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1466687272-A Bill Valuation and Valuers Registration Act Final Iliyounganishwa 20 Mei Corrected After KB 19 Mei

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ISSN 0856 - 035X


20th May, 2016


to the Gazette of the United Republic of Tanzania No.21. Vol.97 dated 20th May, 2016
Printed by the Government Printer, Dar es Salaam by Order of Government


1. Short title and commencement
2. Application
3. Interpretation
4. The Chief Valuer
5. Appointment of Chief Valuer
6. Powers and functions of Chief Valuer
7. Verification of valuation report
8. Appointment of Assistants Chief Valuer
9. Governmet valuers
10. Authorized valuers
11. Power to delegate
12. Establishment of the Board
13. Composition of the Board
14. Functions of the Board
15. Committees of the Board

The Valuation and Valuers Registration Act

16. Power to delegate functions
17. Power to conduct inquiries
18. Secrecy
19. Unfair competition in valuation practice
20. Practice, ethics and conduct
21. Investigation of complaints
22. Decision by the Board
23. Appointment and functions of Registrar
24. Secretariat
(a) General Requirements
25. Prohibition for practising as valuer without certificate
26. Application and qualifications for registration of valuers

(b) Categories of Valuers Registration

27. Categories of registration
28. Full registered valuer
29. Temporary registered valuer
30. Provisionally registered valuer
(c) Granting and Refusal of Application
31. Grant of Practising Certificate
32. Refusal of an application
33. Appeal to the Minister
34. Validity of practising certificate
35. Renewal of certificate
(d) Rights, Privileges, Designation of valuers and Enlistment
36. Rights and privileges of registered valuers
37. Designation upon registration
38. Enlisting of valuers

The Valuation and Valuers Registration Act

39. Register
40. Publication of list of registered valuers
41. Inspection of the Register
42. Registration of documents received in evidence

(e) Suspension, Cancellation and Publication of Certificates

43. Suspension of certificate
44. Cancellation of practising certificate
45. Publication of suspension or cancellation of certificate
46. Publication as evidence of holding practising certificate
47. Guidance on Valuation Practice
48. Types of Valuation
49. Purposes of valuation
50. Basis of Valuation
51. Methods of Valuation
52. Validity of valuation
53. Cut off date and limitation period
54. Best practice guidelines
55. Access to land, buildings, etc
56. Submission of relevant information
57. Valuer not to act as agent for unregistered valuer

58. Sources of funds
59. Accounts
60. Audit
61. Annual performance report

The Valuation and Valuers Registration Act

62. Restriction on the use of title and practice by unregistered valuers
63. Certification of valuation report
64. Valuation fees
65. Infringement by bodies corporate
66. Preparation of Code of Ethics
67. Offences
68. Negligence by registered valuer
69. Immunity
70. Regulations
71. Rules
72. Savings and transition
73. Amendment of other written related laws

The Valuation and Valuers Registration Act


This Bill to be submitted to the National Assembly is published for

general information to the general public together with a statement of its
objects and reasons.

Dar es Salaam,
17th May, 2016

Secretary to the Cabinet

An Act to provide for powers and functions of Chief Valuer of the
Government; to establish the Valuers Registration Board; to
provide for the functions and management of the Board; to
provide for regulation and control of valuation profession and
practice; and to provide for related matters.
Short title and


1. This Act may be cited as the Valuation and

Valuers Registration Act, 2016 and shall come into
operation on such date as the Minister may, by Notice
published in the Gazette, appoint.
2. This Act shall apply in Tanzania Mainland.
3. In this Act, unless the context otherwise
association means an association formed by persons
practising valuation and allied practice;
Assistant Chief Valuer means a person appointed as

The Valuation and Valuers Registration Act

Assistant Chief Valuer of the Government
pursuant to section 8;
Authorized valuer means a valuer authorized under
section 10 to carry out valuation functions;
Board means the Valuers Registration Board established
under section 12;
certificate means a practising certificate issued under
this Act;
Chairman means the Chairman of the Board and
includes a Vice Chairman or a person appointed to
act as such;
Chief Valuer means the person appointed as Chief
Valuer of the Government pursuant to section 5;
client means a person who requests valuation to be
carried out by a registered valuer under this Act;
comparable property means a property that shares
common features with the property under
Government valuer means a valuer employed by the
Government and who discharge duties pursuant to
section 9;
Cap. 113
land has the same meaning ascribed to it by the Land
market value means the estimated amount for which an
asset should
exchange on the date of valuation
between a willing buyer and a willing seller after
proper marketing wherein the parties had each
acted knowledgeably, prudently, and without
Minister means the Minister responsible for lands;
property means interests, rights and benefits related to
the ownership of physical land and
improvements thereon, or movable assets;
registered valuer means a person registered as valuer to
carry out valuation under this Act;
Registrar means a Registrar of the Board appointed
pursuant to section 23;
technician valuer means a person who is enlisted as
technician valuer under this Act;
valuation means a process in which the value of an

The Valuation and Valuers Registration Act

interest in property is assessed by the valuer;
valuation practice means a system where a valuer
determines value of an interest in landed and non
landed property, business, ownership or user
valuer means a person who holds a degree or
equivalent in valuation from a recognized
university or institute.
Chief Valuer

4. There shall be a Chief Valuer within the

Ministry responsible for lands who shall be responsible
for advising the Government on all matters relating to
valuation practice and activities.

Appointment of
Chief Valuer

5.-(1) The Chief Valuer shall be appointed by the

President from amongst public servants.
(2) A person is qualified to be appointed as Chief
Valuer if that person(a) holds at least masters degree or equivalent
qualification in valuation from a recognized
(b) have experience in the field of valuation for
not less than ten years; and
(c) is of a proven probity.

Powers and
functions of
Chief Valuer

6.-(1) The Chief Valuer shall be the principal

advisor to the Government on all matters relating to
valuation, and the Head of the Valuation Department
within the Ministry, and shall have the following
(a) to advise the Government on valuation matters
and activities, including valuation rates in
purchase and dispose of Government
(b) to carry out valuation of properties or other
assets upon request from the Government,

The Valuation and Valuers Registration Act

institutions, individuals and members of the
(c) to carry out research and maintain a valuation
data bank for the use by valuers and members
of the public;
(d) to prepare and maintain a data base on
property transaction or related data relating to
the Government;
(e) to prepare and submit to the Minister, quarterly
reports on valuation activities;
(f) notify the Board or other relevant authority on
any professional misconduct committed by a
registered or enlisted valuer;
(g) manage complaints arising out of Government
(h) to carry out or cause to be carried out, oversee
and approve or endorse all valuation reports
prescribed under this Act; and
(i) to perform any other function as may be
assigned by the Minister.
(2) In performing functions under subsection (1),
the Chief Valuer shall have powers to(a) impose fees in respect of services rendered by
Government valuers as may be prescribed by
the Minister;
(b) recommend to the relevant disciplinary
authority, measures to be taken against
Government valuer or enlisted valuer;
(c) appoint or approve valuers for specific
valuation assignment as may be required.
Verification of
valuation report

7.-(1) Where the Chief Valuer is satisfied that the

valuation was not properly conducted, he may(a) disapprove the valuation report; or
(b) visit the property which is a subject of
valuation for the purpose of verification.
(2) Where, upon verification of the valuation under
subsection (1), the Chief Valuer is satisfied that the
valuation is not in compliance with valuation guidelines,
he may8

The Valuation and Valuers Registration Act

(a) recommend to the relevant disciplinary
authority on measures to be taken against such
registered valuer;
(b) assign another registered valuer to conduct
valuation on the property.
Appointment of
Assistants Chief

8.-(1) There shall be such number of Assistants

Chief Valuer who shall be appointed through recruitment
procedures in terms of the Public Service Act, and who
shall assist the Chief Valuer in the performance of his
functions under this Act.
(2) A person is qualified to be appointed as an
Assistant Chief Valuer if that person is a valuer who
possesses qualification set out in section 5(2).
(3) An Assistant Chief Valuer shall be responsible
to the Chief Valuer and shall perform functions as may be
assigned to him by the Chief Valuer.
(4) Assistants Chief Valuer shall be located in such
zonal offices or in any areas as the Chief Valuer may


9.-(1) There shall be Government valuers who

shall be appointed or employed in accordance with the
Public Service Act, and who shall undertake valuation
functions in the public sectors in the Ministries,
Departments, Government Institutions and local
government authorities.
(2) The Government valuers shall practice
valuation under directives and supervision of the Chief


10.-(1) For the better and effective carrying out his

functions under this Act, the Chief Valuer may appoint
any fully registered valuer to be an Authorized valuer.
(2) Authorized valuers shall be responsible for
discharging functions in such Regions or Districts as the
Chief Valuer may prescribe in the letter of appointment.
(3) In performing functions under this Act, an
Authorized valuer shall be responsible to Assistant Chief

The Valuation and Valuers Registration Act

(4) An appointment of Authorized valuer under
this section shall be published in the Gazette.
Power to

11.-(1) For purposes of effective carrying out of

his functions under this Act, the Chief Valuer may
delegate his functions to Assistant Chief Valuer or
Authorized valuer appointed under this Act.
(2) Any such delegation may be made in respect
of any particular matter or any class of matters or
generally or may be limited to any part of Tanzania
(3) Any delegation made under this section shall
be revocable at will and shall not prevent the exercise or
performance of any powers, duties or functions of the
Chief Valuer.

Establishment of
the Board

Cap. 5

12.-(1) There shall be established a Board to be

known as the Valuers Registration Board.
(2) The Board shall be a body corporate with
perpetual succession, common seal and in its name, be
capable of (a) suing and being sued;
(b) acquiring, holding and disposing of real and
personal property;
(c) entering into any contract or other transaction,
and doing or suffering to do all such other acts
and things which a body corporate may
lawfully do;
(d) exercising the powers and performing the
functions conferred to it under this Act.
(3) Notwithstanding subsection (2), the Attorney
General shall have the right to intervene in any suit or
matter instituted by or against the Board.
(4) Where the Attorney General intervenes in any
suit or matter the provisions of the Government
Proceedings Act shall apply in relation to the proceedings

The Valuation and Valuers Registration Act

of that suit or matter as if the suit or matter had been
instituted by or against the Government.
(5) For purposes of subsection (3), the Board shall
have the duty to notify the Attorney General on any
impending suit or matter by or against the Board.
(6) Procedure for the conduct of business by the
Board shall be as stipulated in the First Schedule.
Composition of
the Board

13.-(1) The Board shall consist of not more than

nine members appointed by the Minister as follows:
(a) the Chairman,
(b) a senior registered valuer from the Ministry
responsible for land;
(c) one registered valuer working with the local
government nominated by the Ministry
responsible for local government;
(d) a representative of an association of valuers;
(e) a representative of institutions of higher
learning offering valuation profession training;
(f) a representative of private valuation firms;
(g) a Law Officer nominated by the Attorney
(h) an accountant specialised in finance nominated
by the Ministry responsible for finance; and
(i) a land surveyor from the Ministry responsible
for lands.
(2) Except for a member nominated under
paragraphs (g), (h) and (i) of subsection (1), a person shall
not be appointed to the Board unless the person is a valuer
registered under this Act.
(3) Registrar shall be the Secretary to the Board.
(4) The Board may co-opt the Chief Valuer or any
other person to assist the Board on deliberation of any
issue or matter that requires the persons skills, expertise
or advice, but the co-opted person shall have no right to
vote in any meeting of the Board.

Functions of the

14.- (1) The Board shall perform the following

(a) register valuers and enlist technician valuers

The Valuation and Valuers Registration Act

under this Act;
(b) issue certificate to persons qualified to practice
(c) evaluate academic and practical qualification
for the purposes of registration;
(d) publish in the Gazette and a daily news paper
of wide circulation in each year, a list
containing the name, address and qualifications
of all registered valuers on the Register;
(e) exercise effective disciplinary control over the
professional ethics and conduct of valuation
(f) promote
advancement with regard to the practice of the
valuation profession;
(g) in matters relating to valuation practise, to
receive and determine complains raised from
Chief Valuer, practising valuers of the
Government and general public;
(h) consult with institutions that train valuers and
associations with the view to ensuring
adherence to rules of best practice;
(i) organise courses, conferences, seminars,
discussions and consultations
on matters
relating to valuation;
(j) create enabling environment that facilitates
professional advancement of Registered
(k) conduct regular Continuing Professional
(l) arrange for publication and dissemination of
materials regarding the practice of valuation;
(m) ensure that valuation practice is undertaken in
conformity with laid down valuation standards;
(n) conduct regular quality control of valuations
carried out by practising valuers at a frequency
determined by the Board, and take appropriate
actions; and
(o) to carry out such other functions as the
Minister may direct.

The Valuation and Valuers Registration Act

(2) In performing its functions under subsection
(1), the Board shall(a) instil confidence in the operations and
management of the valuation profession;
(b) ensure that the operation of valuation practice
is performed with uniform and by honest and
competent persons;
(c) protect the interests of consumers of valuation
(d) enhance public knowledge, awareness and
understanding of the valuation with particular
reference to(i) the rights and obligations of consumers
of and valuers as providers of valuation
(ii) the ways in which complaints and
disputes may be resolved.
Committees of
the Board

15.-(1) For purpose of effective carrying out its

functions under this Act, the Board may form such
number of committees.
(2) Without prejudice to subsection (1), the
Committees shall include(a) Technical Committee;
(b) Continuing Professional Education and
Examinations Committee;
(c) Ethics and Disciplinary Committee;
(d) Arbitration Committee; and
(e) any other committee that the Board may

Power to

16.-(1) The Board may delegate its functions under

this Act to the Committee of the Board:
Provided that no such delegation shall be made by
the Board on functions or duties relating to(a) admission of applicants for registration;
(b) approval of annual budgets, work programmes
or accounts;
(c) disciplinary measures of valuers.
(2) Without prejudice to the provisions of sub13

The Valuation and Valuers Registration Act

section (1), the committee may co-opt members out of the
Board for the purposes of discharge of its duties.
Power to

17.-(1) The Board may, on its own motion or upon

directives in writing by the Minister, conduct an inquiry
on a specific subject matter prescribed by the Minister or
where the Board considers it necessary or desirable for the
purpose of carrying out its functions.
(2) The Minister may specify in a direction under
subsection (1) time within which the Board shall submit
its report on the inquiry and the Board shall submit its
report to the Minister within that time.
(3) Where the inquiry is intended to involve the
public, the Board shall issue notice of such inquiry in the
Gazette and in a newspaper of wide circulation in
Tanzania Mainland specifying the purpose of the inquiry,
the time within which submission may be made to the
Board, the form or manner in which submission shall be
made, the subject matter of the inquiry and the source of
such inquiry.
(4) For the purpose of the proceedings at any
inquiry to be held by the Board(a) the Chairman shall administer oaths in
accordance with the provisions of the Oath and
Statutory Declaration Act and in the name of
the Board, issue summons under his hand
directing the person named to attend at the time
and place mentioned and give evidence or
produce documents specified in the notice;
(b) the Board shall have powers to make any such
order as to payment by any party of any costs
or witness expenses as it may think fit, and any
such order shall be enforceable to the same
extent and in the same manner as an order for
costs made by the High Court;
(c) subject to the preceding provisions of this
section and to any rules made therein, the
Board shall have power, at any inquiry by the
Board to regulate its own procedure; and
(d) the Board may direct the publication, in such

The Valuation and Valuers Registration Act

terms and manner as it may think fit, of a
report of any inquiry held by the Board.

18. Except for the purposes of the performance of

his functions, when so required by law or authorized by
the Board or Chief Valuer, no member of the Board, staff
of the Board or registered valuer shall disclose any
information relating to valuation report in respect of a
client acquired in the course of employment or the
discharge of his duties.

competition in

19.-(1) The Board shall deal with all competition

issues which may arise in the course of performance of
valuation functions, and may investigate and report on
such issues to the Fair Competition Commission or any
other relevant authority in relation to(a) any contravention of the Fair Competition Act;
(b) actual or potential competition in any market
for services provided by Valuers; and
(c) any detriment likely to result to the members of
the public.
(2) The Board shall, in conducting investigation
under this section, take into account(a) whether the conditions for effective
competition exist in relation to the provision of
services by way of valuation work in the
(b) whether any exercise by the Board of its
powers is likely to cause any lessening of
competition or additional costs in valuation and
is likely to be detrimental to the public;
(c) whether any such detriment to the public is
likely to outweigh any benefits to the public
resulting from the exercise of its powers by the

Cap. 285


The Valuation and Valuers Registration Act

Practice, ethics
20. Every registered valuer or enlisted valuer shall
and conduct
have the obligation to conduct affairs of the profession
with the highest degree of honesty, skill and integrity and
shall be required to observe the code of conduct and ethics
prescribed under this Act.
Investigation of

21.-(1) Where a complaint is lodged to the Board

against any registered valuer or enlisted valuer, the Board
may cause an investigation to be conducted into such
complaint by a Disciplinary Committee of the Board.
(2) The Disciplinary Committee shall conduct a
preliminary investigation in a manner it sees fit and submit
to the Board the investigation report.
(3) The Disciplinary Committee may, in the
process of investigation, invite any person to provide
expertise as may be required.

