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Short title, extent and commencement (1) This Act may be called The Rajasthan
Land Revenue Act, 1956.
(2) It extends to the whole of the State of Rajasthan.
(3) It shall come into force on such date as the State Government may be notification in
the [official Gazette]1 appoint.

2. Enactments not affected by Act Nothing in this Act shall be construed so as in any
way of affect or restrict the operation of the provisions of the Rajasthan Land Reforms and
Resumption of Jagirs Act, 1952 (Rajasthan Act VI of 1952) [or the Ajmer Abolition of
Intermediaries and Land Reforms Act, 1955 (Ajmer Act 3 of 1955) or the Bombay Merged
Territories and Areas (Jagir Abolition) Act, 1953 (Bombay Act XXXIX of 1954) in so far as it
applies to the Abu area or the Madhya Bharat Zamindari Abolition Act, Samvat 2008 (Madhya
Bharat Act 28 of 1954) in so far as they apply to the sunel area) 2 or the Rajasthan Land
Summary Settlement Act, 1953 (Rajasthan Act XIX of 1953) of the Rajasthan Tenancy Act,
1955 (Rajasthan Act 3 of 1955) or the Rajasthan Panchayat Act, 1953 Rajasthan Act XXI of
1953) or and other law or enactment not repealed by Section 263.

Interpretation In this Act, unless the subject or context otherwise requires (i) Land Records Officer shall mean the collector and shall include Additional or
Assistant Land Records Officer;
[(ia) Municipality shall have the meaning assigned to it by the Rajasthan Town
Municipalities Act, 1951 (Rajasthan Act 23 of 1951) or any other municipal law
for the time being in force;
(ib) Nazul Land shall mean abadi land within the limits of a municipality or a
panchayat circle or a village, town or city, vesting in the State Government;
(ic) Panchayat circle shall have the meaning assigned to it by the Rajasthan
Panchayat Act, 1953 (Rajasthan Act 21 of 1953) or any other Panchayat law for
the time being in force;]
(ii) Prescribed shall mean prescribed by this Act or by rules made under this Act;
(iii) Recognised Agent of a party shall, subject to rules made under this Act, mean a
person authorised in writing by such party to make appearances and applications
and to do other acts on his behalf;
[(iiia) Revenue Appellate Authority shall mean the officer appointed as such authority
under Section 20-A;]
(iv) Settlement Officer shall include an Assistant Settlement Officer;

Substituted by Sec. 4 of the Rajasthan Act No. 2 of 1958, pub. in Raj. Gaz. Part IV-A, Extraordinary, dt. 13-1-1958.
Ins. By Part-B of the First Schedule of Rajasthan Act No. 2 of 1958, pub. in Raj. Gaz., Part IV-A, Extraordinary, dt. 13-11968.
Inserted by Section 2 of Rajasthan Act No. 33 of 1959, Pub. in Raj. Gaz. Part IV-A, Extraordinary, dt. 30-6-1959.
Ins. vide item 16 of the Schedule of the Rajasthan Act No. 8 of 1962, pub. in Raj. Gaz. Part IV-A, Extraordinary, dt. 23-41962.


Village shall mean the tract of land which ha sbeen recognised and recorded, or
may here after be recognised & recorded to be a village;
(vi) Reference to an officer appointed under this Act shall be construed to include
references to an additional officer of the same grade likewise apointed;
(vii) Words and expressions defined in the Rajasthan Tenanacy Act, 1955 (Rajasthan
Act 3 of 1955) shall, wherever used herein, be construed to have the meaning
assigned to them by the said Act; and
(viii) Words & expressions used to denote the possessor of any right, title and interest
shall be deemed to include the predecessors and successors in right, title or interest
of such person.

4. Establishment and Composition of Board (1) There shall be established for the State
of Rajasthan, a Board of Revenue here in after referred as the Board.
[(2) The Board shall consist of a Chairman, and not less than three and not more than
[fifteen] other members].
(3) All appointments made under sub-section (2) shall be notified in the 7[Official
[(4) The State Government shall prescribe the qualifications of persons who shall be
eligible for appointment as Chairman and member of the Board, the method of their selection
for appointment and the condition of their service:
Provided that till the qualifications of persons to be eligible for appointment as Chairman
and Members of the Board are prescribed by the Government and appointments are made in
accordance therewith their qualification shall continue to be the same as prescribed by subsection (4), as it stood immediately before the commencement of the Rajasthan Land Revenue
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1969.]
[(5) The Constitution of the Board shall not be deemed to be invalid if any vacancy
occurs on account of the death, resignation, expiry or termination of the appointment or
temporary absence of the Chairman or any member.]
5. Tenure of Members All members of the Board shall hold office during the pleasure of
the 10[Governor].
6. Place of Sitting The headquarters of the Board of Revenue shall be at 11[Ajmer] but
subject to the general or special orders of the State government, it shall be lawful for the Board
to sit at any place within its jurisdiction.



Subs. And shall be deemed always to have been subs. Vide Sec. 2(ii) of Raj. Act No. 21 of 1966, pub. in Raj. Rajpatra,
Part IV-A, Extraordinary dt. 13-10-1966.
Subs. For ten vide Sec. 2 of the Raj. Revenue (Admt.) Act 1986, pub. in Raj. Rajpatra, Part IV-(ka), Extraordinary dt. 15-91986, Page 1, w.e.f. 23-7-1986.
Subs. By Sec. 4 of Raj. Act No. 2 of 1958, pub. in Raj. Rajpatra, dt. 13-1-1958.
Subs. Vide Raj. Act No. 6 of 1970, pub. in Raj. Rajpatra, dt. 24-4-1970.
Ins. vide Raj. Act No. 6 of 1970, pub. in Raj. Rajpatra, dt. 24-4-1970.
Subs. Vide Part 1 of the Fourth Schedule to the Rajasthan Adaptation of Laws Order, 1955, pub. in Raj. Rajpatra, dt. 111-1956.
Union of India v. Col. J.N. Sinha, AIR 1951 SC 40 : 1970 (2) SCC 458.

7. Ministerial Officers (1) There may be appointed for the Board, a registrar and such
other ministerial officers as may be necessary for the exercise and performance of the powers
conferred and duties imposed on it by the Act or by or under any other enactment, rule or order
for the time being in force.
(2) The Registrar and other officers appointed under sub-section (1) shall, subject to
general or special orders of the State Government, exercise such powers and discharge such
functions as the Board may direct.
8. Powers of the Board Subject to the other provisions of this Act or to the provisions of
the Rajasthan Tenancy Act, 195 (Rajasthan Act 3 of 1955) or of any other law in force, the
Board shall be the highest revenue court of appeal, revision and reference in Rajasthan:
Provided that in all matters where there is a doubt or dispute involving the determination
of the jurisdiction of a civil or a revenue court in respect thereof, the decision of the High Court
shall be final and binding on all civil and revenue courts in 12[the State] including the Board.
(2) In addition to the powers mentioned in sub-section (1)., the Board shall exercise
such other powers and perform such other duties as may from time to time entrusted to it by
the Government or as are conferred or imposed on the Board by or under this Act or any other
law for the time being in force.
9. General Superintendence of Subordinate Revenue Courts Subject to other
provisions of this Act, the general superintendence and control over all revenue courts and
over all revenue officers shall be versed in, and all such courts and officers shall be
subordinate the Board.
10. Jurisdiction of Board how exercised (1) Except as otherwise provided by or under
this Act or by any other law or enactment for the time being in force in the whole or any part of
[the State and subject to an rule made in that behalf, the jurisdiction of the Board may be
exercised (a) by the Chairman or any other member of the Board, sitting singly, or
(b) by a Bench of the Board, consisting of two or more members:
Provided that a party aggrieved by a decision of a single member shall have the right to make
a special appeal to a bench consisting of two or more members of the Board within one month
from the date of the decision of the single member, 14[if the member who passed the judgment
[and if the member who passed the judgment ceases to be attached the Board, any other
member] declares that the case is a fit one for appeal].
(2) Subject to any rules made in that behalf, the Chairman may distribute the business
of the Board & make such territorial or other divisions of its jurisdiction as he may deem fit.


Subs. Vide S. 4 of Raj. Act No. 2 of 1958, pub. in Raj. Rajpatra Part IV-A, Extra-ord., dt. 13-1-1958.
Added vide Sec. 2 of Raj. Act No. 5 of 1964, published in Raj. Gazette Ex-ord., dt. 26-3-1964.
Substituted vide Sec. 4 o Raj. Act No. 2 of 1958, published in Raj. Rajpatra, dt. 13-1-1958.
Ins. vide Sec. 2 of Raj. Act No. 3 of 1991, pub. in Raj. Gaz. Ex-ord. 4 (Ka) dt. 27-3-1991, P. 101.

(3) Every order made or act done under sub-section (1) or in accordance with the
distribution or division made under sub-section (2), shallbe deemed to be the order or act, as
the case may be, of the Board.
11. Power to refer to a Bench The Chairman or any other member of the Board sitting
singly for the disposal of any case or proceeding may, if he thinks fit, for reasons to be
recorded in writing, refer any question of law or custom having the force of law or of the
construction of any document arising before him in such case or proceeding, for the opinion of
Bench, and the case or proceeding shall be disposed of in accordance with such opinion.
12. Power to refer question to High Court (1) If any case it appears to a Bench that any
such question as is referred to in Section 11 is of public importance and that it is expedient to
obtain the opinion of the High Court thereon, the Bench may refer the question to that Court.
(2) The High Court may, after such hearing as it thinks fit, record opinion on the
question so referred and the decision of the case shall be in confirmity with such opinion.
13. Decision in case of difference of opinion (1) Where a case is heard by a Bench of
the Board, the decision of such case shall be in accordance with the opinions of the majority of
the members who hear it.
(2) Where such members are equally divide in opinion as to the order to be made in
such case, the case shall be referred to another member and decided in accordance with the
opinion of the majority of the members including such other members who hear it.
14. Registers etc. to be kept The Board shall cause to be kept and maintained such
registers, books and accounts as may be prescribed o as may be necessary for the transaction
of its business.
15. Territorial Divisions (1) For the purpose of the revenue and general administration of
the State, the whole of 16[the State] shall consist of as many 17[division and] 18[districts] as the
State Government may deem fit.
[(2) Every division shall for like purpose be a district or consist of more than one district
as the State Government may determine.]
(3) The State Government may divide any district into as many sub-divisions as it may
deem fit, each such division to consist of a tehsil or of more than one tehsil.
(4) The State Government may sub-divide any tehsil into as many sub-tehsils as it may
deem fit.
(5) The State Government shall define the limits of each 17[division] district, sub-division,
tehsil or sub-tehsil constituted under this section.


Subs. By Sec. 4 of Raj. Act No. 2 of 1958, Pub. in Raj. Rajpatra Part IV-A Ex.-ord., dt. 13-1-1958.
Ins. by Act No. 10 of 1987 w.e.f. dt. 31-1-1987, Pub. in Raj. Gaz., Ex-ord. 4 (ka), dt. 9-4-1987, Pages 43-50.
Subs. And omitted vide item No. 16 of the Schedule of Rajasthan Act No. 8 of 1962, Pub. in Raj. Gaz. Part IV-A, Ex.-ord.,
dt. 23-4-1962.

(6) All 17[divisions] districts, sub-divisions, tehsils and sub-tehsils constituted under this
section shall be notified in the 16[official Gazette].
(7) The 17[X X X] districts, sub-divisions, tehsils and sub-tehsils 19[by whatever name
locally designated] existing at the commencement of this Act shall continue respectively to be
the 17[X X X] districts, sub-divisions, tehsils and sub-tehsils as if constituted under this Act
unless, other provision is made in respect thereof under or in pursuance of this Act.
16. Power to create, abolish or alter divisions etc. The State Government may be
notification in the 16[official Gazette](a) create new or abolish existing 17[divisions] districts, sub-divisions, tehsils and 20[subtehsils, villages], and
(b) alter the limits of any of them.
17. 21[Commissioners and Additional Commissioners The State Government shall
appoint in each division a Commissioner and may appoint as may Additional Commissioners
as may be necessary in a division or in two or more divisions or parts thereof combined.]
18. Settlement Commissioner and Additional Settlement Commissioner The State
Government shall appoint for the whole of the State a Settlement Commissioner and may
appoint as many Additional Settlement Commissioners as it may considers necessary.
19. Director and Additional Directors of Land Records The State Government shall
appoint for the State, a Director of Land Records and may appoint as many Additional and
Assistant Directors of Land Records as it may consider necessary.
20. Appoint of other Officers The State Government (a) shall appoint (i) a Collector in each district, who shall also be the Land Records Officer for the
district, and
(ii) a Tehsildar in each tehsil;
(b) may appoint (i) an Additional Land Record Officer to a district,
(ii) a Settlement Officer to a district,
(iii) as many Assistant Collectors to a district as it thinks fit, and
(iv) as many Naib-tehsildars to to a Tehsil as it thinks fit;
(c) shall appoint (i) as Assistant Collecor in charge of one or more sub-divisions of a district,
(ii) a Tehsildar or a Naib-Tehsildar in charge of one or more sub-tehsils of a tehsil;

Ins. by Part B of the First Schedule to Rajasthan Act No. 2 of 1958, pub. on 13-1-1958 in Rajpatra.
Subs. By Act No. 8 of 1995, pub. in Raj. Gaz., E.O. 4 (ka), dt. 26-4-1995, Page 19.
Ins. by Act. No. 10 of 1987, w.e.f. dt. 31-1-1987, pub. in Raj. Gaz., Ex-ord. 4 (kia) dt. 9-4-1987, Pages 43-50.


may appoint (i) an Additional Collector in district or in two or more districts combined, and
(ii) an Additional Tehsildar in a tehsil or in two or more tehsils combined.


Revenue Appellate Authority (1) The State Government may appoint such
number of officers, not being less than three, as may be found necessary to receive, hear and
dispose of appeals, revisions and references in revenue judicial cases and other matters
specifically provided for by law.
(2) Every officer so appointed shall be designated as Revenue Appellate Authority and
shall, for exercise of his jurisdiction and the performance of his duties, sit at such place or
places as the State Government may from time to time direct.]
21. Appointment ex-officio Any appointment under Section 17 or Section 18 or Section 19
or Section 2023 [or Section 203-A] may be made by virtue of office.
22. Notification of appointment All appointments made under Section 17 to 21 shall be
notified in the 24[official Gazette], provided that it shall not be necessary so to notify the
appointments of Naib-Tehsildars.
23. Controlling Power (1) The control of all non-judicial matters connected with revenue in
the State, other than matter connected with settlement, is vested in the State Government and
the control of all judicial matters and of all matters connected with settlement is vested in the
(2) The expression judicial matter means a proceeding in which a revenue court or
officer has to determine the rights and liabilities of the parties thereto and the proceeding and
orders as well as appeals, revisions and references in the case specified in the First Schedule
shall be deemed to be judicial matters for the purposes of this Act.
24. Subordination of Revenue Courts and Officers Subject to the provisions of Sections
9 & 23 25
[(i) all addl. Commissioners, Collectors, Addl. Collectors, Sub-Divisional Officers, Asstt.
Collectors, Tehsildars, Addl. Tehsildars and Naib-Tehsildars in a division shall be
subordinate to the Commissioner of such division;]
(ii) all addl. Collectors, Sub-Divisional Officers, Asstt. Collectors, Tehsildars, Addl.
Tehsildars and Naib-Tehsildars in a district shall be subordinate to the Collector of
such district;
(iii) all Tehsildars, Addl. Tehsildars and Naib-Tehsildars in a sub-division shall be
subordinate to the Sub-Divisional Officer of such sub-division;


Ins. by Act No. 10 of 1987, w.e.f. 31-1-1987, pub. in Raj. Gaz., E.O. 4 (ka), dt. 9-4-1987, P. 43-50.
Ins. & omitted vide Sec. 4 read with item No. 16 of the Schedule of Rajasthan Act No. 8 of 1962, pub. in Raj. Rajpatra,
Part IV-A, Ex. Ord., dt. 23-4-1962.
Subs. By Sec. 4 of Rajasthan Act No. 2 of 1958, pub. in Raj. Gaz., Part IV-A, Ex. Ord., dt. 13-1-1958.
Ins. by Act No. 10 of 1987 Pub. in Raj. Gaz. EO, Part 4(A), dt. 9-4-1987, w.e.f. 31-1-1987.

(iv) all Addl. Tehsildars and Naib-Tehsildars in a Tehsil shall be subordinate to the
Tehsildar of such Tehsil;
(v) all Additional Settlement Commissioners, Collectors, Additional Collectors,
Settlement Officers, Tehsildars, Additional Tehsildars and Naib-Tehsildars shallbe
subordinate to the Settlement Commissioner;
(vi) all Tehsildars, Additional Tehsildars and Naib-Tehsildars in a Tehsil shall be
subordinate to the Settlement Officer exercising jurisdiction in such Tehsil;
(vii) all Additional and Assistant Directors of Land Records Collectors, Additional
Collectors, Land Records Officers, Tehsildars, Additional Tehsildars and NaibTehsildars shall be subordinate to the Director of Land Records;
(viii) all Tehsildars, Additional Tehsildars and Naib-Tehsildars in a Tehsil shall be
subordinate to the Land Records Officer exercising jurisdiction in such Tehsil; and
(ix) all Officers specially appointed for any Local area under Chapter VII shall
subordinate to the Land Records Officer, or under Chapter VIII to the Settlement
Officer, for such area.
[Refers S. 221 Raj. Tenancy Act also]
25. Powers and duties of Courts and Officers (1) 26[A Commissioner or a] Collector or a]
Collector or a Sub-Divisional Officer or a Tehsildar shall respectively within his division or
district or sub-division or tehsil, exercise all the powers and discharge all the duties conferred
and imposed on him by or under this Act or the Rajasthan Tenancy Act, 1955 (Rajasthan Act 3
of 1955) or any other law for the time being in force.
(2) The Settlement Commissioner shall be incharge of all matters related to settlement
throughout the State and shall in respect thereof exercise such powers and discharge such
duties as are conferred and imposed on him by or under this Act or any other law for the time
being in force.
(3) The Director of Land Records shall be incharge of all matters relating to survey and
the preparation, revision and maintenance of land records throughtout the State and shall in
respect thereof exercise powers and discharge such duties as are conferred and imposed on
him by or under this Act or any other law for the time being in force.
(4) A Land Records Officer or an officer appointed under Chapter VII shall, within the
area for which he is appointed exercise such powers and perform such duties as are conferred
and imposed on him by or under this Act or any other law for the time being in force.
(5) A Settlement Officer or an officer appointed under Chapter VIII shall, within the area
for which he is appointed, exercise such powers and perform such duties as are conferred and
imposed on himby or under this Act or any other law for the time being in force.
(6) An 27[Additional Commissioner or an] Additional Settlement Commissioner or an
Additional or Assistant Director of Land Records or an Additional Collector or an Additional
Tehsildar shall, within the area for which he is appointed, exercise such powers and perform
such duties respectively of a 27[Commissioner or] the Settlement Commissioner or the Director

Ins. by Act No. 10 of 1987 w.e.f. 31-1-1987, Pub. in Raj. Gaz. EO, Part 4(ka), dt. 9-4-1987, Pages 43-50.
Ins. by Act No. 10 of 1987, Pub. in Raj. Gaz. EO. 4(ka), dt. 9-4-1987 w.e.f. 31-1-1987.

of Land Records or a Collector or a Tehsildar in such cases or matters or classes of cases or

matters 28[under this Act or under any other law for the time being in force] as the State
Government may direct, and every 27[Additional Commissioner or] Additional Settlement
Commissioner or Additional or Assistant Director of Land Records or Additional Collector or
Additional Tehsildar, while exercising any such power performing any such duty, shall for all
purposes be deemed to be the 27[Commissioner or] Settlement Commissioner or Director of
Land Records or Collector or Tehsildar, as the case may be, of the area for which he is
(7) An Assistant Collector or a Naib-Tehsildar shall, within the district or the Tehsil, as
the case may be, to which he is appointed, exercise such powers and perform such duties a
sare conferred and imposed on him by or under this Act or any other law for the time being in
force or as may be delegated, to him by a general or special order of the State Government.
26. Additional powers of Courts and Officers (1) The State Government may, by
notification in the 29[official Gazette] confer (a) on a Naib-Tehsildar, all or any of the powers of a Tehsildar,
(b) on a Tehsildar, all or any of the powers of an Assistant Collector,
(c) on an Assistant Collector, all or any of the powers of a Sub-Divisional Officer or a
Land Records Officer or a Settlement Officer or a Collector.
(d) On a Sub-Divisional Officer, all or any of the powers of Land Records Officer or a
Settlement Officer or a Collector,
(e) On a Land Records Officer or a Settlement Officer all or any of the powers of a SubDivisional Officer or an Assistant Collector or a Collector,
(f) On a Collector, all or any of the powers of Settlement Officer,
[(g) on a Commissioner, all or any of the powers of the Settlement Commissioner or the
Director of Land Records, and
(g) on the Settlement Commissioner, all or any of the powers of the Director of Land
(2) The powers conferred under sub-section (1) shall be exercised in such areas and in
respect of such cases and matters or classes of cases and matters as the State
Government may direct.
(3) In conferring powers under this section, the State Government may empower persons by
name or classes of officer generally by their official designations.
(4) If an officer in any tehsil, sub-division, district 31[division] or other area who has been
invested by name with any powers under thi ssection is transferred to an equivalent
officer of the same nature in another tehsil, sub-division, district, 31[division] or area, he
shall, unless the State Government otherwise directs be held to be invested with the
same powers under this section in such other tehsil, sub-division, 31[division] or area.


Inserted and shall be deemed always to have been inserted by Part B of the First Schedule to Rajasthan Act No. 2 of
1958, Pub. in Raj. Gaz. Part IV-A, Ex.-Ord., dt. 13-1-1958.
Subs. By Sec. 4 of Rajasthan Act No. 2 of 1958.
Ins. by Act No. 10 of 1987, pub. in Raj. Gaz. Ex-ord. Part 4(A) dt. 9-4-1987, w.e.f. 31-1-1987.
Inserted by Act No. 10 of 1987, w.e.f. 31-1-1987, pub. in Raj. Gaz. Ex-ord. Part 4(ka) dt. 9-4-1987, Pages 43-50.

