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Power Profile: Teleport Powers

Now you see me... With Teleport Powers, you can disappear or arrive in the blink of an eye, crossing a roomor a
worldas quickly as stepping through a door. This profile
looks at teleportation, gateways, and other powers for
bending space to your will.

The Teleport Effect

The Teleport effect (Heros Handbook, page 130) is central to
many teleport powers.
Unlike other movement effects, Teleport requires a move
action because activating it and using it to move occur in
the same action. This means changes to the effects required
action also change the time needed to use it; making Teleport a standard action allows you to activate it and teleport
in a standard action. You would not be able to attack on the
turn you teleported, but could take another move action.

Teleporting Blind
The default Teleport effect only allows you to teleport to
a place you can accurately see or know especially well.
But what happens if conditions are not as you think
they are, or you do not know your target as well as you
believe? The normal answer is nothingif conditions
are not right for a teleport, then it simply does not work.
This is normally because an unconscious safety mechanism kicks in, making the attempt fail (though the character does not necessarily know why).
If Gamemasters want to allow blind teleports with additional risk, apply the following guideline: whenever a

Power Profile: Teleport Powers

teleporter would end up inside of a solid object, the character is automatically displaced to the nearest open space,
but must make a Fortitude resistance check against DC
15 + the objects Toughness (adjusted for thickness, Heros
Handbook, page 105), reading the result like a Damage Resistance Check (See Damage, Heros Handbook, page 104).
This makes teleporting blind possible, but risky.

Teleport Extras

Affects Others: Teleport already has a degree of this

in that teleporters can carry an amount of additional
mass along with them. If the intention is simply to
carry passengers, apply ranks of Increased Mass
(which is less expensive for all but the lowest ranked
effects). Note that Affects Others normally allows the
subject to use the power on their own, so this modifier lets the subject you touch teleport without you
needing to go with them.

Area: As with Affects Others, Teleport has a measure

of this built-in with the ability to carry extra mass, so
long as the teleporter is touching it. To apply the Area
extra, the effect must have Affects Others as well.

Increased Mass: This extra is a flat increase in the

mass rank you can carry with you when you teleport. You must be touching the additional mass (or
it must be touching something you are touchinga
circuit of people holding hands, for example). Youre
generally limited to discrete masses within your rank
limit; it is up to the GM, based on descriptors, if you
can teleport part of a large mass like a chunk of the
ground, a building, or a body of water. Teleporting

only part of a creature is a separate power (see Apportive Attack under Offensive Powers).

Teleport Descriptors

Precise: You normally teleport yourself and whatever you are wearing or carrying (within your mass
limits). This extra allows you to precisely choose what
does and does not come with you when you teleport.
Among other things, it allows you to teleport out of
your clothing (or just your outer layer of clothing,
leaving a skintight costume on, for example), or out
of a grab, bindings like ropes or handcuffs, and so
forth. Your teleportation displacement is also precise
enough for you to do something like teleport into a
set of clothing that is laid out for you, or underneath
a blanket or other covering, displacing it enough for
your body to materialize there.

The following descriptor is important with regards to how

teleport is handled in game play.

Reaction: Teleport with this modifier occurs in response to a particular circumstanceyou might
teleport when you feel threatened, attacked, or
become surprised, for example. Note that you can
only teleport under the chosen circumstance; if you
can also activate your Teleport effect at will, apply the
Selective modifier.

Space: Teleport powers cross or influence space

without having to pass through it. Generally, space
is equivalent to distance, measured by a distance
rank in M&M. Exactly how a teleport power bridges
two distant points is an additional descriptor, ranging
from passing through an intervening dimension, to
bending space, to using quantum weirdness to reveal
what we perceive as distance is actually nothing more
than an illusion. A few teleport powers may be limited
to crossing through the intervening space or by barriers existing in that space. For example, certain warding
diagrams or substances might block mystic teleports
(effectively a Power Loss complication).

