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Duane L. Anderson

Survey of Acts
and Romans
A study of the books of Acts and Romans
for Small Group or Personal Bible Study

1971, 2002 Duane L. Anderson

Last Updated: January 2013

American Indian Bible Institute

Box 511
Norwalk, California 90651-0511

Survey of Acts and Romans

Small Group or Personal Study Course
This is a small group Bible study course to help you grow in your understanding
of the books of Acts and Romans. This study will be most effective as you get together
with a small group to share the answers that each of you has written in your personal
study. This can also be used as a personal study course to help you grow in your
understanding of the books of acts and Romans. This course is designed to help you
grow in three ways. Throughout the course you will read a paragraph to help you grow
in your knowledge of the verses that you will be reading. After each paragraph you will
usually have three questions. These three questions will focus on three things:
Knowledge, Understanding and Application.
The first question will ask you to find the answer to some question in the verses
that you are reading. This question is to help you pick out a key fact in those verses to
help you grow in your knowledge of those verses. The answer to this question will
usually be found in the verses as you read them.
The second question will ask you a question that will help you to think through
the verses to understand the meaning of the group of verses being discussed. As you
read this question, pray that the Lord will give you understanding of the passage as well
as knowledge of the facts.
The third question will ask you a question that will help you to apply what you
have learned from those verses both to your own and to your service for Christ. It is as
we understand and apply the Scripture to our lives that the Lord really begins to change
and transform our lives.
At the end of each lesson there will be an opportunity to write down something
that you have learned for your own life through the study of those verses. Our prayer is
that as you work through these lessons that three things will happen in your life:
1. First, you will grow in your knowledge of the Bible.
2. Second, you will grow in your understanding of the verses that you have studied.
3. Third, you will learn how to apply the Word of God to your life.
The basic material in each of these lessons was originally written in one of six
Bible Survey texts written between 1969 and 1974 that cover the entire Bible from
Genesis to Revelation. We are making this material available in this new form to help
you grow in your knowledge, understanding and application of the Bible to your life.
The Lord willing, we will continue to make other books available as we have time to
prepare them in this new form.
May the Lord bless you as you learn His Word.

Survey of Acts and Romans




Survey of Acts - Acts 1:1-2:47


Survey of Acts - Acts 3:1-4:37


Survey of Acts - Acts 5:1- 6:15



Survey of Acts - Acts 7:1-8:40



Survey of Acts - Acts 9:1-10:48



Survey of Acts - Acts 11:1-12:25



Survey of Acts - Acts 13:1-14:28



Survey of Acts - Acts 15:1-16:40



Survey of Acts - Acts 17:1-18:28



Survey of Acts - Acts 19:1-20:38



Survey of Acts - Acts 21:1-22:30



Survey of Acts - Acts 23:1-24:27



Survey of Acts - Acts 25:1-26:32



Survey of Acts - Acts 27:1-28:31



Survey of Romans - Romans 1:1-2:29



Survey of Romans - Romans 3:1-4:25



Survey of Romans - Romans 5:1-6:23



Survey of Romans - Romans 7:1-8:17



Survey of Romans - Romans 8:18-9:33



Survey of Romans - Romans 10:1-11:36



Survey of Romans - Romans 12:1-13:14



Survey of Romans - Romans 14:1-16:27


Survey of Acts
Lesson I
Acts 1:1-2:47
Today we are beginning a study of the book of Acts. During our study, we will learn
the basic message of the book of Acts. In our study today we will learn about the
promise that Christ gave about the Holy Spirit just before Christ returned to heaven.
Then we will learn about the coming of the Holy Spirit to live in the life of each
Christian. We will also see the results when a group of Christians are filled with the
Holy Spirit.
As you study this lesson, you should use the following objectives to guide you in your
study. By the time you complete this lesson, you should be able to:
Tell what Christ promised about the Holy Spirit.
Explain what requirements are given for a man to be an apostle.
Tell what happened when the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit.
Explain what Peter said about the Holy Spirit.
Tell what we learn about the beginning of the church.
As we begin the book of Acts, we see that the book of Acts is written to a man by the
name of Theophilus. The book of Luke was also written to Theophilus. Luke wrote
both of these books to Theophilus to help him become a strong Christian. Here we see
the importance of helping other Christians grow strong so that they can serve Christ
better. If Luke was concerned enough about Theophilus to write two books to help him
grow as a Christian, certainly we should be just as concerned about helping new
Christians grow and become strong.
1. Now read Acts 1:1-11 and write how many days it was from the time Christ rose
from the dead until He returned to heaven.
2. Explain why Luke had such a concern to help Theophilus in his spiritual growth.
3. Explain what you learn for your own life from the example of the concern of Luke
to help Theophilus in his spiritual growth.
For forty days Christ showed that He was alive from the dead. During that time Christ
also taught the disciples many things about the kingdom of God. As a result, the
disciples asked Christ if the time had come when He would return the kingdom to Israel.
Here we see that the disciples were still looking forward to Christ becoming a king.
Christ told the disciples that He had other things that were more important for them.
Christ promised the disciples that He would send the Holy Spirit to give them the power
that they needed to witness and tell others about Christ.
4. Now read Acts 1:1-11 and write the four places where Christ told the disciples that
they were to witness about Him after they received the Holy Spirit.
5. Explain why Christ instructed the disciples to be witnesses of Him first to their own
people and then to the people of the rest of the world
6. Explain how the command that Christ gave to take the Gospel to Jerusalem, Judea,
Samaria and to the ends of the earth applies to you personally.

Here we see our responsibility as Christians to witness to all people. We could think of
the four groups to whom we are to witness in several different ways. Our Jerusalem is
those of our tribe in our own area. This involves crossing the barrier of our own fear.
Our Judea is those of our own tribe in other areas. This involves crossing the barrier of
making contacts. Our Samaria is those of other tribes or races in our country. This
involves crossing the barrier of another culture, religion or ethnic group. Finally we see
our responsibility to take the Gospel to the entire world. This involves crossing the
barrier of language. As Christians, we are a part of a group whose desire is to help
people throughout the world learn about the love of Christ for them by sharing the
Gospel of Jesus Christ with them.
7. Read Acts 1:1-11 and write what happened to Christ when He had finished speaking
these things.
8. Explain why you think that the last command that Christ gave us before He returned
to heaven was the command to take the Gospel to all the people of the world.
9. Explain what you are personally doing to take the Gospel to your world.
After Christ gave us the command to take the Gospel to all people, He returned to
heaven. Then the disciples returned to Jerusalem to pray together until the Holy Spirit
came to fill their lives and give them power to witness. We read that they all continued
together with one accord or purpose. Here we see an important lesson for every church.
All of the members of every church need to be working together with one purpose. We
will see in the next chapter that the purpose of the early Christians was to tell others
about Christ.
10. Now read Acts 1:12-26 and write how many Christians were meeting together with
one purpose.
11. Explain what made it possible for all of the believers to be of one accord and one
12. Explain what you can personally do to help the Christians in your church learn to
work together in one accord.
As the Christians were meeting together in prayer, they felt that God wanted them to
choose another apostle to take the place of Judas. Here we see the requirements for a
man to be an apostle. He must be one who had followed Christ and been a part of the
group of disciples. He must have been with Christ the entire time that Christ preached.
He must have seen Christ after Christ rose from the dead. The only apostle who did not
meet all of those requirements was Paul. Paul tells us that Christ chose him to be an
apostle even though he had not walked with Christ for three years on the earth. Paul
was the only one who was chosen to be an apostle without meeting the requirements that
are given in this chapter. That is why we do not have apostles today.
13. Now read Acts 1:12-26 and write the name of the man chosen to replace Judas.
14. Explain why the disciples felt that it was important to choose a person to take the
place of Judas.
15. Explain how the qualifications for an apostle in these verses help you to understand
why we do not have apostles today.
After the disciples had chosen Mathias to take the place of Judas, they continued

to meet together and pray together and have the same purpose. Ten days after
Christ went back to heaven, the prayers of the disciples were answered and the
Holy Spirit came to live in the life of every Christian. Since this was the
beginning of the church and the time that the Holy Spirit first came to live in the
life of every Christian, several unusual things happened. There was the sound
like the sound of a very strong wind. Then tongues that looked like tongues of
fire came on each of the disciples. The disciples were all filled with the Holy
Spirit. The disciples then spoke to the crowds in Jerusalem in their own
16. Now read Acts 2:1-13 and write who was at Jerusalem that day.
17. Explain why the Lord chose to send the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost
when there were Jews gathered from every nation in Jerusalem.
18. Explain why you think the Holy Spirit gave all of the believers the
opportunity to share the Gospel with others.
The Jews had been scattered and there were groups of Jews living in many different
countries. However, the Jews who lived in other countries would make an effort to
come to Jerusalem for the Jewish feasts at least once or twice in their lifetimes. The
Feast of Pentecost was fifty days after the Passover. Many of the Jews living in other
countries would come to Jerusalem for the Passover and stay for the Feast of Pentecost.
These were the Jews who were visiting Jerusalem from the other nations.
19. Now read Acts 2:1-13 and count the number of different languages mentioned in
these verses in which the disciples spoke on the day of Pentecost.
20. Explain why the Jews from different countries were amazed when they heard the
Gospel being explained in their own languages.
21. Explain why you think the Lord gave the believers the ability to speak in all of the
different languages of the people who were gathered there that day.
There are several things that we need to notice about these tongues or languages. First,
we see that the Holy Spirit gave the 120 disciples who had been praying together the
ability to speak in at least fifteen different languages. Part of the disciples would speak
in each language. The second thing that we see is the fact that these tongues are known
languages. Fifteen known languages are mentioned that the disciples spoke. People
quickly gathered around a disciple who was speaking their language. The people were
very surprised when they heard these men from Galilee speaking their languages.
However, God had a special purpose that day. He wanted men from all parts of the
world to hear the Gospel on the day that the church began.
22. Read Acts 2:1-13 and write what the people were hearing in their own languages.
23. Explain how this showed that God wants people of every language group to hear the
Gospel in a way that they can understand it.
24. Explain what it means to you in your own life that they were sharing the wonderful
works of God.
The people were very surprised when the disciples spoke to the people in various
languages about Christ. Those who hated Christ said that they were drunk. Then Peter
took the opportunity to speak to the crowd about Christ. As Peter spoke to the crowd,

he spoke of a prophecy in the book of Joel. The prophecy in Joel speaks of the last days
when the entire nation of Israel will turn to the Lord for salvation. Here we see that
Peter tells the Jews that what they were seeing was an example of what will happen to
the nation of Israel in the future when the entire nation turns to God.
25. Read Acts 2:14-36 and write what Peter said would happen to those who called on
the name of the Lord.
26. Explain what it means to call on the name of the Lord.
27. Explain what the Lord used in your own life to lead you to call upon the name of the
Then Peter begins to show how the Old Testament predicted in the book of Psalms that
Christ would die. Peter spoke of the fact that David had said that the grave could not
hold Christ until His body began to rot. Instead Christ had victory over death and rose
from the dead. Since David had not risen from the dead, he had not been speaking of
himself. Instead he had been speaking of Christ. God also took Christ up to heaven and
caused Christ to sit on His right side. Then Peter explained the real point of his sermon.
He wanted to show Israel that God had sent Christ who they had crucified on the cross.
28. Read Acts 2:14-36 and write what God had made Jesus.
29. Explain why it is very important for people to really understand the fact that God
raised Christ from the dead.
30. Explain what it means to you in your own life to know that Christ has risen from the
When Peter showed that Christ had come from God and had been raised from the dead,
the Holy Spirit spoke to those who were listening. Those men realized that they were
sinners. Then they asked Peter and the other disciples what they must do. Here we see
a very interesting thing about the sermon of Peter. He encouraged people to ask
questions right while he was preaching. Then Peter told them to turn from their sins and
show the other people that they had decided to follow Christ by being baptized.
31. Read Acts 2:37-47 and write what Peter promised the men they would receive when
they followed Christ.
32. Explain why this passage shows us that all people receive the gift of the Holy Spirit
at the moment they place their trust in Christ.
33. Explain what it means to you in your personal life that you received the Holy Spirit
as a gift at the moment you placed your trust in Christ.
Here we see a wonderful promise about the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit comes into
each one of our lives at the moment we become Christians. Today there is much
confusion about the time that the Holy Spirit comes into our lives. However, we see
here and also in many other verses that the Holy Spirit comes into our lives at the time
we decide to follow Christ and become Christians. We also see the results of the
witness of Peter and the other disciples. We read that a large group of people followed
34. Read Acts 2:37-47 and write how many people placed their trust in Christ on the day
that the church began.
35. Explain how the Father draws people to place their trust in Christ as we explain to
them the meaning of the resurrection of Christ.

36. Explain what it means to you to know that Christ could change so many people in
one day.
We also learn some important things about the early church in these verses. Verse 42
tells us four things that were done in the early church. We will learn about other things
that were done in the early church as we study the rest of the book of Acts. Here we see
that the first thing emphasized is the apostles' doctrine. This is Bible study. This should
be one of the most important parts of any church. The church should be helping
Christians learn the Word of God so that every Christian is prepared to witness to his
friends, neighbors and other people that he meets. We also see that the Christians met to
fellowship with each other. Then they met for communion and prayer.
37. Read Acts 2:37-47 and write what these early believers were doing every day.
38. Explain why Bible study, fellowship, communion and prayer are four of the key
things to help new Christians grow in their understanding of the new life that we
have in Christ.
39. Explain how each of these four things has helped you in your own spiritual growth.
Although large groups of Christians met together from time to time in the temple, many
of their meetings were held in small groups in homes. We even see that the Christians
met together for communion in the homes. It was almost three hundred years before the
Christians started building their own buildings for worship. Here we see that the
building is not the important thing. Instead the important thing is the fact that Christian
meet together with Christ in control of their meetings. A local church can meet in any
kind of a building because the building is not important. Today the people in many
churches are spending more time taking care of their buildings than they are spending
out witnessing to their friends and other people in the area.
40. Read Acts 2:37-47 and write how the church grew when the Christians were
concerned about telling others about Christ instead of building buildings.
41. Explain why it is important to continue to tell people about Christ whether they are
ready to place their trust in Christ right now or not.
42. Explain how you have seen Christ work in the lives of others by drawing them to
Himself as they have seen the changed lives of Christians and heard the Word of
God explained.
Lessons are best learned when we put them into practice. In our study of the first two
chapters of Acts, we have seen the final words of Christ to His disciples and to all
Christians just before He returned to heaven. We have also seen what happened as the
original disciples received the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost. The Lord drew
3,000 people to Himself in one day. Then the church helped the new believers begin to
grow in their new spiritual life. This week pray that the Lord will give you the
opportunity to share the message of the death and resurrection of Christ with at least two
Now reread Acts 1:1-2:47 and write down the three most important lessons that you
learned from these chapters.

Survey of Acts
Lesson Two
Acts 3:1-4:37
Today we will learn about the first miracle that happened after Christ returned to heaven
and the church began. As a result of this miracle, several things happened. The miracle
made it possible for Peter to speak to a large group of people in the temple. Since the
Jewish religious leaders did not want the people to follow Christ, the religious leaders
put Peter and John in jail. The next day when the religious leaders had a trial for Peter
and John, the two disciples used the opportunity to speak to the religious leaders about
Christ. Then the religious leaders told them not to speak about Christ any more.
However, Peter and John replied that they were to obey God rather than men. After the
disciples were freed, they gathered together with the other disciples to pray. They were
again filled with the Holy Spirit and that caused them to speak boldly for Christ.
As you study this lesson, you should use the following objectives to guide you in your
study. By the time you complete this lesson, you should be able to:
Explain what Peter said to the man who was crippled.
Tell what Peter said to the people in the temple.
Explain what Peter and John said to the religious leaders.
Explain what happened as the disciples prayed together.
Tell why the Christians sold the things they owned.
When the church first started, the people in Jerusalem met each afternoon at the temple
at 3 p.m. to pray. One day as Peter and John went to pray they met a man who was
crippled and unable to walk. He had been crippled ever since he was born. Since the
government did not have a welfare program to help the sick and crippled, it was
necessary for the man to sit by the side of the street and ask people to give him money
or food so that he could live. This is still true in many countries today. This particular
man was sitting and begging near the gate of the temple.
1. Read Acts 3:1-11 and write what Peter said to the crippled man when he asked for
some money (alms).
2. Explain why the early believers felt that it was important to gather for prayer daily.
3. Explain why regular prayer is very important to you in your personal life.
The crippled man immediately looked at Peter and John because he thought they were
going to give him some money. Peter said that they did not have any money but they
did have something better than money. Then they healed the man in the name of Christ.
Immediately the man started walking and leaping and praising God. This man had
something to shout about and he could not keep quiet. As a result, a crowd of people
quickly gathered because the man spoke boldly about what Christ had done for him.
Here we learn a wonderful lesson. If we will speak boldly for Christ and tell others how
Christ has changed our lives, there will be those who want to learn more about Christ.
4. Read Acts 3:1-11 and write where the people gathered to hear the crippled man and
the disciples.

5. Explain how this miracle showed the power of Christ both to the believers and to
those who were not believers.
6. Explain what you learn about the importance of giving praise to the Lord for what
He has done in your life.
As we study this chapter, we learn another important lesson. Peter used every
opportunity to speak to others about Christ. When the man was healed, a large crowd of
people gathered around Peter and John. Peter used the time to talk about Christ instead
of trying to get people to follow him. Today there are people who are trying to get
others to follow them instead of Christ. Such people speak of the things that they can do
or the power that they have. Instead Peter gives us a right example of what to do in
these verses. He said that Christ was the one who healed the man and not he or John.
Then Peter used the opportunity to speak to the people.
7. Read Acts 3:12-26 and write what Peter spoke about as a crowd gathered around
8. Explain what lessons we learn from Peter by his answer to the people.
9. Explain what these verses teach you about the importance of sharing about the death
and resurrection of Christ when you have the opportunity to tell others about Him.
As Peter spoke to the people, he told them that the man had been healed through the
power of Christ. Then Peter told the people how God had used the ignorance of the
religious leaders to fulfill the Old Testament. The leaders had thought they were getting
rid of Christ by killing Him. Instead they fulfilled the Old Testament. All of the
prophets from the time of Moses had spoken of Christ. Now Christ had completed all of
the things that the prophets said about His birth, death and resurrection.
10. Read Acts 3:12-26 and write what will happen to every soul (person) who does not
hear and follow Christ (that prophet).
11. Explain what Peter promised would happen to those who repented.
12. Explain why it is important for you to give people the opportunity to repent and turn
from their sin.
The Sadducees and other religious leaders did not like what Peter was telling the people.
The Sadducees were a group of religious leaders who did not believe in miracles or that
people could be raised from the dead. As Peter spoke of the fact that Christ had been
raised from the dead, the Sadducees were filled with anger and hate. They were
grieved both that Peter was teaching the people and also that he was preaching that
Christ is the One who rose from the dead and will raise those who believe in Him from
the dead. While Peter was speaking, these men stopped him and took Peter and John
and put them in jail. However, many of those who heard the Word of God believed in
13. Read Acts 4:1-12 and write how many men had now become Christians.
14. Explain who the Lord was using the message of the death and resurrection of Christ
to draw many people to place their trust in Christ.
15. Explain what you think would happen in the lives of each of your relatives and
friends if you would share with them about the death and resurrection of Christ and
ask Christ to work in their lives to draw them to Himself.

Here we see a picture of the rapid growth of the church in the city of Jerusalem. There
were 120 disciples of Christ meeting together before the coming of the Holy Spirit. On
the day that the Holy Spirit came, the number of believers grew to 3000. Here we see
that there are now 5000 men besides women and children. Here is a church that had
grown from 120 people to 5000 families in a short time. As you study the rest of the
book of Acts, continue to ask yourself why the early church grew so rapidly. Then ask
yourself why most churches today are growing so slowly.
16. Read Acts 4:1-12 and write what question the religious leaders asked Peter and John
the next day.
17. Explain what reasons you have seen so far in the book of Acts for the rapid growth
of the early church.
18. Explain why it is important for you to pray and share about the death and
resurrection of Christ with your relatives, friends, co-workers, neighbors and other
acquaintances if you want to see them receive forgiveness of sin and eternal life.
The next day Peter and John were brought in front of all of the Jewish religious leaders.
The religious leaders asked Peter and John who gave them the right and power to heal
the crippled man. Peter did not depend on himself to answer. We read that he was
filled with the Holy Spirit as he spoke. Instead of trying to defend themselves, Peter and
John took the opportunity to speak to the religious leaders about Christ. Peter told how
God had raised Christ from the dead. Then Peter said that it was Christ who had healed
the man and not them. Peter also told the religious leaders how to be saved from their
19. Read Acts 4:1-12 and write the verse that tells the only way to be saved.
20. Explain why Christ is the only One who can save people and forgive their sin so that
they receive eternal life.
21. Explain why you realize that you personally need to pray and ask the Holy Spirit to
speak through you as you share with others about Christ.
Here we see again that Christ is the only one who can save a person from his sin. The
religious leaders were very surprised when they heard Peter and John speak so boldly
about Christ. The religious leaders felt that Peter and John were uneducated. All of the
Jewish boys learned how to read the Old Testament. However, the Jewish religious
leaders had also spent many years being taught by one of the important religious leaders.
As a result, they felt that those who had received no special training were uneducated.
22. Read Acts 4:13-22 and write what the religious leaders realized about Peter and
23. Explain why Christians will also be able to speak with boldness about Christ if they
are spending time with Christ each day through prayer and Bible study.
24. Explain what lessons you are learning for your own life that will help you learn to
speak boldly for Christ.
Then the religious leaders told Peter and John that they were not to teach about Christ
any more. Peter and John answered that they were going to listen to God and not to
men. They also answered that they could not keep quiet about what Christ had done for

them. They had to tell others. The same thing should be true in our own lives. We
should love Christ so much that we cannot keep quiet. Our desire should always be to
tell others about Christ. Even if men would put us in jail or kill us, our desire should
still be to tell others about Christ.
25. Read Acts 4:23-31 and write what Peter and John answered when the religious
leaders threatened them and told them not to speak any more in the name of Christ.
26. Explain why the religious leaders threatened Peter and John and told them to keep
silent even though the religious leaders admitted that they could not deny the
27. Explain what lessons you learn for your own life from Peter and John in these
When the religious leaders let Peter and John go, they returned to the other Christians to
give them a report of what had happened. Then the entire group of Christians who had
gathered together began to pray. Here we see the right thing to do when men try to stop
us from preaching the Gospel. Instead of trying to fight them, we should pray to the
Lord and let Him stop them. In the prayer of the Christians we see that they realized
that there were many people who were gathered together to fight against Christ. Men
have been fighting against God from the beginning of time. However, God has even
used those sinful men to complete His plan. Now sinful men were again threatening the
believers in an effort to get them to stop preaching the Gospel.
28. Read Acts 4:23-31 and write what the believers asked Christ to give them.
29. Explain why Christians need to pray for boldness to speak the Word of God.
30. Explain why you have fear when you depend on yourself to share the Word of God
and boldness when you pray and ask the Lord to give you His strength.
Here we learn an important lesson. Instead of praying that the Lord would protect them,
the believers prayed that they would be able to speak boldly for Christ. They were not
concerned about themselves. Their only desire was to tell others about Christ. They
also prayed that whatever they did would bring honor to Christ and not themselves.
Today we need to ask ourselves if we are doing things so that men will look at us or are
we doing things so that men will get to know Christ.
31. Read Acts 4:23-31 and write what happened after the believers had prayed.
32. Explain how the Lord answered the prayer of the believers.
33. Explain how you know that you can depend on the Lord to work through your life as
you pray for boldness to share about the death and resurrection of Christ.
Here we learn some important lessons about the Holy Spirit. Already in the book of
Acts we have read several times about the disciples being filled with the Holy Spirit.
From this we see that a Christian can be filled with the Holy Spirit many times. In fact
Ephesians 5:18 commands us to keep on being filled with the Holy Spirit. In order to
be filled with the Holy Spirit, we must confess any sins in our lives and allow the Holy
Spirit to take complete control of our lives. When we sin again, we are actually taking
the control of our lives away from the Holy Spirit so we need to confess that sin so we
are again filled with the Holy Spirit. The proof that you are filled with the Holy Spirit is
the fact that you are able to speak boldly to others about Christ.
34. Read Acts 4:23-31 and write how the believers spoke the Word of God to others.

35. Explain what the early believers teach us about speaking boldly to others about
Christ even when those people persecute us.
36. Explain what these verses personally teach you about the way to handle opposition
to your message from others.
We read that all of the Christians were of one heart and one soul. They all had the same
purpose and goal. This was one reason why the church grew so fast. The purpose of
every Christian was to tell others about Christ. Here we see what will happen when we
let the Holy Spirit take control of our lives. The Lord will work in our lives to develop a
real unity between believers. This unity will help us to have the same purpose in our
lives that the early church had as they yielded the control of their lives to the Holy
37. Read Acts 4:32-37 and write what the apostles did with great power.
38. Explain what made it possible for all of the early believers to be of one heart and one
39. Explain why the book of Acts is showing you the importance of letting the Holy
Spirit work in your life if you want to see Him do exciting things through your life.
Because all of the Christians had the attitude that everything they had belonged to
Christ, every Christian had enough. There were none that lacked. If we let Christ
control our possessions, we will always have enough because Christ will supply our
needs. God knows our needs better than we know them. God promises that He will
supply all of our needs. This is one reason why we do not need to worry as Christians.
Such an attitude will also give us a desire to share with others during their times of need.
We also read about a man who had his name changed to Barnabas. The name Barnabas
means Son of encouragement or the encourager. Barnabas is mentioned by name
because we will be learning more about him later in the book of Acts. When Barnabas
was faithful in putting Christ first, Christ was able to use Barnabas for greater things.
As you are faithful in putting Christ first, Christ will be able to use your life more and
more. Notice as you go through the rest of the book of Acts if the things that he did
showed why the disciples had given him that new name.
40. Read Acts 4:32-37 and write the name of one who sold his land and shared the
money with the other Christians and also had his name changed to Barnabas.
41. Explain why an encourager like Barnabas can have a real ministry to many
42. Explain what lessons you learn for your own life from the example of Barnabas.
Lessons are learned best when we put them into practice. In these two chapters we have
seen how the Lord worked through the lives of Peter and John as they shared with a
lame man, with a crowd in the temple, with the Jewish religious leaders and with other
believers. We see that these men had been changed from ordinary fishermen to men
who had a great impact on the world because they had spent time with Christ and also
learned to yield to the Holy Spirit. Christ also wants to use you to make an impact on
the world around you. This week pray each day that the Lord will give you boldness to
speak to at least one person each day about the death and resurrection of Christ.


Survey of Acts
Lesson 3
Acts 5:1-6:15
Today we will learn about the way that the Holy Spirit took care of two problems in the
early church. Since we still have both of these problems in the church today, we need to
learn what to do to meet these problems. The first problem is sin in the church. We will
see that God caused two people to die because of their sin. God may use sickness or
even death to deal with sin in the church. The second problem is the problem of helping
the poor. Today some churches are so busy helping the poor that they no longer have
time to even preach the Gospel. Today we will learn about the instructions God gives
about helping the poor.
As you study this lesson, you should use the following objectives to guide you in your
study. By the time you complete this lesson, you should be able to:
Explain what God did about sin in the early church.
Tell what happened when the religious leaders put the apostles in jail.
Explain what the religious leaders decided to do with the apostles.
Tell how the early church met the needs of the poor people.
In our last lesson we learned how the Christians sold their land and gave their money to
be used for the work of the Lord. Today we will learn about a husband and wife who
decided to lie to the Holy Spirit. They sold a piece of land and decided to give part of
the money to the church. However, they were only giving it so people could talk about
how good they were. They agreed to tell the apostles that they were giving the entire
amount to the church that they had received for the land. Since it was their land, it was
their privilege to give only part of the money to the church. However, the sin was to tell
a lie and say that was all that they had received for the land.
1. Read Acts 5:1-16 and write the names of the husband and wife who lied to the Holy
2. Explain why these verses show that God considers lying a very serious sin.
3. Explain what you learn for your own life about telling the truth.
God showed Peter that Ananias and Sapphira were telling a lie. Peter told Ananias that
he was lying to God and not to men. When Ananias heard that, he fell down and died.
Then some of the younger men took him out and buried him. Later in the day Sapphira
came to the place where the disciples were meeting. Peter then asked Sapphira how
much they had received for the land. When Sapphira also lied, Peter told her that the
young men who had buried her husband would also bury her. Then she also fell down
and died. The young men carried her out and buried her.
4. Read Acts 5:1-16 and write what happened to the church as a result of the death of
Ananias and Sapphira.
5. Explain why Ananias and Sapphira were putting the Holy Spirit to the test.
6. Explain what you learn from the fact that the Holy Spirit judged their sin.


Here we see that God may judge the sins of Christians by causing them to die. I
Corinthians 11 tells us that the sins in their church were causing many to be sick and
even causing some to die. Today Christians need to realize what could happen to them
if they continue to live in sin. God still brings sickness and even death to Christians
who continue to disobey the Word of God.
7. Read Acts 5:1-16 and write who the Lord was using to perform many miracles.
8. Explain what these verses teach about the importance of separating ourselves from
sin in our own lives as Christians.
9. Explain what you learn about disobedience to God from these verses.
We also see that the apostles performed many miracles. If a person was sick and the
shadow of Peter fell on the sick person as Peter walked down the street, the sick person
was healed. Every single person that was sick or controlled by evil spirits was healed.
Today there are some people who claim to be healers. However, these people are not
able to heal many of those who come to them. The healers say that the people are not
healed because the people do not have faith. However, James 5:14-16 tells us that it is
the faith of those praying and not the faith of the sick person that causes the sick person
to be healed. Here we see that every single person was healed.
10. Read Acts 5:1-16 and write how the church grew during this time.
11. Explain why the Lord chose to give the apostles special power to do miracles.
12. Explain why you believe that these miracles may have been part of the signs of the
apostles mentioned in Hebrews 2:3-4.
The religious leaders were very angry when they saw so many people choosing to
follow Christ. As a result, the leaders put the apostles in jail. During the night an angel
let the apostles out of jail and told them to go back to the temple and preach. The next
morning the religious leaders sent men to the jail to get the apostles. When the men
came to the jail, they found it empty. The guards were carefully guarding the jail but the
apostles were not inside when the men opened the door of the jail.
13. Read Acts 5:17-29 and write what the apostles were doing while the religious
leaders were looking for them.
14. Explain why the Lord told the apostles to go right back to the temple and begin
teaching the people again.
15. Explain why you think the apostles were not afraid to go back to the temple and
teach since the religious leaders had threatened them.
Suddenly someone rushed in and told the religious leaders that the apostles were
standing in the temple and teaching the people. Then the religious leaders sent men to
bring the apostles to the religious leaders. When the apostles arrived, the religious
leaders asked the apostles why they had continued to talk about Christ when the
religious leaders had ordered them to be quiet. Then the apostles gave the religious
leaders a very important answer.
16. Read Acts 5:17-29 and write what the apostles told the religious leaders.
17. Explain why the apostles were so concerned to obey God even though the religious
leaders had threatened them.
18. Explain how the answer of the apostles applies to you in your own life.