27. Inherent powers of Courts and officers In addition to the powers specified in Section
25 & 26 32
[(a) a Commissioner shall, on being conferred powers under clause (g) of S. 26, have all
the powers of a Land Records Officer and the officers subordinate to the Land
Records Officers];
(aa) a [Revenue Appellate Authority shall have all the powers of a Collector, a Sub
Divisional Officer, an Assistant Collector, and a Tehsildar;
(b) a Collector shall have all the powers of a Sub Divisional Officer, an Assistant
Collector and a Tehsildar;
(c) a Sub Divisional Officer shall have all the powers of an Assistant Collector and a
(d) an Assistant Collector shall have all he powers of a Tehsildar and a Naib-Tehsildar;
(e) a Tehsildar shall have all the powers of a Naib-Tehsildar;
(f) a Land Records Officer or a Settlement Officer shall have all the powers of a
Tehsildar or a Naib-Tehsildar or an officer appointed under Chapter VII or Chapter
28. Officers temporarily succeeding to a permanent vacancies Whenever in
consequence of the officer of 33[a Commissioner, or] a Collector or a Sub-Divisional Officer or
a Tehsildar becoming permanently vacant, any officer succeeds temporarily to the chief
executive administration of the 34[division] district, sub-division or Tehsil, as the case may be,
such officer shall, pending the order of the State Government, exercise all the powers and
perform all the duties conferred and imposed on 34(a Commissioner), a Collector of a SubDivisional Officer or a Tehsildar by or under any law for the time being in force in 35[the State].
29. Temporary-absence of officers Where an officer is temporarily absent from his duties(i) any other officer of equal grade functioning at his headquarters or, if there be no
officer of an equal grade there any other officer of a superior grade so functioning or,
if there be no such superior officer, any other officer of an inferior grade so
functioning shall, without relinquishing the ordinary duty, assume charge of the office
of the absentee officer and shall continue in charge thereof until the office is
assumed by another officer duly appointed thereto and, while in such charge
perform the routine duties of the absentee officer, and
(h) if any officer of an equal, superior or inferior grade is no functioning at such
headquarters or is himself also absent, the chief ministerial official of the office shall
possess the power of adjourning from time to time any matter, case or proceeding.



Clause (a) renumbered as (aa) and new clause (a) inserted by the Raj. Land Revenue (Amend.) Act, 1987, Pub. in Raj.
Gaz. Exty. Part 4(A) dated 9-4-1987, w.e.f. 31-1-1987.
Inserted by Act No. 10 of 1987 w.e.f. dt. 31-1-1987 Published in Raj. Gaz., EO, 4(ka) dated 9-4-1987 Pages 43-50.
Inserted by Act No. 10 of 1987 w.e.f. dt. 31-1-1987 Published in Raj. Gaz., EO, 4(ka) dt. 9-4-1981, Pages 43-50.
Substituted by Section 4 of Rajasthan Act No. 2 of 1958, Published in Rajasthan Gazette, Part IV-A, Extraordinary, dt. 311-1958.

30. Formation and alteration of Patwaris Circles The Director of Land Records, with the
previous sanction of the State Government, may from time to time arrange the village of each
district in Patwaris circles and may alter the number and limits of such cities.
31. Appointment of Patwaris Subject to rules made under this Act, the Collector shall
appoint a Patwari to each circle for the maintenance and correction of the annual registers and
records under Chapter VII 36[for the collection of a all rents, revenue and other demands due
from the land holders and tenants of the circle for which he is appointed], and for such other
duties, as the State Government may prescribe.
32. Formation and alteration of Land Records Inspection circles With the previous
sanction of the State Government, the Director of Land Records may arrange the patwaris,
circles of each district into land records inspection circles.
33. Appointment of Girdawar Qanungos or Land Records Inspectors Subject to rules
made under this Act, the Collector shall appoint to each land records inspection circle, a
Girdawar Qanungo or Land Record Inspector for the proper Supervision, maintenance and
correction of the annual registers and records under Chapter VII.
34. Sadar Qanungos Subject to rules made under this Act, the Director of Land Records
shall appoint one or more Sadar Qanungos in each district to supervise the work of the
Girdawar Qanungos or Land Records Inspectors and Patwaris and to perform such other
duties as the State Government may prescribe.
35. Qualifications etc. of Patwaris and Qanungos The qualifications of service and
duties of Patwaris, Girdwar Qanungos of Land Records Inspectors and Sadar Qanungos shall
be regulated by rules made by the State Government in that behalf.
36. Obligation to furnish information necessary for the preparation of records Any
person whose rights, interests or liabilities are required by any enactment for the time being in
force or by any rule made under any such enactment to be entered in any official register by a
Patwari or by a Girdwar Qanungo or Land Records Inspector or by a Sadar Qanungo shallbe
bound to furnish, on his requisition all information necessary for the correct compilation
3740-A Termination of the services of Lambardars Notwithstanding anything contained in
the Rajasthan General Clauses Act, 1955 (Rajasthan Act 8 of 1955), or in any other law for the
time being in force, all Lambardars appointed or deemed to have been appointed under this
Act, shall, as from the date of commencement of the Rajasthan Land Revenue (Amendment)


Inserted vide Section 3 of the Rajasthan Act No. 18 of 1963, published in Rajasthan Gaz. Part IV-A Extraordinary, dt. 1210-1963.
Inserted vide Section 6 of the Rajasthan Act No. 18 of 1963, Publishe din Raj. Gaz. Part IV-A, Extraordinary, dated 12-101963.

Act, 1963, ceases to be Lambardars of the village or group of villages for which they were
appointed and shall cease to exercise the powers conferred and to discharge the functions and
duties imposed on them, by this Act, and the duty of collecting he revenue or rent or any other
State demand shall, until the State Government directs otherwise, be performed by the Patwari
of the circle.]
41. Village Servants In every village or a group of villages, there shall be appointed and
maintained so many and such of the following village servants as the Collector, subject to the
orders of the State Government, may direct namely :
(i) a village watchman or chowkidar,
(ii) a village Balai, and
(iii) such other village servants as the State Government may from time to time notify in the
(Official Gazette).
42. Vacancies Every vacancy caused by the death, resignation, removal or otherwise, of a
village servant shall be reported within fifteen days after the occurrence thereof, by the patwari,
of the village to the Tehsildar within whose jurisdiction such village or group of villages is
situate. The Tehsildar shall thereupon take such action, as may be prescribed by rule.
43. Register of village servants (1) For every village or group of villages within his Tehsil,
the Tehsildar shall prepare, within the time prescribed by the Collector, a register of all village
servants, containing the prescribed particulars, on the basis of the best evidence available.
(2) Each register prepared under sub-section (1) shall be kept and maintained up-to-date as
a permanent record and all alterations made from time to time in the number, personnel and
other particulars of village servants, shall be properly noted therein and duly authenticated.
44. Remuneration of village servants The village servants appointed and maintained
under Section 41 shall be entitled to get such remuneration, at such scale and in such manner,
as may be prescribed by rules made under this Act.
45. Non-liability of remuneration attachment The remuneration of a village servant,
whether consisting of land or interest in land or otherwise, shall not be liable to be alienate or
encumbered except to the extent provided by the Rajasthan Tenancy Act, 1955 (Rajasthan Act
3 of 1955) and it shall not be lawful for any court to attach or sell the same or any portion
46. Duties of village servants (1) Every village servants, other than a village watchman
appointed under this Act, shall perform such duties as may be imposed on himby rules made
under this Act.
(2) Every village watchman appointed under this Act shall exercise such power and perform
such duties as may be required of him by the Superintendent of Police.

Subs. vide Sec. 4 of Raj. Act No. 2 of 1958, Pub. in Raj. Gaz. Part IV-A, Ex-ord., dated 13-1-1958.

47. Appointment how to be made Whenever the Collection directs that a village servant
shall be appointed for village or a group of villages or whenever a vacancy occurs in the officer
of a village servant, the Tehsildar shall, within six weeks of such direction or vacancy make an
appointment of the office.
48. Disqualifications for appointment No person shall be eligible for appointment as a
village servant, who
(a) has not attained the age of majority, or
(b) is not physically or mentally capable of discharging the duties of his office, or
(c) does not reside in the area for which he is appointed, or
(d) has been convicted by a criminal court of an offence involving moral turpitude.
49. Punishment, suspension and removal of village servant and Lambardars (1) A
village servant39(XXX) found guilty of not discharging his duties properly, shall be liable under
the orders of the Tehsildar to a fine not exceeding twenty rupees.
(2) Subject to any rules made under this Act, a village servant or a Lambardar found:
(i) to be unwilling to work as such or not physically fit to perform his duties; or
(ii) to be guilty or gross misconduct or of continued and glaring neglect of his duties; or
(iii) to be otherwise unfit to remain in that office, may be suspended) dismissed or removed
from his office, after being given an opportunity to explain his conduct.
50. Power to place village watchman under police authorities The State Government
may declare that the powers of appointing and punishing a village servant under Section 47 to
49 shall be exercised in any specified local area by the Superintendent or Inspector of Police in
respect of all or any of the village watchmen in that local area, subject to an appeal to the
District Magistrate of that area within one month.
51. Place for holding court or making inquiries (1) Every officer appointed under
Chapter III may 40[subject to the provisions contained in Section 20-A] hold court and make an
inquiry at any place within the local limits of his jurisdiction.
(2) Except for reasons to be recorded in writing, no such officer shall hear or inquire into any
case at any place outside such limits.
52. Power to enter upon and survey land All revenue and village officers and their
servants and workman when authorised, either verbally or in writing may enter upon and
survey land and demarcate boundaries and do other acts connected with their duties under
this Act or any enactment for the time being in force :
Provided that no person shall enter any building or upon any enclosed courtyard or
garden attached to a dwelling house unless with the consent of the occupier thereof without


Omitted and Section 7 of the Rajasthan Act No. 18 of 1963, Published in Raj. Gaz., Part IV-A Extraordinary 12-10-1963.
Inserted by item No. 16 of the Schedule of Raj. Act No. 8 of 1962,

giving such occupier at least twenty-four hours notice and in making such entry due regard
shall be paid to the social and religious sentiments of the occupier.
53. Power of Government, Board etc. to transfer cases The State Government or the
Director of Land Records 41[or a Commissioner] may transfer any non-judicial case or any
class of non-judicial cases not concerned with settlement, and the Board or the Settlement
Commissioner or the Director of Land Records [XX] may transfer any judicial or settlement
case or any class of such case from any subordinate revenue court or revenue officer to any
other court or officer competent to deal therewith.
54. Power of transfer cases to and from subordinates 42[A Commissioner], a Collector, a
[Sub} Divisional Officer, a Tehsildar, a Land Records officer or a Settlement Officer may
make over any case or class of cases, arising under the provisions of this Act or otherwise for
inquiry or decision from his own file to any revenue officer subordinate to him who may be
competent to deal with such case of class of cases, may withdraw any case or class of cases
from any such revenue officer and may deal with such case or class of cases himself, or refer
the same for disposal to any other such revenue officer competent to deal therewtith:
Provided that even when, after inquiry in a case, a report is submitted by a revenue officer
to a superior revenue authority for final order, the latter may, before passing the final order,
give the parties an opportunity to be heard.
55. Consolidation of cases Where more cases than one involving substantially the same
question for determination and based on the same cause of action are pending in one or more
revenue court, they shall, on application being made by any party to the court to which the ourt
or courts concerned are all subordinate, be consolidate in one court and decided by a single
judgment. Such cases may be filed in the superior court.
56. Appearances, applications etc. by whom made All appearances before, applications
to, and acts to be done before, any revenue court or officer under this Act or under any other
law for the time being in force, may be made or done
(i) by the parties in person, or
(ii) by their recognised agents, or
(iii) by legal practitioners duly authorised by the parties and competent to practise before
such court or officer :
Provided that the revenue court or officer may require the attendance of any party to a
proceeding notwithstanding the employment by him of an agent or a legal practitioner.
56.A Presentation of applications, appeals, etc. (1) All applications, appeals and
proceeding shall, in the absence of a provisions to the contrary effect, be presented to the

Inserted by Act No. 10 of 1987 w.e.f. 31-1-1987 Pub. in Raj. Gaz., EO, 4(ka) dt. 9-4-1987 Pages 43-50.
Inserted vide Rajasthan Act No. 28 of 1987.
Word Sub is missing in the original Act published by Govt. Press.

Court, officer or authority to which or to whom such applications, appeals or proceedings lie
under any provision of the Act or the rules thereunder or of any other law for the time being in
force or of the rules made under such law :
Provided that, if under any such provisions, any application, appeal or proceeding lies to a
Revenue Appellate Authority, such application, appeal or of proceeding may be presented to,
and received by, the Collector of the District in which the cause of action for such application,
appeal or proceeding arises wholly or in part.
(2) Upon receipt of an application, appeal or proceeding under the proviso to sub-section (1),
the collector shall examine the same to see if it bears the proper court fee, has been presented
to him within the time limit, if any, prescribed for such presentation, is accompanied with all the
57. Power of Revenue Courts on officers to require attendance of persons and
production of document and to receive evidence (1) Subject to the provisions of Sections
132 and 133 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (Central Act V of 1908) and rules made
under this Act; every revenue court or officer shall have power to summon any person whose
attendance is considered necessary either to be examined as a party or to give evidence as a
witness or to produce any document for the purposes of any inquiry or case arising under This
Act or any other enactment for the time being in force.
(2) A summons to produce documents may be for the production of certain specified
documents or for the production of all documents of a certain description in the possession or
power of the person summoned.
(3) All persons so summoned shall be bound to attend, either in person or by an authorised
agent, as such court or officer may direct, and to state the truth upon any subject respecting
with they are examined or make statements, and to produce such documents and other things
as may be required.
(4) If any persons, on whom a summons has been served, fails to comply with the summons,
the court or officer by whom the summons has been issued may issue a bailable warrant for
the arrest of such person.
(5) Any person present may be required by any revenue court or officer to give evidence or to
produce any document then and there in his possession or power.
58. Summons to be in writing signed and sealed Every summons shall be in writing in
duplicate and shall be signed and sealed by the officer issuing i or by such person as he
empowers in this behalf, and it shall specify the time and place at with the person summoned
is required to attend and also whether he is required to give evidence or to produce a
59. Serving of summons Every summons shall be served
(i) by tendering or delivering a copy of it(a) to the person summoned, or
(b) to his recognised agent or legal practitioner, or
(c) to any adult male member of his family usually residing with him, or


if any of the aforesaid persons cannot be found or refuses to accept the service of
summons, by affixing a copy thereof to some conspicuous part of his usual or last known
place of residence; or
(iii) if such person resides in another district, by sending the summons by post to the
Collector of such district for service in accordance with clause (i) or clause (ii); or
(iv) if the revenue court or officer so directs, for reasons to be recorded in writing, by sending
the summons to the person named therein either in addition to or in substitution of, any
other mode of service, by post under a registered cover.
60. Mode of Serving Notice Every notice under this Act may be served either by tendering
or delivering a copy thereof, or sending such copy by post in a cover registered under the
Indian Post Office Act, 1898 (Central Act VI of 1898) to the person on whom it is to be served
or his authorised agent or, if service in the manner aforesaid cannot be made, by affixing a
copy thereof, at his last known place of residence or at some place of public resort in the
village in which the land to which the notice relates is situated.
61. Mode of issuing proclamations Whenever a proclamation is issued under this Act,
copies thereof shall be posted in the court-house of the officer issuing it, at the headquarters of
the tehsil within which the land to which it refers is situated, and at some place of public resort
on or adjacent to the land to which it refers, and, if the officer issuing it so directs, the
proclamation shall be further published by beat of drum on or near the land to which it refers.
62. Notice or proclamation not void for error No notice proclamation shall be deemed
void on account of any error in the name, description or designation of any person or in the
description of any land referred to therein unless such error has caused substantial injustice.
63. Hearing in absence of party (1) if any party to a case of proceeding before a revenue
court or officer does not appear on the date fixed for hearing, or on any subsequent date or
dates to which the hearing may have been postponed, the case or proceeding may be heard
and determined in his absence or may be dismissed in default.
(2) If, on the date fixed for hearing a case or proceeding, a revenue court or officer finds that a
summons or notice was not served on any party due to the failure of the opposite party to pay
the requisite process fees for such service, the case or proceeding may be dismissed in
default of payment of such process-fees.
64. Adjournment of hearing (1) A revenue court or officer may, from time to time, adjourn
the hearing of a case or proceeding.
(2) The time and place of an adjourned hearing of a case or proceeding shall be intimated at
the time of the adjournment to such of the parties and witnesses as are present.

65. No appeal form order passed under Section 63 (1) Except where a case or
proceeding before any revenue court or officer has been decided on the merits, no appeal
shall lie from an order passed under Sec. 63.
(2) The party against whom any order is passed under Section 63 may apply within 30 days
from the date of such order, to have it set aside on the ground that he was prevented by any
sufficient cause from appearing at the hearing or from paying the requisite process-fee for the
service of a summons or notice on the opposite party, and the revenue court or officer may,
after notice to the opposite party and after making such inquiry, as may be considered
necessary, set aside the order passed.
66. Power to give and apportion costs (1) A revenue court or officer may give and
apportion costs incurred in any case or proceeding arising under this Act in such manner and
to such extent, as may be deemed fit.
(2) An order under sub-section (1) awarding costs to a party other than the State Government
shall be executable as if it were a decree for money passed by a revenue court.
67. Correction or error or omission Any revenue court or officer by whom an order has
been passed in any proceeding under this Act may, either of his own motion or on the
application of a party, correct any error or omission not affecting a material part of the case,
after such notice to the parties as may be necessary.
68. Power to refer disputes to arbitration The Board 44[a Commissioner, an Additional
Commissioner],45[a revenue appellate authority], the Settlement Commissioner, an Additional
Settlement Commissioner, the Director of Land Records, an Additional or Assistant Director of
land Records, a Collector, an Addl. Collector, a Sub-Divisional Officer, an Asstt. Collector, a
Land Records Officer, a Settlement Officer, a Tehsildar or an Addl. Tehsildar may, with the
consent of the parties, by order refer any dispute before it or him to arbitration.
69. Procedure in cases referred to arbitration In all cases of reference to arbitration under
Section 68, the provisions of the Arbitration Act, 1940 (Central Act X of 1940), shall apply so
far as they are not inconsistent with anything in this Act.
70. Application to set aside award Any application to set aside an award shall be made
within the twenty days after the service of the notice of filling the award.
71. Decision according to award If the revenue court or officer making the reference does
not see cause to remit the award or any of the matters referred to arbitration for
reconsideration, and if no application has been made to set aside the award, of if such
application has been refused, such court or officer shall decide the dispute in accordance with


Ins. by Act No. 10 of 1987 w.e.f. 31-1-1987, pub. in Raj. Gaz., E.O. 4(ka), dt. 9-4-1987, P. 43-50.
Sub. vide item 16 of the Schedule of Rjaasthan Act No. 8 of 1962, pub. in Raj. Gaz. Part IV-A, Ex-ord., dt. 23-4-1962.

the award of if the award has been submitted in the form of a special case, according to its or
his own opinion in such case.
72. Bar to appeal & suit in Civil Court Such decision shall be at once carried out and shall
not be open to appeal unless the decision is in excess of, or not in accordane with the award,
or unless the decision is impugned on the ground that there is no valid award in law or in fact.
73. Delivery of possession of immovable property If possession of immovable property is
adjudged, the court or officer making the order may deliver possession in the same manner,
and with the same powers in regard to all contents, resistence and the like, as may be lawfully
exercised by the civil courts in execution of there own decrees.
74. Appeal to be as followed by this Act Notwithstanding any law for the time being in
force, no appeal shall lia from any 46[xxx] order passed by any revenue court or officer except
as provided in this Act.
75. First Appeals (1) Save when otherwise provided in this Act, a first appeal shall lie
[(a) to the Collector from an original order passed by a Tehsildar in matters not connected
with settlement or land records.
to the 48(revenue appellate authority) from an original order passed by an Assistant
Collector or a Sub-Divisional Officer or a Collector in maters not connected with
to the Settlement Officer from an original 49[xxx] order passed by a revenue court or
officer subordinate to him.
to the Land Records Officer an original 49[xxx] order passed by a revenue court or
officer subordinate to him.
to the Settlement Commissioner from an original 49[xxx] order passed by a Settlement
Officer or by a Collector in matters connected with Settlement.
to the Director of Land Records from an original 49[xxx] order passed by a Land Records
Officer in matters connected with land records, and
to the Board from an original 50[xxx] order passed by the 50[Commissioner or Additional
Commissioner, the] 48[revenue appellate authority], the Settlement Commissioner
76. Second Appeals 51[xxx] An appeal shall lie from [an order] passed in appeal (a)
by a Collector in 52[xxx] matters not connected with settlement or land records, - to the
[revenue appellate authority], or

Omitted by Sec. 3 of Raj. Act No. 33 of 1959, pub. in Raj. Gaz. Part IV-A, E.O., dt. 30-6-1959.
Subs. by clause (i) (a) of Sec. 4 of Raj. Act No. 33 of 1959, Published in Raj. Gaz. Part IV-A, Ex.-ord., dt. 30-6-1959.
Subs. vide item No. 16, the Schedule of Raj. Act No. 8 of 1962, Pub. in Raj. Gaz. Part IV-A, Ex-ord., dt. 23-4-1962.
Omitted by clause (i)(b) of Sec. 4 ibid.
Omitted by clause (ii) of Sec. 4 ibid.
Omitted and Substituted by Sec. 5 of Raj. Act No. 33 of 1956, published in Raj. Ga. Part IV-A, Ex-ord., dt. 30-6-1956.
Substituted by Sec. 6 ibid. (Page 109).


by a Settlement Officer acting under Section 181, to the Settlement Commissioner, or

by a Land Records Officer to the Director of Land Records, or
by the 54[Commissioner or the] [revenue appellate authority] or the Settlement
Commissioner 51[xxx] to the Board.
[(2) xxx].
77. No appeal in certain cases 55(1) No appeal shall lie
from an order admitting an appeal or application for review on the ground specified in
Sec. 5 of the Indian Limitation Act, 1908 (Central Act IX of 1908), or
from an order rejecting an application for revision or review, or
from an order which is expressly declared by this Act to be fina, 55[or]
[(d) from an interim order, and
(2) The provision of sb-section (1) shall apply to all applications or proceedings pending on
the date of the commencement of the Rajasthan Revenue Laws (Amendment) Ordinance,
1975 (Ordinance No. 13 of 1975)].
(3) All pending appeals against interim order, whether under Section 75 or under Section
76, shall abate on the date of the commencement of the Rajasthan Revenue Laws
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1975 (Ordinance No. 13 of 1975)].
78. Limitation for appeals No appeal shall lie
(a) to the Collector or Land Records Officer or Settlement Officer after the expiration of thirty
days from the date of the 56[xxx] order to which objection is made; or
(b) to the 57[revenue appellate authority] or Settlement Commissioner or the Director of Land
Records after the expiration of sixty days from such date; or
(c) to the Board after the expiration of ninety days from such date.
79. Copy of 58[xxx] order objected to, to accompany petition Every petition for appeal
shall be accompanied by a certified copy of the 58[xxx] order to which objection is made, unless
the production of such copy is dispensed with.
80. Power of Appellate Authority (1) The appellate authority may either admit the appeal,
or, after calling for the record and giving the appellant an opportunity to be hard may
summarily reject it :
Provided that the appellate authority shall not be bound to call for the record where the
appeal is time-barred or does not lie.