Countering: The Teleport effects ability to counter is

largely limited by the conditions described under the
Precise modifier. With it, characters can teleport out
of some effects or conditions, leaving them behind.
Teleport powers able to affect targets other than their
user may be able to counter other effects depending on descriptors. Apport, for example (see Offensive Powers), may be able to teleport an opposing
effect away. Opening a Teleportal (see Movement
Powers) in the effects path may do the same. Apart
from specific countering effects like Nullify Teleport (see Utility Powers), teleport powers may be
countered by other powers affecting the space-time
continuum based on appropriate descriptors. Gravity
powers, for example, may be able to harden space
against some types of teleporting, while dimensional
powers could do the same for other types. Other
forms of countering typically rely on effects which
leave the target stunned and unable to concentrate
enough to teleport.

Subtle: A Teleport effect is normally noticeable in

some way: a flash of light, an audible bang or pop
of compressing air, and so forth. The Subtle modifier
suppresses and then eliminates these signs, allowing
a teleporter to appear and vanish with no noticeable

Teleport Flaws

Check Required: Checks required for Teleport effects

may involve complex hyperspatial calculations or
arcane alignments using an appropriate Expertise skill,
or the use of an interaction skill to convince helpful
extradimensional beings to convey you to your destination. As with other uses of Teleport, a failed check
simply means the effect does not work and nothing
happens, unless the power also has the Side-Effect
flaw (Heros Handbook, page 150)
Distracting: This flaw leaves you vulnerable until the
start of your next turn any time you teleport, not just
when you make extended teleports. It has no effect on
extended teleports and cannot be taken for Extended
Only Teleport.
Limited Location: You can only teleport to particular
locations, such as only sites with dedicated teleport
platforms, particular shrines or temples associated
with your patron god, or other limitations in line with
the Medium flaw (Heros Handbook, page 131). For a
2 flaw, you can only teleport to one specific location,
a kind of homing teleport taking you back to a safe
haven, for example. 1 cost per rank for a limited set of
locations, 2 cost per rank for one location.
Transit Time: You do not teleport instantly. Each
rank in this flaw increases the time it takes you to
reach your destination by 1 rank, starting from time
rank 1 (3 seconds). Flat 1 point per rank.

Teleport Features
Feature effects associated with Teleport Powers include
the following:

When you fail to teleport, you can make an Awareness check to know why. The GM sets the Difficulty
Class for the check.

Teleport Memory: You can attune to one location

per rank in this Feature by spending a minute of time
there and concentrating, allowing you to treat it as
very well known with regard to Teleport effects.

Summon Item: You have a bond with a Device or

item of equipment, allowing you to summon it to
you by taking a standard action and willing it. The
item disappears from wherever it is and appears in
your hand (or nearby).

You are immune to the disruption damage caused by

almost teleporting into a solid object (see Teleporting Blind, previously). Youre safely displaced, but
suffer no damage.

Power Profile: Teleport Powers

You can visualize an area and sense if you are capable

of teleporting there before you make the attempt.
If there is something preventing you from successfully teleporting, you sense it as a free action and
can choose not to make the attempt, applying your
action to do something else, rather than trying and
having nothing happen.

Teleport Tricks
There are a few maneuvers you can perform with Teleport using just the basic effect and its modifiers, as long as
your descriptors allow for it.

Dropping Things
A common teleport trick is to grab a target, teleport up
into the air, and drop the target, either letting an opponent take damage in the fall or dropping a heavy object
onto a target.
On your turn, you must first touch the target. This requires
a successful unarmed attack check against an unwilling
opponent (standard action), although it does not require
a grab check unless your Teleport effect is Grab-based.
If the attack check fails, so does the maneuver, although
you can still choose to teleport (and may wish to get away
from your now angry opponent!).
If you successfully touch your target, you may then teleport (move action). Unwilling targets get a Dodge resistance check, DC 10 + your Teleport rank, to avoid being
taken along; if they succeed, they manage to pull away at
the last second and you teleport without them.
If the targets resistance check fails, and you have sufficient
Increased Mass to carry them, you teleport to your intended destination. Assuming you have an unobstructed view
above you, this is as far as your Teleport rank. Rank 15 or
more takes you out of Earths atmosphere altogether!
You release the target (free action). You then have to wait
until your next turn to teleport back, unless you have the
Turnabout extra (in which case you can do so immediately). Your target may attempt to grab you before your next
action. If you have Precise Teleport, this doesnt matter,
since you can teleport out of the grab. Otherwise, you may
be forced to bring them back with you or else fall with them!
Dropped targets suffer falling damage when they hit
the ground. Objects dropped as weapons inflict damage
based on their weight rank or the distance rank theyre
dropped, whichever is greater. Handle the falling object
using the guidelines given under Dropping Objects for
the Create effect (Heros Handbook, page 102).

