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Aerodynamics Test GATE2017

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The document discusses concepts related to aerospace engineering and fluid mechanics. It provides examples of questions and answers related to these topics.

Some key concepts discussed include thin airfoil theory, lifting line theory, compressible flow, shock waves, nozzle flow, and model scaling.

Examples of specific questions provided include properties of airfoils at different Mach numbers, forces on underwater structures, circulation calculations, and flow through a convergent-divergent nozzle.

GATE Aerospace Forum's Delhi Test for GATE(AE) - 2017, Max.

Marks - 100 , ( For Q 1 to 17 : +3 for right , -1 for wrong ),

From 18 - 23 questions, its subjective , in that no negative marks, marks for each question is given at the side
Time : 180 min.
Instuctor : Ashish Garg

Q.1) The rate of change of moment coefficient with respect to the angle of attack,
airfoil, as per approximations from the thin airfoil theory is

at half chord point of a thin

(a) /4 radian-1 (b) /2 radian-1 (c) radian-1 (d) 2 radian-1

Q 2)

An airfoil is placed in a wind tunnel and experiences a lifting force Fy>0. Given a very light weight tunnel such that
Weight of tunnel< Fy : will the tunnel lift off ? a) True b) False
Q 3) In a 2-D incompressible, inviscid flow with a uniform freestream, which of the following is true?

(a) Drag on cylinder > Drag on airfoil (b) Drag on cylinder < Drag on airfoil (c) Drag on cylinder = Drag on airfoil
(d) Not enough info
Q 4) Consider a symmetric airfoil in a flow which is at an angle of attack. To eliminate the leading edge suction peak,

the leading edge is deflected downwards using a flap. Which one is true?

(a) > (b) <

(c) (d) not enough information

Q 5 ) At a positive angle of attack, which is true according to supersonic linearized flow theory:

For more information refer :

Page 1

a) >

b) >

c) >

d) All of the above

e) None of the above

Q 6 ) A model test is to be conducted for an under water structure which each likely to be exposed for an under water structure,
which is likely to be exposed to strong water currents. The significant forces are known to the dependent on structure geometry,
fluid velocity, fluid density and viscosity, fluid depth and acceleration due to gravity.
Choose from the codes given below, which of the following numbers must match for the model with that of the prototype:
(1) Mach number (2) Weber number (3) Froude number (4) Reynolds number.
(a) 3 alone
(b) 1, 2, 3 and 4
(c) 1 and 2
(d) 3 and 4
Q 7) A 1:25 scale model of a reservoir is drained in 16 minutes by opening the sluice gate. The time required to empty the
prototype will be ________
Q 8) Given a swept, high wing, at fixed :

(a) Mcritical increases with LE (b) Mcrit decreases with LE (c) Mcrit is independent of LE (d) Not enough info
Q 9) A pitot tube is used to measure pressure downstream of the ramp shown below. Approximately, what will the

probe pressure be:

For more information refer :

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Q 10) In a supersonic flow, at zero angle of attack, which of these airfoils generates positive lift:

(a) Airfoil A (b) Airfoil B (c) Neither airfoil

Q 11 ) The expansion fan angle , when the Mach number 2 , expanded through the flow deflection angle of 20 degree is ____
Q 12) The below is a plot of the lift coefficient of an airfoil versus Mach number at a fixed angle of attack. Which line

is the result of small disturbance potential flow theory:

(a) Blue line (b) Red line (c) Green line (d) All
Q 13 ) The below is a plot of the drag coefficient of an airfoil versus Mach number at a fixed angle of attack. Which

line is the result of small disturbance potential flow theory:

(a) Blue line (b) Red line (c) Green line (d) None of the above
Q 14 ) Assertion (A): A normal shock always makes a supersonic flow of a compressible fluid subsonic, but an oblique shock
may not ensure subsonic flow after the shock.
Reason (R): A normal shock reduces the stagnation pressure and stagnation enthalpy considerably whereas the loss at oblique
shock is minimized.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true

For more information refer :

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Q 15) Prandtls lifting line equation for a general wing is given by: 0 =

(0 )
+ L=0 0 +
U c(y0 )

( )

(0 )

Where, U is the free stream velocity, =0 is the angle of attack, 0 is the spanwise location, =0 (0 ) gives the spanwise

variation of circulation.The rate of change of circulation with angle of attack = is:

(a) Inversely proportional to
(b) Independent of
(c) A linear function of
(d) A quadratic function of

Q.16 An untwisted wing of elliptic planform and aspect ratio 6 consists of thin symmetric airfoil sections. The
coefficient of lift (CL) at 5o angle of attack assuming inviscid incompressible flow is
(a) 2/24

(b) 2/16

(c) 2/12

(d) /8

Q 17 Heat and Work is path dependent (1) or Only Heat is path dependent (2) or Only Work (3) _________ ?
Q 18 Answer the following :
(a) In a __________ flow, the temporal acceleration is zero.
(b) In a __________ Flow, the convective acceleration is zero.
(c) In a flow field with the velocity distribution described by:
= 5 + + 2 + 5 3 + 3 2 +
Calculate the x component of acceleration of a fluid particle at (x,y,z,t) = (3,2,2,0.5).

[ 5 marks ]

Q 19 As we know the circulation is the line integral of velocity along a given path. Find the circulation about the
rectangle enclosed by the lines x = 2, y = 2 for a two-dimensional flow having the velocity components in 'x' and
'y' direction respectively are:
= 4 and = 6 2

[ 5 marks ]

Q 20:- Let the vortex/sink flow, given by stream function as ( = + ), simulate a tornado as shown below, Suppose
that the circulation about the tornado is = 9500 2 /s and that the pressure at r = 10m is 2100Pa less than the far-field
pressure. Assuming inviscid flow at sea-level atmosphere, calculate
[ 5 marks ]
(a) The appropriate sink strength -m,
(b) The pressure at r = 7 m, and
(c) The angle at which the streamlines cross the circle at r = 10 m

o 10

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Q 21 :- Prove that the velocity induced by the fixed vortex line ( finite or infinite ) using Biot Savat Law, is Always incompressible
and Irrotational with respect to the arbitrary points taken in the domain ? where the biot savart law is given as, [ 14 marks ]


V =

4 3

where ,
(, , ) .
Q22:-The circulation over the airfoil according to thin airfoil theory can be written as
= 2V 0



sin , Find the value of Angle of attack , 1 , 2 such that three

goal can be met (1) The lift coefficient is 0.6 (2) No Leading edge suction (3) The airfoil has neutral static
stabiity ( means aerodynamic center is same as center of pressure ) . Assume that the camberline is given by,
[ 10 marks ]

= 1 1
+ 2 1









= 1

, = +

, ., represents irrotational flow through Covergent - Divergent Nozzle. ? , [ 10 marks ]

For more information refer :

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