Substituted vide item No. 16 of the Schedule of Raj. Act No. 8 of 1962, published in Raj. Gazettee Part IV-A, Ex-ord, dt.
Inserted by Act No. 10 of 1987, w.e.f. 31-1-1987, pub. inRaj. Gaz. Ex-ord. 4(Ka), dt. 9-4-1987, Pages 43-50.
Amended vide Sec. 4 of Raj. Act No. 4 of 1976, pub. in Raj. Gaz. Part 4(Ka), dt. 31-1-76, on Page 85, the date of
commencement of the Ordinance in 15-8-1975.
Omitted by S. 7 of Act No. 33 of 1959.
Subs. vide item No. 16 of the Schedule Raj. Act No. 8 of 1962, Pub. in Raj. Gaz. Part IV-A, Ex-ord., dt. 23-4-1962.
Omitted and substituted by Sec. 5 of Raj. Act No. 33 of 1959, pub. in Raj. Gaz. Part IV-A, Ex-ord. dt. 30-6-1959.

(2) If the appeal is admitted a date shall be fixed for hearing and notice there of shall be
served on the respondent.
(3) After hearing the parties, if they appear, the appellate authority may confirm, vary or
reverse the [xxx] order appealed against; or
may direct such further investigation to be made or such additional evidence to be taken,
as it may think necessary; or
may itself take such additional evidence; or
may remand the case for disposal with such directions, as it thinks fit.
81. Power to stay execution of 59[xxx] orders of lower court (1) If an appeal is admitted,
the appellate authority may, pending the result of the appeal, direct the execution of the 59[xxx]
order appealed from to be stayed.
(2) A revenue court or officer passing any 59[xxx] order may direct the execution of such
[xxx] order to be stayed at any time before the expiry of the period prescribed for appeal, if no
appeal has been filed.
(3) If execution of any 59[xxx] order is stayed under sub-section (1) or sub-section (2), such
security may be taken or conditions imposed as the appellate authority or the revenue court or
officer thinks fit.
82. Power 60[xxx] to call for records and proceedings and reference to State Government
of Board 60[xxx] The Settlement Commissioner or the Director of Land Records 61[or a
Collector] may call for and examine the record of any case decided or proceedings held by any
revenue court or officer subordinate to him for the purpose of satisfying himself as to the
legality or properiety of the order passed and as to the regularity of proceedings;
and, if he is of opinion that the proceedings taken or order passed by such subordinate
court or officer should be varied cancelled or reversed, he shall refer the case with his opinion
thereon for the orders of the Board, if the case is of a judicial nature or connected with
settlement, or for the orders of the State Government if the case is of a non-judicial nature not
connected with Settlement;
and the Board or the State Government, as the case may be, shall thereupon pass such
order as it thinks fit.
83. Power of Government to call for records and revise orders The State government
may call for the record of any non-judicial proceedings not connected with settlement held by
any officer subordinate to it and may pass thereon such orders as it thinks fit.
84. Power of Board to call for records and revise orders The Board may call for the
record of any case of a judicial nature or connected with settlement in which no appeal lies to
the Board if the court or officer by whom the case was decided appears to have exercised a
jurisdiction not vested in it or him by law, or to have exercise jurisdiction so vested, or to have

Omitted by Sec. 7 of Rajasthan Act No. 33 of 1959, Published in Raj. Gaz., Part IV-A, Extra-ord., dt. 30-6-1959.
Omitted vide item No. 16 of the Schedule of Raj. Act No. 8 of 1962, pub. on dt. 23-4-1962.
Ins. vide Sec. 8 of Raj. Act No. 18 of 1963, Pub. in Raj. Gaz. Part IV-A, Ex-ord., dt. 2-10-1963.

acted in the exercise of its or his jurisdiction illegally or with material irregularity, and may pass
such orders in the case as it thinks fit.
85. Hearing No order under Section 82 or Section 83 or Section 84 shall be passed to the
prejudice of any person unless such person has had an opportunity of being heard.
85.A 62[Review by the State Government The State Government may of its own motion or
on the application of a party to a proceeding, review and may rescind; alter or confirm any
order made by it under this Act.]
86. Review by the Board and other Courts (1) The Board of its own motion, or on
application of a party to a suit or other proceeding may reivew and may rescind, alter or
confirm any 63[xxx] order made by itself or by any of its members.
Even other revenue court or officer may either on its or his own motion, or on
application of any party interested, review any 63[xxx] order passed by itself or himself or by
any of its or his predecessors in office and pass such orders in reference thereto as it or he
thinks fit:
Provided that
no 63[xxx] order shall be varied or reversed unless notice has been given to the parties
interested to appear and be heard in support of such [xxx] order;
no 63[xxx] order from which an appeal has been made or which is the subject of any
revision proceedings shall, so long as such appeal or proceedings are pending be reviewed;
(iii0 no 63[xxx] order affecting any question of right between private persons shall be
reviewed except on the application of a party to the proceedings, and no application for the
review of such 63[xxx] order shall be entertained unless it is made within ninety days from the
passing of the 63[xxx] order.
An application for review under this section shall lie on any of the grounds mentione din
rule 1 of Order XLVII of the First Schedule to the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (Central Act V
of 1908) and the provisions of the said order shall, subject to the provisions containe din subsection (1) or sub-section (2), be applicable.
87. Application of Act IX of 1908 - The provisions of the Indian Limitation Act, 1908 (Central
Act IX of 1908), shall apply to all appeals and applications for review under this Act.
88. All roads etc. and all land which are not the property of others belong to the State
(1) All public roads, lanes, paths, bridges and ditches; all fences on or beside the all rivers,
streams, lakes and tanks, all canals and watercourses, all standing and flowing water, and all
lands wherever situated, which are not the property of individuals or of bodies of person legally
capable of holding property are except in so far as any rights of such persons or bodies may
be established in over the same and except, may be otherwise provided in any law for the time

Ins. by S. 2 of Rajasthan Act No. 26 of 1960, pub. in Rajpatra, Part IV-A, E-O, dt. 14-9-1960.
Omitted by Section 7 of Rajasthan Act No. 33, of 1959, published in Raj. Gaz. Part IV-A, Ex.-ord. dated 30-6-1959.

being in force, and are hereby declared to be, with all rihts in or over the same or appertaining
thereto, the property of the State; and it shall be lawful for the Collector subject to the 64[order
of the Commissioner] to dispose of them in such manner as may be prescribed subject always
to the rights of way and all other rights of the public or of individuals legally aubsisting.
(2) Where any property or any right in over any property is claimed by or on behalf of the
State or by any person as against the State, it shall be lawful for the Collector, after formal
inquiry of which due notice has been given to pass an order deciding the claim.
(3) Any suit instituted in any civil court after the expiration of any year from the date of any
order passed under sub-section (1) of sub-section 92) or, if one more appeals have been
made against such orders within the period of limitation, then from the date of any order
passed by the final appellate authority, shall be dismissed (although limitation has not been set
up as a defence) if the suit is brought to set aside such order or if the relief claimed is
inconsistent with such order; provided that in the case of an order under sub-section (2), the
plaintiff has had due notice of such order.
(4) Every person shall be deemed to have been due notice of an inquiry or order under this
section, if notice there or has been given in accordance with the provisions of this Act or the
rules made thereunder.
(5) Any order passed under sub-section (1) or sub-section (2) shall be enforceable by the
Collector in the prescribed manner.
89. Right of minerals, mines, quarries and fisheries The right to all minerals, mines and
quarries and to all fisheries, navigation and irrigation in and from, a river shall vest in the State
Government and the State Government shall, 65[xxx] have all powers necessary for the
enjoyment of such a right.
(2) The right to all mines and quarries includes the right of access to land for the purpose of
mining and quarrying and the right to occupy such other land as may be necessary for
purposes subsidiary thereto, including the erection of offices, workmens dwellings and
machinery. The staking of minerals and deposit of refuse, the construction of roads, railways or
tram lines, and any other purposes which the State Government may declare to be subsidiary
to mining and quarrying.
(3) If the State Government has assigned to any person its right over any minerals, mines
or quarries, and if for the proper enjoyment of such right, it is necessary that all or any of the
powers specified in sub-sections (1) and (2) should be exercised by such person, the Collector
may, by an order in writing, subject to such conditions andreservations as he may prescribe;
delegate such powers to the person to whom the right has been assigned:
Provided that no such delegation shall be made until notice has been duly served on all
persons having rights in the land effected and their objection have been heard and considered.
(4) If, in the exercise of the right herein referred over any land, the rights of any persons are
infringed by the occupation or disturbance of the surface of such land, the Stage Government


Subs. by Act No. 10 of 1987 for the words The State Government, Pub. in Raj. Gaz. Ext-ord. Part 4(A), dt 9-4-1987 w,e,f
Omitted by Sec. 32(a) of Raj. Act No. 11 of 1964,Pub. in Raj. Gaz. Part IV-A, Ex-ord., dt. 13-4-1964.

or its assignee shall pay to such persons compensation for such infringement and the amount
of such compensation shall be calculated by the Collector, of, if this award is not accepted, by
the civil court, as nearly as may be in accordance with the provisions of the Rajasthan Land
Acquisition Act, 1953 (Rajasthan Act XXIV of 1953).
(5) No assignee of the State Government shall enter on or occupy the surface of any land
without the previous sanction of the Collector, unless the compensation has been determined
and tendered to the person whose rights are infringed.
(6) If any assignee of the State Government fails to pay compensation as provided in subsection (4), the Collector may recover such compensation from him on behalf of the person
entitled to it, as if it were an arrear of land revenue.
(7) Any person who without lawful authority extracts or removes minerals from any mine or
quarry, the right to which vests in and has not been assigned by the State Government, shall
without prejudice to any other section that may be taken against his liable, on the order in
writing of the Collector to pay a penalty not exceeding a sum calculated at the rate of fifty
rupees per ton, or a fraction thereof, of the minerals so extracted or removed:
Provided that if the sum so calculated is less than one thousand rupees, the penalty may
be such larger sum not exceeding on thousand rupes as the Collector may impose.
90. Liability of all land to payment of revenue or rent (1) 66[Subject to other provision of
this Act] all land, to whatever purpose applied and wherever situate, is liable to the payment of
revenue or rent to the State Government except such land as has been wholly exempted from
such liability by special grant of or contract with, the State Government, or by the provision of
any law for the time being in force.
(2) No length of occupation of any land nor any grant of land made by an estate holder
shall release such land from the liability to pay revenue or rent.
(3) The State Government may exempt any land from the liability to such payment by
means of a special grant or contract or in accordance with the provisions of any land for the
time being in force.
[(3-A) The State Government may, by notification in the official Gazette, exempt, whether
prospectively or retrospectively, any land or class of land from the payment of rent or land
(4) Revenue or rent may be assessed on land notwithstanding that such revenue or rent,
by reason of its having been assigned, released, compounded for or redeemed, is not payable
to the State Government.

[90-A.] Use of agricultural land for non-agricultural purpose (1) No person holding any
land for the purpose of agriculture, and no transferee of such land or any part thereof, shall use
the same or any part thereof, by the construction of buildings thereon, shall use the same or
any part thereof, by the construction of buildings thereon, shall use the same or any part

Ins. by Sec. 2 of Raj. Act No. 47 of 1958, Pub. in Raj. Gaz. Part IV-A, Ex-ord., dt. 27-12-1958.
Ins. vide Sec. 2 of Raj. Act No. 13 of 1991, pub. in Raj. Gaz. Ex-ord. 4 (Ka), dt. 24-9-1991.
Ins. by Sec. 3 of Raj. Act No. 47 of 1958, Pub. in Raj. Gaz. Part IV-A, Ex-ord., dt. 27-12-1958.

thereof, by the construction of buildings thereon or otherwise for any other purpose except with
the written permission of the State Government obtained din the manner hereinafter laid down
and otherwise that in accordance with the terms and conditions of such permission.
(2) Any such persons desiring to use such land or any part thereof for any purpose other
than that of agriculture shall apply for the requisite permission in the prescribed manner and to
the prescribed officer or authority and every such application shall contain the prescribed
(3) The State Government shall, after making or causing to be made due inquiry in the
prescribed manner, either refuse the permission applied for or grant the same subject to the
prescribed terms and conditions.
(4) When any such land or part thereof is permitted to be used for any purpose other than
that of agriculture, the person to whom such permission is granted shall be liable to pay to the
State Government in respect thereof (a) an urban assessment levied at such rate and in accordance with such manner is may
be laid down in rules to be made in this behalf by the State Government, or
(b) such amount by way of premium as may be prescribed by the State Government, or
(c) both.
1[(5) If any such land is so used
(a) without the written permission of the State Government being first obtained, or
(b) otherwise than in accordance with the terms and conditions of such permission, or
(c) after such permission having been refused under sub-section (3), or
(d) without making any of the payments referred to sub-section (4), the person originally,
holding the land as aforesaid for the purpose of agriculture as well as all subsequent
transferees, if any, shall be deemed to be a trespasser or trespassers, as the case may
be, and shall be liable to ejectment from such land in accordance with Section 91 as if
he or they had occupied or continued to occupy such land without lawful authority and
to every such proceeding the provisions of Section 212 of the Rajasthan Tenancy Act,
1955 (Rajasthan Act 3 of 1955) shall apply as if such land were in danger or being
wasted, damaged or alienated:
Provided, that State Government may, in lieu of having such person and the subsequent
transferees so ejected from the land in question, allow him or them, as the case may be, to
retain such land, use the same for any purpose other than that of agriculture on payment to the
State Government, in addition to the urban assessment and premium payable under subsection (4) of fine by way of penalty as may be prescribed.]
91 Unauthorlsed occupation of Land - (1) Any person who occupies or continues to
occupy any land without lawful monthly shall be regarded as a trespasser and may be
summarily evicted there from by the Tehsildar at any time of his motion or upon the application of a
local authority at whose disposal such land has been placed, and 69[any crop standing, or any}
building or other construction erected. or anything deposited on such land shall, if not removed
with in such reasonable time as the Tehsildar may from time to time fix for the purpose, be liable to

Amended vide Sec. 6 of the Raj. Act No. 4 of 1976, Pub. in Raj. Gaz. Part 4(Ka) Ex-ord., dt. 24-1-1976 on Page 85.

be forfeited to the State and to be disposed of 1[in the case of any such crop, in the manner he thinks
fit and in other cases] as the Collector may direct:
Provided that the Tehsildar may in lieu of ordering the forfeiture of any such building or
other construction, order the demolition of the whole or any part thereof.
[(2) Such trespasser shall further be liable to pay, for 'each agricultural year during the
whole or any part where of has been in such unauthorized occupation of the land, a penalty which
may extend to fifty times the annual rent, or assessment, as the case may be, for the first act of
trespass. In the case of each subsequent ad of trespass, he shall by the order of Tehsildar, be liable
to commitment to civic person for a term which may extend to three months and to pay penalty to
the extent as aforesaid. The amount of such penalty shall be recovered as an arrear of land
revenue, and]
[(3) Where the trespasser ordered to be committed to civil prison under subsection (2)
satisfies the Tehsildar by whom he is ordered to be committed to civil prison that he intends to
present an appeal, the Tehsildar shall order that such trespasser be released on his own bond for
such periods will afford him sufficient time present the appeal and obtain stay order from the
Appellate Court and such order shall so long as he is so released on bond be deemed to be
(4) In any of the following cases, namely.(i) where the trespasser does neither vacate the land not make appearance in response to
the notice issue under sub-section (3), or
(ii) where in response to such notice, the trespasser does not vacate the land and makes
appearance but(a) does not show any such cause, or
(b) makes any representation which is rejected after such inquiry and hearing as may
be necessary in the circumstances of the case, the Tehsildar shall, unless, in the
case covered by clause (ii) the trespasser under-takes to vacate the land within a
week's time- and vacates it whine such time order the removal of the trespasser from
such land and shall remove or depute any person, to remove him therefrom and
take possession thereof; and if the Tehsildar or the person so deputed is opposed
or !impeded in taking possession of such land, the Tehsildar shall apply to a
Magistrate having jurisdiction and such Magistrate shall enforce the surrender of
the land to the Tehsildar.
(5) Notwithstanding anything contained in the foregoing sub-sections, the Tehsildar may, in
case any such land belongs to the category specified in clause (ii) of the proviso to Section 97,
sell it, with the approval of the Sub-Divisional Officer, to the trespasser upon payment by him
of the premium therefor at the rate fixed under Section 96 and applicable to such land in
addition to the assessment and penalty recoverable from him under sub-section (2) in respect
of the whole period of unlawful occupation
[(6) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (2) (a)
whoever occupies any land without lawful authority or, having occupied such land
before corning into force of the Rajasthan Land Revenue (Amendment) Act, 1992,
fails to remove such occupation within fifteen days from the date of service of a

notice in writing calling upon him to do so by the Tehs!Idar shall, on convich`on, be

punished with simple imprison- ment which shall not be less than one month but
which may extend to three years and with fine which'may extend to twenty thousand
rupees; and
(b) whoever, being an employee of the State Government specifically entrusted by an
order of the Collector in writing with the duty to stop or prevent an offence
punishable under this sub-section wilfully or knowingly neglects or deliberately omits
to stop of prevent such offence, shall, on conviction, be punished with simple
imprisonment for a term which may extend to one month or with fine which may
extend to one thousand rupees or with both :
Provided that, in the case of an offence under clause (a), the court may for any adequate
or special reason to be mentioned in the judgment impose a sentence of imprisonment for a
term of less than one month :
Provided also that no investigation of an offence under clause (a) of this sub section shall
be made by an officer below the rank of a Deputy Superintendent of Police :
Provided further that no court shall take cognizance of an offence under clause (b) except
with the previous sanction of the Collector.
Explanation - For the purpose of this sub-section, "Land" means (i) a pasture land as defined in the Rajasthan Tenancy Act, 1955 (Act No. 3 of 1955); and
(ii) land redefined in sub-clauses (iii) and (iv) of clause Ca) of Section 103 including land
appurtenant to a public well, Nadi, Johad and Talab.]
92. Land may be set apart for special purposes - (1) Subject to the general orders of the
State Government, the Collector may set apart land for any special purpose, such as, for free
pasturage of cattle, for forest reserve, for development of abadi or for any other public or
municipal purpose; and such land shall not be used otherwise than for such purpose without
the previous sanction of the Collector.
[(2) xxx]
93. Regulation of use of Pasturage The right of grazing on pasturage land shall extend
only to the cattle of the village or villages for which such land has been set apart and shall be
regulated by rules made by the State Government.
94. Powers to regulate control and management of forest growth - (1) The State
Government may, with a view to preventing deforestation, make rules regulation to control and
management of the forest-growth on the land of any estate or village and the exercise of any
right of user over such forest growth and may attach to the beach of such rules a penalty not
exceeding one thousand rupees or, if the breach be a continuing one, penalty not exceeding
hefty rupees for each day during which such breach continues :
Provided that the penally prescribed in the rules shall be imposed only by a criminal court
of competent jurisdiction

Omitted by Section 8 of Rajasthan Act No. 33 of 1959, Published in Raj. Gaz. Part IV-A, Ex.-ord., dated 30-6-1959.

(2) Such court may direct that the whole or any part of any sum recovered under the rules
made under sub-section (1) shall be paid as compensation to any person or persons to whom
loss or injury has been caused or that it shall be expended in such manner, the Collector may
deem fit for the benefit of the forest-growth.
(3) The court referred to in proviso to sub-section (1) may confiscate and sell any timber or
other forest produce cut or removed in contravenh`on of any rule made under sub-section (1),
and may apply the proceeds of the sale to either or both of the purposes mentioned in subsection (2).
(4) If an estate holder or any other person is guilty of any material violation of the rules
made under sub-section (1), the Collector may, unless he is satisfied that such estate-holder
or other person has taken reasonable precautions to prevent such violation and after full
inquiry and after giving to the estate- holder or other person, a reasonable opportunity of being
heard (a) Proclaim that the forest-growth of the estate or vi//age will be protected by the State
Government, or
(b) issue notice to such estate-holder or other person to show cause, within a reasonable
time to be specified in the notice, why he should not be excluded from the possession of
the forest land.
(5) Until the proclamation made under sub-section (4) clause (a) is with-drawn, it shall be
unlawful for any person to cut, or cause to be cut, for sale or for conveyance or use outside the
village .area, any timber or brushwood, save with the previous sanction of the Collector and in
the manner and to the extent permitted by him.
(6) If insufficient cause is shown against an order under sub- section (4) clause (b), the
Collector may exclude such estate- holder or other person from the possession of the forest
land and assume the direct management thereof for a term to be fixed by him :
Provided that the gross income of the land, of which the direct management is so assumed
shall be paid by the Collector to the estate-holder or other person entitled thereto after
deducting therefrom such amount by way of expenditure 'Irncflrred in such management as
may be determined by the Collector after given theestate-holder or other person, a reasonable
opportunity of being heard.
(7) No lease lease, lien, encumbrance or contract to the forest land held under direct
arrangement, shall be binding upon the State Government.
94-A. Roadside trees - (1) All roadside trees which have been planted and reared by or
under the order of, or at the expense of the State Government and all trees which have been
planted and reared at the expense of local funds by the side of any road which vests in the
State Government, shall vest in the State Government.
(2) In the event of such trees dying or being blow down or being cut down by order of the
Collector, the timber shall be the property of the State Government.
94-B. Recovery of value of trees etc. unauthorisedly appropriated - (1) Any person who
shall unauthorisedly sell and appropriate any roadside tree or any portion there of or remove

any other natural product thereof shall be liable to the State Government for the value thereof
which shall be recoverable from him as an arrear of land revenue in addition to any penalty to
which he may be liable under any law.
(2) The decision of the Collector as to the value of such trees or portion or product thereof
shall be conclusive.]
The proviso added to this section gives exclusive right to a tenant to get the produce of
such trees. This is to encourage the tenants to grow fruit trees or commercial trees along the
road side.
Development of abadi - (1) The State Government may make mies for the reservation
of lands l[W be set up art for the development of aha di, for the allotment of Nazul lands and
lands so set a pan for any payments to be ma-de in respect of such lands and for the
declaration of .the rights of such allottees.
(2) No person shall occupy any land in the "abadi" area 71[x x x] without first paying
therefore such sums-by way of premium as may be fixed under this Act.
(3) Complete rights in the abadi land may be acquired only by the paying such
(4) Nothing in this section shall apply to land in the abadi area 1[x x x] which is in the
lawful occupation of any person at the commencement of this Act.
(5) Where at the commencement of this Act, any person is in occupation of some land
in the abadi area 1[(x x x] with limited rights, he may acquired full pa?prs'etasy right over such
land upon payment of such premium, as may be fixed under this Act.
(6) Any person who after the commencement of this Act occupies any land in the abadi
area otherwise than in accordance with the provisions of sub section (2) or any mies made
under sub-section (1) or without proper authors makes any construction on such land
separately or by way of extension of a previously exis/s`ng bus'Ws'ng or construct son of his
adjoining land or who after such commencement makes otherwise than under proper authority
any cons/motion on any land referred to son sub-section (5) or on such land and other land
son his occupation lawfully or otherwise shall be regarded as a trespasser & dean with, as is
he were a person occupying or conts.nus`ng to occupy land without lawful authority.
(7) The provisions of Section 91 shall apply to the person, land and construction
referred to in sub-section (6) :
Provided that (i) The powers exercisable by a Tehsildar under sub-secs. (1), (2), (3) and (4) of Sec.
91 shall be exercised by him, in the case of any land in the abadi 1[xxx] or any land set apart
for free pasturage of cattle or for development of abadi or for any other public or municipal
purpose, which has been placed at the disposal of a local
authority 72[under Section 102-A] or otherwise upon application made to him by such local
authority 72[or suo moto, and where the Tehsildar proposes to act suo moto, he shall give
notice of such intention to the local authority concerned].