Decision by the

22.-(1) The Board may, upon receiving a report

from the Disciplinary Committee(a) consider the report and determine the matter; or
(b) cause the inquiry to be conducted into the
(2) The Board may make rules prescribing the
conduct of investigation and inquiry under this Act.

and functions of

23.-(1) The Minister may, after consultation with a

Board, appoint a fully registered valuer to be the Registrar.
(2) The Registrar shall be the Chief Executive
Officer, and shall be responsible for the day to day
management of activities of the Board.
(3) The Registrar shall hold office for a term of
three years, and may, subject to his satisfactory
performance, be eligible for reappointment for one further
term of three years.
(4) Functions of the Registrar shall be to(a) effect registration of valuers and enlistment
of technician valuers as approved and
directed by the Board;
(b) prepare various reports and other documents

The Valuation and Valuers Registration Act

on valuation matters for deliberation by the
(c) arrange and keep minutes of the Board;
(d) keep and maintain the Register under the
directives of the Board;
(e) effect suspension or cancellation of
certificates issued to registered valuers and
enlisted technicians as directed by the Board;
(f) facilitate communication on behalf of the
Board between the Board and valuers, Chief
Valuers and other institutions;
(g) issue valuation certificate after approval of
the Board; and
(h) perform other functions as may be from time
to time specified by the Board.
(5) In performing functions under this Act, the
Registrar shall be responsible to the Board.

24.-(1) There shall be the Secretariat of the Board

composed of the Registrar and such number of staff
appointed or employed on such terms as the Board shall
(2) Staff appointed or employed under this Act
shall be responsible to the Registrar and shall discharge
such functions as the Registrar may determine.
(a) General Requirements

Prohibition for
practising as
valuer without

25.-(1) A person or firm shall not undertake any

activity relating to valuation under this Act without a
certificate issued by the Board.
(2) A person or firm who contravenes this section
commits an offence and shall, upon conviction, be liable
to(a) in the case of an individual, a fine of not less
than five million shillings and not exceeding
twenty million shillings, or to imprisonment for

The Valuation and Valuers Registration Act

a term of not less than two years but not
exceeding five years, or both;
(b) in the case of body corporate, a fine of not less
than twenty million shillings.
Application and
for registration
of valuers

Cap. 212

26.-(1) A person who wishes to be registered as a

valuer under this Act shall apply to the Board in a
prescribed form and upon payment of a prescribed fee.
(2) A person shall be eligible to be registered as
valuer under this Act if the person(a) is a holder of at least a first degree in real
estate with specialization in valuation or
equivalent from a university or institute
recognized by the Board as furnishing
sufficient guarantee of the possession of the
requisite knowledge and skill for the practice
of valuation, and;
(b) has complied with such addition requirements
relating to the acquisition of practical
experience in valuation and any other
additional requirements specified by the Board.
(3) A firm shall be eligible to be registered as a
consulting firm if(a) is incorporated as a body corporate under the
Companies Act;
(b) the person or principals of the firm are
registered with the Board as registered valuers.
(4) The Board may require an applicant for
registration under this section to satisfy the Board that his
professional and general conduct renders him fit and
proper person to be registered.
(b) Categories of Valuers Registration

Categories of

27.-(1) Registration of valuers shall be based on

the following categories:
(a) full registration;
(b) temporary registration;
(c) provisional registration; and
(d) any other additional category or categories as

The Valuation and Valuers Registration Act

the Board may prescribe.
(2) The Board may set additional qualification
necessary for registration in each category.
Full registered

28. A person may be registered as a fully

registered valuer after satisfying the Board that the person
has(a) met the conditions of registration prescribed
under section 26(2);
(b) three or more years of practical experience;
(c) passed examinations conducted by the Board;
(d) is a citizen of Tanzania.

registered valuer

A person may be registered as a
temporarily registered valuer after satisfying the Board
that the person(a) is not citizen of Tanzania;
(b) has met the conditions of registration
prescribed under section 26(2);
(c) intends to be employed in Tanzania as a valuer
for purpose of carrying out a specific valuation
assignment for a period not exceeding one
(d) is of good standing and is fully registered
valuer in a home country or in any prior
country of practice.
(2) The Board may require an applicant for
registration under this section to appear before it or
produce documents relating to his education, work or
employment, or other matter relevant to the application.
(3) The registration of a person under this section
shall be valid only while the person is engaged on the
specific assignment in question, or for the period specified
by the Board, as the case may be, and on his ceasing to be
so engaged or on the expiry of the period, his registration
shall cease to have effect.
(4) A person registered under this section shall be
considered as registered in relation to the duration of the
specific assignment or the period specified by the Board

The Valuation and Valuers Registration Act

and to activities done in the course of such assignment.
registered valuer

30.- (1) A person shall be eligible for registration

under this category if the person(a) is the holder of a degree in valuation from a
university or institute recognized by the
relevant authority;
(b) does not have practical experience that may
qualify the person to be fully registered under
this Act;
(c) has complied with any additional requirements
as may be specified by the Board.
(2) A person registered under this section shall
work under supervision of a fully registered valuer or
temporarily registered valuer for not less than three years,
and shall not be allowed to endorse valuation report.
(c) Granting and Refusal of Application

Grant of

31. Where the Board is satisfied that an applicant

has met all requirements for registration under this Act
and is qualified for registration, the Board shall, within
sixty days from the date of receiving application, direct
the Registrar to enter the particulars of the applicant in the
Register and proceed to issue the successful applicant with
a practising certificate.

Refusal of an

32.-(1) The Board may refuse an application if(a) an application is defective in material
(b) the applicant has provided false or misleading
(c) the applicant was convicted of any criminal
offence relating to corruption, tax evasion or
any other related offence and sentenced to
imprisonment for a term of six months or more.
(2) Where the Board has refused an application,
the Board shall within seven days from the date of its
decision, notify the applicant in writing stating the reasons
for such refusal.

The Valuation and Valuers Registration Act

Appeal to the

33.-(1) Any applicant who is not satisfied with the

decision of the Board may, within twenty one days from
the date receiving notification under section 32(2), appeal
to the Minister.
(2) On receipt of the appeal, the Minister shall,
within thirty days consider and determine the appeal.
(3) In determining the appeal the Minister may(a) uphold, quash or vary the decision of the
(b) require the Board to revise or review its
(c) require the Board to inquire into specific
information from the appellant and make
further consideration of the application.
(4) Where the Minister upholds, quashes or varies
the decision of the Board, shall give reasons for the

Validity of

34.-(1) Every practising certificate shall bear the

date on which it is issued and shall have effect from that
(2) The practising certificate shall be valid for one
year and may be renewed upon payment of prescribed fees
and fulfilment of such other requirements as may be
prescribed by the Board.
(3) The Registrar shall cause to be published in
the Gazette and a newspaper of wide circulation, the name
and address of a valuer in respect of whom a certificate
has been issued.

Renewal of

35.-(1) The holder of a certificate granted under

this Part may apply to the Board for renewal.
(2) On receipt of an application under subsection
(1), the Board may renew the certificate upon(a) payment of renewal fee; and
(b) fulfillment of such terms and conditions
applicable for grant of certificate.
(d) Rights, Privileges, Designation of valuers and Enlistment

The Valuation and Valuers Registration Act

Rights and
privileges of

A registered valuer who is granted a
practising certificate shall be entitled to practice valuation
for gain, demand, sue for and recover in any court
charges for any valuation service rendered or supplied by


37.-(1) Every professional valuer shall, so long as

the validity of his registration subsists, be entitled to be
addressed as, and to adopt and use the style and title(a) in the case of a registered valuer registered
under section 28 Fully Registered Valuer;
(b) in the case of a registered valuer registered
under section 29, Temporarily Registered
Valuer; and
(c) in the case of a registered valuer registered
under section 30, Provisionally Registered
or such other style and title as the Board may approve.
(2) A person shall not be allowed to take or use
any title or description other than that of registration.

Enlisting of

38.-(1) Subject to this Act, a person shall not

offer assistance in inspection, carrying out valuation or
preparation of valuation report unless the person has been
enlisted by the Board.
(2) A person is qualified to be enlisted under this
section if the person has(a) a diploma or certificate in real estate with
specialization in valuation from a recognized
(b) complied with any additional requirements as
the Board may determine.
(3) Upon enlisting of a valuer and payment of the
prescribed fees, the Registrar shall issue a certificate of
enlisting in the prescribed form.
(4) The Registrar shall cause to be published in
the Gazette, as soon as practicable after enlisting, the
particulars entered in the list in respect of each person and,
subject to the directions of the Board, any amendment or

The Valuation and Valuers Registration Act

revocation of the particular in the list.
(5) Every enlisted valuer shall, so long as validity
of his enlistment subsists, be entitled to be addressed as,
and adopt the style and title of Technician Valuer.
(e) Register

39.-(1) The Registrar shall keep and maintain the

Register of all registered valuers and firms in accordance
with the provisions of this Act and directives of the Board.
(2) The Register for valuers shall contain the
following entries
(a) registration numbers;
(b) the name and postal address of the Registered
(c) the qualifications of the Registered Valuer;
(d) the date of the entry in the Register;
(e) the category in which the Registered Valuer is
(f) duration of registration where applicable; and
(g) any other information as may be prescribed by
the Registrar.
(3) The register for firms shall contain(a) name of the firm;
(b) date of entry;
(c) registration number;
(d) postal and physical address;
(e) date and number of certificate of
incorporation; and
(f) any other additional information as the Board
may prescribe.

Publication of
list of registered

40. The Registrar shall annually, publish in the

Gazette and a newspaper of wide circulation, a list of all
registered and enlisted valuers appearing in the Register.

Inspection of the

41. The Register shall be a public document and

any person may inspect the Register and obtain from the
Registrar a copy, an extract or any document from the
Register upon payment of a prescribed fee.

The Valuation and Valuers Registration Act

Registration of
received in

42.-(1) The Registrars records, lists, copies, or

extracts which have been duly certified by the Registrar
shall be received as public documents in all courts,
tribunals or other bodies authorized to receive evidence of
the facts stated therein.
(2) In any legal proceedings to which a registered
valuer is not a party, the Registrar shall not be compelled
to(a) produce the Register or any document if its
contents may be proved under subsection (1);
(b) appear as a witness to prove any entry in the
Register, the matters recorded in the Register
or any document, unless for special cause or

(f) Suspension, Cancellation and Publication of Certificates

Suspension of

43. The Board may administer, caution, censure or

order suspension of practising certificate of any registered
valuer who after due inquiry by the Board(a) is found guilty of professional misconduct;
(b) has failed to meet conditions for continuing
professional education as prescribed by the
Board; or
(c) has failed to comply with terms and conditions
of the certificate.

Cancellation of

44.-(1) The Board may cancel registration

certificate of a valuer if the valuer(a) has requested his name to be removed from
the Register;
(b) has completed a valuation assignment for
which temporary registration was requested;
(c) is convicted of a criminal offence, relating to
corruption, tax evasion or any other related
offence and sentenced to imprisonment for a
term of six months or more;


The Valuation and Valuers Registration Act

(d) is declared bankrupt by a court of competent
jurisdiction or under any written laws;
(e) has committed gross professional misconduct
as determined by the Board;
(f) is, subject to medical recommendation,
incapable to continue practising valuation; or
(g) is dead.
(2) Except where the registered person is dead or
has requested his certificate to be cancelled, a certificate
shall not be cancelled unless thirty days notice issued by
Registrar is served to the registered valuer to show cause
as to why his certificate should not be cancelled.
(3) Cancellation of the practising certificate shall
be prima facie evidence that such valuer is no longer
(4) A valuer who is aggrieved with the decision of
the Board to suspend or cancel certificate may, within
thirty days from the date of such decision, appeal to the
Minister who shall determine the appeal within thirty
Publication of
suspension or
cancellation of

45.-(1) Where a practising certificate of a

registered valuer has been suspended or cancelled, the
Registrar shall cause a note of the suspension or
cancellation to be entered against the name of the
registered valuer in the Register and be published in
(2) Where the suspension or cancellation is lifted,
the Registrar shall cause a note of lifting the suspension or
cancellation to be entered against the name of the
registered valuer on the Register and be published in

Publication as
evidence of

46.-(1) Any list published in the Gazette by the

Registrar containing names of registered valuers who have
certificates for the current year shall, until the contrary is
proved, be evidence that the persons named in the list as
registered valuers hold the certificate for that current year.
(2) The absence from any such list of the name of
any person shall, until the contrary is proved, be evidence

The Valuation and Valuers Registration Act

that, that person is not a registered valuer for that current
year, but in the case of any such person an extract from the
Register certified as correct by the Registrar shall be
evidence of the facts appearing in the extract.
Guidance on

47. Every registered valuer or person practising

valuation shall comply with guidance on valuation
practice set out under this Part and regulations made under
this Act.

Types of

48. For the purposes of this Act, valuations are

categorized into(a) statutory valuation, which is governed by a
specific law, or whose instructions or
procedures are a result of a legal requirement;
(b) non-statutory valuation, which arises out of
market demands or specific requirements and
are not governed by any law.

Purposes of

49.-(1) Every registered valuer shall, in accordance

with instructions received, indicate in a valuation report
the purposes for which a valuation is required.
(2) The carrying out of valuation shall be for the
following purposes:
(a) rating;
(b) compensation;
(c) land rent assessment;
(d) probate and administration;
(e) capital gains tax;
(f) sale or purchase;
(g) mortgage;
(h) rental value assessment;
(i) financial reporting;
(j) insurance;
(k) investment;
(l) stock market floatation;
(m) market value;

The Valuation and Valuers Registration Act

(n) bail; and
(o) any other purpose that the Board may
Basis of

50.-(1) In the course of undertaking valuation and

preparation of valuation report, a registered valuer shall
state the basis and method of valuation adopted and all
assumptions used in arriving at values.
(2) For purposes of this section, bases of valuation
includes(a) market;
(b) cost; and
(c) income.
(3) Where the registered valuer relies on any
additional assumption, whether basing on his own opinion
or on the instructions of his client, the valuer shall state in
writing such additional assumptions and reasons thereof.

Methods of

51.-(1) In the valuation process, a registered valuer

shall apply the appropriate method of valuation and shall
include(a) direct market comparative method;
(b) replacement cost or contractors test method;
(c) income approach or investment method;
(d) profit method; and
(e) residual method.
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1) when other
methods or variations are applied, the methods shall be
explained and data used in the valuation shall be

Validity of

52. Valuation and valuation report prepared under

this Act shall be valid for such period as the Minister may

Cut off date and

limitation period

53.-(1) The Minister may prescribe cut off date and

the period of limitation in relation to any proceeding that
relates to valuation conducted under this Act.
(2) For the purpose of this section cut off date
means the date of the commencement of valuation.

The Valuation and Valuers Registration Act

Best practice

54. Upon recommendation of the Board, the

Minister shall, within six months after the coming into
operation of this Act, prepare and publish in the Gazette
guidelines prescribing best practice in valuation.

Access to land,
buildings, etc

55.-(1) A registered valuer may:

(a) when necessary for the purposes of carrying
out his functions under this Act, enter into and
upon any land, building or premise at all
reasonable hours and inspect the same without
liability for trespass;
(b) put either verbally or in writing to the owner or
his agent or the person in occupation or in
charge of that land, building or premise, any
relevant question to enable him to perform his
functions under this Act professionally; or
(c) inspect any document from any person for the
purpose of carrying out his functions under this
(2) Any person who, after being informed of the
intention of the registered valuer in desiring to enter and
inspect the land, building or premises, or in putting the
questions or in seeking to inspect such documents relevant
to the performance of his functions under this Act(a) refuses or fails to allow such entry or
(b) refuses or willfully omits to answer to the best
of his knowledge or belief any such question
either verbally or in writing as the questioner
may have requested;
(c) willfully makes any false statement in reply to
that question; or
(d) refuses to allow such books, documents or
papers to be inspected or extracts taken there
commits an offence and shall, upon conviction, be liable
to a fine of not less than one million shillings but not
exceeding three million shillings or imprisonment for a
term of not less than twelve months but not exceeding

The Valuation and Valuers Registration Act

twenty four months or both such fine and imprisonment.
Submission of

56.-(1) The registered valuer may require the

submission to him by any person of any relevant
information necessary for the carrying out of his functions
under this Act.
(2) The information required under subsection (1)
may include(a) details of sales, purchases, results of auctions
and tenders, lettings and leases; and
(b) such other information as the registered valuer
thinks necessary for the carrying out of his
functions under this Act.
(3) Any person who refuses to submit the
information under this section within the prescribed period
or willfully supplies any false information, commits an
offence and shall, upon conviction, be liable to a fine of
not less than one million shillings but not exceeding three
million shillings or imprisonment for a term not less than
twelve months but not exceeding twenty four months or to
both such fine and imprisonment.

Valuer not to act

as agent for

57. A registered valuer who acts as agent in any

matter in a valuation for any unregistered person, and
who(a) permits his name, to be used by any
unregistered valuer;
(b) does any other act enabling an unqualified
person to appear, act or practise in any respect
as a registered valuer;
(c) in any way assists any unregistered valuer in
any cause or matter in which he knows that
such person is contravening or intends to
contravene this Act,
commits an offence and shall be liable to disciplinary
actions as the Board shall determine.


The Valuation and Valuers Registration Act

Sources of funds

58. (1) Sources of the funds of the Board shall

consist of (a) any sums which may be provided for the Board
by the Parliament;
(b) any sums which the Board may receive by way
of grant from any organization;
(c) any sums which the Board may, from time to
time, borrow for the purposes of the Board;
(d) any sums which shall, in any manner, become
payable to or vested in the Board either under
the provisions of this Act or any other written
law, or incidental to the carrying out of its
(e) subscriptions from practising valuers as may be
determined by the Board.
(2) The Board may, after obtaining approval of the
Minister and in consultation with the Minister responsible
for finance, invest any monies in such a manner as it
considers fit.


