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Testing of Arresters

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1.0 Testing of arresters

As explained in part-1, the surge arrester is subjected to various electrical / mechanical stresses
through out its life time and it shall have sufficient capability to withstand the expected electrical and
mechanical stresses throughout its life time in addition to its primary task of protecting the equipment.
It must also be dimensioned to handle the current through it as well as the heat generated by the
overvoltages and remain thermally stable after the energy absorption. So the manufacturer has to
consider all these aspects into consideration while designing the surge arresters. Hence the
development, manufacture and the quality control of the Metal Oxide resistors a very important task to
be fulfilled by the manufacturers.
Hence quality assurance testing of arresters in compliance with National / International standards are
essential to validate the performance of the arresters under various stresses it is subjected to while in
service is of great importance in modern power system practice. The testing of the product designed
as per national and international standards in an independent third party laboratory is equally
In order to assess the performance of the arresters after manufacturing, standards have prescribed
various methods for testing the MOSA. The basic purpose of test standards is to provide industry with
a means to adequately assess that a product being brought to market is capable of providing the
service for which it was originally designed. The arrester is subjected to various stresses (stresses that
are experienced in service conditions) which are simulated in the laboratory and the performance is
MO-surge arresters for high voltage systems are tested acc. to the international standard IEC 60099-4.
It is assumed that MO-surge arresters generally are not exposed to direct lightning. The specified
current impulses are of wave shapes like 4/10 S and 8/20 S to simulate lightning stresses. These
impulse currents represent mainly far distance lightning or indirect lightning effects. Multiple lightning
strokes and the long duration content of a lightning stroke (up to ms) are not considered in IEC 60099-4.
Verification of Surge arrester Design
The manufacturer designs and supplies the arrester as per the requirement of the utilities for a specific
application. So once the requirements are set on a surge arrester, the design of the same is
considered to be satisfactory only after the arresters design is verified by subjecting it to the following
electrical, mechanical and environmental stress tests:

Residual voltage measurement at different current amplitudes and wave-shapes

Long duration Current impulse withstand tests
Operating duty test
Temporary Over voltage test
External insulation test
Bending moment / Mechanical test
Short-circuit test / Pressure relief test
Artificial pollution test
Line discharge class test:

The above tests are considered to be type tests (design tests) but some of these may also be
performed during the manufacturing process and/or assembly as a part of a manufacturers quality
Testing of Surge Arresters
To ensure safe operation and an appropriate lifetime of surge arresters, type and routine tests are to
be performed. The most important standards covering type and routine testing of surge arresters are
IEC 60099-4 [1] and IEEE C62.11 [2]. While the type tests validate the general functionality of a surge
arrester design, the purpose of the routine tests is to ensure the quality of each individual arrester unit.
In the following the type and routine test as required by IEC 60099-4 are explained briefly.
Type tests (Design Tests)

The development of an arrester design generally ends with type tests. The type tests are also known
as design tests since the results of these tests validate a particular design. Surge arrester type tests

demonstrate the general ability of an arrester design to withstand the electrical, mechanical, thermal
and environmental stresses which might occur within the lifetime of a surge arrester. They are the
proof that the arrester construction is adequate to satisfy the requirements of the applicable standards.
These tests are performed once on a certain number of samples and are to be repeated when
significant changes of the arrester design and construction are introduced which cause changes to its
already proved characteristics. In such cases, only the affected tests need be repeated.
Routine tests

A surge arrester may contain a large number of ZnO blocks and if just one of these blocks fails
during an overvoltage the probability for a failure of the complete arrester is significant. The
failure rate for a single ZnO varistor, therefore, must be extremely small to obtain a high
reliability of the complete arrester. One way to guarantee a low failure rate is to routine-test all
manufactured varistors with an energy considerably exceeding the corresponding varistor energy at
the given rated energy for the arrester.
Surge arrester routine tests are performed on every single arrester unit in order to ensure the correct
manufacturing and assembly of the arrester. Thus, routine testing is an important part of the quality
assurance system of every manufacturer of surge arresters.
Acceptance tests:
Tests which are made, upon agreed between the manufacturer and the purchaser that the arresters or
representative samples of an order are to be tested. As per the standard the minimum number of
samples to be tested is equal to the nearest cube root of the number of samples to be supplied.
Impulse Current Generator Facility at CPRI
The Impulse Current Laboratory has been established in 1996 as a comprehensive test facility for
testing of Zinc Oxide elements and ZnO arrester pro-rated sections up to 11 kV rating as per IEC
60099-4 considering the importance of ZnO arresters which are being increasingly used by several
Utilities. Its superiority lies in the fact that, it has a unique Computer-controlled Impulse Current
Generator of rating 100 kA, 150 kJ incorporating all conceivable features in a single consolidated
design and is perhaps the only one of its kind in this part of the world at the time of its commissioning.
The generator has the capacity to generate 8/20 S lightning impulse current of 40kA magnitude, 4/10
S high current impulse of 120kA magnitude, 1/20 S steep impulse current of 40kA magnitude, 36/80
S switching impulse current of 2kA magnitude with a 36/90 S and long duration rectangular impulse
current with a maximum duration of 4000 S and a maximum magnitude of 1kA. The generator is
equipped with an advanced Dr. Strauss make impulse recording and analyzing system (TRAS 100-12,
4 channel, 100 MS/s, 12 bit) With this generator set up all type tests on ZnO arrester blocks up to 6 kV
voltage rating as per National (IS 3070) and International Standards (IEC 60099-4) can be carried out.

Lightning, Switching, Steep Impulse Residual Voltage test

Long duration current impulse withstand test upto class V Blocks can be carried out.
High current and Switching Surge Operating Duty Tests upto class V prorated sections.
Power frequency voltage V/S Time curve
Reference Voltage, Power loss and Leakage current measurements on ZnO Blocks
Accelerated ageing test on ZnO Blocks:
Thermal stability test

Tests on Assembled Arresters:

Lightning and switching impulse Residual Voltage tests on full arrester upto a
maximum of 10kA.
Reference Voltage, Power loss and Leakage current measurement on complete
Bending moment test including moisture ingress test in addition to mechanical loads

Short circuit / pressure relief test

Seal leak rate test
Artificial pollution test

Weather ageing test and Environmental test

Insulation withstand tests on arrester housing:

Lightning impulse withstand test

Power frequency withstand test dry

Power frequency withstand test wet
Test circuit for arrester Evaluation:
Evaluations of the lightning arresters are carried out by using Current Generators. Different test circuits
are required for the generation of wave forms as per standard. For example, withstand evaluation
regarding current and energy are to be realized for two different impulse shapes, semi-sinusoidal and
rectangular. The sinusoidal impulse current also known as exponential current impulse is intended to
be used in the investigation because it is more close to the current test are 8/20 S and 4/10 S.
These current wave shapes can be generated by using the test circuits with lumped parameters as
shown in Figure 1(a) and the exponential current wave generated from the circuit is shown in Figure
1(b). The undershoot in the negative side can be reduced within a specified limit by using proper
resistors in the circuit. The rectangular current wave shapes can be generated by using the test circuits
with distributed parameters as shown in Figure 1(c) and the rectangular current wave generated from
the circuit is shown in Figure 1(d).