Subs. & omitted by Sec. 9 of the Rajasthan Act No. 33 of 1959, Pub. in Raj. Gaz. Part IV-A, Ex.-ord., dt. 30-6-1959.
Inserted, vide Sec. 10 of the Rajasthan Act No. 18 of 1963, Pub. in Raj. Gaz. Part IV-A, Ex.-ord., dt. 12-10-1963.

(ii) the assessment and penalty imposed under these sub-sections upon the trespasser
Shel/be credited to the fund of such local authority, and
(iii) the powers exercisable by a Tehsildar under sub sech`on (5) of Section 91 shall be
exercised in case of any such land placed at the disposal of a local authority as aforesaid itself
without the approval of any officer.
Collector to fix rates of premium - (1) The 73[State Government} may, by notification
in the official Gazettej, fix and may from time to time similarly revise, the rates of premium to
be charged [for Nazul and other lands} within the "abadi.' area [x x xj.
Such rate shall be fixed consistently with rules made under this Act having regard to the
site value of the|and and different rates may be fixed for different areas in the same village
[town or city} or group of villages [towns or cities].
Auction of abadi land - In all cases where there are more than one applicant for the
same piece of land in the abadi area 74[x x x], it shall be sold to the highest bider at a public
auction :
Provided that (a) It shall be open to the Collector to refuse the highest bid for reasons to be recorded;
(b) small strips of land adjoining existing buildings shall, with the previous sanction of the
Sub-Divisional Officer, be given at the rates fixed under sub-sections (1) and (2) of
Section 96; and
(c) auctions under this sec hon shall be regulated by rules made by the State
Government in this behalf.
Land granted for receptacles of household refuse, etc. and for storing fodder (1)
Subject to rules made by the State Government in this behalf; the Sub-Divisional Officer may
grant in villages 75[towns or cities] free of premium or rent land of such dimensions as may be
prescribed to serve as receptacles for the household refuse, stable little and cattle dropping
andother rubbish and manure, and for storing fodder for cattle:
Provided that
(i) Such land shall not be claimed as matter of right, and shall be provided only if it is
available 76[xxx];
(ii) the Collector shall have the right to resume any such land without paying any
(iii) the preson to whom land may be granted shall not have any right of transfer by
exchange, mortgage, sale, gift or bequest therein; and
(iv) the person to whom such land is granted shall abide by the orders passed under the
provisions of this Act or any rules made thereunder.


Subs., Ins. & omitted by Sec. 10 of the Rajasthan Act No. 33 of 1959, Pub. in Raj. Gaz. Part IV-A, Ex.-ord., dt. 30-6-1959.
Omitted by Sec. 11 of the Rjaasthan Act No. 33 of 1959, published in Raj. Gaz. Part IV-A, Ex.-ord., dt. 30-6-1959.
Omitted by Sec. 11 of the Rajasthan Act No. 33 of 1959, Published in Raj. Gaz. Part IV-A, Ex.-ord., dt. 30-6-1959.
Ins. & Omitted by Sec. 12 Ibid.

(2) The land granted under sub-section (1) may be resuped under the orders of a
revenue officer no below the rank of a Tehsildar, if and when, the person to whom it has been
granted 75[xxx] contravenes any of the provisions of this section or the rules made thereunder.
Right to regulate the construction of a building in a village The State Government
may, by rules made under Act, regulate the construction, maintenance, demolition, repairs and
extention of houses and other buildings in such villages or towns for which no local authority
has been established.
100. Sale of land in Industrial and Commercial Areas The State Government may make
rules regulating sales of lands in indusrial and commercial areas and may also impose an
annual assessment of such lands, wherever necessary.
101. Allotment of land for agricultural purposes 77[(1)Save as otherwise provided
elsewhere by this Act, lands for agricultural purposes shall be allotted by such authority and in
such manner as may be prescribed by rules made by the State Government in this behalf.]
(2) All allotment of land under this section shall be subject to the payment of rent fixed
at such rates as may be fixed according to custom or by usage or any law on the subject.
[(3) XXX delted XXX]
(4) If there be more than one person requiring the same land, the allotment shall be
made in the following order (i) to co-sharer of the holding if it forms part of a compact block or is irrigated fromthe
same source, perference amongst such co-sharers being given to one having land
less than the area prescribed by rules made under the Rajasthan Tenancy Act, 1955
(Rajasthan Act 3 of 1955);
(ii) to persons residing in the village in which land be situated, preference amongst such
persons being given to persons having no land or less than the area prescribed by
the said rules;
[(iii) by drawing lots:]
Provided that the area so taken together with the area held by him does not exceed the
area prescribed by the said rules.
102. Power of Government to allot land for purposes other than agricultural as well as
on special terms Notwithstanding anything hereinforce contained the State Government
shall have power to allot land for the purpose of an industry or for any purpose of public utility
on such conditions as it deems fit.


Subs. vide Rajasthan Act No. 20 of 1970 (dt. 3-12-1970).

Delted the following sub-0section (3) by Rajasthan Act No. 2 of 1997 Pub. in Raj. Gaz. EO-4(ka) dated 26-3-97, Page
138(1) (3) No such land shall be alloted without the previous sanction of the State Government to any person in the service of the
State Government:
Provided that in the case of non-gazetted Officers, the sanction of the Collector will be sufficient.
Substituted by Part B of the First Schedule to Rajasthan Act No. 2 of 1958, Published in Raj. Gaz. Part IV-A, Ex.-ord. dt.

102.A 80[Land which may be entrusted with Local Authorities Any Nazul land or land set
apart under Section 92 may be placed by the State Government at the disposal or a local
authrotiy having jurisdiction and such local authoritty may take over with the land so placed at
its disposal for and on behalf of the State Government, or may use the same for the special
purpose for which it has been set apart, to such extent and subject to such conditions adn
restrictions as the State Government may, from time to time, lay down and in such, manner as
it may, from time to time prescribe.]
(b) the extent of use, and conditions or -restriaions 'imposed for this purpose and the
manner in which it is to be used shall be determined. by the Government, which shall-be
followed by the local authority concerned
The Rajasthan Municipalities (Disposal of Urban Land) Rules, 1974 have been made by
the State Government under S. 297 of the Raj. Municipalities Act, 1959 read with Ss. 80 and
90 there of and S. 102-A of the Rajasthan Land Revenue Ad, 1956 vide Notification No.
F.3(2)(17) LSGn4, GSR 226(41) dt. 16-12-1974, pub. in Raj. Ga z. Part IV-C dt. 19-12-1974 at
Page 424 (95-112).
Similarly there are provisions in General Rules (Panchayat) made under the Rajasthan
Panchayat Act dealing with Abadi land. Please refer & oblige.
Please also refer to the Commentary of Sections 92 and 95, in which the reference to
Rules for disposal of Nazul or Abadi land etc. have been given. Please also refer to S. 104
which gives power of revenue officers to be exercised by local authorities in relation to lands
placed at disposal of such local authority.
Vesting or Nazul Kand Where the nazul land was placed at disposal of Municipality for
sale, held, the land had notvested in the Municipal Board.80
103. Land and Abadi defined for the purposes of Chapter VI - For the purpose of this
Chapter, unless the subject or context otherwise requires (a) "Land" means land belonging to all or any of the following categories (i) Land as defined in clause (24) of Section 5 of the Rajasthan Tenancy Act, 1955
(Rajasthan Act 3 of 1955),
(ii) Land acquired under the provisions of the Rajasthan Land Acquisition Act, 1953
(Rajasthan Act 24 of 1953) .for the purpose of Government or a local authority or an
educational institution while such land remains the properly of Government or such local
authority or educational institution, asthe case may be,
(iii) Land surveyed and recorded, whether before or after the commencement of this Act,
during any proceeding relating to sunny and preparation of records or otherwise
belonging to the Government, or a local authority, which is used for any public purpose
such as a road or pathway,
(iv) Land surveyed and recorded as aforesaid for the use of the community such as goober,
cremation-ground or graveyard,

U.I.T. Bikaner v. Kadumal alias Koda Ram, ILR (1971) 21 Raj. 1170; Chauthmal v. State, ILR (1971) 21 Raj. 1332 : 1971
WLN 213.

(v) Land in possession `of the Govemment or a local authority obtained by transfer or
(vi) Nazul land as defined in clause (iv) of Section 3, and
(vii)Land within the abadi area vesting in a local authority or land reserved and set apart for
special purposes under Section 92,
and inclues benefits toarise out ofsuch land and things attached to the earth or
permanently fastened to anything attached to the earth; and
abadi or abadi areaor abadi land means the population area of a village,
town or city and includes the site of such village, town or city, land reserved and set apart
under Section 92 for the development of abadi therein and land held therein for building
purposes whether a building has been constructed thereon or not.
104. Cases in which power of Revenue Officers may beexercised by local Authorities
Where 81[any nazul land or land] in the abadi of a village or town or any land set apart for free
pasturage of cattle or for development of abadi or for any other public or municipal purpose
has been placed at the disposal of a local authority 1[under Section 102-A] or otherwise; the
powers exercisable under Section 97 or Section 98 by a Collector or other revenue officer shall
be exrcised exclusively by the local authority concerned in accordance with rules made by the
State Government in this behalf.
105. Rights of tenants under Section 31, Rajasthan Act 3 of 1955, not affcted Nothing
in Sections 95, 96, 97, 98 and 102, shall in any way affect, take away or abridge the right
conferred on tenants by Section 31 of the Rjaasthan Tenancy Act, 1955 (Rajasthan Act 3 of
1955), to possess in the baadi of a village a site for a residential house free of charge.
106. Survey or re-survey The State Government may direct, by notification in the
[official Gazette] that the survey or re-survey of any local area shall be made and every such
local area shall, from the date of the said notification be hald to be under survey and record
operations until the issue of another notification declaring such operations to be closed therein.
107. Record Operations The State Government may likewise direct, in respect of any
local area which has already been surveyed, that a general or partial revision of he records of
such local area shall be made and thereupon such local area shall be held to be under record
operations until such operations are similarly closed.
108. Record Officers The State Government, upon the issue of a notification under
Section 106 or Section 107 (i)
shall appoint an Additional Land Records Officer to be incharge of the operations
referred to therein, unless a permanent Additional Land Records Officer shall have been
appointed to the area brought under such operations, and

Subs. by Sec.15 of Raj. Act No. 33 of 1959, Pub. in Raj. Gaz. Part IV-A, Ex-ord., dt. 30-6-1959.
Subs. vide Sec. 4 of Raj. Act No. 2 of 1958, Pub. in Raj. Gaz. Part IV-A, Ex-ord., dt. 13-1-1958.


may appoint as many Assistant Land Records Officers as it may deem fit.

109. Mode of conducting operations The operations referred to in Sections 106 and 107
shall be in charge of the Director of Land Records and shall be conducted in the manner
prescribed by the State Government.
110. Assistance in survey of boundaries (1) When any area is under survey and record
operations, the Land Record Officer shall issue a proclamation informing all estate-holdres and
tenants of such area that they are bound to render such assistance as may be required of
them in the survey of theboundaries of the village as well as the boundaries of the fields
The Land Record Officer may isue a proclamation directing all estate-holders and
tenants of the area under survey and record operations to erect within fifteen days such
boundary marks as he may think necessary to define the limits of their village, estates or fields,
and in default of their compliance within the time specified in the proclamation, he may himself
cause such boundary marks to be erected at their cost.
111. Decision of disputes as to boundaries (1) In case of any dispute concerning any
boundaries the Land Records Officer shall decide such dispute, so far as possible, on the
basis of the exiting survey maps and where this is not possible or such maps are not available,
on the basis of actual possession.
If, in the course of an inquiry into a dispute under this section, the Land Records
Officer is unable to satisfy himself as to which party is in the possession or it is shown that
possession has been obtained by wrongful dispossession of the lawful occupants within a
period of three months previous to the commencement of the inquiry the Land Records Officer
shall ascertain by summary inquiry who is the party bease entitled to possession and shall
then fix the boundary accordingly.
112. Preparation of map and field book In respect of every local area or part thereof
under survey and record operations, the land Records Officer shall, in accordance with rules
made by the State Government in that behalf, prepare for each village or portion of a village
comprised in such area or part a map and a field book.
113. Preparation of record of rights In rspect of every local area under survey and record
operations or only under record operations the Land Records Officer shall frame for each
village or portio of a village comprised therein a record of rights.
114. Contents of record of rights The record of rights shall be prepared in such manner
as may be prescribed by the State Government and shall consist of the rollowing, namely (a) a khewat, this is to say, a register of all estate-holders in the area under survey and
record operations or under record operations, specifying the nature and extent of the

interest of each and his co-sharers, mortgages in possession and persons holding
land from him otherwise than as tenants, if any;
(b) a khatauni, that is to say, a register of all persons cultivating or otherwise holding or
occupying land in such area, specifying the particulars required by Section 121;
(c) a register of all persons holding land in such area free of rent or revenue; and
(d) such other registers as may be prescribed.
115. Inviting claims to lands appearing to have no owner (1) When any local area is
under survey and record operations or only under record operations the Land Records Officer
shall mke lits of all lands in such area which appear to him to have no lawful owner and shall
thereupon issue a proclaimation declaring his intention todemarcate such lands as the property
of the State and inviting any person having any claims to or over them to present, within three
months from the date of such proclamation, a petition in writing setting fourth such claims and
the grounds therefore.
(2) If any such petition is presented, the Land Records Officer shall decide it summarily
after making such inquiry as he deems necessary.
116. Procedure when unclaimed land is used for common purposes If no claim is
made to such land as is mentioned in Section 115 or if such land is decided to be the property
of the State but the inhabitants of the adjoining ;village or village prove that they have there to
force enjoyed the use of such land for pastural or other agricultural purposes, the Land
Records Officer may assign to such village or village so much of such land as he may consider
requisite for such purpose and shall mark off the remainder as, and declare it to be, the
property of the State.
117. Procedure when limited right over such land is established If a clain to the
exercise of enjoyment of any right, not amounting to the right of exclusive possession, in, to or
over any land comprised in the proclamation issued under Section 115 is established, the Land
Records Officer may assign to the claimant as his property a define portion of such land, or,
with the sanction of the State Government, otherwise compensate the claimant in accordance
with the provision of the Rjaasthan Land Acquisition Act, 1953 (Rajasthan Act XXIV of 1953),
and such assignment or compensation shall be held to extinguish all claims on account of such
exercise or enjoyment.
118. Determination and record of khudkasht land The land Records Officer shall
ascertain and determine the extent of all land as khudkasht and shall record the same as such.
119. Determinatio of the abadi of a village The Records Officer shall, in the case of
every inhabited village, ascertain and determine the area to be reserved for the residence of
the inhabitants thereof or for purposes, ancillary thereto and such area shall be deemed to be
the abadi of such village.

120. Register of villages The Land Records Officer shall prepare in the prescribed form a
list of all villages in the area under survey and record operations or under record operations,
showing therein in the prescribed manner
(a) the area liable to fluvial cultivation;
(b) the area having precarious cultivation;
(c) the revenue or rent assessed thereon and the person thorugh whom it is payable;
(d) the area of which the revenue or rent has, either wholly or in part been released,
remitted, assigned or compounded specifying the authority therefore and the
conditions thereof.
121. Particulars to be stated in khatauni (1) The register of persons cultivating or
otherwise holding or occupying land, prescribed by clause (b) of Section 114, shall specify as
to each tenant the following particulars, namely :
(a) the nature and class of his tenure as determined in accordance with the provisions
of 83[xxx] the Rajasthan Tenancy Act, 1955 (Rajasthan Act 3 of 1955) 84[or any other
law or enactment for the time being in force in the whole or any part of the State],
(b) the amount of premium, if any, paid by him for the acquisition of khatedari rights.
(c) the date of the khatedari parcha, and the transfers, if any, made by him, together
with all particulars of such transfers.
(d) the khasra number of each field comparised in his holding and the area thereof,
(e) the annual rent payable by him,
(f) any other condition of the tenure whether containe din a written lease or not,
(g) in the case of a person other than a khatedar tenant, the number of years during
which he has held the land then in his possession, and
(h) such other particulars as may from time to time be prescribed.
(2) The register shall also specify the estate-holders (if any) holding land as khudkasht
in accordance with the provisions of 83[xxx] the Rajasthan Tenancy Act, 1955 (Rajasthan Act 3
of 1955) 84[or any other law or enactment for the time being in force in the whole or any part of
the State] and shall state with respect to such land the number of years during which they have
so held it.
122. Attestation of entries 85[xxx] All undisputed entires in the recor of rights shall be
attested by the parties interested 85[xxx].




Omitted by Part B of the First Schedule to Raj. Act No. 2 of 1958, Pub. in Raj. Gaz. Part IV-A, Ex-Ord., dt. 13-1-1958.
Expression and decision ofdisputes deleted by S. 2 of the Second Amendment Act No. 29 of1995, and the following
expression also deleted : and all disputes regarding such entries, whether taken up by the Land Records Officer of his
own motion or upon application by any party interested, shall be disposed of by him in accordance with the provisions of
Secs. 123, 124 and 125. Pub. in Raj. Gaz. Ex-ord. 4(ka), dt. 22-11-1995, Page 125.
Section 123 deleted by ibid. The text of S. 123 was as follows :
Determination of class of tenant (1) In case of any dispute regarding the class or tenure of any tenant, the Land
Records Officer shall decide the dispute according to the principles laid down in the Rajasthan Tenancy Act, 1955

124. Procedure when rent or revenue payable is disputed In case of any dispute
regarding the rent or revenue payable, the Land Records Officer shall not decide the dispute,
but shall record, as payable, for the year in which the record of right is framed, the rent or
revenue payable for the previous year, unless it has been enhanced or abated by a decree
order or agreement under this Act or under the Rajasthan Tenancy Act, 1955 (Rajasthan Act 3
of 1995).



126. Existing records to be acted upon Until a new map and a field book are prepared
under Section 112 or until a new record of rights is framed under Section 114, the existing
map, field book and record of rights, if any, shall be the map, field book and record of rights of
the area concerned.
127. Proceedings pending upon close of survey & record operations When the survey
and record operations, or the record operations, as the case may be, are closed by a
notification under Section 106 or Section 107, all applications and proceedings then pending
before the Additional Land Records Officer shall, if such officer has not been appointed
permanently, be transferred to the Collector.
128. Boundary disputes All disputes concerning boundaries shall be decided by the Land
Records Officer in the manner laid down in Section 111:
[Provided that applications in relation toboundaries of fields may be made to any
disposed by the Tehsildar in cases where there eixsts no dispute as to such boundariesbut on
account of the absence of proper boundary marks there is the likehood of such a dispute
129. Obligation of holders as to boundary marks - (1) Ali holders of villages, estates or
fields shall be bound to maintain and keep in repair and their own cost the permanent
boundary marks lawfully erected thereon, and the Land Record Officer may at any time order
such holders (a) to erect proper boundary marks on such villages, estates or fields, or



(Rajasthan Act 3 of 1955). (2) In the trial of disputes under this section, the Land Records Officer shall observe the
procedure prescribed under this Act.
Section 125 declared vide S. 4 of the Second Amendment Act No. 29 of 1995. Pub. in Raj. Gaz. Ex-ord. 4(ka), dt. 22-111995, Page 125. The text of Section 125 was as follows :
Settlement of disputes as to entires in record of rights- (1) All other disputes regarding entries in the reocrd of rights
shallbe decided on the basis of possession. (2) If in the course of enquiry into a dispute under this section, the Land
Records Officer is unable to satisfy himself as to which party is in possession, he shall ascertain by summary inquiry who
is the person best entitled to possession, and shall decide the dispute accordingly. (3) No order as to possession passed
under this section shall debar any person from establishing his right to the property in any civil or revenue court having
Added by Sec. 16 of Raj. Act No. 33 of 1959, Pub. in Raj. Gaz. Part IV-A, Ex-ord., dt. 30-6-1959.