59.-(1) The Board shall keep proper books of

(2) Subject to any directions given by the Board,
the Registrar shall prepare in respect of each financial
year, and not later than three months after the close of the
financial year, a statement which shall include a report on
the performance of the Board during that financial year.
(3) The statement prepared under subsection (2)
shall comprise of(a) statement of financial performance;
(b) statement of financial position;
(c) statement of cash flows;
(d) statement of changes of equity; and
(e) notes to the financial statements.



The Valuation and Valuers Registration Act

60.-(1) The accounts of the Board shall, in respect
of each financial year, be audited by the Controller and
Auditor-General or by an Auditor appointed by the
Controller and Auditor-General.
(2) The Board shall, within three months after the
close of each financial year, submit to the Controller and
Auditor-General for auditing the statement of accounts
described in section 57 of this Act.
(3) The Board shall, as soon as practicable but not
later than two months after receiving the audited report
from the Controller and Auditor General, submit to the
Minister the audited financial statements and a report of
the Controller and Auditor General on such statements.


61. The Board shall prepare and submit to the

Minister within four months after the close of each
financial year, the annual report on the performance of the
Board during that financial year, and the Minister shall
cause a copy of the report to be laid in the National

Restriction on
the use of title
and practice by

62.-(1) Any person who, not being a registered or

enlisted under this Act (a) practises as a registered or enlisted valuer;
(b) uses the style or title Registered Valuer,
Enlisted Valuer or any other name, style, title
or description implying that such person is a
registered or enlisted valuer; or
(c) holds himself out, whether directly or by
implication, to be a registered or enlisted
commits an offence and shall, upon conviction, be liable
to a fine not exceeding shillings five million or to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or both.

The Valuation and Valuers Registration Act

(2) Subsection (1)(a) shall not apply to(a) any public officer preparing reports in the
course of his employment; or
(b) any person employed by a registered valuer
and acting within the scope of that
Certification of
valuation report

63.-(1) A registered valuer when carrying out

valuation shall endorse a seal in the valuation report
bearing his name, registration number, address and date,
or the firm, of which he is a partner or director.
(2) Where the valuation report is not endorsed in
accordance with subsection (1), that report shall be void.

Valuation fees

64.-(1) The Board shall, within one year of coming

into operation of this Act, make regulations to provide for
valuation fees in respect of valuation services rendered by
registered valuers in the private sector.
(2) A registered valuer shall not charge or accept
payment of fee or other consideration in respect of
valuation services which is less than that prescribed under
sub-section (1).

Infringement by
bodies corporate

65. Where an act is done by a body corporate or

by any director, officer or servant thereof, of such a nature
or in such a manner as to be calculated to imply that the
body corporate is qualified or recognized by law as
qualified, to act as a registered valuer while it is not, the
body corporate commits an offence and shall be liable on
conviction to a fine not exceeding fifty million shillings.

Preparation of
Code of Ethics

66.- (1) For the purpose of carrying out valuation

with probity or in order to adhere with rules of best
practice in valuation, the Board shall, within twelve
months of coming into operation of this Act, prepare Code
of Ethics for registered and enlisted valuers.
(2) The Code of Ethics prepared under this section
shall be published in the Gazette and shall have a legal


The Valuation and Valuers Registration Act

67. A person who:
(a) fraudulently makes, causes or permits to be
made, any false or incorrect entry in the
Register or any copy of it;
(b) fraudulently procures or attempts to procure
the entry on the Register of any name or other
particulars whether on his own behalf or on
behalf of any other person;
(c) fraudulently procures or attempts to procure a
practising certificate;
(d) knowingly being unqualified to conduct
valuation, attempts to carry out valuation under
this Act or conduct valuation;
(e) knowingly makes any statement which is false
in a material particular or misleading, with a
view to gaining any advantage, concession or
privilege under this Act;
(f) forges or, knowing it to be forged, utters any
document purporting to be a certificate, receipt,
approval or other document issued in terms of
this Act;
(g) impersonates any person registered or deemed
to be registered in terms of this Act;
(h) refuses or failing without lawful cause to
appear, having been duly summoned to appear,
at an inquiry by the Board under this Act;
(i) obstructs or hinders a member of the Board or
of the Disciplinary Committee or of any other
Committee of the Board in the exercise of his
powers or the performance of his functions
under this Act,
commits criminal offence upon conviction shall be liable
to a fine of not less than five million shillings or
imprisonment for a term of not less than two years or both
such fine and imprisonment.
Negligence by
registered valuer

68. Any registered valuer whose report contains

any overestimated or underestimated material particular or
information obtained in the course of valuation, and as the
result such report is approved or endorsed by the Chief

The Valuation and Valuers Registration Act

Valuer, shall be personally liable for professional
negligence arising from such overestimation or
underestimation of particulars or information.

69. No matter or thing done by any member of the

Board or committee, staff of the Board, registered valuer
or enlisted valuer or any other personal empowered to
perform any function under this Act shall, if done in good
faith in execution or purported execution of his function
under this Act, render the member or such other person
liable for matter or thing done.


70.-(1) The Minister may, after consultation with

the Board, make regulations for the better carrying out the
provisions of this Act.
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of sub section (1), the Minister may make regulations prescribing
for(a) procedure for registration and enlistment
under this Act;
(b) procedure for registration of valuation firms
under this Act;
(c) fees and other charges to be paid or charged
in respect of valuation services rendered by
Government valuers under this Act;
(d) procedure for verification of valuation under
this Act;
(e) the manner of assessing crop rates and
preparation of crop schedule;
(f) the manner of assessing crop rates and
preparation of land values;
(g) the prescribed forms to be used in carrying
out different valuations;
(h) procedure for conducting compensation,
valuation and other types of valuations;
(i) manner of assessing compensable items;
(j) best practice rules, including guidelines on
registered valuers standard of care and skill;
(k) the manner and procedure for management
of complaints and appeals under this Act;

The Valuation and Valuers Registration Act

(l) code of measurement;
(m) any other matter in furtherance to the objects
of this Act.

Savings and

Cap. 270

Amendment of
other written
related laws

71. The Board may make rules prescribing for(a) valuation standards and guidelines;
(b) format of valuation report;
(c) matters relating to registration of valuers;
(d) matters relating to continuing education; and
(e) any other matter or thing as the Board
considers necessary in furtherance to
provisions of this Act.
72.-(1) A valuer who is registered under the
Professional Surveyors (Registration) Act and whose
practising licence is valid shall continue to practise
valuation as if registered under this Act until such licence
(2) A registered valuer whose practising licence
was issued under the Profession Surveyors (Registration)
Act shall, within three months before expiry of practising
license, apply to the Board for registration under this Act.
(3) After the commencement of this Act a valuer
shall not be registered under the Professional Surveyors
(Registration) Act.
73. For the purpose of bringing the laws into
conformity with this Act, the laws as specified in the
Second Schedule to this Act are hereby amended in the
manner indicated in the Second Schedule.
(Made under section 12(6))


1.-(1) The office of a member shall become vacant

if(a) his appointment is revoked; or

The Valuation and Valuers Registration Act

(b) he resigns; or
(c) he dies.
(2) A member may resign by giving notice in
writing to the Minister, and from the date specified in the
notice, or if no date is specified, from the date of the
receipt of the notice by the Minister, he shall cease to be a

2. The members shall elect one amongst their

number to be Vice-Chairman of the Board, and any
member elected as Vice-Chairman, may subject to his
continuing to be a member, hold office for a term of three
years from the date of his election and shall be eligible for

Tenure of
office of

3. (1) A member shall hold office for such period

as may be specified in the instrument of his appointment
or if no such period is specified, for a period of three years
from the date of his appointment and shall be eligible for
reappointment for the period of not more than two terms.
(2) A person who is a member by virtue of his
holding some other office shall cease to be a member upon
his ceasing to hold the office by virtue of which he is a


4. Where any member of the Board absents

himself from three consecutive meetings of the Board
without reasonable excuse, the Board shall advise the
appointing authority of the fact and the appointing
authority may terminate the appointment of such a
member and appoint a new member in his place.


5. Where any member ceases to be a member for

any reason before the expiration of his term of office, the
appointing authority may appoint another person in his
place and the person so appointed shall hold office for the
remainder of the term of office of his predecessor.

Cessation of

6. Where any member of the Board ceases to be

such a member by resignation or death or is unable to

The Valuation and Valuers Registration Act

perform his functions as such member by reason of his
absence from the United Republic or by reason of any
infirmity of body or mind or where the appointing
authority terminates his appointment under paragraph 2,
the appointing authority may appoint another member in
his place and the member so appointed shall, subject to the
provisions of this Schedule, hold office for the remaining
of the term of his predecessor.
Power of
Chairman and

7. -(1) The Chairman shall preside at all meetings

of the Board.
(2) Where at any meeting of the Board the
Chairman is absent the Vice-Chairman shall preside.
(3) In the absence of both the Chairman and ViceChairman at any meeting of the Board, the members
presents may, from amongst their number elect a
temporary Chairman who shall preside at that meeting.
(4) The Chairman, Vice-Chairman or temporary
Chairman presiding at any meeting of the Board shall have
a right to vote and in the event of an equality of votes,
shall have a casting vote in addition to his deliberative

Meeting and
procedure of
the Board

8.-(1) An ordinary meeting of the Board, shall be

convened by the Chairman and the notice specifying the
place, date and time of the meeting shall be sent to each
member at his usual place of business or residence not less
than fourteen days before the date of such meeting.
(2) The Board shall ordinarily meet four times in a
year, but the Chairman may convene an extraordinary
meeting when the need to do so arises.
(3) The Chairman of the Board may invite any
person who is not a member to participate in the
deliberations of the Board, and any such person shall not
be entitled to vote.


9. The quorum at any meeting of the Board shall

be two thirds of the members.


The Valuation and Valuers Registration Act

Decision by
10.-(1) Notwithstanding the provision of paragraph
circulation of
7, where the Chairman so directs a decision may be made
by the Board without a meeting by circulation of the
relevant papers among all the members and the expression
in writing of their views.
(2) A member shall be entitled to require that any
such decision be differed and such matter be considered at
a meeting of the Board.
Minutes of

11.-(1) The Board shall cause to be recorded and

kept minutes of all business conducted or transacted at its
meetings, and the minutes of each meeting of the Board
shall be read and confirmed, or amended and confirmed, at
the next meeting of the Board and signed by the person
presiding at the meeting.
(2) Any minutes purporting to be signed by the
person presiding at a meeting of the Board shall, in the
absence of proof of error, be deemed to be a correct record
of the meeting whose minutes they purport to be.

Vacancies and
defects not to

12. The validity of any act or proceedings of the

Board shall not be affected by any vacancy among its
member or by any defect proceeding in the appointment of
any of them.

etc. of Board

All orders, directions, notices or other
documents made or issued on behalf of the Board shall be
signed by(a) the Chairman or Vice-Chairman, as the case
may be; and
(b) the Registrar.

Proof of the

14. Any document purporting to be under the hand

of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman or the Registrar as to any
resolution of the Board or as having been issued on behalf
of the Board, shall be receivable in all courts or tribunals
or other bodies authorized to receive evidence and shall,
unless the contrary is shown, be deemed, without further
proof, to be sufficient evidence of what is contained in the

The Valuation and Valuers Registration Act

of the Seal

15. The Seal of the Board shall not be affixed to

any deed, document and other instruments except in the
presence of the Chairman and the Registrar, or either the
Chairman or the Registrar and one other member of the
Board as the Board may appoint in that behalf.

of members of
the Board

16. A member of the Board and the Secretariat

shall be entitled to such remuneration or allowances from
the funds of the Board as the Minister may, after
consultation with the Treasury Registrar, determine.

Execution of

17. All documents to which the Board is a party

other than documents required by law to be under seal and
all decisions of the Board, may be signified under the hand
of the Registrar or other officer authorized by the Registrar
in that behalf.

Board may

18. Subject to the provisions of this Schedule, the

Board may regulate its own proceedings.
(Made under section 73)
The laws set forth are hereby amended in the manner
specified herein below.

1. The Professional Surveyor (Registration) Act is
amendedCap. 270
(a) generally by deleting the term and land economy
wherever it appears in the Act;
(b) in section 3, by deleting the interpretation of the
word professional surveyor and substituting for it

The Valuation and Valuers Registration Act

the following:
professional surveyor means a person
trained, qualified or possessing
adequate skill and experience to
enable him to practice the art of
studying in detail, and applying
precise measurements and other data,
to a portion of the surface of the earth
measurements, its form, extent,
contour surface and situation for the
purposes of(a) delineating property boundaries
and compiling data for the
registration of title to land;
(b) providing control systems for
(c) portraying on a map the physical
features of the earth or a part
(d) producing data for plans required
for construction activities; or
(e) portraying statistical and other
data on specialist maps, and
includes an appraiser, an assessor
and a land economist;
2. The Land Act is amended generally by deleting
of Cap. 113 the term qualified valuer wherever it appears in the Act
and substituting for it the term registered valuer.
of Cap. 289

3. The Urban Authorities (Rating) Act is amended(a) generally by deleting the term valuation
surveyor wherever it appears in the Act and
substituting for it the term registered valuer;
(b) in section 3, by deleting the interpretation of
the term valuation surveyor


The Valuation and Valuers Registration Act

This Bill proposes the enactment of the Valuation and Valuers
Registration Act, 2016 for purposes of regulating the valuation profession
and practice in Tanzania Mainland. This is due to the fact that, for almost
three decades the valuation activities have been undertaken under the
auspices of various legislation including the Land Act, Cap. 113, the
Urban Authorities (Rating) Act, Cap. 289, the Land Acquisition Act, Cap.
118, the Mining Act Cap. 123, the Income Tax Act, Cap. 332 and the
Professional Surveyors (Registration) Act, Cap. 270.
This lack of one comprehensive and self contained legislation
covering the valuation practices in the country has culminated into serious
challenges within the societies. Some of these challenges include the
escalation of land use disputes throughout the country caused by
unscrupulous and unethical valuers; the increasing number of unqualified
valuers who have been undertaking valuation assignments and activities
without possessing requisite academic qualifications. All these have
cascaded into causing delays in effecting compensation, the soaring of the
relevant compensation, production costs of the relevant project and delay
in undertaking the particular project or investment.
Thus, the Bill seeks to introduce a comprehensive legal framework
that will fill the gap and work as an antidote in eliminating the preceding
challenges and ensuring that land use in the country brings about positive
impact in the welfare of individual users as well as the nation in general.
For purposes of appreciating the intended objectives, the Bill is
divided into Seven Parts.
Part I of the Bill deals with preliminary provisions including the
name of the proposed Act, its application as well as interpretation of
various words and phrases that have been invariably used throughout the
Part II proposes powers and functions of Chief Valuer within the
set up of the Ministry responsible for lands. It further provides for the
appointment of the Chief Valuer, Assistants Chief Valuer, Government

The Valuation and Valuers Registration Act

Valuers as well as Authorized valuers. The proposed set up of the
Valuation Department is to the effect that Assistants Chief Valuer will be
posted in zonal offices as supervisors of valuation activities undertaken by
Government valuers and authorized valuers in local government
authorities, Regions and Districts.
Part III proposes provisions for the Valuers Registration Board,
whereby matters relating to the establishment of the Board, composition,
powers as well as functions of the Board are well spelt out. Moreover, this
Part provides for the appointment of the Registrar who shall be
responsible for the day to day activities of the Board.
Part IV of the Bill deals with Registration of Valuers, Firms and
Enlistment of valuers. In this Part, it is proposed that the registration of
valuers be limited to valuers who possess at least a first degree in real
estate management with specialization in valuation. Likewise, the
registration may be effected in three categories, that is to say, full
registration, temporary registration and provisional registration. Full
registration will be to those valuers with at least three years of working
experience beside possessing the requisite academic qualifications.
Temporary registration will be to those valuers from outside Tanzania who
are seeking to undertake a valuation assignment in Tanzania for a period
not exceeding one year. Registration of Firms is subject to the valuer
acquiring practicing certificate and being compliant to the Companies Act,
Cap 212. Finally, provisional registration is reserved for graduates and
those who have not attained the three years working experience.
On the other hand, enlistment of valuers is reserved to valuers with
certificate or diploma in valuation. The enlisted valuers or technician
valuers are allowed to act as assistants in valuation assignments under
supervision of registered valuers.
Other matters relating to granting and refusal of application for
registration, validity of practicing certificates, rights and privileges of
registered and enlisted valuers, Register, inspection of the Register as well
as suspension and cancellation of practicing certificate are provided for
under his part.
Part V provides for guidance on valuation practice, whereby
matters relating to types of valuation, purposes, bases and methods of

The Valuation and Valuers Registration Act

valuation are clearly elaborated. In addition, this Part proposes for
provisions relating to validity of valuation, cut-off date and limitation
period and other matters relating to access to land or buildings.
Part VI of the Bill deals with financial provisions, in which case
matters relating to sources of funds of the Board, accounts and audit as
well as annual performance report are well set out.
Part VII proposes for general provisions. This Part focuses on code
of ethics for Government, registered valuers, authorized valuers, valuation
fees, offences and penalties, regulations to be made by the Minister, rules
of the Board, and the savings and transition provisions.
Finally, the Bill proposes Schedules which covers matter relating
to proceeding of the Board and consequential amendments whereby all
laws which, in one way or another may be affected by the proposed Act
are also proposed to be amended. These include the Land Act, Cap. 113,
the Urban Authority (Rating) Act, Cap. 289 and the Professional
Surveyors (Registration) Act, Cap. 270.


