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Model Broadcasting Contract

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Model Agreement for Broadcast Advertising Release

The model agreement below is issued by the Indian Society of Advertisers (ISA)
as per the request from its members. ISA would like to reiterate that it believes
that commercial terms and conditions between advertiser, its agency and a
broadcaster should be negotiated and agreed individually between the parties
and that no third party eg a industry association has no role to play in mandating
such terms and conditions to its members. The Model Agreement is therefore an
advisory service for the members of ISA. The ISA nor its Office Bearers take any
responsibility for any action taken by an ISA member or any third party in
pursuance to this advisory or the recommended Model Agreement.

Agreement between (Advertiser) and (Agency) and(Broadcaster) for the period

from ____ to_________.


_____________________, a company incorporated under the Indian Companies Act, 1913 and
having its registered office at ________________, (hereinafter called ADVERTISER), which
expression shall, unless the context otherwise requires, include its holding, subsidiary, or
associate companies and assigns
____________________ having its registered office at ______________, (hereinafter called
AGENCY), which expression shall, unless the context otherwise requires, include its holding,
subsidiary, or associate companies and assigns
____________, a company incorporated ________and having its registered office at
_____________ (hereinafter called BROADCASTER), which expression shall, unless the
context otherwise requires, include its holding, subsidiary, or associate companies and assigns.


____(ADVERTISER), ____(AGENCY) and _____(BROADCASTER) are desirous of

entering into a commercial relationship.


____(ADVERTISER) is _____________ and is engaged in the manufacture, marketing,

sale and distribution of goods and services in various categories namely______.


_____(AGENCY) is _________ and is

engaged in the business of providing brand

communication advisory services and solutions, planning and buying media spots for
advertising and related activities including but not limited to release of advertising
material and commercial administration and processes .

_________________ (BROADCASTER) is

__________ and is engaged in the

business of broadcast operations through its network of TV channels comprising but not
limited to ____, ___ , ___ etc.

_______(ADVERTISER), ___(AGENCY) and _____(BROADCASTER) have agreed to enter

into an agreement for advertising on the Television network of ____ (BROADCASTER)
on the _______________________Channels of _____ (BROADCASTER) .

For the purposes of this Agreement, ______ (ADVERTISER) and______(AGENCY)

together or individually referred to as ADVERTISER .


The parties to this Agreement shall be individually referred to as ADVERTISER, AGENCY and
BRAODCASTER respectively and shall be referred to as the Parties collectively.

ADVERTISER has agreed to place and BROADCASTER has agreed to telecast advertisements
of the brands and products of ADVERTISER on the negotiated rates, terms and conditions as set
out below.
ADVERTISER conveys and BROADCASTER appreciates that timely and regular telecasting of
the advertisements as per the schedule released by ADVERTISER is critical to the success of the
brands and business of the ADVERTISER.
BROADCASTER conveys and ADVERTISER acknowledges that timely and regular release of
advertising materials, release orders and payments to the BROADCASTER are critical to the
success of the business of the BROADCASTER.

The parties agree to the terms and conditions as set out below :
1. The Parties agree to the general terms and conditions to the agreement attached in Annexure 1.

2 The Parties agree to the Rates, Entitlements and other commercial terms as set out below :

2.1 Sponsorships and Other entitlements, if any:

3. The Terms and conditions and the Rates and Entitlements will prevail during the term of this
agreement .
4. The Parties hereto shall not be entitled to unilaterally change, alter or modify any terms and
conditions and/or rates and/or entitlements. Any revision or amendment or modification shall be
mutually discussed and agreed by all the Parties in writing.

5.This Agreement represents the entire understanding between the Parties and supersedes any and
all previous discussions, correspondence, understandings and communications (whether written
or oral) between the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. This Agreement may not be
amended, supplemented or otherwise modified, except by an instrument in writing signed by all
the Parties.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto executed these presents at the hands
through their duly authorized representatives on the day and year first herein above written.