Figure 1(a). General Circuit of a Current Generator for exponential current.

In the above circuit, the impulse current I=(U Ur)/L/C.
Where U is the voltage across the capacitor, Ur is the residual voltage of the arrester, C is the
generator Capacitance and L is the circuit inductance.

Figure 1(b). General Circuit of a Current Generator for exponential current.

The front time 1.25 x LC and tail time T2 2.5 x LC. In this circuit, the parameters are selected
such that T1 = 8 s and T2 = 20 s for the standard Lightning current impulse.

Figure 1(c). General Circuit of a Current Generator for Rectangular current impulse .

Figure 1(d). Long duration current impulse generated by the above circuit.
The time T10 and T90 depends on the inductance and capacitance used in the circuit. These values are
adjusted to get the proper wave shape T90 2 ((n-1)/n)L/C.
Where L = total inductance, C= Total Capacitance.
Figure 1 (e) shows the generator facility at High Voltage division of CPRI, Bangalore.

Figure 1(e) The Impulse current generator facility at CPRI, Bangalore.

2.0 Type Tests:
2.1 Residual Voltage Test:
Residual voltage is defined as the voltage across the terminals of the surge arrester while it is
discharging the surge currents. Residual voltage test is performed on ZnO blocks. Since measuring
the residual voltage of complete arrester units needs large and expensive test equipment and is time
consuming as well, IEC 60099-4 allows to calculate the residual voltage of the arrester units and the
complete arrester as the sum of the residual voltages of the MO elements. The residual voltage
depends upon the current impulse wave shape , magnitude and duration. The residual voltage
increases slightly with the current, but also with the steepness of the current impulse. For eg. The
residual voltage for steep current impulse, lightning current impulse and switching current impulse is
Therefore the purpose of the measurement of residual voltages is to obtain the maximum residual
voltages for a given design for all specified currents and wave shapes. These are derived from the type
test data and from the maximum residual voltage at a lightning current impulse used for routine tests
as specified and published by the manufacturer. The maximum residual voltage of a given arrester
design for any current and wave shape is calculated from the residual voltage of sections or ZnO
blocks tested during type tests multiplied by a specific scale factor. This scale factor is equal to the
ratio of the declared maximum residual voltage, as checked during the routine tests, to the measured
residual voltage of the sections / ZnO Blocks at the same current and wave shape during Type tests.
The scale factor can be based on either the reference voltage or the residual voltage. The scale factor

based on residual voltage can be determined at a suitable lightning impulse current in the range 0.01
to 2 times the nominal discharge current which will be declared by the manufacturer. The maximum
residual voltage at a lightning impulse current used for routine tests shall be specified and published in
manufacturers data.
Procedure to measure residual voltage of the blocks:
All residual voltage tests shall be made on the same three samples of the complete arrester or arrester
sections. The time between discharges shall be sufficient to permit the samples to return to
approximately ambient temperature. There are three types of impulse residual voltage test:
1. Steep current impulse residual voltage test
2. Lightning impulse residual voltage test
3. Switching impulse residual voltage test
2.1.1 Lightning impulse residual voltage test:
Lightning current impulse: Current impulse with the wave shape 8/20 s. The virtual front time is 8
s and the time to half-value on the tail is 20 s. It represents the current rise time to crest of a surge
generated by a direct lightning strike on a transmission line.
One lightning current impulse of 8/20s wave shape with limits on the adjustment of equipment such
that the measured values are from 7s to 9s for the virtual front time and from 18s to 22s for the
time to half value on the tail, shall be applied to each of the three samples for each of the three peak
values of approximately 0.5, 1 and 2 times the nominal discharge current of the arrester.
The maximum values of the measured residual voltages shall be drawn in a residual voltage versus
discharge current curve. The residual voltage read on such a curve corresponding to the nominal
discharge current is defined as the lightning impulse protection level of the arrester.
The figure below shows variation of measured residual voltage with respect to measured
lightning impulse current of 8/20 S wave. From this curve , the residual voltage at any current can be
read. Figure shows the residual voltage and current waveforms recorded during the

Figure Graph showing the residual voltage vs lightning impulse current



CH1 Current




No.: 7707










CH2 Res.Volt







Fig Oscillogram recorded during Lightning current impulse residual voltage test

2.1.2 Steep impulse residual voltage:

Steep current impulse: Current impulse with a virtual front time of 1 s and a virtual time to half-value
on the tail not longer than 20 s. The steep current impulses are used to determine the voltage-current
characteristic. They have amplitudes up to 20 kA and roughly reproduce steep current impulses like
those which may appear with disconnector operation, re-striking, back flashes, and vacuum circuit
One lightning impulse current of 1/>20 S wave shape with magnitude equal to the nominal discharge
current is applied to each of the three samples considered in the earlier step and the residual voltage
has to be measured. if necessary, corrected for inductive effects of the voltage measuring circuit as
well as the geometry of the test sample and the test circuit. The highest residual voltage measured is
declared as the protection level of the ZnO block for fast front lightning impulse surges. The fastest
surge to which the arrester can be subjected results from insulator back flashover with current rise time
to crest of 1 S. The residual voltage for steep impulse current is usually around 10% higher than the
maximum lightning impulse current residual voltage measured in the previous step. Figure 2.1.2
shows the residual voltage and current waveforms recorded during the measurement.