Sheria ya Uthamini na Usajili wa Wathamini



MWAKA 2016


1. Jina na tarehe ya kuanza kutumika

2. Matumizi
3. Tafsiri
4. Mthamini Mkuu
5. Uteuzi wa Mthamini Mkuu
6. Mamlaka na majukumu ya Mthamini Mkuu
7. Uhakiki wa taarifa ya uthamini
8. Uteuzi wa Wathamini Wakuu Wasaidizi
9. Wathamini wa Serikali
10. Wathamini walioidhinishwa
11. Mamlaka ya kukasimu madaraka
12. Kuanzishwa kwa Bodi
13. Muundo wa Bodi
14. Kazi za Bodi
15. Kamati za Bodi
16. Mamlaka ya kukasimu kazi
17. Mamlaka ya kufanya uchunguzi
18. Utunzaji siri
19. Ushindani usio sawa kwenye shughuli za uthamini
20. Kazi, maadili na mienendo
21. Upelelezi wa malalamiko


Sheria ya Uthamini na Usajili wa Wathamini

22. Maamuzi ya Bodi
23. Uteuzi wa Msajili
24. Sekretarieti

(a) Mahitaji ya Jumla
25. Katazo la kufanya shughuli za uthamini bila cheti
26. Maombi na vigezo vya usajili wa wathamini
(b) Makundi ya Usajili wa Wathamini
27. Makundi ya usajili
28. Usajili kamili
29. Usajili wa muda
30. Usajili wa mpito
(c) Kukubaliwa na Kukataliwa kwa Maombi
31. Utoaji wa cheti
32. Kukataliwa maombi
33. Rufaa kwa Waziri
34. Uhalali wa cheti
35. Uhuishaji wa cheti
(d) Haki, Stahili,Vyeo vya wathamini na Uorodheshaji wathamini
36. Haki na stahili za mthamini aliyesajiliwa
37. Matumizi ya vyeo baada ya kusajiliwa
38. Uorodheshaji wathamini

(e) Rejesta
39. Rejesta
40. Uchapishaji wa orodha ya wathamini waliosajiliwa na
41. Ukaguzi wa rejesta
42. Usajili wa nyaraka zilizopokelewa kama ushahidi


Sheria ya Uthamini na Usajili wa Wathamini

(f) Kusimamishwa, kufutwa na utangazaji wa vyeti
43. Kusimamisha matumizi ya cheti
44. Kufutwa kwa cheti
45. Uchapishaji wa taarifa ya kusimamishwa au kufutwa kwa cheti
46. Kutangazwa kutakuwa ni ushahidi wa umiliki wa cheti cha
47. Mwongozo kuhusu ufanyaji wa thathmini
48. Aina za uthamini
49. Madhumuni ya kufanya uthamini
50. Vigezo vya kufanya uthamini
51. Njia za kufanya uthamini
52. Uhalali wa uthamini
53. Tarehe ya uthamini na muda wa ukomo
54. Miongozo
55. Kuingia kwenye ardhi, majengo, nk
56. Kuwasilisha taarifa muhimu
57. Mtathmini kutokuwa wakala wa mthamini asiyesajiliwa
58. Vyanzo vya fedha
59. Hesabu
60. Ukaguzi
61. Taarifa ya Mwaka ya Utekelezaji
62. Marufuku kwa mthamini aliyesajiliwa kutumia jina au kufanya
kazi za uthamini
63. Kuthibitisha ripoti ya uthamini
64. Ada ya uthamini
65. Makosa yanayofanywa na shirika
66. Uandaaji wa kanuni za maadili


Sheria ya Uthamini na Usajili wa Wathamini

67. Makosa
68. Uzembe wa msajili aliyesajiliwa
69. Kinga
70. Kanuni
71. Kanuni za Bodi
72. Masharti yanayoendelea kutumika na masharti ya mpito
73. Marekebisho ya sheria mbalimbali



Sheria ya Uthamini na Usajili wa Wathamini


Muswada huu ambao utawasilishwa Bungeni, umechapishwa kwa ajili ya

kutoa taarifa ya jumla kwa umma pamoja na maelezo ya madhumuni na
sababu zake.
Dar es Salaam,
17 Mei, 2016


Katibu wa Baraza la Mawaziri

Sheria kwa ajili ya kuainisha mamlaka na majukumu ya Mthamini
Mkuu wa Serikali; kuanzisha Bodi ya Usajili wa Wathamini;
kuainisha majukumu na muundo wa uongozi wa Bodi;
kudhibiti na kusimamia taaluma na kazi za uthamini; na
kuainisha masuala mengine yanayofanana na hayo.
IMETUNGWA NA Bunge la Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania.
Jina na tarehe ya
kuanza kutumika


1. Sheria hii itaitwa Sheria ya Uthamini na Usajili

wa Wathamini ya mwaka 2016 na itaanza kutumika
katika tarehe ambayo Waziri, kwa tangazo
litakalochapishwa kwenye Gazeti la Serikali, ataiteua.
2. Sheria hii itatumika Tanzania Bara.
3. Katika Sheria hii, isipokuwa kama muktadha
utaelekeza vinginevyochama maana yake ni chama kilichoundwa na watu
wanaofanya shughuli za uthamini na shughuli
nyingine zinazofanana na uthamini;


Sheria ya Uthamini na Usajili wa Wathamini


Sura ya 113

Mthamini Mkuu Msaidizi maana yake ni mtu

aliyeteuliwa kuwa Mthamini Mkuu Msaidizi wa
Serikali kwa mujibu wa kifungu cha 8;
Mthamini aliyeidhinishwa maana yake ni mthamini
aliyeidhinishwa chini ya kifungu cha 10 kufanya
kazi za uthamini;
Bodi maana yake ni Bodi ya Usajili wa Wathamini
iliyoanzishwa chini ya kifungu cha 12;
cheti maana yake ni cheti cha kutekeleza kazi za
uthamini kilichotolewa chini Sheria hii;
Mwenyekiti maana yake ni Mwenyekiti wa Bodi na
inajumuisha Makamu Mwenyekiti au mtu yeyote
aliyeteuliwa kwa ajili hiyo;
Mthamini Mkuu maana yake ni mtu aliyeteuliwa kama
Mthamini Mkuu wa Serikali chini ya kifungu cha
mteja maana yake ni mtu anayeomba uthamini
ufanywe na mthamini aliyesajiliwa chini ya
Sheria hii;
mali linganishi maana yake ni mali yenye sifa sawia na
mali iliyo chini ya uthamini;
mthamini wa Serikali maana yake ni mthamini
aliyeajiriwa na Serikali na ambaye anafanya kazi
kwa mujibu wa kifungu cha 9;
ardhi ina maana sawa na ile iliyotolewa katika Sheria
ya Ardhi;
thamani ya soko maana yake ni makisio ya thamani
ambayo mali itabadilishwa katika tarehe ya
uthamini baina ya mnunuzi na muuzaji baada ya
utafiti wa soko ambapo pande zote mbili
zimefikia uamuzi kwa weledi, uaminifu na bila
Waziri maana yake ni Waziri mwenye dhamana na
masuala ya ardhi;
mali maana yake ni maslahi, haki na faida
zinazohusiana na umiliki wa ardhi na maendelezo
yake au mali zinazohamishika;
mthamini aliyesajiliwa maana yake ni mtu
aliyesajiliwa kufanya shughuli za uthamini chini


Sheria ya Uthamini na Usajili wa Wathamini

ya Sheria hii;
Msajili maana yake ni Msajili wa Bodi aliyeteuliwa
chini ya kifungu cha 23;
aliyeorodheshwa kama mthamini msaidizi chini
ya Sheria hii;
uthamini maana yake ni mchakato ambapo thamani ya
maslahi katika mali, biashara, umiliki au haki za
mtumiaji inatathminiwa na mthamini;
shughuli za uthamini maana yake ni mfumo ambao
mthamini anaamua thamani ya maslahi katika
mali isiyohamishika na inayohamishika, biashara,
umiliki au haki za mtumiaji;
mthamini maana yake ni mtu mwenye shahada au sifa
ya kitaaluma inayoendana na hiyo katika masuala
ya uthamini kutoka chuo kikuu au taasisi

Mthamini Mkuu

Uteuzi wa
Mthamini Mkuu

4. Kutakuwa na Mthamini Mkuu, ndani ya
Wizara yenye dhamana na masuala ya ardhi, ambaye
atakuwa na wajibu wa kuishauri Serikali katika masuala
yote yanayohusu shughuli za uthamini.
5.-(1) Mthamini Mkuu atateuliwa na Rais kutoka
miongoni mwa watumishi wa umma.
(2) Mtu yeyote anaweza kustahili kuteuliwa
katika nafasi ya Mthamini Mkuu iwapo mtu huyo(a) ana angalau shahada ya uzamili au sifa
inayoshabihiana na hiyo kwenye masuala ya
uthamini au taaluma inayohusiana na hiyo
kutoka kwenye taasisi inayotambulika;
(b) ana uzoefu kwenye tasnia ya uthamini kwa
muda usiopungua miaka kumi;
(c) ana mwenendo unaokubalika katika jamii.


Sheria ya Uthamini na Usajili wa Wathamini

Mamlaka na
majukumu ya
Mthamini Mkuu

6.-(1) Mthamini Mkuu atakuwa ndiye mshauri

mkuu wa Serikali katika masuala yote yanayohusu
uthamini na atakuwa Mkuu wa Idara ya Mthamini Mkuu,
na atakuwa na majukumu yafuatayo:
(a) kuishauri
yanayohusu shughuli za uthamini, ikiwemo
viwango vya uthamini katika ununuzi na
uuzaji wa mali za Serikali;
(b) kufanya uthamini wa mali baada ya
kuelekezwa kufanya hivyo na Serikali, taasisi
au watu binafsi;
(c) kufanya utafiti na kutunza benki data kwa ajili
ya matumizi ya wathamini na wananchi;
(d) kuanzisha n akutunza kanzi data ya miamala
ya mali au data nyingine zinazohusu Serikali;
(e) kuandaa na kuwasilisha kwa Waziri, taarifa za
robo kuhusu shughuli za uthamini;
(f) kuijulisha Bodi au mamlaka nyingine husika
kuhusu ukiukwaji wa maadili ya kitaaluma
uliofanywa na mthamini aliyesajiliwa au
(g) kuratibu malalamiko yatokanayo na uthamini
wa Serikali;
(h) kuandaa
kusimamia na kuidhinisha taarifa zote za
uthamini; na
(i) kufanya kazi nyingine yoyote kama
atakavyoelekezwa na Waziri.
(2) Katika kutekeleza majukumu yake chini ya
kifungu kidogo cha (1), Mthamini Mkuu atakuwa na
mamlaka ya(a) kutoza
zinazotolewa na wathamini wa Serikali kama
itakavyoainishwa na Waziri;
(b) kupendekeza kwa mamlaka stahiki ya
nidhamu, hatua zinazopaswa kuchukuliwa
dhidi ya Wathamini wa Serikali au


Sheria ya Uthamini na Usajili wa Wathamini

(c) kuteua au kuidhinisha wathamini kwa ajili ya
kazi mahsusi ya uthamini itakayojitokeza.
Uhakiki wa
taarifa ya

7.-(1) Iwapo Mthamini Mkuu ameridhika

kwamba uthamini haukufanyika ipasavyo, anaweza(a) kuikataa taarifa ya uthamini; au
(b) kutembelea mali iliyohusika na uthamini kwa
madhumuni ya kufanya uhakiki.
(2) Iwapo, baada ya uhakiki wa uthamini chini ya
kifungu kidogo cha (1), Mthamini Mkuu ameridhika
kwamba uthamini haukuzingatia miongozo ya uthamini,
Mthamini Mkuu anaweza(a) kupendekeza kwa mamlaka husika ya
nidhamu, hatua zinazopaswa kuchukuliwa
dhidi ya mthamini aliyesajiliwa;
(b) kumpa mthamini mwingine aliyesajiliwa kazi
ya uthamini wa mali hiyo.

Uteuzi wa
Wakuu Wasaidizi

8.-(1) Kutakuwa na Wathamini Wakuu Wasaidizi

ambao watateuliwa kwa kuzingatia utaratibu wa uteuzi
chini ya Sheria ya Utumishi wa Umma na ambao
watamsaidia Mthamini Mkuu katika utekelezaji wa
majukumu yake chini ya Sheria hii.
(2) Mtu yeyote atastahili kuteuliwa katika nafasi
ya Mthamini Mkuu Msaidizi iwapo mtu huyo ana sifa
zilizoainishwa kwenye kifungu cha 5(2).
(3) Mthamini Mkuu Msaidizi atawajibika kwa
Mthamini Mkuu na atafanya kazi atakazopangiwa na
Mthamini Mkuu.
(4) Wathamini Wakuu Wasaidizi watakuwepo
kwenye ofisi za kanda au katika maeneo yoyote ambayo
Mthamini Mkuu ataamua.

Wathamini wa

9.-(1) Kutakuwa na wathamini wa Serikali

ambao watateuliwa au kuajiriwa kwa kuzingatia Sheria
ya Utumishi wa Umma na ambao watafanya kazi kwenye
sekta ya Umma, Wizara, idara na taasisi za Serikali na
mamlaka za serikali za mitaa.
(2) Wathamini wa Serikali watatekeleza shughuli

Sheria ya Uthamini na Usajili wa Wathamini

za uthamini kwa maelekezo na usimamizi wa Mthamini

10.-(1) Kwa madhumuni ya utekelezaji bora wa

majukumu yake chini ya Sheria hii, Mthamini Mkuu
anaweza kumteua mthamini yeyote mwenye usajili
kamili kuwa mthamini muidhinishwa.
(2) Mthamini aliyeidhinishwa atatekeleza
majukumu yake katika Mikoa au Wilaya kama ambavyo
Mthamini Mkuu ataelekeza kwenye barua yake ya
(3) Katika kutekeleza kazi zake chini ya Sheria
hii, mthamini aliyeidhinishwa atawajibika kwa Mthamini
Mkuu Msaidizi.
(4) Uteuzi wa mthamini muidhinishwa chini ya
kifungu hiki utachapishwa kwenye Gazeti la Serikali.

Mamlaka ya

11.-(1) Kwa madhumuni ya utekelezaji bora wa

majukumu yake chini ya Sheria hii, Mthamini Mkuu
anaweza kukasimu majukumu yake kwa Mthamini Mkuu
Msaidizi au mthamini muidhinishwa aliyeteuliwa chini
ya Sheria hii.
(2) Kukasimu madaraka kunaweza kufanywa kwa
ajili ya suala mahsusi au kundi mahsusi au la jumla la
kazi, au sehemu yoyote ya Tanzania Bara.
(3) Kukasimu madaraka yoyote chini ya kifungu
hiki kunaweza kubatilishwa, na hakutamzuia Mthamini
Mkuu kutekeleza majukumu yake au kutumia mamlaka

Kuanzishwa kwa

12.-(1) Inaanzishwa Bodi itakayojulikana kama

Bodi ya Usajili wa Wathamini.
(2) Bodi itakuwa ni chombo hodhi, chenye uhai
wa kudumu, chenye lakiri yake na kwa jina lake, itakuwa
na mamlaka ya(a) kushtaki na kushtakiwa;


Sheria ya Uthamini na Usajili wa Wathamini


Sura ya 5

Muundo wa Bodi

(b) kutwaa,
zisizohamishika na binafsi;
(c) kuingia mkataba wowote au kufanya
muamala, na kutekeleza mambo mengine yote
ambayo chombo hodhi kinaweza kufanya
(d) kutumia mamlaka yake na kutekeleza
majukumu iliyopewa chini ya Sheria hii.
Bila kujali kifungu kidogo cha (2),
Mwanasheria Mkuu wa Serikali atakuwa na haki ya
kuingilia kati katika kesi au shauri lolote lililofunguliwa
na, au dhidi ya Bodi.
(4) Pale ambapo Mwanasheria Mkuu wa Serikali
anaingilia kati katika shauri lolote, masharti ya Sheria ya
Mwenendo wa Mashauri dhidi ya Serikali, yatatumika
katika mwenendo wa shauri hilo kana kwamba shauri
hilo limefunguliwa na, au dhidi ya Serikali.
(5) Kwa madhumuni ya kifungu kidogo cha (3),
Bodi itakuwa na jukumu la kumtaarifu Mwanasheria
Mkuu wa Serikali kuhusu shauri lolote lililofunguliwa au
linalokusudiwa kufunguliwa na, au dhidi ya Bodi.
(6) Utaratibu wa uendeshaji wa shughuli za Bodi
utakuwa kama ulivyoainishwa kwenye Jedwali la
13.-(1) Bodi itakuwa na wajumbe wasiozidi tisa
watakaoteuliwa na Waziri kama ifuatavyo:
(a) Mwenyekiti;
(b) Mthamini mwandamizi aliyesajiliwa kutoka
Wizara yenye dhamana na masuala ya ardhi;
(c) mthamini mmoja mwenye usajili wa kudumu
na anayefanya kazi kwenye mamlaka za
serikali za mitaa atakayependekezwa na
Wizara yenye dhamana na masuala ya serikali
za mitaa;
(d) mwakilishi mmoja wa chama cha wathamini;
(e) mwakilishi mmoja wa taasisi za elimu ya juu
zinazotoa mafunzo ya taaluma ya uthamini;
(f) mwakilishi mmoja wa kampuni binafsi za


