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Well Performance

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The document discusses well performance and its dependence on various variables like pressures, formation properties and fluid properties. It also describes different drive mechanisms, inflow performance, flow regimes in horizontal and vertical flow, and multiphase flow correlations.

The main drive mechanisms described are natural water drive, solution gas drive, gas-cap drive, and compaction drive.

The flow regimes in horizontal flow are stratified flow, slug flow, dispersed bubble flow and annular flow. The flow regimes in vertical flow are slug flow, churn flow, dispersed bubble flow and annular flow.

Well performance

Chapitre 3
Well performance

Well performance

Well performance is dependent on a large number of variables like pressures,

formation properties and fluid properties. And these are again dependent on each
Different models for the well inflow performance and the vertical lift
performance will be described in this chapter, but first a short explanation of the
different drive mechanisms from the reservoir will be given.

3.1. Drive mechanisms

According to Dake [3] oil production is due to the following drive mechanisms:
Natural water drive
Solution gas drive
Gas-cap drive
Compaction drive

Natural water drive

A drop in the reservoir pressure, due to the production of fluids, causes the aquifer
water to expand and flow into the reservoir. 50% of oil recovery can be caused by
natural water drive.

Solution gas drive

When the reservoir pressure drops below the bubble point pressure solution gas
dissolved in oil appears as a free phase. When pressure drops further the highly
compressible gas expands expelling the oil from porous media.

Gas-cap drive
High gas compressibility and the extended gas cap size ensure a long lasting and

Well performance
efficient field performance. Up to 35% of the original oil in place can be recovered
under a gas-cap drive.
Compaction drive
This drive mechanism might occur during depletion when rock grains are subjected to
stress beyond elasticity limit. It leads to a re-compaction of partially deformed or even
destroyed rock grains that might result in gradual or abrupt reduction of the reservoir
pore volume.
In order to achieve better field performance, secondary and tertiary oil recovery
methods are often implemented. Gas lift and downhole pumps are examples of
advanced recovery techniques (Enhanced Oil Recovery, EOR).

3.2. Inflow performance

The Inflow Performance Relationship (IPR) describes pressure drawdown as a function
of production rate, where drawdown is defined as the difference between static and
flowing bottom hole pressure (FBHP).
The simplest approach to describe the inflow performance of oil wells is the use of the
productivity index (PI) concept. It was developed using the following assumptions:
Flow is radial around the well
A single-phase liquid is flowing
Permeability distribution in the formation is homogeneous
The formation is fully saturated with the given liquid.
The flow through a porous media is given by the Darcy equation :



................................................... (Eq. 3.1)

Using the assumptions above it can be written as

0,00708 h

B ln

PR Pwf

) (Eq. 3.2)

Well performance
q = liquid rate, STB/d
k = effective permeability, mD
h = pay thickness, ft
= liquid viscosity, cP
B = liquid volume factor, bbl/STB
re = drainage radius of well, ft
rw = radius of wellbore, ft
pR = average reservoir pressure
pwf = flowing bottomhole pressure
Most parameters on the right hand side are constant, which permits collecting them
into a single coefficient called PI:

q=PI (Pr Pwf )

.............................. (Eq. 3.3)

This gives us:

PI =

( PrP wf )

....................... (Eq. 3.4)

This equation states that liquid inflow into a well is directly proportional to the
pressure drawdown. It will plot as a straight line on a pressure vs rate diagram.
The use of the PI concept is quite straight forward. If the average reservoir
pressure and the PI are known, use of equation 3.3 gives the flow rate for any FBHP.
The wells PI can either be calculated from reservoir parameters, or measured by
taking flow rates at various FBHPs.

This works well for a single phase flow, but when producing a multiphase
reservoir the curve will not plot as a straight line.
As the oil approaches the well bore and the pressure drops below bubble point,
gas comes out of solution. Thus, the free gas saturation in the vicinity of the oil

Well performance
steadily increases, which implies that the relative permeability to gas steadily
increases at the expense of the relative permeability of oil. The greater the drawdown,
the bigger this effect would be. Since the PI depends on the effective oil permeability,
it is expected that it will decrease (Eq. 3.2). Figure 3.1 shows the IPR curve for this

Figure 3.1, IPR curve.

Vogel used a numerical reservoir simulator to study the inflow of wells
depleting solution gas drive reservoirs. He considered cases below bubble point and
varied parameters like draw downs, fluid and rock properties. Vogel found that the
calculated IPR curves exhibited the same general shape, which is given by the
dimensionless equation:

=10.2 wf wf

( )

................ (Eq. 3.5)

Well performance
The equation is generally accepted for other drive mechanisms as well, and is found to
give reliable results for almost any well with a bottom hole pressure below bubble
point of the oil.
There are a number of other models designed for special cases e.g. horizontal wells,
transient flow, fractured wells, non-Darcy pressure loss, high rates etc.