CH1 Current


No.: 7758










CH2 Res.Volt





Fig 2.1.2 Oscillogram recorded during steep current impulse residual

voltage test
2.1.3 Switching impulse residual voltage:
The switching surge residual voltage is the voltage across the arrester for discharge currents cresting
in 30 60 s, and is required for coordination with equipment BSL
Switching current impulse : Switching impulse current is defined as Peak value of discharge current
with a virtual front time between 30 s and 100 s, and a virtual time to half-value on the tail of roughly
twice the virtual front time. The current amplitudes lie between 125 A and 2 kA, and roughly reproduce
the load of an arrester produced by overvoltages that are caused by circuit breaker operation which is
very common in most transmission systems.
The current wave shape to be used for switching surge measurements is not precisely defined, the
requirement being only that the time to actual crest is in the range 30 60 s. This choice of current
rise time stems from the silicon carbide arrester test standard C62.11, which required tests to
determine the spark over voltage for surge voltages that crested in 30-60 s, 150-300 s and 10002000 s. The highest of these three spark over voltages was always that corresponding to the 30-60
s cresting surge voltage and this would result into the current cresting in the 60 s range when
passed through the SiC arrester. For metal oxide arresters, it was thought necessary only to provide a
measure of discharge voltage that crested in this same 30 60 s range.
Test procedure:
Two switching current impulses of the magnitude as specified in the standard based on the class of the
arrester with a wave shape of 36/100 S is applied and the residual voltage is measured.
The transient current due to switching operations in systems at different voltage levels is different. The
standard specifies different currents based on the system voltage level where the arresters of a
particular class are generally used as per the guide lines given in IEC 60099-5. The current magnitude
to be applied for blocks of different class as per the standard is given below. The maximum value of
the residual voltage measured at the two currents defines the protection level of the blocks for
switching surges.

TWO CURRENTS 125kA, 500kA for class 1 and 2 with In=10kA

250kA 500kA for class 3 with In=10kA
500kA, 2000kA for class 4 and 5 with In=20kA



CH1 Current




No.: 7887









CH2 Res.Volt







Fig 2.1.3 Oscillogram recorded during Switching current impulse residual voltage test
High current impulse : Peak value of discharge current having a 4/10 s impulse shape. The high
current impulse should reproduce the current through the arrester when lightning stroke occurs on
the line very close to the substation. It is used for arresters of the distribution and line discharge
class 1 not only for injecting energy before establishing thermal stability but also proves the
dielectric strength of the arrester block when a high current impulse of 100 kA is injected which
produces a high residual voltage.

2.1.4 Long Duration Current Impulse Withstand Test:

Long-duration current impulse : A long-duration current impulse is a rectangular impulse that rises
rapidly to its peak value and remains constant for a specified period of time before it falls rapidly to
zero. The length of the current pulse duration is correlated to the line discharge class of an arrester.
Rectangular impulses are used in laboratories during the type tests with long-duration current
impulses, and during the operating duty test of MO arresters having line discharge classes 2 to 5, in
order to inject the energy in the arrester. The current amplitudes are up to 2 kA and reproduce the load
of an arrester when a charged transmission line discharges into the arrester in case of an overvoltage
occurrence. It is now regarded as a matter of practice to use a rectangular wave of 2 ms duration to
compare different MO arresters, although there is no norm established for doing so
Line discharge class: The line discharge class is the possible way used to specify the energy
absorption capability of an arrester provided in IEC 60099-4. The line discharge classes 1 to 5 are
defined with growing demands corresponding to different voltage levels. They differ from one another
due to the test parameters of the line discharge tests. The requirements are given in table 5 of IEC
60099-4 parameters for the line discharge test on 20kA and 10kA arresters. The line discharge
requirements are related to the different system voltages in transmission systems. The energy W is
calculated from the line discharge class by using the residual voltage of the switching current impulse
and are derived from the stored energy of long transmission lines. This calculated energy has to be
injected with each discharge in a MO resistor during the test with a long-duration current impulse (line
discharge test). The higher the line discharge class, the higher is the requested applied energy.
The test Procedure: The test procedure, The energy requirement and the generator parameters are
shown in Figures below.
Purpose of the Test:
The test determines the ability of the resistor elements to withstand dielectric and energy stresses the
arrester is subjected to during various switching operations without puncture or flashover and also
provides a standardized method for rating the station and intermediate arresters for energy handling.
The arrester blocks are subjected to 18 long duration current impulses forming 6 groups with each
group consisting of 3 impulse current shots with a time interval between the groups to allow for cooling
to ambient temperature without causing mechanical failure or unacceptable electrical degradation to
the MO resistors. It is performed on disks only and does not need to be a thermal equivalent section.
Therefore, six sets of three impulses each are applied in succession.
The requirements for the energy and the duration of the impulse are given in table 5 of IEC 60099-4
parameters for the line discharge test on 20 000 A and 10 000 A arresters. The Figure gives the
energy to be injected during the test. It does not give directly information about the energy
requirements. The line discharge requirements are related to the different system voltages in

transmission systems. Table 2.1.4 gives the duration of long duration current impulse for class 2 to
class 5 blocs as defined in the standard. The discharge currents during various switching operations
are found to be of short duration as compared to the normal power frequency cycle. The surge travel
time of the line is short compared to one power frequency cycle and it is assumed from the response
time of the gapped arresters that the switching currents are almost rectangular in shape and the
duration is around 2mS to 4mS depending upon the system voltage level and surge impedance. The
Figure below shows the sequence of impulses applied during the test.

Figure The energy requirement for testing class 1 to class 5 arrester blocks

Figure The sequence of impulses applied during the test.

Table 2.1.4

Long duration current impulse duration for class 2 to class 5

Test Procedure
The test shall be conducted on 3 samples. Before starting the test the residual voltage of the three
samples shall be measured at the nominal discharge current. After this, a set of long duration current
impulses as explained in the above paragraph is to be applied. After the application of the impulses,
the residual voltage measurement made before the test is to be repeated.

Test Evaluation: The samples are declared as pass if the change in residual voltage before and after
the test does not change by more than 5% and if there is no puncture or flashover of the blocks.



CH1 Current




No.: 7978










CH2 Res.Volt





Figure Typical long duration current impulse recorded during the test.
2.5 Operating Duty test
AIM: To demonstrate the ability of the arrester to withstand maximum specified energy, (high current
energy for distribution, class 1 and switching surge energy for class 2 and above) followed by a
possible temporary overvoltage sequence and thereafter show thermal stability when energized at
Continuous Operating Voltage.
The sequence of impulses to be applied and the test procedure is demonstrated thorough the Figure
2.5.1 and 2.5.2 shown below. The typical voltage and current oscillograms recorded duringt he test
are shown in Fig. 2.5.3

Fig. 2.5.1 The sequence of impulses to be applied for the Switching Surge operating duty test

Fig. 2.5.2 The sequence of impulses to be applied for the High Current operating duty test