Sheria ya Uthamini na Usajili wa Wathamini

(g) Afisa Sheria mmoja atakayependekezwa na
Mwanasheria Mkuu wa Serikali;
(h) mhasibu aliyebobea kwenye masuala ya fedha
atakayependekezwa na Wizara yenye
dhamana na masuala ya fedha; na
(i) mpima ardhi mmoja kutoka Wizara yenye
dhamana na masuala ya ardhi.
(2) Isipokuwa kwa wajumbe watakaopendekezwa
chini ya aya za (g), (h) na (i), mtu yeyote hatastahili
kuteuliwa kuwa mjumbe wa Bodi isipokuwa kama mtu
huyo ni mthamini aliyesajiliwa chini ya Sheria hii.
(3) Msajili ndiye atakayekuwa katibu wa Bodi.
(4) Bodi inaweza kumwalika Mthamini Mkuu au
mtu mwingine yeyote kuhudhurika kikao cha Bodi kwa
madhumuni ya kisaidia Bodi kufanya uamuzi kuhusu
suala au jambo lolote linalohitaji utaalamu, weledi au
ushauri wa mtu huyo, lakini mjumbe huyo mwalikwa
hatakuwa na haki ya kupiga kura katika kikao chochote
cha Bodi.
Kazi za Bodi

14.-(1) Bodi itafanya kazi zifuatazo:

(a) kusajili wathamini na kuorodhesha wathamini
(b) kutoa vyeti kwa watu wenye sifa za kufanya
kazi za uthamini;
(c) kutathmini sifa za kitaaluma na za kiutendaji
katika tasnia ya uthamini kwa madhumuni ya
(d) kuchapisha kila mwaka kwenye Gazeti la
Serikali na gazeti lingine linalosambazwa kwa
wingi, orodha yenye majina, anwani na sifa za
kitaaluma za wathamini waliosajiliwa na
walio kwenye Rejesta;
(e) kusimamia masuala ya nidhamu na maadili ya
kitaaluma katika kazi za uthamini;
(f) kuendeleza na kuhamasisha wanataaluma wa
uthamini kujiendeleza kielimu;
(g) kupokea na kushughulikia malalamiko


Sheria ya Uthamini na Usajili wa Wathamini

yaliyowasilishwa na wathamini waliosajiliwa,
Mthamini Mkuu au mtu mwingine yeyote;
(h) kufanya mashauriano na taasisi za mafunzo
ya wathamini na vyama vya wathamini ili
kuhakikisha kwamba kanuni za utekelezaji
bora wa shughuli za uthamini zinafuatwa;
(i) kuandaa kozi, warsha, semina, majadiliano na
mashauriano katika masuala yanayohusu
(j) kujenga mazingira wezeshi yatakayosaidia
ukuaji wa kitaaluma wa wathamini
(k) kuendesha elimu endelevu ya kitaaluma;
(l) kuratibu uchapishaji na usambazaji wa taarifa
zinazohusu shughuli za uthamini;
(m) kuhakikisha kwamba shughuli za uthamini
zinatekelezwa kwa kuzingatia viwango vya
uthamini vilivyoainishwa;
(n) kufanya ukaguzi wa mara kwa mara wa ubora
wa uthamini unaofanywa na wathamini kwa
utaratibu utakaoainishwa na Bodi, na
kuchukua hatua stahiki; na
(o) kufanya kazi nyingine yoyote ambayo Waziri
anaweza kuelekeza.
(2) Katika kutekeleza majukumu yake chini ya
kifungu kidogo cha (1), Bodi(a) itendeleza imani kwa Bodi katika uendeshaji
wa shughuli na usimamizi wa taaluma ya
(b) itahakikisha kwamba uendeshaji wa shughuli
za uthamini unafanyika kwa mfanano na kwa
watu waaminifu na wenye weledi;
(c) italinda maslahi ya watumiaji wa huduma za
(d) itaimarisha weledi na uelewa wa wanachi
kuhusu uthamini, hususan(i)
haki na wajibu wa watumiaji wa
huduma za uthamini na wathamini
kama watoa huduma;


Sheria ya Uthamini na Usajili wa Wathamini

njia za kutatua malalamiko na
Kamati za Bodi

15.-(1) Kwa madhumuni ya utekelezaji bora wa

shughuli zake chini ya Sheria hii, Bodi inaweza kuunda
kamati mbalimbali.
(2) Bila kuathiri kifungu kidogo cha (1), kamati
zitajumuisha(a) Kamati ya Kitaaluma;
(b) Kamati ya Elimu Endelevu ya Taaluma na
(c) Kamati ya Maadili na Nidhamu;
(d) Kamati ya Usuluhishi; na
(e) Kamati nyingine yoyote ambayo Bodi

Mamlaka ya
kukasimu kazi

16.-(1) Bodi inaweza kukasimu kazi zake chini ya

Sheria hii kwa kamati ya Bodi,
Isipokuwa kwamba, Bodi haitakasimu kazi zinazohusu(a) kudahili wa waleta maombi ya usajili;
(b) kuidhinisha bajeti ya mwaka, programu za
kazi au hesabu za Bodi;
(c) kuchukua hatua za kinidhamu dhidi ya
(2) Bila kuathiri masharti ya kifungu kidogo cha
(1), kamati inaweza kualika wajumbe ambao si wajumbe
wa Bodi kwa madhumuni ya utekelezaji bora wa kazi

Mamlaka ya

17.-(1) Bodi inaweza, yenyewe au kwa

kuelekezwa kwa maandishi na Waziri, kufanya
uchunguzi wa suala mahsusi lililoainishwa na Waziri au
ambalo Bodi inaona ni muhimu kwa madhumuni ya
utekelezaji wa majukumu yake.
(2) Waziri ataainisha katika maelekezo yake chini
ya kifungu kidogo cha (1) muda ambao Bodi itawasilisha
taarifa yake kuhusu uchunguzi na Bodi itawasilisha
taarifa yake kwa Waziri ndani ya muda huo.
(3) Iwapo uchunguzi unakusudiwa kuhusisha


Sheria ya Uthamini na Usajili wa Wathamini

umma, Bodi itatoa taarifa ya uchunguzi katika Gazeti la
Serikali na katika gazeti linalosambazwa kwa wing
Tanzania Bara ikiainisha madhumuni ya uchunguzi,
muda ambao maoni yanaweza kutolewa kwa Bodi,
namna ambavyo maoni yatatolewa, suala linalohusika na
uchunguzi na chanzo cha uchunguzi huo
(4) Kwa madhumuni ya uendeshaji mashauri
wakati wa uchunguzi wowote utakaofanywa na Bodi(a) Mwenyekiti atakula kiapo kwa mujibu wa
masharti ya Sheria ya Viapo na Matamko na,
kwa jina la Bodi, atatoa wito wa kuitwa
shaurini utakaosainiwa na yeye mwenyewe,
akimwelekeza mtu anayetajwa kwenye wito
huo kuhudhuria katika muda na mahali
palipotajwa katika wito na kutoa ushahidi au
nyaraka iliyoainishwa kwenye taarifa;
(b) Bodi itakuwa na mamlaka ya kutoa amri
zozote kwa upande wowote, kuhusu malipo
ya gharama za mashahidi kama ambavyo
itaona inafaa, na amri hiyo itakuwa na nguvu
ya kisheria kama amri iliyotolewa na
Mahakama Kuu
(c) kwa kuzingatia masharti yaliyotangulia ya
zitakazotengenezwa, Bodi itakuwa na
mamlaka ya kutengeneza utaratibu wa
kuendesha shughuli zinazohusu uchunguzi; na
(d) Bodi inaweza kuelekeza kuchapishwa, kwa
vigezo na namna ambayo Bodi itaona inafaa,
taarifa ya uchunguzi uliofanywa na Bodi.
Utunzaji siri

18. Isipokuwa kwa madhumuni ya utekelezaji wa

majukumu yake, atakapotakiwa na sheria au
atakapoidhinishwa na Bodi au Mthamini Mkuu, mjumbe
wa Bodi, mtumishi wa Bodi au mthamini aliyesajiliwa
hatatoa taarifa yoyote kuhusiana na ripoti ya uthamini ya
mteja, aliyoipata wakati wa ajira yake au katika
utekelezaji wa kazi zake.


Sheria ya Uthamini na Usajili wa Wathamini

Ushindani usio
sawa kwenye
shughuli za

19.-(1) Bodi itashughulikia masuala yanayohusu

ushindani yanayotokana na utekelezaji wa kazi au
majukumu yake, na inaweza kuchunguza na kutoa taarifa
kuhusu masuala hayo na kupendekeza kwa Tume ya
Ushindani au chombo kingine chochote kinachohusika,
kuhusu(a) ukiukwaji wowote wa Sheria ya Ushindani;
(b) ushindani dhahiri au unaotarajiwa katika soko
lolote la huduma zinazotolewa na wathamini;
(c) athari yoyote inayoweza kutokea kwa
(2) Bodi itazingatia(a) iwapo masharti kuhusu ushindani wenye tija
yapo kuhusiana na utoaji wa huduma za
uthamini katika soko;
(b) iwapo utekelezaji wowote wa mamlaka ya
Bodi unaweza kusababisha kufifishwa kwa
ushindani au gharama za ziada kwenye
uthamini na unaweza kuathiri umma;
(c) iwapo athari hizo kwa umma zinaweza kuwa
kubwa kupita faida ambayo wananchi
wataipata kutokana na utekelezaji wa kazi za

Kazi, maadili na

20. Kila mthamini aliyesajiliwa au kuorodheshwa

atakuwa na wajibu wa kutekeleza shughuli zinazohusu
taaluma yake kwa uaminifu na weledi wa hali ya juu na
yaliyoainishwa chini ya Sheria hii.

Upelelezi wa

21.-(1) Iwapo malalamiko yamewasilishwa

kwenye Bodi dhidi ya mthamini aliyesajiliwa au
aliyeorodheshwa, Bodi inaweza kuielekeza Kamati ya
Nidhamu ya Bodi kufanya upelelezi kuhusu malalamiko
(2) Kamati ya Nidhamu itafanya upelelezi wa
awali katika namna itakayoona inafaa na kuwasilisha
taarifa ya upelelezi kwa Bodi.


Sheria ya Uthamini na Usajili wa Wathamini

(3) Kamati ya Nidhamu inaweza, katika
mchakato wa upelelezi, kumwalika mtu yeyote kutoa
ushauri wa kitaalamu utakaohitajika.
Uamuzi wa Bodi

22.-(1) Bodi inaweza, baada ya kupokea taarifa

kutoka kwa Kamati ya Nidhamu(a) kuijadili taarifa hiyo na kutoa uamuzi wa
suala husika; au
(b) kuelekeza uchunguzi wa suala hilo kufanyika.
(2) Bodi inaweza kutengeneza kanuni za
uendeshaji upelelezi na uchunguzi chini ya Sheria hii.

Uteuzi wa Msajili

23.-(1) Waziri, baada ya kushauriana na Bodi,

atamteua mthamini yeyote mwenye usajili kamili kuwa
(2) Msajili atakuwa ndiye afisa mtendaji mkuu,
na atasimamia utekelezaji wa siku kwa siku wa shughuli
za Bodi.
(3) Msajili atashika wadhifa huo kwa kipindi cha
miaka mitatu, na anaweza, kwa kuzingatia iwapo
utendaji kazi wake unaridhisha, kuteuliwa tena kwa
kipindi kingine kimoja cha miaka mitatu.
(4) Kazi za Msajili zitakuwa ni(a) kufanya usajili wa wathamini na wathamini
wasaidizi kama itakavyoidhinishwa na
kuelekezwa na Bodi;
(b) kuandaa taarifa mbalimbali na nyaraka
nyingine kuhusu masuala ya uthamini kwa
ajili ya kutolewa uamuzi na Bodi;
(c) kupanga na kutunza mihutasari ya vikao vya
(d) kutunza na kuboresha Rejesta kwa kuzingatia
maelekezo ya Bodi;
(e) kuwezesha usitishwaji wa muda au ufutwaji
wa cheti kilichotolewa kwa mthamini
aliyesajiliwa au mthamini msaidizi kama
ilivyoelekezwa na Bodi;
(f) kuwezesha mawasiliano kwa niaba ya Bodi,
baina ya Bodi na wathamini, Mthamini Mkuu


Sheria ya Uthamini na Usajili wa Wathamini

na taasisi nyinginezo;
(g) kutoa vyeti vya usajili baada ya kuidhinishwa
na Bodi; na
(h) kufanya kazi nyingine yoyote kama
itakavyoainishwa na Bodi.
(5) Katika utekelezaji wa majukumu yake chini
ya Sheria hii, Msajili atawajibika kwa Bodi.

24.-(1) Kutakuwa na Sekretarieti ya Bodi

itakayoundwa na Msajili pamoja na watumishi wengine
ambao watateuliwa au kuajiriwa kwa masharti ambayo
Bodi itaelekeza.
(2) Watumishi watakaoteuliwa au kuajiriwa chini
ya Sheria hii watawajibika kwa Msajili na watatekeleza
kazi ambazo Msajili atawapangia.
(a) Mahitaji ya Jumla

Katazo la kufanya
shughuli za
uthamini bila

25.-(1) Mtu yeyote au kampuni haitafanya

shughuli zinazohusu uthamini chini ya Sheria hii bila
kuwa na cheti kilichotolewa na Bodi.
(2) Mtu yeyote au kampuni inayokiuka kifungu
hiki inatenda kosa na tawajibika, baada ya kutiwa
hatiani(a) iwapo ni mtu binafsi, kulipa adhabu ya faini
isiyopungua shilingi milioni tano na isiyozidi
shilingi milioni ishirini, au kifungo kwa
kipindi kisichopungua miaka miwili lakini
kisichozidi miaka mitano, au vyote kwa
pamoja; na
(b) iwapo ni kampuni, kulipa adhabu ya faini
isiyopungua shilingi milioni ishirini.

Maombi na
vigezo vya usajili
wa wathamini

26.-(1) Mtu yeyote mwenye nia ya kusajiliwa

chini ya Sheria hii atawasilisha maombi yake kwa Bodi
katika fomu maalum na baada ya kulipia ada


Sheria ya Uthamini na Usajili wa Wathamini


Sura ya 212

(2) Mtu atastahili kusajiliwa kama mthamini chini

ya Sheria hii iwapo mtu huyo(a) ana angalau shahada ya kwanza katika
masuala ya ardhi na majengo akiwa
amebobea kwenye masuala ya uthamini
kutoka chuo kikuu au taasisi inayotambuliwa
na Bodi;
(b) amekidhi matakwa mengine ya nyongeza
kuhusu alivyopata uzoefu katika masuala ya
uthamini na matakwa mengine ya ziada
yaliyoainishwa na Bodi.
(3) Kampuni itastahili kusajiliwa kama kampuni
ya ushauri elekezi iwapo(a) imesajiliwa chini ya Sheria ya Makampuni;
(b) wamiliki wa kampuni hiyo wamesajiliwa na
(4) Bodi inaweza kumtaka mwombaji yeyote
chini ya kifungu hiki airidhishe Bodi kwamba utaalam
wake na mwenendo wake kwa ujumla unamfanya astahili
(b) Makundi ya Usajili wa Wathamini

Makundi ya

27.-(1) Usajili wa wathamini utakuwa katika

makundi yafuatayo:
(a) usajili wa kamili;
(b) usajili wa muda;
(c) usajili wa mpito; na
Kundi lingine lolote la ziada kama ambavyo Bodi
(2) Bodi itaainisha sifa za ziada ambazo Bodi
itaona muhimu kwa ajili ya usajili wa kila kundi.

Usajili kamili

28. Mtu yeyote anaweza kusajiliwa kama

mthamini mwenye usajili kamili baada ya kuiridhisha
Bodi kwamba mtu huyo(a) amekidhi masharti ya usajili yaliyoainishwa
kwenye kifungu cha 26(2);
(b) ana uzoefu wa miaka mitatu au zaidi;


Sheria ya Uthamini na Usajili wa Wathamini

(c) amefaulu mtihani unaoandaliwa na Bodi; na
(d) ni raia wa Tanzania.
Usajili wa muda

29.-(1) Mtu yeyote anaweza kusajiliwa kama

mthamini wa muda baada ya kuiridhisha Bodi kwamba
mtu huyo(a) si raia wa Tanzania;
(b) amekidhi masharti ya usajili yaliyoainishwa
kwenye kifungu cha 26(2);
(c) ana nia ya kuajiriwa Tanzania kama mthamini
kwa madhumuni ya kutekeleza kazi mahsusi
ya uthamini kwa muda usiozidi mwaka
(d) ana mwenendo unaofaa na ana usajili kamili
katika nchi anayotoka au katika nchi nyingine
yoyote aliyofanyia kazi awali.
(2) Bodi inaweza kumtaka mleta maombi ya
usajili chini ya kifungu hiki kufika mbele ya Bodi au
kuleta nyaraka zinazohusu elimu yake, kazi au ajira au
masuala mengine yanayohusika na maombi.
(3) Usajili wa mtu yeyote chini ya kifungu hiki
utakuwa halali kwa kipindi kile ambacho mtu huyo
anafanya kazi hiyo mahsusi au kwa kipindi ambacho
Bodi itaainisha, na baada ya kazi hiyo mahsusi kuwa
imeisha au muda wa kazi husika kumalizika, usajili wa
mtu huyo hautakuwa halali.
(4) Mtu yeyote aliyesajiliwa chini ya kifungu hiki
atachukuliwa kama amesajiliwa chini ya Sheria hii
kuhusiana na muda wa kazi mahsusi au muda
ulioainishwa na Bodi, na kwa mambo yatakayofanywa
wakati wa utekelezaji wa kazi hiyo mahsusi, lakini
kuhusiana na masuala mengine, mtu huyo atahesabika
kuwa hajasajiliwa.