Teleporting Dodge
A teleporter who readies an action to teleport (Heros
Handbook, page 196) can interrupt an attack to move instantly, causing the attack to miss. Thus, a teleporter on
the defensive, fighting a single opponent, can dodge
any attack by teleporting away from it. Since readying is a
standard action, the teleporter is limited to a move action
and free actions while doing this.

Power Profile: Teleport Powers

A teleporter with the Turnabout extra (Heros Handbook,

page 131) can teleport up to half normal distance, take
a standard action (like making an attack), and teleport
back the same distance all in the same round. This takes
the character out of the targets close combat range in an
instant; a foe cannot counterattack the character without
either readying an action to do so or having a reaction
effect able to react to the teleporters action.

Offensive Powers
Offensive teleport powers involve moving targetsor
parts of targetsagainst their will or taking tactical advantage of teleportation or its side effects.

Also known as Projecting Teleport, you can teleport targets
other than yourself. You must touch the target with a successful close attack check. Unwilling targets get a Dodge
resistance check to avoid being teleported, DC 10 + your
effect rank. Objects do not get a resistance check, so long
as they are within your weight limit. See Dropping Things
under Teleport Tricks if you teleport a target up into the air
or teleport an object to drop onto a target.
If you can apport at a distance (making a ranged attack
check), apply the Ranged modifier. If you can apport a target
simply by seeing it, apply the Perception Ranged modifier.
Apport: Teleport Attack 2 points per rank.

Apportive Attack
You teleport projectiles into your target, causing damage
and injury and bypassing your targets external defenses.
A similar power involves teleporting parts of the target
away, tearing them apart with your power, rather than
teleporting weapons into them. The effect is the same,
but the descriptors differ.
Apportive Attack: Perception Ranged Damage, Resisted by
Fortitude 4 points per rank.

Portal Blast
You open a small portal to project a stream of matter or
energy from another location, aiming it at your target.
The Variable Descriptor modifier allows you to project
any Damage effect with an environmental descriptor:
cold, fire, lighting, water, and so forth. If you can place
the portal (the origin point of the attack) somewhere
other than directly in front of you, apply the Indirect
modifier as well.
Portal Blast: Ranged Damage, Variable Descriptor 1
(Environmental Effects) 1 point + 2 points per rank.

Portal Punch
You open a small portal in front of your fist, allowing you to
telegraph a punch across a distance and hit a target out

of your normal reach. The normal rank limit for the power
is equal to your Strength rank. Indirect is a common modifier for this power.
Portal Punch: Ranged Damage 2 points per rank.

Teleport Sickness
You can cause a disorienting effect by teleporting a
target. It takes your standard action to impose the effect,
your move action to teleport. If you suffer from teleport
sickness, apply a Side Effect modifier to your Teleport
Teleport Sickness: Affliction (Resisted and Overcome by
Fortitude; Dazed, Stunned, Incapacitated), Limited to Teleport
Passengers 1 point per 2 ranks.

Teleporting Flurry
You rapidly teleport around an area, making attacks
against the available targets there before teleporting back
to your starting point.
Teleporting Flurry: Ranged Shapeable Area on Strength
Damage, Selective 3 points per rank.

Teleporting Dodge
Rapidly and randomly teleporting in and out grants you
a bonus to your active defenses, making it more difficult
to target you with attacks. You gain the benefits of total
concealment against attack (a +5 circumstance bonus to
active defenses).
Teleporting Dodge: Visual Concealment 4, Quirk (visible until
attacked, 1 point) 7 points.