Instead of trying to defend themselves, the apostles took the opportunity to speak to the
religious leaders again about Christ. The apostles told how God had raised Christ and
that now Christ would forgive the sins of the leaders. The Holy Spirit convicted the
religious leaders of their sins. Instead of asking Christ to forgive their sins, the religious
leaders decided to kill the apostles. Then one of the religious leaders suggested that
they wait to kill the apostles. If the apostles were depending on their own strength, they
would fail as other men had failed. If the apostles were depending on God, then the
religious leaders would be fighting against God and could not win.
19. Read Acts 5:29-42 and write the name of the religious leader who said they should
not kill the apostles.
20. Explain what made the religious leaders so angry that they were ready to kill the
21. Explain why you think that the Lord chose to use Gamaliel to protect the apostles
from the religious leaders.
The other Jewish religious leaders listened to Gamaliel. Instead of killing the apostles,
the leaders had the apostles beaten and then commanded them not to speak any more
about Christ. Here we see that the devil was trying to do everything he could to stop the
apostles from telling others about Christ. Today the devil is still doing everything he
can do to keep Christians from telling others about Christ. However, the beating did not
even discourage the apostles.
22. Read Acts 5:29-42 and write how the apostles felt about suffering for Christ.
23. Explain why the apostles were so willing to suffer for Christ.
24. Explain why you think that the example of the willingness of the apostles to suffer
encouraged the other believers to continue speaking boldly for Christ.
Today many people complain when they have to suffer. However, the apostles were full
of joy because they had the privilege of suffering for Christ. Christ only gives us the
privilege of suffering for Him when He knows that we are faithful servants. By
suffering for Christ, we are receiving the opportunity to witness to those who hate
Christ. Instead of complaining or stopping their teaching, the disciples continued to
teach and preach about Christ in the temple and in every home. Suffering caused the
believers to speak more boldly for Christ. They even went to the homes of those who
persecuted them.
25. Read Acts 5:29-42 and write what the apostles continued to do daily.
26. Explain why the primary focus of the apostles and other believers as they taught and
preached was Jesus Christ.
27. Explain why you think it is a privilege to suffer for Christ.
As the number of believers grew, another problem arose in the church. This was the
problem of the poor widows whose husbands had died. The government did not have
any program to help the poor and needy. These poor Christian women had no one to
help them. The early church felt that it was definitely their responsibility to help the
needy Christians. However, the apostles felt that they should appoint others to take the
responsibility to help those with needs. Then the apostles could continue to spend all of
their time praying and teaching.

28. Read Acts 6:1-8 and write how many men were chosen.
29. Explain why it was important for the apostles to continue to focus on teaching and
preaching the Word of God and let others care for the widows.
30. Explain some of the ways that you can personally help other Christians who are in
Those seven men were the first new leaders chosen by the early church. It is rather
interesting to see how the early the church chose the seven men to share in the
leadership of the church. In the first chapter of Acts just before the church began, the
disciples picked two men to take the place of Judas and then cast lots to choose between
them. That is the last time in the New Testament that it mentions that men were chosen
by casting lots. Here we see that the seven men were chosen by the whole church at
Jerusalem. Instead of having an election between two groups of men, only seven men
are mentioned. The whole church spent much time in prayer seeking the will of God so
that when the time came to choose the men, they were all in agreement. We will see
that this is the way decisions were made throughout the book of Acts. The Holy Spirit
made the choice and the believers prayed until they all felt that they were doing the will
of the Holy Spirit. This prevented many divisions in the church which are so common
31. Read Acts 6:1-8 and write what kind of men the believers were told to choose.
32. Explain why it is important for churches to pray until they know that the Lord is the
One who is guiding them as they make decisions.
33. Explain what you learn are the most important things to the Lord in the selection of
additional spiritual leadership.
The men who were chosen as the first leaders show us the kind of men that we need as
leaders today. They were to be honest men because they would be handling money.
However, this did not mean that taking care of money was their only work for the Lord.
Every believer is also supposed to be witnessing and sharing the good news about Christ
with others. The men who were helping the needy needed to serve Christ in other ways
also. In the next two chapters we will learn how two of these leaders witnessed to
others about Christ.
34. Read Acts 6:1-8 and write what this caused to happen to the number of the disciples.
35. Explain why developing new leaders to share in the various ministries of the church
is a key part of the growth of the church.
36. Explain what you think these verses teach about how a leader should serve the Lord.
Stephen was one of the seven leaders chosen to help care for the needy. However, he
was also a real man of faith and did many miracles among the people. He was a real
teacher of the Word of God also. One day a group of men tried to argue with Stephen
and tell him that he was wrong. Stephen answered with the knowledge and wisdom
given to him by the Holy Spirit. As a result, the men could not answer him. Since the
evil men could not answer Stephen, they hired men to say that Stephen had said things
against God, the temple and the Word of God.
37. Read Acts 6:9-15 and write what the men are called who spoke against Stephen.
38. Explain why the Jews were so angry that they would accuse Stephen of things that
he had not done wrong.

39. Explain what lessons you learn from the fact that Stephen had a powerful ministry of
speaking for Christ even though he had been chosen to help care for the widows.
Today there are also men who are false witnesses and speak against Christ. There are
some that say that Christ is not God. Other men say that Christ did not become a man.
Both groups refuse to believe that Christ is the one who can save them from their sin.
Even though men refuse to believe in Christ, that does not mean that we should stop
talking about Christ. Instead we should continue to tell others about Christ and tell them
how they can become Christians. This is what Stephen did as he spoke to the men.
40. Read Acts 6:9-15 and write what the face of Stephen looked like as he spoke to the
41. Explain when the religious leaders were amazed as they saw the face of Stephen.
42. Explain what you learn about how the Holy Spirit can use your ministry if you
depend on the Holy Spirit as Stephen did.
Lessons are best learned when we put them into practice. In our study of chapters five
and six of Acts we have seen that God chose to judge sin in the church. We also saw
that Christ gave the apostles great power to perform miracles. We learn about the
boldness of the apostles as they spoke to the religious leaders. They were even willing
to be beaten for their faith and still rejoice. We also see that the church expanded its
leadership to care for new needs as the church grew. This week pray that the Lord will
give you the opportunity to share with at least two others why you know that the Lord
will change their lives as they put their trust in Christ.
Now reread Acts 5:1-6:15 and write down the three most important lessons that you
learned from these chapters today.


Survey of Acts
Lesson Four
Acts 7:1-8:40
Today we will learn more about two of the men who were appointed as the first new
leaders. As we learned in Acts 6, the new leaders were chosen to help care for the
needy widows. Here we see that these leaders were also concerned about telling others
about Christ. Stephen spoke to the religious leaders about Christ. They refused to
accept the salvation that Christ offers. Instead they killed Stephen. We will also learn
about Philip preaching to the people of Samaria. The Samaritans were half Jewish.
Because they had married people from other countries, the Jews hated them. However,
Philip was a Christian and Christ had given him a love for the Samaritans. He told them
about Christ and later God sent him to tell a man from Ethiopia about Christ.
As you study this lesson, you should use the following objectives to guide you in your
study. By the time you complete this lesson, you should be able to:
Tell how the Jews had rejected God for many years.
Explain why Stephen was stoned to death.
Explain what happened when the early church was persecuted.
Tell what happened when Philip spoke to the Samaritans.
Tell what happened when Philip spoke to the man from Ethiopia.
In our last lesson we learned how Stephen was chosen as a leader. Then we saw how he
was brought before the Jewish religious leaders for preaching about Christ. Today we
will learn what Stephen said to the religious leaders. We see that Stephen showed how
the Jews had rejected God many times during the years before Christ came to the earth.
We see how God blessed the Jewish people right from the time God chose Abraham to
be the father of their nation. However, the family of Abraham soon rebelled against
1. Now read Acts 7:1-19 and write who the patriarchs (sons of Jacob) sold to be a
2. Explain why the sons of Jacob chose to sell their brother as a slave.
3. Explain what you learn for your own family about the effects of envy in a family
that is ignored.
The sons of Jacob sold their brother, Joseph, to be a slave because they hated him. They
did not have the kind of love that God wanted them to have toward their brother.
However, God protected Joseph and made him governor of Egypt. Then he was able to
help his brothers when there was no food where the brothers lived. Here we see the
kind of love God wants us to have for each other. We should love others even when
they do bad things to us. We should repay their evil with love.
4. Read Acts 7:1-19 and write what happened to the people in Egypt.
5. Explain how the Lord can give Christians the strength to show love even to those
who are doing evil to them.
6. Explain what lessons you learn for your own life from the example of Joseph.

God was taking care of His people in Egypt. When they were suffering in Egypt, God
provided a leader to lead them out of Egypt. God also made it possible for that man to
receive the best education that a man could receive in Egypt. Then God trained that
man for forty more years out in the desert. When God had finished training that leader,
God then sent him to Egypt to lead the people out of Egypt. Then for forty years God
used that man to lead the people through the desert.
7. Read Acts 7:20-44 and write the name of the man God used to lead His people out
of Egypt.
8. Explain why the Lord needed to give Moses training both in Egypt and also out in
the desert before he was prepared to lead the nation of Israel out of Egypt.
9. Explain why the Lord may allow you to be in some difficult situations as He
prepares you to lead other Christians.
Even though God did many miracles to get the people of Israel out of Egypt, the people
still rebelled against God. The people complained. The people worshipped a golden
calf that they made. They offered sacrifices to the sun, moon and stars. They even
sacrificed their children to the god Molech. Because of their rebellion, God gave them
up to the worship of false gods. Today men are still worshipping false gods. The false
god of some is money or possessions. Others worship pleasure or a good time. Others
worship many different things. However, these are all false gods and God will also give
these people up one day because they refuse to worship Him.
10. Read Acts 7:20-44 and write how God called Moses to lead the people out of Egypt.
11. Explain why the Lord had to call Moses in such an unusual way to prepare him for
what he was going to face as he led the nation of Israel.
12. Explain what you think it means for God to give men up.
The people of Israel continued to rebel against God throughout the Old Testament.
Stephen had been reviewing the history of the Jews. Then he turned to the religious
leaders and told them that they were rebelling against the work of the Holy Spirit just as
their fathers had done. Their fathers had persecuted and killed the prophets. Now they
had killed Christ. They knew the Word of God but they refused to obey it.
13. Read Acts 7:45-60 and write how the religious leaders felt when Stephen spoke of
their sins.
14. Explain why Stephen got such an angry response from the religious leaders when he
told them that they were resisting the Holy Spirit just as their fathers had done.
15. Explain how you will respond if the Lord leads you to confront the rebellion of
people against God.
Then Stephen spoke of the fact that he saw Christ standing on the right side of God.
Here we see a beautiful picture. Christ was standing and waiting to welcome to heaven
one that had been faithful in serving Him. The religious leaders were filled with more
hate when Stephen said that Christ was in heaven with God. They dragged Stephen out
of the city and began throwing stones at him. While the men were throwing stones at
Stephen, a young man by the name of Saul was taking care of their coats. We will learn
many more things about Saul in the rest of the New Testament. As the men were


throwing stones at Stephen, he showed the love of Christ in his prayer for the men that
killed him.
16. Read Acts 7:45-60 and write what Stephen prayed as he prayed for these men.
17. Explain why Stephen chose to ask God not to hold this sin against the religious
18. Explain how the example of Stephen shows you how to respond to those who turn
against you for placing your trust in Christ.
Saul was glad to see Stephen die because he hated the believers. He became the leader
of those who were trying to put the believers in jail and even kill them. As a result,
many of the believers had to leave Jerusalem. However, the apostles stayed in
Jerusalem. Saul went into the houses of the believers and took them to jail. He was
trying to do everything possible to destroy the church. The more Saul tried to destroy
the church, the more the church grew.
19. Read Acts 8:1-4 and write what the believers did as they fled from Jerusalem.
20. Explain why the early believers continued to preach about Christ even though they
were being forced to flee for their lives.
21. Explain what lessons you learn for your own life from the example of these early
Here we see that persecution was a good thing for the early church. It caused the
followers of Christ to take the good news about Christ to the people who had never
heard about Christ. The believers also spoke boldly about Christ as they went to other
places. Since the leaders stayed in Jerusalem, this also helped other men to develop and
become leaders. Men who had never led others before were now leading in the
churches that they established in other towns and cities.
22. Read Acts 8:1-4 and write who buried the body of Stephen.
23. Explain why you think persecution might help your church.
24. Explain why you think that the statement of Stephen as he died caused such a strong
reaction on the part of Saul.
One of those who left Jerusalem was one of the new leaders named Philip. He went to
Samaria. For many years the Samaritans had followed false religions. In one of the
cities, the local medicine man was a man by the name of Simon. Simon had great
control over the people because they thought that Simon came from God. When the
people heard Philip preach, they realized that Christ was the real one who came from
God. Then the people decided to follow Christ instead of Simon.
25. Read Acts 8:5-25 and write what Simon did then.
26. Explain why you think Simon also claimed to follow Christ as he listened to the
preaching of Philip.
27. Explain what you think that many people like Simon do not change when they say
that they have believed in Christ.
When the apostles heard that many Samaritans were becoming Christians, they sent
Peter and John to Samaria to help teach the new Christians. Then Peter and John laid
their hands on the Samaritans and the Samaritans received the Holy Spirit. Many people


ask why the Samaritans did not receive the Holy Spirit at the moment they became
Christians since Scripture clearly teaches that we are baptized by the Holy Spirit at the
moment we become Christians. However, Christ wanted to prevent the early church
from having divisions. By waiting until the apostles came, the coming of the Holy
Spirit showed that all Christians are one whether they are Jews, Samaritans or some
other race.
28. Read Acts 8:5-25 and write what Simon, the medicine man wanted to buy from the
29. Explain why God chose to send the Holy Spirit on the Samaritans as a group when
they believed.
30. Explain how you know that you were baptized with the Holy Spirit at the moment
you placed your trust in Christ.
Simon thought that he could buy power to give the Holy Spirit to others. Although he
had believed Christ, he was still thinking like a medicine man. Then Peter told Simon
that his heart was not right with God. Peter warned Simon to repent and turn from his
sin. Then Simon asked Peter to pray for him. Here we see something that sometimes
happens to new Christians. Although they have put their trust in Christ, they are still
doing some things the way they did before they became Christians. They have not yet
learned to let Christ control their thoughts and their actions. This is why it is so
important to do as Peter did and talk with the new Christians. Then they grow strong
and learn to trust the Lord.
31. Read Acts 8:5-25 and write what Peter said was controlling Simon.
32. Explain how bitterness can affect believers as well as those who have not yet placed
their trust in Christ.
33. Explain why you think Simon still thought the old way even though he had claimed
to believe in Christ.
Although Philip was having wonderful results in Samaria, the Lord spoke to him and
told him to go down to the desert. Philip left immediately without asking any questions.
Here we learn a real lesson in obedience. When God tells us to do something, we need
to obey even though we do not understand the reason. God knew that there would be a
man traveling through the desert who wanted to know more about God. The man was
the treasurer of the country of Ethiopia. He had been to Jerusalem to worship.
34. Read Acts 8:26-40 and write what the man was reading as he traveled home.
35. Explain why the Lord called Philip to leave Samaria when he was having a very
successful ministry there.
36. Explain how this man from Ethiopia shows you that many people cannot understand
when they read a part of the Bible.
The man did not understand what he was reading. He asked Philip to come and ride
with him and explain what the prophet meant. Philip gladly took the opportunity to
speak to the man about Christ. Here we see that the Lord was able to use Philip to speak
to a man from another country because Philip was willing to obey. Today many people
want to find out what the Bible is about. However, they are afraid to go to a church. If
we will go to them and have a weekly Bible study with them in their homes, many of


these people will become Christians. As they study the Word of God, the Holy Spirit
will convict them of their sins.
37. Read Acts 8:26-40 and write what Philip asked the Ethiopian when the Ethiopian
asked to be baptized.
38. Explain why Philip was able to use the very verses that the Ethiopian was reading to
explain to him about the death and resurrection of Christ.
39. Explain why we must be obedient to the leading of the Holy Spirit if we want to
reach others for Christ.
As Philip spoke to the man from Ethiopia, the Holy Spirit was working in the heart of
the man. Pretty soon they came to a place where there was some water. The man from
Ethiopia asked to be baptized. Then Philip asked the man if he believed in Christ with
all his heart. When the man answered that he believed that Christ was the Son of God,
they stopped the wagon and Philip baptized the man. Here we learn a lesson about
baptism. We see that baptism is a testimony to others that we have followed Christ.
40. Read Acts 8:26-40 and write what happened to Philip after he baptized the man from
41. Explain why people are filled with joy when they place their trust in Christ.
42. Explain what lessons you have learned from your own life about sharing about what
Christ did as you explain the Word of God to those who are not Christians.
Lessons are learned best when we put them into practice. In Acts 7 and 8 we have seen
that two of those who were becoming leaders in the early church were quick to share the
good news about the death and resurrection of Christ with all of the people that the Lord
brought into their lives. For Stephen his ministry had a powerful impact on many
people especially on Saul who later became Paul. For Philip the Lord gave him a
ministry of reaching out to people of other cultures with the message of Christ. This
week pray each day that Christ will give you the opportunity to share the Gospel with
two people of another culture as you are obedient to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Philip had done what God had sent him to the desert to do. Now the Spirit took Philip
to another place where the Lord wanted to use him. We read that wherever Philip went
he continued to preach about Christ. Now reread Acts 7:1-8:40 and write down the
three most important lessons that you learned from these chapters today.


Survey of Acts
Lesson 5
Acts 9:1-10:48
In our last lesson we learned how Saul was persecuting the church. As we begin our
lesson today we will learn about Saul going to Damascus to catch any Christians that he
could find there and put them in jail. However, we will see that God changed his plans
and he became an immediate witness for Christ. As a result, the Jews in Damascus and
Jerusalem tried to kill Saul. We will also learn about the Gospel being taken to a group
of people who were not Jews. God used what happened in this chapter to show the
Christians that the Gospel is for all people.
As you study this lesson, you should use the following objectives to guide you in your
study. By the time you complete this lesson, you should be able to:
Explain how Christ saved Saul.
Tell the results of the witness of Saul.
Tell how God showed Peter that the Gospel is for all people.
Explain what happened at the house of Cornelius.
Saul was so filled with anger and hate for the believers that he went to the high priest
and asked for permission to go to Damascus and put any followers of Christ that he
found there in jail. On the way to Damascus, a bright light from heaven suddenly
stopped Saul. Then Christ asked Saul why Saul was persecuting Him. Suddenly Saul
realized that he had been fighting against God by persecuting the followers of Christ.
Then Saul asked Christ what he should do.
1. Read Acts 9:1-16 and write what Christ told Saul to do.
2. Explain why Paul thought he was serving God by persecuting believers.
3. Explain why you think it is possible for religious people to think that they are
serving God by persecuting Christians.
When Saul got up he was blind and could not see. For three days he prayed to Christ
and asked Christ to show him what he should do. Then Christ sent a man by the name
of Ananias to open his eyes and teach him what it meant to follow Christ. At first
Ananias was not very willing to go and help Saul. He had heard that Saul had come to
put the Christians in jail. Then Christ told Ananias that He had chosen Saul. In fact,
Saul would be a witness for Christ to many people.
4. Read Acts 9:1-16 and write what Christ also said He would show Saul.
5. Explain why God would choose someone like Saul who had persecuted the
followers of Christ to take the Gospel to the Gentiles.
6. Explain why you think that God can take your life and use you in a great way to help
others learn about Christ regardless of your past.
It was not very long before the suffering of Saul began. The persecution started right in
the city of Damascus. As soon as Saul received his sight, he immediately began
preaching in the synagogue of Damascus. At first, the other Jews were only surprised

when they heard Saul speaking about Christ. Then the Jews realized that Saul was
proving that Christ is God. Suddenly the Jews were filled with anger. They decided to
kill Saul to keep him from speaking about Christ. They guarded the gates of Damascus
to keep Saul from escaping.
7. Read Acts 9:17-31 and write how Saul escaped from Damascus.
8. Explain why the Jews in Damascus were so anxious to kill Saul.
9. Explain what made it possible for Paul to prove that Jesus is the Christ who came
from the Father.
During this time, all of the cities had a high wall around them. The only way a person
could go in or out of the city was through the gates unless someone helped him over the
wall. The believers helped Saul leave Damascus by going over the wall. Saul then went
to Jerusalem. There the Jews tried again to kill him. This time he escaped and went to
the town of Tarsus where he had lived as a boy. We also read that the church had
continued to grow and multiply in spite of the persecution. The Christians were also
continuing to grow in their knowledge of Christ.
10. Read Acts 9:17-31 and write what happened when Paul tried to join the other
believers in Jerusalem.
11. Explain what you learn about the ministry of Barnabas to Saul when the other
followers of Christ were afraid to have anything to do with Saul.
12. Explain why you think the early church grew and multiplied so fast in spite of the
While these things were happening to Saul, other things were happening to Peter. He
had gone to the towns of Lydda and Sharon. A very wonderful thing happened in those
two towns. We read that everyone in both towns followed Christ. This is the first time
that we read about entire towns becoming Christians. Here we see that it is possible for
entire groups of people to become Christians very close to the same time. When one
person becomes a Christian, that gives us an opportunity to reach his family and friends.
We need to go with that new Christian to witness to his friends and relatives
immediately after that person becomes a Christian.
13. Read Acts 9:32-43 and write the name of the woman who died.
14. Explain what these verses teach about the fact that the Gospel can change entire
15. Explain what you think made it possible for Peter to see two entire towns place their
trust in Christ.
When Dorcas died, some men went to Lydda to get Peter. Peter went to Joppa
immediately. Then the women showed him all of the things that Dorcas had made.
Here we see a real example of what our lives should be like. Dorcas was always
concerned about helping others. She had done many good works for others. Today we
should be concerned about helping others also. In this way we are obeying the
command of Christ when He told us to love each other. After Peter had seen the things
that Dorcas made, God used him to raise Dorcas from the dead. As a result, many
people in Joppa became Christians.
16. Read Acts 9:32-43 and write whose home Peter stayed in while he was in Joppa.


17. Explain what Dorcas shows about the way that Christians can serve one another.
18. Explain some of the ways that the Lord has led you to help and serve other
One day while Peter was staying with Simon, he went up on the flat roof of the house to
pray. As he was praying, God caused him to become very hungry. Then God caused
Peter to see a vision of a large blanket coming down from heaven. Inside this blanket
were many unclean animals that the Jews were not supposed to eat. Three times God let
the blanket down from heaven. The first time God told Peter to kill and eat some of the
animals to satisfy his hunger.
19. Read Acts 10:1-22 and write what Peter answered the Lord.
20. Explain why Peter was unwilling to eat any of the animals that were in the large
21. Explain what lessons you learn from Peter about his desire to continue to follow the
Jewish restrictions in what he ate.
After Peter had refused to eat three times, God explained the meaning of the vision to
Peter. He told Peter that there were three men waiting for him at the door of the house.
These men were Gentiles. They had been sent by a Roman soldier named Cornelius.
Peter was told to go with the men and preach the Gospel in the house of Cornelius.
Here Peter learned that the Gospel was for everyone and not just the Jews. Today we
need to realize again that Christ died for all people and not just our tribe or race. We all
have a responsibility to share the Gospel with those of other tribes and races.
22. Read Acts 10:1-22 and write what the voice told Peter about the animals that he
thought were unclean.
23. Explain what Christ was trying to teach Peter about the importance of taking the
Gospel to those who were not Jews.
24. Explain what you learn about your responsibility to take the Gospel to others from
these verses.
We also learn some real lessons from Cornelius in these verses. We see that he knew
God even though he was a Roman soldier from Italy. He was concerned about helping
others. We also read that he was a man who spent much time praying. However, he had
never heard of Christ. Here we see that God will send someone to those who are
searching for the truth. This is why it is so important for us to be obedient to God's
command to witness to others. Some people are searching for the truth. As we are
faithful in telling others about Christ, some will become Christians.
25. Read Acts 10:1-22 and write where Cornelius was told to send to get a man who
would tell him about Christ.
26. Explain what these verses show about the fact that some people really want to know
Christ even though they may not yet know about His death and resurrection.
27. Explain what these verses teach you personally about the way that the Lord may be
working in the hearts of people that you know are not Christians.
Peter obeyed the Lord and went with the men. He also took six other Jews along with
him. When Peter reached the house of Cornelius, Cornelius was very happy to see him.


Peter told Cornelius how he had received a vision from God telling him to come to the
house of Cornelius even though the Jews were not supposed to eat with men from other
countries. Peter told how God had showed him that the Gospel was for all men.
28. Read Acts 10:23-33 and write who was waiting for Peter in the house of Cornelius.
29. Explain why it was difficult for Peter to be able to share the Gospel with the
30. Explain what you learn from the obedience of Peter by going to the house of
Cornelius about the importance of you going to people and sharing the Gospel with
them where they live, work or spend their free time.
Here we see a beautiful picture. Cornelius was concerned about his family and friends.
He wanted them to learn about Christ also. Here we learn a real lesson about the
concern we should have for our friends and relatives. We also see a wonderful way to
reach our friends and relatives for Christ in these verses. We need to invite them into
our home for Bible study. As we study the Bible together, they will begin to understand
what it means to follow Christ. It will not be long before some of them also become
Christians. Many times entire family groups will become Christians in a very short
31. Read Acts 10:23-33 and write the question that Peter asked Cornelius.
32. Explain what the question of Peter shows about the importance of knowing what
people want you to share with them as you share with them about the death and
resurrection of Christ.
33. Explain what you learn about reaching your friends and relatives for Christ from
these verses.
Peter began speaking to Cornelius and the others. As we read the sermon of Peter, we
see that almost the entire sermon speaks of the death and resurrection of Christ. This is
the message that we have today for those who are not Christians. Christ died on the
cross for the sins of all men. He rose to give eternal life to all those who would follow
Him. Peter said that this is the message that we are commanded to preach.
34. Read Acts 10:34-48 and write what happened as Peter was preaching.
35. Explain what Peter learned about the desire of God for people of every nation and
group of people.
36. Explain why you feel that it is important for you to also learn how to share the
message of the death and resurrection of Christ with people of other cultures.
Here we see that an entire group of people all became Christians at the same time. This
included Cornelius, his family, his relatives and his close friends. Several times in Acts
we will read about whole families and even larger groups all becoming Christians at the
same time. Today most Christians try to reach individuals instead of trying to reach
families for Christ. Since most Indian tribes are family or clan centered, we are missing
a great opportunity to reach entire families for Christ.
37. Read Acts 10:34-48 and write down the response of the six Jews who had come with
Peter from Joppa when they saw the Holy Spirit come on the Gentiles.
38. Explain why it was important that these six Jews were with Peter and saw how the
Holy Spirit worked in the lives of the Gentiles.


39. Explain what you learn from these verses about the way to reach entire families for
We see that these Gentiles all spoke in tongues when they received the Holy Spirit. A
tongue is a language or dialect. Three times and possibly four are mentioned in the
book of Acts where people spoke in tongues. Each time it was a new group of people
coming to Christ. The first time tongues are mentioned in Acts is when the disciples
first received the Holy Spirit. As you remember, the disciples spoke in at least fifteen
different languages. That was the time the Holy Spirit first came to the Jews. It is
possible that the Samaritans also spoke in tongues when they first received the Holy
Spirit. Here a third group, the Gentiles, also spoke in tongues when they first received
the Holy Spirit. The fourth group is mentioned in Acts 19. There a group who had
heard John the Baptist preach and received his message received the Holy Spirit. Since
John the Baptist preached before Christ, those men had been followers of God but did
not know about Christ.
40. Read Acts 10:34-48 and write why the Jews (circumcision) with Peter were
41. Explain why all of the people in the world would be included in one of these four
42. Explain what you have learned about tongues so far as you have studied the book of
Lessons are best learned when we put them into practice. In these two chapters we have
seen how the Lord worked in the life of Saul to bring him to salvation even though he
had persecuted the followers of Christ. We also see how the Lord used Peter to take the
Gospel to the Gentiles. We see that the Lord wants to reach people of all nations and
cultures. This week pray that the Lord will provide you the opportunity to share the
Gospel with at least two people of another culture.
It was common for the members of false religions to speak in tongues and give praise to
their heathen gods. Here we see that the Jews with Peter understood what the Gentiles
were saying because they knew that the men in the house of Cornelius were giving
praise to God. This meant that the Gentiles were speaking in a language that the Jews
understood. Each place in the book of Acts where it speaks of tongues, it always refers
to known languages. Now reread Acts 9:1-10:48 and write down the two most
important lessons that you learned from these chapters today.