Signed and Delivered

For and behalf of ___________

Name :

Designation :

For and behalf of ___________

Name :

Designation :

For and behalf of ___________

Name :

Designation :



The following words and expressions shall, unless the context otherwise requires, have
the following meanings:


Advertiser shall have meaning assigned to it as per the relevant clause of the
Principal terms of the agreement between the parties.
Broadcaster shall have meaning assigned to it as per the relevant clause of the
Principal terms of the agreement between the parties.
Agency shall have meaning assigned to it as per the relevant clause of the
Principal terms of the agreement between the parties.
Channels shall mean the specific TV channel which are broadcast by the
BROADCASTER and on which the ADVERTISER desires to advertise its
products, services and/or brands.
Commercials shall mean the advertisements(s) on the time slot of the Channel
covered by this agreement.
Spots shall mean time or program slots for advertisements on the channels
occupying the full TV Screen
Other Advertising slots shall mean time or program slots for advertisements
occupying part of TV screen such as scrollers, Aston Bands etc
Copyright shall mean the entire copyright and design right subsisting under the
laws of India (especially The Copyright Act, 1957) and all analogous rights
subsisting under the laws of each and every jurisdiction throughout the world
Delivery Material" shall mean one Digital Betacam cassette and two VHS tapes
of the advertisement of technical specifications as provided by BROADCASTER
and as amended from time to time.
Advertising Commercials Airtime shall mean the actual duration and time for
which Advertisements are aired.
Rates shall mean the rates and prices as agreed and contained in Clause 3.1
of the principal Terms of the agreement.
"Entitlements" shall have meaning assigned to it as per the relevant clause 3.2
of the Principal terms of the agreement between the parties.
Sponsorships shall have meaning assigned to it as per the relevant clause of
the Principal terms of the agreement between the parties.
Product(s) shall mean the products and/or services manufactured and/or
provided and/or marketed by the ADVERTISER.
Advertisement Commercials shall mean the advertisement on the agreed time
slots or programs on the Channels as provided in the Agreement.
Release Order shall mean the document providing details of advertisements to
be aired such as time /slot , duration, caption, brand name , Rate etc.




The following provisions shall have effect for the interpretation of this Agreement
including the Recitals and Schedules.


References to any statute or statutory provision or order or regulation made therein shall
include that statute, provision, order or regulation as amended, modified, re-enacted or
replaced from time to time whether before or after the date hereof.


Unless otherwise stated, time shall be of the essence for the purposes of the
performance of the obligations by the parties under this Agreement.


For the purposes of this Agreement, ADVERTISER, AGENCY and ADVERTISER group
companies are together or individually referred to as ADVERTISER.


The parties to this Agreement shall be individually referred to as ADVERTISER,

AGENCY and BROADCASTER respectively and shall be referred to as the Parties




The ADVERTISER shall book advertisements of ADVERTISERS products/brands and

shall advise such booking through a Release Order to be sent in writing by the
ADVERTISER. The ADVERTISER shall provide the schedules in a hard and soft copy in
the form of Release Orders. Release Orders sent electronically on soft copy shall be
binding on the ADVERTISER.


The BROADCASTER shall telecast the advertisements booked by ADVERTISER as per

the activity schedule desired by the ADVERTISER through the Release order.
In the exceptional event that BROADCASTER is not able to carry the spots on a
particular slot or as per the Release order, BROACASTER shall intimate ADVERTISER
within 48 hours of receiving the Release Orders. All such spots which are not carried by
BROADCASTER shall be made good within one week of such non-carriage in the same
time slot as the original spot so missed or not carried. Any alternate schedule shall be
carried by the BROADCASTER only with the prior approval of the ADVERTISER.


The ADVERTISER may reschedule the spots with a minimum of 7 days notice and the
BROADCASTER shall, at its sole discretion, agree to Rescheduling. Once the
BROADCASTER has agreed to the Rescheduling the revised schedule shall be deemed
as the original schedule.


ADVERTISER undertakes and warrants that the spots booked for Advertising
Commercials the brands and products shall be of duration in multiple of 5[five] seconds.
The BROADCASTER shall, at its sole discretion, accept Commercials shorter than 5
[five] seconds duration for telecast.


The BROADCASTER may, at its sole discretion, refuse to carry any advertisement or
commercial that is found to be violating any laws in force at the relevant time.


The ADVERTISER may, at its sole discretion, cancel its Advertising Commercials spots
on a particular slot or across all slots. if any of the programs aired by the
BROADCASTER is found to be violating any laws in force at the relevant time or any
actions by the BROADCASTER which tantamount to any Unfair / Monopolistic or
Restrictive Trade Practice.