Movement Powers
In addition to the eponymous Teleport power, teleportation allows for other modes of movement and variations
on the basic Teleport theme.
In addition to moving through space, some teleporters
can also jump to different dimensions or time periods.
These characters have the Dimensional Travel and Time
Travel effects of Movement in addition to their Teleport
effect, and may be able to combine them to shift their
proximate location in space while also moving forward
or backward through time or sideways across dimensions.


Defensive Powers
Defensive teleport powers involve not being there when
the attack arrives, or protection against other teleport

Blink Teleport
You teleport reflexively in response to imminent danger,
allowing you to avoid any attack you can detect so long as
your teleport distance takes you out of the affected area.
Surprise attacks can still catch you off-guard, including
those so Subtle you cannot detect them. This power tends
to be low ranked, just enough to clear most areas.

Astroport: Movement (Space Travel) 2 points per rank.

Portal Platform
You create a partial teleportal (see Teleportal, following)
beneath you and use it to negate the effects of gravity. By
moving the portal, you can fly through the air.

Blink Teleport: Reaction Teleport (Imminent Attack) 5 points

per rank.

Portal Platform: Flight, Platform 1 point per rank.

Immunity to Teleport


You are immune to powers which attempt to teleport

you against your will, either because you can instantly
counter-port or because you are somehow anchored in
space-time except when you choose to move.
Immunity to Teleport: Immunity 2 (Teleport Effects) 2 points.

Redirecting Warp
You warp away incoming attacks, allowing you to redirect
them at new targets.
Redirecting Warp: Deflect, Reflect, Redirect 3 points per rank.

You can teleport over very long distances, from one planet
or star system to another! As mentioned on page 121 of
the Heros Handbook, this type of movement is largely
plot-based and should be limited to covering interplanetary distances, not going from place to place on a single

The basic teleport power: you can move instantly from

one place to another, without crossing the distance in
between, as a move action. You can double teleport as
two move actions on your turn (materializing briefly in
between), or make an extended teleport if you have the
Extended modifier. See the Teleport effect description
(Heros Handbook, page 130) for details.
The descriptors associated with your Teleport are up to
you, but unless it is Subtle, it must have some noticeable
effect: flash of light, bang or popping noise, puff of smoke,
or the like.
Teleport: Teleport 2 points per rank.

Power Profile: Teleport Powers

You open a portal, essentially a hole or gateway connecting two distant points in space. Anyone can move through
the portal, exiting to wherever it goes. The portal is about
6 feet across (distance rank 2) and remains in existence
so long as you take a standard action each round to maintain it. Apply the Increased Duration extra to maintain a
Teleportal as a free action.
If you can move your Teleportal, using it to engulf
someone or something so they are transported through
it, take an Alternate Effect version of it with the Attack
extra and make a successful ranged attack check to use it.
Teleportal: Teleport, Portal 4 points per rank +1 point per rank
per +1 distance rank to portal size.

Utility Powers
Teleport utility powers often involve making the process
easier or more difficult or sensing the use of teleportation.

Nullify Teleport
You can nullify a targets ability to use Teleport powers. If you
can do so over an area, apply the Area modifier to create a
nullifying field. Some technological devices may create null
teleport fields to guard against intrusion via teleportation.
Nullify Teleport: Nullify Teleport, Concentration 2 points per rank.

You open a small portal that allows you to peer into a
distant spot. Increase cost per rank if you can perceive
with additional senses beyond just your vision.
Peephole: Remote Sensing, Simultaneous, Feedback, Noticeable
1 points for rank 1, +2 points per additional rank.

Spatial Beacon
The opposite of a null teleport field (previously), you create
a weak point in the fabric of space, allowing teleporters to
home in on it from a greater distance. You subtract your
effect rank from the distance rank between you and any
teleporter. For example, Spatial Beacon 5 reduces the teleporting distance rank between you and any teleporter by 5,
allowing someone with Teleport 5 who is 4 miles (distance
rank 10) away from you to teleport to your side. Spatial
Beacon can counter a Nullify Teleport power and vice versa.
Spatial Beacon: Enhanced Teleport, Affects Others Only, Limited
to Teleporters 1 point per rank.

Teleport awareness
You can sense disruptions in the fabric of space caused
by teleportation, even normally Subtle forms of the power
(but not those with 2 ranks of the Subtle modifier).