(b) to repair or renew in such form and material as he may prescribe all boundary marks
lawfully erected thereon
If such order is not complied with within thirty days from the communication thereof,
such officer shall cause such boundary marks to be erected, repaired or renewed and shall
recover the charges incurred from the holders concerned in such proportion as he thinks fit.
[(3) In cases of boundaries of fields where there is no dispute as to such boundaries, action
under sub-sections (1) and (2) may be zaken by the Tehsildar upon an application made to
him or otherwise
130. Penalty for injury to, or removal of marks - The Land Records Officer may order any
person found to have w!Ifully erased, removed or damaged a boundary or survey mark to pay
such sum, not exceeding tiny rupees for each marks o erased, removed or damaged, as may
be necessary to restore it & to reward the informer. When such sum cannot be recovered, or if
the offender cannot be discovered, the Land Records Officer shall restore the mark and
recover the cost thereof from such land holders of the conterminous villages, estates or fields,
as the case may be, as he thinks fit.
131. Maintenance of Map and Field Book After the survey and record operations are
over, the map and the field book shall be maintained by the Land Records Officer, in
accordance with the rules made by the State Government in that behalf and he shall cause,
annually or at such longer intervals as the State Government may prescribe, to be recorded
therein all changes in the boundaries of each village or portion of a village, estate or field and
shall correct any errors which are shown to have been made in such map or field book.
132. Annual Registers (1) The Land Records Officer shall maintain the record of rights
and for that purpose shall, annually or at such longer intervals as the State Government may
prescribe, cause to be prepared a set or an amended set, as the case may be, of the registers
enumerated in Sections 114 and the registers so prepared shall be called the annual registers.
(2) The Land Record Officer shall cause to be recorde din the annual registers in the
prescribed manner, all changes that may take place and any transaction that may affect any of
the rihts or interests recorded.
133. Report of succession and transfer of possession (1) Every person obtaining
possession by succession, transfer or otherwise of any property or other right or interest in any
land or the profits thereof, which is required by this Act or any rules made thereunder to be
recorded in the annual registers shall bring the fact to the notice of the village Patwari and
report it to the Tehsildar of the Tehsil in which such land is situated either director through the
village Patwari or Land Records Inspector, within three months from the date of which he
obtains such possession.
(2) If such person is a minor or otherwise disqualified, the guardian or other person who
has charge of such persons property shall make such report.

Subs. vide Raj. Gaz. G. IV-C,Ex.-ord., dated 28-11-1963.

134. Fine for neglect to report Any person neglecting to make the report required by
Section 133 shall be liable to a fine not exceeding rupees ten.
135. Procedure on report (1) The Tehsildar, on receiving such report or upon the fact
coming otherwise to his knowledge, shall make such inquiry as appears necessary and in
undisputed cases, if the succession or transfer or other acquisition appears to have taken
place, shall record the same in the annual registers.
(2) If the succession or transfer or other acquisition is disputed, the Tehsildar shall, if
competent under this Act or any other law for the time being in force decide such dispute
according to law and if not so competent, refer the dispute to any other officer so competent for
136. 90[Correction of errors The land Records Officer may, at any time, correct or cause
to be corrected in the prescribed manner any clerical errors and any errors which the parties
interested admit to have been made in the record of rights or register, or which a REvenue
Officer may notice during the course of his inspection in any Register:
Provided that when any error is noticed by a Revenue Officer in any record of rights
during the course of his inspection, no error shall be corrected unless a notice to show cause
has been given to the parties.]
137. Succession to estates Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act succession to,
and transfer of an estate shallbe governed and regulated by and be determine din accordance
with the law, usage or pratice of the local area in which such estate lies, and such law, usage
or practice shall notwithstanding the provisions of Section 263, continue in force for the
purpose aforesaid.
138. Inspection of records All maps, field books and registers prepared under this Act,
shall be open to public inspection free of cost at such hours, at such place and on such
conditions as the State Government may prescribe.
139. Copies of entries The patwari shall, when so required, prepare and issue copies of
entries from the registers and records maintained under this Chapter on payment of such
copying fees as may from time to time be prescribed by the State Government and such
copies shall be attested in the prescribed manner.
140. Presumption as to entires All entires made in the record of rights shall be presumed
to be true until the contrary is proved.


Subs. for the following by Sec. 5 of the RLR (Second Amendment) Act, 1995 (Act No. 29 of 1995), pub. in Raj. Gaz. E.4(ka) dated 22-11-95, page 125.
136. Decision of disputes All disputes respecting the class of tenure of any tenant or regarding the rent or rev. payable
or reg. entries in annual aregisters shall bedecided in accordance with provisions of Sec. 123 or 124 or 125, as the case
may be.

140.A. Procedure in disputes relating to khudkasht entries (1) Notwithstanding anything

contained in Sections 125 and 136, where a dispute arises as to the correctness or otherwise
of any entry in the record to rights relating to Khudkasht in respect of any Bir or Jore which was
used by a Jagirdar as a grass preserve and let cut for grassing either after the grass was cut or
removed or before, with or without any grassing fee, the decision of such dispute shall be
based on possession of the particular piece of land as Khudkasht in accordance with the
provisions of the law for the time being in force regulating and governing the allotment and
demarcation of land as Khudkasht:
Provided that no such entry shall be liable to be called in question if the total area of
Khudkasht in the possession of the Jagirdar does not exceed twice the minimum area
prescribed for the purpose of clause (a) of sub-section 91) of Section 180 of the Rajasthan
Tenancy Act, 1955 (Rajasthan Act 3 of 1955).
(2) An application or proceeding under sub-section (1) for the correction of an entry
relating to Khudkasht made in the record of rihts on or before the commencement of the
Rajasthan Land Revenue (Amendment) Act. 1959, may be presented or started within five
years from the date of such commencement and not later].
141. Decisions to be binding on revenue courts Subject to the provisions of sub-section
(3) of Section 125, all decisions under this Chapter in cases of dispute shall be binding on all
revenue courts in rspect of the subject-matter of the dispute unless such dispute be with
regard to the rent or revenue payable by a tenant.
141-A Definitions For the purpose of this Chapter, unless the subject or context otherwise
(a) abadi area has the meaning assigned to it by clasue (b) of Section 103;
(b) land has the meaning assigned to it by clause (a) of Section 103;
(c) owner includes (i) the person having permanent interest in any land or premises, or
(ii) an agent of or a manager on behalf of, such, person, or
(iii) a trustee of such person, or
(iv) a body corporate in which any land or premises is vested for the time being, or
(v) the occupier for the time being of any land or premises;
(d) preises means any land or building described as such in any record prepared
under this Chapter or in any other previously exiting record; and
(e) survey includesidentification of boundaries and all other operation antecedent to, or
connected with, sruvey.
142-B Power to order survey (1) The State Government may whenrever it thinks fit, order,
by notification in the official Gazeette, that a survey shall be made of any abadi area within the
State or any part of such abadi area and every such abadi area or part thereof shall thereupon
be deemedto be under survey.

(2) The State Government may, by the same or a subsequent notification, direct that a
local autthority having jurisdiction over such abadi are or part thereof shall be in charge of the
survey to ordered.
(3) A local authority in charge of such survey, shall, in relation thereto, exercise powers
and perform such duties under this Chapter or otherwise as may be led in the notification
referred to in sub-section (2).
(4) Where no local authority is directed to be incharge of any survey ordered under subsection (1), the Collector of the district shall be in charge of such survey.
(5) A survey order under sub-section (1) shall be conducted in the prescribed manner
by an officer not below the rank of an Additional Land Records Officer to be appointed by the
State Government; and such officer is hereinafter referred to as the officer conduting the
(6) The State Government may appoint as many Assistant Records Officers and other
officers and servants as it may think necessary to assist the officers appointed under subsech`on (5) to conduct the survey.
(7) Every officer or servant appointed under sub-section (6) shall exercise such wars
and perform such duties as may be prescribed or as may be delegated to by the officer
conducting the survey.
141-C Entry upon land - The officer conducting the survey shall, for the purposes of this
Chapter, have power, either by himself or by other officers or servants employed in the sunny,
to enter, between the hours of sunrise and sunset, upon any land or premises within the abadi
area or part thereof under sunny, without ing liable to any legal proceedings what so ever on
account of such entry or of thing done on such land or premises in pursuance of the provisions
of this Chapter :
Provided that no such entry shall be made upon any land or premises which may be
occupied at the time, unless with the consent of the occupier thereof, or with out previously
giving the sold occupier twenty-four hours notice of the intention to so.
141-D Notice of survey may be given before hand - Before entering on any land or
premises for purposes of sunny, the officer conducting the survey may cause a notice in
writing under his hand to be served on the owner of the land or premises about to be surveyed
and on the owners of conterminous lands or premises, calling upon them to attend either
personally or by agent on such land or premises before him or before such officer as may be
authorized by him in that behalf within a specified time (which shall not be less than three days
after the senice of such notice) for the purposes of pointing out boundaries and of affording
such information as may be needed for the purposes of this Chapter, and every person on
whom such notice may be served shall be legally bound to attend as required by the notice
and to give any information which may be required so far he may be able to give it.
141-E Survey may be proceeded with suer service of notice under Section 141-D - After
due service of the notice issued under Section 141-D.

(i) the officer conducting the survey or any other officer or servant authorized by him in
this behalf may proceed with the su ney whether the person upon whom such notice has been
send are present or not, and
(ii) every such person who fails to appear or is not so present shall be bound by the
results of the sunny in the same .manner and to the same extent as if the survey were made in
his presence.
141-F Suney map and register - (1) The officer conducing the survey shall prepare a map of
the abadi area or part thereof under sunny.
(2) Lands and premises in such abadi area of part thereof shall be shown on the map
separately in the prescribed manner.
(3) To every piece of land to every premises shown separately on the map, an
indicative survey number shall be assigned.
(4) The officer conducting the survey shall also prepare for the abed! area or pad
thereof under survey, a register of all lands and premises therein which have been surveyed.
(5) The register prepared under sub-section (4) shall specify, in relation to each
indicative sunny number assigned under sub- section (3), the name of the person or persons
appearing at the time of the survey to be the owner thereof and such other particulars as may
be prescribed.
141-G Erection of boundary marks - The Officer conducting the survey may at any time
cause to be erected, on any land which is lo be or has been, surveyed under this Chapter,
temporary or permanent boundary marks of such materials and in such number and manner
as he may determine to be sufficient for the purpose of the survey :
Provided that no permanent boundary marks shall be erected when the boundary is
defined by a permanent building, wall or fence.
141-H Maintenance of temporary boundary marks - (1) When any tem- porary boundary
mark hasbeen erected under Section 141-G, the officer conducting the sunny may cause a
notice in writing under his hand lo be served on the owner of the land or premises whereon, or
adjoining which such boundary mark is situate, grinning him to maintain and keep in repair
such boundary mark till the survey had been completed
(2) Should such owner nor comply with such notice, the officer conducting the survey
may repair the boundary mark and the expense incurred in doing so shall be recoverable from
such owner as an arrear of land revenue.
141-I Disputes as to boundaries - (1) if the course of a survey this Chapter a dispute is found
to exist as lo the boundaries of any land or premises to be surveyed, an inquiry shall be held
by an Assistant Records Officer authorized in this behalf for the purpose of determining such
(2) Such Assistant Records Officer shall cause a notice in writing under his hand to be
served on the parties concerned requiring them to appear before him, inperson or by an

authorized agent, on a specified day and to produce evidence of possessions the land or
premises in dispute.
(3) On the specified day or on such other day to which the hearing may be adjourned
the Assistant Records Officer shall hear the parties, receive the evidence, produced by them
respectively, consider the effect of such evidence take such further evidence as he may think
necessary. and without reference torme merits of the claim of any of such parties to a fight to
possess the land or pre nffses in dispute, decide which of the parties is .m possession of the
said land or premises at the time of the sunny.
(4) For the purposes of the inquiry aforesaid the Assistant Records Officer shall have
power to summon and enforce the attendance of mossies and compel production of
documents by thesame means and in the same manner asia provided in the case of a court
under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (Central Act V of 1908).
(5) After the inquiry has been completed the Assistant Records Officer shall pass an
order in writing defining clearly me subject to dispute and recording his decision thereon and
the reasons for such decision.
141-J Appeal to the Collector - Appeal shall lie from an order passed by an Assistant
Records Chicer under Section 141-I to the Collector and may be preferred within thirty days
from the date of such order.
141-K Power to refer to arbitration - (1) In every cases of disputed boundaries the Assistant
Records Officer authorised to hold the inqui y may, on the written application of the parties,
refer the dispute to one or more arbitrators nominated by the parties respectively, and shall fix
such time, and allow such extension of time, as may seem reasonable for the delivery of
award :
Provided that it Is appears to the Assistant Records Officer that the State Government
or local authority is interested in any such dispute, he shall refuse to make such reference.
(2) To every reference made under sub-section (1) and to every arbitrator nominated
thereunder, the provisions of the Arbitration Act, 1940 (Central Act 10 Of 1940) shall, so far as
may be, apply.
141-L Documents connected with survey to be sent to officer or authority in charge of
sunny - (1) After the survey of a bads land or part thereof under survey has been completed,
the offs'car conductress the survey shall send all maps, registers, and other documents
connected with such survey to the officer or authority in charge thereof.
(2) The fact of receipt of such maps, registers and other document shall be notified by
such officer or authority son the oHs'cs.aI Gazette and any person interested son the survey
may, at any time within two months from the date of such notification inspect such maps,
registers and other documents free of charge.
(3) If during such par sod any objection to the survey is lodged with the officer or
authority s'ncharge of Burley, such objection shall be decided by such officer as the State

Government or, where a local authority is s`ncharge of the survey, such local authority with the
approval of the State Government, may appoint in this behalf.
(4) After all objectoons lodged under sub-section (3) been decided, the officer or
authority incharge of the sunny shall if necessary, cause the maps, registers and other
doaments connected with the survey to be corrected in accordance with such decision and
shall sub-ml, with his or its recommendation, ail papers to the Government for approval of the
(5) If the State Government approves the sunny, such approval shailbe notified In the
official Gazette.
1.41-M Maintenance of maps registers - (1) All maps, registers and other documents
connected with the sunny approved by the State Government under sub section (5) of Section
141-L shall be deposited in the office of the officer or authority in charge of the sunny.
(2) All such maps, registers and other documents shall be maintained by such officer or
authority in the prescribed manner.
(3) Such officer or authonly shah cause such maps to be revised, and the entries m
such registers to be corrected, in the prescribed manner and at prescribed intervals, by such
officer as may be appointed in this behalf or with the approval of the State Government:
Provided that no person shall be required for the purposes of such revision or lion to
give notice to such officer or authority of his acquisition of any interest my land or premises.
(4) The officer appointed under sub-section (3) for the purpose of revising any map or
collecting entries in any register shall exercise such power as may be prescribed.
141-N Survey fees - (1) The owner of any land or premises which has been surveyed under
this Chapter shall be liable to pay to the officer or authority in charge of the survey, a survey
fee at such rate, in such manner, within such time after the completion of the survey and to
such extent as the State Government may prescribe and any survey fee not so paid shall be
recoverable as an arrear of land revenue.
Provided that (a) the aggregate amount of the survey fees variable from owners of lands and in the
apadi or part thereof under survey shall not exceed one third of the total cost of the
survey, and
(b) no survey fee shall be payable (i) by the Government or by a local authority, or
(ii) in respect of any land or premises in the abadi area or pad thereof under survey
exceeding in area or .value such limits as may be prescribed, or
(iii) in respect of lands or premises held exclusively for religious worship or
charitable purposes.
(2) Every owenr of land or premises who has paid the survey fee under this section
shall be entitled to receive free of charge, and every owner of land or premises who is not
liable to ay such survey fee shall be entitled to receive on payment of such charges as may be

prescribed, cetified extract fromthe map and a certified extract from the register prepared
unless this Chapter so far as they rebate tosuch land or premises.
Cost of Survey Subject to the preovisions contained in Section 141-N, the cost of
every survey made under this Chapter shall be met :(i) in case a local authority is in charge of such surveys, by such local authority,
(ii) in other cases, by the State Government;
Provided that in the case covered by clause (i) the State Government may agree
(a) to pay a portion of such cost out of the Consolidated Fund of the State or
(b) to advance a loan to a local authority for meeting such cost upon such terms and
conditions as to rate interest, period of repayment, security and the like, as may be mutually
agreed upon.
141-P Penalty for failure to comply with requisition in notice Whoever fails to comply
with a registration contained in any notice issued under this Chapter and duly served shall be
liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred rupees.
141-Q Inspection of, and copies of extracord from maps, registers and other documents
referred to in sub-section (1) of Section 141-B shall be open to public inspection in such
manner, within such hours, at any places subject conditions and on payment of such fees as
the State Government may prescribe.
Certified copiesof, or of extracts from such maps, registeres and documents shall
be granted on payment of such copying fees and in such manner as the State Government
may prescribed.
141-R Rules The State Government may, by notification in the official Gazette make rules
not inconsistent with the provisions of this Chapter
(i) for the preparation of maps and registers, the form thereof, and the collection and
record of information in respect of any land or premises within the abadi are under
(ii) for the regulation of all proceedings to be taken under this Chapter.
(iii) for the manner of all inquiries to be made thereunder.
(iv) for the regulation of all matters which are required to be, or may be prescribed under
this Chapter, and
(v) generally for the proper performance of all things to be done thereunder and the
carring out of the purposes and provisions thereof.
141-S Proceedings not to be affected by informality No proceding under this chapter
shall be effected by reason of any informality, provided the provisions thereof be in substance
and effect complied with and no proceedings under this Chapter shall be affectedby reason of
the omission to serve and notice required by or under this Chapter to be issued and served.

141-T Presumption as to maps and entries in registers All maps and all entries made in
the registers, prepared under this Chapter, shall be presumed to be correct unless the country
is proved:
Provided that no such map or entry shall affect the right, title or interest of any person to
or in any land or premises or shall preclude him from enforcing such right, title or interest in a
completent court in accordance with law.]
142. Settlement or re-settlement (1) The State Government may, by notification in
[official Gazette], order any district or other local area to be brought under settlement or resettlement, as the case may be.
(2) Every such district or other local area shall be held to be under settlement
operations from the date of the notification under sub-section 91) until the issue of another
notification declaring such operations to be closed therein.
143. Probable results of resettlement - When the period for which the land revenue of a
district or other local area has bean settled is about to expire, the Government may cause a
forecast of the probable results of re-settlement to be prepared before issuing a notification
under sub-section (1) of Section 142.
144. Consideration which shall determine whether re settlement shall be made - In
deciding whether a district or any other focal area shall be brought re-settlement, the State
Government shall consider (i) whether a reasonable increase or decrease of avenue is likely to result;
(ii) whether, in case there is a prospect of such an increase there are Satisfactory
reasons for post ponding re-settlement.
(iii) whether the existing assessment has become uneven or is unduly severe or
whether other sufficient reasons exist for entering without the prospect of a
reasonable increase of revenue e upon the work of re-settlement :
Provided that an increase of revenue which will re-coup the expenditure on resettlement in ten years shall ordinarily be deemed to be reasonable.
145. Settlement Officers - The State Government, upon the issue of a notification under
sub-section (1) of Sec. 142,(i) shall appoint a Settlement Officer to be incharge of the operations referred to in subsection (2) of Section 142 unless a permanent Settlement Officer shall have been
appointed to the district or other local area under such operations, and
(ii) may appoint as many Assistant Settlement Officers as it may deem necessary.
146. Transfer of duties of Land Records OHicer to settlement Officer - When any district
or other local area is under settlement operations, the duty of maintaining the maps and filed

Substitute by Sec. 4 of Raj. Act No. 2 of 1958, Pub. on dt. 13-1-1958.

books and preparing the annual registers may be transferred under the orders of the State
Government from the Land Records Officer, to the Settlement Officer, who shall thereupon
exercise all the powers conferred on the Land Records Officer by Chapter VI.
147. Rules - The State Government may, by notification in the 92[Official Gazette] make rules
for the procedure of Settlement Officers in settlement operations.
148. Economic Survey When any district or other local area has been brought under
settlement operations, the Settlement Officer shall carry out an economic survey of the
condition of the tenants in such district or area and in doing so shall have regard particularly to
the following ters, namely (a) extent to which the district or area is protected by irrigation, and increase, if any, in
irrigation facilities since the last settlment, if any:
(b) standard of cultivation; and increase or decrease in culrivated area since the last
settlement, if any;
(c) expenses of cultivation and the cost to the cultivator of maintaining himself and his
(d) existence of markets in, or in the vicinity of, the district or area under settlement;
(e) means of communication and improvements, since the last settlement, if any;
(f) size of the holding;
(g) extent of indebtedness among tenants and credit facilities.
149. Formation of assessment circles or groups (1) Simultaneously with, or soon after
the completion of, the economic survey referred to in Section 148, the Settlement Officer shall
from assessment circles or assessments group in the district or area under settlement
(2) In forming assessment circles or assessment groups, the Settlement Officer shall
have regard to homogenity in respect of the matters specified in Section 148 and of the
following further maters namely :(a) physical configuration.
(b) climate and rainfall;
(c) population and availability of labour;
(d) agricultural resources;
(e) nature of the principal crops grown, alongwith the quantity of procedure thereof as
well as the prices thereof prevailing in the market;
(f) the rates at which rents are being paid for holdings; and
(g) the assessment circles or assessmen groups fromed during the last settlement, if


Substituted by Sec. 4 of Raj. Act No. 2 of 1958, Pub. in Raj. Gaz. Part IV Ext-ord., dt. 13-1-1958.

150. Soil Classification The Settlement Officer shall also divide villages in each assessent
circle or assessment group formed under Section 149 into various soil classes in accordance
with rules made in that behalf.
151. Evolution of rent-rates - The Settlement Officer shall then involve suitable rent-rates
for each class of soil in each assessment circles or assessment group, as the case may be.
152. Basic of rent-rates - (1) With a view to moving at fair and equitable rent-rates under
Sec. 151, the Settlement Officer shall have regard to(a) the collections from rent and cesses in the nature of rent during the twenty years
preceding the settlement, excluding such years as the State Govemmentmay, by notification in
the 93[Official Gazette] declare to be abnormal;
(b) the average of the prices of agricultural produce prevailing during the twenty years
proceeding the settlement, excluding such years as the State Government may, by notification
in the official Gazette], declare to be abnormal;
(c) the nature of crops grown and the average quantity of the produce;
(d) the value of such produce at the average price referred to in cl. (b);
(e) the expenses of cultivation and the cost to the cultivator of maintaining himself and his
(f) the area of land kept fallow each year out of each holding rotation followed and periods
or rest;
(g) the frequency of remissions, suspensions and short collections;
(h) the rent-rates of the settlement, if any; and the share of procedure and commutation
prices at which such rates were evolved; and
(i) the rent-rates, if any, sanctioned for similar classes of soil in the adjoining areas.
(2) The rent-rates to be evolved by the Settlement Officer shall represent such share not
exceeding one-sixth of the value of produce referred to in clause (d) of sub-section (1), as may
be in vague in the areas to which such rent-ratesshall relate.
153. Modifications of rates - The Settlement Officer shall also record for each village
whether the rent rates evolved by him therefore are applicable without modification or the
extent to which they require modification either for the village as a whole or for a specified soil
class therein.
154. Matters to be determined and recorded - The Sett`lement Officer shall, sub/ed to any
rules made in this behalf by the State Government under this Act, determine and record (a Whether rent shall be payable in one instalment or more,
(b) in case rent is payable in more than one instalment,(i) the number of such instalments, and
(ii) the proportion thereof payable in each instalment,(c) the date for payment of rent or each instalment of rent, as the case may be, and

Substituted by Sec. 4 of Raj. Act No. 2 of 1958, Pub. in Raj. Gaz. Part IV-A, Ex.-ord. dt. 13-1-1958.