3.3. Outflow performance

The wells outflow performance, or Vertical Lift Performance (VLP), describes the
bottomhole pressure as a function of flow rates.
The outflow performance is dependent on different factors; liquid rate, fluid type
(gasto-liquid ratio, water cut), fluid properties and tubing size.
The total pressure drop in a well divides into a hydrostatic component, friction
component and an acceleration component:

Hydrostatic component represents the change in potential energy due to

gravitational force acting on the mixture:

( dPdL ) =g sin

....................... (Eq. 3.6)

= density of fluid

= pipe inclination angle, measured from horizontal

g = gravity constant

Friction component stands for the irreversible pressure losses occurring in the
pipe due to fluid friction on the pipe inner wall:

Well performance

( dPdL ) = D1 f 12

....................... (Eq. 3.7)

f = friction factor
D = pipe inside diameter
v = fluid velocity
The type of flow is determined from the Reynolds number:

....................... (Eq. 3.8)

Where: = fluid viscosity

The boundary between flow regimes are:

Re 2000: Laminar flow
2000 < Re 4000: Transition between laminar and turbulent flow
4000 < Re: Turbulent flow
For laminar flow

f 64 /

(Moody friction factor). However, finding the friction factor

is more complicated for turbulent flow, and there are several ways to calculate the
friction factor

Acceleration component represents the kinetic energy changes of the flowing

mixture and is proportional to the changes in flow velocity. The term is often

( dPdL ) = dVdL

....................... (Eq. 3.9)

3.3.1. Other Effects

Effect of liquid flow rate on pressure loss From the friction equation we can see that

Well performance
friction losses increases as liquid rate increases (v increases). Hydrostatic gradient
also increases with increased liquid production.

Effect of gas-to-liquid ratio on pressure loss

Increase in gas-to-liquid ratio (GLR) results in reduction of hydrostatic gradient.
On the other hand, increased GLR increases friction forces and has a counter
effect on the bottomhole pressure. When contribution of the friction becomes
higher than that of hydrostatic forces, the actual bottomhole pressure starts to
increase. From a gas lift point of view this means that there is a limit of how
much gas that beneficially can be injected.

Effect of water cut on pressure loss

Increased water cuts results in increased liquid density, which in turn, increases
hydrostatic forces and the bottomhole pressure .

Effect of tubing size on pressure loss

From the equation 3.7 we can see that the increased diameter of tubing reduces
the pressure gradient due to friction. However, there is a limit to which diameter
of tubing can be increased. If the diameter is too big the velocity of the mixture
(v=q/A, A: pipe cross section) is not enough to lift the liquid and the well starts
to load up with liquid, resulting in increase of hydrostatic pressure.

3.4. Operating point

To calculate the well production rate, the bottom-hole pressure that
simultaneously satisfies both the IPR and VLP relations is required.
By plotting the IPR and VLP in the same graph the producing rate can be found.
The system can be described by an energy balance expression, simply the principle of
conservation of energy over an incremental length element of tubing. The energy
entering the system by the flowing fluid must equal the energy leaving the system
plus the energy exchanged between the fluid and its surroundings.

Well performance

Figure 3.2, Operating point (intersection between IPR and VLP


4. Multiphase flow
Oil wells normally produce a mixture of fluids and gases to the surface while
phase conditions usually change along the path. At higher pressures, especially at the
well bottom, flow may be single phase. But going up in the well the continuous
decrease of pressure causes dissolved gas to gradually escape from the flowing liquid,
resulting in multiphase flow. Gas injection into a well is also an example of multiphase
In single phase flow we discriminate between laminar and turbulent flow. In
twophase flow we discriminate in addition between flow regimes that are
characteristic for the time and space distribution of gas and liquid flow.

In horizontal flow we discriminate between the flow regimes

Stratified flow
Slug flow
Dispersed bubble flow
Annular flow

Well performance
These are shown in figure 4.1. At low velocities the gas and liquid are separated
as in stratified flow. At high velocities gas and liquid become mixed. Slug flow is an
example of a flow regime in between, representing both separation and mixing. Slug
flow is consequently referred to as an intermittent flow regime [5].

Figure 4.1, Flow regimes in horizontal flow [5].

In vertical flow we discriminate between the flow regimes

Slug flow
Churn flow
Dispersed bubble flow
Annular flow
Figure 4.2 illustrates the flow regimes in vertical flow.

Well performance
The same comments that apply to horizontal flow are valid in
vertical flow. The big difference is that in vertical (concurrent upward) flow it is not
possible to obtain stratified flow.
The equivalent flow regime at identical flowrates of gas and liquid is slug flow
with very slow bullet shaped Taylor bubbles.

Figure 4.2, Flow regimes in vertical flow [5].

The superficial velocities are defined by:

u LS=

A . (Eq. 4.1)



(Eq. 4.2)

Well performance
They are also referred to as apparent velocities or volumetric fluxes. From the
definition we see that the volumetric flowrates and the pipe cross section A is known,
the superficial velocities follow directly.
The phase velocities are the real velocities of the flowing phases. They may be
defined locally (at a certain position in the pipe cross section) or as a cross sectional
average for the pipe. They are defined by:

u L=


(Eq. 4.3)

uG =


(Eq. 4.4)

Gas and liquid in general flow with different phase velocities in pipe flow. The
relative phase velocity or the slip velocity is defined by:

us =|uG u L|

(Eq. 4.5)

The slip velocity thus has the same unit as the phase velocities. In addition the slip
ratio is commonly used:



(Eq. 4.6)

Note that the slip ratio is dimensionless. Slip effect is seen in inclined flow and is
caused by the density difference between the gas and liquid, which in turn causes a
velocity difference; the gas will rise through the liquid [5].
Hold up is a consequence of slip and is defined as the proportion of the pipe that is
occupied by liquid.
Multiphase flow correlations are used to predict the liquid holdup and
frictional pressure gradient. Correlations in common consider the oil and gas lumped
together as one equivalent fluid. They are therefore more correctly termed 2-phase
flow correlations. Depending on the particular correlation, flow regimes are identified

Well performance
and specialised holdup and friction gradient calculations are applied for each flow
Some of the correlations most widely accepted for oil wells are:
Duns and Ros
Hagedorn and Brown
Beggs and Brill


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