Survey of Acts
Lesson 6
Acts 11:1-12:25
In our last lesson we learned about Peter preaching to the Gentiles in the house of
Cornelius. When Peter returned to Jerusalem, some of the Jews spoke to Peter and told
him that he should not have spoken to the Gentiles. In our lesson today, we will learn
how Peter answered these men. Then we will learn about the way that the church
continued to grow. We will also learn how the new Christians showed their concern for
other Christians in need. The second half of our lesson tells how Christ protected Peter
when Herod tried to kill him.
As you study this lesson, you should use the following objectives to guide you in your
study. By the time you complete this lesson, you should be able to:
Explain how Peter answered those who said he should not speak to the Gentiles.
Tell how the church grew in Antioch.
Tell about the concern of the Christians in Antioch for the needy.
Explain how Christ protected Peter from Herod.
Explain what we learn about praying with faith.
Some of the Jewish Christians thought that the Gospel was only for the Jews. They did
not yet realize that Christ died for all men. They were especially concerned because
Peter had eaten with men who were not Jews. Then Peter began at the very beginning
and told them how he had seen a vision as he was praying in Joppa. Peter also told the
Jews how God had told him to go to the house of Cornelius. Then Peter introduced the
six men who had gone with him.
1. Read Acts 11:1-18 and write what Peter said happened to the Gentiles as he began to
2. Explain what Peter meant when he said that the Holy Spirit come on the Gentiles
just as He had come on the Jews at the beginning.
3. Explain why you think that the Gentiles received the Holy Spirit as a group the first
time Gentiles became believers.
Here we see again that Peter had not even been able to finish his sermon that day. God
had saved those men as he began to speak. We also see that Peter emphasizes the fact
that the Holy Spirit had come to the Gentiles just as He had come to the disciples the
day that the church began. Then Peter reminded the Jews of the words of Christ. Christ
had said that they would be baptized with the Holy Spirit. Finally Peter finished by
saying that he could not stand against God since it was clear that God wanted to save the
4. Read Acts 11:1-18 and write how the Jews felt after they heard Peter.
5. Explain how the Jews showed an attitude of acceptance of the fact that Gentiles
were part of the body of Christ (church) as well as Jews.
6. Explain why you think we should all give glory to God because He wants people of
all nations and groups to be a part of the church.

The Gentiles were also hearing about Christ from other followers of Christ. When the
believers were forced to leave Jerusalem at the time Stephen was killed, they went
everywhere talking about Christ. At first they only talked to other Jews. However, they
soon began talking to people of other ethnic groups. Some of the followers of Christ
went to a city named Antioch. There a large group of people that were not Jews became
believers. When the church at Jerusalem heard that many people in Antioch had
become believers, they sent a teacher to help these new followers of Christ grow strong.
7. Read Acts 11:19-30 and write the name of the teacher that went to Antioch from
8. Explain why the church in Jerusalem realized the importance of sending someone to
help the new believers in their spiritual growth.
9. Explain what caused you to realize that it is important to help new Christians have
someone teach them and help them to grow in their new life in Christ.
As you remember from our study of chapter 4, Barnabas was one of the early Christians
who had sold his land and given the money to the church. Now he had become a leader
and a teacher in the church at Jerusalem. Here we learn an important lesson for our own
lives. When we put Christ first in our lives, Christ will cause us to develop and become
a leader to reach and teach others for Christ. Every Christian can become a leader for
Christ if that Christian is willing to put Christ first in his life.
10. Read Acts 11:19-30 and write who Barnabas got to help him teach the new believers
in Antioch.
11. Explain how the Lord worked in Antioch as the Gospel began to spread among both
the Jews and the Gentiles.
12. Explain what the example of Barnabas putting the Lord first in his life shows you
the importance of putting Christ first in your life.
Barnabas quickly realized that he needed another teacher to help him because there were
so many new Christians. Here again we see that the early church felt it was very
important to help new Christians grow to become strong and mature Christians.
Barnabas also wanted to help Saul develop as a teacher. Here was an opportunity to
help Saul get started teaching new Christians. As a result, Barnabas went to Tarsus to
get Saul to help him teach. Then they taught the new Christians for an entire year.
13. Read Acts 11:19-30 and write what the disciples were called at Antioch.
14. Explain what these verses show about the spiritual development of the followers of
Christ in the city of Antioch.
15. Explain why you think the name Christians was given to the followers of Christ by
the rest of the people in Antioch.
The disciples were probably called Christians because they spoke so much about Christ.
Today we need more Christians who are always speaking about Christ. One day some
men came to Antioch from Jerusalem. These men were prophets and said that there was
going to be a famine so that there would not be enough food. This famine was going to
cover the entire world.
16. Read Acts 11:19-30 and write what the Christians in Antioch decided to do when
they heard about the coming famine.

17. Explain what these verses teach about the concern of these new Christians for the
needs of Christians in other places.
18. Explain what you learn for your own life about having a concern for the needs of
other Christians.
Here we see a real example of Christian love. The new Christians wanted to send help
to the Christians in Jerusalem to help them in a time of need. Today as Christians we
need to be like those early Christians. We need to be anxious to help our brothers in
Christ when we realize that they have a need. In this way we are obeying the command
of Christ when He told us to love one another as He loved us. We see that each of the
Christians in Antioch gave as much as he could to help the needy Christians in Judea.
19. Read Acts 19:11-30 and write how the disciples in Antioch decided what to send to
the believers in Jerusalem.
20. Explain why all Christians will be rewarded for sharing with others even though
some may be able to share more and others will only be able to share a small
21. Explain what you learn from these verses about your privilege and responsibility to
help other Christians who are in need.
While the Christians in Antioch were concerned about helping the Christians in Judea
and Jerusalem, things were also happening in Jerusalem. Herod, the ruler, killed James,
the brother of John. When Herod saw that the Jewish religious leaders were happy
because he had killed James, he decided to kill Peter also. He put Peter in prison and
planned to kill him as soon as the Jews finished celebrating the Passover. The Passover
was the time that God had led the Jews out of slavery in Egypt 1500 years before.
22. Read Acts 12:1-11 and write what the church was doing while Peter was in prison.
23. Explain what these verses teach us about the importance of praying for the needs of
other Christians.
24. Explain what things have caused you to realize the importance of prayer in your own
The church was so concerned for Peter that they were praying for him day and night.
On the night before Herod planned to kill Peter, we read that Peter was sleeping
between two guards that were chained to him. Here we see a real example of the peace
that Christ gives to a Christian who trusts in Him. Instead of worrying about the fact
that he was going to die the next morning, Peter was peacefully sleeping. He knew that
he could depend on Christ. Whether he lived or died, he knew that Christ was with him.
Peter was sleeping so soundly that an angel had to hit him in the side to wake him up.
25. Read Acts 12:1-11 and write what the angel said to Peter.
26. Explain why Christians can experience peace even during times when they are in
great danger.
27. Explain how the Lord has given you peace in some situations that may have been
very difficult situations.
The angel told Peter to get dressed and put on his shoes. Then the angel told Peter to
put on his coat. When Peter had his coat on, the angel led Peter out of the prison. God


even caused the great iron door of the prison to open by itself. Then the angel led Peter
one block from the prison and disappeared. Suddenly Peter realized that he was not
having a dream. Instead he knew that God had helped him to escape from Herod. Here
we see a wonderful reason why we do not need to worry. God knows our needs better
than we do and He is always ready to meet our needs.
28. Read John 12:1-11 and write what Peter suddenly knew as he realized that he had
been brought out of the prison by an angel.
29. Explain what these verses teach about the fact that the Lord can work in any
situation regardless of what the world is doing.
30. Explain what you learn from these verses about why you do not need to worry.
When Peter realized that he was free, he decided to go to the house of Mary, the mother
of Mark. He knew many Christians would be praying there. Mary must have been a
Christian who had dedicated everything, including her home, to the Lord. Her home
was a home that the Christians could always use as a place to meet together. Today we
need more Christians who are willing to use their homes for the Lord. Our home is
always the best place to show Christian love to others. It is also a place where we can
get to know other Christians better.
31. Read Acts 12:12-25 and write the name of the girl who came to answer the door
when Peter knocked.
32. Explain what we learn about the way that Mary used her home for the Lord.
33. Explain what lessons you learn from Mary about using your own home for the Lord.
When Rhoda heard the voice of Peter at the door, she became so excited that she forgot
to open the door. Instead she ran into the room where the Christians were praying. She
probably even interrupted the person who was praying to tell them that Peter was at the
door. This was good news because God had answered their prayers and Peter was out of
jail. However, some of the other Christians were not as excited.
34. Read Acts 12:12-25 and write what they said to Rhoda.
35. Explain why the Christians thought that Rhoda was crazy even though they had been
praying for Peter.
36. Explain what lessons you learn for your own life about the importance of praying
with faith.
Here we see a real example of the way that many Christians pray. They do not expect
God to answer their prayers. These people did not believe that Peter was out of jail until
someone opened the door and let him into the room. Then they finally believed. Today
God does not answer some of our prayers because we fail to believe His promises. In
Matthew 21:22 Christ promises to answer our prayers if we pray believing that He will
answer our prayers.
37. Read Acts 12:12-25 and write what Peter did after he talked to the Christians that
were praying.
38. Explain why the disciples were so surprised when they saw that Peter was with them
instead of being in jail waiting to die.
39. Explain what you learn about the power of prayer from these verses.


The next morning when Herod heard that Peter had escaped, he was very angry. He
ordered all of the prison guards killed because they had allowed Peter to escape. Then
he left Jerusalem and went to Caesarea. Herod had also been angry with the people of
the towns of Tyre and Sidon. The people decided that they better make peace with
Herod because he could stop the food that was being sent to their towns. They arranged
to meet with him one day. When the people came, Herod gave a speech. Then the
people shouted that Herod spoke like a god and not a man. Immediately God killed him
because he accepted the praise of the people instead of giving praise to God.
40. Read Acts 12:12-25 and write how Herod died.
41. Explain why the Lord chose to judge Herod with death for his sin.
42. Explain what lessons you learn for your own life about the danger of pride from the
judgment of Herod.
Here we see that Herod died a terrible death because he refused to recognize God. This
should be a real warning to those who continue to rebel against God. Although the
church was suffering from persecution by Herod and the Jews, the church continued to
grow and multiply. God will always cause the church to grow when we are faithful in
witnessing to others. Now reread Acts 11:1-12:25 and write down the three most
important lessons that you learned from these chapters today.


Survey of Acts
Lesson 7
Acts 13:1-14:28
Today we will be studying about the first missionary journey of Barnabas and Saul. We
will see that Saul has his name changed to Paul. Saul was the name of the first king of
Israel. He had been a big and powerful man. Before Saul followed Christ, he had been
a proud Pharisee. He thought of himself as being a strong and powerful man. Now he
was following Christ. It did not matter to him if he had power any more. Instead he
wanted others to see Christ through his life. In addition, Saul is a Hebrew name and
Paul is a Roman name and he was now going to the Gentiles.
As you study this lesson, you should use the following objectives to guide you in your
study. By the time you complete this lesson, you should be able to:
Explain God's way of choosing missionaries.
Tell what happened in Antioch of Pisidia.
Explain why Paul and Barnabas were called gods.
Tell what Paul and Barnabas did as they visited various cities.
As we begin chapter 13 we see that there are now five teachers at Antioch instead of
two. This means that three more teachers had developed from among the Christians at
Antioch. Since Saul and Barnabas had trained men to take the leadership of the church
at Antioch, they were no longer needed there. One day as the leaders of the church were
praying and fasting, the Holy Spirit told the leaders to send Saul and Barnabas to
another place where God wanted them to take the Gospel. Here we see that God worked
through the leaders of the church to choose men to be missionaries.
1. Read Acts 13:1-13 and write what the leaders of the church did when the Holy Spirit
told them to send away Saul and Barnabas.
2. Explain what these verses teach about the way that the Lord chooses and sends out
people to take the Gospel to other areas.
3. Explain what lessons you learn for your own life about praying for the Lord to guide
you as you serve Him.
Here we see that when the Holy Spirit said go, Barnabas and Saul prepared to leave
immediately. They did not spend many months or years trying to raise enough money
to take care of them. Instead they left immediately and depended on God to supply their
needs. Today we need more men who have this kind of faith. There is a great job to be
done for the Lord. However, there seem to be very few people who will step out in faith
and follow the leading of the Lord. Truly one of the most exciting experiences any
Christian can have is seeing God supply his needs day by day as he serves the Lord.
4. Read Acts 13:1-13 and write who Saul and Barnabas took with them as they sailed
to Cyprus.
5. Explain what these verses teach about the work of the Holy Spirit in the spread of
the church.
6. Explain why you realize that you need to depend on the Holy Spirit working in your
life as you work to spread the Gospel.

The first place that Barnabas and Saul went was to the island of Cyprus. Barnabas had
grown up on the island of Cyprus and was probably very concerned about the people on
that island. This is also the place that we read Saul had his name changed to Paul. As
Paul and Barnabas preached, the governor of the island became interested. Then a
sorcerer (one who practices witchcraft) tried to stop the governor from listening to Paul.
As a result, Paul prayed that the sorcerer would become blind for a time. Immediately
God struck the sorcerer with blindness.
7. Read Acts 13:1-13 and write what the governor (deputy) did when he saw the
sorcerer blinded.
8. Explain what these verses teach you about the fact that those who get involved in
satanic activity will oppose the spread of the Gospel.
9. Explain what lessons you learn for your own life about satanic opposition to the
spread of the Gospel.
When Paul and Barnabas left Cyprus, they went to the area that is now called Turkey.
Many Jews had moved to that area. When they reached the city of Antioch, Paul and
Barnabas went to the Jewish synagogue. Since they were visitors, they were invited to
speak to the people. The sermon of Paul is very interesting. Since he was speaking in a
Jewish synagogue, he began with a short review of Jewish history. Then he showed that
the coming of Christ was the most important event in the history of the Jews because the
men of the Old Testament looked forward to the coming of Christ. With this
introduction, Paul then went on to speak of the death and resurrection of Christ.
10. Read Acts 13:14-43 and write what the Gentiles asked Paul.
11. Explain what Paul taught the people in the synagogue about the resurrection of
12. Explain why the message of Paul shows you the need to share the message of the
resurrection every time you have an opportunity to share the Gospel with those who
are not yet Christians.
Many Gentiles also wanted to hear the message of salvation. However, there were also
those who did not want to hear about Christ. The next week almost the entire city came
together to hear Paul. As a result, the Jewish religious leaders were filled with envy and
began to speak against Paul. They did not want to receive everlasting life and they were
going to do their best to keep others from receiving life.
13. Read Acts 13:42-52 and write who Paul said they would turn to since the Jews
refused eternal life.
14. Explain how the Gentiles felt when they heard that Paul and Barnabas were going to
share the Gospel with them.
15. Explain why you realize that you need to be ready to share the Gospel with any who
want to hear.
When God had first called Paul, God had said that He would send Paul to the Gentiles.
We will see that most of the rest of the book of Acts tells about Paul taking the Gospel
to those who were not Jews. When the Gentiles heard that Paul was going to bring the
Gospel to them, they were glad. Here we see again that Christ wants us to take the
Gospel to people of all tribes and races and not just our own tribe or race.

16. Read Acts 13:42-52 and write where the Gospel was shared in that area.
17. Explain why Christians need to focus on sharing the Gospel throughout a whole
region and not just in their own town.
18. Explain what these verses teach about your responsibility to take the Gospel to those
of other tribes and races as well as your own tribe.
The Jews were still angry and so they finally chased Paul and Barnabas out of the city.
However, a large group of Christians were left behind that were filled with joy and the
Holy Spirit. Meanwhile Paul and Barnabas went on to the next city which was named
Iconium. There a large number of both Jews and Greeks became Christians. Again a
group of Jews were filled with envy and hate. They were not able to do anything for a
long time so Paul and Barnabas had a long time to teach in that city. The day came
though when those who hated the Gospel decided to stone the apostles.
19. Read Acts 14:1-20 and write the names of the cities where they fled.
20. Explain why the Jews were so eager to kill Paul and Barnabas.
21. Explain what you learn about the fact that you may face opposition as you share
with others about the death and resurrection of Christ.
The Jews in Asia were now doing everything they could to get rid of Paul. They hated
him because many people were becoming Christians instead of following the Jewish
religion. Here we see that organized religions will often do everything possible to stop
Christians from preaching about Christ. However, we should never stop preaching and
allow Satan to gain a victory. Instead we should continue to tell others about Christ
even if we have to go to another place to tell men about Christ.
22. Read Acts 14:1-20 and write what kind of a man Paul and Barnabas found in Lystra.
23. Explain what misunderstanding the people had when they saw Paul heal the man
who was crippled.
24. Explain why you need to be prepared for the fact that there may be
misunderstandings when you explain the Gospel to people of another language or
When Paul and Barnabas saw that the man had faith, they prayed and healed him in the
name of Christ. At once the crippled man walked and leaped. The people immediately
said in their own language that the gods had become men. They called Barnabas,
Jupiter, and called Paul, Mercury. Then the people got ready to offer sacrifices to them.
Paul and Barnabas did not understand the language of the people so they did not realize
what the people were doing until they got ready to offer sacrifices. When they realized
what was happening, Paul and Barnabas stopped the people and told them that they were
also men. However, they had a very hard time stopping the people from offering
sacrifices. We see, though, that people change very quickly.
25. Read Acts 14:1-20 and write what the people did to Paul a few days later.
26. Explain what this shows about the fact that people can be very changeable if they
focus on miracles instead of listening to the Word of God.
27. Explain why you think that Paul was ready to get up and go to the next town to share
the Gospel even though he had been stoned.


Here again we see the desire of the Jews to get rid of the Christians. They thought that
if they could kill Paul, they would get rid of the Christians. However, no one is able to
stop the work of God. Even if they would have killed Paul, God would have trained
someone else to take his place. This is the reason that we do not need to worry about
suffering and persecution. God is going to accomplish His plan and purpose in the
world. If that plan includes suffering for us, we can thank God for the privilege of
suffering for Him.
28. Read Acts 14:21-28 and what Paul and Barnabas did when they came to the city of
29. Explain why Paul told the people of Lystra that they needed to serve the living God
instead of trying to worship men.
30. Explain why you think religious people want to stop those who preach about Christ.
This chapter also gives us a picture of the work of every pastor and missionary. First we
see that Paul preached the Gospel. Sometimes he talked to one person at a time. At
other times he talked to large groups of people. We see that wherever he went there was
a group of people who became Christians. These people became Christians as a result
of faithful witnessing. Today God commands every Christian to be a faithful witness.
31. Read Acts 14:21-28 and write the thing that we are told Paul did after he preached
the Gospel.
32. Explain what these verses show about the power of the Gospel to change the lives of
those that hear and place their trust in Christ.
33. Explain why you think the preaching of the Gospel must be the first thing we do in
order to plant churches.
Next we see the second important responsibility of every pastor and missionary. That
responsibility is to teach every person who becomes a Christian so that every Christian
can witness to others about Christ. We see that the teaching included strengthening the
Christians and helping them to realize the privilege of suffering for Christ. One of the
reasons why many Christians have problems living for Christ is the fact that they have
never learned that it is a privilege to suffer for Christ.
34. Read Acts 14:21-28 and write what Paul and Barnabas did in every church.
35. Explain why we need to teach every Christian and help each one grow in their
understanding and obedience to the Word of God in order for strong churches to be
36. Explain why you think it is important to strengthen Christians, encourage them to
continue in the faith and prepare them for opposition once they become Christians.
Elders are the group of men who are the spiritual leaders of the church. In some
churches they may be given different titles. Regardless of what title they are given, the
leaders are to be godly men that can lead the other Christians. Here we see that the third
responsibility of every pastor and missionary is to develop leaders and establish
churches. The way to measure the effectiveness of any church is to see how many new
leaders and additional churches that church has established. Missionary work is not
complete unless churches are established with their own trained leadership and then
become reproducing churches.


37. Read Acts 14:21-28 and write to whom Paul and Barnabas entrusted these leaders.
38. Explain what these verses teach about the importance of trusting the Lord to work
through the new spiritual leaders to lead the church.
39. Explain what you think are the main things that a pastor or a missionary should be
doing to develop godly reproducing Christians and churches.
Now that you have explained what a missionary should be doing, you should read what
you wrote again. What you have just read tells you what you should be doing because
God has called every Christian to be a missionary. Every Christian has a responsibility
to witness. Every Christian should be teaching and training new Christians. Every
Christian should be working to establish new churches. We also see that Paul and
Barnabas trusted the new Christians that God had chosen to lead the new churches.
Because Paul and Barnabas had been faithful in teaching the Christians who would be
leading these new churches, they knew that they could continue to trust the Holy Spirit
to guide these new Christians.
40. Read Acts 14:21-28 and write what Paul and Barnabas did when they returned to the
church at Antioch.
41. Explain why Paul and Barnabas reviewed with the church what God had done
among the Gentiles.
42. Explain why you think God chose to use you as well as other Christians to share the
Gospel, teach those who become Christians and take them with you to train them to
serve the Lord.
Lessons are best learned when they are put into practice. In these chapters we have seen
how the Gospel began to spread to other parts of the world. We have seen that the Holy
Spirit sent out Paul and Silas. The Lord worked through these men to reach out to entire
regions with the Gospel. We also saw that the planting of churches involves preaching
the Gospel, teaching those who become Christians and training them to become
reproducing Christians and then establishing the churches. This week pray each day
that the Lord will give you the opportunity to share the Gospel with at least one person
of another culture.
Now reread Acts 13:1-14:28 and write down the three most important lessons that you
learned from these chapters today.


Survey of Acts
Lesson 8
Acts 15:1-16:40
Today in our lesson, we will learn how the early church settled the problem of what
things the Christians who were not Jews should do. There were some Jews who felt that
a person who was not a Jew had to follow the Jewish laws in order to become a
Christian. Others felt that a person did not need to follow the Jewish laws in order to
become a Christian. We learn something about the right way to make decisions in a
church from the way that the church in Jerusalem settled this problem. Our lesson today
will also teach us about the way God guides us day by day. We will also learn a lesson
about what to do when men persecute us because we are Christians.
As you study this lesson, you should use the following objectives to guide you in your
study. By the time you complete this lesson, you should be able to:
Tell what the Jews decided about the Gentiles having to obey the Jewish law.
Explain how the church at Jerusalem reached a decision.
Explain how God leads us day by day.
Tell what Paul and Silas did when they were persecuted.
One day a group of men came to Antioch from the area around Jerusalem. These men
were teaching that a person had to obey the Jewish laws in order to become a Christian.
This caused some of the new Christians to become confused. Paul and Barnabas told
these men that the Gentiles did not need to keep the Jewish laws. Since the teachers
who were causing the confusion had come from Jerusalem, the church at Antioch
decided to send Paul and Barnabas to Jerusalem to talk to the leaders there about the
1. Read Acts 15:1-22 and write what group of people taught that the Gentiles had to
keep the Jewish laws to become Christians.
2. Explain what the Pharisees who had become Christians tried to teach the Gentiles
believers about the Jewish law.
3. Explain why you think these Pharisees who had become Christians felt that the
Gentile Christians had to obey the Jewish law.
Here we see that when some people become Christians, they do not realize that they are
to depend completely on Christ instead of the old religion. We also see that the early
church met to discuss the problem instead of just kicking out those who did not believe
exactly as they did. As a result, these Christians who had been teaching false things
realized clearly what it meant to follow Christ. The church discussed the problem for a
long time. Then Peter told again how he had taken the Gospel to those in the house of
Cornelius. Paul and Barnabas also spoke about what had happened as they took the
Gospel to the Gentiles. God had sent the Holy Spirit to the Gentiles and worked great
miracles among them just as He had done among the Jews. All these things happened
without the Gentiles following the Jewish laws.
4. Read Acts 15:1-22 and write the name of the man who spoke next.

5. Explain why the church spent a long time discussing this question before making
any decision.
6. Explain what you think Peter meant when he said in Acts 15:10, Now therefore,
why do you test God by putting a yoke on the neck of the disciples which neither our
fathers nor we were able to bear?
The church had talked about the problem for a long time. Peter, Paul and Barnabas had
all given their testimony about what had happened as they preached to the Gentiles.
Now James stood up to see if all of the Christians had reached agreement. We read that
the apostles, elders and the entire church were now in agreement. They had reached a
decision to which all agreed.
7. Read Acts 15:1-22 and write the names of the two men the church at Jerusalem
decided to send back to Antioch to report the decision of the church.
8. Explain why James said that the Gentiles should not be troubled by being told that
they had to keep the Jewish law.
9. Explain why you think a requirement to obey the Jewish law would have made it
more difficult for many Gentiles to become Christians.
Here we learn an important lesson about making decisions in a church. The church
could have voted and made a decision immediately. This is the way most churches
make decisions today. However, that would have caused the church to be divided into
parts with Christians fighting against each other. Instead the church discussed the
problem until they were all in agreement. Those who had been wrong realized that they
were wrong and now agreed that they had been wrong. Instead of dividing the church,
the decision caused them to become closer to each other. They had allowed the Holy
Spirit to make the decision instead of trying to make it themselves.
10. Read Acts 15:1-22 and write what James said was read in the Jewish synagogues
every sabbath.
11. Explain what these verses teach about the right way to make a decision in a church.
12. Explain why you think it is important to give each person the opportunity to express
his opinions and then apply Biblical principles before making a decision.
When the church at Jerusalem had reached agreement, they sent a letter to the church at
Antioch. In that letter they mentioned four things that the Gentile Christians should not
do. They were not to eat things that had been offered to idols. Otherwise, people who
were not Christians would have thought that they still worshipped idols. They were not
to eat or drink blood. They were not to eat animals that had been strangled because
those animals would still have their blood in them. They were not to do any sex sins or
have immoral relationships. The church at Antioch was very happy because the church
at Jerusalem had agreed with the things that they were teaching. Now they could tell the
false teachers from Jerusalem to be quiet.
13. Read Acts 15:23-41 and write the verse that tells who was teaching in the church at
14. Explain why the church at Jerusalem only mentioned these four things as things that
the Gentiles should avoid and told them nothing that they had to do.


15. Explain why you think it is important for Christians to learn to be guided by the
Holy Spirit through the Word of God and prayer rather than giving a series or rules
or laws to obey.
In Acts 11 we saw that there were two teachers in Antioch. This number had grown to
five by chapter 13. Now we read that there were many teachers at Antioch. Here we
see that every church should be teaching its men to teach and preach. An effective
church is continually training other men to teach and preach. We now read that two
teams were sent from the church at Antioch to take the Gospel to other places. John
Mark went with Barnabas and Silas went with Paul. Here we see an experienced
missionary is taking a new missionary with him so that he can teach him to establish
16. Read Acts 15:23-41 and write what Paul and Silas were doing as they went through
Syria and Cilicia.
17. Explain how the ministry of Judas and Silas strengthened the Christians that were in
the church at Antioch.
18. Explain why you think that it should be a high priority in every church to continue to
train additional leaders.
As Paul and Silas traveled, they came to the area where Paul had been stoned on his first
trip. There they found a young man named Timothy who had been helping the churches
in the surrounding areas. They invited Timothy to travel with them. Timothy was a Jew
so they had him circumcised. Here we see that a Jew obeyed the Jewish law so that he
could reach Jews for Christ. We also read that the number of churches was increasing
every day. In the first part of Acts we saw that the number of Christians was increasing
every day. Here we see that there were entire new churches being started every day.
This is what could happen today if we would allow the Holy Spirit to take control of our
lives and let Him really lead our churches.
19. Read Acts 16:1-15 and write the ethnic background of the father of Timothy.
20. Explain why Paul had Timothy circumcised but did not have Titus circumcised
according to Galatians 2:3.
21. Explain what you think made it possible for new churches to be started every day.
We also learn something about the way that the Holy Spirit guides us in these verses.
We are to go with the Gospel to those who are lost. Wherever we see a need, we are to
go. If the Holy Spirit wants us to go somewhere else instead, the Lord will make it
impossible to go where we had planned to go. Then we are to go to another place where
we see a need. Three times the Holy Spirit told Paul not to go to a particular place.
Each time he tried another place. As a result, the Lord led him to the place where the
Lord wanted him to go and preach. When Paul reached the city of Troas, he had a
vision one night.
22. Read Acts 16:1-15 and write what the man in the vision said to Paul.
23. Explain what we learn about the way that the Holy Spirit guides us as we make
24. Explain why you know that it is important in your life to seek the guidance of the
Holy Spirit in the decisions that you make.


Here we see another way the Holy Spirit guides us. Luke was the writer of the book of
Acts. He was a Greek who probably had lived in Macedonia. By comparing verses 8
and 10 we see he joined Paul here at Troas. Luke had probably told Paul many things
about the need of the people in Macedonia. They needed to know Christ. Then the
Holy Spirit used the words of Luke to help Paul see a vision of the need in Macedonia.
25. Read Acts 16:1-15 and write what they did as soon as Paul had seen the vision.
26. Explain why it is important to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit as He leads us.
27. Explain what these verses teach you about how God will work through your life as
you are obedient to Him.
Paul and the others went to the city of Philippi which was one of the main cities of
Macedonia. There a woman by the name of Lydia believed in Christ along with her
entire family. She invited them to stay at her house. One day a girl who told fortunes
started following Paul and Silas. She had a demon in her. When Paul cast the demon
out of the girl, the men who owned her were very angry because they realized they
would make no more money from her fortune telling. The men had the rulers beat Paul
and Silas and put them in jail.
28. Read Acts 16:16-34 and write what Paul and Silas were doing at midnight in the jail.
29. Explain what these verses teach about demon possession and fortune telling.
30. Explain why you think that it is important for Christians to avoid those things that
involve demonic activity.
The rulers had given Paul and Silas a terrible beating. Their backs were covered with
large open cuts. Then they put their feet in pieces of wood called stocks. However, the
suffering did not stop Paul and Silas from witnessing. They sang and prayed. The other
prisoners heard them. The other prisoners and the jailer realized that these men were
different from any other prisoners who had been in jail before.
31. Read Acts 16:16-34 and write what happened at midnight as they prayed.
32. Explain what made it possible for Paul and Silas to pray and sing praises even
though they were in great suffering due to the beating.
33. Explain what you personally learn about the way that God answers prayer from what
happened that night.
The earthquake opened all the doors of the prison. The chains that held the prisoners
were broken. When the man in charge of the jail saw the doors of the prison open, he
decided to kill himself. Roman law said that if a prisoner escaped, the jailer would be
killed instead. Just as the man was ready to kill himself, Paul told the man not to kill
himself. The prisoners were still there. Then the man rushed in and asked how to be
34. Read Acts 16:16-34 and write what Paul and Silas told the man in charge of the jail.
35. Explain how the Lord used the beating of Paul and Silas for His glory.
36. Explain how the Lord is able to bring glory and blessing from the difficult things
that happen in your life.
Then the man in charge of the jail took Paul and Silas to his house. He washed their


cuts and gave them food to eat. That night as Paul and Silas spoke to the man, his
family and his servants, the entire group became Christians. In this chapter we again see
that Paul worked to reach entire families for Christ. We saw that Lydia and her entire
family became Christians in the first part of the chapter. Here another entire family
trusted in Christ.
37. Read Acts 16:16-34 and write what happened after the jailer washed the wounds of
Paul and Silas.
38. Explain how placing their trust in Christ changed the jailer and his family.
39. Explain why you think that reaching entire families for Christ is emphasized so often
in the New Testament.
The next morning the city rulers sent men to let Paul and Silas out of jail. Then Paul
told the men that he would not leave the jail until the city rulers came because he was a
Roman citizen. Paul here was opening the door to make it much easier for others to
preach in the city of Philippi. The Roman rulers had to admit publicly that Paul was not
guilty. This made it possible for others to preach about Christ and not be put in jail.
40. Now read Acts 16:35-40 and write where Paul and Silas went when they left the jail.
41. Explain why it was important that Paul refused to leave the jail until the Roman
rulers publicly freed him.
42. Explain what lessons you learn for your own life about sharing the Gospel with
others at every opportunity.
Lessons are learned best when we put them into practice. In these two chapters we have
learned from the early church how to make important decisions in the church. We have
also seen that the Gentiles were not placed under the Jewish law. We have seen how the
Holy Spirit guides us to take the Gospel to people in other areas. Then we saw that the
Lord can even work through suffering to draw others to Himself. This week pray each
day that the Holy Spirit will guide you to at least two people who need to hear how to
receive forgiveness of sins and eternal life. Pray also that the Holy Spirit will give you
the words to speak as you talk with these individuals.
Now reread Acts 15:1-16:40 and write down the three most important lessons that you
learned from these chapters today.