Usajili wa mpito

30.-(1) Mtu yeyote atastahili kusajiliwa katika

kundi hili iwapo mtu huyo(a) ana shahada kutoka chuo kikuu au taasisi
inayotambuliwa na mamlaka husika;
(b) hana uzoefu ambao utamwezesha kupata


Sheria ya Uthamini na Usajili wa Wathamini

usajili kamili chini ya Sheria hii;
(c) amekidhi vigezo vingine vyovyote vya ziada
kama Bodi itakavyoainisha.
(2) Mtu yeyote aliyepata usajili wa mpito
atafanya kazi zake chini ya uangalizi wa mthamini
mwenye usajili kamili au mthamini mwenye usajili wa
muda, na hataruhusiwa kuidhinisha taarifa za uthamini.
(c) Kukubaliwa na Kukataliwa kwa Maombi
Utoaji wa cheti


31. Iwapo Bodi imeridhika kwamba mleta

maombi amekidhi vigezo vyote vya usajili chini ya
Sheria hii na anastahili kwa usajili, Bodi, ndani ya siku
sitini tangu tarehe ya kupokelewa maombi, itamwelekeza
Msajili kuingiza taarifa za mleta maombi kwenye Rejesta
na baadaye kumpa cheti cha uthibitisho wa kufanya
shughuli za uthamini.
32.-(1) Bodi inaweza kukataa ombi lolote iwapo(a) maombi husika yana kasoro katika taarifa
(b) mleta maombi ametoa taarifa za uongo au
(c) mleta maombi amewahi kutiwa hatiani kwa
kosa la jinai linalohusiana na rushwa,
ukwepaji kodi au kosa lingine linalofanana na
hilo na kuhukumiwa adhabu ya kifungo cha
miezi sita au zaidi.
(2) Iwapo Bodi imekataa maombi yoyote, Bodi,
ndani ya siku saba tangu tarehe ya kutoa uamuzi wake,
itamjulisha mleta maombi kwa maandishi ikieleza
sababu za kukataa maombi hayo.

Rufaa kwa Waziri

33.-(1) Mleta maombi ambaye haridhishwi na

uamuzi wa Bodi anaweza, ndani ya siku ishirini na moja
tangu tarehe ya kupokea taarifa chini ya kifungu cha
32(2), kukata rufaa kwa Waziri.
(2) Baada ya kupokea rufaa, Waziri, ndani ya
siku thelathini, atatoa uamuzi wake kuhusu rufaa hiyo.

Sheria ya Uthamini na Usajili wa Wathamini

(3) Katika kuamua rufaa, Waziri anaweza(a) kuthibitisha, kutengua au kurekebisha uamuzi
wa Bodi;
(b) kuielekeza Bodi kuufania marejeo au mapitio
uamuzi wake wa awali;
(c) kuielekeza Bodi kufanya uchunguzi wa taarifa
mahsusi kutoka kwa mrufani na kufanya
tafakari zaidi ya maombi.
(4) Iwapo Waziri atathibitisha, atatengua au
atarekebisha uamuzi wa Bodi, Waziri atatoa sababu za
uamuzi wake.
Uhalali wa cheti

34.-(1) Kila cheti kitaonesha tarehe ambayo cheti

hicho kimetolewa na kitakuwa halali kuanzia tarehe hiyo.
(2) Cheti kitakuwa halali kwa mwaka mmoja na
kinaweza kuhuishwa baada ya mleta maombi kulipia ada
iliyoainishwa na kukidhi masharti mengine kama
yatakavyoainishwa na Bodi.
(3) Msajili atawezesha kuchpishwa kwenye
Gazeti la Serikali na gazeti lingine linalosambazwa kwa
wingi, majina na anwani za wathamini ambao
wamepewa vyeti.

Uhuishaji wa

35.-(1) Mmiliki wa cheti kilichotolewa chini ya

Sehemu hii anaweza kuiomba Bodi ihuishe cheti chake.
(2) Baada ya kupokea maombi chini ya kifungu
kidogo cha (1), Bodi inaweza kuhuisha cheti baada ya(a) mleta maombi kulipia ada ya uhuishaji cheti;
(b) mleta maombi kukidhi vigezo na masharti
yanayohusu utoaji cheti.

(d) Haki, Stahili,Vyeo vya wathamini na Uorodheshaji wathamini

Haki na stahili za

36. Mthamini aliyesajiliwa na ambaye amepewa

cheti atastahili kufanya kazi za uthamini kwa malipo ya
fedha, kudai, kushtaki na kurejeshewa na mahakama
yoyote gharama za huduma za uthamini alizozitoa.


Sheria ya Uthamini na Usajili wa Wathamini

Matumizi ya vyeo
baada ya

37. Kila mthamini, alimradi uhalali wa usajili

wake bado upo, atastahili kuitwa, na kutumia jina au
cheo(a) iwapo ni mthamini aliyesajiliwa chini ya
kifungu cha 28, Mthamini mwenye Usajili
(b) iwapo ni mthamini aliyesajiliwa chini ya
kifungu cha 29, Mthamini mwenye Usajili
wa Muda;
(c) iwapo ni mthamini aliyesajiliwa chini ya
kifungu cha 30, Mthamini mwenye Usajili
wa Mpito,
au cheo kingine kwa namna Bobi itakavyoamua.


38.-(1) Kwa kuzingatia Sheria hii, mtu yeyote

hatatoa msaada katika ukaguzi, uendeshaji wa uthamini
au maandalizi ya taarifa ya uthamini isipokuwa kama
mtu huyo ameorodheshwa na Bodi.
(2) Mtu yeyote anastahili kuorodheshwa chini ya
kifungu hiki iwapo mtu huyo(a) ana diploma au cheti katika taaluma ya
masuala ya ardhi na majengo akijikita zaidi
(b) ametimiza vigezo vingine vya ziada kama
vitakavyoainishwa na Bodi.
(3) Baada ya mthamini kuorodheshwa na kulipia
ada iliyoainishwa, Msajili atatoa cheti cha kuorodheshwa
katika namna itakayoainishwa.
(4) Msajili atawezesha kuchapishwa kwenye
Gazeti la Serikali, taarifa za watu wote walioorodheshwa
na kwa kuzingatia maelekezo ya Bodi, Msajili anaweza
kufanyia marekebisho au kufuta taarifa zilizo kwenye
(5) Kila mthamini, alimradi uhalali wa
uorodheshwaji wake bado upo, atastahili kuitwa, na
kutumia jina au cheo Mthamini Aliyeorodheshwa


Sheria ya Uthamini na Usajili wa Wathamini

(e) Rejesta

39.-(1) Msajili atatunza na kuiboresha rejesta ya

wathamini na makampuni yote yaliosajiliwa kwa
kuzingatia masharti ya Sheria hii na maelekezo ya Bodi.
(2) Rejesta ya wathamini itakuwa na taarifa
zifuatazo(a) nambari za usajili;
(b) majina na anwani za wathamini waliosajiliwa;
(c) sifa za kitaaluma za kila mthamini
(d) tarehe ya kuingiza taarifa kwenye Rejesta;
(e) kundi ambalo mthamini amesajiliwa;
(f) muda wa usajili;
(g) taarifa nyingine yoyote itakayoainishwa na
(3) Rejesta ya makampuni itakuwa na taarifa
zifuatazo(a) jina la kampuni;
(b) tarehe ya kuingiza taarifa kwenye Rejesta;
(c) nambari ya usajili;
(d) anwani na anwani ya makazi;
(e) tarehe kampuni iliposajiliwa na namba ya
kampuni; na
(f) taarifa nyingine yoyote itakayoainishwa na

Uchapishaji wa
orodha ya
waliosajiliwa na

40. Msajili atachapisha kila mwaka kwenye

Gazeti la Serikali na gazeti lingine linalosambazwa kwa
wingi, orodha ya wathamini wote waliosajiliwa na
walioorodheshwa kama inavyoonekana kwenye Rejesta.

Ukaguzi wa

41. Rejesta itakuwa ni nyaraka ya umma na mtu

yeyote anaweza kuikagua na kupata kutoka kwa Msajili,
nakala, sehemu ya nyaraka au nyaraka yoyote kutoka
kwenye Rejesta baada ya kulipia ada iliyoainishwa.

Usajili wa

42.-(1) Kumbukumbu, orodha, nakala au nyaraka

za Msajili ambazo zimethibitishwa ipasavyo na Msajili


Sheria ya Uthamini na Usajili wa Wathamini

kama ushahidi

zitapokelewa kama nyaraka za umma katika mahakama

zote, mabaraza au vyombo vingine vilivyoidhinishwa
kupokea ushahidi wa taarifa zilizoainishwa kwenye
nyaraka hizo.
(2) Katika shauri lolote ambalo mthamini
aliyesajiliwa si mhusika wa shauri hilo, Msajili
hatalazimishwa(a) kuwasilisha Rejesta au nyaraka iwapo
maudhui yake yanaweza kuthibitishwa chini
ya kifungu kidogo cha (1);
(b) kuwa shahidi wa kuthibitisha taarifa zozote za
kwenye Rejesta, suala lililo kwenye Rejesta
au nyaraka nyingine yoyote isipokuwa kwa
sababu au amri mahsusi.
(f) Kusitishwa, Kufutwa na Utangazaji

matumizi ya cheti

43. Bodi inaweza kutoa onyo, kukemea au

kuamuru mthamini aliyesajiliwa azuiwe kutumia cheti
baada ya Bodi kufanya uchunguzi na mthamini(a) akapatikana na hatia ya kukiuka maadili;
(b) akashindwa kukidhi masharti kuhusu elimu
ya kujiendeleza kama ilivyoainishwa na Bodi;
(c) ameshindwa kutimiza masharti na vigezo vya
kumwezesha kuwa na cheti.

Kufutwa kwa

44.- (1) Bodi inaweza kufuta cheti cha usajili

wa mthamini endapo (a) mthamini ameomba jina lake liondolewe
kwenye Daftari;
(b) kipindi kilichobainishwa kwa ajili ya usajili
wa mthamini au
kipindi cha kazi
aliyokuwa anaifanya kimemalizika;
(c) mthamini atapatikana na hatia ya kosa la
jinai linalohusiana na rushwa, ukwepaji
kodi au kosa lingine linalofanana na hilo na
kuhukumiwa adhabu ya kifungo cha miezi
sita au zaidi;


Sheria ya Uthamini na Usajili wa Wathamini

(d) mthamini atatamkwa na mahakama yenye
mamlaka au sheria
(e) mthamini ametenda kosa la kimaadili kama
itakavyoamuliwa na
(f) kwa mujibu wa maoni ya tabibu, mthamini
hawezi kuendelea
kufanya kazi ya
uthamini; au
(g) mthamini amefariki.
(2) Isipokuwa kama mtu aliyesajiliwa amefariki
au ameomba cheti chake kifutwe, cheti hakitafutwa
mpaka Msajili atakapompatia mthamini huyo taarifa ya
siku thelathini akimtaka atoe sababu ni kwa nini cheti
chake kisifutwe.
(3) Kufutwa kwa cheti cha uthamini kutakuwa
ni ushahidi kwamba mthamini huyo hajasajiliwa.
(4) Mthamini ambaye hataridhika na uamuzi wa
Bodi wa kusimamisha au kufuta cheti anaweza, ndani ya
siku thelathini kuanzia tarehe ya uamuzi huo, kukata
rufaa kwa Waziri, na Waziri ataamua rufaa hiyo ndani ya
siku thelathini.
Uchapishaji wa
taarifa ya
matumizi au
kufutwa kwa cheti

45.-(1) Endapo cheti cha uthamini kitafutwa au

kusitishwa, Msajili atahakikisha taarifa hiyo imeingizwa
kwenye rejesta na kuchapishwa katika Gazeti la Serikali.
(2) Pale ambapo uamuzi wa kusitisha matumizi
ya cheti au kufuta cheti utaondolewa, Msajili
atahakikisha taarifa hiyo imeingizwa kwenye rejesta na
kutangazwa katika Gazeti la Serikali.

kutakuwa ni
ushahidi wa
umiliki wa cheti
cha uthamini

46-(1) orodha yoyote iliyotangazwa na Msajili

katika Gazeti la Serikali yenye majina ya wathamini
waliosajiliwa ambao wana vyeti kwa mwaka huo, mpaka
itakapothibitika vinginevyo, itachukuliwa kwamba kila
mtu aliyeorodheshwa kama mthamini aliyesajiliwa
anamiliki cheti cha usajili kwa mwaka huo.
(2) Jina ambalo halitakuwemo kwenye orodha
hiyo iliyochapishwa, mpaka itakapothibitika vinginevyo,


Sheria ya Uthamini na Usajili wa Wathamini

itakuwa ni ushahidhi kwamba mtu huyo siyo mthamini
aliyesajiliwa kwa mwaka huo, lakini nakala ya rejesta
iliyothibitishwa kwamba ni nakala halisi yenye jina la
mtu huyo itakuwa ni ushahidi wa taarifa zilizoko kwenye
nakala hiyo.
kuhusu ufanyaji
wa thathmini

47. Kila mthamini aliyesajiliwa au mtu

anayefanya shughuli za uthamini, anapaswa kuzingatia
mwongozo wa uthamini ulioainishwa katika sehemu hii
pamoja na kanuni zilizotungwa chini ya Sheria hii.

Aina za uthamini

48. Kwa madhumuni ya Sheria hii, aina za

uthamini zitakuwa(a) uthamini kwa mujibu wa sheria, ambao
unasimamiwa na sheria mahsusi au ambao
maelekezo ya kuufanya au utaratibu wa
kuufanya umetokana na masharti ya kisheria;
(b) uthamini usio wa kisheria, ambao unatokana
na matakwa ya soko
mahsusi na ambao hausimamiwi na sheria.

Madhumuni ya
kufanya uthamini

49.-(1) Kila mthamini aliyesajiliwa atabainisha

kwenye ripoti ya uthamini sababu za kufanya uthamini
kwa mujibu wa maelekezo aliyopewa.
(2) Ufanyaji wa tathmini utakuwa ni kwa
madhumuni yafuatayo:
(a) ukadiriaji wa vigezo;
(b) ulipaji fidia;
(c) tathmini ya kodi ya ardhi;
(d) uthibitisho wa wosia na usimamizi wa
(e) kodi ya ongezeko la thamani;
(f) mauzo au manunuzi;
(g) mikopo;
(h) tathmini ya kodi ya nyumba;


Sheria ya Uthamini na Usajili wa Wathamini

(i) taarifa za fedha;
(j) bima;
(k) uwekezaji;
(l) soko la hisa;
(m) thamani ya soko;
(n) uwekaji dhamana; na
(o) dhumuni lingine lolote ambalo Bodi itaamua.
Vigezo na njia ya
kufanya uthamini

50.-(1) Wakati wa kufanya uthamini na

uandaaji wa taarifa ya uthamini, mthamini aliyesajiliwa
ataeleza vigezi na njia aliyoitumia kufanya tathmini na
dhana yoyote aliyoitumia kufanya thamani.
(2) Kwa madhumuni ya kifungu hiki, vigezo
vya uthamini vitajumuisha(a)
gharama; na
(3) Iwapo mthamini alizingatia dhana yoyote ya
ziada, aidha kwa maoni yake mwenyewe au kwa
maelekezo ya mteja wake, mthamini atapaswa kueleza
kwa maandishi dhana hiyo ya ziada na sababu zake.

Njia za kufanya

51.-(1) Wakati wa kufanya uthamini, mthamini

aliyesjiliwa atatumia njia sahihi za kufanya uthamini na
njia ya ulinganifu wa soko;
njia ya kubadilisha gharama au njia ya
jaribio la ukandarasi;
njia ya mapato au njia ya uwekezaji;
njia ya faida; na
njia ya kuthamini masazo.
(2) Bila kujali kifungu kidogo cha (1), wakati
njia nyingine au utofautishaji unapotumika, mbinu hizo
zitafafanuliwa, na data zilizotumika wakati wa kufanya
uthamini zitathibitishwa.

Uhalali wa

52. Uthamini na taarifa ya uthamini

iliyoandaliwa chini ya Sheria hii itakuwa halali kwa
muda ambao Waziri atabainisha.


Sheria ya Uthamini na Usajili wa Wathamini

Tarehe ya
uthamini na muda
wa ukomo

53.- (1) Waziri anaweza kubainisha tarehe ya

uthamini na muda wa ukomo wa mashauri yanayotokana
na uthamini uliofanywa chini ya Sheria hii.
(2) Kwa madhumuni ya kifungu hiki "tarehe ya
uthamini " maana yake ni tarehe ya kuanza kufanya


54. Ndani ya miezi sita baada ya kuanza

kutumika kwa Sheria hii, na baada ya Bodi kutoa
mapendekezo, Waziri ataandaa na kutangaza kwenye
Gazeti la Serikali miongozo kuhusu uthamini.

