2410 0/min (637 gpm) leak developed in Steam
Generator C at North Anna Unit 1 on July 15,
1987 (Bowling 1988).
The degradation
mechanism, size and location of the failure, and
the results of previous and subsequent steam
generator inspections are discussed in Section
4.7.1. The plant transient, operator actions,
radiation release, and remedial actions are
discussed in Sections 4.7.2 through 4.7.5,

4.6.3 Operator Actions

The operators responded to the decreasing
pressurizer level by adding more charging pumps
and closing the letdown line, which drove the
pressure and leak rate up. It appears that it took
the operators more than 32 minutes to recognize
that a tube rupture had occurred in the B steam
generator, and about 40 minutes to isolate the B
steam generator and begin a cooldown of the
reactor coolant system. The operator actions
after about 40 minutes were effective, however,
the reactor coolant system remained above the
defective steam generator secondary pressure
during most of the transient and the defective
steam generator overfilled.

4.7.1 Cause of the Tube Rupture

The North Anna Unit 1 failure was caused by
high-cycle fatigue, with the following
contributing factors (USNRC 1988b):


The failed tube did not have AVB support.



Mild denting had occurred at the top of the

tube support plate. This resulted in reduced
damping of the tube vibrations, compared to
a condition with open support in which
sliding results in energy dissipation.

final failure. This provides a rough estimate of

the throughwall crack propagation time around
the circumference. The condenser air ejector
monitor was declared inoperable before the

Unequal insertion of the AVBs in the

neighborhood of the failed tube led to locally
high flow velocities around the failed tube.
The original design called for the AVBs to be
installed to at least Row 11, however, some
were installed as deep as Row 8 (eight tubes
from the center of the U-bends). The failed
tube was in Row 9.

The high flow velocities, combined with the

lack of AVB support and the reduced
damping at the tube support plate resulted in
significant out-of-plane deflections of the Ubend portion of the tube above the uppermost tube support plate.

The rupture occurred on the cold leg side of the

C steam generator where the plant Technical
Specifications did not require much inspection.
Therefore, the utility had inspected all the tubes
on the hot leg side during the last refueling
outage, but only about 13% of the tubes on the
cold leg side, and not this particular tube.
Subsequent inspection of all the steam generator
tubes at North Anna Unit 1 identified a number
of tubes with suspect indications (Stoller 1988).
The utility eventually plugged 178 tubes due to
the 7th support plate fatigue failure issue (EPRI

The denting introduced a high mean stress in

the tube wall.
A high mean stress
significantly reduces the fatigue strength. In
fact, with a high mean stress the fatigue
strength can be as low as 27.6 MPa (4 ksi)
for Alloy 600 in an AVT environment
(Connors et al. 1988).

The combination of high vibration amplitude

and low fatigue strength led to fatigue

4.7.2 Plant Transient

The North Anna rupture occurred shortly after
the unit reached full power. The high radiation
alarm on the C steam generator main steam line
was the first indication of the break (at 6:30 am).
At the same time, the pressurizer level and
pressure began to rapidly decrease. At 3
minutes, the letdown line was isolated, the
charging pump suction was realigned to the
reactor water storage tank, and a turbine ramp
down was initiated. At 5 minutes, the operators
began using the steam generator tube leakage
procedure and the reactor was manually tripped
with the pressurizer level at about 45 % and the
pressurizer pressure at 14.5 MPa (2,100 psig).
Twenty seconds later, safety injection began and
the auxiliary feedwater pumps started. At 10
minutes, the operators moved to the steam
generator tube rupture procedure. At 16 minutes, the shift supervisor had confirmed that the
C steam generator was defective and the
auxiliary feedwater and main steam line isolation
valves on the C steam generator were closed. At
18 minutes, the C steam generator supply to the
turbine driven auxiliary feedwater pump was
isolated, thereby isolating the C steam generator.

The failure consisted of a 360 throughwall

fatigue crack located at the top of the upper-most
tube support plate, on the cold leg side of the
tube in Row 9, Column 51. There were no signs
of stress corrosion cracking at or near the
fracture face and no degradation other than
denting at the tube support plate elevation. For
several days prior to the event, the condenser air
ejector radiation monitor alarmed in an erratic
manner and grab samples were taken. Analysis
of the grab samples performed after the rupture
leakage over a 24 to 36 hour period before the




At 19 minutes, a rapid cooldown was initiated by

dumping steam from the A and B steam
generators. This took the pressurizer level off
scale low at 20 minutes. At 27 minutes, the
pressurizer spray control was at 100% demand
and at 28 minutes, the pressurizer level was on
scale and increasing. At 34 minutes, one power
operated relief valve on the pressurizer was
opened to enhance the depressurization and the C
steam generator level was stable (the primary
system pressure and the pressure on the
secondary side of the C steam generator were
roughly the same).

4.7.4 Environmental Impact

A total of about 0.16 curies of radioactive
material was released, which consisted primarily
of gases. There was no detectable increase in the
normal background levels at the site boundary.
The radioactive material release paths to die
environment included die condenser air ejector,
which discharged to atmosphere until it was
manually diverted to the containment, and the
steam driven auxiliary feedwater pump until its
steam supply from the defective steam generator
was isolated.

At 43 minutes, the C and B loop reactor coolant

pumps were secured. At 48 minutes, the
operators began an orderly cooldown and
depressurization of the reactor coolant system to
cold shutdown conditions using pumped flow in
the A loop and natural circulation heat transfer in
the B loop. Thereafter, the pressurizer level was
kept between about 30 and 50% and the defective
steam generator level was kept between about 10
and 75%. At 1 hour, 26 minutes, the air ejector
discharge line was diverted to containment. The
residual heat removal system was placed
inservice at 5 hours, 49 minutes. The reactor
coolant system pressure, the pressurizer level,
and the reactor coolant system temperature
during the first 58 minutes of the transient are
plotted in Figures 32, 33, and 34.

4.7.5 Remedial Actions

The remedial actions included reducing the local
fluid forces in the U-bend region by installing
downcomer flow resistance plates, preventive
plugging of susceptible tubes, failed tube
stabilization, and improved leakage monitoring.
The utility identified the importance of diverse
and redundant leak detection methods for
detecting rapidly propagating cracks as a key
lesson learned.
In response to the North Anna failure, the
USNRC issued Bulletin 88-02, "Rapidly
Propagating Fatigue Cracks in Steam Generator
Tubes," to licensees with Westinghouse steam
generators witii carbon steel support plates
(USNRC 1988b). The USNRC asked the utilities
to review their most recent steam generator
inspection data for evidence of denting at the
uppermost tube support plate. If the records
were not adequate, additional inspections were to
be performed. For plants with no denting, the
results of future steam generator inspections were
to be reviewed. For plants with denting, an
enhanced primary-to-secondary leak rate
monitoring program was to be implemented
which would assure that the plant power level
would be reduced to 50% power or less at least
5 hours before a tube rupture was predicted to
occur. The effectiveness of the program was to
be evaluated against the assumed time-dependant
leakage curve of Figure 35. Also, a program

4.7.3 Operator Actions

The defective steam generator was isolated within
18 minutes and its water level was stabilized at
34 minutes, when the reactor coolant system
pressure had been reduced to a value near the
pressure on its secondary side. Also, the
operators retained control of the pressurizer
throughout the transient. The operators did
neglect to divert the condenser air ejector
discharge to containment until 1 hour, 26 minutes
because the air ejector radiation monitor was out
of service. However, the overall management of
the transient was quite good.




Pressure psig (000's)








III 1 IlllfSi


Time (2 minute intervals)


Figure 32. North Anna Unit 1 reactor coolant system pressure versus time during the first 58 minutes of
the transient (Bowling 1987). The transient started at 6:30am.
Pressurizer level (%)

Time (2 minute intervals)


Figure 33. North Anna Unit 1 pressurizer level versus time during the first 58 minutes of the transient
(Bowling 1987). The transient started at 6:30am.




Temperature (Degrees F)

Time (2 minute intervals)
Figure 34. North Anna Unit 1 reactor coolant system temperature versus time during the first 55 minutes
of the transient (Bowling 1987). The transient started at 6:30am.

Time margin
5hrs I
to 50%




101 L







Time (min)
Figure 35. Time-dependent leakage curve (USNRC 1988).




was to be implemented to minimize the

probability of a rapidly propagating fatigue
failure by, for example, preventive plugging,
stabilization of susceptible tubes, or AVB
changes. This program was to include an
assessment of stability ratios for the most limiting
tube locations (including an evaluation of the
depth of penetration of each AVB and the
effectiveness of the tube support and the
magnitude of the flow peaking factors).

The split started below the lowest tube support

plate and ran to about 13 mm (0.5 in.) above the
support plate.
The Alloy 600 tubing had a grain size and
intergranular carbide content indicative of a low
temperature mill-annealed microstructure, as
expected. The presence of disturbed metal near
the groove indicated that the groove was
probably made after tube annealing. X-ray
residual stress measurements indicated local
values slightly below yield. Energy dispersive
spectroscopy scans of the fracture surfaces failed
to identify any corrosive species. Prior to the
rupture, there were no significant secondary side
corrosion problems in the McGuire steam
generators and no secondary side chemistry
excursions which would lead to such problems.
The primary-to-secondary leak rate for the three
months leading up to the event had been small
varying between 20 and 115 (Id (5 and 30 gpd).
Subsequent eddy-current inspection of the other
tubes in all four McGuire Unit 1 steam
generators and metallurgical examination of a
second pulled tube revealed no indications of
detectable ODSCC. The utility concluded from
all this that this was a unique event and that a
contaminant on the surface of the tube in the
shallow groove led to crack initiation near start
of life. Continued operation then washed this
contaminant away and subsequent crack growth
occurred slowly over time. The USNRC staff
agreed that the McGuire rupture "was unique in
the sense that it was not preceded by significant
primary-to-secondary leakage which would
normally be expected for stress corrosion
cracking." However, "the uniqueness of tube
R18-C25 in terms of its susceptibility to SCC has
not been demonstrated," and the utility was
encouraged to perform 100% rotating pancake
coil inspections at the next outage (USNRC

4.8 McGuire Unit 1

A 1,900 4/min (500 gpm) leak developed in
Steam Generator B at McGuire Unit 1 on March
7, 1989 (Stoller 1989a, USNRC 1989, Sipe
1989). The degradation mechanism, size and
location of the rupture, and the results of
previous and subsequent steam generator
inspections are discussed in Section 4.8.1. The
plant transient, operator actions, radiation
release, and remedial actions are discussed in
Sections 4.8.2 through 4.8.5, respectively.
4.8.1 Cause of the Tube Rupture
The ruptured tube was removed from the
McGuire steam generator and examined. The
rupture was caused by IGSCC on the outside
diameter of the tube involving multiple initiation
sites, and was contained within a long shallow
groove, which was approximately 0.025 mm
(0.001 in.) deep and 1 mm (0.04 in.) wide on the
tube outside diameter, and which ran axially
from about 50 mm (2 in.) below the rupture to
about 500 mm (20 in.) above the rupture. Axial
and circumferential cracks were observed along
the length of the groove above the rupture. The
maximum depth of these cracks was about 30%
of the original wall thickness.
The rupture was a longitudinal split about 95 mm
(3.75 in.) long and 9.5 mm (0.375 in.) wide at
the maximum rupture opening, i.e., a small
fishmouth opening. The rupture was located
about 710 mm (28 in.) above the tubesheet on the
cold leg side of the tube in Row 18, Column 25.


4.8.2 Plant Transient

The McGuire rupture occurred while the plant
was operating at full power. The radiation



monitor on the B steam generator steam line was

the first indication of the rupture (at 11:38 pm).
The operators observed that the B steam
generator feedwater flow was decreasing while
the level remained relatively constant and the
pressurizer level was decreasing.
immediately recognized the incident as a steam
generator tube leak and implemented their tube
leakage procedure (rather than their tube rupture
procedure). The next indication was when the
condensate air ejector radiation monitor alarmed.
The operators then initiated a 30 Mwe/min load
reduction (at 4 minutes), started a second
charging pump and reduced the letdown flow
from 75 gpm to 45 gpm (at 5 minutes), and
initiated emergency boration to compensate for
the load reduction. This resulted in some
fluctuations in reactor coolant temperature and
pressurizer pressure and level.

The reactor coolant system remained at a

pressure of about 6.9 MPa (1,000 psi) from 47
minutes to about 5 hours, 20 minutes while the
operators established the required boron
concentration for cooling down. However, the B
steam generator secondary side pressure
continued to decrease during that period of time
and the flow through the tube rupture into the
secondary side of the B steam generator resumed
and then continued for about 10 more hours. At
about 3 hours and 30 minutes, further cooldown
began with additional steam dumps to the
condenser, including blowdowns of the defective
B steam generator at 3 hours, 34 minutes, and at
4 hours, 32 minutes to control the water level in
the B steam generator. The steam dumps from
the B steam generator released small amounts of
radioactive material through the condenser vent.
At about 5 hours, the reactor coolant system
temperature reached 425 F and an additional
depressurization of the reactor coolant system
was initiated. However, the reactor coolant
system pressure remained above the B steam
generator secondary side pressure. At 10 hours,
37 minutes, cooldown of the B steam generator
was started using the backfill method. By 17
hours, both trains of the residual heat removal
system were inservice.

At 8 to 9 minutes, the operators initiated a

manual reactor trip which in turn caused an
automatic turbine trip. The pressurizer level was
now at 36-38%, so the valves to the boron
injection tank were opened and the charging
pump suction was realigned to the refueling
water system storage tank. In addition, the
operators began to isolate the B steam generator
and initiated reactor coolant system cooldown
and depressurization. The main steam bypass
valves (steam dumps) to the condenser were
opened for short periods of time at 14 and again
at 25 minutes to facilitate the cooldown. At 23
minutes, the operators blocked the actuation
circuit for the safety injection to prevent
unnecessary automatic actuation (in accordance
with their shutdown procedure). At 47 minutes,
the reactor coolant system pressure and the B
steam generator secondary side pressure were
essentially equal and the break flow temporarily
stopped. The pressurizer level during the first 39
minutes of the McGuire Unit 1 steam generator
tube rupture event is shown in Figure 36. The
reactor coolant system and the B steam generator
secondary side pressure during the entire event
are shown in Figure 37.

4.8.3 Operator Actions

depressurization was relatively fast and effective
(47 minutes).
Also, the defective steam
generator was quickly isolated (about 11
minutes). However, flow through the ruptured
tube in the B steam generator resumed shortly
after 47 minutes and continued for about 10 more
hours due to the decision to hold the reactor
coolant system at a pressure of about 6.9 MPa
(1,000 psi) for about 4.5 hours while the boron
concentration was adjusted and the subsequent
slow cooldown. Therefore, steam from the
defective steam generator had to be dumped to
the condensers to control the B steam generator
level and radioactive material was subsequently




l I I l l I l I l | I l l I I l I l l l l l I l ) I l l l l l l I I I I [ l l
Secured second charging pump.
Closed NI-9& 10
Leak initiation
Began cutting load at 30 MW/Min
Reduced letdown flow and
started second charging pump
Mainsteam bypass valves
(steam dumps) to
condenser open
Reactor trip and
resulting cooldown

Blocked safety
injection and initiated
rapid depressurizat'ton
\ /
Main steam bypass valves
(steam dumps) to condenser opened
, ^ . O p e n e d N.-9&10 , , , , , , , ,

Time (minutes)

M95 0170

Figure 36. Pressurizer level during the first 39 minutes of the McGuire unit 1 steam generator tube
rupture event of March 7 and 8, 1989 (Sipe 1989). The rupture occurred at 11:38pm.


Maintained 100# pressure prior to

cooling down. Establishing required
boron concentration for cooling down.
Following OP/02, controlling procedure
for unit shutdown


CO 1 7


Primary pressure
S/G B pressure

Initial transient response. Control Room

r operators took action to reduce reactor
coolant system pressure to stop feeding the break



- - - - 1


Initiated steam
generator cooldown
using the backfill


CO 1.3




Started cooldown
Continued to cooldown. Evaluating
cooldown method for ruptured S/G
Invalid point resulting from PORV
low temperature overpressure
protection calibration




Time from event initiation (hours)


M95 0171

Figure 37. Reactor coolant system and B steam generator secondary side pressure during the McGuire
Unit 1 steam generator tube rupture event of March 7 and 8, 1989 (Sipe 1989). The rupture occurred at
11:38 pm.




vented to the environment. Also, the initial
leakage estimate was about 100 to 150 gpm (at 8
minutes) which, in part, resulted in the decision
to use the steam generator tube leakage
procedure rather than the tube rupture procedure.
(The tube leakage was calculated to be about 540
gpm at about 6 hours which was considerably
closer to the final estimate of about 500 gpm.)

Nucleonics Week 1991a, Nucleonics Week

1991b, Nucleonics Week 1991c).
degradation mechanism, size and location of the
rupture, and the results of a previous steam
generator inspection are discussed in Section
4.9.1. The plant transient, operator response,
radiation release, and remedial actions are
discussed in Sections 4.9.2 through 4.9.5,
Only limited information is
available about this event so the discussion is not
as complete as in some sections of this chapter.
The leak rate is an estimate based on the North
Anna Unit 1 rupture (which was almost the same
size and location).

4.8.4 Environmental Impact

A total of 43.4 curies of Xenon-133 equivalent
and 0.001 curies of iodine-131 equivalent was
released as a result of the steam generator tube
rupture and the subsequent degassing of the
secondary system at McGuire. This release of
radioactivity was well within the limits of the
McGuire Technical Specifications.

4.9.1 Cause of the Tube Rupture

The Mihama rupture was caused by high-cycle
fatigue. The rupture was located on the cold leg
side of the tube in Row 14, Column 45 at the top
of the upper tube support plate (sixth support
plate). The R14-C45 tube is in about the center
of the tube bundle. The failure consisted of a
360 circumferential crack that completely
severed the tube. Some nearby tubes that had
been plugged in the past were deformed and
bowed. The severed section was striated,
suggesting fatigue failure. There was no
indication of denting, stress corrosion cracking,
IGA, or corrosion thinning near the rupture
location (Nucleonics Week 1991c). Also, there
was only a minor buildup of deposits between the
tube and support plate.

4.8.5 Remedial Actions

Based on the Westinghouse Emergency Response
Guidelines, this event should have been managed
in accordance with the procedures developed for
a steam generator tube rupture. In response to
USNRC concerns, the utility changed its procedures to eliminate manual realignment of the
safety injection flow path while a steam generator
tube leak is in progress. Thus, for an event
where the primary-to-secondary leak is greater
than the normal charging pump capability, a
manual or automatic safety injection will be
necessary and will cause the tube rupture
emergency operating procedure to be used.

The AVBs between Columns 44 and 45 and

Columns 45 and 46 (i.e., on either side of the
failed tube) were about 40 to 50 cm shorter than
designed and were somewhat deformed. (All
tubes in Row 11 and higher should have been
supported by AVBs). It is believed that when the
AVBs were installed, tubes blocked their way
and the workers cut them to fit. This resulted in
poor support for the failed tube and possibly
increased local flows, causing excessive vibration
and the observed fatigue failure (Nucleonics
Week 1991c).

Also, me controlling procedure for unit shutdown

and the reactivity balance calculations procedure
were revised to more clearly allow cooldown
initiation before the boron margin for cold
shutdown was met, as long as the margin is
maintained during cooldown.
4.9 Mihama Unit 2
A leak of about 2,600 4/min (700 gpm) developed
in Steam Generator A at Mihama Unit 2 on
February 9, 1991 (Stoller 1991a, Stoller 1991b,




The failed tube had been inspected during the
unit's last regular outage in July 1990 and had
been found to be without defect. The first
indication that a new throughwall crack was
developing was about 1 hour and 16 minutes
before the rupture, when the operators received
an alarm signal from steam generator blowdown
monitor R-19. The alarm setpoint was 60 cpm,
compared to the normal reading of 35 cpm.

30 and 45 minutes, the operators also attempted

to open two relief valves on the pressurizer to
begin the primary system depressurization.
Neither valve worked because an operator had
erroneously closed a valve in the air supply line
to the two relief valves just before the unit's most
recent startup.
At 54 minutes, the operators began to
depressurize the reactor coolant system using the
pressurizer auxiliary spray. The pressurizer
water level recovered to within the measurement
range by 55 minutes due to the effects of a lower
reactor coolant system pressure and, therefore, a
lower rupture flow. At 57 minutes, the operators
stopped the two high-pressure injection pumps
after confirming the recovery of the water level
in the pressurizer. At 1 hour, 2 minutes, the hot
leg temperature was about 40 C below the
saturation temperature, however, there may have
been some voiding in the upper plenum.
Analysis showed that the minimum critical heat
flux was about 2.76, far above the permissible
limit of 1.17. At 1 hour, 8 minutes, the reactor
coolant system pressure had decreased to the
defective steam generator secondary side
pressure and the leakage from the primary to the
secondary coolant system had stopped.

4.9.2 Plant Transient

The Mihama rupture occurred while the plant
was operating at full power. The air ejector
high-radiation alarm was the first indication of a
rupture (at 1:40 pm). Five minutes later, the
secondary steam blowdown radiation monitor
alarmed and the operators started the third
charging pump. At 8 minutes, the operators
started reducing power at 4.2% per minute to
shut the reactor down. At 10 minutes, the
reactor was automatically scrammed on low
pressurizer water level and the turbine generator
tripped. Seven seconds later, the safety injection
pumps automatically started on low reactor coolant system pressure and low pressurizer water
level signals. At 15 minutes, the operators
attempted to close the main steam line isolation
valve for the defective steam generator, having
determined which steam generator was defective.
The valve failed to close and an operator was
dispatched to the valve and manually closed it at
22 minutes. It was later determined that the main
steam line isolation valve failed to function
because the mirror-surfaced finish given to the
shaft during the last maintenance outage resulted
in its gathering graphite on the surface, which
impeded the valve movement.

Overall, about 55 metric tons of primary reactor

coolant escaped through the steam generator tube
rupture to the secondary coolant system, about 50
metric tons of water was injected by the
emergency core cooling system into the primary
system, and about 1.3 metric tons of steam
escaped from the damaged steam generator's
relief valve.
4.9.3 Operator Actions

Also at 22 minutes, the operators opened the

steam relief valve on the undamaged steam
generator to start cooling the reactor coolant
system. This valve stayed open until 37 minutes.
The hot leg temperature in the undamaged loop
(Loop B) began to decrease at 22 minutes and
continued to decline until 54 minutes because of
the cooling effects of the steam dump. Between


The operators were a little slow in reducing

power (8 minutes), but tried to isolate the
defective steam generator in a timely manner (15
minutes). They were only delayed 7 minutes by
the failure of the main steam line isolation valve
on the defective steam generator. The operators
started, dumping steam from the intact steam



generator at 22 minutes which was effective in

cooling the primary system, but the primary
system depressurization was delayed (54
minutes), in part, because of the failed
pressurized relief valves (Nucleonics Week
1991b, Nucleonics Week 1991c).

4.10.1 Cause of the Tube Rupture

The Palo Verde rupture was caused by ODSCC
which occurred, in part, as a result of tube-totube crevice formation in a free span region of a
Combustion Engineering System 80 RSG. The
rupture occurred on the hot leg side of the tube
bundle between the 08H and 09H horizontal,
partial eggcrate tube support structures. The
rupture tube was located at Row 117, Column
144. A sketch of the Combustion Engineering
System 80 upper tube bundle geometry on the hot
leg side is shown in Figure 38. A cross section
of the tube bundle in the region of the ruptured
tube, with defects identified, is shown in Figure
39. The stress corrosion crack was oriented in
the axial direction, about 250 mm (10 in.) long,
and started about 760 mm (30 in.) above the
center of the 08H eggcrate tube support structure
(the top of the crack was about 130 mm (5 in.)
below the 09H eggcrate). The rupture was about
a 65 mm (2.5 in.) long "fishmouth" type

4.9.4 Environmental Impact

The radioactivity released to the surrounding
environment included 0.6 curies of radioactive
noble gases, 0.01 curies of radioactive iodine and
0.0002 curies of liquid radioactive substances.
The releases were far below regulatory limits and
the dose equivalent to the surrounding population
was only about 1/100,000 of the natural
background dose.
4.9.5 Remedial Actions
Remedial actions included inspection of the
AVBs in all Japanese steam generators and
replacement as necessary. Hardware changes at
Mihama Unit 2 included replacement of the
under-powered plant computer and redesign of
the plant control system. Further research and
development of advanced steam generator tube
inspection technologies was to be funded.
Maintenance procedures were to be improved
and additional items inspected.
operations manuals, particularly for handling
abnormal events, coupled with more training
were also promised.

Metallurgical examinations were performed on

the ruptured tube and on a number of other tubes
with axial crack indications in the eggcrate
support and free span areas. The defects were all
due to outside diameter initiated IGA and
IGSCC, with the cracking tending towards
IGSCC as the degradation matured. However, in
some cases the IGA was over ten grains deep,
and often IGA was observed to be stemming
from an IGSCC crack location. The lower
100 mm (4 in.) of the crack associated with the
rupture was examined and found to be covered
with a deposit ridge. The average throughwall
penetration of the IGSCC was 70.2% and the
maximum penetration was 98.2% in the lower
100 mm of the rupture crack. Transgranular
cracking was not observed on any tube fracture

4.10 Palo Verde Unit 2

A 910tf/min(240 gpm) leak developed in Steam
Generator 2 at Palo Verde Unit 2 on March 14,
1993 (Bradish 1993, Conway 1993). The
degradation mechanism, size and location of the
rupture, and the results of previous and
subsequent steam generator inspections are
discussed in Section 4.10.1. The plant transient,
operator actions, radiation release, and remedial
actions are discussed in Sections 4.10.2 through
4.10.5, respectively.

Post-accident investigation of the Palo Verde

rupture concluded that the key contributing
factors were: free span crevice formation, a
caustic-sulfate secondary side water chemistry, a




Relative long supported length




Next support (06H)
M95 0173

Figure 38. Palo Verde upper tube bundle geometry on the hot leg side (Conway 1993).




F = Axial flaw

D = Deposit
X = Axial flaw w/deposit
W =Wear







Figure 39. Palo Verde steam generator cross section in the region of the tube bundle with the ruptured
tube (Conway 1993).

bridging deposits were generally in the upper

region of the bundle (between 07H and several
inches above the batwing) where tube bowing
had occurred. The design of the Combustion
Engineering upper bundle supports does not
prevent lateral or in-plane tube movement which
can cause the reduced tube-to-tube spacing
observed in the video inspections (Conway
1993). The free span bridging deposits were
determined from the metallurgical examinations
to be as thick as 0.1 mm (4 mils) whereas the
normal scale deposits were about half as thick.
Chemical analysis showed a trend for increased
concentrations of contaminants in the bridging
deposits as the tube bundle height increased, with
the following elements and compounds present:
Fe 0 , Cu, NiO, Si0 , CaO, MgO, ZnO, Mn0 ,
A1 0 , PbO, and various sulfur species.

susceptible microstructure in the ruptured tube,

and, possibly, residual stresses due to scratches.
These factors are discussed next.
Video inspection performed in the spaces left by
the tube removals, documented the presence of
bridging deposits in locations where the normal
tube triangular pitch spacing is reduced to nearly
tube-to-tube contact. These bridging deposits
were also detected with rotating pancake coil
eddy-current equipment (six of the eight bridging
deposits viewed on video were also detected with
the eddy-current equipment). As of July 10,
1993, the eddy-current inspections had identified
axial bridging deposits over 54 of the 102 midspan axial cracks located in both Palo Verde Unit
2 steam generators (a total of 175 bridging
deposits were located in both RSGs). These




Although the Palo Verde Unit 2 secondary side
water chemistry had been maintained within the
plant and EPRI guidelines and out of
specification conditions were corrected within the
time periods required, the secondary water
chemistry had consistently been mildly caustic.
That is, the molar ratio of sodium to chloride had
consistently been above one. This caused caustic
crevice environments which were indicated by
the high concentrations of sodium (400 ppb)
when the unit down-powered. Also, analysis of
the tubing surface and crack surface oxide films
identified the presence of sulfates and reduced
sulfur, and chromium depletion at the crack tips,
all of which occurs in an alkaline (mildly caustic)
environment. The source of these impurities was
probably condenser leaks and resin intrusion.
Failure of a resin retention screen in July 1991
resulted in sulfate levels of about five times the
EPRI guidelines.

tube-to-tube crevice formation. The crevice,

together with the consequential heat flux, led to
a concentration of caustic impurities and the
development of a long, deep crack, part of which
Contributing factors included:
increased sulfate levels due to resin intrusion, a
possible surface scratch, and a susceptible
The rupture apparently occurred suddenly. Unit
2 had been monitoring small primary-tosecondary leakage since July 1992. Beginning on
March 3, 1993 the leakage increased to about 75
{/day (20 gpd). Increases in leak rates were
noted during power changes and high rate
blowdowns. However, the leak rates were
decreasing somewhat during the 2 days prior to
the rupture.
4.10.2 Plant Transient

Microstructural examination of the ruptured tube

identified an absence of intragranular carbides
and only a few intergranular carbides. A semicontinuous grain boundary carbide coverage was
expected. Microstructural characterization of
two other pulled tubes indicated less carbide
coverage of the grain boundaries then is
recognized as optimum, but an improvement over
the ruptured tube. Microstructural evaluation of
five other pulled tubes indicated acceptable
carbide coverage. These results suggest the
possibility of heat treatment and/or carbon
content fabrication problems. Alloy 600 tubes
with few intergranular carbides are much more
susceptible to stress corrosion cracking then tubes
with good grain boundary carbide coverage.

The Palo Verde rupture occurred while the unit

was operating at 98% power. Thefirstindication
of the rupture was a notable decrease in
pressurizer level and pressure along with an
alarm (on one channel) from the main steam line
radiation monitor on the steam line from Steam
Generator 2 (at 4:34 am). In response, the
operators suspected that the gas stripper which
had been placed in service about 4 hours earlier
was leaking. At 2 minutes, the operators started
a third charging pump and energized the
pressurizer backup heaters. They also checked
the containment building sensors to determine if
there was a leak inside containment from the gas
stripper. At 4 minutes, the radiation monitor on
the auxiliary steam condensate receiver tank
alarmed. At 6 minutes, letdown flow was
isolated and a histogram of radiation monitors
associated with a steam generator tube rupture
was displayed. Only the two monitors mentioned
above had alarmed. The primary indicators of a
steam generator tube rupture, the radiation
monitors on the steam generator blowdown lines
and on the condenser exhaust, had not alarmed.

The tubing surface examinations revealed

scratches associated with the ODSCC on a
number of the pulled tubes (but not the ruptured
tube). Scratched areas result in local cold work
and high residual surface tensile stresses which
can facilitate stress corrosion cracking.
In summary, the Palo Verde Unit 2 rupture was
due to IGA/IGSCC which occurred as a result of




At 13 minutes, the pressurizer heaters deenergized due to a low water level in the
pressurizer and the reactor was tripped by the
operators, which automatically tripped the
turbine. Twenty-two seconds later, the safety
injection and containment isolation systems were
actuated due to a reactor coolant system pressure
below 12.67 MPa (1,837 psia). The pressurizer
level then dropped below 0% and the pressurizer
pressure dropped to 11.56 MPa (1,677 psia).
However, the high pressure safety injection
quickly restored the pressurizer level to about 4%
and the pressure to about 12.96 MPa (1,880
psia). The reactor coolant pumps IB and 2B
were also manually tripped at about this time. In
the following tens of minutes, the high pressure
safety injection and charging pumps slowly
increased the pressurizer level while the reactor
coolant system pressure was maintained at about
12.9 MPa (1,875 psia). By about 28 minutes, the
high pressure safety injection flow was zero, the
letdown flow was still isolated, the three charging
pumps were in full operation, and the pressurizer
level was still increasing slowly, but was
relatively low.

the number 2 steam generator alarmed. At 57

minutes, the alarm on the condenser exhaust went
off and the operators had confirmation of a steam
generator tube rupture. However, the operators
continued recovery actions per the Functional
Recovery Procedure to restore pressurizer level
to greater than 33 %. At 1 hour and 30 minutes,
a reactor coolant system cooldown to 545 F and
10.3 MPa (1,500 psia) began. The high pressure
safety injection increased as the pressure
dropped, the pressurizer was restored to 33%
full, the Functional Recovery Procedure was
exited, and the Diagnostic Logic Tree finally
diagnosed a steam generator tube rupture. At 2
hours and 47 minutes, the reactor coolant system
cooldown was restarted using the steam generator
tube rupture procedure and at 2 hours and 54
minutes, Steam Generator 2 was isolated.
During the cooldown, Steam Generator 2 was
cooled by allowing its secondary pressure to
exceed the reactor coolant system pressure, thus
back-flowing coolant from the steam generator
into the reactor coolant system. This allowed the
defective steam generator to be cooled with a
series of auxiliary feedwater additions. At about
6 hours, the unit entered the hot shutdown mode.

The operators, using the Emergency Operations

Procedure Diagnostic Logic Tree, diagnosed a
reactor trip because plant conditions did not
allow the diagnosis for a specific recovery
procedure, even though they now suspected a
steam generator tube rupture. However, the
entry conditions for the reactor trip recovery
could not be met because of the low pressurizer
level. So, the operators entered the Functional
Recovery Procedure due to inconclusive
diagnosis with the Logic Tree. As mentioned
above, the radiation monitors on the blowdown
lines and on me condenser exhaust were the
primary indicators of a steam generator tube
rupture. However, the blowdown lines had been
isolated upon actuation of the safety systems at
13 minutes and the monitor on the condenser
exhaust was defective.

4.10.3 Operator Actions

The Palo Verde Unit 2 operators were burdened
with (a) an Emergency Operations Procedure
Diagnostic Logic Tree which used a "snap-shot"
philosophy (i.e., it considered only what was
occurring at a specific time rather then previous
trends and alarms), (b) faulty radiation alarms,
and (c) preconceived notions of where the leak
was that were incorrect. Therefore, they were
slow to trip the reactor (13 minutes), slow to
confirm that a steam generator tube rupture had
occurred (57 minutes), and very slow to start
cooling the system down (1 hour, 30 minutes).
The final cooldown did not start until 2 hours and
47 minutes had passed and the defective steam
generator was not isolated until 2 hours and 54
minutes had passed.
The primary system
pressure remained well above the defective steam

At 46 minutes, the operators restored flow in the

blowdown lines and at 55 minutes the monitor on




generator secondary pressure and the primary-tosecondary leakage continued for at least 3 hours
and probably nearer 4 hours (this value was not
reported). Overall, a fairly slow response to a
steam generator tube rupture.

discussed in this section are summarized in Table

12. These ruptures have occurred over the last
20 years at a rate of about one every 2 to 3 years
and may continue to occur. The maximum leak
rates have ranged from 425 f/min (112 gpm) to
2,900 f/min (760 gpm). Maximum leak rates
less than about 380 {/min (100 gpm) are
generally below the normal charging flow
capacity of the reactor coolant system (depending
on plant design) and are considered by the
USNRC to be from tube defects rather than tube
ruptures. The highest possible leak rates
calculated for a single tube rupture are on the
order of 3,800 f/min (1000 gpm).

4.10.4 Environmental Impact

The concentrations of radionuclides in the reactor
coolant system were very low. Therefore,
releases were relatively low despite the relatively
long time to isolate die defective steam generator.
The 2-hour exclusion area boundary thyroid dose
was calculated to be less than 0.3 millirem and
the 8-hour low population zone thyroid dose was
calculated to be less than 0.04 millirem. These
values are much less than the USNRC Standard
Review Plan criteria of 30 rem thyroid.

Five different tube degradation mechanisms

caused the ten ruptures: three ruptures were
caused by ODSCC, two ruptures were caused by
high-cycle fatigue, two ruptures were caused by
loose parts wear, two ruptures were caused by
PWSCC, and one rupture was caused by
wastage. Additional ruptures caused by wastage
are unlikely because only three reactors
worldwide (all outside the U.S.) are now using
phosphate water chemistry.

4.10.5 Remedial Actions

Arizona Public Service Company carried out or
planned to carry out a large number of remedial
actions including: repair of the condensate
demineralizers to ensure resin retention, plugging
all tubes with suspected cracks, stabilization of
some of the pulled tube segments with stainless
steel cable, better molar ratio control of the
secondary water chemistry, a resin monitoring
program, reduced iron transport to the steam
generators, elevated hydrazine, blowdown
optimization, periodic down-powers to maximize
hideout return, boric acid treatment of the
secondary coolant, improved radiation monitor
sensitivity (setpoints and monitor location),
improved procedures for determining the
primary-to-secondary leak rate, and improved
emergency operating procedures.

Additional ruptures due to high-cycle fatigue in

Westinghouse-type steam generators are less
likely than a few years ago because most
operators have inspected their steam generators
to assure that the AVBs are properly placed and
new steam generators are being more carefully
fabricated. However, the Indian Point Unit 3
experience discussed in Section 4.12 below
suggests that such failures are possible even with
proper AVB support. Loose parts and other
foreign objects continue to be left in some steam
generators and additional ruptures of tubes due
to loose parts wear are possible. Also, extensive
primary water and outside diameter stress
corrosion cracking has occurred in certain steam
generators and more ruptures caused by those
mechanisms are possible.

4.11 Summary and Comparison of the

Information from the Ten Steam Generator
Tube Ruptures
The leak rate, degradation mechanism, rupture
size, rupture location, and stressor and
contributing factor information associated with
the ten steam generator tube rupture events


The rupture locations have generally been either

just above the tubesheet (three raptures), or in
the U-bend region (six ruptures). Only the


Tabic 12. Sunimary of the leak rate, degradation mechanism, rupture size, rupture location, and stressor information associated with the ten
ruptures discussed in Section 4.


SG Model

Leak Rate




Stressors and
Contributing Factors



2 adjacent ruptured bulges

each about 20 mm long and

Slightly above the tubesheet, outer row

on the hot leg side

Large sludge pile, ineffective cleaning




114.3 mm long axial crack

Top of U-bcnd (apex) in Row 1, Column


High stresses and ovalization caused by

inward movement of the legs due to
support plate deformation





100 mm long axial crack

Top of the U-bcnd in Row 1, Column 24

High residual stresses due to ovalizatiim

during fabrication


Prairie Is.-l


Loose Parts Wear

38 mm long axial fishmoulh


Tube bundle outer surface, 76 mm above

the tubesheet on the hot leg side, Row 4,
Column 1

Sludge lancing equipment left in the steam





Loose Parts Wear,


100 mm long axial fishmouth


127 mm above the tubesheet on the hot

leg side. Row 42, Column 55 (third row
in from the bundle periphery)

Loose parts (baffle plate debris) left in the

steam generator, wear of peripheral
tubes, fretting of inner tubes


Fort Calhoun



32 mm long axial crack (small

fishmouth opening)

Horizontal run at the top, between the

vertical batwing support bars on the hot
leg side, Row 84, Column 29, the rupture
faced down

Tube deformation caused by corrosion of

the vertical batwing support bars, caustic
impurities on the secondary side


North Anna-1


High-Cycle Fatigue

360 circumferential break

Top of the 7th upper tube support plate

on the cold leg side, Row 9, Column 51

High-cycle vibration, denting, lack of

AVB support





95 mm long axial crack in a

645 mm long groove, 9.5 mm
wide at the maximum point

711 mm above the tubeshect at the lower

tube support plate on the cold leg side.
Row 18, Column 25

Long shallow groove, possibly a




High-Cycle Fatigue

360 circumferential break

Top of the 6th (upper) tube support plate

on the cold leg side, Row 14, Column 45

High-cycle vibration, lack of AVB



Palo Vcrde-2


65 mm long axial fishmouth

opening in a 250 mm long
axial crack

Freespan region between the 08H and

09H tube support structures on the hot
leg side, Row 117, Column 144

Tube-to-tube crevice formation, bridging

deposits, caustic secondary water
chemistry, susceptible material


Point Bcach-1





<"NRC estimates
"'Estimate based on similarities to the North Anna rupture








McGuire rupture was near one of the lower

support plates. (Although the Palo Verde Unit 2
rupture was in the U-bend region, it was in the
straight portion of a Row 117 tube between the
08H and 09H partial support structures.) The
ruptures caused by loose parts wear have
occurred just above the tubesheet whereas the
ruptures caused by high-cycle fatigue have
occurred just above the top tube support plate.
Any future ruptures caused by those mechanisms
will probably occur in the same locations.

Isolation of the defective steam generator.

Reactor coolant system cooldown including

pumped flow to the intact steam generators
and intact steam generator steam dumps to
the condenser or atmosphere.

Reactor coolant system depressurization

which generally requires throttling the safety
injection and use of the pressurizer sprays or

The three ruptures caused by ODSCC appear to

each have some unique contributing factors. The
Fort Calhoun tube was subjected to high stresses
caused by corrosion of the vertical batwing
support bars. The McGuire rupture was located
in a long shallow groove which was probably
created during fabrication. The Palo Verde
rupture occurred in a tube with a susceptible (and
abnormal) microstructure. However, excessive
caustic impurities on the secondary side were
part of the problem in all three cases.

It should be noted that based on the training that

reactor operators receive prior to licensing, a
steam generator tube rupture is normally easily
The operators have several
indicators that can be referred to that point to the
fact that a tube rupture is occurring. The steam
line radiation monitors and the air ejector
radiation monitors are the prime indicators and
are used as Emergency Operating Procedure
entry conditions. The operating procedures that
are utilized to combat the transient assume that
the plant is at power and that the systems are
aligned properly.

The plant transient information is summarized in

Table 13. As mentioned in the introduction to
this section, the operators were expected to (a)
maintain the primary coolant subcooled, (b)
minimize the leakage from the reactor coolant
system to the defective steam generator
secondary side, and (c) minimize the release of
radioactive material from the damaged steam
generator. Timing is critical to the successful
management of a steam generator tube rupture
event. The key operator actions that must be
accomplished in a timely manner include:

Recognition that a steam generator tube

rupture event is occurring.