ADVERTISER agrees that Run of Schedule(ROS)/ Run of Day Part (RODP) spots
can appear in any part of the day within the specified time band.




The ADVERTISER shall provide the delivery materials containing the advertisements to
the broadcaster atleast 15 days prior to the first transmission date and the material shall
be as per the technical specifications as provided by BROADCASTER and as amended
from time to time.


The BROADCASTER will generally not return the delivery materials, unless required for
legal purposes by the ADVERTISER and provided such return is requested by the
ADVERTISER within 90 days of last airing.




The consideration for Advertising Commercials air-time and the other entitlements agreed
by the Parties shall be binding during the term of the agreement, unless otherwise
expressively agreed in writing between the ADVERTISER and the BROADCASTER.


BROADCASTER agrees to make good the pro-rata value in the event of significant
distribution reduction due to either blocking of advertisements or programmes by Cable
Operator/s or power failures. Report of Industry accepted TV Audience Measurement
System (eg TAM currently) will be the basis of for determining the proportion of Channel
distribution reduced due the above two causes.


ADVERTISER agrees to fulfill the value commitment under this agreement in entirety
within the term/period , failing which the ADVERTISER shall be liable to pay the
BROADCASTER 25 % of the unfulfilled portion of the commitment without any
commensurate utilization of air-time/spots/entitlements.


All Rates and prices covered by this agreement are inclusive of 15% agency commission
and excluding service tax.




The BROADCASTER shall raise an invoice in the name of the ADVERTISER in respect
of the Advertising Commercials air-time and/or Entitlements utilised by the ADVERTISER
at the end of every calendar month or at any other frequency agreed in the Principal
terms of the Agreement.


The invoices so raised will be based on Rates and Prices agreed between the


For invoices to be considered valid for payment , the invoices shall contain all relevant
details viz. Company name, Brand name, Commercial caption, Duration of the
commercial, Advertising Commercials rate, Payable amount, Date and Time of airing,
Agency commission and Taxes.


Invoices are proof of telecast of spots and no further proof of telecast of spots will be
provided by the BROADCASTER. Upon request of the ADVERTISER, the
BROADCASTER will provide a summary of the spots aired. Such request can be made
by ADVERTISER within 60 days from the date of telecast.
In the event of a dispute regarding airing of spots, ADVERTISER shall provide proof of
non-telecast through a third party monitoring agency ( eg TIME, TAM, COFT, and ORG),
and BROADCASTER shall provide transmission logs and/or off-air recording. The
Parties shall mutually resolve such disputes regarding non-airing through a reconciliation
of the two information sets and mutual discussion.


Invoices will be sent by the BROADCASTER no later than 15 days after the end of the
calendar month. In case of incorrect and/or incomplete invoices the receipt date will be
taken as the date on which the corrected/revised invoices are submitted and
acknowledged by the ADVERTISER as being factually complete and correct in all


Any discrepancies in the Invoice shall be brought to the notice of BROADCASTER by the
ADVERTISER within fifteen days of receipt of the invoice, in writing. On the expiry of the
said period no such request shall be entertained by the BROADCASTER.


The BROADCASTER shall raise a Revised Invoice or supplementary Invoice or Credit

note as the case may be to rectify any discrepancies in the original invoice. The credit
period of 65 days shall commence from the date of such revised bill.




The Invoice received by the ADVERTISER will have to be paid by the ADVERTISER
within 65 days from the end of the calendar month of the activity, provided the invoices
are as per the conditions set out in Clause 6 above on Invoicing.


In case of disputed invoices (in part or whole), the entire invoice will remain pending until
such time the dispute is resolved. The BROADCASTER and the ADVERTISER
undertake to resolve disputes within 30 days of receipt of the invoice.