Kuingia kwenye
ardhi, majengo,

55.-(1) Mthamini aliyesajiliwa:

(a) endapo ni muhimu kwa madhumuni ya
kutekeleza majukumu yake chini ya sheria hii,
anaweza kuingia katika ardhi yoyote, jengo au
eneo kwa wakati muafaka na kufanya ukaguzi
na hatawajibika kutokana na kuingia bila
(b) anaweza kumuuliza kwa mdomo au kwa
maandishi mmiliki au wakala wake au
mtumishi katika ardhi hiyo, jengo au eneo,
swali lolote litakalomwezesha kufanya kazi
yake kitaalam chini ya Sheria hii; au
(c) kukagua nyaraka yoyote kutoka kwa mtu
yeyote kwa madhumuni ya kutekeleza
majukumu yake chini ya Sheria hii.
(2) Mtu yeyote ambaye, baada ya kupewa
taarifa kuhusu nia ya mthamini aliyesajiliwa ya kuingia
na kukagua ardhi, jengo au eneo, au nia ya kuuliza
maswali au kukagua nyaraka zinazohusika na utendaji
kazi wa mthamini chini ya Sheria hii(a) anakataa au anashindwa kumruhusu kuingia
au kukagua;
(b) anakataa au kwa makusidi anakwepa kujibu
swali kwa ufahamu wake aidha kwa mdomo
au kwa maandishi kutokana na namna
muuliza swali alivouliza;
(c) kwa makusudi anasema uongo wakati akijibu


Sheria ya Uthamini na Usajili wa Wathamini

swali; au
(d) anakataa kuruhusu vitabu husika au nyaraka
zisikaguliwe au nakala ya kitabu au nyaraka
atakuwa ametenda kosa na akipatikana na hatia, atatozwa
faini isiyopungua shilingi milioni moja na isiyozidi
shilingi milioni tatu, au kifungo kwa kipindi
kisichopungua miezi kumi na mbili na kisichozidi miezi
ishirini na nne au vyote faini na kifungo.
Uwasilishaji wa
taarifa muhimu

56.- (1) Mthmini anaweza kumtaka mtu yeyote

kuwasilisha kwake nyaraka zozote za muhimu za
kumwezesha kutekeleza majukumu yake chini ya Sheria
(2) taarifa zinazohitajika chini ya kifungu cha
(1) zinaweza kujumuisha(a) maelezo kuhusu mauzo, manunuzi, matokeo
ya minada na zabuni,ukodishaji na
upangishaji; na
(b) taarifa nyingine ambazo mthamini anadhani
ni muhimu kwa ajili ya utekelezaji wa
majukumu yake chini ya Sheria hii.
(3) Mtu yeyote ambaye anakataa kuwasilisha
taarifa chini ya kifungu hiki ndani ya muda uliowekwa,
au anawasilisha taarifa ya uongo kwa makusudi, atakuwa
ametenda kosa na akipatikana na hatia atatozwa faini
isiyopungua shilingi milioni moja na isiyozidi shilingi
milioni tatu au kifungo kwa kipindi kisichopungua miezi
kumi na mbili na kisichozidi miezi ishirini na nne au
vyote kwa pamoja, faini na kifungo.

kutokuwa wakala
wa mthamini

57. Mthamini aliyesajiliwa ambaye anakuwa

wakala wa mthamini asiyesajiliwa na akafanya uthamini,
na ambaye(a) anaruhusu jina lake litumiwe na mthamini
(b) anafanya
kumwezesha mtu asiyesajiliwa kufanya kazi
kama mthamini aliyesajiliwa;


Sheria ya Uthamini na Usajili wa Wathamini

(c) kwa njia yoyote anamsaidia mthamini
asiyesajiliwa katika jambo lolote akijua
kwamba mtu huyo anakiuka au ana nia ya
kukiuka Sheria hii,
atakuwa ametenda kosa na atachukuliwa hatua za
kinidhamu kwa namna Bodi itakavyoamua.
Vyanzo vya fedha

58.-(1) Vyanzo vya fedha za Bodi

vitajumuisha(a) kiasi chochote cha fedha ambacho
kikitatengwa na Bunge kwa ajili ya Bodi;
(b) kiasi chochote cha fedha ambacho Bodi
inaweza kupokea kama msaada kutoka katika
shirika lolote;
(c) kiasi chochote cha fedha ambacho Bodi
inaweza kukopa kwa madhumuni ya Bodi;
(d) kiasi chochote cha fedha ambacho, kwa
namna yoyote, kitalipwa au kuwekwa kwenye
(e) michango kutoka kwa wathamini kama
itakavyoamuliwa na Bodi;
(2) Bodi inaweza, baada ya kupata idhini ya
Waziri na kwa kushauriana na Waziri mwenye dhamana
na masuala ya fedha, kuwekeza fedha zozote katika
namna ambayo Bodi inaona inafaa.


59.-(1) Bodi itatunza kumbukumbu sahihi za

vitabu vya hesabu.
(2) Kwa kuzingatia maelekezo yoyote
yaliyotolewa na Bodi, Msajili ataandaa maelezo
kuhusiana na kila mwaka wa fedha, na si zaidi ya miezi
mitatu baada ya kufungwa kwa mwaka wa fedha,
ataandaa taarifa ambayo itajumuisha taarifa ya
utekelezaji wa shughuli za Bodi kwa kipindi cha mwaka
huo wa fedha.
(3) Taarifa iliyoandaliwa chini ya kifungu


Sheria ya Uthamini na Usajili wa Wathamini

kidogo cha (2) zitakuwa na(a) taarifa ya hali ya Bodi kifedha;
(b) taarifa kuhusu uimara wa Bodi kifedha;
(c) taarifa ya mtiririko wa mapato;
(d) taarifa kuhusu mabadiliko ya mitaji; na
(e) maelezo ya taarifa ya fedha.

60.-(1) Hesabu za Bodi za kila mwaka wa fedha

zitakaguliwa na Mdhibiti na Mkaguzi Mkuu wa Hesabu
za Serikali au Mkaguzi atakayeteuliwa na Mdhibiti na
Mkaguzi Mkuu wa Hesabu za Serikali.
(2) Ndani ya miezi mitatu baada ya kufunga
mahesabu ya mwaka wa fedha, Bodi itawasilisha kwa
Mkaguzi na Mdhibiti Mkuu wa Hesabu za Serikali
taarifa ya hesabu kama ilivyoelezwa katika kifungu cha
59 cha Sheria hii, kwa ajili ya ukaguzi.
(3) Mapema iwezekanavyo, isipokuwa si zaidi ya
miezi miwili baada ya kupokea taarifa ya ukaguzi kutoka
kwa Mkaguzi na Mdhibiti Mkuu wa Hesabu za Serikali,
Bodi itawasilisha kwa Waziri maelezo ya taarifa ya fedha
yaliyokaguliwa pamoja na taarifa ya Mkaguzi na
Mdhibiti Mkuu wa Hesabu za Serikali kuhusiana na
maelezo hayo.

Taarifa ya Mwaka
ya Utekelezaji

61. Bodi itandaa na kuwasilisha kwa Waziri

ndani ya miezi mitatu baada ya kufungwa kwa kila
mwaka wa fedha, taarifa ya mwaka juu ya utendaji wa
Bodi kwa mwaka huo wa fedha na Waziriatawasilisha
nakala ya taarifa hiyo Bungeni.

Marufuku kwa
kutumia jina au
kufanya kazi za

62.- (1) Mtu yeyote ambaye hajasajiliwa au

kuorodheshwa chini ya Sheria hii (a) akifanya kazi kama mtu aliyesajiliwa au
(b) akitumia jina "mthamini aliyesajiliwa", "
mthamini aliyeorodheshwa" au jina jingine,


Sheria ya Uthamini na Usajili wa Wathamini

cheo au maelezo yanayoashiria kwamba mtu
huyo ni mthamini aliyesajiliwa;
(c) anajitambulisha aidha moja kwa moja au
vinginevyo, kama ni mthamini aliyesajiliwa
au kuorodheshwa,
atakuwa anatenda kosa na akipatikana na hatia atalipa
faini isiyozidi shilingi milioni tano au kifungo kisichozidi
miaka miwili au vyote.
(2) Kifungu kidogo cha (1) (a) haitatumika
kwa(a) afisa yeyote wa umma anayeandaa taarifa
wakati akitekeleza majukumu yake ya
ajira; au
(b) mtu yeyote aliyeajiriwa na mthamini
aliyesajiliwa na ambaye anafanya kazi
zilizoko ndani ya wigo wa ajira hiyo.
Kuthibitisha ripoti
ya uthamini

63.- (1) Mthamini aliyesajiliwa anapofanya

uthamini ataweka lakiri kwenye ripoti hiyo ambao una
jina lake, nambari ya usajili, anuani na tarehe, au jina la
kampuni ambalo yeye ni mbia au mkurugenzi.
(2) Endapo ripoti ya uthamini haitasainiwa kwa
mujibu wa kifungu kidogo cha (1), ripoti hiyo itakuwa ni
(3) Mthamini aliyesajiliwa anaposaini ripoti ya
uthamini iliyoandaliwa na mthamini ambaye hajasajiliwa
itachukuliwa kuwa amekubali kuwajibika na ripoti hiyo
pamoja na yaliyomo kwenye ripoti.

Ada ya uthamini

64.-(1) Ndani ya mwaka mmoja tangu kuanza

kutumika kwa Sheria hii, Bodi itatengeneza kanuni
zitakazobainisha ada ya uthamini wa mali kuhusiana na
huduma za uthamini zinazotolewa na wathamini
waliosajiliwa waliopo kwenye sekta binafsi.
(2) Hakuna mthamini aliyesajiliwa atakayedai
au kukubali malipo ya ada au malipo mengine kuhusiana
na huduma ya uthamini ambayo ni pungufu zaidi ya
kiwango kilichobainishwa kwenye kifungu kidogo cha


Sheria ya Uthamini na Usajili wa Wathamini

yanaofanywa na

65. Pale kosa linapofanywa na shirika au na

mkurugenzi yeyote, afisa au mtumishi wa shirika kwa
namna inayoweza kutathminiwa kuashiria kwamba
shirika linakidhi au linatambulika kisheria kwamba
linakidhi vigezo vya kufanya kazi kama mthamini
aliyesajiliwa wakati sivyo, shirika hilo litakuwa
limetenda kosa na likipatikana na hatia litawajibika
kulipa faini isiyozidi shilingi milioni hamsini.

Uandaaji wa
kanuni za maadili

66.-(1) Ili kufanya kazi ya uthamini kwa

uaminifu au ili kuzingatia kanuni za utendaji bora katika
kufanya tahmini, ndani ya miezi kumi na mbili baada ya
kuanza kutumika kwa Sheria hii, Bodi itatengeneza na
kupitisha kanuni za maadili kwa ajili ya wathamini
waliosajiliwa na wathamini walioorodheshwa.
(2) Kanuni za maadili zilizotengenezwa chini
ya kifungu hiki zitatangazwa katika Gazeti la Serikali na
zitakuwa na nguvu ya kisheria.


67. Mtu yeyote ambaye:

(a) kwa udanganyifu ataingiza, atasababisa au
ataruhusu kuingizwa taarifa yoyote ya uongo
au isiyo sahihi katika Rejesta au nakala
yoyote ya Rejesta;
(b) ataingiza au atajaribu kuingiza jina lolote au
taarifa nyingine aidha kwa ajili yake au kwa
ajili ya mtu mwingine yeyote;
(c) atajipatia au atajaribu kujipatia leseni ya
kufanya uthamini kwa njia za udanganyifu;
(d) anafahamu kwamba hajafuzu kufanya
uthamini, akifanya au akijaribu kufanya
uthamini chini ya Sheria hii;
(e) anatoa taarifa yoyote ambayo ni ya uongo au
inayopotosha kwa nia ya kujipatia manufaa,
aweze kuingia mkataba au kupewa upendeleo
chini ya Sheria hii;
(f) anaghushi au akijua kwamba nyaraka
imeghushiwa, anatoa nyaraka yoyoyte
inayodhaniwa kuwa ni cheti,risiti, idhini au


Sheria ya Uthamini na Usajili wa Wathamini

nyaraka yoyoye iliyotolewa chini ya Sheria
(g) anakifanya kuwa ni mtu aliyesajiliwa au
anayedhaniwa kuwa amesajiliwa chini ya
Sheria hii;
(h) baada ya kupewa wito, atakataa au
anashindwa bila sababu ya msingi, kuhuduria
kwenye kikao cha uchunguzi cha Bodi chini
ya Sheria hii;
(i) anamzuia au kumkataza mjumbe yeyote wa
Bodi kutekeleza mamlaka au majukumu yake
chini ya Sheria hii;
anatenda kosa la jinai na akipatikana na hatia atawajibika
kulipa faini isiyopungua shilingi milioni tano au kifungo
kwa kipindi kisichopungua miaka miwili au vyote faini
na kifungo.
Uzembe wa

68. Mthmini yeyote aliyesajiliwa ambaye ripoti

yake itakuwa na maelezo au taarifa yenye makisio ya juu
au ya chini, na ripoti hiyo ikapitishwa au ikaidhinishwa
na Mthamini Mkuu, mthamini huyo atawajibika yeye
binafsi kwa uzembe wa kitaaluma kutokana na madirio
hayo ya juu au ya chini ya maelezo au taarifa hiyo.


69. Hakuna jambo au kitu kilichofanywa na

mjumbe yeyote wa Bodi au wa Kamati, wafanyakazi wa
Bodi, mthamini aliyesajiliwa au aliyeorodheshwa au mtu
yeyote aliyepewa mamlaka ya kutekeleza majukumu
chini ya Sheria hii, endapo kimefanyika kwa nia njema
katika utekelezaji wa majukumu yake chini ya Sheria hii,
kitamfanya mjumbe au mtu huyo mwingine awajibike
binafsi kwa jambo au kitu kilichofanyika.


70.- (1) Waziri baada ya kushauriana na Bodi,

anaweza kutunga kanuni kwa ajili ya utekelezaji bora wa
masharti ya Sheria hii.
(2) Bila kuathiri masharti ya ujumla ya kifungu
kidogo cha (1), Waziri anaweza kutunga kanuni


Sheria ya Uthamini na Usajili wa Wathamini

(a) utaratibu wa usajili na uorodheshaji chini
ya Sheria hii;
(b) utaratibu wa kusajili kampuni za uthamini
chini ya Sheria hii;
(c) ada na malipo mengine yanayopaswa
kulipwa kuhusiana na huduma za
uthamini zinazotolewa na wathamini wa
Serikali chini ya Sheria hii;
(d) utaratibu wa kuhakiki uthamini chini ya
Sheria hii;
(e) namna ya kutathmini viwango vya mazao
na kuandaa jedwali ya viwango vya
(f) namna ya kutathmini viwango va mazao
na kuandaa thamani ya ardhi;
(g) fomu zitakazotumiwa wakati wa kufanya
uthamini wa aina mbalimbali;
(h) utaratibu wa kutathmini fidia na uthamini;
(i) namna
(j) kanuni bora za usimamizi, ikijumuisha
miongozo ya ubora wa huduma na ujuzi
wa watathmini;
(k) namna na taratibu za kushughulikia
malalamiko na rufaa zinazofunguliwa
chini ya Sheria hii;
(l) kanuni za vipimo;
(m) jambo jingine lolote litakawezesha
utekelezaji bora wa Sheria hii.
Kanuni za Bodi

71. Bodi inaweza kuandaa kanuni

viwango na miongozo ya kufanya
muundo wa ripoti ya uthamini;
masuala yanayohusu usajili wa
masuala yanayohusu elimu ya
kujiendeleza; na


Sheria ya Uthamini na Usajili wa Wathamini


jambo au kitu kingine chochote

ambacho Bodi inaona ni muhimu
katika kutekeleza masharti ya Sheria

masharti ya mpito

72.-(1) Wathamini waliosajiliwa chini ya Sheria

ya Baraza la Taifa la Usajili wa Wapimaji wa Ardhi na
ambao leseni zao hazijamalizika muda, wataendelea
kufanya kazi za uthamini kama vile wamesajiliwa chini
ya Sheria hii mpaka hapo leseni zao zitakapomalizika
(2) Mthamini aliyesajiliwa na kupewa leseni
chini ya Sheria ya Baraza la Taifa la Usajili wa Wapimaji
wa Ardhi, ndani ya miezi mitatu kabla ya muda wa leseni
yake kumalizika, atapaswa kuomba kwa Bodi kusajiliwa
chini ya Sheria hii.
(3) Baada ya kuanza kutumika kwa Sheria hii
hakuna mthamini atakayesajiliwa chini ya Sheria ya
Baraza la Taifa la Wapima Ardhi.

Marekebisho ya
sheria mbalimbali

73. Kwa madhumuni ya kuleta uwiano wa

sheria mbalimbali na Sheria hii, sheria zilizoainishwa
kwenye Jedwali la Pili la Sheria hii zinafanyiwa
marekebisho katika namna inayoainishwa kwenye
Jedwali la Pili.

(Limetengenezwa chini ya kifungu cha 12(6))
Nafasi kuwa

1. Nafasi ya mjumbe itakuwa wazi endapo(a) uteuzi wake utatenguliwa;

(b) atajiuzulu; au
(c) atafariki.
(2) Mjumbe anaweza kujiuzulu wakati wowote
kwa kutoa notisi ya maandishi kwa Waziri na tangu


Sheria ya Uthamini na Usajili wa Wathamini

tarehe hiyo iliyoainishwa kwenye notisi, au iwapo
hakuna tarehe iliyotajwa kwenye notisi, kuanzia tarehe
ambayo notisi ilipopelekwa na Waziri, mjumbe atakoma
kuwa mjumbe.