Control of the pressurizer level using the

charging pumps and letdown line (if the
rupture is small).

Power reduction/trip.


The success of the operators, as indicated by the

times these activities started or finished in Table
13, is mixed. For example, the Point Beach,
Fort Calhoun, and Palo Verde operators took a
relatively long time (up to 28, 32, and 57
minutes, respectively) to realize (or prove to
themselves) that a steam generator tube rupture
had occurred. The result was that they were
slow to start reducing power (30 minutes at Point
Beach where the maximum leak rate was
relatively low, 13 minutes at Palo Verde where
the leak rate and the initial pressure drop were
larger) and slow to isolate the defective steam
generators (58, 40, and 174 minutes,
respectively). Whereas, the Ginna, North Anna,
McGuire, Surry, and Mihama operators
recognized that a steam generator tube rupture
event was underway within a few minutes of the
first alarm. Their load reductions started within


Table 13. Summary of plant transient information.

Maximum leak rale (until)

Point Beach-I



Prairie ls.-l


Fort Calhoun

North Aniia-I



Palo Verdc-2





















First indication of rupture

air ejector

air ejector rad.


air ejector

air ejector


main steam line rad.

main steam line rad.

air ejector

pressure, M S L rad.

Time operators recognized SGTR

24-28 min.

< 5 min.

"9 min.

5-18.5 min.

< 1 mill.

32 niin.

< 5 niin.

< 1 inin.

"5 min.

< 57 niin.

2, 19


1.8, < 15



0 , 0 (increased
flow at 18 niin.)


5 (3rd)

2 (3rd)

Letdown line isolated

8 min.

5 min.

2.4 min.

3 mill.

24 min.

3 min.

S (reduced)

6 mill.

Load reduction started

30 inin

7 inin.


7 min.

1.5 niin.


3 niin.

4 min.

8 min.


47 min.
(at 25% power)

10 min.






8/9 min.


13 mill.

(at 70% now")


10.15 min.

3 min.




10 min.


5.3 min.

No (blocked at 23 min.)

10.1 min.

13.2 min.

18 min.
16 niin.
5 min.
5.3-16 inin.
0-18 min.

11 min.
11 min.
* 9 min.

22 m i n .
22 mtn.
10 mill.

2 hr, 54 min.
2 hr, 54 niin.
13 mill.

2 hr, 4 7 milt.
13 niin. (one)
13 min. (one)

At power

Second, third charging pumps started


Manual reactor trip



No (blocked at 54 min.)

No, manual
SI at 11 inin.

19.2 min.

10.23 niin.

3 min.


Defective steam generator isolated

-main steam isolation valve closed
-main feedwater valve closed
-auxiliary feedwater flow
-feed to Terry turbine
-safety valve open
atmospheric dump valves open

58 min.
48 min.
58 inin.

18 min.
18 min.
11 min.
18 inin.

9.4 min.
41-50 inin.

27 min.
27 inin.
10.15 min.

15 min.
IS min.
3 inin.
3-7 niin.
4-7 niin.
5 4 , 6 3 . 114, 132 mill.

40 mln.
40 min.
0-32 inin.

RCS cootdown started

-RCP on defective steam generator tripped
-RCP on intact steam generators tripped
-RCP on intact steam generators restarted
-intact steam generator steam dumps

51 min.
66 iitiri.
SI min.

21 nun.
II.5 hrs
19 inin. (One)

41 min.
17.4 miii.

2 mln.
4 inin.
4 mill.
116 min.
2-3, 2-5, 75 min.

41 min.
42 niin.
43 mill.

19 min.
43 niin.
43 niin. (one)

14 mill., 3.5 l i r

22 min.

41 min.

19 niin.

14, 25 inin., 3.5 hr

22-37 min.

51 min.
Yes (61 mill.)
1 Mr, 40 inin.
73, 79 min.

16 min.
Yes (16 inin.)
"16 mill.
21 min.

68-88 min.

42 min.

14 nitn.

22 m i n .
S7 mill, (two)
54 min.
No (tried)

1 hr, 3 0 min.

42, 52 min.
Yes (43 min.)

30 min.
Yes (72 inin.)
27 mill. ( 2 )

16 mln.

68 min.
28 inin.

2 , 7 3 min.
2 lir, 47 mill.
73 min.
42-44 niin.
3 min.

34 min.

47 inin., then
10 lir, 37 mill.

1 lir, 8 niin.

3 to 4 hrs

Automatic reactor scram

Automatic safety injection

RCS dcpressurizaiion started

-safely injection throttled
-safely injection stopped
-pressurizcr spray used
pressurizer PORV open
-charging pumps slopped
Reactor coolant system and defective
steam generator secondary
pressure et|ual
RilR in operation
Excessive level in defected steam generator


1-2 sec at scram
1 hr, 36 mln.
12 inin.
13 mill.
7 hours


34 min.
37 min. (1)


- 1 hr

61 mill.

3 lir, 2 mill.

3 hrs, 5 min.

- 11.5 hr

3 hr, IS niin.

16 hr, 26 min.

21 hr, 35 min.

3 lir, 47 niin.

5 hr, 49 niin.

17 hr









The high head safety injection pumps are also the charging pumps, one remained in operation.




1.5, 3, 4, 7, and 8 minutes, respectively, and
their defective steam generators were isolated
within 15, 18, 11, 18, and 22 minutes,
respectively. (The defective steam generator at
Mihama would have been isolated at 15 minutes,
had the main steam line isolation valve worked
properly.) It should be noted that it is harder for
the operators of a plant at or near hot standby
(Doel and Fort Calhoun) to detect a steam
generator tube rupture. But, the operators at
Point Beach, Palo Verde, and probably Prairie
Island, should have been able to recognize and
identify the event much faster.

overfill of the steam generator secondary side

and unnecessary radioactive material releases to
the environment. The North Anna, Surry,
Prairie Island, and Mihama reactor coolant
system pressures were reduced to their defective
steam generator secondary pressures in 34, 60,
61, and 68 minutes, respectively, and there were
no defective steam generator overfill problems.
The Point Beach, Ginna, and Fort Calhoun
reactor coolant system pressures were held well
above the defective steam generator secondary
side pressures for considerably longer times
(about 7, 3, and an unknown number of hours,
respectively) and the defective steam generators
overfilled. The McGuire depressurization also
took a very long time (10 hours, 47 minutes), but
the defective steam generator at McGuire was not
overfilled because of releases to the condenser
and through the condenser vent, to atmosphere.

Also, a significant drop in pressurizer level

should signal the operators to start and set the
second and third charging pumps at full flow as
well as reduce or isolate the letdown flow, and
that happened in most cases. However, the third
charging pump did not start at Doel until about
15 minutes, the second and third charging pumps
did not start at Prairie Island until 9 and 10
minutes, and the charging pumps at Fort Calhoun
were not at full flow until 18 minutes. Adequate
charging flow can prevent safety injection (for
smaller ruptures) and allow the pressurizer to be
used to help control the early depressurization.
It is realized that in some instances the third
charging pump may be a low volume, high
discharge pressure pump that is normally utilized
for makeup and is ineffectual in supplying large
quantities of water in an emergency.

Despite these variations in timing, it should also

be notedtiiatin all cases the plants were properly
cooled down and the radioactive material releases
were small and well below regulatory limits.
Also, the operator performance was sometimes
hampered by inadequate Emergency Operating
Procedures (Palo Verde, for example) or by
defective equipment (Mihama, for example). At
other times, the operators were hampered by
plant conditions that did not allow rapid
Procedures. There are still numerous reasons for
(a) continued operator training on steam
generator tube ruptures and (b) training on the
recognition of events based on the indications
that are available. Neither training method
should be utilized by itself. It appears that the
majority of actions that were carried out were
accomplished in accordance with the published
Deviations from procedures
appeared to be thought out in advance.

Another area where timely actions were

important is the cooldown and depressurization
of the primary system. It is very important to get
the reactor coolant system pressure down to a
value below the defective steam generator
secondary side pressure and keep it there
(slightly below, but not so far below that the
backflow will significantly effect the primary
system boron concentration) while at the same
time keeping the reactor coolant system fully
subcooled. Reactor coolant system pressures
above the defective steam generator secondary
side pressure for long periods of time result in


4.12 Incipient Tube Rupture Events

Seven incipient tube rupture events which
occurred in the U.S. during the last seven years



are briefly discussed in this Section. The information regarding these events is summarized in
Table 14.

wall thickness. About 94 other similar indications were found that required tube plugging. An
indication of a crack in the failed tube which may
have been greater than 40% of the tube wall
thickness was measured during the previous 1991
eddy-current inspection, but ignored.

Braidwood Unit 1 A 47 Mir (12.5 gph) leak

developed at Braidwood Unit 1 on October 23,
1993, between 5:45 am and 3:00 pm. A
subsequent inspection found that the leak was
from a 330 mm (1.3 in.) long axial crack caused
by ODSCC, located above die top tube support
plate near an AVB (USNRC 1994).

Maine Yankee A 318 Mir (84 gph) leak

developed at Maine Yankee on December 17,
1990 (Oesterling 1990). The plant started
shutting down at 4:50 am when the leak exceeded
7.9 Mir (2.1 gph). By 5:21 am the leak rate
peaked at 318 Mir. Subsequent inspections
determined that the leak was from a 100 mm (4
inch) long axial crack at the top of the U-bend
apex of die tube in Row 6, Column 43. All three
Maine Yankee steam generators were inspected
and ten other tubes were found and plugged in
Rows 5 through 9 with smaller, but significant
axial indications, on both the top and bottom of
the tubes, in the U-bend region. These
indications and the 100 mm axial crack are
located in a region of the steam generator called
the steam blanket region, where the tube supports
depress the flow, creating a steam void.
Secondary side contaminants are deposited on
the tube surfaces in this region and buildup of
these contaminants combined with the residual
stresses introduced during fabrication, cause
ODSCC. The Maine Yankee staff re-analyzed
their post eddy-current data and found a 1988
signal which may have been a precursor to the

Arkansas Nuclear One. Unit 2 A 57 Mir (15

gph) leak developed at Arkansas Nuclear One,
Unit 2 on March 9, 1992 (Scott 1992). About 6
hours after the leak was initially detected, the
operators began shutting me plant down. A
subsequent inspection determined that the leak
was from a circumferential crack in the hot leg
side of the tube in Row 67, Column 109. The
crack was about 4.8 mm (0.19 in.) above the
tubesheet in the explosive transition region of the
tube. Examination of three other pulled tubes
found 360 circumferential cracks with average
depths between 88 and 94% of the tube wall
thickness, which were caused by ODSCC. The
leaking tube was plugged and stabilized, but not
removed for inspection. The circumferential
cracks had not been detected during a previous
inspection in 1991 because of inadequate eddycurrent test procedures and inappropriate equipment.
McGuire Unit 1 A 37 Mir (10 gph) leak
developed at McGuire Unit 1 on January 16,
1992 (Pedersen 1992). The leakage was 1.3 Mir
(0.35 gph) eight days earlier, 3.5 Mir (0.92 gph)
on me morning of the 16th, and 37 Mir by about
6:00 pm on the 16th. A subsequent inspection
determined that the leak was primarily from a
250 mm long axial crack on the cold leg side of
the tube in Row 47, Column 46. The freespan
crack was about 130 mm (5 in.) above the 20th
tube support plate. Additional cracks were found
on the same tube between the 14th and 15th tube
support plates with depths up to 60% of the tube

Three Mile Island Unit 1 A leak of about 115

Mir (30 gph) developed at Three Mile Island Unit
1 on March 6, 1990 at 8:23 am (Heysek 1990).
Plant shutdown started at 9:12 am. Subsequent
inspections found that the leak was from a 360
circumferential crack in Tube A77-1 at the
bottom of the upper tubesheet. Tube A77-1 is a
peripheral tube located next to the open
inspection lane. The crack is believed to be the
result of environmentally assisted high-cycle
fatigue. No other similar defects were found.
The failed tube was plugged and stabilized.





Table 14. Recent incipient steam generator tube rupture events.


Braidwood Unit 1


October 23, 1993

Maximum Leak
*47/hr (12.5 gal/lir)

Defect Size

Defect Location

330 milt (1.3 inch) axial


Above the top tube support plate near A V B




Arkansas Nuclear One,

Unit 2

March 9, 1992

57 l/lir (15 gal/lir)

Circumferential throughwall crack

Hot leg side of the tube in Row 67, Column 109, 4.8 mm
above the tubeshect in the explosive transition region


McGuire Unit 1

January 16, 1992


250 mm long axial crack

Cold leg side of the tube in Row 4 7 , Column 46, 130 mm

above the lower tube support plate


Maine Yankee

December 17, 1990


100 mm long axial crack

Top of the U-bcnd of the tube in Row 6, Column 43


Three Mile Island

Unit 1

March 6, 1990

= U5(/hr(30gal/lir)

360 circumferential crack

Peripheral tube A77-I next to the open inspection lane,

bottom of upper tubeshect

High-cycle fatigue (environmentally


Beaver Valley Unit 2

June 2 1 , 1989

80 i/Iir (21 gal/lir)

97% throughwall wear,

small rupture

Hot leg side of the lube in Row 3 1 , Column 16, 25 mm

above the tubeshect

Loose parts damage

Indian Point Unit 3

October 19, 1988


250 circumferential crack

Tube in Row 45, Column 5 1 , just above upper support


High-cycle fatigue, denting



Beaver Valtev. Unit 2 A leak of about 80 /hr
(21 gph) developed at Beaver Valley Unit 2 on
June 21, 1989 (Stoller 1989b). Subsequent
investigations found that the leak was from a tube
in Row 31, Column 16. The tube defect was
about 25 mm (1 in.) above the tubesheet on the
hot leg side and was due to loose part wear,
which removed about 97% of the tube wall
thickness. Three adjacent tubes (R31/C15,
R32/C16, and R33/C16) were also damaged,
with wall thickness losses ranging from 62 to
97% at about 25 mm above die tubesheet. The
loose part was found resting on the tubesheet
between die damaged tubes and was identified as
an anti-rotation pin from a feedwater regulating
valve which had failed earlier.

the buildup of magnetite in die tube-to-support

plate crevice. However, die Indian Point Unit 3
tube was properly supported by its AVBs.
Summary For some of these incipient steam
generator tube rupture events, the operators were
able to quickly shutdown die reactor and isolate
the defective steam generator. (In other cases,
die cracks stopped growing for unknown
These actions limited me
contamination of die secondary coolant and may
have prevented actual tube rupture. Also, some
of mese events demonstrated how quickly very
low leak rates can increase as die crack grows.
Leak rate monitoring programs mat provide close
to real time information can limit die frequency
of steam generator tube ruptures. "At some
sites, data from the air ejector radiation monitors
is continuously displayed in me control room. At
other sites, main steamline radiation monitors
prompdy detect increases in nitrogen-16 activity.
When combined widi appropriate alarm setpoints
and operational limits, mis information can
quickly alert operators to implement response
procedures to monitor increases in leak rates or
to shut down the reactor and isolate die affected
steam generator" (USNRC 1994).

tadjjan ppint Unit 3 A 456 H/hr (120 gph) leak

developed at Indian Point Unit 3 on October 19,
1988 (Coulehan 1988) The leak developed over
a period of 1 to 2.5 hours, but leveled off and
remained constant until plant shutdown.
Subsequent inspections identified a 250
circumferential high-cycle fatigue crack in the
tube in Row 45, Column 51, just above the upper
most support plate. The tube was dented at the
support plate due to support plate corrosion and




operators can ensure that the plant can be safely
placed in a long term cooling mode.

Analyses were performed to investigate the

consequences of a single steam generator tube
rupture and to investigate the consequences of
one or more tube ruptures during a design basis
accident (a steam line break outside containment). As discussed in Section 4, a steam
generator tube rupture is a break in a steam
generator tube which results in a primary to
secondary coolant system leak in excess of the
normal charging flow capacity of the reactor
coolant system (USNRC 1988a). In the event of
a steam generator tube rupture, the goal of the
operators is to safely place the reactor coolant
system in a shutdown cooling mode, while
minimizing radiological releases to the
environment and maintaining adequate core
cooling. The analysis presented in this section is
based on a series of expected operator actions to
terminate the break flow through the ruptured
steam generator tube. The operator should
reduce the reactor coolant system pressure below
that of the affected steam generator and then
continue the cooldown of the reactor coolant
system to the point where the residual heat
removal systems can be placed in operation.

A description of the RELAP5 model is presented

in Section 5.1. The symptoms and key operator
actions are discussed in Section 5.2. The results
of a double-ended steam generator tube rupture
and a steam generator tube rupture combined
with a steam line break analyses are presented in
Sections 5.3 and 5.4, respectively. Section 5.5
presents the results of the multiple tube rupture,
steam line break while Section 5.6 discusses the
importance of the timing of the operator actions
to recover from combined tube rupture, steam
line break events. Section 5.7 summarizes the
results and conclusions.
5.1 Surry Plant and RELAP5 Model
The Surry nuclear steam supply system was used
for the accident simulations. Surry is a three
loop, 2441 MWt, Westinghouse designed, pressurized water reactor. The RELAP5 code was
used to simulate the thermal-hydraulic conditions
in the reactor vessel, the piping in all three
primary coolant loops, the pressurizer, me three
steam generators, and selected parts of the
secondary systems. This model consists of 208
thermal-hydraulic control volumes, 209 junctions
connecting the control volumes, and 245 heat

A steam line break concurrent with a steam

generator tube rupture was also evaluated. This
event presents the possibility of a core melt since
the break and emergency core cooling flow are
lost to the secondary side of the defective steam
generator and the cooling water from the
refueling water storage tank will eventually be
depleted with no accumulation of water in the
containment sump. If the reactor coolant system
is not cooled down in a timely manner, and
boiling in the core is not prevented prior to
exhaustion of the refueling water storage tank,
core uncovery and core damage will ensue.
Analysis of a multiple tube rupture, steam line
break event was also performed to show that with
as many as 15 failed tubes, timely actions by the


In the tube rupture event, a single, double-ended

tube failure was assumed to occur just above the
tube sheet at the inlet side of the primary tubes.
This corresponds to a break size of 6.09 cm
(0.006555 ft ).

For the combined steam line break and tube

rupture event, a double ended rupture of a tube
was assumed to occur in the same location,
however, a double-ended rupture of the steam



line is also assumed to occur resulting in the

maximum secondary side break of 0.13 m (1.4
ft ). This break size is limited to this value due
to the flow restrictor in the secondary steam

is automatically actuated on low steam generator

level. The external surfaces of all heat structures
were assumed to be adiabatic.

A single valve was used to represent both PORVs

connected to the pressurizer. Similarly, a single
valve was used to represent all three pressurizer
safety relief valves. It was assumed mat there
was sufficient plant air and battery power to
allow operation of the valves throughout the
transients where PORV actuation was credited.

Operator actions were also modeled to simulate

the actions to throttle emergency cooling system
injection, cooldown the reactor coolant system,
and initiate operation of the residual heat removal
These actions are necessary to
terminate the break flow for the tube rupture
event, prevent boiling in the reactor coolant
system, and prevent long term core uncovery for
the combined steam generator, tube rupture
steam line break accident.

For the tube rupture analysis, the break was

modeled in Figure 41 as a junction connecting
volume no. 408-1 in the loop C generator to the
secondary volume no. 476-1. For the combined
steam line break-tube rupture event, the broken
steam line was modeled as a junction from
volume 482 to the atmosphere.

The reactor vessel nodalization is shown in

Figure 40. As indicated in the figure, the core is
modeled with ten axial volumes. The upper head
was also nodalized with additional volumes to
simulate the voiding and associated nonequilibrium effects that develop in this region
during the event.

The residual heat removal (RHR) system was

also modeled using the RELAP5/MOD3 control
system logic. Appendix A describes the model
used to compute the primary and shell side outlet
temperatures for use in simulation of RHR
system heat removal. Both RHR trains were
modeled and were attached to loops B and C.
The control system in RELAP5 was setup to
extract water from the hot legs, cool the water
with the RHR system and then re-inject the
cooler water into the discharge legs of the reactor
coolant pumps. Design data was used to
compute the key parameters needed to calculate
the heat removal capabilities of the RHR system.

Nodalization of the primary coolant loop C is

shown in Figure 41. With the exception of the
pressurizer and associated surge line piping,
similar nodalizations and number conventions are
included in the model to represent primary
coolant loops A (designated with 200 series of
numbers) and B (designated with the 300 series
of numbers) for Surry. Both fluid volumes and
heat structures were included to represent the
primary coolant loop piping, the pressurizer and
associated surge line, and the steam generators.
The emergency core cooling system is comprised
of three accumulators, two high pressure safety
injection pumps, and two low pressure safety
injection pumps. The analyses assumed both
trains of injection were available. The steam
generator main and auxiliary feedwater systems
and associated piping were also included in the
secondary system modeling. Auxiliary feedwater

A discussion of the steam generator tube rupture

and combined steam line break and tube rupture
events is presented in the following sections.
Before the analysis results are presented,
background information regarding the steam
generator tube rupture event, along with a
summary of the expected operator actions, are
first presented.






// / /

\ 100
\ 1

322, 422"





\ 104 \
\ r- 2 \
\ \
\ \
\ \\
3 \
\ \
\ sS _ _ \
\ ~ "- ~ ~ \
\ \
\ \x b \
\ \
_ \\ - - \
\ \
\ \^ 6 \
\ \


\ 104




Figure 40. Surry reactor vessel nodalization.















Figure 41. Surry primary coolant loop C nodalization.



result of the primary to secondary

leakage, and

5.2 Evaluation of the Steam Generator Tube

Rupture Event
As discussed above, the steam generator tube
rupture event represents a violation of the barrier
between the reactor coolant system and the main
steam secondary system. The rupture can range
from a failure of a small pit or crack in one tube
to multiple, double-ended tube ruptures in a
single generator or simultaneous ruptures in all
steam generators.

The steam generator tube rupture event poses

challenges to two safety functions; reactor
coolant system inventory control and containment
isolation or prevention of radionuclide release.
As such, the objective in responding to a tube
rupture event is to control reactor coolant system
inventory and prevent radiological release. After
isolating the leaking steam generator, this is
accomplished by preventing the actuation of the
secondary relief valves. The secondary relief
valves can be lifted by heat addition from the
primary side or by primary to secondary leakage
with the reactor coolant system at pressures
greater than the secondary relief valve setpoint.
The optimum response to control the reactor
coolant system inventory and radionuclide
containment is to minimize the reactor coolant
system to secondary system pressure differential
as soon as possible by reducing reactor coolant
system pressure below the secondary safety valve
setpoint, and to control reactor coolant system
temperature to preclude lifting the secondary
valves through the addition of heat from the

For a double-ended rupture of a single tube, a

reactor trip is expected within ten minutes should
there be no operator intervention. Multiple
failures would result in a more rapid
depressurization. However, if the break flow
is within the makeup capacity of the charging
system, an automatic reactor trip may not occur.
In this case, a controlled shutdown of the reactor
would be performed utilizing the appropriate
non-emergency procedures.
The following symptoms are characteristic of a
steam generator tube rupture event:

decreasing pressurizer level and pressure,

decreasing level in the volume control


unaccounted increase in the charging

and/or a decrease in the letdown flow

radiation monitors indicate an activity

increase in the air ejectors, steam generator blowdown lines, the turbine or
auxiliary building ventilation monitors,
the stack monitor, and/or steam generator liquid sample,

steam generator secondary level remains

constant for a small rupture or increases
slowly indicating a large rupture as a


containment pressure and temperature

remains unchanged.

Fission products and activated corrosion products

normally suspended in the reactor coolant system
will be transferred from the primary to secondary
plant during a tube rupture event. The steam
plant vents and exhausts provide a potential path
to the environment for these radioactive products.
The passage of fission and activated corrosion
products from the primary to the secondary side
of the failed steam generator will produce
increased levels of activity in the steam generator
liquid sample. A high radiation alarm could
occur in the steam generator blowdown
monitoring system. Activated products (mostly
noble gases) will be carried into the steam plant
by the main steam flow. The non-condensible



gases may eventually be expelled to the

environment by way of the stack through the air
ejector exhaust and may actuate the radiation
monitoring system. As a result of emitted gases
and the build-up of activity in the failed steam
generator general area, radiation levels in the
turbine and auxiliary building may also increase
and actuate the radiation alarms in these areas.

In summary, following a steam generator tube

rupture, cooldown of the reactor coolant system
is initiated, so that once the affected steam
generator is isolated, the reactor coolant system
is prevented from transferring sufficient heat to
cause the secondary relief valves to lift. The
actions to control reactor coolant system
inventory combined with control of reactor
coolant system pressure also preclude the release
of radioactivity through the secondary relief
valves. A summary of the key operator actions
following a tube rupture event is given below.

5.3 Results of the RELAP5 Simulation of a

Double-Ended Rupture of a Steam Generator

Assure a reactor trip and emergency core

cooling system is actuated.

Identify and isolate the failed steam generator.

Assure containment isolation exists.

Initiate reactor coolant system cooldown

by dumping steam to condenser or opening secondary PORVs.

Depressurize the reactor coolant system

using normal pressurizer or auxiliary
spray until the reactor coolant system
pressure is below the affected steam
generator pressure. Pressurizer PORVs
are used if sprays are unavailable.

Throttle emergency core cooling injection while maintaining minimum subcooling of 16.7C (30F).

Continue cooldown of reactor coolant

system to shutdown cooling conditions
and actuate RHR for long-term decay
heat removal. The RHR system can be
placed in operation once reactor coolant
system pressure has been reduced below
3.2 MPa (465 psia) and temperature has
been reduced to 177C (350F).

This section presents the results of the RELAP5

simulation of the double-ended steam generator
tube rupture event. The analysis includes the
actuation of the residual heat removal system.
The transient begins with the tube rupture, which
causes the RELAP5 calculated reactor coolant
system pressure, shown in Figure 42, to decrease
producing a reactor trip at about 272 seconds.
The loss of coolant from the reactor coolant
system also causes the RELAP5 calculated
pressurizer level to decrease during the first 300
seconds, as shown in Figure 43. During the
initial depressurization, a safety injection
actuation signal is produced, actuating the high
pressure safety injection system, which begins
refilling the pressurizer after about 300 seconds.
Actuation of high pressure safety injection also
repressurizes the reactor coolant system to about
14.5 MPa (2100 psia) from about 800 to 1,200
seconds as shown in Figure 42. The RELAP5
calculated high pressure safety injection and
break flow rates are plotted in Figure 44. Note
that the high pressure safety injection flow
exceeds the break flow initially, then decreases as
the high pressure safety injection pumps
repressurize the reactor coolant system until the
high pressure safety injection matches the break
during the 800 to 1,200 second internval. This
condition is undesirable due to the continued
primary to secondary break flow and the heat





Time (h)

PZR Pressure (p-440010000)
; Initial depressurization
, HPSI refills and
repressurizes RCS


Cooldown of intact SGs





-Pressurizer spray actuated









-Accumulators isolated





Time (s)

Figure 42. Pressurizer pressure vs. time (steam generator tube rupture).
Time (h)







Time (s)

Figure 43. Pressurizer level vs. time (steam generator tube rupture).





Time (h)


Break flow rate (mflowj-294000000)

HPSI flow rate




ECC pumps throttled










Time (s)

Figure 44. Break and high pressure safety injection flow vs. time (steam generator tube rupture).
produces a marked increase in the depressurization rate as shown in Figure 42, effectively
terminating the break flow as a result of reducing
reactor coolant system pressure below the
affected steam generator pressure. Figure 46
shows the primary pressure reduction in the
affected steam generator. The reactor coolant
system pressure is finally reduced below the
affected steam generator pressure at about 3,000
seconds, terminating the break flow. The release
of radioactivity through the affected steam
generator is also terminated at this time,
preventing any further releases through the relief
valves at approximately 3,000 seconds, as shown
in Figure 47. As noted in Figure 44, high
pressure safety injection flow is also throttled at
about 2,800 seconds to prevent overfilling of the

transfer from the primary to secondary system

which causes the secondary relief valves to lift
early in the event. The secondary PORVs are
opened on the intact steam generators at 1,200
seconds to facilitate cooldown of the reactor
coolant system. Figure 45 shows the intact and
affected steam generator pressures and the
depressurization of the intact generators which
was initiated at 1,200 seconds into the event. As
noted in Figure 42, cooldown of the reactor
coolant system using the intact steam generators
reduces reactor coolant system pressure after
1,200 seconds. However, to enhance the
depressurization and terminate the release of
radioactivity through the secondary relief valves,
the pressurizer sprays are actuated at 2,400
seconds into the event. Actuation of the sprays





Time (h)

Cooldown of intact
SGs initiated



Intact SG (p-282010000)
Intact SG(p-382010000)
Affected SG (p-482010000)






4 2




Time (s)



Figure 45. Steam generator secondary pressure vs. time (steam generator tube rupture).

Time (h)


Primary SG pressure (p-408010000)
Sec. SG pressure (p-476010000)

2000.0 \','





Break flow terminated









Time (s)

Figure 46. Primary steam generator and secondary pressure vs. time (steam generator tube rupture).





Time (h)

Sec. relief valve flow rate (mflowj-487000000)










Time (s)



Figure 47. Secondary relief valve flow rate vs. time (steam generator tube rupture).

Figure 49 shows the wide and narrow range

secondary levels in the affected steam generator,
displaying the increase in level characteristic of
a double-ended steam generator tube rupture

pressurizer and pressurizing of the reactor

coolant system. The pressurizer sprays, along
with the letdown flow and high pressure safety
injection, are used throughout the remainder of
the event to control the pressurizer level and
facilitate reactor coolant system depressurization
until the residual heat removal systems can be
placed in service. As noted in Figure 48, the
RHR system is actuated at 14,000 seconds, when
the reactor coolant system temperature was
reduced below 177C (350F) and the reactor
coolant system pressure was reduced below 3.2
MPa (465 psia). As depicted in Figure 48,
actuation of the RHR system accelerates the
cooldown of the reactor coolant system as the
shutdown cooling mode is established and decay
heat can be removed for an extended period of

Figure 50 shows the RHR system inlet and outlet

temperatures following actuation of the residual
heat removal system at 14,000 seconds.
Figure 51 presents the pressurizer spray flow rate
while the letdown flow rate is given in Figure 52.
Note that the pressurizer flow rate is decreased
and the letdown flow is increased during the
3000 to 9000 second interval to prevent
overfilling and cooling of the pressurizer. Note
that the letdown flow is needed to control the
pressurizer level during the event since once the
reactor coolant system pressure has been reduced
below the affected steam generator pressure, the
affected steam generator becomes a source of
water for the reactor coolant system. See Figure
44 after about 3,800 seconds into the event.

Figures 49 through 53 present the remainder of

the parameters of interest to the tube rupture



Time (h)


Core exit temp (tempf-110100000)

RCS saturation temp (sattemp-110100000)




500 g?



RHR system actuated






Time (s)

Figure 48. Reactor coolant system subcooling vs. time (steam generator tube rupture).

Narrow range level

Wide range level




Time (h)






Time (s)



Figure 49. Failed steam generator wide and narrow range levels vs. time (steam generator tube rupture).





Time (h)

Hot Leg (tempf-400010000)

RHR Outlet













Time (s)



Figure 50. Residual heat removal system inlet and outlet temperatures vs. time (steam generator tube
Time (h)

Time (s)


Figure 51. Pressurizer spray flow rate vs. time (steam generator tube rupture).



Time (h)






o &





-50.0 -






Time (s)

Figure 52. Reactor coolant system letdown flow rate vs. time (steam generator tube rupture).
Time (h)

Pump vel (pmpvel-214)










wio n







Time (s)

Figure 53. Reactor coolant pump velocity vs. time (steam generator tube rupture).




Figure 53 presents the reactor coolant pump

velocity showing that conditions were not
achieved requiring trip of these pumps. As such,
normal spray is available and cooldown of the
reactor coolant system is very effective.

surization during the first 100 seconds. The

excessive reactor coolant system heat removal
due to the secondary break causes the system to
contract and the pressurizer quickly empties
during this 100 second period, as shown in
Figure 55. The RELAP5 calculated reactor
vessel level is shown in Figure 56 for additional
information. Actuation of the two high pressure
safety injection pumps occurs from a low pressurizer pressure signal. With only a single tube
ruptured, the high pressure safety injection
pumps quickly refill the reactor coolant system,
marked by the increase in pressurizer level at
about 300 seconds as noted in Figure 55. The
reactor coolant system subcooling is not lost due
to the overcooling and actuation of the high
pressure safety injection. As such, the hot leg
temperature remains well below the saturation
temperature as shown in Figure 57.

A summary of the key events and operator

actions for this event is summarized in Table 15.
5.4 Results of the RELAP5 Simulation of a
Steam Line Break with One Steam Generator
Tube Failed
This section discusses the results of the steam line
break combined with a single steam generator
tube rupture. Figure 54 presents the RELAP5
calculated reactor coolant system pressure (pressurizer pressure) for a single, double-ended tube
rupture concurrent with a steam line break. The
steam line break causes an initial rapid depres-

Table 15. Double-ended failure of a steam generator tube: Sequence of events and key assumptions.
Steam Generator Tube Break Size (double-ended rupture)

= 0.006555 ft

Reactor Coolant Pump Trip Time

272 sec

Secondary Cooldown Initiation Time Using Atmospheric Dump Valves

(Intact Steam Generators)

1,200 sec

Pressurizer Sprays Actuated

2,400 sec

Time High Pressure Safety Injection First Throttled

2,800 sec

Break Flow Terminated due to Depressurization

3,000 sec

Secondary Relief Valve Flow Terminated

3,000 sec

Accumulators Isolated

3,600 sec

Conditions Achieved for RHR Entry

14,000 sec

Time RHR Placed Inservice

14,000 sec



Time (h)


PZR pressure (p-440010000)


HPSI refills and repressurizes RCS


- HPSI pumps throttled




PZR PORV opened

- 10






Time (s)



Figure 54. Pressurizer pressure vs. time (steam line break with 1 SGTR).
Time (h)





Time (s)

Figure 55. Pressurizer level vs. time (steam line break with 1 SGTR).





Time (h)



/ \



- 11.5






Reactor vessel level



Time (s)



Figure 56. Reactor vessel level vs. time (steam line break with 1 SGTR).









Hot leg temp (tempf-400010000)

Hot leg sat temp (sattemp-400010000)


Time (h)


- 600


1 300.0 1-







- 300



Time (s)



Figure 57. Reactor coolant system hot leg temperature vs. time (steam line break with 1 SGTR).




With high pressure safety injection actuation, the

increasing inventory in the pressurizer causes the
reactor coolant system pressure to recover at
about 2,000 seconds into the event and stabilize
at a value of about 11 MPa (1600 psia), as noted
in Figure 54. This peak pressure is controlled by
the high pressure safety injection pumps, which
have pressurized the reactor coolant system to the
condition where the injection flow approaches the
break flow through the failed steam generator
tube at about 2,000 seconds, as illustrated in
Figure 58.

placed in operation at 13,000 seconds, as shown

in Figure 60. Figure 60 presents the RHR inlet
and outlet temperature responses demonstrating
that reactor coolant system hot leg temperature
is reduced below about 100C (212F) at
approximately 14,000 seconds into the event.
The operation of at least one RHR train will
maintain the core in a subcooled condition for the
duration of the event. With the break in the
steam generator active tube region, the reactor
coolant system liquid level will not recede much
below the elevation of the break in the steam
generator. Continued operation of at least one
RHR system is essential to maintain the core in a
subcooled condition for an extended period of

At 1,800 seconds, high pressure safety injection

flow is reduced, as shown in Figure 58, to reduce
reaGtor coolant system pressure while also
preventing loss of pressurizer level. To prevent
the pressurizer from draining, the high pressure
safety injection is throttled slowly during the
remainder of the event. Because reactor coolant
system pressure cannot be reduced in sufficient
time to initiate RHR operation at 3.1 MPa (450
psia) prior to exhaustion of the refueling water
storage tank, the pressurizer PORV is actuated at
11,500 seconds to reduce the reactor coolant
system pressure, as shown in Figure 54. Note
that Figure 59 presents the integrated injection
flow versus time, where with extrapolation of the
initial injection rates, loss of refueling water
storage tank inventory would occur at about
19,000 seconds or at a refueling water storage
tank inventory of 1.45xl0 Kg (387,100 gal).

Figure 61 presents the secondary pressure in the

broken steam generator.
Comparison with
Figure 54 shows the large pressure differential
that can develop between the primary and
secondary system during this event.
Figure 62 shows the steam flow rate from the
broken steam line. Figure 63 presents the
pressurizer PORV flow rate during the transient,
showing actuation at 11,500 seconds.
Figure 64 presents the reactor coolant pump
coastdown showing the manual trip at about 200
seconds into the event. A reactor coolant pump
trip is required should reactor coolant system
pressure decrease below 9.4 MPa (1390 psia).

Note that the high pressure safety injection shown

in Figure 58 is increased to the maximum prior
to opening of the PORV. Once pressure has
stabilized, the high pressure safety injection flow
is again throttled and the low pressure safety
injection flow is terminated to maintain a low
reactor coolant system pressure for the remainder
of the event. This final emergency core cooling
throttling will delay exhaustion of the refueling
water storage tank until about 26,000 seconds,
based on the extrapolation shown in Figure 59.
With the reactor coolant system pressure and hot
leg temperature below entry conditions for the
RHR system operation, a single RHR train is


Figure 65 presents the intact steam generator

pressure during the event. To assist in reactor
coolant system cooldown, the secondary steam
dump valves using the secondary PORVs were
also opened at 1800 seconds. The secondary
steam dump flow rate during the transient is
shown in Figure 66.
Table 16 presents a summary of the key
assumptions and events for steam line break tube
rupture event discussed below.




Time (h)

Break flow rate (mflowj-294000000)

HPSI flow rate


HPSI Increased prior to PORV

HPSI throttled



HPSI throttled









- 100







Time (s)
Figure 58. Break and high pressure safety injection flow rates vs. time (steam line break with 1 SGTR).


Time (h)
4 5


Extrapolated based on
throttled flow

Integrated flow









Time (s)

Figure 59. Integrated safety injection flow vs. time (steam line break with 1 SGTR).



Time (h)

Hot leg temp (tempf-400010000)

RHR outlet temp




(F 500.0















Time (s)

Figure 60. Residueal heat removal system inlet and outlet temperature vs. time (steam line break with 1









Time (s)

Figure 61. Failed steam generator secondary pressure vs. time (steam line break with 1 SGTR).





Time (h)











Time (s)
Figure 62. Failed steam line break flow rate vs. time (steam line break with 1 SGTR).

Time (h)



40 .



5 0

2 0





PORV flow rate (mflowj-444000000)








Time (s)

Figure 63. Pressurizer PORV flow rate vs. time (steam line break with 1 SGTR).













Time (s)

Figure 64. Reactor coolant pump speed vs. time (steam line break with 1 SGTR).


Time (h)

sure (psia







10000 0



Time (s)

Figure 65. Intact steam generator pressure vs. time (steam line break with 1 SGTR).




Time (h)




20.0 -






Time (s)
Figure 66. Steam generator steam dump flow rate vs. time (steam line break witb 1 SGTR).
Table 16. Steam line break with one steam generator tube failed:

sequence of events and key

1.4 ft

Steam Line Break Size

Steam Generator Tube Break Size (double-ended rupture)

0.006555 ft

Reactor Coolant Pump Trip Time

200 sec

Auxiliary Feedwater to Ruptured Steam Generator Terminated at

300 sec

Secondary Cooldown Initiation Time Using Atmospheric Dump Valves

(Intact Steam Generators)
Pressurizer PORVs Opened

1,800 sec

11,500 sec

Time High Pressure Safety Injection First Throttled

1,800 sec

Time Low Pressure Safety Injection Terminated

1,800 sec

Accumulator Actuation Isolated at

1,800 sec

Conditions Achieved for RHR Entry

12,000 sec

Time RHR Placed Inservice

13,000 sec

RWST Exhaust Time

26,000 sec




It is important to note that success is directly

dependent upon (1) the throttling of the high
pressure safety injection pumps and termination
of low pressure safety injection flow, (2) opening
of at least one pressurizer PORV, and (3) the
placement of at least one RHR system into
service to cool the reactor coolant system below
100C (212F) and remove decay heat on a long
term basis. Cooldown of the reactor coolant
system to temperatures below 100C will prevent
boiling due to unanticipated changes in reactor
coolant system pressure and would allow for the
eventual transition to mid-loop operation.
Isolation of the accumulators was also assumed to
occur prior to reducing reactor coolant system
pressure below the accumulator actuation
pressure of 4.1 MPa (600 psia).

the actuation of both the high and low pressure

safety injection systems. Reactor coolant system
subcooling is presented in Figure 70 and
indicates that the temperature conditions exist
[i.e. hot leg temperature less that 177C (350F)]
for entry into shutdown cooling very early into
the event or about 1,000 seconds.
sufficient reactor coolant system subcooling
exists, high and low pressure safety injection are
throttled at about 2,500 seconds, as shown in
Figure 71, to delay exhaustion of the refueling
water storage tank so entry into shutdown cooling
can be achieved.
Figure 72 presents the
integrated emergency core cooling injection flow
showing the delayed refueling water storage tank
exhaustion time due to the necessary throttling of
the injection flow.

