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Tiempos Verbales Practica

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A) Elija la respuesta correcta

I didnt see you last night. Where (were / was) you?

Robert cant (find/found) his shoes.
Does Kit (takes/take) the bus to school?
Everyone (was/were) dancing and singing at the party.
I (went /go) to the dentist yesterday.
Did you (like/liked) the movie?
1. Jim is (doing/does) his homework now.
2. Are you (rent/renting) an apartment?
3. (Do/Are) you play volleyball?
4. Im (have/having) a party tonight. Can you come?
5. (Was/Were) Minth in class yesterday?
6. Maria (writes/writing) to her mother every month.
7. George didnt (washed/wash) the dishes.


My father .........his car in the garage every Sunday (is fixing / fixes / fix / was fixing)
Jennifer yesterday at 2 pm. (is playing/played/plays/was playing)
Look! Sam .........the whole cake now. (is eating /eats/eat/was eating) watch the film last night? (are/is/dID/does)
........Mary go to school by car or by bus? (are/is/did/does)
......the boys sleeping on the floor? (are/is/did/does)
We.........carry the trash outside yesterday. (arent/isnt/dont/didnt)
Mother carrots for breakfast. (arent/doesnt/isnt/ dont)

B ) Complete con la forma correcta del verbo

1. I ..............(like) tennis, but I ................(not-like) rugby.

2. Susan always................(help) her mother in the house.
3. What last night?
4. When I...................(be) six years old, I ..... ................(can/negative) swim.
5. Peters father ...................(work) in that factory for 8 years.
6. Look! The little boy ...............(cross) the street.
7. I.......................(already/clean) my bedroom.
8. Next year Mr. and Mrs. Brown.....................(travel) to Europe.
9. I...........(finish./already) my homework, but I....................(clean) my room yet.
10. ................(see) the late-show yesterday? No, I..................(go) to sleep
early because I...............(be) very tired.
11. When you ...................(phone) me this morning I ..........(take) a shower.
12. Jeff always ................(play) rugby after school but today he..............(play) basketball.
13. ....... ever...........(see) a shark?
14. ...............(buy) those tennis shoes? Oh!, I ...............(buy) them in
Brazil last year.
15. Julia ....................(look) through the window when it.............(start) to rain.


Paul .....................(just-write) a letter to his girlfriend.

Susan and Lucy ..............(come back) from work at 8 oclock in the evening.
He ................(learn) Past Continuous at the moment.
Where yesterday (be)? I ..........(be) ill in bed.
Where..............(you be) this morning? I ............(be) at home.

C) Complete los verbos en la forma.

Dear Mary,
Thanks for your letter. I.......................(be) sorry I ...........................(write-neg.) to
you for such a long time. But, I had ..........................(study) a lot for an English exam.
I am very happy in this city. I ........................(make) a lot of friends since I arrived, but
I ... .............................(visit-neg.) all the interesting places yet.
I am also so glad you have decided........................(come) next month and spend some
weeks with me. I miss you so much! I ............................(take) you to the Art Museum and
the Cathedral. They .........................(be) great!
Last month, I ....................(see) Gary and Eric. They promised.......................(come) and
see me. I hope they keep their promise.
OK. I must leave now. Lots of Love, ANNA.

Dear Gabby,
I.................(have) a problem and I need your advice. I........................(know) John for two
years. Last month we ................................(decide) to get married. Since then, our
relationship..................................(be) a nightmare. He.........................(get) angry with me
about every little thing and we are constantly fighting. I want .........................(see) a
marriage counselor, but John.......................(neg- want) to come with me.
Last night he.........................(suggest) ending our relationship if I ........................
(mention) the idea of counseling again.
I...............................(neg-understand) what is going on. I still love John but I dont know
what ......................(do) . A solution .(find) as soon as possible. I love him!!
Please, write me soon. Sarah

Betty and David .........................(know) each other for two years. Now,
they ..............................(plan) to get married, but they have some problems. Betty is very
rich and her parents ..............................(neg-think) that David is good enough for her.
David ...............................(belong) to a poor and humble family. He is a musician.
He .......................(finish) secondary school but he..........................(neg- attend) college
and he HAS ..never................(have) a job.
Betty: But, Dad, why cant I marry David?
Father: He.................................(neg-have) enough
money and he is lazy. Your
marriage ...........................never ......................(last).
B: But, he is so interesting! I.... ..................never.....................(meet) somebody like him
F: I.................................(neg-agree) with you. He just loves......................(play) the guitar
all day. I dont think he.....................................(intend) to work.
B: Thats not true Dad. Last night, he...... tell) me he ...........................(like) to get a job.