Survey of Acts
Lesson 9
Acts 17:1-18:28

Today we will learn about churches being established in the country that is now called
Greece. In our last lesson we studied about Macedonia which is the northern part of
Greece. When Paul left Philippi, he traveled west and south and visited several other
cities in Greece. Paul left Luke in Philippi to continue to teach and preach there while
the rest of the group went to other cities. In every city that Paul visited, there was a
group that believed and a church was established.
As you study this lesson, you should use the following objectives to guide you in your
study. By the time you complete this lesson, you should be able to:
Explain how the people received the Word of God in the cities of Thessalonica
and Berea.
Tell what the people of Athens were like.
Tell how Paul supported himself in Corinth.
Explain what Apollos did not understand.
When Paul, Silas and Timothy left Philippi, they went to the city of Thessalonica.
There they went to the Jewish synagogue and began teaching about the resurrection of
Christ. For three weeks they taught in the synagogue. Some of the Jews believed in
Christ. A large group of devout Greek people also believed in Christ. However, some
of the Jews were filled with envy. They tried to find Paul. When they could not find
Paul, they took Jason and some of the other new Christians to the rulers of the city.
1. Read Acts 17:1-15 and write what the Jews said to the rulers of the city about the
2. Explain what the Lord was doing among the Greeks and among the chief women in
the area of Thessalonica.
3. Explain what lessons you learn about envy from the reaction of the Jews when many
Greeks turned to Christ.
Here we see a little picture of the way that the Gospel was spreading. The Christians
were accused of turning the world upside down with their teaching. We see that the
Christians were not afraid to tell everyone about Christ. Even though Paul and Silas had
been beaten or put in jail many times, they continued to speak about Christ. As a result,
people all over the region were hearing about Christ. Today we need more Christians
who are willing to speak for Christ wherever they go. Because of the trouble in
Thessalonica, the Christians thought it would be best to send Paul and Silas away so that
they would not be hurt or killed. They left that night and went to the city of Berea.
4. Read Acts 17:1-15 and write how the Jews of Berea received the Word of God.
5. Explain why the Christians were accused of turning the world upside down.
6. Explain how the response of the Greeks and chief women in Thessalonica show that
people will respond to the message of the death and resurrection of Christ if you
pray and then share that message with others.


The Jews in Berea listened to Paul. Instead of rejecting the good news about Christ,
they wanted to find out more. Every day they studied the Word of God so that they
could see whether the things that Paul was saying were true. Here we learn an important
lesson. We need to be studying the Word of God daily so that when we hear another
person teach or preach, we know whether that person is teaching the Word of God or
only giving his own ideas.
7. Read Acts 17:1-15 and write what happened among the Jews as a result of them
studying the Scriptures daily.
8. Explain why it is important to encourage people to study the Scripture to know
whether a man is teaching the Word of God or only his own ideas.
9. Explain how Bible study has affected you in your own life.
Because the Jews and Greeks of Berea studied the Word of God daily, many of them
believed in Christ. Here we see that if we get people to the study the Word of God,
many of them will become Christians. This is why it is good when possible to have a
weekly Bible study with a family that is interested to learn what the Bible teaches. As
you study the Bible with that family regularly, that family will often follow Christ. The
Jews in Thessalonica were unhappy when they heard that many people in Berea were
becoming Christians. As a result, some Jews from Thessalonica came to Berea and
started making trouble for Paul. Then the Christians sent Paul away but Silas and
Timothy stayed in Berea.
10. Read Acts 17:1-15 and write the name of the city where Paul went.
11. Explain what these verses teach about the importance of getting those who are not
yet Christians to study the Bible so that they can see what it teaches about Christ.
12. Explain what results you have seen when people who are not Christians get into a
Bible study to learn what the Bible teaches about the death and resurrection of
Athens was a place where the people liked to talk about the different ideas or
philosophies that men had about life. Two of their philosophies were the ideas of the
Epicureans and the ideas of the Stoics. The Epicureans taught that men should go after
pleasures and have a good time. The Stoics taught that God was everywhere and lived
in everything. As a result, they felt that men were also gods. These men loved to talk
about their ideas and the ideas of others.
13. Read Acts 17:16-34 and write what these men spent all of their time doing.
14. Explain why Paul divided his time between teaching in the synagogue and teaching
in the marketplace in Athens.
15. Explain what lessons you learn for your own life about sharing the Gospel with
people where they live, work and spend their free time and not just in the church.
The people of Athens were also very religious. They invited Paul to come to a building
called the Areopagus on Mars Hill and tell them about the things he was teaching. On
the way to the hill, Paul saw an altar TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Paul said that he had
come to tell them about the God that they did not know. He came to tell them about a
God that was not made with human hands. Instead Paul told them that God was the one


who created everything including men. It is only God that can give life. Now God
speaks to all men and tells them to repent and turn from their sins.
16. Read Acts 17:16-34 and write what Paul said that caused some of the men to mock
and make fun of his message.
17. Explain why Paul began with the creation as he talked to the people on Mars Hill.
18. Explain why you think it may be important to begin with the Creator and the
creation when you are talking to people that have never studied the Bible.
Today many men still mock and make fun when they hear about Christ being raised
from the dead. There are even many churches today that no longer teach that Christ rose
from the dead. They deny that the Bible is true. They deny that Christ is alive. They
deny that Christ can save us from our sins. Although there were many who made fun of
the resurrection of Christ, there were some who believed. There will always be men
who believe in Christ if we are faithful in teaching others about His death and
19. Read Acts 17:16-34 and write what Paul said God now calls all people to do.
20. Explain why we should keep telling others about the death and resurrection of Christ
even though many people make fun of our message.
21. Explain why the fact that some wanted to hear more about the death and resurrection
of Christ helps you to realize that some people in every culture are searching for
Paul then went from Athens to Corinth. Before Paul had become a leader of the Jewish
religion, he had earned his living by making tents. In Corinth Paul found another Jew
who also made tents. Since he did the same kind of work that Paul had done, Aquila
and his wife, Priscilla, invited Paul to stay with them. Each Sabbath Paul would teach in
the synagogue. However, the Jews in the synagogue refused to believe the message that
Paul was preaching. Instead they spoke against Paul.
22. Read Acts 18:1-17 and write to whom Paul said he was going since the Jews refused
to believe.
23. Explain why Paul gave the Jews the first opportunity to believe in Christ before he
started speaking to the Gentiles.
24. Explain what lessons you learn from the fact that the chief ruler of the synagogue
later believed even though most of the Jews had rejected the message of Paul
Paul always spoke to the Jews first and gave them an opportunity to become Christians.
When they would no longer listen, then he started speaking to the people who were not
Jews. Since Paul could no longer teach in the Jewish synagogue, he started teaching in
a house next to the synagogue. This house was the house of a man who had become a
25. Read Acts 18:1-17 and write the name of the man whose house they used.
26. Explain why losing the synagogue as a meeting place did not hinder the spread of
the message of the Gospel.
27. Explain what lessons you learn for your own life about using your home as a place
to minister for Christ.


Here we see a man who wanted to use his house to serve the Lord. We find that the
early church met in homes for many years before any buildings were ever built. This
made it possible for the early church to grow very rapidly because it did not need to
spend any time or money building a building or taking care of a building. Instead the
early Christians could spend all of their time teaching others about Christ. When a
group grew too large to meet in one home, it was easy to divide into two groups and
meet in two homes.
28. Read Acts 18:1-17 and write how long Paul continued to teach in Corinth before he
faced major opposition.
29. Explain how meeting in homes made it easier for the early church to grow quickly.
30. Explain what lessons you learn for your own life from the encouragement that Paul
received from an angel.
While Paul was in Corinth, God spoke to him in a vision at night and told him to speak
boldly because God was with him. No man would be able to hurt him because God was
going to save many people in that city. Then Paul had a year and a half when no one
bothered him. Finally a group of Jews tried to stop Paul. They took him to the Roman
ruler. However, the Roman ruler would not even listen to the Jews.
31. Read Acts 18:1-17 and write what the Roman ruler did to the Jews.
32. Explain how God used Paul and those with him to share the Gospel freely in one of
the largest cities of the Roman Empire.
33. Explain what you personally learn from the fact that people placed their trust in
Christ when they have the opportunity to hear the word of God.
Paul stayed in Corinth for a while longer. Then he took Priscilla and Aquila with him
and sailed toward Jerusalem. When the boat stopped near the city of Ephesus, Priscilla
and Aquila got off the boat and started working to establish a church in that city. One
day they met a man named Apollos. Apollos was a man who really loved God.
However, he had never heard of Christ. He had only heard John the Baptist preach that
men should turn from their sins.
34. Read Acts 18:18-28 and write what Aquila and Priscilla did when they heard
Apollos speaking in the Jewish synagogue.
35. Explain how the ministry of Aquila and Priscilla to Apollos gives a model for
ministry to those who have an incomplete understanding.
36. Explain some of the ways that you have personally been able to help Christians who
have an incomplete understanding of the Scriptures.
Here we learn an important lesson for our own lives. Today there are many men who
love Christ and are teaching others about Him. However, they do not know the Word of
God very well and so they are teaching things that are not completely true. Instead of
condemning such people, we should take the opportunity to teach them the Word of God
so that they will be teaching the truth. In this way, the work of God will be going
forward. Christians will be helping each other instead of condemning each other.
Christ tells us in II Timothy 2:2 that we are to teach others so that they can teach others.
37. Read Acts 18:18-28 and write who Paul took with him when he left Corinth.
38. Explain what these verses teach about our responsibility to teach others.


39. Explain why you think the ministry of Aquila and Priscilla to him encouraged
We see that the teaching of Aquila and Priscilla had good results in the life of Apollos.
He became a very effective teacher who was eager to serve Christ. Here we see what
happened because Aquila and Priscilla listened to the leading of the Lord and took time
to teach Apollos. Today there are many Christians who could become very good
teachers and serve Christ better if we will take the time to teach them. God has given
every Christian gifts so that each Christian can serve Him. It is our responsibility to
help every Christian develop his gifts so that every Christian is serving Christ.
40. Now read Acts 18:18-28 and write what happened when Apollos preached to the
41. Explain why Apollos was able to have a powerful impact as he preached to the Jews.
42. Explain why you think that it is important for you to use the Scriptures to present
Jesus Christ.
Lessons are learned best when we put them into practice. In these two chapters we have
learned that Paul and the team with him were accused of turning the world upside down.
We have also seen that when people studied the Word of God that a great number
believed. The Lord also showed us that Paul was able to enjoy an extended time of
ministry in the city of Corinth. The Lord showed Paul that he was going to lead a large
number of people in that city to place their trust in Christ. Finally we saw that Aquila
and Priscilla had a great ministry as they helped Apollos grow in his understanding.
This week pray that the Lord will give you the opportunity to help two others Christians
grow in their understanding of the ministry of Christ as you help them to clarify their
Now reread Acts 17:1-18:28 and write down the three most important lessons that you
learned from these chapters today.


Survey of Acts
Lesson 10
Acts 19:1-20:38

Today we will be studying about the way that the church in the city of Ephesus grew
and reached many people for Christ. Ephesus was a large city and the center of an area
called Asia which included many other towns and cities. As a result of the work of the
Lord in the city of Ephesus, many of those who had been sorcerers or witches burned
their books of magic. We will also read about the last night of Paul at the city of Troas.
There he spent the entire night teaching them before he left. We will also study about
the final instructions that Paul gave to the leaders of the church at Ephesus.
As you study this lesson, you should use the following objectives to guide you in your
study. By the time you complete this lesson, you should be able to:
Explain how all of Asia was reached with the Gospel in two years.
Tell what happened in Ephesus because the Gospel was preached there.
Explain what happened the night before Paul left Troas.
Tell what instructions Paul gave the elders at Ephesus.
When Paul came to Ephesus, he found twelve men who had followed John the Baptist.
When Paul spoke to them, he found out that they had never heard of the Holy Spirit.
They had turned from their sins but they did not know that Christ had died to pay the
penalty for their sins. They did not know that Christ had been raised from the dead.
They did not know the fact that the Holy Spirit had come to live in the life of every
Christian. The reason they did not know was due to the fact that they had heard John
the Baptist preach before any of these things happened.
1. Read Acts 19:1-10 and write what happened to these men when Paul laid his hands
on them.
2. Explain why these twelve men were actually like Old Testament saints rather than
3. Explain why you think that these Old Testament saints had a lack of understanding
similar to Apollos in chapter 18.
Here again we see the Holy Spirit coming on another group of people. We have already
seen the Holy Spirit coming on the Jews, the Samaritans and the Gentiles. Here we see
the Holy Spirit coming on those who had worshipped God before the time of Christ.
Each group received the Holy Spirit as a group the first time. Now we each receive the
Holy Spirit individually at the moment we become Christians. God also showed that
each group had received the Holy Spirit by causing them to speak in other languages.
Notice that the only times tongues (other languages) are mentioned in the book of Acts
is when a new group of people first became Christians. This is the final group since all
peoples of the world are included in one of these four groups.
4. Read Acts 19:1-10 and write how many heard how to become Christians in the next
two years.
5. Explain why the Holy Spirit came on each of the groups of people as a group when
that group first received the Gospel.

6. Explain why you think these twelve men were rebaptized in the name of the Lord
Jesus since John the Baptist had previously baptized them.
When Paul first came to Ephesus, there was only a small group of Christians in that city.
For three months, Paul taught in the Jewish synagogue. However, when a group of Jews
opposed Paul, he moved out of the synagogue and began teaching in a school. Here we
see again that a church can meet in any type of a building. They met in the temple, in
Jewish synagogues, in homes, in a school, down by a river, in a room on the third floor
of a building and probably in many other places. The place where the church meets is
not important because the church is the people and not the building.
7. Read Acts 9:1-10 and write how many people in Asia heard the word of the Lord
8. Explain why Paul focused for the next two years on teaching every day in the school
of Tyrannus.
9. Explain what you think made it possible for every single person in Asia to hear how
to become a Christian in only two years.
As Paul was teaching in Ephesus, God used him to do many miracles. Even
handkerchiefs which he sent to those who were sick or demon possessed caused the
people to be healed. This was one of the special signs of an apostle. One day a group of
Jews decided to use the power that Paul had to get rich. Seven of these men were the
sons of a man named Sceva. They tried to command an evil spirit to come out of a man
in the name of Jesus that Paul preaches. The evil spirit said that he knew Jesus and he
knew Paul but he did not know them. Then the man with the evil spirit jumped on the
men and fought all seven of them. They all had to run out of the house naked and hurt.
10. Read Acts 19:11-22 and write what happened in Ephesus as a result.
11. Explain why the seven sons of Sceva had no power over the man with the evil spirit.
12. Explain why you think the apostles were given these special signs.
Many of those who had been sorcerers or fortunetellers believed in Christ when they
saw the power of God. They also told about the things that they had done before. Then
these men brought their books of magic and the other things that they had used when
they were practicing sorcery. They counted the price that all of the things were worth.
Then they burned them in front of all men to show that they had decided to follow
Christ instead of worshipping the old way.
13. Read Acts 19:11-22 and write how much their books were worth.
14. Explain why what happened to the seven sons of Sceva brought fear to the people
and caused the name of the Lord Jesus to be magnified.
15. Explain what you personally learn about what happens to demonic power when we
yield to the Lord and ask the Lord to use His power to deal with the demonic power.
Because so many people had become Christians, those who worshipped false gods
began to be concerned. Ephesus was the city where many of the people worshipped an
idol they called Diana. They claimed that Diana had fallen from the sky. They had built
a very large and beautiful temple for Diana. Many men of the city of Ephesus earned
their living by making little silver images of their idol Diana. These men became afraid


that so many people would become Christians that soon there would be no one left to
worship Diana. Then they would have no work. As a result, they started a riot and
shouted for two hours.
16. Read Acts 19:23-41 and write what they shouted.
17. Explain why the men who made silver images of Diana became fearful as they saw
so many people turning to Christ.
18. Explain what you think was the real reason that the silversmiths did not want people
to turn to Christ.
One of the city rulers finally stopped the riot by telling the people that if they had a
problem it should be settled in the courts and not by a riot. As we think about this riot,
we see again the power of the Gospel. The message of Jesus Christ is the most powerful
message in the entire world. It will change the life of every person who will follow
Christ. This is why we do not need to be afraid to speak about Christ. We have a
message that people need. This message will change their lives.
19. Read Acts 19:23-41 and write what most of the people did not even know as they
shouted and rioted.
20. Explain why the people got so involved in the shouting when they did not even
know what had happened.
21. Explain why the Gospel will sometimes cause people to riot as the people of
Ephesus did.
After the riot in Ephesus, Paul went to Greece and Macedonia. We read of the men who
were traveling with Paul. Here we see that Paul always had a group of young men that
he was training as he traveled. Paul stopped in Troas for a week. The night before Paul
left, the Christians met for communion and Bible study. Since it was the last time that
Paul would meet with that church, they had a long service. We read that the church was
meeting on the third loft (floor) in a large room. There was a large group so people
were sitting in the windows.
22. Read Acts 20:1-17 and write what happened at midnight.
23. Explain why Paul always had a group of younger men traveling with him as he took
the Gospel to different places.
24. Explain what this teaches you about the importance of developing other spiritual
leaders by taking them with you as you share the Word of God and not just telling
them what to do.
We read that they stopped the service and went down where he was laying. Paul told
the people not to worry. Then the young man was given life again. The people went
back up to the room and continued the meeting. They had communion and remembered
the death and resurrection of Christ. Then they talked until the sun came up the next
morning. The Christians probably had many questions that they wanted to ask Paul
before he left. Paul was willing to answer questions all night in order to teach and
strengthen the Christians. Helping other Christians was more important to Paul than
25. Read Acts 20:1-17 and write who Paul invited to meet him at the city of Miletus.
26. Explain what Paul teaches us about the importance of helping other Christians by
encouraging them and helping them get their questions answered.

27. Explain why you think Paul was willing to miss a night of sleep in order to help and
encourage these Christians one more time.
As Paul spoke to the leaders of the church at Ephesus, he took a look at the past and a
look at the future. As Paul looked at the past, he spoke of the way that he had served the
Lord. He said that he had many tears and trials. These were not tears of sorrow. They
were tears of concern for people who were lost in their sin. Paul was so concerned
about the men who did not know Christ that he spent many hours praying and crying to
God for them. Those hours were not wasted. As a result of those hours of prayer, there
were now many Christians in the city of Ephesus.
28. Read Acts 20:17-27 and write how Paul taught the people in the city of Ephesus.
29. Explain why Paul felt it was necessary to take the leaders of the church at Ephesus
with him as he visited from house to house so that he could show them how to
minister to people in their homes.
30. Explain what you learn for your own ministry from the things that Paul focused on
as he took the leaders with him as he ministered.
Here we see one reason why the church in Ephesus grew so rapidly. Paul taught the
people in groups. He also went from house to house and taught them in their homes.
Many people would never think of going to a church. However, many of these people
do want to know what the Bible teaches. They are happy to have someone study the
Bible with them in their homes. Of course when people study the Bible many of them
become Christians. As a result the church grows rapidly. The other Christians also
learned to go house to house from watching Paul. As a result, there were many
Christians witnessing in homes every day.
31. Read Acts 20:17-27 and write what Paul was able to testify that he was pure from.
32. Explain why Paul felt it was important to teach the leaders the whole counsel of
33. Explain why you think teaching the Word of God to people in their homes will help
a church to grow rapidly.
Paul also gave the elders some instructions about the future. He said their responsibility
was to care for and feed the church of God. Here we see that feeding or teaching the
Christians is one of the main responsibilities of the leaders of a church. In this way the
Christians are trained to witness for Christ in their homes, in the homes of others, on the
job or wherever they go. Today most churches and missions spend their time preaching
to the few who are not Christians instead of feeding the Christians. As a result, the
Christians are weak and afraid to witness.
34. Read Acts 20:28-38 and write who Paul said would try to enter the church after he
35. Explain why Paul warned the leaders that there would be false teachers that would
be like wolves.
36. Explain what you think it means for the spiritual leaders to take the oversight of the
Paul warns of two dangers that the church would face. The first is false teachers


(wolves) who come in and try to destroy the Christians. Today there are many false
teachers who deny that the Word of God is true. They no longer teach that the only way
a person can be saved is through the blood of Christ. The second group that Paul warns
about is men in the church who try to get people to follow them. Today there are many
men who are trying to build big churches instead of trying to start many new churches.
Starting new churches nearly always reaches more people for Christ than one large
church can ever reach. Men often want large churches because of pride.
37. Read Acts 20:28-38 and write what Paul told them that God and His Word would do
for them.
38. Explain why God will build people up and help them to understand the eternal
inheritance that He has given them.
39. Explain why you think Paul warns us to watch out for men who become proud and
try to get men to follow them instead of Christ.
Paul also shows a picture of his trust in God in these verses. He tells the leaders that he
has taught them day and night for three years. Now he can leave them because he
knows that he can depend on God to continue to work in their lives. Today there are
some Christian leaders who feel that they cannot trust the Christians in their churches.
This means that the leaders either failed to teach properly or that the leaders do not have
much faith in God to guide those that they have taught. When leaders say that they
cannot trust the people in their church, it means the leaders have failed and not the
people. The final instruction Paul gave to the elders was to remember the weak.
40. Read Acts 20:28-38 and write what Paul said will bring blessing.
41. Explain why the leaders were filled sorrow because Paul was leaving.
42. Explain why you have found that there is great blessing in sharing with those in
physical need, spiritual need or both.
Lessons are best learned when we put them into practice. In these two chapters we have
seen how the Gospel spread through the whole region of Asia from the city of Ephesus.
We have also seen that the Gospel had a powerful effect on the old religion in the city of
Ephesus. When Paul made his final visit to the leaders of the church of Ephesus, we
saw that he took a look at the past and also the future. He concluded by telling the
leaders how to experience great blessing.
The fact that we receive great blessings when we give to others is one reason why we
should teach every Christian that the Holy Spirit has given him gifts to serve Christ
better. As a result, every Christian will receive blessings because he is serving Christ.
Now reread Acts 19:1-20:38 and write down the three most important lessons that you
learned from these chapters today.


Survey of Acts
Lesson 11
Acts 21:1-22:30

Today we will read about Paul being put in jail. The Jews were filled with envy and
hate. They did not like the way that the number of Christians was growing. They did
not like the fact that many people who were not Jews were becoming Christians instead
of becoming followers of the Jewish religion. As a result, the Jews in Jerusalem almost
killed Paul. The leader of the Roman soldiers rescued Paul and put him in jail.
As you study this lesson, you should use the following objectives to guide you in your
study. By the time you complete this lesson, you should be able to:
Explain how God warned Paul that he would be put in prison.
Explain why Paul took a Jewish vow.
Tell what Paul said to the Jews from the prison steps.
Explain what happened to Paul in prison.
When Paul left Ephesus, he sailed toward Jerusalem. He wanted to be in Jerusalem on
the day of Pentecost, the day that the Holy Spirit first came on the Christians. As Paul
went toward Jerusalem, he was warned at every stop that he would be put in jail if he
went to Jerusalem. One of the places where Paul stopped was at the city of Caesarea.
There he stayed with a man who had four daughters. We met this man as we studied the
first part of the book of Acts.
1. Read Acts 21:1-16 and write the name of the man with whom Paul stayed.
2. Explain why Paul received many warnings that he would be put in prison if he went
to Jerusalem.
3. Explain why you think Paul was determined to go to Jerusalem even if it meant he
would be put in prison.
Philip was one of the original seven chosen by the church in Jerusalem to care for the
needs of the widows. Later the Lord used Philip to bring the Gospel to the people of
Samaria. Then Philip took the Gospel to the treasurer of the country of Ethiopia. Now
we see that the Lord has brought Philip to the area of Caesarea to establish churches in
that area. Here we learn a real lesson in obedience. Philip was ready to go wherever the
Lord sent him and do whatever the Lord told him to do. A man named Agabus came
from Jerusalem to the house of Philip and warned Paul that he would be bound and put
in jail if he went to Jerusalem.
4. Read Acts 21:1-16 and write the answer of Paul.
5. Philip is called an evangelist. Explain what it means to be an evangelist.
6. Since Philip stayed in the city of Caesarea for at least 20 years, explain what you
think is the work of an evangelist.
Here we see the attitude that every Christian should have about life. Christ gave us our
lives so that we could serve Him. When we have completed the work that Christ has
given us to do, then we have the privilege of being taken to heaven. Whether we live or


die, our desire should be to do what the Lord wants us to do. This was the attitude of
Paul. He was ready to live or die for Christ. It did not matter to him if he died.
7. Read Acts 21:1-16 and write what the Christians said when they could not persuade
Paul to change his mind about going to Jerusalem.
8. Explain what caused Paul to have that attitude that he was willing to die for Christ.
9. Explain what lessons you learn for your own life about the attitude you should have
about serving the Lord.
When Paul came to Jerusalem, the leaders of the church gathered together to hear how
the church was growing in other parts of the world. The elders were full of joy when
they heard how thousands of Gentiles in many parts of the world were becoming
Christians. Here we learn a lesson for our lives. We should be full of joy when we hear
how the church is growing in other parts of the world. We should also be praying for
the work of the Lord in other parts of the world. In this way, we are sharing in the work
of the Lord in many places. We should also be prepared to go and take the Gospel to
other parts of the world if that is what the Lord tells us to do.
10. Read Acts 21:17-30 and write the false report that the Jewish Christians in Jerusalem
had heard about Paul.
11. Explain why it tells us that the Jewish Christians were all zealous of the law.
12. Explain what you learn for your own life about the fact that some Christians will
place a stronger emphasis on the law than others will.
The Christian Jews obeyed the Old Testament laws that God had given to the Jews
many years before. The Jews in Jerusalem had heard that Paul was telling the Jews who
lived in other places not to obey the Old Testament law any more. Of course Paul was
not teaching the Jews to disobey the Old Testament. In order to show the Jews that he
still obeyed the Jewish law, the elders suggested that Paul shave his head and take a
Jewish vow. Then the leaders of the church explained again that the Gentiles did not
need to keep the Jewish law. They were free from the law. However, because Paul was
a Jew, he wanted to obey the Jewish law so that he could reach Jews for Christ.
13. Read Acts 21:17-30 and write how many men kept the Jewish vow with Paul.
14. Explain why Paul was willing to take a Jewish vow even though he had been
teaching the Gentiles that they were not under the law.
15. Explain why you are thankful for the fact that Gentiles are not under the Old
Testament law.
When the men had been in the temple about seven days, some Jews from Asia
recognized Paul. The Jews from Asia said that Paul had made the temple an unclean
place by bringing people who were not Jews into the temple. These men also shouted
that Paul taught men to disobey the law of God. Because of this shouting, a large crowd
of people quickly gathered. Then they dragged Paul out of the temple and shut the door.
When the people started a riot, someone quickly ran and told the leader of the Roman
soldiers. He immediately came with hundreds of soldiers to stop the riot before it
16. Read Acts 21:27-40 and write what the people were doing to Paul when the soldiers


17. Explain why the Jews from Asia chose to say that Paul taught people to disobey the
18. Explain what lessons you learn from the fact that the Jews in many of the cities all
had the same attitude toward Paul.
Then the captain of the soldiers put chains on the wrists of Paul and asked the people
what Paul had done. The people immediately began shouting many things. As a result,
the captain of the soldiers could not tell what Paul had done. He ordered the soldiers to
take Paul back to their barracks and put him in the prison. A great crowd of people
followed the soldiers to the barracks. They shouted for Paul to be killed. Then Paul
spoke to the captain of the soldiers in Greek and asked for permission to speak to the
people. Here we see a real picture of love. The people wanted to kill Paul. However,
Paul loved the Lord and the people so much that he wanted to speak to the people and
tell them about Christ.
19. Read Acts 21:27-40 and write who the captain thought Paul was at first.
20. Explain why the captain listened to Paul and gave him permission to speak to the
21. Explain what you think caused Paul to love people so much even when they wanted
to kill him.
Then Paul spoke to the people in the Hebrew language. Immediately the people all
became very quiet. Then Paul began to tell about his early life. He told how he had
received his training in the Jewish religion from Gamaliel, one of the best known Jewish
teachers in their entire history. Then Paul told how he had put the early Christians in
jail and even killed them. He thought he was serving God by trying to stop the
Christians. Then Paul said that the Jewish leaders could also tell how he had persecuted
the Christians.
22. Read Acts 22:1-16 and write what the Jewish religious leaders had written in letters
that he had permission to do.
23. Explain why Paul began by telling the Jews about his early opposition to Christ and
those who believed in Christ.
24. Explain why you think Paul thought he was serving God by trying to stop the
Paul had been such an eager Jew that he wanted to punish Christians in other cities also.
Paul went on to tell what had happened on the road to Damascus. Suddenly a great light
from heaven blinded his eyes. Then a voice spoke to him and asked why he was
persecuting the one who spoke. For the first time Paul realized that Jesus was God and
had come down from heaven to do the will of God. Then Jesus told him to go into
Damascus and he would find out what to do. God sent a man by the name of Ananias to
show him what to do.
25. Read Acts 22:1-16 and write the first thing that Ananias said to Paul.
26. Explain how the life of Paul was immediately changed when he learned that Jesus is
27. Explain how your own life was changed when you placed your trust in Christ.