Failure to pay the Consideration as per the Invoice within the aforesaid time limit will
make the ADVERTISER liable to remit the amount with 15% interest per annum from the
date of the default. Further the ADVERTISER and AGENCY acknowledge that failure to
pay within agreed time limits shall make them subject to action by the Joint Committee of


In the event of non payment of the Invoices by the ADVERTISER, the BROADCASTER
shall have the express, irrevocable right to withhold any future carriage of Advertising
Commercials spots and any future Entitlements whether booked or not by the
ADVERTISER. Any such an action on the part of the BROADCASTER shall not
constitute breach of the agreement by the BROADCASTER. The BROADCASTER shall
commence further activity on full settlement of the outstanding invoices or earlier at its
sole discretion.


The BROADCASTER shall not accept any payments made by cash. All payments to be
made by Account payable cheques or demand drafts drawn in favour of
BROADCASTER or any other party nominated in writing by the BROADCASTER to
receive payments on its behalf.


Payments will be made by ADVERTISER to BROADCASTER for 85% of the Gross value
of the invoices raised by BROADCASTER after deducting Agency Commission


All payments will be made by ADVERTISER after deduction of tax at source as per
applicable laws and regulations and the ADVERTISER shall issue the certificates for
such tax deducted at source. In case the ADVERTISER does not provide such
certificates, payment for such amount deducted shall be made by the ADVERTISER to


ADVERTISER reserves the right to withhold payment in the event of a breach of any of
the terms of this agreement by BROADCASTER. In the event of the breach of any of
the terms of this agreement, ADVERTISER may at its sole discretion agree the waiver

of such a breach and make payments for the period under which the breach was done

In the event of ADVERTISER changing its agency, all the terms, conditions, rights,
entitlements and obligations of the ADVERTISER and BROADCASTER shall remain
intact and unchanged. Any such change in the agency shall be ratified in writing by the
ADVERTISER. The Advertiser hereby agrees, to settle all payments which have fallen
due with the existing Agency before business is routed through the new Agency




The Parties warrant and undertake that throughout the Term each of them has and will
continue to have full authority to enter into this Agreement and to undertake each and all of
the particular obligations on their respective parts contained herein.


The ADVERTISER affirms that the contents of the advertisements provided to

BROADCASTER for airing shall be in conformity with the laws prevailing in India,
especially the Advertisement Code and the Standards of practices issued by Advertising
Standards Council of India (ASCI) and also in conformity of Rule 7 of the Cable
Television Network Rules, 1994 ( as amended from time to time) and have been duly
censored by the appropriate authority, if required.


The ADVERTISER further declare and affirm that nothing in the advertisement infringes the
Copyright or any other right of any third party and that there are no claims, actions or
proceedings, pending or threatened, affecting the advertisement or the title thereof.


The BROADCASTER undertakes and the ADVERTISER

consents that the
BROADCASTER shall make recordings of the advertising material for archive in order to
comply with the provisions of all applicable statutes and/or codes when required.


The Parties shall in the fulfillment of their obligations comply with all applicable laws,
byelaws and regulations of the Government and other concerned authorities.




This agreement is non-terminable unless agreed upon by the parties.


Notwithstanding anything contained herein, either Party may terminate the Agreement
with a notice of 15 days to the other party only in the following circumstances(a)

if the other party commits a breach of any term of this Agreement.


if an event of force majeure has lasted more than one month.




In the event of termination due to Force Majeure, consideration due under the Agreement
shall be payable subject to other provisions of the Agreement and shall be paid by the
ADVERTISER within 65 days of termination having come into effect or on the payable
date as per this agreement whichever is earlier. In case of failure by the ADVERTISER
to pay the said amount the same shall be payable, with an interest of 15% per annum till
the date of payment by the ADVERTISERS.


In the event of termination due to Force Majeure, all the bookings of the Advertising
Commercials shall stand cancelled with effect from 7 days of the date of the notice and
no payments shall be made by the ADVERTISER for any advertisements aired by the
BROADCASTER beyond the 7 days.


In the event of termination due to breach by either party, the Parties shall not be liable to
fulfill any obligations under this agreement, including but not limited to payments,
sponsorships or other obligations to be fulfilled under this agreement.