2. Bodi itamchagua mmoja wa wajumbe wake

kuwa Makamu-Mwenyekiti na mjumbe yeyote
ataendelea kushika madaraka ya Makamu-Mwenyekiti
kwa muda wa miaka mitatu na anaweza kuchaguliwa
tena baada ya muda huo kuisha, kwa kuzingatia kigezo
kuwa mjumbe huyo anaendelea kuwa mjumbe.

Muda wa uteuzi

3.-(1) Kila mjumbe wa Bodi ataendelea kuwa

madarakani kwa kipindi kitakachoainishwa kwente barua
ya uteuzi, na endapo kipindi hicho hakijabainishwa,
ataendelea kuwa mjumbe kwa kipindi cha miaka mitatu
kuanzia tarehe ya uteuzi wake na anaweza kuteuliwa tena
kwa kipindi kingine kimoja.
(2) Bila kujali aya ndogo ya (1), mtu ambaye ni
mjumbe kutokana na kushika madaraka katika ofisi
nyingine yoyote atakoma kuwa mjumbe baada ya kuacha
kushika madaraka katika ofisi ambayo kwa wadhifa huo
amekuwa mjumbe.

Kufuta uteuzi

4. Pale ambapo mjumbe wa Bodi anashindwa

kuhudhuria vikao vitatu vya Bodi mfululizo bila sababu
za msingi, Bodi itaishauri mamlaka ya uteuzi kuhusu
suala hili na mamlaka ya uteuzi inaweza kufuta uteuzi wa
mjumbe huyo na kuteua mjumbe mpya badala yake.

Nafasi kuwa

5. Iwapo mjumbe anakoma kuwa mjumbe kwa

sababu yoyote kabla ya muda wake kumalizika, mamlaka
ya uteuzi inaweza kumteua mtu mwingine kuziba nafasi
iliyoachwa wazi na mtu huyo aliyeteuliwa takaa
madarakani kwa kipindi kilichosalia cha mjumbe

Ukomo wa

6. Iwapo mjumbe yeyote wa Bodi anakoma kuwa


Sheria ya Uthamini na Usajili wa Wathamini


Mamlaka ya
Mwenyekiti na

mjumbe kwa sababu ya kujiuzulu au kifo au kwa ya

kushindwa kutekeleza majukumu yake kama mjumbe
kwa sababu ya kutokuwepo ndani ya Jamhuri ya
Muungano au kwa sababu ya udhaifu wa mwili au akili
au iwapo mamlaka ya uteuzi inafuta uteuzi wake chini ya
aya ya 2, mamlaka ya uteuzi inaweza kuteua mjumbe
mwingine badala yake na mjumbe atakayeteuliwa kwa
mujibu wa Jedwali hili atakuwepo madarakani kwa muda
uliobakia wa mjumbe aliyemtangulia.
7.-(1) Mwenyekiti ataongoza mikutano yote ya
(2) Iwapo katika mkutano wowote wa Bodi
ataongoza kikao hicho.
(3) Iwapo Mwenyekiti na Makamu-Mwenyekiti
hawapo katika mkutano wowote wa Bodi, wajumbe
waliopo, watamchagua Mwenyekiti wa muda kutoka
miongoni mwao kuongoza kikao.
(4) Mwenyekiti, Makamu-Mwenyekiti au
Mwenyekiti wa muda anayeongoza mkutano wowote wa
Bodi, atakuwa na haki ya kupiga kura, na inapotokea
mgongano wa kura, atakuwa na kura ya turufu mbali na
kura yake ya kawaida.

Mikutano na
taratibu za Bodi

8.-(1) Mkutano wa kawaida cha Bodi utaitishwa

na Mwenyekiti na taarifa inayotaja sehemu, tarehe na
muda wa kikao itatumwa kwa kila mjumbe mahala pake
pa kawaida pa kazi au makazi kwa siku zisizopungua
siku kumi na nne kabla ya tarehe ya kikao hicho.
(2) Bodi itafanya mkutano wa kawaida minne
kwa mwaka, lakini Mwenyekiti anaweza akaitisha kikao
cha dharura endapo hitaji la kufanya hivyo litajitokeza.
(3) Mwenyekiti wa Bodi anaweza kumwalika
mtu yeyote ambaye si mjumbe kushiriki katika mjadala
wa Bodi na mtu huyo hatakuwa na haki ya kupiga kura.


9. Akidi katika mikutano ya Bodi itakuwa ni

mbili ya tatu ya wajumbe wote.


Sheria ya Uthamini na Usajili wa Wathamini

Uamuzi kwa
njia ya

10.-(1) Bila kujali aya ya 7, Mwenyekiti anaweza

kuelekeza uamuzi kufanywa na Bodi bila kufanya
mkutano kwa kugawa nakala ya suala lililo mezani kwa
wajumbe wote ili watoe maoni yao kwa maandishi.
(2) Mjumbe yeyote atakuwa na haki ya kutaka
uamuzi wowote kuahirishwa na uamuzi huo kujadiliwa
kwenye mkutano wa Bodi.

Muhtasari wa

11. Muhtasari wa kila kikao cha Bodi utatunzwa

na utathibitishwa na Bodi katika kikao kinachofuata na
kusainiwa na Mwenyekiti wa kikao hicho.

Nafasi kuwa
wazi na kasoro
shughulu za

12. Uhalali wa jambo lolote au shughuli ya Bodi

haitaathiriwa kutokana na uwepo wa nafasi iliyo wazi
katika idadi ya wajumbe au kasoro zozote katika uteuzi
wa mjumbe yeyote.

maelekezo n.k .
ya Bodi

13. Amri zote, maelekezo, taarifa au nyaraka

nyingine zilizotengenezwa au kutolewa kwa niaba ya
Bodi zitasainiwa na(a) Mwenyekiti au Makamu Mwenyekiti kama
itakavyokuwa; na
(b) Msajili.

Uthibitisho wa

14. Nyaraka yoyote inayodhaniwa kuwa

imetolewa kwa idhini ya Mwenyekiti, Makamu
Mwenyekiti au Msajili kuhusiana na azimio lolote la
Bodi au inayodhaniwa kuwa imetolewa kwa niaba ya
Bodi, itapokelewa kwenye mahakama zote au mabaraza
au vyombo vingine vilivyoidhinishwa kupokea ushahidi
itachukuliwa, bila uthibitisho wa ziada, kuwa ushahidi
unaojitosheleza wa kilichomo kwenye nyaraka husika.

Uhalali wa
matumizi ya

15. Lakiri ya Bodi haitawekwa kwenye hati, nyaraka na

miongozo mingine isipokuwa mbele ya Mwenyekiti na Msajili, au
Mwenyekiti au Msajili na mjumbe mwingine mmoja ambaye
atateuliwa na Bodi kwa ajili hiyo.


Sheria ya Uthamini na Usajili wa Wathamini

Marupurupu ya
wajumbe wa Bodi

16. Mjumbe wa Bodi na Sekretarieti atastahili

kulipwa marupurupu au posho kutoka kwenye fedha za
Bodi kama Waziri anavyoweza, baada ya kushauriana na
Msajili wa Hazina, kuamua.

Uthibitishaji wa

17. Nyaraka zozote za Bodi, mbali na nyaraka

nyingine zinazohitajika kisheria kuwekewa lakiri na
maamuzi yote ya Bodi, vinaweza kuthibitishwa kwa
kusainiwa na Msajili au ofisa mwingine aliyeidhinishwa
na Msajili kwa niaba yake.

Bodi kusimamia
shughuli zake

18. Kwa kuzingatia masharti ya Jedwali hili

Bodi inaweza kujiwekea utaratibu wa kuendesha
mwenendo wa shughuli zake.

(Limetengenezwa chini ya kifungu cha 73)
Sheria zilizoainishwa zinafanyiwa marekebisho kama
inavyoainishwa hapa chini:
ya Sura ya 270

1. Sheria ya Usajili wa Wapima Ardhi inafanyiwa

marekebisho(a) ya ujumla kwa kufuta maneno na uchumi wa
ardhi popote yanapojitokeza kwenye Sheria
(b) kwenye kifungu cha 3, kwa kufuta tafsiri ya
neno mpima ardhi na kuweka badala yake
tafsiri ifuatayo:
mpima ardhi maana yake ni mtu
aliyefunzwa, mwenye sifa au mwenye
weledi na uzoefu wa kutosha
utakaomwezesha kufanya shughuli za
usomaji wa kina na kutumia vipimo


Sheria ya Uthamini na Usajili wa Wathamini

sawia na data nyinginezo katika sehemu
ya uso wa dunia na kujua, kwa kutumia
vipimo, muundo wake, ukubwa,
mpangilio wa kontua na hali kwa
madhumuni ya(a) kuainisha mipaka ya eneo na
kukusanya data kwa ajili ya
usajili wa hati ya ardhi;
(b) kutoa mwongozo wa kimfumo
kwa ajili ya upimaji ramani;
(c) kuonesha
muonekano halisi wa dunia au
sehemu yake;
(d) kutengeneza data kwa ajili ya
mipango inayohitajika kwa ajili
ya shughuli za ujenzi;
(e) kuonesha takwimu na data
nyingine kwenye ramani za
mtathmini na mchumi ardhi.
Marekebisho ya
Sura ya 113

2. Sheria ya Ardhi inafanyiwa marekebisho ya

jumla kwa kufuta maneno mthamini mwenye sifa
popote yanapojitokeza kwenye Sheria hiyo na kuweka
badala yake maneno mthamini aliyesajiliwa.

Marekebisho ya
Sura ya 289

3. Sheria ya Tozo za Mamlaka za Miji inafanyiwa

marekebisho(a) ya jumla kwa kufuta maneno mthamini mwenye
sifa popote yanapojitokeza kwenye Sheria hiyo
na kuweka badala yake maneno mthamini
aliyesajiliwa; na
(b) kwenye kifungu cha 3, kwa kufuta tafsiri ya neno
mthamini mpima ardhi.


Sheria ya Uthamini na Usajili wa Wathamini

Muswada huu unapendekeza kutungwa kwa Sheria ya Uthamini na
Usajili wa Wathamini, ya mwaka 2016 kwa lengo la kusimamia taaluma
na shughuli za uthamini Tanzania Bara. Hii ni kutokana na kwamba kwa
takriban miongo mitatu, shughuli za uthamini zimekuwa zikitekelezwa
chini ya usimamizi wa sheria mbalimbali zikiwemo Sheria ya Ardhi, Sura
ya 113, Sheria ya Tozo za Mamlaka za Miji, Sura ya 289, Sheria ya
Utwaaji Ardhi, Sura ya 118, Sheria ya Madini, Sura ya 123, Sheria ya
Kodi ya Mapato, Sura ya 332 na Sheria ya Usajili wa Wapima, Sura ya
Kutokuwepo kwa sheria moja mahsusi na inayojitosheleza kuhusu
masuala ya uthamini na shughuli za uthamini nchini kumesababisha
changamoto kubwa sana katika jamii. Baadhi ya changamoto hizo ni
pamoja kuongezeka kwa kasi kwa migogoro ya ardhi nchini
kunakosababishwa na kazi za uthamini kufanywa na wathamini hewa; na
kuongezeka kwa idadi kubwa ya wathamini wasio na sifa stahiki za
kitaaluma ambao mara nyingi wamekuwa wakitekeleza kazi mbalimbali
za uthamini. Changamoto zote hizi zimekuwa zikisababisha
ucheleweshwaji wa fidia, kuongezeka kwa thamani ya fidia, gharama za
miradi na ucheleweshwaji wa utekelezaji wa miradi au uwekezaji
kunakosababishwa na uthamini uliofanyika chini ya kiwango au bila ya
kuzingatia aina, misingi na madhumuni ya uthamini husika.
Kutokana na hali hiyo, Muswada huu unapendekeza kutungwa
Sheria moja mahsusi ambayo itaziba ombwe lililopo sasa na kutoa
suluhisho la changamoto zilizoainishwa kwenye aya zilizotangulia na
kuhakikisha kwamba matumizi ya ardhi nchini yanaleta athari chanya kwa
maslahi ya watumiaji wote wa ardhi na Taifa kwa ujumla.
Kwa madhumuni ya kukidhi malengo yaliyokusudiwa, Muswada
umegawanyika katika Sehemu Kuu Saba.
Sehemu ya Kwanza ya Muswada inahusu masharti ya awali
yakiwemo jina la Sheria inayopendekezwa, matumizi yake pamoja na
tafsiri za maneno na misamiati iliyotumika katika Muswada.


Sheria ya Uthamini na Usajili wa Wathamini

Sehemu ya Pili inahusu mamlaka na majukumu ya Mthamini
Mkuu ndani ya muundo wa Wizara yenye dhamana na masuala ya ardhi.
Aidha, Sehemu hii inapendekeza masharti kuhusu uteuzi wa Mthamini
Mkuu, Wathamini Wakuu Wasaidizi, Wathamini wa Serikali na
Wathamini Waidhinishwa. Muundo huu wa Idara ya Uthamini
utahakikisha kwamba Wathamini Wakuu Wasaidizi watakuwepo katika
kila kanda na watakuwa ni wasimamizi wa shughuli za uthamini
zinazofanywa na Wathamini wa Serikali na wathamini waidhinishwa
katika mamlaka za serikali za mitaa, Mikoa na Wilaya.
Sehemu ya Tatu inapendekeza masharti kuhusu Bodi ya Usajili wa
Wathamini ambapo masuala yanayohusu uanzishwaji wa Bodi, muundo,
mamlaka na kazi za Bodi yamefafanuliwa. Aidha, Sehemu hii
inapendekeza masharti kuhusu uteuzi wa Msajili ambaye atawajibika
kusimamia utekelezaji wa siku kwa siku wa shughuli za Bodi.
Sehemu ya Nne ya Muswada inahusu Usajili na Uorodheshwaji wa
wathamini. Katika Sehemu hii, inapendekezwa kwamba usajili wa
wathamini ufanyike kwa wathamini wenye angalau shahada ya kwanza
katika masuala ya usimamizi wa ardhi na nyumba. Aidha, usajili
unapendekezwa kufanyika katika makundi matatu ambayo ni usajili
kamili, usajili wa muda na usajili wa mpito. Usajili kamili utatolewa kwa
wathamini wenye uzoefu wa angalau miaka mitatu mbali na kuwa na sifa
stahiki za kitaaluma. Usajili wa muda utatolewa kwa wathamini ambao si
watanzania na wanaotoka nje ya Tanzania ambao wanahitaji kutekeleza
shughuli mahsusi ya uthamini hapa Tanzania kwa kipindi kisichozidi
mwaka mmoja. Usajili wa makampuni ya usajili utafanyika baada ya
mthamini husika kupata chdeti chini ya Sheria hii na baada ya kukidhi
vigezo vilivyowekwa na Sheria ya Makampuni, Sura ya 212. Mwisho,
usajili wa mpito utakuwa ni kwa wahitimu wa masomo ya uthamini na
wengineo ambao hawana uzoefu wa angalau miaka mitatu ili waweze
kupewa usajili kamili.
Kwa upande mwingine, uorodheshwaji wa wathamini utakuwa ni
kwa ajili ya wathamini ambao wana vyeti au diploma katika masuala ya
usimamizi wa ardhi na majengo. Wathamini walioorodheshwa au
wathamini wasaidizi wataruhusiwa kusaidia kazi za uthamini chini ya
usimamizi wa wathamini waliosajiliwa.


Sheria ya Uthamini na Usajili wa Wathamini

Masuala mengine kuhusu kukubali au kukataa maombi ya usajili,
uhalali wa cheti, haki na stahili za wathamini waliosajiliwa au
walioorodheshwa, Rejesta, ukaguzi wa Rejesta na kusitisha kwa muda au
kufutwa kwa cheti cha usajili yamefafanuliwa kwa kina.
Sehemu ya Tano inahusu mwongozo kuhusiana na uendeshaji wa
shughuli za uthamini, ambapo masuala yote yanayohusu aina za uthamini,
madhumuni, misingi na mbinu za uthamini yamefafanuliwa kwa kina.
Aidha, Sehemu hii inapendekeza masharti kuhusu uhalali wa uthamini,
muda wa ukomo wa uthamini na masuala mengine yanayohusu kuingia
katika ardhi au majengo.
Sehemu ya Sita ya Muswada inahusu masharti kuhusu fedha,
ambapo masuala yanayohusu vyanzo vya mapato ya Bodi, hesabu na
ukaguzi wa hesabu pamoja na taarifa ya mwaka kuhusu utendaji kazi wa
Bodi yameainishwa kwa ufasaha.
Sehemu ya Saba inapendekeza masharti ya jumla. Sehemu hii
inahusu masuala ya miiko ya maadili ya kitaaluma kwa wathamini wa
Serikali na wathamini waidhinishwa, ada za uthamini, makosa na adhabu,
kanuni zitakazotengenezwa na Waziri, kanuni za Bodi na masharti ya
mpito nay ale yanayoendelea.
Mwisho, Muswada unapendekeza Majedwali yanayohusu utaratibu
wa uendeshaji wa shughuli za Bodi na marekebisho yatokanayo ambapo
sheria zote ambazo kwa namna moja au nyingine zitaathirika kutokana na
Sheria inayopendekezwa, zinapendekezwa kufanyiwa marekebisho. Sheria
hizo ni pamoja na Sheria ya Ardhi, Sura ya 113, Sheria ya Tozo za
Mamlaka za Miji, Sura ya 289 na Sheria ya Usajili wa Wapima Ardhi,
Sura ya 270.

Dar es Salaam,
10 Mei, 2016

Waziri wa Ardhi, Nyumba na
Maendeleo ya Makazi


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