Here we see a picture of one of the wonderful blessings we receive when we become
Christians. We become brothers and sisters in Christ. We are now a part of the family
of God and all other Christians are our brothers and sisters. We no longer need to feel
that we are lonely and have no friends. It may be that when you became a Christian, it
was the first time in your life that you became a part of a family where there is love and
concern for each other. This is a wonderful privilege to be a part of the family of God.
28. Read Acts 22:1-16 and write the three things that Ananias told Paul that God had
said that He wanted Paul to learn.
29. Explain why God wanted Paul to know His will.
30. Explain what it means to you in your life to be a member of the family of God.
We also see in these verses that Christ told Paul why He had chosen Paul. Christ
chooses us for the same purposes so we will see why God has chosen us. We see that
first of all God has chosen us to know His will. It should be the desire of every
Christian to know the will of God for your life. The second thing God wants us to see is
the Just One. The Just One is Jesus Christ. We need to see and realize that Christ died
for our sins and rose again to give us eternal life. The third thing God wants us to do is
hear the voice of Christ. We can know the Will of God. We can know Christ.
However, our lives will not be full of joy unless we hear and obey the voice of Christ.
31. Read Acts 22:1-16 and write what Ananias said Paul would be as a result of hearing
His voice.
32. Explain why it is important for every Christian to really get to know Christ.
33. Explain why you know that hearing and obeying the voice of Christ will bring joy to
your life.
Here we see that the normal result of knowing the will of God, seeing Christ change our
lives and obeying his voice will be a desire to tell others what we have seen and heard.
The change that happens in our lives is so wonderful that it is impossible for us to keep
quiet. The people listened to Paul until he said that God had sent him to the Gentiles.
Then the people shouted for Paul to be killed. The captain of the soldiers ordered Paul
to be beaten to find out what he had done wrong.
34. Read Acts 22:17-30 and write what Paul said as the soldiers were getting ready to
beat (scourge) him.
35. Explain why the Jews began shouting for Paul to be killed as soon as he mentioned
that God had sent him to the Gentiles.
36. Explain why you think that most of the Jews would not place their trust in Christ and
at the same time were so angry that Paul shared with the Gentiles about Christ.
A Roman soldier rushed to the captain and told him that Paul was a Roman citizen. The
captain came immediately to ask Paul if he was a Roman citizen. When Paul said he
was, the captain said that he had paid a large sum of money to become a Roman citizen.
Paul answered that he had been free born. That meant that his father was a Roman
citizen and so Paul was a citizen of Rome by birth and not by paying money. Here we
see a beautiful picture. Many people are trying to buy their way to heaven. However,
that is impossible because all of the money in the world would not be enough to pay our
way to heaven. Instead we must be born of God. Then we receive eternal life as a free

37. Read Acts 22:17-30 and write what happened to the captain when he learned that
Paul was a Roman citizen.
38. Explain how we as Christians can know that we have been free born spiritually.
39. Explain why you are thankful for the freedom that you received when you placed
your trust in Christ.
When the captain of the Roman soldiers heard that Paul was a Roman citizen, he was
afraid. It was against the law for a soldier to put chains on a Roman citizen before that
person was convicted of a crime. Paul could have caused the captain to lose his job.
The captain wanted to know what Paul had done wrong. As a result, the Roman captain
ordered the Jewish religious leaders to meet together so that he could find out what Paul
had done wrong.
40. Read Acts 22:17-30 and write what the captain did with Paul the next day when the
Jewish religious leaders met together.
41. Explain why the Roman captain had a totally different attitude toward Paul when he
learned that Paul was a Roman citizen.
42. Explain why the fact that you became a citizen of heaven at the moment you placed
your trust in Christ has also changed your attitude toward life.
Lessons are learned best when we put them into practice. In these two chapters we have
seen that Paul was willing to go to Jerusalem even though it might mean going to prison
or even being put to death. He had such a great love for the Jews that he was willing to
do whatever was necessary to give the Jews the opportunity to hear about Christ. He
even took the opportunity to speak to the Jews about how he became a Christian while
he was being taken to prison. This week pray each day that the Lord will give you the
opportunity to speak to at least two of your relatives or friends who are not Christians so
that you can share with them how Christ can change their lives.
Now reread Acts 21:1-22:30 and then write down the three most important lessons that
you learned from these chapters today.


Survey of Acts
Lesson 12
Acts 23:1-24:27

In our last lesson we learned about Paul being put in prison. The head of the Roman
soldiers did not know what Paul had done. He decided to call a meeting of the Jewish
religious leaders to find out what Paul had done wrong. This almost started a second
riot so the soldiers took Paul back to prison. A group of more than forty Jews made an
agreement not to eat or drink anything until they had killed Paul. The nephew of Paul
told Paul. Then Paul had his nephew tell the Roman captain. The captain then decided
to send Paul to the city of Caesarea where the Roman governor lived.
As you study this lesson, you should use the following objectives to guide you in your
study. By the time you complete this lesson, you should be able to:
Tell what Paul said to the Jewish religious leaders.
Explain why Paul was sent to the city of Caesarea at night.
Explain what Paul said to Felix, the Roman governor.
When Paul was brought in front of the religious leaders, he started to speak. He told
them that he knew that he had lived the way that God wanted him to live. Then the high
priest ordered Paul to be hit across the face. After Paul had been hit across the face, he
turned to the high priest and told him that God would judge him. He was trying a man
according to the law but was breaking the law by hitting a man who had not been
condemned. Someone told Paul that he was speaking against the high priest. Then Paul
said he was sorry because he did not realize that he was speaking against the high priest.
1. Read Acts 23:1-11 and write what Paul said when he realized that part of the group
were Pharisees.
2. Explain why Paul said that he was a Pharisee to these leaders as he spoke to them.
3. Explain what lessons you learn from the fact that Paul was able to teach about the
resurrection as he spoke to the Pharisees and Sadducees.
The Sadducees did not believe all of the Bible and did not believe in the resurrection.
The Pharisees claimed to believe in the Bible and the resurrection. Until men believe in
the death and resurrection of Christ, they are not willing to recognize Christ as Savior
and Lord. Paul wanted to witness to those who believed what the Old Testament taught
about the resurrection. The Pharisees immediately stood up and said that they found
nothing wrong with Paul. This started a fight between the Pharisees and the Sadducees.
When the captain of the Roman soldiers saw that the religious leaders were going to
have a great argument, he took Paul back to the barracks so that the religious leaders
would not pull him apart.
4. Now read Acts 23:1-11 and write who stood by Paul in the night.
5. Explain how the message of the Lord helped Paul to know the plan that God had for
his life for the next period of time.
6. Explain why you think that focusing on the resurrection may have caused some of
the Pharisees to really think about what the resurrection meant for their own lives.


The Lord had a message for Paul. That message was a message of good news. The
Lord told Paul he would speak in Rome just as he had spoken in Jerusalem. That was
good news to Paul because it meant that he would have another opportunity to speak for
Christ. Today the Lord has also given us the opportunity to speak to others and tell
them how they can become Christians. We do not know how much longer we will have
to speak for Christ so we need to use every opportunity that we have while there is still
time to tell others about Christ.
7. Read Acts 23:1-11 and write what the Lord told Paul as He spoke to him that night.
8. Explain why Paul could be filled with cheer because of the fact that he knew he
would have more opportunities to speak for Christ.
9. Explain why you think it is good news that you still have an opportunity to tell
others about Christ.
The next day a group of more than forty Jews met together and decided to kill Paul.
They agreed that they would not eat or drink anything until they killed Paul. Then they
went and told the religious leaders to ask the Roman captain to have Paul come down
and speak to them again. They told the religious leaders that they would kill Paul as he
was coming to the temple.
10. Read Acts 23:12-22 and write who heard about the plan of these men and came and
told Paul.
11. Explain how the Lord worked through the nephew of Paul to protect the life of Paul.
12. Explain why the way that the Lord protected Paul shows you that the Lord will work
to carry out His plan for your life even if someone might try to stop your ministry.
When the nephew of Paul told Paul about the plan to kill him, Paul asked a soldier to
take his nephew to the captain. Then the nephew told the captain about the plans of the
men. Here we see again that evil men cannot stop the plan of God. God allowed the
nephew to hear the plan of the evil men so that the nephew could warn Paul. As
Christians, we know that God is going to take care of us and complete His plan. It may
mean that we might suffer or even die but we have seen already that it is a privilege to
share in the sufferings of Christ.
13. Read Acts 23:12-22 and write what the nephew told the captain.
14. Explain how the Lord defeated the plot of the men who wanted to kill Paul.
15. Explain what lessons you learn for your own life from these verses.
As soon as the captain heard about the plan to kill Paul, he ordered soldiers to get ready
to take Paul to Felix, the governor. In order to protect Paul, the captain sent a total of
470 soldiers with him. These men left at nine in the evening and traveled all night so
that the men who wanted to kill Paul would not have time to wait along the road. He
also wrote a letter to the governor telling him why he was sending Paul to him.
16. Read Acts 23:23-35 and write the name of the city where the Roman soldiers took
17. Explain what the captain told the governor he recognized about the charges that the
Jews brought against Paul.
18. Explain what you learn for your own life about how the Lord will be with you
regardless of what things you face in your own life.

The soldiers traveled during the night with Paul. In the morning the soldiers who were
walking returned to Jerusalem. Then the seventy soldiers on horses rode the rest of the
way to Caesarea with Paul. When they arrived, they gave the letter from the Roman
captain to the governor. After the governor read the letter, he asked Paul from what
country he came. Paul told the governor that he had grown up in the area called Cilicia.
19. Read Acts 23:23-35 and write where the Roman governor kept Paul.
20. Explain how the Lord was fulfilling His promise made at the time that Paul turned to
Christ that Paul would speak to kings.
21. Explain how you know that Christ will keep the promises that He has made to each
of us an Christians.
Five days later the Jewish religious leaders came down to Caesarea to speak against
Paul. They brought a lawyer with them named Tertullus. He was a very good speaker.
They thought he would be the best speaker to convince the governor that Paul had done
wrong. Tertullus began by saying many good things about the governor. This is a trick
which men who are not Christians often use. They try to praise men and make men
think that they are good. After the words of praise to the governor, the lawyer began
speaking against Paul.
22. Read Acts 24:1-9 and write what Tertullus called Paul.
23. Explain what Tertullus was trying to do by speaking words of praise to the governor
about his leadership of the country.
24. Explain why you know that we can be honest in the words that we speak rather than
speaking things that are not true in order to get what we want.
The religious leaders wanted to convince the Roman governor that Paul was trying to
start a rebellion against the Roman government. They wanted to show that Paul was
dangerous and should be put to death immediately. Of course, it is easy to see that the
religious leaders were not telling the truth. However, they were willing to lie, kill or do
something else to get rid of Paul. As Tertullus spoke, he tried to make it sound as
though the Jews were trying to help the Roman government by getting rid of Paul.
25. Read Acts 24:1-9 and write what the other Jews said.
26. Explain why the religious leaders thought that they could deceive the Romans
governor by accusing Paul of trying to lead rebellion against the Romans.
27. Explain why you think that the Jews thought that that they could deceive the Roman
When the Jews had finished speaking, Felix asked Paul to speak. Then Paul pointed out
that the things said about him could not be true because he had only come to Jerusalem
twelve days before. During the time Paul was in Jerusalem, he had not argued with a
single person. The Jews could not prove a single thing that they said against Paul. Then
Paul said that he had been teaching about the resurrection. Here we see that Paul took
every opportunity to speak about the resurrection.
28. Read Acts 24:10-27 and write what the Jews had not seen him do anywhere.
29. Explain why Paul was happy to make his defense before the Roman governor.
30. Explain why you think Paul always spoke of the resurrection at every opportunity.


Paul also said that he worshipped the God that the early Jews worshipped. Then Paul
said that he believed the entire Old Testament. The New Testament had not yet been
written. Today we need more Christians who are not afraid to say that they believe that
the entire Bible is the Word of God. When men begin to teach that any part of the Bible
is not true, they have started down a road that will quickly lead them further and further
away from Christ.
31. Read Acts 24:10-27 and write who the Bible says will be raised in the resurrection.
32. Explain what Paul meant when he said that there would be a resurrection of both the
just and the unjust.
33. Explain why you think that Paul said that the real reason he was in the court that day
was because he believed and taught the resurrection.
Paul said that one of the reasons he had come to Jerusalem was to bring a gift to his
nation. When Paul went into the temple, he had followed all of the instructions of the
law and had done it quietly. Then Felix said that he would hear more from Paul later
when Lysias, the captain of the Roman soldiers, came to Caesarea. Felix told a soldier
to take care of Paul. The soldier was told to let all of the friends of Paul visit him and
help him. Later Felix asked Paul to come and speak to him about Christ. As Paul began
to speak to Felix, the Holy Spirit was working in his life. Felix began to shake when he
heard about the fact that judgment is coming.
34. Read Acts 24:10-27 and write what Felix said to Paul.
35. Explain what caused Felix to begin to shake when he heard about the fact that a
future judgment was coming.
36. Explain why you believe it is important to warn those who have not placed their
trust in Christ about the fact that judgment is coming in the future.
Today there are many people who are just like Felix. They realize that they are sinners.
They are afraid and shake when they hear about the fact that judgment is coming.
However, they say that they will become Christians at another time when it is more
convenient. Felix felt that he wanted to wait until later to become a Christian. We
never read that the time ever came when Felix became a Christian. He waited too long
and then it was too late. Today the same thing is still happening. Many people are still
waiting until it is too late.
37. Read Acts 24:10-27 and write who was with Felix when he began to tremble.
38. Explain why Paul reasoned with Felix and his wife about righteousness, self-control
and judgment to come.
39. Explain how you would warn a person about the danger of waiting too long.
There was also another reason why Felix kept Paul in jail. Felix hoped that Paul would
pay money to him in exchange for letting Paul go free. For this reason, he called for
Paul many times so that Paul could come and speak to him. Here we see that Paul could
have chosen his own plan instead of the plan of God for his life at that time. Paul was
willing to stay in jail if that was a part of the plan of God. There were probably many
people who would have given him the money he needed to buy his way out of jail. We
need to be like Paul. Our desire should be to do the will of God instead of choosing to
do the things that we want to do.

40. Read Acts 24:24-27 and write what Felix did with Paul when a new governor was
appointed to take the place of Felix.
41. Explain why Felix often called for Paul to come and talk with him.
42. Explain why you think Felix had let his own desires control his life instead of doing
what he knew was right.
Lessons are learned best when we put them into practice. In these two chapters we have
learned how Paul took the opportunity to speak both to the Jews and to the Roman
governor about the message of the resurrection. We also saw how the Lord used the
nephew of Paul to protect him from a plot by the Jews to kill him. We see that the
Jewish leaders tried to accuse him of rebellion against the Roman government. Again
the Lord gave him the opportunity to speak of the resurrection. This week pray that the
Lord will give you the opportunity to share with at least two people the importance of
the resurrection.
Now reread Acts 23:1-24:27 and write down the three most important lessons that you
learned from these chapters today.


Survey of Acts
Lesson 13
Acts 25:1-26:32

In our last lesson, we learned that the Roman governor, Felix, tried Paul and found
nothing that Paul had done wrong. We also saw that he left Paul in jail for two years
because he hoped that Paul would give him money in order to go free. Today we will
read about Paul speaking to two more Roman governors. Neither one of them could
find anything that Paul had done wrong. Here we see that God is completing the
promise that Paul would speak to governors about Christ. That promise was made to
Paul when he first became a Christian.
As you study this lesson, you should use the following objectives to guide you in your
study. By the time you complete this lesson, you should be able to:
Tell what Paul said to Festus.
Tell why Paul asked to be tried by Caesar, the emperor in Rome.
Tell what Paul said to King Agrippa.
Explain what Agrippa said about Paul.
Soon after the new governor, Festus, arrived in Caesarea, he went to Jerusalem for a
visit. Immediately the Jewish religious leaders came and asked Festus to bring Paul to
Jerusalem for a trial. They planned to kill Paul as he was traveling from Caesarea to
Jerusalem. Then Festus told the religious leaders that if they were so anxious to
condemn Paul, they would have to come down to Caesarea to do it. Ten days later
Festus and the Jews returned to Caesarea.
1. Read Acts 25:1-12 and write what the Jews said about Paul.
2. Explain why even though Paul had been in jail for two years in Caesarea that the
Jews were still so anxious to kill him.
3. Explain what lessons you learn from this about the hatred of the religious leaders
toward both Christ and Paul.
Here we see that the religious leaders were willing to do anything in order to get rid of
Paul. They told many lies about Paul. Since they were lies, it was impossible for them
to prove what they were saying. Then Paul spoke and told how he had not done
anything wrong to either Caesar or the Jews. We see that Festus decided to try and
please the Jews instead of doing what he knew was right. Festus asked Paul if he was
willing to go to Jerusalem to be judged.
4. Read Acts 25:1-12 and write the answer of Paul to Festus.
5. Explain why Paul waited until this time to appeal his case to Caesar.
6. Explain why you think Festus wanted Paul to go to Jerusalem for trial even though
he knew that Paul had done nothing wrong.
Paul was a Roman citizen. This gave him the right to appeal his case to Caesar, the
Roman emperor. Paul said that he would be willing to die if he had done something
wrong. However, he had done nothing wrong. Paul knew that the Jews would try to kill


him on the way to Jerusalem. As a result, Paul appealed his case to Caesar. Then
Festus said he would send Paul to Caesar. Here we see that God was completing the
promise that He had given when Paul first followed Christ. Christ had said that Paul
would speak to kings and governors.
7. Read Acts 25:1-12 and write what Festus said after he had talked to the council.
8. Explain how this passage shows us that God will always keep His word and
complete His promises.
9. Explain why you think Christ wanted the Gospel to be explained to Caesar by Paul.
A few days later King Agrippa and his wife came to visit Festus. Agrippa was a
member of the Herod family. His relatives had been the rulers for the Roman
government in Jerusalem and the surrounding area for many years. As a result, they
were very familiar with the Jewish religion. Festus told how the Jews had tried to get
Paul put to death. Festus said that he had told the Jews that the Romans did not put
anyone to death before that person received a fair trial.
10. Read Acts 25:13-27 and write what Festus said that Paul was teaching about Jesus.
11. Explain why the fact that Festus said Paul was teaching that Jesus was alive shows
that Festus understood what Paul had said but chose to reject Jesus.
12. Explain why you think that in Acts the focus of every message that was spoken to
those who were not Christians was the resurrection of Christ.
The next day Festus brought Paul out of prison so that Agrippa could hear what Paul
would say. Festus told again how the Jews had wanted to kill Paul. Then Festus said
that he had agreed to send Paul to Caesar Augustus. However, Festus did not have any
charges against Paul. It would not be right to send a prisoner to Caesar who had no
charges against him. Here we see that Festus is admitting that he had no charges against
Paul. It should have been his duty to let Paul go free but he was more concerned about
pleasing the Jews than doing what he knew was right.
13. Read Acts 25:13-27 and write what Festus thought was an unreasonable thing to do.
14. Explain what Festus showed about his own spiritual condition by the things that he
explained to Agrippa.
15. Explain what you think causes many people to choose to reject the message about
Christ and the life that he offers even when those people know that they have heard
the truth.
Then Paul began to speak to King Agrippa. He mentioned that he knew that King
Agrippa was very familiar with the Jews and their religion. He knew that Agrippa
would understand the things that he was saying. Then Paul began to talk about his past
life before he met Christ. He had been a Pharisee and followed the teachings of the
Pharisees from the time he was a young man. The Pharisees had claimed to follow the
promises of God. These promises were in the Old Testament. It was those very
promises that had caused him to be put in jail.
16. Read Acts 26:1-16 and write for what Paul said he was being judged.
17. Explain why Paul told Agrippa that he was being judged for believing the promises
that God had made to the nation of Israel.
18. Explain why you think the religious leaders put Paul in jail instead of believing
those Old Testament promises.

As Paul spoke to Agrippa, Paul asked him a question. He asked why it was surprising to
Agrippa that God should raise the dead. Here we see that Paul is using the opportunity
to cause Agrippa to begin thinking about the resurrection of Christ. Paul was always
more concerned about getting men to think about Christ than he was about himself.
Then Paul began to speak about the way that he had persecuted the followers of Christ.
He had put many of the followers of Christ in prison. He had voted to put some
Christians to death. He had persecuted them many times in the synagogues. Paul had
even punished Christians in foreign cities.
19. Read Acts 26:1-16 and write who had given Paul permission to persecute the
20. Explain why Paul chose to begin his message to Agrippa with the resurrection.
21. Since Agrippa and his family had lived in the area for several generations, explain
why you think Agrippa had probably heard about the resurrection many times.
As Paul was on his way to Damascus to persecute the Christians, God stopped him at
noon with a very bright light. Then Paul told how Jesus had spoken to him and asked
him why he was persecuting Jesus. Here we see that when a person persecutes a
Christian, he is actually persecuting Christ. This is the reason why we do not need to
get even with a person who does bad things to us. We can let Christ take care of him
22. Read Acts 26:1-16 and write the purpose that Christ appeared to Paul.
23. Explain how the fact that Paul shared about the way that he had persecuted the
Christians shows that he was not afraid to be honest about his past.
24. Explain what lessons you learn for your own life from Paul about the importance of
being honest about your past.
Here we see some reasons why Christ saves every one of us. First we see that Christ has
chosen us to be His ministers or servants. We are to serve the Lord by serving each
other. Then Christ calls every Christian to be a witness to others about Him. We are to
witness and tell of the change that happened in our lives. Next we are also told to
witness about the things we learn from Christ by studying His Word. These are things
that every Christian should remember. Christ saved us and called us to serve Him and
tell others about Him.
25. Read Acts 26:1-16 and write of what things Paul was to be a witness.
26. Explain what these verses show about the fact that it was Christ that changed Paul
from a persecutor of Christ to a minister and a witness of Christ.
27. Explain what these verses teach about the reason that Christ chose you to be a
Christ also promised that He would take care of Paul and keep both the Jews and the
Gentiles from killing him until he completed the work that God had given him to do.
Then God told Paul what would happen as he witnessed to the people. We read that the
first result would be that men would have their eyes opened. Sin makes it impossible
for men to see. They think that they can see but it is only the devil tricking them. Christ
also promises that He will turn people from darkness to light. Christ is the one who is
the Light of the world. He offers light to those who are lost in the darkness of sin.

28. Now read Acts 26:17-32 and write the third thing that Christ said He would do as we
29. Explain how the Lord used Paul to open the spiritual eyes of many people.
30. Explain what it meant to you in your own life when Christ turned you from spiritual
darkness to spiritual light.
Satan has great power. Today we see his power in many places. He is using all of his
power to keep people from becoming Christians. Today many things are happening in
the world which show that many people are beginning to turn more and more to the
power of Satan. Many people are letting the power of Satan take control of their lives.
However, the power of God is much greater than the power of Satan because God has
all power. Satan can use his power only as long as God allows him to use it. We also
see that God promises He will give an inheritance to those who follow Him. That
inheritance is eternal life.
31. Read Acts 26:17-32 and write what Paul said about this vision that he had received
from God.
32. Explain why the most important need of every person in the world is to receive
forgiveness of sins.
33. Explain why you think it is important to tell those who become Christians that they
have been sanctified (set apart to God) by faith.
Paul gives us a wonderful lesson for our own lives. We need to be obedient to God and
witness as He has told us to do. Paul obeyed the command of God completely. He
began telling others about Christ right there in Damascus. Then he spoke in Jerusalem
and the surrounding area. Finally Paul took the Word of God to the Gentiles. His
message everywhere was the same. He preached that men should turn from their sins
and turn to God. Everywhere he went he preached about the death and resurrection of
Christ. This is the same message that we are to share wherever we go.
34. Read Acts 26:17-32 and write what Festus said as Paul was speaking.
35. Explain how the Lord worked through the life of Paul as he was obedient and told
others about Christ.
36. Explain why you believe that it is also important for you to obey God and tell others
about Christ.
Today there are some people who are just like Festus. They think that people are crazy
to believe in Christ. Since Festus refused to listen, Paul turned to King Agrippa and
began to talk about his need to follow Christ. Here we learn an important lesson about
witnessing. When one person shows an interest in learning more about Christ, we
should take every opportunity to talk to that person about Christ. The reason that the
person wants to learn more about Christ is due to the fact that the Holy Spirit is working
in his life and convicting that person of sin.
37. Read Acts 26:17-32 and tell why Paul talked to Agrippa instead of Festus.
38. Explain why it is important to continue sharing the Gospel with those who are
interested even though there are some who reject.
39. Explain why you think that Paul said that he knew that Agrippa knew and believed
the writings of the Old Testament.


As Paul talked to Agrippa, Agrippa said, You almost persuade me to be a Christian.

Paul answered that almost was not enough. His desire was to see Agrippa and all of the
others who were gathered there actually become Christians. Today there are people
who are just like Agrippa. They think about becoming Christians. However, they never
make the decision to follow Christ instead of the devil. A person may think about
becoming a Christian but he is still lost and on his way to hell until he makes that
decision to follow Christ. We never read that Agrippa did make the decision to become
a Christian.
40. Read Acts 26:17-32 and write what the men decided about the guilt of Paul.
41. Explain why people are making a dangerous decision when they think about
becoming a Christian and decide to put it off until later.
42. Explain why we are to invite people to act on the knowledge that they have received
and encourage them to place their trust in Christ.
Lessons are best learned when we put them into practice. In these two chapters we have
seen how Festus was ready to please the Jews even though it would have meant that
Paul would have been killed. We saw that Festus knew that Paul was innocent but he
wanted to gain the favor of the Jews. We have seen how Paul also had the opportunity
to share the message of the resurrection of Christ with Agrippa. We have seen that Paul
took every opportunity to speak for Christ. This week pray that the Lord will give you
boldness to share about the resurrection Christ with at least two people and not let fear
keep you from speaking about the resurrection of Christ.
The men realized that there was no reason to put Paul to death. In fact, there was no
reason for him to be in jail. However, he had appealed to Caesar and so they would
send him to Caesar. Now reread Acts 25:1-26:32 and write down the three most
important lessons that you learned from these chapters.


Survey of Acts
Lesson 14
Acts 27:1-28:31

In our last lesson we learned that Paul asked to be tried by Caesar, the Roman emperor.
Today we will read about him being sent to Rome. We will see that he had many
opportunities to serve the Lord even though he was a prisoner. He had an opportunity to
speak to everyone on the ship about the way that Christ was going to take care of them.
The men were ready to listen because they were afraid that they were going to die. God
also gave Paul the opportunity to witness on the island of Melita (Malta) for three
months. When Paul arrived in Rome, he was allowed to rent a house and teach all that
came to him.
As you study this lesson, you should use the following objectives to guide you in your
study. By the time you complete this lesson, you should be able to:
Tell how God used a storm to give Paul an opportunity to witness.
Tell how God used a snake to give Paul an opportunity to witness.
Explain the opportunities that Paul had to witness in Rome.
The Roman governor prepared to send Paul to Rome. A Roman soldier was put in
charge of Paul and some other prisoners. He arranged for them to go by boat to Rome.
The soldier was kind to Paul and allowed him to visit some of his friends when they
stopped at Sidon. At Myra they got on a different boat. During the winter they often
have terrible storms on the Mediterranean Sea. Paul warned the soldier that it was
dangerous to sail because it was late in the fall. However, the soldier listened to the
captain of the boat and sailed anyway.
1. Read Acts 27:1-20 and write what happened at they traveled.
2. Explain why the Roman centurion was not ready to listen to Paul when he warned
about the danger of sailing.
3. Explain what this shows you about the lack of influence that Paul had with the
soldiers when he first began the trip to Rome.
The terrible storm was very dangerous. The sailors even threw part of the load off the
boat so that the boat would not be wrecked. The wind blew the boat so hard that the
sailors could not even control the boat. They just had to let the boat go the way that it
wanted to go. The boat is a real picture of what men are like when they do not have
Christ in their hearts. Such people do not control their own lives. The devil drives them
where he wants them to go. As a result, their lives are unhappy and out of control.
4. Read Acts 27:1-20 and write how long the sun and the stars could not be seen
because of the storm.
5. Explain what this storm caused the men on the ship to feel after the storm had
continued for many days.
6. Explain why you realize that there are many people around you do not really have
any hope.


After the boat had been driven by the wind for many days, Paul stood up and spoke to
the men on the boat. He told them that an angel had spoken to him in the night. The
angel told Paul that they did not need to worry. In fact they should be full of joy
because God was going to protect all of the men that were on the boat. God had
promised Paul that Paul would speak to Caesar and so God was going to keep all of the
men alive for the sake of Paul. Then Paul told the men to be full of joy because he
believed that God would keep His promise. This is a wonderful lesson for us today.
When things around us look bad, we can be full of joy because we know that God will
keep His promises.
7. Read Acts 27:21-44 and write who Paul said had stood by him that night.
8. Explain why Paul knew that the men on the ship did not need to be afraid.
9. Explain why you know that you can have joy even when you are going through
some very difficult things.
After the storm had driven the boat for fourteen days, the sailors realized that the boat
was coming close to some land. When the boat got close to land, the sailors tried to
leave the boat in a little boat. Paul told the soldiers what would happen if the sailors left
the ship and so the soldiers cut off the ropes that held the little boat. Then Paul
encouraged the men to eat. They had not eaten for many days because they were afraid
of the storm. Again the men listened to Paul and ate. They were also happy because
Paul said that their lives would be spared.
10. Read Acts 27:21-44 and write how many men were on the boat.
11. Explain how these verses show that Paul was having a real opportunity to influence
all of those who were on the ship.
12. Explain why you think Paul went from having no influence to the place where he
was able to influence everyone on the ship.
The next morning the sailors saw the island. They also saw a creek so they decided to
try and steer the boat into the creek. However, the boat got stuck on a piece of land that
was just under the water. Then the soldiers decided to kill the prisoners so they could
not escape. The centurion who was in charge would not allow the prisoners to be killed
because he wanted to save Paul. The boat broke in half so the men had to swim or ride
on pieces of board to the land.
13. Read Acts 27:21-44 and write how many made it to the land.
14. Explain why the centurion was now willing to risk his own life by protecting the
prisoners from death.
15. Explain how you think this trip with Paul to Rome changed the life of this centurion.
When they reached the land, they found that it was an island called Melita (Malta). It
was raining when they reached the island. The people of the island built a fire so that
the men from the boat could get dry. Paul started gathering sticks to put on the fire. As
he was putting the wood on the fire, a poisonous snake came out of the fire and bit Paul.
The people immediately thought that Paul must be a terrible murderer because the snake
bit him.
16. Read Acts 28:1-10 and write what Paul did with the snake.
17. Explain how these verses show that people are quick to judge even though they
know nothing about a person.