CH1 Current




No.: 8429








CH2 Res.Volt







Fig. 2.5.3 Oscillogram recorded during conditioning

This test is performed to determine the thermal stability of the arrester. This test simulates the service
condition of the arrester and applies a stipulated number of impulses on the arrester in combination
with energization by a power supply of specified voltage and frequency.
Switching surges: The station class arresters are subjected to various types of switching operations during
its normal operation. The usage of fast auto reclosing schemes of circuit breaker to clear the single line to
ground faults subject the arrester to two subsequent switching operations. The switching operations
during reclosing of transmission lines also subject the arrester two subsequent switching surge impulses.
The arrester is expected to absorb the energy contained in these switching surges with a subsequent
increase in its temperature. A single line to ground fault with a consequent load throw off ( this also
involves two switching operations) will result into temporary overvoltages of power frequency
immediately after the associated switching transients are damped out. Thus the arrester is stressed
with temporary overvoltages of power frequency in addition to the switching transients. When the
arrester sees the TOV after its temperature increases due the absorption of energy contained in the
switching surges, it shall be able to cool down, be able to maintain thermally stablility and come back
to normal operating voltage with out flashover or puncture and without any electrical degradation.
Conditioning with high current impulses: The lightning strike on transmission line may lead into a
single line to ground fault followed by a load throw off. The worst case of lightning occurring on the line
section close to the substation results into an high current impulse of 100kA of 4/10S wave shape.
So the arrester at the near by substation will be subjected to a lightning surge (100kA with 4/10S
wave shape) prior to switching operations (opening of the breaker to clear the fault and breaker
operation to throw off the load). Hence the arrester is conditioned with two 4/10S high current
impulses of 100kA. It is not clear why two high current impulses are to be applied.
The ZnO blocks, apart from withstanding the energy content from high current impulses, also
must have a sufficiently high dielectric withstand ensuring that the voltage across the block will
not result in a puncture of or a flashover across the block. To ensure a sufficient insulation
withstand margin for this high current stresses, the ZnO blocks, including all internal parts in a
high voltage arrester, are dimensioned to withstand current impulses with an amplitude of at least 100
kA having a wave form of 4/10 S.
Due to the high sensitivity of the MOSA performance to the ambient temperature, the arrester sections
are heated to 60C before applying the switching surges. This temperature takes care of the effects of
solar radiation, normal pollution level, etc, upto some level. When the arrester is to be used in areas of
higher pollution severity, in areas with more than normal ambient temperature, the temperature to be
applied is to be evaluated by performing artificial pollution test simulating these environments.
Pre conditioning with 20 impulses of 8/20 impulse current:
The standard specifies the operating duty test to subject the arrester blocks to the sequence of
stresses it is subjected to in its real life service (as explained above) and check if its design is
adequate for withstanding these stresses without puncture, flashover. The arrester is being subjected
to no of lightning current discharges throughout its life time. After many years of service also, the

arrester shall be able to withstand the various stresses and be thermally stable. In order to check
thermal stability of the arresters at the end of its life cycle, the standards specify conditioning of the
blocks by applying a series of lightning impulses and high current impulses before subjecting the
blocks to the energy stresses which may lead to the thermal instability of the blocks.
The arresters must be designed in such a way that the ZnO blocks will withstand the lightning impulse
energy and lightning current without failing dielectrically. Additionally the arrester must be able to
withstand the absorbed switching surge energy thermally, i.e., it must be able to cool and come back to
normal operating voltage condition without thermal un stability.
Thus the standard specifies the operating duty test to subject the arrester blocks to the sequence of
stresses it is subjected to in its real life service (as explained above) and check if its design is
adequate for withstanding these stresses without puncture, flashover or any unacceptable electrical
2.6 Temporary Over voltage (TOV) Test:
The purpose of the TOV test is to demonstrate the ability of the arrester to withstand maximum
specified energy, followed by a possible temporary overvoltage sequence and thereafter show thermal
stability energized at MCOV. The reason for this specified energy application is that it is quite likely that
an arrester in a substation will sustain a switching surge prior to an overvoltage event. In this test, the
TOV applied is a power-frequency overvoltage for time periods from 0,1 s to 3600 s. Manufacturers
published data shall include curves with abscissa scaled in time and ordinate in per unit of Ur. In
addition, the manufacturer shall publish a table of TOV values listed in per unit of Ur to three significant
digits, for times 0.1 s, 1 s, 10 s, 100 s, and 1000 s. Values shall be taken from the curves and shall
include data without prior duty and with prior duty. The published curve and table shall state the
range of arrester ratings for which they apply. The TOV value "with prior duty" and 10 s time duration
shall be at least equal to Ur.
2.7 Short Circuit / pressure relief Test
Purpose of Test:
To demonstrate the ability of an arrester, in the event of an overload (due to any reason causing
internal failure), to conduct the resulting system short-circuit current and also to verify that the short
circuit failure mode / pressure relief mechanism of surge arresters functions without violent shattering
of the arrester housing which may damage nearby equipment or injure personnel. After such an
operation, the arrester must be replaced. Figure 2.7.1 shows the pressure relief of a porcelain housed
arrester and Figure 2.7.2 shows the successful pressure relief test.
The system short-circuit current may be high or low depending on the system impedance and earthing
conditions. Hence short-circuit capability is verified at different current levels.

Figure 2.7.1 showing the pressure relief of a porcelain housed arrester.

Figure 2.7.2 showing Successful pressure relief test:

Test method: In order to check the pressure relief mechanism, the arrester is short
circuited by passing the declared short circuit current. In order to initiate the short circuit, the
arrester has to be pre failed before the actual short circuit test. The way the short circuit is initiated in
the arrester depends on its construction which is explained below.
Design A arresters
The samples shall be prepared with means for conducting the required short-circuit current using a
fuse wire. The fuse wire shall be in direct contact with the MO resistors and be positioned within, or as
close as possible to, the gas channel and shall short-circuit the entire internal active part. The fuse wire
material and size shall be selected so that, for the high and reduced short - circuit current tests, the
wire will melt within the first 30 electrical degrees after initiation of the test current. For the low shortcircuit current test, there is no limitation on time to melt.
Design B arresters
No special preparation is necessary. Standard arrester units shall be used. The arrester units shall be
electrically pre-failed with a power frequency overvoltage that is they are made low ohmic through
applying an increased voltage and afterwards they are connected to the actual test so that the short
circuit develops itself inside the arrester. This is a form of an overload, which looks very much alike the
one taking place in the arrester under real conditions in service. The overvoltage shall be run on
completely assembled test units. No physical modification shall be made to the units between prefailing and the actual short-circuit current test. The overvoltage given by the manufacturer shall be a
voltage exceeding 1,15 times Uc. The voltage shall cause the arrester to fail within (5 3) min. The
MO resistors are considered to have failed when the voltage across the MO resistors falls below 10 %
of the originally applied voltage. The short-circuit current of the pre-failing test circuit shall not exceed
30 A. The time between pre-failure and the rated short-circuit current test shall not exceed 15 min.
The admissible short circuit currents for arresters are specified by the manufacturer.
Short circuit method:
Each arrester type is tested with four values of short-circuit currents. The test currents shall be 100, 50
and 25 % of the highest considered short-1 circuit current. In addition a test with 600 A shall be
performed. The currents shall be applied for the actual duration except for the test with 600 Arms which
shall be applied for 1 s.
Test Evaluation: Structural failure of the sample is permitted as long as there is no violent shattering.
No other 29 fragments, except as listed below, of the test sample shall fall outside the enclosure.
- The following type of fragments are accepted to fall outside the enclosure:
- fragments, less than 60 g each, of ceramic material such as MOV or porcelain;

