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STATE BAR ACT Unconstitutional (Eddie Craig)

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Unconstitutional on Its Face

The STATE BAR ACT was passed in Texas in 1939. At the time it was passed both houses of
the Texas Legislature were entirely within the control of attorneys/lawyers that occupied an
overwhelming majority of seats in each house (see ATTACHMENT A). The passing and
maintaining of the State Bar Act is a totally unconstitutional act that violates the Texas
Constitution for the following reasons:
1. It exists as a STATE created monopoly on the practice of law, which is a direct violation
of Texas Constitution Article 1, Section 26:
Sec. 26.
Perpetuities and monopolies are contrary to
the genius of a free government, and shall never be
allowed, nor shall the law of primogeniture or entailments
ever be in force in this State.

2. Every attorney/lawyer in the legislature had a direct vested financial and personal welfare
interest in its passing, and they all voted to approve it. This fact created an automatic
conflict of interest with the legislators voting on this Act as it was to directly affect and
benefit their specific professions to the exclusion of all others. There was a constitutional
requirement for each to recuse themselves pursuant Texas Constitution Article 2, Sec. 22
and Article 1, Sec. 29:
Sec. 22.
BILL; NOT TO VOTE. A member who has a personal or private
interest in any measure or bill, proposed, or pending
before the Legislature, shall disclose the fact to the
House, of which he is a member, and shall not vote thereon.

3. The State Bar admits that this point of view is absolutely true and correct. The State Bar
web site states the following:
The State Bar of Texas is an administrative agency of the state's judicial branch, and is
charged with providing educational programs for the legal profession and the public,
administering the mandatory continuing education program for attorneys and
managing the grievance procedure. The Bar is a unified state bar composed of 62,500
members with total budgeted revenues of more than $26 million dollars per year.
The State Bar of Texas had its beginnings in 1882 with unification coming in 1927. The
State Bar Act was adopted by the Legislature in 1939 and mandated that all attorneys
licensed to practice law in Texas belong to the State Bar.
The State Bar is governed by a board of directors that receive no compensation and
are elected by the membership. The Bar includes committees, boards, sections, and

divisions that are run by more than 260 full-time employees and 4,500 volunteers,
both lawyers and nonlawyers.

4. Anyone that is currently outside of the control of the State Bar Act can see where the Act
is now being illegally and oppressively used to prevent the assistance of legal counsel to
the general public by knowledgeable and competent layman. The Act is being wielded in
virtually every area of law despite its strict limitations to only a few specific areas related
to such practice, such as:
a. holding ones self out to be a lawyer when one is not (Penal Code Sec. 38.122);
b. acting as representative counsel in order to receive a personal financial benefit
when acting in a suit or action to:
i. recover personal injury damages (Penal Code Sec. 38.122);
ii. affect the title to real property (Penal Code Sec. 38.122); or
iii. to effect the release or transfer of a lien.
5. The only two criminal acts that exist in Texas law regarding the practice of law can be
found in Penal Code Secs. 38.122 and 38.123 respectively.
6. The aforementioned sections 38.122 and 38.123 are codified under Chapter 39 of the
Penal Code, which is aptly titled OBSTRUCTING GOVERNMENTAL OPERATION,
thus further solidifying the assertions made below that the practice of law is a
GOVERNMETAL function, not a private one.
7. The State Bar Act is being used as an instrument of oppression by lawyers, prosecutors,
and judges to deny a constitutionally and statutorily protected right to the assistance of
8. The State Bar Act was created and currently functions as both a public corporation and an
administrative agency of the judicial department of government pursuant Government
Code Sec. 81.011(a) of the State Bar Act. Therefore, we must also ask the following
1) Since the State BAR was created as, and is, an administrative agency of
the judicial department of government, do all of its officers and
employees have a subscribed oath of office and anti-bribery statement as
required by Texas Constitution Article 16, Sec. 1?
2) As officers and employees of a government agency arent these persons
required to have these oaths?
3) How is it that this particular government agency and its officers and
employees have been exempted from the requirements of Texas
Constitution Art. 16, Sec. 1?

4) Why has no member of the legislative or executive department bothered to

study this issue of constitutionality and legality before now and done
something about it?
5) How can any legal quorum of the legislature have existed and passed any
alleged laws since 1939 when it sits in session with members that are
participating in the legislative process illegally and in violation of the
Texas Constitution Article 2 Division of Powers requirement?
9. The BARs administrative oversight is under the direct control of the Supreme Court of
Texas, on behalf of the judicial department, pursuant Government Code Sec. 81.011(c) of
the State Bar Act.
10. The Texas Constitution does NOT allow for the judicial department to regulate the
practice of law as is stated in Government Code Sec. 81.011(b) of the State Bar Act. The
Texas Constitution, pursuant Article 5, Secs. 2 & 7, states only that certain offices within
the judicial department may be occupied by those that are licensed to practice law in
this State. Those offices are:
a. Chief Justice or Justice of the Supreme Court
b. District Judge
c. Certain members of the State Commission on Judicial Conduct (because they are
already licensed as attorneys by the Supreme Court of Texas).
d. There is no provision whatsoever reserving the positions of Municipal Judge,
Justice of the Peace, County Judge, County Court At Law Judge, Appellate Court
Judge, District Attorney or County Attorney, nor is there any general provision
requiring that, in general, the practice of law must be licensed by anyone
whatsoever. Only the Texas Legislature has made any actual laws regarding these
positions and if a license to practice law is required to fill them.
11. ATTACHMENT A lists all of the current members of both houses of the legislature
during the debating and passage of the State Bar Act. This list shows both the
unconstitutionality and illegality of the passage of this Act as it documents the irrefutable
fact that the majority of the legislators that occupied both houses of the Texas Legislature
at the time this bill was passed were LAWYERS! This bill was passed for no other
purpose than to ensure their own personal self-interest in their profession through the
creation of a corporate monopoly. These legislators were FORBIDDEN to even vote on
such a bill because it involved a direct personal and financial benefit to those legislators
to see that it passed. In so doing, these legislators were in direct violation of Texas
Constitution Article 2, Sec. 22 and Article 1, Sec. 29.

Division of Powers Violations

Besides the unconstitutionality of the State Bar Acts creation of yet another illegal monopoly,
we have the constitutional violations involving the requisite division of powers. The Texas
Constitution mandates that the individual division of powers of each branch of government is to
be strictly separated pursuant Article 2, Sec. 1:
Government of the State of Texas shall be divided into three distinct departments, each
of which shall be confided to a separate body of magistracy, to wit: Those which are
Legislative to one; those which are Executive to another, and those which are Judicial to
another; and no person, or collection of persons, being of one of these departments, shall
exercise any power properly attached to either of the others, except in the instances
herein expressly permitted.

In determining that the division of powers doctrine has indeed been violated by the State Bar
Act, the points of fact to consider are these:
1. Before there was a State Bar Act, the Texas Legislature was almost totally controlled by
lawyers, who occupied 49% of the House of Representatives and 87% of the Senate (see
2. The Act itself declares that the State Bar is in fact, an administrative agency of the
judicial department of government pursuant Government Code Sec. 81.011(a) of the
State Bar Act, thus placing the State Bar and all of its officers and employees squarely
within the confines of the judicial department.
3. This creates the following necessary implication of fact, that anyone who becomes a
member of the State Bar, must, as a matter of law, become a judicial department
officer/office holder or employee, which then creates the following additional necessary
a. As a bar card carrying member of the State Bar, every attorney/lawyer is, in fact,
an officer of the judicial department of government (a MEMBER of the Bar).
How does one become a MEMBER of a governmental office (in this case the
State Bar) except by election or appointment?
b. Only those attorneys/lawyers that actually occupy specific public offices EVER
take the oaths required of ALL persons elected or appointed to ANY office within
ANY department of government pursuant Article 16, Sec. 1. The remainder of the
practicing attorneys/lawyers NEVER take the required mandatory oaths at all,
despite being appointed officers of the judicial department.
c. This also makes the practice of law an occupation strictly limited (monopolized)
to those that serve as government officers, which is a direct conflict with the

Peoples right to representative assistance of legal counsel as, since 1939,

allegedly, all legal counsel must be provided by a de facto state government
officer. This is proven in that the State Bar is the entity that files and prosecutes
suits against anyone that strays into their protected domain of the practice of law.
The full weight, power, and budget of government, assisted by the courts, which
are also presided over by bar card carrying members of this same state office, act
to suppress any attempt to circumvent those in the legal profession in order to
cut costs and assist others. The courts are the hammer of the State Bar and act to
protect the private interests of its members as well as their own power.
4. These facts then accumulate to create the following constitutional violations:
a. Anyone that has an active bar card is, simply as a matter of law, a de facto active
member of the judicial department of government.
b. As an active member of one department of government, no single member or
collection of members of that department, may exercise any of the duties and
powers of any other office or individual within any other department, pursuant
Texas Constitution Article 2, Sec. 1 as cited above.
c. Pursuant the VERY clear language and intent of Texas Constitution Article 2,
Sec. 1, and the specific language and provisions of the State Bar Act as codified
in Chapter 81 of the Government Code, we can then draw the following
i. Attorneys/Lawyers who are active members of the State Bar ARE in fact,
de facto judicial officers within the judicial department of government;
ii. Attorneys/Lawyers are active members of the State Bar as long as they
maintain their State Bar Card;
iii. Attorneys/Lawyers who are active members of the State Bar are therefore
REQUIRED to take the oaths mandated by Texas Constitution Article 16,
Sec. 1.
iv. Attorneys/Lawyers who are active members of the State Bar are acting
unconstitutionally and illegally in their occupations under the color of
state law as they are personally profiting from the exercise of an authority
belonging solely to a governmental office and agent.
v. As judicial officers, attorneys/lawyers are FORBIDDEN by Texas
Constitution Article 2, Sec. 1 to occupy ANY office within ANY other
department of government or to exercise any power or authority belonging
to any person or office of that other department;
d. This means that no attorney/lawyer that has an active bar card can, either
constitutionally, lawfully, or legally, sit in either the legislative or executive

branches of government as it directly violates the division of powers mandated by