BROADCASTER acknowledge that all the commercial and technical data, information,
documentation made available by ADVERTISER is the intellectual property of
ADVERTISER and further that the ADVERTISER is the absolute owner/ registered user
of all trade marks, trade names, copyright, designs, artistic works in the data, information,
documentation and other work made available or communicated or provided by the
BROADCASTER shall not, at any time and under any circumstance:

a. do anything which shall or may impair the right, title or interest of ADVERTISER in its
Intellectual Property or create any right, title or interest therein or thereto adverse to
the interest of ADVERTISER ;

b. use or permit the Intellectual Property of ADVERTISER to be used by any person;

c. use the Intellectual Property of ADVERTISER with any other mark or marks or any
other marks unless for the purpose of specific and limited use allowed under this
agreement for sponsorships or promotion activities;

d. infringe, copy, initiate or otherwise interfere with the Intellectual Property Rights of
ADVERTISER or otherwise prejudice the same in any manner whatsoever

ADVERTISER acknowledges that all the commercial and technical data, information,
documentation made available by BROADCASTER is the intellectual property of the
BROADCASTER and further that the BROADCASTER is the absolute owner/ registered
user of all trade marks, trade names, copyright, designs, artistic works in the data,
information, documentation and other work made available or communicated by
ADVERTISER shall not, at any time and under any circumstance:
(a) do anything which shall or may impair the right, title or interest of
ADVERTISER in its Intellectual Property or create any right, title or interest
therein or thereto adverse to the interest of BROADCASTER;
(b) use or permit the Intellectual Property of BROADCASTER to be used by any
(c) use the Intellectual Property of BROADCASTER with any other mark or
marks or any other marks unless for the purpose of specific and limited use
allowed under this agreement for sponsorships or promotion activities.


ADVERTISER acknowledges that BROADCASTER are the trademark owners and

copyright owners or licencees for the programs aired on the channels.
The ADVERTISER shall not use or cause to be used the name and trademark of the
programs, BROADCASTER, the Channels or any other Channels of BROADCASTER
without prior written approval of BROADCASTER. In case BROADCASTER agrees to
such use they shall have the sole right to specify the manner and the way in which the
same shall be used by the ADVERTISER.


BROADCASTER acknowledges and agrees that ADVERTISER are the trademark

owners and the copyright owners of the advertisements aired either by way of advertising
or sponsorship. ADVERTISER hereby grants to BROADCASTER the right to use
advertisers logos and marks in the performance of its obligations under this Agreement
and in BROADCASTERS ad sales marketing materials (eg: trade ad publications,
promotions etc) and warrants that it has the authority to grant such rights. However, this
limited licence is granted only for the purpose of fulfilling BROADCASTERS obligations
under this agreement and for no other purpose and the licence shall automatically get
terminated on termination of this arrangement.


The BROADCASTER shall not use or cause to be used the name and trademark of the
ADVERTISER or any other names and trademarks owned or licenced by the
ADVERTISER without prior written approval of ADVERTISER, unless for the
performance of obligations under this agreement. In case ADVERTISER agrees to such
use they shall have the sole right to specify the manner and the way in which the same
shall be used by the BROADCASTER.


The parties agree to keep the terms of this Agreement strictly confidential at all times.
Except to the extent authorized by this Agreement and any requirement under law, during
the term and following the expiration or termination of the agreement, the parties shall not
disclose, publish or make available any proprietary information including but not limited to
rates, time bands, costs etc. to any third party and shall not sell, transfer or otherwise use
or exploit any such Proprietary Information disclosed to them.




BROADCASTER owns the sole marketing rights and copyrights to all programs aired on
the channels concerned and shall hold and continue to hold ADVERTISER fully
indemnified without any limit against any claim, cost, expenses, damages, and /or penalty
that ADVERTISER may suffer on account of the program in which their Advertising
Commercials are aired and/or sponsorships of any program on the channel.


The indemnity shall be in relation to claims filed within three months of completion of the
term of this agreement.


Any notice provided for in this Agreement shall be in writing and addressed and faxed
or delivered by suitable electronic means at the valid addresses or at such addresses as
may be communicated to the other party. Notice shall be effective on receipt or within
ten (10) days of mailing or upon transmission in case of electronic/fax transmission.




No forbearance, indulgence or relaxation of any Party at any time to require performance

of any provision of this Agreement shall in any way affect, diminish or prejudice the right
of such Party to require performance of the same provision and any waiver or
acquiescence by any Party of any breach of any provision of this Agreement shall not be
construed as a waiver or acquiescence of any continuing or succeeding breach of such
provisions, a waiver of any continuing or succeeding breach of such provisions, a waiver
of any right under or arising out of this Agreement or acquiescence to or recognition of
rights and / or position other than as expressly stipulated in this Agreement.