5.5 Results of the RELAP5 Simulation of a

Steam Line Break with 15 Steam Generator
Tubes Failed

Actuation of RHR at 3,000 seconds demonstrates

that the reactor coolant system hot leg
temperature can be cooled below 100C (212F)
within 1 hour following event initiation, as noted
in Figure 70. Note that Figure 72 indicates that
approximately 6,600 seconds is required to
exhaust the refueling water storage tank
inventory. Since the reactor coolant system
temperature is reduced below 100C (212F)
within 1 hour of the event initiation, loss of the
refueling water storage tank inventory is of no

An analysis of the failure of 15 steam generator

tubes combined with a steam line break was
performed to show that even under these extreme
failure conditions, effective operator intervention
and actions to throttle emergency core cooling
injection and actuate the RHR system will result
in safely reaching a mode of long term cooling.
Failures in excess of 15 tubes produces a system
response where reactor coolant system
subcooling cannot be recovered prior to
exhaustion of the refueling water storage tank.
Recovery from a steam line break with more than
15 failed tubes would require replenishment of
the refueling water storage tank. Figure 67
presents the reactor coolant system pressure
response with 15 failed steam generator tubes.
Because of the multiple tube break size coupled
with the steam line break, the reactor coolant
system depressurizes rapidly. As a consequence,
pressurizer level, shown in Figure 68, is quickly
regained because of actuation of both the high
and low pressure safety injection systems.
Figure 69 presents the reactor vessel level
depicting the rapid inventory loss in the early
portion of the event, whiciLk recovered due to


To demonstrate that one RHR train can maintain

the core in a subcooled condition following loss
of all emergency core cooling injection, the
transient was continued to about 10,000 seconds.
Note that in Figure 70, the hot leg temperature
increases at the time of loss of injection at about
6,500 seconds due to the loss of the additional
subcooling provided by the high pressure safety
injection. However, with one RHR train in
operation, reactor coolant system temperature is
maintained below 100C (212F) for the duration
of the event. Therefore, one RHR train is
capable of preventing reactor coolant system
boiling following loss or termination of all
emergency core cooling. Long term decay heat
removal is guaranteed with continued operation



Time (h)

- 20
Pressurizer (p-440010000)














Time (s)
Figure 67. Pressurizer pressure vs. time (steam line break with 15 SGTRs).



















Time (s)

Figure 68. Pressurizer level vs. time (steam line break with 15 SGTRs).



Time (h)



10 m






Time (s)
Figure 69. Reactor vessel level vs. time (steam line break with 15 SGTRs).

Time (h)


Hot Leg Sat. Temp, (tempf-400010000)

Hot Leg Liquid Temp, (sattemp-400010000)





RHR actuated





Time (s)

Figure 70. Hot leg temperature vs. time (steam line break with 15 SGTRs).




Time (h)




ECC Injection (cntrtvar-201)

Break Flow (mflowj-294000000)

ECC pumps throttled











Time (s)

Figure 71. Break and emergency core cooling injection flow rates vs. time (steam line break with 15
Time (h)


RWST capacity


ECC Injction (cntrlvar-202)


Extrapolated based on
initial ECC flow








Time (s)


Figure 72. Integrated safety injection flow vs. time (steam line break with 15 SGTRs).




This analysis shows the importance of the early

operator actions to throttle emergency core
cooling and delay exhaustion of the refueling
water storage tank. That is, the operator must
diagnose the event and take appropriate actions to
throttle emergency core cooling to permit a
timely actuation of the RHR system. The
analysis of the 15 steam generator tube rupture
event combined with the steam line break clearly
shows that the operator must throttle the
emergency core cooling injection pumps within
the first hour of the event initiation, to enable
sufficient time to actuate RHR and cool the
reactor coolant system below the boiling point,
and thereby prevent the long term uncovery and
melting of the core.

of at least one of the two RHR trains in operation. The RHR inlet and outlet temperatures are
displayed in Figure 73.
Table 17 presents the sequence of events and key
assumptions for this event.
5.6 Results of the RELAP5 Simulation of a
Steam Line Break with 15 Steam Generator
Tubes Failed and No Operator Actions
An analysis of 15 failed steam generator tubes
combined with a steam line break was performed
without operator action to show the effect of no
operator actions on the timing of core unco very.
Unlike the analyses described above, no
throttling of emergency core cooling injection is
assumed nor is actuation of the RHR system
credited in this evaluation.

Operator Actions During Combined
Steam Line Break-Tube Rupture Events

Figure 74 presents the reactor coolant system

(pressurizer) pressure response. Figure 75 presents the reactor coolant system subcooling and
since the emergency core cooling was not
throttled, the refueling water storage tank is
exhausted at 3500 seconds (as shown in Figure
76), which results in a loss of reactor coolant
system subcooling at approximately 4000 seconds
into the event. Without emergency core cooling,
the core decay heat depletes the liquid above the
core due to boiling and causes the two-phase
level to eventually recede into the core, exposing
the top portion of the core to steam cooling.
Figure 77 shows the fuel rod cladding surface
temperature. At about 24,000 seconds into the
event core uncovery is initiated, producing an
increase in fuel surface temperature. Note that it
is necessary to deplete the liquid in the reactor
coolant system above the top of the core in
addition to the liquid contained in the affected
steam generator before core uncovery will occur.
Without re-initiation of emergency core cooling,
the fuel will continue to heat up and eventually


The analyses of the steam line break combined

with steam generator tube ruptures clearly
demonstrates the need for timely operator action
to assure the plant can be safely placed in a mode
of long term cooling. Since this event represents
a potential core melt bypass sequence where the
reactor coolant is lost from the containment,
precluding the capability to recirculate fluid lost
from the reactor coolant system, it is important to
establish operation of the decay heat removal
system to prevent boiling and uncovery of the
core during the long term.
Analysis of the
steam line break tube rupture event shows that
the need for operator action varies from several
hours for the single tube failure event, to less
than one hour for the 15 tube failure event, to
assure that the core is safely cooled. For the
single tube failure event, the refueling water
storage tank is exhausted in 19,000 seconds if the
operator fails to throttle the high and low
pressure safety injection. For the 15 tube failure
event, loss of the refueling water storage tank
occurs at about 3500 seconds. Clearly more time
is available for the case with only one failed tube.



Time (h)


RHR Inlet Temp, (tempf-400010000)

RHR Outlet Temp, (cntrlvar-881)













s RHR Initiation


\\ I





" 300





Time (s)

Figure 73. Residual heat removal system inlet and outlet temperatures vs. time (steam line break with 15

Table 17. Steam line break with 15 steam generator tubes failed:
Steam Line Break Size
Steam Generator Tube Break Size
(double-ended ruptures)
Auxiliary Feedwater to Ruptured Steam Generator
Terminated at
Reactor Coolant Pump Trip Time
Secondary Cooldown Initiation Time
Using Atmospheric Dump Valves (Intact
Steam Generators)
Time High Pressure Safety Injection First Throttled
Time Low Pressure Safety Injection Terminated
Accumulator Actuation

Sequence of events and key

1.4 ft
0.098325 ft

300 sec
200 sec
1800.0 sec
2400.0 sec
2400.0 sec

Not Isolated,

Accumulators Discharged
Time Conditions Achieved for RHR Entry
Time RHR Placed Inservice
Refueling Water Storage Tank Exhaust Time

1000 sec
3000 sec
6600 sec. (1.83 hours)



3000.0 2


Time (h)










Time (s)

Figure 74. Pressurizer pressure vs. time (steam line break with 15 SGTRs, no operator action).


Time (h)

Hot Leg Liquid Temp, (tempf-400010000)

Hot Leg Saturation Temp, (sattemp-400010000)

( 600.0











Loss of RCS subcooling









Time (s)

Figure 75. Reactor coolant system hot leg temperature vs. time (steam line break with 15 SGTRs, no
operator action).



1500000.0 0

Time (h)


Integrated ECC Injection (cntrlvar-202)

Hot Leg Saturation Temp, (sattemp-400010000)








Time (s)
Figure 76. Integrated emergency core cooling injection flow vs. time (steam line break with 15 SGTRs,
no operator action).







500 g>



Initiation of core

Cladd "9

Clad Surface Temp, (httemp-110101010)


Time (h)



\ r











Time (s)

Figure 77. Fuel rod cladding surface temperature vs. time (steam line break with 15 SGTRs, no operator




water storage tank. Since the combined steam

line break, tube rupture event results in
exhausting the refueling water storage tank
through the secondary system (when the
emergency core cooling system is not throttled),
it is not possible to develop a containment sump
inventory to eventually transfer injection from the
refueling water storage tank. As a consequence,
there is need to more quickly cooldown the
reactor coolant system using the PORVs to
provide a timely depressurization of the reactor
coolant system. This action, plus throttling of the
emergency cooling system injection, delays
exhaustion of the refueling water storage tank
and maximizes the time available to cooldown the
reactor coolant system to RHR initiation
conditions. Unlike the tube rupture event where
reactor coolant system pressure need only be
reduced below the affected steam generator relief
valve setpoint, cooldown of the reactor coolant
system to actuation of RHR is required to assure
successful control of the combined steam line
break, tube rupture event. Actuation of the RHR
system is necessary to preclude boiling in the
reactor coolant system and assure that long term
core cooling can be maintained. Analysis of this
event demonstrates that a timely cooldown of the
reactor coolant system and throttling of the
emergency cooling system injection can facilitate
operation of the RHR system at 17,000 sec (4.7
hrs) or well within the 7.2 hours required to
exhaust the refueling water storage tank.
Evaluation of the multiple steam generator tube
failure, steam line break event demonstrates that
under the extreme case when 15 tubes are failed,
operator action is required within 1 hour of event
initiation to assure that the core is safely cooled.
The importance of the tube rupture, steam line
break events is that early operator action is
mandatory to assure that a long term stable state
can be achieved for this class of accidents. A
procrastinated operator intervention can lead to
an early core uncovery and core melt sequence
for these events.

However, as with all bypass loss-of-coolant

accident sequences, the operators cannot delay
the actions to throttle and cool down the reactor
coolant system because a procrastinated operator
intervention could lead to an eventual core melt
Section 4 discusses steam generator tube failure
events and noted in some instances, operator
actions to control emergency core cooling and
reduce reactor coolant system pressure did not
occur before two to three hours into the event.
Clearly, for events that include only a ruptured
steam generator tube, bypass of the emergency
core cooling injection is not a concern and
operator timeliness is not as critical as that for
combined steam line break, tube rupture events.
The importance of these calculations is that early
operator intervention is mandatory to assure long
term cooling for combined steam line break, tube
rupture events. Delays in the operator actions
for tube rupture, steam line break events could
lead to core uncovery and melt.
5.8 Conclusions
Analyses of the steam generator tube rupture and
combined steam line break and tube rupture
events were performed to demonstrate methods
which can be used to cooldown a typical
pressurized water reactor coolant system to
shutdown cooling conditions while minimizing
radiological release and controlling reactor
coolant system inventory.
The results of the steam generator tube rupture
event demonstrate that the break flow and release
of secondary steam from the affected steam
generator can be terminated within one hour of
initiation of the tube failure. Cooldown and
initiation of RHR for long term cooling can be
achieved in approximately four hours following
opening of the break.
Following a combined steam line break, tube
rupture event, it is necessary to cooldown and
throttle emergency cooling system flow as soon
as possible to prevent exhaustion of the refueling




6.1 Introduction

a nuclear facility's risk profile. Steam generator

tube rupture is typically a high total contributor
to the containment bypass frequency.

Steam generator tube rupture accidents can be

categorized as spontaneous or induced tube ruptures. A spontaneous steam generator tube
rupture is the rupturing of one or more steam
generator tubes that is not caused by another
event or an upset in normal expected operational
parameters. Unlike spontaneous steam generator
tube ruptures, an induced steam generator tube
rupture is an accident that is associated with an
upset condition. Induced steam generator tube
ruptures are conditional based on the occurrence
of other events.

Insights into the U.S. steam generator tube rupture risk profile can be gained from an examination of the USNRC and industry probablistic
risk assessment and IPE program results. The
risk associated with a steam generator tube rupture is dominated by a few significant failures.
Typically the dominate contributors are human
error (operator fails to depressurize) and failures
that cause loss of reactor water storage tank

Three important contributions make up the risk

profile of an operating nuclear plant. These three
contributions are:

6.2 U.S. Individual Plant Examination Core

Damage Frequency and Risk Profile
The U.S. nuclear power plant core damage
distribution is shown in Figure 78. This figure
was constructed based on the results of the IPE
submittals to the USNRC. As this figure indicates, there is a wide variation in the core
damage frequency among the U.S. nuclear power
plant designs. The various nuclear power plant
vendors, utility preferences, and the regulatory
environment in the U.S. have produced a wide
variety of different nuclear plant designs. These
design variations produce a wide variation in
core damage frequency. However, all of these
designs meet current U.S. certification requirements.

the core damage frequency,

the amounts and types of radioactive
material entering the environment, given
an accident, and
the accident's environmental consequences.

Both spontaneous and induced steam generator

tube ruptures may be risk significant due to the
fact that the radionuclides may bypass the reactor
containment building during these events. Containment bypass events result in a disproportionate amount of radionuclides being released to
the environment, when compared to other possible accident scenarios.

Table 18 provides a summary of the relevant IPE

results for 18 US PWRs. The total core damage
frequency caused by internal events, percent of
the total core damage frequency caused by
spontaneous steam generator tube ruptures, and
the percent of the containment bypass fraction
caused by spontaneous steam generator tube
ruptures are listed for each plant. Since only

Risk is typically calculated as the product of the

core damage frequency multiplied by the offsite
consequences. This risk measure produces a
frequency of offsite early and latent fatalities due
to the accident. Accident sequences that result in
containment bypass are important contributors to





CDF Reported in U.S. IPEs

Figure 78. The U.S. nuclear power plants' core damage frequency distribution as reported to the U.S.
NRC by the IPE programs.

frequency caused by spontaneous steam generator

tube ruptures varies from 0.02% to about 11%.
The contributions of the various types of possible
accident sequences to the total core damage
frequency at a typical plant is shown in Figure
79. In this case, the spontaneous steam generator
tube ruptures account for about 4% of the total
core damage due to internal events. Most of the
core damage frequency is due to support system
faults, loss of coolant accidents and transient with

spontaneous tube ruptures were considered, the

percent of the containment bypass fraction caused
by tube ruptures is also essentially the percent of
the total risk due to steam generator tube
ruptures. As this table indicates, the total core
damage frequency caused by internal events at
these 18 plants ranges from a low of about 3 x
10" to about 3 x 10" per year. The spontaneous
tube rupture contribution to the total core damage
frequency varies from 1 x 10" to 1 x lCr per
year, and the percent of the total core damage




Table 18. U.S. PWR IPE results.

U.S. Plant Name

Percent of the total

core damage
frequency caused
by spontaneous
steam generator
tube ruptures

Percent of
bypass fraction
caused by
spontaneous steam
generator tube


26 %



Not Reported

Not Available




11 %


11 %




99 %


20 %


79 %



Total core damage

frequency caused by
internal events

Arkansas 1

5 x 10-


4 x lO"


4 x lO"

Comanche Peak

4 x lO"


6 x 10-

Diablo Canyon

9 x lO"


1 x 10-


7 x lO"

Indian Point 2

3 x 10-

Indian Point 3

4 x 10-


4 x 10"


7 x 10-


Not Available


2 x 10"




2 x 10-


Not Available

South Texas

4 x lO"


22 %


6 x 10


Not Available


5 x lO"


12 %



Watts Bar

3 x lO"


All numbers have been rounded to one significant digit.


The steam generator tube rupture percentage of containment bypass values were estimated based
on information presented in the IPEs. In some cases it was difficult to determine these percentages
and they had to be estimated based on supporting information.









i,'i, ^c y-j7?y?y
,/"..,s ..y.,/


(V) LOCAs 0.01%


Figure 79. Typical steam generator tube rupture contribution to the total core damage frequency (note:
these results are from the Sequoyah nuclear power plant's IPE submittal).

However, the contribution of the spontaneous

steam generator tube ruptures to the total core
damage frequency should not be used to
determine the risk acceptance of various steam
generator designs or degraded conditions. This
is because steam generator tube rupture accidents
generally result in containment bypass and
therefore the offsite risk profile is much more
strongly influenced by this event than is the core
damage frequency.
In other words, the
containments used in the US and elsewhere
reduce or eliminate the offsite doses from most of
the other, higher core damage frequency,
accidents such that the risk contribution from the
spontaneous steam generator tube rupture event
becomes more significant. The data in Table 18


indicate that the fraction of the total risk

associated with spontaneous steam generator tube
ruptures at most PWRs is above about 10% and
at some plants is quite high (75% to 99%).
The U.S. ice condenser containment plants might
be expected to have a lower percentage risk
contribution from steam generator tube rupture.
The ice condenser containments have a lower
design pressure than other types of containment.
Therefore, early containment failure during
certain other higher core damage frequency
accidents is possible. Early containment failure
would increase the contributions of the other core
damage accidents to the overall core damage
frequency and the net contribution from steam



generator tube rupture would be expected to be

lower. However this generalization cannot be
made. As Figure 80 indicates, even for the ice
condenser containments the steam generator tube
rupture contribution can be large.

The relative risk importance of spontaneous

steam generator tube ruptures and induced steam
generator tube ruptures is a function of the
amount of tube degradation found in the steam
Induced steam generator tube
ruptures become more risk important as the
steam generator tubes' ultimate pressure capacity
degrades because the probability of core melt is
much higher during an induced (multiple) tube
rupture event.

Induced steam generator tube ruptures have not

been considered in the US IPEs, but are being
evaluated by the USNRC as part of the steam
generator rule-making program. The IPEs used
only the spontaneous tube rupture history
discussed in Chapter 4, and did not consider the
incipient tube rupture information or the steam
generator tubing degradation information
discussed in Chapter 3.

6.3.1 Spontaneous Steam Generator Tube

One spontaneous steam generator tube rupture
event has occurred about every 2 years during
the last 20 years (see Table 12 in Chapter 4).
These spontaneous steam generator tube rupture
events have been associated only with
Westinghouse and Combustion Engineering
designed steam generators. However, Babcock
& Wilcox plants have experienced leaks and
incipient tube ruptures (see Table 14). The
frequency of the spontaneous steam generator
tube rupture events has been estimated to be
about 2.5E-2 per reactor year of operation. This
value is computed by dividing the total number of
tube ruptures by the reactor years of operation.
(The steam generator tube rupture frequencies
used in the IPEs range from 1E-2 to about 3E-2
per reactor year.)

6.3 Steam Generator Tube Rupture Risk

The risk profile of an operating nuclear power
plant is composed of a variety of core damage
accidents. The core damage contributors include
loss of coolant accidents, losses of offsite power
anticipated transients without scram, and steam
generator tube rupture. As mentioned in the
introduction to this section, there are two
important steam generator tube rupture risk
contributors. These are:

rupture, and




induced steam generator tube rupture.

The lack of an exact break point for the onset of

a tube rupture has led to some uncertainty in the
determination of the frequency of spontaneous
steam generator tube ruptures. There have been
a large number of leaking tubes, some of these
leaks have been large enough that the tube is
considered ruptured in some studies and not in
others. As discussed in Chapter 4, the USNRC
classifies a steam generator tube rupture as a
break in a steam generator tube which causes a
primary to secondary coolant system leak in
excess of the normal changing flow capacity of

A spontaneous steam generator tube rupture is

the rupture of a tube that is not caused by another
event or an upset in normal expected operational
parameters. An induced steam generator tube
rupture is an accident that is associated with an
upset condition. Induced steam generator tube
ruptures are conditional based on the occurrence
of other events. Each of these two contributors
are further discussed in the following sections.




Other (25.2%)

SGTR (74.8%)

Figure 80. Steam generator tube rupture contribution to the total containment bypass fraction at the
Sequoyah nuclear power plant (ice condenser containment)

the reactor coolant system (USNRC 1988a). As

a result, tube rupture condition may be a function
of die tube size, the plant operating conditions,
tube break size, and the capacity of the plant's
charging system.
6.3.2 Induced Steam Generator Tube Rupture
Induced steam generator tube ruptures have
contributions from the following type of events:

operational transients,
rare events, and
severe accidents.


These events introduce moderate to large

increases in the pressure differential across the
steam generator tubes. For aged or degraded
tube conditions, the moderate to large increases
in the pressure differential can increase the
probability of steam generator tube failure. As a
result, induced steam generator tube ruptures are
typically associated with steam generator tubes
that have degraded with time beyond some
threshold; the tube's pressure capacity has
degraded when compared to a spectrum of
pristine tubes. The tube failure probability is a
function of the amount of tube degradation. If
the tube degradation is large enough, the induced


steam generator tube rupture accidents can have

a higher risk contribution than the spontaneous
steam generator tube rupture events.
recorded induced steam generator tube rupture
event has occurred to date. Induced steam
generator tube rupture events can be controlled
by maintaining good mechanical integrity of the
steam generator tubes.

generator tube overpressure. An operational

event with these types of single failures may be
the most risk significant of all steam generator
tube rupture events when the steam generator is
badly degraded.
Rare Events. Rare events are design basis or
other events that have a low frequency of
occurrence, but may result in significant steam
generator tube overpressures. These types of
events typically include:

Operational Transients. Operational transients

occur frequently and may result in slight or
moderate increases in the pressure drop across
the steam generator tubes. These types of
transients include:

turbine trip,
loss of main feed,
temporary loss of off site power,
failed open turbine bypass valve, and
loss of a reactor coolant pump.

main feed line break,

main steam line break,
anticipated transients without scram, and
loss of coolant accidents (reversed
pressure drop).

These events are less risk significant than the

operational events with degraded steam generator
tubes due to their lower frequency of occurrence.
However, these events are typically used to
conservatively bound the worst case accident for
regulatory purposes.

The frequency of occurrence of these events and

an upper bound to the pressure drop across the
steam generator tubes are provided in Table 19.
The operational transients can become risk
significant when the steam generator tubes are
severely degraded.
When the operational
transients are combined with a failed or stuck
open atmospheric dump valve or secondary side
safety relief valve, an increase in the pressure
differential challenges the steam generator tube
integrity and the risk increases.

Severe Accidents. Severe accidents are very

low frequency events. In some cases, severe
accidents may cause much higher pressuretemperature conditions in the steam generators
than expected during typical design bases
accident conditions.
Tube degradation in
association with these elevated pressuretemperature conditions can increase the
probability of tube failure. Typical severe
accidents of concern for degraded steam
generator tubes include:

The impact of a stuck-open turbine bypass valve

on peak steam generator tube differential
pressure should also be investigated in
conjunction with the operational transients. A
stuck-open or spuriously opening turbine bypass
valve may also introduce a large differential
pressure similar to a stuck-open atmospheric
dump valve, or secondary side safety relief
valve. Some plants have turbine bypass valves
with a 100% load rejection capacity. These
plants may experience a more significant steam


anticipated transient without scram,

station black out, and

station blackout with a stuck open

atmospheric dump valve or safety relief



Table 19. Identification of Initiating Events.

Peak Tube Differential

Event Description

(per year)

Decrease in Reactor Coolant System Inventory

Event represents the inadvertent opening of a PORV, leading to a small leak path
for reactor coolant system inventory. Initiator frequency obtained from Gentillon
et al. (1994).

< 9.7 MPa

(1,400 psi)

X = 7.4E-3
a = 2.5E-3
EF = 10.1

Event represents either a medium or large loss of coolant accident, with rupture
diameter greater than 2 inches. Initiator frequency obtained from Ericson et al.
(1990), medium and large loss of coolant accident.

< 9.7 MPa

(1,400 psi)

X = 1.5E-3
a = 3.6E-3
EF = 9.7

Increase in Heat Removal by Secondary System

Event represents a feed water system failure which causes an increase in feed
water flow in one loop. Initiator frequency obtained from Gentilllon et al. (1994).
Event represents the inadvertent opening of a steam generator relief valve,
resulting in low pressure in the secondary system. Initiator frequency obtained
from Mackowiak et al. (1985), PWR Category 29.
Event represents the rupture of the main steam line. Initiator frequency obtained
from Ericson et al. (1990).

< 9.7 MPa

(1,400 psi)

X = 5.6E-2
a = 1.2
EF = 11.0

~ 12.8 MPa
(1,850 psi)

X = 2.0E-2
a = 0.18
EF = 31.6

~ 17.2 MPa
(2,500 psi)

X = 5.0E-4
a = 1.2E-3
EF = 9.7

Decrease in Heat Removal by Secondary Side

The loss of the plant external power grid. Initiator frequency obtained from
Gentillon et al. (1994).

< 9.7 MPa

(1,400 psi)

X = 3.5E-2
a = 0.44
EF = 11.9

Trip of the turbine generator that decreases steam flow to the turbine. Initiator
frequency obtained from Gentillon et al. (1994).

< 12.8 MPa

(1,850 psi)

X = 0.40
o = 1.6
EF = 5.3

Event represents a loss of alternating current power to the secondary heat removal
system. Initiator frequency obtained from Mackowiak et al. (1985), PWR
Category 37.

< 12.8 MPa

(1,850 psi)

X = 0.11
a = 0.40
EF = 14.6

The loss or reduction of normal feedwater flow for one loop. Initiator frequency
obtained from Gentillon et al. (1994).

< 12.8 MPa

(1,850 psi)

X = 0.43
c = 2.2
EF = 5.8

The rupture of the feedwater line. Initiator frequency obtained from Ericson et al.

~ 17.2 MPa
(2,500 psi)

X = 5.0E-4
o = 1.2E-3
EF = 9.7

Decrease in Reactor Coolant System Flow Rate

The loss of reactor coolant system flow in one loop (e.g., reactor coolant system
pump failure). Initiator frequency obtained from Gentillon et al. (1994).

< 12.8 MPa

(1,850 psi)

X = 4.2E-2
a = 0.63
EF = 9.1

- 17.2 MPa
(2,500 psi)

X = 1.4E-4
a = 1.0E-3
EF = 7.9

A transient with subsequent failure to SCRAM the reactor. Initiator frequency
obtained from Gentillon et al. (1994), all transients, and Ericson et al. (1990), Vol.
3, failure to scram the reactor."




Table 19. (continued)


A is the initiating event frequency; a is the standard deviation of the initiating event frequency; EF is the associated error factor of the
log-normal distribution. The initiator was developed by adding the large loss-of-coolant (LOCA) and the medium LOCA initiators
together. The resulting initiator parameters were calculated by using Monte Carlo simulation with the equation: Large LOCA +
Medium LOCA, where Large LOCA was assumed to be a lognormal distribution with mean of 5.0E-4 and standard deviation of 1.2E-3
and Medium LOCA was assumed to be a lognormal distribution with mean of 1.0E-3 and standard deviation of 2.5E-3.


The initiator was developed by multiplying die overall transient initiator by the probability of failing to scram the reactor. The resulting
initiator parameters were calculated by using Monte Carlo simulation with the equation: f(transients) * P(fail to scram | transient), where
f(transient) was assumed to be a lognormal distribution with mean of 2.4 and standard deviation of 2.2 and P(fail to scram | transient)
was assumed to be a lognormal distribution with mean of 6.0E-5 and standard deviation of 7.6E-5.

Historically, severe accident analyses have

assumed that pristine steam generator tubes will
remain intact and failures in the hot leg/surge line
will probably occur first. This conclusion is
based on the existence of a loop seal in the cold
leg and good mixing of the counter-current hot
leg flow in the inlet plenum of the steam
The severe accident natural
circulation flows that may induce reactor coolant
system failures and that also increase the
temperature in the steam generator tubes are
discussed later in this section.
If a severe accident induced steam generator tube
rupture occurs, it occurs from one of two causes.
These causes are: (a) high temperature creep
rupture of the steam generator tubes, or (b) high
temperature-high pressure induced rupture of
defective tubes.
The probability of steam
generator tube rupture becomes larger than the
probability of creep rupture as the tubes degrade
(e.g,. as the cracks become larger). The tubes
may degrade to the point where only tube
ruptures occur during a severe accident that
induces high pressure/high temperature steam
generator tube conditions.

6.4 Risk Significant Steam Generator Tube

Rupture Failures
The risk significant failures and mistakes during
the course of a steam generator tube rupture
accident can be broken down into a few high
level items. These key items controlling risk are:

failure to promptly depressurize,

reactor water storage tank failures,

- loss of suction
- depletion

failure to promptly isolate the defective

steam generator, and

failure to achieve RHR entry conditions

in a reasonable time period.

The dominant contributors listed above are a

typical result of steam generator tube rupture
probabilistic risk assessment analyses (discussed
in more detail in the following paragraph).
These failure contributors should only be
considered typical. The variations in PWR



designs and emergency response procedures can

have an impact on the risk significant operator
actions and component and system failures.
These risk significant operator actions and
component failures are typically identified using
classical probabilistic risk assessment techniques.
Best estimate thermal-hydraulic calculations are
performed to determine the minimal set of
operator actions and equipment needed to prevent
fuel damage and also to identify the possible
range of accident sequences. This information is
then used to develop the plant response models.
These models consist of event trees and fault
trees or other system logic models. The event
tree accident sequences reflect the results of the
actions that are successful in preventing fuel
damage and those that are not successful. The
event tree accident sequences are processed and
quantified to determine the minimal set of
failures that result in core damage.
dominant failure modes are then identified as the
high frequency core damage events.

containment bypass influences the

number, reliability, and types of systems
needed to prevent core damage from

containment bypass events influence the

core damage frequency distribution
associated with a range of multiple tube
rupture events, and

containment bypass provides a direct

release path to the environment for the

It has been noted from combined thermalhydraulic and probabilistic risk assessment
sensitivity studies that the number of steam
generator tubes failing during a steam generator
tube rupture event impacts the risk profile when
the containment is bypassed. The impact on the
plant risk (defense in-depth) of a given number of
steam generator tube failures is listed in Table

After linking, the failure probability associated

with the various operator actions and
components can then be set to one or zero to
determine the importance of the various failure
modes. The operator actions and components are
then ranked in terms of their increase or decrease
on the frequency of the occurrence of the
accident. This ranking determines the impact on
risk of the reliability of the individual operator
actions and components. This ranking is based
on best estimate thermal-hydraulic calculations,
the reliability of the plant's systems, and standard
operating procedures.

Table 20. The impact of the number of tubes

failed on defense in depth.

6.5 Containment Bypass

Number of Tubes
A few

Impact on Defense
Requires operator to depressurize the reactor coolant

Greater than a few

Plant automatically depressurizes.

Greater than about

about 15 tubes

Reactor water storage tank

inventory is depleted before
RHR entry conditions can be

The information in Table 20 suggests that the

integrity of the steam generator tubes needs to be
controlled to prevent an operational transient
from inducing a large number of multiple tube
ruptures. If a large number of tubes fail, the
typical steam generator tube rupture accident

Containment bypass events are very important in

understanding the steam generator tube rupture
accident's progression and the risk associated
with steam generator tube rupture.
important containment bypass effects are:



mitigation strategies may become ineffective and
the containment bypass steam generator tube
rupture events may result in core damage and a
significant increase in the public risk. Steam
generator tube inspection procedures need to be
such that they protect against reaching the no
defense-in-depth break point number of severely
defected tubes. In other words, the inspection
and maintenance procedures must adequately
identify and correct the tube degradation to
prevent serious consequences.

fatigue, and fatigue at U-bends have been

observed, but these have affected very few plants
and relatively few tubes. Two instances of a
sudden rupture of a steam generator tube in the
U-bend region from fatigue crack growth have
occurred. Also, 6 of the 10 steam generator tube
ruptures that have occurred to date have been in
the U-bend region.
6.7 Conditional Tube Rupture Probability
The conditional probability of a steam generator
tube(s) failing is a function of the aging
degradation mechanisms and the extent of the
degradation. The thermal-hydraulic conditions
imposed on the tube are also important. The
important parameters are:

The number of failed tubes for the categories

shown in Table 20 are a function of the specific
plant and the plant's systems. Typically a few
tubes is less than four, more than a few between
four and fifteen, and a large number greater than
fifteen. It should be noted that these break points
will be different for different plants. They are a
function of the RWST inventory, the steam
generator tube size and the emergency core
cooling system flow rates.

steam generator tube temperature,

steam generator tube pressure differential.

These conditions are a function of the transient

and/or accident.

6.6 Steam Generator Tube Degradation

The accidents that can challenge the integrity of

the steam generator tubes are the main steam line
break, feedwater line break, and anticipated
transients without scram initiators. The main
steamline break initiator is composed of those
initiators that result in loss of steam generator
secondary side integrity. These items include
failed secondary PORVs, turbine bypass valves,
atmospheric dump valves, etc. This reduced set
of initiating events was identified from reviewing
a list of initiators that challenge both the primary
and secondary side pressure integrity of the
steam generators.

As discussed in Section 3, the three most

widespread types of tube degradation affecting
U.S. PWR steam generator tubes today are (a)
PWSCC in the tube sheet and tight radius U-bend
regions, (b) IGA and IGSCC on the secondary
side of the tubes at the tube supports and for
some plants in the tubesheet and free span
regions, and (c) fretting, wear and thinning.
Other corrosion degradation, such as wastage,
pitting, and denting have occurred in many older
steam generators, but these types of degradation
have been avoided in most newer steam
generators by changes in operating practices.
Some of the older generators that were severely
affected by wastage, pitting, or denting have
been replaced, and improvements in operating
practices have generally arrested these types of
degradation at most other plants. However,
significant attack by pitting is continuing at a
small number of plants. Other types of
degradation, such as erosion-corrosion, corrosion

The identification of the reduced set of steam

generator tube rupture accident initiators was
determined by an evaluation of a range of
grouped initiators. This grouped review included
initiators that: (a) result in a decrease in reactor
coolant system inventory, (b) result in an
increase in heat removal by the secondary




excessive, the combined initiating event

frequency is low, and the tubes are placed in

system, (c) result in a decrease in the heat

removal by the secondary system, (d) result in a
decrease in the reactor coolant system coolant's
flow rate, and (e) result in a transient. A
summary description of the grouped initiators is
provided in Table 19. Table 19 also summarizes
the expected initiating event frequency, standard
deviation, and log-normal error factor. The peak
primary-to-secondary pressure differential is also
provided. This pressure differential is utilized to
estimate the conditional tube rupture probability
given the occurrence of the initiator. (Note: It
may be desirable to reanalyze the peak
overpressures found in Table 19 since the
pressures are based on worst design basis
accident analysis for a number of different plants.
However, these pressures are adequate for the
purpose of a preliminary screening analysis.)

Increase in Heat Removal by the Secondary

System. Three accident initiators were grouped
into this category. These accidents include loss
of feedwater control in one loop; inadvertent
opening of a steam generator relief valve, turbine
bypass valve, or atmospheric dump valve; and a
rupture of the main steamline.
The total
frequency of events in this category is of the
order of 0.1 per reactor year. The frequency is
dominated by loss of feedwater control resulting
in excessive feedwater. The inadvertent opening
of an steam generator relief valve/atmospheric
dump valve or turbine bypass valve along with
rupture of a main steam line makeup the
remainder of the contribution.
The most
significant pressure challenge to the steam
generator tubes occurs from the later events with
the lowest frequency. For the purposes of
analysis the steam line break and inadvertent
opening of a relief valve may be grouped as
having similar system success and mitigation

A review of Table 19 identified the events most

likely to challenge the steam generator tubes
(largest initiating event frequency and pressure
differential). These events are associated with:
(a) the loss of secondary side integrity, and (b)
anticipated transients without SCRAM. The loss
of secondary side integrity includes a main
feedline break and main steamline break.

Decrease in the Heat Removal by the

Secondary System.
This set of accident
initiators contains five events. Only the break or
rupture of the main feedwater line was identified
as strongly challenging the steam generator
tubes. This event has a low frequency but
provides the most significant pressure drop
across the steam generator tubes. The remaining
four events are (a) loss of offsite power, (b)
turbine trip, (c) loss of power to the secondary
heat removal system and (d) loss or reduction in
normal feedwater flow. The frequency of these
events is dominated by loss of feedwater flow
and turbine trips.

6.7.1 Initiating Events

The five groups of steam generator tube rupture
accident initiators listed in Table 19 are each
discussed in the following paragraphs.
Decrease in Reactor Coolant System
Inventory. These accident initiators are the loss
of coolant accidents.
The initiating event
frequency review included inadvertent opening of
a primary side PORV, along with the medium
and large break loss of coolant accidents. The
total initiating event frequency for this group is in
the range of 7 x 10~ per year. The maximum
expected pressure drop across the generators is in
the range of 9.7 MPa (1,400 psi). These
accidents can be screened from further
consideration since the pressure differential is not


Decrease in the Reactor Coolant System

Coolant's Flow Rate. There is only one
initiating event contained'in this group, the loss
of flow in one reactor coolant system loop. It is



caused by complete loss of a reactor coolant

The frequency of occurrence was
estimated to be 4.2E-2 per year of operation.

The pressure retaining capacity of a steam

generator tube depends on the tube type (e.g.,
tube diameter, material, wall thickness), and the
degradation and wear of the tube. Initially, an
average pristine tube will be able to withstand a
differential pressure of about 60 to 70 MPa
(9,000 to 10,000 psi). If the tube pressure
capacity degrades to below the expected
pressures ranges for various plant transients, the
tube may rupture. Normal operational and minor
transient tube differential pressures are expected
to be approximately 9.7 MPa (1,400 psi). Major
transient tube differential pressures may reach
approximately 17.2 MPa (2,500 psi).

Transients. This group contains only one event,

a transient with subsequent failure of the reactor
to scram. The event may result in substantial
challenges to the steam generator tubes. The
peak differential pressures may approach 17.2
MPa (2,500 psi).
6.7.2 Screening Analysis Methodology
Analytical methods exist to quantify the
frequency of occurrence of induced steam
generator tube rupture.
The frequency of
induced failure of steam generator tubes can be
expressed as a function of the conditional failure
probability and the frequency of occurrence of
the initiator.
The conditional tube failure
probability when multiplied by the accident
initiating frequency determines the induced steam
generator tube rupture frequency for each
initiator. These contributors can then be ranked.
The conditional failure probability is a function
of steam generator tube degradation, and is the
primary link relating the physical condition of the
tubing to the plant system performance and
ultimately risk.
The screening techniques
available to determine the conditional tube failure
probability and thus the dominant induced steam
generator tube rupture accident sequences are
provided in the following section.

The induced steam generator tube rupture

frequency is determined by multiplying the
initiator frequency by the conditional steam
generator tube rupture probability.
frequency of tube rupture is found by:

= IA, *P(TR|IE)*P



= initiating event frequency,

P(TR | IE)

= conditional probability of a tube

rupture given an initiating event,


= probability of I number of tubes



Estimation of Conditional Steam Generator

Tube Failure Probability. The frequency of
experiencing an induced steam generator tube
rupture is dependent upon several tube-condition
and operational parameters. Two of the more
important parameters in the tube-failure
probability assessment process are: (1) the
pressure retaining capacity of the tube at the time
of the initiating event, and (2) the maximum
expected differential pressure that will be placed
on the tube.

= the frequency of tube rupture,

There is much uncertainty in the determination of

the conditional tube rupture frequency as a function of pressure and tube condition. Previous
analyses have utilized various assumed interpolation formula. These interpolation formula have
yet to be fully verified with data and contain
much uncertainty. The following paragraphs
summarize the NUREG-0844 techniques and a




linear interpolation scheme. A methodology

based on stress/strain and crack propagation
failure mechanisms is discussed in Section 6.7.5.
NUREG-0844 Methodology. It was estimated in
NUREG-0844 that the conditional tube rupture
probability is approximately 0.027.
probability was based upon an estimated
vulnerability time period for the steam generator
tube rupture events that had occurred through
mid-1986, and differential pressure of about 17.2
to 17.9 MPa (2,500 to 2,600 psi). Further, a
conservative estimate of the industry average
induced tube rupture probability of 0.05 was
used. Assuming that the tube rupture probability
can be adequately modeled with a lognormal
distribution, the resulting lognormal distribution
(at 17.2 MPa or 2,500 psi) has a mean value of
0.027 and a standard deviation of 0.012 [the
error factor (EF) is equal to 2].

( AP -AP



Peak tube differential pressure

during the i'th initiator


Normal operating tube differential pressure


Maximum peak tube differential

pressure during any initiator

Linear Interpolation.
A second potential
method for estimating the conditional probability
of a tube rupture is a linear fit of the tube rupture
probability between the normal operational
differential pressure and the maximum
differential pressure. Using the NUREG-0844
endpoint probabilities, the resulting equation for
the linear fit is given by:


The distribution of the number of steam

generator tubes ruptured also needed to be
estimated. NUREG-0844 gave the probability of
two to ten tubes rupturing as 0.5 and the
probability of more than ten tubes rupturing as
0.01. Consequently, the probability that only
one tube ruptures is 0.49. These values are
applicable for a differential pressure of about
17.2 MPa (2,500 psi).

For initiator-caused overpressures lower than the

17.2 MPa (2,500 psi) level, the tube rupture
probability may be lower than the 0.027 value.
It is assumed that the tube rupture pressure for
approximately zero (~ 10" in this analysis). To
determine the tube rupture probability as a
function of steam generator differential pressure,
some method of extrapolation had to be
performed. NUREG-0844 gave the tube rupture
probability as only distributed on pressure:

PJat high



2.45X10" (AJP.)

- 3.44x10 -2



probability for at least one tube
during the i'th initiator
Peak tube differential pressure
during the i'th initiator.