18. Explain what this teaches you for your own life about the danger of judging
someone else.
The people thought that Paul would die. However, they watched him for a while and
nothing happened to him. Then they began to think that Paul was a god. Here we see
that God caused a miracle to happen to protect the life of Paul. God also used this
miracle to give Paul a real opportunity to witness to the people of the island. Here we
see that God is using the things that happen to Christians to complete His plan. Some
Christians complain when bad things happen to them. They fail to realize that whatever
happens can bring glory to God. When things do not go the way we planned, we should
ask God to show us His plan instead of complaining.
19. Read Acts 28:1-10 and write the name of the man with whom Paul stayed while they
were on the island.
20. Explain how the Lord used the snake biting Paul to give Paul a real opportunity to
speak to the people of the island.
21. Explain why we should be joyful even when things seem to go wrong in our lives as
we serve the Lord.
As a result of the miracle, Paul was invited to stay at the house of the chief man on the
island whose name was Publius. This gave Paul a wonderful opportunity to tell the
people of the island about Christ. The father of Publius was sick. This gave Paul
another opportunity to show the power of God. Paul healed the father of Publius and
also many other people on the island who were sick. Paul was faithful in taking every
opportunity to serve the Lord.
22. Read Acts 28:1-16 and write how long they were on the island before they took
another boat to Rome.
23. Explain how the Lord encouraged Paul as he was getting close to the city of Rome.
24. Explain what you learn about the fact that Christ uses everything that happens in our
lives to help us become more like Christ.
Paul had an opportunity to encourage the Christians in Puteoli for seven days on the way
to Rome. When Paul reached Rome, he was allowed to live in a house and have a
soldier chained to him instead of having to live in a Roman prison. This made it
possible for Paul to teach and serve the Lord while he was waiting for Caesar to set the
time for his trial. Three days after Paul reached Rome, he invited the Jewish leaders in
Rome to come and visit him. Paul told the leaders why he had been sent to Rome. Then
the Jews told Paul that they had received no word about him from the Jews in Jerusalem.
25. Read Acts 28:11-24 and write why the Jews said they wanted to hear Paul.
26. Since Paul had a soldier continually chained to him, explain why that made it
possible for Paul to have a continual ministry even though he was a prisoner.
27. Explain what you learn for your own life by the fact that the Lord provided many
opportunities for Paul to speak about Christ even though he could not leave the
People in all parts of the Roman Empire had heard about Christ. Many had become
Christians. However, there were many more that spoke against Christ. Even the fact


that people spoke against Christ caused others to want to hear about Christ. Today
many people have hardly heard of Christ. The reason for this is the fact that many
Christians are not speaking about Christ. Today we do not have very many more years
to tell others about Christ. Christ is coming soon to take the Christians to heaven. It is
our privilege and responsibility to tell others about Christ before He comes again.
28. Read Acts 28:17-24 and write what happened on the day that the Jews had made an
appointment to hear Paul.
29. Explain how these verses show us that we may even have the opportunity to set
times to share the Gospel with people who are not Christians if we are willing to
answer their questions and help them understand.
30. Explain some of the ways that the Lord has opened the door for you to answer the
questions of those who are not Christians.
The Jews arranged to have Paul speak to them on a certain day. That day many Jews
came to the house where Paul was living. They talked together from morning until
evening. Paul spoke to them from the entire Old Testament showing them the promises
about Christ. Here again we see the importance of using the Word of God when we
speak to others about Christ. It is the Word of God and not our words that will change
other people.
31. Read Acts 28:17-24 and write what the Jews did when they learned what the Word
of God said about Christ.
32. Explain why it is important to use the Bible to answer the questions of those who are
not Christians.
33. Explain how these verses help you to realize that if you will explain the Word of
God to answer the questions of those who are not Christians that some people will
believe even though others will not believe.
When many of the Jews did not believe, Paul said that they were doing exactly what
Isaiah said their fathers had done when he preached to them. They had heard the Word
of God but they did not understand it. They had seen the works of God but they did not
accept them. They were like people with their eyes and their ears closed to the Word of
God. Then Paul told the Jews that since they would not receive the Word of God, he
would take the Word to the Gentiles. As the Jews left the house of Paul, there was
much arguing between them about whether Paul was right or wrong.
34. Read Acts 28:25-31 and write how long Paul lived in his own hired house in Rome.
35. Explain why discussing the Word of God will often cause disagreement with those
who fail to place their trust in Christ.
36. Explain why Paul knew that the Gentiles would listen to the message of the death
and resurrection of Christ even though the Jews as a whole rejected that message.
Paul had a wonderful opportunity to serve the Lord in Rome. Anyone who wanted to
visit Paul was allowed to visit him. This gave Paul the opportunity to spend many hours
each day teaching Christians the Word of God so that they could serve Christ better.
Since Paul was chained to the Roman soldiers who guarded him, the soldiers had to
listen to Paul speak about Christ. This gave Paul the opportunity to speak to many men
who were not Christians. Those men could not even get away from Paul because they
were chained to him. They had to listen to Paul as he spoke about Christ.

37. Read Acts 28:25-31 and write what Paul preached about for two years in Rome.
38. Explain how living in his own hired house gave Paul the opportunity to help many
Christians grow in their understanding of the Word of God.
39. Explain why you think that the Lord provided many opportunities for Paul to share
the Gospel with those who were not Christians during the two years he was waiting
for trial in Rome.
Paul never wasted an opportunity to serve Christ. Today you also have many
opportunities to serve Christ. Are you using these opportunities to serve the Lord or are
you wasting them? You have a great privilege given to you. Christ chose you to be a
witness for Him. We have just finished studying a book where we saw the church grow
from a group of 120 people to hundreds of churches with thousands of Christians. The
early church grew very quickly because every Christian was faithfully telling others
about Christ.
40. Now read Acts 28:25-31 and write what Paul was teaching.
41. Explain what the book of Acts teaches about the importance of learning to yield our
lives to the control of the Holy Spirit moment by moment so that He can work
through our lives.
42. Explain how the study of the book of Acts has caused you to look at the
opportunities that you have to serve the Lord in a new way.
Lessons are best learned when we put them into practice. In these two chapters we have
seen how the Lord gave Paul many opportunities to share with others as he traveled to
Rome. The Lord used a storm that lasted two weeks in order to give Paul these
opportunities. When Paul arrived in Rome, the Lord opened new opportunities for Paul
to speak about Christ. This week pray that the Lord will use the lessons that you have
learned from the study of this book to open your eyes to even more opportunities that
the Lord is giving you to tell others about Christ.
Now reread Acts 27:1-28:31 and write down the three most important lessons that you
learned from these chapters.


Survey of Romans
Lesson 1
Romans 1:1-2:29

Today we are beginning a study of the letters that were written to the churches that were
started in various parts of the world. These letters help us to know the answers to the
problems that we face in our churches today. The book of Romans was written to the
Christians in the city of Rome before Paul visited that city. In the book Paul speaks of
his desire to visit the Christians in the city of Rome. In our study today we will learn
about the sinfulness of man. Paul begins by telling of his desire to preach the Gospel to
all men. Then he speaks of the sinfulness of the Gentiles. A picture of the sinfulness of
the Jews follows this.
As you study this lesson, you should use the following objectives to guide you in your
study. By the time you complete this lesson, you should be able to:
Explain why Paul wanted to preach the Gospel.
Tell how the Gentiles have rejected God.
Tell how the Jews have rejected God.
As we begin the letter of Paul to the Romans, we notice several wonderful things. First
we see that each Christian has the privilege of being a servant of Christ. Then we see
that the letter is about Christ who is the Son of God. As Christians, we are those who
are called and chosen of God. Then we see that we are saints. As we see all of these
things, we realize that Christ has given us every one of these things as a free gift. There
is nothing that we could do to earn them. Then Paul goes on to tell why he is thankful
for the church in Rome.
1. Read Romans 1:1-17 and write the first reason why Paul was thankful for the church
in Rome.
2. Explain what caused the faith of the Christians in Rome to be spoken of by others
throughout the world.
3. Explain why you think it would be a great privilege to be known by others for your
Here we see a church that had real faith in God. Their faith was so great that people
were speaking about it all over the world. Although Paul had never visited Rome, he
prayed daily for the Christians there. Paul also prayed that the Lord would make it
possible for him to visit Rome so that he could share with them by teaching the Word of
God. He wanted to encourage them as they encouraged him. Paul had wanted to visit
them many times but had not been able to visit them yet because God had other work for
him to do.
4. Read Romans 1:1-17 and write what Paul said he was not ashamed of.
5. Explain why the Christians in Rome were such an encouragement to Paul.
6. Explain why you think Paul was so anxious to preach the Gospel to all people.
Here we see that Paul speaks of his attitude toward the Gospel. He is not afraid or


embarrassed to tell anyone about Christ. He knows that he has a message that all men
need. That message is so powerful that it can completely change the life of every person
who follows Christ. It is for all the Jews and all those who are not Jews. It is a free gift
to men, which they receive by faith. Then they continue to live their lives by faith.
7. Read Romans 1:1-17 and write what Paul said the Gospel of Christ is.
8. Explain why Paul realized that the Gospel was so powerful.
9. Explain what you believe these verses teach about the Gospel.
After Paul finished speaking about the power of the Gospel, he went on to tell why the
world needed the Gospel. He begins by showing the terrible sinfulness of all men in the
world. The wrath or judgment of God is promised to all those who reject the Gospel
and continue to live in their sinful ways. Even those who have not heard about God
have seen the power of God in creation. As a result, even those who have never heard
of God are without any excuse. They will be judged and condemned.
10. Read Romans 1:18-32 and write what men did when they knew God.
11. Explain what happened to the people when they refused to glorify and recognize
12. Explain why you think that people turned from God and chose to live lives filled
with darkness rather than turning to God.
The stories of every group of people show that those people knew about God at one
time. However, they failed to worship God or teach their children about God. They
were not thankful to God. Instead their thoughts became sinful and they only thought of
evil things. They started depending on their own knowledge instead of the knowledge
that God gives. As a result, they became fools. Instead of worshipping God and all of
His glory, they made idols to worship. These idols looked like men, birds, animals or
even things that creep on the ground such as snakes or bugs.
13. Read Romans 1:18-32 and write what God did as a result of their turning to idols.
14. Explain why people find other things to worship when they turn away from God.
15. Explain what lessons you learn about the fact that mankind will find something to
worship even when man turns away from God.
When men turn from God to worship other things, their lives become worse and worse.
Here we see that men began to use their bodies for sinful things. They chose to believe
a lie instead of the truth of God. They began to worship their own bodies instead of
God. As a result, God gave them up and allowed them to use their bodies for sin. Both
men and women turned from the plan God had for their bodies. Men committed sex
sins with other men. God promises that such men will receive the penalty for their sins.
16. Read Romans 1:18-32 and write what God did when men refused to keep God in
their thoughts any more.
17. Explain why God says that he gave men over to a reprobate mind (a mind
completely controlled by sin), to do those things which are not right.
18. Explain how this helps you to understand why a study of the Old Testament shows
you that people became more and more sinful.
God allowed the minds of men to go their own sinful ways completely. Then God gives


a list of the sins men do when they are completely controlled by sin. We have already
seen that men commit various kinds of sex sins. We also see that several sins are
mentioned which are related to hate and murder. Then we see sins that are related to
what people say. These include such things as speaking against others, gossiping and
fighting with words. They hate God which causes them to be proud and boast about the
things that they can do. They disobey parents. They cannot understand. They do not
keep their word. They have no love or concern for others. They know that such things
will bring death. However, they enjoy doing those things anyway.
19. Read Romans 1:18-32 and read what gives such people pleasure.
20. Explain how these verses show that people continue to get more sinful as they turn
from God and follow their own evil desires.
21. Explain what you learn about the sinfulness of men from these verses.
Paul goes on to speak about men who judge others. After reading about the sinfulness
of man in chapter one, some men might think that they are better than other men.
However, Paul says that men who judge others are guilty of doing the same things. God
will judge men according to what is true because he knows the hearts of men. God will
judge those who judge others. They will not escape His judgment. God has shown
great love and waited a long time before judging men. However, that judgment will
come one day.
22. Read Romans 2:1-16 and write how God will deal with men when He judges them.
23. Explain why each person who has rejected the forgiveness that Christ offers will be
judged by his own actions.
24. Explain why you know that the actions of every single person will bring great
judgment on all those who have failed to place their trust in Christ.
Those who follow Christ will be rewarded with eternal life. However, those who do not
receive the truth and obey it will be judged. These people do the things that are not
right. They are filled with hate and anger. The result will be that they will receive
judgment and great sorrow. It will not matter whether a person is a Jew or a Gentile.
Every man and woman will be judged who fails to follow Christ. People will be
rewarded with glory, honor and peace if they follow Christ. This is true whether those
men are Jews or Gentiles. God will reward them equally.
25. Read Romans 2:1-16 and write why God judges or rewards all men the same way.
26. Explain how God has chosen to reward each Christian for the things that Christian
has done to serve Him.
27. Explain why you can look forward to the rewards that God will give if you have
trusted Christ and served Him.
Paul then shows how all men are condemned whether they have the law or not. Those
who have the law of God are condemned by the law. Although the Gentiles did not
know the law of God, they made their own laws which showed them that they were
breaking the law of God. God has given every man a conscience that tells him whether
he is doing right or wrong. This inner law condemns him so that he knows he is guilty
and without excuse as he stands before God. This is the reason that God does not show
respect to men when He judges them by the same law. They all stand condemned.


28. Read Romans 2:1-16 and write where God has written the law for all people whether
they have ever seen a Bible.
29. Explain why it is important to know that people have the law written in their hearts
even through they may not have the Word of God.
30. Explain how you know that God judges all men fairly without respect for any man.
Paul now begins to speak of the sin and guilt of the Jews. The Jews were proud and
boasted that they lived by the law of God. They claimed to know the will of God. They
claimed that they did the things that were right and good. They even felt that they were
able to lead those who had been blinded by Satan. Since they had received the law of
God, they also felt that they could teach others. Here we see that the Jews had the truth.
They were even teaching it to others. However, they were not obeying what they were
teaching others. Today many Christians are guilty of doing the same thing. They know
the Word of God. They are teaching it to others. Their problem is not living what they
are teaching.
31. Read Romans 2:17-29 and write who the Jews were not teaching.
32. Explain why it is important for all people whether they are Jews or Gentiles to obey
what they are teaching to others.
33. Explain what these verses show you about the importance of your life being an
example of what you teach.
The Jews would teach other men that they should not steal. They would teach others
that it was against the law of God to commit immorality and other sex sins. They would
teach other men to hate idols. However, the Jews were doing all of these sins. Some of
the Jews committed these sins openly. Others only thought about doing them.
Throughout the Word of God we see that we are as guilty of sin when we think evil
thoughts as when we actually do the things we are thinking about doing.
34. Read Romans 2:17-29 and write how the Gentiles spoke about God because the
Jews said one thing and did the opposite.
35. Explain why people who are not Christians will also blaspheme the name of Christ if
Christians do not live what they teach.
36. Explain why you want your life to be an example that others can follow and not a
life that would cause them to blaspheme Christ.
Here we see a real warning to each of us as Christians. If we do not live the way the
Bible tells us to live, others will speak against God because of us. A Christian who is
not living as Christ tells him to live will soon find that others will not listen to him when
he speaks about Christ. This is one reason why many people do not want to become
Christians. They have seen Christians who are always complaining, gossiping, hating or
committing other sins. As a result, such people do not want to become Christians. They
have never seen the love of Christ in other Christians.
37. Read Romans 2:17-29 and write what kind of circumcision God wants in people.
38. Explain why godly character is so important for a Christian to have an effective
witness for Christ.
39. Explain why we must live for Christ if we want people to listen when we witness for


The Jews said that they followed God by circumcising their boys when they were eight
days old. Many Jews thought that this act made them right with God. They felt that
now they could live as they wanted to live. Paul points out the fact that a man who
obeyed God even though he was not circumcised was right with God. A Jew who was
circumcised but did not obey God was lost in his sin. It is the inner attitude of a man
and not his outward actions that make a man right with God.
40. Read Romans 2:17-29 and write whose praise we will want if our heart is right with
41. Explain why the attitudes of the heart will be shown by the actions of the person.
42. Explain why you personally want to receive the praise of God instead of seeking the
praise of men.
Lessons are best learned when we put them into practice. In these two chapters we have
learned a little about the concern of Paul for the Romans although he had not yet been to
Rome at the time the letter was written. We also saw how mankind in its rebellion
against God became more and more involved in sin. We saw that there were some
Gentiles who tried to follow their conscience. Some of the Jews claimed to keep the law
but did not follow the law in their hearts. This week pray that the Lord will help you to
examine and remove any wrong attitudes that may be in your heart.
Now reread Romans 1:1-2:29 and write down the three most important lessons that you
learned from these chapters today.


Survey of Romans
Lesson 2
Romans 3:1-4:25

In our last lesson we learned how both the Gentiles and the Jews have rejected God and
turned away from Him. In the verses that we will study today we see that those who
have heard more about Christ will receive greater judgment if they reject Christ. We go
on to read there is not a single person in the entire world that is not guilty. The law has
condemned every person. Then Paul begins to show how our salvation is a free gift,
which is given to us by Christ because of his great love for us. Paul also shows that men
in the Old Testament were made right with God by faith. The law can never save a
man. It only shows men that they are lost.
As you study this lesson, you should use the following objectives to guide you in your
study. By the time you complete this lesson, you should be able to:
Explain what the Bible teaches about the fact that all men have sinned.
Explain the meaning of justification.
Tell how men in the Old Testament were saved.
Explain what we learn about the faith of Abraham.
In the last two chapters we have seen that all men have sinned and are guilty. Since the
Jews are as guilty as the Gentiles, some may wonder then if God has given the Jews a
special privilege. God has given them a great privilege. It was through the Jews that we
have received the Word of God. They were given this privilege even though many of
them did not obey God. God is faithful even though men are not faithful. There are
some people who say that God is not fair to judge men for their sins.
1. Read Romans 3:1-20 and write what Paul says when men say that God is unfair.
2. Explain why it was a great privilege for the Jews to have the Old Testament even
though most of them did not follow God.
3. Explain how having the Word of God has personally benefited you in your own life.
God is a holy God and cannot look on sin. As a result, He must judge sin. If we do evil,
then our judgment is just and right. After Paul had pointed out the fact that the Jews had
a great advantage, he began to point out the fact that all men have sinned and are guilty.
In this section, several verses from the Old Testament are quoted which show that the
Old Testament also says that all men have sinned. We see that there is not even a single
person who is right with God. All men are without understanding. Not a single man is
looking for God. Today we see that men are running from God instead of looking for
4. Read Romans 3:1-20 and write what men have become.
5. Explain what these verses teach about the fact that all men have sinned and as a
result are guilty before God.
6. Explain how you would help a person who thinks that he has lived a good life to
understand that God says that he has sinned.


No man does the things that are good and right. The things men speak are very bad. In
fact God says that their mouths are like open graves. They love to do evil things. They
do not know what it means to have peace. They have no respect or fear for God. As we
read these things, we get a real picture of what people are like today. Then we see that
the law does not make a single man right with God. We read that the law does give men
knowledge of sin but it does not stop that sin.
7. Read Romans 3:1-20 and write what kind of knowledge we receive from the law.
8. Explain why writing laws does not make people do what is right.
9. Explain why you think that the purpose of the law is to show all people that they are
guilty before God and cannot make themselves righteous.
We have seen that every man in the world has sinned and stands guilty before God.
Now we begin to learn how a person is made right with God. God has shown that no
one can be saved by keeping the law. Every man has sinned and come short of eternal
life. If a man were jumping across a deep canyon and did not make it, he would fall to
the bottom of the canyon. It would not matter whether he missed the other side by a few
inches or many feet. He has come short and missed the other side. One sin causes a
man to come short and miss eternal life.
10. Read Romans 3:21-31 and write what people have come short of because of sin.
11. Explain what it means that people receive the righteousness of God by faith when
they believe in Jesus Christ.
12. Tell how you would explain Romans 3:23 to a person who is not yet a Christian.
We also see in these verses that God demands righteousness because He is a holy God.
Righteousness means that a person must be holy and without sin. However, we have
just seen that every person has sinned and cannot be righteous by himself. There is One
who is righteous who has shown Himself. That One who is righteous is Christ. He is
holy and without sin. Now Christ offers to give us His righteousness. We receive the
righteousness of Christ by faith. Christ makes a person right with God at the moment a
person becomes a Christian.
13. Read Romans 3:21-31 and write how these verses tell us we are justified.
14. Explain what it means for Christ to place His righteousness on us.
15. Tell how you would explain to a person that is not a Christian that his sin was placed
on Christ on the cross and that when he places his trust in Christ, Christ will place
His righteousness on him.
To be justified means to be made right with God. Because of the loving favor of Christ,
we are made right with God at the moment we place our trust in Christ. We are made
right with God as a free gift. It is a free gift because Christ paid the price with His own
blood. We are sinners but Christ covers and takes away our sin with His blood. When
God looks at us, He looks at us through the blood of Christ. Since the blood of Christ
has removed our sin, God sees us as being people who are holy and without sin. As a
result, we are right with God. This is true because Christ paid for our sins with His own
blood. Christ satisfied the holy requirements of God.
16. Read Romans 3:21-31 and write how a man is justified and made right with God.
17. Explain why it was necessary for us to be made right with God by faith in Jesus
Christ and not by keeping the law.

18. Explain how you would tell a person who is not a Christian how to place his or her
faith in Christ.
Since we are made right with God by faith in Jesus Christ, that leaves no room for us to
boast. Christ has done everything. He even gave us the faith to believe in Him. We
will see in chapter 10 that Christ gave us that faith as we heard the Word of God. Since
we could not keep the law, that faith could only come from Christ. Now Christ offers
every man the opportunity to be right with God. It does not matter whether a person is a
Jew or a Gentile. We can all be justified by Christ.
19. Read Romans 3:21-31 and write on what basis God justifies people whether they are
Jews or Gentiles.
20. Explain how a person is justified (made right with God).
21. Explain how you would answer a person who says that he or she is trying to be right
with God by keeping the law.
In order to answer any questions which people might have about people in the Old
Testament, Paul goes on to tell how Abraham was made right with God. This is done to
show that no man has ever been saved by works. If Abraham would have been made
right with God by his works, then he would have had a reason to boast. However, we
see that the reason Abraham was made right with God was due to the fact that he
believed God. He did not work to be made right with God.
22. Read Romans 4:1-12 and write who spoke of this in the Old Testament when he
spoke of the fact that we are blessed when God covers our sins so that He does not
remember them any more.
23. Explain why people in the Old Testament were saved by faith just as we are saved
by faith.
24. Explain how you would help a person to understand that God put righteousness of
the account of Abraham because Abraham believed God
Then Paul goes on to point out the fact that in the Old Testament all men were saved by
faith whether they were Jews or Gentiles. We have already seen that the Jews showed
that they were Jews by circumcising all of their boys. However, Abraham had faith in
God for many years before he and the men of his house were circumcised. Faith came
before circumcision. Circumcision showed that the Jews were the chosen people of
God. However, all others who put their faith in God received His righteousness even
though they had not been circumcised. As a result, Abraham is the father of many who
are not circumcised.
25. Read Romans 4:1-12 and write who those people are.
26. Explain why these verses teach that Abraham is the father of all those who place
their faith in the promises of God whether they are Jews or Gentiles.
27. Tell how you would explain to a person that God will take away sin and place the
righteousness of Christ on that person at the moment that person turns from his or
her sin of unbelief and places his faith in Christ.
Here we see that the Jews were to be the messengers of God to tell others how to have
faith in God during the time of the Old Testament. Later in this book we will see that


God has set the Jews aside for a time because they failed to obey God and tell others
about Him. Now he has given each of us who are Christians the privilege and
responsibility of being His messengers. It is our responsibility to tell men how they can
have faith in God.
28. Read Romans 4:1-12 and write why righteousness was put to the account of
29. Explain why righteousness is also put the account of every person who places his or
her faith in Christ.
30. Tell how you would explain to another person what it means to have faith in God.
God made a promise to Abraham. This promise was not based on the law. The law was
not given until several hundred years after Abraham received the promise that he would
receive a great blessing. God promised to give the world to Abraham because Abraham
had faith in God. This promise has come true. Through the family of Abraham, the
world received the message of Jesus Christ. By trusting in Christ, people throughout the
world have become a part of one spiritual family.
31. Read Romans 4:13-25 and write what the law works.
32. Explain why the law can only produce wrath and judgment and cannot provide
33. Tell how you would explain to a person that the only thing that the law does is show
a person when that person is guilty of breaking the law.
Since men disobey the law, they will be punished by God. God will show His wrath and
judgment against sin. However, God shares His love and favor with all those who have
faith in Him. Because of the faith of Abraham, God made him the father of many
nations. We read that Abraham showed his faith by believing the promise that God
would give him a son. He believed the promise of God even though his wife was past
the time when she could have children. We see that Abraham had a strong faith in God.
34. Read Romans 4:13-25 and write how Abraham felt about the promise of God.
35. Explain why Abraham is such a great example of the meaning of faith.
36. Tell how you would explain the meaning of faith to a person who is not yet a
Here we see a real lesson about the kind of faith that we should have. Abraham
expected God to do something that was completely impossible as far as men were
concerned. However, with God all things are possible. We need to believe without any
doubts that God is going to keep His promises. Our faith should not be limited because
something looks impossible. God will do those things that He has promised to do. That
is what Abraham believed and that is why God put righteousness to the account of
37. Read Romans 4:13-23 and write for whose sake in addition to Abraham God put that
righteousness to the account of Abraham.
38. Explain why God chose to do things in the Old Testament that would help us to
understand and believe.
39. Explain how Romans 4:21 applies to you in your life.


Abraham was made right with God because he trusted and had faith in the promises of
God. Now God does not speak of the faith of Abraham just to record it as history. God
speaks of the faith of Abraham because He wants us to have the same kind of faith.
Then we will have the kind of life that brings great joy and happiness because we see
the power of God working in our lives. We can have this kind of faith if we believe in
the One who raised Christ from the dead. Here we see again that Christ died on the
cross for our sins.
40. Read Romans 4:13-25 and write the reason that God raised Christ from the dead.
41. Explain why a person must believe on the One that raised Christ from the dead in
order to receive eternal life.
42. Tell how you would explain the meaning of justification to a person who is not yet a
Lessons are best learned when we put them into practice. In these two chapters we have
learned that every person has sinned and stands guilty before God. We saw that the Law
can never make a person right before God because the Law only shows people when
they are guilty. That means that forgiveness of sins comes apart from the Law. We also
learned that Abraham was saved by faith in the promises of God because he believed
that God would do exactly what He has promised. This week pray that the Lord will
give you the opportunity to explain to at least two people how they can be made right
with God and have forgiveness of sins.
Now reread Romans 3:1-4:25 and write down the three most important lessons that you
learned from these chapters.


Survey of Romans
Lesson 3
Romans 5:1-6:23

In our last lesson we learned the meaning of justification. In our lesson today we will
learn the results of justification or being made right with God. We will also see a
comparison between being right with God and trying to live by the law. Today many
men are trying to earn their way to heaven by following certain laws. However, their
laws only condemn them. We will also learn what Christ wants us to do about the sin in
our lives. Some Christians are living a defeated Christian life because they have never
given Christ the control of their lives. They are still trying to do things their own way.
As you study this lesson, you should use the following objectives to guide you in your
study. By the time you complete this lesson, you should be able to:
Explain the results of being made right with God.
Explain the results of sin coming into the world.
Tell how we should live as Christians.
Explain who we should serve as Christians.
As we begin chapter five, we see the results of being justified (being made right with
God). The first result is peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Today the
world is looking for peace. There will not be peace between different nations because
men have sin in their hearts that causes them to hate each other. However, it is possible
for men to have inner peace because their sins are forgiven. The second result is the fact
that we have direct access to God through Christ. We no longer have to bring animals
to sacrifice for our sins. Instead we can pray directly to God through Christ.
1. Read Romans 5:1-11 and write what causes us to rejoice.
2. Explain what it means to have inner peace.
3. Explain what it means to you to be able to pray directly to God through Christ and
not have to offer a sacrifice or go through some other person.
As Christians, we have a real reason to be full of joy. God has promised us many
wonderful things including eternal life. In addition to rejoicing because God has
promised us eternal life, we also rejoice because God gives us the privilege of suffering
for Him. This suffering causes us to become more patient. This patience when we are
suffering causes us to develop into the kind of person that God wants us to be. This
causes us to have great joy both now and forever. We have great joy now because the
love of God fills our lives and we are then able to share this love with others. We also
have great joy because we have eternal life.
4. Read Romans 5:1-11 and write the two things these verses say we were like when
Christ died for us.
5. Explain what it means to have the love of God shed abroad in our hearts.
6. Explain what you have personally learned from the fact that God has used tribulation
to develop patience in your life.