- pressure relief vent covers and diaphragms

- soft parts of polymeric materials.
During the test the arrester shall be able to self extinguish open flames within 2 min following the end
of the test. Any ejected part (in or out of the enclosure) shall also self extinguish open flames within
2.8 Insulation withstand strength of arrester housing
The purpose of this test is to verify that, under usual system conditions, arrester housings will not
flashover under defined impulse, switching and power frequency conditions to which it will be
subjected over its life. Thus these tests demonstrate the ability of the insulation to withstand the
required voltage stresses between the internal parts and the metal housing.
For surge arrester housings in general (i.e. not limited to porcelain), the requirements on
dielectric strength are different from those of all other equipment in electrical power
systems. The standard insulation levels of the insulation co-ordination standard IEC
60071-1 (Tables 1 and 2) are not relevant, but lower values shall be applied instead since
the arrester effectively will protect its own insulation against overvoltages. In order to avoid any
flashover under impulse residual voltage stress during arrester operation, the minimum
requirements for surge arrester housings, according to IEC 60099-4, are:
- For a standard lightning impulse withstand voltage, 1.3 times the lightning impulse
protection level (Upl) of the arrester at the nominal current with a wave shape 8/20s
- For a standard switching impulse withstand voltage (SIWV), 1.25 times the switching
impulse protection level of the arrester at the classifying current with a wave shape 30/60s
for 10kA and 20kA arresters with ratings above 200kV
- For power frequency withstand voltage, 50/60 Hz (peak value), 1.06 times the switching
impulse protection level of the arrester for 10 kA and 20 kA arresters with ratings of
less than 200 kV
- For power frequency withstand voltage, 50/60 Hz (peak value), 0.88 times the lightning
impulse protection level (Upl) of the arrester for 1,5 kA,
2,5 kA, 5 kA and high
lightning duty arresters (acc. to clause C of IEC 60099-4)
The tests with switching impulses and power frequency are made as wet tests if the arresters are to be
installed outdoors. With the specified margins to the protection characteristic of the arrester, an
acceptable low risk for external insulation failure is obtained up to an installation altitude of
1000 m above sea level as required by IEC. All distances between the different parts of a surge
arrester, e.g., grading rings to flanges or between flanges of the individual units or distances to
earthed (grounded) equipment and to adjacent phases, must be verified with respect to voltage
stress and voltage withstand. The complete arrester should preferably be tested to verify the
withstand values even though the present IEC standard does not so stipulate.
The ZnO blocks cannot be included during these tests since test equipment capable of generating the
required high currents does not exist. In order to emulate actual service conditions as much as
possible, the ZnO blocks should, for a multi-unit arrester, be replaced by grading capacitors. If the ZnO
blocks are removed without any replacement for the voltage grading, the test result may not be
The applied factors take into account increased residual voltages for discharge currents
higher than the nominal values and atmospheric correction for altitude of erection of 1000
m above sea level (which means that an altitude correction for altitudes up to 1000 m is
always included, and only for higher altitudes of installation further corrections have to be
applied as defined by IEC 60071-2).
2.9 Bending moment test
With increased and better understanding of damage limits or permissible dynamic and static
mechanical loads, the test of the bending moment, which is actually a static test consisting of only one
single mechanical stress, is considered as too weak by the majority of arrester experts. So IEC60099-

4 2009 amendment 2 Edition 2 has incorporated changes into the earlier simple static bending
moment test. The 1000 cycle specified continuous load test was introduces as an initial part of the
bending moment. Next the moisture ingress test which was earlier a separate test was introduced as
part of the bending moment test.
General definition of loads:
Specified long-term load, SSL
The specified short-term load SSL is the greatest force perpendicular to the longitudinal
axis of an arrester, allowed to be applied during service for short periods and for relatively
rare events (for example, short-circuit current loads or extreme wind guts) without
causing any mechanical damage to the arrester. The SSL is a load that the arrester could
be subjected to even after many years in service, which is taken into consideration by the
related type test procedure (the SSL test follows the SLL test).
Specified long-term load, SLL
The specified long-term load SLL is a force perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of an
arrester, allowed to be continuously applied during service without causing any
mechanical damage to the arrester. It can be given in terms of force (in N) or bending
moment (in Nm); where in the latter case the related force can be calculated by dividing
the bending moment value with the arrester length (in m). Short arresters, i.e. arresters
for system voltages not exceeding 52 kV, do not need to be type tested in a cyclic
manner but by a simple bending test. The same applies to porcelain-housed arresters in
general, where due to the fact that they are not deflected under mechanical loads a
simple bending test is considered sufficient as well.
Objective of the test: To verify that the arrester design will not decrease in performance under
thermo-mechanical and moisture conditions.
The bending moment test for polymer arresters consists of the following test sequence.
For voltages >52kV
Subject all three samples to 1000 cycles of bending moment, each cycle comprising loading
from zero to specified long-term load (SLL) in one direction, followed by loading to SLL in the
opposite direction, then returning to zero load. The cyclic motion shall be approximately
sinusoidal in form, with a frequency in the range 0,01 Hz 0,5 Hz.
Subject two of the samples from step 1 bending moment test by applying Specified short
term load for 60 to 90 sec duration. Measure the deflection, release the load slowly. The
deflection shall be measured.
The third sample form step 1 shall be subjected to the specified long-term load (SLL) in four
directions and in thermal variations as described in Figures 2.8.1, 2.8.2 and 2.8.3 below.
All the three samples to be subjected to Water immersion test. The test samples shall be
kept immersed in a vessel, in boiling deionized water with 1 kg/m 3 of NaCl, for 42 h. At the
end of the boiling, the arrester shall remain in the vessel until the water cools to
approximately 50 C and shall be maintained in the water at this temperature until
verification tests can be performed. The arrester shall be removed from the water and cooled
to ambient temperature
For Voltages < 52kV
The above test sequence applicable for voltages >52kV except the 1000 cycle test
In addition the following tests have to be carried out as a pre and post electrical checks to validate the
test results of bending moment.
Pre and Post electrical Checks:
- The residual voltage, (difference > 5%)
- Reference voltage measurement (difference > 2%)
- Seal leak check
- Partial discharge test (> 10 pc)
- Power loss measurement (difference >20%)
The applied static mechanical load shall be equal to SLL defined by the manufacturer. Its direction
changes every 24 h at any temperature in the transition from hot to cold, or from cold to hot, as defined
in Figure 2.8.1 and 2.8.2 and 2.8.3. The test may be interrupted for maintenance for a total duration of
4 h and restarted after interruption. The cycle then remains valid. Any residual deflection measured

from the initial no-load position shall be reported. The residual deflection shall be measured within 1
min to 10 min after the release of the load.