Figure 81 provides a comparison between the

linear and quadratic conditional tube rupture
probability interpolation methods. As can be
seen in the figure, the linear interpolation method
provides higher probabilities for the same
differential pressure than does the NUREG-0844

probability for at least one tube
during the i* initiator
probability for at least one tube
during a high pressure initiator













o.oos -





, I




Differential Pressure (psid)

Linear Fit


Figure 81. Comparison of two different conditional tube rupture probability screening methods.
has been discussed. The induced steam generator
tube failure frequencies provided in Table 21 are
developed when the information in Table 19 is
combined with the NUREG-0844 methodology.
Table 21 provides a summary of the frequency of
induced steam generator tube rupture. Note that
these values should be considered screening
values only, since they are not based on a
mechanistic quantification of the impact of tube
defects on the burst probability. However, the
values identify the initiating events where a
detailed evaluation of the impact of tube
degradation on the potential for induced steam
generator tube rupture is needed. A more

6.7.3 Screening Computation of Induced

Steam Generator Tube Rupture Probabilities
As presented earlier, the induced steam generator
tube rupture frequency is determined by
multiplying the initiating event frequency by the
conditional steam generator tube-rupture
probability. The frequency of tube rupture is
found by:
^TR =


The initiating event frequency information that

has been developed is provided in Table 19 and





Tabic 2 1 . Information for screening induced steam generator tube rupture.







2 TO 10


Loss of normal fcedwater





Turbine generator trip





Reactor coolant system How loss in one loop





Alternating current power loss secondary






Inadvertent opening of a secondary side

safety relief valve




8.9E-5 -

Steam line rupture





Main feedwater line rupture





Feedwater failure that results in a flow

increase in one loop





Transient with failure to scram





Loss of offsite power





Inadvertent opening of a PORV





Large or medium loss of coolant accident








mechanistic technique for identifying the impact

of tube degradation is provided in Section 6.7.5.

Induced Steam Generator Tube Rupture

Contributors of the Order 10" . There are a
large number initiating events that contribute to
induced steam generator tube rupture with a
frequency in the 10~ range per year. The two
dominant contributors are: (a) the inadvertent
opening of a secondary side relief path, for
example, an atmospheric dump valve, turbine
bypass valve, PORV, steam generator relief
valve, etc., and (b) reduction of feedwater in one
loop with a corresponding increase in feedwater
flow in another loop. The loss of feedwater
initiator has a much higher frequency of
occurrence that the inadvertent opening of a
secondary side steam relief path. The pressure
challenges to the generators are different, with
the low frequency initiator causing a higher
steam generator peak over pressure. The
remainder of the initiators in this contribution
range are: (a) loss of off site power, (b)
anticipated transients without scram, (c)
feedwater line rupture, and (d) steam line break.
Initiators (b) to (d) are accidents that can induce
significant challenges to the steam generator
tubes because of the high pressure drop across
the tubes that occurs during these events.

The screened sequences have been ranked in

terms of their frequencies. Shown in Table 21 is
the initiator identifier, the number of tubes
ruptured, the frequency of rupturing "I" number
of tubes, and the total calculated frequency of
tube rupture for the various initiating events.

6.7.4 Identification and Selection of Dominant

Induced Steam Generator Tube Rupture
Accident Contributors
The frequency values provided in Table 21
provide a useful indicator of the important
contributors to induced steam generator tube
rupture. The induced steam generator tube
rupture contributors can be grouped into high and
low frequency contributors. The high frequency
contributors are the normal plant operational
failures that induce challenges to the steam
generator tubes. The low frequency contributors
are the postulated accidents that strongly
challenge the integrity of the tubes.
Induced Steam Generator Tube Rupture
Contributors of the Order 10" . There are two
contributors that induce steam generator tube
ruptures in the range of 10 per reactor year.
These contributors are the loss of feedwater flow
and the trip of the turbine generator. Each of
these initiators provide similar challenges to the
steam generator tubes in terms of overpressure
and have similar initiating event frequencies
( - 1 . 5 per year).

Induced Steam Generator Tube Rupture

Contributors of the Order 10" . This category
consists of only two contributors. These two
contributors are the inadvertent opening of a
primary side PORV and other loss of coolant
accidents. These scenarios result in reverse
pressure differential across the steam generators.

6.7.5 Mechanistic Induced Steam Generator

Tube Rupture Frequency

Induced Steam Generator Tube Rupture

Contributors of the Order 10" .
contributors in this range are the loss of a reactor
coolant pump and the loss of alternating current
power to the secondary side. These initiators
provide similar challenges to the steam generator
tubes in terms of overpressure and have similar
initiating event frequencies ( - 0 . 1 0 per year).

The conditional steam generator tube rupture

probability can be estimated somewhat more
mechanistically by using Monte-Carlo methods.
The fragility (failure probability) of the steam
generator tubes can be modeled as a function of
a normal or log-normal probability distribution as




The defects need to be grouped and the failure

probabilities of the groups integrated in order to
apply the model to a steam generator with a tube
defect size distribution.




probability of steam generator

tube failure,
steam generator differential
median failure pressure of a
single steam generator tube.

To estimate the conditional tube rupture

probability, information concerning the median
failure pressure of degraded tubes must be
The ASME code (Section XI,
Subsection rWB-3640 and Appendix C) and the
experimental work of the Pacific Northwest
Laboratories (PNL) provide useful correlations
for this application. The ASME has developed
and recommended equations for the effect of
axial cracks on the burst pressure of tubes. The
ASME and PNL model equations assume that the
defect is independent of the tube material
Comparison of the applicable
equations shows good agreement between the
ASME code and the PNL experimental data
correlations for Alloy 600 Steam generator tubes.
The applicable experimental and analytical tube
burst pressure correlations are described in the
following sections.

The function f is represented by the following

normal distribution:



is the standard deviation of die tube's

failure pressure.
The function f may also be represented by a lognormal distribution. The Monte-Carlo method
samples points over the parameter's uncertainty
distribution to determine a mean failure
probability as a function of a tube overpressure
and defect size. A variance can also be
calculated with each failure probability.

PNL Equations. The experimental work at the

PNL in assessing the median failure pressure of
steam generator tubes with various sized defects
can be utilized to estimate the failure pressure
associated for each degradation mechanism.
PNL developed the following equations to
represent the failure pressure of steam generator
tubes as a function of the tube degradation
mechanism (Kurtz et al. 1990):

The probability associated with a given number

of failed steam generator tubes can be estimated
from a binomial distribution. The probability of
n tubes failing out of a total number N tubes with
a given defect size is:

,00 =



/ X T


. = l - ( ) p ( . ^ )


slots and cracks

) ~"



The probability mat less than x tubes fail is given

uniform wall thinning


P ,rll=*nn)



The binomial distribution only applies to

components with the same failure probability.




= =



The ASME code's axial crack equation is valid

for cracks not exceeding 75% of the tube's wall
thickness. The ASME equation is also only
applicable for cracks with a length less than a
critical length determined from the solution of:

elliptical wastage





ratio of defected to undetected

burst pressure,
defect depth,
wall thickness,
inner radius of tube,
defect length.

These equations were developed for normal

operating temperature conditions.
ASME Analytical Expressions. The ASME has
an analytical expression that is useful in assessing
the likelihood that an axial crack will burst
(ASME 1992). The ASME code recommends
the following equation for assessing the burst
pressure that is associated with axial cracks in the
steam generator tube walls.

PR _ m
ASME Section XI subsection IWB-3514.3 should
be used to calculate the burst pressure if the
tube's flaw length are greater than this critical
Material Properties Effects. Variations in
material properties between tubes subjected to
different fabrication processes is an important
factor in determining burst pressures. Steam
generator tubes fail by an elastic-plastic fracture
process. The burst pressure of tubes with
different material properties can be obtained by
normalizing the results to the flow stress of the
material. The flow stress corresponds to a value
between the yield strength S and ultimate tensile
stress S of the material. For Alloy 600 tubes,
the flow stress given by:

Ap/^ ^
= (

L ) [


SF _J_

S =[S +S ]

where m is given by:

has been widely used. Other Alloy 600 flow
stress equations have been developed, as well.
R is the tube radius, Ap is the differential
pressure across the tube, and the other
parameters in the above equations are: S design flow stress limitation; in this case the flow
stress at bursting, and SF - safety factor; taken to
be 1 in this analysis. The above equation is
roughly equivalent to the PNL slots and crack
equation. However, the ASME equation shows
a more rapid decline in the pressure capacity of
deep cracks as the crack length becomes large
when compared to the corresponding PNL
equation. Both equations provide roughly the
same asymptotic burst pressure as the crack
length becomes large.

Steam Generator Tube Burst Pressure

Correlation Standard Deviations. Uncertainty
exists in the burst pressure correlations. This
uncertainty is associated with the data scatter; the
uncertainty in the model to mean burst pressures;
uncertainty in the undefected burst pressure, and
uncertainty in the estimated steam generator tube
pressure differential.
The data scatter between the mean burst pressure
and the data drives the quantification of the tube
rupture probability. The standard deviation
associated with this scatter can be used in a



normal or log-normal distribution to estimate the

conditional failure probability. Typically, if
about 95% of the data are within 20% of the
mean, the standard deviation is about 10% of the
data scatter.

This extrapolation is thought to be valid since the

impact of axial wall cracks is not impacted by the
materials properties (ASME 1992). However,
experiments should be performed to evaluate the
analytical predictions of the impact of tube
temperature on the burst pressure of defected

The data from the PNL experiments suggest that

the burst pressure standard deviation is a few
percent of the burst pressure. A maximum of
5% was noted from the experiments. The PNL
correlations tended to reproduce the data within
10 to 15%.
This uncertainty may be
incorporated into the Monte-Carlo analyses by
uniform sampling over the estimated model and
data's variance. Figure 82 was constructed to
demonstrate the impact of a long axial crack on
the probability of tube failure. This figure was
constructed from the above listed PNL slot and
cracks equation for demonstration and screening
purposes. Separate calculations based on best
estimate burst pressure standard deviations
should be used for actual assessment purposes.
Also, the calculations should assess the
uncertainty in the empirical correlations and
determine a standard deviation.

6.7.6 Typical Values for the Induced Steam

Generator Tube Rupture Containment Bypass
The frequency of induced steam generator tube
rupture, can be determined by combining the
conditional tube rupture probabilities with the
core damage initiating event frequency values
obtained from the probabilistic risk assessments.
Figure 83 provides a summary of typical results
obtained by this combination. This figure was
constructed for a steam generator that contains a
single degraded tube with the axial crack lengths
shown. As the figure and the PNL data indicate,
long axial cracks show an asymptotic behavior in
the burst pressure probability. Shorter steam
generator tube crack lengths will significantly
shift the curves toward lower tube failure
(Note that this figure is for
demonstration purposes only, and should not be
used as typical of a specific facility.)

Temperature Dependent Steam Generator

Burst Correlation. Severe accidents can pose
high temperature challenges to the steam
generator tubes. These accidents may increase
the steam generator tubing temperatures into the
range of 800 to 900K. These accidents pose high
pressure and temperature conditions that may
increase the frequency of tube rupture when the
steam generator tubes have degraded.

Figure 83 is a demonstration plot of the

frequency of induced steam generator tube
rupture with core damage resulting from three
different initiating events for a steam generator
with a single degraded steam generator tube.
(Note: The figure does not consider a steam
generator with a distribution of flaws and thus
should not be viewed as representative of the risk
of induced steam generator tube rupture.) The
figure's initiating events are: (a) turbine trip with
a stuck open atmospheric dump valve; (b) a main
steam line break induced steam generator tube
rupture; and (c) a station blackout with a stuck

The flow stress of a material can be used to

evaluate the tube burst pressure as a function of
temperature. Alloy 600 yield and ultimate tensile
stresses as a function of temperature have been
developed for the temperature range from 300 to
1373K. This data can be used to evaluate the
effect of material properties on the tube's burst
pressure from:



^ '




. '"

s '




-- *" *~

, '




/ '

i .

o> 1E-03 :








I 1 .. Ivlr o

g 1E-05



Crack length = 2.54 cm

T = 1024K



- i





Crack Depth {Fraction of Wall Thickness)

Figure 82. Estimated steam generator tube failure probability as a function of pressure and crack depth.

Single crack Length i cm)


1 27


- -


. -"
















Crack Depth (Fraction of Wall Thickness)

Figure 83. Demonstration of induced steam generator tube rupture frequency for a single defective tube.




open atmospheric dump valve. The station

blackout event dominates the tube failure
frequency at low crack depths and the turbine trip
with a failed open atmospheric dump valve
dominates at the larger crack depths. The tube
failure frequency of these three events have been
summed to produce Figure 83. This figure
indicates that as the steam generator tubes
degrade the frequency of induced steam
generator tube rupture may increase rapidly.

recovery or operator actions, either of which

could terminate die transient by returning the
core to a water covered, cooled state.
A reactor coolant system pressure boundary
breach results if the piping gets hot enough to
fail, either through melting or creep rupture.
This failure allows the reactor coolant system to
depressurize into the containment.
containment bypass path is established if the
failure location is the steam generator tubes. In
this case, fission products released from the fuel
can flow through the failed tubes to the
secondary side of the steam generator, and from
there through atmospheric dump valves or
secondary side safety relief valves to the
environment, bypassing the containment. This
sequence of events is very risk significant to the
surrounding population.

The temperature of the steam generator tubes

also has a strong impact on the tube failure
probability. The steam generator temperatures
during a severe accident are controlled by the
natural circulation counter current flows in the
hot leg and the mixing in the lower plenum of the
steam generator. A description of the natural
circulation flows and the factors affecting these
flows is provided in Section 6.8.



PWRs with U-tube steam generators will have

vigorous hot leg natural circulation.
Babcock & Wilcox "candy cane" hot leg and
once-through steam generator design does not
allow the steam generators to participate as
significant heat sinks unless the loop seals clear
of liquid. The countercurrent hot leg flow is
driven only by heat transfer to the hot leg piping.
The piping has a very small heat transfer surface
area and heat capacity compared to the steam


As stated earlier, severe accident analyses have

historically assumed pristine steam generator tube
conditions, the existence of a loop seal in the cold
leg, and good mixing of the counter-current hot
leg flow in the inlet plenum of the steam
generator. This section provides an overview of
the severe accident natural circulation flows that
may induce steam generator tube rupture.

Mixing in a recirculating steam generator plenum

is a controlling phenomenon for the hot leg
natural circulation flow. It limits the mass flow
in the hot leg by increasing the temperature (and
lowering the density) of the vapor returning from
the steam generator along the bottom of the hot
leg. It limits the heat transfer in the steam
generator by reducing the temperature of the hot
vapor entering the tubes.

Importance of Natural Circulation

The significance of natural circulation flow is that

it transfers energy from the core to other regions
of the reactor coolant system. This energy
transfer both slows the core heatup, delaying fuel
damage, and increases the temperature of
structures elsewhere in the reactor coolant system
(upper plenum, hot leg and surge line piping,
steam generator tubes, etc.) so that they may get
hot enough to melt or fail. The slower core
heatup provides additional time for system


A simulation of the hot leg flow behavior,

neglecting the mixing in the steam generator inlet
plenum, will yield steam generator tube
temperatures and hot leg mass flow rates that are



higher than would be expected.

Hot leg
countercurrent flow affects the structural integrity
of the reactor coolant system piping. Heating of
the pipes and steam generator tubes may lead to
melting or creep rupture failure of those
components. Steam generator tubes are very thin
compared to the loop or surge line piping, and
can be quickly heated if exposed to high
temperature vapor. Should the tubes fail, a
direct path outside of containment (through the
steam line relief valves) becomes available to any
fission products carried in the coolant.

ed, with mixed vapor flowing from the inlet

plenum to the outlet plenum through some of the
steam generator tubes, and cooler vapor
returning to the inlet plenum through the
remaining tubes.
The hot (T,,) and cold (T ) fluid temperatures at
three locations will be examined considering the
flow streams shown in Figure 84. These flow
streams are: (1) the hot leg nozzle, (2) the steam
generator end of the hot leg, and (3) the inlet to
the steam generator tubes. At each of the
locations, the hotter fluid flows from the reactor
vessel toward the steam generator outlet plenum,
and the colder fluid flows toward the reactor

Hot Leg Countercurrent Flow in
Recirculating Steam Generators
The natural circulation flow pattern during a
severe accident at a plant with U-tube steam
generators consists of hot leg counter-current
flows between the reactor pressure vessel and die
inlet plenums of the steam generators. Mixing of
the counter-current flow steams occurs in the
inlet plenums of the steam generators. However,
there are uncertainties in the amount and extent
of mixing when experimental data are scaled
from small scale experiments to the full scale of
the steam generator inlet plenum. Also, the case
of no-mixing in the inlet plenum is not expected
to occur but has been used in the past to asses
worst case severe accident steam generator tube
boundary conditions. Counter current flow mixing occurs when the cooler vapor flows back to
the reactor vessel along the bottom of the hot
legs. When the hotter vapor enters the steam
generator inlet plenum, it will mix and cool and
then rise toward the steam generator tubes. The
mixed vapor enters some of the tubes, displacing
the cooler steam that was in the tubes. The
displaced vapor enters the outlet plenum, then
reenters other steam generator tubes, forcing
vapor into the inlet plenum. A density gradient
is thus established between tubes. This density
gradient then pulls more mixed vapor into the
tubes, displacing additional cooler steam. The
process continues until a steady flow is establish-

The hot vapor entering the hot leg from the

reactor vessel flows toward the steam generator
along the top of the pipe. As it flows, heat is
transferred to both the hot leg piping and the
returning cooler fluid streams. There may also
be some mass transfer between the two fluid
streams. The result is that T , > T . As the
flow enters the steam generator inlet plenum, it
mixes with the fluid in the plenum and with the
cold flow exiting from some of die steam
generator tubes. The mixing reduces the temperature of the steam entering the steam generator
tubes, and T < T . Heat is transferred to the
tubes as the steam flows through the steam
generators. When the flow returns to the inlet
plenum, it mixes with the hot leg flow. This
mixing raises the temperature of the steam
returning through the hot leg, so that T > T .
As the flow proceeds along the bottom of the hot
leg to the reactor vessel, heat transfers from the
hotter fluid above into this cooler steam, and
from this cooler steam to the hot leg pipe.
Whether these energy transfers result in a net
heating or cooling of the return flow has not been
quantified, but the vapor temperature will
probably not change significantly along the
bottom of the hot leg. Assuming a steady flow,
the total energy transfer in the coolant loop is die






c 3



Steam generator /

Reactor vessel



Hot leg

Figure 84. Hot leg natural circulation stream flows.

difference at the nozzle, and interactions that tend
to increase the cooler vapor temperature will
reduce the flow rate and the heat transfer. Both
the mixing in the steam generator inlet plenum
and heat transfer from the hotter vapor above act
to increase the temperature of the returning

product of the hot leg massflowrate, the average

heat capacity of the flowing vapor, and the
temperature difference between the opposing
flows at the hot leg nozzle. The analyses
associated with the Westinghouse natural
circulation experiments showed that the hot leg
mass flow rate is a function of geometric
parameters, thefluiddensity, and the square root
of the temperature difference (T , -T ). Thus,
the heat transferred by the hot leg natural
circulation flow depends on the temperature


Similarly, the heat transfer in the steam generator

tubes is the product of the massflowrate through
the tubes, the average vapor heat capacity, and




the temperature difference ( T - T ). The heat

transfer in the tubes will be affected by
interactions that alter either of these
temperatures. Again, the mixing in the inlet
plenum tends to reduce T thereby limiting the
heat transfer in the steam generators.

vapors, either on existing aerosols or as newly

generated aerosols. In liquid form, these fission
products would be deposited more quickly, and
probably in the inlet plenum rather than in the
tubes. The countercurrent flow in the hot leg
itself may also affect the fission product
transport. If gravitational settling is an important
mechanism for fission product deposition in the
hot leg, fission products falling from the flow
that is heading toward the steam generators
would enter the return vapor stream, where they
would be carried back toward the reactor vessel,
rather than away from it. This phenomenon is
beyond the capability of current analytical
methods, which are for one-dimensional flows.
However, the magnitude of the effect should be
calculable for a given analysis since the amount
of deposition caused by gravitational settling
should be known from fission product transport



Now consider the case in which there is no

mixing in the steam generator inlet plenum. The
hot vapor temperatures in the hot leg will change
little; a lower temperature in the cooler vapor (in
the bottom of the hot leg) will increase the
amount of heat transferred between the opposing
flow streams slightly. However, T = T .
The higher temperature fluid entering the steam
generator tubes will result in increased heat
transfer to the tubes. The absence of mixing also
means that T = T , so that the flow returning
through the hot leg is colder., Since the flow is
driven by the temperature difference between the
hot and cold fluid streams in the, hot leg, the mass
flow will increase. The higher mass flow rate
will increase the heat transfer in the loop,
slowing the core heatup. The higher steam
generator tube temperatures will also change the
relative energy deposition between the hot leg
and the tubes, with more energy being transferred to the tubes.
h 3


h 2


The impact of fission product heating on the hot

leg counter current flow is expected to be
minimal. , An NRC Office of Research assessment has indicated less than 1 % of the total heat
added to the steam generators during a station
blackout accident is contributed by the fission

Fission product behavior may also be affected by

the flow to the steam generators. An extremely
large surface area is available on the steam
generator tubes for deposition of fission products.
If the tubes remain cool, deposited species may
remain there and not be released from the reactor
coolant system. If the tubes continue to heat up
so that revolatilization occurs, the flow may
simply carry the resuspended fission products to
cooler parts of the tubes, where they would again
be deposited. The mixing in the steam generator
inlet plenum may also play a part in the fission
product behavior. If gaseous fission products are
carried with the hot vapor along the top of the
pipe, the sudden cooling associated with
interaction with the cooler fluid in the inlet
plenum may result in the condensation of the

6.8.3 Coolant Loop Flow

Should the loop seals clear of liquid during a
transient with the reactor coolant pumps off and
the steam generators removing heat from the
reactor coolant system, loop natural circulation
would be reestablished. (Note: This requires the
vessel coolant level to be below the downcomer
skirt. Normally this does not occur until after
failure of the hot leg or surge line piping. Only in
some unusual cases does this coolant loop flow
occur.) In contrast to the natural circulation that
occurs following the reactor coolant pump

a. Memorandum to R. C. Jones from C. E. Ader,

February 2, 1996



coastdown early in a transient, the fluid flowing

through the coolant loops would now be
superheated vapor. Loop natural circulation flow
is a buoyancy-driven one-dimensional flow with
heat addition in the core and heat rejection
primarily in the steam generators. However, in
this situation heat would be transferred to the
piping throughout the coolant loops. Because of
the resulting large vapor density differences and
the height of the steam generators, mis flow is
generally large enough that it disrupts any
multidimensional natural circulation flows that
might exist in the hot leg or reactor vessel.

there should be no large breaks in the


There are two severe accident transients diat

result in significant natural circulation flows,
designated the TMLB' and S2D sequences.
The TMLB' station blackout sequence has
traditionally been used in severe accident natural
circulation studies. The steam generators receive
no feedwater, there is no ac power available for
the duration of the accident, and the core
undergoes a high-pressure boil-off with relief
valves cycling. If reactor coolant pump seal
leaks are considered, the reactor coolant system
pressure will depend on the size of the leak. The
pressure may still be controlled by the relief
valves, or it may approach and fall below the
accumulator pressure.

The high flow rate and large amount of metal

structures available as heat sinks result in a much
slower core heatup. The slower heatup rate could
result in complete oxidation of the cladding
before any of the zircaloy melts. Fuel rod
relocation would be delayed for several hours.
Failure of the piping anywhere in the reactor
coolant system is possible, although the steam
generator tubes would be particularly susceptible
because they are much thinner than the hot or
cold leg piping. Heating of all the piping will also
tend to reduce the extent of fission product
retention in the reactor coolant system.

The S2D sequence is a small break loss of

coolant accident with no high-pressure coolant
injection. This transient will result in a core boiloff somewhere above the accumulator pressure,
with the reactor coolant system pressure
depending on the size of the break.
6.9 Summary

6.8.4 Description of Scenarios Leading to

Natural Circulation

A risk measure used in assessing the safety of

nuclear facilities is given by the product of the
core damage frequency multiplied by the offsite
consequences. This risk measure produces a
frequency of offsite early and latent fatalities due
to the accident. Three important contributions
make up the risk profile of an operating nuclear
plant. These three contributions are:

Natural circulation does not play an important

role in all severe accidents. Those accidents in
which natural circulation is significant have
several characteristics in common. Typically
these characteristics are:

The reactor coolant pumps cannot be

running, since forced flow through the
reactor coolant system precludes the
existence of natural circulation flows,
there should be no pumped emergency
core coolant injection, and



the core damage frequency,

the conditional probability of containment bypass given a core melt accident,



the accident's environmental consequences.

steam generator tube ruptures are small

contributors to the total core damage
frequency but may be risk significant due
to containment bypass effects,

A nuclear facility's risk measures are generally

dominated by accident sequences that result in
containment bypass. A steam generator tube
rupture event is typically a high total contributor
to the containment bypass frequency

risk significant steam generator tube

rupture accidents can be induced by
operational transients (high frequency)
and rare events (low frequency) when the
steam generator tubes are degraded beyond a threshold amount, and

Based on the information in this section, we

conclude that:

both spontaneous and induced steam

generator tube rupture core damage
events are risk significant due to the
potential to bypass the reactor containment building.

steam generator tube degradation needs

to be controlled to prevent a significant
increase in the risk profile of a pressurized water reactor,




countries have more or less of both compared to
other countries.

7.1 Tubing Inspection Requirements

The probability of steam generator tube failures
can be reduced through timely and effective
inspections. The steam generator tube inspection
requirements in the U.S. are discussed first
because a number of countries with PWR and
CANDU units have used those requirements as a
starting point for their own requirements. The
tubing inspection practices in the Czech
Republic, France, Germany, Japan, Slovenia,
Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland are summarized
in Table 22 and also discussed in this section.
The tubing inspection practices used in Russia
and those recommended by EPRI are also

Different steam generator designs and

materials and specific plant sites are
susceptible to different types of aging
degradation. Some types of degradation
are easier to detect or have less severe
safety consequences than other types of

An appropriate level or steam generator

and plant safety can only be maintained
by a suitable combination of inspection
and acceptance
Some countries have
chosen to have somewhat more
conservative fitness-for-service criteria
and less inspection. Other countries
have chosen less conservative fitness-forservice criteria (thereby saving money on
repairs) and more inspection. Some


The frequency and extent of the

inspections often increase as problems

Some countries are willing to accept

more risk than other countries.

Complementary information concerning the fitness-for-service guidelines in various countries is

presented in Section 7.3.
7.1.1 Tubing Inspection Requirements in the
United States

The tubing inspection requirements are somewhat

different in these and other countries because:

The requirements for the steam generator tubing

inspections at US plants are included in the plant
Technical Specifications, which are prepared by
the plant operator and approved by the USNRC.
Originally, those requirements generally followed
the guidelines presented in the USNRC's
Regulatory Guide 1.83 (USNRC 1975). These
guidelines are organized as follows; access,
equipment and procedures, baseline inspection,
sample selection, supplementary sampling,
inspection intervals, acceptance limits, and
corrective measures. In summary, the steam
generator should be designed with sufficient
access to facilitate inspection and plugging, eddycurrent or equivalent equipment that is "sensitive
enough to detect imperfections 20% or more
through the tube wall" should be used
(unfortunately, reliable detection of certain defect
types at such a shallow depth is not within the
state of the art), and a baseline inspection of all
tubes should be performed prior to service, and
after any major secondary side water chemistry


Table 22. Steam generator tubing inspection guidelines.
Baseline Inspection

Inspection Intervals

Number of Tubes to be Inspected

*United States

All tubes prior to service and

after any major change in
secondary water chemistry.

First inspection, 3 % of the total steam

generator tubes at a unit
Subsequent inspections, see Table 23

First inspection, 6-24 months

Subsequent inspections, 12-24 months
If less than 5% of inspected tubes with
indications and no defective tubes, 40
If more than 10% degraded or more than
1% defective, < 20 months.

Czech Republic

All tubes prior to service.

At least 10% of the tubes in each steam

generator must be inspected full length
Usually inspect all the tubes from the hot
collector and 50% of the tubes from the cold

Every 4 years
Every 4 years


All tubes prior to service

All tubes every 10 years (1st
after 30 months)

If susceptible tubing: all of the tubes are

inspected in the hot leg roll transition, tube
support plate and sludge pile regions, and the
U-bend region of the first row in service,
with an appropriate probe.
If less susceptible tubing: Sample of tubes
inspected full length
All tubes inservice with a previous defect

Every outage for roll transition and small

radius U-bend regions
Every other outage for TSP and sludge pile

Sample every 2 years

Each outage


All tubes prior to service

10% of the tubes per steam generator per


Every 4 years all steam generators

Every 2 years, one-half of the steam


All tubes prior to service

Insertion depth of antivibration

If no leakage and no defects: 30%

If any leakage or defects: 100%

If no leakage and no defects, every other

If leakage or defects, every year


All tubes prior to service

100% using bobbin coil and all reported

indications, roll transitions and inner bends
with pancake coil

Each refueling outage


All tubes prior to service

If susceptible tubing: 100% using bobbin coil

and all indications and roll transition regions
with rotating pancake coil
If less susceptible tubing: 9 to 20%

Each refueling outage


All tubes prior to service

Random sample of 15-17% full length

100% hot leg tubesheet
20-100% of other selected regions

Each year


All tubes after 1 year of


If susceptible tubing:
inspect the hot leg side up through the Ubend region to the top tube support plate
on the cold side
full inspection
If less susceptible tubing: random sample of
5.5% of all tubes

Every outage

Every 3 years
Eveiy 3 years

*If more than 10% of inspected tubes show indications, additional 3 % in that steam generator and 3 % in remaining steam generators. If more than 10% of second batch
show indications, inspect additional 6% in area of indications.




Regulatory Guide 1.83 recommends that at least

3% of the tubes in each steam generator be tested
over their entire length during the first
inspection, which should be performed after six
effective full power months but before 24
calendar months. Subsequent inspections should
not be less than 12 or more than 24 calendar
months apart and may be limited to one steam
generator encompassing 3 % of the total tubes at
the plant. All nonplugged tubes with previous
indications (>20%) should be inspected. If any
new indications are found (>20%) or if previous
indications exhibit growth ( > 10%) the remaining
steam generators should be inspected.

in all the steam generators at a unit and are

selected randomly except:

If more than 10% of the inspected tubes show

indications (>20%) or one or more tubes must
be plugged (>40%), an additional 3% of the
tubes must be inspected. If the additional
inspection indicates that more than 10% of the
additionally inspected tubes have indications or
one or more of those tubes must be plugged, 6%
more tubes should be inspected in each steam
generator. If two consecutive inspections result
in less than 10% of the inspected tubes with
indications ( > 20%) and no further penetration of
previous indications (<10%), the inspection
frequency should be extended to 40-month
intervals. Unscheduled inspections should be
conducted in the event of primary-to-secondary
coolant system leaks exceeding the technical
specifications or various design basis accidents
(seismic, loss-of-coolant, main steam or
feedwater line breaks).

where experience in similar plants with

similar water chemistry indicates critical
areas to be inspected, then at least 50%
of the tubes inspected shall be from these
critical areas; and


die first sample of tubes selected for each

inservice inspection of each steam
generator generally includes all the tubes
in service with previous indications
greater than 20% of the wall thickness;
tubes in areas where experience has
indicated potential problems; and tubes
adjacent to badly degraded tubes.

The results of each sample inspection are

classified into one of the following three

Regulatory Guide 1.83 was used as the basis for

the steam generator inspection requirements in
the Technical Specifications for only a few years.
By the early 1980s, the US utilities were
following die steam generator tube sample
selection guidance in Table 23 (USNRC 1981,
Southern California Edison Co. 1982, Northern
States Power Co. 1985, Georgia Power Co.
1987, Commonwealth Edison Co. 1987). The
tubes selected for each inservice inspection
include at least 3 % of the total number of tubes




Inspection Results


Less than 5% of the total tubes

inspected are degraded tubes and
none of the inspected tubes are


One or more tubes, but not more

than 1% of the total tubes
inspected are defective, or
between 5% and 10% of the total
tubes inspected are degraded


More than 10% of the total tubes

inspected are degraded tubes or
more than 1% of the inspected
tubes are defective.

Degraded tubes are tubes with indications greater

than or equal to 20% of the nominal wall
thickness, but less than a defective tube, and
which exhibit a defect with a greater than 10%
additional wall thickness penetration since the last


Tabic 23. Steam generator tube inspection requirements in the United States.


Sample Size
A minimum of
S Tubes per

Action Required




Plug or sleeve defective tubes and

inspect additional 2S tubes in this
steam generator (S.G.)


Action Required










Plug or sleeve defective tubes and

inspect additional 4S tubes in this




Plug or sleeve defective tubes


Perform action for C-3 result of

first sample

Perform action for C-3 result of

first sample





Action Required



Inspect all tubes in this S.G., plug

or sleeve defective tubes and
inspect 2S tubes in each other S.G.

All other
S.G.s are




Notification to NRC pursuant to

150.72(b)(2) of 10 CFR Part 50.

Some S.G.s
C-2 but no
S.G.s are

Perform action for C-2 result of

second sample.



S.G. is C-3

Inspect all tubes in each S.G. and

plug or sleeve defective tubes.
Notification to NRC pursuant to
150.72(b)(2) of 10 CFR Part 50.



S = 3N/n% where N is the number of steam generators in the unit, and n is the number of steam generators inspected during an inspection.


inspection. Defective tubes are tubes with

indications greater than or equal to the removal
from service (plugging) or repair limit which is
often but not always 40% of the nominal wall

actuation of the engineered safety features; or a

condition IV main steam line or feedwater line
Two steam generators are inspected during the
first outage at units with four steam generators
(4-loop Westinghouse-type plants) and then one
steam generator is inspected during the second
and subsequent outages, unless additional
inspections are required because of extensive
degradation as indicated in Table 23. Only one
steam generator is inspected during the first and
subsequent outages at 2- and 3-loop
Westinghouse-type plants and at Combustion
Engineering plants unless additional inspections
are required because of extensive degradation as
indicated in Table 23.

The first sample inspection defined in Table 22

requires a full end-to-end survey of each of the
tubes. The tubes selected as the second and third
samples (if required) during each inservice
inspection may be subjected to a partial tube
inspection provided:

the tubes selected for these samples

include the tubes from those areas of the
tubesheet array where the tubes with
imperfections were previously found;


the inspections include those portions of

the tubes where imperfections were
previously found.

If alternative fitness-for-service guidelines for

ODSCC at tube support plates are used, more
comprehensive inspections must be required by
the plant Technical Specifications (USNRC
1995b). These include bobbin coil probe inspections of all the hot-leg tube support plate
intersections, all the cold-leg intersections down
to the lowest cold-leg tube support plate with
known ODSCC, and 20% of the tubes full
In addition, rotating pancake coil
inspections are required for all bobbin coil
indications greater than 1.0 volt (19mm diameter
tubes) or 2.0 volts (22mm diameter tubes). Also,
rotating pancake coil inspections are required at
all tube-to-tube support plate intersections with
(a) interfering signals from copper deposits, (b)
dent signals greater than 5 volts, or (c) large
mixed residuals.

The inservice inspections shall be performed at

intervals of not less than 12 nor more than 24
calendar months after the previous inspection. If
two consecutive inspections, not including the
pre-service inspection, result in all inspection
results falling into the C-l category or if two
consecutive inspections demonstrate that previously observed degradation has not continued
and no additional degradation has occurred, the
inspection interval may be extended to a
maximum of once per 40 months. If the results
of the inservice inspection of a steam generator
conducted in accordance with Table 22 at 40month intervals fall in Category C-3, the
inspection frequency shall be increased to at least
once per 20 months. Additional, unscheduled
inservice inspections shall be performed after the
following conditions: reactor-to-secondary tube
leaks (not including leaks originating from tubeto-tubesheet welds) in excess of the limits of the
Technical Specifications; or a seismic occurrence
greater than the Operating Basis Earthquake; or
a condition IV loss-of-coolant accident requiring


7.1.2 Tubing Inspection Requirements in the

Czech Republic
The Czech regulatory agency requires a baseline
inspection before operation and then a minimum
of 10% of the tubes in each steam generator
inspected full length every four years. (Each of
the six steam generators at each VVER-440 unit
are inspected every four years.) However,



recent practice has been to inspect all of the tubes

from the hot collector side and 50% of the tubes
from the cold collector side.

system leakage or any tube defects are detected,

100% of the tubes have to be inspected each year
over their full length. Before each inspection,
the steam generator tubes are subjected to a 13.8
MPa (2000 psi) differential pressure test to open
tight cracks and make them more detectable.
Bobbin coil eddy-current equipment is used
above the tubesheet region. 8x1 eddy-current
probes are used in the hot-leg tubesheet region
in most steam generators in order to detect
circumferential degradation. Rotating pancake
coil eddy-current equipment is used in the
tubesheet region of one Japanese plant in order to
detect pitting.

7.1.3 Tubing Inspection Requirements in

The French regulatory agency requires a baseline
inspection before operation, periodic inspections
at least every two years, and complete
inspections (presumably 100% of the tubes full
length) every ten years. The EdF guidelines for
steam generators with susceptible tubing (Alloy
600) require a 100% inspection of the hot leg roll
transition region and the U-bends of the first row
in service every outage and 100% inspections of
the hot leg tube support plate and sludge pile
regions every other outage, with follow-up
inspections of indications during the next outage.
The roll transition and small radius U-bend
inspections must be done with rotating pancake
coil eddy-current equipment. The tube support
plate and sludge pile inspections can be done with
bobbin coil eddy-current equipment.

7.1.6 Tubing Inspection Requirements in

Russian steam generator tube inspections are
performed when leakage of the primary coolant
into the secondary coolant system is detected.
All the tubes are inspected using "visual and
hydro-luminescent" methods.
inspection is being introduced at some Russian
nuclear power plants. Primary-to-secondary leak
rates are monitored using a Na device.

7.1.4 Tubing Inspection Requirements in


7.1.7 Tubing Inspection Requirements in


The scope and frequency of the steam generator

tubing inspections in the Federal Republic of
Germany are specified in KTA 3201.4. 10% of
the tubes in each steam generator must be fully
inspected every four years and half the steam
generators must be inspected every two years.
However, the actual inspections have been more
frequent and some Siemens/KWU steam
generators have been inspected every operating
period over much of their life.

Initially, the sampling procedure outlined in

USNRC R.G.1.83 was followed. However, the
condition of both steam generators triggered
more extensive inspection. Current practice is
full length inspection of all tubes with bobbin coil
probes. Additionally, all bends in Rows 1 and 2
and hot-leg transition zones are inspected with
multifrequency rotating pancake coil probes.
Bobbin coil indications at the tube support plates
are also re-inspected with multifrequency rotating
pancake coil probes for confirmation. The
expanded tubes in the preheater section (cold leg)
are also inspected using rotating pancake coil
probes. A complete inspection is performed
during each refueling outage.

7.1.5 Tubing Inspection Requirements in

The Japanese require that 30% of the tubes be
inspected every other year when a steam
generator has had no leakage and no tube
degradation. If any primary-to-secondary coolant



All sleeves and the tube areas behind the sleeves
are also inspected during each refueling outage.
Also, an ultrasonic baseline inspection was used
to confirm the quality of the sleeve-to-tube welds.
I-coil and Plus-Point eddy-current probes have
been implemented for subsequent examinations.

7.1.10 Tubing Inspection Requirements in

The Swiss utility (NOK) practice is to do a 100%
inspection of their newer steam generators with
Alloy 690TT tubing (which are not particularly
susceptible to degradation) after one year of
operation and then a random sample of 5.5% of
all tubes must be inspected every three years
thereafter. In addition to a full inspection every
three years, all the tubes in the older steam
generators with Alloy 600 tubing are inspected
on the hot-leg side, and up through the U-bend
region to the sixth support plate on the cold leg
side, every outage. Multifrequency bobbin coil
eddy-current equipment is used for these
inspections, supplemented by rotating pancake
coil inspections of the U-bends in Rows 1 and 2
as well as indications within the tubesheet
(including the roll transition region). The Swiss
regulatory authority must witness the inspections.

7.1.8 Tubing Inspection Requirements in

All Spanish steam generators with susceptible
material are inspected during each refueling
outage. 100% of the tubes are inspected over
their full length using bobbin coil eddy-current
equipment. All the hot-leg tubesheet areas and
all the indications detected by the bobbin coil are
also inspected with rotating pancake coil eddycurrent equipment. Fewer tubes are inspected in
the Spanish steam generators with less susceptible
material. For example, only 20% of the
thermally treated Alloy 600 tubes in the
Westinghouse Model F steam generators at one
plant are inspected over their full length every
outage with a bobbin coil, plus a random sample
are inspected with rotating pancake coil eddycurrent equipment (the Model F has stainless
steel quatrefoil support plates). In another plant
with Alloy 800M tubing, 9% of the tubes are
inspected over their full length every outage.

7.1.11 EPRI Tubing Inspection

When the EPRI alternative fitness-for-service
guidelines for defects in the roll transition region
are used, EPRI recommends a rotating pancake
coil eddy-current inspection of all in-service hotleg tube expansion zones at each scheduled
inspection outage. When the EPRI alternative
fitness-for-service guidelines for defects in the
tube support plate regions are used, EPRI
recommends a bobbin coil eddy-current
inspection of all hot-leg tube support plate
intersections, and all cold leg tube support plate
intersections down to the lowest tube support
plate with indications every outage.
Supplemental rotating pancake coil inspections of
a sample of tubes with bobbin coil voltages less
than the tube repair limit is also recommends to
characterize the defects.

7.1.9 Tubing Inspection Requirements in

In Sweden, a random sample of 15-17% of all
tubes must be inspected full length using bobbin
coil eddy-current equipment each year. In
addition, an augmented inspection of 20-100% of
all tubes at specific regions (roll transition, tube
support plate, etc.) is performed. The augmented
inspections include 100% of the hot-leg tubesheet
area. The Swedish regulatory authority must
witness the inspections.