Without Christ every person is a sinner who has no strength to help himself. However,
that is just the kind of person that Christ died to help. Here we also see a real picture of
the love of Christ for us. We might be willing to die for our family or even some of our
best friends. We might find it hard to die for people that we do not know. Without the
love of Christ in our lives, we would never think of dying for someone who did not like
us. Yet Christ showed His love for us by dying for us even though we hated Him. That
is a love that is beyond our understanding.
7. Read Romans 5:1-11 and write what God did while we were still enemies.
8. Explain why God showed His love for us by sending Christ to die for our sins while
we were still sinners.
9. Explain why you think that the Father and Christ loved you so much that Christ
came and died for your sins.
The death of Christ made it possible for men to be made right (reconciled) with God
again. Before Adam sinned, he used to talk with God in the garden each evening. As
soon as Adam sinned, he ran and hid from God. He had turned his back on God and
could no longer face God. As a result of our sin, we all have our backs turned toward
God. However, the death of Jesus Christ makes it possible for us to be reconciled
(brought back together with God). We can now come directly to God because of the
blood of Jesus Christ. We were reconciled by the death of Christ.
10. Read Romans 5:1-11 and write how we are saved.
11. Explain what it means to be reconciled with God.
12. Explain why it is important to you that Christ died for you so that you could be
brought back to God and enjoy fellowship with Him.
We read that sin came into the world as the result of the sin of one man. This sin
brought death. As a result, all men die because all have sinned. Here we see that sin
came long before the law. However, all men died from the time of Adam to the time
that Moses gave the law. They died even though they did not commit the same sin that
Adam committed. We see though that just as the sin of one caused all to die, the grace
(undeserved kindness shown to us by God) of another causes many to live.
13. Read Romans 5:12-21 and write the name of the one who made this grace available
to each of us.
14. Explain why Christ chose to die so that He could give us eternal life as a free gift.
15. Tell how you would explain the results of the sin of Adam to someone who is not a
We go on to see a real picture of the difference between Adam and Christ. The sin of
Adam brought death on all men. The grace of Christ makes possible the offer of life to
all men. Adam brought judgment that caused all men to be condemned. Christ brought
life that caused men to be made right with God. Adam was disobedient and caused men
to become sinners. Christ was obedient and made it possible for us to receive the
righteousness of God.
16. Read Romans 5:12-21 and write what the free gift of Christ produces.
17. Explain why the gift of Christ means that we receive forgiveness of sins and eternal


18. Explain how you would help a new Christian to understand what it means that trust
in Christ has made him or her right with God.
When the law came, it only showed the sinfulness of man in an even greater way. We
see that a law does not make a person do right. It only shows him that he has done
wrong. The government of a country could pass a million laws. However, those laws
would not make the people better. Those laws only make it easier to show that people
have done wrong. We can be thankful that although we have broken many laws and
committed many sins, the love of Christ is so great that He will forgive every one of
those sins if we will ask Him to forgive them. The sin nature of man brings death.
19. Read Romans 5:12-21 and write what the grace of God brings.
20. Explain what you learn about the results of the obedience of Christ from these
21. Explain how you life was changed by the obedience of Christ.
Since the grace of Christ is shown to sinful men, some men might ask whether they
should sin more so that the grace of Christ may be shown in an even greater way. Paul
answers this question with a very strong No! As Christians we have a new nature. We
are dead to the old sin nature. That old sin nature no longer controls our life. There is
no reason to obey it any more. Baptism is a real picture of the fact that we are dead as
far as the commands of Satan are concerned. We no longer need to obey him any more.
Christ has raised us from the dead and given us a new life.
22. Read Romans 6:1-13 and write how we should walk because of this great change.
23. Explain what makes it possible for Christians to walk in newness of life.
24. Tell how you would explain to a new Christian that he or she has been set free from
the control of the old sin nature.
God wants us to know that we are dead to the old sin nature. We are free from its
control. We are to walk in the new life that Christ has given us. Just as Christ has been
raised from the dead and given new life, we have been raised from spiritual death.
Since we know that we have new life, we are able to live as God wants us to live. We
are able to walk as God wants us to walk.
25. Read Romans 6:1-13 and write what happened because our old man is crucified with
26. Explain what it means to walk in this new life that Christ has given us.
27. Explain what it means to you in your own life to live unto God.
In addition to knowing that we have new life, we are to reckon or recognize that we are
dead to our old sin nature. There are many Christians who are still letting sin control
them. They have never recognized and accepted as true the fact that sin no longer has
control over them. We will see in chapter 7 what happens when a Christian allows sin
to control. Then we will see what happens in chapter 8 when a Christian realizes that
the old sin nature no longer controls him. We have been seen free from that control. We
now have a choice to whom we yield ourselves.
28. Read Romans 6:1-13 and write to whom Christians are to yield themselves.
29. Explain what it means to us as Christians to yield ourselves to God.

30. Explain why it is important to you in your life that you have been set free from the
control of sin.
We are not to continue to let sin control our lives because we are no longer under the
law. Instead we are to yield control of ourselves to God. This involves presenting our
lives to God. Once a person gives something as a present to another person, it is
stealing to take that present back again. Here we see that we are to give our lives as a
present to God. Each time we then take the control of our lives and yield to sin, we are
actually stealing from Him what we have given to Him. We need to realize that we are
stealing from God each time that we sin. We are told to yield our lives to God and let
Him use our lives to complete His plan in the world.
31. Read Romans 6:11-23 and write whose servants we are.
32. Explain what these verses teach about the fact that Christians have been set free
from the law so that they are no longer under the law.
33. Explain how you see the power of God work in your life and through your life when
you are yielding to Him.
Here we see the fourth step needed to have a life that is full of joy and peace. We have
already seen that we are to know that our old sin nature is dead. Then we are to realize
that we have new life in Christ. The third step is to yield control of our lives to God.
Now we see that we are to obey God because we are His servants and we have given
Him control of our lives. Today many Christians do not have lives that are full of joy
and happiness. The reason that they do not have joyful and happy lives is due to the fact
that they are not obeying God.
34. Read Romans 6:11-23 and write why Paul said that God was to be thanked.
35. Explain how a Christian can experience a joyful life instead of living a life that is
36. Explain why you experience joy in your personal life when you yield your life to the
Lord and are obedient to Him.
We can thank God that He has changed us. No longer are we the servants of sin.
Instead we are the servants of God. As long as we were the servants of sin, we had
nothing ahead of us except death. The things that we did before we followed Christ are
things that caused us to experience fear, guilt and shame. Since we are now free from
the control of sin, we want our lives to be holy lives that produce fruit for God. Today
we need more Christians who will live the kind of life that God makes it possible for us
to live. Many Christians are missing the abundant life that Christ wants to give them if
they will yield to Him and be obedient to Him.
37. Read Romans 6:11-23 and write what kind of wages men receive for their sin.
38. Explain what kind of fruit Christians begin to produce in their lives as they are
learning to yield their lives to God.
39. Explain why you think many Christians do things in their own strength instead of
yielding to God even though it causes them to be miserable.
Men expect to get paid when they work. They would soon quit their job if their boss
stopped paying them. Sin also pays certain wages. The wage is death. This does not


just talk about the death we will die when we get old and die. All men die that kind of
death whether they are Christians or not. When we are born, we are spiritually dead
because we are born with the old sin nature. If we follow Christ, we receive new life
and become spiritually alive. Those who never receive the life that Christ offers will die
without Christ. Then they will be judged and sent to the lake of fire and brimstone
where the fire will burn forever. This is called the second death and is the wages that
are paid for sin.
40. Read Romans 6:14-23 and write what gift God offers instead.
41. Explain what makes it possible for Christians to have a fruitful life on this earth as
well as eternal life for the future.
42. Tell how you could use Romans 6:23 to explain to a person who is not a Christian
the choices that result in eternal life or death.
Lessons are best learned when we put them into practice. In these two chapters we have
seen the results of justification. Our lives were changed and we were brought back into
fellowship with God. Then we saw that we have been set free from the control of sin.
We are now free to make a choice each time we are tempted. We can choose to yield to
sin or we can choose to yield to God. When we choose to yield to God, we experience
joy and peace in our lives. This week pray that the Lord will help you explain to two
new Christians how they have the choice to yield to God and experience the peace and
joy that Christ gives.
Now reread Romans 5:1-6:23 and write down the three most important lessons that you
learned from these chapters today.


Survey of Romans
Lesson 4
Romans 7:1-8:17

Today we will be learning the results of what happens when a Christian tries to live for
Christ in his own strength. We will see that the result is failure every time. Such men
try to do what they know is right. Instead they do the things that they know are wrong
because they do not have the strength to stand by themselves. When we come to chapter
eight, we will see a complete change. There we will learn what it means to live in the
strength that Christ gives instead of trying to depend on our own strength. We will see
that the result of depending on the Lord for strength is victory.
As you study this lesson, you should use the following objectives to guide you in your
study. By the time you complete this lesson, you should be able to:
Explain how marriage shows what our new life in Christ is like.
Explain what happens when a Christian depends on his own strength.
Explain what happens when the Holy Spirit controls our lives.
Tell what it means to be a part of the family of God.
Paul says that he is writing this chapter to those who know the law of God. In both the
Old and New Testaments, there are many verses that speak about marriage. Throughout
the Bible we see that two people are married to each other as long as they are both alive.
When one of the partners dies, the other partner is free to marry again. However, if that
person were to marry again before the death of the partner, that person who married
again would be committing adultery.
1. Read Romans 7:1-13 and write to what we have become dead when we become
2. Explain what it means for a Christian to be dead to the law.
3. Explain why you are thankful for the fact that you do not have to grow in your
spiritual life by keeping the law.
When we become Christians, we are given new life by Christ. We are no longer
controlled by the old sin nature. We are to realize that we are married to Christ. This is
possible because we are dead to the old nature and alive to Christ. Because of this new
life, we should bring forth fruit for God. This will be the normal thing when we are
controlled by the Holy Spirit. We have been set free from the control of Satan and no
longer need to live the kind of life that he wants us to live. When we sin, we are
actually obeying the devil. We are dead to him and should not be obeying him any
4. Since we have been set free from the law, read Romans 7:1-13 and write how we
should serve Christ.
5. Explain what it means to be dead to the law and alive in Christ.
6. Explain why you are able to do what is right each time you depend on the Holy
Spirit to give you His power.


Although we are dead to the law, the law is not bad. In fact the law is very good. The
law showed us that we were sinners. When I read the law, I learn that it is a sin to covet
(desire something that someone else has). Paul said he would not have known it was a
sin to covet if he had not known the law. As a result of knowing the law, he knew that
he was a sinner. Here we see again that the law is good because it shows men how bad
they are. It is sin that brings death and not the law.
7. Read Romans 7:1-13 and write what the law is in itself.
8. Explain why God gave the law.
9. Explain what it means to you to know that you are no longer under that law but have
been set free from the Law.
Then Paul goes on to talk about what happens to a Christian who is still obeying the sin
nature instead of depending on Christ for strength. As you read the rest of this chapter,
you will see "I, me, my or myself" many times. This is the reason a Christian can have
an unhappy life. He is trying to do things by himself instead of letting the Lord control
his life. Paul says that a man who is depending on his own strength cannot understand
why he does the things that he does. Instead of doing the things that he wants to do, he
does the things that he hates. Here we see that a man has no power in his own strength.
He will fail every time.
10. Read Romans 7:14-25 and write what a man realizes about the law when he does the
things that he does not want to do.
11. Explain why a person fails when he tries to do good in his own strength.
12. Explain how these failures when you were trying to do good have at times greatly
discouraged you in your Christian life.
The law is good but no man can obey it in his own strength. Instead he will sin. This is
due to the fact that the Christian still has the desires of the flesh in his life. A man
cannot control the desires of the flesh by himself. The reason that all men fail by
themselves is the fact that no one has any good in himself. A Christian person may
want to do good but he does not have the power to do it by himself. He will continue to
fail as long as he depends on his own strength.
13. Read Romans 7:14-25 and write what a man in this condition does when he wants to
do good.
14. Explain why a person will actually do evil when he is trying to do good.
15. Explain how you feel about yourself when you want to do good and end up doing
evil instead.
A man who is a Christian but depending on his own strength wants to obey the law of
God. He knows that the law of God is right and good. Every day the person starts out
the day by thinking that he is going to obey God that day. However, by the end of the
day he has done as many things wrong as he did the day before. He had thought about
the right way to do things but his actions did not agree with his thoughts. Instead he did
the things that were sin. It was just like there was a war going on inside of him. He
could never get his actions to agree with his thoughts.
16. Read Romans 7:14-25 and write what the man who tries to obey the law but cannot
calls himself.


17. Explain why a Christian who wants to do good but does evil instead begins to feel
like he is a total failure.
18. Explain how this struggle to do right and then going ahead and doing what was evil
caused you to have a great conflict in your mind when you first became a Christian.
Perhaps your life is still like the life we have been studying in this chapter. Every time
you decide to do the right thing, you do the wrong thing instead. You even try very hard
to do the things that are right. It seems like you are never able to do the things you
know you should be doing. God wants to change your life and give you the joy that you
have when you know that you are doing what is right. This change will happen when
you let the Lord give you the strength to live for Him instead of trying to live for Christ
in your own strength.
19. Read Romans 7:14-25 and write what a person who is continually having this
struggle is serving with his mind.
20. Explain how it affects a person when in his mind he serves the law of God and yet at
the same time his actions are serving the law of sin.
21. Explain why you think many Christians are living in their own strength and falling
instead of letting Christ give them the strength to live for Him.
As we come to chapter eight, we see the answer to the problem of failure. We see that
we no longer need to live a life that is filled with failures. Instead we can be Christians
who are no longer condemned by the sin in our lives. We see that the answer to our
problem is to walk in the way that the Holy Spirit tells us to walk and not the way that
our sinful nature tells us to walk. In the first seven chapters of Romans, the Holy Spirit
is only mentioned once. In Romans 8 the Holy Spirit is mentioned nineteen times.
Walking means taking one step at a time. This is the way we walk in the Spirit. We
take each step as the Holy Spirit guides us. This is the reason we are to pray all of the
time. We can pray as we work, walk, talk or whatever else we do. This way the Holy
Spirit guides our steps moment by moment.
22. Now read Romans 8:1-17 and write what has made us free from the law of sin and
23. Explain what it means to learn to walk in the Spirit.
24. Explain what it means to you in your own life to know that Jesus Christ has set you
free from the law of sin and death.
The law could never make us right with God. The law only shows us that we have
sinned. Although the law failed to bring us to God, it did show us that we were wrong.
Then God sent Christ to bring us to God. Christ became a man so that He could die for
the sins of men. Now because Christ had complete victory over sin, we can also have
victory over sin as we walk in the Spirit moment by moment. As long as we were
controlled by the sin nature, we continued to sin all of the time. However, when we are
controlled by the Holy Spirit, we will do the things that the Holy Spirit tells us to do.
He will give us victory over sin when we are yielding to Him.
25. Now read Romans 8:1-17 and write what kind of a mind gives us life and peace.
26. Explain what it means for a Christian to be spiritually minded.
27. Explain what you are learning that is helping you to start doing the things of the
Spirit that bring life and peace.

A carnal mind is a mind that thinks the way that the devil wants it to think. A spiritual
mind is a mind that thinks the way the Holy Spirit wants it to think. It is possible for a
Christian to have a mind that still thinks the way the devil wants him to think.
Sometimes the devil tempts people to think about certain sins. Other times the devil
tempts the Christian to want and desire certain things. Often the devil encourages a
Christian to become proud and think of himself as a better Christian than others.
Whatever way the devil can get a Christian to think, the devil will use that way to cause
the Christian to fall.
28. Read Romans 8:1-17 and write who is alive in us if we are Christians.
29. Explain why many Christians do not act like Christ is alive in them.
30. Explain why you think the devil wants a Christian to think the way that those who
are not Christians think.
When a Christian is thinking the way that men of the world think, he is not able to
please God because he is not allowing God to control his life. If we let the Holy Spirit
control our lives, our lives will be right with God and we will be filled with joy. The
Holy Spirit will give us a life that is full and meaningful while we are here on the earth.
We do not need to wait until we get to heaven to be full of joy. Instead we can have that
joy right now as we learn to yield to the Holy Spirit moment by moment.
31. Read Romans 8:1-17 and write what we are told will happen to those who live the
way the sin nature tells them to live.
32. Explain why some Christians choose to be miserable instead of experiencing the joy
that Christ wants them to experience.
33. Explain why your mind feels like it is experiencing death when it is trying to live
like the world and also follow Christ.
In I Corinthians 11 we also read that God may take the life of a Christian who lives in
sin. He will have eternal life but he will lose his physical life because of his sin. Of
course a person who is not a Christian will be a part of the second death in the lake of
fire where he will burn forever. However, if we live the way that the Holy Spirit tells us
to live we will have a joyful life here on earth as well as eternal life in heaven. We also
have another wonderful privilege.
34. Now read Romans 8:1-17 and write the privilege that we will receive because we are
led by the Spirit.
35. Explain why Christians can choose to be led by the Spirit of God.
36. Explain how you have experienced changes in your life as you have learned to be
led by the Spirit of God.
Many Christians have not thought about what it means to be a child of God. This is a
wonderful privilege. A child is a part of the family. We are a part of the family of God.
We were chosen by God. He chose us and adopted us into His family. There was
nothing good that we have done. He just chose us because He loved us. Now there is
nothing that anyone could do to take us out of the family of God.
37. Read Romans 8:1-17 and write what we can cry because we have been adopted into
the family of God.


38. Explain why the Holy Spirit sets Christian free from the spirit of bondage.
39. Explain what it means to you to know that you are a part of the family of God.
As children in the family of God, we are made heirs of God. An heir is the one who
receives all the things that belong to the one who is giving those things away. God has
promised to give all things to Christ. Here we see that we will share these things with
Christ. This is why it is such a wonderful thing to have the privilege of suffering for
Christ. We are actually having the wonderful opportunity of sharing with Christ the
things that He has suffered for us. In Acts we see that Christ only allows us to suffer for
Him if we are good and faithful servants. If we have not had the privilege of suffering
for Christ, we need to examine our lives to see if we are being faithful servants.
40. Now read Romans 8:1-17 and write what will happen to us if we suffer together with
41. Explain why God gave us the Holy Spirit to bear witness with our spirit that we are
the children of God.
42. Explain what it means to you to know that God has made you a joint heir with
Lessons are best learned when we put them into practice. In our lesson we have seen
that we became dead to the law at the moment we placed our trust in Christ. However,
we often struggled because we did not even realize that we were dead to the law. We
saw that when we try to live the Christian life in our own strength that we failed and
continued to sin. Then we saw that as we learn to yield to the Holy Spirit we begin to
experience victory over sin during those times that we are depending on the Holy Spirit
for strength instead of depending on our own strength. We also saw that we have
become a part of the family of God. This week pray that Christ will give you the
opportunity to explain to at least two Christians how they can have victory as they learn
to yield their live to the Holy Spirit moment by moment.
Now reread Romans 7:1-8:17 and write down the three most important lessons that you
learned from these chapters today.


Survey of Romans
Lesson 5
Romans 8:18-9:33

In our last lesson we learned about the failure we will have if we try to serve Christ in
our own strength. We also learned that it is possible to have victory through Christ if
we depend on Him for our strength. Today we are going to learn the wonderful results
of letting the Holy Spirit control our lives. We will also see that nothing can separate us
from God and His love. Then Paul begins to talk about his own people, the Jews. He is
concerned because they have turned away from God. However, the prophets had
predicted long before that the people of Israel would turn away from God.
As you study this lesson, you should use the following objectives to guide you in your
study. By the time you complete this lesson, you should be able to:
Explain what the Holy Spirit does for us.
Tell why everything that happens to those who love God has a purpose.
Explain why Paul was concerned about the Jews.
Explain how God shows His love and kindness.
As we finished our last lesson, we saw that it is a privilege to suffer for Christ. Today
we learn a little more about suffering. We see that heaven is so wonderful that suffering
now is so little that it is not even worth mentioning. The whole earth has been waiting
for God to show those who are His sons. The earth wants to see those whom God has
chosen. The earth itself is weak. The earth became that way because of sin and yet the
earth waits for the promises of God to be completed. One day God will make a new
earth that will be free from the things that came as a result of sin. The entire earth has
suffered from the results of sin.
1. Read Romans 8:18-27 and write how we are saved.
2. Explain some of the ways that the earth has suffered as a result of sin.
3. Explain why you think that it is a privilege to suffer for Christ as we look forward to
the glory that will be revealed.
Just as the earth suffers as a result of sin, our bodies are also weak and suffer. We are
looking forward to the time when our bodies will be made new and we will no longer
have any aches or pain. This is the hope that we have in Christ. Although we have not
seen these things happen yet, we know that God is going to cause them to happen.
Since we know that God is going to give us a new body, we can wait patiently for it.
We know that God will give us our new bodies at the time He has chosen.
4. Read Romans 8:18-27 and write who prays for all Christians.
5. Explain why Christians are waiting for the day when our bodies will be set free from
the results of sin.
6. Explain what it means to you to wait with hope and patience as you wait for the day
when the effects of sin will be gone.
Here we have a wonderful promise. Sometimes we do not know how to pray. Then the


Holy Spirit prays for us. These may be times of great sorrow or pain. The Holy Spirit
puts into words the things that we do not know how to put into words. Since God
knows our hearts, He also knows all about those needs for which the Holy Spirit is
praying. We also see that the Holy Spirit prays that God will do things the way that He
has planned. This also makes it possible for us to walk with God and know His will for
our lives. Since the Holy Spirit prays that the will of God will be done, the Holy Spirit
can also show us what God wants us to do.
7. Read Romans 8:18-27 and write how the Holy Spirit prays for us.
8. Explain what it means when it says that the Holy Spirit prays according to the will
of God.
9. Explain how you know that the Holy Spirit prays for you.
We have a wonderful promise for all those that love God. Since God has called and
chosen us to complete His purpose, everything that happens in our lives will be for His
good. Sometimes we cannot understand the things that happen to us. However, we can
thank God for everything that happens to us because those things are completing His
purpose. God knew His purpose for the world. He knew all those that He had chosen to
be a part of those that He would save. He chose them to be like His Son. In fact He is
forming Christ in us. All those that God chose He called. All those that God called He
made right with Himself by forgiving their sins. All those that God makes right with
Himself, He will take to heaven.
10. Read Romans 8:28-39 and write if anyone can be against us since God has done all
these things for us.
11. Explain what it means that God is working to conform all Christians to the image of
12. Explain some of the changes that the Lord has led you to make in the last year so
that your life would be more conformed to the image of Christ.
This is another wonderful promise for every Christian. There is nothing that anyone can
do to keep God from completing these promises. Since God is on our side, there is
nothing that anyone can do against us. We are promised victory. We know that God
will keep all of His promises because He kept His promise to give us eternal life. Christ
died and rose again to give us that eternal life.
13. Read Romans 8:28-39 and write what Christ is doing right now.
14. Explain what it means when it says that because God is for us that no one can be
against us.
15. Explain what it means to you in your personal life to know that Christ is seated at
the right hand of the Father making intercession for you.
Here we see that Christ is speaking to God for each one of us. He tells God our needs.
We also see that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. We have many things
mentioned that are not able to separate us from the love of Christ. The first group of
things that cannot separate us from the love of Christ are those things which happen to
us day by day. This includes problems and troubles. We do not need to fear when men
do evil things to us because their evil deeds cannot separate us from the love of God. Of
course we do not need to worry about a lack of food or clothes. We do not even need to


worry about the dangers around us. None of these things can separate us from the love
of God.
16. Read Romans 8:28-39 and write what we are through the One that loved us.
17. Explain why the things that Christians go through each day cannot separate them
from the love of Christ.
18. Explain what has helped you to learn for your own life that you are more than a
conqueror through Christ.
The second list of things that might try to separate us from Christ's love is a list of
powers in the world. This includes life and death, angels, rulers of the world, evil
powers and things going on in the world now and in the future. Even the things above
or below the world cannot keep us from the love of Christ. In fact nothing can separate
us from the love of Christ. This is the reason we are more than conquerors through
Christ. We know that we have victory through Christ. We cannot lose when we let Him
control our lives.
19. Read Romans 8:28-39 and write the last thing that cannot separate us from the love
of Christ.
20. Explain why Christians do not need to be fearful since no created thing can separate
them from the love of Christ.
21. Explain what it means to you in your personal life to have victory through Christ.
As we begin chapter 9, we see the concern of Paul for the Jews. Paul says that he could
wish that he would be placed under a curse from God if it would mean that the Jews
would accept Christ as their Savior and Lord. Here we see a real picture of love and
concern. Paul was more concerned about his people that he was about himself. Today
we need more Christians who have a great concern for their own people.
22. Read Romans 9:1-13 and write what Paul calls his people.
23. Explain what gave Paul such a love and concern for his own people, the Jews.
24. Explain what lessons you learn for your own life about being concerned for your
own people.
The Jew (Israelites) had many privileges. They were the nation that God chose to be
His nation. They saw the glory of God in the wilderness. They were given covenants
(wonderful promises from God that will never be changed). They also received the law
of God and it included instructions about how to worship God. Throughout the Old
Testament they were given promises about the coming of Christ. God is keeping every
one of His promises even though the Jews may individually refuse to accept the
promises of God. God keeps His promise to Abraham no matter what some of the Jews
25. Read Romans 9:1-13 and write which son of Abraham received the promises given
to Abraham.
26. Explain why God chose to keep His promises to Abraham through Isaac.
27. Explain why it is important to you in your own life that God has never broken the
promises that He made to the Jews.
God has chosen the nation of Israel to be His nation. Just as God chose Abraham to be


the father of the nation, God also chose Isaac and Jacob. God did not choose them
because they were good. God chose them before they were even born. The choice of
God was not even based on the fact that God knew who would be good or bad. God
chose them because it is a part of His plan. Today God chooses us because it is a part of
His plan and not because we are good or bad.
28. Read Romans 9:1-13 and write what God said about the children of Isaac and
Rebecca before the children were even born.
29. Explain what these verses teach about the reason that God chose us.
30. Explain how these verses have shown you that God makes His choices according to
His own will.
Some people might think that God is unfair to only choose some people. However, the
answer to that idea is given in these verses. All men have sinned and none have a right
to be chosen. If God did to us what we deserve, He would send us all to hell. We rebell
against God but God has chosen us and saved us in spite of our rebellion. We do see
that God allows many men to rebell and finally go to hell. Pharoah rebelled against God
and so God used the rebellion of Pharoah to show the power of God. As a result of the
rebellion of Pharoah, many people heard of the power of God.
31. Now read Romans 9:14-33 and write on whom God says He will have mercy
(undeserved kindness).
32. Explain why God has chosen to show mercy and compassion by saving some from
their sin although no one deserved that mercy.
33. Explain why you are thankful that God chose to show His mercy to you.
Since we all deserve to die, it is the love of God that causes Him to show kindness and
love to us. God actually shows this love to all people until the time of their death. We
have no right to question why He chose us. That would be like a pot or jar trying to tell
the one who was making it that he was making it wrong. The man who works with the
clay can make any kind of a pot that he wants to make. God could show His anger
against sin by bringing judgment on all men.
34. Read Romans 9:14-33 and write what God wanted to make known to us instead.
35. Explain why God chose to send Christ to die for sin so that He could show His love
by forgiving the sin of all those who accept the payment of Christ for their sin.
36. Explain why it is a great privilege for you to know that God chose to show you the
riches of His glory by giving you eternal life.
God also shared His riches with us even though we are not Jews. We do not deserve
this kindness. We also have rebelled against God. However, we see that God has
chosen us in spite of our sin. It is wonderful to think that God would choose us even
though we have done nothing to deserve eternal life. We see that God chose the
Gentiles and also made them His beloved and called them the sons of the living God.
37. Read Romans 9:14-33 and write what prophet predicted that God would also make
us His beloved.
38. Explain what you learn from these verses about the way that God chooses people.
39. Explain what it means to you in you life to be a child of the living God.


The prophets had said that Israel would be blind and that God would choose people who
were not Jews. However, there has always been a remnant (small group) of Jews who
have followed God. Even though God is choosing many that are not Jews today, there
are still some Jews who are becoming Christians. God has not completely forgotten the
nation that He chose. The reason Israel did not receive the privilege of being right with
God was the fact that they tried to earn their salvation by keeping the law. They failed
and stumbled because it was impossible to keep the law.
40. Read Romans 9:25-33 and write how men are made right with God.
41. Explain why the law had become a stumbling block to the Jews instead of causing
them to come to God in faith.
42. Explain how the Lord worked in your life to cause you to realize that you must be
saved by faith and not by your own works.
Lessons are best learned when we put them into practice. In this lesson we have seen
that the Holy Spirit prays for us. We have also seen that God works through all things
that happen in our lives to form the image of Christ in us. What a joy it is to be
reminded again of the fact that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. We also
learned about the concern of Paul for his own people. This gives us a great example for
our lives. This week pray that the Lord will give you the opportunity to share with at
least two people how they can receive forgiveness of sins and eternal life.
Now reread Romans 8:18-9:33 and write down the three most important lessons that you
learned from these chapters today.


Survey of Romans
Lesson 6
Romans 10:1-11:36

In our last lesson we learned how the Jews had turned away from God. Today we will
see that they turned away from God because they failed to believe the promises of God.
However, Christ still offers eternal life to all those Jews who will come to Him and ask
Him to forgive their sins. The need of the world today is for men to tell others about the
life that they can have through Jesus Christ. Some people might think that God has
forgotten about the Jews. We see that God has not forgotten the people He chose. He
has allowed their eyes to be blinded so that we would have the opportunity to receive
the Gospel. The day will come in the future when all of the Jews will worship God.
As you study this lesson, you should use the following objectives to guide you in your
study. By the time you complete this lesson, you should be able to:
Tell what each person must do to become a Christian.
Explain why we are told to take the Gospel to all people.
Tell why God has put the Jews aside for a little while.
Explain the promise that God gives about the Jews.
As we begin our lesson, we see again the concern of Paul for his people. He had a great
desire to see the people of Israel become Christians. Today we need more Christians
who have a great concern for their people. The Jews were very religious but they did
not have a true knowledge of God. Since the Jews did not know the real way to be right
with God, they worked to create their own plan to be right with God. Their plan was to
earn their way to heaven by working instead of submitting themselves to Christ so that
Christ could work in their lives. This was due to the fact that they did not understand
the righteousness of God.
1. Read Romans 10:1-13 and write who completes or ends the law.
2. Explain why many people are like the Jews and are trying to work out their own
plan to try and be right with God.
3. Explain why you think that many people do not understand that God is a righteous
and holy God and that our own works will never help us reach Him.
The law did not make men right with God. However, Christ completed the law by
providing a way for men to be right with God. If a man could have obeyed the law that
was given by Moses, he would have been right with God. We have already seen,
though, that it is impossible for a man to obey the law. Instead a man must place his
trust in Christ and accept His payment for sin if he wants to be right with God. We also
see that man cannot bring Christ down from heaven or raise Christ from the dead in
order to have eternal life. Instead the Word which can give us life is very close to us.
4. Read Romans 10:1-13 and write how we are to confess Christ.
5. Explain why no person can work to earn his or her salvation.
6. Explain why you think many people will not accept the fact that the only way that
they can come to God is through Christ.