Texas Constitution Article 2, Sec. 1.
5. This places Texas in a dire constitutional crisis for the following reasons:
a. As a simple matter of constitutional law, there has been no constitutionally lawful
quorum within the Texas Legislature since the passage of the State Bar Act in
1939 if even one attorney/lawyer has unlawfully and illegally sat in a single seat
of either house of the State Legislature. The reasoning is that an
unconstitutionally and illegally formed governmental body is, by default,
incapable of performing a governmental function, especially the holding and
casting of any vote, regardless of the issue before the body.
b. This would in turn invalidate every single legislative enactment since 1939,
including any legislation passed by that particular legislative session.
c. This would also invalidate any and all constitutional amendments proposed and
submitted to the People of Texas by the Texas Legislature since 1939.
d. It invalidates every single action by every single governmental office or agency
because they have been acting under unconstitutionally enacted laws to the
absolute detriment of the Texas Constitution and the protected rights of the People
of Texas since 1939.
There is no question that what exists as government in Texas today is operating completely
outside of the constitutional limits that we the People of Texas put in place for our public
servants to obey. The Texas Legislature has come to think of itself as the ruler of the People of
Texas instead of as our servant.
The Legislature was not created to invoke rules and regulations dictating to the People what they
could and could not do, be, or say. It was created solely to protect our individual rights from
abrogation and derogation by other men or legal entities, especially those in government itself.
The Peoples rights are unlimited, and their exercise of those rights is forever removed from the
powers of government where such rightful exercise cannot be proven to directly act upon and/or
against the rights and property of any other one or more of the People.
Simply put, if a right causes no harm simply by its exercise, it is not within governments power
to alter, abolish, or regulate it because it belongs to the People individually and not collectively,
and more importantly, because government has never been delegated any authority whatsoever
to act for that purpose. If it had, then, such authority would immediately contradict and destroy
the manifest reasoning that government was actually created to protect those individual rights,
not take them away or destroy them.
I have also included a transcript of an on-line discussion where I pointed out how the Act does
not apply to the average layman. It details the specifics of exactly how this Act is being used to
unlawfully protect the profits of those engaging in the private practice of law. It is included as
ATTACHMENT B to this document.


Breakdown of 46th Legislature As Taken from the Texas Legislative Manual 46th
Legislature (1939) (ATTACHMENT A):
On Page 325-328 is listed the Members of the House of Representatives, Forty-Sixth


Morse, R. Emmett, Speaker Real Estate

Allen, C.L.
Allison, Alvin R.
Lawyer (1)
Alsup, Lon E.
Music Dealer & Insurance
Anoerson, P.L.
Bailey, W.J.
Farming & Ranching
Baker, H. Cecil
Farmer, Lawyer (2)
Baker, Roy G.
Attorney (3)
Bell, John J.
Lawyer (4)
Blankenship, Dallas A. Lawyer (5)
Boethel, Paul C.
Attorney (6)
Bond, Bowlen
Lawyer (7)
Boyd, James R.
Attorney (8)
Boyer, Max W.
Lawyer (9)
Bradford, Ed
Attorney (10)
Bradbury, Bryan
Lawyer & Publisher (11)
Bray, Clayton
Lawyer (12)
Bridgers, W.W.
Lawyer (13)
Broadfoot, A.S.
Lawyer (14)
Brown, H.T.
Lawyer (15)
Bundy, M.A. Bill
Burkett, Omar H.
Burney, Weldon
Hrdwre Merchant & Farmer
Cauthorn, Albert R.
Celaya, Augustine
Real Estate & Farming
Chambers, W.R.
Clark, Lester
Cleveland, E.J.
Cotton Buyer
Cockrell, Ellis D.
Teaching & Law Student
Coleman, Wiley N.
Colquitt, Rawlins M.
Insurance Bonds
Colson, Neveille H., Mrs. Student
Cornett, Leighton
Farmer & Law Student
Corry, W.N.
Crossley, P.L.
Attorney (16)
Daniel, Price
Lawyer (17)
Davis, Mat
Lawyer (18)

Davis, Minet M.
Teacher & Merchant
Dean, Travis B.
Lawyer (19)
Derden, Albert L.
Lawyer, Stockman (20)
Dickison, P.E.
Dickison, R. Temple
Lawyer (21)
Donaghey, R.R.
Attorney (22)
Dowell, Maurice
Newspaper Correspondent
Dwyer, Pat
Faulkner, J.R.
Felty, Fred
Attorney (23)
Ferguson, Walter A.
Fielden, Virgil A.
Fuchs, R.A.
Galbreath, W.J.
Gilmer, C.H.
Attorney (24)
Goodman, James H.
Lawyer (25)
Gordon, Margaret Harris Lawyer (26)
Hale, L. De Witt
Law Student
Hamilton, E.B.
Hankamer, Harold M. Attorney (27)
Hardeman, Dorsey B. Attorney (28)
Hardin, Ross
Lawyer & Farmer (29)
Harp, R.A.
Harper, George H.
Farmer & Stockman
Harrell. Eugene F.
Law Student
Harrell, Mason D.
Harris, C.L.
Lawyer (30)
Hartzog, Howard G.
Lawyer (31)
Heflin, J.M.
Lawyer (32)
Holland, Arthur
Lawyer (33)
Howard, Geo. F.
Lawyer (34)
Howington, Frank
Hull, Henry A.
Hunt, Cortney
Isaacks, S.J.
Lawyer (35)
Johnson, B.T.
Lawyer (36)
Johnson, Leland M.
Lawyer (37)
Keith, Joe A.
Lawyer (38)
Kennedy, Harold L.
Lawyer (39)
Kern, Troy E.
Kerr, John A., Jr.
Attorney (40)
Kersey, Clinton
Kinard, De Witt
Real Estate, Insurance
King, Delmar L.
Teacher & Farmer
Langdon, Jack
Attorney (41)

Lehman, Henry G.
Undertaker & Farmer
Leonard, Homer L.
Attorney (42)
Leyendecker, B.J.
Little, G.H. Jack
Attorney (43)
Lock, Ottis E.
Loggins, Edgar
Law Student
Lonon, Marvin F.
Attorney (44)
Mays, Abe M.
McAlister, Obel L.
Lawyer (45)
McDaniel, L.C.
McDonald, W.T.
Attorney (46)
McFarland, C.M.
Lawyer (47)
McMurry, Houston
Attorney (48)
McNamara, Gene
Lawyer (49)
Mohrmann, John M.
Monkhouse, Joe R.
Real Estate & Insurance
Montgomery, William Calvin Lawyer (50)
Morris, G.C.
Law Student
Newell, G.E.
Nicholson, C.E.
Oil Refining
Oliver, J.J.
Farming & Ginning
Olsen, J.J.
Cattleman & Farmer
Pace, Jim
Petsch, Alfred
Attorney (51)
Pevehouse, Doyle
Piner, R.G., Jr.
Pope, W.E.
Lawyer (52)
Ragsdale, Bailey B.
Reader, Bose
Reader, R.L.
Reaves, R.H.
Reed, W.O.
Lawyer (53)
Rhodes, Cecil T.
Riviere, Harvey
Lawyer (54)
Roach, John E.
Roberts, Grady
Robinson, Theodore R. Lawyer (55)
Russell, J.K.
Lawyer (56)
Schuenemann, H.H.
Lawyer (57)
Segrist, Kal
Real Estate & Farmer
Shell, J. Harvey
Ginner & Farmer
Skiles, Joe
Lawyer (58)
Smith, Howard S.
Lawyer (59)
Smith, Magus F.
Lawyer (60)
Smith, Paris

Spencer, James C.
Textile Chemist
Stinson, Jeff D.
Attorney (61)
Stoll, Robert
Talbert, Eugene
Lawyer (62)
Taylor, James E.
Tarwater, Arthur B.
Tennant, Roy I., Jr.
Attorney (63)
Thornberry, Homer
Lawyer (64)
Thornton, E.H., Jr.
Attorney (65)
Turner, Reese
Vale, A.J.
Lawyer (66)
Vint, Edward L.
Lawyer (67)
Voigt, Frank B.
Lawyer (68)
Waggoner, J.H.
Weldon, Odis A.
Wells, T.D.
Lawyer (69)
Westbrook, Mainor N. Teacher & Stockraising
White, Joseph, Jr.
Student, Farmer
Wilson, D.M.
Attorney (70)
Winfree, J.E.
Lawyer, Cattleman (71)
Wood, Robert H.
Railway Clerk
Worley, Eugene
Lawyer (72)
Wright, E.R.
Lawyer (73)
73 out of 150 members of the Texas House of Representatives (46.67%) were attorneys/lawyers
along with some law students, and, some members failed to state their previous or current
occupation at all.
On Page 335-337 is listed the Members of the Senate, Forty-Sixth Legislature


Aikin, A.M., Jr.