It should be noted that the USNRC has not

accepted the EPRI fitness-for-service guidelines
for defects in the roll transition region, and,
the EPRI tubing inspection
recommendations for that defect type and
location are currently not in the Technical
Specifications at the US plants. The USNRC has
accepted certain alternative fitness-for-service
guidelines for ODSCC at tube support plates (see
Section 7.3.2), but requires a somewhat more
extensive examination than recommended by
EPRI, as discussed in Section 7.1.1.

In recent years, a number of countries have

found the original ASME criterion overly
conservative and inflexible and have developed
revised or new fitness-for-service criteria, often
in conjunction with revised inspection
requirements. Although the new fitness-forservice criteria used in most countries follow the
general guidance contained in Regulatory Guide
1.121, there are substantial differences in
However, the currently
implemented repair criteria can be grouped into
two families: generic and defect type and
location specific criteria. Both these types of
fitness-for-service criteria are briefly introduced
below and then discussed in more detail in
Section 7.3.

7.2 Tubing Repair Criteria

Repair or removal from service (plugging) of
excessively damaged steam generator tubing is
necessary to prevent:

single or multiple tube ruptures

excessive primary to secondary leakage

However, a continuing issue has been exactly

what constitutes excessive damage and which
degraded tubes are or are not still fit for service.
Some of the earliest guidance on this subject was
published in the U.S. Code of Federal
Regulations and in the ASME Pressure Vessel
and Boiler Code and is discussed in Section 7.2.1
below. The ASME code states that for U-tube
steam generators, the allowable outside diameter
flaw shall be less than 40% of the tube wall.
And, this type of criterion was initially
implemented in most countries with PWR or
CANDU plants. However, alternative criteria
are allowed by the ASME code if accepted by die
regulatory authority and USNRC Regulatory
Guide 1.121 provides guidance on how to
develop alternative criteria. Essentially, four
items must be addressed:

the propagation rate of the defect until

the next inspection;
the ability of the inspection methods to
detect defects of a critical size;
the accuracy of the inspection methods to
size defects of a critical size.

7.2.1 Generic Fitness-For-Service Criteria

No flaws. The simplest, most straight forward,
and most conservative generic approach is to
define a minimum detection threshold, inspect all
the tubes on a regular basis, and remove from
service or repair any tubes with indications above
the noise level. This implies, of course, that
there will be no leakage. (Should any leakage
start, me plant will immediately be shutdown and
the tubes inspected.) However, this approach
provides little or no incentive to improve the
inspection and leak detection methods.
Wall thickness. The most widely implemented
fitness-for-service criterion is a minimum wall
thickness criterion (either the value specified in
the ASME code or some other value). The
minimum wall thickness value is determined by
assuming uniform wall thinning around the
circumference of the tube and calculating a wall
thickness which will sustain all postulated loads

the maximum (critical) size of a defect

which ensures stability of the damaged
tube (analytical and experimental




with appropriate margin. Generally, a plastic

load limit analysis is performed with margins
against tube burst of 3 and 1.43 for normal and
accident conditions, respectively. Leak rate
calculations are not required since throughwall
defects are not expected. A minimum wall
thickness criterion works well for degradation
mechanisms that remove considerable material
such as loose parts wear, wastage, etc.
However, a minimum wall thickness criterion
can be overly conservative and costly for small
defects such as pitting, axial ODSCC within the
tube support plates, etc.

generators is typically 38 to 51 mm. (The exact

F* distance is established by considering the
length of roll expansion needed to resist the tube
pull out forces.) The P* distance is typically
about 32 to 38mm.
It is established by
considering the ability of other tubes to prevent
tube pull out (Gorman et al. 1994). The tube
sheet thickness is usually between 525 and 610
Crack length criteria for axial PWSCC in the
residual stress dominated expansion transition
zones. This type of repair limit was originally
developed and implemented in some European
countries (France, Belgium, Spain, Sweden,
Slovenia). Axial cracks located close to the top
of the tubesheet and shorter than about 10 mm
(3/4" tubes) or 13mm (7/8" tubes) may remain in
service even if they are throughwall.
Implementation requires special inspection
techniques which are able to detect and size the
length of the axial cracks and, depending upon
the degree of the degradation, up to 100% yearly

7.2.2 Defect Type and Location Specific

Repair Criteria
The occurrence in recent years of new types of
tube degradation such as PWSCC within the
tubesheet or axial ODSCC within the support
plates initiated the development in some countries
of defect type and location specific repair
criteria. These criteria were developed to reduce
the extent of the steam generator repair or
plugging work without sacrificing plant safety by
reducing the unnecessary conservatisms of the
generic criteria. This was done by taking into
characteristics which may reduce the chances of
tube rupture or leakage. To date, four broad
groups of defect specific repair criteria are in

The main underlying assumption is that Alloy

600 is very ductile. Therefore, reasonably short
throughwall axial cracks exhibit slow propagation
(typically about a mm/year) and do not tend to
result in catastrophic tube failure. Rather simple
analytical models (e.g., Erdogan 1976, for
application see Flesch and Cochet 1990) fit very
well to the experimental results and enable
reliable predictions of critical crack lengths.
Crack growth predictions are estimated on the
basis of statistical analyses of consecutive
inspection results.
The accuracy of the
inspection methods is determined using the
results of metallographic examinations of pulledout tubes.

P* and F* Criteria. Tubes with flaws in the

region where the tube has been expanded against
the tubesheet will not burst and probably will not
Therefore, criteria were developed
specifically for partial and full tubesheet depth
expanded tubes, which allow tubes with flaws in
the tubesheet region to remain in service without
repair, regardless of defect size. However, the
flaws must be some distance below the top of the
tubesheet or bottom of the roll transition,
whichever is lower, so as to prevent pull out of
the damaged tube should it separate at the flaw.
The F* distance for full depth rolled steam


Leakage from tubes with various size cracks has

been measured in the laboratory (Flesch and
Cochet 1990). It was shown that the leak rate
through a single throughwall crack of about
critical length is less than 70 t/h (0.3 gpm).



Therefore, reduced operational leak rate limits

(below 70#/hr per steam generator) and on-line
leak rate monitoring (such as nitrogen-16) were
implemented as an additional safety precaution.

population of defects in the steam generator

under consideration, and allowances for defect
progression and inspection uncertainties then
gives an estimate of total leak rate during
postulated accident conditions (e.g., steam line
break). Should the total leak rate exceed the
predefined acceptable value, the plant operator
has the following options:

The Swedish application of this criterion has an

additional very interesting feature. The final
value of the repair limit is chosen on the basis of
probabilistic risk assessment analysis. The
acceptable conditional tube rupture probability,
given a steam line break, was set to 1 % which
implies an acceptably low core melt frequency
(Gorman 1994, and references therein).

- repair or remove from service (plug) additional

- lower the reactor coolant system activity limits;

Leak before risk of break criteria for axial

PWSCC. This approach is of French origin and
is very similar to the crack length criteria. In the
early implementation stage, leak detection was
considered to be as reliable as tube inspection.
Only samples of tubes were therefore inspected
while the non-inspected, and possibly nearly
critical, defects were expected to be reliably
detected by nitrogen-16 on line leak monitoring.
However, some of the long throughwall cracks
are rather leak tight, which can cause rather
unreliable predictions of the leak rates. The
current tendency is therefore to put increasing
weight on the use of inspections and use leak
detection as an additional safety feature.

- reduce the time between inspections.

Thus, the repair limit may depend on the
condition of the steam generator, the growth rate
of the defects, the coolant activity levels and
other factors, and may be updated at each
inspection and repair campaign.
Note that the voltage criterion is not based on a
mechanistic description or modeling of the defect
in contrast to other criteria. Rather a simple
correlation between a selected parameter,
obtained from inspection, and experimental
results (burst pressure and leak rate
measurements) is derived.

Voltage criteria for ODSCC at the tube

support plates. The very complex morphology
of ODSCC forced the industry to a completely
statistical approach. The signal amplitude of the
bobbin coil eddy-current testing inspection
method was taken as the measure of defect
severity. Based on degraded pulled-out tubes and
specimens prepared in the laboratory, two
correlations were developed: (1) bobbin coil
signal amplitude versus tube burst pressure and
(2) bobbin coil signal versus leak rate (individual
defect in a tube). The burst pressure correlation
together with allowances for defect progression
and inspection uncertainties is used to define the
structural repair limit in the first step. The leak
rate correlation together with the recent

A comparison of the important parameters for

each group of repair criteria is given in Table 24.
7.3 Tubing Fitness-For-Service Guidelines in
Various Countries
The purpose of this section is to review and
discuss the steam generator tubing fitness-forservice requirements in various countries and to
describe in a general way how they are applied.
The countries included in this review are
Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Japan,
Russia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
and the U.S. The U.S. fitness-for-service
guidelines are discussed first because a number




Table 24. General information on repair criteria currently implemented.


Kenair Limit
Measure of defect severity
Typical allowable value

No leak, no Haw

Wall thickness

!>', V
(full denth rolled tubes)

Crack Lenglb
(axial PWSCCi

Leak before risk of break

(axial I'WSCC)

Vollaee criteria


remaining wall thickness [%]


distance from the top of TS

> 38-76 mm

crack length
< 10mm (3/4")
< 13mm (7/8")

crack length and leak rate

< 13mm (7/8")

signal amplitude [V]

1-15 V

adequate to detect





Extent (inin.)
Frequency (max)

1 year

3 years

100% (TS)
1 year

100% (topofTS)
1-2 years

12% (topofTS)
1 year

bobbin, confirmed by
100% bobbin
I year

Leak throiiEh Defects

Required monitoring
Impact on repair limit

sampling, on-line





3.SI/min(l gpm)

3.8 l/min(l gpm)



yes, increases number of
plugged tubes

Iturst Strength
Structural model

as design

as design

Reinforcement by TS

with plastic limit load

No structural model!

Margin at normal operation

Margin at postulated accident
(SI.HI Experimental background



margin against tube pull-out

against pull-out

plastic limit load

burst, leak

burst, leak

3, 95% confidence
1.4, 95% confidence
burst, leak



Defect Specific Criteria

Generic Criteria



Typical operational limit

per steam generator
(technical specifications)

'strongly depends on the inspection hardware and software, which differs in different countries (USA, France, Belgium...)
'hot-leg only


of countries started with the U.S. guidelines and

then modified them. The basis and implementation approach of the fitness-for-service guidelines used in these countries are summarized in
Table 25. Much of the following material was
taken from Gorman et. al. 1994.

ness criterion is used for most defects at Prairie

Island Units 1 and 2, except general wall thinning
(Northern States Power Co. 1985); and a 44%
wall thickness criterion is used for all defects at
San Onofre Units 2 and 3 (Southern California
Edison Co. 1982).

7.3.1 Regulatory Practices and Fitness-ForService Guidelines in the United States

Article F-1341.4 of Appendix F of Section III of

the ASME code limits the applied load to 0.7
times the plastic instability load, which is
determined from either an elastic-plastic analysis
or testing. The plastic instability load is defined
in Article NB-3213.26 of Section III as the load
at which unbounded plastic deformation occurs
wkhout an increase in load. This corresponds to
a safety factor of 1.0/0.7 = 1.43 for design basis
accident loads such as the loads mat would be
applied during a main steam line break. If the
steam generator tubing is assumed to behave like
austenitic piping, which is a reasonable
approximation, Article IWB-3642 of Section XI
of the ASME Code can be used to determine the
factors of safety. It specifies a safety factor of 3
on normal loads and 1.5 on accident loads.

Appendix A of Section 10 CFR 50 of the U.S.

Code of Federal Regulations requires that (a)
U.S. nuclear power plant owners assure that their
reactor coolant pressure boundaries have an
extremely low probability of abnormal leakage,
of rapidly propagating failure, and of gross
rupture and (b) the reactor coolant system and
associated auxiliary, control, and protection
systems be designed with sufficient margin to
assure that the design conditions of the reactor
coolant pressure boundary are not exceeded
during normal operation, including anticipated
operational transients. 10 CFR 50 also invokes
the ASME Code, including Section XI, which
has specific inspection requirements for steam
generator tubing and Section III, which has
general design guidance appropriate for the
analysis of steam generator tubing burst or
rupture. Detailed requirements are contained in
each nuclear power plant's Technical Specifications, which are part of the plant's license
from the USNRC, and are often patterned on the
USNRC Standard Technical Specifications.

Detailed fitness-for-service guidance is provided

to the U.S. nuclear power plant owners in
Regulatory Guide 1.121 (USNRC 1976).
However, it should be noted that the USNRC
regulatory guides are not mandatory and the
legal requirements applicable to a plant are those
in its Technical Specifications, which are
reviewed and approved by the USNRC.
Regulatory Guide 1.121 suggests that three
factors be considered when developing a fitnessfor-service limit: "(1) the minimum tube wall
thickness needed in order for tubes with defects
to sustain the imposed loadings under normal
operating conditions and postulated accident
conditions, (2) an operational allowance for
degradation between inspections, and (3) the
crack size permitted to meet the leakage limit
allowed per steam generator by the technical
specifications of the licenses" (USNRC 1976).

Article IWB-3521.1 of Section XI of the ASME

Code states that the allowable outside diameter
flaws in the tubing in U-tube steam generators
shall not exceed 40% of the tubing wall
thickness. Many U.S. nuclear power plants have
this criterion in their Technical Specifications.
However, Article IWB-3630 of Section XI does
allow alternative criteria to be used, if approved
by the USNRC and a number of US plants use
somewhat higher values in their Technical
Specifications. For example, a 50% wall thick-




Table 25. Fitness-for-service guidelines in eight countries.


How Implemented

Where Used

1. No detectable flaws or leakage

No wall thinning > 20%, no defects over

noise level


2. Flaws limited to a size which is

calculated not to burst during normal
operation and accident conditions

Use safety factors of 3 for normal

operation and 1.4 and 1.5 for accidents and
conservative analysis methods
Often 40% of wall thickness


3. Flaws limited to a size which is

calculated not to burst during normal
operation and accident conditions

Use safety factors of 2.7 for normal

operation and 1.43 for accidents and margins
for accuracy and growth
50% of wall thickness


4. Flaw limited to a size which is not

expected to burst during normal
operation and accident conditions

Use safety factor of 3 for normal operation

and 1.4 - 1.5 for accidents with best estimate
analysis; or conservative analysis methods
with no safety factor; use most conservative


5. Flaws limited to a size so that there

is a low probability of tubing burst
during accident conditions

Use conservative analysis methods for each

degradation mechanism (degradation specific
management) - no explicit safety factors but
aggressive inspections
Rely on a reliable nitrogen-16 leak
detection system


6. Flaws limited to a size which is not

expected to burst during normal
operation and accident conditions

Use conservative analysis methods

supplemented by 100% inspections of
affected areas and tight leak rate limits


7. Set defect size based on allowable

risk of rapture during steam line break

Estimate probability of rupture for each

defect, and require sum for all defects to be
< allowed limit (e.g., 1%)


8. No leakage, detectable flaws of any

size which do not leak are allowed

Plug any tube with detectable leakage


9. Ensure total leakage for all defects

meets dose limits under normal
operating and accident conditions

Estimate leakage for all defects present at

end of interval, make sure total leakage is
significantly less than applicable site dose





The minimum acceptable wall thickness is

defined such that:

during normal operation is less than "the leakage

rate determined theoretically or experimentally
from the largest single permissible longitudinal
crack," so that remedial action can be taken if the
cracks propagate suddenly. Also the leak rate
should be less than the permissible leak rate
based on the site boundary radiation dose.
Although not included in Regulatory Guide
1.121, practice in the U.S. has been to ensure
that the total of all primary system leaks will not
exceed the site dose limits set by 10 CFR 100
during design base accidents, especially the main
steam line break.

Tubes with part through-wall degradation

should not be stressed beyond the elastic
range during normal operation;
There is at least a margin of safety of 3
against tube rupture or burst during normal
There is at least a margin of safety of 1.43
against tube rupture or burst during design
basis accidents (ASME Code, Section ITI,
Articles NB-3225 and F-1341.4);
Any increase in the primary-to-secondary
leak rate must be gradual enough to allow
corrective actions to be taken prior to tube

7.3.2 Alternative U.S. Fitness-For-Service

Guidelines for Outside Diameter IGSCC/IGA
at Tube Support Plates

The method used to estimate the operational

allowance (fraction of the total thickness to
compensate for degradation during the next
operating period) should be based on evaluation
of the continuing degradation rate and a consideration of measurement error. A defect "that
reduces the remaining tube wall thickness to less
dian the sum of the minimum acceptable tube
wall thickness plus the operational degradation
allowance is designated as an unacceptable
defect" and a tube with that defect "should be
plugged" (USNRC 1976). Regulatory Guide
1.121 also suggests that conservative analytical
models be used to establish the minimum
acceptable tube wall thickness.
The wall
thickness must meet the design limits of the
ASME Code as discussed above and the stress
calculations for defective tubes must consider all
stresses and deformations expected during several
design basis accidents. A summary of the
analysis performed must be provided to the
USNRC when applying for alternate fitness-for
-service guidelines.

The tubes in the steam generators at the Trojan

Nuclear Plant (now shutdown) near Portland,
Oregon, experienced considerable outside diameter IGSCC/IGA damage at the tube support
plate locations. Because of the large number of
tubes with suspect indications, the Trojan staff
eventually decided to develop alternate fitnessfor-service guidelines based on bobbin coil
voltage, to limit the number of tubes requiring
repair or plugging (Westinghouse 1991). This
involved correlating bobbin coil eddy-current
voltage with burst pressures. The experimental
work was performed by Westinghouse using
pulled tubes from a number of PWRs as well as
model boiler tubes tested at room temperature
without tube support plate reinforcement. The
results were then adjusted to the operating
temperature of the steam generator using Alloy
600 temperature-dependent mechanical properties. A lower 95% curve was established and the
voltages corresponding to (a) three times the
normal operating pressure difference across the
tubing walls and (b) 1.43 times the pressure drop
during a main steam line break were determined.
The expected growth rate in volts during the next
operating cycle was computed based on limited
prior experience and subtracted from the burst
correlation results, along with an allowance for

Regulatory Guide 1.121 also suggests that the

primary coolant system-to-secondary coolant
system leak rate in the Technical Specifications
be adjusted so that the allowable leakage rate




measurement uncertainty (analysis, probe wear,

and calibration standards). Because of the
uncertainty in the growth rate and the limited
experience with this type of guideline a limit for
the bobbin coil voltage of 1.0 volt was chosen.

conservative values developed by EPRI. All

indications with a bobbin coil eddy-current
voltage greater than the calculated limit require
repair. The development of these correlations is
discussed in somewhat more detail in the next
few paragraphs.

The Trojan alternate fitness-for-service guidelines

required an extensive inspection program. All
the tubes were inspected during the next outage
with bobbin coil eddy-current equipment. All
indications and all intersections up to the 5th tube
support plate were then inspected with rotating
pancake coil eddy-current equipment. Care was
taken to determine when a bobbin coil signal was
a "possible indication" and a rotating pancake
coil signal was something other than background
noise. To provide additional assurance that the
Trojan outside diameter IGSCC/IGA defects
would be detected, the allowable primary-tosecondary coolant system leak rate was reduced
to 492 liters (130 gallons) per day per steam
generator and 1514 liters (400 gallons) per day
for all four steam generators and nitrogen-16
monitors were installed on the main steam lines.
In parallel with the work at Trojan, EPRI
commissioned a committee of U.S. and foreign
experts in steam generator tubing degradation
issues to recommend an alternative fitness-forservice guideline for outside diameter
IGSCC/IGA defects (EPRI 1993a, EPRI 1995).
Their approach is intended to be consistent with
the NRC Regulatory Guide 1.121 and the ASME
Section III philosophy, but is based on
experimentally determined voltage limits, as

To develop the burst pressure versus bobbin coil

eddy-current correlation, EPRI compiled results
from pulled tubes from a number of plants and
model boiler tubes with diameters of 3/4-inches
and 7/8-inches. The eddy-current measurements
were generally made before the tubes were
removed from the steam generators. The burst
tests were performed at room temperature
without tube support plates. Tube support plate
reinforcement was not used because eggcrate and
quatrefoil tube supports do not provide coverage
around the entire circumference and drilled hole
tube support plates may move during a main
steam line break accident, thereby uncovering the
cracks. A curve fit at the lower 95% prediction
interval was then determined and adjusted to
344 C (650 F) using established temperature
dependent lower bound mechanical properties.
The lower value of the bobbin coil voltage at
three times normal operating pressure or 1.43
times the main steam line break pressure drop
was then determined. This was found to be 4.0V
for the 3/4-inch tubing and 4.5V for the 7/8-inch
tubing (for the data available at that time).
To calculate the expected voltage growth during
the next operating cycle, data from consecutive
operating cycles at six plants was evaluated. The
percent voltage growth for each indication and an
average plant value was calculated for each plant,
then a bounding average growth rate greater than
all the plant average values was computed. This
value was shown to be 35%/EFPY.

Where V is the voltage limit for repair, V is a

voltage structural limit from correlations of burst
pressure versus bobbin coil measurement, V
is the measurement error, and V is the voltage
growth associated with the expected crack growth
during the next operating cycle. The values for
V and V were taken from an EPRI database,
and V is based on either plant specific data or




The measurement uncertainty associated with

probe wear and analyst interpretation was also
determined. Probe wear was varied from 0 to
0.5mm on the centering buttons and numerous
scans made of a four hole calibration standard.





The calibration standard was prepared per ASME
Code Section V, Article 8, Appendix II - 860.22.
A standard deviation of 7% was determined.
The largest 592 indications from a plant with
confirmed outside diameter IGSCC/IGA at the
tube support plates was evaluated by six analysts.
The standard deviation of the voltage readings
was found to be 10.3%. A combined root-mean
squares deviation for measurement error of
20.5% was then calculated.

steam generator leak rate be reduced from 1893

to 568 liters per day (500 to 150 gpd).
The USNRC provided guidance to U.S. utilities
who wished to implement the EPRI (or similar)
alternative fitness-for-service guidelines for
ODSCC at tube support plates in Generic Letter
95-05 (USNRC 1995b). Although the USNRC
approved the basic approach discussed above, a
number of key parameters were modified and
made more restrictive (conservative). Also, the
repair criteria discussed in Generic Letter 95-05
only applies to Westinghouse-designed steam
generators with 19 mm (3/4 in.) and 22 mm (7/8
in.) diameter Alloy 600 tubes and drilled-hole
tube support plates and axially oriented ODSCC
confined within the tube-to-tube support plate

Using the EPRI values discussed above and an

expected cycle length of 1.3 EFPYs, the repair
limits are 2.4 volts for 3/4-inch tubing and 2.7
volts for 7/8-inch tubing. It should be noted that
use of these limits requires 100% bobbin coil
eddy-current inspection, and supplemental
rotating pancake coil eddy-current inspections to
characterize the indications as outside diameter

The USNRC voltage repair limits are:

To use the EPRI voltage criteria, the primary-tosecondary coolant system leakage during various
design basis accidents must also be estimated.
Therefore, EPRI correlated leak rate and
probability of leakage with bobbin coil voltage by
testing pulled tubes and model boiler tubes at
estimated main steam line break pressure
differences of 16.1 and 18.3 MPa (2335 and
2650 psi). (However, not all me tubes were
tested at both pressures, and analytical
adjustments were used.) Using the best fit curves
and standard deviations, along with the crack
growth rate and measurement uncertainty
distribution, a Monte Carlo analysis can be
performed to calculate an accident leak rate at the
end of the next operating cycle. (The leak rate
for a given crack size is the probability of
leakage multiplied by the leak rate.) The sum of
the upper 95/95 probability/confidence level
values is then used as the conservative upper
bound leak rate and compared to the site
boundary limits.

22 mm (7/8 in.) diameter tubes with bobbin

coil probe indications less than 2.0 volts may
remain in service.

19mm (3/4 in.) diameter tubes with bobbin

coil probe indications less than 1.0 volt may
remain in service.

Tubes with bobbin coil indications greater

than the above values but less than an upper
voltage repair limit (calculated using the
basic EPRI approach) may remain in service
if a subsequent rotating pancake coil probe
inspection does not confirm the indication.

Tubes with other indications (above the

upper limit, or between the lower and upper
limit and confirmed by rotating pancake coil
inspection) must be repaired.

As with the EPRI fitness-for-service guidelines,

the upper voltage repair limit is determined by
first determining the lower 95% prediction
boundary for an appropriate set of roomtemperature burst pressure versus bobbin coil

Also, to minimize the probability of rupture, the

EPRI guidelines recommend that the allowable




Implementation of a voltage-based repair criteria

must include enhanced inspections. The bobbin
coil inspection should include all the hot-leg tube
support plate intersections and all the cold-leg
intersections down to the lowest cold-leg tube
support plate with known ODSCC. In addition,
20% of the tubes should be inspected over their
full length with a bobbin coil probe. Rotating
pancake coil inspections should be performed for
all bobbin coil indications exceeding 2.0 volts
from 22 mm (7/8 in.) diameter tubes or 1.0 volt
from 19mm (3/4 in.) diameter tubes. Also,
rotating pancake coil inspections should be
performed at all intersections with (a) interfering
signals from copper deposits, (b) dent signals
greater than 5 volts, or (c) large mixed residuals.
Any indications found at such intersections with
a rotating pancake coil should cause the tube to
be repaired or plugged. The bobbin coil should
be calibrated against the standard used to develop
the voltage-based approach. Probe wear should
be controlled. The data analyst's performance
should be consistent with the measurement
uncertainties used.

voltage data, then reducing this lower limit to

account for the lower 95/95% tolerance bound of
the tubing material properties at 343C (650F).
The structural limit voltage, V , is then
determined for a free span burst pressure of 1.4
times the differential pressure calculated for a
main steam line break design basis accident. The
structural limit voltage is then reduced to account
for flaw growth during the next operating cycle
and voltage measurement uncertainty. The flaw
growth allowance should be based on the voltage
growth rates observed at that plant during the last
one or two inspection cycles or 30% per effective
full power year, whichever is larger. The
voltage measurement uncertainty should consider
probe wear and the variability among data
analysts and should be the 95% cumulative
probability value (about 20%).

The total leak rate during a main steam line break

accident must also be calculated by (a)
determining the frequency distribution of the
bobbin coil voltage indications, (b) determining
an end of cycle distribution based on the expected
crack growth and estimated measurement error
and (c) use of empirical probability of leak and
leak rate versus bobbin coil voltage indication
models. The total leak rate must, of course, be
within the licensing basis. The beginning of
cycle bobbin indication frequency distribution
must be scaled upward by a factor of 1/POD to
account for non-detected cracks, where POD is
the probability of detection of ODSCC flaws and
can be assumed to be 0.6. Monte Carlo
techniques can then be used to project the
beginning of cycle voltage distribution to the end
of the cycle, using the expected crack growth
values and measurement uncertainties discussed
above. Once the projected end of cycle voltage
distribution is determined, the leakage is
calculated by multiplying the voltage distribution
by (a) an empirical probability of leakage as a
function of voltage value and (b) an empirical
leak rate as a function of voltage value. These
empirical models should be developed from
appropriate experimental data from either 22 or
19mm tubing, as applicable.


Implementation of a voltage-based repair criteria

must also include a program of steam generator
tube removals and testing. Two tubes (at least
four intersections) must be removed (pulled)
from each plant when the voltage-based repair
criteria is first implemented. An additional tube
(at least two intersections) must be removed
during each outage following 34 effective full
power months of operation, or after three
refueling outages, which ever is shorter. The
removed tubes must be subjected to leak and
burst tests under simulated main steam line break
conditions. The tube intersection areas must also
be destructively examined to confirm that the
degradation is axial ODSCC.
Implementation of a voltage-based repair criteria
must also include reduced leakage limits (568f
per day or 150 gal per day) and adequate leakage
monitoring equipment. Also, tubes with known
leaks must be repaired or plugged.



7.3.3 Alternative U.S. Fitness-For-Service

Guidelines for PWSCC in the Roll Transition
Region Proposed by EPRI

adjusted to the steam generator operating

The tubesheet correction factor was developed by
BELGATOM as follows (for 3/4-in. tubing):

Primary water stress corrosion cracking has been

found in the roll transition region of full- and
part-depth rolled PWR steam generators
worldwide. One of the first alternative fitnessfor-service guidelines was the F* criterion which
is being used in a number of U.S. plants. The F*
criteria applies to steam generators with partial or
full tubesheet depth hard rolled tubes and allows
defects, regardless of size, detected below a
certain distance from the bottom of the roll
transition or top of tubesheet, whichever is
lower, to remain in-service. The F* distance is
established by considering the length of roll
expansion needed to resist tube pull out forces
and is typically 38 to 50mm (1.5 to 2.0 in.). In
other words, the F* criteria has been applied at
locations where there is a very low possibility of
steam generator tube rupture or burst because the
defect remains tightly enclosed within the

0 < a < 4.5mm

4.5 < a < 18mm
18mm < a






These values reflect the tubesheet reinforcement

provided relatively short axial cracks at the roll
The allowance for average crack growth during
the next operating cycle (a^) was determined to
be 0.76 mm/EFPY using data from Doel 2 for
cracks with beginning-of-cycle lengths of 3 to 11
mm (Doel 2 has an inlet temperature of 330C).
However, use of plant specific data is
recommended. To determine the measurement
uncertainty (a ), EPRI compiled results from
comparisons of true crack length with crack
length as measured by rotating pancake coil
eddy-current equipment in France, Belgium,
Sweden, Spain, and the U.S. The 201 data
points provided the following relationship: True
crack length equals the eddy-current measured
crack length less 0.39mm with a two sigma
distribution of 2.12mm. Subtracting 0.39 from
2.12 mm provides an NDE error estimate of
1.73mm. [i.e., the average true length is 0.39
mm shorter than the measured length but at the
95% confidence level (2 sigma) the true length is
1.73 mm longer than the measured length.]

Recently, EPRI also commissioned a committee

of U.S. and foreign experts in steam generator
repair issues to develop alternative fitness-forservice guidelines for tubes with axial PWSCC
above the F* distance (EPRI 1993b). The
following equation is used to find the largest
allowable axial crack which can remain inservice:
A = a, + a-rs - 2

a = 4.5mm
a^ = 6.0 - a/3mm
a =0

Where A is the allowable crack length, a is a

reference crack length from a rupture
correlation, a is a correction for tubesheet
constraint, a is the allowance for crack growth
during the next operating cycle, and a
is a
measurement uncertainty factor. To develop the
rupture correlation (a versus burst pressure)
EPRI compiled results from tests performed on
3/4-inch and 7/8-inch tubing by BELGATOM,
Framatome and EdF, Westinghouse, and CEGB
in Great Britain. The data were normalized and
a bounding equation determined and then

Using safety factors of 3 on the normal pressure

drop and 1.43 on the design basis accident
pressure drop, a critical crack length for a 7/8inch tube of 10.7mm is calculated. Use of this
criterion required a 100% rotating pancake coil
eddy-current inspection of all in-service hot-leg
tube expansion zones. It also required a primaryto-secondary coolant system leakage calculation,
similar to the leakage calculation discussed in
Section 6.2.2 above.






Also, to minimize the probability of rupture,
EPRI recommends that the leak limit during
normal operation be reduced to 568 liters per day
(150 gpd) per steam generator.

1989). Also, analysis and testing were performed to determine if fatigue at the defect
locations could lead to tube rupture. Despite
these efforts, it was decided that a mid-cycle
inspection was necessary. The utility concluded
that the results of that inspection showed that the
models developed at the end of the previous
operating cycle overestimated the number and
size of the tubesheet expansion zone defects, but
underestimated the number and size of the defects
near the tube support plates. The mid-cycle and
future inspections of North Anna Unit 1 consisted
of 100% full length bobbin coil eddy-current
inspections, 100% 8x1 probe inspections of the
hot-legs, 100% rotating pancake coil inspections
near the top of the tubesheet, and follow-up of all
bobbin and 8x1 probe indications with a rotating
pancake coil eddy-current inspection.

The USNRC has not approved use of the EPRI

proposed fitness-for-service guidelines for
PWSCC in the roll transition region in the U.S.
As discussed below, certain other countries are
using variations of these guidelines.
7.3.4 Other Alternative Fitness-For-Service
Guidelines in the U.S.
Extensive pitting in the Indian Point Unit 3 steam
generator caused by a large Hudson River water
excursion into the secondary coolant system in
1981, resulted in alternative fitness-for-service
guidelines at Indian Point Unit 3 during the
period 1981 to 1985. Limits of 65, 50, 55 and
63 % of the tubing wall thickness were used at
various times. These limits were based on burst
testing of pulled tubes and various estimates of
next cycle crack growth and measurement
uncertainty. In 1985, Indian Point returned to .
the ASME 40% criterion and repaired or plugged
all tubes with indications over 40% of the wall

7.3.5 Regulatory Practices and Fitness-ForService Guidelines in Belgium

The starting point for the Belgian fitness-forservice guidelines was the original U.S.
requirements discussed in Section 7.3.1 above,
however, the Belgians consider the 40% of tube
wall thickness limit in Section XI of the ASME
Code too conservative for some locations and
some defect types, and too inflexible. For these
reasons, the Belgians have revised their
requirements for in-service inspection of steam
generator tubes and have defined the objectives
to be met, but assigned the responsibility to the
plant operator to meet them. The revised
technical specification

Extensive circumferential IGSCC/IGA was found

in 1991 on the outside surfaces of the tubes in the
three North Anna Unit 1 steam generators.
These defects were located in the tubesheet
expansion region and directly above and below
the hot-leg tube support plates. All tubes with
significant indications were plugged. However,
due to the rapid increase in the extent of the
stress corrosion damage, the utility decided that
a mid-cycle outage in 10 months was needed. In
an attempt to justify a normal 18 month fuel
cycle, the utility burst tested pulled tubes and
reevaluated their previous NDE data to develop
a conservative crack growth correlation (over
50% of the 1991 indications were identifiable in



states that the objectives of inspection are to:

(1) determine whether tube degradation is
occurring and identify the specific modes
involved, (2) assess the rate of defect growth
and compare it with values used in
establishing plugging/repairing criteria, and
(3) identify the tubes that require


defines the content of the inspection

program, which must include: (1) definition
of inspection techniques and procedures, (2)
tubes and zones to be inspected and (3) the
plugging/repairing criteria to be used for
each type of degradation.

gives general requirements: (1) requiring

inspection methods to be selected such that
they can reliably detect defects of concern,
and (2) establishing the minimum sample size
for inspection^ %) and requiring the sample
size to be expanded and additional inspection
to be used, if necessary, to achieve the

lines is for axial PWSCC at the roll transition at

the top of the tubesheet of full depth rolled tubes.
Other fitness-for-service guidelines have been
developed for axial IGA/IGSCC at tube support
plate intersections, for IGA/IGSCC in the sludge
pile, and circumferential ODSCC at the roll
transition at the top of the tubesheet. The fitnessfor-service guidelines are of two general types,
deterministic and statistical.
fitness-for-service guidelines are used when the
morphology of the defect is such that reliable
sizing is possible using available non-destructive
examination methods, and the size of the defect
can be reliably correlated with tube burst data.
In these cases, the measured size is compared to
an allowed defect size, which includes margins
for sizing error and growth up to the next
inspection, and required safety factors.
Statistical fitness-for-service guidelines are used
when accurate defect sizing by non-destructive
examination technique is not possible. In this
case, a statistical correlation is developed
between a measured non-destructive examination
parameter, such as bobbin coil voltage amplitude,
and the burst strength of tubes with defects
generally obtained from tubes removed from
service. The lower confidence limit of this
correlation, when combined with the required
safety margin, is the maximum permissible value
of the non-destructive examination parameter at
the next inspection, i.e. after allowing for

Based on the revised inspection requirements,

alternate plugging/repairing criteria, i.e. defect
specificfitness-for-serviceguidelines, have been
developed by the plant operator aiming at (1)
ensuring the structural integrity of the tubes, with
adequate safety margin, under normal and during
postulated accident conditions and (2) limiting the
total primary-to-secondary leakage during and
following an accident to a value consistent with
the offsite dose limit. The controlling accident is
considered to be a feedwater/steam line break.
With regard to the safety factors, the Belgians
generally use the safety factors on loadings
required by the USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.121
and the ASME Code.
The fitness-for-service guidelines are submitted
to the safety authority for approval. They are
reassessed after each inspection to take into
account the latest degradation growth rates, the
accuracy of the inspection technique, and any
change in the acceptance criteria (e.g. additional
burst test data).

Predicted primary-to-secondary leakage during

accidents, is calculated on a combined
deterministic-probabilistic basis, taking into
account the measured crack size or measured
non-destructive examination parameter at the
start of the operating interval, probable crack
sizes or non-destructive examination parameters
at the end of the operating interval, and probable
leakage behavior based on tests of tubes removed
from service.

The fitness-for-service guidelines in Belgium are

both defect specific and location specific. For
example, one type of fitness-for-service guide-




7.3.6 Fitness-for-Service Guidelines in Canada

It has been the experience to date that the

response to design basis events (criterion 2(a)),
has defined the permissible degree of tube
degradation in affected CANDU plants (Grant
1994). Criterion (1) has been demonstrated for
the degradation mechanisms experienced by
CANDU units to date, but it may not always be
possible to do that for all degradation
mechanisms which might affect the tubes in the

The regulatory requirements for steam generator

tubing fitness-for-service assessments in Canada
are stated in Clause 14 of CAN/CA N285.4,
"Periodic Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant
Components" (Canadian Standards Association
1994). In general, the only flaw indications
allowed in unrepaired tubes are where the
predicted wall loss does not exceed 40% of the
nominal wall thickness prior to the next
inspection. However, the most recent version of
this standard allows for indications exceeding the
basic 40% criteria, when a satisfactory fitnessfor-service assessment is performed. The fitnessfor-service methodology discussed below is based
on recent assessments carried out at Ontario
Hydro for Bruce-A Unit 2 and Bruce-B (Gorman
et al. 1995).

CANDU plants routinely monitor steam

generator leakage with methods capable of
detecting leaks below 10~ kg/s. Plant operating
procedures require shutdown when the leak rate
exceeds 15 kg/hr. However, the correlation of
leak rate with degradation is usually poor,
because of the dependence of the leak rate on
other variables such as applied loads, crack
morphology, crud, etc. Leak monitoring is a
useful precaution, but it does not in itself
preclude the existence of large flaws or tube
ruptures, it needs to be supplemented by other
actions such as in-service examinations (Grant

The fitness-for-service assessment requires

demonstration that the incremental risk associated
with continued operation of a steam generator
with a known degradation mechanism is justified,
understood and controlled. This has led to the
following acceptance criteria;

Criterion (2(a)) leads to the development of a

Maximum Allowable Leak Rate per unit against
which a Total Estimated Consequential Leak Rate
due to an event is compared.

Demonstrate that the predicted probability of steam generator tube rupture

remains unchanged thus ensuring the
frequency of the event is unchanged
from that considered in support of the
operating license.


Demonstrate, for all design basis events

with possible induced tube failures, that
there are justifiable margins between
estimated doses due to consequential
tube leakage and the applicable dose


Demonstrate that post-accident operating conditions are manageable and

procedures adequate such that overall
consequences remain acceptable.


The general fitness-for-service assessment

methodology consists of the following steps:
Determination of Degradation Mechanism and
Root Cause. The first step in the assessment
process determines the degradation mechanism
and the root cause of the problem (more than one
degradation mechanism may be affecting the
tubes). This leads to two possible paths of action
depending on how widespread the problem is. If
the population of affected tubes is known to be
small, i.e. die degradation is not generic, then the
affected tubes are either taken out of service or



are allowed to remain in service if the tube flaw

indications are less than the 40% plugging
criterion. Actions may also take place to remove
the cause of the problem. For example, if the
degradation was caused by debris there is an
effort to remove it from the steam generator. If
the tube degradation is found to affect a large
population of tubes in the steam generators, i.e.
the degradation is generic in nature, then the
fitness-for-service assessment continues.
Failure of the Tube(s) under Normal
Operating Conditions. For normal operating
conditions, it is necessary to determine the
specific degradation mechanism(s); characterize
the tube flaw characteristics and material
properties, the loadings and the tube behavior
under such loadings; and, determine the mode(s)
of failure of the degraded tube and the resulting
leak rate. Sources of information for this step
include non-destructive and destructive (tube
pulls) examinations and structural testing of tubes
containing characterized defects.
information is required to demonstrate that
degradation induced failure of the tube will occur
in a stable controlled manner. This leads to an
evaluation of the increase in probability of boiler
tube rupture under normal operating conditions
and an evaluation of the adequacy of the basic
Shutdown Leak Rate. Criterion (1) is satisfied if
it can be shown that the maximum predicted
probability of boiler tube rupture remains
unchanged. This criterion must be satisfied for
the fitness-for-service assessment to continue.


How are the tubes likely to fail?


How many tubes are at risk of failing at

the end of the operating cycle, i.e. just
prior to the next inspection?


What remedial measures could be put in

place to correct or mitigate the degradation and what is the impact of these
measures on the safety assessment?

Determine Failure Mode of Tubes. Again, it is

necessary to determine the specific degradation
mechanism(s); characterize the tube flaw
characteristics and material properties, the
loadings and the tube behavior under such
loading; and, determine the mode(s) of failure of
the degraded tube and the resulting leak rate.
This is required to determine the level of
degradation beyond which credit can not be taken
for pressure boundary integrity for a particular
event (i.e. the tube is at risk of leaking). This is
referred to as the Accident Specific Degradation
Threshold Value (ASDTV). To determine the
ASDTV, event specific loadings are considered.
These loadings are obtained from thermal
hydraulic analyses of each design basis event and
include the appropriate factors of safety. The
ASDTV is analytically calculated using flaw
models which have been validated by suitable
structural tests.
Determine Number of Tubes at Risk of Failing
by the End of the Operating Cycle. To predict
how many tubes are likely to fail by the end of
the operating cycle, the future condition of the
tubes must be predicted by determining the
present condition, the rate of change of the
degradation and the duration of the operating
period to the next inspection. In-service examin-

Failure of the Tubes as a Consequence of

Design Basis Events. In order to estimate a total
leak rate for a particular tube degradation
mechanism as a consequence of a specific event,
it is necessary to answer the following questions:




ation results and probability models provide an

estimate of the future condition of the tubes. In
the Bruce-A Unit 2 case the ODSCC was
extremely difficult to detect and required the
development of a new eddy- current inspection
probe, called Cecco-3. This sensitive probe was
a key factor in the success of the overall
assessment. The impact of any remedial action
on both the present condition and the rate of
change is also included in the assessment.