Power Profile: Teleport Powers

Teleport Awareness: Senses 1 (Teleport Awareness, mental) 1


Teleport Complications
Common complications faced by teleporters include the

Teleportation accidents may be unusual indeed! A misjump or other problem involving a failed teleport could
result in anything from death and injury to two or more
characters merging into the same being! Molecules or
minds could get swapped, DNA mutated, body parts left
behind, or any number of other things. The GM can use
this complication as a story hook, giving the affected
player a hero point for providing the opportunity.
The over-use or misuse of teleport powers may also place
a strain on the fabric of space-time itself, leading to further
complications such as tears in that fabric loosing various
threats on an unsuspecting populace, from natural disasters to alien invaders.

One of the unforeseen complications of teleport powers
may be the strain they place on their user. Teleporting
might cause physical strain, ranging from exhaustion to
serious cellular or genetic breakdown. Likewise, it can
cause mental strain, especially if the character teleports
via a sanity-threatening dimension. If theres an immediate and significant effect every time the character teleports, consider the Side-Effect modifier for the power; if
the problems build up slowly over time, and can be mitigated through careful management, a plot-based complication is more appropriate.

Various phobias can significantly impact teleport powers
if they are connected to how the powers function. For
example, a teleporter with fear of heights (acrophobia)
is going to have difficulties performing the Dropping
Things maneuver under Teleport Tricks. Worse yet,
imagine a teleporter afraid of the dark who experiences
what seems like a subjectively endless moment of blackness upon teleporting! A teleporter with claustrophobia
may greatly fear the potential of teleporting into a solid
object and becoming trapped there, even if that is not a
realistic possibility.

Power Loss
Maintaining teleport powers may require the use of exotic
drugs, meditation techniques, or mystic rituals, without
which the characters powers cease working. They can also
rely on the teleporters sound physical and mental health,
with illness, injury, or weakened state of mind resulting in
power loss (and a subsequent hero point award).

Credits & License

Mutants & Masterminds Power Profile: Teleport Powers
Writing and Design: Steve Kenson
Editing and Development: Jon Leitheusser
Art Direction and Graphic Design: Hal Mangold
Interior Art: MK Ultra
Playtesters: Leon Chang, James Dawsey, Nathan Kahler,
Jack Norris, Aaron Sullivan
Publisher: Chris Pramas
Green Ronin Staff: Bill Bodden, Joe Carriker, Will
Hindmarch, Steve Kenson, Jon Leitheusser, Nicole
Lindroos, Hal Mangold, Chris Pramas, Evan Sass, Marc
Mutants & Masterminds Power Profile: Teleport Powers is
2012 Green Ronin Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved.
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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the
Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document, Copyright 2000, Wizards of
the Coast, Inc., Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook,
Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary
Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Modern System Reference Document, Copyright 20022004, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek,
Jeff Grubb, Rich Red-man, Charles Ryan, Eric Cagle,
David Noonan, Stan!, Christopher Perkins, Rodney
Thompson, and JD Wiker, based on material by Jonathan
Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, Peter
Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell, John Tynes, Andy Collins, and
JD Wiker.
Mutants & Masterminds, Copyright 2002, Green Ronin
Publishing; Author Steve Kenson.
Advanced Players Manual, Copyright 2005, Green Ronin
Publishing, LLC; Author Skip Williams.
Silver Age Sentinels d20, Copyright 2002, Guardians
of Order, Inc.; Authors Stephen Kenson, Mark C.
Mackinnon, Jeff Mackintosh, Jesse Scoble.
Mutants & Masterminds, Second Edition, Copyright 2005,
Green Ronin Publishing, LLC; Author Steve Kenson.
DC Adventures Heros Handbook, Copyright 2010, Green
Ronin Publishing, LLC; Author Steve Kenson.
Mutants & Masterminds Heros Handbook, Copyright
2011, Green Ronin Publishing, LLC; Author Steve Kenson.
Mutants & Masterminds Power Profile: Teleport Powers,
Copyright 2012, Green Ronin Publishing, LLC; Author
Steve Kenson.

Power Profile: Teleport Powers

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