Attorney (1)
Baek, E. Harold
Attorney (2)
Brownlee, Houghton
Attorney, Rancher (3)
Burns, Gordon M.
Attorney (4)
Collie, Wilbourne B.
Attorney (5)
Cotton, Clay
Attorney (6)
Graves, W.C. Bill
Attorney (7)
Hardin, Doss
Attorney (8)
Head, J. Manley
Attorney (9)
Hill, Joe L.
Attorney (10)
Isbell, Claude
Attorney (11)
Kelley, Rogers
Attorney (12)
Lanning, R.C.
Attorney (13)

Lemens, Veron
Attorney (14)
Martin, Jesse E.
Attorney (15)
Metcalfe, Penrose B.
Attorney, Rancher (16)
Moffett, George
Moore, Weaver
Attorney (17)
Nelson, G.H.
Attorney (18)
Pace, Will D.
Attorney (19)
Redditt, John Sayers
Attorney (20)
Roberts, Morris
Oil Refining
Shivers, Allan
Attorney (21)
Small, C.C.
Attorney (22)
Spears, J. Franklin
Attorney (23)
Stone, Albert
Attorney (24)
Stone, William E.
Attorney (25)
Sulak, L.J.
Editor & Publisher
Van Zandt, Olan R.
Attorney (26)
Weinert, Rudolph A.
Attorney (27)
Winfield, H.L.
Banker & Rancher
27 out of 31 Texas Senators (83.87%) were attorneys/lawyers as their previous or current
1. How could 73 Attorneys or Lawyers in the Texas Legislature of the House of

Representatives vote for The State Bar Act in 1939 when it was enacted?
2. How could 27 Attorneys in the Texas Legislature of the Senate vote for The State Bar

Act in 1939 when it was enacted?

The very fact that each of those individuals were barred by constitutional prohibition from voting
on such a bill, but they all voted anyway, shows just how long it has been accepted as normal
that those that seek the reins of power have little regard for those they were meant to serve with
that power. So what good to the People of Texas is a Constitution that our public servants can
ignore or disobey at their own pleasure? Who is the real and actual government in Texas, the
People, or those individuals and consortiums that can buy their way into public office or steal
public elections through voting fraud?




Unauthorized Practice of Law - No Myth To It

I was asked by Joey Daubin of the Ellis County Observer to supply him with some information
regarding the UNAUTHORIZED PRACTICE OF LAW in Texas. Below is the information that
I originally sent to Joey, highlighted in light blue, the first response to that information,
highlighted in yellow, and my additional commentary on the subject below that. Enjoy.
Eddie Craig from
Hi Joey,
The only offense that constitutes the Unauthorized Practice of Law is Penal Code
Section 38.123. This section makes it very clear that it only applies if someone attempts
to represent, prepare documents, or receive any part of a jury award for the specific
purpose of garnering a financial benefit for themselves IN A PERSONAL INJURY
SUIT FOR DAMAGES. There is also 38.122 Holding Oneself Out to be a Liar (oops,
I mean Lawyer).
There is ABSOLUTELY NO OTHER STATUTE that forbids, prohibits, or PUNISHES
anyone from acting as legal counsel to another in a criminal case, EVEN IF THEY ARE
As usual, the judge wants to protect the status quo idea of the constitutionally (Texas)
unlawful and patently illegal monopoly that is the STATE BAR and its money-grubbing
vermin minions.
God bless,

The first posted response was this:

Judge Bill Scott is right says:
January 19, 2011 at 8:36 pm
I dont know where these guys like Eddie come from, but he may want to spend some time
researching the resources readily available at the Texas Unauthorized Practice of Law
Committee website The Penal Code is only a small sampling of
Texas law. Here are additional provisions from the Government Code:
Section 81.101 of the Texas Government Code states:

(a) In this chapter the practice of law means the preparation of a pleading or other
document incident to an action or special proceeding or the management of the action or
proceeding on behalf of a client before a judge in court as well as a service rendered out
of court, including the giving of advice or the rendering of any service requiring the use
of legal skill or knowledge, such as preparing a will, contract, or other instrument, the
legal effect of which under the facts and conclusions involved must be carefully
Section 81.102 of the Texas Government Code states who may practice law in Texas:
(a) Except as provided by Subsection (b), a person may not practice law in this state
unless the person is a member of the state bar.
(b) The supreme court may promulgate rules prescribing the procedure for limited
practice of law by:
(1) attorneys licensed in another jurisdiction;
(2) bona fide law students; and
(3) unlicensed graduate students who are attending or have attended a law school
approved by the supreme court.
So there you go. Another myth debunked.

Eddie Craig Responds:

Actually Judge Scott, there is no myth to it at all. And as far as the question of where I
come from goes, I suppose that I arrived on planet earth by pretty much the same method as you
probably did, through the acts of conception, incubation, and then birth. Without a DNA check
however I can only assume that both of your parents were just like mine, human, and in your
case, not blood relatives of any kind.
As far as my assertions regarding the laws relating to the UNAUTHORIZED PRACTICE
OF LAW is concerned, well, lets just get into the nitty-gritty of that shall we. Both federal and
Texas judicial case history CLEARLY shows that in our judicial past private citizens, nonlawyers, have acted as legal counsel for others, including acting as the prosecutor of criminal
cases in Texas courts. I have several such cases taken directly from Vernon's Annotated Civil
Statutes that attest to this. In these cases the People were actually PRIVATE CITIZENS
prosecuting crimes rather than the county or district attorney, who often had stepped aside for
one reason or another. Private Citizens also acted as legal counsel for the defense of other

Citizens at such trials. This was true even after the TEXAS STATE BAR was created in 1939 as
some of these cases date from the 1940s.
Both sections of statute that you reference do not stand alone unto themselves, they must be
read in unison with other law, especially since they specify no punitive measures within
themselves and you are asserting that such measures exist. There are no punitive offenses listed
in these two sections are there? Why? Because they are only punishable as offenses in
accordance with the penal laws, which exist only in TxPC Secs. 38.122 and 38.123 in relation
that particular charge.
Not only that, you misrepresent what the "practice of law" actually entails. It does NOT
simply mean someone that acts as legal Counselor in any type of case does it? If you truly are a
judge then you could and should know this. This is further substantiated by the very section you
yourself quoted, specifically Secs. 81.102(2) & (3). Neither of these two classes of law
STUDENTS can be said to be licensed by ANY stretch of the imagination, yet the code says that
they CAN "practice law"... kinda looks like a license is not actually required for that purpose
after all then huh? How about paralegals, can they prepare court documents for others, file them
on their behalf, and even go to court and act as counsel or speak for them in certain cases? Yes
they can, and again, you could and should know this. You should also know that there is no
official licensing or certification requirement for a paralegal in Texas.
I do not know of you are like the vast majority of all the other municipal court judges and JPs
in Texas who claim to know the law but who have neither read nor really studied its history,
language, and content. This includes the study of the language terminology and history of the
Texas Constitution, which is the superior law over any legislative enactment or judicial
interpretation. I dont know, maybe you have, but I will not hold my breath till I find out as it is
my experience that such judges, and I use that term loosely, ignore the law entirely, preferring
instead to reply and rule based solely upon their own opinions of how things ought to be rather
than how the law and its history says they are. That being said, the other problem with your
opinion is that there are several very fundamental things wrong with the whole STATE BAR Act
and concept in and of itself, especially if your particular interpretation were to be accepted as
First, if you are correct, this grants the liars, I mean lawyers, a statewide monopoly on acting
as legal Counselor in any and all types of judicial proceedings, which is different than the
"PRACTICE OF LAW", and which also contradicts the specific elements of the offense
"UNAUTHORIZED PRACTICE OF LAW" as they are found in TxPC Sec. 38.123. The Texas
Constitution FORBIDS monopolies, but to date the STATE has created at least three, two for
itself, one in licensing someone for the sale and distribution of alcoholic beverages, the second
for running the only legalized gambling ring and con-game allowed in Texas, the STATE

LOTTERY, and the third for the private use of the liars, through the STATE BAR Act.
According to the penal code the "UNAUTHORIZED PRACTICE OF LAW" occurs ONLY
under the conditions and circumstances prescribed by law in THAT section, or can you name
another punitive statute specific to the UNAUTHORIZED PRACTICE OF LAW? What you
assert as covering ALL aspects of acting as legal Counselor to someone simply is NOT in the
code sections you reference, it is not in TxPC 38.123 which actually states what constitutes the
crime, nor is it found in any other Texas code whatsoever that I have been able to locate. So
where is it?
Second, let's take a moment and analyze the STATE BAR Act itself. It was enacted in the
year 1939 and it established the STATE BAR of Texas. The Act itself is currently codified in
Chapter 81 of the Texas Government Code. The Act clearly creates the STATE BAR as a
public corporation and an
department of government.







Sec. 81.011.
corporation and an administrative
department of government.