Here we see two things that will happen when a person becomes a Christian. First, in
our hearts we will believe in the resurrection of Christ. True belief and acceptance of
the fact that Christ rose from the dead is the only way we can be saved from the penalty
of our sin. Second, what has happened in our life will cause us to want to speak to
others about Christ. One of the first things that usually happens when a person becomes
a Christian is a desire to tell others about Christ.
7. Read Romans 10:1-13 and write what promise God gave in the Old Testament to all
those who believe on Christ.
8. Explain why every Christian should want to tell others how to come to Christ and
receive eternal life.
9. Tell how you would explain Romans 10:9-10 to help a person know how to have
eternal life.
A true Christian will want to tell others about Christ. He will not be ashamed to tell
others about Christ. It does not matter whether the person is a Jew or not a Jew. He will
still want to tell others about Christ. God offers salvation to all men of every tribe and
race. Christ will make the same change in a person regardless of the race or tribe of that
person. Christ shares His riches with all who will receive Him as their Savior and Lord.
10. Read Romans 10:1-13 and write what will happen to all those who call on the name
of the Lord.
11. Explain why God promises to give salvation to all those who will call on the name
of Christ.
12. Tell how you would explain these verses to a person who has placed his trust in
Christ to help him understand what God promises him.
Christ will save every person who comes to Him for salvation. The problem that many
people face is the fact that they do not understand what it means to believe in Christ. As
a result, they do not know that Christ will save them if they ask Him. Many do not
know how to become a Christian because no one has ever told them about Christ. Here
we see the sad condition of many people today. They have never heard about Christ
because we as Christians have not obeyed the command of Christ to go and tell others
how to become Christians. The command is given to every Christian to go and tell
others about Christ. We as Christians have all been sent. Now it is time to obey and go.
13. Read Romans 10:14-21 and write where faith comes from.
14. Explain how Christ says Christians can have beautiful feet.
15. Explain what lessons you learn for your own life from these verses about your
privilege and responsibility to share with other people how to be saved from their
Here we see that a person will not know how to become a Christian unless someone
takes the time to explain the Word of God to him. Today we need to take time to
explain to individuals what the Word of God teaches about the death and resurrection of
Christ. As we take time to discuss the Word of God with other people, we are helping
them to see how the Word of God applies to their own lives. As such people hear the
Scripture and understand how it applies to them personally, the result will often be that


they will put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ. They must understand before they will
accept Christ.
16. Now read Romans 10:14-21 and write the first thing Isaiah said about the people in
these verses.
17. Explain why true faith will only come from hearing the Word of God.
18. Explain what these verses teach us about the importance of learning and Word of
God and learning how to explain the Word of God to others.
Here we see again that the Jews as a nation refused to accept the promises of God. This
is the reason that God gave the people of other nations the opportunity to become
Christians. God wanted to cause the Jews to have a desire to be a part of the family of
God. Isaiah said that God had shown Himself to the people of Israel even though they
had not looked for Him. Today God wants us to tell all people about Christ whether
they are Jews or Gentiles. We know that some will become Christians when they
understand what the Word of God teaches about the death and resurrection of Christ.
19. Read Romans 10:14-21 and write what Isaiah said about the Jews.
20. Explain why Isaiah had written that the Gentiles would find God even though they
were not looking for Him.
21. Explain how these verses show that Christ wants to work through your life to help
others understand the meaning of faith.
We have seen that the Jews turned away from God. However, that does not mean that
God has forgotten His people. God has always had a small group of Jews who have
worshipped Him. During the time of Elijah, he thought that he was the only one left
who worshipped God. Then God told him that there were seven thousand men who had
not worshipped the false god, Baal. In the same way, God is continuing to choose a
group of Jews who will worship Him. As a nation, the Jews have stumbled and turned
away from God. We see that the stumbling of the nation has not prevented God from
saving a small group.
22. Read Romans 11:1-12 and write the reason why God allowed the Jews to stumble.
23. Explain why the Lord has always kept a group of Jews that have worshipped Him
and have not turned to idols or other things.
24. Explain what you personally learn from these verses about the fact that people are
saved by grace and not by works.
God has not forgotten the Jews. Instead God has set most of the Jews aside for a time in
order to save many Gentiles. God also did this to cause the Jews to become jealous and
want to turn to Him. The setting aside of the Jews has caused us to have a share in the
riches of God. We have received great riches because the Jews rejected Christ.
However, we read that our blessings will be even greater when the Jews also turn back
to Christ. Here we see a wonderful promise for the Jews. God has not forgotten them.
One day they will turn to God as a nation.
25. Read Romans 11:1-12 and write what happened to the eyes of the people of Israel.
26. Explain what God promises the Jews in these verses about the future.
27. Explain what lessons you learn for your own life from the fact that God has not
forgotten the Jews.


God goes on to give us a picture of what He has done. For this picture, God uses an
olive tree. The olive tree is a picture of the blessings promised to the family of
Abraham. Here we see that some of the branches are broken off to make room for all of
us who are not Jews. Notice the fact that not all of the original branches were broken
off. The promises that were given to the Jews still belong to the Jews. We are only
having the privilege of sharing some of the blessings that belong to the Jews.
28. Read Romans 11:13-24 and write why part of the original branches were broken off.
29. Explain why Christians are not to boast against the original branches.
30. Explain how this illustration of the olive tree helps you to understand that God is
concerned about both the Jews and the Gentiles.
Here we are given a real warning. We are not to be proud because we are given this
great blessing of sharing the promises given to the Jews. If we are proud, God will also
judge us. God is even able to remove the Gentiles and put the Jews back in the place of
importance again. We see that God has not forgotten the Jews. He will remember His
promises to them and restore them to the place of blessing. He will cause them to
believe in Him.
31. Read Romans 11:13-24 and write what God is able to do with the Jews.
32. Explain why God tells Gentiles not to be proud because God has chosen to show His
blessing to the Gentiles.
33. Explain what lessons you learn for your own life about the fact that you stand by
faith and the fact that faith leaves no room for pride.
Paul goes on to say that God has blinded the Jews until the Gentiles have had an
opportunity to follow Christ. When God has completed His plan of saving a group of
Gentiles, then God will complete His plan for the Jews. We read that the entire nation
of Israel will turn to Christ when God opens their eyes. God says that He made a
covenant (promise) with the Jews and God will keep His promise by saving the entire
Jewish nation that is alive at that time.
34. Read Romans 11:13-36 and write what God promises will happen to Israel in the
35. Explain what God promises to the Jews in these verses.
36. Explain what you learn about the way that God is going to bless both the Jews and
the Gentiles in the future.
Because the Jews refused to receive the Gospel, we have received the privilege of
sharing the blessings of God. God does not change His mind so the Jews will again
receive the blessings promised to them. Here we see that all men have sinned and failed
to believe the promises of God. As a result, God shows His love and kindness to all
people. As we apply these verses to our own lives, we see that every one of us has
failed. We all deserve to die and go to hell. However, God showed His love and
kindness to us and shared His riches with us.
37. Read Romans 11:25-36 and write the reason why we cannot understand God's
wonderful ways toward us.
38. Explain why God has shown that all are guilty so that He can then show His mercy
to all nations and peoples.

39. Tell how you would use these verses to explain to someone that God is going to
show mercy to both the Jews and the Gentiles in the future.
As we come to the end of this chapter, we see the greatness of the wisdom and
knowledge of God. His ways are so wonderful that we cannot understand them. None
of us are wise enough to understand how God thinks. None of us can tell God anything
because He knows all things. No one can pay God for anything because everything
belongs to God. Everything came from God. Everything is held together by God. All
things are made for God.
40. Read Romans 11:25-36 and write how long we should give glory to God because of
all these things.
41. Explain what these verses teach about the greatness of the wisdom and knowledge of
42. Explain why these verses show you the importance of studying and understanding
the Word of God so that you can continue to grow in wisdom.
Lessons are best learned when we put them into practice. In our study of these two
chapters we see again that Paul had a great concern for the Jews even though his
primary ministry was to the Gentiles. We saw what a person has to confess and believe
in order to have his or her sins forgiven. Then we saw how God chose to set the Jews
aside for a time so that He could show mercy to the Gentiles. We also see that in the
future God is going to show His mercy to both the Jews and the Gentiles. This week
pray that the Lord will open the opportunity for you to share with at least two people
what you have learned about the mercy of God for all people.
Now reread Romans 10:1-11:36 and then write down the three most important lessons
that you learned from these chapters today.


Survey of Romans
Lesson 7
Romans 12:1-13:14

Today we will learn about the kind of life that God wants every Christian to live. First
we learn that we are to give our bodies to God so that God can use our bodies the way
that He wants to use them. Then we will see that God has given every Christian
spiritual gifts so that every Christian can serve Christ better. As Christians, we are told
to serve Christ. We are then given instructions about the way we should serve other
Christians. We also see how we should act toward men who are not Christians. In the
final part of our lesson, we will receive instructions about the way we should act toward
our government.
As you study this lesson, you should use the following objectives to guide you in your
study. By the time you complete this lesson, you should be able to:
Explain how you may know the will of God for your life.
Tell why God has given every Christian gifts for service.
Explain how we should act toward other Christians.
Explain how we should act toward people who are not Christians.
Explain how we should act toward our government.
As we begin our study, we see that Paul is begging us to present our bodies to Christ as
a living sacrifice. This means that we are to give our body as a present to Christ. This
is something that we do once. If we take back part of the control of our body, we are
actually stealing from God and should confess our sin to Him. It is only natural that we
should give our bodies to Christ for His use because Christ gave His life to save us. He
did not hold anything back. He gave everything He had to save us.
1. Read Romans 12:1-2 and write what our attitude should be toward the world.
2. Explain why all Christians are urged to present their bodies to God as a living
3. Explain why you believe that God will work in your life and then work through you
life if you present your body to Christ.
We live in the world but we are not to be like the world. The devil controls the people
of the world. If we think and act like they do, we are acting and thinking the way that
the devil wants us to act and think. The people of the world think only of satisfying
themselves. As Christians, our whole goal in life should be to please God. Our
thoughts should be to please God instead of satisfying our evil desires. Instead of
thinking and acting like the world, we are to be changed (transformed) so that our lives
please God.
4. Read Romans 12:1-2 and write how we are transformed.
5. Explain why it should be the goal and desire of every Christian to live to please God.
6. Explain what you think it means for you to be transformed by the renewing of your


Here we see the key to the way that Christ changes our lives. It begins by developing a
new way of thinking. This happens as we let the thoughts of God replace our thoughts.
For this reason we need to be continually memorizing Scripture. Then we can spend our
time thinking about the Word of God instead of thinking evil thoughts. When the devil
tries to tempt us, we can ask God to help us think about His Word rather than allow the
thoughts of the devil to stay in our mind. As our thoughts are changed, we will know
God's good and perfect will for our lives.
7. Read Romans 12:1-2 and write what we get to know as our minds are being
8. Explain how the Lord changes and transforms the minds of Christians.
9. Explain what these verses teach you about how you can know the will of God for
your life.
Paul goes on to warn us that we should not think that we are the one that is important.
Instead we need to realize that we are part of the body of Christ. This means that
without Christ working in and through our lives we are nothing. All Christians are
different parts of the same body. Since we are different parts, all Christians must
depend on each other if the body of Christ is going to work effectively. If a part of the
body does not work, the entire body suffers. This is the reason that many churches are
not doing very much for the Lord. Many of the Christians are not sharing in the work of
the Lord.
10. Read Romans 3:3-8 and write what God has given to every Christian so that every
Christian can serve Him.
11. Explain what these verses teach about the fact that every Christian is dependent
upon the other members of the body in order to function effectively.
12. Explain what these verses teach you about the fact that God has given you the exact
spiritual gifts that you need to carry out the ministry God has given you.
The first gift that is mentioned is the gift of prophecy. The Bible was completed with
the writing of Revelation so we have no more prophets. However, when we speak the
things that are written in the Bible we are actually using the gift of prophecy especially
as we warn people of the consequences of sin and the salvation that has been provided
through Christ. We are to speak the Word of God and not our own words. The gift of
prophecy is one of the speaking gifts and involves speaking the Word of God and not
our own words. The gift of ministry is the gift of service or serving others. This gift is
what equips some Christians to see physical things that need to be done to help the
body. The gift of teaching is the gift of guiding others to accept the Word of God as the
standard for their lives. One with this gift is able to help others understand the doctrines
of the Bible. The gift of exhortation is the gift of speaking words that edify, encourage
and comfort others. It is also the gift of guiding others to apply the Word of God to
daily living.
13. Read Romans 12:3-8 and write how we should give to the Lord.
14. Explain why God has given Christians different gifts and not all the same gifts.
15. Tell how you would explain these first four gifts to someone else.
When we give, we should do it with a generous and willing heart. Those who are given


the gift of leading others, should lead in such a way as to cause those people to depend
on the Holy Spirit and not on the men that are leading. People who are led by the Holy
Spirit will continue to be led by the Holy Spirit if leaders die or become unable to lead.
If men are depending on the leaders instead of the Holy Spirit, the church will have
serious problems if leaders fail. The gift of mercy (showing kindness) should be done
with a happy heart that is full of love.
16. Read Romans 12:3-8 and write how a person with the gift of mercy is to exercise
that gift.
17. Explain why God has given every Christian gifts to serve Him.
18. Explain which of these gifts you feel the Lord may have given you so that you can
serve the body of Christ.
As Christians, we need to act the right way toward the people around us. First we see
how we should act toward other Christians. We are told to have a true love for other
Christians and not just pretend to love them. We are to hate the things that are evil and
do the things that are good instead. We are to treat each other with kindness and love.
We should talk about the good that others have done and not about the things that we
have done. We should not be lazy as we work. Instead we should always be serving the
Lord because the Holy Spirit controls us. We are told to be full of joy. We should be
glad to suffer for Christ. We should spend much time in prayer.
19. Read Romans 12:9-21 and write what we should do to those who persecute us.
20. Explain why the attitudes that we have in our lives will determine the effectiveness
of our use of the spiritual gifts that Christ has given us.
21. Explain what you have found is the most effective way to help these attitudes
develop and mature in your own life.
We are to help other Christians when they have a special need. We need to invite others
to come and eat with us. This way we can have fellowship with them. We need to
rejoice with people when they are happy. We need to cry with them when they are sad.
We are to have peace between ourselves and other Christians. We are not to be proud.
Instead we are to become friends with those who are not important. We are not to think
we are wise. As we see all of these things, we realize that Christ must control our
actions toward other Christians. We need the love of Christ in our lives if we are going
to show this kind of love to others.
22. Read Romans 12:9-21 and write how we should overcome evil.
23. Explain why each Christian is to develop a concern to help and minister to other
24. Explain how your personal attitudes that you have as you begin the day affect your
actions each day.
As we begin the section that tells how we should act toward those who are not
Christians, we see that it can be summarized by saying that we should do good to those
who do evil things to us. Instead of wanting to return evil for evil, we should ask
ourselves what is right and good. Then we should ask the Holy Spirit to give us strength
to live in peace with all men. As Christians we have the peace of God in our hearts.
This is a peace that no man can take away. If men hate us because we are Christians, we


should show kindness and love so that they can see what it means to have real peace.
25. Read Romans 12:9-21 and write who will repay men for their evil actions.
26. Explain why it should be the goal of every Christian to live at peace with all people
whether they are Christians or not.
27. Explain what you have learned about the way that the Lord works when you do not
try to get even but choose to leave all vengeance to Him.
We do not need to worry about getting even with others when they do evil things to us.
God will take care of any punishment that they need. It is our responsibility to show
true Christian love to those who do evil to us. If they are hungry, we should feed them.
If they are thirsty, we need to give them water. By showing kindness to men when they
hate us, we will make them ashamed of themselves. Christ gave us the perfect example
of loving those who hate us. Christ had so much love for the men that killed Him that
He asked the Father to forgive them. Christ died for us while we were sinners and hated
Him. If Christ loved us that much, we should also be willing to love those who hate us.
28. Read Romans 12:9-21 and write how we are to overcome evil.
29. Explain why Christians are told to show kindness even to those who do evil.
30. Explain what you learn from these verses about the way that you should respond to
those who do evil to you.
In addition to telling us how we should act toward other people, God also tells us how
we should act toward our government. We see that every government in the world is
there because God allows it to continue for a purpose. When that government has
completed its purpose, then God will judge it if it has been an evil government. When
we fight against our government, we are actually fighting against the power that God
has allowed to rule us. If we do that, God will judge us.
31. Read Romans 13:1-14 and write who is punished by the leaders.
32. Explain why God allows certain governments to continue even when they are very
33. Explain why it is important to you to obey your government whether that
government is good or evil.
Although a leader may not realize it, God is the One who allows Him to rule. God will
use that leader to complete His purpose. We are to serve our rulers because it is right to
serve them. We are also to pay taxes to them if we owe taxes to them. We are to fear
the rulers who should be feared. We are to honor those who should be honored. Here
we see that we are to have real respect for our rulers and the laws that they make. We
are not to disobey the rulers just because we do not like the laws.
34. Read Romans 13:1-14 and write who we should owe.
35. Explain why Christians are to submit to their rulers so that they can have a clear
36. Explain how you would teach a new Christian the importance of submitting to
government and also to all that are in positions of authority.
Here we see that we are to pay all of our bills. We are not to forget them. It is our
responsibility to pay our bills immediately. We are also commanded to love one


another. All of the commandments that relate to other people can be summarized by
loving our neighbor as we love ourselves. If we love our neighbor as much as we love
ourselves, we will not do anything that will hurt our neighbor. Instead we will do
everything possible to show our love to our neighbor. True love actually completes the
37. Read Romans 13:1-14 and write how we are to love our neighbor.
38. Explain what it means to love your neighbor as you love yourself.
39. Tell how you would explain the statement that love is the fulfilling of the law to a
new Christian.
As we realize the great responsibility that we have to share the Gospel, we need to
awake from our sleep. We have very little time to tell others about Christ because the
Lord is coming soon. The day will soon dawn. The night is almost over. Since the
time is so short, we no longer have time to keep doing things as usual. Instead we need
to make every effort to let others know that Christ can give them eternal life. We need
to let our lives be an example of the life that Christ lived. In this way others will see
that Christ can change their lives also.
40. Read Romans 13:1-14 and write why we should put on the Lord.
41. Explain why Christians are to put on the armor of light.
42. Explain why it is important for you not to provide yourself with an excuse to fulfill
an evil desire.
Lessons are best taught when we put them into practice. In our study of these two
chapters. We have seen that we are to present ourselves to God. We have also seen that
Christ has given each one of us spiritual gifts in order to serve Him effectively. We saw
that we need to have the proper attitudes and actions as we exercise those gifts. We are
also told how to minister to those who do evil toward us. Then we see that we are to
place ourselves under the authority of our government. Finally we see that we are to act
in love and not allow ourselves an excuse to do evil. This week pray that the Lord will
give you the opportunity to share what you have learned about spiritual gifts with at
least two other Christians.
We are not to let the flesh (our old sin nature) control our lives. Instead we are to let
Christ control our lives. Now reread Romans 12:1-13:14 and write down the three most
important lessons that you learned from these chapters today.


Survey of Romans
Lesson 8
Romans 14:1-16:27

Many Christians are puzzled about what things are right and what things are wrong. In
our lesson today we will see how God answers that problem. We see that our first
responsibility is to do those things which God has shown us are right and avoid those
things which He has shown are wrong. Then when we do not know whether something
is right or wrong, we should ask ourselves whether that thing would cause our brother to
stumble and fall. If something we would do or say would cause a weaker Christian to
sin, then we should avoid doing that thing even if we feel it is right and good. We will
also learn today how God wants us to act toward each other. Finally we will see the
greetings of Paul to the people in Rome.
As you study this lesson, you should use the following objectives to guide you in your
study. By the time you complete this lesson, you should be able to:
Explain how a Christian should know what to do.
Tell how God wants us to act toward each other.
Tell what Paul planned to do after he wrote this letter.
Explain what lessons we learn from the other Christians that are mentioned.
Today some Christians say that certain things are all right while other Christians say that
those things are sin. In this lesson we will see that we are given two examples to use as
guidelines. The principles that we learn from these examples will guide us in every
situation where we are not sure what is right and what is wrong. In the time of Paul
many people wondered whether they should eat meat that had been offered to idols.
The other problem in the time of Paul was the question of whether they should celebrate
ceremonial days.
1. Read Romans 14:1-12 and write what we are not to do when someone does
something that we think is questionable.
2. Explain why some Christians may feel that something is wrong while other
Christians may feel that thing is not wrong.
3. Explain why you believe it is important for you to avoid judging others who may not
agree about the same things that you feel may be right or wrong.
God is the one who will judge whether a man is right or wrong so we are not to judge
them. If the Bible says that a certain thing is sin, then we should help a Christian who is
doing that thing to realize what the Bible says. If the Bible does not speak about a
certain thing, then we are not to spend our time arguing with another Christian about
whether that thing is right. Instead we are to encourage him because he is a Christian
brother. We are to be persuaded in our own mind what is right and wrong and then do
only those things we know are right. However, we must not make our opinions of what
is right and wrong a standard by which we judge other Christians.
4. Read Romans 14:1-12 and write to whom we are to live.
5. Explain why Christians are not to judge other Christians based on their own opinions
of what is right or wrong.

6. Explain why you feel that your most important responsibility is to live to please the
Lord and do the things that you know He wants you to do.
The question of ceremonial days and holidays is a real question for some people today.
In these verses we see how we should feel about such days. We should realize that
everything we do should bring glory to God. If we are celebrating a holiday, are we
keeping Christ as the center of our celebration? Are we using that day to tell others
about Christ? We are not living for ourselves. Instead we are living for Christ. All of
the things that we do on any day of the week should be done to serve the Lord. If our
desire is to please the Lord in all that we do, we will be bringing glory to God.
7. Read Romans 14:1-12 and write to whom we will give an account if we do what is
8. Explain what Christians should do about questionable things according to these
9. Explain what you learn for your own life from these verses about why we should not
judge another Christian.
We are also given certain instructions about things that we may feel are right. Even
though we may feel that something is right, we should not do that thing if it will cause a
weaker Christian to stumble and sin. We should show the love of God by avoiding the
things that will cause another Christian to stumble. This means that there are some
things we choose not do for the sake of other Christian brothers. In this way we are
helping them to grow strong so that they can serve Christ better. When we show this
kind of love, we will be right with God. We will have inner peace. We will be filled
with joy by the Holy Spirit.
10. Read Romans 14:13-23 and write what we are told to follow.
11. Explain why Christians should show Christian love by not causing other Christians
to stumble.
12. Explain what you learn for your own life about not causing other Christians to
stumble from these verses.
We also see that we should do those things that help to bring peace between Christian
brothers. Today this is one of the things that is needed in many churches. There are
some churches where part of the Christians do not speak to other Christians. We are to
forgive each other and let the love of Christ control our lives so that we have real peace
between each other. We are also told to do those things that will help other Christians to
grow stronger. If we are busy helping other Christians grow stronger, we will not have
time to do those things that might be wrong. Those things will cease to be a problem
because we will not have time for them.
13. Read Romans 14:13-23 and write what things we are to follow as Christians.
14. Explain what it means when it says that the kingdom of God is righteousness, and
peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.
15. Explain what makes it possible for you to personally follow peace and the things
that build up other Christians.
We see that we should only do things that do not cause us to feel guilty. Any time we


do something that causes us to feel guilty; we may be doing something that is wrong.
We lose that inner peace and joy that comes from knowing that we are right with God.
When we have doubts about whether a thing is right or wrong, we should not do that
thing. We are condemning ourselves because we are not doing that thing in faith.
Everything that is not done by faith is sin.
16. Read Romans 14:13-23 and write what causes a man to be happy.
17. Explain what these verses teach that Christians should do to help a weaker brother.
18. Explain some of the ways that you have found that you can personally help weaker
Christians in their lives and spiritual growth.
We are given the final instructions about questionable things in the first part of chapter
fifteen. We are to follow the example of Christ. Christ did not live to please Himself.
Instead Christ lived to please His Father. He was willing to suffer or do whatever was
necessary in order to please the Father. Now we are told to live our lives so that we
please Christ and our Christian brothers and help them to become stronger for the Lord.
Christ set aside His human desires so that He could please the Father. Today we need to
set aside our desires so that we live lives that are pleasing to God.
19. Read Romans 15:1-13 and tell why the Bible was written according to these verses.
20. Explain why the things that are written in the Old Testament can help us learn how
to live our lives and give us hope.
21. Explain some of the ways that you can help newer Christians learn lessons from the
Word of God to help build them up spiritually.
We received the Word of God so that we could learn from it and it could guide our lives.
It teaches us how to live lives that are patient. It also gives us comfort because we know
the right way to live. The final result is the fact that we have a wonderful hope and
promise because we know that we have eternal life. Because of these things, God wants
all Christians to think the same way and have the same kind of mind. The way that we
think the same way and have the same mind is to think to please Christ instead of trying
to please ourselves.
22. Read Romans 15:1-13 and write what we will all do when we have the same mind.
23. Explain why it is important for Christians to learn to accept one another.
24. Explain what lessons you learn for your life about how to develop unity between
Here we see that when Christians all have the same kind of mind and thoughts, they will
all speak for Christ. Here we see a big reason why there are not more Christians
witnessing for Christ. We saw several times in the book of Acts that when the
Christians all had the same mind, there were many who became Christians because the
Christians were all praying and witnessing. We also see that there will be great
rejoicing when all Christians have the same mind. People of all tribes and races will be
praising God together because they have become one through Christ. We will all be
filled with joy and peace as we witness together through the power of the Holy Spirit.
25. Read Romans 15:1-13 and write with what the God of hope wants to fill our lives.
26. Explain how the power of the Holy Spirit can cause Christians to be filled with joy
and peace and be full of hope.


27. Explain what lessons you have learned for your own life about depending on the
power of the Holy Spirit to change you life instead of trying to change through your
own efforts.
Paul goes on to tell the reason that he had written this letter to the Romans. He wrote to
them because he was sure that they wanted to teach and encourage each other. As a
result, Paul also wanted to share with the Christians in Rome. He was called to take the
Gospel to the Gentiles and he wanted to share what the Holy Spirit had taught him with
Gentiles in all parts of the world. The reason he had not come to Rome was due to the
fact that he wanted to preach the Gospel to those who had never heard. Now Paul had
taken the Gospel to all the places from Jerusalem to the northwest edge of Greece. The
only places to go now were past Rome.
28. Read Romans 15:14-33 and write what country Paul wanted to visit that he had
never visited before.
29. Explain why Christians that are full of goodness and knowledge are able to
admonish one another effectively.
30. Explain what lessons you learn for your own life from the fact that Paul was
concerned to help the Gentiles become obedient to God both in word and in deed.
We see that the desire of Paul was to continue to take the Gospel to places where they
had never heard about Christ. He was not satisfied to continue to preach to those who
had already heard about Christ. He wanted others to hear also. Here we have an
example for us today. We should not be satisfied to only witness to those who come to
us. Instead our desire should be to continually take the Gospel to those who have never
understood what it means to follow Christ. As we take the Gospel to others, we will
also be filled with joy.
31. Read Romans 15:14-33 and write where Paul was going before he came to Rome.
32. Explain why Christians should be concerned about those who have not yet heard the
Gospel and do whatever they can to help them hear.
33. Explain what you learn from Paul about your personal responsibility to take the
Gospel to those who have not yet heard.
The people who had become Christians in the places where Paul preached the Gospel
were concerned about the needs of the Christians in Jerusalem. The new Christians had
collected a large gift of money to send to the Christians in Jerusalem. Since the Jews in
Jerusalem had used everything they had to help take the Gospel to other places, the
Christians in other places now wanted to share what they had to meet the physical needs
of the Christians in Jerusalem. Here we see a real example of Christian love. The love
of Christ should make us want to share when we see other Christians who have needs.
34. Read Romans 15:14-33 and write what Paul asked the Christians in Rome to do for
him as he went to Jerusalem.
35. Explain why the Christians in Macedonia and Achaia give an example for all
Christians by their concern for other Christians.
36. Explain what you learn from these verses about your responsibility to share with
other Christians when they have a need.


In the final chapter of Romans, we see that Paul sends greetings to many Christians in
the city of Rome. Many of these people were probably those who had become
Christians in other cities when Paul witnessed to them. They had moved to Rome and
witnessed there. Two of these people we met in our study of the book of Acts. Paul had
lived with Priscilla and Aquila when he first started preaching in the city of Corinth.
They had helped Paul establish the church in Corinth. Later they had helped Paul
establish the church in the city of Ephesus. Now we see that they had moved to Rome
and established a church in their house. This is the way the early church spread.
Whenever a Christian moved to another area, he would establish a church in his house.
When the church grew too large for one house, part of the Christians would go and
establish churches in other houses.
37. Read Romans 16:1-27 and write what Paul warns us to do with men who cause
divisions by teaching false doctrine.
38. Explain how Aquila and Priscilla provide an example for all Christians about the
way to spread the Gospel.
39. Explain what lessons you learn for your own ministry to Christians in other areas by
the fact that Paul took time to greet many individual Christians by name.
Today there are many people who are trying to divide the church by teaching false
doctrine. Such people are serving themselves instead of Christ. They want to get
people to follow them. Often they are very good speakers so it is easy for them to get
many people to follow them. However, they lead men away from Christ. Paul warns us
to seek the good things and avoid the things that are evil. The final part of the letter
gives the names of several that wanted to send their greetings to the church in Rome.
One of those who sent greetings was Gaius. It was in his house that the church met.
Another who said hello to the Christians was the one who did the writing for Paul.
40. Read Romans 16:1-27 and write the name of the man who did the writing for Paul.
41. Explain what these verses teach is one of the primary reasons that false teachers try
to cause divisions between Christians.
42. Explain what lessons you learn for your own life from the fact that Paul says he
wants us to be wise toward the things that are good and ignorant concerning the
things that are evil.
Lessons are best learned when we put them into practice. In the chapters that we have
studied in this lesson, we have seen that we are to have a real concern to help other
Christians in their spiritual growth. We are not to judge them when they have different
opinions about what is right and what is wrong. Instead we are to help weaker
Christians in their growth. We also saw that the great concern of Paul was to help
Christians everywhere in their spiritual growth. This week pray each day that the Lord
will lead you to at least two Christians that you can help in their spiritual growth.
Now reread Romans 14:1-16:27 and write down the three most important lessons that
you learned from these chapters today.


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