Fitness-for-Service Assessment. The steam

generators in the unit are judged to be fit for
continued service if criteria (1) and (2) are
satisfied. If these relationships are not shown to
be true then additional measures must be
implemented to either further correct the situation
(new plugging limits, internal modifications,
cleaning, etc.) or shortening the operating
interval and/or reducing the power levels. The
assessment is then repeated.

In the fitness-for-service assessment, a maximum

tolerable flaw size (MTFS) is also calculated
(based on ductile collapse of flawed tubes) and is
used to establish the plugging criterion which
considers the inspection interval, expected
growth rate, and inspection uncertainty. The
loadings considered for determining the MTFS
are the loadings which represent bounding
loading conditions for the ASME Service Levels
A, B, C and D. The assessment then considers
the future condition of the tubes and the
calculated threshold value ASDTV to predict the
total number of tubes at risk of leaking by the
end of the operating cycle.

7.3.7 Regulatory Practices and Fitness-ForService Guidelines in the Czech Republic

Defective steam generator tubes with 80% or
greater wall thickness reduction have been
plugged. This value was recommended by the
manufacturer, Vitkovice, and has not been
approved by the Czech regulatory body.
Additional work to determine the final criterion
is under way (burst testing). Leakage limits were
developed and approved by the Czech regulatory
body in 1993.
7.3.8 Regulatory Practices and Fitness-ForService Guidelines in France

Remedial Actions. To determine appropriate

remedial actions, which could be corrective or
preventive in nature, the degradation mechanism,
the root cause and contributing factors must be
thoroughly understood. Further, the impact of
all remedial actions must be taken into account in
the safety assessment.

The measures taken by EdF and the French

regulatory authority, DSIN, to prevent tube
rupture or burst during normal, off-normal, or
accident conditions are based on aggressive
inspection and leak detection programs supported
by defect type and location specific fitness-forservice criteria (Cochet 1989, Saudan 1992,
Lemaire 1993). To find PWSCC in the roll
transition region of steam generators susceptible
to PWSCC, the hot leg side roll transition region
of every tube is inspected during each outage
using rotating pancake coil eddy-current
equipment. To find PWSCC in the small radius
U-bends, the U-bend region of all the tubes in the
first row still in service and a sample of the tubes
in the second row are inspected during each
outage, using a flexible rotating coil (susceptible
steam generators). To find outside diameter
IGSCC/IGA at the tube support plates, the hot

Total Estimated Consequential Leak Rate.

The total Estimated Consequential Leak Rate is
determined by evaluating the product of the total
number of tubes at risk at the end of the
operating cycle and the total leak rate per tube.
Criterion (2) is satisfied if it can be shown, for all
design basis events, that there are justifiable
margins between the estimated consequential
doses due to tube leaks and the applicable dose
limits and that the overall post accident
consequences remain acceptable.




leg tube support plate locations are inspected

during every other outage, using bobbin coil
eddy-current equipment (susceptible steam
generators). Follow-up inspections of affected
tubes still in service are performed during the
next outage. Also, 100% of the hot leg tube
length in the sludge pile is inspected using bobbin
coil eddy-current equipment every other outage.
The accuracy of the examination techniques are
assessed by comparing the measurements to the
results of pulled tube destructive examinations
(more than 350 to date).

The defect type and location specific fitness-forservice guidelines used in France are
summarized, as follows:
Axial PWSCC in the roll transition zone. The
axial crack length limit is based on an analysis of
crack growth and tube burst during a main steam
line break, which is considered to be the design
basis accident that imposes the highest loads.
Correlations of critical crack length versus burst
pressure have been developed from experiment.
The analysis uses these correlations and the
maximum tube diameter and minimum wall
thickness, adverse mechanical properties, upperbound temperatures and pressures, a conservative
allowance for crack growth during the next
operating cycle, and margin for NDE error.
Safety factors are not applied. In developing
these correlations, the French concluded that a
crack with an end within the tubesheet where the
tube is in contact with the tubesheet can
propagate in an unstable manner in only one
direction. The maximum allowable free crack
length is 13mm, for the 900 MWe plants. A
temporary criterion of 13mm has also been
adopted for the 1300 MWe plants. A definitive
plugging criterion will be established after
completion of certain probabilistic risk studies.

The primary-to-secondary coolant system leak

rate in EdF steam generators at plants that have
experienced tube degradation is measured by
both manual and nitrogen-16 monitors. The
plant must be immediately shutdown when the
nitrogen-16 monitor detects a leak greater than
72 H/hr. The leak rates measured manually that
require plant shutdown are:

Steam generators not susceptible to PWSCC

in the roll transition zones: 3 0/hr

Steam generators susceptible to PWSCC in

the roll transition zones: 5 {/hr, an increase
of 1 f/hr, or a difference between steam
generators of 3 4/hr.

Circumferential PWSCC. Tubes with circumferential PWSCC must be plugged because (a)
the leak before risk of break approach does not
apply since the cracks are often not throughwall
until the tube is close to rupture (i.e., the cracks
tend to propagate around the tube first), and (b)
the rotating pancake coil eddy-current detection
limit is only about 50% of the wall thickness. In
other words, the French do not believe that there
is much margin between initial detection of
circumferential PWSCC and possible rupture
under extreme accident conditions.

These values are important because the French

use, in part, a leak before risk of break approach
for some defects which is based on the ability to
"demonstrate that any risk of rupture of a tube
under the most extreme operating conditions is
necessarily preceded by an allowable leak under
normal operating conditions, whose detection
makes it possible to shut down the nuclear steam
supply system as a preventative measure"
(Gorman et al. 1994). Therefore, the French
have developed leak rate models for predicting
the expected primary-to-secondary coolant
system leak rates of tubes with various defects.




PWSCC in the inner row U-bends. All tubes

with indications measured with bobbin coil and
flexible rotating coil eddy-current equipment
must be plugged. This is because it is almost
impossible to pull tubes and develop correlations
of actual crack length versus NDE results and
prove that leak before risk of break applies.
Preventive plugging of tight U-bend tubes
susceptible to PWSCC was carried out at several
French units to improve the availability of the

7.3.9 Regulatory Practices and Fitness-ForService Guidelines in Germany

Outside diameter IGSCC/IGA at tube support

plates. The repair or plugging criteria is a
bobbin coil voltage of 2 volts, which corresponds
to approximately 17 volts in the U.S.. This
rather large limit (as compared to a typical U.S.
repair criteria of 1 to 2 volts) is due to the
assumption that the tubing will be supported in
those regions by the tube support plates during
various design basis accidents. The 17 volt value
was apparently obtained from an experimental
correlation between bobbin coil eddy-current
voltage and tubing burst strengths with support
plates present, plus a voltage value for the
expected crack growth during the next operating
period, plus an allowance for measurement error.
A more conservative value (1 volt) is used for
defects at the higher tube support plate elevations
of some steam generators (e.g. the model 51 A).

The repair or plugging criteria in the Federal

Republic of Germany are designed to prevent
rupture during normal operation or design basis
accident loadings (Azodi et al. 1987). Defected
steam generator tubes are evaluated on a case by
case basis. However, wall degradation of 50%
or greater generally results in plugging. This
value was obtained from burst test results and:

7.3.10 Regulatory Practices and Fitness-ForService Guidelines in Japan

The fitness-for-service guideline issued by the
Japanese Ministry of International Trade and
Industry is simply steam generator tubing "flaws
are not allowed" (Shizuma 1992). The term
"flaw" is interpreted to mean any indication
(crack, pit or general wall thinning) greater than
20% of the nominal wail thickness. Obviously,
primary-to-secondary coolant system leakage is
not allowed and a plant with a leak must be
immediately shut down upon detection of the
leak. Indications of degradation with a depth less
than 20% are considered acceptable if the eddycurrent signal shows no change from the previous
inspection. Preventive plugging of tight U-bend
tubes susceptible to PWSCC has been performed
at two units.

Outside diameter IGSCC/IGA in the sludge

pile. A bobbin coil eddy-current voltage of
500mV without an axial crack, or 200mV with
an axial crack of 10mm or greater (detected by
rotating pancake coil), or any ODSCC indication
from both bobbin coil and rotating pancake coil
equipment, are the repair or plugging limits for
IGSCC/IGA in the sludge pile.
Other indications. All other indications except
those discussed above, including wear caused by
foreign objects, AVBs, etc., and free-span
defects are judged against the ASME 40% of
wall criterion.


a measurement uncertainty of 10% for

eddy-current testing and about 5 % for
ultrasonic examinations
a factor of safety of 2.7 against rupture
during normal operation and 1.43 against
rupture during design basis accident loadings
an operational allowance for crack growth or
additional wastage during the next operating
period of about 3% of the wall thickness
(steam generators with phosphate water



7.3.11 Regulatory Practices and Fitness-ForService Guidelines in Russia

Circumferential stress corrosion cracking in

the roll transition area. Any tube with detected
defects of this kind is to be repaired or plugged.

The fitness-for-service guideline currently used in

Russia (and presumably in the rest of the former
Soviet Union) is no steam generator tubing
leakage. All tubing with throughwall cracks
which cause detectable primary-to-secondary
coolant system leakage are plugged. All other
defect indications are ignored. There has been
no sleeving in the VVER steam generators.

PWSCC in the inner row U-bends. Any

detected defect triggers repair or plugging of the
ODSCC at tube support plates. Recently, a
conservative version of the EPRI based voltage
methodology has been implemented for ODSCC
at the tube support plates. Initially, 100% of the
tubes are inspected using a bobbin coil probe.
All bobbin coil indications with a signal
amplitude exceeding 1 volt and depth reading
exceeding 45% are inspected again using a
multifrequency rotating pancake coil probe.
Tubes with defects confirmed by multifrequency
rotating pancake coil probes are then repaired.
Probabilistic analyses addressing events of tube
burst and excessive leakage during a steam line
break were performed and are currently being
refined to support the implementation of this

7.3.12 Regulatory Practices and Fitness-ForService Guidelines in Slovenia

The fitness-for-service guidelines in Slovenia
were traditionally based on the 40% tube wall
loss repair criterion. For the power plant located
in Krsko, a plant specific value of 45% was
derived and implemented.
However, this
approach was considered overly conservative
which lead to the implementation of the
degradation specific guidelines outlined below.
The defect type and location specific approach is
mainly based on extensive inspection (see section
7.1.7) and additionally supported by on-line leak
detection monitoring (nitrogen-16) and allowable
leak rates of 40 f/hr per steam generator.

Tubes with defects exceeding the
traditional 45 % loss of tube wall thickness are

Axial stress corrosion cracking in the roll

transition area. The P* and crack length repair
criteria are currently implemented. The P*
criterion allows for any defects located at least 38
to 76mm (depending on the position of the tube)
below the top of tubesheet and for axial defects
anywhere inside the tubesheet. The crack length
repair criterion is actually based on the Belgian
approach described above and allows for axial
cracks in the expansion transitions, and for both
PWSCC and ODSCC in the sludge regions, if the
axial cracks are shorter than 6 mm. An
additional restraint is that tubes with cracks
located more than 7mm above the tubesheet have
to be repaired if the 45 % criterion is violated.

Sleeved tubes. All sleeved tubes and all sleeves

are inspected during each outage. A 45% loss of
tube wall thickness criterion is applied for both
the intact part of the tube and the load carrying
portion of the sleeve. In practical terms this
means repair of all tubes with detected
indications, as no wall depth readings can be
obtained from the I-coil and Plus-Point eddycurrent probes.
7.3.13 Regulatory Practices and Fitness-ForService Guidelines in Spain
A research program was launched in Spain to
manage steam generator degradation. Partici-




pants included the utilities, manufacturers

(ENSA), inspection agency (Tecnatom), and
research centers (Ciemat) (Bollini 1993). The
fundamental objective of the Spanish fitness-forservice criteria is the same as the French criteria,
that is to assure that the critical crack length
under accident conditions is not exceeded during
normal operation, so that tube rupture will not
occur during a design basis accident. Defect type
and location specific fitness-for-service criteria,
along with aggressive inspections of defected
steam generators, are used.

roll transition area or above the P* criterion limit

must be repaired or plugged. The P* criterion
allows tubes to remain in-service if the
circumferential indication is located 38mm or
more (for most of the non-peripheral tubes)
below the top of the tubesheet and motion in the
vertical direction is controlled by an essentially
non-defective tube.
Outside diameter IGSCC/IGA at the tube
support plates. The Spanish utilities have
proposed a fitness-for-service guideline of 78%
of the wall thickness for these defects. The
Spanish regulatory agency Consejo de Seguridad
Nuclear has not yet approved that criteria and the
Spanish utilities are considering the EPRI bobbin
coil voltage criteria discussed above.

The Spanish defect type and location specific

fitness-for-service guidelines are discussed
Axial PWSCC in the roll transition area. Two
guidelines are used, the first is the P* criterion,
which allows a tube with axial PWSCC to remain
in-service if the indication is below the top of the
tubesheet and motion in the vertical direction is
controlled by an essentially nondefective tube.
The second guideline is based on the French leak
before risk of break approach which assumes that
accurate leak rate measurement during normal
operation will detect crack growth before the
crack reaches the critical length. Primary-tosecondary coolant system leak rate correlations as
a function of crack size are, of course, needed
for this approach and were based on the French
work, modified with Spanish data. The largest
allowable crack length is 8 mm, which is based
on a critical crack length of 13 mm (12.6 mm
when the rolling is non-standard) less an upper
bound crack growth of 4 mm per fuel cycle and
a measurement uncertainty of 1 mm. All tubes
with indications equal to or longer than 8 mm
(7.6 mm in the case of non-standard rolling) must
be repaired or plugged. The maximum number
of parallel axial cracks in a tube is 20. Tubes
with axial PWSCC more then 18 mm above the
tubesheet must be repaired or plugged when the
defect is deeper than 40% of the wall thickness.

Other indications. The plugging criterion for

fretting damage at the antivibration bar
intersections is 55% of the wall thickness. All
indications omer than the defect type and location
specific defects discussed above are judged
against the ASME 40% of wall thickness criteria.
The maximum primary to secondary leak rate for
steam generators with susceptible tubing is
limited to 5d/hr above a steady leak rate at the
beginning of the cycle of 5tf/hr or less. The
maximum primary to secondary leak rate for
steam generators with Alloy 800M or thermally
treated Alloy 600 tubing is 72tf/hr (1728 4/day)
during normal operation.
7.3.14 Regulatory Practices and Fitness-ForService Guidelines in Sweden
The starting point for the Swedish fitness-forservice guidelines are the U.S. requirements,
except that the tubes must be repaired or plugged
when the defect indication is greater than 50% of
the wall thickness, rather than the 40% specified
in the ASME code. However, defect type and
location specific requirements have been
developed for axial PWSCC in the tubesheet
region and outside diameter IGSCC/IGA at the
tube support plates.

Circumferential PWSCC in the roll transition

area. Tubes with circumferential PWSCC in the



The Swedish approach forjudging axial PWSCC
in the tubesheet region is probabilistic or risk
based in nature (Hedner 1992). The objective is
to limit the probability of steam generator tube
burst during a main steam line break to less than
1 %, i.e., the sum of all tubes with an indicated
crack length, times the probability of burst for
that crack length, must be less than 0.01.
In equation form:
E P <0.01
M x

Outside diameter IGSCC/IGA indications at tube

support plates with depths up to 70% of the wall
thickness can remain in-service provided that the
indication is within the length of the tube support
plate and is in the lower five tube support plates.
These limits are based on tube burst testing with
a tube support plate present and analysis to
determine tube support plate deflection during
design basis accidents. Defects at the upper tube
support plates are allowed when the bobbin coil
voltage is less than 1.5V.

where fi is the number of cracks of length x and

P is the probability of burst or rupture of a tube
with a crack of length x. The probability of burst
includes the expected crack growth during the
next fuel cycle and measurement error and varies
as a function of crack length and distance above
the tubesheet. For example, a 12.4mm crack is
calculated to have a probability of burst of 1 %,
a 9mm crack is calculated to have a probability
of burst of 0.34%, and 6 mm crack is calculated
to have a probability of burst of 0.0001 %. Only
the lengths of cracks above the tubesheet are
considered. Tubes with axial cracks below the
top of the tubesheet can remain in-service without
repair. Tubes with circumferential PWSCC can
remain in-service when the cracks are below the
P* distance (38mm below the top of the
tubesheet). Tubes with circumferential PWSCC
above the P* distance must be repaired or

Fitness-For-Service Guidelines in

The repair criteria used by the Swiss utility

(NOK) is that all tubes with clear indications
within the tubesheet, independent of their depth,
will be sleeved and all tubes with indications
outside the tubesheet and greater than 50% of the
wall thickness will be plugged. Multifrequency
bobbin coil eddy-current equipment is used
outside the tubesheet region and rotating pancake
coil eddy-current equipment is used for
supplemental examination of indications within
the tubesheet.




A typical PWR plant has two to four steam
generators each with a total tube surface area of
about 2,500 to 12,000 m (25,000 to 130,000
ft ). Eddy-current testing is well suited for
inspecting thin-walled tubes with large surface
areas, because it offers both very high scanning
speed and high sensitivity. In addition, eddycurrent testing does not require direct contact
with the test material and, therefore, a coupling
medium is not necessary. Also, eddy-current
inspections can be easily automated.

also been found. Tight spacing between pits also

makes interpretation of eddy-current test signals

The various steam generator designs introduce

several features that make eddy-current
inspection difficult. These features include the
roll-transition region where the diameter of the
tube and its wall thickness are continuously
changing, the U-bend region where the tube
cross section is somewhat elliptical instead of
circular, a thick tubesheet [typically 0.53 to
0.6-m (21 to 23.5-in.) thick] to which the tube
ends are welded and which also constitutes a
boundary between primary and secondary
coolants, structures to support the tubes at
different elevations, AVBs to support the tubes in
the U-bend region, and baffle plates to support
the tubes within the economizer. Two additional
design features are present in some steam
generators, a crevice in the tubesheet region,
typically 0.15-mm (0.006-in.) wide radial gap,
and a small annular gap between tube and
support plates with drilled holes. Cold work
present in the roll transition and U-bend regions,
especially the U-bends of the first few rows, also
affect eddy-current inspection results.

However, eddy-current inspection of steam

generator tubes has faced two types of challenges
that have made reliable detection of defects
difficult: appearance of newer and much more
subtle forms of degradation in the aging steam
generator tubes, and the presence of a variety of
design features and deposits on the outside
surface of the tubes which produce signals that
mask the responses produced by the defects. In
the last 25 years, steam generator tubes have
been damaged by wastage, denting, intergranular
attack and intergranular stress corrosion
cracking, pitting, high-cycle fatigue, fretting,
erosion-corrosion, and corrosion fatigue on the
secondary side and primary water stress
corrosion cracking on the primary side. The
geometry of damage caused by these degradation
mechanisms can be complex and different. Wall
thinning caused by wastage results in a large
change in volume, stress corrosion cracks and
pitting are small-volume flaws, and the damage
caused by denting results in a significant
deformation of the tube cross-section. Some of
the flaws are shallow and others are deep and
they initiate from either the outside or inside
surface, or both. Generally flaws found at a
given location have primarily been either axial or
circumferential, but in some instances both axial
and circumferential flaws are found at the same
location and flaws with other orientations have


Deposits on the secondary side of the tubesheet

or adhering to the outside surface of the tubes
also make eddy-current inspection difficult.
Corrosion of the carbon steel components in the
secondary feedtrain, dissolution of heat
exchanger tubing, and condenser leakage are the
main sources for the sludge deposited on the
tubesheet and tubes.
The sludge includes
magnetite, which is ferromagnetic and has a high
permeability and affects the impedance of the
eddy-current coil. The sludge often includes
copper, which has a high conductivity. Copper
plating on a tube provides a strong eddy-current
signal, which can mask the presence of pits.



Several different mitigation and repair techniques

used for steam generator tubes also pose
challenges to the eddy-current inspections. Shot
peening and nickel plating have been used to
reduce the susceptibility of steam generator tubes
to PWSCC. Shot peening introduces cold work
on the surface. Nickel is ferromagnetic and has
high permeability. Sleeves have been used for
tube repair and plugs have been used to take
tubes out of service. Inspection of the portion of
the parent tube covered by a sleeve and
inspection of plugs also places new requirements
on the eddy-current probes.

the defect location, orientation, and size, and

other structural characteristics of the component
being inspected must be carefully and repeatedly
8.1.1 Principles of Eddy-Current Testing
The basic eddy-current system consists of a test
coil, an alternating current source (or oscillator),
and instrumentation to sense changes in the coil
caused by changes in the magnitude and phase of
the eddy-currents within the test material.
Typical frequencies for steam generator tube
inspection range from 10 kHz to 1 MHZ (EPRI
NDE Center 1987).

This section first describes the conventional

eddy-current technologies and includes a
discussion of the principles of eddy-current
inspection, basic probes and their characteristics,
and multifrequency/multiparameter inspection
techniques. Then the advanced eddy-current
probes including motorized rotating pancake
coils, array probes, transmit/receive probes, and
I-coils and Plus-Point probes (for sleeve
inspection) are discussed. Next, inspection of
sleeved tubes, nickel plated tubes, and tube plugs
is discussed. The need for and use of ultrasonic
inspection techniques are discussed next. The
limitations of the inservice inspection methods
(accuracy and reliability) are summarized.
Finally summary and conclusions are presented.

The alternating electric current in a test coil

produces a time-varying primary magnetic field
that surrounds the coil. The magnetic field is
oriented normal to the current in the coil or
parallel to the coil's axis. When the primary
magnetic field comes in the vicinity of a
conductive medium, secondary electric currents,
called eddy-currents, are produced through the
process of electromagnetic induction. The eddycurrents flow normal to the direction of the
magnetic flux and parallel to the direction of the
electric current in the test coil. The eddycurrents, in turn, produce a secondary magnetic
field in the material, which opposes the primary
magnetic field and reduces its net magnetic flux.
This reduction in the primary field of the test coil
causes a change in the coil's impedance. Any
variation in the material that impedes the flow of
the eddy-currents, such as a discontinuity in the
material or changes in the conductivity or
permeability of the material, produces changes in
the primary and secondary magnetic fields and
thereby alters the test-coil impedance. The
change in the impedance is sensed by the
associated instrumentation.

8.1 Conventional Eddy-Current Techniques

Because eddy-currents are sensitive to many
parameters, eddy-current testing is extremely
versatile and can be used to sense and test many
aspects of a material. However, this advantage
also has a negative aspect. Irrelevant parameters
can mask the desired information and cause
misinterpretation of the test results. Therefore,
all the factors that affect probe impedance must
be considered and a high level of analyst training
and expertise is critical in recognizing these
factors. Also, eddy-current inspections are based
on indirect measurements and, therefore,
correlations between the instrument readings and

Factors that influence the magnitude and path of

the eddy-currents are the coil impedance, the
electrical conductivity and magnetic permeability
of the test material, the lift-off and fill factors




(defined below), and the amplitude and frequency

of the applied field. Impedance is the total
opposition a coil presents to an alternating
current. Impedance (Z) is a vector quantity and
has two components: the resistance of the wire,
R, and the inductive reactance, X .
magnitude of the impedance is given by
Z = (R + X )' , and the associated phase angle
0 is equal to Tan'(X \R). The conductivity of
Alloy 600 is 1.7% IACS and its relative
permeability is 1.0 since this material is not
ferromagnetic. Changes in the spacing between
the coil and the part being inspected alter the
eddy-current signal, and are called lift-off. The
lift-off effect produced by small changes in
spacing can mask the eddy-current response from
defects that are of primary interest. For a bobbin
type coil, a condition comparable to lift-off is
known as a fill factor, which measures how well
the test coil fills the inside of the tube being
inspected. A small change in the inside diameter
of the tube can produce a large change in the
eddy-current signal.

called a Lissajous signal and is shown in

Figure 85.
Penetration, Frequency, and Phase Lag.
Eddy-currents are not uniformly distributed
within the test sample but are concentrated at the
near surface, that is, the inside surface of the
tube. The density of eddy-currents decreases
exponentially with depth in the material. This is
called the skin effect and can be explained as
follows: eddy-currents flowing at any depth in
the tube produce secondary magnetic fields which
oppose the primary field, thus reducing the
magnetic flux of me primary field at a greater
depth, which in turn induces eddy-currents of
smaller density. Eddy-current penetration is a
function of the material conductivity and
permeability, and the test frequency of the
inspection coil.
Since conductivity and
permeability are material properties that cannot
be changed, frequency is the primary operating
variable and can be optimized to meet the
inspection objective. For eddy-current testing,
penetration power is normally determined in
terms of me standard depth of penetration (6) and
is defined as the depth at which the density of the
eddy-currents is reduced to 37% of that at the
surface. It can be calculated as follows:

Additional factors specific to inspection of steam

generator tubes are cracking, deformation of the
tube cross-section (i.e., denting the tube,
expansion in the transition region, etc.) and wall
thinning. These factors affect the primary
magnetic field and the flow of the eddy-currents
in the tubes. The presence of a tubesheet,
support plates (nearby, but not necessarily in
contact), and material deposits also affect the
flow of eddy-currents.

6 = 1.98(p/fy )* mm,

where p is the material resistivity (juohm-cm), f

is the test frequency (hertz), and ix is the
relative permeability (a dimension-less quantity
and equal to 1 for non-ferromagnetic tubing).
The attenuation of the eddy-current density with
depth implies that defects located at different
depths will change the probe impedance by
different amounts. So, the amplitude of the
eddy-current signal from a large subsurface
defect could be similar to the signal from a small
surface defect. Therefore, additional information
is generally needed to determine the severity of
a defect.
This problem is addressed by
measuring both the amplitude and phase angle of
the signal. Measurement of the phase angle is of

The most common method for measuring the

impedance changes in a steam generator eddycurrent inspection coil is an impedance plane
analysis. As mentioned, the coil impedance is
the vector sum of the resistance and the reactance
and therefore, can be plotted and displayed using
an X-Y storage oscilloscope or the equivalent
(Hagemaier 1983). Modern instruments use a
flying-dot approach to display the phase and
amplitude of the impedance change.
resulting data that is traced on the display is




Figure 85. Typical eddy-current signal displayed


prime importance because it permits characterization of certain defects as well as a reliable

estimation of their depth.
Eddy-currents are not generated simultaneously
throughout the test part, but require time to
penetrate the material. This difference in time or
phase lag is a key analysis factor for determining
crack location (inside versus outside) and depth.
It is generally expressed as:

a cathode ray tube (Courtesy of M. Klatt, Zetec,

to provide an adequate phase separation to

resolve near surface and far surface indications.
The frequencies are determined by considering
the material thickness and calculating the
penetration of eddy-currents within the material.
As an example, a high frequency can be used to
selectively examine near surface regions.
Conversely, low frequencies can be used if
additional penetration is needed. However, when
low frequencies are used, sensitivity is sacrificed
and it may not be possible to detect small flaws.

6 = X/6
8.1.2 Basic Probes
where 8 is the phase lag angle in radians and X
is the depth within the material. At the depth of
X = 6 , the resulting phase lag is 57 degrees.
For thin-walled tubing, a frequency is often
selected to provide a sufficient eddy-current
density at both the inside and outside surface for
crack detection, but another frequency is selected

The heart of an eddy-current inspection system is

the probe. Selection of a coil configuration is
crucial for a reliable inspection. For crack
detection, the inspection coil must be configured
such that eddy-currents are generated normal to
the crack orientation to maximize the response
from the crack. For steam generator tube



inspection, there are two basic probe types.

Bobbin coils and surface or pancake coils. The
bobbin coil is generally used, but its major
limitation is that it cannot reliably detect
circumferential cracks. Conversely, the pancake
coil is capable of detecting cracks at all
orientations, including circumferential cracks.
There are several variations of the surface coil
design that will be discussed later in the section.

tial direction. The resulting primary magnetic

field is oriented along the tube axis, and the flow
of eddy-currents induced in the tube is along the
circumferential direction, parallel to the current
in the test coil. Therefore, bobbin coils are
sensitive to the presence of axial cracks, which
impede the flow of the eddy-currents, but are
much less sensitive to circumferential cracks.
However, a bobbin coil may not detect an axial
crack if it is present in the region of major
geometry change such as roll transition region.
Bobbin coils are also sensitive to volumetric
discontinuities such as wastage, pitting, and
fretting. An advantage of bobbin coils is that a
360-degree segment of the tube is examined at
the same time. However, resolution and discon-

Bobbin Coils. A typical bobbin coil is shown in

Figure 86 (ASM 1989). Bobbin coils have long
been a mainstay for steam generator inspection
because of their mechanical reliability and rapid
inspection rates. The coil's axis is parallel to the
tube axis and the current flows in a circumferen-

Flexible guides

Active coi

Push tube
Toroidal reference coil

Figure 86. Eddy-current bobbin probe with flexible wafter guides, used for inspection of steam generator
tubesheet rolled joints (ASM 1989). Copyright ASM International, reprinted with permission.




tinuity characterization (type, number, sizing,

etc) are limited because of this design (Clark

flaws and least sensitive to fatigue cracks and

circumferential notches (Krzywosz 1990).
Absolute and Differential Probes. The eddycurrent bobbin probes normally use two coils
which are located in adjacent arms of a bridge as
shown in Figure 87a (Cecco and Van Drunen
1985). If one of the coils is a test coil and
another one a reference coil, as shown in
Figure 87b, it is an absolute probe. If both coils
sense the material under test equally, as shown in
Figure 87c, it is a differential probe. Absolute
probes respond to all variables that affect eddycurrent flow, such as conductivity, magnetic
permeability, and defects.
In contrast,
differential probes compare adjacent material
sections. When the test conditions for one of the
coils is altered, an unbalance between the two
coils occurs and this unbalance is used as an
indication of the material condition.
absolute probe responds to both sudden and
gradual changes in properties and dimensions and
responds along the entire length of the defect. In
contrast, the differential probe is not sensitive to
gradual changes in properties or dimension and
can only detect the ends of long defects and may
miss a long gradual defect entirely. The absolute
probe is prone to drift due to temperature
changes, whereas the differential probe is not.
The absolute probe is more sensitive to probe
wobble than the differential probe. Both absolute
and differential probes are used for inspection of
steam generator tubes.

The eddy-current probes are operated at frequencies that offer the highest signal-to-noise ratio.
This ratio is determined by operating the eddycurrent instrument over a wide frequency range
and monitoring the probe signal responses from
samples containing known flaws and the noise
responses from extraneous sources such as
support plates, dents, and copper deposits. In
one case, the probes were operated over a 100 to
800 kHz frequency range. The results showed
that signal-to-noise ratio from large volume flaws
peaked at 300 kHz and the signal-to-noise ratio
from small-volume flaws peaked at 200 kHz.
The results also showed that at any frequency
between 100 to 800 kHz, a dent signal is greater
than a flaw signal, which was evident from the
flaw signal-to-noise (dent signal) ratio of less than
1.0(Krzywosz 1990).
Laboratory test results show that an optimal
signal response is obtained when the operating
frequency of the probe is near its resonance. For
conventional bobbin coils, the resonant frequency
is about 300 kHz, and the optimal operating
frequency is in the range of 200-300 kHz. Large
volume flaws, including volumetric defects
(wastage, wear, etc) and axial flaws, result in a
maximum signal-to-noise ratio at 300 kHz, and
circumferential and smaller volume flaws of less
than throughwall penetration result in a
maximum signal-to-noise ratio at 200 kHz
(Krzywosz 1990).

Figure 88 shows some typical common impedance plane eddy-current signals encountered
during inspection of a calibration tube with an
internal bobbin coil probe (Cecco and Van
Drunen 1985). The test frequency is 250 kHz.
Figure 88a shows the results from using an
absolute probe and Figure 88b shows the results
from using a differential probe. In this case, the
signal from the defect has a phase angle between
0 and 90 degrees, whereas signals from support
plates or outside surface deposits have a phase
angle greater than 90 degrees. The defects on

In addition, bobbin coil sensitivity to three

different defects was measured: varying depths
of 0.25-in. long axial notches; varying depths of
90-degree circumferential notches, and varying
lengths of throughwall circumferential fatigue
cracks. The signal amplitude was used to
evaluate the sensitivity. The results show that
bobbin coils, when operated at 300 kHz
frequency, are most sensitive to throughwall axial















Figure 87. Schematic showing (a) the location of the probe coils in an ac bridge circuit, (b) an absolute
probe configuration, and (c) a differential probe configuration (Cecco and Van Drunen 1985). Copyright
Academic Press; reprinted with permission.









> :








Figure 88. Eddy-current signals from a typical calibration tube using (a) an absolute probe and (b) a
differential probe (Cecco and Van Drunen 1985). The tube material is Alloy 600, 12.7mm outside
diameter by 1.1mm wall thickness, 250 kHz test frequency. Copyright Academic Press; reprinted with
the inside surface have a smaller phase angle,
whereas defects on the outside surface have a
phase angle near 90 degrees; the signals from
through-wall defects fall between these two
signals. As mentioned above, the phase angle for
a given defect is not a fixed value and it can be
increased or decreased by increasing or
decreasing me test frequency. The phase angle
of the signal provides an approximate indication
of the depth of a defect.

Even though a bobbin coil has an inherent

capability for an accurate measurement of the
length of an axial crack, existing probes do not
normally provide sufficient accuracy for tubing
integrity considerations. Therefore, a repeat
inspection with a rotating pancake coil, which is
discussed later, is normally performed to further
characterize the axial extent of any defect (Clark




Pancake Coils. Another basic probe type used
for inspection of steam generator tubes is the
surface or pancake coil as shown in Figure 89,
which is designed to detect cracks at all
orientations (Cecco and Van Drunen 1985). The
pancake coil is a small-diameter coil, typically 2
mm (0.08 in.) or 2.9 mm (0.115 in.) in diameter,
spring-loaded to ride on the inside surface of the
tube and minimize lift-off effects. The axis of
the coil is normal to the tube surface. The
primary magnetic field induced by the pancake

coil is perpendicular to the tube surface and the

resulting eddy-currents flow in small circular
patterns parallel to the tube surface and in the
same direction as the current in the test coil. The
flow of these eddy-currents is impeded by cracking at any orientation (axial, circumferential, or
branched). Because the pancake coils cover a
relatively small area, they are extremely valuable
for detailed sizing and characterization. A 2-mm
pancake coil with a high frequency (200 to 600
kHz) usually exhibits good sensitivity to inside

\ \

\ \

v. v. V v. v v. s . v. v. '. ^ \


V \ V'< \ \ \

S \ \ \ v, \ \ V \ \ \ \ A \ \ S \ V V K T




Figure 89. A cross section of an eddy-current probe showing how the spring loaded pancake coil is
arranged in an absolute mode (Cecco and Van Drunen 1985). Copyright Academic Press; reprinted with




surface cracking (EPRI NDE Center 1987). But
use of a low test frequency does not increase the
eddy-current penetration of a 2-mm coil
appreciably. So in addition to a low test
frequency (100 to 400 kHz), a 2.9 mm- (0.115
in.-) diameter coil is used for penetration to the
outside surface. However, the sensitivity to
small defects decreases because the ratio of the
defect volume to the inspected volume becomes
smaller as the diameter is increased.

have been developed to scan the complete

circumference of the critical regions of a tube.
Two such automated systems, rotating pancake
coil and array probe, are discussed in Section
Hybrid Coils. Hybrid coils can combine the
characteristics of either bobbin coils or surface
coils and are known more commonly as
reflection, driver/pick-up, through transmission,
and primary/secondary probes. An example is
shown in Figure 90 (Libby 1971). In general,
hybrid coils operate in the transmit-receive mode
where one coil induces eddy-currents into the test
material, and the second coil senses the
secondary field. In general, these types of
probes are designed to meet specific application
needs and have shown significant promise in
steam generator tube examination. Probes using
hybrid coils are further discussed in Section

The 2- and 2.9-mm pancake coils can only

interrogate a small region of the tube because of
their small size and, therefore, complete
coverage is a time-intensive process. For this
reason, pancake coil examinations are usually
limited to critical regions of the tube (e.g., at the
tubesheet and at supports plates) or used to
evaluate indications detected by bobbin coils.
Practical automated systems using pancake coils

Figure 90. Typical differential hybrid coil arrangement (Libby 1971). Copyright 1971 John Wiley and
Sons, Inc.; reprinted with permission.




8.1.3 Multifrequency/Multiparameter Eddycurrent Methods

ring simulating a support plate is obtained using

a lower frequency channel.
This lowerfrequency response is rotated and scaled such that
the resulting signal closely matches another
response from the carbon steel ring obtained
using a higher-frequency channel, which is
generally used for flaw detection. Then, these
two channels are combined in such a way that the
unwanted signal from the simulated support plate
is subtracted out. With digital instrumentation,
the responses from the two channels can be
matched and combined using analytical techniques on a computer to eliminate the unwanted
support plate signal. One approach includes
establishing simultaneous linear equations
relating the parameters (independent variables)
and instrument readings, which may be the
magnitude and phase of the signal at each
frequency. The equations are solved by a leastsquare method to determine the coefficients of
the independent variables (Dodd and Deeds

Multifrequency /multiparameter
(MFEC/MPEC) methods employing bobbin coils
are widely used for steam generator tube
These methods provide more
reliable detection and additional characterization
information on the secondary side of the steam
generator tubes in the presence of extraneous test
variables such as the tubesheet or tube supports.
The tubesheet and the tube supports produce
large changes in an eddy-current signal
(impedance response) that mask or modulate the
changes produced by a defect. Denting of steam
generator tubes, first reported in mid 1970s, also
made reliable defect detection difficult and
provided an impetus for the use of these new
methods. The MFEC/MPEC methods isolate the
changes produced by a defect (a wanted
parameter) by suppressing the changes produced
by other unwanted parameters such as support
plates and denting.

Figure 91 shows an example of support plate

suppression by using three different frequencies
(Davis 1980, Davis 1981). Figure 91a shows a
normal single frequency response from a 60%
through-wall flaw at the outside surface away
from the support plate. Figure 91b shows the
same response when the flaw is located under the
edge of a support plate. Changes in the signal
produced by the support plate mask the changes
produced by the flaw and it is difficult to
characterize the flaw. Figure 91c shows the
information resulting from the use of three
frequencies and the MFEC/MPEC method,
which suppresses the changes produced by the
support plate. The MFEC/MPEC methods are
also used for characterization of dents, profiling
the inside diameter of tubes that have been
expanded in a non-standard manner with
mechanical rollers, and detection of sludge and
conductive metal deposits (Davis 1981).
However, the MFEC/MPEC methods cannot
detect a shallow flaw on the inside surface if a
significant fill-factor resulting from probe wobble

Fortunately, the response from each of the

wanted and unwanted parameters is frequency
dependent and can be identified and compensated
Separation of wanted and unwanted
parameters is commonly accomplished by
combining the eddy-current signal obtained using
a flaw detection test frequency with those from
one or more lower and higher frequencies. A
lower test frequency can provide better sensitivity
to support plate and magnetic deposits that have
accumulated on me tube outside diameter. On
the other hand, testing at a higher frequency
provides increased sensitivity to variations on the
inside diameter of the tube.
Analog or digital instrumentation can be used to
combine signals from a number of frequencies,
which should be at least equal to the total number
of parameters. For example, using two different
frequencies, the suppression of the support plate
signal is carried out as follows. With analog
instrumentation, the response from a carbon steel




Figure 91. Example of support-plate suppression; (a) shows a normal single-frequency response from a
60% flaw, (b) shows the same response when the flaw is under a support plate, (c) shows the response
of a three-frequency multi-parameter mix (Davis 1980). Copyright Electric Power Research Institute, Inc.;
reprinted with permission.




or inside surface irregularities is present. This

limitation arises because the signal from a
shallow flaw is indistinguishable from that of the
fill factor for all normal test frequencies (Cecco
and van Drunen 1985).

number of the more prevalent techniques are

presented here.
8.2.1 Rotating Pancake Coil
The rotating pancake coil probe is an automated
probe for eddy-current inspection. Inspection of
a larger region of a steam generator tube can be
done in a shorter time than required by the
manual pancake coil discussed in Section 8.1.2.
During me inspection, the probe is rotated by a
motor while it is pulled through the tube. The
result is a helical scan pattern as shown in
Figure 92. The original rotating pancake coil
consisted of three coils: a 2 mm- (0.080 in.-)
diameter, shielded pancake coil and two
directional coils, all of which were spring-loaded
to ride on the inside surface of the tube as shown
in Figure 93. Industry considers that the pancake
coil is the primary inspection coil whereas the
directional coils are supplementary coils that
provide information on the orientation of the
crack (Siegal and Klatt 1994). The directional
coils are essentially pancake coils standing on
edge such that the flow of the eddy-currents is
either in the axial or circumferential direction
only. Data from all three coils should be

Most eddy-current equipment manufacturers

offer bobbin coils capable of performing
inspections using MFEC/MPEC methods. The
bobbin coils may be either absolute or
differential, both of which are generally used.
Multi-frequency scanning is accomplished either
continuously or sequentially.
With the
continuous method, the desired test frequencies
are superimposed in the driving current and
impressed on the coil simultaneously. The
resulting output from the coil is then separated
using bandpass filters to extract the response
from each of the individual inspection
With the sequential method,
individual test frequencies are induced through
multiplexing, which involves rapidly switching
between frequencies (ASM 1989).
In summary, the main reason for using the
MFEC/MPEC methods is to perform a rapid
bobbin coil inspection of a tube with more
reliable detection and additional characterization
information, by suppressing the unwanted
parameters. Scanning time can be minimized and
wanted and unwanted parameters can be
discriminated without the need for multiple scans.
Moreover, rotating pancake coils, which are
discussed next, are generally used for detailed
characterization of damage, including sizing of
steam generator tube defects.