The state bar is a public

agency of the judicial

Section 81.011(a) shows us several points of interest regarding the STATE BAR:
1. It is a public corporation, just like a municipality, and as such it would actually be a
political subdivision of the Texas STATE government, as that is what public
corporations are, which is different than publicly traded corporations.
2. The STATE BAR is declared by the Act to actually BE an administrative agency of the
judicial department of government, so assertion number 1 above is proven to be true.
3. There is no specific authority within the Texas Constitution for the creation of a STATE
BAR Association. In fact, the term state bar can be found in the Texas Constitution
only twice, and both times it is in Article 5 Sec. 1-a, and that section deals specifically


PROCEDURE. In other words, it details how to manage, rate, punish, and/or get rid of

the crooked bastards who sully the Peoples courts and/or use them for criminal purposes
or other unacceptable abuses of judicial authority and power.
4. The STATE BAR was created and intended to act as a government watchdog agency that
was to protect the Peoples rights and property from such abuses. Instead it is now
nothing more than a rubber-stamp factory for protecting virtually every type of public
betrayal and abuse of power and authority imaginable by rubber-stamping any complaints
with we find nothing wrong with the actions complained of.

As there is no specific power or authority granted to the Legislature by the Texas

Constitution to create a STATE BAR for any other purpose than those specifically written and
granted within it, how does the STATE BAR get ANY power and authority over the People as
private Citizens to prevent their engaging in the lawful occupation of serving as someones legal
Counselor under private contract? Such authority is not granted in the Constitution itself, and
nowhere does it address any authority of the STATE BAR to do anything except provide a
certain number of BAR members to serve on the State Commission on Judicial Conduct, which
according to the Texas Constitution, exists only to monitor and punish misbehavior by judges
and licensed liars, not private Citizens.
Furthermore, if there is no specific constitutional provision allowing specifically for the
creation of the STATE BAR, then the Act could have only been enacted under the GENERAL
POWERS of government, as there are no other powers made available to the legislature by
which it could be done.
The fact that this Act could only exist as a creation of the GENERAL POWERS bestowed
upon the legislature places it under some very noticeable restrictions in order to comply with the
Bill of Rights as written and memorialized in the Texas Constitution. The most pronounced of
which is that the Legislature may NOT create any law or Act that violates ANY provision of
either the Bill of Rights or any other Article or section of the Texas Constitution itself. This is
self-evident pursuant Article 1 Sec. 29:
To guard against
transgressions of the high powers herein delegated, we declare that everything in
this "Bill of Rights" is excepted out of the general powers of government, and shall
forever remain inviolate, and all laws contrary thereto, or to the following
provisions, shall be void.

Well THAT seems pretty clear, at least to those of us that read English instead of legalese.
No legislative enactment can violate the Texas Constitution in any way whatsoever, period. This
Section of the TxConst proclaims the invalidity, illegality, and unconstitutionality of every
legislative enactment that involves the STATE controlled monopolies as well as those that
purport to remove or limit the Peoples protected rights. There is also the matter of footnote 3(c)
from the APPENDIX section of the TxConst which you may have missed:
3. H.J.R. No. 75, Section 9.01, 77th Legislature, Regular Session, 2001.
Temporary Transition Provision.


(a) This section applies to the amendments to this constitution proposed by

H.J.R. No. 75, 77th Legislature, Regular Session, 2001.
(b) The reenactment of any provision of this constitution for purposes of
amendment does not revive a provision that may have been impliedly repealed
by the adoption of a later amendment.
(c) The amendment of any provision of this constitution does not affect
vested rights.

These provisions are EXACTLY why statutes such as TxCCrP Art. 26.04, which purports to
deny Class C misdemeanor offenses their constitutionally protected right to the assistance of
counsel, and TxCCrP Art. 14.01(b), which purports to allow arrest without warrant for anything
whatsoever alleged to be a crime despite such act not constituting a felony or a breach of the
peace, are unconstitutional on their respective faces. TxConst Art. 1 Sec. 10 begins with the
proclamation In all criminal prosecutions the accused shall have and continues on to
declare the right of being heard by himself or counsel, or both. There is absolutely no
distinction inferred in this language as to severity or classification of the alleged crime before
this right may be invoked. In fact, the language could not be more clear, the right is invoked at
the moment of arrest or indictment In all criminal prosecutions.
The declaration of this same unalienable right is codified in TxCCrP Arts. 1.05-.051. It is
simply not reasonable or sensible to determine that the legislature acted properly and within their
authority to mirror the declaration of this constitutionally protected right in these particular
statutes and then also properly acted to deny this same fundamental right by later or other
legislative enactments. The reasons why this interpretation is ludicrous should be obvious, there
is absolutely no authority granted to the legislature or the courts to remove or ignore a specific
right or protection written into the Bill of Rights. In fact, any such attempt would not only be an
act of sedition, it would be automatically void pursuant TxConst Art. 1 Sec. 29, which we can
once again see forbids it, to wit: To guard against transgressions of the high powers herein delegated,
we declare that everything in this "Bill of Rights" is excepted out of the general powers of
government, and shall forever remain inviolate, and all laws contrary thereto, or to the
following provisions, shall be void.

The we written into TxConst Art. 1 Sec. 29 is representative of we the People, not we the
Legislature or we the Courts.
As previously mentioned, via the mechanism of legislative fiat, the Texas Legislature has
enacted TxCCrP Art. 26.04 which purports to prevent the assignment of legal counsel to an
accused in the case of Class C misdemeanors.


It is also a requirement in TxCCrP Art. 26.04 that the Accused be determined to be indigent
before being deprived of the right of having legal counsel assigned. An accused is declared to be
indigent upon a showing or affirmation that the costs involved with procuring legal counsel and
of court, including the fines assessed, would cause or further increase an undue financial
However, in the case of those accused of Class C fine-only misdemeanor criminal offenses,
this right to assistance of legal counsel is denied out of hand. There is absolutely no attempt
whatsoever to ascertain whether or not an accused is indigent or even capable of defending
themselves in such cases. It is simply theft by court order after the virtually predetermined
outcome has played out in the court.
This denial of counsel is a direct violation of the clear language written into TxConst. Art. 1
Sec. 10 and it is totally violative of the original intent of the People to ensure the protection of
their rights when confronted with the full prosecutorial force and resources of the STATE in any
adversarial criminal proceeding.
This is a specific protection written into the Texas Constitution, and it is guaranteed to every
man, woman, and child within its territorial boundaries. Neither the Legislature nor the courts of
Texas have either the power or the authority to diminish or do away with this right by legislative
enactment, fiat or judicial interpretation. And this is but one example of the numerous violations
of the Peoples rights in courts of this type. There are literally dozens, and they start from the
moment a law enforcement/revenue agent precipitates the citation issuing process.
At this point I would like to ask if you are stating that you, as municipal court judge, do not
engage in this deprivation of rights by claiming that you are simply doing that which the
legislature purportedly allowed as a matter of law? Didnt you take an oath to uphold the Texas
and united States constitutions and the laws of this STATE, but only when those laws do NOT
conflict with the respective Bill of Rights and the other provisions of those constitutions? Do you
think that being a judge somehow entitles you to immunity or plausible deniability of
wrongdoing when you act in violation of the Bill of Rights? Yeah, the Nazis all thought so too.
We certainly could use a Nuremberg style event here in Texas for a lot of these public serpents
and public pretenders that lie, cheat, steal, and work to deprive and destroy rights of the People
of Texas.
If the pretended excuse for denying counsel is presumed to be the actual cost of providing
such legal counsel rather than the likelihood of a not guilty verdict in such a case, thus ensuring
that it costs more to prosecute than it is otherwise capable of extracting in the form of punitive
fines as a matter of law, then I would demand that the court provide the specific constitutional
provision that allows for this right of an accused to be ignored or removed due simply to the cost
involved. Once again, there is no authority for it, it is illegal, it is unconstitutional, and as a

municipal court judge or justice of the peace, a magistrate/judge is personally liable and guilty of
depriving the People of Texas that appear before them of a guaranteed and protected right, and
those People can sue that judges ass into utter destitution for it. And I would be more than glad
to assist them in that endeavor as that judge has zero immunity for that act. Other STATE
officials might try to protect him/her, but that wont hold true in federal court in a 42 USC 1984
action based upon violations of 18 USC 242 for deprivation of rights, even if they are mirrored
from the federal constitution but more specifically worded in the STATE constitution.
Try not to forget, we the People created the Texas Constitution AND the state government.
Neither of them created we the People, nor do either of them grant us any unalienable rights of
any kind. Let me be clear in this, neither the Constitution for the united States nor that of Texas
granted any rights whatsoever to the People. All rights belonged to us long before the
Constitutions or the STATE ever existed. The STATE BAR card and license are two VERY
different things. One difference is that the license itself is issued by the Texas Supreme Court
pursuant TxGvC Sec. 82.021, it is NOT issued by the STATE BAR, it is NOT the BAR card.
Such license is granted for the specific privilege to PRACTICE LAW in the courts of this
STATE, not to act as legal Counselor or to operate as a law firm. The right to make and exercise
private contracts for whatever lawful purpose or occupation is a common right of the People, not
a privilege granted or revocable by government.
In fact, if one were to read Chapter 82 in its entirety, one would see that its entire purpose is
to protect the license of the liars despite complete and total reprobate behavior, even if that liar is
a dope addict, drunkard, or common thief who steals their clients retainer fees but never
provides them a single service or benefit for their money. In short, it is legalized racketeering,
engineered by similar racketeers, from the inside of the system that they themselves created, and
did so for the specific purpose of giving their kind a particular financial benefit and advantage
over others.
Free People were never meant to be controlled by their public servants, no matter what that
servants title or position. As a judge, if you actually are one, your statements attest that you, like
most of those that occupy other offices of public service, have forgotten the simple reason that
we the People created our government as well as our public offices and the positions of
magistrate/judge in the first place. Those offices and positions belong to us, the People, they
dont belong to you, and we assent to your residing in that office and acting in that position only
as long as you abide by OUR law and act to protect OUR rights. It was for the single purpose of
forming a more powerful tool for protecting OUR individual rights from incursion, deprivation,
or destruction by other physically or numerically superior capricious and/or malevolent actors,
whether private or governmental in nature, that we the People created government and invested it
with some of our collective powers.
Which brings us to another salient point in this issue, the violation of the Texas
Constitutions provision requiring the division of powers pursuant Article 2 Sec. 1:



