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Environmental Law

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The present day increasing tirade against environmental pollutions and
eco-imbalances are now forcing the homo-sapiens to look back and bring
back our traditional approach to the environmental law.
The traditional approach is nothing but an approach instigated upon
our ethics. So in other words we can call it as an ethical approach too.
This approach is very important as it guides every individual and the
system as whole as to how to behave with the environment. It mainly
consists of rules of moral correctness or moral behavior towards the
components of environment which includes land, water, air, flora and
Environmental Ethics in our ancient days
Since Vedic times the main motto of the social life was to live in
harmony with the nature. Sages, Saints and great teachers of India
used to live in forests, meditated and expressed themselves in the forms
of Vedas, Upanishads, Smritis and Dharmas. The ancient literatures
used to depict the importance of worshiping plants, trees, mother earth,
sky (aakash), air (vayu), water(jal), and animals. It was considered to be
a sacred duty of every person to protect them.
Hindu religious scriptures including Vedas, Upanishads, Smritis,
Puranas,Ramayana, Mahabharata, Gita and mythological literatures
inludings stories, social and moral codes, and political rules reveals the
following general principles to be observed by all in day to day life. Some
of these principles are -:


a) Respect Nature
b) Worship mother earth
c) Human life is always dependent upon the various components of the
d) Protect natural environment
e) Utilise natural resources only to meet needs and not greeds.
f) Understand the presence of divinity in all all living and non living
g) Destruction of nature means destruction of man-kind.
h) All must have compassion towards trees, animals, birds and aquatic
i) Air, water, land, sky, trees, animals are all creation of god and he
dwells in them. Therefore to worship them is to worship God.
j) Man also being a creature of god has no right or authority over other
creations of God.
k) Ahimsa Parmo Dharmah- non-violence is the dharma of the highest
order and Himsa is considered to be a sin.
l) Drought, Tsunami, earthquakes,heavy rains are all the violent forms
of anger manifested by the Gods and Goddesses.
m) Purity and cleanliness of the environment must be observed.
n) All lives, human and non-human including trees, are of equal value
and all have the same right to existence.
Origin of Environmental law
The origin of environmental science can be traced in Vedic and ancient
Sanskrit literature. Vedic view on environmental science is well defined
in one verse of the Atharvaveda where environment has been referred


as Chandamsi. Chadamsi means the the covering available
The basic element of environment has been covered in the Vedic texts.
According to Upanishads, the universe consists of five basic elements -:
a) earth or land b) water c) light d) air e) ether. A disturbance in the
composition of either of these components will surely lead to ecoimbalances. which we are unfortunately facing today. The relation of
human beings with the environment is very natural as he cannot live
without it.
In Rigeveda, one Aranyani Sukta is addressed to the deity of forest and
Oshadhi Sukta cautioned that they should not be destroyed. Rigveda
acknowledged air(vayu) as one of deities and mentioned that Let wind
flow in the form of medicine and bring me welfare and happiness.
Animals and birds have also been accepted as part of the environment.
It has also been warned that animals should be safe, protected ad
healthy. The Atharvaveda talks about the relation of plans with earths.
It is also mentioned that one tree is equal to ten sons.
Also, many verses in the Rigveda and Atharvaveda have been devoted to
the praise of Lord Surya, Vayu Devta, Agni Devta, Varuna Devta,
Prithvi Mata, Vanya Devi etc. Therefore, cutting of trees, polluting air,
water, land were regarded as sins as they are regarded as gods and
goddesses. Protection of their purity is considered to be the duty of
Apart from this, Rigveda, Manusmriti, and Charaka Samhita have
emphasized on the purity of water as it has the healing and medicinal


value. Similarly even trees and plants have been regarded as
indispensable in the life of human beings. Some of the names of trees
associated with Gods and Goddesses are given as follows-:
a) Ashoka Buddha, Indra
b) Lotus Laxmi
c) Mango Laxmi
d) Peepal- Vishnu
Charaka Samhita has considered the destruction of forests as the most
dangerous act for humanity and its welfare. Charaka has also
mentioned that air pollutions is cause for many diseases. Similarly
Charaka Samhita also prohibits the use of unwholesome water.

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