(d) any other matter which he may be directed by such rules to determine and record.
155. Publication and submission of proposals (1) When rent-rates have been evolve
din accordance with Sec. 152 and 153, the Settlement Officer shall publish his proposals in
respect thereof, alongwith the basis of the rent-rates evolved by him, in such manner as may
be prescribed.
(2) The Settlement Officer shall then give a public notice in the prescribed manner inviting
objections to the proposals published under sub-section (1) within the time specified in such
(3) If within the time prescribed in sub-section (2), any objections are received, the
Settlement Officer shall consider them and may amend his proposals in such manner as he
thinks fit.
(4) The Settlement Officer shall then submit the proposals, alongwith the objections
received and the orders passed by him thereon, to the Settlement Commissioner.
156. Sanction of proposals (1) The Settlement Commissioner shall scrutinies the
proposals received under Section 155 and make such inquiry into any of the matters contained
therein as he may think necessary.
(2) He shall then submit the proposals to the Board along witkkis remarks and
recommendations in respect thereof.
(3) On receipt of the proposals submitted under sub section (2), the Board may direct
further inquiry into any of the matters contained therein.
(4) After such further enquiry, if any, as is referred to in sub-section (3), has been made
or held, the Board shall submit the proposals for the sanction of the State Government either
without any modification or with such modifications in the proposed assessment circles or
assessment groups, soil classes and rent-rates as it may, for reasons to be recorded in
writing, think necessary.
(5) The State Government may(i) sanction the proposals as recommended by the Board or
(ii) direct such father enquiry to be made as it may deem necessary, or
(iii) return the proposals for the reconsideration of the Board, or
(iv) sanction the proposals with such modifications as it may deem fit; and the rentrates so sanctioned shall be the sanctioned rent-rates
C-Determlnation of Rents
157. Assessment of rents - On the basis of the sanctioned rent- rates, the Settlement
Officer shall proceed to asses rent payable, whether by way of abate- ment, enhancement,
communication or otherwise of the existing rent, for each holding in the district or area under
settlement operations.

158. Land to be excluded from assessment - The Settlement OfficershaH exclude from
assessment all land of the following descriptions, namely (i)
land occupied by the buildings with their appurtenances,
(ii) permanent threshing floors;
(iii) grave-yeards, cremation grounds and play-grounds;
(iv) permanent roads and pathways; and
(v) uncu/turab/e land.
159. Allowance for improvements - Where an improvement has been lawfully made in
relation to, a holding by or at the cost of a tenant, the Settlement Officer shall assess the rent
therefore under Section 157 in a manner so asta ensure to such tenant the enjoyment of the
full benefits arising from such improvement for the period of twenty years in the aggregate,
commencing from the date on which the improvement was completed, and the tenant shall not
be liable during such period to any enhancement of rent for increased produce or otherwise
arising from such improvement.
160. Existing rent to be taken Into consldemrlon while assessing rents - In assessing
the rent for the assessable area of a holding under Section 157, the Settlement Officer shall
also have regard to the rent actually being paid and also to the difference between such
existing rent and the valuation of the holding at the appropriate sanctioned rent-rates.
161. Limits of enhancement - Where the rent for a holding assessed under Section 157
existing rent thereof, such existing rent shall not be enhanced by more than one fourth thereof
subject to the conditWn that me rent so assessed shall in no case be less than three quarters
of the valuation of the hoW?`ng at the appropriate sanctioned rent-rates.
162. Progressive enhancement - Where the rent for a holding assessed under Section 157
read with Section 161 exceeds one- fourth of its existing rent and three-quarters of its
valuation at the appropriate sanctioned rent-rates such excess shall be ordered to take effect
by annual ?increments extending over a number of years not exceeding three, and the full rent
so assessed shall become payable on the exp?.ry of such number of years.
163. Additional provision for assessment of Chahi holdings - (1) When assessing rent
under Section 157for the assessable area of a Chahi (well irrigated) holding in the manner
specified in Sections 159 to 162, regard shall also be had to the areas thereof cultivated as
Chahi, cultivated as dry and kept fallow each year and such rent shall be the aggregate of the
rents calculated in respect of the average of the areas of the holding cultivated in respect of
the average of the areas of the holding cultivated as Chahi, culh`v8ted as dry and kept fallow
during the last five years at the appropriate sanctioned rent-rates respectively for Chahi, dry
and fallow lands.
(2) Nothing in sub-section (1) shall apply lo. cases in which the area of any holding is
found to have been intentionally kept fallow or cultivated as dry with a view to avoid the proper

assessment thereof and such area shall for the purpose of assessment be deemed to have
been cultivated as Chahi.
164. Preparation and distribution of parchas - (1) When rents have been assessed as
hereinafter provided the Settlement Officer shall cause assessment parches to be prepared for
an hollings in the district or other area under settlement operands.
(2) An assessment percha for a holding shell show separate[y(a) the tenure of such holding,
(b) the khadra number of each field therein and its area,
(c) the soil class of each field comprised in the holding
(d) the sanctioned rent-rate for each such soil class,
(e) the rent assessed by the Settlement Officer under Section 157, in respect of each
soil class in such holding.
(f) the improvements, if any, for which allowance has been made under Section 159,
(g) the total amount of rent assessed for each holding, elongwith any adjustment or
orders made under Sections 161 and 162.
(3) Evely purche so prepared shalt be made over to the tenant concerned end a copy
thereof shall be supplied to the land-holder concerned, if any in theprescn`bed manner.
(4) When alt the assessment perches have been distributed in the manner law down in
and under sub-section (3), the Settlement Officer shalt issue proclamation inviting objections
thereto, if any.
165. Interim stoppage of recovery of kind rents - (1) If, at any time after the
commencement of the agricultural year during which assessment Parches are likely to be
distributed under sub-section (3) of Section 164 in any district or /coal area, the Settlement
Officer is satisfied that on account of strained relation & between land-holders and tenants in
such district or area or for any other sufficient reason, It is expedient to stop the recovery of
rents in kind therein, he may make a recommendation in that behalf to the State
(2) The Settlement Commissioner shall submit the recommendation of the Settlement
Officer to the State Government with such remarks as he may deem fit.
(3) The State Go .movement may accept the recommendation or pass such order
thereon as it may deem fit.
(4) The order of the State Government under sub section (3) stopping the recovery of
rents in kind in any district or local area shall be published in the prescribed manner and shall
direct(a) that no land holder in such district or area shall recover rent in kind for the
commencement of the agricultural year during which the orders is made, and
(b) that, pending the determination of cash rents under Section 166, a land holder in
such district or local area may, in lieu of the rents in kind recover such cash rent for

each holding as may be stated in the assessment parcha to be the total amount of
rent assessed therefore :
Provided that the cash rent so recovered shall be liable to adjustment in accordance
with the rent finally determined under Section 166.
(5) An order stopping the recovery of rents in kind under this section shall be passed
only if such rents for the Kharif harvest of the year in which it is passed have not been
166. Hearing of objections and determination of rent If the tenant or the land-holder
presents and objection within thirty days of the issue of proclamation under sub-section (4) of
Section 164, the Settlement Officer shall hear it, dispose of it in accordance with law, and,
after recording his order, determine of the holding.
167. Rent from what date payable Subject to the provisions of Section 165, the rent
determined by order of the Settlement Officer under Section 166 shall be payable from the
date of commencement of the term of the settlement unless the Settlement Officer thinks fit,
for any reasons, to direct that it rent shall be payable from some earlier date.
168. Option to tenant to refuse rent determined Any tenant for whose holding rent has
been determined by order of the Settlement Officer under Section 167 may, within thirty days
from the date of such order, refuse in writing to accept the rent determined.

Effect o refusal (1) Upon such refusal the tenant shall forthwith vacate the holding.

170. Offer of holding to other persons Upon the vacation of or ejectment from a holding
under Section 169; the same shall be available for and may be offered to another person for
being dmitted as the tenant thereof in accordance with law.
171. Procedure upon non-refusal If the tenant does not refuse the accept the rent in
accordance with the provisions of Section 168, he shall be demeed to have accepted the rend
determined under Section 166 and shall be liable to pay the same in accordance with Section
172. Rent not liable to variation during currency of settlement The rent of a holding
fixed by order of the Settlement Officer under Section 166 shall not be liable to variation during
the term of the settlement laid down in or fixed under Section 175, otherwise than in
accordance with the provisions of this Act or of the Rajasthan Tenancy Act, 1955 (Rajasthan
Act 3 of 1955).
173. Preparation of Dastoor Ganwai - (1) The Settlement Officer shall prepare a Wajib-ularz or Dastoor Ganwai for each village in the distinct of other local area under settlement

(2) The Settlement Officer shall, subject to rules made under this Act, ascertain and record
son each such Wajib-uI-au or Dastoor Ganwai (a) all ceases which are still payable by tenants of the village concerned on account of
the occupation of land in addition to rent under the appellations by which they are
(b) the customs son the vs'liege concerned son regard to(i) rights of persons resident therein or holding lands comprised therein son the
common land thereof and us produce and in the village site, and
(ii) rights to irrs`.gats.on, rights of way and other easement,
(c) any rights, customs or other matters concerned with the administration of the village
which may be required by rules made under this Act or otherwise by the State
Government to be ascertained and recorded in the Wajib-ul-arz or Dastoor Ganwai.
(3) When the Wajib-uI-arz or Dastoor Ganwai is ready, the Settlement Officer shall fix a
date and time for reading it out to the inhabitants of the village concerned and shall nerdy such
date and time at least seven days before the date so fixed in the prescribed manner.
(4) On the date and at the time fixed 'under sub-sech.on (3), the settlement officer shall
read out or cause to be read out to the villages assembled for the purpose the Wajib uI-arz or
Dastoor Ganwai prepared under sub-section (1).
(5) If any person raises an objection to anything contained in the Wajib-ul-arz Dastoor
Ganwai while it is being read out under sub-section (4), the Settlement Officer shall record and
decide such objection and his decision shall be final.
174. Presumption of settlement entries - All entries in the Wajib-ul-arz or Dastoor Ganwai
prepared under Section 173 shall be presumed to be true until the contra y is proved.
175. Term of Setlement The term of every settlement made under this Act shallbe twenty
Provided that the State Government may extend the term beyond twenty years, having
regard to he pressure of the population on the land, the extent to which culturable area is
cultivated and the fulness of the rentals:
Provided also that for special reasons to be recorded, such as a serious deterioration,
considerable concealment of assets or the deliberate nd extensive throwing of land out of
cultivation, or for any other sufficient reasons, the State Government may sanction shorter
term of settlement for any local area :
Provided further that in the case of a first settlement as well as settlement for precarious
tracts and alluvial areas the State Government may sanction shorter terms and make rules for
immediate revision of settlement.


[175-Acommencement of term of sottlement - The term of every settlement made under

this Act shall commence from such date as the State Government may, by notification in the
Official Gazette, direct.]
176. Senior terminology of settlement - (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in Section
175, when the State Government is satisfied that it is necessary to terminate before its expiry
term of any settlement laid down in or fixed under that section on account of considerable and
material fall in prices or on account of a considerable and material difference between. In the
sand ion ed rent-rates of any area & of its neighbouring areas or where the sanctioned rentrates of any area and of its neighbouring areas or where the sanctioned rent-rates are found
on further examination to be inequitably high, or for any other sufficient reason, the State
Government may, by notification in 95[Official Gazette) declare its intention of terminating the
term of such settlement forthwith and stinging the area concerned under re-settlement
(2) Simultaneously with or soon after such declaration, the State Government shall, by a
like notification, declare such term to be terminated and order the district or area concerned to
be brought under resettlement; and thereupon the provisions of this Chapter shall apply as if
such district or area were under settlement operations.
[(3) & (4) xx x]
[176-A Interim relief during settlement opemtlons - (1) When any district or other local
area is ordered to be brought under resettlement under sub-section (1) of Section 142 or
under sub section (2) Of Section 176, the State Government may order s`nten`m relief to be
given to the tenants thereof on such conditions as it may deem fit.
(2) When any distinct or. other local area is ordered to be brought under resettlement
under sub-sects-on (2) of Section 176, the State Government may, in its discretion, also order
that set shall not be necessary for the Settlement Officer to carry out the economic survey
required by Section 148.]
177. Tenure of lend under expired settlement until resettlement - All persons contrasting
to hold land after the exps`sy or termination of the term of a settlement shall 98[subject to the
provisions of sub-section (1) of Sects-on 176-A] hold the same upon the conditions of such
settlement unts'l a new settlement is made.
177-A Increase in assessment of irrigated land assessed at un-ir-rigated rates (1) If any
land held by a tenant is irrigated by canal constructed at the experience of State Government
and if such land is assessed at unirrigated rates, the tenant shall, as from the date of
commencement of the Rajasthan Finance Act, 1979 or from the date from which the land first
gets irrigated from the canal, whichever is later, be liable to pay rent enhanced Rs. 1.50 per
bigha, until a new settlement takes place :


Inserted by Part B of the First Schedule of Rajasthan Act No. 2 of 1958, Published. in Raj. Gaz. Part IV-A, Ex-ord., dated
Substitutedby Section 4 of the Raj. Act No. 2 of 1958, published in Raj. Gaz. Part IV-A, Ex-ord., dated 13-1-1958.
Omittedby Section 2 of Rajasthan Act no. 44 of 1956, Published in Raj. Gaz. Part IV, Extra-ord., dated 31-12-1956.
Ins. by Sec. 3-Ibid.
Ins. by Sec. 4-Ibid.

Provided that if such irrigated land falls in the command of an irrigation project and
nehri rates have been sanctioned for other lands in the command of that project, the lowest of
the nehri rates applicable in the command of that project shall be charged instead of the
unirrigated rate enhanced by Rs. 1.50 per bigha as foresaid.
Explanation : For purposes of this sub-section bigha shall mean an area equivalent to 5/8th
of an acre.
(2) The tenant liable to pay enhanced rent under sub-section 91) may, within 30 days
from the date from which he becomes liable to pay enhanced rent, refuse in writing to accept
the rent enhanced by this section and, upon such refusal, the provisions of Section 169 shall
apply as if the rent so enhanced were the rent determined by an order of the Settlement
Officer under Section 167.
(3) The provisions of this section shall be notwithstanding anything in Section 167 or
172 or any order of the Settlement Officer under Section 166 or anything in any assessment
percha or any law, rule, custom, usage or practice to the contrary.
E-Intermediate Revision
178. Short term settlement - When the term of settlement fixed for any local area under the
second proviso to Section 175 is less than that fixed for the entire district or other area under
settlement operations, and such term expires, the Collector or, in district to which a Settlement
Officer shall have been appointed, such Settlement Officer, shall assess rents for such local
area in accordance with rules made under this Act.
179. Settlement of land added by alluvian and revision of assessment when culturable
area reduced by fluvial action - (1) Land added by alluvion to a holding may be assessed to
rent by the Collector or by a permanent Settlement Officer in accordance with rules made
under this Act.
(2) When the culturable area of any holding has been diminished by fluvial action or
otherwise, the Collector or a permanent Settlement Officer may revise the assessment.
(3) If in the opinion of the collector or the permanent Settlement Officer, as the case
may be, the value of any land in any holding is altered in consequence of its diversion from an
agricultural purpose to a non-agricultural purpose or from non-agricultural purpose to an
agricultural purpose since it was last assessed the assessment shall be liable to be revised
.and the rent thereof shall be liable to be fixed by the Collector or the Permanent Settlement
Officer with reference to the altered value of such land in accordance with rules made under
this Act.
(4) No revision of assessment made under the foregoing sub-sections shall be final until
it has been sanctioned by the Settlement Commissioner.
180. Power of Government to levy additional urban rates - Notwithstanding a
Act, the State Government may at any time, by notification in the 99[Official Gazette], direct that

Subs. by Sec. 4 of Raj. Act No. 2 of 1958, pub. in Raj. Gaz. Part IV-A, Ex-ord., dt. 13-1-1958.

any urban area that may have developed in State shall be subject to the levy, In accordance
with rules made under this Act, of a special urban rate in addition to rent.
181. Applications and proceedings pending before Settlement Officer when
operations are closed - When the settlement operations in any area are closed by notification
under Sec. 142, all applications and. proceedings then pending before the Settlement Officer
shall, unless a permanent Settlement Officer shall, unless a permanent Settlement Officer
shall have been appointed to such area, be transferred to the Collector who shall have the
Powers of a Settlement Officer for the disposal thereof.
182. Corrections of errors and ommissions - The Settlement Officer may of his own
motion or otherwise correct any error or omission that may be discovered(a) in the formation of assessment circles or assessment groups, classification or soils
and evolution or rent-rates at any stage before his proposals in respect thereof are sanctioned
under sub-section (5) of Section 156, and
(b) in the assessment of rents of holdings at any stage before such rents and
determined under Section 166.
183. Review of sanctioned rent-rates - (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in the
foregoing provisions or chapter or in any enactment, rule, order of instrument for the time
being in force and notwithstanding any custom, usage or practice to the contrary, the State
Government may, if satisfied before the closing of settlement operations by a notification under
sub- section (2) of Section 142 that the rent mies sanctioned under sub-section (5) of Section
156 by the State Government need modification of account of the discovery of any error or
omission:(a) in the formation of assessment circles or assessment groups, or
(b) the classification of soil, or
(c) the evolution of rent-rates for any class of soil order that such canal one rent-rates
reviewed by the Settlement Officer.
(2) The Settlement Officer shall thereupon proceed to frame his modified proposals in the
prescribed manner and the provisions of Secs. 155 and 156 shall apply thereto.
Partition - Partition means the division of a partible estate in to two or more portions,
each consisting of one or more shares.
185. Partible estates - All estates shall be presumed to be impartial unless proved by
custom or otherwise to be partible.
186. Persons entitled to swim partition - (1) Every co-sharer of audible estate may claim
partition of his share in`such estate.
(2) Any number of co-shares may join in such claim.

187. Application for partition - An application for partition shall contain the
prescn.bedpan.culars and shall be accompanied by a certified copy of the annual register of
estate holder sand by any other document son which the claim for partition is based and may
be presented by one or jointly by two or more of the recorded Go-shares of an estate :
Provided that. when any share is in possession of a mortgage no application of partition
by either Mortgagor or mortgagee shall be entertained unless both have fained in such
application or unless either of them has been made the opposite party thereto.
188. To whom application lies - Sublect to the provisions of Section 189, an application for
partition shall lie and be presented to the Collector of the district in which the estate sought to
be partitioned is situated :
189. Partition of an estate falling under several districts When an estate is situated
tinware more districts, the partition shall be made 100[if such districts are in the same division
as the Commissioner may direct, or, if such districts are in different divjsjanS as the Board may
190. Consolidation of claims - Where several claimants have brought m separate claims
tradition of the same estate, all such claimsshallbe consolidated 'for purpose of being tried
together as a single claim and shall be disposed of by one judgment.
191. Power to stay partition of an estate - (1) If on receipt of the application or any other
state of partition, there appears to be any sufficient reason, for staying or refusing the partition
of an estate, the Collector, Sub Divisional-Officer Assistant Collector to whom the application is
presented or before whom the application is pending, may stay the addition and order the
proceedings, to be quashed.
(2) No estate shall be so partitioned as to result in one or more estates of less such
area, as may be prescribed.
192. Proclamation of application for partition - The Collector on receiv- ing an application
for partition shall, if it is in order & not open to objection on the face of it, or is not refused or
disallowed under Sedion 191, issue a proclamation calling upon such of the recorded cosharers in the estate sought to be partitioned as have not joined in the application to appear
before him in person or by a duly authorized agent on a day, not less than thirty or more than
sixty days from the date issue thereof, and to state their objections, if any, to the partition A
copy of the proclamation shall be served on each co-sharer.
193. Objection raising question of title - (1) If, on or before the day so fixed, any objection
is made by a recorded co-sharer, involving a question of proprieta y title, which has not been
already determined by a court of competent jurisdiction, the Collector may either -


Subs. by Act No. 10 of 1987, Pub. in Raj. Gaz. Ex-ord. Part 4(A), dt. 9-4-1987, w.e.f. 31-1-1987.