Government of the State of Texas shall be divided into three distinct departments,
each of which shall be confided to a separate body of magistracy, to wit: Those
which are Legislative to one; those which are Executive to another, and those
which are Judicial to another; and no person, or collection of persons, being
of one of these departments, shall exercise any power properly attached
to either of the others, except in the instances herein expressly

It should be duly noted that there are no expressly permitted exceptions within the Texas
Constitution related to this and many other such issues regarding the power and authority of
government. The power and authority has simply been usurped and wrested from the Peoples
hands, literally at the point of a gun wielded by yet another unconstitutional agency, through yet
another unconstitutional Act, and that created a new standing army in the midst of the People and
called it LAW ENFORCEMENT. Take a good look around and you can see that this is far truer
than you will care to admit.
Now, lets try a little paint-by-numbers walk-through of the particulars of the STATE BAR
and liars in general. We saw in TxGvC Sec. 81.011 that the STATE BAR is an administrative
office of the judicial department of government. Get it, the JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT. All liars
MUST be members of the STATE BAR in order to PRACTICE LAW, and they must be able
to produce a bar card proving that they are currently members of the STATE BAR in good
standing. Thus, by definition and necessity, as members of the STATE BAR, all lawyers are in
fact, government employees, and are in fact officers of the court, which is also in the
JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT of government. Are we clear on this fact yet? ALL LIARS ARE
This in and of itself has some serious repercussions for liars, such as the constitutional
requirement that all elected and appointed STATE officials must take both a STATE anti-bribery
oath and an oath of office pursuant Texas Constitution Article 16, Sec. 1, which they never do.
This also means that, as public servants, they must post a bond, which they also never do. And
finally, there is the oath requirement of the Constitution of the united States pursuant Article 6
Sec. 2 and codified at 4 USC 101 & 102. Simple logic would dictate that when a public
servant fails to qualify for office in the manner prescribed by the People within their constitution,
whether federal or state, that the courts would be expected to abide by the specifically mandated
requirements and hold that the individual is constitutionally unqualified to hold the office, and
this disqualification cannot be corrected after the fact. Why? Because there is no provision in the
Texas Const. that provides a method by which to correct this failure to qualify for office
before assuming the duties of that office.
But do our courts abide by the Peoples wishes in this matter, no, not our courts, and most
certainly not according to the will of the People. Instead, the courts cooked up their own version
of how things are to work. After several suits were brought against persons impersonating public
officials who had failed to qualify for office by taking the required oaths and/or anti-bribery

statement, and said persons could potentially serve many years in prison, the courts cooked up
the de facto officer doctrine in order to protect these public pretenders. Now understand this,
there is no constitutional provision or language that allows for this doctrine, there is not so much
as a hint of language alluding to such a thing anywhere in that document, but, the courts still
determined that, even though someone did not meet the constitutionally mandated requisites of
public office, or that they failed to actually get re-elected or re-appointed to that office, and if
that person was previously known to have occupied that office, or to have acted under a
particular authority in the past, then, they were in fact, still qualified to occupy that office or act
with that authority, despite their failure to qualify anew.
Now, let me see if I have gotten this concept straight and correct in my mind so I can paint
you a scenario that would naturally result from such a doctrine. Say a new Sheriff is elected, and
even though he lost the election, and his term is over, the old sheriff decides that he would still
like to act as a Sheriff. So the old Sheriff goes out and still performs arrests, issues tickets, and
locks people up in the county jail despite having not been re-elected, not having any of the
required oaths or bond, nor does he have any real and lawful authority of any kind. Under the de
facto officer doctrine, which the courts have declared by nothing more than judicial fiat, the old
Sheriff would be protected from any type of suit and personal liability, even though he was no
longer the actual Sheriff. The courts unlawfully distorted and corrupted the Peoples wishes as
written within the respective Constitutions by simply declaring that this totally falsified and
corrupt doctrine will and does protect him.
This is yet another example of just exactly how the courts and the licensed liars have usurped
and corrupted the American judicial system and process. It would seem to me that when
someone has failed to qualify for a position that required specific qualifications of that person
before they could take the job, then, those things are to be done or that person is to take a hike
and look for another job. Perhaps this is how we should be treating these judicial activist judges
that cannot read and understand the basic principles and ideas written into our Constitutions. It is
time to turn off the oven and stick a fork in their ass because they are DONE!
Now, lets go back to Article 2 Sec. 1 of the Texas Constitution and read where it very
clearly states that no person, or collection of persons, being of one of these
departments, shall exercise any power properly attached to either of the others,
except in the instances herein expressly permitted.

We have now clearly established that liars ARE persons who are licensed by the Texas
Supreme Court to serve as members (bar card carrying liars/judicial officers) in a collection of
persons (STATE BAR) as actual card-carrying members of that governmental office and
agency which functions within the JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT.
So, how does a member (the bar card carrying liars/judicial officers) of one governmental
agency (the STATE BAR), that exists within one specific department of Texas government
(JUDICIAL), and without abdicating their position in that department (JUDICIAL) by
surrendering their BAR CARD and Texas Supreme Court issued LICENSE, lawfully become a
member (Legislator of either house, a Representative, Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney
General) in either of the other departments of government (LEGISLATIVE or EXECUTIVE),

and proceed to exercise the power attached to an office (Legislator of either house, a
Representative, Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General) within one of these other
departments (LEGISLATIVE or EXECUTIVE) and that LIAR NOT be in violation of Texas
Constitution Article 2 Sec. 1 Division of Powers? In short, they cant, it is constitutionally
impossible. The whole process is absolutely forbidden under the Texas Constitution, therefore, it
is unlawful, it is illegal, and it is all entirely criminal. I have actually heard some slick-talking
liars declare that this doesnt matter because the liar in question is not exercising the power of
either department simultaneously with the other. Not only is this argument stupid, it is irrelevant.
Article 2 Sec. 1 very clearly sets the requirement to that of nothing more than BEING A
It can be reasonably presumed by the evidence that sometime prior to 1939 the liars
(lawyers) within Texas managed to act in concert and collusion to plan for and gain absolute
majority control of that session of the Texas legislature. It can be presumed at this point that their
purpose was to ensure the passage of this Act while working to hide its true intent and purpose,
which is to grant these liars an unconstitutional, and therefore totally illegal, advantage and
authority to operate simultaneously within any and all departments of government in direct
violation of constitutional prohibitions forbidding it. We can presume it because I have actual
documentary proof from the legislative records that this is precisely what occurred. An illegal
quorum was called, clearly disqualified, and, therefore, ineligible members cast Yea votes to
pass an unconstitutional Bill creating a forbidden monopoly, by an unconstitutional vote, by an
unlawful and illegal majority of a political body, which had no lawful and legal quorum in order
to cast that vote.
Which brings us back full circle to the issue of an occupation of common right vs. a licensed
privilege to PRACTICE LAW, which mirrors the issues of the right to travel vs. the privilege
to operate a motor vehicle. One exists as a matter of right and it belongs to all of the People in
general, to be exercised or ignored on an individual basis, while the other involves a government
granted privilege to engage in a regulable activity over which we the People gave them authority.
Litigants can be assisted by unlicensed laymen during judicial proceedings.
Conley v. Gibson, 355 U.S. 41 at 48 (1957)
Schware v. Board of Examiners, 353 U.S. 238, 239. "The practice of law (medicine etc.) is
not within the States grace to regulate."
The practice of law (medicine etc.) is an occupation of common right as per Sims v.
Ahrens, 271 S.W. 720 (1925). No State in the Union of the United States of America licenses
lawyers, only the State Bar, which issues a private corporation type of "Union Card"/certificate
for payment of dues/fees. (See also Ex Parte v. Garland, 4 Wall 333, 370 (1866), which