The 3-coil rotating pancake coil was originally

developed for the detection and sizing of
cracking initiating on the inside surface, but was
not effective for detecting shallow outside
diameter flaws because, as discussed earlier, the
2 mm diameter pancake coil did not produce a
sufficient eddy-current density near the outside
surface. A modified version was thus developed
for outside diameter crack detection in the freespan regions. In this probe, a larger diameter
coil [2.9 mm (0.115 in.)] without shielding is
used to improve penetration to the outside
Inspection using this probe was
performed at Palo Verde, Arkansas Nuclear One,
and Prairie Island during 1993-94.
experience shows that this coil has better
sensitivity to shallow outside diameter flaws, but

8.2 Advanced Eddy-Current Techniques

The basic eddy-current probes were discussed in
the previous section. Due to increasing demands
for reliable steam generator inspection methods,
a variety of new probes have been developed to
address a range of flaw types and orientations,
and to overcome interfering conditions (i.e.,
tubesheets, tube denting, sleeving, etc.). A




Figure 92. Illustration of a motorized rotating pancake coil helical scan (Courtesy of M. Klatt, Zetec,



q 3 COIL



n 2 COIL




Figure 93. Schematic of a shielded 3-coil motorized rotating pancake coil probe (Siegal and Klatt 1994).




cake coil is generally used to screen indications
identified with a bobbin coil, or to scan only
critical regions of a tube.

some resolution may be sacrificed for inside diameter cracking caused by PWSCC. This reduced
resolution is due to the larger coil size, lack of
shielding, and greater concentration of eddycurrents at the outside surface (Siegal and Klatt

8.2.2 Array Probes

An alternative method of deploying pancake coils
is to use an array of pancake coils. Most of the
commercially available probes are named by the
coil arrangement, i.e., 8 x 1 or 8 x 2. The 8 x 1
coil arrangement has eight equally spaced,
surface riding coils arranged around the
circumference. This arrangement offer the
advantage of scanning the full tube circumference
with a scan speed similar to that of a bobbin coil.
However, because of the equal spacing of the
coils, coverage gaps are present between the
coils, and the 8 x 1 probe is susceptible to
missing indications (especially axial indications).
A seemingly obvious solution to this problem is
to use the 8 x 2 array probe, in which one row of
coils is off-set by 22.5 degrees from the other
row and the two rows are located at different
axial positions, as shown in Figure 94.

EdF has developed a flexible rotating pancake

coil probe for inspection of the bent portions of
the U-tubes, mainly the small radius bends in
Rows 1 and 2. The probe is used in absolute
mode. This probe is more reliable than a bobbin
coil probe and provides better detection and
characterization of defects such as cracks. EdF
has also designed a 10-meter rotating pancake
coil probe for inspection of the straight portion of
the tubing. The performance of this probe with
regard to detection and characterization of
defects is identical to that for the rotating pancake
coil probe.
Complete coverage of the steam generator tube
with a rotating pancake coil probe can be a time
consuming process. Therefore, the rotating pan-

A \

\ \ \ \

\ \ \ \ ' \ \

\ \ \ \ \ \ \ T


\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \

Figure 94. A multiple coil probe for detecting circumferential cracks in steam generator tubing (Cecco
and Van Drunen 1985). The two rows of coils are staggered. Copyright Academic Press; reprinted with




Theoretically, complete coverage can be obtained

this way. However, each additional coil adds to
the complexity of the probe and the potential for
failure, and more complex instrumentation is
required to operate the coils simultaneously. In
addition, the data from each coil must be

rotating pancake coil is preferable for flaw

detection due to its superior signal-to-noise ratio
(Krzywosz 1990).
8.2.3 Transmit/Receive Probes
Transmit/receive probes are hybrid probes that
use one coil (transmit coil) to induce a primary
magnetic field and the eddy-currents and a
second coil or coils (receive coils) to sense the
secondary magnetic field produced by the eddycurrents. Typically, there are two receive coils
for each transmit coil. Transmit/receive probes
can be absolute or differential and can be
configured in a variety of ways to meet the
requirements of the inspection application (i.e.,
through transmission when the probes are on
opposite sides of the test material or reflection
when the probes are on the same side). Thus,
transmit/receive probes can be configured to
detect circumferential and/or axially oriented
flaws and can be used to provide full-length
coverage of the tube.

Array probes have a higher sensitivity to

intergranular attack and circumferential cracking
and a reduced sensitivity to tube denting, as
compared to bobbin coil probes.
commercially available array coils were
redesigned to operate at a higher resonant
frequency for improved inspection of me inside
surface of the tube, and reduced sensitivity to the
conditions at the outside surface such as deposits
(Lareau and Sapia 1987). An array probe with a
set of eight contactless pancake coils, spaced 45
degrees apart, has also been designed to measure
the inner profile of a tube. Each coil measures
the distance between the inner surface of the tube
and outer surface of the probe. This probe
records a complete inner tube profile with a
diameter accuracy of 0.02 mm. It can detect
a missing roll in the expanded area of the tube.
This probe can also be used for accurate sizing of
dents (Dobbeni 1991).

Transmit/receive probes overcome some of the

attenuation problems of pancake coils because the
field extends further into the material than that of
standard impedance pancake coils. Therefore,
transmit/receive probes are sensitive to both
outside and inside surface cracking.

Array probes are susceptible to lift-off due to

probe wobble.
Lift-off problems can be
minimized by spring-loading each coil, but this
creates a problem with coil wear and adds to the
complexity of the probe.
A potential
improvement in this area is the balloon probe
being developed at Westinghouse (Clark 1993).
In this probe, the coils are imbedded in a plastic
housing and inflated with water or air pressure to
maintain constant contact.

One type of transmit/receive probe, the Cecco-3

probe, has been developed at Chalk River
Nuclear Laboratory specifically for detecting
circumferential cracking in steam generator tubes
(Malinowski 1995). This probe cannot detect
axial cracking. The Cecco-3 probe consists of an
array of pancake coils with four sets of
alternating transmit and receive coils arranged in
two groups along the probe axis, configured in a
differential mode and operating at four
multiplexed frequencies (Obrutsky et al. 1994).

In one test of the relative sensitivity of bobbin

coils, rotating pancake coils, and array coils, it
was found that array probes offer higher
sensitivity, that is, produced greater signal
amplitudes from several different discontinuities.
However, among all the probes tested, a single

Obrutsky et al. (1994, 1996) state that the Cecco3 probe is more sensitive to circumferential
cracks on the tube outside surface, generates




lower lift-off noise, and has a higher signal-tonoise ratio than the RPC probes. The Cecco-3
probe has no moving parts, making it
considerably more durable than the spring loaded
rotating pancake coil probes. And, the Cecco-3
probe permits single-pass inspections which are
as fast as the bobbin coil probe inspections.

degrees) such that it is sensitive to both axial and

circumferential cracks.
Although some
sensitivity to circumferential cracks is lost due to
coil configuration, the probe is still effective for
all crack orientations. Because of it's versatility,
it appears that industry is moving towards the use
of the Cecco-5 probe over the Cecco-3 probe
(Obrutsky et al. 1996). Malinowski (1995)
reports that the Cecco-5 probe is qualified for
detection of axial and circumferential indications
in undented tubes, expansion-transition regions,
and dented tube-support plate intersections.

Obrutsky et al. (1994) report that a comparison

between Cecco-3 inspection results and
destructive examination results indicates that the
Cecco-3 probe can reliably detect circumferential
ODSCC as shallow as 50% of the wall thickness.
The sizing accuracy is 15% of the wall thickness
for a crack deeper than 50% throughwall. Field
results show that the Cecco-3 probe inspection
results are as good or better than the industrystandard rotating pancake coil.

8.2.4 Sleeve Inspection

The types of sleeves installed in PWR steam
generator tubes and discussed in this report are
kinetically welded, standard welded, laser
welded, and hybrid expansion joints. A majority
of the sleeves installed before 1995 have hybrid
expansion joints, however, most of the new
sleeves installed in the last few years have laser
welded joints. The Figure 95 shows a typical
sleeved steam generator tube with hybrid
expansion joints (Westinghouse 1994). The
lower and upper ends of the sleeve are
hydraulically expanded and the middle portion of
the expanded region is further expanded with
hard-rolling (mechanical rolling), which makes it
a leak-limiting joint. Figure 96 illustrates the
details of the upper joint between the sleeve and
parent tube (Westinghouse 1994). The parent
tube at the elevation of the upper hard-roll
transition and above is part of the primary
pressure boundary.
Cracking, especially
circumferential cracking, in the upper joint
region has raised concerns about the structural
integrity and leak tightness of sleeved tubes.
Industry tests of the integrity of the upper joint
region of a sleeved tube indicate that a 360degree throughwall circumferential crack in the
parent tube at the upper end of the lower hardroll
transition or at a higher elevation within the joint
degrades the axial strength of the joint to less
than the requirements of RG 1.121 and
significantly reduces the leak resistance (Westing-

A Cecco-3 probe with eight transmit/receive

units has also been developed to further improve
the sensitivity to circumferential ODSCC
shallower than 50% deep (Obrutsky et al. 1994
and 1996). This probe is based on the design of
the four transmit/receive unit probe, but is
converted into an eight transmit/receive unit
probe by exciting every other transmit coil at
different multiplexed time segments and reading
the four received voltages in both time segments.
This allows each set of four receive coils to
detect a signal from one transmit coil at a time.
As a result, the probe achieves higher resolution
for circumferential defects, that is, it can detect
a shorter circumferential defect at the outside
surface. Obrutsky et al. (1996) report that this
probe can detect and size a circumferential
ODSCC as shallow as 40% of the wall thickness,
and, in general, the sizing accuracy is 15% of
the wall thickness for cracks deeper than about
50% of the wall thickness.
Another transmit/receive probe has been
developed to improve sensitivity to axial cracks
without losing the ability to detect circumferential
cracks. This probe, called the Cecco-5 probe, is
configured with coils positioned at an angle (45





Upper Hydraulic

Upper Hardrol!

Parent Tube


Lower Hydraulic
Lower Hardroll


Figure 95. Typical hybrid-expansion-joint sleeve installation (Westinghouse 1994).

Westinghouse Electric Corporation; reprinted with permission.







Upper Hydraulic /
Upper Hardroll /

Lower Hardroll \

Bottom of the

Lower Hydraulic

Figure 96. Configuration of hybrid-expansion-joint (Westinghouse 1994). Copyright Westinghouse

Electric Corporation; reprinted with permission.
house 1994). However, a similar circumferential
crack at a lower elevation within the joint does
not significantly reduce the axial strength or the
leak resistance. The industry tests also indicate
that throughwall axial cracking in the parent tube
in the hard-roll region does not degrade the axial
strength of the joint; however, the leak resistance
is degraded.

welded sleeves have collapsed at two U.S. plants.

For example, a throughwall, 180-degree
circumferential PWSCC crack has been reported
in the parent tube at one non-U.S. plant. An
axial and several circumferential indications,
most likely ODSCC, were detected at the lower
hard-roll transition in a U.S. plant. One
circumferential indication was also detected at the
upper hydraulic transition.
inspection probes developed for inspection of
these sleeves and the laser-welded sleeves are
described here.

Cracking of about 300 parent tubes have been

reported at eight plants including four U.S.
plants, seven of these cracks were throughwall
(Hermann 1995). In addition, four standard




1995). Zetec originally developed the Plus-Point
probe to detect cracks in the vicinity of weld and
heat affected zones. It is designed as a
differential probe with the two coils crossing at a
point so that both coils are affected
simultaneously and similarly by lift-off due to
weld geometry and changes in material properties
in the heat affected zone. The orientation of the
coils in the Plus-Point probe and typical
responses from a weld scan are shown in Figure
This probe essentially combines the
capabilities of the two rotating pancake coil
directional coils and provides the ability of
differentiating axial cracks from circumferential
cracks. Due to the design, the Plus-Point probe
is most sensitive to cracks oriented perpendicular
to the coil windings and least sensitive to cracks
oriented 45 degrees from the direction of the
windings (Zetec 1988). Factors such as surface
geometry that affect both coils are not detected.
Therefore, it is also an effective examination
method for cracking in the expansion-transition
region. The Plus-Point probe detected shallow
circumferential PWSCC cracking (average depth
26%) at Maine Yankee (Stellfox 1995).

Initially, Zetec, Inc. developed the crosswound differential bobbin coils shown in Figure
97 for sleeve inspections (Siegal and Klatt 1994).
This probe was designed to minimize the effects
of the roll-transition region of the sleeve, but the
inspection results were difficult to interpret and
could not detect flaws in the parent tube during
mock-up sleeving trials. In addition, flaws were
found in the expansion area at several operating
plants that were not detectable with the crosswound bobbin coil. As a replacement for the
cross-wound bobbin probe, the I-Coil probe was
also developed by Zetec using surface riding
absolute, directional coils on the rotating pancake
coil inspection head (Figure 98) (Siegal and Klatt
1994). This probe, which was used successfully
at Kewaunee and Prairie Island for inspection of
Westinghouse and CE sleeves, provided better
penetration for detection of outside diameter
flaws and detected cracking in the expansion and
sleeve weld zones.
An improvement to the I-Coil probe, the PlusPoint probe, was recently developed by Zetec
which provides an improved signal-to-noise ratio
and better crack detection capability (Zetec


Cross Wound Differential Bobbin Coils

Figure 97. Schematic of a cross wound bobbin coil probe for sleeve inspections (Siegal and Klatt 1994).




Circumferential Coil



Axial Coil

Figure 98. Schematic of the "I" type motorized rotating pancake coil probe for sleeve inspections (Siegal
and Klatt 1994).
Axial crack

Direction of
rotation (scan)

Circumferential crack
Direction of
rotation (scan)

crack response
M96 0145

Figure 99. Orientation of the coils in the Zetec Plus-Point probe and typical responses from a weld scan
with the probe configured in the standard differential mode (Zetec 1988).




Recently, the Cecco-3 and Cecco-5 probes have
been used to examine both laser-weld and hybridexpansion sleeve joints. A large scale inspection
of both types of sleeve joints was conducted at
Doel 4 using the Cecco-3 probe for
circumferential crack detection. The hybridexpansion type sleeves at Cook 1 and Point
Beach 2 were inspected with the Cecco-5 probe.
The laser welded sleeves at Farley 2 were also
inspected with the Cecco-5 probe. The Cecco
series probes were also used at Salem 1 for
examination of Wextex transition regions and
support plate dent regions (Malinowski 1995).

permeability is not a concern (with the exception

of ferromagnetic deposits on the outside surface
and the effects of the tubesheet and support
plates). However, in some cases, such as nickel
plated tubes, spatial variations in the material
permeability at the inside surface does need to be
Nickel plating, as shown in Figure 100, was
developed as an alternative to sleeving tubes with
PWSCC (EPRI 1985b). More than 1,700 tubes
have been repaired with nickel plating in five
European PWRs. There are two problems
associated with performing eddy-current
inspections of ferromagnetic materials. First is
that the magneticfieldtends to concentrate at the
surface in ferromagnetic metals such as iron and
nickel. Thus, lower frequencies are required to
provide adequate wall thickness penetration.
Secondly, the differences in signal response due

8.2.5 Inspection of Nickel Plated Tubing

As mentioned previously, eddy-current test
methods are sensitive to numerous parameters of
the test material including the conductivity and
permeability. For most tube testing, material

50 to 200-nmthick nickel
, Length

/ ,


area with
short axial
ID cracks

varied to
suit needs,
. about
5-cm long


Figure 100. Nickel plating of a roll-transition region with PWSCC cracks (EPRI 1985b). Copyright 1987
Electric Power Research Institute; reprinted with permission.



to large permeability variations near the inside

surface can overwhelm the signal response from
discontinuities and thereby mask relevant
indications. Magnetic saturation eddy-current
probes can be used to overcome the permeability
effects of the nickel-plating. When a
ferromagnetic material becomes saturated, the
permeability becomes constant and the eddycurrent inspection can be performed effectively.
There are some practical problems associated
with saturating a steam generator tube due to tube
size and other physical restraints. However,
innovative approaches such as pulsed magnetic
saturation can be used to overcome these
problems (Dodd et al. 1988).

are difficult or expensive to implement high up in

a steam generator. More than 103,000 plugs are
currently installed worldwide in PWR and
CANDU plants. The plugs were typically made
from bar stock of Alloy 600 material; however,
Alloy 690 material is now being used.
A certain type of Alloy 600 plugs, mainly the
mechanical plugs shown in Figure 101, are
susceptible to PWSCC-type degradation and
rupture, and need to be inspected because the
upper portion of the plug constitutes part of the
primary pressure boundary.
In fact,
circumferential PWSCC occurred at North Anna
unit 1 nearly throughwall all around the
circumference of a plug, as shown in Figure 101.
The remaining ligament broke during a plant
transient in February 1989 and allowed the top
part of the plug to be propelled up die tube until
it hit the U-bend, which it penetrated, causing a
tube leak.

Ultrasonic techniques have also been developed

for inspection of nickel plated tubes. One
important parameter of the nickel plating process
is related to the ultrasonic signal-to-noise ratio.
In several tubes, the nickel plating produced
some pits or roughness on the nickel surface.
When these pits are numerous, the ultrasonic
reflections from them become large and mask
signals from potential cracks in the nickel and the
tube material below me surface. These tubes
have generally been repaired with a dedicated
nickel plating process so as to suppress the pits.
The use of ultrasonic techniques for steam
generator tube inspection is discussed in Section

The mechanical plug has a very complicated

inner geometry. There is an expander in the
middle section and the inner diameter varies
axially in the lower part of the plug. An
extremely elaborate sensor mechanism is
required to access the inner surface area above
the expander. The probe scanning mechanism
consists of vertical and rotating drive mechanisms
which facilitate helical scanning. The probe uses
a 100 kHz frequency to monitor the sensor
position in the plug, and 400 and 800 kHz to
detect the flaw. Comparison of laboratory
inspection results and destructive analysis results
indicate that the probe can detect 60% deep
circumferential PWSCC above the expander
(Fukui et al. 1992).

8.2.6 Inspection of Mechanical Plugs

Plugging was the only countermeasure available
for PWR steam generator tubes with
unacceptable flaws until the early 1980s.
Denting and stress corrosion cracking have
caused several hundreds of tubes plugged in
some plants. Even now, plugging is often done
for unacceptable degradation above the tubesheet
region because the current sleeving techniques

8.3 Ultrasonic Testing

Typical ultrasonic testing systems for steam
generator tube examination consist of a rotating
immersion probe head that scans in a helical
pattern much like that of the rotating pancake
coil. A water column is provided by sealing-off

a. V. N. Shah, personal communication with D.

Dobbeni, Laborelec, Belgium, July 1995.




Plug shell
location of
North Anna-2
plug failure


Expanded plug

Unexpanded plug

N93 0048

Figure 101. Sketches of unexpanded and expanded mechanical plugs (Westinghouse 1989); reprinted with
ential cracks in pulled tubes has shown that the
rotating ultrasonic inspection system can detect
defects deeper than 30% throughwall (Roussel
1994). Framatome has also developed a rotating
ultrasonic testing system for the detection of
shallow ODSCC, particularly in the roll
transition zone at the tubesheet.

the tube around the probe head andfloodingthe

area. The transducer directs sound into the tube
wall at the desired incident angle either directly
by placing the transducer element normal to the
probe axis, or by using a rotating mirror to
reflect the sound energy in the desired direction
as shown in Figure 102. In either case, the beam
is oriented at the proper incident angle to produce
the desired refracted angle in the material under
test (typically 45-degree shear waves).

Initially the ultrasonic techniques were primarily

based on a pulse-echo method. This method
provides a reliable crack detection capability but
does not accurately measure crack depths. The
ultrasonic techniques have been recently modified
by adding both transmission and crack tip
diffraction capabilities, which provide both a
reliable crack detection capability and good crack

One of thefirstcommercially available inspection

systems (developed by NUCON) used the
approach shown in Figure 102 to characterize
fretting wear located at support plates (Dobbeni
1991). Destructive examination of circumfer227



Turbine Bearings



45 Angled Mirror


Figure 102. Schematic of rotating ultrasonic beam scanning device. Courtesy of Russell Technologies,
Incorporated, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
PWR feedwater piping susceptible to thermal
fatigue cracking.

a b

depth sizing. , It should be noted that the crack

tip diffraction techniques have been successfully
used for detection and sizing of tight stress
corrosion and fatigue cracks. For example, the
crack tip diffraction techniques have been used
for inspection of PWR control rod drive
mechanism nozzles susceptible to PWSCC, BWR
recirculation piping susceptible to IGSCC, and

In the past, ultrasonic testing methods were not

utilized because they were considered slow,
compared to eddy-current bobbin coils, and
required a couplant to be effective. However,
due to the more complex geometry of the
numerous types of degradation in certain regions
of the tube (e.g. the roll-transition region), and
the need for reliable detection and sizing
information, ultrasonic examinations may be

a. Harada, Y., et al. 1995. "Development of Depth

Sizing Technology using Ultrasonic Testing in Steam
Generator Tubes," presented at the 14th EPRI Steam
Generator NDE Workshop, August 7-9, Bellevue,

Extensive development of ultrasonic testing

techniques for steam generator tube inspections
have been carried out in Belgium for last 10
years. The Belgian experience indicates that

b. V. N. Shah, personal communication with D.

Dobbeni, Laborelec, Belgium.




ultrasonic testing can supplement eddy-current
testing for nondestructive examination of steam
generator tubes.
A comparison between
ultrasonic testing and rotating pancake coil
measurements of circumferential IGSCC and
destructive analysis of pulled tubes at some
Belgian PWR plants concluded that ultrasonic
testing measurements are more reliable and
accurate. Ultrasonic testing was found to have a
better detection capability, higher resolving
power along the axial and azimuthal direction,
and an improved capability for sizing both length
and depth. The development of the Belgian
ultrasonic testing inspection system was
motivated by the failure in 1986 of a rotating
pancake coil probe to detect a small
circumferential PWSCC crack (3.5 mm long and
65% throughwall) masked by nearby multiple
axial cracks. The small crack was incidently
discovered while inspecting a pulled tube for
axial cracks. Ultrasonic testing provides better
resolution because the ultrasonic beam has a
smaller sensing area (0.7 mm) than the eddycurrent sensing area of a pancake coil (5 mm).

inspection policy now requires a 100%

ultrasound inspection at the top of the tube sheet
for steam generators with circumferential
IGSCC. Ultrasonic testing can also provide
accurate measurements of the tube geometry
(wall thickness, profilometry) because it is not
effected by the electro-magnetic properties of the
materials within the steam generator (i.e., the
tubesheet, support plates, nickel plating, etc.).

An ultrasonic technique is well suited for the

purpose of performing detailed examinations of
limited regions.
This technique achieves
coverages equivalent to that of a rotating pancake
coil. For example, during die first 100%
ultrasonic testing inservice inspection of more
than 15,000 tubes at die top of the tube sheet in
three Belgian Model E steam generators, the
average inspection speed was 40 tubes per hour.

At Ontario Hydro, an ultrasonic system was

developed that is capable of sizing pits to wimin
1% in the laboratory and 2% in the field (Moles
et al. 1994).
In addition to thickness
measurements, ultrasonic testing can also be used
to determine the radial profilometry by
measuring the displacement of the tube wall in
relation to the central axis of die probe (Bodson,
et al. 1991). This enables inspectors to
determine the tube distortion present at rolltransition and U-bend regions and die distortion
caused by denting.

The final and perhaps the most significant

argument in favor of a ultrasonic testing system
came from a comparison between rotating
pancake coil and ultrasonic testing measurements
and the results of a destructive examination of
several pulled tubes during 1991-1993. This
comparison showed two deficiencies in the
rotating pancake coil measurements: (1) rotating
pancake coils were unable to accurately size the
depth of circumferential IGSCC at the top of the
tubesheet, and (2) rotating pancake coils did not
detect two unexpectedly deep circumferential
cracks. The tightness and orientation of me
IGSCC cracks were the main reasons for the
poor measurements. As a result, the Belgian

Almough ultrasonic testing is gaining acceptance,

it is not a fool-proof metiiod by any means. At
ANO-2, a ultrasonic inspection failed to detect a
360-degree ODSCC witii an average throughwall depth of 88%, and substantially undera. Degreve and Dobbeni (1993). "An Industrial UT
Inspection System Field Tested on 15,000 Tubes,"
presented at the EPRI 12th Steam Generator

C Dobbeni and begreve (1993). "Circumferential

IGSCC: UT The Only Choice," presented at the
EPRI 12th Steam Generator Workshop.




estimated two other 360-degree, outside-diameter
cracks (Sheron 1995). The results from a
rotating pancake coil probe were within 8% for
these tubes. Laboratory destructive examinations
of circumferential cracks in pulled tubes also
indicate that the rotating ultrasonic inspection
system underestimates crack depth (Roussel
1994). Thus, ultrasonic testing still needs
development, but appears to be a useful
technique to supplement eddy-current techniques
in some situations.

approach is that long sections of tubing can be

examined completely and rapidly without the
need for complicated and expensive tooling to
insert and rotate the probe.
Thus far,
experimental data taken in the laboratory show
promise and indicate that circumferential
cracking as small as 11% through-wall is
detectable with this technique.
refinements are still needed to determine effective
wave modes and optimize the technique so it is
sensitive to certain types of defects, while being
relatively insensitive to tube boundary conditions
such as water or sludge loadings.

Laborelec has recently developed a combined

ultrasonic and eddy-current rotating probe that
provides the best of both inspection techniques:
a high detection and accurate sizing capability
with the ultrasonic examination (it is able to
detect outside surface defects which penetrate
20% to 30% of the wall thickness) and a good
identification of the location of the defect with
the eddy-current examination (detection of
sludge, top of tubesheet, support plate, etc.).
With this complementary information, ultrasonic
indications produced by deposits and scratches
can be distinguished from indications produced
by tube degradation. This combined rotating
probe may be used at plants with both axial and
circumferential stress corrosion cracking at the
expansion-transition and/or support plate
locations. The combined probe has been applied
at three Belgian plants since February 1995."

Limitations of Inservice Inspection
Methods for Steam Generator Tubes
The eddy-current and ultrasonic methods
discussed in this section have some limitations in
detecting degradation damage to steam generator
tubes. The sizing capabilities for these inspection
methods are particularly limited. In some cases,
the uncertainties in sizing of the defects are being
determined by comparing the eddy-current
measurements, and sometimes ultrasonic
measurements, with destructive examinations of
pulled tubes. The limitations of the inspection
methods for characterizing the damage caused by
each of the different steam generator tube
degradation mechanisms are discussed next in the
following order: primary water stress corrosion
cracking, intergranular attack, outside diameter
stress corrosion cracking, pitting, wastage,
denting, high-cycle fatigue, and wear.

One experimental approach being considered to

improve the efficiency and, sensitivity of
ultrasonic inspections of steam generator tubing
is a cylindrically guided wave inspection
technique (Rose et al. 1994). Inthis technique,
the wave is launched down the length of the tube
and can travel several meters before attenuating.
When it encounters a defect in the tube, a signal
is reflect in the opposite direction and detected by
the sending probe. The obvious advantage of this

Primary Water Stress Corrosion
Primary water stress corrosion cracking has
generally been found at the expansion-transition
region near the tube sheet, any roll-expansion
region within the tube sheet, the U-bend region
of the first few rows, and near dents. The
expansion-transition regions include both rolltransition and explosive-transitions. The PWSCC
in a roll-transition region is mostly axial, though

a. V. N. Shah, personal communication with D.

Dobbeni, Laborelec, Belgium, July 1995.



occasional short circumferential cracks occur

between the axial cracks.
Cracks at an
explosive-transition are typically circumferential
in orientation. Cracks in the roll-expansion
region have both an axial and circumferential
orientation. In the U-bend region, the PWSCC
is typically axial and confined to the transition
zone between the straight to U-bend sections of
the innermost rows of tubes; occasionally offaxial cracks have been detected. PWSCC with
an axial orientation has also been reported at the
apex of the U-bends.

pancake coil may be necessary used to resolve

any distorted signal.
Axial PWSCC can be detected and sized with
rotating pancake coil probes. One estimate of the
accuracy of measuring the length of an axial
PWSCC crack using a rotating pancake coil
probe is + 1.5 mm. This estimate was obtained
by comparing the rotating pancake coil length
measurements with the actual maximum length of
about 60 cracks in the roll transition region of six
pulled tubes from a Belgian PWR (Van Vyve and
Hernalsteen 1991).

It has been difficult to detect and reliably size

PWSCC in the tubesheet region with bobbin coil
probes because the signal from the PWSCC is
generally associated with a poor signal-to-noise
ratio. The noise in this case is due to such
geometric factors as tube ovality, the expansiontransition, roll expansion, and denting, all of
which produce large amplitude signals that mask
the small amplitude signals from the cracks. By
the time the crack signal becomes large enough
to be detected, the crack would have grown
through the wall. The results of the extensive
field studies performed by Laborelec show that
bobbin coils can detect PWSCC in roll-transition
regions only when multiple axial cracks with near
throughwall depth are present.

A 3-coil rotating pancake coil can reliably detect

circumferential PWSCC in the expansiontransition region once it exceeds about 50%
throughwall depth. However, any distortion in
the expansion-transition region may mask the
PWSCC cracks. Therefore, tubes with such
distortions should be examined with probes that
can differentiate geometry variations from the
inside diameter cracks. Generally eddy-current
inspection is performed while pulling the probe
through the tube. However, for the expansion
transition region, it is recommended that the
rotating pancake coil inspections be performed
during insertion to eliminate the drop through
effect and improve the quality of the inspection
results. Other eddy-current inspection methods
such as array, Plus-Point, Cecco-3, and Cecco-5
probes, and ultrasonic inspection methods can
also detect circumferential cracks.

Bobbin coil probes are generally used in both

absolute and differential modes for inspection of
small radius U-bends. However, cracks in the
U-bend region are difficult to detect because of
the eccentricity of the probe while traveling in
the bend. The probe diameters may have to be
smaller, typically below an 80% fill factor, to
allow passage through the tight bend. An
absolute signal provides unambiguous flaw
indications at the transition areas, whereas a
differential probe identifies the transition area
(EPRI NDE Center 1987). The bobbin coil
probe appears to be able to detect axial cracks in
the U-bend regions only when the total number
of cracks is beyond a certain threshold or the
cracks are long. Reinspection with an rotating

The eddy-current and ultrasonic inspection

methods capable of detecting circumferential
cracks cannot reliably size the length and depth
of those cracks. Currently industry is working
on developing qualified sizing techniques. The
results of eddy-current inspections using rotating
pancake coil probes and metallographic data from
circumferential crack samples are being used to
develop these techniques, The samples were
explosively expanded in a simulated tubesheet
and the cracks were produced in an accelerated
acid environment. This configuration simulates




a Combustion Engineering design steam generator. World wide pulled tube metallographic
data are also being used to develop the sizing
techniques. The pulled tube data show that eddycurrent inspections generally underestimate the
actual arc length of a circumferential crack as
shown in Figure 103 (Malinowski 1995). For
example, an actual arc length of a circumferential
crack was 360 degrees whereas the correspond-

ing eddy-current result was about 100 degrees.

Enhanced analysis of the rotating pancake coil
inspection results can reduce this deficiency
(Malinowski 1995). Some industry efforts are
also directed towards developing improved eddycurrent techniques for sizing the maximum
depths of circumferential cracks, which are
needed for tube integrity assessments (Dembek

360 T













Arc Length, Deg., Metallurgical

Figure 103. Comparison of actual arc length of circumferential cracks in pulled tubes with the ones
estimated using eddy-current inspection (Malinowski 1995). The data represent worldwide experience as
of 1992.




Eddy-current techniques are not effective for
detecting cracks with more complex
morphologies than a pure axial or circumferential
orientation. As discussed earlier, in one Belgian
plant, large axial cracks in the roll transition
region masked the response from a small
circumferential crack that was also present in the
roll transition region; a rotating pancake coil
probe did not detect the circumferential crack.
As discussed in Section 8.3, ultrasonic inspection
methods are being used for detection of cracks
with such complex geometries.

threshold at which intergranular attack can be

reliably detected with rotating pancake coil and
bobbin coil probes is not well understood
(USNRC 1991). Intergranular attack results in a
slow and progressive change in the electrical
conductivity and magnetic permeability of the
material. Therefore, a bobbin coil probe in an
absolute mode can provide detection and some
information about the extent of the attack, but a
bobbin coil probe configured in a differential
mode is not sensitive to the small changes in the
conductivity and permeability of the material.
However, it has been difficult to characterize the
damage using absolute bobbin coils. An 8 x 1
array probe can characterize deep localized IGA.
These probes can also estimate the
circumferential extent of the IGA. Therefore,
any IGA type indications found during an
absolute bobbin coil inspection should be
reexamined to confirm their presence and to
obtain more' reliable characterization of their
depth and extent (EPRI NDE Center 1987).
Other specialized pancake coil probes, such as
the rotating pancake coil probe, or ultrasonic
probes, which are sensitive to axial and
circumferential cracks but insensitive to
geometrical or magnetic discontinuities, are not
likely to detect intergranular attack (Roussel and
Mignot 1991).

Inservice inspection results show that the crack

propagation rate of axial cracks on the inside
surface in the roll-transition region can be
estimated. However, crack propagation kinetics
for circumferential PWSCC are not yet well
8.4.2 Intergranular Attack
The morphology of IGA is characterized by a
relatively uniform attack on all grain boundaries
at the tube surface. It can occur without large
tensile stresses being present. It is believed that
IGA is often a precursor to IGSCC, that is, a
relatively uniform IGA occurs until the stresses
increase (as a result of wall thinning) to the point
that isolated fingers of IGA accelerate and
become cracks (EPRI 1985, Partridge
1986a,b,c). IGA is often found along with
IGSCC. Inspection of IGSCC is discussed in the
next section. IGA has been noted predominantly
in the crevice region of the hot leg side of partdepth rolled Westinghouse-type steam generators
where local boiling and chemical concentration
can occur, in the region above the tuhe sheet
where sludge accumulation is sufficient to cause
dry-out and steam blanketing, and in the crevice
region between the tube and tube support plates.

Some eddy-current data show that the IGA

growth rate is slow. For example, a growth rate
of 15% was estimated based on the comparison
of successive eddy-current inspection data from
one of the affected Spanish PWRs (EPRI NDE
Center 1987).
8.4.3 Outside Diameter Stress Corrosion
ODSCC has occurred predominantly in the
crevice region on the hot-leg side of part-depth
rolled Westinghouse-type steam generators, in
the region above the tube sheet where sludge
accumulation is sufficient to cause dry-out and
steam blanketing, in the crevice regions between

IGA is difficult to detect and characterize with

conventional eddy-current testing. This is
supported by the eddy-current inspection experience at the Trojan plant, which indicated that the




the tubes and tube supports, especially in the

steam generators with drilled-hole support plates
where local boiling and chemical concentration
can occur, and in free span regions where crud
accumulates. If denting occurs, the resulting
stresses can accelerate the rate of ODSCC.

the tubesheet, the support plates, etc., resulting

in higher signal-to-noise ratios, and provides
improved detection and sizing of deep (>40%
throughwall) axial cracks. A 0.115-in. diameter
unshielded rotating pancake coil probe is
generally used to inspect indications identified by
a bobbin coil inspection.

The ODSCC corrosion morphology consists of

single or multiple major cracks with minor to
moderate amounts of branching.; Generally the
ODSCC cracks in the crevice regions and
freespan locations have an axial orientation. The
dominant morphology of ODSCC at the drilled
hole tube support plates is either a single axial
crack or a network of multiple axial cracks.
Limited local patches of intergranular attack have
sometimes been observed as well. Shallow
circumferential cracks may sometimes occur in
the IGA affected regions producing a grid-like
pattern of axial and circumferential cracks termed
cellular corrosion. Shallow cellular corrosion
exhibits a transition to dominantly axial cracks as
the cracking progress in depth. Field experience
shows that the axial cracks are generally short
and sometimes may be through the wall.

However, reliable detection and sizing of

ODSCC at a tube support plate with eddy-current
probes is difficult because of the low signal-tonoise ratios frequently exhibited by such cracks.
In one case, metallographic examination of a
pulled tube revealed axial cracks within two 30degree-wide bands on opposite sides of the tube,
with the deepest one being 62% through wall.
However, the previous field inspection with a
bobbin coil probe did not detect these cracks,
using the plant voltage threshold criteria
(USNRC 1990).
The reliability of eddy-current inspection
methods were further questioned by the ODSCC
degradation experienced at the Trojan plant. In
1991, an extensive eddy-current inspection was
performed at Trojan to identify defects at the tube
support plates that required repair. Bobbin coils
were used to detect and size the depth of the
Then a rotating pancake coil
inspection was performed to confirm each bobbin
coil possible indication, and all confirmed
ODSCC/IGA defects were repaired or removed
from service. However, a destructive analysis of
a tube pulled to confirm the inspection results
showed that not all the defects at the tube support
plates requiring repair (defect depth greater than
40% throughwall) were identified during the
inspection. The destructive analyses showed that
the throughwall depths of the IGA/IGSCC defects
at the first three support plates were 92, 48, and
55%, of which only the first one had been
identified during the inspection. Reanalyses of
the bobbin coil data using more conservative
criteria to find possible indications and
confirmation of these indications with rotating
pancake coil inspections led to plugging of many

Theoretically, a bobbin coil in the differential

mode is suited for ODSCC detection and sizing
because of the primarily axial nature of the
ODSCC cracks. However, the signal-to-noise
ratio is less than one. The amplitude of any
outside surface signal of interest is less than the
interfering noise signals from dents, tube
supports, magnetic and non-magnetic deposits,
and other artifacts on or near the outside surface.
[A low-frequency (such as 20 kHz) bobbin coil
probe is used to evaluate outside surface artifacts
such as the sludge height above the top tube
sheet, the presence or absence of magnetite at the
tube-support intersections, and the integrity of the
tube support plates (EPRI NDE Center 1987)].
multiple-frequency bobbin coil
probes, typically a two-frequency mix, are used
in both absolute and differential modes. The use
of multifrequency probes minimizes the effects of
such outside surface artifacts as copper deposits,




additional tubes. Two additional tubes were

pulled to analyze the effectiveness of the bobbin
coil data reevaluation.
The destructive
examination revealed three cracks at the tube
support plates with throughwall depths, which
were not properly identified by the rotating
pancake coil probe because of a low signal-tonoise ratio and, therefore, had not been repaired.
Because of the large number of tubes with similar
suspect indications, Portland Gas and Electric
developed an alternate repair criterion for axial
ODSCC/IGA at the tube support plates (discussed
in Section 7). This criterion was based on
bobbin coil voltage and replaced the 40% depthbased repair limit. Several additional tubes were
plugged according to this alternate repair
criterion (Gorman et al. 1995). A total of 1,542
tubes in the Trojan steam generators were
plugged in 1991 because of ODSCC defects at
the support plates and 1,061 tubes were repaired
by sleeving (EPRI 1994, PGE 1991).

Owners Group has reported that the length of a

circumferential crack in a Wextex expansion
region can be estimated with an accuracy of
39 degrees. (As discussed in Chapter 2, the
Wextex expansion is an explosive expansion of
the tube over the full depth of the tubesheet.
This expansion method was used in the
Westinghouse-type steam generators during the
early 1970s.) In January 1995, the EPRI
Inservice Inspection Guidelines Committee
coordinated a series of circumferential arc length
measurements using rotating pancake coil probes
from several vendors plus Cecco-5 estimates
from Westinghouse. All these measurements
estimated the arc lengths within 37 to 45
degrees, which is consistent with the Wextex
Owners Group estimate (Malinowski 1995).
In 1991, pulled tube results at North Anna 1
confirmed circumferential cracking in dents at the
tube support plate. However, the analysis of the
rotating pancake coil inspection results using
prevailing industry guidelines did not report these
cracks. Expert review of these rotating pancake
coil inspection results concluded that the
detection limit for circumferential ODSCC cracks
in dents at the support plate is about 50%
throughwall and a 50-degree arc length, or 100%
throughwall and a 23-degree arc length
(Malinowski 1995).

The rotating pancake coil probes are qualified for

detection of circumferential cracks. However,
these probes underestimate the length of the
circumferential cracks, including ODSCC cracks,
and depth sizing of these cracks is difficult. The
underestimation of crack length is illustrated in
Figure 104, which presents a comparison of
eddy-current measurements of the arc length of
a variety of circumferential cracks with the
corresponding metallographic examination results
(Dembek 1995). For example, an actual arc
length of a crack was about 270 degrees whereas
the corresponding eddy-current measured arc
length was 90 degrees. However, enhanced
analysis of the rotating pancake coil inspection
results can provide better agreement between the
inspection and actual arc lengths (Malinowski

The nuclear industry is currently working on

developing qualified techniques for sizing the
depth of circumferential cracks. Verification of
depth sizing via analyses of pulled tubes and
destructive analyses of laboratory grown cracks
is being pursued for further qualifying the
various inspection techniques. Plus Point probes,
which are sensitive to both circumferential and
axial indications, are being investigated for this
purpose. Use of Plus Point probes permits
inclusion of 2 and 2.9 mm diameter pancake
coils; this arrangement is preferred when both
outside surface and ID initiated indications exist.
(EPRI 1995b, Richards 1995).