Fig. 2.8.1 Thermo mechanical load cycle


Fig. 2.8.2 Water immersion

Fig.2.8.3 Test arrangement for the Thermo mechanical test and direction of the cantilever load
Bending moment test for porcelain arresters
It consists of the following steps
1. Determination of Mean Breaking load MBL
2. Application of SSL
Pre and post tests: Seal check and partial discharge test
Evaluation criteria:
- the mean value of breaking load, MBL, is 1,2 x SSL;
For SSL test
- there is no visible mechanical damage;
- the remaining permanent deflection is 3 mm or 10 % (whichever is greater) of maximum
deflection during the test;
- the test samples pass the leakage test
- the internal partial discharge level of the test samples >10pc
The flow chart of bending moment test procedure as given in IEC 60099-4 is given below for ready

Flow chart showing Bending Moment test sequence

2.9 Internal Partial Discharge test:
The purpose of this test is to verify that there are only limited internal partial discharges at maximum
continuous operating voltage within the surge arrester lifetime under dry conditions.
Partial discharges are localized electrical discharges that only partially bridge the insulation between
conductors of different potentials or the insulation between conductors and ground. They may or may
not occur adjacent to a conductor. Partial discharges are, in general, a consequence of local electrical
stress concentrations in the insulation or on the surface of the insulation. Generally, such discharges
appear as pulses having durations of much less than 1 s. Partial discharges generally occur at voids,
cracks, or other flaws where the localized electrical stresses exceed the electrical breakdown strength
of the insulation. If partial discharges occur, insulation damage will take place, ultimately leading to a
complete dielectric breakdown. It is therefore important to verify that arresters do not exhibit partial
discharge above a defined acceptable level at normal operating voltages
The test shall be performed on the arresters longest electrical unit. Apart from possible internal partial
discharges, it is mainly intended to determine whether there is any contact noise in the directly molded
This test is performed on each arrester unit. In case of medium voltage arresters, the test is normally
performed on each complete arrester. This test is performed at 1.05 Uc. The measured value of the
internal partial discharges is not allowed to exceed 10 pC according to the IEC. During this test the
arrester can be screened off from the external partial discharges. This test is performed at 1.05 Uc.
The measured value of the internal partial discharges is not allowed to exceed 10 pC according to the

2.10 Tests on Disconnectors :

Disconnectors have to be tested together with arrester samples to prove that they will not be activated
due to line discharges during long duration current impulse withstand test and during the operating

duty test. Additionally a current time characteristic has to be given where the disconnector will
operate beyond a certain current at power frequency..
Considering the application of disconnectors for line arresters in transmission systems, and not only for
distribution arresters of LD class 1 or 2, additional tests may be needed. It might be necessary to
define two different classes for disconnectors, one for distribution systems, one for transmission
2.11 Seal leakage rate test
This type test provides information concerning the efficiency of the sealing system and is therefore
very sensitive. The gas and water tightness of the arrester units is essential for the reliability of an
arrester. This test demonstrates the gas/water tightness of the complete system. It applies to arresters
with polymer housings having seals and associated components essential for maintaining a controlled
atmosphere within the housing (arresters with enclosed gas volume and a separate sealing system).
The test shall be performed on one complete arrester unit. The internal parts may be omitted. If the
arrester contains units with differences in their sealing system, the test shall be performed on one unit
each, representing each different sealing system.
The acceptable methods are as follow:
a) Vacuum over water
b) Helium-mass spectrometer
c) Pressure or vacuum decay
d) Halogen detection

2.12 Artificial Pollution test:

Pollution on external insulation of a metal-oxide surge arrester should be considered with regard to
temperature rise of the internal active elements due to a non-linear and transient voltage grading
caused by the pollution layer on the surface of the arrester housing.
Objective of the test:
The aim of the test is the evaluation of the temperature rise of the internal parts due to a non-linear
and transient voltage grading caused by the pollution layer on the surface of the arrester housing . The
test involves the application of power frequency voltage with salt fog test as per the standard. The total
surface leakage current and the leakage current through the blocks is measured, The total charge is
computed as an integral of the current recorded values for one hour and the temperature to be applied
in operating duty test is determined from the charge calculated. Fig 2.12 below shows the
performance under pollution conditions.
2.13 Environmental tests
These tests apply to porcelain and cast resin-housed arresters and are not applicable to polymer surge
arresters. The environmental tests demonstrate by accelerated ageing test procedures that the sealing
mechanism and the exposed metal combinations of the arrester are not impaired by environmental
conditions. The test shall be performed on complete arrester units of any length. For arresters with an
enclosed gas volume and a separate sealing system, the internal parts may be omitted.
The test consists of temperature cycling and salt mist test.
Temperature cycling test:
The test shall be performed according to test Nb of IEC 60068-2-14. The hot period shall be at a
temperature of at least +40 C, but not higher than +70 C. The cold period shall be at least 85 K
below the value actually applied in the hot period; however, the lowest temperature in the cold period
shall not be lower than 50 C:
temperature change gradient:
1 K/min;
duration of each temperature level:
3 h;
number of cycles:
Salt mist test
The test shall be performed according to Clauses 4 and Subclause 7.6, as applicable, of IEC 60068-211:
salt solution concentration: 5 % 1 % by weight;
test duration:
96 h.
Test evaluation:

The arrester shall have passed the tests if the sample passes the leakage check before and after the
environmental test.

Fig. 2.12 Performance under Polluted conditions.