authorizes only the practice of law in the courts as an officer of the court and a member of the
judicial branch of government, to represent wards of the court such as infants and persons of
unsound mind and as a public defender in criminal cases.) ...Cannot license an occupation of
common right ...Redfield v. Fisher, 292 P. 813, 817-819
"Occupations of common right ARE NOT taxable. The practice of medicine and law are
occupations of common right. An income tax is neither a property tax, nor a tax on
occupations of common right, but is an excise tax. ...Gross income tax unconstitutional." (See
also Schware v. Board of Examiners, 353 US 238, 239. ...That an attorney cannot represent
any private citizen nor any business as the State cannot license the practice of law. ..."That
an attorney can only be allowed to practice law in the courts to represent "wards" of the
court such as infants and persons of unsound mind as per Corpus Juris Secundum, Vol. 7,
Sect. 4.")
The definition of an excise tax is found in the supreme Court case of Flint v. Stone Tracy, 220
US 107: .."Excises are taxes laid upon the manufacture, sale or consumption of commodities
within the country, upon licenses to pursue certain occupations and upon corporate
privileges; the requirement to pay such taxes involves the exercise of privilege and if business
is not done in the manner described, no tax is payable, and it is this privilege which is the
subject of the tax and not the mere buying, selling, or handling of goods; See 53 ALR3d
1163 for the validity and construction of statutes or rules conditioning right to practice law upon
residence or citizenship. (Occupations of natural/common right are NOT a subject of an
excise/income tax..84 C.J.S. art. 122)
The definition of an excise tax is found in the supreme Court case of Flint v. Stone Tracy, 220
US 107: .."Excises are taxes laid upon the manufacture, sale or consumption of commodities
within the country, upon licenses to pursue certain occupations and upon corporate
privileges; the requirement to pay such taxes involves the exercise of privilege and if business
is not done in the manner described, no tax is payable, and it is this privilege which is the
subject of the tax and not the mere buying, selling, or handling of goods; See 53 ALR3d
1163 for the validity and construction of statutes or rules conditioning right to practice law upon
residence or citizenship. (Occupations of natural/common right are NOT a subject of an
excise/income tax..84 C.J.S. art. 122)
Attorney at law versus Counselor at law. It is absolutely amazing what has been uncovered
over the years.
First there were barristers (Counselors-at-law in America) and attorneys-at-law. In some of
the states initially they were kept separate, but then they started using attorneys and Counselor sat-law together in one person and he would adjust to the particular issue. They were admitted

[licensed] to practice in the courts by the judges or justices of that particular court, with the
judges being public officers in that time frame.
Attorney at law:
1. Represents only - stands in your place or stead in business or legal issues.
2. No attorneys allowed in a criminal trial, except to make bail.
3. Has Attorney fees - costs money and can use Attorney Lien.
4. Officer of the court
5. Can not challenge the court without exposure to sanctions such as judge being a public
officer, etc.
6. Takes over the case and you are at his mercy on how the case is run.
7. He will raise no issue that he deems the judge will be unhappy with usually.
8. Co-counsel is the scam they attempt to use to validate the lack of Assistance of Counsel.
You can not counsel yourself.
Counselor at law:
1. Assists only and is to protect and defend his client, can not represent.
2. Counselors at law are used in criminal trials - access to such Counselor is an absolute part
of a Trial by Jury from the first part of arraignment on. Such Counselor:
a. Can ask questions on your behalf, and
b. Can instruct the client as to what questions to ask, and
c. If the client instructs the Counselor at law to challenge the judge or court, he can do it
without being sanctioned personally or professionally (done correctly of course).
4. Officer of the court.
5. Does not charge, works on gratuity. Can not sue for Attorney fees.
6. Is learned in the law.
7. It is a position of Honor to be a Counselor at Law.
8. It is a position above that of an Attorney at law (but so is a pile of cow shit).
Federal Rules of Civil Procedures, Rule 17, 28 USCA "Next Friend"
A next friend is a person who represents someone who is unable to tend to his or her own

Haines v. Kerner, 404 U.S. 519 (1972)

Members of groups who are competent non-lawyers can assist other members of the group
achieve the goals of the group in court without being charged with "unauthorized practice of
Picking v. Pennsylvania Railway, 151 F.2d. 240, Third Circuit Court of Appeals
The "CERTIFICATE" from the State Supreme Court:
ONLY authorizes liars to practice Law "IN COURTS" As a member of the STATE
and showing membership in a particular public office, that of an Officer of the court.
Maybe this will help some of you to understand how liars and judges have usurped, distorted,
and corrupted the entire American judicial system and process. The vast majority of them are
nothing less than common thieves and morally bankrupt elitist. Trust one at your peril, believe
one to your own detriment, and bring the KY Jelly if you have to deal with one and do not know
how to control them both in and out of court. At this point I address Judge Bill Scott and state
that if anything has been debunked thus far, it is you assertion that you are capable and able to
read and understand the laws associated with the duties of your office. If I might make a
suggestion, try actually listening to some of the arguments and facts presented by the People that
appear in your court instead of simply presuming that you already know everything by benefit of
judicial omnipotence, which I find is normally more akin to total incompetence. Try reading the
actual laws for yourself with the intent of understanding them and how they apply to the
protection of the Peoples rights rather than simply how they allow you to expedite the
conviction rate of your court so that your superiors laud you with acclaim, your job remains
secure, and your paycheck steady. Try putting the Peoples perspective and rights ahead of the
results desired by government, which is really nothing more than increased revenue generation. I
am willing to bet that you are incapable of doing any of these things simply because it would
require that you take a stand for what is moral and just, and such a stand would eventually
deprive you of your cushy paycheck and view of life from your judicial ivory tower. Maybe, just
maybe, you might get introduced and welcomed into the real world you helped create.
My statements herein might lead most of you to believe that I have a special dislike or hatred
of lawyers, but that is not actually true. I simply hold a firm belief that there is absolutely nothing

wrong or broken with lawyers that a tall tree and a short rope cannot repair, and that Shakespeare
had it right.
----------------------------------------------rodney says:
January 20, 2011 at 8:35 pm
I am almost led to believe that this guy is saying this tongue in cheek to get the attention.
The government code says its unauthorized practice of law and it doesnt really matter who
agrees with itit is the law. It has been passed by the legislature and upheld by the courts. It is
the law. If anyone is unhappy with it, have the legislature change it.
In Texas you cannot represent someone else in court unless you are a lawyer. It really doesnt
matter how much shit someone puts in their responseat the end of their ranting and raving and
two thousand page diatribe the law is still the law.
I guess you will have to decide who to believesomeone who is a judge like Judge
Scottlawyers like meor some guy who knows absolutely nothing about the law; how to
interpret it; case law; etc.
He is wrong, wrong, wrongand no matter how many words he uses or how many cases he
citeshe is wrong, wrong, wrong..and I cant decide if its funny or sadeither way its wrong.
----------------------------------------------Eddie Craig Responds:
Actually Rodney, the fact that you are a lawyer, especially if you are a city attorney or
defense attorney, only makes you that less credible in the eyes of most people that have any
experience at that level.
It is obvious that you have not actually READ the law that you assert "is the law". As I
stated previously, there is NO punitive offense listed in Chapter 81 of the TxGvC is there? If I
am wrong like you say, and there is one, then please, point it out to us!
I have yet to meet an attorney that has actually READ the entire enactment of a particular
law, or traced the individual provisions of that law to find out what other law its provisions or
conditions might invoke. And I have never met one yet that has been able to prove me wrong in
the things I discuss by USING THE LAW ITSELF! Only a lawyer would attempt to argue that
white is black and black is white, and you guys do it all the time. You never actually offer
PROOF that one is the other, you just assert that is what it is because you say that it is when you
can't win the argument any other way.

Personally, I disagree with the usage of "case law" at all because the original reason it exists
has been so thoroughly distorted and abused by lazy judges and even lazier liars. Even so, for a
lawyer to make the statement that "case law" doesn't matter is like saying air has nothing to do
with the necessity of breathing. Can't you get disbarred for single-handedly destroying that longstanding judicial illusion? Usually you guys will rely on case law before you will rely on the
words of the actual law itself, no matter how clear and plain its language. This is true even when
that "case law" is so far gone from the language of the constitutional clause AND/OR the actual
law that it is almost laughable. Good decision, bad decision, on-point, off-point, it really doesn't
seem to matter to you guys, just so long as it can be made to support the particular point of view
that you want the judge or your client to buy into at that moment. But NOW you decide that
"case law" is suddenly meritless when someone like me uses it to substantiate and support their
own position? Give me a break.
Let's conduct a little test on my assertion about the factual nature of the law. Please, if you
can, prove to everyone reading this post that I am wrong when I state that the language of the law
itself is very clear that anytime you are issued a citation by a law enforcement officer pursuant
either TxCCrP Art. 14.06(b) or (c), or pursuant TxTrC Sec. 543.001-.010, you are actually
placed in a custodial arrest, you are arrested without warrant, you are denied your rights, you are
illegally jailed, and then you are lied to by the officer, the lawyer and the judge about whether or
not you actually were arrested at all.
After you prove me wrong there, if you can or did (which I doubt), then please prove me
wrong when I assert that the magistrate and the prosecutor are both criminals that abuse the
power of the courts when they fail or refuse to do their ministerial duties as provided by law and
instead do something entirely outside of what is prescribed by law.
Put your money where your lawyer mouth is and prove that I am wrong in either of these
assertions. Just because you and any number of judges and other lawyers, great or small, scream
in unison at the top of your lungs that something "is the law" doesn't make it so. The fact that
you people perform selective reading to get the interpretation you desire instead of what is
actually written changes nothing about the reality of what the law states in its language. Ample
proof that neither judges nor lawyers can be trusted to do what is constitutional, lawful, moral
and ethical can be found in the very recent SCOTUS case found here:
As far as the tongue in cheek statement goes, not a chance, nor do I need or desire
"attention." I stand by what I say because I work hard to research it and study it from every angle
and argument, and then I research it some more to verify the information again. And I will revisit
it ever after to see if anything has changed. I have never met a lawyer that could say they do that.
I do this before I ever present it as a factual assertion to anyone, though I do engage in