(a) Decline to grant the application the question in dispute has been deter- mined by a
competent court, or
(b) require any party to the case to institute within three months a suit in the ONO court for
the determination of such question, or
(c) proceed to enquire summarily into the merits of such question.
(2) When proceedings have been postponed under sub-clause (b) of sub-sec- flan (1), if
such party fails ,to comply with the requisition, the Collector shall decide the question against
him. If the institutes the suit, the Collector snail deal with the case in accordance with the
decision of the civil court.
(3) If the Collector decides to inquire into the merits of the objection, he shall the
procedure laid down in the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (Cen. tral Act V of 1908) for the trial
of original suits.
(4) All decrees passed under sub-sectfon (3) shall be held to the decrees of a
civil court and shall be open to appeal to the district judge or the High Court, as the
case may be. under the rules applicable to appeals to those courts.
194. Stay of partition pending decision of appeal - The appellate court may issue a
precept to the Collector, schug him to stay the partition pending the decision of the appeal,
whether the appeal spending from a civil court under section 193(1)(b) or from the court of the
Collector under Section 193(3).
195. Attachment of estate pending completion of partition - (1) At any stage of the
application, the Collector may, with the sanction of the Board, attach the enhre estate and
hold it under direct management pending the completion of the partition. The collections from
the estate, while under such attachment, shall be applied first to the payment of the revenue
and to the expenses of management and collection at the rate of ten percent of the amount
collected and then to the satisfaction of other charges with which the estate or any pad thereof
shall have been encumbered for the time being and the surplus, if any, will be divided amongst
the co-shares in proportion to the respective shares at such times as the profits are ordinarily

Method of trial - (1) The Collector shall direct the patwari (a) to mark on the map of the estate in some distinctive co|our the actual area sought to
be partitioned.
(b) to show thereon the actual soil-classificat!on.
(c) to prepare necessary abstracts from his khadra (field-book) and Khatauni (record of
cultivators) and other statements required for completing the partition.
(d) to prepare a list of plots, if any, held as khudkasht,
(e) to prepare a list of sub-holders, if any,
(f) to suggest a method of valuation of the plots of land sought to be partitioned,
(g) to prepare a list of trees, showing complete details as to ownership and value,

(h) to give full details of income from jungle land and other sources of income, and
(i) to prepare a list of yucca wells, showing where they are situated, whose fields they
irrigate, and at whose expense they were constructed.
(2) If the Collector thinks it desirable, he may appoint a temporary assistant to the
partway to enable the latter to complete the work expeditiously. The cost of the temporary
assistant will be paid by the plaintiff in the first instance and will be included in the costs of the
197. Oetermlnation of principiesand conditions of valuations - (1) The Collector shall
than proceed to determine, in accordance with rules made by the State Govemment in that
behalf, the general principles and conditions of valuation of all classes of lands comprising the
estate sought to be partitioned, with a view to making a ju-st estimate of the value of the
various plots therein, relatively to one another. Such value may vary not only with the area of
each plot but also with the class of its soil, the facih`tiesfor in/gallon, the nature of Itstenure,
the personal qualities of its tenants and other matters affecting the value.
(2) The general principals and conditions of valuation having been settled the partway
shall work out the value each plot accordingly.
198. Preliminary darn for pa`nition - (1) Upon completion of the inquiry prescribed by
Section 196 the Collector shall, if he does not dismiss application at this or any earlier stage,
make a preliminary order in the prescribed form, declaring the nature and extent of the share
of each claimant for partition, specifying the number of portions into which the estate shall be
divided and the extent of each portion, deciding all disputed questions/hat may have arisen in
connection with such division and detailing the mode In which the partition is to be made.
(2) In any such order the Collector may direct the shares of any two or more claimants
may, if they agree thereto, be combined for the purposes of partition and
apodionproporatlonate in value to the extent of their joint shares may be separated from/he
entire estate, in which case the respective rights of each of such co-sharers in the newly
formed estate shall also be declared at the same time.
199. Penman by whom to be made - When the preliminary y order for partition has been
made the Collector shall allow the parties to make the partition themselves or appoint
arbitrators for the purpose.
200. Partition by agreement - If the parties agree to make the partition themselves, then- .
(a) a date shall be fixed to which the partition is to be completed,
(b) such copies of the relevant records as they require shall be given to them free of
(c) the partway shall be directed to give them all necessary assistance in carrying out the
partition in accordance with the terms of the preliminary order and preparing records of
tels of production before the Collector,

(d) they shall appear onthe date fixed and produce the records of lot & prepared as
aforesaid, together with a manor the estate showing in different colours the various lots
agreed to by them for allotment of each of the portions into which the estate is divided
(e) the Collector shall get the lots signed in his presence by all the parties or their
recognised agents duly authorized in that behalf, and
(f) when action has been taken under clause (e), the lots shall be accepted if they comply
with the terms of the preliminary order and the provisions of law.
201. Partition by arbitration - (1) If the parties agree to appoint and do appoint arbitrators
for the purpose of making the partition, the Collector shall refer the partition to their arbitration.
(2) The provision of the Arbitration Act, 1940 (Central Act Xof 1940), shall apply
mutation mutandis to such agreement and reference to such arbitrators and their appointment
and proceedings and to the award made by them.
(3) The provisions of Sec. 201 shall be applicable as if for the word parties, the word
parties, the word arbitrators were substituted.
(4) It shall not be necessary for the arbitrators appear andproducepersonally before the
Collector their award or to sign it or the lots in the presence of the Collector, but they shall sign
the award and the lots personally and not by any recognized agent before the same produced
before the Collector.
202. Court when to make partition itself - In case of disagreement among the dopiest
make the partition themselves or to appoint arbitrators for the purpose or when arbitration has
been superseded or the award has been set aside, the Collector shall decide to make the
pad/lion himself.
203. Estimate and levy of partition costs - (1) When the Collector has decided under
Section 202 to make the partition himself, he shall immediately cause the cost thereof to be
estimated and shall direct that such cost be levied in the first instance from the applicant for
partition or all co-shares in such instalments and at such time during the progress of the
partition as may be prescribed by the State Government
(2) if the amount first estimated is found insufficient supplementary estimates may be
made from time to time and additional amount may be levied as above provided
(3) The State Government shall make rules specifying the items which shall be included
in and for determining the costs of such pad/lions and the Board shall make rules for
determining the mode in which such costs are to be apportioned.
204. Appointment of amins etc., and issue of warrant - When the estimates costs of
partition are paid an amin or other suitable person shall be appointed to carry out the partition
and the Collector shall issue a warrant of commission in his name for the purpose and supply
him with all the necessary papers and information.

205. Manner of executing warrant - (1) The amin or other person ap- aforesaid to make the
partition shal, upon the receipt of the warrant of commission,(i) open and maintain a diary in which shall be recorded the date of the receipt of the
warrant, the day-to-day proceedings taken by him in the execution thereof the
places inspected by him for the purpose, the gist of the claims` and objections made
before him, the person making the same and the manner of, and reasons for, his
decision thereon,
(ii) prepare a programme for personal inspection and give fortnight's notice thereof to
the parties,
(iii) prepare and place on record a tentative !ilil, in accordance with the terms of the
preliminary order of the lots for each of the portions into which the estate is to be
divided, and
(iv) proceed to the spot in accordance with the aforesaid programme, inspect the lands,
hear the pad/es if present and meet their objections, assemble all persons
interested therein with a view to giving them an opportunity to make orally or in
writing any claim or objection which they may have to any of such lands being
included in the portion sought to be separated, and dispose-Of all such claims and
objections on the spot in the presence of lambardars.
(2) Such amin or person shall then return the warrant along with his report the manner
in which he has executed it, recording the lost proposed by him and specifying the person or
persons holding the same together with the nature of the tenure, engagement, lease or licence
under which they are so held. Along wah the respect shall be submitted (a) the original diary maintained under clause (i) of sub-section (1),
(b) a coloured map such as is referred to in clause Cd) of Sack-on 200 and
(c) such other statements and returns containing such particulars as may be prescribed
by the Board.
206. Issue of proclamation - On receiving such report the Collector shall issue a
proclamation calling upon all papers concerned to appear on a date to on fixed therein and
state their claims or objections, if any, against the proposals made under sub-section (2) of
Section 205 and cause a copy of such proclamation to be served on the parties requiring them
to file their objech-ons, if any, within fifteen days ,from the service thereof.
207. Consideration of proposals and determination of claims and objections - On the
date fixed, the Collector shall (a) hear and dispose of, one by one(i) the objections made by the parties, and
(ii) the claims and objections lodged by other persons, and
(b) then examine the proposals to see if they are in occa dance with the terms of the
preliminary order and comply with the provisions of law.

208. Division of tenants's holding - In making partition the division of tenant's holdings
shall, as for as possible, be avoided and where such division is unavoidable, the rent of each
holding shall be distributed over the parts div Wed off.
209. Division of khudkasht - Lands in which khudkasht rights have accrued and subsist for
the time being shall be separately divided so that each portion made is allotted such pad
thereof as is proportionate in value to the extent of the share or shares constituting such
210. Allotment of lands held in common - (1) Lands held in common other than lands
referred to in Sec 209, shall be allotted in a manner so as to ensure that each portion gets
such part thereof as disproportionate in value to the share or shares constituting it.
(2) Lands held in severalty, other than lands referred to in Section 209 shall as far as
possible, be aliened to the portion of the co-sharer or co-sharers holding them.
211. Buildings, gardens etc. of one co sharer on land allotted to another - If in making a
partition it is necessary to include in the portion aliened to a co-sharers the lands occupied by
a dwelling house or other building or by gardens or orchards in the possession agony other cosharer or which are. of special value such other co-sharer in consequence of improvements
made by him thereon at his own expense, the latter shall be allowed to retain such lands with
the buildings, orchards and improvements thereon, on condition of his paying therefore a
reasonable ground-rent. The limits of such|ands and the rent therefore shall be fixed by the
Collector in all such cases, a defined pathway shall, as far as possible, be secured to the
owner of the houses, gardens, orchards or improvements as the, case may be, leading
therefrom to some public highway or some portion of the separate estate aliened to him.
212. Tanks, wells, water courses and embankments - (1) Tanks, wells, water-courses and
embankments shall be considered as attached to the land for the benefit of which they were
originally made.
(2) When, from the extent, situation or construction of such works, it is necessary that
they should continue the joint property `of the proprietors of two or more of the portions into
which the estate may be divided the Collector shall determine the extent to which the
proprietor of each portion may use the said works and the proportion in which the charge for
repairs thereof shall be borne by such proprietor and the manner in which the profits (if any)
derived therefrom shall be divided.
213. Places of worship and cremation or burial grounds - Places of worship and
cremation or burial grounds held in common before the partition shall continue to be so held,
unless the persons holding them otherwise decide by an agreement, which shall be filed with
the record.

214. Incompactness a reason for disallowing partition - In making a partition the several
portions into which the estate is divided shall be made as compact as possible, provided that,
except with the sanction of the Board no partition shall be disallowed solely on the ground of
215. Distribution of revenue on partition - In all cases, whether partition has been made
by agreement or by arbitration or by Collector, the Collector shall, immediately after accepting
the lot sunder Section 200 or accepting the award under Section2Ol, or disposing of the claims
and objections and examining, under Sech`on 207, the proposals made by the amin or other
person entrusted with the execution of the warrant issued under Sec. 204, distribute the
revenue of the estate over the severalpodions into which the estate is divided, and, where any
suchpodion consist of more than one share, the extent of the liability of each holder of such
share therein shall also be determined
216. Final order for partition - (1) When the revenue has been distributed aforesaid, the
Collector shall draw up a final order specifying the following particulars, namely :(a) the lands of various classes allotted to each portion;
(b) the revenue assessed on distribution under Section 215 as payable therefore;
(c) where any portion represents the shares of more than one co-sharer, the particular of
such co-sharers together with the nature and extent of the share of each therein; and
(d) the rights and obligations of each co-sharer or of the several co-sharers, a sthe case
may be, to get separate possession over the portion marked-out as aforesaid for him or
for them jointly.
(2) When the final order has been drawn up by a subordinate officer to whom the case
was made over under the proviso to Section 188 such order shall be submitted to the Collector
who may confirm, vary or set as-ide the order or direct further inquiry to be made or additional
evidence to be taken in the case or may himself make such inquiry or take such evidence or
may frame fresh issues and safer them for trial :
Provided that no order of confirmation shall be made until the period allowed for
preferring an appeal has expired or, an appeal is presented within such period unto a has
been disposed of :
Provided further that no order varying on settling aside the order shall be passed nor
shall any further inquiry be made or additional evidence taken, unless parties have had an
opportunity of being heard in support of such order or of being represented while such inquiry
is made or evidence taken.
217. Instrument of partition - (1) The Collector shall cause in respect of each portion
divided off from the estate an instrument of partition to be prepared son accordance with the
terms of the final order in favour of the applicant or the applicants, as the case may be,
whose share or shares each such portion represents and the date on which the partition is to
take egad, shall be recorded therein and each such instrument shall bear stamp duty in

accordance with the Indian Stamp Act, 1899 (Act ll of 1899) of the Central Legislature as
adopted to 101[the State].
(2) Such date shall, unless otherwise directed, be the first day of July next following the
date of transformation of the final order, or from the date of confirmation thereof, by the
(3) From the date on which the partitions takes enact, each portion so divided off shall
be deemed and treated for all purposes to be a separate estate as if it had been originally
made or or created son favour of the person or persons whose share or shares it represents.
(4) When the instrument of partitions has been prepared, the Collector shall get the
annual registers corrected accordingly and move the Board to get the necessary entries made
in the land records.
218. Delivery of possession of property allotted on partition - Any person or persons
to whom any land is allotted in the instrument of partitions shall be entitled separate
possession thereof as against the other parties to the partition and their legal representatives,
and the Collector shall, on application made to him for the purpose by such person or persons
at any time within three years from the date recorded in the instrument of partition under subsection (1) of Section 217, give effect to that instrument as if it were a decree passed by a civil
court for recovery of possession over immovable property.
219. Division of complex estates - When an estate consists of two or more village or
portions of villages, the State Government may direct its diversion into as may estate as may
be necessary for administrative convenience. On receipt of such direction the Collector shall
after considering any representations made by the estate-holders concerned distribute the
revenue of the whole estate over the several estates into which .it is divided in accordance
with mies made under this. Ad, and shall correct the annual registers accordingly. The estates
so formed shall be severally responsible for the revenue distributed thereon.
220. Fraudulent or erroneous distribution of revenue - When in making a partition under
this chapter, the revenue has owing to fraud or error, been wrongly distributed, the Board may,
at the time order such a distracting of the revenue of the original estate over the several
estates into which it is divided as, but for the error or fraud, would have been made at the time
of partition.

Under-assessed estates to refund to over-assessed estates

(1) The Board may in any case under Section 220 direct that any proprietor whose
estate has been found to have been under- assessed shall for each year, not exceeding three
years in all, in which he has held possession, of his separate estate, be required to pay to the
recorded proprietor of any estate which has been over-assessed a sum equal to the annual
amount by which the first mentioned estate shall be found to have been under- assessed and


Subs. by Sec. 4 of Raj. Act No. 2 of 1958, Pub. in Raj. Gaz. Part IV-A, Ex-ord., dt. 13-1-1958.

in default of payment the amount shall be recovered as an arrear of revenue and paid to the
proprietor to whom it is due.
(2) No ,order passed under the union shall be questioned in any civil or revenue court.
222. Consolidation of estates forming part of the same village - If two or more revenue
paying estates from portions of the same village, the estate-holders may apply to the Collector
for the consolidation of the same into a single estate, and the Collector may, at his discretion,
grant such application, and in such case shall correct the annual registers accordingly.
223. Chapter not to apply to division between Govemment and estate holder - (1) The
provisions of this Chapter shall not apply to the division of an estate between its holder and the
State Government and whenever such division becomes necessary it shall be made by the
Collector. Provided that the Collector's proposals shall be submitted to the State Government
through the Board for approval.
(2) Every such division shall be made in accordance with rules made by the State
Government in that behalf.
224. Revenue, a first charge on land and its produce - (1) The revenue or rent assessed
on every estate or holding shall be first charge thereon and on the rents, profits or produce
(2) The rents profits and produce of such estate or holding shall not be applied in
satisfaction of a decree or order of any civil or revenue court, until all arrears of the revenue or
rent due in respect thereof have been paid.
225. Responsibility for revenue - (1) All the holders and co-sharers of an estate are jointly
and severally responsible to the State Government for the rent for the timebeing payable
(2) All tenants and co-tenants of a holding situated beyond an estate are jointly and
severally responsible to the State Government for the erent for the time being payable
(3) All persons coming into possession of an estate or a holding, shall be responsible
for all arrears of revenue or rent due at the time of their coming into possession.
(4) The expression holder in this chapter means a person in possession for his own
benefit and includes a mortgagee and a lessee of the holders rights.
226. Rules as to payment of arrears and defaulters - The revenue or rent shall be paid in
such instalments, to such persons and such times and places and in such manner, as may be
prescribed, and any sum not so paid becomes an arrear of revenue or rent, and the persons
responsible for its become defaulters :
[Provided that until the State Government directs otherwise, the revenue or rent for the
timebeing payable to the State Government shall be paid through the Patwari of the Circle.]

Ins. vide Sec. 32(b) of Rajasthan Act No. 11 of 1964, Pub. in Raj Gaz. Part IV-A, Ex-ord., dt. 13-4-1964.

227. Certified account to be evidence as to arrears A statement of account, certified by

the Tehsildar shall for the purpose of the Chapter, be conclusive evidence of the existence of
the arrear, of its amount and of person who is the defaulter :
Provided that nothing in this section shall prejudice the right of such person to make
payment under protest and to question the correctness of the account in separate independent
proceeding before the Collector.
228. Processes for recovery of arrears An arrear of revenue or rent may be recovered
by one or more of the following processes :(a) By serving a writ of demand or a citation to appear on any of the defaulters;
(b) By attachment and sale of his movable property;
(c) By attachment of the specific area, share, patti or estate, in respect of which the arrears
is due;
(d) By transfer of such share or patti to a solvent co-sharer;
(e) By sale of other immovable property of the defaulter:
Provided that the provision of clause (e) shall not be applicable to Jagir land 103[or the
estate of a landowner].
229. Writ of demand and citation to appear When an arrear of revenue or rentbecomes
due, a writ of demand calling on the defaulter to pay the amount within a time therein stated or
a citation to appear on a date therein mentioned may issue.

[229 A. Power to grant Instalments - (1) The Collector may, in cases of genuine hardship,
order that the payment of arrear of revenue or rent chargeable under this Act or under the
Rajasthan Tenancy Act, 1955 (Rajasthan Act 3 of 1955) for which a writ of demand or a
citation has been issued under Section 229, shallbe paid in such number of instalments not
extending beyond a period of three years and on such terms as to payment of interest as may
be prescribed subject, however, to the condition that if default is made in the payment of any
instalment, the entire amount of arrear and interest due thereon shall be payable in lump sum.
(2) When any immovable property has been attached by Collector under this Chapter for
the recovery of such arrear, the attachment shall, notwithstanding any order fixing instalments
made under sub-section 91), continue until the full amount of the arrear, interest due, if any,
and the cost of attachment are paid by the defaulter.]
230. Attachment and sale of movable property The Collector may attach and sell the
movable property of the defaulter. Every attachment and sale ordered under this section
shallbe made according to the law in force for the time being for the attachment and sale of
movable property under the decree of Civil Court. In addition to the particulars mentione din
the proviso to Section 60 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (Central Act V of 1908), articles
set aside exclusively for religious use shall be exempted from attachment and sale under this

Ins. vide Section 11 of Raj. Act. No. 18 of 1963, Pub. in Raj Gaz. Part IV-A, Ex-ord., dt. 1-10-1963.
Ins. by S. 2 of Raj. Act No. 6 of 1981, pub. in Raj. Gaz. E.O. Part (ka), dt. 2.4.1981 on Pae 182.

section. The cast of attachment and sale shall be added to the arrear of revenue or rent and
shall be recoverable by the same procedure.
231. Attachment of the Land - (1) The Collector may, in addition to or instead of any of the
other processes here in before specified, attach and take under his own management any
specific area, share, patti or estate in respect of which an arrear is due, and such attachment,
shall last till the arrear is liquidated.
(2) On the liquidation of the arrear, the land shall be released and the surplus received,
if any, shall be made over to the defaulter or his legal respresentative.
232. Powers and obligations of manager When any land is so held under direct
management, the Collector shall be bound by any engagement which at the time of
attachment existed between the defaulter and the tenants and shall be entitled to manage the
property so attached and to receive all rents and profits accruing therefrom. The collections of
the property so attached shall be applied to the payment of any instalment of revenue and rent
which may become dueafter attachment and of the cost of attachment and management, and
any surplus shall be applied to discharging the arrear on account of which the attachment was
233. Proclamation of attachment When the Collector attaches any land under Secion
231, he shall issue a proclamation thereof.
(2) payment on account of rent or any other asset of the land, made after the date of
such proclamation or in anticipation of due date, to any person other than the Collector shall
relieve the person liable to pay from liability for payment to the Collector.
234. Transfer of defaulters share - (1) When the arrear is due in respect of a share or patti
or an estate, the Collector may, in addition, to, or instead of, any of the processes hereinafter
specified with the previous sanction of the Board, transfer such share or patti for a termnot
exceeding ten years fromthe first day of July next after the date of the sanction to all or any of
the co-sharers of the estate other than the estate-holder on condition of their paying the arrear,
and on such terms as the Board in each case may prescribe. Such transfer shall not affect the
joint and several liability of the co-sharers of the estate in which it is enforced.
235. Sale of defaulters specific area, patti or estate When the Collector is of opinion
that the other processes 105[hereinafter] specified are not sufficient for the recovery of an
arrear, he may, in addition to or instead of all or any of such other processes. 106[xxx] sell by
auction the specific area, patti or estate in respect of which such arrear is due :
Provided that no specific area, pant or estate shall be sold for any arrear which may
have accrued while it was (a) under the managment of the Court of wards, or

Subs. vide Section 3 of the Raj. Act No. 16 of 1961, Pub. in Raj. Gaz. Part IV-A, Ex-ord., dt. 22-5-1961.
Deleted by Section 4 of the Raj. Act No. 5 of 1964, Pub. in Raj. Gaz. Part IV-A, Ex-ord., dt. 26-3-1964.

(b) under direct management by the Collector.

236. Land to be sold free of encumbrances - (1) Land sold underthe last preceding
section shall be sold free of all encumbrances, and allcontractspreviously made by any person
other than the purchaser in respect of southland, shall become voidable at the opts-on of the
purchaser at the auction sale.
(2) Nothing son sub-section (1) applies to lands held under bonafede leases, temporary
or perpetual for the erect son of dwelling-houses or manufactures, or for gardens, tanks,
canals places of worship or cremation or burial grounds, such land continuing to be used for
the purpose specified in such leases.
(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), the State Government may,
at any time before the sale has been made, direct that it be made subject touch interesting or
rights in land created by the holder thereof, or any person through whom he claims, as set
thinks fit.
237 Powers to proceed against Interest of defaulter In property other than that In
respect of which default is made - (1) If an arrear cannot be recovered by any of the above
process and the defaulter owns, or has any interest in any other estate or any share in any
other immovable property, the Collector may proceed against such estate or share or other
immovable property as if set were the land on account of which the revenue or rent is due
under the provisions of this Act :
Provided that no interest save those of the defaulter alone shall be affected by such
(2) Sums of money recoverable as arrears of revenue and rent butnot due in respect of
any specific land, may be recovered by process under this section against any immovable
property of the defaulter.
238. Proclamation of sale (1) When the sale of any land or other immovable property has
been sanctioned under Section 235 or Section 237, the Collector shall issue a proclamation of
the intended sale, specifying the land to be sold the time and place of sales, whether or not the
land is tobe sold free of encumbrances andany othe particulars, the Collector may think
(2) A Copy of the proclamation issued under sub-section (1) shall be served on the
239. Sale when and by whom to be made (1) Every sale under this Chapter shall be
made either by the Collector in person or by an Assistant Collector 107[or Tehsildar] specially
appointed by himin this behalf.