2.14 Weather ageing Test:
This test applies to polymer-housed arresters installed outdoors. The long term behavior under
different environmental conditions is among the major concerns relevant to polymeric arresters. It is
known that the different environmental stresses in service, such as rain, fog, solar radiation, and
thermal stresses can produce, during the arrester life, ageing and degradation of the polymeric
housing, as well as of the interface materials and of the resistor blocks. In wet and potentially
contaminated conditions (rain, fog, humidification) a surface, pollution activity can take place on the
arrester surface, producing local scintillation and affecting the voltage distribution on 'the arrester axis.
As a result, a strong radial field is produced and internal corona takes place in any void that may be
present in the polymeric or composite material, or in the interface between different materials. This
phenomenon, particularly evident for high voltage surge arresters, may occur for long periods during
the arrester life, and may produce significant deterioration of the arrester housing as well as of the
interface materials.
The ageing test is based on the repetition of a weekly cycle for a total duration of 5000 hours. The
cycle reproduces the service condition with relevant stresses (voltage applied continuously) and
weathering agents (humidity, rain, surface pollution, solar radiation and drying periods) that can
influence the life duration of the polymeric housing and/or of the interface materials and resistors
blocks. This accelerated ageing test procedure is one of the cycles proposed in the latest proposal of
IEC Standard for surge arresters [2].
This test has two parts. One evaluates the effect of exposure of the arrester to salt fog. The other
evaluates the effect of exposure of the housing material to ultra-violet (UV) light.
1000 Hrs test procedure: The samples will be placed in an enclosure filled with a salt fog mist. The
samples then will be energized at UC for a period of 1000 hours. The power frequency test voltage
shall be obtained with a test transformer. The test circuit, when loaded with a resistive current of 250
mA (r.m.s.) during 1 s on the high-voltage side, shall experience a maximum voltage drop of 5 %. The
protection level shall be set at 1 A (r.m.s.). The test specimen shall be cleaned with deionized water
before starting the test. The samples shall be subjected to pre and post electrical tests consisting of
partial discharge and reference voltage.
Test Evaluation: This test is regarded as passed, if no tracking occurs (see IEC 62217), if erosion
does not occur through the entire thickness of sheds or other parts of the external coating up to the
next layer of material, if the sheds and housing are not punctured, if the reference voltage measured
before and after the test has not decreased by more than 5 %, and if the partial discharge

measurement performed before and after the test is satisfactory, i.e. the partial discharge level shall
not exceed 10 pC according to 10.8.11.
Weather ageing test for 5000Hrs:
To verify the ability of the arrester to withstand continuous salt fog conditions and endure
surface arcing and heating.
Test procedure: The surge arrester shall be subjected to various environmental stresses in a cyclic
manner while energized at UC for a period of 5000 hours. These stresses included solar radiation
simulation, artificial rain, dry heat, damp heat, high dampness at room temperature, and salt fog at low
concentration. The sample s shall undergo through various pre and post testing consisting of partial
discharge and reference voltage.
Test Evaluation: All samples met the test requirements if no housing punctures or housing erosion, no
internal breakdowns, no surface tracking is evident by physical examination, no over current trip out
occurs, the arrester reference voltage does not decrease by more than 5%, and the partial discharge
level does not exceed 10 pC.
3.0 Routine Tests
Routine tests are a limited number of tests that are to be performed on 100% of production. Although
not specifically stated as the purpose, they are intended to provide a degree of assurance that all
arresters supplied by a manufacturer will provide protective characteristics claimed in the
manufacturers literature, and that the arresters are suitable for application on systems whose line-toground voltage under normal conditions does not exceed the arresters MCOV. More than anything, the
tests provide reasonable assurance that arresters have been properly assembled, with the appropriate
amount of metal-oxide elements (verified by residual voltage test and power frequency test), without
internal assembly issues (verified by partial discharge test), and with sound sealing against moisture
ingress in service (verified by the seal test). In the case of arresters comprised of more than one
column in parallel, a current sharing test verifies that the columns share discharge current to within a
tolerance considered in the design stage. This is a critical test for such arresters because quite small
differences in the non-linear resistances of parallel columns can result in very large differences in the
apportioning of current between columns.
Routine are intended to detect faults in materials and workmanship and ascertain proper functioning of
the equipment. They shall be made on each individual piece of equipment.
3.1 Measurement of reference voltage :
The reference voltage is defined as the highest peak value independent of polarity of powerfrequency voltage, divided by the square root of 2, required to produce a resistive component
of current equal to the reference current of the arrester or arrester element. As an
approximation, the peak value of the reference voltage can be taken as per the standard as
the voltage at the instant of voltage peak where the capacitive current is zero and the current
is predominantly of resistive component. The reference current as defined as the peak value of
the resistive component of a power-frequency current high enough to make the effects of stray
capacitance of the arrester negligible. This current level shall be specified by the manufacturer.
The leakage current of the arrester is predominantly of capacitive in nature at the normal
power frequency voltage. As the applied voltage increases, the resistive component increases
and at reference current the arrester starts going into conduction mode thus increasing the
resistive current magnitude.
In the future the reference voltage will play a bigger role in arrester energy testing. The
upcoming editions of both IEC 60099-4 and IEEE C62.11 specify a pass/fail criteria based the
change in the reference voltage characteristic from before and after the impulse withstand
verification test.

Useful as a signature for determining the healthiness of the arrester in service.

Fig 3.1 below shows a typical reference voltage and current recorded during the measurement. The
first fig shows that the current is predominantly capacitive in nature at an applied voltage of 80% of the
rated voltage and second figure shows that the voltage is predominantly of resistive at reference

current. The oscillograms clearly indicate the change in current from purely capacitive at MCOV to
resistive at reference current.

Fig 3.1.1 Voltage and Current oscillograms recorded at MCOV

Fig 3.1.2. Voltage and Current Oscillograms recorded during

Reference Voltage measurement at Reference current
Residual voltage test. The test may be performed either on complete arresters, assembled arrester
units or on a sample comprising one or several MO resistor elements. The manufacturer shall specify
a suitable lightning current impulse in the range between 0,01 and 2 times the nominal current at which
the residual voltage is measured. If not directly measured, the residual voltage of the complete arrester
is taken as the sum of the residual voltages of the MO resistors or the individual arrester units. The
residual voltage for the complete arrester shall not be higher than the value specified by the
Internal partial discharge test. This test shall be performed on each arrester unit. The test sample
may be shielded against external partial discharges. The power-frequency voltage shall be increased
to the rated voltage of the sample, held for 2 s to 10 s, and then decreased to 1,05 times the
continuous operating voltage of the sample. At that voltage, the partial discharge level shall be
measured according to IEC 60270. The measured value for the internal partial discharge shall not
exceed 10 pC. Alternatively, the manufacturer may carry out the partial discharge measurement at the
rated voltage or at a higher value without reducing the test voltage afterwards;
Seal leak check test:
Aim of the test: This test provides information concerning the efficiency of the sealing system and is
therefore very sensitive. Thus, the leakage test is a very important step of the arrester manufacturing
process. IEC 60099-4 does not specify a particular method, but leaves it to the manufacturer to apply
any sensitive method. For routine tests, which are performed to verify correct assembly of the arrester,
higher values of the seal leak rate may be adopted in order to reduce test efforts during production. For
arrester units with sealed housing, a leakage check shall be made on each unit by any sensitive
method adopted by the manufacturer.