discussions about my ideas. I do not take either discussion or application of the law lightly,
unlike lawyers that think they know what it is even when they have never actually read it.
Go ahead, enlighten us, what kind of attorney are you, civil, criminal, contract, municipal,
county attorney, district attorney? It doesn't really matter, most of those that talk like you do all
suffer from the same medical condition, cranium hemorrhoidum cavitus (head-up-your-ass
syndrome). Almost all liars simply skim over one specific section of a law and think they know it
in its entirety, which is neither true nor possible. The majority of lawyers I have ever met are
closed minded to any ideas that are not presented to them by either their peers or their superiors,
which just goes to show you the bottom of the barrel standards we are dealing with here. Liars
are simply trained that way, kind of like how a new owner improperly toilet trains a new puppy
when it is first brought home, through repetition. Puppy/Lawyer either pees/chews/barks,
owner/judge applies negative enforcement punishments, puppy/lawyer learns to fear retribution
for certain acts, rinse and repeat ad infinitum.
If you are actually correct, and I am actually wrong, then, please, answer us this - who
actually provided the very type of legal assistance that you claim is now, and always has been,
the sole domain of licensed liars before there actually were licensed professional liars? Would
the job have been an occupation of common right at that time or was it required to be licensed
from the very beginning? Which came first, the liar or the license? Since many of our original
SCotUS judges and several lawyer Presidents never went to law school, yet still practiced as
attorney/lawyers, I believe that we can safely stand on the solid ground of these facts and assert
that you have absolutely no clue or understanding of that which you attempt in vain to argue in
your favor. In short, youre an idiot, and I love idiots, theyre so much fun, no wonder every
village wants one!
Lawyers are VERY good at making assertions, twisting facts, ignoring other relevant facts,
misreading, misstating, and generally misrepresenting every single thing they can if it will
supply them with some kind of advantage, benefit, or opportunity. What makes you any
different? On the flip-side, I have no such motivation in making the assertions that I do about
what the law actually contains in its language. If someone asks me and I know something about
that particular law or constitutional provision, I answer them if I already have actual knowledge
of that section, or, I go look it up and read it thoroughly so as to understand and answer. I do not
have anything to gain financially or personally, and, therefore, I have no reason to misrepresent
anything or mislead anybody.
That simply is not true for you as a lawyer however. It is you and your self-prostituting
profession" that has something personal to gain in trying to prove me, and others like me, wrong
about anything and everything. Especially when what we present to the general public tends to
discredit everything that liars and judges have foisted upon the eyes and ears of the People for
decades to try and convince them that the emperor really is wearing new cloths!

While your statement that "In Texas you cannot represent someone else in court unless you
are a lawyer" is true in practice, it is not true for the reasons that you imply. You imply that it is
"the law" that makes this so, I state that it is not. I assert that it is nothing more than simple petty
jealousy, pride, and greed, promulgated entirely by the authoritarian use of coercion and force,
not any actual law. All-in-all it works rather well, this lie. The judges and other liars, by using
their judicial office and power, make false claims about the necessity of protecting the public and
move against anyone that would dare become knowledgeable, learned, and insightful in the law,
but who attempts to avoid being under the thumb of the liars corrupt control system, i.e. the
STATE BAR. Is there anyone in America that does NOT know that it is from the liars and
judges that we have the greatest need of protection? In short, this control system gives judges,
and all of you other liars, complete and total control over the profession. If you refuse to become
a part of the boys club, pay your union dues, do what you're told instead of whats right, change
your underwear on their schedule, part your hair just so, and kiss the right ass at the right time,
you're done! Therefore, I offer the argument that your statement is true for no other reason than
the aforementioned motivation of greed and power, not because it is written into any law.
I don't want some judge's or other liars opinion on the subject, I want you to produce the
actual LAW! Please keep in mind that Texas Supreme Court rules regarding the "practice of
law" are not LAW, they are ONLY RULES! And as RULES they are not binding on the
PUBLIC, they can and do apply ONLY to the courts, the courts personnel, and to licensed
practicing liars. They simply DO NOT apply at all to the PEOPLE individually or the general
public collectively!
So, try using the actual LAW to PROVE me wrong instead of just proclaiming it as if your
assertion is both fact and gospel, if you can that is.
----------------------------------------------david says:
January 21, 2011 at 9:03 am
Got to admit it. If I ever pulled him over, I wouldnt write him a ticket for anything by verbosity.
(Probably wouldnt stick, but none the less deserved!)

On a side note Can you imagine being this idiots English teacher?
----------------------------------------------Alright says:
January 21, 2011 at 10:05 am
Eddie is a tool. Hes probably works 3rd shift in a mailroom making min wage and looks down
on everyone because he is a member of MENSA.
A review of his manifesto suggests that he has a screw or two loose.
----------------------------------------------Karl says:
January 21, 2011 at 10:32 am
Can he not make a statement without writing a book. Words do not a lawyer make.
----------------------------------------------Tooth ache says:
January 21, 2011 at 12:07 pm
Also.havent you seen the news where folks are getting arrested for impersonating attorneys
and representing people? That should tell you right CAN NOT represent someone in
court if you are not a licensed attorney (I could not represent my friend, brother, sister, child,
parent, etc.but they could represent themselves pro se). Dont believe everything you see and
hear.know the law.
----------------------------------------------Joey G. Dauben | Publisher says:
January 21, 2011 at 12:14 pm
But I could, and can, and legally can, represent my self pro se in any court in any part of this
country, yet that is okay.
But I still have yet to see anyone refute what Eddie Craig is saying. Its easier to attack someone
directly regardless if youre a lawyer or whatever than to actually dissect what he is
posting and refuting it.

How is it that someone can basically hire themselves and be pro se and yet they cant hire, say,
Eddie Craig to come and defend you in a traffic ticket?
If, toothache, we solely went on evidence that a law has been broken every time someone got
arrested, then we would have to use your reasoning ability (lack thereof) and your illogical
conclusions (no offense personally) that simply because someone is arrested for something, that
means a law has been broken.
So when I was arrested, thrown in jail for 12 days in the fall of 2009, it was because I refused to
disclose the source of where I received a mug shot of an arrested cop (it was an anonymous email.) And then I published it. And then I wrote editorials and articles after being threatened. I
spent 12 days in jail for it.
I walked out a free man.
So if we are to use your line of reasoning or lack thereof to say that, see, that person was
arrested, there must have been a law broken! then we should assume everyone ever put in
handcuffs and taken to jail is guilty of breaking some law.
When the opposite is true.
----------------------------------------------Tooth ache says:
January 21, 2011 at 12:24 pm
In that particular case.a law was broken and no, you cant hire an everyday Joe to represent
you in court, but you can represent yourself. Next time you receive a traffic citation or anything
elsewhen you go to court.see if that judge will let you bring Eddie (or anyone else) in to
represent you. You will get the same story.
----------------------------------------------Eddie Craig Responds:
Eddie Craig says:
January 21, 2011 at 2:54 pm
Just for Tooth ache
I have intentionally kept this short and used little words just for you so that you have a better
chance to comprehend (ooops, sorry for the big word), I mean UNDERSTAND what I have tried
to show you.

If you had bothered to actually read what I wrote then you would understand that your statement
does NOT hold water.
There is NO law that prevents someone from representing you in court. There is ONLY the
opinion of the judge and the tyrannical threat of force and jail, even though there is no LAW to
base that threat or use of force upon. It is nothing more than an illegal and unconstitutional effort
to maintain a monopoly, and, therefore, an absolute legal advantage over the rest of the People.
If there is no law granting or denying a particular public authority to do some thing or to perform
some act then there is no authority for a public servant to enforce anything regarding that act.
Please, try not to be stupid with your rebuttals. I am not talking about the authority to buy office
supplies or construct building facilities here. I am talking about judges and prosecutors enforcing
a non-existent law.
If a law states that an offense is committed only when conditions A and B (elements of the
crime) have been met, then one can only be lawfully charged with that crime when BOTH
conditions exist. One CANNOT be charged and convicted, legally speaking, when BOTH
conditions have NOT been met. If either one fails, the entire charge fails.
This is EXACTLY the situation with the UNAUTHORIZED PRACTICE OF LAW, it sets very
specific conditions that constitute the parameters of the offense, and if they are not ALL met then
the charge falls flat on its face in its entirety. Pretty much like your rebuttal arguments.
I write a book because it is the only way to make the facts surrounding the issue being
discussed clear to all. I do not hide anything, I lay it all out there for all to see. And as Joey
pointed out, I have yet to see a single one of you refute my assertion on a point-by-point basis.
Instead you seem to prefer to live by the axiom open mouth, insert foot.
Willful ignorance is the greatest and most malevolent form of stupidity. And it is that stupidity
that constitutes one of the greatest threats to the rule of law and our freedom as a People. Please,
stop being so stupid.
----------------------------------------------Justice says:
January 21, 2011 at 3:32 pm
Eddie, what you have done is find a legal loophole and you are trying to manipulate it to fit into
your argument.
Section 83.001(a) of the Texas Government Code prohibits a person, other than a person
described in Subsection (b), may not charge or receive, either directly or indirectly, any
compensation for all or any part of the preparation of a legal instrument affecting title to real