Improved guidelines for rotating pancake coil

inspections of circumferential ODSCC at
expansion-transition regions and support plate
regions are being developed. Based on the
metallographic data for pulled tubes, the Wextex




360 -r













Arc Length, Deg., Metallurgical

Figure 104. Comparison of actual arc length of circumferential ODSCC cracks in pulled tubes with the
ones estimated using eddy-current inspection (Malinowski 1995).
pulled tube specimens.
The ultrasonic
measurements compared well with the actual
crack profile (Maurer 1995). According to
ultrasonic measurements, the macrocracks ranged
in circumference from 84 to 329 degrees and
ranged in depth up to 100% throughwall
(USNRC 1990).

Ultrasonic inspection methods are used at some

plants to size the length and depth of the ODSCC
cracks detected during eddy-current inspections.
For example, rotating pancake coil inspections of
the expansion-transition region of the Millstone
2 steam generator tubes revealed extensive
circumferential ODSCC. The macrocracks, as
defined by the rotating pancake coil inspections,
consisted of several discontinuous microcracks
that were separated by small ligaments of sound
material. The discontinuous nature of the array
of microcracks was confirmed by the ultrasonic
inspection results and by the examination of


8.4.4 Pitting
Pitting appears as a group of small diameter wall
penetrations and is found between the top of the
tube sheet and the first support on the cold-leg



side of the steam generators, with a limited extent

of pitting found on the hot-leg side. Pits are
found within or near the top of sludge pile. The
pits are characterized by an undercut geometry
(i.e., having a larger subsurface than surface
diameter) and are typically found to be filled with
corrosion products such as chromium oxide,
sulfides, and copper metal. Examination of pulled
tube samples from Millstone 2 and Indian Point
3, where extensive pitting had been found,
showed that the pit diameter-to-depth ratio was
equal to or greater than 1.0. Once pitting has
initiated, the rate of new pit formation can be
rapid. The growth of pitting indications has not
been well-quantified. Pits have grown up to 50%
throughwall depth per cycle, but the degradation
is generally considered to progress at approximately 10% throughwall depth/cycle.

well with the metallographic results (Moles et al.

8.4.5 Wastage
There is a general consensus that wastage can be
accurately detected and sized using a bobbin coil
probe when the wall loss is higher than 10% to
20%. Operating experience shows that the
propagation rate of wastage is compatible with
the frequency of inservice inspection.
8.4.6 Denting
Tube denting has been found at carbon steel
support plate, at tubesheet, and in sludge pile.
Denting at the support plate elevation is typically
limited to the drilled-hole support plates. As
denting proceeds, the tube does not deform
uniformly. Denting has been found at both hotleg and cold-leg side of the steam generator. The
denting growth can be considered as slow and its
evolution as well controlled. Bobbin coils are
usually employed to detect and size denting
(Roussel and Mignot 1991). Specialized probes
such as array probes with eight contactless pancake coils or rotating ultrasonic inspection probes
are being used for estimating the radial profiles
of a dented tube cross-sections (Dobbeni 1991,
Bodson et al. 1991).

Detection and characterization of pits in the

presence of interfering variables such as copper
deposits is difficult for the eddy-current
techniques. The accuracy of the eddy-current pit
depth measurements is severely limited because
of the small size of the pits and because the pits
are often filled with copper containing corrosion
products which have a high electric conductivity.
The induced eddy-currents react more strongly
with the copper than with the pits, causing a
distorted signal output.
Therefore, twofrequency (100 and 600 kHz) multiparameter
eddy-current inspection techniques are used for
copper suppression (EPRI NDE Center 1987).

8.4.7 High-Cycle Fatigue

High-cycle fatigue cracking has occurred in
once-through, recirculating, and CANDU steam
generator tubes. The cracking occurred in oncethrough steam generator tubes in the early 1980s.
The cracks were located at the top tube support
plate (15th tube support plate) and at the bottom
of the upper tubesheet in the inspection lane
region. The inspection lane region includes
about three rows of tubes on either side of the
inspection lane and a few additional rows at the
periphery. The cracks initiated at the outside
surface of the tubes, propagated both circumfer-

Ontario Hydro Technologies has developed a

rotating ultrasonic inspection system for
measurement of pit depths in Monel 400 steam
generator tubes. High ultrasonic frequencies, on
the order of 25 MHZ, are used to obtain the
required pit depth accuracy and water is used as
a couplant. The inspection system is capable of
accurately measuring pit depths to 2% of the
tube wall thickness, which is equivalent to
measuring a pit depth within 1 mm. The depth
measurement results on pulled tubes compared




entially and throughwall, leading to leakage from

some tubes. In the late 1980s, high-cycle fatigue
has also caused circumferential throughwall
cracking in the U-bend region of recirculating
steam generator tubes, leading to the rupture of
two tubes. Most of the earlier tube failures in the
CANDU steam generator tubes with Alloy 600
have been because of high-cycle fatigue. The
fatigue cracks initiated at the outside surface and
located at the upper support plate and more
recently in the U-bend region. The cracks were

coil. The experimental results for impedance of

an artificial circumferential fatigue crack, 2xl0~ mm wide and 50% throughwall, compared well
with their analytical results for a similar crack,
and, thus, validated the numerical analysis
approach. The numerical solution for different
crack widths showed that for a very narrow
circumferential flaw such as a fatigue crack, the
delectability of a fatigue crack is not affected by
the crack width, and such a crack can be detected
by the pancake coil type probe (Miyake et al.
Ultrasonic examination with tip
diffraction techniques could be used for detection
and characterization of high-cycle fatigue cracks
in the tubes; no such inspection results have been
yet reported.

It is difficult to detect a high-cycle fatigue crack

in a steam generator tube with an eddy-current
probe because the crack produces a lowamplitude signal as compared to the large
amplitude signals that are obtained from such
flaws as AVB fretting or corrosion wastage. In
addition, the presence of the tube support plates
makes the inspection of high-cycie fatigue cracks
difficult. In one case, a bobbin coil inspection of
a once-through steam generator tube did not
detect any flaw indication.
But further
examination with an array probe ( 8 x 1 pancake
coil) detected a 40% throughwall flaw indication.
Subsequent metallographic examination of the
pulled tube identified the flaw as a high-cycle
circumferential crack with 62% throughwall
penetration. If an 8 x 1 array probe is used with
frequencies of 400 kHz and 600 kHz, no
significant effects of geometric structures are
anticipated and the reliability of flaw detection
and accuracy of flaw sizing is expected to
increase (EPRI NDE Center 1987).

Fretting and wear have occurred at the tube-tobaffle plate intersections on the cold leg side in
the Westinghouse Models D and E steam
generators with preheaters. Fretting and wear
have also occurred at the AVBs in the
recirculating steam generators of several different
designs. Loose parts have also caused wear of
peripheral tubes. Wear causes loss of material at
the tube outside diameter. The shape of fretting
induced wear is determined by the contact area
with the supporting structure and its length is
limited to the thickness of the supporting
structure. Fretting induced wear is also limited
to some critical tubes, which makes inspection
much easier. This damage is relatively easy to
detect and size with a bobbin coil probe.

High-cycle fatigue-induced tube ruptures in

recirculating steam generators pose another
problem; the initiation time for a high-cycle
fatigue crack is quiet long and the crack growth
is very rapid. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries has
evaluated the use of pancake coils for detection
of circumferential fatigue cracks. Because the
fatigue cracks are tight and rather straight, the
evaluation focused on how the delegability is
affected by the width of the crack and the type of

Most of the observed fretting at the baffle plates

occurred in the inlet section of the preheater, and
the areas of fretting were found predominantly on
the tubing surface facing either in the flow
direction or opposite to the flow direction.
Examination of pulled tubes from two European
plants showed that there is a correlation between
the wear volume and wear depth when the wear
depth is less than 40% of the wall thickness.
Above 40% of the wall thickness, the dependence


8.4.8 Fretting and Wear



of wear depth on wear volume is greatly reduced.

This is attributed to the fact that tapered wear is
present when the penetration is below 40% of the
wall thickness, whereas more uniform wear is
present at deeper penetrations. The axial and
circumferential extent of the uniform wear
becomes about 19 mm (0.75 in.) and 180-200
degrees, respectively. This information was used
for inspection of tube fretting damage at the
baffle plates. The fretting damage at the baffle
plates evolves rather fast, in a matter of months,
especially when the plant is operated above 50%
of the full capacity. For example, in one plant,
fretting damage lead to a leak after the plant had
operated only 3,000 effective full power hours at
power levels greater than 50% (EPRI NDE
Center 1987).

bend fretting is rather slow, about 5 to 10% per

year. Eddy-current inspection of tube fretting at
AVBs is difficult because the bars, which are
made from Alloy 600 or 690, are typically
chromium plated. In addition, it is difficult to
estimate the wear depth because fretting wear
may take place at one or both sides of the outer
tube surface, depending on the AVB
configuration. The phase angle of the eddycurrent signal provides a measure of the depth of
the fretting wear, whereas the amplitude of the
signal provides a measure of the fretting volume.
If the wear is on one side, the fretting volume is
minimum and the signal has a minimum
amplitude. On the other hand, if wear is on both
sides of the tube, the fretting volume is maximum
and the corresponding signal amplitude is
maximum. This wear volume/signal amplitude
approach to eddy-current signal analysis provides
information on the minimum and maximum wear
depths for a given phase angle measurement.
For each AVB design and material, amplitude
calibration standards were developed for onesided and two-sided wear at selected depths to
determine the range of amplitudes for given wear
depths, as determined by phase angle
measurements. Tube fretting damage can be
characterized with a two-frequency eddy-current
inspection system, which minimizes the
geometric effects of AVBs, using these
calibration standards. A follow up inspection
using an 8 x 1 array probe can be performed to
further verify a specific wear depth and its
geometric features (EPRI NDE Center 1987).

The preheater designs have been modified in the

plants affected with fretting damage at the baffle
plates. The proposed modifications in D4, D5,
and E2 steam generator involved minimizing tube
vibrations at critical locations within the
The modifications include roll
expansion of several tubes at two baffle plate
locations and splitting the feedwater flow by
diverting about 15% of the main feedwater flow
through an auxiliary feedwater nozzle. Postmodification examination results from the
affected plants indicate that the modifications
have been effective. However, the tubes roll
expanded at the baffle plates require different
types of eddy-current examination because of the
high potential for stress corrosion cracking at
those locations. No stress corrosion cracking has
yet been reported in the roll expanded region of
the tubes at the baffle plate.

Loose parts induced wear is generally limited to

peripheral tubes and is also relatively easy to
detect when it is suspected. However, the sizing
of the affected area is less accurate than for
fretting induced wear because the shape of the
wear is unpredictable. Also, the rate of loose
parts induced wear is unpredictable. A long
rapidly progressing wear scar has lead to tube
rupture in less than a fuel cycle.

Tube fretting between tubes and AVBs is generic

to Westinghouse-type steam generators. The
extent of tube fretting is dependent on the bar
material, the shape of the bars, the clearance, and
the bar support design. Unlike the fast growth
rate of preheater fretting, the growth rate for U-




recent years that require development of more
sophisticated inspection tools. Often, different
characteristics of the damage require different
types of inspection tools. In addition, the
degradation of the sleeves and plugs used for
tube repair is difficult to detect and characterize.
The degradation mechanisms, damage characteristics and location, and the inspection tools are
summarized in Table 26.

8.5 Summary
Inspection of the steam generator tubes is critical
to the safe and economical operation of nuclear
power plants. Eddy-current inspections using
bobbin coil probes were fast and effective in
detecting and sizing me degradation that took
place in early steam generators. However,
newer forms of degradation have appeared in



Table 26. Sites, typical characteristics, and inspection or steam generator tube damage.
Expansion transition
region, inside diameter

Expansion transition
region, outside diameter


Characteristics of Damage

Capabilities and Limitations

of the Inspection Methods

Axial cracks

Bobbin coil for detection; RPC for sizing, accuracy 1.5 mm; Cecco5 probe can also be used for detection.

Circumferential cracks

RPC detects > 50% throughwall cracks; Plus-Point probe detects >
26% throughwall cracks; Rotating ultrasonic probe detects > 50%
throughwall cracks; Array, Cecco-3 and Cecco-5 probes can also be
used for detection; RPC and ultrasonic probes underestimate arc

Axial cracks occasionally separated by

short circumferential cracks

Eddy-current probe failed to detect small axial cracks; Rotating

ultrasonic probe for detection.

Missing roll in expanded length of the


Radial profilometry by array probe with contactless pancake coils with

a diameter accuracy of 0.02 mm.


Relatively uniform grain boundary


Bobbin coil probe in an absolute mode and array probe for detection;
8 x 1 array probe to characterize deep localized IGA and estimate
circumferential event of IGA.


Circumferential cracks

RPC detects > 50% throughwall and 50-degrees arc length, or 100%
throughwall and 23-degree arc length; RPC and Cecco-5 sizing
accuracy 37 to 45 degrees, Cecco-3 detects > 40% throughwall
cracks with a depth sizing accuracy 15% of the wall thickness;
rotating ultrasonic probe detects >30% throughwall cracks, but
underestimates depth.


Small size pits often filled with copper

containing corrosion products

Eddy-current probe capability is severely limited; Rotating ultrasonic

probe can size pit depth within 1 mm in Monet 400 tubes.


Wall thinning

Bobbin coil detects and sizes >20% wall loss.


Mechanical deformation of tube cross


Multifrequency/multiparameter bobbin coil probes for detection and

sizing, Radial profilometry by array coil has diameter accuracy of
0.02 mm; Rotating ultrasonic probe also provides radial profile.

Circumferential cracks

Rotating ultrasonic and Cecco-5 probes for detection.



Carbon steel support

plate with drilled holes,
inside diameter defects

heavy denting is








Table 26. Sites, typical characteristics, and inspection of steam generator tube damage (continued).



Characteristics of Damage

Capabilities and Limitations

of the Inspection Methods

Relatively uniform grain boundary


Bobbin coil probe in an absolute mode and array probe for detection; 8
x 1 array probe to characterize deep localized IGA estimate
circumferential extent of IGA.


Axial cracks

Multifrequency/multiparameter methods with bobbin coil probes and

RPC withO. 115-in.-diameter pancake coil for detection.

associated with
denting (carbon
steel support

Circumferential cracks

Cecco-3 probe detects > 40% throughwall cracks with a depth sizing
accuracy of 15% of the wall thickness; 8x1 array probe for detection
and sizing.

Wastage (first
two support

Wall thinning

Bobbin coil probe for detection an sizing >20% wall loss.

Free span region

(presence of surface
scratches or reduced
tube-to-tube spacing)


Axial crack and presence of heavy cruel


Multifrequency/multiparameter bobbin coil probes for detection and

sizing; A 3-coil RPC with a 0.115-in.-diameter pancake coil for
detection and sizing.

U-bend, inside diameter

defects (inner row tubes)


Axial crack's

Flexible rotating pancake coil probe for both detection and sizing;
Bolibin coil probe for detection.

U-bend, outside diameter


Fretting at
antivibration bar

Wall thinning

Two-Frequency bobbin coil probe for detection and sizing; 8 x 1 array

probe for characterization.

fatigue of
supported tubes

Circumferential cracks

Difficult to detect because crack initiation time is quite long and the
crack growth is rapid.

Peripheral tubes near


Fretting caused"
by loose parts

Wall thinning

Bobbin coil probe for detection; sizing of affected area less accurate.

Sleeved tubes with

hybrid expansion joints
(transition expansion

parent lubes

Circumferential cracks

T'lus-Poinf probe for detection.

parent tubes

Axial and circumferential cracks

I-coil and Plus-Point probes for detection.


Axial and circumferential crack

MHI eddy-current probe detects > 60% throughwall circumferential


Support plate with drilled

holes, outside diameter

Alloy 600 plugs






Widespread degradation of the steam generator
tubing has occurred at a relatively large number
of nuclear power plants. This is a safety issue
because the thin-walled steam generator tubes are
an important part of the reactor coolant pressure
boundary, representing over 50% of the area of
the reactor coolant pressure boundary. Rupture
of the steam generator tubing can result in the
release of radionuclides to the environment
outside the reactor containment through the
pressure relief valves, the condenser off-gas,
or other paths in the secondary system.

is even more difficult to control than a spontaneous tube rupture transient, and radioactivity
released to the environment may exceed site
limits. The analysis of such transients in PWRs
indicate that effective operator intervention and
actions to throttle the emergency core cooling
injection and actuate the residual heat removal
system will result in a successful recovery from
a main steam line break with up to about 15
induced steam generator tube ruptures. More
than about 15 induced steam generator tube
ruptures produces a system response where the
reactor coolant system subcooling cannot be
recovered prior to exhaustion of the normally
available emergency core cooling water (which in
some plants can be replenished from outside

Ten spontaneous steam generator tube ruptures*

have occurred over the last 20 years. These
ruptures have been caused by a variety of tubing
degradation mechanisms including stress
corrosion of the outside surface of the tubing,
high-cycle fatigue, loose parts wear, stress
corrosion on the inside surfaces, and wastage
(uniform corrosion). The 10 ruptures resulted in
leak rates ranging from 425 <!/min. (112 gpm) to
2,900 i/min (760 gpm) and complex plant
transients which have not always been easy for
the operators to control.
Certain nuclear power plant design basis
accidents, such as a sudden break in the steam
line, can lead to rapid depressurization of the
secondary coolant system.
The pressure
difference across the tubing walls generated
during these accidents may result in simultaneous
leakage or rupture of a number of steam
generator tubes when an active degradation
mechanism has severely damaged a large number
of tubes. Simultaneous leakage or rapture of
several tubes can lead to a plant transient mat

The frequency and consequences of steam

generator tube failures can be significantly
reduced with qualified inspection techniques,
timely inspections, and plugging or sleeving of
excessively damaged steam generator tubing.
Most steam generators are routinely inspected
during plant outages, when their internal
structures become accessible to non-destructive
inspection equipment, and the defective tubes
repaired or plugged as necessary. A continuing
issue has centered on what constitutes an
appropriate and timely inspection, and when
partly defective tubes are still fit for service.
Also, a wide variety of steam generator
inspection equipment is used in various countries.
Unfortunately, the most widely used inspection
techniques (eddy-current bobbin coils and
rotating pancake coils) are not able to detect and
size all of the degradation of interest, and

a. A spontaneous tube rupture is the rupture of one

or more steam generator tubes that is not caused by
another event or an upset in normal expected
operational parameters.

b. An induced steam generator tube rupture is an

accident that is caused by or associated with an upset




equipment that is able to detect certain degradation is slow and expensive. More effective
equipment for detecting certain degradation is
being developed.

generator tubes with defects at the

plugging limits are not expected to fail
during a design basis accident such as a
main steam line break, the probability of
induced tube failure during such events
increases when the defect population is
significantly above the plugging limits.

The objective of this report is to put the issue of

steam generator tubing failure, and its impact on
nuclear plant safety, in perspective. To do this,
we have summarized much of the available
information on the following topics.

steam generator degradation,

steam generator tube ruptures,

the thermal-hydraulic response of a

nuclear power plant with a defective
steam generator,

the risk significance of steam generator

tube rupture accidents,

steam generator tubing inspection requirements and fitness-for-service criteria in various countries, and

steam generator tube defect detection reliability and sizing accuracy.

Sleeving steam generator tubes can lead

to degradation at new sites on the tubes;
this degradation is not easy to detect.
Not all steam generators are degrading
equally. At least 14 plants have plugged
and sleeved over 2,000 tubes. However,
7 to 10% of the plants report no
problems after 5 years of operation.
The' relative impact of the various tube
degradation mechanisms has dramatically
changed over time. In 1994, ODSCC
(42%), PWSCC (22%), and fretting
(4%) accounted for about 68% of all the
tubes plugged. However, the degradation mechanism is unknown for a significant number of defective tubes (about
Most of the steam generator tubes which
have failed over the years have been
mill-annealed Alloy 600 tubes. However, thermally treated Alloy 600 failures
are becoming more frequent in steam
generators with roll-transitions. The
Monel-400 tubes have also been susceptible to pitting degradation. Tubes made
of Alloy 800M and Alloy 690 have been
resistant to stress corrosion cracking and
have exhibited few failures.

Our key observations and findings for those

various topics are listed below.
Steam Generator Tubing Degradation
About 10,000 to 12,000 tubes are being
plugged each year at about one-half of
the PWR plants in the world.
addition, significant numbers of tubes are
being sleeved (a total of about 48,000 as
of December 1994). These data indicate
that at any given time, and prior to their
tubes being sleeved or plugged, a
significant number of the PWR plant
steam generators are operating with
tubing defects near, or beyond the limits
set by their country. Although steam


PWSCC occurs at expansion-transition,

dent, and U-bend locations where
significant residual stresses remain. Both
axial and circumferential cracks can
occur at some expansion-transition and
dent regions. An axial PWSCC crack



will generally leak before the critical
crack size for rupture is achieved;
however, the evolution of circumferential
cracks is not known and they are usually
plugged or sleeved upon detection.
Tubes with axial cracks have ruptured
before the leakage was detected.

cracking is expected. The collector

cracks and crack propagation rates can
be large. Cracks up to 1,000 mm in
length have been found and crack
propagation rates up to six ligaments per
operating cycle have been observed.
Steam Generator Tube Ruptures

ODSCC has occurred in the tubesheet

crevice, sludge pile, tube support plate
intersection, and free-span locations with
crud buildup (bridging) where aggressive
impurities concentrate. Because ODSCC
can take several forms (short or long
axial cracks, circumferential cracking,
cellular corrosion, etc.) and the ease of
detection of these various kinds of
ODSCC degradation varies considerably,
the potential safety consequences at
separate plants can be quite different.
Tube ruptures have occurred due to
undetected ODSCC in free-span regions.

Ten steam generator tube ruptures have

occurred over the last 20 years at a rate
of about one rupture every 2 years. In
addition, incipient tube rupture events
have been occurring in the U.S. at the
rate of about once a year in recent years.

The ten ruptures have been caused by a

variety of tubing degradation mechanisms including stress corrosion cracking
of the outside and inside surfaces of the
tubing, high-cycle fatigue, loose parts
wear, and wastage. Additional ruptures
caused by wastage are unlikely because
only three reactors are now using phosphate water chemistry. Additional ruptures due to high-cycle fatigue in
Westinghouse-type steam generators are
somewhat less likely than a few years
ago because most operators have inspected their steam generators to assure
that the AVBs are properly placed and
new steam generators are being more
carefully fabricated with better AVBs.
Loose parts and other foreign objects
continue to be left in some steam generators and additional ruptures of tubes due
to loose parts wear are possible. Also,
extensive primary water and outside diameter stress corrosion cracking has
occurred in certain steam generators and
more ruptures caused by those mechanisms are possible.

Ruptures caused by stress corrosion

cracking are associated with axial
cracking. No rupture has been caused

Fretting defects have occurred at over

50% of the plants world-wide and are
occurring in some of the newer steam
generator designs as well as in the older
plants. Fretting damage at AVBs is
likely to continue.
The diversity and persistence of the
damage mechanisms suggest that no one
remedy will resolve all the problems and
effective remedies are not easily found.
The WER tubing has been relatively
trouble free; however, the collectors in
the VVER-1000 steam generators have
been a problem. As of July 1993, 33
steam generators at 8 WER-1000 plants
had been replaced because of failure or
the potential of failure of the cold
collectors. Unfortunately, many (most)
of the replacement steam generators are
not significantly different than the
original equipment so additional collector




because of circumferential
corrosion cracking.


releases were small and well below

regulatory limits.

The rupture locations have generally

been either just above the tubesheet
(three ruptures), or in the U-bend region
(six ruptures). Only the McGuire
rupture was near one of the lower
support plates. A rupture in the upper
region of a steam generator can release
radionuclides to the steam, which will
result in less retention of the water
soluble fission products.

Thermal-hydraulic Response of a Typical

PWR with a Defective Steam Generator
Analysis of a single spontaneous steam
generator tube rupture demonstrates that
the operators can utilize the pressurizer
sprays or PORVs to depressurize and
utilize the intact steam generators to cool
the reactor coolant system to the residual
heat removal system operating conditions
within 4 hours.

The 10 ruptures resulted in leak rates

ranging from 425 d/min (112 gpm) to
2,900 G/min (760 gpm) and complex
plant transients which have not always
been easy for the operator to control.

Unlike the spontaneous steam generator

tube rupture event, the combined steam
line break-induced tube rupture events
have well defined time constraints within
which cooldown of the reactor coolant
system and actuation of the residual heat
removal system must be accomplished to
prevent core damage. As the number of
induced tube ruptures increases from 1 to
15, the time available for action decreases from about 7 hours to about 1

During a tube rupture transient, the

reactor operators are expected to (a)
maintain the primary coolant subcooled,
(b) minimize the leakage from the
reactor coolant system to the faulted
steam generator secondary side, and (c)
minimize the release of radioactive
material from the damaged steam
generator. The success of the reactor
operators has been mixed, some were
slow to understand what was occurring,
slow to start reducing power, and slow to
isolate the defective steam generator.
Others reduced power and isolated the
steam generator promptly.
Some operators were slow to cool and
depressurize the primary system, others
took prompt action. The result was that
the faulted steam generators were
overfilled in a number of cases and more
radioactive material was released to the
environment than would have occurred if
the transient was better managed.

For the case of a main steam line break

and one to three induced tube ruptures,
the high pressure safety injection must be
throttled and the low pressure safety
injection terminated along with
accumulator isolation to enable cooldown
and depressurization of the reactor
coolant system to the residual heat
removal system operating conditions.
The pressurizer sprays and the high
pressure safety injection are then used to
control the pressurizer level and the
reactor coolant system subcooling and
pressure. In the event the sprays are
unavailable, the pressurizer PORVs must
be used to depressurize the reactor
coolant system.

In all cases, the plants were properly

cooled down and the radioactive material




For the case of a main steam line break
and three or more tubes ruptured, the
high pressure safety injection and the low
pressure safety injection must be
throttled to delay the refueling water
storage tank exhaustion and provide
adequate time to initiate the residual heat
removal system. Should the emergency
core cooling throttling be delayed, there
may be insufficient time available to
align for the residual heat removal
system operation and core damage could

The time available for operator action to

successfully place the plant in a long
term cooling mode of heat removal
following a combined steam line breaksteam generator tube rupture event is
very sensitive to plant specific equipment
behavior. The time required to exhaust
the refueling water storage tank is highly
dependent on emergency core cooling
capability, refueling water storage tank
capacity, and the variations in the
emergency operating procedures and the
resultant operator actions.

With 15 tube ruptures, operator actions

to throttle the emergency core cooling
and initiate the residual heat removal
system for long-term cooling must be
accomplished within 1 hour of the event
initiation. Preparation for use of the
residual heat removal system must be
initiated as early as is possible to assure
the residual heat removal system can be
actuated prior to exhaustion of the
refueling water storage tank. Failure to
initiate the residual heat removal system
prior to exhaustion of the refueling water
storage tank could lead to core damage.

More than 15 induced steam generator

tube ruptures produces a system response
that could lead to core melting.

The Risk Significance of Steam Generator

Tube Rupture Accidents

Spontaneous and induced steam generator tube ruptures are small contributors
to the to the total core damage frequency
but are risk significant due to the potential for the radionuclides to bypass the
reactor's containment building.

Risk significant steam generator tube

rupture accidents can be induced by
operational transients (high frequency)
and rare events (low frequency) in steam
generators with tubes that have degraded
beyond a threshold amount.

The steam generator tube rupture risk

profile is dominated by a few risk
significant failures. Typically, the dominant steam generator tube rupture
contributor is human error followed by
failures that cause a loss or depletion of
the refueling water storage tank's coolant

Analyses of the combined steam line

break-steam generator tube rupture event
requires only one residual heat removal
system to be actuated to prevent boiling
during the long term.
The emergency operating procedures do
not emphasize the need for timely
operator actions in the event of a steam
line break-steam generator tube rupture.
The addition of this information to the
emergency operating procedures should
be considered for these bypass events
since a delayed operator response could
lead to core damage.




Steam generator tube degradation may

need to be controlled to prevent a
significant increase in the risk profile of
a pressurized water reactor.

Some countries inspect a fraction of the

steam generators at a unit every outage;
other countries inspect every other
outage, or even every 4 years. Some
countries inspect every year.

Tubing Inspection Requirements and Fitnessfor-Service Guidelines in Various Countries

An appropriate level of steam generator

and plant safety can only be maintained
by a suitable combination of inspection
and acceptance (fitness-for-service) requirements. Some countries have chosen
to have somewhat more conservative fitness-for-service criteria and less inspection. Other countries have chosen less
conservative fitness-for-service criteria
(thereby saving money on repairs) and
more inspections. Some countries have
more or less of both compared to other

The frequency and extent of the

inspections often increase as problems

Some countries group their steam

generators into two categories with quite
different numbers of tubes inspected in
each category. The categories used are
either "susceptible tubing and less
susceptible tubing" or "previous defects
or no defects." Other countries apply
the same inspection criteria to all their
steam generators.

Some countries inspect the full tube

length; other countries focus their
inspections on selected areas where the
degradation is most likely to be found.
Some countries do both.
Repair or removal from service criteria
can be grouped into two families: generic
and defect-type and location specific
fitness-for-service criteria.
The simplest and most conservative generic approach is no detectable defects.
The most widely implemented fitnessfor-service criterion is a minimum wall
thickness criterion, usually the value
specified in the ASME Code.
The occurrence in recent years of new
types of tube degradation, such as
PWSCC within the tubesheet or axial
ODSCC within the support plates, led to
the development of defect-type and
location specific repair criteria.
The P* and F* criteria allow tubes with
flaws in the tubesheet region to remain in
service without repair if the flaws are
low enough so that the damaged tube
remains in the tubesheet even if it
separates at the flaw.

Some countries inspect a small fraction

of the tubes (for example 3%) and then
more tubes when defects are found.
Other countries inspect a much larger
fraction of the tubes, especially in steam
generators with susceptible tubing, or
previous defects. Some countries inspect
all the tubes every year in steam generators with defects.


Because steam generator tubing is very

ductile, reasonably short through wall
axial cracks exhibit slow propagation.
Therefore, axial cracks located close to
the top of the tubesheet, and shorter than
about 10 to 13 mm, may remain in ser-



vice in some countries even if they are

through the wall.

when multiple axial cracks with near

throughwall penetration are present.
Similarly, the bobbin coil probe appears
to be able to detect axial cracks in the Ubend regions only when the total number
of cracks are beyond a certain threshold
or the cracks are long.

Some countries depend, in part, on very

good leak detection (nitrogen-16) and the
assumption that degraded steam generator tubes will leak before they rupture.
However, long throughwall cracks have
been found that are rather leak tight.
The current tendency is, therefore, to put
increasing weight on the use of inspections and use leak detection as an added
safety feature.

Comparison with pulled tube results

show that a rotating pancake coil can
measure axial PWSCC within 1.5 mm.
eddycurrent methods employing bobbin coils
are used for.inspection of axial ODSCC.
These methods suppress the changes
produced by the extraneous variables
and can detect and size deep ODSCC
(>40% throughwall). However, reliable
detection and accurate sizing of
ODSCC/IGA defects with bobbin coil
probes is difficult. Some ODSCC/IGA
defects greater than 40% throughwall
have been missed. Therefore, the indications detected with bobbin coils are
often confirmed with rotating pancake
coil inspections.

The complex morphology of ODSCC

and the difficulties in detecting and
sizing this degradation have lead some
plants to use a statistical voltage based
criteria. The allowable eddy-current
signal is based on: (1) a burst pressure
correlation together with allowances for
defect progression and inspection uncertainties, and (2) a leak rate correlation,
the recent population of defects in the
steam generator, and, again, allowances
for defect progression and inspection

Steam Generator Tube Defect Detection

Reliability and Sizing Accuracy

Eddy-current probes with bobbin coils

and rotating pancake coils are generally
used for inspection of steam generator
tubes. Generally these probes reliably
detect flaws, but their detection threshold
is high, some deep cracks have been
missed, and defect sizing is not accurate.

A rotating pancake coil probe can

reliably detect circumferential PWSCC
in the expansion-transition region once it
exceeds 50% throughwall depth. However, any distortion of the region will
mask the signal. The Plus-Point probe
can be used for inspection of flaws in a
distorted expansion-transition region because it is not affected by surface
geometry. This probe has detected a
shallow circumferential flaw (average
depth 26%) in a roll transition region.

Bobbin coils are sensitive to axial cracks

and volumetric flaws, but not to
circumferential cracks. Field studies
have shown that bobbin coils can detect
PWSCC in a roll-transition region only

Transmit/receive probes (Cecco-3 and

Cecco-5 probes) are more sensitive to
both outside and inside surface cracking
as compared to rotating pancake coil
probes. A Cecco-3 probe can detect and

Inspection of PWSCC and ODSCC




size a circumferential flaw as, shallow as
40% of the wall thickness with a sizing
accuracy of +15 % of the wall thickness.
A Cecco-5 probe will detect both axial
and circumferential flaws. The Cecco
series of probes have been used for
examination of Wextex transition regions, support plate dent regions, and
laser-welded and hybrid-expansion type

Inspection of IGA
Conventional bobbin coil and rotating
pancake coil probes are not sensitive to
the IGA-induced slow changes in the
electrical conductivity and magnetic
permeability. Therefore, these probes
cannot reliably detect and characterize
IGA damage.
Array probes with an 8 x 1 or 8 x 2
surface riding pancake coil arrangement
can detect intergranular attack and
estimate its circumferential extent and

No eddy-current methods are qualified at

present for sizing the length and depth of
circumferential cracks. Plus-Point probes, which are sensitive to both circumferential and axial indications are being
investigated for this purpose.

Inspection of Pitting

Eddy-current techniques are not effective

for detecting cracks with more complex
morphologies than pure axial or circumferential orientations. Ultrasonic inspection methods are being developed and
used for detection and sizing of cracks
consisted of several discontinuous microcracks separated by small ligaments of
sound material.

The accuracy of the eddy-current pit

depth measurements is severely limited
because of the small size of the pits and
because the pits are often filled with
copper containing corrosion products
with a high conductivity. A rotating
ultrasonic inspection probe has accurately measured pit depths to 2% of the
wall thickness in Monel 400 tubes
(CANDU steam generators).

Rotating ultrasonic inspection probes

using crack-tip diffraction techniques
apparently provide more reliable crack
detection, more accurate sizing, and
improved resolution than rotating pancake coil probes.

Inspection of Dents
A rotating ultrasonic inspection probe or
an array probe with contactless pancake
coils has been successfully used for
estimating the profiles of dented tube

The Plus-Point probe can detect flaws in

the vicinity of welds and the heat
affected zone of welded sleeve joints.
This probe has two differentially connected coils crossing at a point. Therefore, the probe is not affected by lift-off
due to weld geometry and the changes in
the material properties of the heat
affected zone.


Inspection of High-Cycle Fatigue

An 8 x 1 array probe is likely to provide
a reliable detection and accurate sizing of
circumferential fatigue cracks found at
the 15th support plate in the oncethrough steam generators.



Timely detection of high-cycle fatigue
cracks in the U-bend regions of recirculating steam generators is difficult because the initiation time is long and crack
growth rate is rapid.

Loose part induced wear is generally

limited to peripheral tubes and is relatively easy to detect when it is suspected.
However, the sizing of the affected area
is not accurate.

Inspection of Fretting and Wear

Tube fretting damage at the AVBs can be
characterized witfi a two-frequency eddycurrent inspection system, which minimizes the geometric effects of the ABVs
on the eddy-current signal.



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This Appendix describes the heat transfer
modeling of the Residual Heat Removal (RHR)
Systems for the Surry Nuclear Steam Supply

(T -T -(T -T )

(Ar) =


b 2



The RHR systems are single pass, parallel flow

heat exchangers.
In the model, the inlet
temperatures and mass flow rates on the shell and
primary sides of the RHR systems are used to
calculate the respective outlet temperatures.
Design conditions are used to compute the mean
value of the overall heat transfer coefficient times
the total heat transfer surface area (U A).

With the RHR systems in operation, the outlet

temperature for the shell side of the RHR heat
exchanger can be computed from
T =T H-XT,-T Xl.0-e



Using the following design input data for each

RHR system,







140F, hot leg temperature

124F, RHR discharge temperature
105F, shell side inlet temperature
112F, shell side outlet temperature
555.6 lbs/sec, primary flow rate
1236.1 lbs/sec, shell side flow rate
specific heat of primary fluid,
= specific heat of shell side fluid,
= 9166.7 Btu/sec, heat removal rate

a=(l +





=(I+I)U A


b pb


With the shell side outlet temperature (T

determined from Eq. 3, the outlet temperature of
the RHR primary side fluid can then be
calculated from

U^A is calculated from


T -T -(^-)(T -T )



where Q is the heat removal rate (Btu/sec) and

AT is the log-mean temperature distribution.
AT is calculated from




Figure Al shows the RHR primary side inlet

temperature and resultant outlet temperatures
computed by Eq. 5 over the range 350 to 140F.
Figure A2 shows the shell side outlet
temperatures computed for this range using Eq.



temperatures, T and T were used to recompute
the outlet temperatures, T^ and T , using Eqs. 3
through 5, thereby verifying the model. The
calculated values for T and T , are identified in
Figs. Al and A2 with the data symbol (square).




RHR Shell Side Inlet Temperature = 105T



RHR Inlet Temperature

RHR Outlet Temperature


Calculated from Eq. 5

of Appendix A


D Design data outlet temperature














Figure Al. RHR Primary Inlet and Outlet Temperatures






Shell Side Inlet Temperature = 105F

RHR Shell Side Outlet Temperature


Calculated from Eq. 5

of Appendix A
J Design data outlet temperature


to 130.0






Calculation No.


Figure A2. RHR Shell Side Temperatures



NRC f-ORM 3 3 5
12 89!
NBCM 1102,



(Assigned by NRC. Add Vol., Supp., Rev.,
and Addendum Numbers, If any.)



(See instructions on the reverse)



Steam Generator Tube F a i l u r e s









P. E. MacDonald, V. N. Shah, L. W. Ward, P. G.


7. PERIOD COVERED (Inclusive Dates)

8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME A N D A D D R E S S (If NRC, provide Division, Office or Region, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and mailing address: if contractor,
name and mailing address.)


Idaho N a t i o n a l E n g i n e e r i n g Laboratory
Lockheed Idaho T e c h n o l o g i e s Company
Idaho F a l l s , ID 84315
and mailing address.)

type "Same as above''; if contractor, provide NRC Division, Office or Region, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory


S a f e t y Programs D i v i s i o n
O f f i c e f o r A n a l y s i s and E v a l u a t i o n of O p e r a t i o n a l Data
U . S . N u c l e a r R e g u l a t o r v Commission
Washington, DC 20555-0001

J . R. Boardman, NRC P r o j e c t Manager

11. ABSTRACT " 9 0 tvorrls or less)

A r e v i e w and summary of t h e a v a i l a b l e i n f o r m a t i o n on steam g e n e r a t o r t u b i n g

f a i l u r e s and t h e impact of t h e s e f a i l u r e s on p l a n t s a f e t y i s p r e s e n t e d .
The f o l l o w i n g t o p i c s a r e c o v e r e d : p r e s s u r i z e d water r e a c t o r (PWR), Canadian
deuterium uranium (CANDU) r e a c t o r , and R u s s i a n water moderated, w a t e r c o o l e d e n e r g y r e a c t o r (WER) steam g e n e r a t o r d e g r a d a t i o n , PWR steam
g e n e r a t o r t u b e r u p t u r e s , t h e t h e r m a l - h y d r a u l i c r e s p o n s e o f a PWR p l a n t w i t h
a f a u l t e d steam g e n e r a t o r , t h e r i s k s i g n i f i c a n c e o f steam g e n e r a t o r t u b e
r u p t u r e a c c i d e n t s , t u b i n g i n s p e c t i o n r e q u i r e m e n t s and f i t n e s s - f o r - s e r v i c e
c r i t e r i a i n v a r i o u s c o u n t r i e s , and d e f e c t d e t e c t i o n r e l i a b i l i t y .
g e n e r a t o r t u b e damage i s c a u s e d by many d i v e r s e d e g r a d a t i o n mechanisms,
some of which a r e d i f f i c u l t t o d e t e c t and p r e d i c t . The f r e q u e n c y of steam
g e n e r a t o r t u b e r u p t u r e s c a n be s i g n i f i c a n t l y reduced t h r o u g h a p p r o p r i a t e
and t i m e l y i n s p e c t i o n s and r e p a i r s or removal from s e r v i c e .
However, a
c o n t i n u i n g i s s u e h a s been e x a c t l y what c o n s t i t u t e s an a p p r o p r i a t e and
t i m e l y i n s p e c t i o n and which degraded t u b e s a r e s t i l l f i t f o r s e r v i c e .
There have been many d i f f e r e n t approaches t o t h i s problem t h r o u g h o u t t h e
w o r l d . Although steam g e n e r a t o r t u b e r u p t u r e s a r e s m a l l c o n t r i b u t o r s t o
t h e t o t a l c o r e damage f r e q u e n c y c a l c u l a t e d i n p r o b a b i l i s t i c r i s k
assessments, they are r i s k s i g n i f i c a n t because t h e r a d i o n u c l i d e s are l i k e l y .
t o bypass t h e r e a c t o r containment b u i l d i n g .
".?. KEY WORDS/DESCRiPTORS (List words vr nhmsi.-s that will assist researches ... loratinii then-port

Steam g e n e r a t o r t u b e s , n u c l e a r p l a n t a g i n g , d e g r a d a t i o n mechanisms,
f a i l u r e mechanisms, i n s p e c t i o n and s u r v e i l l a n c e


(This P.w.-I

(This Report)



WC f O R .;_'!> 'P-89/

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