One of the possible methods adopted makes use of the elasticity of the pressure relief membrane. As
shown in below, the pressure relief membrane lies flat in position 1 after assembly. However, if the
pressure around the arrester is decreased and kept constant, the pressure relief membrane will bend
upwards into position 2 forced by the constant internal pressure inside the arrester. If the arrester unit
is gas tight, the membrane will remain in position 2, if not, there will be a loss of pressure inside the
arrester and a relaxation of the membrane towards position 2 with time. In Figure 5 (right) the insertion
of an arrester unit into the test vessel can be seen.

Fig 3.2 Principle of leakage check (left) and test equipment (right)

4.0 Acceptance tests

Standard acceptance tests:
When the purchaser specifies acceptance tests in the purchase agreement, the following tests shall be
made on the nearest lower whole number to the cube root of the number of arresters to be supplied.
Measurement of power-frequency voltage on the arrester at the reference current: The measured
value shall be within a range specified by the manufacturer. For a multi-unit arrester, measurements
may be made on individual units of the arrester. The reference voltage of the complete arrester is
taken as the sum of the reference voltages of the individual arrester units.
Lightning impulse residual voltage test on the arrester at nominal discharge current if possible or at
a current value chosen in the range between 0,01 and 2 times the nominal current at which the
residual voltage is measured. In this case, the virtual time to half-value on the tail is less important and
need not be complied with IEC 60099-4.
The residual voltage for the complete arrester shall not be higher than a value specified by the
Internal partial discharge test :
The test shall be performed on the complete arrester or, for a multiple unit arrester, on the individual
units of the arrester. The test sample may be shielded against external partial discharges.
The power-frequency voltage shall be increased to the rated voltage of the sample, held for 2 s to 10 s,
and then decreased to 1,05 times the continuous operating voltage of the sample. At that voltage, the
partial discharge level shall be measured according to IEC 60270. The measured value for the internal
partial discharge shall not exceed 10 pC.
Special thermal stability test
This test requires additional agreement between manufacturer and purchaser prior to the
commencement of arrester assembly . This test shall be performed on three totally different test
sections consisting of MO resistors taken from current routine production and having the same
dimensions and characteristics as those of the arresters under test. The test consists of the thermal
recovery portion of the operating duty test. MO resistor temperature or resistive component of current
or power dissipation shall be monitored during the power frequency voltage application to prove
thermal stability. The test is passed if thermal stability occurs in all three samples. If one sample fails,
agreement shall be reached between the manufacturer and the purchaser regarding any further tests.

Tests You Can Witness

Surge arresters are often overlooked when performing power factor tests on transformers, breakers
and other apparatus in a substation as part of a maintenance schedule. Oftentimes, the
persons involved in this testing are aware of how a transformer or a breaker functions but
unaware of the intended purpose of the surge arresters. Because there are no moving parts to
maintain or an oil sample to pull, it is often treated as a policy not to perform any arrester

witness testing can provide you a better understanding of your transformer's operation.
All surge arresters undergo two kinds of industry-standard tests, routine and Type / design, to ensure
that the surge arrester will perform as designed. Further optional tests explore the quality of the surge
arrester's construction, assurance, and adherence to standards. Some companys acceptance test

includes the Doble (Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.) watts-loss test, and a characterization of the
voltage-current (V-I) response of each unit in addition to regulat acceptance tests.

Factory acceptance test (FAT)- is carried out at Manufacturers Factory premises. The arrester be
acceptance tested upon delivery and prior to the supplier being paid.

Site acceptance test (SAT)- are carried out during commissioning/pre-commissioning at site.
Routine test - are intended to detect faults in materials and workmanship and ascertain proper
functioning of the equipment. They shall be made on each individual piece of\ equipment.

how do you ensure equipment integrity and performance?

Before a manufacturer sends a surge arrester to your site, he conducts various tests. To ensure
performance requirements, the purchaser has to witness the testing and inspect the unit himrself.
Witness routine testing is one way to make sure your surge arrester meets industry standards and
will provide quality performance after installation.

Type test - are intended to verify compliance of the design of given equipment with thi standard,
where applicable, and the relevant product standard.

Importance of witnessing Acceptance test: All new arresters are acceptance tested upon
delivery. An example of indicating the importance of this was for an order of 54 polymer-housed
station-class arresters for installation at system voltages of 115 kV, 138 kV and 230 kV executed
by a company in USA. The arresters originally passed acceptance tests, but several of them
failed the Doble watts-loss test on-site prior to energization (pre- commissioning test). The
problem was revealed to be moisture ingress due to a defective seal. The manufacturer replaced
the entire order with porcelain-housed units and addressed the cause of the vulnerability.
In another instance, an unusual number of polymer-housed distribution class arresters were
failing acceptance tests. These suspect units showed increased watts-losses, low voltages at the
1-mA resistive current and excessive partial discharge. The entire order was returned to the
manufacturer, which identified the cause of the failures as having been related to the assembly of
the units.
All arresters kept in stock for unplanned replacement purposes are tested every five years, while
salvaged station class arresters are re-acceptance tested and returned to stock.

What to do at the site:

Review the purpose of the tests and any associated procedures with the manufacturer's test
engineer prior to commencing the tests.

Discuss which tests are of particular importance so the manufacturer can give them extra

What to look for during testing:

Understand how to read results and how they impact performance.

Allow sufficient time for tests. Some tests, such as operating duty test or long duration current
test may take few hours

After the test:

Inspect the arrester physically

Routine and /or sample test shall be carried out at the suppliers factory. Type tests shall be carried out
at an independent laboratory or shall be witnessed by a representative of an independent testing
laboratory or other representative acceptable to both parties.

When reviewing test results, limits are applied as specified in standards IEC 60099 and IEEE
5. Conclusions:
Testing of arrester basic manufacturing ZnO blocks design and the assembled arresters in the
laboratory by creating various stresses is very essential for a reliable protection performance.
6. References:

IEC 60099-4, 2009 Edition 2 Standard Part 4 Metal Oxide Surge Arresters without gaps for
a.c. systems,


IEC 60099-5 Ed. 2.0: Surge arresters Part 5:Selection and application recommendations


Design and Testing of Polymer Housed Surge arresters By Minoo Mobedjina Bengt
Johnnerfelt Lennart Stenstrm ABB Switchgear AB, Sweden
Arrester Facts 013 Understanding Arrester Discharge Voltage prepared by Jonathan
Woodworth Consulting Engineer Arrester Works

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