property, including a deed, deed of trust, mortgage, and transfer or release of lien. Subsection (b)
exempts licensed attorneys, real estate brokers or salesmen and mineral property lease
Section 38.122 of the Texas Penal Code prohibits a person from holding himself out to be a
lawyer unless licensed to practice law if it is done with an intent to obtain an economic benefit.
Section 38.123 of the Texas Penal Code prohibits a person from taking certain actions with
respect to personal injury claims if done with an intent to obtain an economic benefit.
So, while the Texas Government code prohibits UPL, there is no Penal code corresponding to it
except in certain circumstances. This still doesnt mean that anyone can practice UPL, or that
any judge should allow it in his/her courtroom. Youre just splitting hairs here.
----------------------------------------------Eddie Craig Responds:
To Justice You cite this as a legal loophole and that I am "splitting hairs", then you so kindly supply yet
another section of code that proves MY point and refutes yours. Thank you kindly. My assertion
has nothing at all to do with splitting hairs, and it is NOT formed on a legal "loophole". I have
asserted nothing more than the factual idea that any lawful occupation is simply an occupation of
common right, or are you by any chance inferring that the "PRACTICE OF LAW" is not actually
a lawful occupation and therefore it requires a license in order to do it? I highly recommend that
you look up the legal definition of "license" if that IS what you are asserting.
If you don't mind I would like to show everyone your cited code section in its proper
completeness. Here is Section 83.001 in its entirety:
Sec. 83.001.


(a) A person, other than a person described in Subsection (b),

may not charge or receive, either directly or indirectly, any
compensation for all or any part of the preparation of a legal
instrument affecting title to real property, including a deed,
deed of trust, note, mortgage, and transfer or release of lien.

This section does not apply to:



an attorney licensed in this state;

(2) a licensed real estate broker or salesperson

performing the acts of a real estate broker pursuant to
Chapter 1101, Occupations Code; or
a person performing acts relating to a transaction
for the lease, sale, or transfer of any mineral or mining
interest in real property.
This section does not prevent a person from seeking
reimbursement for costs incurred by the person to retain a
licensed attorney to prepare an instrument.

I simply must thank you for again proving my point so precisely. You once again absolutely
fail to read and COMPREHEND that which is written in plain English. Sec. 83.001(a) forbids
the preparation of legal documents for compensation in only two specific instances, 1) affecting
the title to real property and 2) the release or transfer of a lien. It does absolutely nothing else
regarding the practice of law for any other purpose. Every citation of law that has been produced
here has remained consistent with MY assertions, and yet your failsafe argument is that I have
only found a "legal loophole"?
Why is it so hard for you to accept and understand that the law MUST be written this way or
it could and would be challenged on constitutional grounds as denying the People access to an
occupation of common right in lieu of an unconstitutional monopoly? I have worked with armor
plating on aircraft that is less dense than your self-serving assertions on this issue.
You are STILL batting a .1000 in your failure to rebut my assertion on a point-by-point basis.
You have yet to produce any law whatsoever that denies the right of a private Citizen to act as
legal Counselor for another in a criminal proceeding, or for that matter, even in every type of
civil proceeding.
Let it be known that I have no desire whatsoever to be a lawyer, mainly for two reasons:
1) I promised my mother that I would not grow up to be a crook; and
2) I prefer to use my brain for a purpose beyond keeping my head from collapsing
inward due to the vacuum that would otherwise exist in a total void such as is found
in most liar's heads.
When you can't make your argument with facts and law many of you resort to belittlement,
insults and name calling. Therefore, in order to make you all more comfortable with the
response, I have sought to return the favor. Now you also resort to contrived arguments that try

to represent one set of facts as proving something completely different than what they actually
do. This is yet another typical liar ploy, deny and distract.
As I said before, the occupation of legal Counselor is an occupation of common right, and
there is no law in Texas prohibiting it, nor making anything a punishment for engaging in it. The
illusion to the contrary is maintained solely by unlawful threats and abuses of power and
authority by those that stand to benefit the most from keeping the charade going, and we all
know who that is.
Wake up! Everything that you are defending as "law" is all a lie based on nothing more than
"conventional wisdom", which is to say, ignorance of the actual truth. Just like the old wife's tale
that espouses the idea that moss only grows on the north side of trees or that snakes won't crawl
over a loop of rope laid on the ground, its simply not true. Your conventional wisdom is wrong.
----------------------------------------------Justice says:
January 21, 2011 at 7:54 pm
If by an occupation of common right, you mean an occupation you perform PRO BONO, you
may have a case, Eddie. Otherwise, Texas penal code spells it out quite clearly. I have included
the full section below. Pay special attention to section 5. There is also a very cler punishment
laid out, contrary to your arguments. See 5(d).
/lasns/ license Show Spelled [lahy-suhns] Show IPA noun, verb,-censed, -censing.
1.formal permission from a governmental or other constituted authority to do something, as to
carry on some business or profession.
Section 38.122 of the Texas Penal Code prohibits a person from holding himself out to be a
lawyer unless licensed to practice law if it is done with an intent to obtain an economic benefit.
commits an offense if, with intent to obtain an economic benefit for
himself or herself, the person:
(1) contracts with any person to represent that person
with regard to personal causes of action for property damages or
personal injury;
(2) advises any person as to the persons rights and
the advisability of making claims for personal injuries or property
(3) advises any person as to whether or not to accept
an offered sum of money in settlement of claims for personal

injuries or property damages;

(4) enters into any contract with another person to
represent that person in personal injury or property damage matters
on a contingent fee basis with an attempted assignment of a portion
of the persons cause of action; or
(5) enters into any contract with a third person which
purports to grant the exclusive right to select and retain legal
counsel to represent the individual in any legal proceeding.
(b) This section does not apply to a person currently
licensed to practice law in this state, another state, or a foreign
country and in good standing with the State Bar of Texas and the
state bar or licensing authority of any and all other states and
foreign countries where licensed.
(c) Except as provided by Subsection (d) of this section, an
offense under Subsection (a) of this section is a Class A
(d) An offense under Subsection (a) of this section is a
felony of the third degree if it is shown on the trial of the offense
that the defendant has previously been convicted under Subsection
(a) of this section.
You may want to re-read my previous post. Nowhere in it did I insult you or resort to namecalling, and my argument is clearly made with laws and facts.
----------------------------------------------Eddie Craig Responds:
Justice -Again you fail to read what is clearly stated. Section (5) makes it an offense for a person to
enter into a contract with a third party for the purpose of granting exclusive rights to both select
and hire legal counsel, in other words, the exclusive right to broker legal services. It is
specifically directed at receiving a personal financial benefit by contracting for the exclusive
right to select and hire legal counsel on behalf of another. It has NOTHING to do with acting as
legal counsel for someone directly in a criminal case, even if you are charging a fee for doing so.
Pro bono would also bely the idea of an "occupation" would it not? It can't really be called
an occupation unless you can make a living at it.
Another point that you misrepresent deals with the defining of an offense. Throughout this
post I have argued that there is no offense defined in Government Code Chapters 81, 82 and 83
for the UNAUTHORIZED PRACTICE OF LAW, or do you insist that there is one defined
there? Please show us where.

I have also clearly stated that the ONLY place such an offense is defined is right there in
Penal Code Sec. 38.123. I have also clearly stated the necessary conditions written into this
section and how they apply to the commission of the offense. I have not at any time in this
posting asserted that there is no penalty for engaging in the UNAUTHORIZED PRACTICE OF
LAW. I have simply asserted that the penalty is limited in its application to certain specific
actions only.
The remark on insults and name calling was not directed at you personally, but to those that
represent the class of people I discussed. So my apologies if you feel that I was verbally accusing
you specifically.
And for the record, I did read your previous post, and it was actually NOT on point because it
was incorrect as it made several false representations regarding the statute you cited, just as you
have Sec. 38.123 in this last post.
However, on the specific issue of the UNAUTHORIZED PRACTICE OF LAW, go back to
the drawing board and try again.
----------------------------------------------korgroth says:
January 21, 2011 at 9:00 pm
So for the most part of the post here the word is go along to get along?
every thing posted shows that there must be payment for service rendered.
----------------------------------------------Eddie Craig Responds:
Excellent point Korgroth -Everyone has entrenched themselves on the issue of getting paid while failing to deal with
the issue of assisting someone without charge.
I never stated that any of this applies only to someone that IS charging for acting as legal
counsel because People are also being denied in having someone assist them at trial who is not
charging them a cent. I simply stated that the issue of getting paid for legal services is only an
issue under the circumstances and conditions codified within Penal Code Sec. 38.123.
Once again, the issue is not really about the money, at least not for the private Citizens, it is
about the ability to control the legal industry as a whole. Non-attorneys cannot be controlled by

the judge through fear of being professionally sanctioned, and thus the judge has less control and
ability to intimidate such folks. They simply hate that lack of control.


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