F: OK. Betty. Stop insisting and let me think about it. Thinking SHOULD/ (make)
before making up ones mind on issues like this one.

D.1.) Complete solamente con verbos en Pasado Simple & Presente Perfecto


In the nineteenth century England, people...................(read) books called Penny

I...............(read) comics when I was a child.
People around the world .........................(read) comics for over 100 years.
When I was little, I thought Superman really...................(exist).
Batman ......................(be) my favorite comic character since I..................(be) ten.

D. 2) Complete los verbos en Pasado Simple, Pasado continuo, Presente Perfecto

ContinuO y Pasado Perfecto
When the Europeans .....................(arrived), the Maori .............................(establish)
their culture.
When the Europeans ..........................(arrive), the Maori ..........................(live) all
over the island.
3. The Maori .........................(live) in New Zealand for a thousand years.
Before the Maori ............................(arrive), there ......................(be) no other people
5. Schools ........................(teach) the Maori language for some time now.
When Captain Cook ...........................(arrive) in New Zealand , the
Maori.....................(not have) metal tools.

E.) Mas prctica!

Verb Forms

Last week I......... my old friend John at the opera. It........ (be) a surprise for me because
I..................(see, negative) him for ten years. I...............(stand) in the lobby when
someone....................(slap) me on the head. I nearly.............(fall) over. When John said ,
How are you, pal? I ..................(recognize) him immediately. We ..............(talk) about
old times together, particularly our college days. I..............(wonder) what has happened
to Mary Smith. I..................(see, negative) her in years,John remarked.
As a matter of fact, I...................(think) about her just the other day. I believe
she .............(live) in California now, I answered. I told him that we ............... .(write) to
each other for a long time but then stopped when Mary got married.
That s the way things..............(go),John commented.

John told me that this eldest child .................... (have) a little difficulty at school at the
moment. He.. ...............(study, negative) very hard because he has so many things
besides school work to do - he .......................(watch) TV, ..................(play) baseball,
and .............(go) to the movies. Last year his boy ................... (pass) the final exams and
he.................(be) almost out of that school. But this year things .................. (change), his
child ..................(study) at home before and after classes, he also ..............(have) private
classes on Math and Language, and he ..............(attend) a French Institute.
John ................(want) his child to finish this year with no problems.
I..................(not/have) the same problem, because I.............(be) single and I..DON
T ..........(not/have) family. I...............(work) in the same office since three years ago, and
I................(plan) to change jobs. In 1997 I............(have) trouble with my boss, but
I...............(decide) not to quit for the money .............(be) good and I............. (have) the
afternoons free.

Present Perfect or Simple Past?

Last month I ...........................(meet) a wonderful girl. Her name is Alice Blake .

She .......................(live) here since 1992. Before that she used ..........................(live) in
Alice and I .....................(be) very close since the day we met. Last week
we.........................(see) each other every day and this week we.............. .....................(go
out) three times. On Monday, I ............................(take) her to the movies. On Wednesday,
we.........................(have) a picnic in the park.
Past Cont. and Past Simple?
1. Ann ........................(read) in bed when she.....................(hear) a noise.
2. John..............................(listen) to music when the captain .....................(speak).
3. He........................(wait) for the film to start when the plane ....................(turn) back.
Tim and his friends........................(ride) in the Black Hole when he........................
(feel) scared.
5. He..............................(walk) away when he nearly ..........................(fall) over.
Melanie.............................(visit) her mother when her car .............................
They.................................(talk) in the front room when she..........................(look) out of
the window.

F.) Clasifique estos indicadores de tiempo segn corresponda

everyday- last year since three years ago two days ago for thirty minutes yesterday
today at the moment when I was a little girl when the car crashed into the shop
window in 1990 last June just - on Monday every Thursday - usually already
always already never

Simple Pres.

Simple Past

Pres. Cont.

Past. Cont.

Pres. Perf.

Past. Perfect

Twice a year - Next summer last year three years ago since two days ago this
weekend - in 1998 in 2010 this Friday at weekends for thirty months - the day
before the following year generally - at the moment Look !! today everyday
always already just yet once a week three times a day never ever - ....when I
was a student
Simple Pres. Simple Past
Pres. Cont.
Near Future
Pres. Perf.
Future Plans

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