Ins. vide Sec. 7 of Raj. Revenue Laws (Amendment) Ordinance, 1977, Pub. in Raj. Gaz. Ex.-ord. Part 4(Kha) dt. 24-11977, Page 52 and replaced by S. 2 of Raj. Act No. 6 of 1981, Pub. in Raj. Gaz. E.O. Part 4(Kh), dt. 22-4-1981 on pages

(2) No such sale shall take place on a Sunday or other authorised holiday or until after
the expiration of at least thirty days from the date on which the proclamation thereof was
(3) The Collector, may from time to time, postpone the sale.
240. Prohibition to bid for an acquire the property sold No officer having any duty to
perform in connection with any such sale, and no person employed by or subordinate to such
officer, shall either directly or indirectly bid for acquire or attempt to acquire, except on behalf
of the State Government or he Court of Wards, the property sold or any indirecte therein.
241. When sale may be stayed If the defaulter pays the arrear in respect of which the
land or other immovable property is to be sold, any time before the day fixed for the sale, to
the person appointed to receive payment of the revenue or rent or to the Collector, or to the
Assistant Collector in charge of the sub-division in which the land or other immovable property
is situated, the sale shall be stayed.
242. Deposit by purchaser, re-sale in default of deposit The person, declared to be the
purchaser, shall be required to deposit immediately twenty five per cent of the amount of his
bid, and in default of such deposit, the land or other immovable property shall forthwith be
again put up and sold; and such person shall be liable for the expenses attending the first sale
and any deficiency of price which may occur on the re-sale, which may be recovered from him
by the Collector, as if the same were an arrear of revenue.
243. Purchase money when to be paid The full amount of purchase money shall be paid
by the purchaser at the Collectors office on or before the fifteenth day from the date of the
(2) If the purchase money is not so paid, the deposit, after the expenses of the sale
have been defrayed therefrom, may be forfeited to Government, and the propety shall be
resold, and the defaulting purchaser shall forfeit all claims to the property or to any part of the
su for which it may be subsequently sold.
244. Liability of purchaser for loss by re-sale - If the proceeds of sale, which is eventually
made, are less than the price bid by such defaulh`ng purchaser, the difference shall be
recoverable from him, as if it were an arrear of revenue.
245. Proclamation before re-sale - No sale after postponement under Section 239 and no
re-sale under Section 242 in default of payment of the purchase money shall be made until a
fresh proclamation has been issued as prescribed for the original sale.

Application to set aside sale on deposit of arrear - Any person whose land or other
immovable property has been sold under this Act may, at any time within thirty days

from the date of sale, apply to have the sale set aside on his depositing in the
Collector's office (a) for payment to the purchaser a sum equal to five per cent of the purchase-money;
(b) for payment, on account of the arrear, the amount specified in the proclamation
of sale as that for the recovery of which the sale was ordered, loss any amount
which may, since the date of such proclamation ofsale, have been paid on that
account; and
(c) the cost of the sale.
If such deposit is made within the thirty days, the Collector shall pass an order setting
aside the sale :
Provided that, if a person applie under Section 247 to set aside such asale, he shall not
be entitled to make an application under this section :
Provided also that if the land has been sold free of encoumbrances under Section 236,
the encumberances shall be revived as soon as the sale is et aside under this section.
247. Application to set aside the sale for irregularity etc. - At any time within thirty days
from the date of the sale, an application may be made to the Collector to set aside the sale on
the mound of some material Irregularity or mistake in publishing or conductinng It.
But no sale shall be set aside on such ground unless the applicant proves the
satisfaction of the Collector that he has substantial injury by reason of such irregularlity or
248. Order confirming or setting aside sale - On the expiration of thirty days from the date
of the sale if no such application as is mentioned in Section 246 or Sech`on 247 has been
made, or if such application has been made and rejected the Collector shall pass on order
confirming the sale and, if such application under Section 247 is made and allowed, the
Collector shall pass on order setting aside the sale.
249. Bar of claims founded on irregularitty of mistake If no application under Section
247 is made within the time allowed therefore, all claims on the ground of irregularity or
mistake in publishing or conducting the sale shall be barred :
Provided that nothing herein contained shall bar the institution of a suit in the civil court
for the purpose of setting aside a sale on the ground of fraud.
250. Refund of purchase-money when sale set aside Whenever the sale of any land
other immovable property is set aside under Section 248 the purchaser shall be entitled to
receive back purchase money with interest, at such rate not exceeding six per cent per annum
or without interest, as the Collector thinks fits.
251. Purchaser to be put in possession Certificate of Purchase (1) After a sale of
land or other immovable property under this Act has been confirmed in the manner aforesaid,

the Collector shall put the person declare to the purchaser into possession of such property,
and shall grant him a certificate to the effect that he has purchased the property to which the
certificate refers, and such certificate shall be deemed to be a valid transfer of such property
but need not be registered as a conveyance except as provided by Section 89 of the Indian
Registration Act, 1908 (Central Act XV of 1908).
252. Application of proceeds of sale When a sale or land or other immovable property
under this Act has been confirmed, the proceeds of sale shall be applied in he first place to the
payment of any arrears, including costs incurred for the recovery thereof, due to the State
Government from the defaulter at the date of the confirmation of the sale whether thearrears
are of revenue or rent, or of sums recoverable as an arrear of revenue or rent and in the
second place, ifthe sale took place for the recovery of an amount recoverable as an arrear of
revenue or rent but not due to the State Government to the payment of that amount including
costs as aforesaid and the surplus (if any) shall be paid to theperson whose land has been
sold; or if the land sold was held in shares, then to the co-sharers collectively, or sold; or if the
land sold was held in shares, then to the co-sharers collectively, or according to the amount of
their recorded interests at the discretion of the Collector.
253. Liability of purchaser for revenur or rent The person named in the certificate of
sale as purchaser of any land shall be liable for all instalments of revenue or rent beocming
due in respect of such land after the date of the confirmation of the sale.
254. Pre-emption by co-sharers When any land sold under Section 235 or Section 237 is
a portion of an estate any recorded co-sharer in the state, other than the person whose land
has been sold, may if the lot has been knocked down to a stranger, claim to take the said land
at the sum last bid:
Provided that the said demand of pre-emption be made within seven days of sale &
provided that the claimantfulfils all other conditions of thesale.



256. Recovery of miscellaneous revenue and other moneys The following moneys may
be recovered under this Act in the same manner as an arrear ofrevenue 109
[(a) all sums of money declared by this Act or by any law for the time being in force,
other than the Rajasthan Public Demdands Recovery Act, 1962 (Rajasthan Act 5 of 1952)].
(i) to be recoverable as an arrear of revenue and revenue or rent, or
(ii) to be a demand or public demand or to be recoverable or realisable as a demand or
a public demand or as an arrear of a demand or a public demand;



Omittedby Section 2(i) of Rajasthan Act No. 42 of 1960, Pub. in Raj. Gaz., Ex-ord., Part IV-A, dt. 2-12-1960. This Act No.
42 of 1960 came intoforce with effect from1-1-1961 vide Finance Department Notification No. F. 10(37) F(AA) 54, dt.2212-1960, Pub. in Raj. Gaz., Ex-ord., Part IV-C, dt. 29-12-1969.
Subs. by Sc. 2(ii)-Ibid.

(b) all sums of money payable to the State Govemment or to a department or an officer
of the State Govemment or to local author Hy on account of rates, duties, taxes, charges or
other dues under any law or rule having the force of law, notwithstanding that such law or rule
does not declare the same to be recoverable or realisable as an arrear of revenue or land
revenue or rent or to be a demand or a public demand or to be recoverable as an arrear of a
demand or a public demand;
(c) all sums of money payable to the State Govemment or to a department or an officer
of the State Govemment or to a local authority (i) by way of fees, fines, penalties, compensation of costs imposed or awarded by any
authority, not being a civs`I or crs`minalcoust, under this Act or under any other law
for the time being in force, or
(ii) on account of pasturage, forests rights, fisheries mills, natural products of land,
water-rates, irrigation charge, maintenance and management of irrigation works and
the like;
(d) all rents, premia, ceases, rates, fees and royalties due to the State Govemment on
account of the use or occupation of land or water or other immovable property, whether
belonging to the State Govemment or not, or on account of any products thereof or proceeds
therefrom or on any other account;
(e) all sums of money due to the State Govemment under any grant, lease or contract
which provides that they shall be recoverable as arrears of revenue or land revenue.]
257. Recovery of moneys from sureties - Every person who may have become a surety
under any of the provisions of this Act or under any other enactment or any grant, lease or
contract where under the sum secured, is recoverable from the principal as an arrear of
revenue, shall, on failure to pay the amount or any portion thereof which he may have become
liable to pay under the terms of his security bond, be liable to be proceeded against as if such
amount of portion thereof where an arrear of revenue.

[257-A Application for Recovery of Moneys referred to in Sections 256 and 257 - (1)
Any officer or authority, to whom any sum of money referred to in Section 256 or Section 257
is due and payable, shall make to the Collector an application in writing in the prescribed form,
containing the following particulars, namely :(a) the officer authority to whom the sum is due and payable,
(b) the sum due and the nature thereof,
(c) the sum due and the nature thereof,
(d) the period, if any, for which it is due and the date on which it first became payable,
(e) the process by which the sum may be recovered,
(f) where possible, the property against which the process may be executed, and,
(g) such other particulars as may be prescribed by the State Government :

Ins. by Sec. 2 (iii) of Raj. Act No. 42 of 1960, pub. in Raj. Gaz. Part IV-A, Ex-ord, dt. 2-12-1960.
This Act No. 42 of 1960 came into force with effect from 1-1-1960 vide Finance Department Notification No. F.
14(3)/F/AA/54, dt. 22-12-1960, published in Rajasthan Gazette Ex-pord. Part IV-C, dated 29-12-1960.

Provided that no such application shall be necessary in cases in which according to the
law under which such sum of money is due and payable a certificate or certifie dstatment of
account or other document, specifying, as nearly as may be aforesaid particulars, is required
to be sent and has been sent to the Collector.
The application, certificate, statement of account or other document referred to in
sub-section (1) shall for the purpose of recovery in accordance with the provisions of this
chapter be conclusive evidence of the existence of the arrear payable to the officer or authority
signing the same, of the amount of such arrear and of the person who is the defaulter.
257-B Payment under protest and further remedy - (1) If proceedings are taken under this
chapter against any person for the re cove y of any sum of money referred to in Section 256 or
Sech.on 257, such person may at any time, before any property attached in such proceedings
is knocked down at a sale thereof, pay the amount claimed and at the same time deliver a
protest signed by himself, or by his author|sea agent to the revenue officer taking such
When any amount is paid under protest under sub-section (1), such amount
along with the protest shall be forwarded to the officer or authority at whose instance
proceedings were so started.
Subject to the provision contained in sub-section (4), the person making s
payment under protest in accordance with sub- section (1), shall have the right to Institute a
suit forthe recovery of the whole ors part of the sum so paid under protest.
No suit under sub-section (3) shall lie or be instituted, if any law under which the
sum of money paid under protest is due, provides a remedy, whether by way of su it, appeal,
application or other proceedings, to the person from whom such sum was recovered.
No appeal or reference shall lie from an order of a revenue officer passed -n
proceedings taken under this chapter for the recovery of sums of money referred to m Secs.
256 and 257.
258. Recovery of costs etc. All rates, costs, charges, fees, fine, penalties and other
moneys payable to Government under this Act shall be recoverable as arrears of revenue.
259. Jurisdiction of civil courts excluded No suit or other proceedings shall, unless
otherwise excepted by any express provision made in this Act or in any other enactment or law
for the time being in force, lie or be instituted in any civil court with respect to any matter
arising under, and provided for, by this Act:
Provided that, if, in a boundary dispute or any other dispute between estate-holders, a
question of title is involved, a civil suit may be brought for the adjudication of such question.



[Delegation - (1) The State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette -

Ins. by Act No. 10 of 1987 w.e.f. 31-1-1987, Pub. inRaj. Gaz. E.O. (4-A dt. 9-4-1987, Pages 43-50

(a) delegate all or any of its powers under this Ad, except the power to make mies, to
the Board or 4[the Commissioner} or the Settttement Commis- sioner or the Director
of Land Records or a Collector, or
(b) direct that any duties imposed and powers conferred by this Act or the rules made
thereunder or by any other law for the time being in force or the rules made under
such other law on any officer or authority appointed or constituted under this Ad or
the rules made thereunder 4[shail, to the seclusion of such officer or authority, be
performed} and exercised by any other lawfully appointed or constituted on/car or
authority specified in the notification, whether such other officer or authority
specified in the notifica- tion, whether such other officer or authority shalt have been
appointed or constituted under this Act or the mies made thereunder or under any
other law for the time being in force or the mies made under such other law, or
(c) require the Board or any other officer to perform the duties and exercise the powers
imposed and conferred by this Ad or the rules made there under on 112[the
Commissioned the Settlement Commissioner or the Direc tor of Land Records, or
(d) authorise any authority or officer lawfully constituted or appointed to delegate its or
his powers under this Act or under any other law for the time being in force, except
the power to make rules under this Act. or under such other law to any other
authority of officer constituted or appointed under this Ad of the rules made
thereunder or under any other law for the time being in force or the rules made
under such other law.
(2) Doubts having been expressed as the scope of the power of delegations, provided
for in this section as it stood before the 16th day of November, 1961, it is hereby enacted for
the removal and clarification of such doubt that, notwithstanding anything contained in any
judgment, order or decision of any court (Civil and Revenue) tribunal or other competent
authority and notwithstanding any defect or omission of form, language or reference in any
nolihcalions issued by the Stale Government under this section previously to the said day or
any rule of law-or interpretation.
(a) all delegations of powers and duties made by the Stale Government under this
section before the sixteenth day of November, 1961, shall be deemed to have been
lawfully and validly made interments sub-'seclion (1) as hereby amended as if such
amendments had then been made, and
(b) all notifications delegating such powers and duties, shall, until superseded, continue
lo be operative and lo have effect according lo their tenor].
261. Power to make rules - (1) The Board may, with the previous sanction of the State
Government, make rules consistent with the provisions of this Act and of the rules made under
sub section (2) (a) Regulating the procedure of the Board and its officers in the transaction of its


Subs. vide Ord. No. 8 of 1988 dt. 1-9-1988, Pub. in Raj. Gaz., E.o., dt. 1-9-1988, Pages 31-33.

(b) prescribing the registrars, books and accounts to be kept and maintained under
Section 14,
(c) prescribing the manner of the publication of rent-rate-proposals under Section
(d) for the guidence of Collectors and Settlement Officers in assessing and fixing rents
under this Act
(e) prescribing the manner of the giving of a public notice under Section 125(2),
(f) prescribing the manner in which assessment purchas shall be made over to tenants
and land-holders under Secton 164(3),
(g) directing the rights, customs and other matters which the Settlement Officer is to
ascertain and record in the Wajib-ul-arz or Dastoor Ganwai and prescribing the
manner in which they are to be ascertained,
(h) prescribing the manner of notifying the date, time and place fixed for reading out the
Wajib-uI-arj or Dastoor Ganwai to be inhabitants of the village concerned,
(i) for the guidance of Collectors and Settlement Officers in assessing rents under
Section 178 for areas for which short-term settlement were sanctioned,
(j) regulating under Section 179, the assessment of land added by alluvian and the
revision of assessment in consequence of fluvial action or diversion of land from an
agriculture to a non-agricultural purpose of vice versa,
(k) regulating the procedure of Settlement Officers in correcting errors and omissions
under Section 182
(l) regulating the framing of modified proposal under Section 183(2),
(m) prescribing the particular to be contained in an application for partition under
Section 187,
(n) prescribing the formal the preliminary order for partition under Section 198,
(o) determining the mode in which the costs of partition are to be apportioned Section
(p) prescribing under clause (c) of sub-section (2) of Sec. 205, the statements and
returns to be submitted and the particulars to be contained therein.
(q) regulating the division of complex estates, and the distribution of the revenue thereof
under Section 219,
(r) regulating the costs which may be recovered in or in respect of any judicial or
settlement proceedings under this Act other than costs recoverable by the State
Government in proceedings in partition cases,
(s) regulating the procedure to be followed by any court, officer or other person required
or empowered under any provision of this Act to take any action in any judicial or
settlement matter,
(t) for carrying out the provisions of this Act in respect of judicial and settlement
proceedings, and
(u) for the guidance of all courts, officers and other persons in all judicial and settlement
proceedings under this Act.
(2) The State Government may make rules consistent with the provisions of this Act,-


prescribing the qualifications of persons eligible for appointment as Chairman and

members of the Board under Sec. 4,
(ii) prescribing under Section 10, the manner in which the jurisdiction of the Board
may be exercised and its business may be distributed,
(iii) prescribing under sub-section (2) of Section 23 read with the first Schedule
manors which may be deemed to be judicial matters for the purposes of this Act,
(iv) prescribing the duties and powers of all Revenue Courts and officers under this
(v) regulating the appointment of Patwari, Girdawar Qanungos or Land Records
Inspectors and Sadar Qanungos, laying down their qualifications and conditions of
service and prescribing their duties.
(vi) [xxx]
(vii) 3[x x x]
(viii) 4[X X x]
(ix) 1[X x XI
(x) 2[x x x]
(xi) prescribing the manner in which lands which are the property of the State under
Sec. 38 may be disposed of and the manner in which notice of an enquiry or order
under that section may be given.
(xii) prescribing the manner in which permission under Section 90-A for conversion of
agricultural land into non-agricultural land shall be applied for; the officer or
authority to whom such application shall be given; the particulars to be given in
such application; the manner in which enquiry is to be made; the terms and
conditions on which the permission may be given; the rate and manner of levy of
urban assessment; the rate and manner of levy of the premium to be charged by
the State Government on such conversion, and the due to be imposed under sub
section (5) of Section 90-A].
(xiii) regulating under Section 93 the grazing of cattle on pasturage land regulating
under Section 94 the control and management of forests forest growths,
(xiv) regulating under Section 95 the resonation of land for the development of the
abadi area of villages, the allotment of land in such area and any payments to be
made or premium to be paid for such allotment, defining the rights which an
allottee shall have in such areas and laying down the extent of land which may
be granted free of such payment or premium under Sec. 98 for being used for
the purpose therein specified,
(xv) regulating the holding of auctions Sec. 97,
(xvi) regulating under S8C. 99 the constructions, maintenance, demolition, repairs
and extension of houses or buildings,
(xvii) regulating under Sectjon 100 sales of land in industrial and commercial areas,
(xviii) regulating under Section 101 the allotment of lands for agricultural purposes,
(xix) regulating under Section 109 the procedure to be adoptedby Land Records
Officers in conducting survey and record operations orrecord operations only.


laying down under Sect. 112 and 131 the mode of preparation,attestateion and
maintenance of maps and field books.
(xxi) prescribing under the said sections the form and contents of field book and the
mannerin which and intervals at which change therein shall be recorded.
(xxii) regulating the mode of preparatin, attestation and maintenance of the record of
rights and annual regreisters referred to in Sections 114 and 132 specifying the
registers aregisters referred to in Setions 114 and 132 specifying the registers
other than those referred to in Sec.114 to be prepared as constituents of
therecord of rights, and prescribing the particular, other than those mentioned in
Sec.121, to be sepecified in the khatauni.
(xxiii) regulating the mode of preparation, attestation and maintenance of the record of
rightsand annual registers referred to in Sections 114 and 132 specifying the
registers other than thosereferredtoin Sec. 114 to be prepared as constitutes of
the record of rights, and prescribing the particulars, often than those mentione
din Sec. 121, to be specified in the khatauni.
(xxiv) regulating the procedure to be observed by Lord Records Officers in making
inquiries [under Sec. 124].
(xxv) regulating the mode of determining and recording Khudkasht land under Section
(xxvi) regulating the ascertainment and determination of are to be serserved ofr the
residence of the inhabitants of villages.
(xxvii) prescribing the form, contents and mode of preparation of lists of villages under
Sec. 120.
(xxviii) prescribing the intervals at whcih the annual registeres shallbe prepared under
Section 1223 [the manner in which changes shall be recorded therein and the
fees to be charged for recording such changes).
(xxix) prescribing the hours during which and the conditions oon which maps, field
book and registgers prepared under Chapter VII shall be optn to public
inspection, the fees on payment of which copies of entrie therein may be
prepared and issued and the mode of attestation of such copies,
(xxx) regulating under Section 147 the procedure of Settlement Officers in conducing
the settlement operations.
(xxxi) regulating the division under Section 150 of assessment circles or assessment
grups it to various soil classes,
(xxxii) prescribing the manner in which the order stopping the recovery of rents in kind
under Sec. 165 shall be published,
(xxxiii) regulating the intermediate revision of settlement in cases failing within the third
proviso to Sec. 175,
(xxxiv) regulating the levy of a special urban rate under Sec. 180,
(xxxv) regulating under Section 197 the determination of the general principles and
conditions of valiant of lands for the purposes of partitions,

(xxxvi) regulating the determination of the costs of partition and instalments and times of
payment thereof under Sec. 203,
(xxxvii) regulating the division of an estate between the estate holder and the State
Government under Sec. 223,
(xxxviii) prescribing under Section 226, the instalments, in which the persons to whom,
the times and places at which and the manner in which the revenue or rent due
to the State Government shall be paid,
(xxxix) regulating the issue of writs of demand and citations under Sec. 229 directing by
what officers or classes of officers such processes shall be issued and fixing the
costs thereof to be recovered from defaulters,
regulating the procedure to be adopted when any estate or a specific share or
Dani thereof is transferred under Section 234 or sold under Section 235,
regulating the costs, that may be recovered in or in respect of non-judicial
proceeding under this Act not connected with settlement
(xlii) regulating the procedure to be followed by any officer or person required or
empowered under any provision of this Act to take any action in non-judicial
matter not connected with settlement,
(xliii) regulating all matters which may be, or are required to be `prescribed or in
respect which rules may be, or are required to be made, under any provision of
this Act otherwise than by the Board under sub-section (1), and
(xliii) geneally for carrying out the provisions of this Act.
262. Patwaris, etc. to be public servants Every Patwari, Girdawar Qanungo or land
Records Inspetor 113[and Sadar Qanungo] appointed under Chapter III and every person
appointed temporarily to discharge the duties of any of them shall be deemed to be a public
servant within the meaning of S. 21 of the Indian Penal Code (Central Act XLV of 1960) and all
official and the property of the State.
263. Repeal and Savings - (1) On and from the coming into force of this Act, the following
shall stand reprealed in so far as the matters therein contained are covered by, or are
consistent with, the provisions of this Act, namely (a) the enactment mentioned in the Second Schedule;
(b) any laws of the covering State, other than the enactments mentioned in the
Second Schedule, relating to matters covered by the provisions of this Act; and
(c) any law amending the enactments or laws referre to in clauses (a) & (b).
(2) The repeal of any enactment or law by this Act shall not legalize any practice which
immediately before the pasing of this Act was illegal.
(3) Any custom or usage prevailing at the commencement of this Act in any part of the
State and having the force of law therein shall, if such custom or usage is repugnant to or
inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, cease to be operative to the extent of such
repugnance or inconsistency.

Subs. v. Moti, 1982 RRD 470 (475).

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