Failure of any party at any time to demand strict performance by the other of any of the
undertakings, terms or conditions set forth herein shall not be construed as a continuing
waiver or relinquishment thereof and each party may at any time demand strict and
complete performance by the other of the said undertakings, terms and conditions.


If, by reason of any event of force majeure, either of the parties to this Agreement shall
be delayed in, or prevented from, performing any of the provisions of this Agreement
(otherwise than as to payment of money), then such delay or non performance shall not
be deemed to be a breach of this Agreement and no loss or damage shall be claimed by
either of the parties hereto from the other by reason thereof. Should the exercise of the
rights and obligations under this Agreement be materially hampered, interrupted or
interfered with by reason of any event of force majeure, then the obligations of the parties
shall be suspended during the period of such hampering, interruption or interference
consequent upon such event or events and shall be postponed for a period of time
equivalent to the period or periods of suspension before being reinstated, and the parties
hereto will use their best endeavors to minimize and reduce any period of suspension
occasioned by any of the events aforesaid. The expression "force majeure" shall mean
an act of God including but not limited to fire, flood, earthquake, lightning, epidemic,
windstorm or natural disaster; act of any sovereign including but not limited to war
(whether war be declared or not) or confiscation nationalization requisition destruction or
damage to property by or under the order of any government or public or local authority
or imposition of government law judgement order; labour dispute including but not limited
to strike lockout or boycott, interruption or failure of utility service including but not limited
to electric power water or telephone service ; the enactment of any Act of Parliament or
the act of any other legally constituted authority ; any cause or event arising out of or
attributable to war or civil commotion or a threat thereof, or any other such cause or event
outside the control of the parties.


In the event that any clause or term of this Agreement shall be deemed to be invalid or
unenforceable, this shall not affect the legal enforceability of the agreement as a whole
and the parties agree to replace such invalid clause with a mutually agreed enforceable
replacement clause, as close as possible in interpretation to the invalid clause.




This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Indian law and
shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent courts in .


In case of any dispute, controversy or disagreement arising out of, or relating to this


In the first instance endeavor to settle the same amicably.

In the event of a failure to reach an amicable settlement refer the dispute to the Joint
working committee of IBF-AAAI which will endeavour to resolve the dispute
In the event of a failure to reach a settlement with the intervention of the Joint
Working committee of the IBF-AAAI, the dispute shall be referred to arbitration which
shall be conducted in accordance with the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 or
any amendment or statutory re-enactment thereof, as may be in force. Each party will
bear its respective costs relating to the arbitration proceedings. However, (a) the fees
and expenses payable to the arbitrators shall be shared equally between
BROADCASTER and ADVERTISER, and (b) each Party will bear its respective costs
relating to the arbitration proceedings, unless awarded otherwise by arbitrator(s). The
decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding upon BROADCASTER and
ADVERTISER. The language of arbitration proceedings shall be English and location
shall be Mumbai. The Arbitrator/Arbitrators shall be appointed by the IBF-AAAI
Joint Working Committee and the decision awarded through such arbitration shall be
binding on all parties to the dispute.




This Agreement represents the entire understanding between the Parties and
supersedes any and all previous discussions, correspondence, understandings and
communications (whether written or oral) between the Parties with respect to the subject
matter hereof. This Agreement may not be amended, supplemented or otherwise
modified, except by an instrument in writing signed by all the Parties.


Each Party hereto represents and warrants to the other Party that the signatories hereto
for and on behalf of that Party have been fully empowered to execute this Agreement on
its behalf and that all necessary action has been taken and all requisite approvals have
been obtained to authorize such execution.


Clauses relating to Confidentiality, Payment Terms, Arbitration and Indemnity shall

survive the term or earlier termination of this agreement.

The Parties cannot assign, delegate or license their rights and obligation in whole or in
part under this agreement without the prior written consent of the other Parties, except that
either party may freely assign, delegate or license its rights and/or obligations under this
agreement at any time to any of its associates or successors.

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